II. A. PATTI80N, Editor. THURSDAY, EErT. 10, 1872. NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. FOR I'RF.KTDENT, ULYSSES R. GRANT, Of Illinois. ron vicF.-rRr.siDKXT, : HENRY WILSON, Of Mnss.achusot.ts.1 EPTOUlir STATE TICKET. ' FOR governor: Mj. Gen. JOHN T. IIARTRAN7T, Montgomery County. for purnEME judge: Ion; ULYSSES MEllCUH, . Hwdford County FOR AUDITOR GENERAL. llrig. Gen. HARRISON ALLEN, Warren, County. CONGRESSMEN AT LARGE! General LEMUEL TODD, Cumberland County. Gen. CHARLES ALBRIGHT, Carbon Countv. GLENN I W. SCOFIHLP, Warren County. 6SPTOLI5AM COUNTY TICKET. for'congrkss. Col. C. 11. CURTIS, Erio CouDty. 01TT TASINff. It lias been charged by the Lib-Rcp-Derus. that President Grant hns been the receiver of presents since his elec tion to the presidency of the United States. Every one of the organs advo cating the election of Greeley making this charge, knows that it is an out and out lie. They all know that the present from several New Yorkers of 8100.000 was made in 180G tnd not in . 18G9 " as they make, by forging and altering dates. Sam Bowles ot the Spring field Rrpvh iictn lias the honor and houesty to re tract, as will be seen from the following extract. "Such, certainly, is the changing of the date ol a little letter of Gent Giant's acknowledging a present of 5100,000 Irom various New Yorkers, from its real writtinj in 1800 to 18G9. and thus mak ing it appear that he had been the re cipient of this great gift after his elec tion to the Presidency, and iuat on the eve of his inauguration. Thia forgery has been going the rounds of the Press and been used more or less upon the stump as an argument against, the Presi dent s re-election, and the ICeputAican nuwittiugly, adopted it, in an effort to enlighten a correspondent on the subject of Gen. Grant's present taking ull the n:ore to its mortifiicatiou, because that whole theme is distasteful to it, and iur- nislics in its opinion; one of the smallest of the practical objection to Grant's reteution at tho head ot the Uovern-mcnt-" TJut whoever heard of a Democratic organ making acknowledgment of fa!-' hood even after overtaken in tho clear est manner, but Bowls was once a Re publican and has a little of his old time honesty left him yet. Charles 11. Buckalew was a, member of the order of "Sons of Liberty," the organization which the rebels so much relied on to get up a counter reoeilio'n in the North, ' and to stimulate which tho rebel agents took up a position in Canada. It was here that Buck'alew had an interview with Ilolcombc. Not only was Mr. Buckalew a member, but ho was an officer of tho order. Daily Telegraph, The Pittsburg Gazette of yesterday says Buckalew has about fiuished his ramble in Western Pennsylvania. If his visit here has improved his cause, or enthused hia fellowers, we have failed to discover the slightest indication of it There has been a lack-lustre air about him, and a seeming doubt on his part as to theiesull of the canvass, anything but inspiring to hia followers. The very best to be had of him is his speech, and that was largely defensive. . He will not gain votes by his first trip across the mountains. Ihe Louisville convention has not adjourned without fruits. Scarcely have the delegates set their faces home ward before we have Gen. Roumfort over the signature of "Junius" woud eringhowany Democrat can oppose Greeley! Verily the General's ways like tho ways of Providence, are past finding out. Daily Telegraph. There bas not been an Auditor Gen eral in the last twenty years who gave more time to the duties of . the office than was given by Ilartranft in his six years of sorvice, aud the results he has achieved, in reducing the State debt and securing the repeal of State taxes are the first of the kind on recoid. He is the first of the Auditor Generals of Pennsylvania that succeeded in reduo ing the State debt, and at tho same time jepealing State taxes. jptECTION PROCLAMATION. Wiifrfas, in.nnd by the 13th unction of the Act of General Assembly of Penn sylvania, passed July 2d 186!), entitled. "An act relating to the Elect! ms of the Commonwealth." It is enjoined on the Sheriff of every county to fjive notice of such elections to be hold, and to enum erate in such notice what plBwrs ars to bn elected, ' in pursuance thereof, 1. D. O. Oystkr, High Sheriff ol the county of Elk, do tliereforo iimkn known ntid give this public notice to