The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 11, 1872, Image 3

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    Oflk Chimin, adBoralc.
T1ICRSDAY, JULY 11, 1872.
Var Time at llldgicay.
trie txpresi Kan 12:38 a. m.
do do West 2:25 a. m
ao Mail Kant , 4:50 p. D1.
do do West 2:05 a. m
RenoYO Accommodation Kant 8:40 a m
do do do West :14 p. m
Rates of Advertising.
One column, one year .$' 00
" " " 40 00
' " 2ft 00
" " " 16 00
Transient adYertisinir ner snnnre of eiirht.
lines or less 3 times or less 2 00
Business enrds, ten lines or less, per
tear 6 00
Marringes and l)cath notices Inserted
Elk Lodge, A. Y. M.
Stated meetinirs of Elk Lodee will be
held at their hall on th? second and fourth
f uosdays of each month.
O. L. McCRACKEtf, Sec'r.
Temple of Honor and Tenvoeiance.
Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on cash
alternate Thursday, at their l,0(lre Room
on Main street, over J. V. Honk's store.
S. A. ROTE, W. R.
Tbk rain yesterday was a blessing.
The schools at this place closed yes
Rye flour boiled in water, with a
little alurn added while - boiling, makes
nn adhensive pase almut as strong as
glu. "
A simple, practical test 19 Riven in
the American Artizan to test the purity
of coffee, by which many adulterations
of that article can easily bo detected,
even if the taste is not a sure index. If
a teaspoon ful of gennine cround coffee
be thrown into a tumbler of cold waur
it will float upon the surface. Most
substances used for adulterating coffee
Vill gink at once.
Party at Oyster's Hotel The
party given by Mr. 0. K. Clurk, at Oys
ter's Hotel on the evening of the Fourth
Was a complete success, over seventy
couples being in attendance. All pres
ent enjoyed themselves, ns is the wont,
of all who fajl into the hands of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Claik4r ciij iytnent. nftcr partak
ing of a supper such as the House is
famous for, the partieipafs, put in the
remaining portion of the night in "cIiiih
Ing the hors with flying feet" (the
tPlnptation to use this Worn out quotation
Is irresistible,) nnd separated because
there was no more Fourth wherein to
Fouirrn of July Tl-e day passed
off very quito in this place, and save the
firing of tho tudsjeon at. day-break an 1
a few r'vun&cu brawl?, no one would
have ever thought it was tlio Fourth.
There was n fight at the Iow.t rnd of
town in the evening which resulted in a
badly damaged face to one of the par
ticipants, and n case before 'Squire
Mead, for assault nifd battery lor the
others, a warrant was issued for four
tuen engaged in the row, only two of
whom could bo found ; these two were
committed to jail tu default of $300
bail each. Jaok T. Shute's balloon
nsccusion in the evening was the ouly
thing which would lead one to thiok
that we were iu tho land of freedom and !
fourth of July's. The balloon ascension
was a grand success, nnd much credit is
due Mr. Shuto for this success. The
band went to Ceutreville during the day,
to attend a picnic, and only returned in
time to play for the balloon assension.
Business Law. Jo following brief
complication 01 business law is worth a
careful preservation, as it contains the
essence of a large amount of legal ver
biage: It is not legally necessary to say on a
nofo "for value received."
A note made on Sunday is void.
. Contracts made on Sunday cannot bo
A note by a minor is void.
A contract made with a minor is void.
A contract mado with a lunatio is
A note obtained by fraud, or from a
person in a state of intoxication, cannot
be collected.
Notes bear interest only when so
Principals are responsible for the acts
of their agents.
Each individual in a partnership is
responsible for the whole amount of the
debts of the firm.
Ignoiance of the law excuses no one.
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
The law compels no one to do impos
sibilities. An agreement without consideration
is void.
Signatures made with a lead pencil
are good in law.
A receipt for money is not always con
clusive. Tho aets of one partner bind all the
Boil together equal parts by weight,
of glue and molasses ; spread H over
common brown paper while hot, with a
brush', place a sheet of paper in every
room in your house. It will capture
every fly in the room within a day.
Home and Health for July is re
ceived. Its reading as usual is most
varied and excellent, and adapted to
every member of the family. It is
among the best of the monthlies, and is
not surpassed by any The publishers
announco that its circulation has doub
led within tho past month. It, certainly
should be taken by every family. Or
der it from your Newsdealers, or send
direct to De Puy, Lyon k Co., 62 Fourth
Aveuue, New York. Single Copies 15
Cents, SI. 50 per annum.
