Bui OHIt (tjpmtg Q&mait THURSDAY. OCT. 3, J872. Car Tinic at ItldgWatJ. Erie Express East 12:38 ft. m. do do West ; 2:25 ft. m. do Mail East .i m 4:50 p. m. do do West 2:05 ft. tri. Renovo Accommodation East..... 8:40 ft m. do do do Wist 0:14 p. m. Rates of AdveUtialflg. One cohlntn, orte yeaf . till. !. l ' " 40 oo " ...i.i i.. 25 00 I ' " " ..i 15 00 Transient advertising per sqilire of eight liries Or less 3 times dr less i 2 00 Rusiness cards, toil Rites or less, per your . 5 0d Mnrrlngfla and Deitth tiotlcds inserted gratisi Elk Lodge, A. If. M trttrirl mnntlnffd rif Till tlAlilTfl Will hl nel 1 nl their hall oil the socoild mid fottrlh Tuesdays of each month. Q. L McCRACKEX, Scc'y. Temple of Honor and Temiierince. l-'.lkton Temple" No. 81 , meets on each Alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room, bn Main street, dvdr .t. V. Honk's store. S. A. ROTE. W. R, The central Grant and Willson club nf K lk county meets tit the Coui-t House In Ridpwny, eery alternate Thursday, tit 8 o'clock p. in. Next tncctinir Oct 10. Notice. To whutn it may concern: A sorrel inure; black marc; bay horse; Soft double harness; black & white cow; iind red liuifur; now in possession of J. Spaulor is otthtid by niu, V. S. SERVICE. The Slt'ailltouts of Indiana arc doter loiuod to keep t lie ball rolling. They ludd :i Statu Convention yesterday, ami indorsed' the liouisvillo nominations This action met with n warm rcspon.se inim the delegates present. A full Stale ticket was also nominated, a t'titte Ex ecutive Committee appointed, and every ptt'parution made for ciiterttig upon a vigorous campaign. The l 'ittfbtirj; Conniu ri i'iil says Mct'lure is nmtjinn the Ureoley can vass in Pennsylvania, and all the ae t'ounts cuiiceliiiiij; the Colonel's state of Inind tidier! iii iupresenliui; '.hat he is considerably ''down in the mouth," and anything b'U hopeful ''II Ruukulew is IfCHttsu,' hays he, ' the j;ainc isun with tlr'celcy r.Vf.rythin depends mi I'cuu hylvHiiia in October. '-.My. idea of the t'aunvu-.s," adJs the (jrorluy Mend Cen ter, has ' been that the tide would riso about this time, but it doil'l appear to be t'oini ny; and blast my cyis if I don't bein to think it Won't crime. H it don't put in an appearance for Duekaluw in the next ten days the jtjr is ended.'1 'i'ho outspoken MtOlitru don't disguise his sentiments, mid on this subject is as Correct us he is frank. Shall thi3 Man rale ovjr u:t Charles 11. Rui-kalew during his cu leer as United States Senator, in the critical hours of thd rebellion, gave his voice and votes itl support of the rebel cause. With so black a record it is almost Useless tJ Cite Individ Jul cases of rec reancy. Hut one circumstance in bis tfficial history, uioro iufitiuous than the rest, ought be kuovru to the citizens of Pennsylvania whoso vjtes he asks. Thq C'uvretwiifil Glohn shows that tm the 23rd of Februaryj 1804, in the United Slates Senate, a joiut resolution Was discussed providing or tbo equali sation of the pay of soldiers, in ordur that the colored troops should be ac corded the same clothiug( fatious. pen tious, medical and hospital attendance, &c, as white soldiers. Garrett Davis, of Kentucky, the hot headed old rebel offered the folluwing amendment: "All negroes and ihtilattocs, by what ever term designated, in the military ser vice of the United States be, aud the fame are hereby declared to be discharged from such service, and shall be dis armed as soon as practicable." 