The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 03, 1872, Image 2

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    (gilt (fymrifg gulrocLnto.
II. A. Pattison, Editor.
THURSDAY, OCT. P,' 1872.
Of Illinois..- ......
Ut .viassacnuseus.
Montgonitry County.
Bradford County
YaTren County.
Cumberland County.
Carbon County.
Warren County.
Col. C. B. CURTIS,
Erio County.
Kane a Euelist.
We have before us a campaign doc
ument with the following title. "The
Hero Candidate." "A brief biographical
sketch ol Major General Thomas L.
Kane, reform Candtdate for Congress in
Jhe nineteenth District of Pennsylvania."
This document wa9 issued by the
T.;h-T?nn.T)p.m .Committees ol trie coun
ty, and is signed by one, D. W. Hutch
inson Chairman &o. Although it is
signed as above stated it nevertheless has
the ear marks of another. Well, this
document is a singular thing, aud in its
ways- a real literary curiosity
"Hero" is truly an extra ordinary sore
of "critter", aud might be worshiped
without the crime of Idolatary .attaching
to the worshiper. Ho was the intimate
friend of, and constant visitor; at the
White House while Jaokson was Presi
dent. He was an ardent and enthusias
tic admirer of that warrior President,
but has quit admiring Warrior Presi
dents, since he has joined the Lib- Rep
Deals' and has gone u hunting for a seat
ia the Congress of the Unite! Status.
He tried to study law but found it a lit
tle to heavy for him, preferring the
the lighter fields of thought, the "Hero"
Wnnk Immi to diolomacv as ao attache
of legation at the court of Louis Phil-
He comes to- ua from a
of ancestral nobility, and now
his trunk of course) the broad
nobility, wou by that long line of auces
tral nobility, in the Courts of the wdlld,
and on "the fields of science and war
This "biographical sketch" says he was,
and is now very fond of peace. As a
poace maker, and great huiuaritnriao.he
was wonderfully exercised over tho mor
ulas affairs about tho time they left 2s au.
voo for Salt Lake, and brought his Ilercu
lean powers of mind to bear on the matter
Whilo in the interests of Joe Smith,and
his highly moral followers, ho had some
? ... . i- -i t .
difficulty witn AlDeri oicney uounsion,
then a Uen in tno u. a. army
commanding the United States f'oroes
sent to quiet this eminently pious band
of nolvnamists who where very warlike
and defiant in thicr attitude toward the
result 01 tnis ainicunv wj n
Whereas, In and by the 13th section
of tho Act of General Assembly of Penn
sylvania, passed July 2d 1800, entitled.
"An act relating to the Elect! ins of the
Commonwealth." It is enjoined on the
Sheriff of every county to givo notice of
such elections to bo held, and. to enum
erate In such notice what officers arc trt
je elected, In 'pursuance .thereof, I
U. uyster, nigti Mienn ot the county
of Elk, do thcrcforo make known and
fw iki-f)uUW Tiotitt4a the electora-of
said county of Elk, that a general elec
tion will be held in said county, on
TTJESSAY, OCT02EH 8th 1372.
(it being tho second Tuesday of the
month), for the purpose ot electing the
following officers, to-wit:
One person for Governor,
One person for Auditor Genera).
Oue person for Judge of tho Supreme
Three persons for Congressmen at
Twenty-ei;ht persons for Delegates to
the Constitutional Convention.
One person for Congress to represent
the counties of Clearfield,' Cameron, Elk,
Erie, l'orest, Mckean and Warren.
One person for member of the Legis'
lature to represent the counties of Cam
eron, Elk and Jefferson.
Three persons as delegates to the Con
stitutional Convention, to represent the
counties of Cambria, Clearfield, Clinton
and Elk.
One person for Prothonotary, Register
and Recorder, aud Clerk of Courts, of
Elk county.
One person for Commissioner.
One person for Auditor.
And the qualified electors of the
county of Elk will hold their elections
in the several districts, as follows:
Bcnezette township, at the house of
Elizabeth Winslow.
Benzicger township, ot tho school
house on Michael St., neiir. the Elk
creek bridge.
Pox township, ut the Centrcvillc
school house.