Here it is in a nutshell. An Ad
ministration which has reduced the na
tional debt $332,000,000 during the
past thirty-nine months and at the some
time reduced taxation to the enormous
amount of 5149,000,000, and also made
the peace expenses of the Government
less per capita in currency than they
were under any former Administration
in gold, is the Administration which
the people will continue four years
longer by re-electing President Grant.
In every case, tho regular Republican
organ in the different counties wherein
it is alledged by Greeley supporters there
is defection in tho Republican ranks,
proves that the statement is groundless,
nd that the reverse is the condition of
affairs. There never Was so little real
dissatisfaction among the Republican
masses of Pennsylvania as is the case in
tho campaign pending. The dissatisfac
tion of played-out political adventurers
is no evidence of demoraliration among
the mass of voters, and when tho day of
elebtion is over the result will prove the
truth of what we write. State Journal.
TtlE Pittsburg Dispatch says : Hart
ley, the Democratic candidate for Au
ditor General, was known throughout
tho whole war os a friend to the rebel
cause, lie sympathized With it, and on
every occasion took pains to let it be
heard of all men that he wished the
South to succeed. He was so out
poken in his treason that Gen. Couch
arrested him for giving aid and comfort
to the traitors. Yet this is the man
placed on the Democratic ticket for the
responsible position of Auditor General.
The people of the good, patriotic old
Commonwealth nre asked to support
and elect him. Will they do it? Can
they do it with the knowledge that,
while the soldicis of Pennsylvania were
fighting to save the Union from destruc
tion, this mau remained tit home using
what influence he possessed in behalf of
the rebellion ? This of itself wasa com
mendation to the Democratic Conven
tion hence his nomination.
Hooksand Eyes.
Ohio's opple crop promises well.
An Illinois firm will pickle the pro
duct of 150 acres of cucumbers.
The decrease of tho public debt for
the month ef June was $2,031,035.
The assessment roll of the State of
California aggregates $800,000,000.
non. Augustus 1 . tiaseal, ex-member
of Congress, died at Rochester on
the 27th. "
Major John II. Jones announces him
self as a candidate for Governor of
Tho miners in the Sevier region,
Utah, are arming against the Indians,
who threaten hostilities.
The 1st of July is an eventful day
for women in Illinois. On and after
that day they are eligible to appoiut-
tive offices.
Pillows, thoucrh not belonging to the
human species, come under the head of
rational beings
By the Last Mail. Why should all
Christian people drink lager? Because
it fills them with grave thoughts of their
own bier.
Clay nnd rock are given us ; not brick
and squared stone. God gives us no
raiment; he gives us flax and sheep.
If we would have coats on our backs, we
must take them off our flocks, and spin
them, and weave them. If we would
have anything of benefit, we mast earn
it; and in earning it, must become
shrewd, inventive, ingenious, active, en
terprising. Bcecher7
New York, July 2. Tho heat to-day
is terrible. This has been the hottest
day of the season thus fur. The ther
mometer at 1:30 marked 95 iu the shade
and is still rising. The shady side of
the street is eagerly sought by pedes
trians. Numerous cases of sunstroke
are reported. The mortality among car
horses in consequence ot the beat is
very great.
A long protest in behalf of the Indian.
singed by J. P. Folsom, Chairman for
several- tribes, has been received at
Chicago. It requests the President to
proteot their reservation lands from the
inroads made by railroad grants, Terri
torial innovations, and other measures,
which are militating against their pros
perity, and which are in violation of
solemn treaties. Reports from the In
dian Territory (.how that the Comanches
ana Arapahoes are peaceably moaned.
but the Kiowas are on the war-path.
To TBI Afplictsd. All persons
afflicted with Corns, Bunions, Inverted
Nails and all diseases of the feet can be
immediately cured by callng on Dr. J.
