(Kill (fyrontg girotatc. THURSDAY. OCT. 81 . 1872. Var Time at iltdgicay. Erie Express East 12:D8 a ra. do do West 2:25 a. m. do Mail East 4:50 p. m. do do West 2:05 a. tn. Rcnovo Accommodation EasU... 8:40 a m. do do do West... . (1:14 p. m. Bates of Advertising. One column, one yenr $75 00 i " 4000 I " " 25 00 J " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight lines or less 3 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per yenr 5 on Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. 7. M Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held at their hall on th9 second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. . o. l. Mccracken, Sec'v. Temple of Honor and Temnerance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on en;h alternate Thursday, at tlinir Lodge Room, on Main sireet, over J. V. Honk's store. 8. A. ROTE. W. R. Grace Chuucii. Hours of service, 10:30 A. M, and 7 1. M. Sunday School 2 P. M- Seats free. Job printing of nil kinds done cheap at the Advocate office. Correction. The notice of Judge Souther's removal from Pottsville to Erie in our last week's issue should been credited to the Pottsville "Miner Jour, mil" but by oversight was not done All kinds of blanks printed at the Advocate office. Skeletons While sonic workmen weru excavating for a cel'nr at Sterling, Cameron Co, Ph. last week they come upon seventeen skeletons one of which measured seven feet iu hi ' s!uckhiis" this latter one lived when there were giants in the land. Business curds, visiting cards, hull tickets, and bill, ami letter heads priuted at the Advocate i.fiicc. The Ba.vnkk Coi;nty. 'IVjra is the banner county of Pennsy'vaui.i, 00 S-10 per cent, of all votes cast being lor the Bcpublicm candidates, which is a larger percentage than is given by and other county in the State. Thk ScrKNCK of llKAr.ru for" No vember lias u rich table of contents. A liiong the iutere.-tiiiL' nrtieice arc, Popu lar Pl ji-i'ilrgy, illur-lratrd ; Jiugged to Jleath, by Clydnu; l'bisisal Ctiltuer ; i )is'oc ttion, vrith illustrations; At) iu tercsf.ing article on the diS-rent Medic al Systems ; Intelligent Cuukery ; Often mvhj 2'n'utli, and how to make it Pure; The use 0! Oatmeal for Human rood, uud how to Cook it; Something about Sundry ll'imbuus, ; She Cure of Stam mering ; Women Physicians in England, with rich miscellaneous tu-itter, which is full of useful bin's on Health, making the No worth many times its cost ; only 2iJ cents, or for the year, $2. The pub. li.ihsr o3';:s the last three numbers ol this year, on trial, foi 25 cts. Address, S. it. Wells, !)80 Broadway, New York. Oodxy's Lady's Book for Novem ber 1872. The November number is presented to the publio as one of es pecial interest to all clusses. We have hero lashious for who desiro thetu ; literature of a character calculated to adorn the miud ODd make home a paradise, with instructions iu eveaything that make up tho pleasures of a happy fireside. The beautiful steel and wood engravings are something to look upon. We understand that the announce ment of Godet in his October number that he will jjive a Chromo to every sub scriber lor the year. 1873 has created a sensation throughout the country. II is well-known reputation of fulfilling, and in fact exceeding, all bis promises, has led the reading publio to look for some thing extra in the Chromo line. Aud they will not be disappointrd. Those who have seen theearley proofs ot "Our Darling" speak of it with the highest praise, and as far surpassing anything before offered by publishers. Tae PHRtNoLiorcAL Journal for November deserves a warm welcome from the reading public; for, token as a whole, it is a number of unusual excel lence. A glimpse of its contents, only, is afforded by the following titles: Jesse Olney, the eminent geographer; Inde pendence of thinking, a strong but carefully written paper; Supplementing an Imperfect Education, worth a year's subscription in itself for its valuable suggestions; Mrs. Anna -X1 Barbauld, the poetess; hilip's Lottery Ticket; Niueand the. Niuans, illustrated; An other installment of Expression Instjnct and Reason, an amusing and instuotive article; Thopjas Stcrry Hunt, F. It. S j A Little Girl's Frst