The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 12, 1872, Image 2

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    IT. A. Pattison,
THURSDAY. SEPT. 12, 1872.
" Of Illinois. " '
, ton. vtCK-lnKsirF.NT,
- - -Of Massachusetts. - -
for oovernor:
Montgomery County.
fOR RUrBF.ME judoe:
Bradford County
Warren Couuty.
Cumberland County.
Carbon County.
Warren County.
Col. C. H. CURTIS,
' Erie County.
we have carefully studidd Buckalew's de
fence of himself, and substantially stated
it as found in those organs, which claim
to be of the Buckalcw persuasion in this
campaign. ,
One of Mr. IJuckulew'g first ahd
greatest cares is to remove (ha ' damag
ing effect of his intercourse with these
men, henco he is interested in glossing
the whole matter over. Mr. Buckalcw as a
witness in his own bohalf, is not odIv di.
rectly, but intensely intonated in giving
the most favornbla version possible so fa
as he is concerned, while on the other
hand Holoomb simply makes a confiden
tial statement, to hi superior with no in
ducement to give any other than a plain
unvarnished statement of events as they
transpired. He frankly states the pros'
pects of the business h and his coadju
tors had on hand, to wit; burning the
principle cities of the loyal States, spread
yellow fever and other contagious dc
seascs over the whole north, release
thoso Rebels soldiers who had been
captured and were then held as prisoners
of war at Elmyra, Johnson Island. Camp
Douglas at Chicago and other points ;
incite insurrection and Rebellion against
the government in its efforts to fill up
the depleted ranks of its armies, by en
fnrcninir wholesome drafting laws,
WhereaS, in and by the 13th section
of the Act of General Assembly of Penn
sylvania, passed July 2d 1SC1), entitled.
"An art relating to the Elections of the
Commonwealth." It is enjoined on the
Sheriff of every county to give notice of
such elections to be held, and to enum
erate in such notice what officers are to
be elected, in pursuance thereof, I. I).
(J. Oyster, High emeriti of the county
of Elk, do thereforo make known and
give this public notice to the electors of
said county of Elk, that a general elec
tion will be held in said county, on
(it being the second Tuesday of the
month), for the purpose of electing the
following otHcers, to-wit:
One person for Governor.
One person for Auditor General.
One person for Judge of the Supreme
Three persons for Congressmen at
Twenty-eight persons for Delegates to
the Constitutional Convention.
One person for Congress to represent
the counties of Clearfield, Cameron, Elk,
Erie, Forest, McKean and Warren.
One person for mcmbor of the Legis
lature to represent the counties of Cam
eron, Elk and Jefferson.
Throe persons as delegates to the Con
stitutional Convention, to represent the
: ..e i ...L..:.. nt uu iti.
. and Elk.
taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote after residing in this State six
months. Provided That the freemen,
citiens of the United States, who are
between the ageB of twentyone and
twenty-two years, and who have resided
in the election district ten day? as afore
said, shall be entitled to vote, although
they have not paid taxes.
Wherea's, The Fifteenth Amend
ment of the Constitution of the United
States is as follows:
Section 1. The right of citizens of
the United States shall not be denied 07
abridged by the United States on ac
count of race, color, or previous condi
tion of servitude.
Sec. 2. Tnat Concress shall have
power to enforce this article by appropri
ate legislation.
Awt whereas, The Congress ot the
United States, ou the a 1st 5t March
1870, passed an act entitled, "An act
to enforce the right of citizens of the
United States to Vote in tne scleral
States of the Uniou, tnd lor other
purposes," the first and second sections
of which aro as follows!
Be it enacted, That all citizens
of the Unl ed Slates who are or
shall be otherwise qualified to vote at
any election by the people of any State,
Territory, district, city, county, parish,
township, school district, municipality, or
of her territorial subvision hliail be crmtiea
and qllowed to vote at all such elections
without distinction ot color, race, or
previous condition of servitude; any con
stitution, law, custom, usane, or rei'tila-
Who Shall he Governor of Pennsylvania.