F. Roberts, who has made it speciality
for a number of years. My process is
cutting them out without giving any
pain, or soreness whatever. The most
timid or nervous person can bo operated
on. I do not use any Acids or Costio
of any kind. It has been acknowledged
by the most Eminent Surgeons of the
Country that this is the Only true way
of Extraoting them and Making an eff
ectual cure. Persons can be waited
at their residence if desired. The
charges are moderate. Rooms at th
Hyde House, Ridgway, Pa., until 12 m
on Monday, July 15, no person afflicted
should not fail to call and be effectually
Dolly Varden is in decadence
Curtain calico has culminated. Fas
ion's Gut-has gone forth that Dolly Var
den must die, and speedily. Mojistes
who do not know the ebb and uow of the
tide of fashion, gave her Until Septetu
ber, but among the exclusive a la mode
people Dolly's full will occur in July
Of course plenty of these gaudy con
tinuations wil' be persisted iu by Arueri
can girls generally, who resemblo the
old gray mare of metrical memory, of
whom it was declared that "when she
boos she zoes it." But the Ion ton over
the water and here drop Dickens' gaudy
creation with the mouth of roses, which
went out yesterday. The attack of this
spotted fever rf fashion wan very severe
bvery female at all youthful in preten
sious endured the outre addition It
natural that the subsidence hould be
sudden, and so it is. Tbo comniunitv
at larro ore not as faithful to Dolly
she was to Joe Willetts. So good-by
Dolly. Tour triumph was tremendous
but bnet. farewell.: hxclianire.
From the official statement of the
internal revenue office it is evident that
the consumption of spirits in the United
States is simply enormous. Tho number
of distilleries at work is 215. Their
daily cupacitv is 217.082 callous, and
their yearly (j5,804,60 gallons. Com
puting the voting population to be
5,000,000, this would bo over a third of
a pint of spirits per day for each male
adult in the United btates. But as
many person do not drink, it is safe t
estimate that every moderate drinker
drinks his bulf a pin of whisky pel' day,
to say nothing of gin, brandy, wine and
beer. Besides, the above estimate does
not take into account the quanitv of
spirits of illicit manufacture, which, in
spue of the utmost vigilance, is large,
especially in tbe great cities and wild
regions of county. The whisky dealer'
estimate of the entire annual product ot
the country bus generally been about
8U,0UU,U0U of gallons. The exporta
tion is comparatively limited, and is
principally to rruuee and eastern hurope
and Asia. i rom ri'jnce tho product
comes b:ick to us iu the rdiapc of brandy,
some ot it of oor enough qunlity. It
the product is sustained at its present
rate, spirits will yiold the Government
a revenue of over ?li)0,(. OS-pvr day, or
nearly fOU ,000.000 per annum.
A Paper for tue Masses. Th
(Pittsburgh, Pa..) Heal Estate Rto
1STF.R comes to in this week enlar-'od to
a beautiful sixteen pae, sixty-four col
umn, illustrated weekly, with the name
changed to the American Land and
Law Advisor. The original features
introduced into the old paper by its pub
Ushers caused it to be sought after by
persons in all parts of the United States,
and thus encouraged by public patron
age, the publishers determine to give to
the people a paper every way worthy of
the name they have chosen tor their
new weekly. Tho American Land
and Law Advisor is a " Weekly Jour
nal of Real Estate, Finance, Building,
and Popularization of Law." The
issue before us is alsmttej a necessity
to every landed proprietor or real estate
owuer in the country,, as well as to every
citizen in the United States that wishes
to keep posted on that indestructible ele
ment of value Real Estate. The
law department ot this excellent weekly
is edited by the ablest law councellors
in country, and answer ree a charge,
all questions of law submitted to tbe
paper with a clearness and accuracy
that makes them understood by men of
the most ordinary intelligence. This
feature alone should cause i t to be taken
by every farmer and land owner in the
country. The illustrations on the first
page as original designs for cottage and
suburban residences; gotten up express,
ly for this journal is also a feature that
commends itself to those about to build
and if we are to judge the luturo by the
first issue, now before us, we should say
it alone was worth many times more
than the subscription prioo. The week
ly correspondence from the General
Land Office at Washington, D. C, giv
ing the latest laws governing the Publio
Lands, Homestead and Preemption, as
well as those from all parts of the coun
try, is also a valuable feature j to say
nothing of its news and geueral informa
tion found in no other journal in the
United States. To crown all, the enter
prising publishers offer, by way of induc
ing an examination and subscription, a
beautiful (5,00 Chrorao of either of tbe
following subjects : "Tue Lost Babe,"
or "The Unwelcome Visitor"; all
for tbe exceedingly low price ot 82.50 a
year, embraoing a beautiful parlor pic
ture and over 8UU pages ot useful read
ing matter, and illustrations, we would
say to all our readers, send stamp for a
sample copy. Address Croft & Phil
lips, Publishers American Land and
Law Advisoh, Pittabugb, Pi.