Highland township, at the house of
Levi Ellithorpe.
Horton township, at the school house
near D. C. Oyster's Hotel.
Ridgway township, tu the Court
St. Mary's 15oro., at the j'own Hall,
Spring Creek township, at the House
of Stockdule, Downer & Co.
Jay township, at the house of Alfred
Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan-
ninz and Lumber Co'., office in Wilcox.
Mill Stone township, ot the house of
Heuvy Herr, at Barrs Daui.
I also make known the following act
entitled "An act regulating the mode of
voting at all elections in the several
counties in this Commonwealth," as I am
required by the second section of said
long line
holds (in
patent of
challenge from Kane to Gen
to meet him in mortal combat. On
rage 5 of this "biographical sketch" of
the "llro we reaa as io.iowb iu wu;
"During the progress of Kane a ne
gotiations a misunderstanding arose
between himselt and Albeit Sidney
Johnson then an officer in the regular
ncrvice. and subsequently a Confederate
Major Geneial who assumed to regard
i .1.. : l; .!, f ct Tho
mm in iue iuuuic uuu ui bj. mw
insult was nromrjUv resented by a
challenge, bat the tender of a satisfactory
apology by Johnston fortunately averted
a hostile meeting."
Now the voters of the 19th district of
Pennsylvania are asked to vote for a man
who hesitated not to challenge a fellow
being to mortal combat when be suppos
ed he waa atirouteu. luo gooa sense
however, of a brave . man prevailed.and
Gen Johnston's apology "averted a hos
il meetiner."' The Congress of the
United States, a very fow years since;
decided through its sneaker Mr Colfax,
that dueling was murder, yet Kane askes
to bo sent to a body who has thus pro-
nouncd upon an act he found bis heart
willin" to engage in about fourteen yeais
since. Mr. Colfax's deeieion was most
highly approved, and all the people said
Ameu as the laot went oui nguiusu mm
relio of Barbarism. But it
, nit that Kane has pnsscd that
neriod of inclination, yet the "bicgraph
ical sketob." contains no word of regret
nn rnnentance for willingness to engage
in what Christianity and civilization
have properly
Voters beware.
Section 1. Be it cna-ted hi the
Senate and Jouse of Representatives
tc, lhat the qualified voters of the
several counties of this Comiuounealth,
at all general township aod special elec
tions are hereby hereafter authorized and
icquired to vote by ticket, printed or
written or partly written and partly
printed, severally clarified ns follows:
One ticket shall embrace the nsirjcs ot
all the Judges ofthe Cuurts to be voted
for and to be labelled on the outride
Judiciary" one ticket shall embrace the
names ot all htate clticers to uo voted
for including the office of Senator, mem
ber or members of Assembly, if voted
for. members of Congress if voted for
and be labelled "county;" ono ticket
shall embraco tho names ot all the town
ship officers voted for, aud be labelled
"borough or "township; and each shall .
be deposited in separate ballot boxes.
I also make known and give notice,
as in aod by the lrth section of aforesaid
act, I am directed that every person
except Justices of the Peace, who shall
hold any office appointment of trust or
profit, under the Government of the
United States, or this State, or any city
or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned officer or otherwise a subordin
ate officer or ognt who is or shall be
employed under the legislative or judi
ciary or executive department ot this
State or of the United Mates, of any
city or incorporated district, itnd also
every member of Congress and State
Legislature, and the select and common
council of any city Commissioner, or any
incorporated district, is by law incapable
of holding or exercising at the same time
the office or appointment ol Judge, In
spector or Clerk, of any election of this
Commonwealth, nnd that no ippeetor
or Judge, shall be eligible to tiy office
then to be voted for.
taxes as aforesaid, shall ba mtitlr-d to
vote after residing, in this State six
months. Provided, That tho freemen,
citizens of the United Stains, nhn
between tho ages of twenty-one and
twenty-two years, and who have resided
u the election district ten dsvs as afore
said, shall be entitled to vote, although
winy nave noi paia taxes.
