The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 18, 1872, Image 4

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flow (he Romance of Indian Life wan
Token Oat of ft Yankee ScUoolmtalreas.
From the Kama City Timet.
Tlio steamer Fonteiiello arrived at this
city yesterday morning after ft three
mouths' trip to Fort llcnton and the
mountains. Among her miscellaneous
cargo of robes, furs, peltries, and Ne
braska corn, was a female named Miss
Amanda Barber, nee Squatting Bear,
who, in a fit of fanatical romance, of
fered herself in 18G7 as a voluntary
missionary to the Brule Sioux, then oc
cupying the territory between tho
Cheyenne Kiver and the Big Ilorn
Mountains, Dakotah Territory.
Miss Barber croated quite a gongation
in the Eastorn States by her marriage
with a young Indian named Squatting
Bear, who accompanied a party of Sioux
to Washington in 1807. Miss Barber
was at the time 3 clerk in one of the de
partments at Washington, in a position
secured for her by Gen. Butler, beforo
the impeachment fiasco. According to
her own statement, mado yesterday to
our reporter, sho was firmly impressed
with tho reality and perfection of tho
red men of tho pla'ns. Sho had read
everything relating to tho Indian tribes,
from the reports of tho Commissioner of
Indian Affairs down to tho latest diino
novel. In a fit of enthusiasm or tem
porary insanity sho offered herself to
and became the wifo of Squatting Bear,
a junior chief in tho Lone Horn band of
Brule Sioux, and with him and his party
returned to the Yankton agency, whoro
she was duly initiated into bur new life
as a white squaw.
Her romantic ideas of Indian lifo seem
to have received a terrifelo shock sinco
her introduction to her new home and
relations, and though she endeavored to
fulfill her mission as a teacher and mis
sionary to the best of her abilities, her
progress appears to have been as slow
as the progress of civilization on tho
l'luins. Sho states that her first great
surprise was being roquircd to mount on
a wild, vicious pony and travel without
saddle or attention over the country
from the .Missouri to the White Earth
IUver, a distance of several hundred
miles. Her inability to make the jour
ney provoked mirth among her hus
bands companions, and finally exasper
ated Squatting Bear until he bound her
with a rope to. the pony s back and led
the animal himself to the westward
trail. She was still more surprised to
find her husband possessed of two other
wives, one a vicious, dirty squaw of
forty years of ago, tho other a girl of
scarcely fourteen years. Her lire in his
wigwam, er teepee, was not as bright and
happy as she expected it would be. Her
husband's absence was taken advantage
of by her rivals to compel her to per
form tho vilest drudgery, such ns gath
ering wood, cooking meat, and scraping
robes tor tho tanning process ; but dur
ing Squatting Bear's presence at homo
Miss Barber appears to have been better
Her husband, in a violent fit of pus
sion, killed his oldest squaw during tin
first year she was with the tribe, w'.n-u,
without warning or notice, she was
hurried off to the main camp of the
Bruges, threo days' journey toward the
inokutaln, and from thence she accom
panied the tribe on its annual buffalo
built, where sho became sick from ex
posure and fatiguo. Sho was loft at a
temporary drying camp afc llawhido
Vd-rti, Secret fllnrrlflgc, Betrayal) Dencr-
iion, luvnrce, and Revenge A Bomb
shell far.Wanhlnxton Society,
From tht IVathtngton Capitol,
Some six years sinco a vpunnr law
student uf this cily fell in love with and
courted a beautif ul girl, who returned
his passion, and tho two became en
gaged to bo married. The young gentle
man was poor, however, and not yet ad
mitted to his profession, so that marry
ing for tho timo seemed out of tho ques
tion. Ho was madly in lovo, however,
and fearing that beforo ho could securo
a sufficient oompetonco to justify marry
ing he might lose tho object of his af
fections, ho ploadod with her to have a
secret inarriago, and promised that im
mediately after tho ceremony bIio should
return to nor home, and ho would, as
usual, go to his bachelor quarters. After
much persuasion sho consented, and tho
two were united in wedlock at the
Church of St. John, in Georgetown, by
tho llnv. Mr. Tillinghftst, upon tho of
Juno, 1S00.
Tho young man for n while was truo
to his promise, but ho soon became ns
importunate for tho possession of her
person as he had been for the secret
marnago. Ut course she yielded, but
they both kept their soorct, and as pro
gress in the law was very slow, sho, at
his suggestion, brought an influence to
bear upon tho Administration that re
sulted in an appointment to a Western
Territory. Her social position and con
nections wore sufhcient to control the
appointment, and sho had money enough
to provide him with an outht.
Iho young man deported, and made
quite a successful career for himself in
his new field of operations, and. writins
"regularly and returning at intervals, ho
assured her ot his heartfelt affection and
earnest endeavors to procure a home
suited to her. This sort of thing con
tinued for four years, when sho was tele
graphed to meet him at Cincinnati. Sho
hastened to obey, and arriving at tho
last-named place, found her husband in
a state of great excitement. Ho told
her that ho had got involved in some
moneyed transactions, and tho choice
was presented to him of cither marrying
a very rich woman, who loved him to
distraction, or being sentenced to tho
penitentiary, and that he had married
and was now in her power. She could
punish him for his dastardly conduct,
and it sho did that ho could not com
plain ; ho nddedfthowevor, that he had
parted from thoT-bnmu at tho door of
tho church, that ho did not love her,
and could not lovo any one but his law
ful wife.
Appealed to in this manner sho could
Only ask him what could be done, say
nig that sho was readv and willing to
shield him to tho last. Ho then suggest
ed a divorce, and said that ho could go
to New York and procure one without
any difficulty. To this sho consented,
and tho two wonded their way to tho
great commercial centre, where he found
n divorce lawyer, und in three davs
divoicv was procured upon testimony between the husband and
shyster, of tho most extraordinary char
acter. One man, for example, by the
namo of , swore that he had known
the plaintin and her husband lor years
In DowingvBle, Pa., placo tho poor
woman had never seen. Another wit
ness oriling himself , sworo that the
parties were Mnn 'fide, residents of Jev
Prnjrrcss of Fish Culture.
Tho importance of the results which
may be obtained through a scientific)
system of fish culture has been mado so
Olilu .In.
Krirni dully
COTTJX --Ordinary
Low to good ttinlilllllfr...
EOUS-N. Y., N. )., ek V .nn '....
FLOITR Supelllli'
r.xtrn 10 miicy nunr
Ohio round hoop
Kxtra umber.... ..
