(Kill mnij gltoatc. 10. JS72. C'r Tlmettt Milzuay. Erie Express East 12:08 ft m. do do West 2:25 . tn. do Mail KilBt 4:50 p. m. do do West 2:o,- n, tn. Ttenovo Accommodation East 8:40 a m. do do do West :14 p. m. Rates of Advertisins. One column, oiio j-ear. ' " ., $75 no 40 nn " " 25 00 V . ." 15 oo , Transient Advertising per square of eiiiht. lines w; less 3 times or leg. 2 00 Business Cards, ton lins or less per yenr 5 00 MiTrmges and Dc'iill notices inserted gratis. Elk todje, A. Y. M fltated meetings of Elk Lodge will he held lit their lm'.l on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. O. L MeCR.VCKEN, Sjc. Tcaplo of Honor and Tercvncranco. Elkton Temple No.. 81,.mwts On ra;h ftlternat o Thursday, ill their Tjidgi Room, on Main street, over J. V. Hnnk'.s store. s. a. rot p. .v. r. The control Giant and Willson club 'of Elk county moots at the Court House in Ridgway,- every altornalo Thursday, rtt 8 o'clock p. ro. Nest meetitii Sept. 2C). VAhELicroRY. The valedictory of bur illustrious predecessor of the Ar vbCATE, did I'lipl reach . us in time to iippoar in our ; columns last week. We this week ivc it entire. Henry !is' r1ri we'l id sialics, long tuny ho wave, his shatlo'v increasing for af lnst soma time, to come. Tlio Hpadinir mr'inl snyn: "Wb know of tin 'Grant man in the whole County that will vote nininst Hiirtranlt, tind are quite suru that Hartraul't's vote will be the largest cot cast f'.r Govcr ti.tr by the Republicans of Rcrk." JIffSiNa That "Tklal Wave", or ."Ground Swell," whig!? was to nloet Horace Greeley. The noxious fi-icr,d- will lihcrul'y reward any uny hav!:;'; iti formntvin of In whereabouts, ipjily by nddr-.-ss or in person to Col. M'Cluro, 1 liberal hXtdrpjarrcrs, Piuiudclphia. Daily Tcl-rroph VALEDICT0E7. With the present Usue wo eioc o'ir connection with the Aiiyocatt., and bid iidicu to it.s pal reus. Jliiilnjr the year hnd a half we have h-.td the management 01 -the paper, wo hare been, the recipient bf many favors, and n- here nt this ti'iin acknowledge ''Jr oh!i;i nt to our friends for their many ;;oo-i wishes nnd and f:i:rjiTour, patromisii. It has been bur lionc.-t endeavor at nil liu--' to maktt the AtivocA.Tr; a rcttduble I'-ij' ts inid we Iravo it. with-our readers to j'idge hew Well his have succeeded. The bo.iks accounts etc.: of the Ad VOCATi? are ttiruei over with the paper, to .Mr. II. A. I'atlison, who will cjnduct its nlfiirs iu the future, aud wo have no dtubt with greater success- thau ha the past occupant of the editorial chair. Still wishing the Advocate and its patrons success and prosperity. We remain Very Truly. HENRY A. I'AIbSONS Jr. Our ifsticnal DeTjt. The decrease of our uational debt during the mouth uf July was 3,427, 037.18 for the month of August 10,730 635,89. The decrease of monthly iuterest in the month of July was 1,584,204,75. In the month of August it was 1,032, 613, 75. Gen. Grant during his admiuistratiou lias reduced our national debt 384,141., 239 46. And the annual iuterest 23, 191,305,00. How it sounds for Democrats to talk about Corruption in the fiaucial affair of our Goverment, what Democratic admin istration ever dreamed of reducing the national debt ? Their chief study was to provide for its steady increase not its reduction. Since the Republicans have had the Goverement they have had to' crush a Rebellion, which Was a purely Democratio measure, Gen. Grant headed the expedition against treason and was successful, since then he has' aliown ,as much skill in managing our national fiances, as he did our troops in the field and yet we are asked to ewap him off for a iourierite philosopher. Tt people can't see it. The. Scranton Republican of Thurs day says: "Letters have been, received by various personal friends .from Gov. Curtin, which confirm' statements that he was slandered by the Greeleyites when they claimed he had deserted the Republican party. Mr. Curtin says he will reach this country some time ' in September, ani will, if ho can be of any Service, stump Pennsylvania for Grant Annual Report for Lidgway School District. fteceipls and Expenditures for school year ending June 8d, 1872. Tax rates 20 mills on the dollar of valua tion. receipts. Pal. in handset Treas. last year $10"!) 