Impressions ot Beecher; Ode to the Nightingale; Moral Aspects of Dancing, eto. Price of the number, 30 cts. For the year, $3.00. A new volume begins with 1873. Ad dress S. 11. Wells, 380 Broadway, New York. Dialogue between A and B. Not long siuce A and B met on one of our streets and being old acquaint ances and neighbors, A saw that B was weary and withal somewhat excited a boutsomething and ventured to ask what the trouble was, B replied that he had been travelling over town to find a Dum ber one hand raw and a set or Furmcr chis sles and was now so tired he could scarce get up courago enough to get homo. A, "pshtto" why don't you go to W. S. Service & Co's where they keep ev ery thing in the way of hardware, and see if you cau't get them there, there's no use of ruuning yoor legs off for noth ing. B Well but I've been up to the old stand but its as empty as a contribution box in tight times. A Why man Service is down here on main street, just keep on down this street and when you get opposite to the court house, keep your eye out and you'l see "IIardwaue" in gilt letters on the wiudow, and on the transom over the door the sign in ji!t letters and figures too. -No. 42, W. S Ski; vice & Co" go in there aud you'l find somebody to attend to you right soon at that. On he went, andn he goes, j 'ist as directed and sure enough there icon some oue, there, and saws and chissles of all kinds were there and every demand was met and A went home rejoicing. Oliver Optic's Magazine for No vember contains the continuation of Little B'ibtail," by its editor, Oiiver Optic. More of "Winniug his Spurs," by. Elijah Kellogg, which deepuis in interest, Two chapters of Virginia F. Townscud's "Ouly Girls," which is a delightful story. The boys' auveutures 'Among the Raftstuen" are coutiuned. Then a delightful story by Clara S. I.j11 iver, entitled, "The Barber's Juughtei,' and an origiuul dialogue, ''The Dolly Vat-den," by Mrs. L. A..1J. Curtis. IV ems, "tender nud true.'! Sketches, thrill i i'.' ami instructive. Pigeon-hn;e Papers, invaluable uud interesting. The Orator gives '-Mrs. (jrund's Soliloijuy." Head Work is Peculiar and Piuz'.i.'ig ; and I) F. Hodges, editor" of "The Sacred Crow," furnifhes j illy music with tho title of, "The Rural Screnaders." The illustrations are good, especially the ft-urfull page illustrations, and the whole number for November is a little iu ad vance of any previ ius iiumb;r. Great, attractions are offered for the volume, in the prospectus, which uppanrs this mouth, Scud for a fpeeiinem number Lee & StiEPAiti), Publishers, Bjston, at j-i,5U per year. House Deseasb A strange dceea?c in the form of an epidumic is now atfeet- j ing the horses of most of our large cities, East and West. The latest advices show that some 40,000 horses iu the cities of New York Hud Brooklyn are unfit fo business greatly hindering toe business interests of (hose cities. Vesseld are ly ing at their docks unable to discharge their cargotjt for wutit of horses to re move freight, while street cars and stage lines have tiiarly ceased to m:i"ke I heir trips. Nor is the desease confined to Eastern cities, but Buffalo, Cineinuati, Pittsburg, St. Louis, iu fact all (he cit ies nud larger towns iu the country seem to be affected by it. I'util within a few days pjst the prin ciple effect of the deseaso was to dis hearten the horses aud render them un fit for work, lately however it has in many instances proved fatal. It is thought the desease has made its appiarauod iu this viciuity. Arthur's Home Magazine. The publishers of this widely circulated aud highly popular magazine, atinouncc a "new departure," for 1873. It is to be enlarged and illustrated, aud lifted to a higher level ot literary and artistic ex cellence. The publishers S8y; "In lifting our magazine to a higher level, we shall not in anythinz lessen, but largely increase its interest for all but mere frivolous, prurient, or aimless readers, and such as care on'y for false exeitetneut. We shall try to make every reader more sympathetic with out com mon huwanity; wiser and more selfcom polling; more obedient to heavenly order more cheerful and. hopeful; purer and happier and in the pursuit of this end shall keep our pages