Fprinjr wheat
Kxtm (Innepee
Rt. l.nnl double extra....
Conn Msal Wpntcrn ft Jorwjy..
J3ABLET Wovlrrn
Wubat Weslinn No. 1 Spi-ilif....
Il,i. Nn. I do
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PROVISIONS-Pork-New mnm...
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manifest bv nrartionl nrnnriinnTif. flint. I t.ina-n V Tliia inmiirr I hnvo Rnnn in tha
nrcranimd niTrt f. 4.fe WI TVf.. . i. fV.i. Tn .Turin nrhnr. New York Wholesale Market
.. ii . . . n t I ii ? . i i i i. ntiTTrnSfn n. t
,.iiers wiiu nruiiciaiiy-iiatciKidnsii nave ine vcatiier portenas a iieavj- siiower 01 W"ViiVn.r.V..,V.,....'...
eon Rtioptaa in nearly ail 01 tho Ktates. ram. i lav tho learner tick on me iavn uiiisKis-tnto i,wtury
n consequence of the interest which has or clean crass, and smooth it over even-
been excited on this subject, Congress I ly. One-half hour's heavy ruin will
has also taken the matter in hand, and cloun one side of a badly soiled tick, un-
ppointed Trof. Buird. of tho Smithso- less there bo crease spots. In this case
nian Institution, a commissioner to ex- I take a pail of hot suds, pour it on tho
amine into the condition of tho national spots, brush them, and let the rain rinse
fisheries and the causa of their diminu- it out. I then turn it over and servo
tion in yield. tho other sido the same. If tho shower
I'rof. Build's researches have tlovcl- bo of short duration, I put tho bod out
oped boiuo extraordinary facts. Ho spent in tho next rain. To dry tho bed, lay
tho most of last summer on tho Masso- up the tick on slat-work, clean rails, or
chusotts coast, whoro ho ascertained that something of tho kind. If tho feathers
fishing stations which in lfiOO produced are much wet, so much tho better. When
thousands of fish now furnish hundreds drying, shake up, beat with light rods,
only, or at that ratio, giving a diminu- pick up lumps if there be any. Whpn
tion ot quite ninc-tjnths, and often tho bod is dry, tho tick will bo clean,
more. The depreciation has been gen- and the feathers almost as good as new.
eral, except with blue-fish, which are Some of our beds have been used thirty
now as abundant as ever they wore, years. I have laid them in rain every
This remarkablo decreaso of fish is as- summer : thov are now cloan and trosd.
cribed by many to tho use of tho pound I It takes but n short timo to dry tho bod,
ner.. yn ineso tnoro aro only sixty along nut when it is dry to appearance, it, is
tho entire coast of Now England : yet not at all fit to sleep on, but should be
they securo nearly all tho fish that are laid on an empty bedstead a month or
taken, and control the supply of the more, with the windows up. This cau-
uiarket, in consequence of which tho tion may bo unnecessary, as no wise head
hook and lino fishermen and tho fyke- sleeps on feathers in suuifuor.
men navo almost been driven out ot tho I As lor tho labor, 1 had rather clean
usmess. I fivo beds in tho rain than ono m tho
Four men will manasro a pound net manner eenerallv recommended that is
with a leader a milo long, and tho catch by pouring tho feathers from tho tick
of a single period of six hours has fro- on a sheet in an empty room (when
qucntly been as largo as one thousand there is no empty room in the house),
blue-fish, or an equal quantity of other washing tho tick, stirring up feathers
vaneues. I inoroujrniy, returninK to tiio ticK, and
Vimjr. wliora uVin uf t.nni t ityi1 tn luuinrui
by walking to -Fort Fotterman, a dis- Yurkt 8ft(1, tb'lt ho' had frequently ac
tance of sixty miles. For this attempt uompamed the dcfon.Unt in nighfly
she was beaten until nearly dead, and
then sold by her husband for threo
potties to a Choyonuo chief who sported
the expressive soubriquet of Coo-Cooso,
or Baoonsidos. Sho was taken north in '
1870, and romainod with tho Choyennes
ever since, until her escapo this spring,
when she mado her appearanco at and
claimed the protection of tho authorities
at Fort Benton. Miss Barbor's experi
ence would, no doubt, make a story
more thrilling than that of the " Escaped
Nun." She is a woman rathor plain in
appearance, skin tawny and black, eyes
small, dark, and imprcssivo, voice rather
masculine and, in fact, just such a
woman as Mrs. Col. Anthony or Tennio
Clatilin would choose for a second in
Miss Barber conversed with our re
porter without tho least diffidence, and
answered any questions asked of her.
She says that so far as tho romance of
Indian lifo is concerned, sho found nono
of it. Hor efforts to touch and reform
the young Indian children wero t routed
with indifferenoe and contempt. Sho
learned the Sioux language easily, but
tho Cheyonne dialect was harder to ac
quire. She has a much higher opinion
of the Cheyennes than of tho Hioux.
Tho latter tribe sho says are to blamo
for nearly jtll the thioving and murder
ing done in tho whito settlements. She
found it necessary to paint and color
like the rest of tha tribe while sho was
with them, and twice witnessed the
murder or execution of whito men, one
a soldier of tho Thirty-Second Uuitod
States Infantry, who had boon taken
while out hunting, who was burned and
scalped ; tho others wero two teamsters
brought from Fort McPherson. All
thro were burned at a placo called
" Saddler's Hill," in tho Nebraska " Bad
Miss Barber left tho steamer Fonto
iielle at this port, and after a few hours'
rest startod on hor way to tho home of
her friends at Milford, Massachusetts.
In speaking of tho peculiar habits of
animals which follow certain curious
acts from one gonoratioa to another, the
youngest in the series, without instruc
tion or the force of examplo, doing pre
cisely as one of its ronioto ancestors did
hundreds of years before in the con
struction of a nest, buildins a clay
house liko tho ants, digging a nolo or in
fashioning a tray door over the entrance
to its den, as the tarantula always has
in ualilomia. it is called vitttnct.