71 Keen, irom Uonntv Treas. on Un seated Lands 400 00 Reed, from Taxahles by Dirt. Treas. 1HH7 i!2 Reed, from State Appropriation . 108 W Reed, from Alt'y Hall, of Delinquent Collectors 818 07 ' $1151 09 EXPENDITURES. Tnid or. Teachers. Salaries, $1802 28 fuel, JJittldirig, eupts. andCotnin- gcticts.' 1123 88 ireasurers fees, . tyj o llaiance iu hands of Treas'r. Towcll jltil 82 4161 9!) Itidgwny, June 25th, 1872. test, B F. ELY', President, C. E. BKMAN,' Beefy. LIST CF CAUSES. Set down for Trial ttt October Term, 1872. ' 1 Michael Market, vs Tiutlor& Sterly 58 April term, l8f8. 2 Thomas Tnrlcy, vt 1?. A. Weed, CS November term, 1800. 3 Jonathan 3oynton,et al. vs A. C. Fiuney, ct til. 1 January term, 1871. 4' Henry K. Moore, vs A. A. Carrier ct al. 1 April term, 1871. 5 John Sprinstead vs Isaac Kcelcr, 11 April term, 1871; ' G 11. 0. iMcGill, vs Louis II. Garner, 20 August term, 1S71. . 7 llbtiry Souther, vs F. X. hieber ger, Jr. et al. 3 November term, 1871 8 1'enj tmin Johu3.j:i, et al. vs John Johnson ct al. 4 November term. 1871. 0 L. 0. Wyokoop, vs George D. lon- ahey, z). Aovemoer term, 1S(. 10 A. . Crav, Guaid & C) vs Isaac Smith, et. n!. 1 January term, 1872. 11 George F. lickii).son, v Oeor uo Iiliiuos, 7 January term, 1S72. 12 Solomin aelicrt, vs Jacob Moyer 11 January term. 1872. 13 Thoma- II .Ilau 1. v.s J. S. Hyde, 14 January term, 1872. 14 15enjan:in Johnson, nt al. vs John Johnson, et al. 2b' April term, 1372. 15 James Curry, v.s Iv it C. Tune ."8 April term, 1872. t 10 Martin S itg, vs Nicholas Kronen" wetter, ct al. 4" April term, 172. 17 Martin 3org, vs Nicholas Kronen, wetter, ctal 4 AnH! term, 1872. ' fJLY LET. . Traverse Jurors drawn for Oitob?r Term iS. Bcncz tte J. O Johnson F. Johnson, Ronj Johnaon Ooletnen Reuben V"inslow Jr., Isaiah Xiii'A. Uenz'.ngsr Frank Weis Jr'-, John NNsel (School Teacher,) I'ornani Neimueller, George liauer, Francis Fit' 7 Fi'X Samuel Drorff, Sih.s Meyer, Kbjnh T. Jlcrli h, Jhn Thompson, Jacob M-iyer, Jjhu Uornh'eJ', James Mohau. I'orf it: 0. H. Clark, G.o. V. Clin ton, Jes.Jn Tlatt, RIeharl Iliae;, J. h. Taylor, John mt'?. Jay A. W. .5ray, A K. Goff. Jones Joseph Iloughtailing, Ste phen Krubout, O. S. Cleaveland. Ridgway George Stoi'hotisdii,- G. T. Wheeler, George Baldwin, Nath. Cum mlugs, G. F. Dickinson. St. Mary's lioro Wtii. Zelt, Albert Wcis, Henry Luhr, George Imhoff, Louis Gics. Spring Creek Charles Spenser, J no, McGafflc. ORAND JURY. Grand and Traverse Jurora drawn for November Term 1S72. Reuezette M. I). Johnson. Ronzinger Paul Schneider, James Rlack; Joseph Dieti Jr. Fox John Kyler. Horton A. Sparks, Jacob Fields, John Andsrson. Jay Lewis S. Dodd, Charles. Webb, E. F. Morey. Jones Ferdinand Wonk, Anthony Cole. Jacob C. Meflert, John Spring steand. Ridgway S. A. Roto, William M'Vey, Charles Healy. St. Mary's Roro George Garner, Jr, Frank Sosenhsiuier, Edward Blrn tzler, Joseph Dortish, Joseph Retar. Spring Creek L. R. Irwin. TRAVERSE JURY. Benezctte Henry Rush, Samuel Rathbun, Julius Jones, D. R. Win: low. . Renzinger Jos. Kroueuwctter, Geo. M,. Fuchs, Adam Geyer, Geo. Gregory, John Gleixncr. Fox John I. Hayes, Charles R. Kelts, Thomas M alone James R. Green Mathias Spooler Jr., U. W. Rogers, James O'llara. Jay Reese Majhood, David Wheel er, Lorenzo N. Briggs, W. M. Robin son. .. Jones Truman Garlick, Thos. J. Godwin. - Ridgway Charles Cody, Jolin Ilag en, George Walker, P. A. Mead, Isaao Stephenson, M. E. Lesser, R. V. Kime, James Horton, C. G, Main J. F. Dill. St. Mary's