The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 27, 1872, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 27, J872.
Car Time at lltdgway.
Erie Express East 12:38 s. m.
do do West 2:25 a. m.
do Mail East 4:50 p. m.
do do West, 2:05 a. m.
Itenovo Accommodation East 8:40 a m.
do do do West r,:14 p. m.
Rates of Advertising.
One column, one year $75 00
i " " " 40 00
" " " 25 00
V " " 15 00
Transient advertising pemquare of eight
tines or less 3 times or less 2 00
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year 5 00
Marriages and Dcatli notices inserted
Elk Loge, A. T. M.
Stated meetings of Ellc Lodge will be
held at their hall on tin second and fourth
Tuesdays of each mouth.
0. L. McCRACREX, Sec'y.
Temple of Honor and Temoerance.
Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on rash
alternate Thursday, at their Lodgo Room,
on Main street, over .T. V. Houk's store.
S. A. BOTE, W. R.
The dear departed. Venison
Last Monday the swedes in the employ
of W. II. Osterhoul struck work.
Canary Birds and Cages at Ilorton
& iMillcr's.
Curt of the Democrat now sports ft bran
new "plug" hat. "No one's covp'ral but
yer pa and I."
Grace Church llev. Thos. A
Stevenson, Ecutor. Services Sunday,
June 30th, at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. in.
General Grant was born at Toim
Pleasant, Clermont county, Ohio, April
27, 1822.
Fire Works! Fire Works!! A
large and varied assortment at Ilorton
k Miller's, East End.
Hams, Suouldeks and Lard of
prime quality cau be bad nt the East
End Store of Ilorton & Miller's.
Religious Skrvices at the Centrc
ville School House, on Tuesday evening.
July -2d, by flev. IT A pjttirin.
Nkxt Thursday will bo the 'Glorious
Fourth," and it will likewise be a good time
to go to S. A. Koto's West End Gallery and
get a first-claes photograph.
The Sunday school pic nit! last Sat
urday was n very pleasant nft'air, and
11 decided success. The Silver Cornet
Band added prently to tbo occasion.
Services in the Court Ilmue nex'
Sunday, morning and evening. Morn
ing at eleven, and evening at a quSrter
before eight.
Since the Erst ol March, 18011, the
public debt has been decreased 200,
049,762 03. So much for the adminis
tration of President Grant.
Sky Rhokbts, Uouum Can lies, Pin
Wheels, Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, ami
everything in the lino of Fire Works
can be had of II ortuii & Miller. Givn
them a call.
Married. At the M. E. Parsonage
on Thursday, June 20th, 1372, by Rev.
II. A. PattisoD, Mr. David H. Woodsite,
of Danville, Pa., to Miss Mary A.
Trask, of Whitman, Pa,
TllE Philadelphia Press says the best
motto of the campaign is Glenni W.
Scofield, of Warren: "We are for the
man that whaled, against the man that
bailed Jefferson Davis."
Rase Ball Rulyway vs. St.
Mary's. The first grnie of base ball in
Elk county this scasou was played at
this place on Friday last by the Alert
and Dolly Varuen clubs, the former of
Ridgway, and tho latter of St. Mary's.
Thegamo was well played, and but lor
the rain which fell in the second inn
ings, tbo score, though small, wouM
have been smaller still. The game
opened in favor of the Dolly Vardens,
but their advantage was but momen
tary, their opponents taking the lead in
the second innings, aud holding it until
the end. Some good plays were made
by both parties, and the best of feeling
prevailed throughout. The second
game of the series was played on the
grounds of the Dolly Vardens, at St.
Mary's yesterday. An excitiug game
is expected. For details examine the
score below:
B. O. R.
6 Winlack, s.s. O 6
2 Shaefer, 1st b. 8 2
2jWachtel, 2d b. 4 2
6, Garner, 0. 6 1
8 1 Hall, r. f. 6 1
4 Sneeringer, 1.8. 4 2
4MoDevitt, p. 2 3
4'Corvett, c. f. 2 3
4 Putzell, 4d b. 2 8
Woodward, o.f. 2
Overholtzer, l.f. 4
Miller, s.s. 5
Ilorton,! st b. 1
arley, e. 4
Cummings.Sdb. 8
Enbody, 2d b. 2
Montgomery, p. 3
tsteppe, r f.
27 83
27 22
m v i k a .
128 466789
688 10 8071 183
1 6 2 0 4 1 0 3 622
Dolly Vardeo
Horn Runs Woodward,
Enbody, 1.
