Thursday, sept. 20. is-2. '. Car Time at Hidgitdtf. Erie Express East 12:38. til. Ho do West 2:20 a. tn. dd Mail East t..a.. 4:50 p. in do do West 2:05 a. tn ftenovo Accommodation East-m 8:40 a. m. do do do Bii4 p. m. Rates of Advertising. On Column, one year ......... $7fi (KJ 1 , 40 00 !" 11 liiili...i.i.iiiiiu. 25 00 " " " .,iti.u.....i;.... 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight tides oitess 3 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per yenr. 5 00 Marriage's And Dedth notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. Y. It Stated meetings of Elk Lodge Will be held at their Ball on thg second arid fdltrlh Tuesdays Of ench month. 0. L. McCRACKEN, SCc'y eninie of Honor and TomneraitfB. Elkton Temple No. 61, trieels dit eaih tllternato Thursday, at their Lodge? Room, bn Maid street, over J. V. HouU's store. S. A. ROTE. W. R. TnE centra! Grant and Wlllsoa club of Elk eotlbty nitidts at the Court House in Ridgway, every alternate Thursday, tit 8 o'clock p. m. Nest meeting Sept, 2fj. DIED At Portland Milts tfriday 13th lust.. Mary, ' Infant dauglltef of Thomas and S. M. Meyers aged 7 tnouttls and 8 days. L. - Frof. I. Crowther, flow instructing the Ridgway Cornet Band, will glvo lessons Od the Piano Forte and Organ. Those Wishing for instructions Cab leave orders at the residence of John Van Orsdull. FoUNb DeAD Hphrairo ghiiw for tuant years a resident ot this plaCo was found dead Monday 23 inst. The time tf Mr. Bhaw's death no one knows, on tundav however he was alive. An in quest was held over the body by Chas. Meud J. P. The finding of the Jury was, that the deceased Cauie to his death from natural causes. SSArffl RALLY The Republicans of Elk Cotiflf j are hgaiu called upon to meet in mass meet ing on Saturday aftef Hood and eveuing Oct. 5, at the Coutt tloUse in Ridgway. Gen J. F; Manning ot New York and Cul Clark E. Cdir of Illinois will address the meeting, lioth of these gentlemen take rauk otiiong the first-cluss speakers tif our dotllltty on ittty btibcct or occas ion, we may therefore dtpedt a rate ttent in the! speakers oi the day. Republican speakers ate not ondei the necessity of falsifying, Of givltfg a false glanlef to their statements, they have but td stflte the facts as they are ufid the peopla re ceive tllcui and act atcordingly. On Saturday evening the Grain and Wilson Club of St. Mary's held a ttJefct ing at their Hall, which was tilled to Overflowing Speeches weic made by the following gentlemen. Major Ueble of Chicago1 addressed the meeting in German Judge Souther followed in his Usual happy style, niak ing an effective speech, which was Warmly received; eliciting hearty ap plause throughout. W. V. Wilber and lion. C. W Htone ot Warren next followed with stiring speeches, then the meeting adjourned with three hearty cheers lor Grant and Wilson and the whole ticket, The whole affair was a decided success The Biickalew part; appointed1 a meet tog to come off on the same evening with ours which seemed to have waned, fizzled and callapsed at an early hour. r The delegates from the several coun ties composing this representative dis trict tiz Cainerion, Elk, and Jefferson tnet in convention in room 35 Hyde House Ridgway Tuesday 24 inst. The Counties were fttlly represented". The convention was organized by the election nf Isaae M. Temple chairman nd W. T. Ttewert and B. W. Green, Secretaries. The nomination of W. ll. New come of Jefferson connty was niade by acclamation, when the convention adjourned without day. Mr. Newcome is a practical business man and is well and favorably known throughout the entire district. The nomination of Sir. Newcome, like most of the Dominations made by the Repub lican' party is a good one. There is no tetter man for the place in the district. There is, or can be but little doubt of (he election oi Mr. Neweome to the post Let ever Republican be at his place, (he polls, on election day, voting