It is unhesitatingly acknowledged
that this faoulty or determination to
exercise the propensity to repeat the
doinga of the parents, without over hav
ing seen or known thorn, curiously ex
emplified in making hoxagonal cells by
tho honey bee, cannot be explained. No
amount of physiological or any other
bind x& learning furnishes tho faintest
shldovof reasonable answer to the
qnewtton, M By what moans does nature
iiupol individuals in those lowor ranks
of dumb mo to perform thoso marvels r
Man possesses phttieal and moral In
stktots combined und because it is so,
he U a conscious progressive being. Un
the other hand, animals have instincts,
but no moral attributes, and couso
quentiy never can rise above the level
on whiph they move. Therefore, in
stinct is a problem which Divinity alono
con Mlve. It U beyond the ken of
visits to houses f ill-fame : that on one
occasion hn.had waited at such a placo
lor tho defendant until tired, and then
went to tho room, knocked at tho door,
and being told to com in, found the
defendant putting on hi clothes, with
proBtuuto undressed in the room,
L pon this snowing tho divorce was
granted, and the detreo winds up as fol
That thft nmrrtiurft rMwcon Iho nnid nlalntlff. .
ana ine rnua ndiauiism. , no uihom-H. ana uiptr
aia nmiTiaee is ruTt-iiy aifcioivci arconnniMv. Aim
the Raid n.-u-fU'R are and each (if tli(-lu lt fn from llin
obliicalidn thereof. And turthor that it fhall hu law.
nil lor the gam piamt.n to marry au'slil ui toe name
anucr an uiotiun tno paul itettunlant waa actually
ad. Hut it shall not tw lawful lor tho kaid dor.-tnl.
ant to marry again until :Uo raid plaiutilf lie actually
EuUr, c. Jokes, Judge,
Tho poor wife returned to her home
feeling that she had done a horoio act
in shielding tho man sho loved, and sus
taining herself with this thought time
rolled on, until one morning she
awakened to tho startling fact that she
had been cruelly sacrificed. Sho learned
that tho man to whom sho had chin
was about to marry a fashionable lady
of tho first connection in tho land. Sho
made inquiry, and found, to her sicken
ing disgust, that tho day was actually
set upon which this infamous outracro
was to bo perpetrated. Sho hastened to
New York ami procured a certified copy
of tho decree, intending to appear at tho
church on the day of the mock marriage
and forbid tho bans by present:
copy ot iuo legal uocument unit sh owe-
that, although separated from her, ho
was not authorized to marry another.
Lntortunately, through circumstances
over which sho had no control, he ur-
rived too lato. Tho cruel net had been
accomplished. A grand weddin-', grace
by tho presenco of members of ilie Cab
met and our most aristoeratio penpr
had oocuired, uud tho papers won I n
of glowing accounts ot tho magnified
ceremony. Our roaders will recoiling
tho event, and they will havo occasion
to recur ti it again, as legal sf-ps are
being taken by the betrayed wife's
friends to bring this wrong doer to
punishment. Tho wife is now satisfied
that tho whole story ot tho second mar
riage was fabricated to deceive her, and
sho is, of course, very indignant.
In addition to all this wo learn that
this gay Lothario paid his court last
winter to ono of our most beautiful and
accomplished belles, whoso appoar.ance
in society always created a flutter among
the gentlemen who flocked to her sido
to bosk in tho sunshine of her smiles
and to enjoy the brilliancy of her con
versation, it was supposed that the
gentleman, as he then appeared to be,
and this fascinating lady, whoso family
is one of the oldest and most exclusive
in the country, wore engaged; but it
seems that while she enjoyed his conver
sational powers, sho discouraged any
tender emotions, aud thus saved herself
from oAouiryiug the unpleasant position
whioh tho lttst-meutioned bride now
In a few (Jajre "tlio fashionable circles
of WasMnston and certain Iadv of the
Cabinet all be at sea iu a high state
of astonishment and excitement, and 6
certain territorial omuTaL now candi
date for Governor, will bo brought up
with a round turn.
Cleaning Feathers. now shall we
renovate old feathers, and also cloan old
You should write to Mb. Charies
W. Hassler, No. 7 Wall Street, N. Y.,
if you wish to buy or sell any Iliiilroad
Bmsr-TMain 7 00
Kxtrn mo4g ,
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(Irrkn Hams
Klnxw.-d ....
WOOL-N. V., l'a..O., aud lik...
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Till. KIKtMl Sl! II 1.4 Nil.. I r ft- V I Ml -vl'
lino, at. twelve real . '--l i tit, 1 I v. - ,,! . 1i ' . t
iniim! Imxea. "Cheaper than any - llier Hulk 1' lor
TIIK IIISIMI ai M-IKI l'IMil-N'.. KV-irr.. nlnij
Cheap ftti'l litirtl.le toi.errn!e? ..I !irr :irllrli-! lor tiroe.
Tilt. IIISIMI SI lll.ti K l.l lli l.tlllll. A inu. hVriixIc.
h..-iriliK find . ,ni tin" a Inn-an nit
alone. 2Mlt. and wi lb. !i..x-n, l.'.c ni . r II.. 'i'rv It.
MORSE BROS)., Prop'rs., Canton, Ma.
ij c
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10 cm
11 0i
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I'isTS Asn QuAnTS of lillhy Cstarrhnl ilit-
t hnrgei'. Where does it all come from ! I ho
mucous mombmne lining ho clinmbcrs of the
nopo. nnd its little clnntl. nro diseased so Hint
. o J o ' I - -' . . . . . .
buch a mode of destruction, carried on laying in tho sun for several days, turn- they draw from the blood its liquid, and ex
the year through, in season and out of ing and beating up often. M. D. E. in POSHr0 f0 ,,le ir cni"W Int0 corruption
Beason, would naturally account for a
great decrease in fish j but the theory
that it is tho solo cause of destruction is
damaged by the fact that tho blue-fish,
wlncli uro so plentifully canglit in thoso
contrivances, aro as abundant as ever,
rrof. Uaird, whilo ho denounces tho use
of the pound net, furnishes a tnoro ra
tional explanation of tho whole matter.
To tho increase of the blue-fish he as
cribes the destruction of the smaller fish.
Tho oil -factories have used up the
menhaden to an extent which has made
them scarce. The menhaden are the
natural food of the blue-fish, and this
supply failing the latter were driven to
feeding on tho killics, porgies, young
wcamisli, striped bass, ami young shad.
liettier tins state ot tlnnirscan be rem
edied remains to be seen. Tho matter
is one of importance, as fish contribute
largely to the support of a largo and in
dustrious class of our population who
inhabit the sou shore.
In regard to restocking our lakes and
rivers with fish it has been demonstrated
that it can bo done without difficulty
and at comparatively trifling expense.