1; Earley, 2;
umpire- ciacaweu, Bi. Juary s.
corers O. A. RaUbun. Alert: Joseph
felder, Dolly Varden.
Prime Cheese tod Fresh Crackers
at the East Fad Store.
Canned, IMckled, and Dried Fruits
for sale cheap at Ilorton & Miller's East
End Stote.
The proposition to place Glenni W.
Soofiold on the Republican ticket for
congressman atl arge, is heartily endorsed
all over the state.
The reading of Miss Helen Martin
was a great success, the new band is im
proving fast, and Ilorton & Miller at
tho East End Store, are selling Fire
Works of all kinds af surpassing low
Thi. Heading on Monday evening, by
Miss Helen Martin of Sugar Grove, Pa.,
was attended by a small though very ap
preciative audience. "Tho New Church
Organ" was first rendered in such a
manner as to rain the entire confidence
of the audienco in Miss Martin's elocu
tionary powers, and create a desire to
hear more. Tho selection were civen
in a pleasing variety and were all good.
The Kidgway Silver Cornet Band was
in attendance, addiur much to the even
ing s entertainment, aid showing them
selves for the first time independent
Lemonade all Around. This fine
fruit, is not ouly large and luscious, but
both abundant and cheap. A grateful
drink n;ay bo easily prepared from them,
which can be kept for use in warm and
sultry days. Press out the juice and
strain it. Remove the pulp from the
peels aDd boil them in water, iu propor
tion ol a pint for a dozen pulps, to ex
tract the acid. Roil a lew minutes, then
slraiu the water with the juice vf the
lemon, and put a pound of white sugar
to a pint of juice. Roil all ton minutes,
and bottle. A tenspoonful of this
lemon syrup in a glass of water makes a
cooling and refreshing drink.
Murder in tuk Skconu i:k.
Patrick Burns, who it will bo rcmcm
oereu kiiioii nis wile at rvane last t-prinir
was tried last week at S:nethport and
convicted of aiurder in the second de
gree: lie was sentenced to twelve
years liiipiiriMimcnt, that bcinj; toe
loudest term allowed by law lor the
otic use. It the facts disclosed upon
thu trial np'.ecd with the story published
at the ttuje, we cannot, for the lilo of
us, sec bow the jury could make up the
verdict they did. It slioald have been
murder in the hist degree or au ac
quittal. Cameron Herald.
Set down for Trial at August
1 Mai y L Hcebncr et al vs John C
Scott, 45 August term, 1809.
2 E '-V Bushlev v.i Alleu Giles. No
It), 57. IS, and -1!) April term 170.
H VV U Barnes vs The Tannerdale
Oral Company, No. November term
4 Jnn ithati Rovuton et al vs A C
Pinner et al, 1 January term, 1871.
a Jehu G Reading et ul. v A C
I'itiuey et al. Vi January term, 1871.
6 lleii'-y 11 Moore, ct al. vs A A
Carrier, et al, 1 April term, 1S71.
i J C Rums, et al, vs England k
Brown, 10 April term, 1871.
8 Julin Sprinsstead, vs Isaac Keel'er.
11 April term. 1871.
9 Joseph VVilhelm, vs J. A. Maloue,
16 April term, 1871.
10 John S Burley, vs Charles Webb,
19 April term, 1871.
11 M McCuIlough Jr& Co., Jacob
Rieberger, 3 August term, 1871.
12 R N Nitsel, vs W R Hai tuian, 17
August term, 1871.
U R C McGill, vs Louis II Garner,
20 August term, 1871.
11 Henry Souther, vs F X Bicber
ger, ct al, 3 November crm, 1871.
15 R enjamin Johnson, ct al, vs John
Johnson, et al, 4 November term, 1871.
16 L C Wynkoop, vs George D
Douuhcy, 21 November term, 1871.
17 Bernard Rrauiff, vs Jacob Mc
Cauley, 25 November term, 1871.
IS John McCof-ker, vs J C Burns,
19 November term, 1871.
19 A W Gray, Guard & Co. vs
Isaac Smith, et al, 1 January term, '72.
u treo. I'reuk. Dickinson, vs Geo.
Rhiues, 7 January term, 1872.
21 Solomon Bochort.vs Jacob Moyer,
11 January term, 1871.
22 Thomas Holland, vs J S Hyde,
li January term, 187-.
23 Benjamin Johnson, et al, John
Johnson, et al, 26 April term, 1872.
24 James Curry, vs E & C Paine, 38
April term, 1872.
