(Kill (j.ounjr gLduccatc. THURSDAY. 00 10, 1872. Var Time at niilgu ay. Erie Express East 12:o8 a tn. do do West 2:25 a. m. ' do Mail East 4:60 p. m. do do West 2:05 n. m, RenoVO Accommodation East..... 8:40 a m. do do do West H:14 p. m. -Rates d Advertising. One column, one year. 40 00 2.100 15 00 Transient. advertising nnr square nf eight lines or less 3 times or less 1 00 Uusiness cards, ten lines or less per year 6 00 Mnrriigcs and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk toije, A. Y M Stated meetinpts of Elk Lodge will lie hell at tliCir hall on tin second nnd fourth Tuesdays of each month. a. l Mccracken, Sec'y. Temple of Honor and Temoerance. Elltton Temple No. 81, meets on ea:h alternate Thursday, at their Lodgi Room, on Main sireet, over .1. V. Ilmik's store. S. A. ROTE. W. R. The central Grant and Willson n'ub of Elk county meets nt the Court Ilnuse in Ridgway, eery alternate Thursday, at S-o'clock p. m. Next nieetiu;: Oct 21. NoTiCR. To whom it tiny concern: A sorrel mare; black mare; bay horse; t-ctf double harness; black & white cow; nnd red heilcr; now in pivwtsion of J. pin-jler is owned by me, W. S. SliKVICK. Lutiihrn Skuvicks At the Court House in this placn. nt 11. O'clock A M. in the German lansuaue Also nt Karlcy. at 3 O' clock 1. M. iu the Eii"li.h lamina".-. Latest. At 8 O'clock 1. M. Thurs day. Tho Klcclion returns reported Pennsylvania Republican Majority at Ml 000- Ohio 20.000 and Indiana Re publican by a close vole MarkIED At the residcnc of Juli us Kctumluiii, in Wilonx, Pa. on Tuc tlay Oct, Sth. 187-', Mr. Miohatl Kreb Bcr. to Mi." Ihiivll.ca O. Kciutuiciti. Kev I. Di'iiu-nian, (dficiatiiiii. (RACK Ciil'Krn. The l!iv. I. W. I'llnhar, will olnniuti in tliu t'liiurli next Sun lay. Hours of mi vico 1 (': ! A. M. and 7 1- M' Sunday School 2 1'. M. Holy ('oiiiincijiou at the tiium ln;: M-rvicu. iva s I !. (Jnim-'! Want d sjiuco pivvrr.ls "Ur usual liotiec of tho Monthlies f ir this nio'ith us iiMl'il IiuwuVimv they are all tirnt class, mil well umiiIi the snliscriitioii price l Kadi. .Sci ibni'is as to illustrations and ro.id- injr uia'tci i- ejuial to any nt n prvde cessiiis So we may nay nt Wood's Miiii'iictt id health, the lin Ik corporal, and the Phrenological Journal. It Attn Y Scorr's entertainment at the C ijvi- Ilm in this place on Monday on 1 Wednesday evening nl ihis week were a '.I and more than advertised to be. It was tor a fact an entertainment, and lias but few equals in its way. Entire ly I ee. Iroiu the low nnd the vulvar any cue may attend it and have a pleasant iveuiiij; without any shock whatever, td the imtioi.s of propriety. Omvkk Optic's Magazine Fiu h TOBFtt. Contents of which include more ol the wonderful adventures, of "Lutlk Riurr ail," the leading story by Oliver Optic, illustrated; more of Virginia V. Tuwnseud'a popular story, "Only Giuls," illustrated. Four chapters of Elijah Kellog'u "Winning His Si'uus." illustrated. A story by Sophia May, Tub Stolen Child." il lustrated. More of "Among The Raftsmen," with thrilling adventures und spirited illustrations. A humorou dialogue by Geo. M. Raker, entitled "Gentlemen of the Jury." Ono of Charles Barnard's amusing Sketches. "The Roy who Threw Up the Moon." Sketches by Thomas Powell, Geo. S. Burleigh, and others. Illustra tions by C. G. Bush, Miss L. B. Hum phry, Heury L. Stepbeus, and others; aud Puzzles, Rebuses, Declamations, Music,&o., in unsurpassed variety. Ol iver Optic's Magazine is famous for good uuuibers, but this really excels any thing previously issued. Terms $2.50 per year. LKK & SHEPAIID, Publishers, BOSTON, MASS. The "Battle of Braddocka Fields," as, also, the subsequent torture of prisoners by Ind.a'us, is fully aud very graphically described in the October number of the 'Teoplcs Monthly," just to hand. The Indian novel of ''Old Fort Duqueuse" increases in interest- a it advances. This number fa an excellent rum seven actractiye illustrations, including por traits of Livingstone, Bennett, Jr., "Ba by's Balh," &o., &.O., This popuhu pa per for tho