'That, secondly, the pay lor the ser viccs ol such negroes aud mulattoes shall go to their loyal masters, and not to themselves; and if any of them have been killed or maimed in the service oi the United States, the value of the killed and damages for tbe injured, shall be paid to said masters or owners." This odious proposition was of course defeated. But seven Senators were found mean enough to Vote in the affirmative. These were Carlisle, Davis, Powell, Riddle, Saulsbury, Wright, and CHARLES R. BUCKALEW! Is such a man to be singled out and choseu Governor ol the loyal, patriotio State of Pennsylvania? Warren Mail. STATE ELECTM1 Before our next issue the States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa, will be in line with tho Republican States of Oregon, North Carolina, Ver mont, and Maiue, with sweeping Kepub Vt"n Majorities, virtually settling tht Campaign. Now however, is the time for action, there must be no idlers in our camp, every man must of neoossity feel the importano of vigilence now that the grand charge of the camdaign is so near at handi Democrats will not be idle, nor will their allies, the Liberals. Members of the County Committee in each Township and indeed every Re publican should see to it that thorough vigilence Committees are appointed, so that tin fraud be perpetrated, no Coffee colored naturalization papers used; don't forget the villiatious trick of four years ago, played off by the Democrats- in tho use of the coffee pot to give bogus naturalization papers the semblance of Ago and genuineness. Bear in mind that sweet William ami bis minions yet alive and active, and as Unscrupulous as ever. Let it also bo borne in mind that as the final adjustment, of Democratic trickery, they nre now impudcnily denying Buck nlew's record ot votes while United States Senator during the war- They deny that ho voted ''nny" on the passage of the bill to appropriate 25,000,000 of dollars for tho payment of Pennsylvania emergency men, whodefended the state ugaiust Leo's Rebel Horde. They deny thet he voted in favor ot that old undisguised Rebel, Gerret Davis' amendment fj muster out 100,000 colored troops on tho 23d day of February 1SG4. when but six days be fore tbe Rebel Congress had passed a bill to employ the colored uieo of the Con federacy as tho Rebel secietary ot war might see fit. Thry deny that he voted to pay the Rebel slave owners for slaves killed in battle, and damages for all who weic wounded. They deny his works of treason in Canada, and in Columbia Co. P.i.. In the lace of undeniable evidence of his complicity with treason, t hey deny all, just as though the people had not pos'cd up. Again we say, Republicans be vigilant; work and victory is ours. LIST OF CAUSES. Sot down for Trial at October Term 182. 1. Michael Market vs Butler & Sterly oS April term 1 S'iS. 2 Thomas Turlcy v 15, A. Weed bS November term. 18(i!l. Jonathan IJoynton et al vs ,.V. C. Kinney et al. I January term 1ST I. 4 llcury 11. Moore, vs A. A. Carrier et al 1 Ap'il t.-r u Hi 1. 5 John Sprinsstcad vs Isaac Keefcr; 11 -April term 1 7 1 . ! R. C. McOill vs Louis. II. Garner 211 August t oriii ls7l. 7 llcury Souther vs X. Uieher jrer Jr et al U November term 1 S 7 1 . 8 Itenj i inin Johnson, et a' v.s J. din Johnson et al 4 N ivi-nib er lei in 171- 0 L C Wynkoop vs tK'nrgr. I) Don ahey 21 November term 1871. 10 A. W. (5 ray Guard & Ci vs Isaac Smith ft al I January term. 172 11 George V Dickinson vr" (jenrjjc Rhinrs 7 January term 1X72 . 12 So'ioman Bachert vs Jacob Moyer 1 1 January term 1872 . 13 Thomas Holland vs J 3 ily h 14 January term IS72 . ll Benjamin Johnson ct al v.sjohn Johnson ct al. 20 April term IS72 - 15 James Curry, vs E. & C. Paioc 43S April term 1872. l0 .Martiu Sorg vs Nicholas Kionen wcttcr, et ul. 47 April term, 172. 17 Martiu Sorg, vs Nicholas Kronen, wetter, elal. 48 April term, 1872. JURY LIST. Traverse Jurors drawn for October Term 1872. Benerettc J. O Johnson, Colemen F. Johnson, Beuj Johnson, Reuben WiusloW Jr., Isaiah Dent. Benzinger Frank Weis Jr-, John Nissel (School Teacher,) Bernard Noimuellcr, George Bauer, Francis FriH!. Fox Samuel Brown, Si'as Moyer, El'jah T. Merdith, Jidin Thompson, Jacob Moyer, Johu Ilersbey, James Mohau. Ilorton O. R. Clark, Geo. W. Clin tod, Jessie Piatt, Richard Hines, J. L. Taylof, John Brown. Jay A. W. Gray, A. E. Goff. Joues Joseph Hougbtailiog, Ste phen JrnhoUt, O. S. Cleavelaud. Ridgway George