25 Anthony Wildfire, Sr., vsTheresa
Wildfire, et al. 46 April term, 1S72.
26 Martin Sorg, vs Nioholas Kronen
wetter, 47 April term, 1872.
27 Martin Sorg, vs Nicholas Kronen
wetter, 48 April term, 1872.
The total cost and value of the crude
product of petroleum per annum in the
United States is $23,000,000. Adding
the cost ot refining, freights, handling,
etc, the value of the kerosene and other
products of crude (benzine, lubricating
oil, parafine, cto ) is about 940,000,000.
It costs the world of consumers about
. The name "grass widow" is of French
origin. It is derived from the French
graoe, and originally meant a widow by
Lost. At Irtineton 00 Tuesday,
June 18th, 1872, by the undersigned,
pocket book containing a small amount
of money, and note on Hiram Carman
for $302 on whioh $40 had been paid.
All persons are horeby cautioned against
buying or selling said note.
There are now over sixty thouaand
miles of railway tracks in the United
States enough to encircle tho earth
with iron twice over and to run parallel
with its diameter and leave two thousand
miles of rails yet unsold. No country
on earth can boast as much, and we are
yet building railways in all parts of tho
Tub legislative sossion of 1873 be will
1 ighly important in all respects, and in
the results of whose deliberations the
people of every district will be directly
interested. We hope, .therefore, that
all parties will put forth their best men,
striding as much as possible to avoid
marketable material. The people
should demand as candidates men who
can withstand and resist the temptation
of money and all other bribes. We
must have such a Legislature in 1878, or
wo will have entailed upon us political
disgrace, social confusion aud business
disaster. State Journal.
A desirable jso.nond-hand article A
young rich and amiable widow.
Ex-President Andy Johnson is keep
ing quiet on the Greeley question, llo
won't tell what policy he favors.
A NF.W commuuity has been estab
lished iu Georgia under tho tittle of the
'Elijahitps," whoso distinctive social
principle is that their chief officer shall
hold one-fifth of their real property in
fee, and have control of all their current
Tho ninety-seventh anniversary of the
battle of Ruuker Hill was duly cele
brated on J-ine 17. in Roston, 010 of the
features of the celebration beini the
dedication of a soldiers' monument. As
usual, business was suspended niid the
city gayly decorated with bunting.
Maklow, the Jamestown murderer
was taken to Buffalo lat week, on a
motion fot a new trial, which was denied
him. lie was re sentenced to be exe
cuted on Friday the 2d uf Auju.-t be
tween the hours of 10 a. in. and 2. n 111
tip was returned to Majville jail on
Tuesday niyht. Marlow may as well
set his house in order, for his fu'.e is
The Democracy of Indium., the home
of the Hon. Daniel Webster Yorliee.
notwithstanding that geiitleman's bitter
speeches against the Cincinnati ticket,
has resolved to support Greeley at Bal
timore, and abandon all tho ideas of tl.e
straiuht-outs. South Caroliua did the
same thing the other riav, while Ver
mont the question in a manner
similiar to that adopted at nocheater.
New Advertisements.
Over 1000 pieces of Wall Paper Beau
tiful patterns. W.J. BLAKEf.Y,
lotl. St. Mary s, l'n.
Just received from New York a veiy
extensive assortment of Fire Works, etc.,
(weighing over 800 lbs. ) to which we ask
the attention of dealers r.nd others. Will
bo sold at a small advance on New York
prices. W. J. BLAKELV,
litl. M. .Mary's, l'a.
173TUAY. Came to the premises of the
2j 8ubncriber on the Smeihport like
one mile nut' u half from Kidgway, on
about the 1st of May. 1872, a large red cow
about 8 years old. The owner of said cow
is requested to come forward, prove prop
erty aud taV.e her nwny or she will be dis
posed of according to law.
Kidgway, June 23, 187:2. nlTtS.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given to nil persona in
terested that the Allegheny river, at Par
ker's Landing, Pa., will be obstructed thin
summer by the erectiou of a new iron
bridge across said stream, at tho above
named place.
By Ordkk oftiik Boabu of Dibkctobs.
June 1572. 11IO1S.
E STRAY. There came to the premises
of the subscriber at Highland, this
county, about the 8th day of May, 1872, a
red cow about three ye&rs old. the owner
of said cow is requested to eomo forward,
prove property, p-iy damages and take her
away or she will bo disposed of aocording
to law.
Highland, June 10th. 1872. ltit3.