the t lectors of said county of Elk, that a general elec tion will Jbo. held in said county, on v TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th 1572." (it being Iho second Tuesday of the month), for the ptirpnrc ot electing the following ofiic 'rs. to-w'u: One person for Governor. ' One person for Auditor General. Ono person for Juduoof the Supreme Court. . ' ' Three persons for Congressmen at large. Twenty-eight persons for Delegates to the Constitutional Convention. One person lor Congress to rcprwu-nt the counties of Clearfield, Cameron, Elk, Erie, Forest, McKonn und Wnrren. One person for member of the Legis lature to lcprcsont tin1 counties of Cam cron. Elk and Jefferson. Three, persons an delegates to the Con stitntional ('otivrnlion, to represent the counties of Cambria, Chwfkld, O'iiit.j and Elk. One person for Prothonotary. Houislrr and Recorder, and Clerk ol Courts, ol Elk county. One person for Lorpmissioncr. One person for Auditor. And the qualified electors of the county of JJk will hold incir elections in the several districts, as follows: Henezette tr.wiibhip. at the house of Elizabeth Winsiovr. Betizii.-gtr township, at the school house on Michael St, near the Elk creek bridjio. Fox township ut the Cetiiieville school house. Highland township at tliu house of Levi Ellithorpo. l'orton township, rtt the sehnjl house uiiar I). O. Oyster's Hotel. Kid gway township, at the Court House. St. Mary's Ui.ro , at the Town Hall. Spring (.'reck township, st the House of Slockdnlo, Duwnoi & Co.. Jay township, at the house of Allied Pcnrsall. Jones township, at the school house iu Wilcox. Mill Stone township, at lha house i t Henry 11 err, at Buns Dam. I also make known the following art entitled "An act regulating the mode of voting at all elections iu the several counties in thia Commonwealth," as I am required by the second section ol said act: Section 1. lie it na. tnl I" the S'lt'itc mul loiisc of llpivsentnttecs ir, 1 nut Hie iiiu.iae i voters ol (no several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general township and special elec tions nra hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote hj ticket, printed or written or partly written ai:d partly printed, severally e!aa-,ilic;d as fuliows: One.tiikct f-.hall embrace the naues ot all if e Judges of tho Courts to be voted for and to be labelled on the outside Judiciary" one ticket shall embrace the names ot alt fctate olneers to be voted for including tho office of Senator, men her or members of Assembly," it voted for, members of Congress if voted far anil be labelled ''county;" one ticket shall embrace the names ot all the to.vn ship officers voted for, and be labebed "borough or "township; and each shad be deposited in separate ballot boxes. I also make known and give notice, as in and by the loth section of aforesaid act, I am directed that every person except Jtts'.iees ot the Peace, who shall hold any office appointment of trust or profit, under the Government ol the United Stales, or this fctate, or any city or incorporated di.-ltict, whether a com missioned officer or otherwise a subordin ate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legislative or judi ciary or executive department ot this State or of the United States, of any city or incorporated district, and also every member of Congress and State Legislature, uud the Kfeleat and common council of any city Commissioner, or any incorporated district, is by l.:w incapable of holding or exercising arthe same time the office or appointment of Judite, In spector or Clerk, of any elect tun of this Commonwealth, and that no iu:p.etu or Judge, shall be eligible to auy office then to he voted lor. Also in the 4th sectionofthe Act of Assembly, entitled. '-An act relating to elections and for every purpose," ap proved April lGth, llil), it is enacted that the 11th section shall be so con strued as to prevent any militia or borough officer from serviug as Judge, Iuspector, or Clerk, at any general or special election in this Commonwealth. Also, that in the 61st, section of said act it is euacted "That every general or special election shall be opened between the hours of six or seven in the fere noon, aud shall remain without interrup. tion until seveD o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed. No person shall be permitted to vote at any clectiou as aforesaid, but a white