as free from the dullness of mere preaching as from the tnero weakness and vauity of fine writing." So say the publishers, and we are sure that they will keep their word, and make their magazine more thau ever what it has always aimed to bo, the best magazine for homo, reading in the United States. Beyond this, in their "new departure,' they offer to every subscriber for 1873, free, a copy of "The Christian Graces," a new line and stipple steel engraving representing "Fath, Hope and Charity," a group of exquisite grace and beauty. The English copy of this engraving sells for 115. It is said to be a long time since anything has appeared in Christian art so attraetivo and benuti ful as this elegant picture. Subscribers to the "Home" for 1873 will, (herelore be peculiarly favored. Price of maga zine $2.50 a year with ft reductiou for clubs. Every subscriber whether single, or in clubs, will get "The Chrstian Graces" free. Sample numbers 15 cts. The publishers want canvassing agcuts everywhere, to whom they offer liberal terms. Address T. 3. Arthur & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. T 1ST OF CAUSES set down for trial at 1 1 November term 18' Bernard BranilT vs Jacob MoCnuley, 23, November term 1871. Samcs Curry' vs E. & C. Paiue, 88, April term 1872. Geo. Fred. Dickinson, vs Geo. W. Rhines 7, January term, 187'2. FHKD. SCIKEN1NO. Frothonotary. IITof Grand Jurors in attendance at j November Term, 1872, of Quarter Sessions of Elk County. Beuerette 1. I. Johnon. Bnnzingcr I'util Schneider, .James Black, Joseph I'iptz Jr. Fox John Kyler. Ilorton A Sparks, Jacob Fields, John Anderson. Jay Lewis S. Dodd, Charles Webb, E. F. Morey. Jones Ferdinutd Wonk, Anthony Cole. Jacob C. MefL-rt, John Spring steaml. Ilidgwny S. A. Rote, William M'Vey, Charles Mealy. St Man's Dor.) Georno Garner Jr , Frank Soseuli-jimer, K lward I! in tz'er, Joseph Burnish. Joseph Ketgar. Spring Creek L B. Irwin. 1; 1ST of Traverse .hums in attendance nt November Term, 1X72, of Quarter Sessions of Klk County. ll.nezette Henry Bush, Samuel Eathb tu, Jiiliis Jon ;s, D. B. Win. low. Binzii'ger Jos Kronen wetter, Geo. M. Fue.hs, Adam Geyer, Ceo. Gregor , John Gleixner. Fox John 1. Ilayo', Charles R. Kelts, Thomas M alone Jam s 11. O ei Mathias Spooler Jr., U. W. Ri.ers, James O'lLira. Jay Reese Mal:ood. David Wheel er, Lot enzo N. Briggs, W. M. Rubin son Jones Truman Garliek, Thos J. Gtv! ,vin. Ridwity ( 'harles Cody. John llaii en. Geoiii" Walker. P. . Meal, fsaae Stej hens in. . K l.e-sev. R. V. Kinie, James Ilorton C. G. Main J. F. D II. St. Mary's IWi-Jos Krafth. J.ihn Weidenbienier. John B. Burch, Jo. Wiihelm, George Krclluer, John Fos ter Spring Creek W. M. Steel Edward Paine. "New Advertisements." " Difoi.rnoN notick. The co pir ni'rliip licrciofori' exist ing miller the firm n;iiue of S. JnoUsou & Co., i tliis ilny ilis-olvc.l Ivy mutual con. Ri-iit. Tlie hooks n:nl ueeoiiuu nre in the h:iivl.t of W. Service, whn nhne is em-p-iwereJ to coliect ami neUle the siiuie. The luisiness he cuiitinueil in lu'iiie Vy V. S. Service, & Co. V'. S. SKiiVICK. SA1.VLK J.t:iiU.. Kidgwiiy, I'n. Oct. lTtli, I87J. 70R SAI.K. i v ...t.-o r,r 1,,.,,,;... r W. S. Service & Co. herehy given that loiters of A'lmin- ileeciise I, hite of Krie Chy, rcnnrylvunin, 1 havirg been grnnicd to ihe iinJcr.sined, nil persons imlclii c J to eaid esinle will ; please m ike iminediute pnymeni, and those j having claims, or demands will presml tliein , properly autheiiticaied fursotilement with- i out delay, at Kidswuv. ! J. K. WIlil'MORKAdnrr. ISTR A V. " " j Foimd on the premises of tho tih- I sniher, October 12ih 1872. A dark hay orsc, said horse is. of medium me; hoh- j tailed, white strip in fare and one fore foot j white. The owner thereof is requested to : come forward prove properly, pay charges Hiia lake mm away. Uilierwise lie will be disposed if according to law. KLI S MOYKR. Kvlcr's Corners, Klk Co., Pa. l.KliAl, Catharine J. fiowen, 1 Iu Co 111 111 no Picas of vs. Klk County. James liowen. j No. 2 April T. 1871. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo vutrinumii. To Jamet Jioicrii. respondent above namrd; You are hereby notified that tho anbpuena and alias siibpa-tia in the abovo case having been returned non est itwtntut, you are re quired to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEMBER next, being the 4th day of thk month, to answer the complaint in the above case. 1). C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Snr.Rirr'g Office, 1 Ridgway. July 6th. 1871. n18to. ADVERTISE MAIU SB CENTS 4GEO.RftOWELLrC9 by Hi NEW- STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AUD HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. A FIRST-CLASS TIN SHOP, Employing none hut first-class Workmen, and nothing hut first elas&s material trsed. 1 rr 4 OPPOSITE THE COURT W- S. Oct. 21-tf. ST. MARY'S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ST. MARY S. ELK CO., V. M INCKACTCRKUS o? ST RAM ENGINES, Machinery Tor SAW ami GRIST MILS. TANNKHIKS, AX I) 15 KICK YAK OS, TAUMIXG -IMPLKMEXTS. Pnc'i ns l'lows, Threshitiir Mjclnne-', Plump Machines, kte. 5ASI1 WKIG1ITS, CELL All GUARDS, CAKPKT STRIPS, IRON BAILI2T3 FOR VERANDAS AXD CKMliTKRY.-'. F. KM V,)AS, IROX KKTTLKSOF ALL SIZES. HKATKRS AND STOVKS Cur wheels, ail sizes (nr Railroad con tractors, mill min, and all who are in want of them, solid or will) arms, chilled or not. In shnrt everything maile nut imn. We solicit the train of Klk ; adj. lining comities. Give uii a trial is u!l vc u-k. of rid Foundry cor. Mill and St, Mary's Sts. St .Mary's, Elk Co., l'a. L. II. GARXEll .tllRO. v2:5tf. HCW TO GO TOST. This is an inquiry which every one should liave truth fully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of Routes will in many cusses save much troublo, time and money. The "C, B & Q. 11. K.," running from Chicago, through Galesburg to Burlington, uud the B.&W. Koute,' running from Indianapolis, through Uloomingtou to Burlington, have achiev ed a splendid reputation in the last two years as the leading; Passengers Routes to tho West. At Burlington they con nect with the B id M. II. 11. aod from the great Buriiugtoa Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kanat, with close connections to California and the Territories ; and pa6!engers starting from Elk County, on their Way westward, cannot do better than to take the Burlington Route. This Line hr.s published a pamphlet called "How to West," which con tains much valuaoie information a largo correct map of the Orea' West, which can be obtaiued free of chutga by ad dressing the General Passenger Agent B. Si M. R. R. Burlington, Iowa. 2-22tf .1 HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. SERVICE & CO- JEW STAiE ROUTR. .. (WiC.IXX, 1'roprUtnr. Tim subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail helwecn It I'.YNOLDS V1LLE & BROCKWAY VILLE. hns place! on tha! road a line of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in Rcynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday ami Saturday on the 111 rival of the liroonvilln sialic, and return the same day. These bucks connect at. lirockwnyville with the liidgwny stapes, milking connection with trains on the 1". & K. Road, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line will be given, and u liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-72t f. Music for the Campaign. THE RIDGWAY SILVER CORNET BAND will furnish music for nil political meeting during the campaign. NKW INI'KUMHNT ' AND MEW MI'SIO. Terms moderate. 1. R. DAY, Lender. I. O. V.tRAU.EY, Sct'y. Ridgway, l'a., Aug. 13. 1872. Presidential Campaign. Caps, Capes & Terrhei!. Fend forlihlstrated Cir cular and Price f,it. CUNNINGHAM & HIM,. MANUFACTURERS. Ao. ivi-l (Jtiurch street. PHILADELPHIA 1-23(1. JIRED. fCHOENING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL llKAt.ER 1.1 PIANO-KOHTES, ORGAN'S, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Piano and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothonotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. rlnlOtt. lkgal. Jameb II. Wilher, In Common Pleas vs. ! of Elk County. Kate II. Wilber. J 21 April T '72. Libel in Divorce, a vinculu matrimonii. To Kate 11. II ilber, respondent above numtdi Vou are hereby notified that the subptuni and alias uubpocna in the above case hav ing been returned non eit inventus, you are required to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEM. next, being the 6th day of the month, to answer the complaint in . the above ease. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff". SlIKtUl'f'g Officii, 1 Ridgway, Jjly 4th. 1871 f lSlc. leoal.J Catharine J. Bowen, In Common Pleas of . Elk County. James Bowen. j No. 2 April T. '71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To James Bowen, respondent above named: Vou are hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpecua in the above case having been returuei non ist invtntus, you are re quired to appear on the THIRD MONDAY OF OCTOBER next, being the 5th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SiiEBirr's Orricg, Ridgway, Aug. 4th, 1872. I nlfito. For Sale, Lots to suit buyers. Large or small, on long time, one-fourth cash, balance on ten years. Inquire of II. Little, Ridgway, or C. R. McNalty, No. 300 Broadway, New Yo k. 2-20uil. POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kimc Raving erected large and well arranged new Store House on the old site, since the fire, aud filled It from ciUarlo gnrret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, arc fully pre pared to receivethelr old customer, and supply their wants tit bottom figures WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Their nssortaieut Is now-complete, com prising DRV GOODS G110CKIUK3, CUOCKKUY, 11AUDWAKR, CLOTHING, HOOTS AND SIIOE3, HATS S) CAPS, NOTIONS, eto., etc PORK. FLOUR. SALT. Feed, Beana. Butter DRIED APPLES, DitlED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everythingjwantedju the Country by LUMBERMEN, FAliMKRS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABOil'fNG MEN, EVERYBODY Also a full stock ef MA NULL A ROPE .vvs1u,Uu1iMU,rri 0I suiianie, siies for rafting and running purposes. Rdgway, Pa., March Jd, 171 TJE MILLION OF LIVES SAVED. one of the most temnrVable facts of this remarkable ate, not that so many persons are the victims of dyspepsia or In digestion, but its Willing victims. Now, we would not. he understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with ravor. or feels disposed to rank it among Ihe luxuries of life. Far from it. Those who have ex perienced its torments would scout such at idea. All dread it, and would gladly dis pense with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tapley, wno was jolly under all Hie trying oircumstances in which he was placed, never had an attack of dyspepsia, or his jolity would have speedily forsaken him. Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There arediBeiscs more acute and painful, and which more frequently prove fatal, but none the efTeets of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to Ihe bod. If there is a wretched being In the world it Is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We have said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is tmphatically the ease in the United States. Whether this general prevalence is Hue to the character of the food, the method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in whioh it is usually swallowod, is not our province to explain. The great fct with which we are called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univet sally. Nearly every other person vou meet is a victim, an apparently willing one: were this not the case, why so Biany sufferers. when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is wiiiun me e.nv rcacn or ail wno will :ivail themselves of it? But says a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to which we reply. This great nllevator of human Mill ering is almost as widely known as the English language. It has allayed the agonies of thousands, and 1b to-day carrv comfort and encouragement to thousands ot others. 