THURSDAY, JULY 4, J872. - Var Time at ntd&itaij. BrUEiprMs East 12:38 a. m. 4 do West 2:25 a. m. do Mall East 4:50 p. m. do West 2:05 a. m. BMOto Accommodation East-... 8:40 a. m do ' do do West...... 6:14 p. m. TnEUB will be balloon sjconaion in this place this evening. 8. A. Rote, Jj of the West End Photograph Gallery, "they say" is issu ing soido flue Fork in the photograph lino. Bates of Advertising. Ono column, on year...... $75 00 f v.- 40 00 " " " 25 00 I " " " 16 00 iranient advertising per square of eight lines or less 8 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year............. 5 00 Marriages and Death notioes inserted gratis. Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meeting's of Elk Lodge will be new ai ineir nan on tta second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. O. L. MoCRACREN, Seo'y. Temple of Honor and Temoerance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on eash alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room, n Main street, over J. V. Hoult's store. S. A. ROTE, W. R. Ecbeka! the place to go for good pictures is to 8. A. Rote's Photograph Gallery, West End. Grace Church. Rev. Thos. A. Stevenson, Rector. Services Sunday, ' July 7th, at 10:30 a. m., and 7 p. m. . a Lost. A small brass doo key. The finder will please leave the key at this office or at the post office. Now is good time to call at the West End Gallery and have your pho tograph taken. Lutheran Services. Prof. J. M. Hants, will preach in the Court House next Sunday njoruini; at 11 o'clock. The services will be in A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. Ir may not, perhaps, be generally known that among che laws passed by the lastS tite Legislature was one enablng married women to purchase sowing ma chines without the consent of their hus bands, and making the contract binding. 1 in 1 1 11 iu the afflicted. All persons afflicted with Corns, Runions, Inverted Nails and all diseases of the feet can be immediately cured by calling on Dr. J. F. Roberts, who has mado it a speciality for a number of years. My process is cutting them out without giving any pain, or soreness whatever. The most timid or nervous person can be operated on. I do not use any Acids or Costic of any kind. It has been acknowledged by the most Eminent Surgcous of the Country that this is the Only tru way of Extracting them and iMnking an eff ectual cure. Persons can be waited on at their residence if desired. The charges are moderate. Rooms at the II) do House, Ridgway, Pa., fur a few diys only. This great question whether Mr. Greeley said some time back, ''All Democrats are horse thieves," lias been settled. lie did not say so. He merely remarked that, "All horse thieves were Democrats." Now we do hope the rep resentatives of the party will be satisfied. There has already been too much fua.s over this small matter. Bridge Swept Away, The fine ight span bridge across the Wesr Branch of the Susquehanna at Linden, on the P. & E, R. R., (recently destroy ed by fire, and wLioh was atraiu almost completed,) wasswer tawiy by the flood on Tuesday evening 25th inst. Tweutv two oars, loaded with coal, placed upon the bridge to secure it, were thrown iuto the river. Dead Letters Xearly three, mil lion of letters wero sent to the dead letter office last year. Of these four hundred thousand had no stamps, and three thousand no address. They con tained $92,000 in cash, 83,000,000 in drafts and checks, and over three mil lion photographs. People should be more caieful in stamping and directing their letters especially thos& that con tain money. $ Ueetlng of the Republican Committee. At a meeting of the RcDublican Committee of Elk Couuty held in Ridgway, on June 27th, the following persons were choseu delegates: To the Congressional Convention: Jas. H. Hagerty; W. S. Service; Gdo. A. Walker. To tht Senatorial Convention: John Farrer; Edward Souther. The Chairman was authorized to fill vacancies, and the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, 1st. That we most heartily endorse the action of the National Re publican Convention in placing before ma people of the United States the names of Gen. IL S. Grant and Henry tt iison ior ineir sun rage lor President nd Vice- President of the United states. 2d. That the great Republican nartv stands to-day as it ever has, the party of reiurm in an matters pertaining to the government - and well-being of the whole people of the United States without regard to nationality, color or lormer condition of servitude 8d. That the administration of Gen Grant ranks among the very first in our II r . . . nauonai nistory lor economy, tne just ness and equity of its taxes, and in se curing to the humblest citizen equality before the law. 4th. That in the platform adopted by the National Republican Convention, June 6th, 1872, we recognize an ap proval of all the great measuies of its Jiast history, as well as suggestions of dture reform stated and set forth with a clearness and statesmanlike ability seldom if ever equalled in our political history. 5th. That we will employ all honorable means in our power to secure the elec tion of both State and National tickets of the National Republican party at the coming elections in October and No vember next. ED WD. SOUTHER, Ch'm. fl. M. Powzrs, Eeo'y. Hooksand Eyes. The secret pleasure of a generous act is the great mind's great bribe. All conies right to him that can wait. Do a thing well and nobody will ask you how long you were about it. Patience, time and money overcome everything. There are 8,000 persous in tins coautry who have written songs. The great walls of China wero de signed by a womau. Thirty thousand Sabbath school chil dren recently marched in a St. Louis procession. The best time of the season was lately mado by an Alabama boy with a mutcnana a keg ot guupowuer. A blacksmith's strike is the sensation in Lafayette. One ot them struck another on the head with a hammer. "Let the toast be, dear womau," as the man said to his wife when hi- wanted to oat it a'l himself.' Josh Millions said he uever knew n dog of any breed whatsuuiever. to take hyderf'oby after beiu thoroughly vacci nated with buckshot. Electricity is davolope 1 in metallio wires by merely bending them, and the development appears to bo indopeude nt of any thermic action. Time is like a ship that never anchors, while I am on board, I had better do those things which may profit mi at my landing, than practice such as shall cvim my commitment when I athore. Some sarcastic writer lias remarked .1. . TT . 1 n ... mar nun tour metallic qunltheatiotis, a man may be pretty sure of ou thly success. These are gold iu hu p jck ets; silver iu bis tongue, brass in his face, and iron in his heart." With these a man wouid bo tolerably well pre pared, to make bis way through in life, we must acknowledge; but this world U so wicked that we would recommend, in addition to the above, on india rubber conscience. LIST C? CAUSES. Set down for Trial at August Term, 1872. 1 Mary L Hcebner ct al vs John C Scott, 4o August term, 18G0. 2 E W JJushley vs Allen Giles. Xo 46, 57, 48, and 49 April term 1870. 3 W L Barnes vs The Tauuerdalo Coal Company, No. 3 November term 1S70. 4 Jonathan Royoton et al v A Finney, et al 1, Jauuary term, 1871. 5 John G Reading et al vs A C Finney ct al, 13 January term, 1871. 6 Henry R Moore, et al, vs A A Carrier, et al, 1 April term, 1571. 7 J C Rums, et al, vs England & Urown, 10 April term, 1871. 8 John Springstead, v Isaac Keefer, 11 April term, 1871. 9 Joseph 'iVilhelm, vs J. A. Malone, 16 April term, 1871. 10 John S Burley, vs Charles Webb, 19 April term, 1871. 11 M McCullough Jr&Co., Jacob Bieberger, 3 August term, 1871. 12 R N Nitzel. vs W B Hartuian, 17 August term, 1871. 13 R C McGill, vs Louis II Garner, 20 August term, 1871. 14 Henry Souther, vs F X Bieber ger, et al, 3 November term, 1871. 15 Benjamin Johnson, et al, vs John Johnson, et al, 4 November term, 1871 16 L C Wynkoop, vs George D Donahey, 21 November term, 1871. 17 Bernard Braniff, vs Jaoob Mc Cauley, 25 November term, 1871. 