a clean ticket and victory is again on the side of right. The triumph of the Republi can party u the triumph of the working wo id YefJ UtiBGhfftltidilettf, Stpabliua County Committee, ef Elk Co. Pens'., tot tha ensuing feat. hEsrlNdEft. Johtt Salter, Johtt Farreh llENEETTB. Wtn. Murfay, John 8. taws tox. William E. Hewitt, James Green; nrjRTori. E. C. Woddi Jos. Chariibertitl tilQHLANtL titt EHthot-pe, Jatties fjampbeil AY. 3. tt. flrookins JONK8. J. B. Wells; 3. R. Motey, A. T. Aldrich, ridqWat. E. Souther, J. H. ITagerty fefRtNO CREEK. Clinton Paibe, Hiram Carmatt MILLSTONE. H. M. Raught, Wm. tfelly. sf. mart's. E. J. Buss, J. K. Winlack, E. SOUTHER., Chm. List of Causes. Set, down fdf Trial at October Term 1871 1 Michaol Market, vs Butler& Sterly 58 April term, 1808. 2 Thomas Turley, vs D. A. Weed, 8S November term, 18C0. 3 Jonathan Boynton, et al vs A. Finney, et al. 1 January term, 181. 4 Hetiry R. Mdotd, vs A. A. Carrier et al. 1 April term, 1871. 5 John Springstead vs Isaac Keefer 11 April term, 1871. G R. C. McGill, vs Louis II. Garner 20 August term, 1871. 7 Henry Souther, vs F. X. Bicber ger, Jr. et al. 3 November term, 1371 8 Benjamin Johnson, et al. vs Joh Johnson et al. 4 November term, 1871 9 Ij. C. Wjnkdop, vs George D. Don ahey, 21 November term, 1871. 10 A. W. Gray, Guard & Co. Isaac Smith, et al. I January term, 1872 11 George F. Dickinson, vs Georcd Rhitlcs, t January term, 1872. 12 So'.otflah BaChcrt, vs Jacob Moyer 11 January term, 1872. 13 Thomas Holland, vs J. S. Hyde 14 January term, 1872. 14 Benjaxin Johnson, dt til. Vs John Johnson, et al. 26 April term, 1872, 15 James Currti s 14. & C. Paine 38 ApHI term, 1872. 16 Mattla Sorg, vs Nicholas Kronen wetter, et al. 47 April term, 1872. 17 Martin Sorg, vs Nicholas Kronen wetter, cl al. 48 April tefm, 1872. JUSY LIST. Traverse Jurors drawn for Oetobe Term 1872. Benci)i.tt5 J. 0. Johnson, Culcuieo F. Jdhnson, lienj Johnion, Reuben Winslow Jr., Isaiah Dent. iieozinger 1'ranic pis dr-, jo!m Nipsel (School Tcndhcr,) Bornard NetiilUeller, George Badur, Francis Fii:z. Fos Samuel Brown, Si'aS Moyer. JMjali I. 3ieraitli, John lhampson Jacob Moyer, John Hershey, James .Mohan. Hortou 0. R". Clark, Geo. W. Clin ton, Jessie Piatt, Richard ilines, J. L. Taylor, John Brown. Jay A. W. Gray, A. E. Goff. JotifiS Joseph llotigntailiug, Ste phen Ernhout, O. S. Cleavclaud. Ridgway George Stephenson, G. T. Wheeler, George Baldwin, Nath. Cum miDgs, G. F. Dickinson. St. Maty's Boro Wm. Melt, Affcert Weis, Henry Lihr( George Imhoff, Louis Gies. Spring Creek Charles Spcuser, J no McGaffic. GRAND JURY. Grand aoll Traverse Jurors drawn for November Term 1872. Benezette "-M. D. Johnson. Benzinger Paul Schneider, James Black, Joseph Diet Jr. Fox John Kyler. Horton--.A. Sparks Jacob Fields, John Anderson. Jay Lewis S. Dodd, Charles Webb, E. F. Morcy Jones Ferdinand Wonk, Anthony Cole. Jacob C. Meffert, John Spriog steand. Ridgway S. A. Rote, William M'Vey, Charles Healy. St. Mary's Boro George Garner, Jr., Frank Sosenheimer, Edward Blin tzler, Joseph Dornish, Joseph Retgar. Sprieg Creek L. B. Irwin. TRAVERSE JURT. Benezette Henry Bush, Samuel Rathbun, Julius Jones, D. B. Wins low. Benzinger Jos. Kronenwetler, Geo. M. Fuchs, Adam Geyer, Geo. Gregory. John Gleizner. Fox John I. Hayes, Charles &. Kelts, Thomas Malone James R. Green Mathias Spooler J r., U. W. Rogers, James O'Hara. Jav---Reese MavhoOd. David Wheel er, Lorduio N. Briggs, W. M. Robin- son. ... Jones Truaian Garliok, Thoa. J. Godwin. Ridgway Chanes Cody, John Ilae- en, George Walker, P. A. Mead, Isaae Stephenson. M. E. Lesser, R. V. Kime, James Hortoft, C. G. Mailt J. F. Dill. St. Marv s Boro Jos. Krafth. John Weidenboerner, John B. Butch, Jos. Wilbelm, George KreHtrer, John Fos ter. Sprtng Creek W. M. Steel Edward New Advertisements. al.1 Catharine S. Cowen, "1 In Common rieas of vs. V Elk Courity. James Bdwen. j No. 2 April T. 1871 Libel In Divorce, a vinctih