The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 31, 1872, Image 2

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    glk (Jnuntg gldtcrjatf.
II. A. Pattison,
THURSDAY, OCT. f 1, 1872.
Of Illinois.
Of Massachusetts.
The Republican Column.
Democratic Column.
(by fraud violence and corruption.)
Hr. Greeley's Mistake.
"I was iu the days of slavery, an ene
my of slavery, because I thought slavery
inconsistent with the rights, tho dignity,
the highest well-being of free labor.
Tint mi'nht have been a mistake.'"
Mr. Greeley's speech at Jeffcrsoniille,
hid., September 23, 1S72.
So Eaid Horace Greeley only a little
over one month siuco, when on his
electioneering tour through the States
of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and
Kentucky. Greeley once thought that
slavery was "inconsistent with the rights,
the dignity, the highest well-being of
free labor." For that reason he was the
eneniv of slavery, for that reason Mr.
Greeley opposed slavery, but now thinks
he was mistaken. This is an instance
of truckling rarely to be met wi'.h, not
; oan.liflafps for the minor offices
t VU tu
within the gift of the people. Scarcely
would a candidate for the most trifling
offica in any township in the United
States stoop to so low a process to secure
1m rnt of his town: vet Horace Gree-
iaw - if
lev candidate of the Lib-Rcp-Deuis,
for President of the United States, will
wollow in the dirtiest slime pit of so
r,;.rtr sppnip. the rorjukr vote. It
' will be remembered
made the speech in which the
Jcffersonville In
paragraph occurs nt
diana, Sept. 23, 187:
is in the very bottom of what is known
as the pocket" in the State of Indiana
The Indiana pocket is noted East and
West, for its lack of moral, intellectual
r,,? r-nlUin-il nullum, its old men are
UU U J.v . . ,
from the lowest films of southern society
wViiln its vouncr men have made but
little advance.
Progress and reform are words, the
meaning of which they do not know, nor
do they care to know. Slavery is now.
and always has been their highest idea
rf moralitv. To tho
t.onnUnr" institution thev have and
now cling as the dearest idol of their
A "Tidal Wave" ef Democratic principle,
In a political controversy with anoth
er darkey the black United States Min
ister to Liberia was seriously staliwn
and now-lies at the point of rlfath. Hanir
the murderer nr.d the world will tin hap
pily rid ortwn niggers. Mi! ford Herald
Oct. 22d 1872. .
True to the life, "murder will out,"
there is no me of talking) the Pemo
tcralio party, and their allies tho Lib-
Rep's hate, nnd love to hate neurons.
True it is, that this strange alliance
does now affect to have great interest in
the welfare of the negro race in the
United States but it is as clear as sun
shine that this great interest lies in the
fact that the former slave, now wields
the power of the ballot, and niny to day
vote for or against his enemy nnd hater
as he may see fit withaut let or hinder
encc. Hut for this right he owes noth
ing to the Democratic party.
In Congress, out of Congress, in Coun
ty, district, State and national canvesses
Democratic organs and leaders opposed
this right to the negro, adhering tena
ciously to their old doctrine that in t'tiis
country, this land of freedom "th negro
has no right that a white man is boutid
to respect' so the party ouco from a
high place officially announced, and so
many of its leaders to day believe. The
amendments to our national constitution
securing to tho uegro, these rigets are
pronounced, "unconstitutional, insurrec
tionary, and revolutionary." Leading
spirits and teachers in their political Is
rael, still pronounce these amendments
"patches and frauds." The sentiments
expressed by the M'dfurd Ilern'd are
as wicked as they are unjust, an 1 might
perhaps Qud their counterpart iu the
Fiji Islands, or among tlie more Savage
Tribes of our Indian riorjulation. hat
kind of a heart must a man have withiu
him that cau utter approval ot murder
and the execution of the murderer, all
that '-the world will be happily rid tit
two niggers."