Whf.rkab, Tho Fifteenth Amend-
ment-of the- Oonsttturrwrof the-United
States is as follows:
Skctio.n 1. Tho riuht or citizens ot
the United States shall not be denied or
abridged by the Uojtcd States on ac
count of tace, color, or previous condi-
, . -.
uon oi servituue.
SEC. 2. iDat Congress shall have
power to enforce this article by appropri
ate legislation. .
Aiut whereas, The Congress of the
Uuited States, on the 31st of March
18U, passed an act entitled, "An act
to enforce the light of citizens of tho
United States to vote in the se7cral
htatcs ot tho Union, tud for other
purposes," the first and sccoud sections
of which are as follows:
Be it cnttftcd, IV., That all citizeus
of the UDi ed States who are or
shall bo otherwise qualified to vote at
any election by the people of any State,
Territory, district, city, county. Parish.
township, school districc, municipality, or
olher territorial subvision shall be entitled
and nllowcd to vote at all such elections,
without distinction of -color, race, or
previous condition of servitude: any con
stitution, law, custom, usage, or regula
tion of any State or territory, or by or
under its authority, to the contrary,
Seo. 2. And Im it farther enttete
That if, by or under the constitution or
laws of any State or the laws of-any ter
ritory, any act is or shall be required to
be done as a prerequisite or qualification
for voting, and by euch constitution or
laws persons or officers are or shall be
charged with the perlormanco cf duties
iu furnishing to citizens au opportunity to
perform such prerequisites, or to become
qualified to vole it shall be-tho duty ol
every such person aud officer to give all
citizens of the United Stales, the same
and equal oppoitunity to perform such
prerequisite aud to become qualifiel to
vote wiuioiii uisuncnon or race, color or
previous couditiou ot servitude; and il
any such persons or officers shali ref use,
or knowingly omit to give full effect to
this section, lie shall for every such of
fence, forfeit aud pay tho sum of five
hundred dollars, to the persons aggrieved
thereby, to be recovered by an action on
the case, with full costs and such a.low-
anoe for counsel fees as the court shall
deem just, and shall aUo for every such
offence be deemed guilty of misdcincun.
or. and .shall ou convictiun thereof be
fined not less than five huudrcd dollars
or to be imprisoned not less than one
month aud not more than one year, or
both, at the discretion of the court.
And Whereas, It is declared by the'
secnod section ol the VI article of the
Constitution of the United States, that
'This Constitution of the United States
which shall be niadb in pursuaueo thereof
shall be the supremo law of the land
anything iu the Vomtitntion or
laws of ami Stale, to the euiiti ar, nut-
Anit'irhrrr.ini, Tho Legislature of this
Couuionwealtl), on the (5th day of April
1870, passed au act cutitled "A further
supplement to the act relatiug to elec
tions in this Commonwealth, " the lOth
section provides as follows:
Section 10. That so much of every
act of Assembly as provides that only
white freemen shall be entitled to vote,
or be registered as voters, or as claiming
to vote at any general or special electiou
of this Commonwealth, be aod the same
is hereby repealed, and that hereafter
all freemen without distinction of color,
shall be enrolled and registered accord
ing to the provisions of the first section
of tho act approved the 17th of April,
186'J, entitled, "An act further supple
mental to n act relative to the elections
of this Commonwealth," mid snail when
district, forthe purpose of voting there
Every person Qualified as aforesaid,
nd who shall make '.he duo proof, it re
quired, of his residence and payment of
ol taxes aforesaid, in the township, ward
or district n wmch he shall reside.
Jf any person shall prvent or. attcmp
to prevent any officer of any election un
der this act from holding such election,
or use or threaten any violence . to any
such officer, or shall interrupt or iupto-
perly interfer with him in the execution
of his duty, or shall block up the window
or avenue to any window where the
saujo may be holding, or shall riotously
disturb the peace at such election, or
shall use or . practice 'hny intimidation
threats, force or violence, with design to
influence unduly or overawe any elector,
or to prevent him from voting, or to re
strain the freedom of choice, such per
sons on conviction shall be fined in any
sum not exceeding five hundred dollars,
be imprisoned for any time uot les than
one month nor more than one year and
if it bo shown that the pcisonsso offend
ing was uot a resident of the city, ward,
district or township where the said of
fence was committed, and not cutitled to
VDte therein, aud on conviction he shall
be sentenced to pay a fino of not less
than one hundred or more thati one
thousand dollars, and bo imprisoued uot
less than six months or more than two
The following proclamation from the
Governor ol his Commonwealth is also
published in accordance with the re
quircinents of law, viz:
Pennsylvania, ss:
n the name and by the authority of the
CoiiimoiiWt alth of Pennsylvania, John
W. Gearit, Governor of said Com
monwealth, To Daniel C. Ovster, Esquire, of
pronounced murder.