18 John McCosker, vs J C Burns. 19 November term, 1871. 19 A W Gray. Guard & Co. vs Isaao Smith, et al, 1 January term, '72. M Geo. l reuk. Dickinson, vs Geo. Rhioes, 7 January term, 18r2. 21 Solomon Bochert.vs Jacob Mover. 11 January term, 1871. 22 Thomas Holland, vs J S Hyde. 14 January term, 1872. ii Benjamin Johnson, et al, John Johnson, et al, 26 April term, 1872. 24 James Curry, vs E & C Paine. 38 April term, 1872. 25 Anthony Wildfire, Sr.. vs Theresa Wildfire, et al. 46 April term, 1S72. 2b Martin Sorg, vsNioholas Kronen- wetter, 47 April term, 1872. 27 Martin borer, vs Nicholas Kronen- wetter, 48 April term, 1872. iRED. SCHOENING, Proth'y. October and November. The idea that we can afford to defeat our State ticket and yet carry the State for Grant hns been urged with much persistency, and has been mado to seem plausablo enough to requiro a full refut ation and exposure. It does not follow absolutely, as some seem to think, that "as Pennsylvania goes so goes the Union," yet there are so few exceptions that it may almost be regarded as a rule. It is possible to elect a President without the vote of Pennsylvania, but it has so seldom hap pened that such an event cannot be con sidered probable. - But there is another rule to which there is no exception that as Pennsyl vania goes in October, she goes in No vember. It has never happened other wise. In 1828, 1832 nud 1836 the Democrats carried the State iu October, and had an easy victory in the month following. In 1840, there was no State ticket to elect at the October election, and consequently no reliable test of the vote. The Whigs and Democrats each catried twelve members of Con gress, and the votes given to the several candidates footed up, iu the aggregate, a. small Whig majority; while on the other hand, the Democrats carried the Legislature, and the popular vote (or legislators f'joted up a small Democratic uiujoritv. It was, therefore, a drawn battle, both sidts claiming u victory, and both, therefore, went to work with a will to carry the Presidential election. The result in November was character ise of the indecisive result in October the Whits carrying the State lor Harrison by barely 313 majority. In 1844, the bis ran the gallant and patriotic Gen. Marklo for Governor, aud mailt a bold and cncivttie staud in his behalf, but he was beaten by a small majority. They ftruggled with nil their energy to regain life State in No. vcmber; but the governor's election had already decided their fate, the. State went against Clay by a largely iuereased majority. In 1848, the Whigs nominated VY m. F. Johnston for Governor, nud at the October election ho was chosen by only 313 majority. Yet that trifling ma jority decided the Presidential contest. lhe Democrats fought manfully, but in vain, to overcme that small majority, and Taylor carried the State over Cass by ten thousaud majority. In 18o2, the Democrats earned the October election by a decisive majority; and in November the State went tor Pierce by nn increased vote. In lH.)b, the liepublicans and Ameri cans were uniteil on the Mate ticket, although divided on President. A de termined effort was made by thoin to carry their State ticket, but it was beaten over b.000, and in November the State was Democratic, over both, by about 11,000. In 1SG0, the Republicans, alter a rhard fought and bitter contest, elected t.urtiu to the Oovei norship by arltci.Mvc majority, and the Slate followed in No vcmber tor Linooln by an iuereased vote. In la(4, the same result followed. The Republicans carried their State ticket in Uuluher, am; navo the hiate to Lincoln iu November with scarcely an ell'irt. In 180S, General llarirunft was on the State ticket, as he is now. being then a candidate lor Audi10r-G011cr.1l. The Til I J 1 1 I 11 1 miaaeipnia 1 re i:uu not tnen un learned its Republicanism nor lost its common sense, and eaine.