We can scarcely conceive ot one
less qualified for the high behests of
citizenship than tho nun who could gie
utteauee to the acutimeut exprossel i u
the above paragraph. ''Tin: Mn'oni
Herald" nnd its rradeis iu Pike conn y
may regard this effusion a- the seutiment
of a very rehue l uwl higu touts 1 uijr.ui-
ty; but no where else wiil it be so received.
There are Democrats in this State, iu
tho South, all over the United States,
aud their name is legion, who spurn
with conteuiDt the barbarous and mur
derous seutiments contained in the a-
bove quoted paragraph. Tho Saw abid
ing, and order loving meu of the State
and nation irrespective of party it.clitiu-
JefTorsonville I will uive no couutenancc or encouaage-
t to sentiments so attrucious nor to
the men who can fir.d it in their heart
to utter them.
too, that Ureelcy
a nV.rVft
heart. They are louging for a return to
the Sonth, to the South as it was, not to
the South as it is. They have no idea
of a negro only as a S!a7c.
To talk of the negro as a citizen of
the United States is to them the one
thing, the only thing repulsive and to be
abhored, and yet hundreds ot these very
men could not tell what is meant by be
iDg a citizen either as to duty, privilige, or
responsibility. A majority of the peo.
pie in the bottom of this Indiana "pock
et" were bitterly opposed to the encamp
menr of Indiana troops about their city
and arrogantly talked about neutrality
of territory in the days of rebellion.
Yet here in the bottom of the "pocket"
and to this people, Greeley says, "I was
n the days of slavery, au enemy ot sia
very, because I thought slavery incon
sistent with the ngnts, the dignity, tno
ill Imincr of free labor. That
minht have leen a mistake."
Now is it possible to conceive of a low.
... Aanth nf nnlitieal sonhistrv than this
uv tuv J- . i "
to aecomplish a purpose. What North
ern or Southern proslavery Democrat,
when, where, aud at what time iu our
political history has any poitician, or
yen the merest Demagogue, East, West,
North, or South stooped so low for office
na this man Greeley?
Most assuredly is it true that Greeley
will do any thiug, say any thing, or be
any thing to be Presidont of ihe United
Is it to wondered at that. Pennsylva
nia, Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska, and the
District of Columbia have administered
bo severe a rebuke as that given on the
8th,inst? Will justice do more than its
perfect work on tho 5th prox, m totai.y
overthrowing this prince oi boj
Cul. Fornev is once more with us for
which we ought, no doubt, to sing a Je
Drum aud make our humblest bows.
We are among old-fashioned people, bow
ever, who think tuat a friend who sticks
to you when you appear to be in a tight
place is worth a score of fair-weather ad
mirers ; and we cannot forget (although
we mention it without the least unkiud
uess) that when the Republicans of
Pennsylvania seemed to need help, Col.
Forney did his best to defeat them. Hi,
too, boasted that he aud his friends
would defeat Hartranft. There stems.
ft.r as we can indue, to have been
three Republicans votes cast ugainst us
i .i i.' t
in t eunsyivania most oi rurucv, i'
Clure aud Curtin. doubt iiiey acitu
from the best ot motives nieuaisrays
do when they turn upon their friends.
Now Col. Forney is going to Help us)
and. we are very much obliged to them,
' T ..J. ,.
Pursuant to nn net of the Genernl
Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act relating
to the Elections in this Commonwealth,"
npproved the 2d dny of July, A. P. one
thousand eiaht hundred nnd thirty-nine,
I, DANIEL C. OYSTER, She.iff of
tho county of Elk, Pennsylvania, do
hereby make known and give notice to
the electors of the county aforesaid, that,
an election will be held in the said
county of of Elk. on
TUESDAY, 5th day of November
1872, (it being the first Tuesday of the
month) for tho purpose of electing the
following office?? to-wit:
Two persons as Senatorial electors.
Three persons as clectoas at large as
representative electors
Twenty-four persons to represent the
several Congressional districts, as electors.