Tho yield of shad in tho Connecticut in
1 !S 1 1 was far "renter than it had been
for many .years, many millions of shad
try having been placed m the river three
years previous by Mr. Seth Uroen, under
the auspices of tho New England Com
missioners. It takes threo years for
shad to attain their growth. Our own
Commissioners of Fisheries, Messrs. Ho
ratio Seymour, Goo. C. Cooper, and li,
Jj. Itoosevelt, havo labored enthusiastic-
ally for tho advancement of scientific
hsh culture, and their report ot their op
erations tor tho year 13 il aitords evi
dence that their efforts have not been
uurewarded. Their operations on tho
Hudson river for.tho purpose of increas
ing the supply of shad havo been more
successful than heretofore, and tho op
position to their work from fishermen
has generally ceased.
1 ho progress made in fish culture in
tho New Kngland States has convinced
the most incredulous that unless active
measures are pursued to keep pace with
our Kastrru neighbors our fishermen
will be drivon out of tho market and
their occupation ruined. Last year over
N,000,000 shad egg3 wero hatched and
the fry turned looso m the river; nnd it
is hoped that in a few years the fisheries
will bo so improved that 600,000,000 of
fry will bo artificially hatched, when the
yield will dety diminution by all tho en
gines of destruction that the wit of man
can devise. Hut to effect so de&irablo a
result tho enforcement of laws which
will give tho breeders a chanco to roach
the upper waters, where they can hatch
their young, is indispensable.
The Slate hatching house established
at Caledonia for tho purpose of broedin
tho better kinds of fish for distribution
through tho waters of the Statu lias
been greatly enlarged, and tho Commis
sioners pride themselves on having the
cheapest and largest fish-breeding estab
lishment in the world, ono which is
Western Iiural.
A Portable Ice House. Tako an
iron-bound butt or punchoon, and knock
out the head, then cut a hole tho si.o of
a bottle-cork m tho cent root tho bottom.
Put a wooden tubo twelvo inches smal
ler into it, so that it will not touch tho
edgo of tho butt, within six inches all
around it. Fill up tho space with
pounded charcoal ; put two pieces of
wood under the centre tub when it is
placed in the butt, and fit a cover with
a handle tightly to it. Arrange hooks
around the tub on which to hang fish or
meat, &c. Fill a bag two feet square
with pounded charcoal to lay over the
cover of the inner tub, and fit a cover to
tho outsido one. Bury it four-fifths of
its height in tho cellar, which must bo
dry; wet ground .will not keep it fresh.
Fill tho inner tub one-third full of ice.
ftn,i. for brulft'S. cuts, burns, rheumatism, sllil
er than once a month. A hole similar Jl"t, "l'riiins, ucunilglu , ea.aelie and tooth-
to tho one bored iu tho outer tub should
This life liquid was to build up the system,
but it is extracted and tho system Is weakened
by tha loss. To euro, pain flesh nnd strength
bv mine Dr. 1'iotcos Golden Medical In?-
covery, which nlso acts directly upon these
glands, correcting them, nnd apply 1. Ssge's
Caliirrh Komcdy with Dr. l'iorco's Niisul
Douche, the only mctboil ot reaclnnu tlio
upper cavities where the dischnrgc accumulates
nnd cornea from. The instrument and two
medicines sold for $2 by nil drniroists. f89.
TnB llousB and Ins HiDEit. It was a
happy day lor Horse nnd his rider when the L.1MMBNT was niirouucea, ns a cure
for the external disease! and Injuries ol hotu.
In the stable, the baru aud the household this
wonderful emollient Is equally UBcful. It a
horse is spjvlned, or fouudered, or harness
galled, or nlllicted with any other of the many
superficial Ills that equine flesh is heir to, the
Liniment effects a speedy cure, nud It is equally
cllicaeious when applied to diauuht oxen or
cowssntlerliig from outward swellings, strains,
or hurts ol any description, as an application
bo made in the inner, to carry off the
moisture. Keep tho wholo closely cov
ered, and you will havo a miniature ice
house which will preserve fish, flosh and
fowl tor a long tune. Country Unit.
ache. It takes precedence for all other topical
remedies, nnd Is therefore an aitlcle of prime
necessity TTrfauiilli-s.
Lemon- ron a CouGn. lloast the
lemon very carefully without burning
it ; while it is hot cut and squeczo into a
cup upon threo ounces of sugar, finely
powdered. Tako a spoonful whenever
your cough troubles you. It is good
and agreeablo to tho taste. Itarcly has
it been known to fail of giving relief.
An Irishman called at a drug slore to set n
bottle ol Jolmion's Anodyne Liniment for the
Kiieunintisni ; tbe druggist asked lilm In wnat
lt irt of the body it troubled him most. " He
me soul," said he, "I -have 11 hi ivery boul
and comer er me.'
t or loss m cud, lioru ail. red water in cows.
loss of appetite, rot, or murrain in sheep ;
thick wind, broken w ind, nud roaring, and tor
nil obstructions ol the kidneys in horses use
Vimaunf Uavalry Comution 1'oicuert.
A Sew Chicago Specially.
A Chicago paper says : Divorco par
ties are coming into fashion in Chicago.
Social philosophers say that all groat
questions pass through threo stagos,
viz. : Kuliculo, argument, adoption
Chicagoians havo bravely encompassed
tupm all, so tar as divorce is concerned,
and, as the world knows, now revel in
undisputed luxury of full possession. In
fact, divorce has become a fashionable
tiling, and liko all kindred events, such
as births and marriages, is celebrated
with festive proceedings. Tho West di
vision witnessed an affair of this kind
tho other evening. There was a largo
gathering, nnd the ncwly-mado widow
received tho congratulations of friends
and relatives with as much plcasuro as
would a newly-wedded wifo after the
ceremony of marriage. A handsome
" divorco cako was ono of tho features
of tho occasion. It was mounted by a
handsomo monogram, the letter " D,"
for divorce, being entwined with tho
lady's name ,befro hor marriage. There
wero also somo highly suggostivo pros
An eleven months' baby at IWooming-
tnti, 111., rolled down two flights of stairs
without serious lniurv.
Asthma. Upwards of one thousand
of tho worst cases of Asthma havo been
relieved by using Jonas Whitcomb's
remedy for asthma. In no case of purely
asthmatic character has it failed to givo
prompt relief. Your druggist has it.
The Potest and Sweetest Cod
Livr.u Oil in tho world is Hazard &
Caswell's, made on tho sea-shore, from
fresh, selected livers, by CA8WKIX, HAZ
ARD & Co., New York. It is absolutely
pure and meat. Patients who have once
taken it prefer it to all others. Physi
cians have decided it superior to any of
the other oils in market.