-tly contended, all through that canipi.k'n, that if Har trauft were not elected, Grant r0u!d not be; that it was madness as it is ucw to contend that the State could one way in October, and another in Novem ber; and that every vote tor Uartranft in October was worth two for Grant in November. It so proved. Uartranft was elected, and Grant carried the State easily, although the Democrats made u determined rally, and urned what the Press is now urging, that the result iu October could be reversed in November. What the Democrats conteuded for then, the Press is contending for now, and that in the very teeth of its own iterated, reiterated, and re-reiterated asservations. The whole history ot po- iiucai uuairs in 1111s cMute 110111 tne Lie giuuing is against ic. oucn a tiling as reversing in November the result in October has never ycl happened, and never will, because it never can. 1 lie reason is plain, lhe result at the State election necessarily disheartens and demoralizes the defeated party, and there is not time between October aud November to recover from the demorali zation. Beaten troops always fiuht badly. Discipline may bring them up to the work, but they go through with it as a matter of routiue, wiihout heart or spirit. On the coutrary, the success ful party in October is correspondingly encouraged, goes into the fight with re newed spirit, and what is known as the floating vote the vote which waits in every fight to see which side is going to win goes in 'With the succasslul party ana neips it to an easy victory. All this is in the very nature of things, aud the philosophy of the rule is therefore clear. beside all this is the reflex result upon other States of the vote in our State in October. The people of Ohio, Iudiana, New Jersey and New Yoik look to the State election in Pennsylvania with an anxiety too deep to find expression in words. It, in a great measure, settles the result in those States ulso. If we carry the State for Uartranft in Octo ber, those States will be sure to follow for Grant in November; if he is de feated they will all be rendered doubtful. Republicans op Pennsylvania? The election of Grant is in your hands. It you elect Uartranft, Graut's election is sure. If you suffer hiin to be beaten, Grant's election is not only doubtful but next to impossible. Do not bo deceived by the false pleas of demagogues. What was true in 1863 is just as true now "a vote lor Hartranft in October is worth two for Grant in November." Pbiladeldbia Evening Bulletin. Lost. At Irvineton on Tuesday, Juno 18th, 1872, by the undersigned, a pocket book containing a small .amount of money, and a note on Hiram Carman for $302 on which $40 had been paid. All persons are hereby cautioned against buying or selling said note. E. S. SMITH. Illinois still contains gray wolves. It costs $25 to rob a bird's nest in Massachusetts. Our greatest exports of specie was in 1863, reaching $105,244,550. The names of sixteen States in the Union are of Indian origin. Take the country through, it is said there was never known to be as many mad dogs as now. Inmost places open warfare is waged upon all whelps. New Advertisements. Iu Common Pleas of Elk County. 21 April T., '712. LEflAL. Jamc H. Wilher. 1 In Common Pleas vs. Kate II. Wilbcr. Libel in tlivorce. n vinculo matrimonii, To Kale It. Wilier, respondent above nameJ: You are hereby notified that the snbpoens and nlins subpoena in the above case hav ing been returne l non est inventus: you are required to appear on the FIRST MONDAY Ob" AUGUST next, beinir the 6th day of the month, to answer the complaint In tb above case. D. C. OYSTER,, Sheriff. Sni:Birr' Ofkick, 1 Ridgway, July 4th, 1872. ( 18tc. l.V.OAI.. Catharine J. Bowen, In Cominii Pleas of vs- y Elk County. James Dowen. I No. 2 April T. '71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To James Jloircn, rfmoiulcni above named: You aro hereby notified that the subpoena anil alias subpoena in tho above case having been returr.ti.l non est inventus, you aro re quired to appear on the FIRST MONDAY OK AUGUST next, being the full day of the month, to answer tue complaint in