L. U. Zimmerman, deoeaseJ.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Auditor appointed to distribute the
funds remaining in the hands of the admin
istrator of the above estate will attend to
the duties of his appointment at the Pro
thonotary'a Office in the village of Ridg
way, on Monday, the first day of July, A.
1). 1872, at 4 o'clock, p. to.
R. LUCOltE, Auditor.
Wood's New Iron Mower.
For Circulars, particulars, etc., address,
(jowanda, N. Y.
Manufacturers of the
Gowanda Plow,
the best made. For sale in Ridgway
April 18th, 72-3m.
It is one of the most remarkable faots of
this remarkable age, not that so many
persons are the viotims of dyspepsia or in
digestion, but its willing victims. Now,
we would not be understood to say that any
one regards dyspepsia with favor, or feels
disposed to rank it among the luxuries of
life. Far from it. Those who have ex
perienced its torments would scout such an
idea. All dread it, and would gladlv dia.
pense with its unpleasant familiarities.
Mark Tapley, who was jolly under all the
trying circumstances in which he was
placed, never had an attack of dyspepsia,
or his jolity would have speedily forsaken
Of all the multifarious diseases to which
the human system is liable, 1
there is perhaps no one so
generally prevalent s dyspepsia. There
are diseases more acute and painful, and
which more frequently prove fatal, but
nono the effects of which are so depressing
to the mind and so positively distressing to
the bod. If there is a wretched being in
the world it is
We have said thai dyspepsia is perhaps
the most universal of human diseases.
This is inijjhatically the ense in the United
States. Whether this general prevalence
is due to the character of 'the food the
method of its preparation, or the hasty
manner in whioh it is usually swallowed,
is not our province to cxplaiu. The great
fnct with which wo ore called to deal is
almost nnivct sally.
Nearly every other person you meet ii a
victim, on apparently willing oue; were
this not the case, why so many sufferers,
when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is
within the eaiy reach of all who will
nvail themselves of it? But. says a dys
peptic: What is this remedy! to which we
reply: This great allevator of human
suffering is almost as widely known as the
English language. It has allay el the
agonies of thousands, and is to-day enrry
comfort and encouragement to thousands
of others. This acknowledged panacea is
noLe oilier than
Would you know more of the merits of
this wonderful prepaiation than can lie
learned from tho experience of 01 hers?
Try it. yourself, and when it has failed to
fulfil the assurance of its efficacy given by
tho proprietor, then abandon faith in it.
first, of nil, (but HOOFL.VN D'S GERMAN
B1TTEK8 is -j ivuni beverage.
Thej are composed wholly of the pure
juice or vital principle of roots. This is
not a mere assertion The extracts from
which they are compounded are prepared by
one of the ablest of Germau chemists. Their
effects can be beneficial only iu all cac j of
the billiary system. Hootliml's German
Bittcrg stand without au e.ii;il, aclirg
promptly and vigorously upon the liver;
lliey remove its torpidity an 1 cause he ill !i
f'ul secretion of bilu thereby supplying
I he stomach with the most indiscusal!c
elements of sound digestion in proper pro-pin-lions.
They purify tho blood, cleansing the
vital Haul of all hurtful impurities and su
plnutiug them wilhthc elements of genuine
he ilthf'ulness.
Now, there are certain classes ot per
sons to whom extreme liiuen are not only
uiijalulablit, but who find it impossible to
taltc them without positive discomfort. For
)isj been specially prepared. It is intended
for use where a slight alcoholic stimulnul
is require! in connection with the well-
known Tonic properties of the puro Ger
man Bitters.
acts wiih almost, marvelous effect. It not
o'dy stimulates tho flagging and wasting!
energies, but invigorates mid permanently
strengthens its uclioii upon the Liver
and Stomach thorough, perhaps h'nn
prompt than the Milters, when the same
quuiiiiij g taken is none the less certain.
Indigestion, Itilliousncss, Physical or Ner
vous proslial ion, yield readily to its po
tent lurluenoe. It gives the invalid a new
and stronger hold upou life, leumvis de
pressioj of spiiit. and inspires cheerful
ness. But Dr. Hooliaiid's benefactions to
the human race are not fuuhned to his
celebrated GERMAN BITTEltS, or his
invaluable Toxic. He has prepared an
other medicine, which is rapidly winning
its way to popular favor because, of i: in
trinsic melits. This is HOOFLANU'S
I'OIKIPIIYLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi
tute for mercury without any of mercury's
evil qualities.