Boro Jos. Krafth, John Weidenbccroer, John R. Butch, Jos. Wilhclm, George Krellner, John Fos ter. Spring Creek W, M, Steel Edward New Advertisement: tHOAt Catharine J. f.owen, In Common Pleas of vn. v Elk County. James Bowen. J No. 2 April T. 1871. Liiicl In Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. Tit Jamrt Dowen, respondent above named; Yon are hereby notified that tho subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case having been returned non tut invrntui, you ftro re quired to appear on tho FIRST MONDAV UF NOVEM15EK next, being the 4th day of thu month, to answer the complaint in the above ouso. P. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. . , SiiKr.irf 'h Office, It'Vva.Tf July 6(h, 1871. J nlStc; rN DK119 OF MEHCHANUISE Al'TEN- V TION I. Vcndcra nf Merelundise, kcepets ot Saloons, Brewers nnd Distillers of the county of Kite are hereby notified (lint the Appraiser of Mercantile . Taxes 1872 has filed his return in my office, and that the tax by him assessed mut be paid to me nt once, or the accounts will be placed in the hands of a collector. C. R. EAR LEY, Treasurer. Ridgwny, Sept. 5th, 1972-4L STATE FAIR I rpiIE Annual Exhibition ofthe TENNSYL1 1 VAN I A STATE AGRICULTURAL SUCIKTY will be held at ERIE, SEl'T. 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1872. Competition " is co extensive with th United States and t ha I'rovinoes, and th e citizens of other Stales and tho Dominion are cordially invited to compete for our prizes. No Kntuy Kef. is Ciiasokd. Ex cursion tickets w;l! ho is;uc.l by all the railroads and etock nud Articles carr.cd at tho lo-vcst rates, JAC01J R. KUY, D. W. Sf.h.eb. Rec. See. 1'rcsident. ELBRtDUn .itoCoNtcxY, Cor. Slii' 7VTOTICE. Where is my wife Emma Cross has full my bod and board without any ji'ist cnue or provocation; all persons are here by lorbiden to harbor or trust her on my account, as 1 shall pay vo debts ot her con tracting alter this date THOMAS A. GROSS. July 22nd, 1S7-. ?0v7 V3 N72STJ This is an inquiry which every 0:1c should have truf'inHj answered b.'fore he start:! on his j.mrujy, and a little ear': taken iu examination of lluutos wili iu many cass;h sav.i much trouble, timu and money. The ' C , B. & Q. It. It.," running fiom Chicago, through Gabifburg to Barlingf-m, u:il tlu "I . JJ.&W. Route,' running ftviu lu'lianapolis, through Rlootningion to Rnt'.ingtou, have achiev ed a pp'cccUd reputation in the last two vear? 3 the leading Pu.sscn 'crs Homes tn tho Wo.t. At Rurhngtou they con nect with the i- f- M. It 1. and Irom tho groat Burlington Route, which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras ka nnd Kansas, with close connections to California and the Territories ; and paso-Tigcrs starting from Elk County, on their way westward, cnuot do better than to take the Btjni.t.varoN Route. This Lino has published a pamphlet called "How to go' West,'' which con tains much valu .l'lo iufm nriti ui; a lure corri'Ct map ot the Great West,, which can he obtained tree of chaige by ad dressing the General Passenger Agent !. & M. R. It. Iuiington.L.wi. 2-22tf NEW I.IVKltY STABLE miasm. DAN iCRIBNIiH WISHES TO IN- furru the Citizens of Riilgway, o'h'd the public gctcrally, that Lc has elartcd a Liv eiy Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES :i- I Cuglci, to let upou Uis most roasoua ble terms lu3i.He will also do job tfraring. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Pest Cilice, oa Mi!' street. All orders left at the Tust OfTice will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20.1870. tf. 1 THE balance o.' this Thrilip litVunice will be found in 'Til AT' CON VEX TION : or Five Days a Politician." Just out, containing 100 Illustration by the Greatest, Humorous Artist in American, with contributions irom "F. (?. V.," l'E TRULEt'M V. NASliV, MARK1 TWAIN, "II. O.," ROLLO RAMDLER, and a score of other popular writers. On beautiful tint paper, elegantly bound, Clolh, ill.2o; Pam per. 75 cents. FOR SALE EVERY WHERE, or setit postpaid on receipt of price. F. G. WELCH & CO, Publishers, New York and Chicago. AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York, Gcrferaf Agents for supplying tho Trade. F THE CONSTITUTION OF PENN'A. JOINT RESOLUTION ' Proposing. an amendment to the Constitu tion of Pennsylvania. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives cf the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met. That the following amendment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pur suant to tho provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit; AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth article of the Con stitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following: 'A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the' qualified electors of the States, at such times ond for such term of service as shall be prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES S. Rt'TAN, Speaker of. the Senate. Appb.vkd The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred aud seventy-two. JNO, W. GEARY. Prepared ond certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con stitution. FRANCIS JORDAN, . . Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, Harrisburg, Juue 20th, 1372. july 4ra'l. "New Advertisements. feT. MARY'S FOUNDRY and Machine shop, ST. MARY'S, EL It CO, PA. MASVFACTt'KKnS OP STEAM E N O X N 15 S , Machinery for SAW and GRIST .MILS. TANNERIES, . " : . AND BRICK ' ARMING IMl'Ll'MKXTS Suoh as Plows, Threahiug Machines. Stump Machines, &c. SASH WEIGHTS, CELLAR GUA1D3, OAltPlir STRIPS, 1S0N EAILIUS' F03 VS3A1TDA3 AND CE METE! SYS. FARM r.E'.PSi IRON KETTLES OF A LL RIZHS . HEATERS AND STOVW Car wheels all sizs lor.Uailr.iaJ con tractors, mill men. Snd atl wii.i aio in waul of them, solid or widi arms, chilled or not. In short everything ni ido out. of iron. We solicit the tra i ot' lilk un 1 adjoining couuties. Give us a trial is all we'ii-k. Feundry cor. Mill St. Mary's Sts. St. Mary's, fA Co., T.i. L. II. GARNIH "c RML3. v2-fi:ftf. , 4 WIINI.TRATOR'H ':rK-Ntic jis hereby given that lillpr nf .'m!i isi ration on the estate ot 1 leip'ms Kylr. den-jascd, late of Fox towns-lii'.i. K'i I'.vmty. I'diiusy Ivania, having b.-ecti yvatiti'd to tile undersiunod, all peijwus indel.ii-"1 In Siid csmte frill please nwH' iniiM.;liioe payment, and those havi:i; e'.-iiins or df inrtuds will p'reseut them pri'juTiy untlieiili cated fur settlement wiliiou: ii;.ay. PKTEIt THOMPSON'. I . , V I I L t L'VI I? I' . J.N -di. JiW iJTAOE ROUl'G. J. C. HVSiVS,. 1'npnclor. The subscriber having scsur-J tli? cm tract for carrying tho U. S. Mail between KEYNOLDSYILLE A BROCK.WA Y V I LLE. has placed on thai road a line of lnn;ks. Hacks le.ive tho Exohango llnnd in Reynoldvillo every Tuesday, Thurd.iy a'.i ' Saturday on the airival of the lii ouviil j slage, nnd return the same day. These hacks connect at Brockwny ville with llm Ridgway str.ge.1, making o'nific'S.'ion will.' trains on the P. & E. Road, hoth cast and wc3t. Every, attention to the cotnlovlul patrous of nis lino viill bo given, au I a liberal paironnge soliciled. Aug. 13--1. ... Music for the Campaign THE RIDGWAY SILVER CORN3T HAND will furnish mutio for all political meeting during the canipai'ii. NliW INSTRU.U LN'r'o'. AND MHW MUSIC. Terms moderate. D. B. DAY, Leader: J. 0. W.gtJAILEY, Sei'y. Eiflgwny, Pa., Aug. 13. 1872. Presidential Campci. Cnji3, Citpt's & Torch Send for Illustrate 1 Cir cular and Price List. CUNNINGHAM &. - II ILL. MANUFACTURERS, JNo. 204 tiliurch Street. PHILADELPHIA l-23tl3. For Sale. Lots to suit buyers. Large or stiut'l, on long time, one-fourth cash, baltuce on ten years. Inquire of II. Little, Ridgway. or C R. WeNulty, N.o'. 