Stephenson, G. T. Wheeler, George Baldwin, Nath. Cum mings, G. F. Dickinson. St. Mary's Boro Woo. Zelt, Albert Weis, Henry Luhr, George ImhofF, Louis Gies. Spring Creek Charles Spenser, J no. McGaffio. GRAND JUHT. Grand add Traverse Jurors dfartu for November Term 1872. Benezette M. D. Johnsou. Benzinger Paul Schneider, James Black, Joseph Dietz Jr. Fox John Kyler. Ilorton A. Sparks, Jacob Fields, rfohn Anderson. Jay Lewis S. Dodd, Charles Webb, E. I'. Morey ' Joties Ferdinand Wook, Anthony Cole. Jaeob C; Mefiert, John Spring stcand. Ridgway S. A. Rote, William M'Vey, Charles Healy. St. Mary's Boro George Garnor, Jr., Frank Sosenheimer, EdwaYd Blin tzlor, Joseph Dornifh, Joseph Retgnr. Spring Creek L. B. Irwin. tRAVERSE JURY. Behezctte Henry Bush, Samuel Rathbun, Julius Jones, D. B. Wins low. Benzinger-Tos. KrOnenwctter, Geo. M. Fuchs, Adam Ocycr, Geo. Gregory, John Gleixnef. Fox John I. Itayes, Charles R. Kelts, Thomas Malonc Jnmes R. Green Mathias Spooler Jr., - U. W. Rogers, James O'Hara. Jay Beeso Majhond, David Wheel er, Lorenzo N. Briggs, W. M. Robin son. Jones Truman Garlick, Thos. J. Godwin. Ridgwny Charles Cody. Johu Hast en, George Walker. P. . Mead, Isaac Stephenson, M. E. Lesser, R. V. Kimc. .TaniM llorton C. G. Main J. F. Dill. St. Mary's Boro Jos. Kral'th. John teidenbeorner, John B. Butch, Jos. Wilhclm, Goorgo Krclluer, John Fos ter. Spring Creek W. M. Steel Edward Paino. New Advertisements. ft.KOAI, I Catharine J. Bowen, 1 In Common Tleas of vs. Klk County. James Bowcn. j Xo. 2 April T. 1871. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo m,itrinwuii. To Jamrs linwen, respondeut above named; Yon are hereby notified that tho suhpuMin and alias subpoMia in the above case having bopn returned non est invenlui, you are re- quired to appear on the FIRST MONDAY .I.................. . i.-; .1.- 4.1. f UL1 fU V r..u uciv ncxi, ucinit i uu u unj ui thb month, to answer the complaint in the above ensc. 1). C. OYSTER, Sheriff. PiiKKitr's Oki icb, 1 Ridgway, July "ih, 1871. J nl Si c. VEN DKfiS OF MERCHANDISE ATTEN TION : Venders f Mcroli indise. kcepois nl Saloons. I! rowers and HisiilVrs nf the county of Ell; arc hereby notified Mint the Appraiser ol Mercantile Tuxes 1 ST J has tiled his return i" my olhee, and that the tax by him assessed must be paid to in i; al once, m- the ncvniiiils will be pbieeil in the hands of a collector. C. 1!. B A UI.EY. Treasurer. Ridgwny, Sopt. full. 1 87:2-1:. HOW TO GO WEST. This is au inquiry which every one should have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken iu examination of Routes will iu many casses savj much trouble, time and money. The "C., li Si Q. li. R.," running fiom. Chicago, through G.ilesburg to I5ui liiigt.iii, and tlio "I , IJ.itW. Uoutis,' running from ludiuiiapolis, through niooiiiington to llurlingtou, have achiev ed a splendid reputation in the last two yrars as the lending Passengers Routes to the West. At Km hugtoii they cou- -noet with tin: 15- d M. li. R. and from the great Kuiiingtuu Route, which runs dii jet through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with close connections to Califonii i an 1 thn Territories; and pHhsengers starling liotu Elk County, on their way westward, cannot do better (ban to take the LuKLINOTON Route. This Lino has published a pamphlot called "How to go West," which con tains much valuable information; a large correct map ol the Great West, which can be obtained free ol chaige by ad dressing the General Passenger Agent B & M. R. R. Builingtou, Iowa. 2-22il NEW LIVKUY STA13I.E IN RiOGWAY. DAN SCRIHNER WISHES TO IN-1 i form the Citizens of Ridyway, and the j public generally, that lie has Blurted a Liv ' n,.,. l.,l.ln .,,.,1 u Ml tl. f.I, i GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES n i l Buggies, to lot upou houi o.st reasona . , . bio lerms tgiue win aiso ao jno icaicmg. Stable iu Iho Ilrooks Daru, near the PostOlfiue, on Mil! street. AU orders