Also iu the 4th sectionofthe Act of
Assembly, entitled. "An act relating to
elections and for every purpose," ap
proved April 16th, 18(59, it is enaetcd
that the 1Kb section shall be so con
strued as to prevent any militia or
borough officer from serving as Judge,
Inspector, or Clerk, at any general or
special electiou in this Commonwealth.
Also, that in the Gist, section of said
act it is euacted "That every general or
special electiou shall be opened betweeu
the hours ot six or seven in the fore
noon, ami shall rcmaiu without interrup.
tion until seven o'clock iu the eveniug
whea the polls shall bo closed.
No person shall be permitted to vote
at any electiou as aforesaid, but a white
freeinau of the age of twenty-one years.
or more, wuo enau nave resided in this
Stato at least one year and in tho elec
tion district where he offers bis vote, at
least teu days immediately preceding
sueh election, and within two years paid
a State or County tax, which shall have
been assessed at least tea days before
the election. But a citizen of the United
States, who has previously been a quali
fied voter ot this State, but removed
therefrom and returned, aud shall have
n-sidt'd in iho eb'Hion district and paid
otherwise qualified under existing laws,
be entitled to vote at all general and
special elections iu this Commonwealth.
No person shall be permitted to vote
whose uame is not contained in the list
ol taxable inhabitants lui nished by the
Commissioners, unless he first produces
a receipt for the payment within two
years, of State or County tax, assessed
agreeably to the Constitution, and sive
satisfactory evidence either on his owu
oath or affiirmaiion of another that he
has paid such tax, or ou failure to pro
duce such receipt shall make oath of the
paymcut thereof; it ho claims to vote by
being au elector beUveen the ages of
twenty-one aud tweit'.y-two years he
hall depose on oath or affirmation that
he has resided iu tho State at least one
year uetoro ins application, and muse
proof ot his resideneo within his district
as required by the act, arid that he does
verily believe from accounts given him,
that lie is ol the age aforesaid and givo
such other evideuce as is required bv
the act whereupon the name ot the per
son so admitted to vote shall be regis
tered in the alphabetical list by tho in
spector, and a note made opposite there.
to by the word "tax." if ho shall have
been admitted to vote by reason of hav
ing paid tax, or the word "ago" if he
shall have been admitted to vote by
reason of age, shall be called out to tho
clerks, who shall make like notes ia the
list kept by them'
In all cases where the name of persons
claiming to vote is found on the list fur
nished by the Commissioners and As
sessors, and his right to voto whether
found thoreoH or not, is objected by auy
qualified citizen, it shall be the Inspec
tors duty to examine such persons on
cath as to his qualifications, and if he
claims to have resided within tho State
for ono year or more, his oath shall not
be sufficient proof thereof, but shall
make proof thereof by at least oue com
petent witness who shall be a qualified
elector, that lie has resided within the
Wiieueas, A Joint Resolution pro
posing an amendment to the Constitu
tion of this Commonwealth, has been
agreed to by a uixjurity of the members
elected to each house of the Legislature,
at two successive sessions ol the same
which is as follows:
'Joint Resolution Proposing an Amsniaient
to ths Constitution of Pennsylvania.