"Lights and Shadows of Naw
York Life j or, the Sights and Sonsa
tioos of the Great City. A work de
scriptive of New York .City in all its
various phases. Its Splendor and
Wretchedness J Its High and Low Life)
Its Marble Palaces and Dark Dens; Its
Attractions and Dangers lis Rings and
Frauds 1 Its Leading Men and" Politl
cians ; Its Adventurers ; Its Mjsteries
and Crimes. By James D. MoUabe, J r.
The National Publishing Co., of
Philadelphia, have just issued One of
the most remarkable and attractive books
of the day, bearing th abovo titlei It
is comprised in one large octavo vol
ume ot 850 pages, and illustrated with
nearly 200 .fine engravings of noted
places, life and scenes in New York.
To Mr. McCabe is due the credit of
having produced the most complete and
graphio account of the great city, and
its busy and varied life that it has been
our fortune to meet with. His book is
brim full of solid and useful in forma,
tion, and abounds in descriptions of the
various publio buildings ot New York,
its palnccs, prisous, hotels, chuches,
stores, hospitals, eto.
The work sets lorth in glowing colors
the noble work for suffering humanity,
which is going on every day in the
great city, nnd reveals with a bold hand
the terrible crimes ; the dark mysteries,
and the hidden sins of metropolitan lite.
We are introduced into the home of tho
Filth Avenue millionaire; and carried
with equal interest to the squalid cellar
of the Five Points beggar. We are
brought face to face with the gcod and
tho bad, the high and the low, with
leading merchants, banker?, editors, and
actors, with bummers, thieves, detec
tives, nlid murderers, with working wo
men, ballet girls, adventuresses, and a
host of others, and we seem to bo listen
ing to theirs stories from their own lips,
so thoroughly docs the author enchain
our interest. Our warmest enthusiasm
and our deepest contempt are alternately
aroused by the thrilling recitals of their
deeds of virtue and vice. Tho history
nnd frauds of the famous Tammany
Ring are related with great force and
candor, and this portiou aloue is worth
the p'rice of the book.
In short the book is New York in
miniature. The author has penetrated)
under the protection ot tho police, iuto
the darkest and most dangerous haunts
of crime in the city, and has thus been
enabled to obtain accurate information
on the tonics whereof he treats. Visi
tors to New York, cannot hope to see
or know us much of the city ns they
may learn by a persual ot this book
To all who com template visiting the
great Metropolis, we cordially reccoui
mend it, both for its information and
for its powerful warnings against tbe
dangers of tho city. Those who cannot
see New York for themselves will be in
a great, measure repaid for that privation
by rending this work. It is published
in both English and German ; sold by
subscription ouly, and the publishers
Wunt agents tn every county.
One oil tiik other is sure, Here
are two medicines " Hooflnnus Ger
man Bitters." and "Iloofland's German
Tonic." If you are Dyr.peptic Bilious,
or all of them, one of these peerless
Vegetablo Specifies will, assuredly, effeot
a cure. If you are in doubt which one
to take, try each alternately. Adopt
the one which operates most beneficial
ly. Neither can harm you. Possibly,
it may be best to take each in turn.
One of the other, or both, can be guar
anteed to work a perfect cure. Sold
by all Druggists.
Set down for Trial at August Term,
1 Mary L Heebner et al vs John C
Scott, 45 August term, 1809.
2 E W Bushley vs Allen Giles. No
46, 57, 48, and 4!) A pril term 1870.
6 V Li Barues vs lhe Taunerdale
Coal Company, No. 3 November term
4 Jonathan Boynton et al Vs A C
Finney, et al 1, January term, 1871,
5 John U Heading et al Vs A C
Finney et al. 13 January term, 1871.
b Henry 11 Moore, et al, vs A A
Carrier, et al. 1 April term, 1871.
7 J C Burns, ct al, vs Englaud &
Brown, 10 April term, 1871.
8 John bpringstead, vs Isaac Keefcr.
11 April term. 1871.
v Joseph A illielm, vs J. A Malone.
16 April term, 1871.
10 John 8 Burley. vs Charles Webb.
19 April term, 1871.
11 iU 31cUullough Jr&Co., Jacob
Bieberger, 3 August terra, 1871.
12 R N Nitzel, vs W B Hartman. 17
August term, 1871.
13 R C McGill, vs Louis II Garner.
20 August term, 1871.
14 Heury Souther, vs F X BiebeN
ger, et al, 3 November erm, 1871.
15 Benjamin Johnson, ft al, vs John
Johnson, et al, 4 November term, 1871
lrj L u Wynkoop, vs George D
Donahey, 21 November term, 181.
17 Bernard Braoitf, vs Jacob Mo-
Cauley, 25 November term, 1871.
