Hi A COOK OF THE PERIOD. Tbo ltiolts vtyt, ma'iwi, minor suits mo The wneo yo offer'll do ) Bat thin I saa'ttntct yet nnl IVnji) II ;ift Without anotullshue: fir two f ' '"And how te'bctfn I I ths kitchen. Commodecous, with plenty of light, ,- And lit. j know, far bitortaialn' i t ,t f'-i : BdoMrifida-Ml'dUkctolmrtt. ,:- t . .. . . j And mixt, are you rojtlar qt male timet t Bekaso 'tatn't conraynent, ye boo, . r7 ' To wait, and If I behave ptmkshul, rr: it's no mora than yon ought to lie. 1 ' Andthln,tyerirarrelfood'atnre4f ' t "'-t The raysoli 111ft my la'tplaoe, ':"..'" .! ( Tho Frlnota nnss was stich a hkeh lady, , r1 T ' I elnt dish-cloth at hor fade, v.. J ! TrtT niJ . . V AndhaVoyM"theUteofobJlotlo ,.( ,"l.tirr . mln Hmnotn' In whin tht ohUOreT J'te g-ot some enlivenin' fOit oTtoilni ' That rmnualntlT brlnirs me the noos. I,.l ti M.Ma. llom ...vtfia nn11fff.ll-: I jive ycr fair warnln', ma'am, now, ,. , , , ', , If the airy gate be oloscd anin tbem, . ' t ri ; You'll 8nd me oommencin' a row. ,'.,'uj ; -raari i Thoso mattnera agroyud on between in,1 . s.-.rV I'd try yer a wako, io I wod. ,,. -.. j i;aiiShlookUle the hind I can manage, : I HdHU pftA thin thlnut without any blood I) , . -d s J n BuPmlnd, If I comes for a wake, ma'na, ! I r:--..: f.. I cornea for that time and no Usa ;! F-.v ! t. ! ' And to, thin, provldln' ye'd want ma, t ' i-. i i - Jnsht (rive me yor name and addhrt. ' " 1 n-.-l lr-i gratoful bird !" alio sighs,, ami goes iuto tho adjoining room. ' 41 , Wo have 110 further information is to what has become of Montezuma.' JBut can tho , bird be repronchuiVf1 he worse than , many , others r), than the great mob in Paris which ;r hort iurie ftgocriady rt'Long live ' the. ,1ib prose r1' Montezumrt jhiw lived in the r&risian atmosphere, nnct it hntr. had at, bad effect tipon hnrt. Ndw that "wo know his listen polmrmi oreod, It i 'clear why MontcenmA did not find hi way into the gaucopaft like to' ninny" cither ani mals during tho sireo. No on Wfculd eat a RonubHcftn bird f 1 1 An Unforttinato ItcuiOTnl. Tlie Empress Eugenie's Mexican l'ar : rot. ' - - j ; VTe cannot vouch for tho"lruh. ot the following htory, which appears in a Leipsio periodical ; it is, however, too ' good to be passed over, so we transla e , it lor our reaaors. . . On their return from the expedition to Mexico, some years ago, tho French soldiers brought with thein a number of Earrts; among them was a upecially andsome bird, with brilliant feathers, which answrrcd to the name of Monte zuma. - - Count Custlenau, the Emperor's ad j utant, who had for a long time been with the noble and unfortunate Maxi- Inilian in Mexico, had himself in . structed the beautiful bird in talking, during the passago on board the steam er. Vhen he arrived in Paris, tho Gen- eral certainly could ; not place . any laurels at the feet of his imperial mis tress, but he brought her tho parrot Montezuma, who cried out to the Em press directly in a Bhrill voice, " Vive V Imperatrice !" " Long live the Empress I" How gladly Engcnio heard these words, , whether they proceeded from the grate ' ful '-people in the' streets of Pans, or from tho - throat of Montezuma. Tho bird sat in a gilded , cage in the Em press's boudoir ; sho' herself gave him biscuit and fruits with her delicate fin gers, she stroked his beautiful feathers, Bhe gave him sugar . from her own lips. 'Montezuma was the Empress's pet ; when she returned from a journey, one of the first things she would do was to hasten to Montezuma's cage to caress him,' and then the bird would cry out to her, " Vive V Imperatrice V Then came the evil days of September, 1ST0. The " grateful" populace of Paris drove away the Empress; only at t'.o risk of lrer life did she escape fro-u the nerce moo. At last she sits in hir J, ' Eurgoyne's yacht in the Channel, ani finds a refuge in England, not fir from . the spot where the wite ot Louis Philip- pe, her predecessor on the French throne, at a good old ago closed her weary eyes in exile, cup vuo Jimpress had somci'ly established herself at Chislehurst, when she remembered her parrot, who had lor six years been her pet, and had otten cheered her and amused her in dull and anxious days. Montezuma had been forgotten in the haste with which she hud been obliged to make her escape- The Empress was sorry for the loss of her pet : and one ot her servants had travelled back to France, in hopes of bringing it to her, but only brought back the news that Paris was invested on all sides by the Germans : Montezu ma, therefore, was among the beseiged. ' After a nearly five months' siege, . Paris capitulated, and immediately after tho first tidings of this reached Chisle hurst, the same servant was again hur riedly dispatched,, charged with the commission to search out Montezuma, and bring him back to his mistress. The mission with which the faithful servant was" intrusted was not without danger. Disguised in a workingman'B "' blouse, he made inquiries in the iTuileries about the bird. But what did they know here about Montezuma '( ' Here all is changed ; every trace that : might remind one of the splendoi of the former Empire has vanished ; hospitals ; and ambulances fill the proud halls , which are , now national property. Where is Montezuma? Occupied with these thoughts, and fearing the wrath ; of hid trlisltegs.in case he should return empty-handed to Chislehurst, he wan dered through ono of the narrow, dark streets, which had escaped Baron Hauss- niann's rage for improvement, and still 'i remained one of the Paris of the olden time. There the servant stood still be- " fore a shabby shop for the sale of second - hand goods and furniture; and there . ; he saw many a piece of furniture.hich , only half a year before had adorned the imperial apartments ot the Tuileries, But above everything else- the eyes of the faithful man were riveted upon a giiaea cage., xes, there ho was, climb ,' ing merrily about, and crooking a nut, tue pet or tne impress juontezuma, '" the parrot of Mexico I He had not bot-n ', eaten during the siege; he 'who never concealed his Imperial