freeman of the age of twenty-one years, or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year and in tho elec tion district where he offers bis voto, at least ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a State or County tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United States, who has previously been a quali fied voter ot this State, but removed therefrom and returned, and shall have resided in the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State six months. lovitleils That tho freemen, citizeus of the United Slates, who are Between the ages of twenty-ono find twenty-two years, and who hava resided ;u the election district ten day? ns afore said, shall be entitled to voto, although they have not paid taxes. Whkhms, The Fifteenth Amend ment of the Constitution of the Uuited States is as follows: Skction 1. The right of cdiz.ms of the United Stairs shall not be denied or abridged by tho United States on ac count of lace, color, or previous coudi lion of s.:i vitmlo! ' J .:.! i i Sko. 2 J nut Congress shall have power to enforce this iirticlo by appropri ate legislation. . Aivt tfAcrmi, The Congivsi of the I nitcd States., on tho 81st of March 1870, passed nn act entitled, "An net to enforce the I tght ol citizens of the I uitrd Mates to 'vote in the scrnra .Mates oltlie Union, Mid .h,t oher purposes," the flivt and second sections ot which are as follows: lit .7 civirtcil, fc., That all citizens of the Uiii cd Siates who are or shall be otherwise nualilied to vnt nt. any elect uii hy the people of any Staro, Territory, district, city, county, parish, lu.vuM.ip, oiHiui uismci, municipality, or oilier ten itorial slihvisn.n shall bu entitied and 'illowtd to voto nt all such elections ...;.l... i: ..: . . uiiMuui mount-lull! oi color, race, or previous condition of servitude: any con stitu'.lon, law. cudtom. us-jup. or le.'tila- tion ot any State or teiritory, or by or under its hiithority, to the contrary, notwithstanding. Sec. 2. Ami he it further euacfe . That, if, by or under the cunsiiiution or laws ot any State or the laws of any ter ritory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualif.ectiou lor voting, and by euch coustiiutii.n or laws, persons or officers are or shall bo charged with tho pctloriuaoce i duties in furnishing to citizens au opportunity to perform su.li pioitquisitcs, or to become qtwiiiiod to vole it, shall tin tho duty ot every such person and officer tu give ali ciiizu-iis ol tin) United States, tii sk.io and equal cppoi lunity to p.'if'oitn sue!) pre i tq J'nlto Mid to become qiijlitio. to vote without distinction of lace., color or previous condi'ion' ol .serviiuuej and ii any su.'h persons or oilictrs shall ioluse, or UiHV.ugly omit to yive lull effect to this section, he sliuil lor every 'su'-'ll of fence, f irlc.it and pay t!! sum ol five hundred dollars, to tiiu persons aggrieved thereby, to he re..; iveiuJ by an action on the cise, willi f ill cos's uiid such a low- it nee tor counsel lee.- as the court shall deem just, and h:ili ah) for every such offence be deemed guilty of tui.duiiieaii. or, ami slull on conviction iiicreol bo tiucd not h.s th:i!i fivo hundred dollars or to be itupiisoued not less than one month and not more than one. year, or both, at tim discretion n! the court. Awl Wlficas, it is iloclared by the secuod srctiou ot thu VI artiulu ul the Constitution of tho United Slates, that This ('ousrituiiou ol tho United grates w hich shall be maiib iu pursuanco I homo! shall bj the supreme law ot Uiv laud anything iu tin: Constit itLm or luus of miy JStuiCf to tue ecjittriiri, not iritistulidiini." rficrrii.1, The Leii:datu:e of this Co'umou wealth, on t!u fhh d;:y of April IHIO, parsed nu :st eiituiod "A Surihor supplement to the act r auting to elec tions in this Commonwealth," iho llkh section provides as follows: Suci'iiiN 10. That, b-t uiuoti of every act of Assembly as provider that only white fruuiiiuu shall hi) entitled to vote, or be registered as voters, or as claiming to vote at any general or special election of this Commonwealth, be uud tho sauiii is hereby repealed, and that hereafter ull freemen without distinction ol color, shall ho enrolled u:id registered accord ing to the provisions ol the first section of the act upproved the J7th ot April, ISO'.', entitled, "An net further supple-1 n.cutul to an act relative to the elections oi ibis Commonwealth," and snail when otherwise qualified under existing laws, bo entitle ! to vote ut u.l general and special elections iu this Common veulth. No person shali be permitted to vote whose name :x not contained in thj list ol taxable inhabitants, lui ni.