uBc it res'jhrd hy the Senate and
Iliww of Representatives of the Com
monwealth nf Reniuilvaina in General
Assembly met, That the lollowing amend
ment ot tho Constitutiou of the Com
monwealth be proposed to the people for
their adoption or rejection, pursuant to
tho provisions ol tho tcuth article there
of, to wit:
"Stiikoout the sixth section of tht
sixth article of the Constitution, and in
sert iu lien thereof tho following: 'A
State Treasurer shall bo chosen by the
nimhtied electors ot tho htatc, at such
times aud for such a term of service
shall be prescribed by law.' "
And ichrrcas. It is provided in the
tenth article of the Constitution that
any amendment, hO agro.-d upon, shall be
submitted to the people in sueh manner
and ut such time, at lea.,t three mouths
after being so agreed to by the two
Houses, as the Legislature shall pro
scribe; And whereas. By an act of the General
Assembly of this Commonwealth, ap
proved the eleventh day ot April, A. 1.
one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two,
it is provided: "That for the
purpose of ascertaining the sense of the
people of this Commonwealth iu regard
to tho adoption or rejection of said
amendment, tho Governor of the Com
monwealth shall issue a writ of election,
directed to each and every Sheriff of
this Commonwealth, commanding them
to give notice in the usual manner, in
not less than two newspapers in each
city and county (it so many are puo-
shed therein), and by ut least two
printed handbills in each election dis
trict in every city aud county wherein no
newspaper is published, that an election
will be held in each of the townships,
boroughs, wards, precincts and districts
tin rein, ou the second Tuesday of Oc
tober, in the year of our hord one
thousand eight hundred and scveuty-two,
for tho purpose of dtcidiug upon the
approval and ratification or rejection of
the said umendmeut, which said election
shall be opened, held aud closed upon
the day last aforesaid, ut the places and
within the hours, at and within which
the general elections of this Common
wealth are diicctcd to bo opeucd, held
and closed.
Now, therefore, Iu obediceco to the
requirements of the teuth article of the
Constitution aod lu compliance witn tno
true intent and meaning of the said act
of the General Assembly, 1, JOHN W
G E Alii , Governor of the said Common
wealth oi Pennsylvania, do issuo this
Writ, commanding and requiring you
the said D. C. Oyster, Sheriff of the
said county, to givo notice iu the usual
manner and as by law required, that an
election will be held according to tho
terms of the Constitution and ho pro
visions f the act of the Geueral As
sembly aforesaid, in each of the town
ships, boroughs, wards, precioots and
districts therein, ou the seconed Tues
day of October, in the year of crur Lord
oue thousand eight hundred and seventy-two,
for the purpose of deciding up
ou tho approval and ratification or re
jectiou of the said amcudmeot.
Given under my hand1 aud the Great
Seal of the State, at Harrisbu-rg, this
fifteenth day of July, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-two. and of the Commonwealth
tho ninety-seventh.
By the Governor:
F. Jordan,
Secretary of the Commonwealth,
At tho same time and places, also, an
election will be hold for delegates to the
convention to amend the Constitution of
the State, in conformity with the act en
titled. "An Act to provido for calling
a convention," approved April 11,1872.
As prescribed by said act, the following
rules and regulations shall apply to said
election and the returns of the same:
tirtr -rVt-the-jreheriiV ele'at'on ttr'te
held the second Tuesday of October
next, there shall be elected by the quali
fied electors of this Commonwealth, dele
gates to a Convention to revise and
amend too constitution ot tins Mate :
the said convention shall consist of one
hundred and th'utythree members to be
elected in the manner following: Twenty
eight members thereof shall be elected
ir the State at large as follows: Each
voter of the State shall voto Tor not
more thnn fourteen candidates, and the
twenty-eight highest in vote shall be de
clared elected ; nincty-nino delegates
shall bo appointed to and elected from
the different Senatorial districts of the
State, three delegates to be elected for
each Senator therefrom ; and in choos
ing all district delegates, each voter shall
be entitled to a voto for not more than
two of the members to be choosen from
liia district, aud the three candidates
highest in vote shall be declared elected,
except in the county of Allegheny form
ing the Tweuty third Senatorial district,
where no voter shall vote for more than
.six candidates, mid the nine highest in
vote shall bo declared elected,' and the
counties of Luzerne, Monroe and Pike,
forming the thirteenth Senatorial dis
irict, where no voter shall vote for more
than four candidates, and the six highest
iu vote shall be elected, ond six addition
al delegates shall be chosen from the
I city of Philadelphia, by a Tote at large
in said city aud in their election no voter
shall vole fur more than three candidates
and the six highest in vote shall be dc
elared elected.