350 Broadway, New York. 2-20ml. JjIRED. sCHOENING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liMLF.R IN PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS. Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothouotary'g Office1, Ridgway, Pa. v2u20lf. LKOAL. Jameb II. Wither, In Common Pleas vtf. ' c'f Elk County. Kate H. Wilber. J 21 April T., '72. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Kate II. W ilber, respondent above narW: You are hereby notifiei that tho subpoeni and alias subpoena in the above case hav ing been returned tlori est inventus, you are required to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEM. next, being the 5th day of the month, to ansrfer the complatut iu the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Bidgway, July 4th, 1872. f 18to. LEGAL, j Catharine J. Bowen, 1 In Common Pleas cf vs- 1 Elk County. James Bowen'. J No. 2 April T. '71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Jamet Iiowen,'respondent ab'eve named: You are hereby notified that the subpoena and alias Bubpoeno. in the above ease having been returne J non est inventus, you are re quired to appear oil the THIRD MONDAY OF OCTOBER next, being the 6th day of the month; to answer the complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. bUEairr 8 Office, mm Bidgway, Aug. 1th, 1872 2. f uL9w POWELL'& KIME. PovvclS & Kimc Having erected n Inrje nnd well nfrnnged new Store House on ihe old site", pince the fire, and filled if Trn'i- ci lnrto garret with I he choicest gnbOa of all tleseriptionr4 thai mij bo found in any market, nre fully pre' pared tn lei'eivetht.'i' jld customer, and supply tueir wautB at. bottoni figures r WHOLESALE OH Tho'r Ussorttneut IS now Boiiiplcte, com prising dry good's groceihe, crockery, hardware, rlotui.ng, boots and shoes', II A I'd AND CAl-S, NOTIONS,.;., etc. SALT. Feed; Udfiiis. Butter, DRIED A PPL US, fKUHD TEACHES, In short cvrytl.'ing'w nteiin liio'Couriify by LUMRKRMliN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS; MINERS, TAS $YA?i LAKCiUNO.MUN, EYE UY BODY Jlr'o a full stick' of MAlsilLLAROPE of the best uvinuf icture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes'. &MB SSg, WJjfwa, P., dVn H 7 V. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT wiLL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST-yo OTHER IN Siock- S T O J M SI H (JUS 13 FtTliNISlitNG GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PEICES "vVILL SUIT! 'JOODS WlLf, ILEASfij n nm 11 i v STOVES DELlVEREb AND SET FHEB! JVUEE! FItEE! CALL AND K AMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Mit-ionia Ha'.l iluilding, Ridgway, Pa. i GENTS WANT ED! For tlio fastest, it and most popular book with tit) II Itixu iHiins, likene.i-ies of all the Presidents '10 it " i:t I Ij.- biiin t, and pi-iutel on tailed 'ipi-r. In Rulers tmd Iristitutitms, .v ijy'izi.sjt Axd a eu man N'oihiug like it. Strikes everybody as jiisi ihe book they need. It is un Encyclo p'a'.r.ii of t'.:'c Go'vertonctit. Single page-t ,11 it :iie c'f Iliems.-Ives worth tho price of I h i book ovrr 500 pnyes and on! if $2.50 A HUl II Mt VEST, for Canvassers ladies nnd gentlemen farmers, teachers and xiildeiiis. One nijcnt took 75 oWr in a r, u- d ., with cirrnli-.r alone, befdrc the book pj'prared. 20 A DAY can be cleared in fair territory. Write at once for circular nnd information. NEW WORLD PUB LISHING Ct., Cor. 7thaud Market Streets, Philadelphia. vlniHr'l. THE GREAT f! A itsr of Human Mlier. Jaut Published, in li Scale? Envelope. Price six cents, A Loot ure on the Nature, Treat ment, and Radical cure of spermatorrhea induced by self-Abuse, Involuntary Envss 1011s, Iaipoteucj, Ncrvtfug Debility, and In p..iiuiei(ts' to Marriage generally; Con sumption. Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and . i.yivC.'! . ,.ucV"e'"y &o.