malrimenii. to Jamrt Bowtn, rttponttent above named; Ton are hereby notified thnt the subpoena and alias Subpoena in the abbre case having been returned non eft M'tnlut, you are re' auired to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEMBER next, being the 4th day Of th montti, to answer tuo complaint in t lie ahdve case. U. c. Oyster, sheriff. SifEHirr's OrricKj 1 Ridgway, July 6lh, 1871. nl8td. VENDERS OF MERCHANDISE ATTEN TIONI Venders of Merch.mdise, keepers ol Saloons, Brewers and Distillers of the county df Elk are hereby iirilifiSd that the Appraiser bf Mercantile Taxes 1872 has filed Lis return in rtiy office, and that the tax by him assessed must be paid to me at once, or the accounts will be placed in the hands of a collector. C. R. EAKLhV. Treasurer, Ridgway, Sept. 6th, 1872-41. . STATU FAIR! milE Annual Exhibition ofthe l'EN'XSTL I VANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETV will be held at ERIE, SEPT. 17, 18, 19 and :0, 1872, Competition is cd-extensive with the United Status and the 1'roTiuces, and the citizens OT other States and the Dominion are cordially invited to compete for our crises. Ho Estbt Fkr is Ckaburu. Ex cursion tickets will be issued by all the railroads find stock and Articles curried nt the lowest mtes. JACOB 11. EUY, D. Wi SKifiBRi Rec, Sec President Kluriiiuh McConkkt, Cor. Sec- OTICE. Whereas my wife Emma Gross has left my bed and bortrd without any just cause or provocation: all persons are here by forbideu to harbor or trust her on my account, as 1 Minn pay no ueots oi ner con trading after this date. THOMAS A. GROSS, July 22ud, 1872. Uotf TO G0 WB3T. J his is an inquiry winch every one should have truthfully answered before he starts nu his journey, ami n littl care taken in cxatninutiou of RottteR will in many curses save much trouble, time and money. lho"U., li fi If. H. lv., running fiotn Chtcano, tlirouh Galesbur to Burlington, and the '! , B.&V7. Route,' running from Tndiucnpolis, through Bloomitiuton to Burlliigton, have achiev ed a splendid reputation in the lust two years as tile leading Passengers Uuntes to the West. At Burlingtcn they con nect with the H f- M. U R. and from the greitt Buriiugton Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with Close connections to California and the Territories J aud passengers starting from 1'jlk Coiinty, ou their way westward, cannot do better than to take the UuBMStn'ON HatrrE. This J'iiie has published a pamphlet called "llott to go West," Which Con tains mUCh valuable information; a large correct map ot the Greilt Weii, which can be obtitiued fieo of chuigc by ad dressing the General Passenger Agent B. & M. R. R. Burlington, Iowa. 2-22tf NEW L.IVI3UY BTAI3L.E IN LJLMIV to , DAS SCRIBNKR WISHHSfTO IS- form the CittZcus of Ridgway, aud the publiS gci.ernlly, thut be has started H lAr cry Stuble and itill keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGE? auil Biigids, to" let upon the maii refnstfnn ble terms R3'Ho will islso do job tcunfii. Stable in the Brooks Barn, ceitr (he PostOfEse, m Mill street. All orders left at the Post Office' Will meet prompt Hlten- ion. Aug 20 1870. If. 1HE bulance of this Thriling Romanoe will be found in "THAT CONVEN TION : or Fivg Day a Politician." Just out, containing lOo Illustration by the Greatest, Humorous Artist in American, with contributions from "F. 0. W.," PU TROLEUM V. N AS BY. MARK T ft A IN. H. Q.," ROLLO RAMBLER, and a score Of other populnr writers. On beautiful tint sper, elegantly btftind. Cloth, $1.2o: Pa per, Tft cents. FOR SALE EVERY WHERE, or sent post vuid on receipt of pfice. F. O. WELCH & CO., Publishers, New York and Chicago. AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York, General Agents for supplying the Trade. iROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF PENN'A. JOINT P.ESOLCTION Propesing an amendment to the Consfifu lion of Pennsylvania. Be it retotved by the Seriate arid House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, That the following amendment of the Constitntion of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pur- nam to tne provisions or tue tenth article thereof,- to wit; AMENDMENT: Strike Out the sixth article of the Con stitution, aud Insert in lieu thereof the following? 