The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 27, 1872, Image 4

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    Anatomy of tlio Silk Worm.
Assisted by the mioroscropo, tho inin-1
uto internal mechanism ot that utilized
worm has been perfectly demonstrated.
As soon as it is hatched a voracious ap
potito is manifested. This led men in
early, far-off times of oriental civiliza
tion, to-take advantage of their unsatis
fied hunger, to turn the product ot their
labors to the benefit of humanity.
The voracity of the silkworm has
reference to a law of their nature, on
which the perpetuity of the race de
pends. Nature is always careful to
make positive provision for the repro
duction of each and every species of liv
ing thing which has been created, till
the object of their existence has been
attained, when, for aught we know to
the contrary, they disappear forever,
like the lamented dodo, for which natur
alists are still in mourning.
Silk worms eat almost without cessa.
Crop rrospecta.
Tho past winter has been noted in
some sections for its few snows and their
thawing, in others for the great length
of time which the snows nave lain on
the ground,
Tiifb Insurance Speculations.
Quite a number of , persons in Monroo
county, Michigan, havo been in tho
habit of insuring the lives of such of
their neighbors as to them seemed short
lived, and considerable money was thus
speculatively paid out in premiums.
Recently some of the insured have died,
and the companios have informed the
Earties that effected the insurance, that
aving no legal interest in the lives of
Summer Pruning Currants. Econ
omy in timo and favorable results arc
stronff Points in favor of summer rtrun-
Thp miofortuno of the first ins of the ourrant. For the past three
is that the sudden thaws caused most of or four yoars we have watched closely
the melted snow to run off into the experiments, instituted on a largo scale,
streams, and further that thev were to test this method, and each succeed-
fnllnwnrl 1w Bnniva Antrrnck t r.nld I in IT exnerionce is more convincing than
and long-continuod frosts. This fact the previous ono that summer is the best tne ingur0(j( their claims are worthless
iurmsnes me Key wnerony we imjt uiuo iw uumj uw iiuuvipi i" "'""B ul and will be contested.
easily solve the cause or the death 01 ino currani. a neatiny currant piam
nvnrcrrnpn nnri whnravnr it has nxiRtarl I comes into lofti and Start! a trrowtu 01
in a erain-CTowinir reeiom the winter wood early in April. It is a fast grower, Tho Ocean Stoamors bound for Euro-
wheat has been killed. Over how large so that by the 1st of August the young pean portg bear witnoss to tho increase
an extent of country this result has been wood is fully matured, and may, if want- 0f American travel to points of interest
uruugui nuuub vmiuub nwuituuiv uo wr wo v.. .... .. jy. , u
tennined in the present meagre system in the ground, and it will within, a few
of our meteorological reports ; but from weeks make roots that before cold
the sonrcos at command we estimate weather 'will be well established. Upon
that the area of winter-killed wheat boaring, as well as young bushes, tho
cannot be very large in that section of new growth is three times as much as
nnr nminfrv wliioVi thn oreat should be allowed to remain. With tho
bulk of our grain crop. In fact, in tho old method this surplus wood is left to
tion, providod appropriate food is placed
before them, from their exit from the
shell up to a certain point, when they new grain-fields of the Northwest the mature, and at the annual pruning late
ston suddenly as thousrh they were substitution of snrinir for winter wheat in winter this unnecessary quantity is
full and could hold no more. In the has become almost universal, and its cut out, and thrown away, for it seldom
meanwhile they . are growing in size rrrowth is attemoted in only a few coun- happens that those who grow currants
in the old wrld. Tourists should bear
in mind that anything that New York
City affords can be purchased at first
cost, and be forwarded to any address,
by communicating with the New York
Purchasing Bureau, 704 Broadway, N.
Y. Endorsed by New York merchants.
Families that do not travel can save
money by making a note of the address.
For any information about llailrond
Bonds, you should write t Charles W.
Hassler, No. 7 Wall Street, New York.
rapidly, so that, besides being nourished ties of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, and for homo use or market can make use of Send for explanatory circular.
by certain properties belonging to tho Nebraska. Tho States furnishing more tho currant cuttings. Tho most tedious
mulberry leal, there is elaborated a clear, than half of our total wheat crop are part ot tho labor ot raising currants is
transparent fluid, which is secreted Irom Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wis- this annual pruning, which is not only
the homogeneous mass in their stomach, consin, Iowa, California, and Pennsyl- tiresome, but also expensive.
and conducted by two very long, coiled vania. Of these. v isconsin. Iowa, and When summer pruning is practiced,
membranous tubes to two curiously- Minnesota sow but little winter wheat, at least three-quarters of this labor and
formed reservoirs, lying on each side of and hence, with such seasons as have loss of time is saved. During tho first
the body. They have a slight sem- been reported, there is every reason to or second week in June a boy goes over
blance to shot pouches. . When they expect from them a good crop of wheat the bushes, pulling off such shoots as
from spring planting, t rom Illinois are not needed, on tho bearing busn,
tho reports of the winter wheat are very and with the thumb and finger pinch
good, from Michigan poor, from Ohio ing off tho ends of the shoots thut are
New York Wholesale Market.
stop feeding, those sacks are filled to
their utmost capacity.
At that juncture silk worm culturists
say the worm dies as soon as it
spins a cocoon. That is a mistaken
idea. The worm does not die, but makes
rapid preparation for passing through a
remarkable metamorphosis, by develop'
ing into a .winged insect. The two
sacks have extremely fine, attenuated
pipes extending from them to two min
ute orifices just under the mouth, but
not opening in it as some havo supposed.