-By ROU. 3. CLLM.HMKLU M. D., uuihrfr of the Green Book," &c The World-renc'wtfed author, in this ad ni.rabl.' Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences ot Sell-Atmso may be effectually removed without medicine, and Without dangerous Surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, oV cordials, pointiug out a mode of cure at one certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, 110 matter what his condition may be, cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will prove a boon 10 thousands and thousands Sent under seal, in a plain envelopo, to any address, on receipt of six couts, or two postage-stamps, by addressing" the publish era. Also. DR. CULVERWELL'S "Mar riage Guide," price 50 cem'i. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 127 Bowci-y. New Yoflr. p. a. Box 4580". vlu!7ylaf. Wood's New Iron Mower. AGENTS WANTED'. For Circulars, particulars, etc., address, SELLEW, ADAM3 fc CO., Oowanda, N. Y. Manufacturers of the Gowanda Plow, the best made. For said iu Ridgway l-y POWELL & KIME. NE MILLION J)? LIVES fiAVED; Is one of the mcsl remarlrnhla fonta nt this Remarkable agi not that to many persons are the vlot im? of dyspepsia or in digestion, but, its willing vlctimi. Now, we would not be understood to ssy tbat any one regards dyspepsia With.fKvor. or feels disposed to rank it among the luxuries of life. Far from it. Those wild have ex perienced its torments would, scout inch an idea. All dread it, and would gladly dis pense with Its unpleasant-familiarities. Mark Taplcy. who was jolly under till the trying circumstances in which he was placedncver had an attack of dyspepsia, or his jolity Would have speedily forsaken hitn. Of all tho multifarious diseases to Which the huhmn system is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent Ks tlyshepsio. There nrediscises more acute khd p'tUnful, aftd which more frequently prove fatal, but none the effects of which nre so depressing to the niind and so positively distressing to the body. If there is a wretched being in the world it Is 6 A ..CON'MRSfED DTSPEPtIC: We have said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal- of human diseases. 1 his is imphatically the case in the United Stntcs Whether this general prevalence IS due to tllA f.1mr.AAv .-.1.. 1 11.- - w. tun luyu. Mie Lnielho-lnf its preparation, dr the hasty ... ,,, IH usually awaildwed, is not our province to explain. The great rct. with which wear called td deal is thisi DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univeisally. Nearly every other person you meet is a victim, an apparently willing one; were this not the case, why so many aufferers"; w.ien a certHtu, Jpecui and safe remedy hf wilhin tho easy reach of all who will fivail themselves of it? But says a dys peptic: .What is this remedy? to which we reiJlTf P" Rreat allevator of human suKhf-ind Is almost as widely known as the English language. It has allayed the agonies of thousands, nnd is to-day oarrS comfort, nnd encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is noi.e other than Dr. IIOOFfiAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Would jolt know niore of the Merits of this wonderful prephiatiori than can' bn learned trom the experience of ethers? Try it yourself, and when it has foiled to' fulfil the assurance of its efficacy gWri by the proprietoi, then abandon faith in it. LET IT DI5 REMEMBERED, first of all, that HOOFL AND'S GERMAN uITTERSiso rum beverage;.. ,, They are composed, wholly of the pure jtucC of vital principle of roots. - This is not a ntfcrc nsscrtion. The extracts from which they are compounded are prepared by one of the nhlcst of German clremists". Their effect csi bo bericficlal oril iri all Wiea of the Miliary yiierh. Hoofland'rf German Ilittors stand withou't an equal, acticg proinbtW dud igoroitsIy upon the liver; tliey remove its torpidity aud