-be.d by tho Commissioners, unless bo first produces a receipt lor tho payment within iwo years, of Slate or County tux, assess d agreeably to the Constitution, and uive sadsluciory evidence -either on his own (.utfi or allnriiiatiou oi another that lie has p iid sul'Ii tas, or on failure: to pro duce such receipt shall make oath of tho payment thereof; it lie ciuims to vote by being uii elector between ti e age ot twcbiy-onu uud tweuty-uvo years lie shall depese on oath or uiiirmaiiou that he has resided iu tho Slate at lejst one year belore bis application, and im.ke proof of his resideuce within his district us required by the act, and that he does verily believe Irom accounts giveu him, that he is of tho ago aforesaid ml give such other evidence as is required by the act whereupon tho name ol the per son so admitted to voto shall be regis tered in the alphabetical list by the m speotor, aud a note made opposite there- to by the word "tax," if he shall have been admitted to vote by reason of hav ing paid tax, or the word "age" if be shall have been admitted to vote bv reason oi age, shall be called out to tho clerks, who shall make like notes iu the list kept by tlicm' . . In all cases where the name of persons claiming to vote is found on the Jistlur- uished by the Commissioners aud As tessors, und hia riuht to vote whether found thereon or not, is objected by any qualiued citizen, it shall be tbe Inspec tors duty to examine such persons on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within the State for one year or more, his outh shall not be suflicieut proof thereof, but shall make proof thereof by at least ono com petent witness who shall bo a qualified elector, that ho has resided within the district, for tno purpose of Voting there- Kvery person finaliHe-d ns nr,rooi nd who shall make '.he duo nrnni ii in quired, of his residence and payment of "'oiesaiu, in tne towiiHhip. nurd or district i:i which lie shall reside. If any person shall nrvent or nttemn to prevent any officer of any elcotion tin der this act from holding such election, or use or thieatou ony violence to atiy mum uaiwer, or suau interrupt or inpro pcrly interfer with him in tho, execution ot his duty, or shall block up the window or avenue 10 any .window . where the aine may bo holding, or shall riotously diitUi-b the peace at suoli election,- or shall use or practice any intimidation threats, force or violence, with design to influence unduly or ovcr.iwe any elector "f to prevent him from voting, or to re strain the freedom of choice, such, per sons on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollais, bo imprisoned for any timo not les than one month nor more than one year and if it bo shown that the poisons . offend ing Was not a resident ol the city, ward, district or township where the Raid of fence was committed, and not entitled to vjic therein, and on conviction he shall be sentenced to pay a fpie of not les? than one hundred or more than ono thousand dollars, uud bo imprioiied not less than six mouths or more than two years. The fullowiug proclamation from the Governor ot this Commonwealth U also published in accordhnce with the re quirements ol law, viz: Pennsylvania, as: In the name aud by the authority of the UotmuomvtBlth of Pennsylvania, JotlN W. Geauv," Governor of said Com monwealth, I To Daniel C. Ovster, Esquire, of I Tin-t'iiiiiiTvi.i! u, tivn.,iti-r ino: V. hekeasj, A Joint Resolution pr -posiug au amendment to tho Constitu tion ot this Commonwealth, hits been agreed to by a majority of the ui-...uii;cis eiecttd to each house of the Li'gi.-ljcUre, m two successive sussious ol the same tthicli is us iol;ow: "Joint IlesolSt-So ropwir-s a.i Aiii2iiJ-t to iha Constltatloa' pi rsnasjrlv&ala. "lie it ratjlced hy the Henuie uvA lJoii.it: of Jicijre.kittativ'J.1 vj the Com monweMtli a I'ltnuaylvaii a in General Assemhlij met, That tlie loilowmg uuiend meufc ol tiie Constitution of t tie Com monwealth bo proposed to the people lor i heir adoption or rejection, pursuant to tne provisions ul tho leuih article there of, to wit: "A M END M LI N T. "Sli ike out ' tiie sixth sectiou ot tfn sixtli article of Ihe Constitution, aud in sert iu lien thereof the toiiowiugi 'A Matu Treasurer shall be choscu by the qualified eiectoi'S oi IUj St.ite, at Mich limes und for suoli a to no ot ben leu us shaii be pteacriljjj hy lavy.' ". Ami whercis, ;it is provided in the teuth article, of iho Constitution that any amendment, co ugrecd upon, shuil be 'suOmiUed iu the people in such manner u'.ii at suuii uiiu, at le.ijt three months alter being so agreed to by the two House.