There is now no necessity to hesitate
for a moment as to the choice between
the candidates for the .Gubernatorial
office in the State of Pennsylvania.
Tlio two candidates are known to the
people by their deeds. The one takes
the field against armed traitors, Rebels
against the Government and laws of our
country, the other goes skulking away
to the Dominion of Canada to counsel
with Tirhels in stiecial commission to
burn the cities of loyal states, to Gist rib
ute contagious deseases over the land
to release prisoners of war and turn
them loose to murder the wives and
little ones of the men who were on duty
in posts of peril and danger ; to incite
insurrection in the Northern. Western
and North Western states, by giving
encouragement to the "sons of Liberty,"
and "Kniehts of the Golden circle"
whose avowed purpose was the over
throw of the Governmeut of the United
States. Our Lib-Rep-Dem friends at
the dcvekipement of Buckalew's compli
city with the rebel commissioners pooh
ed at tho idea and with, their old wcap-
nn bluff endeavored to avoid it. But
that, they soon found would not "work,
and they then put their wits to work to
discover soma Way for their cindidatc
to escape the effect of his coalition with
T?pbels. And first it was said that he
was one of a senatorial committee to
find out how the Canadian government
dealt with the Indians within the do
minion ; but then this was too thin for
the puipose intended, and the rottenness
of the excuse was to apparant, and some
other reason must be given ; and the
second reason formed was that the Sena
tor from Pennsylvania was travelling
with his wife for her health, and took
the Canada side of the Niagra in his
our for the benefit of his wile's health.
Why not stop on the American side ?
Was not the atmospher just as salub-
rious, and the association just a good
as on tbe Canada side: Xo, there was
a certain congeniality over there that
did not exist here for men of the Buck
alew grade of Loyalty to, and love for
the government. But this excuse was
a little too much on the shody order
even for Lib-Rep-Dcms, and they mast
needs "Ga fa upo anither plan," and
the bright idea loomed up that Ilolcomb
said he saw Mr. Buckalcw, but did not
say that he and Buckalcw had spoken
with each other. But Buckalew must
have forgotten that his friends were try.
ing to get him out of his Rebel commiss
ioner difficulty, and admits that he and
Ilolcomb did have a talk about the pros.
pect of the government raising the 500-
000 men then called for, and that he
assured Ilolcomb they would be raised
and that then they eepcrated. Mr.
Buckalew tells us that he undertook to
obey a resolution of the United States
Senate, of which he was then a member
from Pennsylvania, ordering himself and
Senators Harlcara, and Doolittle to go to
Canada and learn what they might of
the Indian policy of that Government
and report. Harlan and Doolittle in
vited Buckalew to join them at Niagra
and proceed to the business of their
commission, but when he got there his
colleagues had been there and had gone
on to perform the duty assigned them,
while United States Senator Buckalew
went over to the Canada side to counsel
with those with whom he was in full
sympathy, to wit messrs Saunders,
Thompson, Holcomb and Clay. Now
talk the
Thompson confirms this statement
Holenmb, and among the persons seen
and conversed with by Holcomb on these
to them important measures was Charles
R. Buckalew.
Ilolcomb is confirmed in this by
Buckalew who affirms, in his own
fence that he and Jloleonib did
about the probabilities of success on
part of the Government in raising
500,000 men called for. Buckalew
avoids telling us in his defence how this
conversation was brought about, but
Holcomb tells his chief, in recounting
the business of his sojourn on the Cana
da side of Niagra Falls, as above stated
But Buckalew further confirms Ilolcomb
as president of the "Fishing Crectc con
feleraey," as presideut of the "nb
Mountain campmeeting" of fire in the
rear copperhead Democrats, in the votes
given by him against the measures of
the Government to suppress Rebellion,
nnd forever recorded against him in tha
archives of our nation. Buckalew has
left recorded on the Journal of the Uni
ted States Senate, his vote agaiosl the
amendment to onr constitution by which
slavery was aholishod against the repeal
of that most infamous of all the laws
ever enacted by the congress of the Uni
tod States, the fugitive slave law. He
VOtfl'l flrainst Ko rctnlO'.'VtriPTlt of tl
Freedman's Bureau, he voted against
allowing negroes lo become citizens of
the United States, and in favor of a con
stitutional amendment forever prohibit
ing th in from becoming citizens. He
was opposed to the equality of nil men
before the law, and so voted. He was
opposed to paying bounties to soldiers,
and so ri corded his vote. He was op
posed to paying black soldiers the same
wages paid to whites and so voted.
