(ftlk daunts gjiwiprff. H. A. Pattison, Editor. THURSDAY, SEn. 26, 1872. NATIONAL KOiinUTIDKS. FOR PRESIDENT, VLYSSES S. GRANT, Of Illinois. ' TOR VICE-PRESIDENT, HENRY WILSON, Qf Massachusetts. 1 - - REPtJLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR governor: Me). Gen. JOHN F. IIARTRAN?T, Montgomery Countj. FOR STJFREiHB JUDGE! Hon. ULYSSES MERCUR, Bradford Countj FOR AUDITOR GENERATE Brig. Gen. HARRISON ALLEN, Warren County. CONGRESSMEN AT LARGE: General LEMUEL TODD, Cumberland County. Gen. CHARLES ALBRIGHT, Carbon County. GLENNI W. SCOFIELD, Warren County. REPUBLICAN COUNTS TICKET. FOR CONGRESS. Col. C. B. CURTIS, Erie County. FOR AUDITOR, HIRAM CARMAN. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, W. H.NEWCOM. Stfdfers ani Sailors Convention. The veteran 8oldiers and Sailors con vention beld at Pittsburgh on the 17th and 18th, inst was a success in the most triumphant sense. At no time since the close of the war, when the great armies of the nation, having done their work, and done it well, quietly disband ed and the soldier again became a pro ducer, has there been such a gethering of veteran defenders of onr country as the one at Pittsburgh last weok. There were at least 50,000 of the boys in blue together, who in the days of other years stood with touch of elbowes as the gray aad bntternat clad traitor enemies advaneed apon them, not only to destroy them, but the country and Outviuuicul fui nliioK ttioj -vrovo figkt. iog. The convention was tailed to order Tuesday morning by Maj. Gen. A. E. Rurnaide of Rhode Island. Geu. Sueitzer delivered an address of wel come en behalf of the citizens of Pitts burg and the State of Pennsylvania full of thrilliner elooence. Gev. Geary was s then conducted t the front by Gen Burnside, and as the chief magistrate of our grand old commonwealth delivered an eloquent and hearty address of wel- eom to the veteran Soldiers and Sailors then assembled. Gen. Burnside then delivered an address as chairman of the veterans national committee full of in terest to every sortfierand sailor present, Gen. Joseph R. Hawly of Connecticut was then introduced as temporary chair man of the convention amid thundering applause. Gen. Hawley's speech on assuming the duties of the office to which his comrades called him was one of the most masterlv efforts we have ever heard in the field of politics, in deed it was patriotism at white heat eponded by the patriotism of fellow triots at like temperature. re. Various communications were then in troduced one of which bore the greetings ef 50,000 follow veterans, and another the wishes of success from 790 excon federate officers and soldiers from the States of Louisiana, Georgia, Missouri, and Texas. The afternoon session like that of the forenoon was characterised by intense enthusiasm, while the speeches by Gen John. A. Logan, permanent chairman and other distinguished speakers from the rank and file of our Nation's defend ers, were rceieved by ontbursts of en thusiastic applause that will be reniem bared' by speakers- and hearers, unti aemory shall fade out and comrades living join those who, though dead yet speak by their deeds of noble daring Our space is too limited to give the faintest idea of the grand event, Wednesday brought on thff grand parade. The procession was on a scale surpassing perhaps anythiag of the kind that has evet occurred ib this country, Besides the delegations ef Tetersas from everv State and Territory in the Union, tiare were a score and mors of large local delegations in that vast procession. The nrooesaion was three hours passin riven point The grand event closed by a Torch light profession the evening of the loiu, esumaiea at uwo uucb iu length, then quietly, and as if by magio these veteran patriots returned to their homes Good order in every sense of the word pmaled as all the Pittsburgers toar testimony. JjU-ECTION PROCLAMATION. Whereas, in and by the 13th section of the Act of General Assembly of Penn sylvania, passed July 2d 1869, entitled. "An act relating to the Elect! ins of the Commonwealth." It is enjoined on the Sheriff of every countj to give notice of such elections to be held, and to enum erate in such notice what officers are to be elected, in pursuance thereof, I. D. C. Oyster, High Sheriff of the county of Elk, do therefore make