Tiiese wonderful Pills, which are Intend
ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com
posed of Pudophylliu, or tiio vital princi
ple of tho mandrake root. It is the medi
cinal virtues of this health-giving plant in
a perfectly pure and highly concentrated
form. The Podopliyllin acts directly on
the Liver, stimulating its functions ami
causing it to make its billiary secretions in
regular ana proper quant. lies. The inju
nous results which invariably follow the
use of nicreury is entirely avoided by
their use. But it is not upon the Liver
only that their powers are exerted. The
extract of Mandrake contained in tbem is
skillfully combined with four other ex
tracts, one of which acts upou Ilia stomach,
one upon the upper bowels, one upon the
lower bowels, and prevents any eripinir
effect, thus producing a pill that iuftuences
the entire digestive aud alimen'nry system,
in an equal and harmonious manner, and
its action entirely tree from nausea, vomit
ing or griping -pains common to all .other
Possessing these much desirable qualities
the Podopliyllin becomes invaluable as a
No household should be without them.
They re perfectly safe, require but. two
for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi
cient in action, and when used iu connec
tion with Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters,
or Tonic, may be regarded as certain spe
cifics in all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, or any of the disorders to which
the system is ordidarly subject. The
act upon the stomach and bowels, carrying
off improper obstructions, while the Bitters
or Tonio purify tho blood, strengthen and
invigorate the frame, give tone and appe
tite to the stomach, and thus build up tbe
invalid anew.
Dr. Hootland, having provided internal
remedies for disease, has given the world
oue mainly for external application, in the
wonderful preparation known as
This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains
and aches of all kinds.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache,
Chilblains, Sprains, Burns, Pain in the
Back and Loius, Hineworms, etc., etc, all
yield to its external application.
Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart
burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches,
Colic, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps,
Pains in the Stomach, Colds, Asthma, eto.
These remedies will be sent by express
to any locality, upon application to the
CUAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO
Thete Kemediei art for tale by Uruaquta
aivrcitccpcr! nw ivcutie irHiri every'
Mtrt . vln24yl
Mercantile Appraisement.
Names and class of dealers in (he
county of Elk, as assessed bj the Mer
cantile Appraiser, for the year 1872:
Cla-s. Tx.
13 15 E. Morcy, . 110 00
14 P. Mclnernry 7 00
LI Lewis & Co. 10 00
13 W. 15. Johnson, 10 00
13 Edward Fletcher, 10 00
13 Miles Dcot, 10 00
14 Milton Winslow. 7 U0
12 I' VV. Hays,
14 Koch k Khz,
12 J. J Taylor,
'.) J. Koch '& Sod,
12 J. A. Mohan.
14 Oliver Clark,
13 N M. Urockway.
7 00
10 00
L'O 00
7 00
1 2 50
10 50
Id 00
20 00
C. A. Wilcox.
J' 1 1.
J. S. Thomas X Co ,
A.J. Avery.
James Creinhton,
liatton k Kootitz,
10 Kite k Reilly.
3 Tanninu f? Lumhct Co.,
12 A Id rich & I'slton.
100 00
12 50
7 00
10 00
1 1
C. A. l'aine.
Martin Sowers.
Stuib & Co.,
W. R. Service,
J. S.& W. H. 1 1 3 do,
Hartley k Whipple,
J L. Cutuiiiiiis,
Charles Holes,
12 50
7 00
30 00
10 50
7 00
10 00
30 10
7 00
7 00
15 00
15 00
30 00
in 00
15 00
12 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
20 0U
7 00
7 00
12 50
7 00
8 I'nwoll & Kittie,
14 J. M. Heard,
14 J. 11. Wilbor,
It Thayer Jfc lla-erfy,
13 Cr. 6. Mesencr,
8 W. C. fleulv.
13 .Vcill.tiii -,
11 J. V. Honk,
' (Irant C- !l"it'in,
li AVhoclcr k Ilorton,
1 1 Kit l-'.tiir,
14 V. H .-chra.n,
11 llriberi Warner,
14 (). 15 Lay.
10 W. II f Isterh tut,
1 4
(i. T. Wh.flcf,
I. C. lLirttili,
ilorton ci Miller,
jr. L. M'Cruckcn;
,v"' "'J Creek.
J H. H..H'mau,
L T Davi,
llii am Cm 11 an,
St. Mary's.
Ad. Fochtinan,
Walker it Son,
Wti Ur.M.,
L. li. rutzcl,
Leonard (.'ink,
lien. A Waikcr,
Frod. !Ud..lph.