the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sni:nin-'s OmcK, 1 Uidgwny. Juy 4tli, 172. f nlSto. N THE MATTER of tho Elk and Mc Kenn Rail Road Company, to chance the name style and tytlo of said Corpora- ion, v August term, 1872. Notice in hereby given that an applica ion hns bceu presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County fur a decree changing ilie name of the Dlk and Mc- Keiin Kail Road Company" to the "Pitts- horeh Buffalo and Rochester Railway Com pany," and that no objection appearing, the prayer of said petition will be granted at August term of said Court. EHl'D. KCUOIJNING, Proth'y. GEO. A. RATH DUN, Att'y. 18to. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Kroonas ixswediut of tho Court of common Pleas, of i'..k county, and tome directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court Houe, in Ridgway ou M OX DAY. AUGUST 5th, 1872, at one o'clock, p. m , the following describ ed properly, to wit: I lie undivided one-fourth inierest of that certain tract of land situate in the township m .uiuxioiie, uouniy ol 1,1k (late or,;st) Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows. On lhe north by tract No. 4135 warrant ed in tho naina of rfaiiiuel Wallace, on tiie east by tract Nu. 24I).1) warranted in :h name of Win. Willink & Co. On the tioulli by tract No. 2SS'J, warranted in the name of Win. Willink & Co., and on the west by tract No. 2700 warranted in the name of Win. Williim & Co. Containing nine hunch ed (00l) acres and al'owance. Being tract No. 2'-G7. warranted in the name of Win. Willink ,J Co., being part of the sumo land that was conveyed by ilichard Arthurs and wile to U C. Wineooop nud Joseph MoOee. and conveyed by L. C, Wineooop and Jarnh R. his wife to J. W. Coleman tho first party hereto by deed bearing date the fifth day of July A. D. one thoi'sand eight hundred aud seventy. Seined and taken in execution and to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Siikriff's Offick. 1 Ridgway, July 4th. 1872 n2ts. Mercantile Appraisement. Names and class of dealers in the oounty of Elk, as assessed by the Mer cantile Appraiser, for the year 1872: VENDERS OF MERCHANDISE. Bcnezctlc. Class. 13 11 E. Morey, 14 P. Mclnnrney 13 Lewis k Co. 13 W. E. Johnson, 13 Edward Fletcher, 13 Miles Dent, 14 Milton Winslow. Fox. 12 P. W. Hays, 14 Koch & Knz, 12 J. J Taylor, 9 J. Koch & Son, 12 J. A. Mohan. Ilurton. 14 Oliver Clatk, 13 N M. Brock way, 10 C. A. Wilcox. Joy, 14 J. S. Thomas & Co., 12 A.J. Avery, 14 James Creis-hton, 13 1 latum & Koontz, 10 llico & Keilly. Junes. 3 Tannins if Lumbet Co., 12 A Id rich it l'uttuu, 11 C. A. I'ainc. 18 Martin Sowers. Millstone. 12 Stnib & Co., Ridyiviiy. 14 W. R. Service, 8 J. S.& W. H. Hvde, 14 Hartley Si Whipple, 1 1 J L. Ouniiiiiiij;s, 13 Chnrhs Holes, 8 Powell & Kime, 14 J. M. Heard, 14 J. H. Wilbcr, 11 Thayer k H.igerty, 13 O. 6. Messenger, 8 W. O. Henly, 13 Med loin k McGeubin, 11 J. V. Honk, 12 (iimui d' llnrtou, 14 Wheeler & liorton, 14 Eli Etter, It W. 11 Schratu, 14 Robert Wuruer, 14 O. 1) Lay. 10 W. II Osterhout, 14 (. T. Wluelcr, 14 L C. H.iriMii, 12 Horton & Miil-r, 14 G. L. M 'Crack en; a j Creek, 14 J E. Hoffman, 11 L. T. Diivh, 14 Hiruiu Cam an, Hi-. Mary's. 12 Ad. Futditinuii, 12 Walker & Sou, 10 Wtis' Urns., 13 L. L. l'utz. l, 13 Leonurd Cook, 12 Oeo. A. Walker, 14 Fred. Kud.ilih. 7 J. 1. Corypil & Co., 13 KeyiutlJs fc Uanier, 12 Phillip Wilhcl.ii, 13 E.J. Uu.s,- 13 Lyon & llrothcr, 11 James Sneeriner, 13 J. K. Wcidetibrocnncr, 14 John Meiscl, 14 John Soseuheimcr k Sou, 14 C. L. Bayer, 14 H. N. Uoltn, (i Joseph U ilhclin, 1 1 Thomas Zimiiictt, 14 Mm M E. M'Nally, 14 Edward M Bride, 411 Chas Luhr, 14 W J Hlakely, . RESTAURANTS AND FATING Hitlerite. Tax. 110 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 12 SO 7 00 12 no 2. 