known and give this pnblio notice to the electors of said county of Elk, that a general elec tion will be held in said county, on TUESDAY, 0CT03E3 8th 1S72. (it being the second Tuesday of the month), for the purpose of electing the following officers, to-wit: One person for Governor. One person for Auditor General. Ouo porson for Judge of the Supreme Court Three persons for Congressmen at largo. Twenty-eight persons for Delegates to the Constitutional Convention. One person for Congress to represent the counties ot Clearfield, Cameron, Elk, Erie, Forest, McKean and Warren. One person for member of the Legis lature to represent the counties of Cum eron, Elk and Jefferson. Three persons as delegates to the Con stitutional Convention, to represent the oouotics of Cambria, Clearfield, Clinton and Elk. One person for Prothonotary, Register and Recorder, and Clerk of Courts, of Llk county. One person lor Commissioner, One person for Auditor. And the qualified electors of the county of Llk will hold their elections in the several districts, as follows: Benezette township, at the house of Elizabeth WidbIow. Benzicger township, at the school house on Michael St., near the Elk creek bridge. Fox township, at the Centrevill school house. Highland township, at the house of Levi Ellithorpe. Horton township, at the school bouse near D. C. Oyster s Hotel. Ridgway township, ai the Court Hall. House. St. Mary's Boro., at the Town Spring Creek township, at the House of Stockdalc, Downer & Co Jay township, at the house of Alfred Pearsall. . Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan ning and Lumber Co's., office in Wilcox. Mill btone township, at the house of Henry Herr, at Barrs Dam. I also make known the following act entitled "An act regulating the mode of voting at all elections in the several counties in this Common wea'th," as I am required by the second section of said act: SrcTtow 1 R if. ennttxil 1,v tit- Senate and House of Representatives Ac; That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general township and special elec tions are hereby hereafter authorized aud required to vote by ticket, printed or written or partly written and partly printed, severally classified as follows: One ticket shall embrace the naues ot all the Judges of the Courts to be voted for and to be labelled on the uutside Judiciary" one ticket shall embrace the names ol all Mate omcers to be voted for including the office of Senator, mem ber orN members of Assembly, if voted For, members ot Congress it voted for and be labelled "county;" one ticket shall embrace the names ot all the town ship officers voted for, and be labelled "borough or "township; and each shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the loth section of aforesaid act, I am directed that every person except Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any omce appointment ot trust or profit, under the Government of the United States, or this State, or any city or incorporated district, whether a com missioned officer or otherwise a subordin ate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legislative or judi ciary or executive department of this Mate or of the United States, of any city or incorporated district, and also every member of Congress and State Legislature, and the select and common council of any city Commissioner, or any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment ot Judge, In spector or Clerk, of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector or Judge, shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for. Also in the 4th sectiooofthe Act of Assembly, entitled. "An act relating to elections and for every purpose," ap. proved April ICth, 186'J, it is enacted that the 14th section shull be so con strued as to prevent any militia or borough officer from serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, at any general or special election in this Commonwealth. Also, that iff the 61st, section ef said act it is enacted "That every general or special eleotion shall be opened between the hours ot six or seven in the lore noon, aad shall remain without l&terrup. tion until seven o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed. No person shall be permitted to vote at any eleotion as aforesaid, but a white freeman ol the age ef twenty-one years, or more, who shall have resided in this State at least ose year and in the eleo tion district where be offers bis vote, at least ten days immediately preoeding sneh election, and within two years paid a- State or County tax, whieh shall have bees assessed at least ten days before the elettioa. But a citiaen of the United States, who has previously been a quali fied voter ot this State, bat removed therefrom and returned, and shall have resided in the eleotion district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote alter residing in this State six months. 