J. li. Curved it Co.,
Kej imlds & li irucr,
Hiiiiip Willieim,
E.J. Hit-s,
Lynn & Unirlicr,
James SneenopT,
J. K. Wcidcnhrocnner,
12 50
12 50
20 00
IU 00
10 00
12 SO
7 00
40 no
15 .1.)
1 2 50
15 fi t
10 00
15 00
10 00
1 4 John Meisel,
14 J oil fj Soscuheinicr k Sun,
14 C L. Jiayer,
14 II. N. ilohe,
ti Jiiseph W iilielm,
I 4 Thomas 'iniinett,
14 .Mrs M 13. M'Nally,
14 Edward M' Bride,
I I Chas Lulir,
14 W J lilakc
5 Milton Winslow,
5 1 M'lneruoy,
5 James McCloskcy,
20 00
20 00
20 00
J. L. Cuur.niugs,
John Luuib,
St. Mary's
E. W. Brentian,
Johu 13 Hciudol,
5 00
20 00
30 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
Anthony Showers,
5 Jacob Kraus,
5 Charles Klausinan,
5 Gies & Griebel.
5 Joseph Druiier,
William Zelt, 25 00
F. X. Sor, 25 00
Jos. Windfelder, 25 00
Chas. Klausuiuo, 15 00
8 Mrs. Elizabeth Volk, 2a 00
8 Gies & Griebel, 25 00
i) Jos Brutier. 15 00
An appeal will be held at the Com
missioner's office. Ridgway, on Tuesday,
July 2d, 1872, at 3 o'clock p. M.
iiUUEME J- MlLiLUtt,
Mercantile Appraiser.
form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the
publie gcterally, that he has starteda Liv
ery Stable and will keep
and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona
ble terms
Bj3L.He will also do job teaming.
Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the
PostOffioe, on Mil! street. AU orders left
at the Post Office will meet prompt atten-
Aug 20 1870. tf-
"VTOTICB. This Is to give notice that
my ten Willard Emigh has left home
without just cause or provocation, and all
fiersona are hereby cautioned against trust'
ng him on my aooount as I will pay no
bills of his contracting.
Earley, June Cth, 1872.
Our Digestion;
Dio Lewis' Last and Greatest Work.
All this author's books have had large
sales, and this,
his most important.
is sure of an immense run!
meets a
popular demand, all being alike interested
in the vital subjects of nhiuh it treats. The
book is low pri':ed and practical, and so will
suit all classes. Who among us have not
suffered from indigestion? How many of
ng have not had "the blues?" Buy this
work und save yourself a world of trouble
dyspepsia, billiousness, &o , and all
their attendant evils. A splendid chance
for agents, who should apply at once and
get illustrated circular, terms, &c, free.
Address GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 73a
Sunsom street. Philadelphia.
Charles H. Gering " In tho Court of
for use J. T. Borck, Common Pleas of
vs, I Elk County.
E. C. Schulix and I No. 17 of January
William C. Schultz. J Term, 1872.
Ejectment to enforce speoifio performance,
of agreement for the purchase of the un
divided one-half of four certain town lots
or pieces of land situate in tho Korough
of St. .Mary's, in the County of Elk and
State of Pennsylvania, known and desig
nated as town lots Nos. (1!6) twenty. six
(!) twenty-eight, (30) thirty and (32)
thirty-two, 011 St. Nfarv's street in said
Borough of M. Mnry'g, each lot. being one
hundred feet in front by two hundred leet
deep at right angles, said lots lying adjoin,
ing each o her, fronting on eaid til. Mary's
street, and containing togeMier, eighty
thousand feet more or less, with the appur
tenances. April 8th, 1872. 011 motiou of
Geo. A. Kathbuu, plaintiff's attorney, the
Cours giant a Uule on the defendant to ap
pear ami plead on or before next Term or
Kit KD. SCHOENING. Prolhonotnry
To the defendants above name: Please
take notioe of a rule of which the above is
a copy
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Charles Springstead
Charlotte L. Spring
stead. Iu the Court of
Common Pleas of Klk
County. No. 1U Nov
ember Term 1871.
Sur Libel for Uieorec.
You will please take notice, that the
undersigned has been appointed examiner
by the Court, to take the testimouy of wit
nesses in this case on the part of tho
Libellent, anil the naid witnesses will be
produced, sworn and examined, beforo me
at the oHIce of Geo. A. Itnthbuii in King
way, on Saturday the Htlidny of June, next
at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day. at, which
time aud place you may attend if you think
RUFUS LUCOI1E, Examiner.