sentiments, had f. . escaped the fate to which horses and dogs, cata and rats, even the animals in tho Zoological Gardens, ' had fallen victims. Quickly does the servant show "" himself ready to buy ; he pays whhout ' bargaining the sum demanded, jumps with the cage into a cab, and hurries off at once to the Northern Railway Sta tion, to Ostend, then to Chislehurst. Quickly he stands before the Empress : " Your Majesty, my mission has been successfully accomplished here is Mon tezuma 1" The Empress went up to the '. cage, as it stood on the table : she again caressed the handsome bird ; and as in the Tuileries, Bhe bold out biscuit and sugar to him. But Montezuma put on a cross and un pleasant - lace. Did not the English climate agree with him ? . Did he feel that his former mistress had not the gams rank as before, that she had de scended from the throne, that she was ah exile? "Say Viie'VImjperatrite said JLugeme, as sue petted the biro, The tmrrot remained silent aad ill-tpm- pered. v -...'.' t t . J j ; Again Eugenie caresses him ; now. her persuasions seem to be working upon the bird. Montezuma begins to plume himself, lift up his head, and- open) his beak. Every oiTo listens agerlyt Then resounds in a'1 shrill voice through the room, " Vive fa Hevvllique I Vive la lie pvWiqf';' Surprised and disgusted, all retreat from the cage, but in the eye of the impress tear glistens. " ihe un CoxcEBNiJfdT Weeds. The general anathema of Weeds bv intelligent men is hsillogioal as it is unwise.' in a per fect world everything . would probably bo made, to grow on the face of1 thb earth, ' A Model Western Granary,: fa Hair UiouvrwmHiD.-"" I am -r - ;- "i'V-iM- 'c ,i -llikeanold hemlock Withered nt the top," The Freeborn County (Minn.) Standard a venerable Iodiiin Cbli-r. polntlnit to his thus describes granary lately erected by Mr. W. H. Brown, of Mayward, Minn., one of the thrifty ' farmers of thin ami blenching locks. Tliousiuidfi of men nud women In civilized society, tnucli ymingcr U ..,.1 a . IIIta 1.1m. 14 will..... linn., one of the trinity " larmers of l,;-lu le on""1"!,1" V'- V UV l . - , - , , en m mo top," r-impiy m-eniuo inry uovo Ffooborn county J i y ' reelected to use tho m.nns of prewrvlne and Uha buililing 18 M Dy ju leet, two I beuutifyinit the halt whtcli.nvleauc had placed jusb in aobrdnnoe with, the wishes of its J stories high, and has a capacity of about I at their aiUposak If Ltch's Katiiaikon he iiiuabuin, uv wta, uvver uuse tux iowwu" o.UUO DUBhelS 01 grain, ' 1, is ouunupon I iniiniuuy a,iuca iwn tn nii-o u uyy, iu tn ing on a fiction so palpable as perfootiba, n gtone 1'oAndatioti, liwid , In morta and nl,ers aud la scalrw It is Jua as luiuorelule Perhaps, in Paradise, Ere found hertho floor 0lvtPd to the htiight of a l.Uut tUe H'd"' l'wi"",' ? conee always reaay on me oreaKias- wagon-box, so that tno grain can be dnlv reficshcd lth nlirhllv 'flews mid Mitilit table, without human agency, and Adam I handled by the md of -truoks without ruins, thottld becomo nnd nnd bnrren of (trccn had his dinner of six courses provided lif'tinc At the end i lru I blndea. This mntcbliws rn-pnrution not only by a wish, but we all recJbgnize a present cated the oat-bin, nine feet in width, " ' u,1B.kin Vf ,lbe. hc,'!d - -- -- . - i , II ' l luuupyillK If V wii vuh. - ' ' There js at least ono American citizen who can tgive -very good reoexms ;for doubting 'that nearer approximation to the setting sun is synonymous with a wholly successful pursuit of happiness. Bearing the name of Floyd, and owning originally, all ordinary" farm f in the southern part "of Illinois, this ' predes tined victim of occidental ' theorizing was strongly affected of late by specicras conceptions of tho agricultural wealth to be reaped " further west," and finally informed his family and neighbors that he should never be satisfied until he had sold his home-estate and purchased a new one in the oereal el dorado of Min nesota. The latter was the State of speedy fortunes for cnergctio yoemon, and thither he would go at once to buy a tarm ana prepare for the removal ot his homestead. Friends to Counsel him against any such experimental change at his time of life were numerous enough, but it was his wife who particularly protested against it. She offered no other argument than that she did not wish to leave nor old home ; and this Mr. Floyd did not deem worthy of much consideration, though she maintained it with a pertinacity from which he might have taken useful warninr had . his mind been less excited with visions of future mammoth grain wops. . To Minnesota, then, hastened the farmer of Dlinois, with money borrowed upon his native acres to invest in the promised land, and after somo weeks of prospecting in the former State he bought at last a house and fields where the sou seemed auspicious of rich har vests, fco lar so well ; but now, when he wrote sanguinely to his wife to come and join him, the response by mail was not from her but from an old neighbor, and it merely said that Mr. Floyd would come after his wife himself, if he knew what was best tor both of them I Puz zled and alarmed by this odd portent. the travelled farmer lost no time in heeding its suggestion, and hastened back to Illinois. There he found Mrs. Floyd no more resigned to the idea of the removal than Bhe had been before, and, indeed, in such a sullen and sen tentious mood about it that he half re pented his own committal to the new venture. Committed he was, however, and could but turn over the old farm to the persons who had advanced the money upon it, and bid the unwilling 1-uly accompany him to the "golden gram .