left at the Post Oiliuc will meet prompt atten tiou. Aug 20 1870. tf. IROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION OF PJSNN'A. JOIST RESOLUTION THE Proposing an amendment to tbe Constitu tion of Pennsylvania. lie it resolved by the Smale and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pi nn eilvania in General Assembly met. That the following amendment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth bo proposed to tho people for their adoption or rejection, pur suant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit; AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth' article of the Cou. stitution, and Insert iu lieu thereof the following: ''A State Treasurer sfcill be chosen by the qualified electors of the States, at such times and for such terra of service as shall be prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES S. RUTAN, Speaker of the Senate. Ar'FBovisrj The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini ons thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. JSC, W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con stitution. Francis Jordan. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Offico Secretary ot the Commonwealth, HarriHburg, June 2th, W jtily 4m3. New" AcLvertisementd; ' ST. MARY'S FOUNDRY AN MACHINE SHOP. ST. MARY'S, ELK CO., FA. Manufactvrrrs of STEAM ENGINES, Machinery for SAW and GRIST Mit8. TANNERIES, AND BRICK YAllM, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Such as I'lowSj Threshing Machines. Stutlip Machines, ko. sash WEtdlirs, . CELLAR GUARDS, CARPET STRIPS, IRON FvAILINa FOR VERANDAS AND CEMETERYS. FARM BELLS, IKON KETTLES OF ALL SIZES. HEATERS AND STOVES Car wheels all sizes lor Railroad con tractors, mill men, and all who are in waul of them, solid or with arms, chilled or not. In short everything undo nut of iron. Wc solicit the trade of E.k and adj. lining counties. Give us a trial is nil wo ask. Foundry cor. Mill and St. Mary's Sis. St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. Lll. GAUNEii & BKO. v2-2:'.tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin istration on i lie estate of Adelphus Kyler, deceased, lam of Fox township. Elk Comity, Pennsylvania, having becen granted to I ho undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make' immediate payment, and those hltviitg claims or de mands will present them properly iiuilienti etiled for settlement without delay. l'l'l Ell llU.'ll-.T'.-i I A.line's FLO RETT A KYUER, 5, !-4i. N TEwVrAOH ROUTE. L C. JU'XXS, I'rnprlrtnr. The subscriber having sccnrd tho con tract for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYNOf.DSVll.LE k liltOCKWAY VILLE, has placed on that road a line of backs. Hacks leave the Exchange lintel in Keytuildville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ou the and nil of the DiooKville slaue, mid return tho same day. Those hacks conneet at lSrookway ville with the llidgwav sialics, making connection with trains on the" IV & V.. Road, both east and west. Every lit trillion to Iho comfort of patrons of this Uric will be given, and a liberal patronage solicited. Aug. 13-7'Jtt. Music for the Campaign, THE RIDGWAY SILVER CORNET HAND will rtirnish mti-io for al! politics! meetings during tho campaign. NEW INSTRUMENTS AND MEW MUSIC. Terms moderate. D. B. DAY, Leader. .1. o. V.':I1AII.EY, Sci'y. Ridgway, l'a , Aug. 1:1. 1872. Presidential Campaign. ('tips, Capes & Torches. Send for Illustrated Cir cular and Trice List. CUNNINGHAM k 1111. 1,. MANUFACTURERS, No. 2U4- Church Street. PHILADELPHIA l-2:ltlM. For Sale; 1 Lots to suit luiyeis. Large or small, on i longtime ono-fourth Cash, balance on ten I years. lnruio of II. Little, Rhlgway. or i (. ni,.valiy, No. u"il liroRdwny, Sew i York.' -2Uml. " F 7HIED. SCIIOENISG, WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL fELEtt IN PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Tianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Piotlionotiiry's Ollico, Ridgway, Pa. v2nJ0tf. LEGAL, Jamcb H Wither, 1 In Comniou Pleas Vs. of Elk County. Kale H. Wilber. J 21 April f .. '72. Libel iu Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. fo Jiate II. II ilbcr, respondent above named: Y'oft fire hereby notified that the subpoena and alias giibptena iu the above case hav ing hoon returned non est inventus, you are required to appear ou tho FIRST MONDAY OF NOVfiM. next, being the 6th day of the mouth, to aluswer the complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sueuifp's Officb, 1 . Ridgway, July 4th, 1872. f lto. legal. J Cafhariuo J. Bowcn, In Common Pleas of vs- V Elk County. JaiucS Howen. . J No. 2 April T. '71. Libel in' Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To James Bowcn, Tcspdnileiit above named: - Yon are hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case having been retrirnei non est inventus, you are re quired to appear on the THIRD MONDAY OF OCTOBER neat, being the 6th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above Case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Suebiff's Office, 1 ftidjrway, Anjr. 4rh, 1R72. r nlSte, POWELL & KIME. Powell & ICiinc Having erected a Urge nod we'll arranged new Store House on (he old site, since the fire, and filled it from oi'lurto garret with the choicest goods of nil descriptions, dial can be found in any market, arc fully pre pared to rcceivcthclr old customers, aud supply their wants at bottom figures Wholesale tt entail. Their assortment Is now ctfiuplcle, com prising dry; goods GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ' HARDWARE, CLOTHING, DOO'IS AND SHOES, HATS AND CATS, NOriONS,tctc, etc. PORK. FL0UB-, SALT. Feddj li o tx n s , Cutter, DRIED APPLES, DLLlHUrpEACllES, - In bhort evc'iythliiglwautedin thcJCoiiutry LUMWEll.M'EN, i'Ali.ME'KS, ME C U AN ICS, M I N l'vHS, TAN iJERS, LABOitlG.MEN, EVER V BODY Ai-Jo d fitil sfock of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable a'ues for rilfiiug aud tiiuutog purpose. I Ridgway, Pfi., March Jd, i7l W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! It Will pay! THE LARGEST STOCK OF t'llfc BEST-SO OTliER IS STOCK-, S TO t ' 12 A ! HOUSE FtTRNISUING GOOiS IN I!M)LEss ; yaMe'ty. PRICES WILL SUIT! GOODS WILL PLEASE! sat mi ap STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FKLJli! JHEE! VllPAll CALL AND EA.MtNEi A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! . W. 3. SERVtCR, No. 1 Masonic Hall litiilding, Ridgway, Pa i CENTS WANTED! For the fastest X. and most popular book with (it) II. lustrations, likenesses of all the Presidents bciitifully bound, and printed On tinted iiper. THE NATION, lis Rulers and institutions, IX ENGLISH AXD GERMAN ...j lung nhu u. oniKei cverynouv as just t lie hook tliey need. It is an Eucyelo picdia of the Government. Single uatrei in it ai-d of themselves worth the price of ine dock over oyo payes and oilli S2.50 A Kill HARVEST, for Canvttssers- lauics and gentlemen tanners, teachers and students. agent took 76 orders in a lew a n m. fell, circular alone, before the booh pppcared. 520 A DAY can be cleared iu tair territory. Write at once for eimnlnr ana information: NEW WORLD PIIH LISHINO CO., Cor. 7th and Market Streets, rniiaaetpnia. vln'iiyl. niE GREAT CAUSE of Hfcman Misery. Just Published, in a Staled Envelope, Price six cents, A Leettlre'on the Nature, Treat- inoiiv, itiiu Ruicai cure ot spermatorrhoea, N'""" BBii'Anuse, lavoiuutr.ry Ent'ss ions, Impotenoj, Net-vous Debility, and In pediments to .Marriage generally; Udn sumption, l-.pilepsy. and Fits ; Mental and rnysical Incapacity, &o. By ROB. J. 'm r-ivwtibL, m. v., author of the ureen ook, ' &c. Tha World-renowned author, in this rfd miranie i,ecturo, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuso may be effectually removed without medioine, and without dangerous purgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, orcorutais, pointing out a mode of cuie nt once certain and ettectual, by which every sufferer, no riiatter what his condition may bo, cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This .lecture will nrovc a honn to thousands aud thousandj. Sent under soal: Id it nliiiri cnveloiia. any address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, Dy atlUreSsing the publish crs. Also. DR. CULTERWELL'S "Mar riago Unido," pric 50 otnts. Address Hie i uDiisuers. CHAS. j. C. KLINE & CO. il liowery. New York. P. O. Box 458(1. viii-ryict. Wood's Iron Mower, AGENTS WANTED. For Circulars, particfilara, etc, address sellew, Adams a co, Oota'tJda, N. Y1. Mauufauturers of tfie Gowanda Plow, the best made. For sale in Rid way POMELL & KIME. April lSth, '72-3in. NE MILLION OF LIVES SAVED.. , la one of thethbst reittarVttble facts df this remarkable age, not that so many persons are the vibtimg of dyspepsia or in- . digestion, but its billing victims. Now; we would riot be Understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with fator; or feels lisposed to rank it ItrtlcSritf tilt? luturies of life. Far from it. Those who hate ex perienced Its torments would scout such ad idea. All dread it, and would gladly dis pense with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tapley. who was jolly .under all the' trying circumetancM In which he was placed, never had ah attack of dyspepsia; or his jolity would nave speedily lorsaken him. .--. Of all tH jliutlifArlous discises td fchicii Hie htimdn System la liable, there is perhaps ho one set genraiiy tlfevalent M dyspepsia. There . are tlise iscs more actite atid painful, and which more frequently prove fatal, but. none the' effects of Which are so depressing to the mind and sd positively distre'sslrig to tho body. If there !3a wretched being id the tvorld it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. Vc llave said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is itnphatically the case in the United States. Whether this general prevalence) is due to the character of the food, thd method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in which it is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The g'hjat fret with which we are called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univei sally. Nearly every oilier person you meet is a viotlm, nn apparently willing one; werd this not tht5 case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy Is within the easy reatlh of all Who will aVail themselves of it? But sayg a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to whioh we reply: This great allevatdr gt human suffering is almost as widely known as thd English language. It has allayed the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carry comforl and eticotirngenlcnt to thousands nf others. This acknowledged panacea is noL.6 Other thari Dr. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Would you know more Of the merits of this wo'HdcrftU preparation thatl datt bd learned froni the experience of others? J ry it yourself, and when it hag failed to fulfil the assUratlcd Of its efficacy given by ne proprietor, then abandon taitn in it. i Let it be relIembered. first of all, that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is -j i rum beverage. Thcr are cohloosed whollv of the Dure juice or vital prindiptd Of roots; This is npt a mere assertion. The extracts from which they are compounded are prepared bv one Of the ablest of German chemists. Their eficcts can be beneficial only in all cases df the billiary ysitenl. Iloofland'g German 15ii tors stauil without an equal, actinic promptly and vigorously upon th6 liver; Ihcy remove its torpidity and Cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying ilio stomach with the most indispensable elements of sotiild digestidn id proper pro portions. ihey purify the blood, clearisirie thd vital fluid nil hurtful impurities