The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 13, 1872, Image 4

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    A Story of I'ikIp John Covoilc.
The Washington cotTOsporulent, of tho
Cincinnati Commercial writes as follows :
I havo hoard a funny anecdoto about
tho Into John Covodo, this morning,
which is worth repeating :
I do not know whether tho doctor
used to proscribe whiskey for Covode or
not, but I prosllmo ho did not, for Uncle
John was too faultless a man to drink
whiskey unless it was good for him. At
any rate, he used to keep it in his room,
and drink some when he felt a little
faint. lie came from a whiskey-producing
district, and tho boys used to say
that he always had on hand a nice ar
ticle. In those days, before we had any
Congressional Tcmporanco Societies,
when McDougal, Yates, and such kin
dred spirits were in their prime, whiskey
used to bo sold at tho restaurants in tho
Capitol, and it was not unfrequently
kept in some of tho committeo-roonis.
If tho Chairman of a committee was
bibulously inclined, and several of tho
samo feather on the committee with
him, the chances were that a thirsty
soul could always find comfort in that
room. Covode at that time was Chair
man of the Committee on Public Build
ings and Grounds, the same over which
Mr. Halsey, ot Wcw Jersey, now so ably
There was not much business for tho
committee to do, and tho room was a
handsome one, with lounges, and arm
chairs, and all the inviting influences ;
besides, it was convenient. It was
handy for tho membors to run into
during the long debates, to sinoko a ci
gar and have a chat, and at almost any
hour in tho day a parity of jolly members
might bo found in that room, drinking,
smoking and telling stories. The whis
key was plenty. Covodo was liberal
with it j caso after enso camo to his ad
dress from Pennsylvania a dozen bot
tles, two dozen bottles, a small keg, a
demijohn, all sorts.
Ono day, early in tho session, Covodo
told ono of his friends that there was a
good deal of whiskey drank in that
room. His friend seemed perfectly in
different to the information, merely an
Ewering, "Is'poseso."
"Well," said Covode, "I don't so
much object to tho boys drinking all
they want, but I don't want them to
walk off with it in wholesale. I'm not
ambitious to keep a wholesale establish
ment. A fair retail business is all I caro
for. They may como here if they aro
our friends, and drink as much as they
want, but I don't want them to steal it.
I don't want them to take a bottlo to
day, a demnohn to-morrow, anil a keg
the next dav."
" Have a new lock put on your wash
stand, then."
"That's a good idea," said Undo
John j " it's a wonder I hadn't thought
of it before." Ho a new lock was put on
tho wash-stand a largo rose-wood case
with deors in front and a marble top,
This would hold a keg of whiskey, two
or three demijohns, or a couple of dozen
bottles. The new lock did not seem to
work very satisfactorily. A day or two
after, tho lsck was changed ngain ; no
nse more whiskey gono mysteriously.
' 1'inally, a very intricate and complicat
ed lock was put on. Then tho robbery
was to stop sure. The very next night
a demijohn disappeared.
It was but natural that by this time,
Undo John becamo a littlo discouraged
and unhappy. Still he could not give
up the luxury and satisfaction of having
something nice about him all tho time.
It was pleasant to give a friend a drink
once in a while, and it was sociable, and
tinally ho got mad and sworo he would
be doggoned if ho wouldn't keep a little
of tho stuff in his room, and he would be
doggoned if he would allow anybody to
steal it either.
Bo ho set a trap. A new stock had ar
rived that day, and he put it in the
wash-stand, as usual. After the House
adjourned, he concealed himself in the
room, and waited. He did not have to
wait long. Ho heard two pairs of feet
tiptoeing up to tho door. Ho laid low.
Pretty soon a key turned in tho lock
and then two men entered. From his
hiding place, Undo John peeped out
and recognized two waggish Democrat
ic members, who were fond of their joke,
but still fonder of Undo John's whiskey.
Htill Undo John laid low, but kept his
eyes open. The two men walked straight
up to tho washstand and deliberately
lifted oil' the top ! That was all, but it
was enough for Uncle John ! Ho kept
quiet, however, until they had handed
out two or three bottles. Then he step
pod out and said :
" That'll do boys ; I want tho rest."