The worm on leeling the notitying sen
0 fee
13 (UJ
18', M
tu'i (J
fair, from Pennsylvania an average, from
Indiana good, while from California we
are informed that the acreage planted
has been largely increased, and the ap
pearance of the crop is excellent. From
the South the reports are very favorable,
and new wheat has already made its ap
pearance in the markets of Atlanta and
While such is the appearance ot the
crops in our own country there is a great
left to mature. And one who has not
tried this method can form no concep
tion how rapidly a smart lad will finish
a bed of currants. Tho thinning out
and shortening increases the size and
vigor of the bush in a very striking
manner. Try two rows, pruning one,
and let tho other run wild. In two
years' tho difference in favor of tho
tormer will be so marked that a stranger
would scarcely believe that tho rows
BUTTER-stn., fine firkins
Western m
CI1EESE Statu factory
Ohio do.,
Farm dutrr
COTTON Ordinary
Low to good middling... i feO
EGGS N. Y., N. J., & Pcun'a 10 ()
Limed - fed
FLOUR-SuperllliB 4 73 fee
Extra to fancy Stato 6 00 (To
Ohio round hoop 7 85 fed
Kstra amber 8 50 Co
Sprint? wheat 7 40 (To
Extra Genesee 9 (JO fefl
St. Louis double extra. ... 10 35 (ul
Cork Mkal Western & Jersey.. 3 50 fee
Brandvwiuo S 00 fee
GRAIN CoMt Western 78
14 X
Bahlby Western
sation that the evolution of wings, logs, scarcity of grain in tho great depots of wero planted at the same time, and cul-
ana a proooscis are reauy io uegiu w i liurorm. and corresnonttents. wniio uvaieu ana manureu hujuj. iuo io ui
shoot into proportions, contracts tho I in o- honefullv of the trrain croDS. the buches and berries will also givo
walls of its bodv on the sacks forcing are warv in their statements, and it mav indisputable evidence that there is much
the pent up fluid to flow onwardly. be that the same causes which cut off to be gained by following this practice
J ust as it arrives at the onhces where it their product last year will yet prevail ot summer pruning.
comes into tne open air, it passes tnrougn this season. In our own land the thous-
two little glandular carbuncles smaller
than the smallest pin head, which pours
a secretion peculiar to themselves, which,
on mixing with the tiny current of
clear fluid from the' reservoirs, in a
twinkling of an eye changos it into a
tenacious silk thread. On ono side of
the glands the fluid is thin and trans
parent, on the other it is a strong fibre.
Probably its exit into the atmosphere
contributes something towards the conversion.
A more curious chemical phenomenon
has never been recognized. It has no
parallel in entomology, unless it is par
tially found in tho spider family, a sub
ject to be hereatter treated.
Spinning a cocoon, then, is Bimply
winding itself round and round in a sol t,
silken, flossy material extruded fro:u its
own body. The muscular apparatus by
which tho worm accomplishes that oper
ation would be a Btudy for a college
theme, and a puzzle for many big wigs.
Jjelt to itself, unmolested, the appar
rntly dead worm now in a chrysalis
state that is, in a profound sleep,
breathes all the while through spiracles
or openings on each side, which corres
pond with orifices in its new body
about coming forth. The thick coat of
fat, equivalent to blubber under the
skin of a whalo, is absorbed for food
while the chunge is progressing. When
exhausted, the perfect butterfly is finish
ed stretches out its folded limbs, bursts
open the old dry outside worm covering,
crawls out of the cocoon and flits away
among the flowers, if not kept a prison
er. It is the policy of silk worm grow
ers to do so. The female soon begins to
extrude an immense volume of eggs.
ands of acres every year added to the
tillable soil tend to increase our aggre
gate product, though meteorological in
fluences may cause a decrease in one or
another particular section ; hence it is
safe to infer that eur wheat crop of this
vear will not tall below the last, though
its average cost of production per bushel
may bo greater. Through the intro
duction of the steam plough, and the
concentration of energy and capital
upon large farms, may bo effected the
production of greater quantities of
wheat per acre at a less price per bushel j
and at the same time greater exemption
be attained from the effects of severe
It is a well ascertained fact that the
iiuutint of rainfall in tho month of May
directly influences the quantity of tho
hay crop. Whether tho lateness of tho
season this year will allow the rains ot
early June to go to tho credit of May
can only be told when tho crop is gath
ered. At present the indications are
that the crop of hay will not exceed
that of 1371. At the same time, as dur
ing hist year, it is probable that tho
quality will bo better than it there had
been a very tavorablo season ana an ex
cessive crop,
In tho tsouth a larger acreage in cot
ton than last year has been planted.
Tho accounts which reach us of tho
stand and tho growing prospect indicate
at least an average. Cotton is, after its
early springing up, in great measure a
sun plant ; and lurther, the great bulk
of the cotton is produced on a soil which
will not bear moisture eve in such ex
cess as would not at all iniure corn. If
the latter part of Juno and the month
Small Fruits in Sandy Soil. We
have the following noto from Mr. A. B.
Allen of this city : " You say in The Tri
bune that it will prove useless to ' plant
rhubarb in thin, poor soil.' I have heard
others assert that ' it cannot bo grown
on sandy land.'
" 1 inclose you a sample of my garden
soil at Tom's River, N. J., which you
will observe is almost a pure whito sea
sand. About two feet below tho surfaco
a yellow sand, not quito so shifting, but,
like this, without a traee of alumina, aud
scarcely a trace of vegetable matter in
its composition. I set out rhubarb here
two years ago this April past, and put
about half abushel of unfermentcd stable
manure around each plant. Got a small
cron that season, and a tair one last
Wheat Wostcrn No. 1 Spring...
Do. No. S do. ....
Do. Amber
Do. White
White Genesee
PROVISIONS-Pork-Ncw bibii...
W'u prime..
Beef Plain
Extra meat....?
Beef hams
Green Hajss
WOOL N. Y, Pa., O., and Mich....
Vt and Iown
Texas and California......
Common to fair
SHEEP ot LA.MI1S Klioel)
7S W
8 fa
---' i ... Mean What He Says. - "
Thoiip-h "confirmations strong an proofs of
Holy Writ," and as numarout as the sands on
the tea shore, were produced to prove that
Dr. l'iorce, the proprietor of Dr. Sage Ca
tarrh Kemedy, is in esrnent and means whst
he tart, when he filters iJ.WO reward for any
case of Catarrh which he cannot cure, yet
there would be some skeptics and fogies who
would continue to shout "Humbug 1" "HuM
ntro I" " I' cannot be, because Dr. Home
spun says Catnrrh cannot be cured." Now,
this Dr. Homespun is tho identical, good
natured old fellow who honestly believes and
persists in declaring that this earth is not
round or spherical, but flat as a slnp-iacK,
and does not turn- over, otherwise the water
would all be spilled out of Deacon Baseom's
null pond. Hut astronomical science has
positively demonstrated and proven that Dr.
Homespun is wrong In supposing this eartn to
be flat and stationary, and medical science is
daily proving tbe tact that be is no less mis
taken and behind tho times in regard to the
curability of Catarrh. In short, it bas been
positively proven that tins worm moves ana
that medical science is progressive the opinion
of Dr. Homespun to the contrary notwith
standing. That Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy
will cure Catarrh, thousands who have used it
Then buy it, and use it, in doubt do not stand,
You will lind it in drug stores all over the land.
The Great Biooo Purifier
i in .mi ii --'-, tiih Tr
What is Needed.
Boston, Feb. 13, 1871.
II KURT R. Stbvins, E.-q. t
Vtar fir.' Abotit one ynr lnop T fnnnd mrFolfln ft I
foeblA condition from Uoneml Dohilitv. Veortinh
wiw otronelT recommended to me hy a friend who had
hepn much benefited by ltn tino. I procured the arti
cle, find, after nuliiff onverol bottle, waft rnptored to
hnftlth. and dUcontfnned itn nne. I feel aulto confi
dent that there in no medicine Miporlor to H for thone
Complaint for which it Ik ospecluHr prepared, and
would cheerfully recommend it to tboe who fcol that
tucy neou somtmunir to restore mom toperieciaeaiin.
Respectfully yours, 1
Firm of 8. M. Pettcnfrlll A. Co ,
No. 10 Stato Street, Uoston.
Gives Health, Strength, and
, Appetite.
My dajrhtor han received irroat benefit from the tjp
nf tho VcnETiNi. Her declininir health wnp a ponrco
of (rreat anxiety to all her friend. A tew bolt lei of
tho Vkqetini restored her health, strength and appe
tite. N. II. TILDEN,
Insurance and Real Estate Afrent,
No. 40 Sears building, Botou, Mass.
Tooth at-be proceeds from ncuo In tho face.
oprratinff upon the exposed nerve of a decayed
tooth. Hub tho gum thoroughly with tbe
finger, wet with Johnson Anodyne Liniment,
heut the face well, aud lap a flannel wet with
the liniment on the hiee, nlto put a little of the
liniment into the cavity ol tuo tootD on cotton.
The system frequently gets out of order and
should be at once regulated, else other troubles
will ensue; when physic Is needed take Par
tons' Purgative Pills; they are a sale, whole
some, and natural medicine.
Ask your grocer lor Doolcy's Yeast Vowder,
tlin hst Buklnir Powder for preparing Biscuits,
llnlli.. Rrnad. Hriddle Cukes. Wattles, &c. De
pot 09 New St., N. Y. At retail by all grocers.
Whether for use on man or beast, the Mer
chant's Gargliug Oil will be lound an Invalua
ble Liniment, aud worthy of use by every res
ident In the land. We know of no proprietary
m.'dleine or artlc e now used In the United
States which shares ihe good will of the people
to a greater degree tbau this. JV. Y. Inde
pendent. Ruiturb can be cured without suffering.
Elastic Trusses are superseding all others.
Before buviniz Metal Trusses or Supporters,
send for a descriptive circular to the Elastic
Truss Co., C83 Broadway, N. Y.
Heartily Recommends.
Sot'Tn I103TOS, Feb. 7, 1870.
Ma. Stevens:
Pfiir Sir;.- I havo tnknn several bottles of your
Vrartinb, and am convinced it 1c a vulimbln remedy
for Dytprpula, Kidney Complaint, and general ilelitlity
qf the tyittem.
I csn henrtllyrocommond It to all sufforiiig from the
above complalutR.
Your, reppertfullv,
Prepared by II. R. STEVENS, Bostonltass.
Price $1.89. Sold by all DrnejntF.
PntiTlnntA'. ETPRMtinn HAIR Dra I. the HI out
pure and complete preparation of its kind in the
world; itseiTect arc mutrical, it character harinlesa,
Its tintu natural, 1U qualities euuanug.
T.irr LionTNiNO are tho mtraculon curei elrocted
wit), Fi.inn'it Ivmtakt Relirp. Acho. Pains, Dminfi,
bowel Complaints, etc., cannot bust ii mis ci-cai
medicine is used. Keller warranteu, or money returned.
The New World's Grand Kemedy.
The Old World has played its part in
vegetable medication. But the botany
of the New World is, as yet, imperfectly
explored. One new and most impor
tant revelation from that land of won
ders California has astonished tho
scientific, and accomplished such cures
year, and this spring as large a crop as i ot disoases ot the stomack and bowels,
ever saw produced. Every autumn bilious complaints, malarious fevers,
sinco planting I havo put four forkfuls nervous affections, and all diseases pro
of coarse, unfermentcd, stablo manure ceeding from a vitiated condition of the
When that has been concluded, the final of July should be moderately dry in tho
cause of life with them has been accom
plished. Another generation of Bilk
worms has been secured and death then
closes the scene.
Thus an humble, unsightly worm is
an instrument in the hands of man for
clothing queens and furnishing gorgeous
hangings for palaces. It is one of the
links in the golden chain of nature
which demonstrates the mutual depend
ence of one order of beings upon another
for necessaries in one case, comforts in
another, and the refinements which
characterize the highest grade of. civili
zation. A silk worm, low as it is, feed
ing on the margin of a mulberry leaf, is
a benefactor to tne world and indispen
sable to the stability of institutions and
manufactures which are similes of
wealth, taste, and artistio elegance,
Origin of Amber.
Professor Zaddach shows that tho
trees which yielded the amber must
have grown mpon the green-sand beds
of tho Cretaceous .Period, nourishing
luxuriantly on the marshy coast which
then surrounded the great continent of
Northern JSurope. Probably the tern
perature was then much higher than it
is now ; and this even at that epoch ex
tended to the now frost-bound Arctic
regions, a fact which has been proved
by the remarkable plant-remains of
temperate climes which have been re
cently discovered there. The amber
flora of the Baltic area under review
contains northorn forms associated with
plants of more temperate zones; and
thus camphor trees (Cinnamomttm) occur
with willows, birches, beech and nu
merous oaks. A species of Thuya, very
similar to the American Thuya occiden-
talis, is the most abundant tree amongst
the coulters ; next in abundance, id-
dringtouia, a great variety of pines and
lirs, including the amber pine : thous
ands of these, it is supposed by the pro
fessor, might have perished ; and while
the wood decayed, the rosin with which
the stem ana branches were loaded
great cotton-growing sections of Ala
bama and Mississippi, with a warm, dry
August, there may be expected a largo
product of cotton in tho fields, and
whether it will bo picked is a branch ot
tho labor question wo aro not called
upon to arguo.
(Jorn is one ot the spring grains, and
hence has none of the dangers of severe
winters to undergo. 1 he reports irom
the various States indicate a good pros
pect, though in many places tho cut
worm is doing great damage.
The truit crop ot this v ear will hardly
exceed two-thirds that of 1871, but, as
is usual with a less crop, tho quality is
everywhere expected to bo better. It is
estimated that Delaware will produce
but little over one-halt ot last year
while New Jersey is not looked upon to
bestow upon us more than two-thirds of
the delicious, rosy-tinted peaches from
her southern sands, or of the latter, but
to the housekeeper not less wcl omo.
" whites " from the hill of Morris. From
the West we have tho news that their
fruit crop is expected to be especially
good, while the grapes may lack in
quantity, but will excel in flavor. The
applo crop will not in any section more
than exceed that of last year, unless in
the southern Allegbanies, irom winch.
howover. we obtain no supplies. Tho
fruit crop of California which, froi
rapid transportation has become an item
ot interest to us, is stated to be largo
and of the usual quality. The grapes
will be better than ever before, from tho
increased production of improved va
rieties. From the South the welcome
news comes to us that the fruit crop
there is likely to be very great, and
hence from Savannah, Charleston, and
Norfolk may be expected such a quan
tity as will make up the deficiency of
our neighbors in Delaware and New
Jersey. JV. Y. World.
round each plant, and in tho Bpring
mulched lightly with salt-marsh hay.
This is all I ever did to it, except marl
ing and liming the surface of the garden
lightly in April, 1870. I have other
land, a tinn, poor, gravelly soil, wnero i
planted rhuburb last spring, and treat
ed it as I have in tho garden, except
mulching. The growth this spring is
eaual to that of the garden. It is tho
Myatt .Linnaeus variety. ,
" I have heard it asserted that currants
would not grow in a poor sandy soil. I
can show you a fair crop on my bushes
now ot green truit, trom very small roots
set out two years ago. The summer of
18 1 0, you will recollect, was excessively
dry, and I got no growth that year ; and
about one-fourth of them died from the
effects of the drouth. They wero lightly
manured, like the rhubarb, and mulch
ed. Gooseberries have done equally
well, and are loaded now with green
blood, as havo never before been wit
Before Walker's California Vine
gar Bitters all the alcoholic and min
eral medicines are rapidly falling into
disuso. They cannot resist the over
powering evidence brought forward
every day, ot tho immense superiority ot
this medicine. JNot a drop ot any va
riety of distilled or fermented liquor or
mineral poison enters into its composi
tion. It is a gentle aperient, a tonic,
derived from entirely new vegetable
sources, an unrivalled stomachic, admir
able in all pulmonary diseases ; and, in
iact, as near to univeisal remedy as
botanical discovery and scientific skill
can hope to attain. Dr. Walker consid
ers it a cure for all diseases not organic,
and really the great variety of diseases
in which it is successful seems to war
rant the opinion. Every family needs
such a remedy. It saves pain, anxiety
Mystert Solved. Tho creat secret of tho wondi
f,il mnniiM nt' V incTivi. Tt HtrlkAii Hi thA root of dis-
.n hv BitHtVtnir tho htood. restoring tho liver and
kidneys to heultiiy action, Invigorating the nervous
Tlmlm Are Trnmni,
Tn rniul nnd e.iiiiii-nl tliH thoughts aud minds of per
sons, presont or absent. Fend 51 hr p. ll. inoaoy older
l-edteroa letter to I'ltur. ju&V.i.ii, nnuo Divan
City, . T.