I do hereby make known nnd give
notice that tho place for holding tho
aforesaid election in the several towns
and boroughs are as follows, to-witt
; Renezette towimhip, nt the hou-:e of
Elizabeth inslow.
Benzingcr township, at the school
house on Michael St., near the Elk
creek bridge
Fox township, at the Centrcville
school house.
Highland township, at the house of
Levi Ellithorpe.
llorton township, at the school house
Dear 1). C. Oyster s Hotel
Riduway township, at the i,ourt
St. Mary's Horo., nt the Town (lull.
Spring Creek township, at the House
of Stockdalo, Downer & Co.
Jay towuship, at the house of Altrcd
Jones township, nt the Wilcox Tan
nins and Lumber Co's., office in Wilcox.
Mill Stone township, at the house of
Henry Heir, at liarrs Dam.
I also make known the following act,
An Act regulating the mode of voting
at all elections in the several counties
of this Commonwealth approved
Maach 30th 1SI5G.
Suction 1. lie it enacted by the Sen
ate and House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Gen-
eia! Assembly met, ntul is hereby enact
ed by the authority cf the same. That
the qualified voters ot the several coun
ties of this Commonwealth, at all general
township, borough and special elections
aro hereby, hereafter, authorized and
required to vote, by tickets priuted or
written or partly printed and partly
written, severally classified as follows:
One ticket shall embrace the names of
all judges of courts voted for, and to be
labelled outside "judiciary : one ticket
shall embrace the names of all state offic
ers to be voted, and be labelled, state'
one ticket shall embrace the names of
nil county officers voted for, including
office of Senator, nnd members ot As
semblv. if voti tor, and mi'inbers of
Congress if voted for, and shall be labell
ed "county." &c, and each class shall
be deposited in sepcrato ballot boxt's
I also make known and give notice,
as in and by the 15th section of aforesaid
act, I hin directed that every person
excrpt Jus'iers cf the Peace, who shall
hold any office appointment of trust or
rrofit, under the Government of the
United States, or this Suite or any city
or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned officer or otherwise a suhoiditi
utc officer or ug"nt who is or shall be
employed under the legislative or judi
ciary or executive department ot this
State or of the United States, of any
city or incorporated district, and also
every member ot on-rress ami iMuie
Legislature, and the eelest nnd comuiou
council of any city Commissioner, i r any
incorporated district, is by law incapable
of holding or cxeicising at the same time
the office or appointment of Juil-e, In
spector or Clerk, of any election of this
Commonwealth, and ti nt no inspector
Acw York time
Sec 2. Tnnt t oncress shall have.
power to enforco this article by appropri
ate legislation.
Ann vhr.rta, The Congress of tho
United States, on tha 81st of March
1S70, passed an act entitled, "An net
to enforco rhe light of citizens of the
nited Stntes to vote in tno several
States of the Union, Mid lor other
purposes," the first and second sections
of which aro as follows:
Section 1. Do it enacted by tho
Senate and House of Representatives of
the Uuited States of America in Con
gress assembled. That all citizens
of the Tlnitnd States who are or
shall be otherwiso qualified to vote nt
any election by the people of any State,
Territory, district, city, county, parisn,
township, school district, municipality, or
oilier territorial subvision shall bo entitled
and illowcd to vote at all such elections,
without distinction of color, race, or
previous condition of servitude; any con
stitution, law, custom, usage, or regula
tion of any State or territory, or by or
under its authority, to the contrary,
Sec. 2. And be it further enact a
That if, by or under the constitution or
laws of any State or the laws of any ter
ritory, any act is or shall be required to
be done as a prerequisite or qualification
for voting, and by euch constitution or
laws persons or ofucers are or bhall be
charged with the performance cf duties
in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to
perform suyh prerequisites, or to become
qualified to vole it shall be the duty ol
every such person and officer to give all
citizens ol the Lnited States, tne same
and equal oppoituuity to perform such
prerequisite nnd to become qualified to
vote without distinction of race, color or
previous condition of servitude; and if
auy such persons or officers shall refuse
or knowiiiL'lv omit to uive full effect to
this section, ho shall for every su -h of
fence, forfeit and pay the sum t five
hundred dollars, to the persons aggrieved
thereby, to be recovered by an itetiou on
the case, with full costs and suuh a low
ance for counsel fees as the court shall
deem just, and shall also for every such
oflence be deemed auilty ol misdemean.
or, and shall ou convict ion thereof bo
liued not less than five hundred dollars
or to be impiisoned not less tlian one
month and not more than one yenr, or
both, at the discretion ol the court.
And Whereas, It is declared by the
secnod section of the I article of the
Constitution of the United States, that
This Constitution of the Uuited Stales
which shall be madb in pursuauce tbcreol
shall be the supreme law of the land
onthniK in the Constitution or
hues oani Mute, to the contrun, nut-taithstniidiii'i."
Ami irhcreri, J he Legislature ol this
Co'iiiimnwealih, on the Cth day of April
1870, passed an act entitled "A further
supplement to the act rclatim: to elec
tions in this t omnionweaith, the nun
section provides as lollows:
Section H. that so much oi every
act of Assembly as provides that only
whit.) freemen shall be entitled to vote,
or be registered as voters, or as claiming
to vote at any general or special electiou
of this Commonwealth, be and the same
is hereby repealed, and that lieiealier
all freemen without dintinetion ol color,
shall be enrolled aud registered accord
ing to the provisions of the first section
of tlie act approved the 17tl ol April,
18G'.), entitled, "An uet further supple
ii eutal to au act relative to 'the elections
of this Comnionwealih,'' aud shall when
otherwise qualified under existing laws,
be entitled to vote at all general and
M.ecial elections in this Coiuimmwi alth.
No person shall be permitted to vote
whose name is not contained in the list
of taxable inhabitants furnished by the
Commissioners, unless he first produces
a receipt for the payment within two
vcars. of State or County tax, assess: d
ugrceably to tho Constitution, and give
satisfactory evidence either on his own
oath or affiirmatioii of another that he
has paid such tax, or on failure to pro
duce such receipt shall make oath of the
payment thereol; it he claims to vote by
heinr nn elector between tne anes oi
or nse or threaten any violence 'to any
suel officer, or shall interrupt or inpr0.
pcrly interfer with him in the execution
ot his duty, or shall block up tho window
or avenue to any window where the
same may be holding, or shall riotously
disturb tho pence at such election, or
shall use or practice any intimidation
threats, force or violence, with design to
influence unduly or overawe any elector,
or to prevent him from voting, or to re
strain the freedom of choice, such per
sons on conviction shall be fined in any
sum not exceeding five hundred dollars,
be imprisoned for any time not les than
one mouth nor more than one year ana
if it be shown that the pel sons so offend
ing was uot a resident of the city, ward,
district or township where the said of
fence was committed, and not entitled to
VDte therein, and ou conviction he shall
be sentenced to pay a fine ot not les;
than one hundred or more than one
thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not
less than six months or more than two
years. (
The following proclamation from the
Governor ot this Commonwealth is also
published in accordance with the re
quirements of law, viz:
Pursuant to the provisions contained
io the ith petition ot tho act olorcsaid
tne judtres of the aforesaid "district shall
respectively take charge of the certificats
of returns of tlie electton of their rcspco
tive district, and produco them at t
meeting of one judne from eaoh district
to the Court House in the town of
Ridgwny, on the third day after the
day of election, bcina; on FRIDAY,
1872, at 10 o'clock a. m. then and there
to do and perform the duties required
by law ot said judges.
Also, that where a judge, by sickness
I or unavoidable accident to attend such
mcctinj' ot indues, then the certiheate
or retuin shall be taken charge of by
one of the inspectors or clerks, of the
election district, who shall do and per
form the duties required of said ludjie
unable to attend.
Given under my hand at Ridgway
the 4th day of September, in tho year
of our Lord, one thousand eigh hundred
and seventy-two and ot the independence
of the United States the ninety-sixth:
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, October 14th, 1872.
Main Street, P.idgwny, Pa.
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions.
Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap
as the CHEAPEST.
Ridgwny, Va.
2 2 If.
JOHN 0. HALL, Attorney nt law, RiJK.
way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'601
S. HILL. PWsician
Kersey, Elk Co. Pa.
anil Surgeon
tlnuyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi.
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
H. S. nELNAP,PnorRiETOti,
I. Bordwcll, M. O. Eclectic Pliysicnn
Office nnd residence oPDosit n il,r
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgwny, Pa. Prompt
(mention will re given to nil calls. OHice
hours: 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and
6 lo 7 P. M. Mar. 22, CG-tf.
The Imororctl Gerard Oroul
Gold lVatchcs,
89.00 $12 00 815.00 818.00
XT7E have recently brought onr Oroide
Y Gold metal lo such perfection that
it ia difficult for tho best judges to distin.
quish it from gold. Tho $9 watches are
with patent escapement movements; in np
pearance and for time equaling a gold one
costing iuu. ine ti- aro run jcweieu
patent, lever, equal to $150 gold watch.
The $16 are the same as the last, but a finer
finish, nickle movements, equal to one cost
ing $175. And tho $18 watches are of a
fine finish with full jeweled American lever
movement, equaling a gold one costing
They are all in hunting cases, gent s and
ladies sizes, nnd guaranteed for iinie and
wear bv special certificate. Also elegant
designsof gent's nnd lailies chains from SI
to $4, and jewelry of all kinds.
Goods sent C. 0. 1). Customers per
mitted to examine what they order before
paying bill, on payment ol express fliavges.
When six watches are ordered at one
time we will send an extra watch of the
snmc quality free.
For further particulars send for circular.
Address JAMES G URAltl) & CO.,
85 Nassau Street, New York,
P. 0. Box 8,301
Nov. SO, 872-vln37mfi.
Dental Surgeon. '
Office nt thh Drug Store of Ilnrley A
Whipple, Walker's" new building. Main
street, Ridgway. Pa. Will visit Kane,
Wilcox, nnd St. M.iry's.
rp s.
Wood's Hew Iron Mower.
For Circulars, particular-., etc., address,
Gowanda, N. Y.
Manufacturers of the
Gowanda Plow,
the best made. For sale in R''dgway
April 13th
X and after MONDAY, .1UNE 3d
or Judge, shall be c.i-ibic to any oine ,W(,llv.0Iie uuJ ,wt,nt..two years he
then to he voted tor. I , .lonose on oath or allirniaiiou that
Also in tho 4th sectionofthe Act of i. , i,.is r j iD hn State at least one
and his adherents?
Peterson's Maoazi.vb tor Novem
ber is on our table, uhead of all others.
It is an unusually good number, cveu
lor this first-class lady s book, ihe pun-,
cipal Steel Piute, "A Game Two Cau
l'lay At, 1S ,r0,D an ,ual picture,
aud is a capital illustration of one ot the
best stories we have read tor months.
A. prominent feature of this Manazinc
is its copyright Novelettes, two of which
appoar io this uuuiber, " Lindsay.s Luck,"
by i'anny Hodgson, ana "jjouimu un
A Price, ty i'lrs. Ann a, otepnens,
both very iar superior to the contiuued
stories to be found in .Mas-aziues ;euer-
allv. But. as a cotemnoraru tnji, the
stories, the Jasluuits, lac pattern, in
short, ever i thine in Peterson is the best
of its kind. The price ot this Maga
zine, too. is auoiher thiu-r in its favor.
It U hut Two Dollars A Yeak. The
Prospectus lor 1873 is published with
this Dumber, and we find that the prices
to Clubs are astonibhinyly low, viz., three
copies for S4. 50, with a superb Mezzo
tiut (10 inches by 20), "Christ Weep
ing Over Jerusalem, to the person
L-ettanir un the club : or six copiej for
. . .. .. r
gU.OO, and a copy oi tne magazine lor
1873 as a premium to the person getting
nn th club : or eiht copies for 812.00
and both an extra copy and tho premi
nra engraving to the person getting up
the club. For large clubs the jirice
are even lower, a choice of six premium
eoaravings, for training, is given tor at-
ty cents extra, to euoscriDers lor -x eter
son" for 1873. Specimems of the Mag
azino are sut gratis, if written for.
Subscribe to nothing else until you have
seen a copy of this popular Magaziue.
Address Charles J. Peterson, 306
Chettnut Staeet, Philadelphia, Pa
Assembly, entitled. "Au act relating to
elections" and for every purpose," ap
proved April 10th, 11)0, it is enacted
that the 14th section shall be so con
strued as to prevent nny militia or
orou -h officer from serving as Judge,
Inspector, or Clerk, at any general or
special election in this Coinmonwealih.
Also, that in the Glut, section ot said
act it is enacted "That every general or
special election shall be' opened betweeu
the hours ot six or seven in tne iore
noon, and shall remain without icterrup.
tiou uniil seven o'clock in the eveniug
when the polls shall bo closed.
No person shall he permitted to vote
at any election as aforesaid, but a uliite
freeman ot the age ot twenty-one years,
or more, who shall have resided in this
State at least one year and iu the elec
tion district where lie oners his vote, at
least ten days immediately precedin
such election, and within two years paid
a State or County tax, which shall have
been assessed at least ten days before
the election. Rut a citizen of the Luited
States, who has previously been a quali
fied voter ot this State, but removed
there from nnd retarned, and shall have
resided iu the election district aud paid
taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote after residing iu this state six
months; Provided, that the freemen citi
zeus of the United States between the
ages of twenty-ouo and twenty-years,
who have resided in au election district
as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote,
although they shall have paid no taxes.
Whereas, The Fifteenth Amend
ment of the Constitution of the United
State's is as follows:
Section 1. The right of citizens of
the United States shall not be denied 07
abridged by the United States on ao
count of lace, color, or previous condi
tion of servitude.
CKNT3 WANTED! For Ihe Lislcst
and most popular hnok with 00 11
lusiriiiions, liltL'tiosses of all the Presidents
bculifully bound, and printed on tinted
Til 13 NATION,
Its Rulers and Institutions,
Nothing like it. Strikes evcrvbodv as
just the hook they need. It is an Kncyclo-
paedia ol Hie imvermuent. Mngie page
in it. arc of themselves worth the price of
the hook ocer oOO vinje and only !?li.5U.
A It'll 11 Alt VEST, for Canvassers
ladies nnd gentlemen farmers, teachers
and stuJenls. One utient too.'e 7 ) oriltrs in a
fit? (It;', icith circular alone, before the book
ppprarrrf. !?:20 A DAY can be cleared in
fair iirritory. Write nt once for circular
nnd information. NKW WOULD PUB
LISHING Co., Cor. 7th and Market Streets,
rhiladcljdiiu. vln37rl.
11 the trains on ihe Philadelphia
Erie Kailrond will run as follows:
Mail Train leaves Philadelphin11.30 p. m.
" " Ridgway 2.(15 p. in.
" " arrive at L'rie 7.:10 p. n'.
Eric Exp leaves Philadelphia...l.30 p. m
" Ridgway 2.25 a. m.
" " arrive at Erie 7. 40 a. tn.
Accomodation, leaves Kenova,...2.0Q p. m.
' Ridgway,..!). H p. in.
nrr at Kune 7. -"Op. in.
Mtv'.l Train leaves Erie 11.25 a. m.
" " " Ridgway.... 4..r0 p. m.
" " arrive nt Philad'a... R.40 a. m.
Erie Express leaves Erie 7.f0 p. m.
" " l'idgwny...l2.H8 a. m.
" ' nn-at Philadelphia.. 1.20 p. m.