Is John McCosser, vs J C Burns.
19 November term, 1871.
19 A W Gray, Guard 4 Co. vs
saao Smith, et al, 1 January term, '72.
z() Ueo. 1' red It. Dickinson, vs Geo.
Rhioes, 7 January term, 1872.
21 bolomon Boohert.vs Jacob Mover.
11 January term, 1871.
22 1 nomas Holland, vs J 3 Hyde,
4 January term, 1872.
23 Benjamin Johnson, et al. John
Johnson, et al, 20 April term, 1872. '
24 James Curry, vs E & O Paine. 88
April term, 1872. ' !
25 Anthony Wildfire, Sr., Vs Theresa
Wildfire, et al. 48 April term, 1872.
Martin core, vs Nicholas Kronen-
wetter, 47 April term, 1872.
Z l Martin oorg, vs .Nicholas Kronen-
wetter, 43 April term, 1872.
r KKl. 8UUUEN1NU, Proth'y.
Such is the rapid growth of the
Aincrioan railway system that it is al
most necessary to publish a manual of
its growth at least twice a year in order
to offer anything like a reliable gazette
of it. According to the latest volume
respecting railroads and raiiroad pro
gress, there is noW a total of 00,852
miles of railroads in the United States,
costing in round numbers 8 3,000,0u0,
000 nr one-halt mure than the funded
debt of the United States. The aggre
gate mileage Cost of the railroads con
structed last year was 8225.000,000, at
$30,000 n mile. The increased mile
age of railroads constructed in 1871 Was
7,353 miles, against 0,145 in 1871 and
1.099 in 1870. The iucreascd mileage
of railroads constructed from 1831 to
1861 was 20 per cent, per annum, and
the increase of tonnage was 50 per cent
per annum. From 1861 to 1871 tho
increased mileage was 10 per cent., and
the tonnage 23 per cent, i'er annum.
Illinois possesses more miles of railroad,
5,904, than any other State in the Union.
Pennsylvania ranks the second railroad
State, with 5,113, and New York is
third, with 4 3S0 miles.
Of the propeet of ti e crops in Eng
land this year, it is said that the cold
wiuds, bail storms, floods or rain, and a
severe frost iu .May, have partially ruin,
ed fruit prospects, blackened the "potato
plant, and so nipped the leaves of the
wheat plants that they have withered
aid become yellow, giving to the crops
a more sickly appearance than the reali
ty. The weather has, however, been
favorable to permanent pasture, artifi
cial grasses, beans, tares, clovers, oats
and other food for animals. It ha
been pointed out while in Enluid 42,
000,000 aeres are given to the making
of butter, milk, cheese, beer and horse
food, only 4,000,000 acres tire spared
f-r tho first necessary of life, daily
Jame II Wilber, 1 In Common Tlcns
ln Common Tlcns
of Elk County.
21 April T., '712.
Kftte IT. Wilber.
Libel hi Divorce, rt vinculo mttrimonii,
To Kale It. W ither, respondent ahove namedi
You die hereby notifiel that tho subprena
anrt nlias siihprcna 111 the above cane hav
ing been retnrnc l non ct ineentut. you are
required to nnoear on tho FIltST MONDAY
OF AUGUST next, being the 5th day of
the month, to answer the complaiit in the
above case.
D. C. OYSTEK. Sheriff.
SitFnirr's OiTic'k, 1
Ridgtfay, Jjy 4th. 1872. f ttc.
Catharirio 3. Bowen, 1 In Common Pleas of
Vs- V Klk County.
James Ttowen. j No. 2 April t. '71.
Libel in Divorce, a Vinculo matrimonii.
To Jiimes Howen, respondent abovo named:
You are hereby notified thnt the suhpetma
and alias subpo?na in the above case having
bcetl rcturno I non est inventus, you nre re
quired to appear on the FIRST MONDAY
OF AUGUST next, being the 5th day of the
month, to answer the complaint in the
ab'ove ciise.
1). C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
IUdgtfay, Jitiy 4th, 187:2. ( hlStd.
Proposing nu mnendiuent to the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
De it resoloed by the Senate and House of
Representative of the Commonwealth of I'enn
ftlvania in General Assembly mrt, Thut the
following amendment, of the Const ilut ion
of this Commonwealth be proposed to the
people for their adoption or rejection, pur
suant to the provisions of tho tenth artiule
thereof, to Wit;
Strike out the sixth nrticlo of the Con
stitution, and insert in lion thereof the
following: '-A State Treasurer shall be
chosen by the qualified electors of tho
Stutes, at such times and for mich term of
service as shall bo prescribed by law.''