Pnrvn atT.aht! A lAmedvthat not only reltoves.
but euros that enemy of mankind, Consumption, as
well as tho numerous satellites which revolve around
it In tho shap- of coughs, colds, bronchitis, soro throat,
tMii,7n. A-e. Tlin rnmeilv vn nlludo to is Dr. Wis-
tab s 11AI.8AM or wild cuubkt, prepareu oy ooiu vt.
j-owio at eon, Boston.
ft 3" imnnrtont to Advert taers. Bcforo ad
vertising In any of tho leading papers of the. country,
send for our catalogue aud estimate
tVPIinnortant to Publishers. Publishers
doing bur-tuess with Tub Franklin Printing, Com
pany will piea"0 place us on uisir vxcunujiu usi, auu
...till Ma their nitvertisinir mtna. etc. J. Weaver d jo .
Advertising Agents, 110 Smithllcld St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
The advertiser, having been permanently cured of I
that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy,
is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers tho
means of euro. To all who desiro it, he will send a
copy of the prescription ucd, (tree of charge), with
the directions for preparing and uMnp: the same, which
they will tind a Sukk Club for Consumption, Asth
ma, llKONCUITJS, otu. A-arLies wisuiug tuo pruscupuuij
will please address
nev. ljun Anu A. it ixjvii,
1U( l'enn St.. Willlamshurgh, N. Y.
Quincy, Mich. Hundreds Cured.
F. E. Marsu,
bend lor uir-
rivrMV! nOT.I.S f)S. and it roav debar vou from col-
X lecting your fureigu ostate. Write all about your
J. V. riltlEAUJ'K.
Attorney at Law, Columbia, Pa.
fruit. On my thin gravel, and especial- and doctors' bills. We know what
ly alongside of an open slat or rail fence, troublo it is to keep the bowels of
north, east or west sides, currant9 ana children in order, and any remedy that
gooseberries grow about as well as in will strengthen and regulate their woak
any other soil, it properly manured ; ana and variable digestion must be a do-
au small Derry iruu in sucu sons, u juj mesne blessing.
strawberries on to blackberries, are oi a
superior, sweet, tender flavor.'
Disturbance ix the Sun. Famil
iar as we all are with the great lumin
ary of the solar system, astronomers at
this particular epoch were never so viv-
uiight have been accumulated in large idly excited in regard to its physical
quantities, in bogs and lakes, in the soil character. Since the invention of the
of the forest. If the coast at that time spectroscope, they have found, we have
was gradually sinking, the sea would been profoundly ignorant in a branch
cover the land, and in due course carry of science considered quite firmly es
awav the amber and masses of vegetable I tablished. Within tho past few months
detritus into the ocean, where it was de- observers have witnessed gigantio dis-
posited amidst the marine animals which plays of force in the metallio lustre of
1 II XI 1. Ul L lb. A 11 L lu UlfUVL UlOl'Lll.l'B kUD Li iu duus niiuunjjituD, ink WU11UW-
amber pines would still flourish, and so f ul than any plionomena heretofore 6een
umber still continues to be washed into or suspected in far aif celestial regions.
the sea, and deposited in the later formed There are froquent burstings or explo-
green-sand, ana sun mier ovenymg biuiib uu tuo uiuux yi wo uu, uiipr-
Boy Crnsoes.
Two French boys, aged about twelve,
who, fresh from tho leading of " Robin
son Crusoe," and tired of the rostraint
of school and civilized life, had run
away from homo to imitato De Foe's
hero in a desert country. Tho field they
chose for their adventures had tho ad
vantage of being nearer home than Juan
Fernandez an island on tne Beine be
tween Asnicres and Neuilly. A boat
man was crossing that piece of waste
land a thort timo ago, when he was sur
prised to see smoke issuing from a hole
in tho ground, and to hear juvonilo
voices. He soon discovered the entrance
to a sort of cavern, the opening of which
had been concealed by brushwood, and,
continuing his search, disturbed tho
young truants just as they were prepar
ing their supper of four potatoes, cook-
j in the embers.
v rid besides a small store of pro-
. . n
visions, consisting oi lour roiis, some
pieces of gingerbread, and part of a save
loy ; and had also come prepared to re-
- . . j a;
new their larder oy nsning ana nuuung,
one contributing a line and hooks, and
the other a bow and arrow : with the
latter they said they had already killod
a water rat and cooked it.
Their bed consisted of a heap of Bhav-
. -. N
mgs, which they louna in a cargo on
the river.. The boys, when questioned,
said thev lived in the Avenue de Neuil
ly, and had beon on the island for two
The Oldest and tho Best" Burnett's
S.iperior Flavoring Extracts," Lemon,
Vanilla, Almond, Eose, Nectarine, etc.,
are strictly "Standard," uniform in
quality, and givo entire satisfaction.
In fact, they are unquestionably tho
best and cheapest in use.
840 to SOO per week for MALE and FEMALE
AGENTS. No money required till the goods aro
sold. Send stamp for circular and particulars. L.
FAltRINUTON, 30 Lalght St., New York.
Tinivn in ft Coal Mine." 'Good live. Charlie." Af
ter the Opora Is Over," " That's Where You Make tho
1 1 i-a " Ul.nn f.irln niti u. Ian (..lit. em-ll.
llAilluniU U1MI,1H xora.