00 12 50 7 00 10 00 20 00 7 00 12 50 10 50 10 U0 20 00 100 00 12 50 7 00 10 00 12 50 7 00 30 00 10 50 7 HO 10 00 30 CO 7 00 7 00 15 00 15 00 30 00 10 00 15 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 (Kt 7 00 2' 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 "VTOT1CE. This is to (rive notioe that j my son Wlllard Emigh hits left home without juet oaune or provocation, and all persona are hereby cautioned against trust ing him on my acoount I will pay no bills of bis contracting. OEO. EMIOU. Earley, June Gth, 1872. "y ANTED AGENTS FOR Our Digestion; MY JOLU FRIEND'S SECRET, Dio Lewis' Last and Greatest Work. All this author's books have had large sales, and this, his most important work, is suro of an immense run! It meets a popular demand, all being alike Interested in the vital subjects of which it treats. The book is low-priocd nndpractioal, and so will suit all classes. Who among us have not suffered from indigestion? How many of ug have not had "the blues?" Dny this work and savo yourself a world of trouble dyspepsia, hilliousiicss, &o , and all their attendant evils. A splendid chance for agents, who should apply at once and get illustrated circular, terms, &o., free. Address OEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 733 Saiisoin street, Philadelphia. vlr.l5t2. 00 UO 00 TUB )koi'osi:d amendment to constitution of penn'a. JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitu tiou of Pennsylvania, Jle it resolved by the Senate and House of n .......t t: .. ... iiijiiisviuaiive.s oj we commonwealth of I'enn silvania in General Assembly met, That the following amendment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pur suant to the provisions of the tenth artiole thereof, to wit; AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth article of the Con. stitutiou, and insert in liou thereof the following: -A State Treaiurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the States, at such times and for suoh term of service as shall be prescribed by law." H1LL1AM ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAMES S. RUTAN, Speaker of the Senate. Appkoveu The twenty-second dav of i i i . uuuureu auu sevcuiy-iwo. J MO, W. GEARV. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to tho Tenth Article of the Constitution FRANCIS J0BDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary of tho Commonwealth, uarriHburg. June zom, lolj, july 4in3. 12 51) 12 50 2n 00 10 00 10 00 12 50 7 00 40 00 15 (J0 12 50 1 5 00 10 U0 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 oo 7 00 75 0o I VII 7 CO 7 00 15 00 7 00 nousKs. Charles H. Gering " In the Court of for use J. T. liorck, j Common Pleas of vs, l Elk County. E. C. Schult and No. 17 of January William C. Schnltz, J Term, 1872. .' Eji'Otmcnt to enforce speciflo performanot, of agreement for the purchase of the un divided one-half of four certain town lots or pieces of land situate iu the Boruugh of b't. Mary's, in the County of Elk and Siato of Pennsylvania, known and desig nated as town lots Nos. (U0) twenly.xix (28) twenty-eight, (30) thirty and H) thirty-two, on St. Mary's street in said llorough of St. Mary's, each lot being one hundred feet in front by two hundred feet deep at right angles, said lots lying adjoin, ing each o lier, fronting on said St. Mary's street, and containing together, eighty thousand feet moro or less, with the appur tenances. April 8th. 1872, on motion of Geo. A. Itathbuu, plaintiff's attorney, the Cours grant a Rule on the defendant to ap pear aud plead on or before next Term or Judgment. HIED. SCIIOENING. Prothonotary To the defendants abovo name: Please take notico of a rule of whiclMhc nbovo is a copy D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. nl3tc. JTOTICE. To all whom it may concern: Noiioo is heieby given to all persons in tsresled that the Allegheny rivor, al Par ker's Landing, Pa., will bo obstructed thin summer by the eroction of a new iron bridge across said stream, attho nbove uiued pUcc. By OaiiKti of tii k Boahii or Dinr.crons. Juno lo'72. ii 1 fit 3. T'STUAY. There came to the premises 2d of the subscriber at Highland, this county, about the 8ih day of May, 1872, a red cow about three years old. Tho owner of said cow is requested to come forward, prove properly, piy damages and take her away or she will bo disposed of according to law. 8 THOS CAMPBELL. Highland, Juno 10th, 1872. 