'A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the States, at such times and for such term of service a shall be prescribed by JaW." . WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Speaker of the' House of Representatives. JAJltS e. KUTAN, - - Speaker of the Senate. ApPBOVtrV THe twenty-second day of March, Anao Domini one thCnsand eighi hundred aftd seventy-two. JU, W. GEARY. Prepare! and Certified for Publication pursuant to the Teeth Article of the Con- titution. FRANCIS JOBDAN. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office' Secretary of the Commonwealth, itarrisDurg, jirue .out, 1871'. jnly 4o3. New Advertisements. ST. MARY'S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ST. MARY'S, ELK CO., PA. MANTFACTURItM 0 STEAM Ett dlNES, Machinery for SAW and GRIST MIL8. TANNKRTE3, . AND BRICK VAUD, FARMING IMPLEMENTS Such its Plows, Threshing Machines Stutilp MaChitlea, AC: SASH WKIG1ITS, CELLAU gUARD3 CARPET STRIPS, ieon ftAiLiila tor verandas AND CEMETERYS. IT ARM BELLS, IRON KETTLES 01' ALL StE., II WATERS AND STOVES Car wheels all sizes for Railroad cot) tractors, null men, and all who are in want of thctlij solid or with arms, chilled or not; In shrtft everything nlade oiit of iron. We solicit the trade of Elk and adjoining counties. Give us a trial is all we nsk. Foundry cor. Mill and Sti Mary's Sts St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. L. H. GARNER Si BUO. v2-23tf. A is hereby given that letters of Admin istration on (lie estate of Adclplius Kyler, dCcertscd, late of ftix totnffhip, Kilt Cottrtty, I'cnrtrylTania, having beeen granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to siitl esldte will plcaso make immediate payttient, aud those having claims or ile- matlus will present them prepeny atitlieuti cated for settlement without delay. PETER THOMPSON, . . , FLORETTA KYLER, Aamr !3--Ji. N EW STAGE ROUTE. .. 0. BURNS, Proprietor. The subscriber' havini secured the don- tract for carrying llid U. S. Mail between REYNOLDStlLLE & BROCKWAY VJLLE, has placed on that road a line of hacks. Hacks leave tl.e Excbango Hotel in Rcynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the ntrival of the Broonvillc stngdf mid return the same day. These haclts Connect at UrdcKWHyTUlo wltll the Rilf!y stages, nmktnf connection with trains on the P. et E. Rend, both east and west. Every attention to the comfort of patrons of this line wilt be given, aud a lbcral patronage solicited. AUg. 13-72H. Music for the Campaign. TUB RIDGWAY SILVER CORNET BAND will fiii-mali musIC for' alt political rfloeting during the citmpaign; NEW" INSTRUMENTS AND MEW MUSIC. Terms moderate'. D. B. DAY, Leader. J. O. W.A1LBY, Scl'y. Ridgway, Pa., Aug. 13. 1872. Presidential Campaign. Cups, Capes & Totefces. Send for I lliistraleit Cir cular and Price List. CUNNINGHAM & HILL. MANUFACTURERS. iNo. 204 Church fetreet, flllLAbELfltit 1-23113". For Said.- Lots to suit buyers. Large or sniff!!; Mil long Urtie. one f'onrfh cftsh, LaUnce on ten years. Inquire of II. Little, Ridgway, or 0 R. McNdlty, No. 330 Broadway, New York. 2-aOwl: JRfiD. SCHOENINO, WUOLKSALB AND BETAlb DELEtt IS PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHE'ET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Piano and organs to' rent and rental rip plied if purchased. rrotbon6ta'ry,8 Office, Ridgway, Pa. VSniOtf. tEOAL.) James if. 'vtiiber, tn Cont'rrio"u PIohs vs. V of Elk County Kate II. Wilber. J 21 April T., '72. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Kate If. Jtilber, respondent above naniM: You are hereby notified that the subp'n'V and alias subpoena, in the above case hv ing been re'urned non est inventus, yOu are required to appear oiitboFIrtST MONDAY OF NOTEM. next, being the 6th day of the month, to answer the eonrpleint in the above esse. to. C. OYSTER', Sheriff. Sheriffs OtricE, 1 Ridgway, July 4th, 1872. f 18to. LKQAkj Catharine J. Bowen, ) In Common Pleas of V8- I Elk Qpunty. James" Boweii'. J No, 2 April T. '71v Libel in1 Divorce, a vinculo1 matrimonii.. To J antes Bowen, respondent above rianted: y You are' hereby notified that the snbpos'na and alias subpoena in the above case having been returned non est inventus, yoor ore re quired to appear on the THIRD MONDAY OF OCTOBER next, being the 5th day of the month, to answer the oamplaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. . Smgirr's Omen, Kidgway, Aug. 4th, 187 J. ( nl8to. POWELL & KIME- Pbwell & Kimc itaVlHg tfi-ecleil a Irttgo aUd well drranged new Stbre House oh the bid site, since the fire, ftnil filled it froro cl'lortd g"arrc'l Willi the' choicest gtiods bf all descriptions, thiit call be found In any market, ttt- fujf pr pared to rcccit cthcir aid bUStdtners, and supply their wants at bdttom figures WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Their ttfjsoMitie'ul Is now complote, eoui prising DRlf GOODS GROCEItlE, CROCKEKY, llARDWARiij, CI.OtlilNG, Boots' ANIJ SlldESf HATS AND CAPS, MOTIONS,ctc, etc. PORK FLOUR, SALT. DRIED APl'Llis, DRIED PEACHES, n shcrt c'vcTyiliig"wan?cd;?ff th'e'C'c'uri'ry r.UMlJK'ftMEN, FARtfE'liS1, SiE CliANICS, jiiNKRS,- fjiti: DELIS',- LABORING, EN,- EVERYBODY Asrj 4 fu-ll sfoclt of MANILLA Ft OPE of the best irfrjiu;ic(i:'re, of su'iuble' sizes fo rafting and ftronrng pur po-setf. KW2W a, P, MeroW r leTi W. S. SERVICE- GO AND SEE! It wiLti i'AVI THE LArGT StoCk OF THE BESf-NU U'l'llER lN sl'OUK- liOUsi!! F't!ltNi3lli(j GOODS IN iiNOLksS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS VlLtj PLEAS15! STO'ES' DjiLIVEliED AND SET ViitiiM Viititi: Pniiizi CALL AND EXAMiNE! A I'LtJASUItK ,Td SiHiVT' goods! . W. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonic Hrtll Building. Pidgway; Pa. i GENTS WANTED! For he fastest with till II. 4.". aud most popular book- lustrations, likenesses of nil the Presidents heiitit'Ully bound, and printed dri tinted THE NATION, Hulcrs tifid Institutions, .V KXCLlSlt A. YD GtiihiAX Noiiiing like It. Strikes everybody as .'put (lie luolc they need. It is an Eircyclo pirdiit rt!' the Guvernincnl. Single page, in it rirc of thentse.'tes Worth the price of the hook orer otn.f puyei arid ottlif $2.50 A 10 H HA II VEST, far Caltvassers tallies ana gentlemen Tiirme'rs, teachers and stuJeulH. title agent took 13 drd.rt Hi a tew it tys . ...... -N. H;n., iu urniTS ill a l. with ifirelihr dlone, before the book id. $M $ WAY can be cleared in pjipeare.i. iair. itrntoiy. nnte at Once, for circular and iiiforiiiiitio'n. NEW WdULD PUB LISHING CO., Cor. Vthand Market Streets, Philadelphia. vln37yl. THK GREAT CAUSE of Ilamaln Miser. Just Published, in n Sealed Enelop'e. frice six cents, A Lectureon (lie Nature, Treat ment, nnJ HadiCttl cure of spermatorrhoea induced by self.Abtise, Involuntary Enrss lons, Impotencj, Nervous Debility, and In pedimcnts to Marrirtgo generally j Cdu. sum-ptiori, Efllcpsy, ttnd Fits- Mental and 1 Jnc'apuc'ity, &c-.By ROB j CULYEltlVELU M. D., atlibor of the "Greed Bdok," &$. The World-renowned author, in this aj mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of feelf-Abuse may be efTeotually removed without, medicine, and, without dringorous surgical operation's, bougies, Instruments, nugs, or cordio'ls, pointing orit a mode Of cure at once certain aud effectual, by which every aufferer. no matter what his couditioh may be, cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will prove' a boon to thousands' and thousandj. Sent uuder seal, in a' plain envefope', to any address, on receipt of six oen Is, or t wo postage s.ainps, by addressing the publish, era. Also'. DR. CULVERWELlS -Mar-riage Guide," prite 50 cents. Address" the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLISIE' 4 CO'. 