There was at first consternation on ono
side, as may be imagined j and anger on
the other, but these soon gave way to
laughter and was succeeded by drinks.
It was a good joko on both sides, but
Uncle John Covode, to tho day of his
: death, never forgave the Democratic
"'" party for that trick.
A Uisrantic Railway Car.
Among tho mechanical novelties, to
be seen in operation at tho Grand Cen.
tral Depot in this city (New York), is a
steam railway car seventy feet wido
which travels on a track of correspond'
ing width.
This great vehicle is made in the form
of a low platform car, and the track on
which it runs is provided with four rails,
extending from Fourth avenue t Madi
son Aveuuo. The car is used for tho
lateral transfer of passenger cars from
the main tracks of the Hudson River,
Harlem, and New Haven Railways to
tho various side tracks, thus avoiding
the use of turntables. Tho car is pro
polled by steam, tho engino and boiler
being contained within a sheet iron
house carried on ono side of the machine.
Tho car3 to bo transferred are run
upon tho great car ; steam is then turn
ed on and tho huge machino trots off
with its burden with as much easo as a
horso draws a buggy. Tho machine is
supported on eight wheels, arranged on
independent axles. Thero are in addi
tion four driving wheels arranged upon
ono axlo. It was proposod not long ago
to construct a grain railway from Now
York to Chicago, on a gauge ot 12 leer
That was considered a big thing in the
way of broad gauges. But it is a pigmy
compared with this seventy foot gaugo
railway and locomotive ot tne uranu
Central. Scientific American.
The last of the Gretna priests is dead
old Simon Lang, who for many years
has been the lone survivor of a long lino
of self appointed dignitaries. He per
formed tho marriage ceremony for the
runaway scions of a great number of
noble and powerlul nouses, including
tho Yilliorses, tho Beauclcrcs, the Coven,
tryg, and others of almost equal stand
ing, lie long outlived all his competi
tors, and saw tho doclino of tho golden
days of old Gretna, but still ho contin
ued in harness to the last.
Theatrical and Operatic Singers.
A New York paper gives the following
particulars regarding tho salaries re
ceived by tho leading operatic nn.1. dra
matic artists in that city. Tt appears
that Carl ltosa gives Waclitel $,)()() a
tght and half tho house nUivo $.'1,000.
It is not unusual for $7,000 to bo taken
for an evening's performance of opera,
in which case Ilerr Waclitel takes $ 2,500
as his sharo. Charles fcSantley, the emi
nent baritone, receives o,000 in gold
per month; Miss Adelaide Phillips
f 1,000 for the same timo. Mrs. Van
Zandt receives a pleasant little income
of $1,500 per month, and then we come
down immediately to two hundred dol
lars per week, such as are received by
Anysley Cook, Mad. Doria, Scguin, Tom
Karl, and so on. Tho Nilsson opera is
moro exponsivo. Mr. Strakosch pays
Mllo. Nilsson $1,000 a performance, and
shares all over $3,0(W. Tho houses
average noarly $5,000. Besides this all
her expenses of residence, travelling,
carriages, etc., are paid by the manage
ment. This great singer returns to
Europo with very near $300,000 of
American money. The Strakosch bro
thers have made $110,000 each on the
Nilsson engagement of two seasons. Of
tho other artists of the Nilsson troupe,
M. Uapoul, tne French tenor, received
$200 per month: Miss Cary, the fine
contralto, who returns here in tho fall
with Carlotta Patti, gets $1,000 per
month; Mllo. Duval, $1,400 per month;
lingnoli, $1,000; Jamet, $1,000, and so
on down.