Speaker of the House of Representative;.
Speaker of (he Senate.
Ai'fiioviiO The twenty-second day of
March, Auno Domini one thousand eighi
hundred and seventy-two.
Prepared and certified for publication
pursuaut to the Tenth Article of the Con
stitution. FRANCIS JORDAN.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Horrisburg. June 20th, 1872.
july 4m3.
E STRAY. Came to the premises of the
subscriber on the Smethport Pike
one mile auc1 a half from Ridnwav nn
about the 1st nf Mnv IRTfl n lnrrn .
about 8 years old. The owner of said cow
is reauesled to come forward. m-nv nmn.
rty and take ber away or she will be dis-
1 . . .
jioaeu 01 according 10 taw.
Ridgway, June 28, 1872. nl7t3.
In U. Zimmerman, deoeased.
Notlde is herebv oivnn that ihn imitov.
Signed Auditor appointed to distribute the
funds remaining in the hands of the admin
istrator 0: tne aoote estate will attend to
the duties of his appointment at the Pro
tbonotarv'l Office In the villu ota nf Piitr.
way, on Monday, the first day of July, A.
D. 1872, t 4 o'clock, p. m.
R. LUCORE, Auditor.
v2nl6i3. 1
form the Citteens of KidgWay, and the
publle generally, that he has started Llv
ery SUble and will keep .
and Buggies, to let upon the most reasons
ble terms
8Q,Ue will also do job teaming.
Stable la tbe Brooks Barn, near the
Post Offloe, on Mil' street. All orders left
at tbe Pot Offioe will meet prompt atten
tion. Aug 20 1870. tf.
In the Court of
Common Flesa of
EJk County.
No. 17 of January
William C. ScIihIIx.
Term, 187a.
Ejectment to enforoe specific performance
of agreement for the purchase of the un
divided one-half of four certain town lots
or pieces of land situate In the Borough
ef St. Mary's, in the County of Elk and
Slate of Pennsylvania, known and desig
nated as town lots Nos. (20) twenty. six
(28) twenty-eight, (80) thirty and (82)
thirty-two, on St. Mary's street in said
Roroitgh of St. Mary's, each lot. being one
hundred feet in front by two hundred feet
deep at right angles, said lots lying adjoin,
ing each c her, fronting on said St. .Mary's
street, and containing togetber, eighty
thousand feet more orHese, with the appur
tenances. April 8tli, 1872, on motion of
Geo. A. Itathbun, plaintiff's attorney, the
Cours grant a Rule on the defendant to ap
pear and pita 1 on or before next Term or
FRED, SCIIOENINO. Prothonotary .
To the defendants above name: l'lease
take notice of a rule of which lhe above is
n copy
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
. nl;3to.
$1,000 REWARD I
A reward of One Thousand Dollars wi"
l paid to any Physician who w ill produce
a luedioiut) will supply the wants of
the poopl'i butter than the article known as
It II. F.iUUAEl-a
Culebrjtol Elooi Cleanser or ?ana:eJ,
It. must be n better Cathartic a better Altor
ntivc, a better Su loritio, a better Diuretic,
a better Tonic, and iu every way better
than the Pan-a-ce a. No matter how long
it lias been in use or how lately discovered
Abuvo all it must not coatain anything not
ri'HKLY VKOBT.vni.K,
$500 REWARD ! !
A reward of Five Uuudiod Dollars will
ho paid for a mttdiuiue that, will perma
nently ourg more cases of Costiveness,
Const ipatina. Sick or Nervous Headache,
Liver Complaint, Uilious Disorders, Jaun
dice, Rheumatism, Gout. Dyspepsia, Chills
and Fever, Tape Worms, lloils. Loius, Side
and Head and Female Complaint than
u. fVf iiii.vj: 1' s
which is usel more extensively by praotie .
ing physicians tli.iu any other popular
medicine known.
For Salo by 11. G. MUSSMVGHR.
way, Pa. vln'i'iyl.
mi lis?.
Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for
August term 1S72:
Renezctto. Geo. W. Apker, Mooron
Reuzinpr. Charles Schneider.
Fox. -Fred. Pearsall, lleubon S.
Gros, Geo, A Wllow, John Moore.
Horton. -Gilbert Rrockway, Jack
Short, Goorgc lliiues, James Flielau.
Jay. Christopher Dill,
Jones.- Job Yankirk.