127 Bowery Ne York. P. 0 Box 4586". vln47ylcf. Wood's. New! Iron Mower.- AGENTS WANTED. For Circulars, particulafe, eo., address, SELUEV7, ADAMS t- j(j. fJowatrdat, N. T. MaouYacturers of4 the . . Gowanda Piow,- the best made. For sale iu Ridgway ty . . i'OWELL & KIME. April lS'tu, ' 72 -Seer. NE MILLION OF LIVES SAVED. drttptltri (if mis remaraaoie age; not . ion so iimnj persons are the ; victims of dyspepsi of In digestion, but. its Willing victims. ffB we would nclt he1 ubderstood to ssy th.1t nnj One regards dyspepsia with faVor. or feels disposed to rank it among the luxuries of life. Far from It. Those who have ex perienced its torrrients would scout such ad idea'. All dread it, rind would gladly dis pense with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Taplcy, vVlto was jolly tinder all thd trying oircumstntice'S in Which he was placed, never had nn nttBck'df dyspepsia, or his' jolity would have speedily forsaken hiiri. ', Of all the multifarious diseases to which I lie liitman system is liable, there Is perhaps fid dne ., sd generally prevalent its dyspepsia. There are disc ices more acttte and painful, and which more fierjuenlljr prove fatal; but none the effeeis of which arB so depressing o the mind and so positively distressing td the hod. If there is a wretched being id tho world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTiC1. . We have Sitht that Hysptepsia is perhaps iie most universal of human , diseases. This is imphntically the case in the United States Whether, this general prevalence is iltie to tile character of the food, the method Of its preparation, or the hasty manner in which it is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The great fbt with which wc are called to deal is thisi DYSPEPfiiA PREV.i.Ld ftliHo'st univci sally. Nearly every other person you meet is victim, nn apparently willing one; were this not the case, why so many sufferers, when a ceHitin, speedy, nhd flitfe1 remedy is within the easy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? But says rt dys peptic: , What is this remedy? to which wo replyi This great allevator bf hilthau silHc'ring- is almost as widely known as tho' English language. . It has allayed the agonies Of thousands, and is to-day cdrry comf'nrt nnd encouragement to thousands' of othci'9. This acknowledged panacea is nol.c' olner (liaii Dr. IIOOFLAND'-S' GERMAN BETTERS, Would yo'ti know more of the irierlls of this wonderful prepatatiort thatl Cad be learned from tho experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it has failed td Tulfit 1ia n u -.. .... f 1 . ' ti k : -. .' u.: the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. t.l.-.fl 111 t II TT . ' I I. If I.T1 HI. first of till, thnt HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is tnttii beVerttge1; TUer nre nnmnnHltil whnllv nf iUti tn'.,-a juice or vital principle of roots.- This is uuia mere assenion xne extracts trOm which they are ctfmjiotir'dedare prepared by one of the ablest of German Chemists: Their cnects enn be beneficial only id all Cases of the billinry ,ystenl. Hoofland's German ' ... u. ...... 1. 11 .ivui' an cvjuui, uuviiig piomptly and vigorously upon. the liver; 'they remove its torniditv and cause hnnlih. fill Seett'tlJit ff Pilc--tl!i;ifb ftiintttvinir ilic sioniach yitii the mbst indispensable e'enioals of soiuid digestion in proper pro portions. T lio'.y purify Hie blood, -cleansing the vital fluid all liUflfiil iulptirities nnd su pliinfing' them With 'lie Clements of genuine heilthfultiess. NOW. t)lf.t-M tii'ti rVnfinin n .i..nd i ...u.v nvi inn. ivK.OSC.. U. JJCI sons td vv hum extreme Bitters are not only unpalatable, but who find it impossible to iuv iiiBii! w 11 iiuiu. jiosnive uiscomiori. ror itch Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC ' -i-vv..... in blIHVU. AV AO IUI.UUUU for Use Where' a slight alcoholic stimulant 9 icijuiicj in oonnecrion witn tne well nown Tonie nronerties nf fhs nun f.