was opposed to the conscription act
voted "no" on the passage of the
lie voted against the payment of
men called into service to defend
state against Lee's invading host, known
as the "emergency men". lie was in
favor of paying Rebel slaves owners for
the slaves drafted or enlisted into the
armies of the I nitco Mates. Ihus we
mifcht trace his record while United
States Senator and prove that in evefy
instance by speech and vote he opposed
whatever favored his country, or ins
country's soldiers iu the field, or the
family of the soldier at home. In every
thing uutavorable to the Government or
its soldiers, by speech and vote he - fa
Yet he now asks the Pennsylvania
soidiers, and soldiers friends to elevate
him to the chief Magistracy of the
Oue person for ProthnnolnrV, Register
and Recorder, and Clerk of Courts, ol
ilk county.
One person fur Commissioner.
One person for Auditor.
And the qualified electors of the
county ol Llk will hold their elections
in the several districts, as follows:
BencZette township, ut the house of
Elizabeth Winslow.
Benzicgcr tnwnhip, at the school
house on Michael St, near the Elk
creek bridge.
Fox township, tit the Ccntrevillc
school house.
Highland township, at the house of
Levi Ellithorpe.
Jfortoti township, at the school house
near D. C. Oyster s Hotel.
Ridgway township, ai the Court
St. Mary's Boro., at the Town flail.
Spring Creek township, at the House
of Stoekdalo, Pawnor & Co.
J;iy tov. tieliip, tt the houso of Alfred
Jones township, 1t the school house
in Wilcox.
Mill Stone township, at the house of
Henry Uerr, at Barrs Dam.
I also make known the following act
entitled "An act regulating the mode of
voting at all elections in the several
counties in this Common wea'th," as I am
required by the second section of said
district, for the purpose of voting there
Ever? person qualified as aforesaid.
nd who shall make the duo proof, if re
quired, of his rcsidonco and payment of
ot taxes aforesaid, in the township, ward
or district in which he shall reside. -
Jf any person shall prvent or attemp
to prevent any officer of any election un
der this act from holding such election,
or use or threaten any violence to any
such officer, or shall interrupt or inpro-
pcrly interior with him in the exeoution
of his duty, of shall block up the window
or avenue to any window where the
same may be holding, or shall riotously
disturb the peaco at such election, or
shall use or practice any Intimidation
throats, force or violence, with design to
iufluence unduly or overawe any elector,
or to prevent him from voting, or to re
strain the freedom of choice, such per
sons on conviction shall be fined in any
sum not exceeding five hundred dollars,
be imprisoned for any time not les than
one month Hor mote than one year and
if it be shown that the poisons so offend
ing was not a resident of the city, ward,
district or township where the snid of
f'enco was committed, and'not entitled to
VDto therein, and on Conviction hd shall
be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
than one hundred or more than one
thousand dollars, and bo imprisoned not
less I hau siat months or more than two
Commenting ou the silly charge of the
Democratic papers that Senator Willson
was a Kuow-Nothing, the Boston Pilot-
excellent authority among the Catho
lics, sayr: ''The editor has been able to
find nothing to justifiy the accusation,
except the fact that Mr. Wilson received
a few votes for Governor in the Know-
Nothiog convention, and decl'med the
nomination. The Pikt arrives at this
conclusion: If Mr. Wilson uttered these
things in 1854 the Pilot did not say any
thing about it, which surprises us. We
arc, therefore, inclined to believe wheth
er he was a Know-Nothing or not, that
these alleged quotations aro manufactur
ed as campaign documents, and unusual
Iy dirty campaign ducuments at that."
Pittsburgh Ditpatch,
Section 1. Be it enacted L the
Senate and Iovte of Repratcntatlttx
i c; That the qualified voters of the
several counties of this !onim'irit:e-akl.
at all general township and special dec
tions are hereby hereafter authorized and
teouired to Vote bv ticket, printed or
written or partly written aud partly
printed, severally classified as follow.
One ticket shall embrace the names ol
ail the Judges of the Courts to be toted
for and to be labelled on the outside
Judiciary" one ticket shall embrace the
names of all estate elhcers to be voted
for including the office of Senator, mem
ber or members of Assembly, if voted
for, members of Congress if voted for
and be labelled "county;" one ticket
shall embrace the names ot all the town
shin officers voted for, and be labellc
"borough or "township; and each shall
be deposited in separate ballot boxes.
I also make known and give notice
us in and by the 15th section of aforesai
act, 1 am directed that tvery person
except jusf.iccs of the Peace, who shall
hold any ofhco appointment of trust or
profit, under the Government of the
United States, or this State, or any city
or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned officer or otherwise a suboi din
utc officer or agent who is or shall be
employed ander the legislative or juiii
clary or executive department of this
State or of the United States, of any
city or incorporated district, and al
every member of Congress and State
Legislature, and the select and common
council of any city Commissioner, or any
incorporated district, is by law incapable
ofho'diug or exercising at the same time
the office or appointment of Judge, In
specter or Clerk, of any election of this
Commonwealth, and that no inspector
or Judge, shall be eligible to any office
then to be voted for,
Also in the 4th sectionofthe Act of
Assembly, entitled. "An act relating to
elections and for every purpose," ap
proved April 10th, 1809, it is cuacted
that the 11th section shall be so con
strued as to prevent any militia or
borough officer from serving as Judge,
Inspector, or Clerk, at any general or
special election in this Commonwealth.
Also, that in the Cist, section of said
act it is enacted "That every general or
special election shall be opened between
the hours ot seven or ten in the fore
noon, and shall remain without tr.terrup.
tion until seven o'clock in the evening
when the polls shall be closed.
No person shall be permitted to vote
at any election as aforesaid, but a white
freeman ot the age ot twenty-one years.
Greeley nrr again. Vermont held
her State election on the 3rd inst., and
gave a Republican majority of 25,000.
The Chappaquacks feel hurt.
Gone to Europe Charles Sumner iu
search of his "lost cause.
or more, who shall have resided, in this
State at least one year and in the elec
tion district where he offers his vote, at
least ten days immediately preceding
such election, and within two years paid
a State or County tax, which shall have
been assessed at least ten days before
the election. But a citizen of the United
States, who has previously been a quali
ed voter or . this State, but removed
therefrom and returned, and shall have
raided in the election district and psid
tion of any State or territory, or by or
under iis authority, to the contrary,
Sec. 2. And he it fi'rther eitaetc i
That, if, by or under the constitution or
laws of any State or the laws of any ter
ritory, auy act is or shall ,bo required to
be done as a prerequisite or qualification
for voting, and by cuch constitution or
laws persons or officers aro or shall be
charged with the performance, t f duties
in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to
perform such prerequisites, or to become
qualified to vole it shall be the duty ol
every such person 'and officer to ijive all
citizens of the United States, the same
and equal oppoitunity to perforin such
prerequisite and to beoome qualified to
vote without distinction of race, color or
previous condition of servitude; and il
any such persons or officers shall refuse,
or kuowingjy omit to give full eltect to
this section, he shall for every such of
fence, forfeit aud pay the sum ot five
luudrcd dollars, to the persons aggrieved
thereby, to be recovered by an action on
the case, with full costs nnd such a low-
nice for counsel fees as the court shall
leem iust, and shall also for every such
ofleuce be deemed guilty of misdenean.'
or, and shall on conviction thereof be
lined not less than fivo hundred dollars
to be impiisoned not less thau oue
nth and not more than one year, or
both, at the discretion of' the court.