10t3. Milton Winslow, 1'. M'luerncv, 20 00 20 00 ISTRAY. Came to the premises of the i subscriber on the Smethport Pike one mile and a half from Ridgway, on about the 1st of May, 1872, a large red oow about 8 years old. The owner of said cow is requested to come forward, prove prop erty and take her away or she will be dis posed of aocording to law. BIJILUS HARPS. Ridgway, Juno 28, 1872. nl7t8. N THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF L. U. Zimmerman, deceased. Notioe is hereby given that the under signed Auditor appointed to distribute the funds remaining in the hands of the admin istrator of the above e3tate will attend to the duties of his appointment at the Pro thonotary'g Office in the village of Ridg way, on M onday, the first day of July. A. D, 1872, at 4 o'clock, p. m. R. LUCORE, Auditor. v2n!5t3. Foe. 5 James McCloskey, 20 00 Rjthjtcay. 8 J. L. Cummin-ii, 5 00 5 John Lumb, 20 00 Si. Mary's, 4 E. W. Urennan, 30 00 5 John li Ileiudel, 20 00 5 Anthony Showers, 20 00 5 Jaoob Kraus, 20 00 5 Charles Klau.sman, 20 00 5 Gies & Griebel. 20 00 5 Joseph Brunei', 20 00 BREWERS. St' Mary's. 8 William Zelt, 25 00 8 F. X. Sorf?, 25 00 8 Jos. Windfelder, 25 00 9 Chas. Klausmuo, 15 00 8 Mrs. Elizabeth Yolk, 25 00 8 Giea & Griebel, 25 00 9 Jos Bruner. 15 00 An appeal will be held at tho Com missioner'8 office, Ridgway, oo Tuesday, juiy zu, itsiz, at do ciocit p. m. EUGENE J. MILLER, Mercantile Appraiser. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN BJDSW!! DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN- form the Cittzen of Ridgway, and the publio generally, tlat he has etarteda Liv ery Stable and willkeep GOOD STOCK.GOOD CARRIAGES aud Buggies, to lit upon tho most reason ble terms I n5iille will alio do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post Office, oa Milt street. All orders left at the Post Offioi will meet prompt atten tion. . Aug 20 18. tf. $1,000 MWAUDI A reward of O,io Thousand Dollars wi'.! Ij paid to any Physician who w ill produce a injdioina that will supply the wants of i ho poopbs better than tho article known as l!t. ilIlllAi'eit'S Cslebritei Slosi Cleaassr or Panasea. It must be a better Cathartic, a better Aller ative, a better Su loritic, a bettor Diuretic, a 0 j iter Tj.ilo, .-ml i:i every way better than t lie I'un-u-uc a. No matter how long it has been in use or how lately discovered. Ahuve all it must not contaiu anything nor l'IRKl.V VBaKT.VUI.K. 5500 REWARD!! A reward of rive Hundred Dollars will bo paid for a medicine that- will perma nently cure more emus of Costiveness, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver '.Joniplaint, Bilious Disorders. Jaun dice, imii, inul. Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils. Loins, Side and Head and Female. Complaint than nut. tynu.Er,8 BLOOD CLE.iNSER OR PANACEA, which is usel more extensively by praotie. ing physicians ihau auy uthor popular inedioiuo known. For S .l.i by G. G. MESSENGER, and WIIiri'LE& HARTLEY, Ridg wuy. Pa. vln22yl. JUS? LIST. Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for August term 1872: GRAND JURY. Benczette. Geo. W. Apker, Moutoo Monro. Beu.iiiiier. Charles Schneider. Fox. .Fred, l'earsall, Reuben S. Gross, Geo, A Dillow, John Mooro. Jlortuu. Gilbert Brockway, Jack Short, Georgo Himes, James Phelan. Jay. Chrmtopher Dill. Jones. Job Vaukirk. Ridgway. Daniel McGovcrn, W. H. Oiterhout, E. J. Miller, Daniel Farrand, J. C. Law, T. S. Hartley. St. Mary's Boro. Anthony Aumann, Herman Krelz, Anthony Bieberger. Spring Creek. Abraham Bowman. TRAVERSE JURY. Benezette. John W. Overturf. .T. G. Bell, John Johuson. Benztnger. Anthony Robenricth. Martin Fritz, Franois Sohluttenhoffer, Andrew Leuze, John Goetz (Rope-maker.) Fox. Cornelius Sullivan. J. Finlev Robinson, J.J. Taylor, H. O. ThomD- son, B. Canavan, C. A. Bundy, James Cuneo, Charles Gill, William Edwards. Highland. Levi Elethorpe. Horton. Adam