--taw. Utt their way lie was destiued to: learn what he had not yet found tiiJLUj to inquire about why his old neighbor-had written him in such ominous terms. Mrs. Floyd had de termined that she would not "go west,' no matter what desperate device should be requisite for final defiant evasion of tho nutiiority constraining her against her wishes; and accordingly when tho boat for St. Paul on which they were passengers, reached the vicinity of McGregor, she availed herself of the darkness of night and the confusion of a landing to abstract from her husband's trunk ail tho money remaining from tho tun sale ot the homestead, and to cs cape ashore under escort ot a person who had agreed to conduct her , to the home of her parents in Wisconsin. Mr. Floyd was sleeping ot the time of this desertion, and upon missing his partner in tne morning teared at first that she had accidentally fallen overboard. Presently, however, the discovery of his pecuniary depletion and of a hasty fare well note irom tho missing one taught him the bitter truth. Never had he suspected the possibility of such a thing. It broko his heart at once ; left him no energy to essay any pursuit of tho per- verso lugitive ; aud ho proceeded me chanically onward to his iournev's end. an object of deep commiseration to his sympathizing tellow-passengers. Arrived at his new property, savs the St. Paul Prets, another pitiless disaster stared him in the lace. .During his ab sence his house had taken fire by light ning and burned to the ground. Black ened ruins were all that remained of what he had exchanged his comfortable Illinois home for, and he was without a dollar to rebuild the house. Then he gave up, sobbed like a child, and wished that he had never been born. Kind hearts lent him what help they iMiild when the first agony ot Ins uespa;r was over, and he is now en his desolate way back to Illinois, as pitiable a wreck of high hopes and great expectations as ever returned from a withered harvost in tho West. - fl..i- .i.lll, ...1 u-nn.r l.nillfV llnnitbln. the promotion of our" comfort, and re- receive 1,800 bushels. At the right hand I ubiu hy 'nny other uiodu of fixntmcut. It does gara me as. a. succession oi struggles i ia f oorn-orib five feet -wide, extending not, like tho metallic nun iniiiiirous uair moisiurc in me against adverse natural causes, in which back twentv-seven feet to tho oats, also I dyc. dry up the nnuiral moisture ho is. most fortunate who is able to en- occupying both stories, and will safely f'f. .b"' V'i&t'bTh?10- '"e a .,l rfco f.n1 , . . .. .ill. v . iJFi the lialr and viiror 10 the tlbcre. ' m.o vu,uav.CT . U0U8e aOOUt 1,CUU UUSUeiH. Vll HIO lull, " o , siao are six bins, auous , ojiu ibbl, i a evntlimiftn from Bethel II II. -Me., savs In the cultivation of the ground all thraa , 4n oont, tnrv. ro alrancod as to flint. Mrra Allen Rrn.. nrnnrii'tnra n our wise teachers insist on thorough I Rnnrit. fh utiner and lower apart- Allen's Print Works. R. 1., were down to Biy- work as indispensable to ' the highest ments bv tran-doors. In this way, if it '' roeentiy, trouting, when ouo of Al ..L - , J i I . . i . .. . ' hucsbb. ii via viioiu uul wcwi u ui- ig desirable to keep the grain separate, istenco they wonld tell you that a con- tbn tran nan ha rinsed after tho lower stant stirring of the soil during the bin is filled, and tho handling in and out period Of growth is of incalculable ad- of the one above is done through an np- vontftge. Ahey alarm,, too, that the per front door, to which the grain is turning under of a green crop is ono of elevated from or into the wagon by a the most important means of increasing pulley. If the grain is of the same the fertility ot the soil, and they recom- mialitv. then thB tran is- designed to be left open, bo that whilo the handling l " i into the upper bin would be done in the j Chatped Hands, face, rough Bkin, manner indicated, the whole could ! be nimnles. rinsr-worm. salt-rheum, and taken out below. These bins are calcu- I ether cutaneous affections cured, and the lated to hold 2,000 bushels of grain, and gkin made soft and smooth by using tho are used for wheat, barley, rye, ground Jtjn iper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, feed, etc. Between them and the corn- Hazard & Co., New York. It is more crib runs a passageway five feet wide, convenient and easily applied than roots ol them was attacked with teliilic rheumatism so suddenly that lie Imd to be carried from the pond to hi noici j a uouie oi joiinsom dyne Liniment . was resorted to, and lie was out next day. ' How are Von to-daV T I'm not feeling well. bilious and tick headache, have been lookinc around for a box of Parsons' Putgalite Villi, but otir tinders are nil sold out-Gsnnrrv ro- mend the growth of various plants with that object. They admit, too, that in a soil cultivated as it should be, weeds can not make injurious headway, but will play an utterly insignificant role in the performance. , They also admit that a continued growth of vegetation on any soil, decaying each year, and 'each year renewed, continually increases its power back to the oat-bin. At the rear end, oi production, until in time on origiuaiiy i naif tne passage is devoted to a stair sterile soil reaches the high cxcellenco way leading to the second floor, where oi a vv eBtern prairie. the same sized passage is again found. other remedies, avoiding the trouble of the greasy compounds now in use, Consumers should usa from oue-fourth to Now, in a system of thorough culti- Under the stairs is a bin fitted up for one-hull leeB of Uooley's than of other Yeast or Vation,- wnere tne sou-, is irequentiy bran, thus utilizing all the room. Hach "! " r --n- A A n Vi Bfnam a-i-vx-liartll -SIAl ji i J - ' aBsaaaSnSan) bhiicu "u'b "'. bw" oi tne bins oeiow are suppiieu wita a ,--r TiiTJ , k i, f i,, i throe weeds can attain injurious sue, and tne Bnmit. .n which the Backs Con be at- 'l.,nA in ..ntB-and stamnto E. I.. XALK, farmer in thUS inexorably prosecuting I WViol i !. mannnr A wwn in a flnur- H W.foartb. Street, l,uicinuau,uma their destruction, does precisely what he ing mill, and quickly filled by the raising ought to do tor the benofat ot his crop, l 0f ft gate, jn the alleyway is placed a if not a weed were in. existence. In corn-sheller, which affords an abund- tact, tne more weeay nis - lana, tne ance of profitable work in rainy weather. greater must be his incentive to active I This capacious building, complete in all cultivation, and the productiveness of I its arrangements, cost about seven hun- T 11.. .1 I . . . . nis crop. AU tuis view vuo wuuuo aiu rtred dollars. ti t it m. Healthful Climate, Free Homes, C,.oi ica! Markets. the J KOJITIIEniV PACIFIC UAIt.