The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 29, 1872, Image 3

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(Slit afouttta &4oak.
Car Tiiucnt Mttdfuay.
Erie Express East 12:88 a. m.
do do West 2:25 a. m.
do Mail East 4:60 p. m.
do do West 2:05 a. m.
RenoTO Accommodation East 8:40 . m.
do do .- do West 0:14 p. m.
Kates of Advertising.
One column, one year $75 00
'' " 40 00
I " " 25 00
I isoo
Transient advertising perRquare of eight
lines or less 8 times or less 2 00
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
yenr 6 00
Marriages and Death notices inserted
Elk Lodge, A. T. M
Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be
lield at their hall on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month.
G. L. McCRACKEN, Seo'y.
Temple of Honor and Temoerance.
Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on ea:h
alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room,
on Main street, over J. V. Houk's store.
S. A. ROTE. W. R.
Religious Service will bo held at
the Court house Sunday evening Sept
1st, nt 7:30, by IIcv. H. A. Pattison.
Grace Church. Services next
Sunday; 10 30 a.m. and 7 p.m. The
pcvs in the Church are free. All arc
There will be preaching attho Ccn
treville School house, on Sunday Sept.
1st, at 11 o'clock n. iu. by l!c
II. A.
A convention oCXiitioual llcpublicans
will be held at llidgway, Thursday Sep.
5th, for the transaction ot any business
that may couie belore them. Each
township is requested to send two Dele
gates. x
The llcpublicans of each township
will meet at their usual place of voting,
ot 5 o'clock p. m., Monday next, and
elect delegates lo attend tho conven
tion. ED. SOUTH KM,
Chairman Co. Com.
St. Mary's.
On Thursday evening 22, inst., the
llcpublicans of the Borough, organized
a Graut aud Wilson club ot fifty five
The offiefcrs of the club are Copt. L.
W. Gifi'ord Prcst. John Farrar ami
Charles McVcan vice Presidents, W. V
Amos secretary, and James Wiulack
The club meets every Thursday even
ing at McBridus Hall.
The time past suffices to bo all one
way iu politics even iu St. Mary'.".
Uallv. Tho llcpublicans of Elk
I . Mil 11 i .
vouniy win uu aauressea oy den.
John E Wilson of Maryland", at tho
Court hous in llidgway on Saturday
evening, the 31st, iust. Gen. Albright
u also expected to be preceut. Come
all ye who have a desire to hear the
truth, and hear the i.-sues of the day
discused by these ablo and patriotic
gentlemen, every llepublican should bo
present and every Democrat who is
honest in his political faith. Let the
Lidies turn out, and every one capable
of comprehending . plain truthful
The Silver Cornet Bund will give us
t . . i . . . .
some ot its dcsc music on trio occasion.
The Science of Health for Sep
tcmbcr contains a large amount of prac
tical matter. Popular Physiology, pro
fusely illustrated; Diseases of the Eye,
with most accurate illustrations; also
article on the different Medical Systems,
Editorials on the Cholera, Hay-Fever;
Mud Baths; Electro-Magnetism, and
Killing no Murder, as shown in the
Tisk-Stokei case. As usual, the depart
ments on Agriculture, to Correspondents,
and Voices of the People are full of in
formation. All interested in the subject
of health should become subscribers.
Price $2.00 a year; single numbers 20
cents. S. It. Wells, Publisher, 389
Broadway, New York.
"The best juvenile magazine in the
world," as the publishers style it, ap
pears and early with an attractive page
of contents.
First and formost, of course, Oliver
Optio's story, "Little Bobtail, or the
Wreck of the Penobscot," tangles the
young hero in suoh a net of difficulties,
that it seems impossible to save him.
Elijah Kellogg's story, "Winning bis
Spurs," presents his manly boy hero,
TTflnrw Afnrtnn .' 5n A nonr nVi Q imnrna
Miss Virginia F. Townsend's charming
story, "Only Girls," grows better and
better. The thrilling sketches, '-'among
the Raftsmen," are continued. The
short articles, The Poems, The Dialogue
Head Work, Editorial and Pigeon Hole
Papers, are timely and interesting. . C.