Tim Prruvitin Sitrun. a Protect
ed Solution of the Vrotoxlttc of
Iron, in so combined an to have
the character of an aliment, an
easily dirested and assimilated
with the blood as the simiilcst
food. It increases the quantity
of nature s twn tiauziny
Agent, Iron in the blood, and
cures "a thousand ills," simply
by Ton Ine iri,i!Vieorittny ana
Vitalizlnej the System. The en
riched anil vitalised blood per
meates every part of the body,
repairing damages anil waste,
8ceirchiny out morbiil secre
tions, and leaving noihing for
Mse.etse to fvetl upon.
This is the secret oj the won
derful success of this re medy in
curiii'i linsitensiei. Liver Com
plaint, Dropsy, Chronic, JUeir-
rlieea, Hints, jservous .irreciions,
Chills and levers, Jlumors,
Jjoss of Constitutional igor,
Diseases of the Kidneys and
Jiladder, I cmale Complaints,
anel etfl disease's originating in
a bad state ef the blood, or ac
companieel by de bility or a loio
state of the system , lieing free
from Alcohol, in any form, its
energizing rj'eets eire not fol
lowed by corresnoiuting reac
tion, but are permanent, infu
sing strength, rigor, etnel new
lie mto all parts of the system,
anel building up Iron Constitution.
Thousemels have been changed
by the use of this remedy, from
weak, sickly, su)'ering crea
tures, to strong, healthy, anel
happy men and women! and
in valiels can not reasonably hes
itate to give it a tried.
Sec that each bottle has PERU
VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass.
Iimplilcts Free.
J. P. DISSMOItE, rrorletor,
Sold by Druggists generally.
Healthful Climate, Free Homes, Good Markets.
Whether lor use on man or beast, tbe .Mer
chant's (Urgling Oil will be found an luvalua-
ble Liniment, and worthy of use by every res
ident In the land. We know of no proprietary
meuicitic or iirtieio now uscu lu th united
States which shares the good will of the people
lo n greater ucgreo tuan tins. a. 1 . YMrfe-
Vkuktam.k I'ui.monaiit Rai.sam "doubt
less the best cough medicine in the world.'
Is n TO FIT IflSt'TES. Hi ftillcllO. E.-ltRcllO. Nell-
rnlgia. Lanu. Rck, hlarrlxi-a. Croup, Kprmiiin. un.l all
similar complaints, are relieved by I'LAtiO's Isstast
j.BLiar, or mouey rerunaoa.
no's Kxcr.l.sio Hair Iti ant upon tlio liaii .nhl-V.T
ana inounacnoi ; no rnameititn until, out lliu puriinl
Kavi-n ur tlio taunt xquiait iirovnfl will be uvolva.1.
A good wardrobe, economically pur
chased, is indispensablo to every brido.
capable of supplying all tho public wa- An economical way of purchasing any
a it.- tii..4 . -u iu .t I J I o J
V2 i At mi- wli"V,u Urticlo required is really indispensable
salmon trout wero taken there from tho to 0V('ry housekeeper. A peculiar fa-
great lakes to be distributed through the cility to purchase at closo figures is nb
State, or to bo developed and then dis- solutelv necessary to tho nator familias
tributcu. iniuturo tno uommissioners nf y,. fll -, nm1 ,1111,1nrtr ,.:,,.,
propose to pay more attention to the , L , , , .
cultivation of tho salmon trout and less Btanccs- tt,,cl lt ,s ut kllst irablo that
to that of whitcfish than heretofore, for dealers and jobbers in any and every
tho reason that tho whitcfish havo to be kind of goods and merchandise, be en
taken with a net, whilo the salmon trout aljwi to sort in. stock in small or larrro
i,..,..i.,. .,.., i, ,.,i ...:n i,:t i - - o
111U Ik UA11U3U1UU .1I.U ..Oil, UllU . A Ul.U
readily at tho hook.
Io means havo been uiseoveretl of
hatching black bass, but substantially
llin Skiuo end is attained by another
ii tlioil. i.very year largo numbers ot
v.u !.: ::.n(ls ot boss ami other tresh-
wuli'r ii ii pass into tho Erie Canal from
Lake Knit. Iheso fish vary iu size from
four inches to fifteen in length, and may
bo caught in immense numbers when
tlio water is drawn off in the fall. In
this way the Commissioners have reached
an inexhauutiblo supply, which is dis
tributed wherever there is a demand for
any of theso fish. It is not believed that
there aro any streams in this State
adapted to tho culture of the truo sal-
mon (sidino salar), and tho Commission
ers are convinced that uny attempts to
introduce this fish in our waters would
prove futile. N. Y. Hun.
Hrs and Olilmt Family MeiUelnc Sua-
'orii'i hirer Invlgoralor.k purrly Vesutable Cathartic
and Tonic fur Dyppc-ppia.Cointlpatlon, Debility, Hick-
hcRuarh. llilimift Atlnrk. and all dprancetnontii of
l.ivor, Blnmaiili an.l lluwulx. AsH your Druggist fur lu
beware ty inuiaiwnt.
A law went into effect in Indiana on
the 1st of July, by which uny person
who socks the position of juror is to bo
tinea m guilty or contempt of court.
quantities as may bo required, from timo
to time. All this can bo accomplished
by addressing the Now York Purchasing
Bureau, "01 Broadway, N. Y. Endorsed
by prominent New York men. Send
for circular.
rilCTIAS SVhl-r. Till vnluabln moilirlna has haan
flli.iilly niakinit In war into public favor by tho lillni-
eruuit n-markrtbio curut u na noiiuriui'.l. Ill tnnuur
allii-a-y ift uwinr lu the protoxute af Iron wbii-h In ihii
luvpiiruwun rt-muiiiR uiu.-iiany..ii. una Ii thu only loim
iu whit-li Uiit vital element uf lu-nliliv blnud can bu
Tlio tvlvertUor, bavliitf been pcrnmuoiitly cured 01
that urt ad dlaiAuo, Consumption, by a aiinjdo reined y,
It hiuIoiu tomukn known to Mlnw iiIiVt.ts tho
iwiui of rur. To all whin dciru it, ha will tud a
mpy of tho iin-MTiitiiMi uimhI, of clmrt'o), with
mi- uiriTMin uir prt'tyarnii; turn uxtntr tno name, wtin u
tliry will liinl ii Hi hk IH'hK rK roNsrui'TiiiN. Asrii-
a. nnNtriiiTiH,&o. rurtl! w inhiuK the urcocrimiou
win nc4M) atiuiuta
IM IVi.u tiU. Williamifcmrvb N. Y.