2'rovided, That the freemen, citizens of the United States, who are between the aires of twp ntv.nna nnd in twonty-two years, aad who have resided in the election district ten dav n nforn- suid, shall be entitled to vote,. although luejr iiuvo not paid taxes. vv IIF.RRA 8, The Fifteenth Amend ment of the Constitution of the United States is as follows: Section 1. The rieht of citizens of tho United States shall not be denied o? abridged by tho United States on ac count of lace, color, or previous condi ion ui servuuuo. OF.O. I. Tnat Congress shall have power to enforce this artiolo by appropri ate legislation. And whereat, The Congress of tho United States, on the 31st of March isiu, passed an act entitled, "An act to enforce the light of citizens of the United States to vote in the several btatcs ot the Union, nnd for other purposes," the first and second sections of which aro as follows: Be it enacted, tf-c. That all citizens of the Uni'cd States who nre or snail be otherwise aua ihed to vote at any election by the people of any State, Territory, district, city, county, parish. township, school district, municipality, or ii l : i i. . ,.. r r. . uiuui iui riiunui suDvision snail do entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections, wuuuui uistincuon or color, race, or previous condition of servitude: anv con- suiuuon, law, custom, usage, or regula ,r, ... i . lion ol auy state or territory, or by or under its authority, to the contrary, notwithstanding-. PEC. Z. And be it further enacte i That, if, by or under the constitution or laws ot any State or the laws ot any ter ritory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, and by euch constitution or laws persons or officers nre or thall be charged with the performance of duties in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to perform such prerequisites, or to become qualified to vole it shall be the duty ot every such person and officer to give all citizens of the United States, the same and equal oppoituuity to perform such prerequisite and to become qualified to vote without distinction of race, colui or previous condition of servitude; and if any such persons or officers shall refuse, or knowingly omit to give full effect to this section, he shall for every such of fence, forfeit and pay tho sum of five hundred dollars, to the persons aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with full costs aud such a. low er) ce for counsel fees as the court shall deem just, and shall also for every such offence be deemed guilty of misdeiuean. or, and shall on conviction thereof be fined not less than five hundred dollars or to be impiisoncd not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. And Whereas, It is declared by the secnod section ot the VI article of the Constitution ot the United States, that 'This Constitution of the United States whieh shall be uiadb in pursuance thereof shall be the supreme law of the land anything in the Constitution or lutes of any State, to the contrary, not withstanding. And whereas, Tho Legislature of this Commonwealth, on tho Hlh day of April 1870, passed an act entitled "A further supplement to the act rclatiug to elec tions in this Commonwealth," the Kith section provides as follows: Section 10. That so much of every act of Assembly as provides that only white treenicn shall be eutitled to vote, or be registered as voters, or as claiming to vote at any general or special election of this Commonwealth, be aud the same hereby repealed, and that hereafter all freemen without distinction of color, ball be enrolled and registered aecord- ng to the provisions of the first section of the act approved tho 17th of April, louU, entitled, "An act lurthcr supple mental