G. Bush, Henry L. Stephens, Mis. L
B. Humphrey, and other wellknown
artists contribute fine illustrations. The
whole number is very attractive
Lee & Shepard, Boston, are the pub
lisher?, at 2.50 per annum.
Barnard Son tip.
The notoriously corrupt Tammany
Judgo, Barnard of the supreme Court of
New York has been tried by the high
court of impeachment consisting of the
State senate and the court of appeals
sitting together as a court, and found
guitly in maimer and form as indicted,
and pronounced that he is disqualified
from holding office either now or at any
future period cither directly or indirect
ly. McCunn another Judge of the
same stamp in New York died a short
time since from the effect of a simihr
sentence, we'll see'the effect of this sen
tence on Barnard.
la pursuance cf a call of the voters
of Jones township, E!k Co., Pa. A large
number of people asseeaiblcd in Wilcox,
August 21th, 1872.
The meeting was called to order by
electing A.T. Aldrich Chairman, and J.
C. Malone Secretary,
When they proceeded to organize a
Grant & Wilson Club, by electing Col.
A. I. Wilcox President, J. C. Malone
Secretary, and J. Houghtailing Treas
urer. On motion, the following pcresons were
elected Vice-Presidents.
A. B. Preston, 11. W Brown,
J. Ernhout, Daniel Smith,
Peter Groat, T.J.Goodwin.
When a committee was formed by
appointing the following members:
Capt. 0. S. Cleveland, Martin Sowers,
J.B.Wells, J. D. Parsons,
T. Garlick, T. Allen,
P. S. Ernhout, A. Cole,
William Patron, J. Springstcad.
Over seventy (70) staunch and true
llcpublicans ordered their naimes placed
upon the roll for Grant and Wilson, in
opposition to the Greeley Democratic
ticket. A. T. ALDIUCII,
J. C. Malone, Scct'y. Chairman.
The Almne for September is a re
markably meritorious number, both as
regards its artistic aud literary attrac
tions. "Moonlight ou. the Hudson,"
drawn by Paul Dixon, aud engraved by
Bogcrt, is a specimen of which lovers of
American Art may well be proud. The
scene appears to have been chosen just
above the Highlands, probably between
there and Poughkccpsie; aud the artists
have performed their respective parts
with a harmony of feeling resultiug iu
one of the most splendid and truthful
effects that it hhs ever been our good
fortune to see. The other full page cut.
"Wood Ducks," by Gilbert Burling, is a
most charming glimpse of nature; and
ihe loving care displayed in the miuutest
details of georgeous pluuiago and pro
fuso vegetation, stamps the draughtsman
as an enthusiast peculiarly fitted for the
subject. Those who weie delighted with
the noble Newfoundland Dog, in the
March number, will be equally pleased
with Mr. Thayer's terrier "Playing
Sick," and the companion, in which the
poor invalid is galvanized into life,
asking "Who said Hats?" "Watteriug
Cattle," by Peter Moran; "Little Emily,"
by John S. Davis; "Lais Coriothaica,"
alter Holbein, with several smaller
designs, go to make up whac we feel
justified in pronouncing one of tho most
remarkable issues of this most remarkable
of all periodicals. The poetry and
litorature is as fresh and crisp as ever.
For interest and ornament it will have
no rival, when, at the close of the year,
it is bound and laid upon the parlor or
library table it will indeed be a royal
volume. Subscription (including Oil
Chromo), $5.00. James Sutton & Co.,
Publishers, 58 Maiden Lane, New
The State Fair at Erie.
Among the advertisement to which
we call attention is a notice of tho exhi
bition of the Pennsylvania State Agricul
tural Society to be held at Erie on the
17th, 18th, 19th andlOth of September.