And Whereas, It is declared by the
secnod section ot the VI article of the
Constitution" of the United States, that
This Constitution of the United 8tates
which shall J:c iH-.O't in pufaunnce thereof
shall be the supreme law of thf land
anything in the, (Jimxtitnhan or
lcm:i of an State, to the contrary, nut-
Arut wiurena, The Legislature of tbi
Commonwealth, ou the Gth day of April
18(0, passed au uct entitled "A further
supplement to the act relating to elec
tions iu this Commonwealth, the 10th
section provides as follows:
Section 10. That, so much of every
act of Assembly as provides that only
white freemen shall be entitled to vote,
or be registered as voters, or as claiinina
to vote at any general or special election
of this Commonwealth, be and tho same
is hereby repealed, and that hereafter
all freemen without distinction of color,
hall be enrolled and registered accord
ing to the provisions of the fhvst section
of tho act approved the 1 ah of April.
1801), entitled, "An act further supple
mental to an act relative to the elections
of this Commonwealth,'' and snail when
otherwise qualified Under existing laws,
bo entitled to vote at. nil general and
special elections in this Commonwealth.
. No person shall be permitted to vote
whoso name is not contained in the lit
of ta.tablo inhabitants furnished by the
Commissioners, unless he first produces
a receipt for the payment withiu two
years, of Slate or County lax, assess d
agreeably to the Constitution, and give
satisfactory evideuee either on his own
oath or afiiiriuaMou of another he
has paid suoh tux, or ou failure to pro
duce such receipt tdiall make oath of the
payment thereof; it he claims to voto by
being an elector between the ages o
tweuty-one and twenty-two years ho
shall depose on oath or affirmation that
ho has resided iu thn State at. least one
year before his application, and
proof ot his residence within his district
as required by the act, aud that he docs
verily believe from accounts given linn
that he is ot the ago aloiesaid and give
such other evidence as is reounod ti v
the act whereupon the naiuo ol the per
son so admitted to vote shall bo regis
tered in the alphabetical list .by tho in
spector, aud a note made opposite there
to by the word "tax," it he shall have
been admitted to vote by reason of hav
ing paid tux, or the word "ago" if ho
shall have been admitted to voto by
reason of ago, Khali bo called out to the
clerks, who shall muko like notes in the
list kept by thenr
In all cases where the name of persons
claiming to vote is found on tho list fur
nished by the Commissioners and As
sessors, and his right to vote whether
found thereon or not, is objected by any
qualiued citizen, it shall be the Inspec
tors duty to examine such persous on
oath, as to his quali fiicatiotifr, and if he
claims to have resided within the State
for one year or more, his oath shall not
be sufficient proof thereof, but ebull
make proof thereof by at feast one com
petent, witness who shall be a qualified
elector, that he has resided within the
judges in the ease of fen election for
UoVornor, except that returns transmu
ted to the pecrotary of the commonwealth
shall be addressed to that office alone
and not to the speaker of tbe senate.
Pursuant to the provisions contained
in the 4th section as aforesaid, the
Judges of the aforesaid districts shall
respectively take charge of the certifi
cates or returns of election to their re
spective district and produce them at a
meeting of one Judge from each district
at the Court House in the Township of
Ridgway on FRIDAY, THE llin
PAY op OCTOBER next, then and
there to perforin tho duties required by
laws of said Judges, also where a Judge
by sickness or unavoidable accidents is
unable to attend such meeting of Judges
then a certificate as aforesaid shall be
taken in charge of by one fo the inspec
tors of clerks of tho election of said dis
trict who shall do and perform tho du
ties of said Judge to attend; and the
return Judges of the said districts afore
said arc requested to meet in Brookville,
the county seat of said county, on rn
day after the second Tuesday of October
next, then and there to discharge the
duties required by law.
Given under my baud at Ridgway.
the 14th day of August in tho year of
our Lord, one thousand and ciht hun
dred and sovcrJty-two, and cf the inde
pendence of the United States the ninety
sixth. D. C. OYHTEll Sheriff.