- HO.UI ofTora for fMc Its I.nnrla lit Crntml nnd Wntcrn Bllnneaotn, mbracln(r: I. The bast o Wheat Land; I. Excellent Timber for the Mill, the Farm and ths Fire s 3. Rich Prairie Pasturano and Natural Meadow, watered liy clear Lakes and rnnnina; itrenine In a Hcalthltil Climate, tvhrre Fever end Ague are unknown. ! Grain can bo elilpp-d nenco by l.-iho to mnrket n cheaply as from Eattntu Iowa or Cent-nl Illlnoin. Cam now run tbxouch these Lands from Lake Superior to Dakota. Price of land close to tl ack S4.na to per aore I further a wot to lt.00. SEVEN VEAR8' CREDIT; Warmnteo Deeds; Northern Pacific -30 Bonda, now tolltnir at par. rocotved far land at Si. 10. No other unoccupied Lands prosent each advantages to settlers. ' . SOLDIERS tmier tlie Now Law (.March. 1871) set 160 acres FREE, near the rullrood, by ono and two years' residence. ' ' Transportation at Reduced Hales fur nished from all principal points East to purchasers ol Railroad Lands, and to Settlors on Government Home steads. Purchasers, their wives and children onr lied free over the Northern Pacific Road. Now Is the time for Settlers and Colonies tu get Railroad Lands and Government Lands closo to the track. Send for Pamphlet containing fnll Information, map and a copy of new Homestead Law. Address LAND DEPARTMENT, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, BT. PAUL, MINN,A - OR ISO DROADWAY, NEW YORK. rTTrf3 1 .i i .1 L JLJ 4 l'f3 Vlneirnr Hitters made of I'onr Hum, Whiskoy, Preof Stirii and Refuse Ft.Aoo's IssTiST RsLisr. Warranted to rellove nil riearaiKiM, :kest remedy Jtelief (uarautoed or the money ate. Tha for all actually and potently his friends, stimu lating him to efforts resulting' in profits which he might not put forth but for the threat thus silently made by the friendly forces of Nature. Suppose, on the other hand, he does not cultivate his field at all, he has too much land, or is disappointed in his help, or from some other cause is compelled to allow a por tion of his ground to lie idle. Which would the thinking farmer prefer in a case like this, that his land should pre sent a naked surface, destitute ot vege tation, or become clothed, without effort best, the surest, and the quickest reined llowel UpmptauiMi romnuea. - Ths Baotrss asd Blacks produced by that pter Huk preparation, CniSTAnnRo 8 ExusLaioa Ht Dva, v., V- v..ll0 hr Nalnn! its tints f-hallentro comparison with Nature's mot favored production. and defy detection. I-Olt An Indiana town has the following dog ordinance : " Dogs that aro not col lared and lobelled, no matter how ro suectablv connected, will have their narratives amputated one iuch south of their ears. The travelling season drawing to a close, wanderers returning home, wheth er ladies or gentlemen of fashion, fami lies in moderate circumstances, consum- ' " ... . , ' , j ... .,1,U.. l,o t,;- I A, IIBOKC1I1TI8. etc. ot nis own, witn a non crop oi veruure, era, ueuiurs or juuucn, v.. wuipi. Man Suffer rather than take nauseous medicine ! and this Is not to be wondered at, as tho remedy Is otten worse man xue niseaso. ouuererp nun, wuuiir, .nl.la. Infliunu. ftnt thr.uit. or tendenev to Con)-nml)- tion, wni find in Ir. li'tsfnr's Baltam of Wild Cherry a remedr as aireeablo to tho palate as ehcctual In r- mov:nir aiseaso TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho advertiser, having been pcrirancntly cured ol that dreRd disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to mako known to his fellow sutferors the mm nf nire. To all who desire !t, he will send a nr tl,- .MoKFinitnii iiuud. It'rpp of f-harirel. with me uirections lor prepai ins mm umuk rum., n,..u lahfRE UVRB FOR tPSDHl-TiU!l, AMM- I- they will find s drawing for its support largely from the different and various wants anticipated ilease address Parties wishing the prescription to a full realization on arrival.hovne by communicating in tnuo with the Jnew York Purchasing Bureau, 70-1 Broad way, N. Y, of prominent Hew York nien to prevent and stop fraud and dissatisfaction. Send for circular. Invest your spfre cash in first-class Railroad Hand.- Vrite to Charles W. Hassler, No. 7 Wall Street, New York. air, and eventually returning to the soil all it has taken from it, together with this additional matter as a huge interest for the'use ot the elements otherwise lying idle in the ground "r" Or, if he is suuplv belated in his work, would he not prefer a rich crop of weeds and grass to turn under in mid-summer, thus giving him the equivalent of a coat of manure absolutely without expense, to a naked surface, baked by the sun and sodden by the rain, and in point of fertility neither bettor nor worse than it was three months before f Again, many weeds ore highly nutii tious. Very httlo ot our hay is lree from thoir admixture, and I know from experience that some ot this denounced class of plants possess a high nutritive value, and are greatly relished by all kinds of cattle. Observe your horses and oxen when turned into a fresh pas ture where the admixture of well-grown grass and weeds is plainly visible, aud you will see au indiscriminate consump tion of the mass, without reference to names. Or, if you will pull a handful ot grass and weeds combined, you will nnd your pet cow just as eager ior it as thouerh it was the most aristocratic of clover. The fact is, that we indulge a habit of grumbling at Nature until it becomes chronic, and blinds us to tho truth. In our reluctance to admit our own delin- auoncies. we shove tho whole load of responsibility upon the lnexnaustiDiy generous friend whom we slander, and the evil spirit whom wo imagine to be her servant. VV e greodily grasp at re sults incommensurate with our efforts, and refuse the kindly helping hands which the Earth herself and the natural agencies freely extend, I look on the spontaneous growths of the ground as my friends. J-dKe tne elements, like