These exhibitions are always ot good in
terest; drawing together the best cattle
horses, swine, machinery, for farm or
shop metals, fruits, flowets, seeds, veg
etables, cheese, butter, and the thous
and other articles that go to make up
the huge displays of this eooiety, The
premiums are on a scale of great liber
ality in money, in medals, diplomas or
other marks of merit. Every officer of
the society does his best to aocommodate
the exhibitor, whether his display be a
fine animal or a buch of grapes.
The entries are all free so that the
exhibitor is at no cost beyond complying
with the rules laid down in respect to
An ample park las been laid of and
improved within the limits of the city of
Erie for this purpose. A fine circle for
the display ot stock, with substantial
and flflVPrpil aftfinmiDndatmna fnr if tm
prising more than three hundred en-
closures. For the products of the diary
the field, the garden and household fino
balls have been erected; for machinery
covered space and sufficient steam power
to Bet in motion; of food and water re
quisite for the comfort of visitors, so far
as experienced forsight has been able,
every provision Las been made. The
applications for space are frequent, and
will be allotted as soon a. tho numerous
halls, at present in course of construe
tion are completed, which will not be
after than the first of September. As
no great fair has ever been at Erie,
evervthinr? will be fresh, and a keen
but kindly rivalry, will take place be
tween the citizens of Canada, Ohio,
New York and Pennsylvania, just too at
the season of the year that people must
enjoy the change from a hot summer to
a kindly autumn.
The railroad and transportation lines
will tube up and lay down ai tides in
tended for the show at greatly reduced
rates as well as issue excursion tickets
to and from Erie.
The Democrat
How very refined, well we might say
religious if we thought the Editor v
the Democrat knew the meaning of the
word. How very much out of place it
is, in the estimation ot this younger
Democratic saint, for a minister of the
gospel to state his political views when
requested to do so. The intelligent
men of the communityof both parties
vrere somewhat surprised to fiud an at
tempt at nieral lecturing on this subject
in its last week's issue. They were
opinion that miuistcrs were citizens o;
this Republic, aud us citizens had all
the rights aud priviliges of citizeus, and
tliev are very much of the same opinion
still. . Ministers were as largely renre'
seuted among the men who fought
save the. country during the liebclliou
a3 any other prolession according
Numbers, and a pretty story it would
be uow, if by Democratic proscription
their lips are to be scaled on tho politi
cal issues of the day. But no one has
as yet suspected that the Democrat now
has, or ever bad the slightest tinge of
sympathy for the soldier (from any call
ing in life) who fought to save the ua
tion, or the cause for which he fought
but on the other haud abuudaot evi
dence tnat its sympathies were all ou
the other side
Senator Sumner at home.
Mr. Sumuer is now realizing the ef
fect ot his maliguaty and personal hate
toward Gen. Grant on the people of
Massachusetts as will be seeu by the
following dispatch to the New York
Times. "How are the mighty fallen
Boston, Aug. 14. Senator Sumner
arrived here this tuoroio;' and went to
his old quarters at tho Coolidge House
lie has been accustomed Vu his arrival
here at the close ot a season of labor at
Washington to be received with many
signs ot respcetaud consideration, and
the most prominent meu of the State
have hastened to congratulate him nu
his services, and honor him with compli
ments, louay scarcely a soul ot them
all was there to meet hnu, and n
of the distinguished gentlemen who
have been wout to crowd his quarters
only a beggarly crowd of Greeleyites
were on hand. Ihesuddeu realization
of the terrible change which has come
over bis relations Willi- the people ot
Massachusetts and their leaders was too
much for bis spiiits, and to-night he is
prostrated aud unable to receive anyone
at his apartments. It is the severest
shock which he has ever experienced,
and it is exceedingly doubtful whether
ne can Dear up ujiaer it. tie is not a
man without a country, but it is only
too apparent that he is a Senator with
out a constituency.
The Fall elections take place on the
following dates: New Mexico, Septem
ber 2; California, September 3; Vermont,
September 3; Maine, September 9; Col
orado, September 10 ; Dakota, Indiana,
Iowa, Nebraska, Ohio Pennsylvania and
the District of Columbia, October 8 ;
South Carolina, October 16; West Vir
ginia, October 24. AH the states vote
tor Presidential electors on the 5th day
ol November, and on the same day the
following choose State officers: Alabama,
Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Illinois,
Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missippi, Missouri; Nevada,
New Jersey, New York, Tennesee, Vir
ginia and Wisoonsin. Arizona holds
her territorial election on the 8th of
Lemonadk all Around. This
fine fruit, is not only large and luscious,
but both adundant and cheap. A grate
ful drink may be easily prepared from
them, which can be kept for use in
warm and sultry days. Press out the
juice and strain it Remove the pulp
from the peels and boil them in water,
in proportion of a pint for a dozen pulps
to extract the acid- Boil a few minutes
then strain the water with the juice of
the lemon, and put a pound of white
sugar to a pint of juice. Boil all ten
minutes, and bottle.' A teaspoonful of
this lemon syrup in a class of water
makes a cooling and refreshing drink.
New Advertisements. '
mitE Afimml Exhibition ofthe PENN8YL
SOCIETY will be held at
ERIE. SEPT. 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1R72.
Competition Is co-extensive with the
United Slsles nnd the Provinces, and the
eitiiens of other Btntes and the Dominion
are cordiMly Invited lo compete for our
priies. No Estbt Faa Cmabokd. Ex
cursion tickets will be issued l.y all the
railroads and stock and Articles cnrr.eil at
the lowest rates. JACOB R. Ml.
D. W. Skilkr. Reo. Sec. President.
Elbridub MoCokkkt, Coi Sco
ts. -rrTiri?
l Whereas my wife Emma Oross ho
left my bed and board without any just
cnu?e or protocntion; nil persons are here
by lorillUen lO nuroor or iruai ucr uu mj
account, as 1 ha pay no debts 0. her con
tracting alter this dale.
July 22n.I, 187:1.
X i My Mnrv B,,ppr hns 'ft ny
bed anil board without, juot cause or provo
cation. This is to forbid all persons luirbnr
ine or tru-tine her on my account, ns 1 will
pay no debts of 'her construction af'er this
date. nor en,
Aug. 16th, 18". Joucs Township.
AGENTS. 1t) to $20 TER DAY
GUARANTEED. Specimens and full
particulars free. Address WOODb LITER
Ncwburgh, N. Y
This is nn inquiry which every one
should have Iruthfnly answered before
he starts on his journey, and a littlo
care taken in examination of Routes will
in many cusses save much trouble, time
and money.
The "C, li & Q. R. R.," running
from Chicago, through Galesbnrg to
Burlington, and the '! . li &V. Route,'
running from Indianapolis, through
Dloomington to Rurlington, have achiev
ed a splendid reputation in the lust two
years as the leading Passengers Routes
to the West. At lJucluion thqy con
nect with the B ifc M. II 11. and Irntu
the great Ruriinaton Route, which runs
direct through Southern Iowa to Nebras
ka and Kansas, with close connections
to Caliliirnia and the Territories ; aud
passengers starting from Kik County, on
their way westward, cannot do better
than to fake the Ri.'ttt.iNoros Route.
This Linfl has published a pamphlet
called "How to go West," which con
tains much valuable information; a large
correct map of the Great West, which
can be obtained Iree of chains by ad
dressing tho ftenoral Passenger Agent
B. & M. R. R. Builington. Iowa. 2-22tf
form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the
public gct.erilly, he has started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
and Buggies, to let upon Oie most rensona
ble terms
BJjU.I1o will also do job (earring.
Stable in tho Brooks I?rn, near the
Post Office, on Mil' street. All orders left
at the Post OlSce will meet prompt atten
tion. Aug 20 1870. tf.
THE balance of this Thriling Romance
will bo found in "THAT CONVEN-
TlrtV. c.. n . . t.. i..
1 Ul ft lVD KAIB A WblillilAA. UUS1 i
out, containing 100 Illustration by the !
Greatest. Humorous Artist in American,
with contributions from "F. .0. W.," PE
"H. G., ROLLO RAMBLER,, and a score
of other popular writers. On beautiful tint
paper, elegantly bound, Cloth, $1.25: Pa
per, 75 cents. FOR SALE EVERY
WHERE, or sent post paid ou receipt of
priee. F. G. WELCH & CO , Publishers.
New York and Chicago. AMERICAN
NEWS COMPANY, New York, General
Agents for supplying the Trade.
Proposing an amendment to tha Constitu
tion nt TannB..i..A:H
Je it resolved hu the. Senate, ttntt Tl,.m . f
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania in General Assembly met. That the
following amendment of the Constitution
of this Commonwealth ha nrnnnaail tl.
people for their adoption or rejection, pur-
oubui. iu me pruvisKius ok cue lenin article
thereof, to wit;
Strike out the sixth article ofthe Con.
stitution, and Insert in lieu thereof the
following: "A State Treasurer shall ha
chosen bv the nualified electors nt lha
States, at such times and for such term of
service as snail be prescribed by law."
Speaker of the Bouse of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
APP&OVEn-ThA twntv-Al.nnr1 ilnv nt
March, Anno Domini one thousand eivht
hundred and seventy-two.
Prenared and certified for mihliMiinn
pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. FRANCIS JORDAN.
flAAI-AtArV tit t.h CnmmnnwAnllk
Office Secretary of the Commonwealth.
, r . . .i . 1 . r. . '
narriBourg, juue zom, istz.
July 4m8. . -
omuu, iu Bpeatiug 01 tne napmness
of manied people, said: "Dt ar 'pends
altogedder how dey enjoys themselves."
.. v. 1 .1 , .
The man who picked up a double-
tailed wasp has lost his interest iu
entomology; he studies chemistry and
i New Advertisements.
st. mary's Foundry
Mam im'ti Rms or
Machinery for gnW and GRIST MILS.
Such an Plows, Threshing Machines,
Stump Machines, &c.
Car wheels all i-izes for Railroad con
triictnrs, mill tu-n. and all who are in
want of them, solid or with ai inx, chilled
or m l.
In short everything made out of
iron. We solicit the trade of Elk and
adjoining counties.
Give us a trial is all we ask.
Foundry cor. Mill and St. Mary's Sts.
St. Mary's, Elk Co , Pa.
is hereby given that letters of Admin
istration on the estate of Adulplnis Kyler.
deceased, Into of Fox township, Kik County,
Pennsylvania, having bcccii grunted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted to
a-iirl cwtnta urill nla.iuit timl.'a Ittitnml itil o
payment, and those having claims or de
mands will present them properly authenti
cated for settlement without delay.
J. C. BCXXX, Proprietor.
The subscriber having secured the con
tract for carrying thw U. S. Mail between
has place 1 on that roid a line of hacks.
Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in
Roynoldville every Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday on t lie ni rival of the lirooxvillc
stage, and retuin the same day. These
hacks connecb nt Di-ockwayville with the
Ridgway singes, making connection with
trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and
west. Every attention to the comfort of
patrons of this line will be given, nnd a
liberal patronage solicited.
Aug. 1 3-72i f.
Music for the Campaign.
will furnish music for all political meetings
during the campaign.
Terms moderate.
1). B. DAY, Leader.
J. 0. ".Y. BAILEY. Scl'y.
Ridgway. Pa., Aug. 13. 172.
Presidential Campaign.
Caps, Capes "c Torches.
Send for Illustrated Cir
cular ami Price List.
HI Mi,
iNo. 2Ut uliuich Mreet.
For Sale.
Lots to suit buyers. Large or small, on
long time, nne-fourt'i cash, balance on ten
years. Inquire of II. Little, Ridgway. or
0 R. MeNulty, No. 3"0 Broadway, New
York. 2-20ml.
Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap
plied if purchased.
Prothonotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa.
Jamek H. Wilber, l In Common Pleas
vs. of Elk County.
Kate H. Wilber. J 21 April T., '72.
Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii.
To Kate II. Wilber, respondent above named:
You are hereby no tine i that the subpuen
and alias subpoena in the above case hav
ing been returned nan est inventus, you are
required to appear on tho FIRST MONDAY
OF AUGUST next, being the 6th day of
the month, to answer the complaint In the
above case.
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Okficb, 1
Ridgway, July 4th, 1872. ISto.
Catharine J. Bowen, In Common Pleas of
a f Elk County.
James Bowen. J No. 2 April T. '71.
Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii.
To Janus Bowen, respondent abov named:
You are hereby notifiod that the subpoena
and alias subpoena in the above case having
been returned no est inventus, you are re
quired to appear on the FIRST MONDAY
OF AUGUST next, being the 6th day of the
month, to answer the complaint in the
above case.
, D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
DUUlf I "FFIC, 1
Aug. 4th,
one of the most remarkable facts of
this remarkable age, not that so many
persons are the -victims of dyspepsia or in
digestion, but Its wilting victims. Now.
we wonld not be understood to sny that any
one regards dyspepsia with favor, or H'ds
disposed to rank It among the luxuries of
life, rnr from It. those who linvo ex
perienced its torments would scout suoh an
idea. All dread It, and would gladlv dis
pense with its unpleasant familiarities
Mark Tapley. who was olly under nil the
trying oireumstunces in which he was
placed, never ni nn attack of dyspepsia,
or his jolity would have speedily forsaken
Of all the multifarious diseases lo which
the human system is liable,
there is perhaps no one so
generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There
nrediseises more ncutc and painful, nnd
which more frequently prove fiial, but
none the effeets of which are so depressing
to the mind niil so positively distressing to
the body If there is a wretched being in
the world it is
We have said that dyspepsia is perhaps
the most universal of liumsn diseases.
This is Imphatically the case in the United
States Whether this general prevalence
Is due to the character of the loud the
method of Its preparation, or llin hasty
manner in which it is usually swallowed,
is not our province to explain. The crenl
rcl with which we nro called to deal is
uvsrr.psu ri!Ev.ii,s
almost univei sally.
Nearly every other person yon meet is a
victim, an apparently willing one: were
this not the case, why so many sufferers,
when a certain, speedy and sale remedy is
within the easy reach of all who will
avail themselves of it? Kul says a dys
peptic: What is this remedy? which jre
rl)lv: This irrr:it ntleviilnp nf liiimtiii
sutlering is almost as widely known as the
ivugusn language. 11 has nii.-tye I llie
.'trnll nf I linilsa itila uml ,w
o - ... .v J
comfort and encouragement to thousands
of others. This acknowledged panacea is
noi.o 01 her thnn
Would von know ninri nr llin ntm-itu nf
this wonderful prepaiation Hum can be
learned trim Ihe experience of 01 hers?
Try it yourself, and when it has failed In
fulfil the assurance of its efficacy given by
the nronrieloi. then abandon faith in 11
LET IT P.K HIv.. KM It 1.-11 10 1
first, of all, that HOOFLAND'ri GERMAN
iti 1 11. us is until beverage.
Thei are couinnseJ wholly nf llin mire
juice or vital principle of roots. This is
1101 a mere nssert ion The extracts from
which ihcv nre compounded are prenared bv
one of the ah!cst of German chemists. Their
effects cnu be bcnvHcial only in all cusei of
the billiary rystetn. Iloutiiud's German
Hitters stand without an equal, aciii'g
niomntlv ntirl viirnrmlelv iinnn flia ltvui.
r r-- "l "
lliey remove its torpidity an I cause health-
iui secret ion ei one inereny supplying
the stomach with the most indisneiisnltle
elements of sound digestion in proper pro-
They purify the blnod. cleansing the
vital tiilkl 1. all hurtful impurities unrl su.
planting them with tho elements of genuine
Now. there are cerium ehissea .if nnv.
sons to whom extreme Hitters are not only
unpalatable, bat. who find it impossible to
take them without positive diseoinl'oi-t. For
such Dr. HOOKLANfl'S fiKItU IV T(i'll
has been specially prepared. It is intended
tor uso wncre a siigni alcoholic stimulant
isreuuircl in connection with the welt.