Sheriff's, Office August 14th, 1872.
fTifS RAT"B. Attorney-at-Uw;
rOHJi ft. IlALL, Attorney at law, Rids,
way, Elk county Pa. , mar.22'C0l
4 8. HILL, Physician
XJL. Kersey, Elk Co. Pn,
and Surgcod
j o. w. bailev,
vln.,1. Ridgway, Elk Couiity, Pa.
Agent, for the Traveler's Life and Accli
dent Insuranoc Co., of Hartford, Conn.
S. Bordwoll, M. I). Eclectic Physicau
Odioo and residence cimosi to thri
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt
attention will bo piven to nil calls. OHice
hours: 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 P. M. ; nnd
0 lo 7 P. M. Mar. 22, GO-tf.
At the saifiU f i mo and places, also, an
election will be held for dele ates to the
convention to nmeiid tho Constitution of
the State, in conformity with the act en
titled. "An Act to provide for calling
a convention, approved April J I, liit 1
As prescribed by said act. the following
rules and regulations shall apply to said
election and the returns of the same:
t imt. At the general cleution lo bo
he'd the second Tuesday of October
next, there shall be elected by the quali
fied elector of this Commonwealth, dele
gates to a Convention to revise
amend the Constitution of this State.;
the said convention shall consist of one
hundred and thkty-threo members fo be
elected in the manner followiirjr. Twenty-
eight members thereof shali be elected
in the State at large as follows: Euch
voter of the State shall vote for not
more thnrf fourteen candidates, nnd the
twenty-e'uht highest in tote shall be de
clared clewed ', iiinety-tiine delegates
shall be appointed to and elected frtmi
the different Senatorial districts of the
State, three delegates to bo elected for
each Senator therefrom ; ami in cln.'oV
ing all district delegates, each voter shall
he entitled to a Vote for not more than
two ol the members to be choosen from
his district, and the three candidates
highest in vote shall be declared elected,-
Denti.I !-3urgoon.
Ollice at thli l)niif Store of Harlev ft
Whipple, Walker's now building, Main!
street, Kidgwoy, Pii. Will visit Kane:
Wilcox, nnd St. Mary's.
T s-
riiysjcian nnu Surecon;
Kidgwny, Pn. Oflice in Walker's Building.
Special attention given to Surgery. Ofiicc1
house from 8 n. in. to 10 p. m. l'tesidqiice
'jfi t'o'nerof South nnd Court streets, op
fiosito the new School House. All culls
promptly attended to. vln'.'yl.
00 TO
T II AY lilt & II AG !i It IT
Main Street, I'.idjrwny. Pa.
A Lrtrge'tot'lc of
Crooories and Provisions.
Cons'antly on hand, add Sold as cheap
as the Oil liAI'EST.
X LViiBirist and l'arma'ceutist. come
.Mnin nnd Mill streets, Kidgwny, Pa. A
tiil! Assortment, of carefully selected For
oijjn nndsOumestic Hrugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at .ill' hours, diiy ot'
ni(V.. -vluSy.-
THAT lilt .1 IIAGlvRTY.
Wi'.tclitmiker, Engraver and Jeweler;
Main street, llidw.-iy, I'n. Agent for the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Ciol'S
Pen. ltepniring Wfitchet, etc, done with1
he s.irno nccunicy its heretofore. Sntis
iiclio'' go.wu uteed. " vlnly.
H AY Kit II O US i-..
U. l. COOK, Proprietor,
Cor. Mill and Centre Sis., Itidgway, Pa.