cause health--1 In I secretion of liiln th.,k ilia stomach with the most indispensable noun-ma ui boiiuu uigestion iu proper pro- porliois. , They purify the b'ood, clcitrtsing' (he vital Htdd -irlI liilrtfiil i'tip'tii-ities and su-p'dtiiin- then! villi the elements of geuuino' heallhl'tilriess. Now, there aro certain classes dt per sons to whom extreme Bitters are not only unpalatable, but who find it impossible to take them without positive discomfort. For such Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC has been specially prepared. It is intended ror use where a slight alcoholic stimulant is require! in connection with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger- man Bitters. HOOFLAND'S TONIO Seis with almost marvelous effect. It not only stimulates the flagging and wastincj energies, but invigorates and permanently strengthens its action upon the Liver and Stomach .thorough; rrfapS lPSg lwompt than the Bitters, wheti the same quantity is taken is none the less certain Indigestion, Biiliousuess, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to itg po. tent influence. It gives the invalid a new and stronger hold upon life, removes de pression of spirit, aud inspires cheerful, ncss. But Dr. Hoofland's benefactions to the human tf.te are not Confined to bis celcbrr.ted 'JERMAA BITTERS', or' his invaluable ToNfo. Ho" lias prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winnine its way to popular favor because of its in trinsic nietits. This is HOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLIN PILLS, 8 perfect eubstU tute for mercury wiihout any bf nierourv'a evil qualities. J These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to act ftpon the Liver, are mainly qoW. posed of Podophyllin, or tho vital princi ple of the mandrake root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this health-giving plant, in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form. The Podophvllih acts directly on the Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to make its billiary secretions in regular aud proper quantities. The inju rious results which invariably toWow the use of mercury is entirely avoided bt their .use, But it is not upon thu Li'eY only that their powers are exerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in t'he'm ig skillfully ooriibiried with four other ex tracts, one of which acts upon the stomaehi one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lower boweh. and prevent any griDino effect, thus producing a pill that influences the entire digestive arid alimentary system in an equal and harmonious manner and us action entirely tree from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all nthe' purgatives, " Po889SSini' thnsa miul, 11 .... .1 u 1 u ii- . ura"uw qualities tho Podophylhn becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household shnnlrl h.. . . .. They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, ai'e prompt Hd'effi oient in action, and when used in nnn tiou with Dr. Honffanrf-. fi!r ' .nneo- or Tonio. may be regarded is certaiii cities mail cases of Li r"i- . "Pe pepsia, or any of the disorder? to wht.W the system is ordidarly subject. The I'uuunnLUN PILLS act upon the stemaoh and bowels, carrying off improper obstructions, while th. n-.i or Tonic purify, the blood. ItrenSen "and invigorate the li-ime. irla , ana tUtothemacli, and thus JpX Dr. HooSand. !; . ... remedies ft,. Hi. "1' !"'. internal one mainly for enUr Wrld wonderful nrena7anIai??PJl0fttl0n. the r,-,- UAru s GREEK OIL This Oil IS a inv...! . and aches of M Untf rr Pain4 Kueumatism, Neuralgia T(i. 1.' " Chilblains Sprains, jfi? BhCk and Loins. Rin . -u . yield to it. .xternauVpuTanon:6-' ' .'"lernauy, n jg a eure f(J- n u burns. Kidnev i;.,.u. , . eari- Pains iu the Stomach "ufrmP3, The,, Remedies are for sal, by JruaaUJ O