known Tonic properties of the pure Ger
man Diners.
acts with almost, nvirvelous elfeet. It not
only stimulates the flagging and wasting
energies, but Invigorates ami permanently
sireii!riuens its action upon tun i.ivee
and Stomach thorough, perhaps less
prompt man the Hitters, when the same
i inin 1.1 1 j is laxen is none ine less certain
Indigestion, liilliousiiess, Physical or Ncr
vous prostration, vield readilv to its no
lent intiiieiine. Tl iriveu llin invntiil u..
aim stronger noiu upon lite, lenmves ue
pressina of sniiit. and insnires cheerful
ness. out ur. uooiianu s Dcnctuctions lo
the human raco ara not confined in hiu
celebrated GERMAN MTTKRS n I,;-
llivaluaulu TilNlll. He lins nrenurcul nn.
other medicine, which is rapidly winning
its way to popular favor because of its in
trinsic metits. This is HOOFLAND'S
PODOPHYLLUM PILLS, a perfect substi
tute for mercury without any of mercury's
evil qualities.
These wonderful Pills, which arc Intend
ed to act upon the Liver, aro mainly com
posed of Pii'dopliyllin, or the vital princi
ple of i he mandrake root. It is the medi
cinal virtues of this health-giving plant, in
a perfectly pure nnd highly concentrated
form. The Podophyllin acts directly on
the Li ver, stj'nuiaiittg its functions nnd
causing it to make its billiary secretions in
regular aud propo:- quantities. The inju
rious results whioh invariably follow the
use of mercury is entirely avoided by
their use. But it is not upon the Liver
only that, their cowers aro .r-io,l Ti.
extract of Mandrake contained in them is
skillfully combined with four other ex
traots, one of which acts upon the stomach,
one upon the upper bowels, mn nr, n.
lower bowels, and prevents any griping
eneoi, inus prouucing a pill that influences
the entire digestive and alimentary system,
in an equal aud harmonious manner, and
its action entirely Iree from nausea, vomit
ing or griping pains common to all other
Possessing these much desirable qualities
the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a
No household should ha witlinni n,
They are perfectly safe, require but two
foran ordinurr dose, am nromni ..J
- . - i - - -. Vin
cent in action, and when usea in connec
tion wim ur. noonana a German Bitters,
or aoiiio, may tie regarded as certain spe
cifics iu all oases of Liver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, or any of the disorders to which
the system is ordidarly subject. The
act upon the stomach and bowels, carrying
off improper obstructions, while the Bitters
or Tonio purify the blood, strengthen and
invigorate the frinie, give tone and appe
tite to the stomach, and thus build up the
invalid anew.
Dr. Hoofland, having provided iuterual
remedies for disease, has given the world
one mainly for external application, in the
wonderful preparation known as
This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains
and aches of all kinds.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache,
Chilblains, Sprains, Burns, Pain in the
Rack and Loins, Ringworms, etc., eto., all
yield to its external application.
Taken internally, it
burns, Kidney Diseasos, Sick Headaches,
ouiio, iysemery, unolera Morbus, Cramps,
Pains in the Stomaoh, Colds, AC hma, eto.
These remedies will be sent by express
to any locality, upon application to the
CUAS. M. EVANS. Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO
These Remedies are for sale by Uruggistt
i Storekeepers, and Medicine Dealer every
where. vlu24yl
Ayor's ; :
For restoring to Gray Hair its
natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing
which is at
once agreeable,
healthy, and
effectual for
preserving the
hair. It soon
restores faded
or gray hair
to its original
color, with the
gloss and freshness of youth. Thin
naif is thickened, falling hair checked,
and baldness often, though not always,
cured by its use. Nothing' can restore
the hair where the follicles are de
stroyed, or the glands atrophied and
decayed; but such as remain can be
saved by this application, and stimu
lated into activity, so that a new
growth of hair is produced. Instead
of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi
ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous.