1 his acknowledged panacea is noi.e other than Dr. IIOOFLAND S GERMAN BITTERS Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful prepatation than can he learned from the experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it has failed to ruihl the assuronco of Us efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT BE REolEMBERED, first of all, that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is j arum beverage. Ther nre composed wholly of tho nnr juice or vital principle of roots. This Is r.oi mere assertion The extracts from which they are compounded are prepared by one of tho ablest of German chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all casej of the Miliary fcysicm. lloofland's German Hitters stand without an equal, actii'g promptly aud vigorously upou the liver; they rooiove its torpidity and cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying the stomach with f lie most indispensable elements of sound digestion in proper pro portion. They purify Ihe blond, cleansing the vital fluid 1.' all hurtful impurities and su planting the.m with, the elements of genuine he.ilthfulncss. Now, there are certain clusses of per sons to whom extreme Bitters are not only un palatablu, but who find it impossible to tako them without positive discomfort. For such Dr. IIOOFLAND S GERMAN TONIC has been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight a'.coholio stimulant is require 1 in connect iou with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters.; IIOOFLAND S TONIO acts With almost, marvelous effect. II not only stimulates the flagging and waatm, energies, but invigorates and permanently strengthens ils action upon the Liver and Stomach thorough, perhaps less prompt than the Hitters, when tno same quantitj is taken is none the less certain Indigestion, Billioiisness, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its' po tent influence. It gives Ihe iuvalid a new aim siruiiger uoiu upon life, removes de pression ot spirit, and inspires cheerful, ncss But. Dr. Hoofland's benefactions to the human raco nro not confined to his celebrated GERMAN BITTKRS . 1.:. invaluable Tonic lie has prepared an other medic;nc. which is r.midlv n.nn; its way to popular favor because of its in trinsic metits. This m Ilnnrt ivn j PODOPIJVLLIN PILLS, a perfect su'bsti tule for mercury without nny of mercury's evil qualities. . ' These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com. posed of Podophyllin, or the vital princi ple of the mandrake root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this health-ving plant, in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form. The Podophyllin acts direotly on tho Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to make ils billiary secretions in regular and proper quanCties. The inju rious results which invariably follow tie use of mercury U entirely avoided by then use. But. it is not upon the Liver only that their powers nre exerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in them ia skillfully combined with four other ex t rnets, one of which acts upon the stomach, one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lower bowels. nd prevents any griping effect, thus produoing a pill that influences Ine entire digestive and alimentary system in an equal and harmonious manner and its action entirely free from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. Possessing these much desirable qualities the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without them They are Perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, are prompt and tffi- lion with Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters or Tonic, may be regarded as certain spe cifics in all cases of Liver Complaint. DVS. pspsia, or any of the disorderi to which the system is ordidarly subject The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and bowels, carrylne off improper obstruction, while the Bitters orTon.q purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the frvne, give tone !nd app,. iteto the stomal., and thua build upTe invalid anew. , f lOB Dr. Moorland, having provided internal remedies fo. - disease, hta given the S one mainly for external application, the wondorfuf preparation know as Thm? FLANb.'S UREEK OIL. 1 tiis Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of all kinds? ' P Rheumatism, Nedralgia, Toothache, Chilblains Sprains. Burn,, Pain ia thJ Back and Loins, Ringworms, ete., eto aU yield to its external application. ' ' Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches Co he Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramp,' - Jt4t (erne diet ere for aaU A,. Storekeeper,, and MVdicZl iL"'' Q where. ln21yl