- man Bitters. HdOF'tANEl's' TONIfJ acts with almost mnrveiotis effect. It ndl only stimulates the flagging and wasting twioigics, ui luvigorates ana permanently ... .......,... . i-j iwiiuu ujuu me uiver ind Stomiicli thorough; perhaps less irdiupt (liuii t lie Bitters, when tne same lunntilj is taken is none the less certain. nrlifTuati'nn' 11.11.. m : , ... ..61.u, uiiumnuraj, 1 ujrsiCttl qr PiCT- votts prpstrritioil,, yield rettdily tel. t po em iiiuuence. ir gives tne invalid a new ind stronger hold upon life,, removes de pression of spirit, and insmre's chnorf,.!. neSH. But Dr. Hoofland's b'eiie flint inn. tfi the Ifl'lllllli firn Tint nnnfin j , 1.:. celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or hu invaluable Tonic. He has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning . i. ..j ,u -ujuiiir invar occause or its in rinsio itiefiffl: Thisi i Hnngtivivii PODOPIIYLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi t in e for mcrcurv withnnt. nnv nr . - j " -i-iv-iiij a evil qualities. These wnnilni-fnl Pitt.. J.i.ii:'. i ed ia nit ftjidn tlto Liver, rirc mainly com. r'"' .uuupiiyiuu, or ine vital princi ple Of tllA llllllllll'lltra .nnl It : !.- A' . . " - vwy . .1- IO IUV UieUl cmal virtues of this healih-Bjiving pltfnl. ii ' i. iiviiuiuy iinrc nuu iiigmy concentrated form. The' Podo'nhvli ill hnla ili.ail.. the Liver, stimulating its fnnr.ii-,n. ... causing it. to make its billinry Secretions in l-eiriiliir nnd Tjrr'r-'jVi. .Vio..:i:' Vii.- . T. ------i i'i"v.ucu, xue lnju- rioii result which invariably follow, tho u- ui mvivury in entirely avoided by thc'ir use. But it f nnl i..- t !- i .i . ii. ------- ii'iu mo uiver only that their powers ure" exerted. The '"an'iriiKe contained in tKem is skillfully combined with fouf other ex tracts, one of which acts upon tile stom'ach. Ana iinnn tliA nn.... 1 ;l- .... . v.,..,.. " uuwuis, one upon the lower boweh, arid prevents any eriDino- . i" I"" """i innuences the entire digestive and alimentary System, in an equal and harmonious manner, and its ttctlcn entirely free from nausea, vomit iriir 6f tfrini purgatives. Possessing these much desii-able qualities' tho Podophyllin becomes Invaluable as a v . rAMILY MEDICINE; No libu'sehold a'hmilil ho iw..i .i. -. They are perfeotly safe, require but two1 u. umramj uuse, are prompt and effi cient in sotion, and when used in connec tion with Dr. Hooflarid i Gerntaii Bitters 0.raTonl0,4mtty be "garded as certain spe oiftcs In all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pasia, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidnrly subject. The ruinu'UKLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and bowels, c'arryW off MiDrODerobatriintinna i.;i. .1.. " . . , y mo uiiicrs or Touio purify the blood, -Strengthen and III 0 Minn1 ' - . f ---------""i mu aim appe- tlte to tha stomach'.' nnfl th.V. v.. in .. ' f, invalid anew. . Dr. Hooflanif. ImvfnV. j'i j ,. - . --" i"uuu internal remedies for disease, hm il. . . , . - 6"tH iub worm one mainly for external application, la the f"i"''iuU alio w a as. DBvOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL; This Oi is a sovereign remedy for pain and acnes of all kinds. . . . . P RheUmjttis'm. I,,oiif' nV-'ai . rwiiHoij is L. . " JS ,oxnacne, ChiltlairM, Bpfains, Burns', Pain in the naca ano Loins, Ringworms, etc., etg., all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart rS'nl Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colic, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps Pains in the Stomach, Colds, Ac' hma, eto CHAS. M EVANS'. Proprietor. Formerly , M. JACKSON & CO These Remedies are for salt by jJruoaut Storekeeper., and Mediciris tfcZ vhcre. Vltfify! 9.