to an act relative to the elections of this Commonwealth," and snail when otherwise qualified under existing laws, be entitled to vote ut all general and pecial elections in this Commonwealth. No person shall be permitted to vote whose name is not coutaincd in the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the Commissioners, unless he first produces receipt lor the paymeut within two years, ot Mate or County tax. assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfactory evideuce either on bis own oath or amirmatioD ot another that be has paid such tax, or ou failure to pro duce such receipt snail make oath of the payment thereot; it ho claims to vote by ig an elector between the ages ot twenty-one and twenty-two yeais he shall depose on oath or affirmation that he has resided in the Mate at least one year before bis application, and muke proof ot bis-residence witbirj his district as required by the act, and that he does verily believe from accounts given him, that he is of the age aforesaid and give such other evideuce as is required by ike act whereupon the uame ot the per son so admitted to vote shall be regis tered in the alphabetical list by the in spector, aud a note made opposite there to by the word "tax," if he shall have been admitted to vote by reason of hav ing paid! tax, or tbe word "age" if he shall have been admitted to vote by reason ot age, shall be called out to tho clerks, who shall make like notes in the list kept by them- In all cases where the nru of persons claiming to vote is found on the list tar nished by the Commissioners and As sessors, and bis right to vote whether found thereou or not, is objected by any qualified citizen, it shall be the Inspec tors duty to examine such persons on oath, as to his qualifications, and if he claims to hav resided within the State for ono year or more, his oath shall not be sufficient proof thereof, but ahall make proof thereof by at leaat odb Com petent witness who shall be a qualified elector, that h has icsided wUhia tbe district, for the purpose of voting there Every person qualifled as aforesaid. and who shall make '.he duo proof, if re quired, of his residence and payment of ot taxes aforesaid, in the township, ward or district in which he shall reside. If any person shall prvent or attcmp to prevent any officer' of any eleotion un der this act from holding such eleotion, or use or threaten any violence to any sueb officer, or shall interrupt or in pro perly intcrfer with him in the execution ot his duty, or shall block up the window or avenue to anv window where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such election, or shall use or practice any intimidation threats, force or violence, with design to influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to preveot him from voting, or to re strain the freodom of choice, such per sous on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, be imprisoned for any time not les than one month nor more than one year and if it be shown that the peisons so offend ing was not a resident of the city, ward, district or township where the said of fence was committed, and not entitled to VDte therein, and on conviction he shall be sentenced to pay a fine ot not less than one hundred or more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six months or more than two years. The following proclamation from the Governor ot this Commonwealth is also published in accordance with the re quirements of law, viz: Pennsylvania, ss: In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, John W. Geary, Governor of said Com monwealth, To Daniel C. Ovstf.r, Esquire, of the County of Elk sbNim greet ings Whereas, A Joiut Resolution pro posing au amendment to the Constitu tion ut this Commonwealth, has been agreed to by a majority of the members elected to eaeh house of the Legislature, at two successive sessions of the saufe which is as follows: "Joint Sasoltttioo Proposing Amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. "Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of I'ennsylviin-a in General, Assembly met, That the following amend ment ot the Constitution of the Com monwealth be proposed to the people lor their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions ol the tenth article there of, to wit: "AMENDMENT. "Stiike out the sixth section of th sifth orticlo of the Constitution, uud in sert in lien thereof the following: 'A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qunlifiori sluntors ot tho State, t such times and for suuh a term of service as shall be prescribed by law.' " And whereas. It is provided in the tenth article of the Constitution that any amendment, so agreed upon, ."hall be submitted to tho people m such manu:r and at such time, ut ica.it three months after being so agreed to by the two Houses, as the Legislature shall pre scribe; A nd icn reas. By an act of the General Assembly of this Cuiuiiiuiiwcii'th. ap proved the eleventh day ol April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and seven-ty-two, it is provided: "That for the purpose of ascertaining the sense ol the peoplo of this Commonwealth in regard to the adoption or rejection of said amendment, the Governor of the Com monwealth Bball issue a writ of election, directed to each and every Sliorifl of this Commonwealth, commanding them to give notice in the usual manner, in not less than two newspapers in each city and county (if so many are pub lished therein"), and bv at Uost two printed handbills in each election dis trict in every city and county wherein no newspaper is published, that an election will be held in each of the townships, boroughs, wards, precincts and districts therein, ou the second luesdny ot Oc tober, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiirht hundred and seventy-two, for the purpose of deciding upou the approval and ratification or rejection of tne said amenatueni, wmcn mm shall be oiieocd, held and closed upon the day last nforesald, at the places and within the hours, at and within whieh the general elections of this Common wea'th are ditectcd to bo opened, he'd and closed. Now, therefore. In obedience to the requirements of the tenth article ot the Constitution and iu compliance with the true intent and meaning of the said ac of the General Assembly, I, JOHN W GEARY. Governor of the said Common wealth ol Peocsylvaoia, do issue this Writ, commanding and requiring you the said D. C. Oyster. Sheriff of the said countv. to "ive notice in the usual manner and as by law required, that an election will be held according to the terms of the Constitution and tho pro visions of the aot of the General As sembly aforesaid, in each of tho town shiw. boroughs, wards, precincts- and districts therein, oa- the seconed Tues day of October, in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred aua seven ty-two-, for the purpose of deciding up on the aonroval ana ratiBcatioo or re jwetk)i of tbe said Amendment. Given under my baud and the Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg," this fifteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight bundrecr an sevonty-two. and of the Commonwealth the ninety-seventh. , By the Governor: JNO. tT. GEARY F. Jordan, Secretary of the Commwwealth. flONtTlTUTIONAL CONTENTION. At tho same timo and places, also, an election will be beld for delegates to the convention to amend the Constitution of the State, in conformity with the act en titled. "An Aot to provide for calling a convention," approved April 11, 1872. As prescribed by Said aot, the following rules and regulation shall apply to said election and the returns of the same: first. At the general eleation to bo held the second Tuesday of October next, there shall be elected by the quali fied electors of this Commonwealth, dele gates to a Convention to revise and amend the Constitution of this State : the said convention shall consist of one hundred and thirty-three members to be elected in the manner following: Twenty- eight members thereof shall be elected in the State at large as follows ! Each voter of the State shall vote for not more than fourteen candidates, and the twenty-eight highest iu Vote shall be de clared elected ; ninety-nine delegates shall be appointed to and elected from the different Senatorial districts of tho State, three delegates to he elected for each Senator therefrom J and in choos ing all district delegates, each voter shall be entitled to a vote fdr not more than two of the members to be chooscn from his district, and the three candidates highest in vote shall be declared elected, except in the county of