Kemmerer. Daniel Phelan, James Danovan. Rufua Elder. Jay.Leroy E. Leggett, Samuel Uhl. Jonea. Daniel Attlebarsrer. John Pistner, John C. Johnson, Jr., John Weidert. ' Millstone. F. J. Clyde. Ridgway. Joseph Wildfiro. W. D. Diokinson, D. S. Luther, George Dickinson, Milton n. Sleight, James Gardner, John Vanorsdall, E. C. Barrett, Thompson Crow, C, V. Gillis, H. M. Powers, N. B Watorson. John Kemmerer. St. Mary's Boro. Louis B ever. Joh Ki'.eg, S. Reynolds. Louis Hanhanse Jcseph Windfelder. Engelbert Spellen- uerg, J.V. j. tuauill. Spring Crock- David Kennedy. " Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedica ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying tho blood. It has stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rcp- tat ion. based on its Intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe ami beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that havo lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many ol which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, UruptionH, and eruptive dis orders of tho skin, Tumors, Blotches, Hoils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, Ilose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt llheum, Scald Head, Jtiuffworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and. Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such a9 Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, lleart Disease. Female Weakness, Debility, and Leticorrhoca, when they are manifesta tions of tho scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength, in tho Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. P REP A BSD B T Dr.J.C.AYER&CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemist. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. For Sale by G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist, Ridgway, Pa. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN ' HAIR BENE WEE. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration,' which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray ou Faded Haik to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonio proper, ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes' the hair-glands. By its -use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capill ary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applica. tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes,' M.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. Frioe Ono Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOE THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded ' Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA N.H. RuSADAMS TlIE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOSADALIS aro published on every packnge, there fore it is nof a flAnrrtt nrnnArntmn consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It ifl & certain tm fnr ,nfl. Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Disease, Liver Coin plaint and all diseases of ti e Ulood. 9 ONE EOmS OF SCSASAUa will do more trnnA limn tnn l..tilAd of the Syrups of fcUrsaparillu. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have Hied Rosadalis in their nractira ondorso it aa reliabln Alluuih a and lilood 1 under. DR. T. C. rUGTT, of Baltimoia. DR.T.J. M0YKI.V. DR. R. W. OA Hit. n DR. F. O. DANNKLLY. DR. J. S. SPARKS, i Jrieholnsvill, Ky. Da-SJ'cL' McCAIlTHA ColumWu. DR. A. B. NOBLEK, EdSecoinb( N. C. USED AND ESEOESID HY J. B. FRE.VCII & COXS. F:,ll wur. Mass. ' F. W. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. V. WilKrlLLK. n,i U If All. I ' CRAVEN & C O.. f-onlonm lllo V SA.V'L. G. McFADDEN, Mu.r.s. Onr Knnra vi'l tint .llniv .... trinlod rt'RviiKX 1.1 i.iai i.lllftol laiii. 'i ol.... y,f. i,.al Ihn puinn f.'uamntre a 1 luid J-'x. tra r superior to any l.'ifr hui o evrr wa.-u ll4 lno irca'inenc ol (K'eusct i'loixl j and to IheiiMirtwl wo a.iy tiy Kuiaii.ilis, ud you will b rcsuuxd Rotadalia la u!.l Vy all flrx ttUo 6l.60ptrk Al..i. A-Jr.v j llaiufuiurii'.j i . Y itAlli.-i..;, 1., o