home of same size and ap pearances as Harpers Weekly is rapid ly attaining a large circulation all over the States. Largest cah commissions given to rjood agents of any paper in the country Specimen copies, poxtwje frtOy five cents. Three months trial on ly twenty-live cents. Address'Peoplos Monthly," Pittsburgh, Pa. Ote thou sand agents wontal. Twice tho prico of the paper given away to every subscriber. DIED On the 7th inst, nt his resi dence iu the City of Erie, O. P. Kelts, aged about 40 ycare. For many years Mr. Kelts wns a Cit izen and resident of Elk Cotnty, residing a number of years in the Village rt Ridgway To say that Mr, Kelts was u good Citizen, would be but a meagre statement of the, character of the man. lie was a good Citizen iu the broadest sense. Ilis uioral character was above reproach, socially he was the Peer of any in the social walks of life. In that de partment of mechanics selected by him as a vocation in life he had no superior, aud but a few equals. All who knew him not only respected, but loved him. In his business relations with men, he was a man of .sterling integrity, and iu morals un exainplar in the community. Dangers however stand thick in the path of life, striking down the good and the true, and scarcely bad .Mr, Kelts entered upon the prime ol his manhood wiih new m.d broader fields of usefuluccff and prosperity opening up before him ere ho is stricken down. He leaves a wife and two cliilJrcti and a larg'j . circle of Irieuds to mutt: n his loss, with whom wt. nio.-t sincerely sympathise in thier bu ret vciiieut. His remains were iutcrred in the Cemetery of this village between 5 Si 0 O' clocd P. M. of the 9th inst. LIST OF CAUSES. Set down for Trial at October Term 1S72. . Michael Market v Butler & Stilly .riS April term H-H. 2 l'hoiuas Tui ley v !, A. Weed oS Xnvember term. 1 SGI). 3 Jonathan B lynton t al vs . V. (J. Finney ot nl. I Janua'v term l!S7 I. 4 Henry R Moore, vs A. A. Carrier ut nl 1 April tor u I W" 1. O John Spiinjste id vs lsiac Keufer, 11 Anril tern 1 ST i . (i 15. C MeGill vs Louis. 11. Garner ' 20 A u. Mist term 1871. 4 7 Henry Souther v F. X. Bieber "it Jrctul : N'ovetiiher term 171 8 ocrijiiinii Jiihnson ei a' v ...lin Johnson et al t .V .m', . r tci tu 1S71- .t l.C Wynkoop vs George D Don- ahey 2t X .ve tuber let... 1871. HI A. W. Gray Gu.nl ,: (1, v- Is., Fmiil. et al I Jamiarv term. 1S72 11 George F Hi: i iimin vs Geon,c Rhin.s 7 January term 17J. ' 12 Soioman Bachert vs Jacob Mnycr It January term 1S72. IS Thomas Holland vs J i 1 I .I:itni:irv ti-rni I S7J. 11 Benjaa:in Johnson ct il vsJohn! Johnson etu'. 26 April tor:u IS72- 15 James Curry, vs E. & C. Paine 88 April term 1872. 16 Martin Sorg vs Nicholas Kronen wetter, et al. 47 April term, 1872. 17 Martin Sorg, vs Nicholas Kronen, wetter, et al. 48 April term, 1872. TT.-V . ., J Traverse Juror drawn for October 1 Term 1872. Benei-tte J. () .lohnson, ('olomen I'.. Johnson, Beni Jolniou, Reuben I Winslow Jr., Isaiah Dent Bonziner Frank Weis Jr-, John Nissel (School Teacher,; B3rnard Neimueller, ticorgo Bauer. Francis Friz. Fox Samuel Brown, Si'as Moycr, El'jah T. Merdith, John Thompson, Jacob Mover, John ller.shey, James Mohan. Horton O. R. Clark, Geo. W. Clin ton, Jessie Piatt, Richard llines, J. L. Taylor, John Brown. Jay A. W. Gray. A. K. Goff. Joues Joseph Hou;htailitig, Ste phen Ernbout, O. S. Clcaveland. Ridgway George Stephenson, G. T. Wheeler, George Baldwiu, Nath. Cum uiini;s, G. F. Dickinson. St. Mary's Boro Win. Zelt, Albert Weis, Henry Luhr, George Irahoff, Louis Gies. Spring Creek Charles Speuter, Jno. McGaffic. Git AM) JL'llY. Grand aud Traverso Jurors drawn for Ncember Term 1872. Beuezette M. D. Johnson. Benzinger Paul Schneider, James Black, Joseph Dietz Jr. Fox John Kyler. Horton A. Sparks, Jacob Fields, John Anderson. , Jay Lewis S. Dodd, Charles Webb, E. F. Morey. Jones Feruinind Wonk, Anthony Colo. Jacob C. Meflert, John Spring steand. Ridgway S. A. Roto, William M'Vey, Charles Healy. St. Mary's Boro Geonje Gamer Jr., Frank. Sosenheimer, Edward Blin-' tzler, Joseph Doruth, Joseph Retgari , .Spring Creek -L. B. Irwin. TRAVERSE JURT. Benezetts Henry Bush, Samuel Rathbun, Julius Jones, . D. B. Wins low. Benzinger Jos. Kronenwetter, Geo. M. Fuchs, Adam Gcyer, Geo. Gregory, John Glelxncr. Fox John I. Hayes, Charles 11. Kelts, Thomas M alone James R. Green Mathias Spooler J r., U. W. Rogers, James O'llara. Jay Reese Majhood. David Wheel er, Lorenzo N. Briggs, W. M. Robin son. Jones Tru:nnn Garlick, Thos. J. Godwin. Ridgway Charles Cody. John Unse en, George Walker, P. V. Meal, Isaac Stephenson, M. K. Lesser, U. V. Kime. James Horton C. G. Main J. F. Dill. St Mary's Boro Jos. Krafth, John Wcidenbcorner. John B. Butch. Jos. Wilhelm, George Krellner, John Fos ter. Spring Creek W. M. Steel Edward Painn. 1 New Advertisements. l.KOAL Catharine J. Gowen, J In Common Dens of vs. Elk County. Jnmcs Bowen. J No. 2 April T. 1871. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo milrimnuii. To Jomr Itmern. rrxnnnit'-nt ahore. tt'imrtl: You are hereby notified Hint the snhpteim and slins suhpiriia in the above case linvlng been returned non tt invrniiu. ynu nie re quired tn unpen r on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVBMBEIt next, lieinjr the 4"h day of ihb month, to answer the complaini in ill" nhove ease. . 1). C. OYSTKR. Sheriff. fMrnifc'ii OrriitK, 1 Ridgway, .Inly oth. lf7l. ) nl8tc. VK N I) K R 8 or M i: ItC II A N I If B TT EN tios : Venders "f Mercli uidise. keepeis ol fnloons. Brewers and Disiil'ers of the county of Kile. :ire hereby nolifipd th:il the Appraiser "I Mercantile T.ives 1S72 Inn tiled his return in my nllioe, nnd thai the tax by him assessed must be paid to me nt once, or the ncemiiils will be placed in the hands of collector. 0. R. KARLKV. Treasurer. Itidgway. Sept. 5th. jSl'l ii. HOW TO GO WEST. This is an inquiry which every one should have truthfully answered before he starts o i his j rtroey. and u little care taken in ex iinioa'ion ot Routes will in many cases savj much trouble, time and money. The -o", B & J. R. R.," running from Chicago, through ttalesbtrrg to "Barliii,'tjii.ntilthtf"l . H Rou-e,' runiiitig from Indianapolis, through H'.oomni'jton to Hui iington, have achiev- : cd a splecdid reputation in the last two i"lirs s tl,e lL'a,l'u to the West. At Burlington they con- ! is. r- l i; It u,l n-,,,,. the great. B'lriiijtnti Houte, which runs ! ilir-ct r irni 'li .ou;hi!iu l iwa to debris- j K:l '" ,v,"";"'' wu" V""K ' ! 'ali,,"',lU Temtones ; and 1 P''rs Klk "'J'"..' tl,,'ir Wil w"pI, cannot do better j ",ku t,lc '-'"'-'"''"N Kot'TR. ! h" l'"" ,,iW publi-lieJ a pamphlet ; called "How to go Vest,V h.ch con- ! "' n,uch Tlu"W,! ,,,,,,rl,,",I0,li mut& j R"m,rt ,U"P "! Grei" We' wi"(-'h j i''i be obtained tree of cha.-.-e by ad- . uressn,- me ..-.kth. rassenger agem ' 15 .V M. R R. IJurliu'.'ton. Iowa NEW 1,1 VlSlt Y STABLE IN RJDfiWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO 1N- form the Citizens ot Ilid-jwav, aud the l",blio 8-y. ' has started a Liv ery Stable and will keop GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES i ll Uuggie-i, to lot -ip ju lie mint, rea-toua ble terms Bjgulle will also do job leaning. Stable in the llrooks liaru, near the I'St Office, ou Mil1 street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. ' Aug 20 IH70. tf. TV X CONSTITUTION OF PNN"A. JOINT RESOLLTION Troposing an nmendtaent to the Constitu lion of Pennsylvania. He it rttolved by Ike Senate and limine t.f Rtpretentatiret of tlte Commonwealth of fnm tyhama in General Aisembhj met. That the following amendment of the Constitution of this Coujmou wealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pur suant to the provisions of the teuth article thereof, to wit; AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth article of the Con stitution, and Insert in lieu thereof the following: 'A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the States, at such limes and for such term of service as shall be prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of Representative?. JAMES 8. RUTAN, Speaker of the Senate. Approved The twenty-second da of March, Auuo Domini one thousand eight, hundred and seventy-two. JNO, W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Teuth Article of the Con stitution. FRANCIS JOBDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, Uarrisburg. June 26th, 1872. july ita'i. - - . " 7 New Advertisements. ST. MARY'G FOUNDRY AN MiCHINE SHOP. 8T. MARY'S, ELK CO., TA. MANurACTimtins or STEAM ENGINES, Machinery for SAW and GRIST MILS. TANNERIES, AND BRICK YARDS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Such ns Plows, Threshing Machines, Stump, Machines, kc. SASH WEIGHTS, CULL All GUARDS, CAR PUT STRIPS, IRON KAILIN0 FOB VERANDAS AND CKMETERYd. FARM BELLS, ' IRON KETTLES OF ALL SIZES. HEATERS AND STOVES Car wheels all frizes lor Railroad con tractors, mill men. nd all who are in want of them, solid or with arms, chilled or unt. In short everything made out of iron. ' solicit the trade of E.k aud adj lininj; counties. Give us a trial is all we ask. Fcundiy cor. Mill and. St. Mary's Sts. St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. L. 11. G ARNKtt & BRO. v2-2:'tf. A UMINISTiUTOil'sS NOTICE Notice js hereby given ilml letters of Admin isii.itiun on the estate of .Idelplms Kyler. d. ci-nsed, lute of Fox township. Klk Comity, Pennsylvania, having heeen granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to 8id esiato "ill please make immediate pnymenl. and those l aving claims or de mands will present litem properly authenti cated for settlement without delay. FLOKETTA KVl.Elt, P"",r "' 23-41. J EiV SfAUB ROUTE. .. (A IW.'i.VS, Proprietor. The subscriber having secured the con tract for carrying the U. . Mail between UEYNOT.USV1I.LB A RROCliWAY VILLE. has place 1 on thn' roa I ft line uf hacTis. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in lleynoldville every Tuesday, Tlinrsd ly ntid Saturday on the at rival of the lirooKville Miipe, and return the s.tiiio day. These hacks connect at lli-oukwaj villu with the liidgwny stairi s, ninking connei-.tion with trains oil the P. li.md. both east nnd west, fcvery attention to the comlort of patrons nt ihis Hue will be given, aud a liberal patronage solicited. . . . Aug. 13 72H. Music for the Campaign. THE HIDOWAY MI.VER CORSET IIANU will furnish mn-ic for all political meetings during the c ttitp iign. NEW IN8 r II I'M F.NT-? AND MEW MUSIC. Terms moderate. J). II. UAY, Leader. I. O. W.J15.ULEY. Scr y. Itidgwiy. Pa , Aug. 13. 1872. Presidential Campaign. Caps, Capes A Torches. Send for Illustrated Cir ' culiiv nnd Priro List. CUNNINGHAM ft HILL. ' MANUFACTURERS, No. i!0i Church Sireet. I PHILADELPHIA ! l-2:ill3. j For Sale. ! Lot to suit buyers. Large or small, on long time one fourth rash, balance on ten I years. Inq ii'-e of II. LitMe, liilgway. or C R. JleNully, No. ' Broaflway, New York. 2-20nil. JjlRED. BCHOEN1NG, WHOI.ESAI.K ASP r.KTAIL rip.M.r.a IN P I A N O- FO RT ES, O R G A N S , SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Piano- and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothonolary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. vinOtf. LKOAL. James II Wither, ) In Common Pleas j In Common Pleas V of Elk County, j 21 April T.. 72. TS. Kate II. Wilher. Libel iu Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Kale If. Vfilber, retpondrnt above named: You are hereby .notified that the subpoen and alias subpiena in the above case hav ing been returned non est ineentut. you are reijuirod to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OK NOVlSM. next, being the 5th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above ease. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SiiKitirr's OrrioK, Bidgway, July 4th, 1872. f PJte. LEGAL. J Catharine J. Bowen, ) In Common Pleas of vs- j- Elk County. James Dowen. J No. 2 April l1. '71. Libel iu Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Jiimet JJotcen, respondent abov named: ' You are hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above ease having been returne l iron est inventus, you are re quired to appear on the THIRD MONDAY OF OCTOBER next, being the 6th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above ease. ' D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sueairr's OrFicu, 1 Fidgway. Aug. 4tlr, 1X72". j nl8le. Ayor's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the syi tern ana purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on iu intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful ttntl dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrof ula, and all scrofulous diseasc Ulcers, Eruptions, and crnptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Dolls, Pimples, Pustules, Sores. 8t Anthony's Fire, Uose or Eryslpe liis. Tetter, Salt Itheum, Scald Head, liingworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to wliieh it would not seem especi ally adapted, such ns Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Pits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and Leucorrhoca, when they are manifests' tions of the scrofulous poisons'. It is nn excellent restorer of health nnd strength in tho Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression nnd listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, nnd live longer, for cleansing the blood. The systcih moves on with reuewed vitror and a new lcteu of life. PREPARED B t Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., rrartiml nnd Analytical Chemist: SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EreitYWHERE. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Imngs, euoh as Coughs, Golds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among the peat discoveries of modem science, few are of more real value to mankind than this ef fecttinl remedy for nil diseases of the Throat and Lung. A vast trial of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shown that it does surely nnd eflecrtinllv control them. The testimony of our best citl iein, of all classes, establishes the fact, that CiiEiuiY l'KcroiiAi. will nnd does relieve nnd eure tho nfllicting disorders of the Throat nnd Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Orftnns yield to its power; and cases of (oiisiilnp tion, cured by this preparation, nro public ly known, so 'remarkable ns hanlly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is" adequate, on which the public may roly for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it naves unnumbered lives, and nn amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, nnd con vinces the most sceptical. Every family fhould koep it on hand ns a protection against the early nnd unperceived attack of Ptilmonarv Affections, which are easily met at first, but wliieh become incurable, nnd too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence i and it is imwiM) to he without it. As a safeguard to children,- amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat nnd Chest or childhood, Ciikihit Pkctoiiai. is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, ntid saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and snrclv against ordinniy colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza nnd pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. Originally tho product of Jpttg, lubcriofls, nnd successful chemical Investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle In the Utmost possible perfection. It may b confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has' ever exhibited, nnd capable of producing cures as momorable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPARED nr Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. BOLD B7 ALL DRUGGISTS EVEUVWUKIU' Ayer's Cathartic Pills, V'or the relief and cure of all derange meats In the stom ach, liver, aud bow els. They are a mild aperient, nnd nn excellent purgative. Being purely vege table, they contain no mercury or mine rul whatever. Much rtei ions fdeknes nnd suffering is prevent ed hv their tinielv use; and even,- family should