and su plaitlinp them with the elements of genuine healtllftilhe'ss. NoW, thero are dertairi classes' df per sons Id whom extreme Bitters are not only unpaiatanie, nut who find it impossible td take tlienl i-illioilt pdsitivd discomfort. For ucli Dr. HUuFLAND 8 GERMAN TOSIO ias been specially prcp.irdd. It is intended lor use where a slight alcoholic stimulant is require. I in connection with the well- known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters'. HOOFLASD'S TONIC acts with almost marvelous effect. It not ouly stimulates the flagging and wasting euergitis, but invigorates aud pe'rihaiiently strdngthens its action itpoil the Liver and btomacli thdroush. Dcrha'DS lnoa prompt thdii the Bitters, whed tne same liianlity is taken is ndnd the less de'i'Uin Indigestion, BillioUBness. Physical or N. votis prostration, field readily to its po tent influence, tf. gives the invalid rt n and stronger hold upon life, removes (!bj pression of spirit, and inspires dlieerfuL ness. But Dr. Hcofland's benefactions to the human race are not confined to hig celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, n, hi invaluable Tonic. He has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning no ....j iu upturn- inYor uecause or its in trinsic nietils. This il HOOFr.ircirs PODdlHVLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi tute for iriorcury without dny of meroury'a evil ijuitiiues.. These wonderful Pills, whioh arolntin,l. ed td act upon the Liver, are mainly com; posed or Podophvllin, or the vital princi ple of the mandrake rodt. it is thd medi cinal virtues Cf this health-giving plant, in a. penecuy pure anu nigniy concentrated form. The Podophyllih acts directly ort Hie Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to make its billiary secretions in regular auu proper quantities. The inju rious results which invariably follow the use Of mercury is entirely dvniilnri h their use. But it is ncl tino'ri tho T.ia only that (heir flowers are' exerted. The extract of Maudrako contained in them is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, diie'of which acts upon the Btomaoh, one upon i ue upper oowets, one upon the lower bowoh. and prevents any griping effect, thus" producing a pill that influences the euiire digdstiveand alimentary system, in ari equal arid harmonious manner, and its action entirely free from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. f ossessing these inuch deBirabla nnaliiio the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without Uinm They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cient in action, and when Used in connec tion with Dr. Hooflaud's German Bitters or Tonic, rday be regarded as certain spe-' cifics id all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any of the disorders to which thd system is ordidarly subject. The PODOPHVLLIN PILLS aot upon the stomach and bowels, carrying" v... uiif.uyci uuoiiuuuuiw. wuue me isitters or Tonic purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the fritne, give tone and appe tite to the stomach, and thus build th invalid anew. . , . Dr. Hoofiand, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external application, in the wonderful preparation known as De. HOOFLASD'S GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains arid aches of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuraigiii, foothaohe", Chilblains, Sprains, Burns, Pain in the" Back and Loins, Ringworms, eto., etc., R yield to its external application; Taken internally, it is curd for tieart-' burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick fleadaohes, Colic, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps Pains in the Stomach, Colds, At'.hma, eto These remedies will be sent by express CHAS. M. EVANS". P'roprietot'. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO Thtst Rcmtdiu an for sab 4v Urtiamxl . i , .-ikiuh . UtllMri tn.r.i O vheri. vln24yl