A WATCH FREE, worth f 20, given gratis to
everv live man who will act as our nuunt. Busi
ness light aud honorable. Pays S30 per day, sure. No
gift enterprise. No humbug. Address MONROE
KENNEDY & CO., Pittsburgh, Peun.
and acknowledged by many prominent physi
cians to be tho most llelialilo l'ropnration ever
Introduced for tho RELIEF and CLUE of all
Tliia well-known remedy la oflVrcd to tho
public, sanctioned by tho experience of over
forty yearn, and when reported to ill season,
seldom fail to effect a apeedy cure of
Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, In
Oucnza.Wlioopin!; Cough, Hoarse
ness, Pains or Soreness In tlio
Chest nnd Side, lilecdlns
at tlio Lungs, Liver
Coiiipliiint, Ac.
by a timely resort to this standard remedy, as
Is proved by huudmla of testimonials received
by the proprietors.
doe not ; j ft Cotiqh, and leave the
cause behind, as is tlio case Willi most
preparations, but it loosens and cleanse
the lungs, and allays irritation, tliu
removing the cause of the complaint.
and all those whose occupation requires an un
usual exercise of the vocal orfians, will find
this the Only rnr.PAiiATios which will effect
ually nnd instantaneously relieve their diffieul
tics. Beware of Counterfeits.
r.emember that the genuine WUtar's tiidmm
has on the outs'ula WHimier the signature of
"I. UUTTS," and the printed name of the pro
prietors," setii ir.h)irj.E,f svxs, nos-
TOX." All others are base imitations, hxam
ine the wrapper carefully before purchasing.
One Dolitf a Bottle. Sit Do'.tl-i U fire Mlaa
l,liEPAlti:i liv
BETH W. TOWLE fit SONS, Boston, Kasi,
And sold by Druggists and Dealers generally.
Noisoloss, Liuk-motion, Lock-Stitch
formation of tho " brown coal."
Quito, in Boutli Amerioa, contains but
three druff stores, according to tne testi-
niony of travellers. A serpent is the sij
niiicant sien of the business. Physi
cians there have no offices, and rarely
visit patients at their dwellings. When
a person is too sick to call upon the
doctor, it is considered a hopeless case.
rently, which rend a path through its
shining envelope at the rate of seventy
thousand miles in a single minute. Elec
tricity is a slow coach in comparison.
Two acres of forest land- bn a moun
tain side near Elkton, Mo., recently
sunk to the depth of the tre tops, leav
iner walls as vertical as tbe sides of a
Delicate Ckeatuhes. This Is the phrase
applied by His lihtekui-ss, the Moor of Venice,
to the lair ladies of Italy. It was tbe lovely
complexion of Desdcmouu, such a radiant
contrast to his own. that won LU heart ; and
sootU to suy, every man of discernmt-ut con
siders a fair skin, like n sweet voice, " an ex
cellent tbiue lu woman." Now this is a cbann
which can be acquired. There Is a healthful
and odorilerous toilet article, known every
where a Haoan's Maonoi.ia Halm, which
literally truusliurcs a cloudy or sallow skin,
Butl'usiuir tbe uieo!orcd face, neck, arms and
bosom with a suit, pearly tinge, and Imparting
to the surface a smoothness aud a glos like
that of polished marble. Instead of clogging
the pores, like tbe sticky enamels, or contracl
Intr them, and thus obstructing perspiration,
like' the astriuireut cosmetics. It cleanses the
skin from all impurities and wonderfully Im
proves Us texture. Tbis peculiarity is par
ticularly appreciated by our rural belles, who
And that the coarseness aud roughness, which
country uir is ant to engender, ure speedily re-
moved from their faces, hands and arms by
tbis delightful preparation.
days; they were evidently getting tired the buttle commenced. It has the taste of
of this new existence, as tney auowca
the man to tnke them back to their pa
rents, who had been almost in despnir at
their absence. ' -1 ' .
A Florida Eeclttse. St. Vincent,
Fla., is an island of 7,000 acres, owned
and ocoupiod for the last three yoars by
Mr. Hatch, a gentleman of intelligence
and fortune, formerly Mayor of Cincin
nati, who chooses to lead hero the life ot the marvellous curative aud restorative pbe-
n Vinrmir.. aniit&rv ana alone, save Wim a uuiucua ui me race, iud ui
We have invited attcntiou to the Gettysburg
Rutalysiue Water which Is advertised lu an
other columu. A coteiuporury thus deseiibes
the spriug at Gettysburg from which tbis
water is bottled : " Uv an luterCHliiig coin
cidence It appears on tbe spot around which
common water, and was used as such by the
wounded who fell lu the vicinity, it win tueir
testimony as to Us re-invigoruling und pain-
soothing piopertics which induced the resi
dents to try it on disease, which led to the
discovery of its woudcrful curativs powers.
Siuee theu It is computed that this spring has
been visited by a million of people while its
waters have been carried to every part of the
world. Its healing ell'ccts have attracted the
stteuliou ot tbe newspaper and medical press,
und proinUu to And an enduring record among
Jil.AC'Iv U-10A.
with tho Green Tea Flavor. Tho
best Tea Imported. For tale
everywhere. And for Pale whole-
vale only ny tne Great Atlan
tic mid PuclAc Trs lJn.. No.
191 Fulton tit., aud Ul Church
St., Now York. P.O. llox, 5500.
Send for Thca-Nectar Circular.
The Gettysburg Katalysine Water
la nld At theSnrimrat the followina rate : Three-
gallon rttmiljuhut, is each. Bin-gallon demilobna, $5
eacn. capetf oi two quun uumui-, o vm-u. i
neiKhborinir dniKi:iits do not keep it, invaiidu may
have it ueut from the Soring by Railroad or Adauiu'
V'vnreKa. hv cncloplnir Pot-t-OIUce Mouev Ordem or
Checku. Phyuician, aud Clergymen supplied for their
own une wun tnree-traliou ui-inijonoa ai szoueacu;
with elx-gallnn demijohns at S3.5U oach ; with caso of
two dozen quarts at $6.6U each. Medical and clerical
vocation inut bo certilied hyneurt-ht Poxliniuter or
other roiiponioble purlieu. Addreen WHITNEY DUOS.,
xil o. jrroui eirect, ruiiuueipuia, ra.