the fire, like water, they become my enemies only when I fail to treat them according to natural laws. It I properly prepare my ground ana Wonderful Statements. Unless faithfully attend my growing crop, no hun(ire(jg of our niost responsible citi- weed molests mo; if I lot my land lie zong have conspired to delude the com- fallow, a growth of green vegetation munitv. a medicine has at last been adds to its fertility without n e"ort introduced which is a specific for almost from me, or gives mo a burden of forage, every human aiiment ot involving the oi more or aus viuc, w ' j entire paralyzation or partial destvue stock and Increase my stores oi manure. t- f th or orttng ln wnici, it Liet us Btpp grumbling at Nature, wnose exista Thee witnegseg testify (in some unchangeable processes we can not vary, ingtanoftg frora their own personal expo- no.. rnwARn a. wit.son. 194 Venn St.. Williaiuiiburiru. N. Y. IVkat we Need wlien Debilitated. ADetite aud dicestlon lune-utsh at this season. At lUaTapviimBrhMi the hodv most needs renovation Opened under tho direction I ana support, the stomach, lta commissariat depart- New York Wholeenlo Markets. BUTTER state, fine tliklns S li Oi S Wertern U CHEESE State ioctory (!';' utno uo iV F:irni duil-v 4 (ti COTTJN-Ordlnary 17JK Ol) Lot? to Kooa mutuant;... it" EQGS-N. Y., N. J., & IVnu'a.... ".'i feu Lined (!l FLOUR-Snpeillno S 43 Ce r.xira 10 lancy amir iw vv Oiiio round hoop.. 6 30 Qfi Extra amber 1 85 (ii Spring wheat 6 70 (ui Extra Genesee 7 30 Oil St. Louis double extra.... 7 00 06 CORK Meal Western & Jersey.. 130 & llnindvwine..M 3 75 m GRAIN Cobs Western 00 Southern Barley Western 65 ut Canada mi w Oatp i fe KlB 73 t5l Whkat Wtsteru No. 1 Spring.... 133 fei) DO. NO. 2 do 1 31 (iH Do. Amber 1 i ( Do. White 1 to On Wblte Genesee 1 55 fen RROVISIONe-Pork New mess... 13 50 l a Diliue.. iu an (so Bref Plain 00 Ci Extra uie.e o Beef hams to tit St Bacon ' Ov . Orukn IUxa KM fe Lard fei 8EED-C lover Timothy i Flaxseed feJ ' WOOL-N. Y., Pa., O.. .-.nd Mich... to 58 t. and Iowa . 55 feu Texas and California 30 fe$ ment, Is apt to prove delinquent. Under such circum stances the necessity of a wholesome stimulant, tonie and corrective la self evtdeat, and consequently the demand for that peerless combination of the three re oulrcd elements. Hoftetter's Stomach Bitters, Is never more uro-ont than at midsummer. It Is tine that a few medical bigots foshlls " left over" from tho dark affes recommend violent purffa- tlon and water etuoI as a euro tor Indieostlonand its accompanying ills; but they mike few proselytes. Tho majority of the community aro sane, and all sane people aro aware that a pure and poworful vegetable tonic with alterative properties, Uke Ilostetter s Hit ters, is tho only cure for dyspepsia, biliousness, con stipation, nervousness and tho 14 consequential dam- aces" they Inflict. The human intallect, unless hopelessly diseased or eirreirlously humbugged, declines to astonish tho weakened human stomach with fierce cathartics that, rushing like an avalanche through the lutestines, threaten to tako the innor membrane with them. To nse a signiticant catch-phrase, tha knock-down -and- drag-out methods of treatment are " p.aycd out. It is clearly understood that a medicated stimulant la essential to the renovation of an exhausted frame and that you cannot strengthen man or woman by dosing them with prost.atins; preparations. This is Ian era of common sense, and common sense approves ofllostetter's Bitters, a the best article extant iur ill- viirnrntiiii.. remi latin? and nilrlfring the svstem and defending it airatnst poison in the air we breathe, or tno water we urius. 1A AGENTS WASTED to sell our V'VFV' 1'oDiilur Cainua'Kn Charts and New Map of Union und World. C. P. llradwuy, Danville, Pa. CLUBS. CHILD, Rolling Prairie, Wis, 112 Papers and Magazines. Agents. Send Stamp. L. L. Want FAIR" BEKVE3 Rest tlOOf, Common to lair.. SHEEP & LAMBS- o.u-.-n.. LjamDS.. SWINE-LWe it roused ItS (SI II (! H & 8 (; 4fs fe.0 ritonte soi-tet de Collection', en toutes los parlies JL au lu rrauce, protnptt-nient raites, par J. F. r lllEAlf r. Pocteur en droit, a Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa. VU PAV AtiENTS A30 PER WEEK IV 4-AMI. allow expensts, and luruisb everything. Apply at I once to , .11. euur ot tu. aiarsnau. aiico. DEI.AWARK FARMS FOR SALE.-Snbscrlbcr will raII a farm uf fr.uu 75 to 125 acres lu Kent county. n.fllnu-nre. n,ur ltallro&d. with buildings. orcnaruA. I etr., suitable for price, lor a paid-up Life Insurance policy of St.ouo. In good company, ana me interest oa 4.o00 for life of pai ty, or will trade for city proporty, or will exchange on any reasonable terms. Small iruus. nay or grain are grown proniaoiy on iur uu-uis. LiAa e. ur.r.u, ' ' - Dover. Del. THE GKEAT KKMEDY CONSUMPTION nnd ncknowledgtn! by many jiromincnt physi cians to be the most Iiclintilu rreparntion ever Introduced for the HEL1KK and CURE of all LUNG COMPLAINTS. Thia well-known rrtnedy is offered to the public, aimctinnp't by the experience of over forty yenrs, mid whi-n resorted to in season, seldom lails to effect a speedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Croup, nroncliltls, In. lluenza.M Hooping rougn, noarsc ness. Piling or Soreness in tho Chest and Side, Bleeding nt-tlie Lungs, Liver Complaint, Ac. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by a timely resort to tills standard remedy, as la proved by hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. DR. VISTAIVS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY don tinf tU'ii up a Cough, and leave cift cruise bfhhtrl, un in tho case irith moat prejiartttioti, hut it loosen and cleanses i removina tho cause o the complaint. CLEEGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, nnd all those whose occupation requires an un- nsunl exerciBO of tlie vocal organs, will Hud this the Oxi.Y I'kkparation which will effect ually nnd instnntnucously relieve tlicir difficulties. Beware 01 loumcriciis. itemeniher that the nemtine lfistar's llnham has oil the outside wropper the signature of "I. BUTTS," anil the printed name oj 'the pro prietors," setii ir.foiru'if i'o.v', o i fy.v. Itc oier lire twc f(i,i..,ifM. imhup tne the wrapper carefully before purchasing. One DoBtf a Battle. Sit IVtlfi for Fire Dai. IMIKfAltr.il 11Y fiETH V. F0WLE &, SONS, Bostsn, Mast., Aud Bold by Druggists and Dealers generally. READ THIS ! Thu lowest price lift over published of AT CH ES, In solid Gold ami Silver Cases only. IJelioUU-t'N Tlino WntcllcH. PRICES. Silver Watch, Benedict $30 (lold, (Is karat) " Silver Watch. Samuel W. Benedict $45 Gold(lskoiat) " " (lot Amcrlruu AVnlthnm Wattlies. PRICES. Coin Silver Hunting Watches .....