Accomodation, leaves Kane 7."0-a. m,
" " ltoliway... p.4'111. m.
" nrr nt -St. Marys 0.12 a in
nrr at ltcnovo 12.10p. m
Mail East connects cast and well at Erie
with LS&M8 K W nnd at Corry and
Irvinclon with Oil Creek and Allegheny U
K W.
Mail West at- Corry and Irvineton with
Oil Creek and Allegheny It R W.
Warrcu Accommodation cast and west
with trains on L S and JI S R. cast and
west and nt Corrv with 0 C and A It R W
Erie Accommodation East nt Corry and
Irvineton with 0 C and A R R W.
Oen'l Snp't.
Phvsician nnj Surtreon.
Ridgway, Ta. Office in Walker's Building.
Sprcinl attention given to Surgery. Office
house from 8 a. in. to 10 p. m. Ucsidenca
on corner of South nnd Court Btreets, op
posite the new School House. All calls
promptly attended to. vln2yl.
Druggist nnd I'armaceutist, corner
Main nnd Mill streets, Ridgway, Ta. A
full assort ment of carefully selected For
eign nnusDomcstic Drugs. Prescriptions
carctully dispensed at all hours, day or
night. vlnSy.
J Watchmaker, Engraver nnd Jeweler.
Main street, Ridgwny, Pa. Agent for the
Howe Pcwing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with
he same accuracy as heretofore. Salis
aelioa guaranteed. vlnly.
D. D. COOK Proprietor,
Cor. Mill nnd Centre tils., Ridgway, Pa.
The proprietor takes this mellmd of an
nouncing tc the public that he has refitted,
revised, nnd improved, this well known
hotel, and is prepared to vntertain ill
who favor wi'h their patronage, in the
but ttvle and at low rates. vlnJOtf.
G00D3, GS0523IES, P30VISI5S3
vln8tf. West End, Ridu'vav. Pa.
RmowAT, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SCIIliA.M. Proprietor
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, ty paying strict at
tention to the comfort nn.l convenience of
guests, to merit n continuance oi the
Oct 30 18 V.L
Commeuciug July 15ih, 1871.
Kane, M;Ke:ni Oo., Pa
R. b. LOOK Ell, Proprietor.
Thankful for the p itronage hcivlot'oie so
liberally bestowed upon him. the new pro
prietor, lmpe, by paying strict, attention
to the comlort ami convenience ot guests,
to merit a continuance of the same. , Tits
only stables for horses in Kano anJ well
kept niIit ot- iluy. vln2-1yl.
1 1 all & mio
Attorneys - at - Lw
Year beloro his application, uml
proof of hi residence withiu his district
as required by tho act, and that he does
verily holiove iroui accounts given him,
that he is ot the age ul'oresuid and give
such other evidence as is reouired by
the act whereupon the name id the per
son so admitted to vote shall be regis
tered in the alphabetical list by the in
spector, aud a note made opposite there
to by the word "tax, it tie snail nave
beeu admitted to vtte by ream of hav
ing paid tax, or the word "age" if he
shall have been admitted to vote by
reason ot aie. shall be called out to tho
clerks, who shall make like notes in the
list kept by them-
In all cases where the nnrue of persons
claiming to vote is fouud on the listlur
nished by the Commissioners and As
sessors, and his r'mht to vote whether
found thereou or not, is objected by any.
qualified citizen, it shull bo the Inspec
tors duty to examine sucn persons on
oath as to his qualifications, aud if he
claims to havs resided within tlie Mate
for one year or more, his oath shull not
be sufficieut proof thereof, but shall
make proof thereof by at least one com
petent witness who shall be a qualified
elector, that ho has resided within the
district for more than ten days immedi
ately proceeding such election, and shall
also biuiselt swear tnat ins uoue-uue
resideuce in pursuance to his lawfull
is in said district, and that he did not
remove into said district for the purpose
ot voting therein.