The proprietor lakes tins method of nn-'
nouncing to the public that he has refitted
revised, and improved, this "well known!
hotel, and is prepared to entertain all?
who favor him with their patronage, iu the1
l eM style nnd al low rntej. vln30tf.
except in the county of Allegheny form
ing the Iweuty thud beriatorial districr,
where no voter shall Vote for more thart
sis candidates, and the nine highest in
vote shall he dezlared elected, and the
countir of Luzerne, Monroe and Pilie'f
for mi ii tbe Thirteenth ?coatorial dis
trict, where no voter sh:;ll vote lor moTS
thau four candidates, and the six highcsS
in vote shall be elected, ond six addition
al delegates shall be chosen from the
city ol Philadelphia, by a voto at lrg
in said city aud iu their election no vcte'r
shall vote for more than three candidate?
and tho six highest iu vote shall be de
clared elected.
Second. The Judge and Inspectors
lor each election district shall provide
two suitable boxes for each poll, one in
which to deposit tho tickets voted for
Delegates at large, and tho other in
which to deposit the tickets voted for
District Delegates: which boxes shall be
labelled respectively, "Delegates at
largo, otid ''listriet le!Cgates ; and in
each district in the city of Philadelphia
an ndi'.iiional box shall bo provided for
each poll in which to deposite the tick
ets) voted for "City Delegate;" utid
aid last rrtentioned hoses must each be
labelled '-City Delegates."
Third. 1 he said electoin shall be
h-ld and conducted by the proper clcfi-
lion-officers of tho several electron dis
tricts of the Commonwealth and shall be
governed nod regulated in all respects
by the general election lutfsot tho Com
monwealth, so far as the same shall be
applicable thereto, and not inconsistent
witn the provisions of sard act
fourth, l he ticket to be voted for
members at large of the convention shall
have on tho out-side the words "Kcle
gates at large," aud on tho in-sids the
names of candidates to be voted for, not
exceeding lourteen in number.
Fifth. The tickets to be voted for
listrict members of the convention shall
have on the out-side the words "District
Delegates'," and on the in-side the name
cr names ot the candidates voted for, not
exceeding the proper number limited as
aforesaid ; but any ticket which shall
contain rr greater n umber of names than
the number tor whicn the voter shall be
entitled to vote, shall be rejected ; aud
in case ol the delegates to be chosen at
largo iu Philadelphia, tho words "City
Delegates, slmll be ou the out-sido' ot
the ticket.
Sixth. In tho City of Philadelphia
the return judges shall meet at tiro State
House, at ten o clock on I hursday next
following the election-, and make out the
returns lor said city, o: the votes east
therein for delegates itt largo ani city
aud district delegates to be members ol
the couvention ; the return judges of
tho several election districts within each
county of the state, excluding Philadel
phia shall meet on Friday next following
the election, at the usual place for the
meeting of the return judges of their
county, and make out full and accurate
returns for the county of the vote? cast
for members of the convention and for
district members of the same ; and the
proceedings of the return judges of the
said city ot Philadelphia aud ot the sev
eral counties of the commonwealth in the
uaakiug of their returns, shall be the
same as those prescribed for return
VV. C. 'ri'EALY.
The improved titrard iioid
Gold Watches,
Sa.00 12 00 815.00 81 8.00
have recently brought our Oroide
Gold metal lo such perfection that
It is difficult for the best .indues to dilin
(piish it from gold. The waic'ie are
With patent escapement movements: in ap
pearance nnd for tiaie equaling; a gold one
Costing $100. The $12 are full jeweled
patent lever, erptal lo $150 gold watch.
The $18nie the same ns the hist hut a finer
finish, nickle movements, equal to due cost
ing And the $18 watches me of a
fine finish vtith full jeweled American lever
rJoCntent, equaling e gold one costing
The fife ail in hunting enses. cent's and
ladies sizer, and guaranteed for ti:n5 and
wear by spec'.nl certificate. Also elegant.
desiirnsof gent's nnd ladies chains froni 1
to $4, nnd jewelry of nil kind.". ,
Goods sent C. (J. V. Customers per
mitted to exnnnne what they order before
paying bill, ffn payment of express r hnrges.
When six watches are onl re,l at one
time we will send au extra w;!tcli ot the
3ame quality free.
or turlher pariiculnrs semi tor circular.
Addre's J.VMES GEltAUD ,t CO..