$1,000 ttfiVAM)I
A reward of Oue Thousand Dollars k'.V.
I e paid to any I'liy.-iieUu who w ill produce
a ui - li. sin tint will supply the wants of
the poopbs hatter than the article kuoivu as
It H. 1 II U r ti i ' s
Co!era'w3d 3!ooJ Clearer or Pannea.
It must be 11 better Cathartic, a better Alter
ative, a heiiRi- fiu loriTIo, a bettjr Diuretic,
abetter I'miiu. a id in ev.iry way baiter the I'.m-n-ce a. -No matter how long
it lnii been in use or how lately discovc-od
Above all it mint, not couliiiu anything not
$500 REWARD!!
A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will
be paid for a niaiioiuo that, will perma
nently cjre mire ont:i of Custivcue.s,
Constipation. Sick or Nervous Headache,
Liver Complaint, IUious Disorders, Jaun
dice. Kh.'uiuaiisin. Gout, Dyspepsia, Chi lis
and Fever. Tape IVoi-ms. Ihnls, Loins, jido
una IteaU nu t tnuule l omjilunit than
. 1 li u . v ; 1' .s-
which is usel more extensively by praotie
in physicians than any other popular
meiliciue known.
F..r Silo bv U. U. M ESENIER.
way, Pa. vln22yl.
Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for
August term 1872:
lJouczctto. Goo. W. Apker, Monioe
Kcnziocer. Charles Sohneidcr.
Fox. Fred. Pcarsall, Keubon S.
Gross, Geo, A Dillow, John Moore.
Horton. Gilbert Brockway, Jack
Short, George Himes, James Pheluu.
Jay. Christopher Dill.
Junes. Job Vaukirk.
ltidgway. Daniel McGovern, W.
H. OsterhoGt, E. J. Miller, Daniel
Farrand, J. C. Law, T. S. Hartley.
St. Mary's Boro. Anthony Aumann,
Herman Kretz, Anthony Kieberger.
Spring Creek. Abraham Bowman.
Benezette. John W. Overturf, J.
G. Boll, John Johnson.
Beotincrer. Anthony Robenrictb,
Martin Fritz, Francis Schluttenhoffer,
Andrew Lenze, John Goetz (Rope-
Fox. Cornelius Sullivan, J. Finlev
Robinson, J. J. Taylor, II. O. Thomp
son, is. (Janavan, ('. A. Bundy, James
Cuneo, Charles Gill, William Edwards.
Highland. Levi Eletborpe.
Ilorton. Adam Kemmerer, Daniel
Pbelan, James Danovan, Rufus Elder.
Jay Leroy K. Leggett, Samuel Uhl.
Jones. Daniel Attlebareer. Johu
Pistner, John C. Johnson, Jr.. John
Millstone. F. J. Clyde.
Ridgway. Joseph Wildfire. W. D.
Dickinson, D. S. Luther, George
Dickinson, Milton II. SJeisht, James
Gardner, John Vanorellail, E. C.
Barrett, Thompson Crow, C, V. Gillis,
H. M. Powers, N. B. Waterson, John
St. Mary'a Boro. Louis Beyer, John
Kiieg, S. Reynolds, Louis Ilanhauser.
Jcaeph Windfelder. Engelbert Spellen-
cerg, u. iUjuni.
Spring C t& ek- David Kennedy.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For tbe relief and
Curo of all liornntfe
Itients In the stom
ach, liver, and bow
els. They are a mild
spertent, and an
excellent pnrgatlva.
Being pnrely vefre
table, (hey contain
no mercury or mine
ral whatever. Mmh
gerlmiN sickness and
siifTermgls prcvent
fl hv their timely
use; and every family should have thorn on hand
for their protection and relief, when required.
Long experience bas proved them to bo the saf
est, surest, and best of all the JPillt with which
the market abounds. Py their occasional use,
the blood Is purified, the corruptions of the sys
tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the
whole machinery of lilo restored to its healthy
activity. Internal organs which become clogged
and sluggish are cleansed by Aurr'n Win, and
stimulated into action. Thus incipient dlsesse
Is changed Into health, the value of which change,
When reckoned on tho vast multitudes who enjoy
It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating
makes them pleasant to take, and pre crves their
virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so
that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable.
Although searching, they are mild, and operate
without disturbance to tho constitution, or diet, or
Full directions are given on the wrapper to
each box, how to use them as a Family Physic,
and for the following complaints, which these
fill rapidly cure:
For l.rprpli or Indignation, fctatleiM
M, laniuor and !, of A pprlltv, they
should be taken inodcratelr-to stimulate the stom
ach, and restore its healthy tone and action.