TUe lowest price Ut ever published of
In solid Gold and Silver Caiesonly.
nenodlot'N Time Wntt-licu.
Silver Watch. Benedict .". $10 I
fluid, (IB karat) " au
Xilver Watch. Samuel W. Benedict i!5
Gold (13 karat) " " Slui
American Waltham Watches.
Coin Silver Hunttna Watches Sis 00
Uiild Hunting YVatcUe, ueuts' bud t.7s su
- Ladies sue (,71 00
Sent to all Darts of the country by express with priv
ilege to examine ociore paying, seuu lor a price 111
ana compare prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Jewelers and keener or tne city Time.
GUI Broadway, near Fourth Street, New York.
For any ca-e of Blind,
Bloedlng. Itching, or III-
corated Piles that Da
Ilmo'a Pilk Heiisuv fa Is
to euro. It is prepared ex
pressly to cuie tne Plies
and nothing else, gold hy
all Druggist. Price $1.00.
I Ch alien if os the world In perfection of work, ctrenjfth I
iana beauty oi Kiitcn, uuruutmy oi coiuirueuoii, uuu
rapidity ol' motion.
Cull and examine, and for acencies and circulars,
I addruMt
M3 Broadway. New York.
Manufactured by CUT'S ARMS CO. Harmon CL
Sizes, 2 to tO H. Power, j
compact, I
7" For Prko-LUt and
Mo, IS Park PI nee,
N. Y.
VInrirnr flitter nre not a vile Fancv Drink.
made f Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Sptritsand Refuse
Liquors, d'ictnred, spiced, and sweetened to please the
taste, called 'Tonics," Appetizers," ' Restorers,"
Kc., that leaa me uppier on to drunkenness and ruin,
but .ire a true Medicine, made from the native root
nnd herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants.
They are the Great Wood Purifier and a Life-giving
Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the
Svstem, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring
.1.' tti 1 1 1.1 e i "
ine Diowi n a nomoy umiuiuuii, cuiiiiiiug u, reiresning
and invigorating boih mind and body. They are easy
of administration, prompt in their action, certain in their
results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease.
No Pcmon can take thene lilt tern accord
ing to directions, aud remain long unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point
of repair.
Dyffirptii or ItMllircflf ton Headache, Pain
in the Sinners, Coughs, Tightness of the Chc -t, Diz
ziness, Sour Kructations ot the momacii, Had laste
in the Mouth, ltilious Attacks, Palpitation of the
Heart, Inflammation of the Lung, Pain in the regions of
the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms,
are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints
it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar
antee of its merits thin a lenethy advertisement.
For Female Complaint in young or old,
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the
turn of life, these Tonic IJ.tters displav so decided an
influence that a marked improvement is soon percep
tible. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Ithen-
mnttttm and Gmit, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious,
Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the
Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have
been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by
Vitiated Pdood, wh;ch is generally produced by derange
ment of the Digestive Organs,
Thev are a ttenllo Pnrffntlvo well an
a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting
as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam
mation of tbe Liver and Visceral Organs, aud in Bilious
For Skin Dlacasfa, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
bmicles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sjre Kyes, Lry
si pel as. Itch, Scurfs Discoloration of the Skin, Humon
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature,
are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a
short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in
such cases wdl convince the most incredulous of theii
curative effects.
Cleantte the Vltlntr4 Illootl whenever you
find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples,
Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse , it when you find it ob
structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is
foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood
pure, and the health of the system will follow,
Crrntcful litotismmlH proclaim Vimitgar Bit
tkrs the most wonderful luvigoratrt that ever sustained
the sinking system.
Pin, Tnpo, anil other Worms, lurking in
the system of so many thousands, are effectually de
stroyed aud removed. Says a distinguished physiol
ogist: There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the
earth whose bdy is exempt from the presence of worms.
It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that
worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy
deposits that breed these living monsters of disease.
No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, tio anthelmin
tics, will free the system from worms like these Bit
ters. Mechanical Dlscnae. Persons engaged in
Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters,
Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will
he subiect to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against
this take a dose of Wai.kkk'k Vjnbuau Bittkrs onca
or twice a week as a Preventive.
IltllouHf llemlttvnr, nnd InUVmlttent
Pi-vem, which are so prevalent in the valleys ot our
great rivers throughout the United fc tales, especially
thoTe of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, liltnots, Ten
nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Coloiado, Braio,
Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Sivamiuh, Roan
oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa
ries, throughout our entire coin i try during the Summer
and Autumn, and remarkably so during reasons of
unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied
by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and
other alxlominal viscera. There are always more or less
obstructions of the liver, .1 weakness and irritable state
of the stomach, and great torxr of the bowels, being
clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat
ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence uon
these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is
no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dm. J. Walkkk's
Vineg R Bitters ns they will speedily remove the
dark-co.jred viscid matter with which the bowels are
loaded, it the name time stimulating the secretions of
the livei and generally restoring the healthy functions
of tbe digestive organs.
Sciofila or K.tnf;s Evil, White Swellings,
Ulcers, Krysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous
Inflammations, Indolent Intl. mi mat ions. Mercurial Af
fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves,
etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis
eases, VVai.kkk's VinkgsR Bitteks have shown their
great curative powers in ths most obstinate and intract
able cases.
Ir. Walker's California Vim-car Hit fern
act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying
the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away
the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits)
tlie atlected parts receive health, and a permanent cure
is effected.
The properties of Dtt. Wai.kkkN Vinegar
Bittkrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative,
Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant.
Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious.