CKND Sif for Iftftfo I jil' paprtr 3 month and 1 do.
utm t'en tree.. M he nil teims to teoQU.
dri-M FAMILY i KM, I'itnhnrtfh. I'a.
ROAI ouVm fur snl' Uh liaudfl lu Central and
Western Minnesota, embracini;: 1. The beat o
WhrutLaiid; 8. Kxoolluiit Timber for tha Mill, tho
Farm and the Fire; 3. Hlrh Pralrio Vsvtnrafro and
Natural Moadow, wntered by clear Lakes and runninir
streams iu a Halthlul Clinmto, tchere Fever and
Ague are unknoten.
Grain can bo shipped bonco by lake to market as
oheaply as from Katorn Iowa or Central Illinoli.
Cam now run thronch these Lands from Lake Superior
to Dakota. Tried of land clone to track 4.00 to (4.00
per aero; further awav $20 to S4.00. SEVKN YEARS'
CREDIT; Warrantee Deeds: Northern Pacific T-30
Bond a, now sullinp, at par. received for land at $1.10.
No other unoccupied Lauds present each advantages
to settler.
SOLDIERS under tho Now Law (March. 1872) get ICO
acres FREE, near the mil road, by ono and two years'
Transportation at Reduced Rntcg fur
nished from all principal points Eant to purchasers of
Railroad LantU.and to Settler? on (lovernment liomo-
steads. Purchasers, their wives and children car
rlcd free over the Northern Pacific Road. Now is
tho time for Settlers aud Colonics to et R nil road
Lands and Government Lauds closo to the track.
Send for Pamphlet containing full information
map and a copy of ucw Homestead Law. Address
Manufactured by CELT'S CO. Hartford. Ct
Sizes. 2 to 10 H. Power.
VIncirnr Hlttera are lint a vile Fanrv Drink.
rmde f Poor Rom, Whibkev, Proof Spirits and Ret'us
Liquors, dciored, npiced, and fcwpetened to please th
tiste, c.illed "lotiics, "Appetisers, "Restorers,1
Kc.tii.-it ine tippler on lo drunkenness and rum,
but nre a trite Medicine, made from the native roots
and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants!
They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Ltfe-Kiviiift
t ' i- n i i t..: s .1?
I riliLipiC) n rcncii ii:iiiiviiiui nnu invinoraior oi me
System, carrvimr o(T all poisonous matter and restoring
the blood to a heuhhy condition, enriching it, rcfrtslnnp
and inviKorntinj? both mind and biwly. They are easy
of adiumistr.ition, prompt iu their action, certain in their
remlf?, i.ile anil rrlniMlc in nil lrms ot nisease.
No Prron can tnk tln'ao nittera accntd-
int to directions, and remain long unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison m other
means, and the vital organs waited beyond the point
of repair.
lyiMictjiit or iiiiiiireatinn. ueadaciie. Pain
in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dir
sine!s, Sour Kruet;itions of the Stomach, Had Taste
the Mouth, Hihous Attacks, Palpitation of the t, Intl timnationof the l.uns, Pain in the regions n(
the Kidnev-t, and a hundred other painful symptoms,
are the olTsprings of Dyspepsia. Iu these complaints
it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar
antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement.
For r entitle Couinlntntsu in vounz or old.
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the
turn of life, those Tonic Hitters display so decided an
influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible.
For Iiiflnminnf ory nnrt Cliromc iincn-
mntlMin and Gmit Pvspepsia or Indigestion, Uilions,
Remittent and Intermittent I'evers, Jis-ases ot the
Blood. Liver. Kidnevs and Bladder, these Kilters have
b-en most successful. Such Diseases are caused by
Vitiated liiood, wh-cli is generally produced by derange
ment ot tne JJiiestive Jrans.
Tlioy nro n entlo I'urzntlvc n well an
a Tonle possessing also the peculiar merit of acting
asai)Weiful at;ent iu relievinc Congestion or IiiHam-
mation ot tue iiver am Vceral (Jiyan, and in liilioit
For SUin llsenseB, ErttpHons, Tetter. Salt-
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, PuMules, Boils, Car
buncles, Riii worms, Scald-Head, S.ue Eyes, Ury
sipetas. Itch, Scurfs, 1 Meliorations uf the Skin, Humors
and uiseases ot the? bktn, of whatever name or nature,
are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a
short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in
such cases will convince the most incredulous of theii
curative effects.
Cleanse tho Vitiated kllood whenever you
find its impurities bursting through the skin iu Pimples,
Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when vou 5nd it ob
structed and sluggish in the veins ; clesnse it when it is
foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood
pure, and the health of the svstem will follow.
Gmtcful thousands' proclaim Viniigaw Bit
ters the most wonderful Jnvigurant that err sustained
the sinking system.
Pin, Tape, and other Worm, lurking in
the system of so many thousands, are effectually de
stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished phvsiol.
ogist: There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the
earth whose bixly is exempt from the presence of wnrinn.
It is not upon the healthy elements of rite body that
worms exist, but upon the diseased humor and slimy
deposits that breed these living monsters of disease.
No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, ho amlielmin
itics, will fiee the system from wiiui like these Bit
ters. MecUnittrnl I)UenKe. Persons engaged in
Paints and Minerals, such a Plumbers, Type-setters,
Gold-heaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will
be sirli-ct to paralvsis f the Bowels. To guard against
this take a dose of U'ai.kkw's Vinuak Bittlrs once
or tw'Ci' a week, as a Preventive.
Ullimit, Remittent, nnd Intermit lent
Fevem( which are so prevalent in the valleys of our
great rivers throughout the United Stales, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, Ten
nessee Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Oiloiado, Braos,
Rio Grande,. Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Roan
oke, James, and many others, with their va-t tributa
ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer
and Autumn, and remarkably so dm ing seasons of
unusual heat aud dryness, are invariably accompanied
by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less
obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state
of the stomach, nnd great torpor of the bowels being
clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat
ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon
these various organs, is essentially nercssary. Tliere is
no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dk J. Wai.ichk's
Vinku .r Bittkrs, as they will speedily remove the
dark-co.ared viscid matter with which the bowels are
loaded, ttt the same time stimulating the ecretiont ot
the live and generally restoring the healthy functions
of the digestive organs.
7eroriuitt or ivmtr' i:vii, wmte swellings.