Ridgway. Dauiol MeGovcrn, W.
H. Osterhoct, K. J. Miller, Daniel
Farrand. J. O. Law, T. 8. Hartley.
St. Mary's Horo. Anthony Auitianu,
Herman Kretz, Anthony Rieberger.
Spring Creek. Abraham Rowman.
Renc-Kctte. John W. Overturf, j,
G. Roll, Juhu Johnson,
Renzinirer. Anthony Robenricth,
Martin Fritz, Francis .Sohluttenhoffer.
Andrew Lenze, John Goetz (Rope
maker.") Fn. OnrnMlili Sullivan. J Finlu,,
Robinson, J.J. Taylor, H. O. Thomp
son, R. Caiiavun, O. A. Rundy, James
Cumpo, Charles (iill, lllium Edwards.
Highland. Levi ElethoqiO.
Horton. Adam Kemmerer," Daniel
Phelau, James DinoVan, Ruf'us Elder.
Jay. Lcrny E. Lejr.uctt, Sauiuol Uhl.
Jones. Daniel Attleharger, John
l'istner, John C Johnson, Jr., John
Millstone, F. J. Clyde
RidpWay. Joseph Wildfire. W. D.
Dickir.SOII. I). S. L'lthor. C.nnron
Dickinson, Mlltoti H. tflcisjht, James
Uaruncr, John Vanorsdall, E. C.
Barrett, Thompson Crow. C, V. Gillis,
H. M. Powers. Nf. R. Watcrson. John
St. Mary's Roro Louis Reyer, John
Krieg, S. Reynolds. Louis Hanhuusfir.
Joseph Windfeldor. Eogelbert Spelleo
berit, R. C. MsGill.
Spring Creek- David Kennedy.
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exnonat
issuedout of the Court of common Pleas, of
urn euumy, anu to me airecteu.l will expose
to sale by publio vendue or outcrv. s.t th
Court House, in Ridgway on
MONDAY. AUGUST fitli, 1872,
at oce o'elock, p. m., the following describ
ed property, to Wit:
lbe undivided one-fourth interest of that
certain tract of land situate in the township
of Millstone, County of Elk (late Forest)
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows. On the north ' by traot No. 4186
warranted in the name of Samuel Wallaon.
on the east by tradt No. 2465 warranted in
tbt name of Win. Willmk & Co. On the
south by tract No. 2639, warranted in the
name of Wm. Willink & Co., and on the
west by tract No. 2730 warrauted in the
name of Wm. Willink & Co. Containing
nine hundred (900) acres and allowance.
Being traot No, 2607, warranted in the
name of Wm. Willink Co., being part of
the same land that was conveyed by Richard
Arthurs and wife to L. C. Wineooop and
Joseph McQee. and conveyed b L. C,
Wineooop and Sarah R. his wife to J. W.
Coleman tbe first parly hereto by deed
bearing date the fifth day of July A. D.
one thousand eight hundred and seventy.
Seiied and taken in execution and to be
sold by
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
SliBBirr's Office,
Ridgway, July 4th. 1872. n2ts.
IN THE MATTER of the Elk and Mo
Kean Rail Road Company, to chanva
the name style and tytle of said Corpora
tion, August term, 1872.
Notioe is hereby given that an applica
tion baa been preseuted to the Court of
Common Pleas of Elk r!mintv tA l)aaAA
changing the name of the 'Elk and Mo-
iveau naii noaa company" to the 'Pitts
borgh Buffalo and Rochester Railway Cotn
pany,' and that no objection appearing,
tha prayer of said petition will be granted
at August term of said Court.
GEO. A. RATHPUN, AttV, l8o.
Charles H. Gerlng
for Use J. T. Borck,
E. C. Sohults and
Cherry Pectoral,
For Diseases of the Throat and Xiu&gSi
uoh aa Cougha, Ooldi, Whooping
Cough, Bronohltis, Asthma,
and Consumption.
Among the groat
discoveries of modem
science, few are of
more ronl value to
mankind than this cf
fectuai remedy for all
diseases of the Throat
and Lungs. A vast
trial of its vlrtuoi
throughout this and
other countries, has
shown that ft does
surelv nnd efTectiinllf
control them. The tostthiuny of our best citU
tens, of nil classes, establishes the fnct, that
Cherry Pectoral will nnd does relieve and
cure the afllicting disorders of the Throat nnd
Lungs boyond any other medicine. The most
dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs
yield to its power; and cases of C'onsnmfH
tion, cured by this preparation, are pubho
ly known, o remnrkable ns hnrdly to M be
lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute.