Tho Aperient aud mild Laxative properties of
Dr. Walker's Vinkgak Bittkr are the best safe
guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers,
their balsamic, healing, and soothing proerties protect
the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties
allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels,
either from inflammation, whirl, colic, cramps, etc
Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout
the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid
neys, correcting and regulating the flow ol" urine. Their
Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre
tion nf bile, and its discharge throuuh the biliary ducts.
and are superior to all ru medial agents, for the cure of
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc
Fortify the body against 1iHcane bv puri
fying all its fluids with Vinkgar Bittkrs. No epi
demic can take hold of a svstein thus forearmed. The
liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the
nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great inviis
orant. . , ,
Ulrectlotta. Take of the nmers on going to bed
at night from a half to one and one-half winc-glassfull.
Eat good nourishing food, such as beefsteak, mutton
chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take
out-door exercise. They arc composed of purely veget
able ingredients, and contain no spirit.
Druggists and Gen. Agts. , San rancisco and N ew York.
f3Vtmutrf' J
KvaiHi Rudt ro Usi.
l'U.MI'8, Double Actinc.
Buckut PluuKers aia lLa
bust. cau lur circular.
Valley Machiue Co.,
Eaalhaniptou, Alasi.
servant or two, and seeing few visitors.
Indeed, be is incensed whenever Lis pri
vacy is intruded upon except on invi
tation. His island swamis with deer
and cattle, his library is full of books,
and with these and hunting and Hulling
he passes his timo away the monarch
of "all he surveys. . ,
t mmm
The Iowa farmer who strapped his
shot gun to his plough to be ready for
gaiuo will not bo about again for some
viia. of KUcutnalUm. Gout. Neuralgia, j?ii-
rulysls, Kldnty, Urlnury, Heart, aud nervous
disiMtsea, &c, ure sulci to yield to its power. It
is ulso claimed to be a solveut of stone. Com.
BROKER'S SALE. 300 Pianos, 375 tiold Watches,
Mi Silver do., 400 Suwluif Mschtlms, M0 Silk
Dressus, COO Btlawls, 1.WJ0 Uoia uuuius, twu Dots
Juwelry, and 75.UOO other articles, at SI each. Bond Hi
ceuts lor two tickets, or two stamps for Circulars.
u. v. JUAAaa ol uu., uostou, Mass.
CiiArx'ED Hands, face, rough skin,
pimples, ring-worm, salt-rheuin, and
other cutaneous affections cured, and the
skin made soft and smooth by using tho
Junipee Tar Soap, made by uaswkll,
Hazard & Co., New York. It is more
convenient and easily applied than
other remedies, avoiding the troublo of
the greasy compounds now in nso.
PER WEEK and axpenses paid. Wewant
a reliable atci-nl lu every County In the U.
i Address UuDsos Riria Wias Co., UC
Maiden Laue, a. x or Chlcaxo, til.
ill oey Uiles. Seut by mail on receipt of Sl.Si. Seud
for catalogue (free)
go Cooper Uuiou. N
of other books.
X 1NU MACHINES, will hem rouud comers, over
seams, on Sua or coarse goods, auy width from 9-16 to
K ot au inch. Samples sent prepaid ou receipt of oua
dollar. Address T. A. MAC At LAY, II lexiuytoo
Aveuue, New York City.
Manufacturer) aud. Dealers in
Machinery and Imperial
No. 172 Front Street,
K7 Orders by moil or ottierwlue promptly attended to.
PERBLY ILLUSTRATED. Sou is the time tt sub
scribe. IV iT Send etamp for a sample number.
JOHN L. BHOKEY, W Bromlleld St., Boston, Mass.
AGENTS Wanted. Agents mako mora money at
work for us than anything ei.a. Particulars free.
G. Stusoa Co, Fins Art Puilithers, Piwtlaud, Me.
'Their Name ta Leglou." Dy.pipsla is tho
nnront of more evils thau Aew out of Pandora's box.
Uiliounness, sour stomach, headache, constipation,
nervous debility, nausea, and indescribable mental
miBery are among its terrible otfrprliiir. Give them all
tho coup is grace with TiimiNTs Kksuvkhcilnt
Sbltekb Apkuibat. which renovates and regulates the
bowels, tones tbe stomach, and is a sure remedy tor
ludigestiou and all its coucomitants.
$10,000 for Three Dollar i
30,000 iu Prizes I
10,000 Tickets at $3 eaeh !
Drawing July 20th, 1872,
Positively no Postponement. Millard, Mayor of Omaha; 1st
National hunk, Omaha ; Gen. G. M. Dodge, Chief Eu
giuer Southern Pad he R. K.. Council Bluffs: 0. W.
Meado, Manager Northern Pact lie R. R.; Walker
Bros., Salt Lake ; C. B. Smith Co., New York Citv;
James E. McLean, Collector Customs, Chicago j B. II.
Campbell, U. S. Marshull, Chicago. Address
a. II. COLLINS, Omaha, Neb.
Published for tho benefit of young men and others
who suit er from Nervous Debility, etc., supplying tus
hkamh or eBLr-ctJBB. Written by one who cured him
self, aud sent free on receiving apost-puid directed
envelope. Address NATHANIEL MAY AIR, Brook
lyn, N. Y-
Longest engaged, and most aucceasful physician of the
an.. Consultation or panipniei ires), vau or write.
i ust puullsnea lor oeuem 01 youug men woo suner rroui
Nervousness, Debility, Ac, a treatise ot Jo pages, for t
tamps; a boo ol sou pejjtes, utusuaieu, lw V4 cs
Oss Marriage. uapPW Kent for Young
ioulATlOM, rmiaueipuia, ra.
900 or Ursclass Pianos.
Address U
Mo dluoiint