Ulcers, hlrysipelas. Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous
Inilsmtnation, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af
fections, Oltl Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves,
etc., etc. In these, as in all other constittttioaal frit
eases, Wai.kkr's Vinkgar Bittkrs have shown their
great curative powers iu the most obstinate and intract
able cases.
Ur. Walker's California Vlucsrnr lilt tore
act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying
the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away
the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposit)
the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure
is effected.
The properties of Dr. W ai.krr'r V imkgar
Bittrr1! are Aerieut, Diaphoretic and Carminative,
Nutritious. laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irri
tant. Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious.
Wi) illy lit ?.-rV' " V
Emoins Ready vob Use
B S'For Piicu-LUt and
parti rulurs
No. 18 Park Plaoe.
N. Y.
Tho Aiit'i'leiit and mild Laxative properties of
Dk. Walkkk's Vinrgar Bittkrs are the best safe
guard in all cases of eruptions aud malignant fevers,
their balsamic, healing, aud soothing projierties protect
the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties
allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels,
either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc.
Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout
the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid
nevs, correcting and regulating tbe flow of urine. Their
Auti-Bilious properties stimulate tire liver, in the secre
tion of bile, aud its discharges throHgh the biliary ducts,
and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of
Uilious r ever, rever and Ague, et.
fr'ortlfv the body ncainst dinrase bv puri
fying all its fluids with Vinkgar Bitters. No epi
demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The
liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, ana tne
nerves are reudercd disease-proof by this great iuvig-orant.
Directions. Take of the Bitters nit going to tied
at night from a half to one and one-half wme-glassfull.
Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton
chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take
out-door exercise. They are comnsed of purely veget
able ingredients, and contain no spirit.
l.WAI.KKR. PronV. II. II. MrDO.VAI.DdtCO.,
Druggists and Gen. A;ts., San b ranciscoand New York.
cloud," Bftiit a fiinnd of our tlio other
lay, in uimwor to an inquiry iii'ter the
ln'ulth of amut aul lU'.iiuaiiit.nicc. "Dmid!
you don't Bay so. Ol what did ho dm (
" Ut Urodulity was tho rojdy, " ho bu
liovod in a patent medicine of which tho
chief inciudiciit wan forty-rod mm, and
it proved tho death of liiui. Hub was
truo ; t'lo unfortutiato man had taken
for livir comitlaint, a compound of liory
alcohol and root inico, and it had killed
him. Now, did that miriruidcd invalid
roquu-o a tonic r. lla uiu ; but not a
spirituous excitant. Tho writer of this
brief statement is confident, from his
own experience, that if tho Martyr to
Drugged Alcohol, had resorted to Du,
Walker's Vixbuaii IiirrKiia, instead of
to tho poixm with a medical niniu) which
10ltK AtTfDKNTB wciir from nrfnt tmiaf, oil.
im. man iriiru .ii'tiunimtit ani rnilrnaiiB rtimliluatl.
TliuuwntU li "A 1.1. K.N 8 I'ltOTKUliON." .nil no
lilciu. iliivi tly or MHUiHt!v. h.v. oecurrtMl froiu
burtiinir. .lorlnw or uandlimr olU ttmt rcntainml It.
on. li.-u k.iru Irfia for -.11 cent. WAIOU Niit Willi
iwtnta lirft ordor. W. A. ALLEN, 11. 1 11. 1'lU.
ultrtfn, i'k
rilMI'.l. Dotlblo Ai'tniL'.
lliieki1! IMmiKorrt nr. Ilia
bet. Kentl fordrculnfti.
Valley Machiue C
Kanllinmiitoii, Mna.
"Thrlr Name i LeRlon." Dyiwla i the
mrent of more evil, tliull Hew out f l'andora'4 Ikx.
llutoil!lleii. tiour .toinocu. nvuiiaclo'. eoiihll)mlloli.
UfrvoiiH debility, nausea, anil IniUciibntilo uiunlul
iniaory aro tmioliL' lla torrikle qniiriui,'. (livutli. in all
tho coup de grace Willi Takkamt's Kkkkk kcknt
HKLTZKk Al-KKiKNT.whlt-h retiovalc. aodi-bixululfMllio
bowoln. tone, tho vtninach. anil 1. a nui-o roinodv l'r
iudluoiillon and all iu concomitant..
The Gettvsburn Katalysine Water
.old nt the Sirinieat tho following raloi: Threo-
im .old nt the Snr
Kiilloli di'inljohni, $3 each.
For a ib'wrlntlvo rircnlnr nf Iho
i A n i j u n miii:i.l,i:ii
I. in wnrlrl. A, III r.M. r.lIUKNa KNVI1BH.
1 riKMlior, rainlly i;orii.mdlir, Co., Itarrlonrn, I'a.
rclrifvinc Iliiiiifin lhniics.
A traveller writes as follows to the
London Hew : " Tbo petrifaction of
conists is not a new art in Jtaly. At
tho commencement ot tlio lircBciit cen
tury it was practiced by a medical I proved fatal to him, ho would to-tlay bo
man at Florence, uud in one of tho hos- I in the land of tho living. The justly
pitals of tho town tho bosom of a woman 1 popular vegetable specitio contains no
was sbown which was petrinotl by mm. destructive element. Xt is a touio that
It has all tho appearance of ivory, and does not excite, a cathartic that does not
is in a perfect state of preservation. In weaken, an antiseptio that neutralizes
the 8amo hospitul there is a table, ap- tho sued of disease in the blood and
ot pietra dura. Tlio uiiiuront 1 otnor lluids of tho body, ami a general
stones, however, of which it w formed, alterative which arrests diseased action
aro petrified slices, of human nsh. m the secretive organs, and restores tho
functional rerrularitv lnaispoiiBaulo to
It is said a lady in Alliert Lee, Minn., health and vigor. We aro no friend of
enjoys her attornoon rule in us tine a inuisinnuuaie praise, auu oenovo viiai
buggy as rolls tho streets, which, together many patent uiodieiues are mereiy poison,
with the horse aud harness, wore earned but the experience of thousands has
by hor own hand settinc type iu the proved the Vineoaii BjTTEUS to be all
-fi til .ll i n " 1 ... i .!,
uiucu ut vuu I'rttiuuru vouutv awmiariu w-y uituui
TroaKiuor, Fainll;
I'KIIIII.Y ll.I.UM'KATKU. tou I, Ilia time to tub-
tcriite. head .tarnv lor a .ample unmb.r.
JOHN 1.. SllJlttV. M llrolnllcld Hi., lloaton. Masn.