$18 00 Uold Hunting Watches, Uenu' t-izc S'J 50 l.aaies one 9t nv Sent to a'l naWs of the country by express with priv ilege to examine before paying, bend lor a price list and compare price before purchasing elsewhere. llUV'L'llinT If D.,1'11 1.' II u nre not a vne Fancy Drink, ikcv. Proof Sitirits nnd Refwn Liquors, doctored, tpiccd, And sweetened to please tha tatt. called "Tonics," ?' Appatixuni," "Restorers," Ac, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and tuln, but nre a true Mediciim, mada from the native roott and herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic .Stimulants, They are the Great Mood. Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invijorator of the System, carrying olT all nnisonous litntter and res tor in if the blood to a heftltliy condition, enriching itt refreshing and invigorating both mind aud body. Tkev are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain in then: i remits, site and reliable in all forms nf diseas. Dio Pci.oucnutake Uippio Ilittcn accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones nre nt destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. ... I DiMfsla or Inrtljrcitlioii Headache, Tain j to the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tha Chest, Dit liness, S'lur Eructations of the Stnmacli, bad Taste in the Mouth, JJiltous Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Luncs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offspring of Dyspepsia. In tlwse complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar i an tee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For r cninio uotniiiuima, in young or old, married or silicic, at the dawn of womanhood, or th turn of life: these Tonic flitters display &o decided au influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. For Tnfln.nmMory nnd Cliroitio lihen inatim and Uout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, bilious. Kemment auct iniermitteni revcm, diseases or in Biood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters hav been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, whxh is generally produced by darang- Tliov nre n CJcntle Purgative an well Ri a Tonic, nossessine also the Deculiir merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion nr Inflam mation oi tne iivcr ana visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For SUln DIscmp, Lruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, lilotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, King-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyefi, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever nam or n at nre, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle ia such cases will convince the must incredulous of theii curative effects. denude the Vitfnted lllool whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sorus; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feeliua will tell you when. Keep the blood pare, and the health of the system will follow. Grateful tlioiitmitilrt proclaim Vinegar Bit trrs the most wonderful liivigarant that ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, nnd other Worms, lurking in the system of so mny tlmusanrls, are effectually de stroyed and removed. ' Says a distinguished piiysioU ogist : There is scarcely an in dividual upon the face of the earin wuose oouy is exempt irom tne presence ot worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exit, but unon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system nf Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmin tics, will free the system from worms like these Bit ters. Itleciinnlcnl DUenfic. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, wiU be subiect to par.itvis of the Itowe'k To guard against this take a dose of Wai.kkk's Vinbgar Bitters once or twee a wee it. as a Preventive. IlilloiiM, Remittent, mid Intermittent Pvrrn, which are ro prevalent in the vallevs of our great riven throughout the United States, especially THIRTY YEARS' REMEDY I Rilyer in the Streets. The Corinne (Utali) Reporter eivi-a tho following (recount of tho discovery o rich silver ore in the streets of that citv " f assinuf down bixtn street at lialr punt six last evening, a few feet west of Stan ley's store, a well known bank cashier might have been, and was, seen to pick up a crumb of ore, weighing about sixty pounds, and directly peering with ex perienced eye. among tho crystals, the man of bnanco, with au explanation prouder than that which welled forth irom the lips of an ancient philosopher; fairly roared in strong Saxon words ; ijy the w rankers ot iins-ham, 1 have found it !' So ho had, and thereupon down went the discovery stake, and up rose the monument tu secure bis tenure. A hole is erected in the lucky spot, and rtiore of the precious metal taken oul. llie location is hxed, and the mine, nam ed Nockumstiph,' given a place in me tallurgical l'amo. . Specimens of tho ore can be seen at the various banking houses, and quantities have been sent to the assayer's to determine iU value, which is merely question of dollars and ocnts. . The excitement is high to day, with the prospec that the streets f our ouy will be dag up in all manner of boles and prospects befor the week is over." r -j J i-rf u.i.