Second. The Judge and Inspectors
for each election district shall provide
two suitable boxes tor each pivtl, one in
which to deposit the tickets Toted for
delegated at large, and tho other in
which to deposit the tickets Toted for
District Delegates: which boxes shall b
labelled respectively, "Delegates at
large," and "District Delegates :" and in
each district in the city of Philadelphia
an addiuoual box shall be provided for
each poll in which to deposite the tick
eta voted for "Oitv Delegates ;" und
said last mentioned boxes musf each be
labelled "City Delegates."
Third. The said electoin shall be
Ridgwfly, Pa.
2 2 It.
JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, UMa .
way, Elk county Ta. mar 22'CGl
S. HILL, rXrsiolftn
Kersey, Elk Co. Pa.
anil Surgeon
luir i rxr ti a hi..
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions.
Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap
as the CHEAPEST.
j o. w. cart.y;--- - --
ln.,yl. Iti.lgWay, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aocli
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
sstoolumua, jfirmsos oo, tl
It. S. BELNAP, PRopniEioB
TS. Bordwcll, SI. D. Eclectic Physical!
4 Offioe nnd resilience opposite the
Jail, on Ccntt-e St., Kidgwny, I'n. Prompt
attention will be given to nil calls. Office
hours : 7 to 8 A. M- l 12 te2 P. M. j and
0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 21, Cli-tf,
Dentr.l Sttreeeri.
Oltice nt thh Drug Store of Hurley &
Whipple, Wnlkcr's new building, Maid
street, Rulgwny, Pa. Will visit Kane,
Wilcox, and St. Mary's,
The Improved Gerard i fro id
, Gold Watches,
89.00 812 00 S15.00 818.00
E linve recently brought our Oroide
? J Oold metal to such perfection thnt
it is dinicult for the be9t judges to Uistin
quiah it irort gold. The $9 watohes flro
with patent escapement movements; in ap
pearance and for tine equaling n gold cne
costing 51UU. J lie Ylz are lull jeweled
patent lever, equal to $150 sold wntch.
The $15 are Ihe same hs the last but a finer
' v "'"""v'"" tirnmnflw !i..,l,.,l .
ing 817o. And llio 18 watches nve of a ' ' J " "
fine finish with full jeweled American lever
movement, equaling a gold one costing
They are nil in hunting enses, gent's and
ladies sizes, nnd guaranteed for time and
wear by epeo;al certificate. Also elegant
desigusof gent's and ladies chains from $1
to t, nnd jewelry of nH kinds.
Goods sent C. O. D. Customers per
mitted to exaniino wlmt llicy order before
paying bill, on payment of express rhnrgps.
When si.t watches are ord.-rcd it! ono
lime we will send an extra wrtlch of the
jnme quality free'.
Frrr further pnrticulnr send for circular.
Address JAMES G Hit Alt 17 & CO.,
f ' Nassau Sireet, Sew York,
P. O. Box 3,:;iH
Nov. Oi), 1872-vlnS'7m(i.
I'lltRlCisa nnd Stlf-irpnrt
niugwny, r. uifice in Walker's Uuilding.
Special attention giten to Surgery. Office1
house from 8 a. m. to 10 p, m. Residence
on corner of South and Court fifrCcts. op
posite the new School House. All caffs'
Druggist and Parmaoeutist, corner
Slain and Mill Htrects, Ridgway t Pa. A
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign niulsDomestio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed nt. .ill hours, day or
night. vlnSy,
J Welchmaker, Engraver nnd Jeweler
Mailt street, Ridgway, Pn. Agent lor the'
Howe Sewing Machine, aitd Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, ele,- done will!
he same acconsey ns heretofore. Satis
aefio.i guaranteed. tlnly.
h"ld and conducted by the proper clee
tion officers of the several election dis
triets of the Commonwealth and shall be
governed and regulated in all respects
by the peucral election laws of the (Jom
uiouwculth, so fur us the sauo shall be
applicable thereto, and not inconsistent
witn the provisions of said mat1
Fourth. The tickets to be voted for
treuibers at lrje oi the convention shall
h ive on tho out-sido the word. "lelc-
uates at lare," uud on the in-side the
names ot candid ites to ho voted for, uot
txooodiiig tourteeu iu number".