WATCH KltKK. worth f!,. rivfn arati. to
every llvu mau who will art a. our .aent. liuxl.
nn. llpht and hoitoi-able. I'ay. $30 i.r day, .ore. No
till ent.unilMi. Mo hninbuy. Adilrcu. AIOMIOK
hliNNKUl 4 CO., rittaburL'h, I'.nn.
riMMT. KOLL8 ON. and it mav dobar vou from col-
L loili)ir your foreiiEu CMlato. M' rite all about your
com to 1. If. FRUKAUrF.
Attorney at Law. Columbia, ra.
40 In AIIO uer waek for WAI.R and FEMALE
AOBNTS. rio luontiT reoulrod till Hi. Koodt aro
.old. Bend .tauip for clijular aud paruculara, L.
If AltKlntiTOn, 30 Luljllt t M.w tort.
laTAN A8 A B1UR1TUAL IIRING, br R.v. Chanu-
lit iiu, llUin. K.nt K. nn rur.lnl of il .tv KMnl
(or latuloauii (free) of other hooka, U. SW1NNKY,
m uoopor uuiou, n. x.
Kow. at i larked and im nroved edition of this T&lna-
blo book juwt nublisliud, uivhte eorret ninasureinHiiU
furscuntlinir, uourds, plank, wiw-Iok, by Doylo'g rule.
Cubicul cunli'iits ol' biiuare and round timber, tttuvet
and hfiidiuif bolts. Capacity uf cisiurnx, wotid tubleM,
tatilea or wj.lti-1., itonrd, inu rtni. uiuitm, t iv. j uh in me
most vnluuMo uud popular bmik ovr publUbttd of iu
kind. Hull ft million copit'H havo bn sold. Ak your
bookt'eller tor thu new edition of Mi, or I will buud
ouu for 3i ci'iitH. post-paid.
titU. , t lnutAi, tr, j. uox ws, uocnodior, n.x.
44 1M ONOMVIS WEALT1I."-Franklin
M J Wby will p'opl pay $jtt or more for a 8k wing I
Mii'uivh ul.oii will buv uu that hu ft ttandard
rupuluiion, double thread, comulotu wlth Table,
I n..i..i.t ii.-ttMl muiii !iLlrulv nw aud nruciieul prtncl
pin, rund by Irii tioit, aud excel all ulburtt Tbee
celebrated Macliiuud are iiitenued for poor people who
want to ave tima, iabr aud money. auibtk
Wahtkd. Mkt'lmiwn iteiitto AtjenU and fftvett away
to ihumIv f:ioilitiM. For LMrculurw and reduced Drice.
address FUANKL1N & DlAMOMi 8. U. COH Dux!
3117 uostou. Mass.
And How to Obtain Them,
eac h. ('nen ot two dor.eti quart bottler, $8 eucli. It
neiKbboriui; dniKisU rto not keep it. invalids umy
Il live ll kt'iii. iitnu toe riinuK uy rvniuuau or Auauts
JCxui'fKH. liv eiicloaUlif l'ost-uaico Mouev 1
Cliockii. Vhylriaus and Olcruymon suppliod for thuir
iey Orders or
own line wit It Uiree-jjulloii dciuilobiin ut fa.5uaeU;
witu slx-Kullon aumiionns at J,o earn ; wan canes or
two rioKeu u uni ts at 0.50 eaeh. Medical aud cleiiiul
vouiition must be er titled by nearest Poctuiaftir or
other rospousibUpartios. Addres U JH'l NKV UUOS.,
1st o. jfroiit oireeu ruuaueiiioio, -).
with the Qreen Tea Flavor. The
bunt Tea Imported, for tale
everywhere. And tor tale wholo
Miio only by th. rtat Allan
tic anil Paelllc Tra i'u., No.
l'Jl Fulton 81., aud Ul Ciiunli
ct.. New York. P. O. Ikix, 5 5 (lV.
HenU for Thea-Sectar Circular
Published for the benefit otvoungmun and othera
who suit er from Nurvou Debility, etc., supplying Tua
Ml a Ma op aatr-ouai. Written byoua wlio cured biiu
self.and sent frua on recelvinir a poij-psid dtiiK'ted
Annul.. ..i. A .1 A ..... U i TII 1 VI L'l. U IV Dill) ll...
A PPLRParorandSlicoratSlandtl: "Union1 An-
l pie I'arur, 1 ; Peacb Paref, $10: Peach Stouor aud
iiuiver. 7Jo. : nut urai-Ker, lac. noin dv duaiura. mii.
utuctuwd by 0. li. WU1TTEMQHK, Worcester, 11 ru.
1KNT, GOODNOW fc CO., Boston, Masa., publish
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able aguuclus to canvassers.
BfJlI niMO V.l f Inn tmr fi.F nnttrlA nrtr mnA ImM.
Instead of plaster Felt (3arTK,ii''s Vo. hend D stauipa
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AVI WIVUliM SUU aWAUliyiUe. V. UWUUUU, il, mf ,
Contaluinir conlnii of all tha Hoinostead aud Pre-emo-
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I Climate, sou ana rou mtou vi luma vi wio iuouiuk
Hi ales of tbe WsU f rice mi cents, or Uireo Copies lor
ii.ou. Bout poiipiuu io y"";.r,1
116 Smilhfield tiL, PitUburKh, Pa.
PER WKKK and exponas, paid. We wad
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S. AddreM Uvu.oa BiTia Wiaa Co. IM
Maiden lane, n. I., or uuicago, iil
eiT Bt. Charle, Btraot,
8T. I.Ol'IS. MO.
Loiige,t encaired, and most euccoarf ul phv.ieiuu of the
axe. CoUMultutluu or iianiphlot free. Call or write.
Juat publl.hed for benetit of youny men who. utter from
Nervouiuei., liebUlty, ate., a treallM ol So' p&aea, lux a
atamp. ; a book of tut payo.. lllu.trated. for iu cuuu.
aiaaw more mouey at
elo. Parllculara froe.
lUhere. fortlaud. Me.
A u an To Hnteu. aireuu ma a more mouey at
u wura lor a uiui .u; .11 in
O. BTiaaoa Co.. Km Art i
1 TUB Miller', Celebrated Odonton Tooth Powder.
1.) Metal Htopper, Ijc. urUKidaU nave lu Bauilil
nailed. Aj; U wauled. V. . fli
On Marriage.-Happy Relief for Young Met
Remarkable nVioria aeut Iroe. Addreaa, Uowaan A
mm at ua. Phlladeluhia. Pa.
io,ls.'uUon-iu,N.Y. I July l- Wt