Allegheny form ing the Twenty third Senatorial distriet, where no voter shall vote for more than six candidates, and the nine highest in vote shall be dcolared elected, and the counties of Luzerne, Monroe and Pika, forming the Thirteenth Senatorial dis trict, where no voter shall vote for more than four candidates, and the six highest in vote shall be elected, ond six addition al delegates shall be chosen from the j city ot Philadelphia, by a vote at large in said city and in their election no voter shall vote for more than three candidates and the sis highest in vote shall be de clared elected. Second.. The Judge and Inspectors for eaeh election district shall provide two suitable boxes for each poll, one in which to deposit tho tickets voted, fot Delegates at large, aud the other in which to deposit the tickets voted for District Delegates: which boxes shall be labelled respectively, "Delegates at arge, aud "District Delegates : and in each distiict in the city of Philadelphia n additional box shall be provided lor each poll in which to depo.-ite the tick ets voted lor "City Di legates ; and said last mentioned boxes must each be abelled "City Delegate!)." lhiril. 1 be said electoin shall be Id and conducted by the proper elec- ion officers of the several election dis tricts of the Commonwealth and shall he governed mid regulated iu all respects the general election lawsot the Lom- uionwcaitli, so far as the samn iM be pplisable thereto, uud not inconsistent witn the provisions of said asf fourth. 1 he tickets to be voted for members at large ol the convention shall lave un the out-sido the words "Dele- ates at large," aud on tho in-side the names ol candidates to bo voted for, not. xceoding lourteen u number. Fifth. The tickets to be voted for list rid members of the convention shall iuvc on the out-nde this words "District Delegates," and on the iu side the name cr luiiics ol I lie candidates voted for, not exceeding the proper number limited as aforesaid ; but any ticket which shall contain a greater number of names than he number lor which the voter shall be entitled to vote, shall be reiected : and n cisc ol thu delegates to be chosen at urge in Philadelphia, the. words "City Dele 'utes," shall be ou the out-sido ot he ticket. Sixth, In the City of Philadephia the return judges shall imsetat the State House, at ten o clock on Ihursday next following the election, and make out the returns for said city, of the votes cast therein for delegates' at largo and city and district delegates to be members of he convention : tho return judges of the several election districts within euch county ol the state, excluding Philadel phia shull meet on r riday next following the electiou, nt tho usual place for the meeting of the return judges of their county, uml make out full aud accurate returns lor the couirty of tho votes cast for members of tho convention and lor district members at the same: and the proceedings of the return judges of the said city ot Philadelphia and of the sev eral counties of the commonwealth in the making ot their returns shall be the same as those prescribed for return judges in the case 6f an election for Governor, except that returns transmit ted to the secretary of the commonwealth shall bs addressed 19 that office alone and not to the speaker of the senate. Pursuant to the provisions contained in the ,4th section as aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certifi cates or returns of election to their re spective district and produce them at a meeting of one J ridge from each district at the Court House in the Township of Ridgway on FRIDAY, the 11th pay of O'JTOBER next, then and tbere to perform the duties required bv laws of said Judges, also where a Judge by sickness or unavoidable accidents is unable to attend such meeting of Judges then a certificate as aforesaid shall be taken in charge of by one fo the inspeo tors of clerks of the election of said dis trict who shall do and perform th du ties of said Judge to attend : and the return Judges of the said districts-a-fort said are requested to moet in Rrookvillo, the comity-seat of said county, on Fri day after the second Tuesday of October next, then aud there to' discharge the duties required by law. Uiven under my band at Ridgway, the 14 th day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand and eight huu dred and seventy-two, and of the inde pendence of tbe United States the ninety sixth D. ft- OYSTER Sheriff. Sfeeitr Office Au-ust 14th, 1872, JF rOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO TflAYEll WHAQEflTY Stain Street, P.fdgway, To. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QUEENS- WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WAR K, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The REST RRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold us cheap as the CHEAPEST. TllAYEU&'HAGUUTY. Vln2 The Improved dcrard Oroiil tiaUl Watches, 59.00 12 00 15.00 $18.00 WE have recently brought our Oroido Gold metal lo such perfection that it is difficult for the best judges to dislin. quish it from gold. Tho $9 watolics nre With patent escapement movements; in np pearanoe nnd for time equaling a gold one costing $100. The $13 arc' full joweled patent lever, equal to $100 gold fcli. Tli $15 are the same 09 the last but a finer finish, nickle movements, equal to one cost ing $175. And the $18 watches nre of n fine finish with full jeweled American lever morement, equaling a gold one costing tjtflO. They nre all in hunting cases, gent's and Indies siiSes, nnd guaranteed for time and wear by special certificate. Also clos.-int (lesignsof gent's nnd Indies elinifis from $1 to ifU, nnd ,)cwelry of all kinds. Goods sent C. O. 1) Customers per mitted to examine what they order before paying bill, ou payment of c)preej rlrnrgcs. When six watches nre ordered nt one timo wo will send au extra watch of the same quality free. For further particulars sciid for Circular. Address J.MEd G EIIAUU & CO., 85 Nassau Street, New York, 1. O. Dox 3,:ilil Nov. m, 1872-vln37m(i. RAILROADS PHILADELPHIA AND EEIE BAILE0AD. SUMMElt TIME- TABLE and after MONDAY, JUNE M, IK he trains on the Philadelphia & fcria Hailroiul will run ns follows 1 WKSTWAKl). .mum ii'inii leaves i'iniaiicipnin..i 1 n p. . in. in. 111. m 111. 111. " " Kidgwny...... 2.(l p. " nrrivo at Erie........ 7.91 p. Eric Explores Philadelphia... 12 :!0 p. " Kidgway 2.2.1 a. arrive nt Erie 7 JO a. Accomodation, leaves Kenovn, ...2.0 I p. m ' Uidgway,..li 14 p. 111 trrr ttt Kane... ..7oOi 111 rstwHrr. M.v.i irain leaves brie ft. li a. m. in. m. 111. Ridgway 4. .10 p. arrive at Philad'a... (i.40 w. Erie Express leaves Erie. .....-.- 7.50 p. " Pidgrfny...l2..W a. 111. nr'-at Philadelphia.. 1.20 p. 111. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.0 a. 111. " " Kidgway... 840 n. iu. " nfr (ft Sr. -Maty 3.Vi a 111. " nrr at Ilenovo 12.10 p. 111. Mail East connects cast and well at Erie wituLS&MS R W nnd at Corrv and Irvincton with Oil Creek nud Allegheny R II w. Mail West at Cony nnd Irvincton with Oil Creek nnd Allegtieny R II W. Warren Accommodation east-and west witlr trnirw m L 8 aid M8 R ca.it and west nnd at Corry Villi' (JC nnd A H R hrie Accommodation Last at Uorry and Irvincton with 0 C and A It II W,. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gou'l Siip't. NHWTIMr TABLE. Commenoiug November 20tJ, 171. ALLEGHENY VALLEY It. 11. 1- . THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN P1TT3- BUtUJII AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE It.- R- GOINO SOUTH. Day Express loaves Oil City at 2 25 p m Arrives at 1'ittsbiirgli 00 p m Night Express leaves Oil City tf 30 p m Arrives at mtsuurgli (j -iu a m Mail leaves Oil Lily 9 4oam Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 00 p m Parker's AccoiuJ leaves Oil City 7 15 a in Arrives at. Pnrkej's 10 15 a in Kittunuing Accom. leaves Oil City 4 00 p m Arrives at Hiuanniirg 9 10pm (J01NO N OUT If. Day Express leaves Pittsburg nt 50 a ji Arrives nt Oil City at 2 2o p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 20 p m Arrives nt Oil City o 45 a in nay l'assenger leaves Pittsburgh II 50 am A arrives nt Oil City 7 25 p m Parker's Accom. leaves- Parker 0 00 p m Arrives at Oil City 9 15pm Kittaning Accom. leaves Kiltn'g 7 05am Arrives at Oil City 12 20 m Close Connections made at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and West on P. & E. K. It. Pullman PaUrtce Drawing Room Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry ana Pittsburgh'. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley K. iv. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. LAGUSCAHONDA RAILROAD. From aud after Monday, Feb. 5th 1871'. Trains will run on this Road as follows Leaves Earlev 7.30 a! m arrives at Daguscahonda Junction 8.10 a. in., con necting with Accom. east 8.14 a. nr., and with Mail west at 9.15 a. w. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9.20 a. ni anives at Earley 10. 001 a. in. Leaves Parley o.au p. in., ana arrives at Dag uscahonda at 5.00 p. m., connecting with Mail east at 5.09 p. ni., and Ac commodatkm west at 5.40 p. in. In case P& E. trains are late, Dagus cahdnda train holds twenty minutes be yond the above time. Tioltets 8bouia always t procured before leaving stations. C. R. EAB LE1, Lease, BUSINESS CARDS, A. RATHBTJN, Ridgwsy, P. Attorney-at-lftW, 2 2 tr. JOHN O. IfALL, Attorney ot. In, Rlil. way, Elk county Tn. mar.2a'0Ul i 8. HILL, Plsiolan and Surgeon Cersey, Elk Co. Pa. J O. AY. 1IAILKT, ATTORNEV-ATLAVT. vitii..!. Ridgny, lk County, Pa. Agcnl lortue Traveler's Life and Acct dent Insurance Co., of llnrtfard. Conn. JEYNOLC-8 HOUSE, EEYK0LDS7ILLS, JEFFEftSON CO, iA, H. S. EELflAP, Pbopbibtob , , J. S. not1wll, M. P. Eclcclio Phyeicnrt OHioe nnd residence opposite iha Jail, on Centre St., Itidgwny, la. Promot nttontion will be given to nil calls. Office hours: 7 to 8 A. M- i 12 lo2 V. M. j ami 6 lo 7 1. M. Mar. 22. 0U tf. K. G. WHIPTLK. DenfM Surgeon. Office nl (Hi Ihiig Elt'fc of Hnrley & Whipple, Walker's new finildinff, Main1 street, lijdgwny, prf. Will Wilcox, nnil St. Mary's, vlniyl. IIAtl'f LPY. M. .-, Physician nfii surecon Uidcwny, Pa. Office in Walker's Cuililinff. Special attention given to Surgery. Office" houso from 8 n. 111. to 10 p. 111. Residence on corner of South nnd Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly ntlendcd to. vln2yl. GO. MKSSESGBR, Drnftgist ond l'af m'aeeutisl, corner niii ami Mill streets, Itidgwny, Pa. A full nsniiinrTt of carefully selected For eign nndf Domestic Dings. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at ,til hours, day of bight. vln3y C1IIAl!Ll; I10LKS, I Wafc'litiiirkrr, Kiigmvcr aud Jeweler Main street, Kidgwny, 1'a. Agent fur 1 hot Howe Sewing Machine, nnd Morton Gold Pen. l"-cprrtg Wnie-Wes-, cte, done wilhf he siinje" ncc'iiiifoy ag heretofore. Salis-1 actio 1 guaratMeed. vlnly. T "MlAYBl HOUSE y. V. COO'lv rropriefof, Our. Mill and Centre Sts., Kidgway, Pal. The proprietor lakes this method of an-' iiminciiig to the puhliuthat he has refitted.- revised, and improved, this well knowi.' hotel, and is jiTrpit' to- entertain alf who fivnr l.im wi'h their pritron'age, in' the1 licit ctvlc and nt low rates. vln-JOtf. w. c. healy. irK.VI.KU IN VRVVHj FlJl'lTS, &e. vlnStf. West KimI, llidi-'vay, IV XT D HOUSE', RinoWAY, Elk Co., Pa'v II. SC1I11A.M, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore so liberally hestowed upon hiin, the new1 prcpriator, hope?, by fmyiirg strict a. tentiou lo the comfort and convenience of guests,- to mern contiuttauco oi IW saure. Oct 30 lew.. rjiu" o LD BUCKTAIL'jJ HOTEL, Kane, MoKuan Co., P.t 11. U. LOOK Kit, Proprietor. Thankful for the palroiiage hereiufotc so liberally bjslowcd upon hun. the new pro-" prielor, hopes, by paying striot wttcullo-i 10 Iho uumfort and coifveirioico of guests . to merit iv comiimrtticc of thu same. TIio outy stables for horse iu Kane and wel! kept night or day. vlu2:iyl. ij, HALL & tiiiO 1 1 o r it cs y b -at - I j a w ST. MARY'S, ELK county n?:;sYLYAm, I0.INU. ll.M.I. .JAS. K. l. II A LI K EltSEY HOUSE, CuxTtiLVSL'.K, Eh,k- Co., Pa. JoJ?n CoLltss, r'loprietor. Thankful for1 tho patronage hurctofor so liber illy bestowed upou him, tho now proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at- enimir to t lie comlcri acd convenience of guests, to merit .1 continuance of th same. S. A. EOTE, PHOTOGBAPflElU A. NIT 1-HAI.K.B 11C Chroruos, Stercoscopio Views, Picture' Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA. v2n2lf. J. II., WltBER, One ftoor.East of tho Post Ofiice, Main1 St., Ridgway, Pa. Vegetables of all kinds re ceived, daily. Choice oranges and lemons. vlnltfv P, W.HAYS,. DEALIR IN Dry Goods, Notions, . Groceries, and Gefierat Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley 1. O- vln4Ytf. J. D. PARSONS, . Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots Shoes ' Mais St., opposite Hotel, 27 Wilcox Pa