Fifth. The tickets to bo voted for
district members of the convention shall
have on the out-side the words "District
Delegates," aud on tho in side the name
tr ujiuesol the candidates voted for, not
execediug the proper number liuiited as
aturesaid ; but any ticket which shall
conUiu a greater number of names than
the uunibcr lor which the voter shall be
cutitled to vote, shall be rejected ; and
, 111.
, in.
iu case ol tho delegates to he chosen at
largo in Philadelphia, tho words "City
Delegates," sh ill be ou the out-side ot
the ticket.
Sixth. In the City of Philadephia
the return judges shall meet at. the State
House, at teu o'clock on Thursday nest
following the election, and make out the
returns for said city, of the votes cast
therein for delegates at lare aud city
and district delegates to be members of
the convention ; the return judges of
the several election districts within each
county ot the state, excluding Philadel
phia shall meet on Friday next following
the election, at the usual place for the
meeting of the return judges of their
county, and make out full aud accurate
returns lor tho county of the vote cast
for members of the convention? and lor
district members of the same; and the
proceedings of the return judges of the
said city of Philadelphia aud of the sev
eral counties of the commonwealth in the
making of their returns, shall be the
same as thwse prescribed for return
judges in the cae of an election for
Govcruor, except that returns transmit
ted to the secretary ot the commonwealth
shall be addressed to that office alone
and not to the speaker of the seuato.
Pursuant to the provisions contained
iu the 4th section as aforesaid, the
Judges of the aforesaid districts shall
respectively take charge of ths certifi
cates or returns of election to their re
spective district and produce them at a
meeting of ono Judge from each district
at the Court House in the Township of
Ridgway on FRIDAY, the lira
pay OF OUIOdEL; next, then and
there to perform the duties required by
laws ot said Judges, also where a Judge
by sickness or unavoidable accidents is
unable to attend such meeting ot J udges
then a certificate as aforesaid shall be
taken in charge of by one fo the inspec
tors of clerks of tho election of said dis
trict who shall do and perform the du
ties of said Judge to attend : and the
Teturu Judges of the said districts afore
said are requested to moet iu Drookville,
the couuty-seat of said county, on Fri
day after the second Tuesday of October
next, then and there to discbarge the
duties require3 by law.
Given under my hand at Ridgway,
the 14th day of August iff the year of
our Lord, one thousand and. eight hun
dred and seventy-two, and of the inde
pendence ot the United States the ninety
sixth; D. C. OYSTER Sheriff.
Sheriff' Office August Hth, 1872.
N and after MONDAY, JUNE 3d. l!
the trains on the Philadelphia
Erie llailroad will run ns follows :
W I", H TWA HI).
Man Irani leaves l'liilndelpln.i..H.ii I p,
" " " Uidgway ....... 2.115 p.
" " arrive nt Eric 7.:5o y.
Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12..10 p.
" ' " Uidgway 2.25 a.
" " arrive at Erio 7 40 a.
Accomodation, leaves Hcnova, ...2.0 p.
' ' Uidgway,. .11. 1 1 p.
" nrr at Ivauc 7.H( p,
Mali Train leaves Er'ic... .11.25 a.
' " " " Kidgwny...... 4.60 p.
" " arrive al Philnd'n... 0.40 a.
Erie Express leaves Kne 7..r)0 p.
" " " Pidsway.. .12.38 a.
" " arnt Philadelphia.. 1.20 p.m.
Accomodation, leaves Kane 7,!!0 a. m.
' " Uidgway... 8.40 a. in,
' nrr nt St. Marys 0.12 am,
" nrr nt Uenovo. 12.10 p. m
Mail East connects east and' well at Erie
with L S & M S H W uud at Cony and
Irvinclon with Oil Crt'ck and Allegheny 11
It W.
Mail West at Corrv nnd Irvincton with
Oil Creek ami Allegheny 11 11 W.