-', us the Legklutuie thall pre scribe; And u hereaa. By an act of the General Assembly of this Uotiimouweillii, ap proved tne eleventh day ot April, A. u. one thousand eight hundred aud sovcu-ty-UYo, it is piovided: "That lor the purpose of ascertaining the seu.-e ol the people of this Comuioiiweuitu iu regard tu tne adoptiou or rejection of said umeudmeut, tho Governor of the Coii mouwcallh shall issua a writ of election, directed to each and every Sheriii ol this Commonwealth, commanding them to uivo notice iu the Usual manner, in not less than two newspapers in each city and county (it so many are pub lished therein), and'' hy ut Kast two primed uuudbills iu each election dis trict iu every city aud couuty wheiein no newspaper is puousned, tnui uu eitotiou will bo held in eucn of tim lovnships, boroughs, wards, prcciucts und districts th' rem, on the secuud Tuesday ot Oc tober, in the year of our Lord one thousand oight hundred and seventy-two, for the purpose of deciding upon ihe approval und ratification or rejection ol the said ameulmeut, which snd election shall beopeued, held und closed upou the day last aforesaid, at the places aud within the hours, ut uad within which the general elect ions of this Coumuu wealth are diiected to be opened, Ucid and closed. A";tr, therefore, In obedience to ' the requirements ot the t juth urtiola ot the Constitution and iu compliance with the true iuteut and meauiug ol the said act of the Ocueral Assembly, i, JOHN W. GEAlllr, Governor of ihe said Couiuiou weulth ol lJcuLsylvania, do issue this Writ, commauding aud rotptiiring you the said D. C. Oyster. Sheriff of the said couuty, to give uotiee in thu usual manner and as by law required, that an electiou will be held according to the terms of the Constitution aud the pro visions of tbe act of the General As sembly aforesaid, iu each of the town ships, boroughs,' wards, preciuot? und districts therein, on the seconed Tues day of October, in the year oi om Lord one thousand eight hundred and seveu-ty-two, for the purpose of deciding up ou the approval and ratification or' re jection of tho said amendmeut. Giveu under my baud and the Great Seal ot the State, at -HarrisbuTg, this fifteenth day of July, in, the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. and of tbe Commonwealth the ninety-seventh. By the Governor: JNO. W. GEARY. F. JOKDAS, Secretary of the Commonwealth, OONtTITUTIONAD CONVENriON. At tho same time and places, also, nn election will be held for delegates to the convention to amend the Constitution of tho State, iu conformity with the act en titled. "An Act to provide for callini I a convention," approved April 11, 1872L As prescribed by said act, the following rules aud regulations shall apply to Mid election and the returns of the same: tirnt. . At the geucral elcation to be held the second Tuesday of October next, there shall bo elected by the quali fied electors of this Commonwealth, dele gates to a Convention to revise and amend (he Constitution of this State ; the said convention shall consist of one hundred and thirty-three members to be elected in the manner following: Twenty eight members thereof shall be e'ected in the State ut large us follows : Each voter of the State shall vote for not more than fourteen candidates, and 'the twenty-eight highest in vote shall be de clared fcitcteii j ninety-nine delstrates shall bfl sppointed to mid elected Irom the different Senatorial districts of the State, three delegates to be elected for each Senator therefrom ; and in choos ing all uis'rict delegu'ns, each voter shall lie cntilltd to a vo;e for not more than two ol the members to be chooscn from his district, and the three candidate? highest in vote shall be declared elected, except in tho county of Allegheny form ing tho Twenty third Senatorial district where, no voter shall vote for move than six candid ite,-, and the nine highest in Vote shall bo declared elected, and the counties ot Luzerne, Monroe and Pike, forming the Thirteenth Senatorial dis trict, "where no voter shall vote lor more than four candidates, and the six highest in vote shall be elected, ond six addition al delegates shall be chosen from the city ol Philadelphia, by a vot nt largo in M,,i l cir' au', in ,lluir e!(,ct'",n no voter shall vole for morn than thre; candidates and the six highest iu Vote shall bo de clared nlcctod. bicoutl. Tho Judge an 1 Inspectors for each eioctiou district shall provide t wo suitable boxes tor each Doll, one iu which tu dujio.-it tho tickets .voted bo Delegates at !aro). anvl iho other iu which to dep-Mit tho tickets vote! for District Delegate.-: which boxes sli .11 be label! i respectively, " Deh gates at hiraa," and ''District Delegates :" nn-3 in euh distiiel in ihe city ol Pliila lolohia an td.liiioio.l box sh.iil be provided fo each jioll in whicn lodcno-i-'e Ihe tick ets voted for "City D legates ;" and said hot ifioniioned bos s toos' eaen be lubciled "City Delegated." j tiinl. J lie eicMuiu Hli.iil ur h !f and c inducted by the pro;ier eh c tion oliicers of the t-eveial e'tctioii di iricts of the Cominou'.veahli und sb ill be governed and reoul;ted in a'.l respects by the general eh c'toii luw.sot the Co.i" uioir.reuhh, so l.ir as the s t tno shall be applicable thereto, uud nt't fitC'Jtisisteui wnti the provisions f said nSl' l'oiir:!i. The tiekets to ho Voted for members at large id the convention shall have on the out-si Ij tho words "Dele gates tit large," and on tht? in-side the names of 'candidates to h: vote 1 for, not exceeding fourteen iu number. J-'iih. The tickets ut be vote 1 for district mtiiibeis i;f ihe Convention shall have on the out-side I ho Words "'District Delegates," uul on tiro hz-side the name er names ot the candidate1! wfed for, not rxee.0di.v4 ihe proper rntrtfbof ltu.'itcd as h'oresnid ; but any ticket Vihich shall cmit-iiu a greater number of names than the number lor wh'ch the1 voter shall i;c entitled to vote, shall be rejected ; and hi ciso ol t!i ! deleo-itcs to be chosen at large iu Philadelphia, the words "City Delegates," shall be on the out-side ot the ticket. S'.e'h. In t!io City of Piiiladephia tho return Judges shall meet at the Statu House, ut ttsn o'clock on Thursday next lolltnviii": the eleclioti, ait-i make out the returns lor said city, of tbe votes cast therein lor delegates at htrgo 1:11 i city and district delegates to"b members of iLe con vein ion ; tho relurtf judges ot the several election distric's w.thin iach county ot the state. ecfuctiitg rhilde' pbia shall inert on 'iuhiy next f.ill.nvin.' the election, at the usual place f r the meiiti'ig of tho return judges of their county, und nuke out. full und neuirrute returns lor tho county of the Vir'cs cist for members of tho c I'lvrtrtion and lor district members of the same; and tho proceedings of tha return' judges of tbe said city of Philadelphia aud of the sev eral couuties of the conr.nou wealth iu the making of their returns, shall bi the same as those prescribed for retain judges in the caso of an? eitoiio-i for Governor, except that rctsrus transmit ted to tho l ecrettiry of the commonwealth shall be addressed to tln.t office alone und not to the speaker of f'ne scuatc. Pursuant to the provtircms ooutaitied in the 4th sectiou as aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively tako charge ot the certin cates or returns ot electrcm to their re sp)ctive district nnd produ'C3 them at a meeting of one Judge froitfeacn distric at tho Court House in thc'Township ol Kidgway on FRIDAY, Tire Utii pay of OCTOBER next, then and there to perlorm the duties required by laws of said Judges, also- whero a Judge by sickness or unavoidable accidents is unable to attend such meeting of Judges then a certificate as aforesaid shall be takeu in charge of by one fo the inspec tors of clerks of tho election of said dis trict who shall do and perform thq du ties of said Judge to attend : and the return Judges of the said districts afore said are requested to meet in lirookville, the county.scat ol said couuty, on bri day after the second Tuiwrla-y of October next, then mid there to . discharge ' tbe : duties required by law. . Given under my baud at Hidgwuy, the 14th day of August iu the year of our Lord, one thousand and eight huu- . dred and seventy-two, and of. the inde pendence ot tho United States the ninety-sixth.- D, C. OYSTER Sheriff. Sheriff's, Office August Hth, 1S72, ' F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP , 00 TO ' TfLVYEM & lIArJlfjllTY - Main Street, l'.idgway, l'a. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS . AND CAPS, G LASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND TO 1J AC CO AND CIGAU3. A Large Stock of Gfoosrios and Provisions. . The BEST BRANDS of FLO UK Constantly on hand, add sold us cheap as tho CHlvVFE-ST. TiiAYEti & ItAfiEirry. v1n2. The tutitrored Cic$'art CroiiZ (loltl Watches, Sa.OO ?l2 00 813.00 61S.C0 - 7 E Havo rc'oontly brought rtMv Oroide TT Gold metal to Bticll perfection tlnit it is ilillicull for the hest .imlRcs to disiin. ctiisli it from gold. The Jilt watc'ics arc with patent escapement Itiof pmcntsj in np-pc.-ivauce a id for ti'iin Ciiiiiling it gold one costing I UU. 1 lie are lull jewoltvl piitmii ie'ver, equal lo tiloll gold wntoli. 1 lie clo ute I lie riiimc ns the lust but a tuier fmi.'li. ulcklo niovuinents. cqmt to ono c-ist ing $10. Ahfl tlin $!H vritelios tire of a fine hnish With T11II jetfcled Anicncuii lever movement, d-itl'ilitlg n gold onu costing $aiH). ' They sre till iri hunting ensas, gent'aftud lulies sizes, and guaranteed for time and wear hy speu'.nl ceititientc. A'ao pluirnnf designsof gent's and Indies clinins from 1 to St. and jowelry of all kinds: Goods sent. 0. I). !.- Customer per mitted to examine wliat they order hel'oie pnying Irtll, on payment of express r liiivg'is. Vln-ii lx w.iiclios are nrd red l one limu wo rtill send ml cxlilt waicli of. UiC j'l-iu (0;i!';ty free. For lui'tliee pai'iicuhtrs send for eireitlar. Adlress 4AMSS Ul'.iUUit .t t.0., . f'j i." -issiiiu Street, New Vo.U. I'. O. L!,x u."til N'ov. JST2-v1n5rinf!. PttiLft.OEi.rmA .Nn epie pailsoid. S I'M. ME It I'lMi: TAIthK - Viimtafiff :tO.'l).Y. JCXB 3d. 172. ie tniiits on tlic Philadelphia v hrii ioui;'o.iii v:Ii run :is iollo-.v.! : .Mail Train le'-.ie'i l'liil.ole.lphiii .1 1 ,1 1 p. iu! " ' " Iti'f.'ivuy 2.0.1 p. m. ' " arrive at iliiu 7.1! 1 p. ia. It, no I'-xp leaves Phil.idolp!ii.i...2 "tl p. m " " " Kidjway "2 "23 a.' 111. " " arrive .".t Eric 7 10 n. m. Accoiiiotioi, lrvo Ittrjvn. ..'2 tr p. ni " ' !ol)jwy,..ii 1 p. tv. - " n:-r st Kane 7.8i'p. ni.- itAsrwAim. Mill Train leaves Ki ie...; 11.'2 a. ni. ' " " Ui'lwuy 4 i'jO p. in. nrrive r.t i hilud'a... (1 .4:1 a. ai. Erie Express 'eaves Ejic T. -p ' m. " " '' 'J'id;;w!iy...l2.;it3 a. in. " ' nriit 'Philadelphia.. 1.'2i7 p. m. Acconiaduiiun, ieS?-!' !vi.e . 7. GO a. 111. " ' Uidgway ... N . 1 i a. if. " . nrv at :-t. Ma-.vs !.!2 am. " nrr nt lle.nnxo l'2.lttp.in. Mail East eonueets east and wbtl nt Erie Willi ESS. MS R W ind nt t'orry and hvitietoii with Oil Creek and Allegheny It R W. Mail Wet- nt Sorry nnd' trvii.etoil wiilr Oil CreU- n-nd Allej-iieny R R W. Warren Acuommod-.tion east and west wit U trains on L, S and M S R cast and west, and at Curry wilii 0 IJ and A K R . Erie Accommodation E isi irt t'orry and Irviuetoii with O 0 ftwr A K 11 W. VM. A. UALUWIK. tien'l Sup't. NEWT I. MM TAlii.iS. Commencing November 2dih, 187 1; ALLEGHENY VALLEY U. II. Tilt: l'.F.T ROUTE liETWEKNT P1TT3- ilUtteill AND POINTS ON THE PUIE'A. & EitfE U. It. fotno so c r 11. Day Express leaves Oil City nt 2 25 c i;( Arrives at l'ltmburgu 8 &o' p in N'ight Express leaves Oil City It 30 p iu Arrives nt Pittsburgh 0 4t) a m Mail leaves Oil City 0 43 a m Arrives nt Pittsburgh 0 00 p tn Parter s A-ceom; leaves Oil City 7 15 a ni Arrives st- Porker's It 15 a nv Ivitianinui; Acoom. leaves OitCity 4 00 p m Aniveisikt Kiltaimiiig 9 10 p in rroiNQ' soiiTli. Day Express leaves Piitsburg at 7 BeVa Ji Arrives ut Oil City at 2- 25 p m Niht Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 20 p 111 Ariives at Oil City 5 45 a in Way Passenger leases Pittsburgh 11 50 am Aarrives at Oil City 7 so p ui Parker's Acoain. leaves Parker 6 00 p ni Arrives nt Oil City Hljpm fvit tailing Acooin. leaves ICitto'g- 7 05'ikiiV Arrives ut Oil City lifpm Close Conneolions mado nt Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East und West on p. a P'. n. r. Pullman Pullace Drawing Room Sleep ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. - Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley B. K. J. J. EAWREXCE. Gen. Suot. DAGU3CAII0NDA EAILRCAD. From and after Monday, Feb. 6th 1871. Tra'us will run otr this Road as followv Leaves Earley 7.30 a. la., arrives at Uaeruscahoudi. Junction o.io a. nr., con ncciiug withAccom. cast 8.11 a. m., aud with Mail west at 9.15 n. ui. Leaves Daguscahouda at 1.20 a. 111 anivei- at Earley. .10.00: a. ni.. Leaves Earley 810 p. tn., Unti urriViJB at lagi usctthooda at 5.00 p. nj., connecting With Mail east at 5.0lr p. ffl.i" and Ac commodation west at 5.40 p. ut. Id case P. & E. trains are late, Dagns, cahonda train holds twenty urinvtles be vend tbe above time. . Tickets should always b procured before leaving etations.: C. H. EAULEI, Lessee. BUSINiSS CARDS. GA. RATHBUJt, RUgwoy, IV Attorney-at-law, 2 2 tf. s JOHN 0. HALL, Attorney at law, Rid, way, Elk county Pa. niar S!VuOl 4 S. II H Ij, I'lysieiftti iA., Kersey, Klk Co. l'u. nnJ Surgeon j- frwntAtujv,- - - - ATTORKEV-ATLAW J' . vlniyl. Ridgirny, E1H County, Pit.' Agenl for the Traveler's Iffe 'and AooI dent lujurano Co., of Hurt lord, Conn. JEYNOI.OS HOUSE. BEYUCLDSV1LLS, JErFSMstf CO, TA-. II. 8. nELSAP.I'nopuiBroa . JS. r.ordwcll, M. D. Eolottio I'liysicao . Ollice and residence opposite the Jan. on Centre 1st., Unlgwny, l'a. l'rompt attention will lie given to all calls. Ollice hours : 7 to 8 A. .M- ; 12 10 2 1'. M. ; and 0 to 7 P. M. Mur. 22. (in tf. DK. 0 WHIPPLE, IH'nu.l Si Stirreoti. Ollice nt t!:h Drug 8lor of Harlty & Whipple, Walker's new building, Main street, ltidgway, Pu. Will visit Kane; Wilcox, nnd Si. JUty's; Vln2yl. T C. IfAHTI.EV. M. D., 1'liysicinti nriu Sureeori, Uidirivnv, pn. Oflice iu Walker's fJuildine. Speei.il aiieiition given to Singciy. Ollice' house from 8 h. 111. id It) p. 111. KesiJeiice bh coiner of Sioiilli end (Jmi'rt fftrfets, op p6sitc 1 lie now S:;!iod1 House. calls Iiiompt'y tittended to. ' vln2yl. a G. V. KtfSKNGE R, L)iup:;i;t and t'ltrmateutist. corner Minn mul Mill sirects, Hi(l2nv. Pa. A lull iissoriitieiit of caretiitly seleeled For ui(;ii iiii.'KUoincetio Wrup. Prescription! caielidly dispeused ut xl h,nrrs, day of uiglil. ' -: TlnBv.' t' 1IIAUi;d HOLES. J iiicliiii.-iKi-i-.-- Kn'ri'er mid JSitelcr Main sir.-e't, Hnlgv.',iy," I'fi. Ag -nt tor the1 iliiwo Jre-viny Maeiion', nnd Murrou' G ihf Pen. Itepiiii tng Wnteiits, etc, ilone wit :t lie same Kuuuracy as liereiolora. Miitoj aciioi gii.tniuteed. vlnly. T Ml.WER ilOErilC. L). I). COOK Proprietor", Cor. Mill and Centre f-ts.. liidgwny, Pa. Tiie proprietor tuUes this meiiio-l of nn nouiieuie; to Ihe piilvlic 1 h it he lias retittcd,' riivised, and improved, thin well known hciel, and is prepared to entertain, ul? who I ivor 1. im with their p iiro'nafle. in the heit ttvlo and al low rule. TliMoif. VV. C. HEALY. UKALEIi '. . . I'liODU jii,.i'.iiU I'fs, &i: vluStf. West Ktid, tlr.!gviy, Pa. VI)E HOUSE.' . EiDCTAV, Elk Co., P.v,. . II. v'CUU.VM, rro)riotoT. Tle-.nkfiil fer fnj js.Tironie lieteiofortr ui liberally Kestowed np-ou luur, t!e v-it prcprietur. hopes, by jinying tftrict iu icniton to the tnuifort ni'td ednveuieuce o gue'ts, lo merit a contiuiuuee -oi ihe? sauie. ; Oct 30 Wi'.i. OLD l'.ECKT.U.S I1UTEU, Kane, Meiveau C., V V.. E. I.OOKE'.t, PruLfielor. 1 limiklul ler the pulroiiupe hiicir-foK eo' liliernlly besloweU upon linn, tho new pro-' prietor,- hopes., by paying siriei niten'io'n1 10 Ihe ceuit'irt and convenience of guests, lo merit it continuance of the -mimic. The mil,' slahles lor horses irr Knue and wctf kept night or day. vln2;l, 1. .-f hall & lino Atto'pnoys - at -Luw' . ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY PNNSYLYAIIIA. IIUXO. HALL; .....JA8. K. V. BALL jr EKSEV HOUSE, Centu fiVreLK, Ei.n Co., Pa. John Collins, Ptopriotor. Thankful for the pntronngo lieretotort so libcrilly bestowed upon him, the ne proprietor, hopes, by pnying strict at tentiou to (lie comfort aud convenience of gu .'sts, to merit a continuance of the' same. . S. A. ROTE, P II OT O G- II A P HEIlf ' ' AN 1) OEALKR 1 , Chroinos, Stereosoopio View's", Picture)' Frame?, A'tf. " WEST EXl EVUtiWAV. ELK CO. PAv J. U. WiLUKR, Ono D'otnr East cf the Post Office, Main' St., Ilidgway, Pa. Vegetables of all'kinds re--ceived daily. Choice oranges and lemons ' vlnltf. P. W., HAYS, DKALEB IS Dry Goods, ITotions, Q-rcceries and , Gsneral Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ettrletf i: O. .vln47tf. JI). r AHaONS,- .-!- . k . ' : r-.. ... '--; ManufaotuVer nifS Dealer in Boots Shoes, ' " '-oKi " RfaioSt., opposite notel," ,'" . v2(j