For I.lrrr Complaint nml it various aymn
toms, nilioua llrnditrbp. Afrit IleatK
urne, Jauinllrr or 44 rem SlrknrM, Hil
ton Colic and Ilillou ven, they should
lie judiriously taken for each case, to correct Ilia
diseased action or remove the obstructions which
csue it.
For Ityacntcry or Iliarrhoea, but ono
mild dose is generally required.
For llhrumatlara. Mont, firavpl, Ial.
Dilution of tun Heart, Ialn Iu the
Miilr, Hack and IOlna. thev should be contin
uously taken, as required, to change the diseased
action of the system. ilh such change those
Complaints disappear.
For llronar and Dropalcal Swelling-,
they should be taken in large and frequent doses
to produce the effect of a drastic purge.
For Siuppreiwion, a large dose should be
taken, as it produces the desu-ed effect by sym
pathy. As" a ninnnr Pttt, tike One or two Pills to
promote digestion and relieve tho stomach.
An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and
bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the
system. Hence It is otten ndvantngeous where
no serious derangement exints. One who feels
toleriihly w ell, olleii finds that a dose of these
Villa mnkeB him feci decidedly better, from their
demising ami renovating effect on the digestive
lr. J. C. ATEIt CO., Practical ChamUtt,
For Wile by
O. G. M ESSI5NGEH, DrugJiat,
Ridgway, Pu.
Every year increases the popu
larity of this valuable Hair Prep
aration, which is due to merit
alone. We can assure our old
patrons that it is kept fully up to
its high standard ; and it is the on
ly reliable and perfected prepara
tion for restoring Ghay or Faded
Hair to its youthful color, making
it soft, lustrous, and silken. The
scalp, by its use, becomes white and
clean. It removes all eruptions and
dandruff, and, by its tonio proper
ties, prevents the hair from falling
out, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-glands. By its use, the
hair grows thicker and stronger.
In baldness, it restores the capillary
glands to their normal vigor, and
will create a new growth, except in
extreme old age. It is the most
economical IIaiu-Dressixq ever
used, as it requires fewer appllca.
tions, and gives the hair a splendid,
glossy appearance. A. A. Hayesj
M.D., State Assayer of Massachu
setts, says, "The constituents are
pure, and carefully selected for ex
cellent quality; and I consider it
the Best Preparation for its
intended purposes."
Sold by all Druggist! and Dealer! in Medicines,
Price One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye.
As our Renewer in many cases
requires too long a time, and too
much care, to restore gray or faded
Whiskers, we have prepared this
dye, in one preparation, which will
neither rub nor wash off. Sold by
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.
Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO.,
The ingredients that
published on every package, there
fore it 18 not a aacrat nrpnaratinn
ft is a certain cure for Scrofula.
Svnbilis in nil it. fnrm. Rh.i,n...
tisin. Skin Diseases, Liver Com
plaint and all diseases of the
Blood. m
will do more good than ten bottlos
.1.- c
ui mo oyrups 01 Barsapiirilla.
have used Rosadalis in their practice)
for the past three years and freely
endorse it at a reliable Alterative
and Blood Purifier.
DR. T. . PUGH of Baltlmoie.
DR. T. J. BOYKlX, "
' 'ji ' "'J, NleholMvilU,
TR.r.L. McCARTHA, Columbia,
DR. A. B. NOBLES, F.dgecomb, N. C.
J. B. FREN-C'H & SONS, Fall River,
F. W. SMITH, JaeltMn, RItoh.
A. F. WHEELED, Lima, Ohio.
I'RAVLN &, CO.,,ordonvnie, Vt.
SAil'L. G. McFADDl-v xi U1. !,...
boro, Tenn.
Our SDACfl Will lint nllnvr n, -
tended rcmniki in lulaiiun ! the
virtuetOf Kosadalii. Totho MeJical
fmlMliril iB..,,.nrtu. L' ! . . . .1 ...
traouperiorto any they bat e ever
in Ik. .1:
mood ; and to the afflicted we lay try
Rnnmlalia mnA vnti w,ill lu. w J.
to health.
Roaadalln la .,.1.1 t,v .11 T ...
price 1.50 per buttle. Add? '
V2. CLsrr:r?3 & ci !
iliuufacturing diemult,
BalTllioRi;, Jl.
quickly and enectually accomplish
this result. It is easily applied,
and produces a color which will