Warren Aooomiirodnt ion east ttr.d west
with trains on L S Kind M 9 K east nnd
west and nt Cony with 0 0 snd A It It
Erie Accornraodntio'ii East nf. Coiry and
Irviueton witUO C and A 11 It W.
W.M. A.
X. D- D. COOH Proprietor,
Cor. Mill mud Centre Sis., Ridgway, Pa.
The' proprietor takes this method of an
n mincing tc the public that he has refitted.
revised, nnd improved, this well knowil
hotel, and is prepared to eulerlain al!
ttlio favur with their patronage, in that
liCjl ilyle nnd at low ratej. vln.lOtf.
13 A LD WIN.
Gen' I Snp't.
goods, w:e&s3, fWiSmi
luStf, West Kod, ltid-way, Pa.
Kidoway, Ei.k Co., Pa.
II. SCH HAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for th-e palronag heretofore'
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, ho-pes, ty pnying strict ai
lenlion lo (he eorctort and convenience of
guests, to merit a continnance oi the
Oct 30 18ii'.l.
Commencing November Hill li, 1871.
Day Express leaves Oil City nt 2 2-j p ui
Arrives at Pittsburgh . 855 pm
Right Express leaves Oi! City 'J 30 p m
Arrives at Pittsburgh ft 40 a ra
Mail leaves Oil City f)' 4o a in
Arrives at Pittsburgh G 00 p m
Parker's AccotnJ leaves Oil City 7 15am
Arrives at. Parkej's 1015 am
Kittamiing Accom. leaves Oil City 4 00 p m
Arrives at Kitiamiing 9 10pm
Day Express leaves Pittsburg at
Kane, McK-eau Co., P
ft. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore fo"
liheriilly bestowed upon him, the' new pro
prietor, lro-pes, by paying strict nltcntioi
lo- the comfort and convenience of guestsj.
to merit a continuance of the same. The"
only sialiles lor horses in Kane and well
kept night or day. vlu23yl.j
HAL,L & Bit Q
Attorneys - at - Law
Cestbevihk, Ei.k Co., Pa.
JoflS Ooli.?n,. Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretotors
so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new.
pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of guests, to merit a continuance of the1
Arrives at Oil City at
Night Express leaves Pittsburgh
Arrives at Oil City
Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh
Aarrives at Oil City
Parker's Accom. leaves Turker"
Arrives at Oil City
Kittauing Accom. leaves Kiitn'g
Arrives at Oil City
Close Connections made at
7 50 a .u
2 25 p m
8 20 p m
5 45 a in
11 50 am"
7 25 p m
6 00 p m
9 15 p m
7 05 a nr
12 20p m
Corry for
Pittsburgh with trains East and West on
P. & E. It. K.
Pullman Pallace Drawing Itoom Sleep.
ing Cars on Night Express Trains between
Corry and Pittsburgh..
Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R,
J. 1. LAWRENCE. Gen. Suot,
From and after Monday, Feb. 6th 1871.
Trains will ran on this Road as follows
Loaves Larley T.iH) a. nr.. arrives at
Daeuscahooda junction 8.10 a. m., con
oecting with Accom. east 8.14 a. tu , and
with Mail west at 9.1& a. nr.
Leaves Daeuscahooda at 9.20 a. tu
anives at Earley 10.00" a. m. Leaves
Eariey 3.30 p. nr., aud arrives at Da
uscubouuu at D-UU p. in., connecting
with Mail east at O.U3 p. ni.. and Ac
comraodatlon west at 5.40 p. m.
In ease P. & E. trains are late, Dagus-
cahondajrain ho.ds twenty minutes be
yond the above time.
Tickets snouia always no procured
before leaving stations.
0. B. EARLEY, Lew.
and dealer is
Chromes, Stereoscopic Views, Picture
Frames, ic.
Ouo Door East of "the Post Office, Maiu
St., Uidgway, Pa.
Vegetables of all kinds re
ceived daily.
Choice oranges, and lemons.
Goods, Notions, G-rcceri&r
and General Variety,
Eariey P. o.
Manufacturer and
Dealer iu Roots
MaiaBt., opposit Hotel,
Vueox Tgi f