Its occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or fulling off, and
consequently prevent baldness. The
restoration of vitality it gives to the
scalp arrests and prevents the forma
tion of dandruff, which is often so un
cleanly and offensive. Free from thoso
deleterious substances which make
some preparations dangerous and inju
rious to the hair, the Vigor can only
benefit but not harm it. If wanted
merely for a IIA1R DRESSING,
nothing else can be found so desirable.
Containing neither oil nor dye, it does
not oil white cambric, and yet lasts
long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy
lustre, and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemist.
l-'or Sale l.y
U,U. AJKSSEXUEU, Druggist,
liidway, Pa.
Every year increases the popn
laiity of this valuable Hair Prep
aration, which is due to merit
alone. We can assure our old
patrons that it is kept fully up to
its high standard ; and it is the on
ly reliable and perfected prepara
tion for restoring Gray ou Faded
Hair to its youthful color, making
it soft, lustrous, and silken. The
scalp, bv its use, becomes white and
clean. It removes all eruptions and
dandruff, and, by its tonio proper
ties, prevents the hair from falling
out, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-glands. By its use, the
hair tjrows thicker and stronger.
In baldness, it rest ores the capillary
glands to their normal vigor, and
will create a new growth, except in
extreme old age. It is the most
economical Hair-Dressing ever
used, as it requires fewer applica
tions, and gives the hair a splendid,
glossy appearance. A. A. Hayesj
Sl.D., State Assayer of Massachu
setts, says, " The constituents aro
pure, and carefully selected for ex
cellent quality; and I consider it
the Best Preparation for its
intended purposes."
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.
Price One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye.
As our Ren ewer in many casos
requires too long a time, and too
much care, to restore gray or faded
Whiskers, we hav(i prepared this
dye, in one preparation, which will
quickly and effectually accomplish
this result. It is easily applied,
and produces a color which will
neither rub nor wash off. Sold by
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.,
Ti;;: i.vghkdie.vts that
( OV.l'UrSl' KOSADALIS aro
p il IMuhI on ei'ery package, there
tin o it is not a secret preparation,
It is a certain cure for Scrofula,
.Syiliili in oil ils forms, Uliciima, Shin Lipases, Liver Com-il.-n:it
and all d:neases if the
liluod. 9
- one scrns c? scsatahs
will do more pood than ten Sollies
of ihe Syrups of SanujiinlU.
have nod MosadulmiM their jirncliro
for lliu past llin o yturs nnd fitly
endurnj il nit a n KaUe Allorativa
and liluod Turifter.
Dll.T. c. r'V.-i.i.r TJalilmoie.
1)11. T. J. ll-iv
i)U. H, W.i.W'l'i.
n:i. y. o. r v n km.y,
Dll.S. Sl'Ai:ivS,f Nitholaavills,
nR.J. L. McCAHTHA, Columbia,
UIl. A. D. Xor.M.r,, KdKcomb, W.6.
uses and i::;ioEr.nD by
;j. n. rnnx-ru 'O.vs, rail River,
IT. W. 8M7TH, j. rfon, Mirh.
V. T. WH'r.Kl.Mi. l.,m, Ohio.
,. II AI I., I.imn. Ohio,
i R.U'i.V k i O.. ( nrrinnnrlilff, Vt.
. l I.. C. .Vi ADDKN, Murfrt-rf,
Lcm, Tci.iu
(Nr v nt allnir ni av r
k-ii rd li. i- 111 I- -1...H , iho
. iri:i-ol l'... i..:al;... Tt!,e Mii'inl
11. .-- t-n u gu-iia'itre I luitl '
trutrapi-riorto aiiylhry havs ever
iivl in the Ircaiuient of d.w.cil ; and to thi.lHirii weiuy l-y
Kft.n.nlis, iul 4m -Ul be natin j
l) health.
RnsadalW ia ..H by all PruT-hi,
priiM fjl.&O per kuitie. Aiki r
n. eisjriJrs ft cr
1:t.ai1iteing Chem'