have them on hand Tor their protection and relief. whn rciiuired. Loug experience has proved tliem lo Ira the saf est, sure-, nnd best of all the fills with which I lie market abounds. Ily their occasional rise, the blood Is purified, tho corruptions nf thf tta lein expelled, obstructions removed, unil the whole machinery of lifo re-tored to its healthy activity. Interim! organs which liecomc clogged and slnggUli are cleansed by Aprr'm I'illn, nnd stimulated into action. Thus incipient dii-ense is changed into health, the value of which cluing, when reckoned on the vast multitude ho enjoy it, ran hanlly bo computed. Their sugar voiitlng makes them pleasant to take, and preserves Uieir virtues uuinipaired for any length of time, so that they nro ever fresh, nud perfectly reliable. Although searching, they arc mild, nud operate without disturbance to tlie constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the Wrapper to each lox, how to use them ns a Kamilv Physic, and for the following compluiMts, wliieh these fill rapidly euro : For Il.rrMM or Iarilgeatloft, Uflra farm, Lauiaor and J-.o of ApitU,they should be tnken moderately to stiimifate the sttnt ach, nnd restore its hcnllhy tone and action For I.lrert'omiilaial and its various srrfiif toms, imilvHi. tlesMtacho, Nick Ili-udi acta, jMundlc or tlrrra Mlckairoa, Mil Ian. Colic ami Billon lt -n,Uiey should he judiciously taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action Or remove the obstructions wliieh cause it. For SHysenWry or ftlurrhera, but ouO mild dose is generally required. For Ithvu.ttHtlsm. Oou., Ait-tarrl, Pal. plf.itloH of (iiai llaarl, ltsla la I lit) Itl.lr, lliack aud Lolna, they should be contin-iioii-y tiiken, as required, to change the diseased ui'tion of the system. Willi such change those complaints disappear. For isronay and rMicsll r1liair they should be tubeti in large aud frequent doses to produce the elloct of a d rustic, purge. I-or Mupraloa. a large dose shewd fre taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym' palhy. As a Dinnrr Pill, take one or two Pitts tot promote digestion aud relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is olxen advantageous where no serines derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often iluds that a dose of these Pill makes hhn feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect out the digestive appurutus. fREPAKKO BV Dr. J. C.AiEH&CO., Practical Chtmiits, lOWEtt, MASS., V. 8. A. lOn 8 ALU BY ALL DBl'GOISTS DVtBVWHtltB. W. S. . SERVICE- GO AND SEE! IT WILL 1AV! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THK Bt:6T-U OTHEll IN STOCK s to rjBbt noUSi? FttllNISllI.VfJ nOODS IX KMUJ4S8 AHIKTV. nilCES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL 1'LKASKI i sell mm STOVES DELIVERED AN'D SET FHLitf! Jt'KCE! FliElS! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE .TO-.8HOW GOODS! W. Jt. BKRVICK, No. I Maonic Hall Building, Uldtfway, I'A AGKNT8 WANTEll! For the fastest and most popular hook with 00 II. lustrations, likenesses of all the Presidents lieiitifully bodnd, and printed tfrf tinted apir. THE NATION, Ire Hulers and Institutions, .V EXULIMI AVD GtiiMAy Nothinp liVe it. Strikes everybody ag just the book (Itey need. It is an Encyolo posdia of the Government. Single page, in il are of themselves Wdfth the price of the book oW f(K) pagtt and on, $ 50 A ICII HARVEST, for CaHvassers ladiea and gehileiiiMn farmers. ieuebr and etudentrs. One agent took 75 orders in .1 few d igs, Hitth tircular alone, before the book pppeared. $30 A DAV can be Cleared in fair territory. Write nt once for eircnlnr and information, ftrSVV WORLD PUB LISHING Co., Cor. flhnnd Market Streets, Philadelphia. vln87yl. 'THE GREAT OAtTSW cf tibtoin Miser. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treat ment, and Radical cure of spermatorrhrea. induced by self-Ahuse, Involuntary Em'ss 10ns, Impotence, Nervous Debility, nnd In pediments to Marriage generally Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fitei Mental and Ihysieal Incapacity, ttf. IJy ROB. J CULVERWELL, m'. D.t uUtho-r of the "Green Hook." 4c. The World-renowned author, in tilin ad mirable Lecture, clearly proVes from bis own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Ahuse may be effectually removed tthout medicine, and without dangerous "tirgioal operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode V cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter What his condition may be, cure himself cheaply, privately and radically, This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousand. Sent uuder seal, in a ptain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six Cets( of two postage stamps, by addressing the publish, ers. Also. DR. CULVERWELL'S .'Mar riage Guide," price 60 cent & Addrese the Publishers. CIlAS. J. C. KLINE & dO. 127 Bowery, New y0fk. p. a. Dos 458G. vlu47ylcl.' Wood's tfew Iron Mower, AGENTS WANTED. For Circulars, particulars, etc.,- addres, SELLEW, ADAM3 A CO., Oottaflda, N. Y. Maottfacturefs of tie (Wanda How,. the best made. For sale in Ridgwaj by POWELL Ai KIME. April 18th, .72-301. kNE MILLION Ot LIVES jlAVED. Ts one' of the most temarfcttrjle fttfiU flf this remarkable age, not that so many persons are the vlctimt" of dyspepsia Oi in digestion, hut. its willing victims. No, We Would not he understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with favor, or (tela utsposeu to rntiK 11. among ine luxuries 01 life. Far from tt. Those who huve ex perienced its torments would soout such an idea. All dread it, and would gladly dim penne with its unpleasant familiaritieh. Mark Tftfilfy; whj waOtrty iinder all the trying circumstances in" which he was placed, never hal an attack of dyspepsia) of his jolity would have speedily forsaken hltn.i Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system la liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There at-e dise wee more acute and painful, and which mart) frequently prove futkl, but hone the effects of Which are so depressing 10 the mind and so positively diotresHing 10 the body. If there is a wretohed being in the world It is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We have said t tint dyspepsia is perhaps the inottt universal of human disease... This is imnhatically the ease in the United States. Whether this general prevalence Is due lo the character of the food, the method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in whioh it is usually swallowed, is ntll ttiir province to explain. The great fact with Which we fire called to deal id this! DVSrEt'Si.V PREVAILS almost tinlvei sally 1 Neatly every oilier berson vou meet is a viotim. en apparently willihg One; were this not the ease, why so mauy sufferers, wheil a certain, speedy and safe remedy ia within the e.isy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? But says A dys peptic: What is this remedy? to Which we reply: This great nllevalor of human sufleriitg is almost as widely known as the Engli.iii language. It has allayed the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carry comfort ahd encouragement to thousands of others, this acknowledged pantreea ia not.e other f tmrt Dr. IIOOFLANDS GERMAN StitERS. Would yon know more of the merits of. this Worldcfftil prrpatfttiorl than can be IcnrncM fffjrrt tlie experience Ot others? Try it yourself, nnd when tt has failed 10 fulfil t he assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in lU LET IT DE REMEMBERED, first of till) that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is .j trum beverage, They are Composed Wholly of the pure juice t?r vital principle of rootfli . This is not A mere assenidn. The extracts from which they are compounded are prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all coxes of the billiary system. HoofUnd's Uermai'l Bitters staud without an equal, acting promptly and Vigorouidy upon the liver; they remove its torpidity and cause healtu fttl secretion tjf bile thereby supplying the stomach with the moat india'peusalii) elements of sound dige'stton in proper pl j- t,i,l in m. They purify the bhmd. cleau-iihg Ihd vital Htiid i.'ull hurtfitl impurities and &it planting (hem with the eleuieuts of ge.iuiue hctlthtilluess.- Now, there are Certain classes ot per sons to whom extreme Bitters are not only unpalatable, but who find it impossible to lake tliortt withotft positive diseomfort. For BttoU Dr. llOOFLANb'S GERMAN TONIO has been specially prepared. It is intended tor use where a slight alcoholio stimulaut is require I in Connection with the well known Tonic propertied cf the pure tier man billets. - Ho'of'lAx'd-s' TOXIC acts With almost marvelous effect, tt not only stimulates the Hugging end vrttniing energies, but invigorates and permfirieritiy strengthens its action upon the Inter and Stomach thorough, perhaps leas prompt than the Bitters, when te IHimti qiiantilv is taken is notte the less certain. Indigestion, Billiousness, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its prt--tchf influence, tt gives the invalid a new ami stronger hold upon life, removes .de pression Of spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. Hut Dr. Hoofland's benefactions in the human race are not Confined to hit celebrrtted GERMAN BITTERS, Or his invaluable1 Ton0. He has prepared an other medicine, which Is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because of Its In trinsic metits; This 1 HOOF'iiAND'.-t PODOPHYLLIN PILLS, perfect tototu tute for mercury without any of mercury n evil qualities. These wonderful Pijjg, Which are Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly emu posed of Podophyllin, or the vital princi ple of the mandrake root. It is the medi cinal Virtues Of Ihll health-giving plant, in a perfectly pure arid highly conoentrated form. The l'odonhvllin iicIh dt rrtv .it the Liver, stimulating its fnnoiims and oausihg It to make its billiary secretions in regular add profpor quantifies. The inju rious resnlis whioli invariably follow the use of mercury is entirely avoided by their use. Hut it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are exerted. The "tract or Mandrake contained la them is skillfully Combined with four other ex iraois, one of which acts upon the etomaoh, one upon the upper bowels, one ttpon the lower bowe'tt. and prevents any griping effect, thus producing a pill that influences the entire digestive and alimentary system, in an equal arid harmonious manner, and its action eutircly tree from nausea, tomit ing or griping pains Common to all other purgatives. Possessing these miich desirable qualities the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILt MEDICINE. No hofisehold should be without them Tliey ore perfectly safe, require but two for tin ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cient inaction, and when usea in connec tion with Dr.- Hoofland's German Bitters or Tonio, may be regarded as certain ene cihcs In all eases of Liver Complaint, Dvs pepsi, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidarly subient. The PODOPHYLLIN riLtg act uport the stomach and bowels, rJarrymrf off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tonid purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the frvne. give tone and appe tite la thi stomach; and thus build up the invalid anew. . F Dr Hoofland. having provided Inlernat" remedies for disease, ha, gi,en the world one mainly for external application, in th wonderful preparation known as ,IL",?0FI'A1IriS URiEK Ott. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pain and aches of all kinds. ' s UM.JU9, .Nffurtf,s. toothache, Chilbluna Spra.ng, Burns, Pain In the Back and Loins, Ringworms, etc., eto., .11 yield to its externol application. Taken internally, it ia . cure foP Hpar.. hurns, KIdney Diseases, Sick Headaches Co io, pyeentery, Cholera Morb cA' Pains in the Stomaob. Colds Ac u?T' These remedie. wiUbntVex'prt0,; MZciNESRoa63rARGCHRM8r PiiladelphIa - CH Formerly 0. tt. JAPKsmu X.V3' Thus Remedies art for sole bxl lsK. .. Storekeeper,, and MediJnV SUni