35NitsgnU Street, New York,
P. O. Box 3,301
Nov. SO, 1872-vln37mfl.
'Kit IN
Pl'.ODU-'E, FKUITS, &o.
vli.Stf. Jud, Ridgway, Pa.
Uidoway, Elk Co., Paj
W. II. SC1111AM, Proprietor.
Thsnkful for the patronage heretofore1
so libernlly bestowed upon him, tho nev'
I rcprietor. hopes, by paying Strict ai-",
tention to the comfort and convenience o4
guests, to n;erii a continuance oi the?
Oct 30 ISO;).
Kane, Melvean Co., Pa
R. E. LOOK Eli, Proprietor.
Thankful for the ratronajie herotofou so1
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro-'
pnetor, hopes, by paying triet attention
lo the comfort nnd convenience of guests.
to merit a continuance cf the same. The'
only stables lor horses in Kane and wclf
kept night or day. vln&lyl. j
i i ALL, & 111 0
Attorneys -at -Law
JO, IN Q. HALL..... .IAS. It. V. II ALL
Nnndnfter MONDAY, JUNE Hd. 1S72,
the trains on the riiiltrdctphta
Eria Railroad will run ns follows:
Mail Train leaves Philadelphia..! t.Iitl p. m.
" liiufjway -.IM p. m.
arrive nl brio i .l p. m.
Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12. 30 p. ui
" lvulgway a. m.
arrive nt. Erie 7 40 a. m.
Accomodation, leaves Renova, ...2.(11) p. m.
Uuigwny,..u. n p. iu.
Centrbville, Ei.k Co., Pa.
JvinN Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage herctolore'
so liber illy bestowed upon hiui, the new
pro prictor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of guests, to merit a continuance of turf
.7.30 p. m.
Chroinos, Stereoscopic Views, Picture'
Frames, &o.
arr at. Kane.
Mti.l Tram leaves r.t le. ....... ...t I .a-'i a. ni.
Ridgway .- 4.50 p. ni
arrive at I'luiau a... o.-ii) a. m.
Erie Express leaves Erie 7.50 p. m
" fiUf'way...l.!i8 a. m,
arnt Philadelphia.. 1.20 p. ni.
Accomodation, leaves Knne...... i .bO a. ni
" " Ridgrfay... 0.40 a. m.
utt at St. Marys 0.12 Am
" arr at Kenovo I.IUp.m
Mail East connects east and wett at Erie
with L S & M S K W and at Corry and
Irvinetcm with Oil Creek and Allegheny U
Mail West at Corry and Irvinctoa wi?h
Oil Creek nnd Allegheny U R W.
Warren Accommodation east and west
with trains on L S and M S 11 east and
i i i i : t. f f j k n t hi
West aau at iorry wuu u i uuu a i i . i .
Erie Accommodation Last at Corry and CGlVcLL 0.3,11 V
irviiieiou. wilu v j huu n. x i . i . .
wm. a. Baldwin. uxioice oranges ana lemons
r tiuihi
One Door East of tho Post Office, Maia
St., llidgwaj, Pa.
Vegetables' of all kinds re
From and after Monday, Feb. 6tli 1871.
Trains will riru ot this ftoad as follows:
Leaves Earlov 1.60 a. m., arrives at
Dasuscahouda Junction 8.10 a. m., con
necting with Accom. east 8.14 a. ni'., and
with Mail west at 9.15 a. m.
Leaves Daxuscahonda at v.SO a. m.
anives at Earley lO.OO a. m. Leaves
Eariey 3.30 p. nr., and arrives at Dag-
uscahonda at o.UU p; nr., connecting
with Mail east at 5.09 p. to., and Ac
commodation west at 5.40 p. m.
Ia case P. & E. trains aro late, Dagus
oahonda train holds twenty minutes be
yond the above time.
Tioketa should always be procured
before leaving stations.
C H PHP LEY, Lessee.
Goods, Notions, Grccories,-
and General Variety,
Earley I. O.
Manufacturer and
Main St.,
Dealer in 15oots
opposite Hotel,