-int MecT ' j n ' 'a 1 " IM r: ' " .CalilQjrruA antB to hare, the United 3t&tea government, legalize marriages on the high seas. Xhe yoang-raoule out thers -'tvhoisV j piu-anto. object to their union sisnpiy (lude-i cnrgyiaan aiong aad sail ieat tiixnt hfer(d Pacifio to celebrate 1hw nupfialsJftniy oases of tpe kind iiave occurred, and a little drawback now appears in the fact that all these marriages are invalid. Here's a scrape for some of the elopers. and reform our own practices until they are in harmony therewith. Hearth and Home. : ' Frauds ix Fehtilizeus. Dr, Yoelc kov, of England, has shown up several g :. instances of worthless guanos am1. au: i i phosphates, in which gypsum, earth, chalk, and sand figure in place of the hiiuon pure material.- : One sample of bone manure contained only ono per rionce, in others on behalf of others,) that dyspepsia, liver complaint, remit tent and intermittent fever, nervous debility, and numberless othor diseases, aro rapidly and radically cured by this now remedy. It hails from California, and has in two years overleaped all com petitors aniontr advertisod tonics, and become fir excellence, tho medicine of the penile. California is nn exceptional re gion. Its vegetable products, especially Ilr rliaa. Dysentery, ChoIr Btorbaa, buiauicr Curaplalnl, Flax. C hildren' TrellilnB. and the Orat Prevent ire of Ajtlatle C holera. . , ii i: J I. KH cent, oi pnospnaie oi nuiu ouu unu ini ii...... r . .,..!.,. . . . . . . ... l.:..J.. I LUIJ3U IL n IllKUltlllini III.HIH-, AMft.p I1W I ,lt. ceni. o nurogen ; w um P pque, cUowww, and it is from tho r.ishod'volnuiarily l.v ( of plaster ot Paris and 6ome cheap or- . . . . t Kruiihicsi Engineer Bo -i r.. ;..,.,,.l ,K.l,,ir. uuuiui-si ui iu iiiui, ii. o. ivm. i juo- FiulR-ury n icacid. Its cost prioe was 1 10s. sterling per tun, and was worth less than '1 10s. Other specimens were still poorer. This exposure is the more necessary now that tho English farmer, as somo ono has said, depends loir success mainly on MAGUIRE'S BENNE PLANT. Tills extraordinary nic-dlclne, Ihe fsiuo of which In sjirt-ail uroKiliBKl llirui.juuiiv inta vu.ii.ry, i. nu, , aouou-uiy supuriur w any ruuiuuy wiur uut-rua iu thu uubllc fur thu coninUlnls fur which It 1b Intend- Jowelors and kef ners of the City Time. CHI ftroailwiiyt uunr J'olu-Lh Street, $uw York. BAXTER STEAM ENGINE, Manufactured by COLT'S ARMS CO. Hartford, CI 7j Sizes, 2 to 10 II. Pcwcr. COMPACT. SIMPLK, SAFE, DURABLE ' tt!ul i Economical. 93- For Prlco-I.ist and 'particulars, Address, ' WI. D. RUSSELL, , No. 18 Park Place, K. V. i Kkqini Rsadt ior ITai. nessee. Cumberland. Arkaiisa. Red. Culoraflu. KraTo. Km ramie, Per.rl, Alibaina, Mobile. Savannah, Roiw oke, Jame, and many other, with their vast tributa ries, thrnnliout o:ir entire country during the Summer nnd Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of nnnu.-il heat and dryness are invariably accompanied extensive jleraiiments of the stomach, and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always mote or lew obstruction? of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the mo:imc!i, and pi eat torpur ot the boweU, beins; c).-':s'h1 up witli vitiated accumulation. In their treat ment, a purgative, exertinv; a ponerf.il iniluence upo tliese varirnis orgms is e'semially necessary. There is no cathartic far the purpose equal lo Dr. J, Walksk's Vinegar Hitters, a they will peeMly remove th dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the Liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or IviiifH TCvtl, White Swe'linfrs, Ulcers, Krysiielas( Swelled Ntk, Goiter, Scrufulouv Inflammatrons, Indolent Inflammation. Mercuric At fections, Did Sores Kruntimis oT t!;e Skin, Su Eves, etc., etc In ihee, as in nil other constitutional Dis eases, Wai.kkk's Visrgxr Hittkks have shown their great curative powers in tlu most obsuiiate aud iutrac' able cases. Hf.WalkerU California Vinegar Bitter act on all the&j cases in a similar manner. Hy purifying the Hlood th;y remove the cause, and by resolving away the e-Tects of the inflammaiion (the tubercular deixtoitn) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. The propprUei of Dr. Walker's Vinkgak Hittrrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific. Alterative, and Anti-Uilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Kittkrs are the best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, hea'in, and snot hi tip properties protect tha humors of the faucc. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, whin, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Hilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure oi liilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify the brtly nnuinut disease by puri fying all it fluids with Vinkcar Hitters. No eni rfemic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowets, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig orant. IMrectlonfl. Take of the Hitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-ha!f"wine.gIassfiIlL Eat good nourishing food, such as beefsteak, muttoa chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take ut-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, aud contain no spirit. J WALKER, PropV. II. II. MullOXltD&CO., Druggists and Gen. Aj;t. . San Francisco and New York. eSOI.T) BY ALL DRUnOTSTS & DEALERS. BLEES Noiseless, Link-motion, Lock-S tltcb , pares nu lamoug air.oiioiu-Bt viaua.vn Bitters, tho invaluaMo invigomnt, nu trient, laxiitivo iiml altrmtivo to which wo refer. Thoso who huve touted the curative properties of this marvelous preparation pronounce it the most oom- bruins and bones his own brains and somebody else's bones, , But let us not Hatter ourselves tBiit we csCHpe, or intu Ainerioan manuftkctuit-m -und dealers in commercial manures we any more vir tuous. An analysis by Prof. Johnson, u Yale College of 10 different kids of fer tilizers, some of which are sold as high. as ftJ5 a tun, shows that a very large preuonmvo remedy ever oiiereu lo man kind, and assert that there is no inor ganic diseuHO which it will not subdue. A a family medicine, we can rccomniond it without reHorvo. .... ..misnsiH"--- If yuu fuel (lull, diuw.y, debilitated,- d. ( jion drnt, Imv, frccpieiit (inudHiilie, Hiuntli Ih-U' bHillv in innrnnm. iinmiilivr miiKitite nnd proportion of them" are comparatively I tongue touted, you uro snlluiing fioin Torpid valueloss. i c or extimpie, cne upecimen i iner or " .uiiHiuvrux. in tunny cises oi rated in market at 23 a tun was found " I-ier Cumulaiiu" only a prt of tlitm ) iui- Itx lU-nrv WsrrL-n. (inn. rk-asautouuildOtlll-rfoC Uieannyt Father P. J . Debtuut, tha celebrated In. dlnum sslnniLi-v: alfio. omcursoi tho Haw. surtfi'ODS. liostilla.1 stewards. ctininiHiidL-rs of nt-arlv evi-ry ateauicr plylnuon the Mississippi and tributary riv ers, n csit-rn batiliary anu vnribiian loiiiinibintiua. army eimiiiains anu oiuur9 loo numerous 10 men tion. LlKewiso highest enconluuis of tho press, praising ltsvaiuanio ineuioiiiainuaiiiiesiuiiie ni'n. est terms. No oilier medtciue has such recommen dations. We can also refer to bis excelleucy, H. tirmx Itrnwn. fittvprtuti nf Missouri : Hon.. Frank 1'. lllalr, Jr., U. 8. Senator, and Hon. Joseph llrowu, Mayor of the city of Bt. Louis, and many oilier Htaie oillelals, for wlilch there la no space la tills advertisement. AflKNTls MciLCSSOU & KOb. Mus, Nos. VI and 3 Fulton at.. New York, bold by uruKKiau auti lueuiuiuu uitaiurs u. ei r wucre, j. Jk t: HI AUli I H :. Bole Fronrletors. Mo. 1'rloo, ?S mils mt bottle. I VAM'H TO EVERYBODY Old Ymine. -IrlL-ta or low. lnule or female. sick or well, rich or poor. Bend a three cut nosUtf. slamp for circular. AildruM llOUSON. llAVN'lvS & CO.. feu Louis, Mo. AdENTa WANTK.p. . SEWING MACHINE, Challcnefis the world in perfection of work, strength and beauty of srlich, Snrabilii y of coustruction, and ruiuciiyoi moiiuii. . t;au and examine, ana for agcnoies ana circulars, addreB BLEES SEWINO MACnTNK CO., va Broadway. Kew York. The Gettysburg Katalysine Water, iiKiiaa me nsiiisuisj, pumr- n .ture's Rreat remedy for Dy illlllf operation of TinBAllT a ,', Neiiralirla Kidliev. Urll cb AijaaiaxT. It renovauy the So'trormdc B.,1.1 to be - rlly worth s a fertilizer the modest sum of 2.33. " Which conduct" (on the part of the niuunfacturpr) is, to borrow tlie lucid language of the IIoos- W iiirv-irriTirariirbit severe. ! b t Ilia rai43tllafcbilbaxp(ULUir ,'pf f ao.ouu.ooo lor levees on tne JasjNtiippi torna are exnerieiu-ed. A rme.r fur all such cases, Dr, i'iorce's Onlilon Medical Dia covery has no tquul u n ettiicta ieruci, cures, luaviua; llie liver girengtliei.ed, and lu althy. ,V)li tijf all firat-eliisa Orumjutii. - . , : -- Phthisic oh AxMA. Those 'of our reudurs wb suffer from this diatressing " - 3- -T- i 4.1. . r i . h . Ei ver," 7, 000,000 cr. gf,ottonlttul and 1 complaint will find nnmeUiate relict in sugar lamirwouia De jonas WhitcomVs Eeuiedy. 2.500.000 acres of reclainied, the annual product of which, it is estimated, would amount to f 100,- 000,000 in gold. Vkoetahlb l'oi.MONARr Balsam -"doubtless the beat cough medicine in the world." MONEY FOR POOR MEN. V want poor and honest men an4 women to work fonts. A tlALAUY uT Jj dt w c. k Kvnjythins; fur Ul.li-S. A iarr chance. . & Oo. llarioll. O. rX.fi TIIW NVKHBKITHt 11ES1 W I MAtiAKINK f Oit C1III.UKEN. V PEltllLV ll.I.l STHATKU. Koui is Ms lims so us I rri. - B Smm-t stoii Jp-r a suronie uuuiuer. junw gnnr.El.3li nromnein ou. no-ion, wast, A PP1.B Purer and rlltrer at tl sn4 tt : Vntoa" An- V Jei-rf, l i I'vachs'iMui.da; l'eaohawuerand Ilalver, 71c. ; Nut Cracker, Sic. Sold by deulers. Man ufactured by D. 0. WU1TTKMORU, WaNesUr, Miws. MOUNT PLEASANT IN8TITUTK. Private classTs lor hoys. Amherst. Mass. KstabUthed lllta. U. V. HAK11, A. M rnucipai. The Kiuar of the Uody Is the brain ; the stom ach its mnin support; the nerves its messengers ; the bowels the kidnuys and the pore its sat'e-iuanls. In. diircstion creates a violent revolt anion? these at taches of the reiral nrsuu, and to Drlii(f llicm Data lo the duty there Is uolhl mir. invli-oi-nliiiir. coo KvFIIlVIVflKIIT Ktl.TlK system and restores to health both the body and the nuuu, BOLD Wr aIjIj imuuuiau. THEA-NECTAR , i IS A PURE . IIIjACK tea. with the Qreen Tee Flavor. The best Tea Imported. For sals svsrywKer. And tor sale whole sale oulv by the Great Atlu io sail PiuJflo Tea Co., No. lal rullon Si., and 14 4 Church tlt.,Kew York. P.O. Box. A&08. Ssni for TKta-Sectar Circular iltKWARl) ... S or any casa or Blind, leediug. Itehinc, r lil eerated Piles that Da Biaa'a Pn Rauaur ratla to cure. It is prepared x- spepsla, Rheumntisra, llur, Nervous, llcnrt. bottled and sent direct from the siiriua at tleitysburr. Peun to invalids wlie-.-ever resiuinir. iris ease of two doa-nr Quart bottles. $3.00. ti per eept.dtbcouut in favor of clergymen aud Price per slnjrli phy.ifiau on water for their own an. ' Meuical and clurlual profkiuu must be -curtailed by tho uearuet pot-tma.ster or other ruepomible persona. W'Uore drutreiiiU do not keD lu invalids vbt h clone eertitW check or Pott-bftlce money order to WHUNKK iittU2i8 6. kruntbt. UilaOulpnia. fa. .A NERVOUS INVALID. Published lar the aonuftt at uetraar men and othera whp aulhir from.Nrvoui lbillty, etc., supplyina Tut siaANaor tHLr-ceaa. Writtea byatiewnooaredhiin ealf, and ut tree oa receiving a pest-ieid directeel euvtjope. Address KATUAN1BL UAriAlR. Brook- H il r -W. iy OR. WHITTIER. fSiiULlSS all drupirisU. Price $1.00. I Lomrest eniwired, and aoatweioeiafui fhvsieuu of tVa : : r I ejre. Consultatiou or pamphlet free. Call or write. Imported Animals and Fowls L. B. Silver, Salem, 0. 1 for circular aud samples. C. i. Fii, Caauden, N. J PER WEEK aid expense! paid. We want rename agem in every toun v in tne u. . Addrese Huusok Htvta wia : Co- lit MaideitLane.N. If., or Chicago. 111. nnn niaa Fslt (no tar) for outside work and Inside Instead of piaster. Felt CaipellUKS, eVc. Selid I stampi affe. Consultatiou or pamphlet free. Call or write. Jutublihailteriiienieowiriauliiulforlr, a Nervoutuets, Debility, etc., a treatise of 30 pages, fo t sumps ; a booa of im paaos. nlitetratad. tor Ml cenu. AGENTS Wanted. Aitcnis make more meney at work for u than auyihtiig else. Particulars Tree. O. Hviaana 4l Co- Fins Art i'uoluAers.Purtuuid Me. August 'J