As a remedy It is adequate, on which the publio
rnay rely for full protection, fly Ctiring Coughs,
the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves
unnumbered lives, nnd nn nmount of sutlerinfl
not to be computed. It challenges trial, nnd Colt
Vinces the most sceptical. Every family should
keep it on hand ns a protection ngainst the early
nnd unperceived attack of I'ulraonarv Affections,
Which nre easily met nt first, but wliich become
incurablo, lind too often fatal, if neglected. Ten
der lungs need this defence) and it is unwise to
be without it. As a safegunrd to children, amid
the distressing diseases which besot the Throat
nnd Chest of childhood, OiKitltr PKCTofiAh
is invaluable) for, by its timely use, nniltl-
tudes nre rescued from premature graves, nnd
saved to the love and RiTcctlon centred on them.
It acts speedily and surelv against ordinary colds,
securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No
one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain
ful Bronchitis, when they know how ensily
tliev can be cured.
Originally the product of long, laborious, and
successful chemical Investigation, no cost or toll
is spared in making every bottle In the utmost
fiossible perfection. It may be confidently re
ied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever
exhibited, and cupitblo of producing Cures as
memorable as the greatest it has ever effected.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
For Sale by
O. G. MESSENGER, Druggist,
Ridgway, Pa.
Every year increases the popu
larity of thia valuable Hair Prep
aration, which is due to merit
alone. We can assure our old
patrons that it is kept fully up to
its high standard ; and it is the on
ly reliable and perfected prepara-
tion for restoring Geat or Faded
Hair to its youthful color, making
it soft, lustrous, and silken. The
scalp, by its use, becomes white and
clean. It removes all eruptions and
dandruff, and, by its tonic proper
ties, prevents the hair from falling
Cut, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-glands. By its use, tho
hair grows thicker and stronger.
In baldness, it restores the capillary
glands to their normal vigor, and
will create a new growth, except in
extreme old age. It is the most
economical Hair.-Dressing ever
Used, as it requires fewer applica
tions, and gives the hair a splendid,
glossy appearance. A. A. Hayesj
M.D., State Assayer of Massachu
setts, says, " The constituents are
pure, and carefully selected for ex
cellent quality; and I consider it
tho Best Pbepaeation for its
intended purposes."
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines,
Fries One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye.
As our Renewer in many cases
requires too long a time, and too
much care, to restore gray .or faded
Whiskers, we have prepared thia
dye, in one preparation, which will
quickly and effectually accomplish
this result. It is easily applied,
and produces a color which, will
neither rub nor wash off. Sold by
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.,
The ingredients that
v-v.urwoti nusAUAMii ara
11 11 1,1 1 1 .1
r.ui loutu w o.oi y pt.i-r.Rge, inure
fore it is not a secret preparation,
It is a certain cure for Scrofula
Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma
tism. Skin Diseases. Liver fmn.
plaint and all discuses of
Blood. (9
will do more good than ten bottle
of tho Syrups of Sarsapanlla.
httVe used Rosadahs in their practiea
for tho past threo years ami f.ccly
endorse it ns a reliable Alluralivo
and Blood Puriner.
DR. T. C. I'l'Cn. of Bliimoia.
DM. J . J. 1!J MS, '
n p r T a v -cw
jDH-jvS- SPAHKS,r Jfi-holisvilU,
DR-SJ'c" SlcCAnTHA CobiniMa,
DR. A. B-. NOELKr;, Edgeeoftib. N. C-
). B. TRE-VwH it ONS, r!l River
Mass. '
F. W. SMITH, faction, Mich.
Ai i WHKELEll, Lima, Ottic.
11. HALL. Limit. '
CRAVEN St rO.,c;oi1onsvHle, Vi.
SA-M'L, G. McFADDliUN, MurftW
fjllf1 Ititifm WiW VIA. iiT!nu.- . .
rv.uui. in rr.aufn to the
Ivirlucsof K4ilalii. Totl.o
! Prit.-.jion we guarantee s Klu.d x
UMCt superior to any they hive ever
ruwd in the treaintent of d.Wasid
: Uluod 1 anil (o thentttictml we iay try
. 14.i:.flal i- ami va M ill K.
to health.
Rosadalls Is liy .11 hrue,i,u.
price tl.aO per euttla, AiiiW
' lsseSsrfurfiiy'cetmtr'r
i ri- -.1. ,: