THURSDAY. SEPT. 12. J872.. Var Time at HUlfiray. Erie Express East....;; i2:?,8a m no do West 2:25 a. m. do Mail East 4:iOp. tn . ao 00 west ; 2:05 a. m. Renovo Accommodation East..... 8:40 a m. do do do West,.,,. 0:14 p. m IwAtes of Advertising. Ono commit, one year $7fi 00 " 40 00 i u " 25 00 I " " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight, lines or less 3 times or less.. 2 00 Business cards, tell lines or less, per year........; 5 00 Marriages' and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. T. Jt Slated meetings of Elk Lodge will tie hell al their hall on the second nnd fonrlh ruesdnya of each month. Q. l Mccracken, Sce'y. Tenure of Honor and Temoerancc. Elklon Temple No. 81. uiceis on ea:h alternat e Thursday, at their Lodie Room, on Main Street, over J. V. Monk's store. S. A. ROTE. W. R. The central Grant anil Willson rtlub bf Elk county meets nt the Court Ilonqe In Uijgway, every alternate Thursday, at 8 o'clock p.'tn. JsTcxt mcetinz Sept. 12. t.noicE candies nt the Ridsrway Bakery nnd News Depot. . Nhvs Pkpot. All this lending Monthlies nnd weeklies enn be obtained ht tl Ridsrway Bakery and News Depot on Main street one door East of the Post Ofiiio. Oidcrs taken nnd promptly filled, for any book or periodical published hither in Euronp or America; Bear in mind that, the Grant and Wilson Club meets fthis Thursday even insr.) at the Conn IIou?e. Let every member be nt his post, eaeh with his neighbor to join us. if there is one yet one unsaved, as there is important busi ness to bo transacted, and arrangements hare been mndo by the executive com mittee for Speakers. Fall in boys, the Ions roll is beatina to arms. Ratt. Road Accmr.xT There vns a slisht mistake made on Monday, Oth inst . by the Engine of frefion No. 4 of ibe Empire freieht East in Irving to pass section No. 3 on the Farje track, at Bidprwav. but the thins would'nt work Well, and Po there was a sMirlit cracking. Sniafhina", nnd turntojr, tepy turninar. of fensine, caboose, nil and lumber cars, b it ho one was hurt that we heard ot Annual Eepirf for r.ISr-aj S-.'.ieei 3;ciri:i. Roocipls and T!pen 'ituves for school year ending June :.;d, irrl. Tax rates 20 mills on the dollar of valua lion . RECEIPTS. Hal. in hands of Treas. Jnst. yenr $16fti 7i Reed, from Countv Trcas. on Un- seated Lands 400 00 Reed, from Tnxnbleshy Dipt. Treas. 10S7 32 Reed, from State Appropriation 103 00 Reed, from Att y Hall, of Delinquent Collectors 318 07 S4 i.1l ft!) EXPENDITURE". Paid or i Teachers Salaries, Fuel, Building, Supts. nndOontin $1802 28 genccs. 1423 S8 Treasurers fees. (14 51 Balance in hands of Treas'r. Powell j 161 82 4451 90 Ridgway, June 25th, 1872. test, B. F. ELV, President, C. E. BFMAN, Secfy. the Mass Meeting Tbe election proclamation published last week crowded out our Dotice of the Republican Mas3 meeting held at the Court IIouso in Ridgway, Saturday evenirg August 31st. Geo. Johu E. Wilson, of Maryland, dealt out some felling blows on the beads of our Lib Rep-Dem. friends, and it seems some did not like it mucbly to be thus punv reeled, but such is life when our cause h bad, and our men worse. Gen. Wilson is an accomplished and eloquent Speaker, sound in his logic both as to premises, reasoning and con clusions, lie is yet youDg in years, and iy taking proper care of his bodily health, may do good service in battling for tho rights of man in tbe field of politics, as be has done on other fields, until the fiat went forth that the bond men should go free. His appeal in behalf of Geri. flart fanft, his comrade on many a hard fought flcld were most touchingly eloquent, and Went with convincing effect to the-understanding of many a one there. He brings us the most encouraging intelligence from different parts of the Commonwealth, as to the prospects of our gallant State standard bearer Gen. Hartranft, and tbe entire State ticket. The copperhead Uuckalcw is looking or ward with some anxiety to the day, when he shall have other use for his private carriage, than that of driving his friends in hate for the Government to Nob Mouutaio copperhead campmeet- Salutatory, To the friends and patrons of the Advocate. We this week take the Editorial conduct of the ADVOCATE. We have no particular programme to announce, more than to express the1 hope that by close attention to the work undertaken, We may be able, id the futuro to keep it what, it has been ib the past, a readable papSr. The political tone of the paper will be, as in the past, Republican, and as intensely So as we are capablb of making it. We shall feariessly discuss the politi cal issues of tho day, but in strict keep ing with the facts, and principles in volved, scurrility and personalities rigid: ly avoided. We hope and expect to be always on the very best, terms of good neighbor hood with our Editorial confreres, both in, and out of the bounty. All this, and it may bs ttofe, we ex pect to accomplish. , It. A. Pattison, Editor and Publisher. Rldgway, Sept. 9th 1372. A man who don't kudrt what be is, or what he says. One Thos. L. Kane, of McKean County, a few nishts since, in company with Some Lib-RcpDcm. laddies of Smethport went to Bradford, in that county to organize a Greeley and Brown Club. The chnps who wore Katie's conirads on the occasion, spread out their stock in trades iri the old stereotyped columoies against Gen Grant but when Kane came on, Balaam like to prophesy evil against tlie Nation's annointed. the remcrribrance of other days come upon him, and he prophesied pood, so that the Lib-Rep-Dems. left in dispost, and the Grant and Wilson men represented by a committee waited upon this servant of the modern Bala'it, ami thanked Mr. Kane for the r.nble service he bad done their cause. Truly this man knoweth not what be saieth or docth, strait, Wo pity a man iu uch tt The New Sri-igj. The new Iron Bridge across Elk creek is completed and now open for use by the travelling public. The length of span is one hundred feet, supports 12 feet, nnd was built by the celebrated King Bridge Company, of Cleveland Ohio, under the supervision of S. A Oliver Esq., foreman' ot the company. Tbe Iron Bridges built by the King Bridge company are equal, if not superior to anv hiiV.t in this continent, and al ready dors this company lead off in i eonstruetien of Tron Bail Koad and wagon Brid gps, in the West, North vfeSf and South west. They have branch works at different points, the Tola Kas., being among t!ie most important. Their wagon bridges will last three hundred years, and their Rail Road brid re:j one hundred and fifty years. Just think of the vast deal of travcllinj we 11 do ere tbe the New Iron Bridge across Elk creek at Ridgway. will bo sold for old iron. On Wednesday, the 4th inst., the last travel was done' on the old Wooden structure, and on Tuesday afternoon 10th we were using tbe new. thanks to the euef y of Mr Oliver and his workmen, and our enersetic super visor Wm. II. SchranY Esr Th bridge was built by Ridgway Township LIST OP CAUSES. Set down for Trial at October Term, 1872. 1 Miehaol Market, vs Buffer & Sterly 53 April term, 1S08. 2 Thomas Turley, vs B. A. Weed, Ss November term, 18C9'. 3 Jonathan Boynton, ti al. vs A. C, Finney, et al. 1 January term. 1871. 4 Henry R. Moore, vs A. A. Carrier et al. 1 April term, 1871. 5 John Springstead vs Isaac Keefcr. 11 April term, 1871. G R. C. McGill, vs Louis H. Garner, 20 August term, 1871. 7 Henry 'Souther, vs P. X. Bieber- ger, Jr. et al. 3 November term, 1871. 8 Benjamin Johnson, ec al. vs John Johnson etal. 4 November term, 1871. 9 L. C. Wyokoop, vs Georg6 J). Don- ahey, 21 November term, 1871. 10 A. W. Gray, Guard & Co. vs Isaac Smith, et al. 1 January term, 1872. 11 George F. Dickinson, vs George Rhines, 7 January term, 1872. 12 Soloman Bachert, vs Jacob Mover 11 January term, 1872. 13 Thomas Holland, vs J. S. HydV, 14 January term, 1872. 14 Benjamin Johnson, et al. vs John Johnson, et al. 26 April term, 1872. 15 James Curry, vs E. St C. Paine, 38 April term, 1872. 16 Martin Sorg, vs Nicholas Kronen- wetter, et al. 47 April term, 1872. 17 Martin Sorg, vs Nicholas Kronen. wetter, et al. 48 April term, 1872. FRED. SCIIffiNlNG, Proth'y. Suciuis for the Advocate. New - Advertisements. VENPERS OF MERCHANDISE ATTEN TION 1 Venders of Merchandise, keepers ot Saloons, Brewers nnd Distillers of the county of Elk ate hereby notified that tho Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes 1872 ha filed his return Irt my offico, and tljat the tax by him assessed must be me at once, or the accounts will be placed in the handsof a oollcolot C. R. FARLEY, Treasurer, Ridgway, Sept. Cth 1872-4!. STATE FAIR t milE Annual Exhibition of the PENNSTL I 1 VANIA 8TATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held at. ERIE, SEPT. 17, 18. 19 and 20, 1872. Competition is co-extensive with the United States and the Prbritices, and the citizens of other States and the Dominion are cordially Invited to compete for our prizes. No tbt Fbb is Chabobp. Ex cursion tickets will be issued by all the railroads and siock and articles carried at the lowest rates. JACOB R. EBY D. W. Reo. Sec: President. Eldridos McCoskrt, Cor. Seri TVTOTiCE. J Whereas my wife Emma Oross has Ifcft my bed and bortrd Without any jnst cause or provocation; all persons are here by forbiden to hnrbor or trust her on my account, as I shall pay do debts bf her con tracting after this date; . , THOMAS A. GROSS; July 22nd, l2. NOTICE. My ivife Mary . Roper has left my bed and boar Without jus.t cause or provo cation. This is to forbid all persons harbor ing or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her cotiylruction after this date. CASPER ROPER, Aug. 15th, 1872. Jones Township. AGESl GUAR TS. $10 to $20 PER DAY ARANTEED. Specimens and full particulars free. Address WOODS LITER ARY AND ART AGENCY. Ncwburpli, N. T- HOW TO GO WEST. This ii an inquiry which e'Vefy rne should have iruthfnlhf answered befhrc be starts on bis journey, and a little care taken in csaniinatioh of Rotates will in manj casJes Save riiueh trouble, tihic and money.' The "C, B fc Q. Ft. B.," runninsr from Chicago, through Galesbtirg to Burlington, and the ''I.. B. &W. Route,' running from Indianapolis, through Blooiniogton to Burlington, have achiev ed a splendid reputation in the last two yearsjis tbe leading Passeugcrs Routes to tho We.t. At Burlington they con nect with tho ? cC- M. II R. and Irom tie great Buriinzto'n itou'te, which nins direct through' Southern Tuwa to Nebras ka and Kansas, with close connections to California arid tfjo Territories; and passengers' starting from ftlk County, on their way Westward, cannof do hct'fcr than to tsk'a the Bunf.tNfiTov Koutk. This Lino bus puhli.-ih'ed a pntnphlct called 'How' to go West." wT.'ioIi con tains much valuable infnrt.'tatinri; a lafge correct map' of the dretft Wet, which can be cbtn:t;'ftd ice of charge by ad dressing ffic General Pa?renger Ag;nt B. k M. R R. Btirlinu'ton. Iowa. 2-122'tf NEW IjIVmiY STABLE IN lOBWAy. DAN SCBIBNEIl WISHES TO IN- form the Citizens of Ridgway. iind tbe public generally, that he ba? s'Trted ai j.iv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD' g'aRRIACsES and Bujjiei. Id let 'ip'on VliBjnost reason'a bletefnls' . , .' . jFRHs will also do job feinting. Stable In the Brooks Barn, near the I rost Office, on Mil' street. AH c'rdcts left at the Tost Office will mset prompt a'tten tion. Au 20 1870. ii. THE balance of this Thriling flomanco will be found in -'THAT CONTEN TION: or Five Days a Politician." Just out, conlA'in'injf 100 Illustration by tho Greatest, Humorous Artist iu American, with contributions from "F. G. W.,". l'E TROLEtTM. V. NASI5Y, MARK TWAIN, "H. G.," KOLLO RAMBLER, and a score of other popular writers. On beautiful tint paper, elejnty bound. Cloth, $1.2-": P per, 7.1 cents. FOR SALE EVERY WHERE, or sent, pott paid ou receipt of price. F. G. WELCH & CO , Publishers, New Yorl And ..Cliicngo. AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, New York, GencreT Agents tor supplying the Trade. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF PENN'A. ' JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to th'e ConC-i'dd tion of Pennsylvania. Be it resolved by the Senate and lloutt of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania in General Assembly met, Tlmt tho following amendment, of the Constitution of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pur suant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit; AMENDMENT:' Strike out the sixth article of the Con. stitution, and tnserl in lieu thereof the following:' "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the' qualified electors of the States, at such times and for such term of service a's" Bhall be prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speaker bf the House, of Representatives. JAMES 8. KUTAN, Speaker of the Senate. Apr-BOVEU The twenty-second dav of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. JRU, W. UEARV. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to tbe Tenth Article of the Con- tit ution. FRANCIS JOBDAN. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, , ttamsburg, June JJtitii, 1872. july 4m3.' New Advertisements. ST. MARY'S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. ST. MARY'S, ELtt CO.,' PA. .. Manufacturers or STEAM ENGINES, Machinery for SAW and GRIST MILS; TANNERIES, AND BRICK YARDS, tfAftMtNG Implements. Such as Plows, Threshing Mdchides, Stump Machines., kc. SASH WEIGltTS, cellar huarbs, Carpet strips, IRON EAlLIM'a FOS VERANDAS AND CE METER YS. FARM BELLS', IRO KETTLES OF ALtt STZES. U eater's AND STOVES Car wheels ali siiies tor Railroad eon tractors, .mill men, and all who are in want of thciii, solid Or with arms, r'liilled or ncit; In Rlirirt everything tiia'id otjf. of iron. We solicit the trade of E!k u'nd adjoining c'oiintics. Give tis a trial i:i all wo ali. Foundry cor. J! ill and St. Mat-;'.i Sts. St. Mary's, liilk Co.. Hi. l. ii; Garner Bub. v2-23'tf. ADMINISTKATOU'.'f "OTICli Notice is hereby jriven thiil letters of Adtiiin isliution rn tlie estate ef Adelplms Kyler, deceased, late of Fox toi jishijj. Klk County. I'cnusy lviinia, liaviiig nccuri vai'i'e;l io the , undersigned, ntl person's imlcn'ted lo e m i ti estiite will f:!e.iK4 niiikS innfiedinic payment, and ha'infi clnini! pr de mands will present tlieni properly authenti cated fer ecttlcment without delay. PETER THOMPSON', At'inr's; i. r.nHF.Tr, Kvr.kit 23-4i. "jVTEW STAGE ROUTE; C. JiUIi.VS, Proprietor. The subscriber having seep red lf:e con tract for carrying the U. Mail between REYN0LUSVILLE & DRI7CI; Vf' AY VII.LE. has placed on thn- i'o-i l r. l.iife rf hn'cks. HacJis leave the F.xelianjre Hotel in Heynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the niKvn.l o;' f!ia l!torKvil'c stage, and return I lie' K'infc? if:i'. These bricks conifect ftt Rrockv-nj villo with (lie Ridgiirty sieges, making connection with trains on the t. .V !) tt -?:f 1. ri' W en'st and went. Every a'llcniio'ti ;(i t lit' emul'oil of patrons of tliis line ivi'l bo given, and a liberal pn!rpnn4 selicited. Aug. Ib-V-li. fertile CamDaiffn-. THE RIDGWit PLYE!t C(.vU.!"r IVAN IT 7r furnish music for all pullticul meetings during the campaign. NEW INSTRUMENTS AND MEW M'rstC. Terms moderate D. B. DAY, .'.,ee:dr. J. 0. W. BAILEY, Sit'y. Ridgwny. la., Aug. 13, f72. Prjsidcstlal Campaign. Caps, Capes & Torches. Send fur Illustrated Cir cular and Price Lift. CUNNING II aM & . mi. i. MANMACTUKERS: XNo. ZVi (Jhureb .Street. ph'ila'delpiiia l-23tl!T. Pot' Sale.- Lots to suit buyers. Larire or ii:'n'll, on long time, one-fourth casb, balance on fen years. Inquire of H. l.ittlc, Ridgway. 6'r Ot R.' MeNutty, No. 3VI Bioudiray, NeS York. 2-H0ufI. JjvRED. sClIOENINd; WllOLKSALK ANn'SKTAIL lEALER IN PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MCSIO. and MUSIC BOOKS. Pia'noi and orgrtn's foreut and rental ap- t plfed if purchased.. f Prothonotary g OtTice, Rnlgway, Pa. v2n20tf. LBIiAL. j In ComWnn Pleas of Elk County. 21 April T., '72. Jamcb II. Wilber, vs. Kate H. Wilber. Libel in Divoroe, a tineulo matrimonii To Kate If. M ilbcr, respondent above named: You are hereby notifiei that tho subpccn-i and alias subpoena in the above case nt ing been returned non est inventus, you? aVe appear on tho FIRST MONDAY OF NOVfiM. next, being the Oh day of the month, to answer the coir.plr.lnt in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offick, 1 Ri'lgway, July 4th, 1872. f 18to. leqal.J Catharine J. Bowen, In Coinmon Flea's" of vs- V Elk County. James Bowen. J No. 2 April T. '71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To James Buwcn, respondent abovt named: Tou are hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpueua in the above case having been returned non est tm tntus, you aro re quired to appear on the THIRD M0ND4Y OF OCTOBER next, being the 5th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above ease. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SuiBirr's Office, 1 Ridg-way, Aug. 4th, 1872-. f ' nlSio; POWELL &1 KIME. Powell & iLiihH Having erected a large ntiii wcil arranged new Store House on ttie old site, since the fire, and tilled it from ci'jtir to garret with' the clioicest goods bf all descriptions, that can be fotind in any market, Hre fully pa pered to receivctlielr old customers, rfliil Supply ihtir watlis ut bttttoih ilgllrtS WHOLESALE Q& BBTAIL; Th'Mf aSsb'rlmc'h't is now fc'b'm'pibtb', c'o'ifi prlSinji OR Y UOOi?3 dR0UK;ilIE3; t!RCCk.HRif UAHDTrAllJD, fcLo'Tiiiya, litjoie An'f? sifdiss; ilATcJ AN1 C.S. ItfdridNji.jctc.; fe'ts. PORjfc FLfiUlL SALT, Feed; iiiidiid. tiii !'; In' shorf fcVery7ing"3war.''e'i;in ia'e';c"oun7ry by LfjMBERJIE, FARMERS, ME OllANtCS; JltsMlS, TAN-" H&lbi, tAL'diliNG.J'IENy Everybody A iso a full stock1 of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable' sizes for rafting and ru'iiulng purposes. AifSl BM, R'idjway, PV. M u- oh sC'. JW'l "W. S. SERVICE- GO AND SEE! It mtii l'Ati f He Largest stock dp ink BEsf-Nb tiTliEtt itl stocii- libfisE' r'titiNTutSfri ribors' In ENDLESS AlilETT. PEICE WlLXi SUIT I GOODS WILL l'LEASE! US, stoves' bEUtiiiiEb' And set i'ltLilil FllllK! FllEE! CALL ANb EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO'SUOW GOODs'i .. .. W. S. SERVICE. Kb. 1 Masoiiio Hn 11 Ituikling, Ridgway, Vt GENTS WANTED! For the fastest. t and most popular hook vV'ltfi CO 11 ftiKtrntio'nx. likenesses of all tile Presidents -'be'ut ifu'lly bound, and prirfted on tinted a prr'. THE NATrfONj tin Rulers a'nd Institutions, 7.V Lv ft fit H II AXD GERMAN Nothing like it. Strikes evarybody as bist the book ihev need. It is! nn Enei-ol. J'trtlia" of i he Government. o Single pago H U tire of themselves wori'h' the price of the book ot'er oDO pages tfMd onh; $2.50 A .1011 HARVEST, ft'r Canvasscrs-1 ladies and gentlemen farmers, teachefs and students. One afthl took 75 orders iii a few rf iis, with circular alone; brftifi the book Pipeared. 20 A KAY cari be cleared in fair territory. Write, at once for circular ond .information. NEW WORLD PUB LISHING Co., Cor. 7lhand Market Streets, Philadelphia. vln37yl. THE GREAT fiATTSE of Htttban Mi&erv. Just Published, in & Sealed Envelope, .Price vDu.a,. n. Lecture on the Mature, Treat ment, and Radical euro nf iiu.n..l...l..;. -induced by sclf.Ahuse, Involuntary Em'ss- iiinimtcsj, nervous ueoiuty, and In pediments to Marriage generally; Con sumption, KpHepsy, and Fits',' Slental and Pliysical Incapacity, &o'. by tOB. J. CCLVJTRlVELti, M. D., author of the "Green Book." &o. The. Wnrbl-rnnn'wnPAil oiitl.n.. ; i.: - j iratile Lecture, clearly proves from his3 u- iiiiierienceinai lie awlut consequences of Sfilf-Ahuse may bo effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous furgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointiug out a mode of cur at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousand.!. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address', on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps', fry addressing (he publish, ers. Also. DR. CDLVERWELL'S "Mar riage Guide," price 60 cents. Address the Publishers. ... - CHAS. J. C. KLINE & Co' 127 Bowery New York. P. 0. Box 4680. vln47ylof. Wood's New -Iron Mower. AGENTS VANTED. For Circulars, particulars, etc., address, SELLEW, ADAMS & CO., Gowanda, N. Y. ' Manufacturers' of the j ' Gowanda Plow,;.'. the Eest uiade. For sale in Ridgway by POWELL- & KIME. April ltftb. '72-3m. NE MILLION OF tlVES SAVE! la one of the most remarkable friola of tills remarkable age, not that so many persons are the vict ims of dyspepsia of in digestion, but its trilling vibtims. Now; we would not be understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with favor, or feels disposed to rank it among the luxuries of lifo. Far from it. Those who havd ex perienced its torments would scout such an idea. All dread it, nnd would gladly dis pense with its unpleasant familiarities, Mark Tapley, who was olly under aU the trying circumstances in whitfh he . was placed, never bad nn attack of dyspepsia, or his jolily would have speedily forsaken him. , .. .. : .... ... Of . all the miiUifarlous 'diseases io tfHicli llie hlitnhh . sj-stem , .is. liable, there is perhaps no orie , sd generally prevalent as dyspepsia.. . There arc diseases more acute and painful, and which more ' freVieritly ft'bte fatal, but none tbe eflceis of which are fid depressing to the mind and s& positively distressing to Hie body. . ..If there is wretched being In the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. . We have said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is imphntioally the case irl the United Stales. Whether this general prevalence is due lo the character of the food, the method of its preparation; ;.r the Last manner in which it is usually swallowed, is not. our provinoo to explain, Tlie great fact, with which wo are called to deal is Ibis: ' DYSPEPSIA TREVAILS almost uuivci sally. Nearly every other person you m'ec'i is tt victim,, art apparently willing 6he', were this not the case, why so manf suffei-erg; wheo ft certain, speedy and srtfe remedy is withih the ea?y reach of all who will avail themselves of it? ' But says a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to which we reply: This grcnt nllevntor of human .tillering is almost aa widely Kiiowt! as the English language. It has .allayed the njjonies of thousands, nnd is to-day carry coinfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is noi.e other than . ,.. Ioa IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS'.. Vv'oiild you know more of the merits of this wonderful prcpaiation than can be' learned from tho experience! of tubers? Try it yourself, and when It hds failed to' fulfil the sf 'lrtir.cs of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT BE REMEMBERED, first of nil, that IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is -o rum beverage.. They are composed wholly of the pure j nice or vital principle of roots.'. This is not a iiero f."sertion. The extracts from which tlity are compounded are prepared by one of tho ablest of Germari chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all cases of the Miliary JSteln. Ilootland's German Bitters sland Without an equal, acting pffu'ptly end vigorously upon the; the remove its torpidity nnd cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying t lie stomach with the most indispensablo elements of sound digestion in prorer pro pnrtio 13. .... They pii? 'li' fiioo'u, cle.ansin( the 1,'u'id i; nil hurtful impurities nnd su planting them with tlie elements of genuine iieaithiulness. Now, there are certain eln'sscs ot per- sous to wliom extreme BilttrS are not only unpalatable, but vilic fiud it Impossible to tako thetii without positive discomfort. For such Dr. JiUUt LAND a GERMAN TONIC hits been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight alcoholic stimulant is require 1 in connection with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Gor nifri Diteffi.' IIOOFLAND'S TONIC ants with almost marvelous effect. It not only stimnjn'e; ho Angling and wasting licrgics, '.".it invigorates and permanently Irenglheiis its action upon the Liver and Strinacli thorough, perhaps less prompt than the Bitters, when the Same quantity is taken is none the less certain. Indigestion, Billiousuess, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its po-. (ent influence. It gives the invalid a new and stronger b'old upon life, removes de pression ot .spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. B'it Dr. Hoofland's benefactions to' the hitman race are not confined to his' celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, o his inyaluablo Tonic. He has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because of its in trinsio mctiiH. This is HOOFLAND'S PODOPIIVLLIN PILLS, a porfoct substi tute for mercury without any of nioroury's evil qualifies.. These wonderfifl Pills, which nro Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com. posed- cf Podophyllin, or the vital princi ple of the mandrake roof. It is the medi cinal virtues' of this health-giving plant, in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form. The Podophyllin acta directly on the Liver, stimuliainf ite functions and causing it to make its billiary serfetions in regular and proper qunnti.i, .The Inju rious results which iiiVfiriably follow, the use of mercury ,is entirely avoided by their use. , lit:'t il is not upon , the Liver only that their powers are exefted., TJie extract o'f Ma'ndrake contained in them is skillfully combined with four, other ex trScts, ori6 of which aots upon th'e stomach, c'rfe t'pon the upper bowels1,, one upon the ; lower boweh, and prevents any griping ! effect, thus producing a pill that influences th'e iirfire digestivoaud alimentary system, in' an equal ond harmonious manner, and its action entirely tree from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all Other purgatives. , , Possessing these much desira'ble qualities the Podophyllin becomes invaluable aa a FAMILY MEDICINE. . No houjehold should be without hem. They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi oient in action, nnd when usea in connec tion with Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, or Tonio, may be regarded as certain spe cifics iuall cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any of the disorders to which ihe system is ordidarly subject. . The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon tho stomach and bowels, carrying off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tonio pu'rify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the frime, give tone and appe. tite to the stomach, and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. Hootiand, having provided1 inWnat remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external application, in the wonderful preparation known, as Da. HOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL. , This Oil is a eovoreign remedy for pains' and aches of all kinds. . Rheumatism, Neuralgic!, T'oo'thaciie, Chilblains, Sprains, Burns, Pain In the! Back and Loins, Ringworms, etc., etc., all' yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colic, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps. Paius iu the Stomach, Colds, Av'hma, eto! These remedies will be sent by express i??.n,,locali'y uPn application to . fha PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN? MEDICINE STORE, No. 631 ARCH ST ' PHILADELPHIA , CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor ' Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO These Henmiiei are for salt bu Vruggxiti B orekeeperi, and Medicint Veaisrt ever O