Every person qualified as aforesaid,
and who shall make the duo proof, if re
quired, of his residence and payment of
ot taxes aforesaid, in the townsitip, waru
or district ia which he shall reside
If any person shall prvent or attcmp
to prevent any officer of any eleation un.
dcr this act from holding such election
fonn the Citizens of llidgway, and the
public gcccrally, that he has start eda Liv
ery Stable and will keep
and Ruggiei. to let upoa the most reasons
ble terms.
bHe will also do job leaning.
Stable in tho Brooks Barn, near the
Post Office, on Mil' street. AU orders left
at the Post OlTice will meet prompt atten
tion. Aug 20 lfe'70. tf.
Dny Express leaves Corry at
Arrives at t itlsburgu
Night Express leaves Corry
Arrives t Pittsburgh
Mail leaves Corry
Arrives at Pittsburgh
Parker's Accom. leaves Oil City
Arrives at Parkej's
Oil City Accom. leaves Oil City
Arrives at Kittauniiig
goimo Monrii.
Day Express leaves Pittsburg ot
Arrives at Corry at
Night Express leaves Pittsburgh
Arrives at Corry
Mail leaves Pittsburgh
Aarrives at Corry
Parker's Accom. leaves Parker
Arrives at Oil- City
Oil City Acoom. leaves B. Bend
Arrives at Oil City
Close Connections made at
John Collins, .Proprietor.',
AGENTS. S10 to $20 PER DAY
GUARANTEED. Specimens and full
particulars free. Address WOODS LITER
New burgh, N. Y.
10 i' a m
8 4b p in
0 03 p m
U 25 a in
0 10 a m
4 55 p ni
7 1 5 a ra
10 10 a ni
4 00 p m
8 00 pm
7 20 a .11
5 25 p iu
10 50 p m
48 a iu
11 50 a m
15 p ra
6 00 p in
9 10 p m
7 00 a in
10 00 a m
Corry for
Pittsburgh with trains East and West on
P. & E. R. 11.
Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep,
ing Cars on Night Express Trains between
Corry and Pittsburgh.
Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Volley It.
J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt.
Thnnkful for the patronage heretotor
so liber illy bestowed upon liiai, tho now
pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of gu.'Sts, to merit a continuance of the
Chromos, Stereoscopic Views, Picture
Frames, to.
VenJers of Merchandise, keepers ot
Saloons, Brewers and Distillers of the
county of Elk are hereby notified that the
Appraiser of Mercantile taxes lew 2 hag
filed his return in my office, and that the
tax by him assessed maul be paid to me at
once, or the accounts will be placed in the
hands of a collector. C. R. EARLEY,
Ridgway, Sept. 5tU, 1S72-4L
My wife Mary Roper has left my
bed and board without just cause or provo
cation. This is to forbid all persons harbor
ing or trusting her on my account, as I will
pay no debts of her construction after this
Aug. 15ib, 18"2. Jones Township.
From and after Monday, Feb. 6th 1871.
Trains will run on this Road as follows:
Leaves Earley 7.30 a. ui., arrives at
Daguscahouda Junction 8.10 a. ni., con
necting with Accom. east 8.14 a. ni , and
with Mail west at 9.15 a. ni.
Leaves Daguscahonda at 9.20 a. m.,
ariives at Earley 10.00 a. ui. Leaves
Earley 3.30 p. ni., and arrives at Dag
uscahouda at 5.00 p. in., connecting
with Mail east at 5.09 p. m., and Ac
commodation west at 5.40 p. ra.
In case P. & E. trains are late, Dagus
cahonda train holds twenty minutes be
yond the above time.
Tickets should always be procured
betore leaving stations.
C. U. EARLET, Lcsf-ee
One Door East of the Post Office, Main
St., Ridgway, Pa.
Vegetables of all lands re-
ceiveaaauy. .
Choice oranges and lemons.
Goods, notions, Grcceries,
and General Variety,
Earley 1. O.
Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots
Main St., opposite Hotel,
v27y Wujox P.