Tho following aro stated to bo the
salaries given at Wallack's : John Broug
ham is paid $200 per week : Charles
Matthews, $500; John Gilbert, "the
veteran," $100; J. II. Stoddart, $75;
Mr. Polk, $50 ; Miss Plessy Mord.iunt,
$100 ; Miss Helen Tracy, $00 ; Mrs. John
Sefton, $75. Tho nightly expenses as
Wallack's ore $700 ; the receipts average
about $1,000. At Daly's Fifth Avenue
theatre Miss Fanny Morant receives the
highest salary in tho femalo lino $120
per week nothing less could induco her
to leave Booth s. Miss 1 unny Daven
port is paid $100, and what seems
strange, Miss Clara Morris, who is tho
best drawing power in tho theatre, and
an actress of wonderful ability, only re
ceives $40 per week, and up to within a
short timo furnished her own dresses.
Now, Mr. Daly pays half this expense.
Mr. Wallack has otl'ered Clara Morris
$200 per week, but she is unable to ac
cept it as she has signed a contract with
Mr. Daly for two years. Nor is Mr.
Daly to blame, for ho employed Miss
Morris when every theatre in town re
fused tho profer of her services; James
Lewis is paid $150 per week, tho largest
salary in the company ; Mr. Parkes, $50 ;
Mr. Davidge, 80 ; Mr. Crisp, $10, Mrs.
Gilbert, $00 ; Mr. Harkins, as stage
manager and leading parts, $75, and
Ilobert Stoepel, tho orchestral leader,
$S0. Mr. Huberts, the scene painter,
whoso artistic productions have been so
generally admired, receives $100 per
week. The expenses of tho Fifth Ave
nuo theatre averago about $500 a night,
and the receipts seldom tall less than
$S00 or $900 Tho place when packed
win Hold about !?1,10U. Mr. Ualy is
said to have mado some $50,0Ci0 on
Divorce," not alono by its production
at his own theatre, but by tho sale of
Uo copyriglit elsewnero.
. Books for Children.
Wo find in our European exchanges a
very sensible letter from George Sand
on the subiect of books for children.
She rightly objects to thoso which deal
too mucli and too lightly with most aw-
lul problems which oppress mankind
with poverty, crime and suffering in
their most terrible and depressing as
pects. Sho would not have a child
glibly taught the horrors ot lite, tho
wickedness of being, tho secrets of the
charnel-house, tho bloodshed, tho mor
tal hatreds that disfigure tho fair earth.
It is, of course, impossible to shield him
from tho sight of surrounding evil ; so
much the more reason for making him
love what is good and beautiful, and
" lor cultivating m him the holy flower
ot nope. xuo child must not "bo turn
ed to stone, either by tho fear which
which produces egotism or by the indif
ference which consecrates it. 1 have ot
ten been tola, she adds, " that 1 keep
children's souls too much in cotton wool.
Does not nuturo itself teach us this by
imparting to mothers the instinct ot pre
serving tho most fragile creatures at the
cost of tho minutest precautions ' Is
not tho young bird brought up in the
softest down till its wings havo grown '
llio wings or tho soul will show them
selves when the time comes, and you
have many other precautions to take
while directing its lirst soarings.
Souk Git.vrES. A friend related ono
morning a sceno in a schoolroom, wUich
we think will do to publish, and i i t'JO
good to keep, as follows: It is cus-
torn in the school to read a moral lesson
each morning, when tho teacher ques-
tions tho scholars on what has b'vu read,
Tho day our friend visited the school tho
lesson was a 6ort of narrative, in which
it was stated that a teacher ha ! told his
class not to touch tho mat which rew
in a neighboring orchard, but to -
until it was perfectly ripe, and thv
snouiu uu nave a snare ot it. They u..
disobeyed tho command with tho excep
tion of a littlo girl sho alone refraining
from touching the fruit. Tho question
asked by thu teacher was, " Which did
right tho littlo girl, or the others of tho
class '("
Tho unanimous answer was :
" The little girl."
Tho next question was :
" Why did not the littlo girl ulso tako
tho fruit 't"
This appeared to puzzle the class, and
for a long time no ono was ready to
answer. At length a littlo fellow at the
foot of his class held up his hund, which
was equivalent to saying ho could give
tho answer. lie was told to proceed,
when he astonished tho teachers and con
vulsod our friend by exclaiming :
" Pleath, thir, she wath too little to
reach it."
The BiuaiiT Side. Look ou tho
bright side. It in the right siJo. Tho
times may bo hard, but it will muko
them no easier to wear a gloomy und
sad countenance. It is Buushine, and
not the cloud, that makes tho flower.
The bky is bluo ten times where it in
black onco. Yon have troubles, bo havo
others. Nona are i'reo from them.
Trouble gives sinew ami tone to life
fortitude and courago to man, That
would be a dull sea, and tho sailor
would never get skill, whero thero was
nothing to disturb the surface of tho
ocean. What though things look a lit
tlo dark, the Line will turn, and night
will end iu a broad day. There is more
virtue in ono sunbeam than in a whole
hemisphere of clouds and gloom.
The Summer Piujninq of Grapes.
Prom every well developed eye on tho
bearing canes of n grnpo vine.'as a rule,
thrro will start two young shoots. One
of theso will tako tho lead fi nin the iiivt
few days of warm weather. When this
difference in sizo can bo seen it is then
timo to go over each vino and rub off
the weaker shoot, leaving but ono in a
Under the most intelligent culturists
this rulo is always carried out, in young
as well as in bearing vinos. Sometimes a
largo number of young shoots will start
to grow on the base of the main arms of
largo vines. These also should all bo
rubbed off at the same timo. Tho young
shoots left on grow rapidly, and aro.
when 18 inches to 2 foat long, tender
and easily broken off by a strons wind
or a heavy rain storm. To guard against
any such mishap, the vino-dresser should
see that the young shoots are fastened
to tho vine or other supports in time to
avoid losing part of the crop of fruit
by this kind of carelessness. A week or
ten days later, when tho fruit is set,
with rank growing vines, tho ends of
tho bearing shoots may bo pinched off
four or five eyes beyond the last bunch
of fruit. This will encourago the growth
of tho fruit and at tho samo time en
able tho owner to keep the young shoots
within bounds of tho trellis. Pinching
off tho ends of tho shoots will force a
growth of laterals, and these in time
should bo removed while small, say two
or thrco inches in length. From tho
start ono ot tho main objects in pruning
to havo tho shoots so fastened that
thero is ft freo circulation of air around
every part, and at tho same time have if
possible a healthy foliago. On this will
depend tho growth and ripening of tho
crop of fruit. Among tho moro serious
diseases that injure tho leaves is mildew,
tho appearanco of which is familiar to
thoso who havo paid any attention to
tho culturo of tho vino, cither f oreign or
native, lho application ot powdered
sulphur is tho best remedy to check tho
spread of this disease and fatal effect
upon tho crop of fruit. Tho mildew
generally shows itself early in June,
and prompt measures should be taken
at once. Where thero aro only a dozen
or two of vines tho sulphur may bo
sprinkled on with a small drudge-box,
but in tho vineyard a sulphur bellows
will be found much better. This fungus
growth not only attacks tho leaves, but
also tho stems and fruit in timo, and is
ono of the most destructive diseases tho
grape-grower has to contend with.
Some varieties Buffer moro from this dis
ease than others. Among the kinds that
the mildew affects worst on tho writer's
grounds are tho lona, Diana, Catawba
and Delaware. The Concord, Hartford
Prolific, Clinton, and Norton's Virginia,
grown on tho samo ground, and under
tho samo treatment, are seldom injured
trom this disease.
In planting, it is belter to select
varieties that will make a strong, healthy
leaf, and when mildew appears apply
tho sulphur. Close summer pruning is
often recommended as a preventive
against this disease, but in tho experi
ence of tho writer, it has not prevented
or checked mildew on young or old vines,
Vith native vigorous growing kinds
close summer pruning is not practiced
to anything liko tho extent that it was
ten years ago, and every year s expcri.
once adds to the weight of testimony
ogamst this practice. Uoth close plant
ing and close summer pruning will havo
to bo adandoncd with such varieties as
tho Clinton, Concord, Hartford Prolific,
and Ives Seedling. These, with other
well-known native kinds, require iuor6
room when the vines get to bo eight to
ten years old.
In garden culture, grapo-vmes aro
often injured and tho fruit lost by over
stimulating the vinos. Vines will make
a rank growth of wood und leaf when
planted on rich ground, but under such
treatment tho truit will shed, leaving
tho bunches straggling and irregular.
Ground in averago heart will produco
the most satistactory results, both m
wood, leaf, and fruit. Tho most experi
enced growers fully understand this
point, and only apply a dressing of well-
rotted manure once every three years,
Grapo men all agree that yard manure
tor grape-vines should bo thoroughly
decomposed betoro application, liy lot
lowing this plan tho growth of wood
and leat is more capablo ot earrym
through to maturity tho crop of fruit.
Young vines planted this spring need
constant attention tho first year. This
does not entail much labor. Only one
shoot should bo allowed to grow tho
first year ; all others should bo rubbed
on when the strongest is selected. lien
a foot long the shoot ought to be fasten
ed to a stako or it may bo broken off,
which will bo a loss and ft disappoint
ment at tho same timo. J. i. Irtuune.
Gn.vrr.3 and Their Easy Culture
It is surprising that so many families
m tho country uro willing to live year
utter vear, without cultivating a single
eranovine about their dwellings. They
aro compelled to purehaso that delicious
fruit for tho table, or not taste it during
the season, lhero is a common innires
siou that to cultivate erapes perfectly, a
vast amount of knowludgo and tact is
-pquired. To many tho simiilo trim
.. a; ot a vino 13 a mystery, more dim-
ci:.. ' i comprehend than tho hardest
pio.....j jf Euclid. This i3 an erronc
ous view, und ought not to prevail. Any
person ot common intelligence can lean
ill an hour how to trim and nourish
vines ; and, if instruction cannot be ob
tained from somo experienced cultiva
tor, there are books filled with cuts and
illustrations whiuh muko everythm
plain. Three vines of as many diii'eren
varieties, planted in somo sunny nook.
or by the sido of somo building, so as to
obtain slielter, will, it properly care
for, furnish many a bushel of delicious
grapos every year, belect a Uoueoru,
Delaware, and an Adirondack ; mako
tho ground mellow and rich by the use
ot a spado, ana by employing old ma
nure, finely ground bones, and asties
and set out tho plants. In threo years
tho rich clusters will appear, und iu four
years the product will bo abundant. It
is well to havo vines planted so that the
waste liquids from tho dwellings can be
used in fertilization. It thero is any
food the vine especially loves, it is the
soapy liquids which accumulate on
washing days in families. Vines drench,
ed every week with these liquids will
nourish astonishingly, and extend them
selves so as to cover large buildings,
every branch bearing fruit. We say to
our readers plant vines. bitenet oj
Nova htcotia hag b truck oil ut a depth
ot 1M feet.
For tho price of llnilroad Loiuh write
to Cjiakles W. Hassleh, No. 7 Wall
Street, New York.
ftcw York Wlinlrsalo Markets.
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The SurrtKMB Question-. Health in tho
most important of earthly blessings, nnd therefore-
lho nervous nnxiety of the sick to ascer
tain tho relative men is of the various medi
cines in tio U not nirriisinp. 'Within tho
last two years many thousands of invalids have
abandoned the preparations of tho phnrma-
copoiist tor the remedy introduced by Dr.
Walker, of California, under Ihe somewhat
eccentric name of Visr.oAit UirrKisg. That
lis new Vegetable medicine is " winnins cul-
en opinions of all sorts of people" is beyond
doubt. J ho accounts wo hear of its extra
ordinary cfl'ecta in cases of chronic dyspepsia,
rncumatism, liver complaints, malarious fevers,
nervous prostrations and many other distress
ing diseases, certainly justify tho popularity
men it has everywhere acquired.
lit. ulkcr claims for his specific a rcme-
ial power over all disorders that do not in-
olve an irreparable destruction of bono nnd
ire, and results so far appear to have justified
the claim. In this aee of wonders we aro not
isposed to deny the possibility of any phe
nomena not directly at varinnro with tho lawn
f nature, nnd as ir, is held by mnnv physi
ologists that nil maladies proccl from the
same generic cause, we see no reason for tho
incredulity w ith which snmo people reenrd the
idea of a 'Universal Medicine. Dr. Walker's
preparation seems destined to bo universally
This is an initation or inflammation of the
ironchiul tubes which carry the nir we breathe
into the lungs. It arises from a cold settled
in the throat, from Catarrh extending to these
pnris, from scrofulous nU'eclions, and from
severe use of the voice. J lie irritation from
his latter cause commences in the larvnx and
glotis, which are the oraans of the voice, and,
xtending downwards, produces hoarseness,
coughing, and spitting mucous matter, some
times mixed wiih blood. It is thicllv danger
ous from its tendency to spread into tho lungs,
and terminate in consumption. It is in the
cure of severe and obstinate cases of this dis
ease thnt Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery has achieved unparalleled success, nnd
won the loudest praise from all who have used
It is sold by all respectable Druggists.
Vitalize tue Haul Why docs the hair
become harsh mid dry wliy does it lull out
why docs it become pray? Simply because
the life has tone out of it. The libers draw
sustenance Irom the scalp na the trass draws
aliment from the soil, und when the supply of
nmimicui is cut on in inner case the product
withers and dies. At the llrst symptom of
decay, therefore, the Hilled or balf'-iel lools of
the hair should he relruslied mid reinforced
with Lyon's Katiiaihox, Hic only preparation
which will nomUli tbo. filaments nnd heel)
them in a vigorous condition niter they have
ucaiin to sutler irom a uclleleney ot tneir natu
ral Biiiiiiiinnt. a urn'' ns tue Kalhairon is
faithfully used, with n proper dejrree of friction,
morning nnd cvcnni'', so Ions w ill it lie im
possible for the hair to whiten or fall out from
the scalp.
Johnson's Anndunc Liniment may be used
to advantage where any l'aiu Killer is desira
ble. In cases ol severe cramps and liains iu
the stomach, it is undoubtedly the best article
una can uc used.
Habitual constipation leads to the followlnir
results: Inlluinruntion ot the kidneys, biek
and nervous headache, biliousness, dyspepsia.
inill'resllon, piles, loss ol appetite and strciiitli:
all ol which may lie avoided liy beintr reuular
in your habits, and taking, say one of 1'arson's
I'urtattee 1'ills nightly, lor lour or six weeks.
Cukos, custards, ice-creuin, etc, liuvo
lho truo delicious tasto of tho fruits
which they rc'iiroEeut when flavored
with Uurnctt's Suiicrior Flavoring Ex
tracts, urcnt care should bo used in
selecting the genuine, both in regard to
tasto nnd health.
Whether for use ou man or beast, tho Mer
chant's UurKlintf Oil will be found an u valua
ble J-lniinciit, and worlhy ol Use by every res
ident in thu land. We know of no proprietary
medicine or article now used in the fulled
States which shin es the rood will of the people
to a greater decree than tin.". 1. lntle-
Chaited Hands, face, rough shin,
pimples, riuor worm, salt-rheum, nnd
other cutaneous nffections cured, and tho
skill made soft and smooth by using tho
Juniper Tab So.vr, mado by Casvell,
Hazard & Co., Now York. It is moro
convenient and easily uiiplied than
other remedies, uvoiding tho trouhlo of
the greasy compounds now 111 use.
To Tim IYijMO. We know ot no remedy
equal to Jackson's Catarrh SsctF nnu
TuocnK l'ownuit, for Catarrh, Asthma, Loss
of Voice, Ac. Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to
uso, and a sure emu. Ask tri;bt for
it, or mail !JC cents to CooPiH, Wiuok &
I.O., rWlailniphia.
lluiTiiitu can lie cured without sull'uiiiif;.
Klustie Trusses are superseding all others.
lieforu tufins Metal Trusses or Siipix.i icik.
send fur a ilcKi rititive circular lo the Elastic
Truss Co., (lod Uroadway, N. Y.
Tlininirli tin; 1,-n.rth anil lire xltli of thu laud
Hie eelelnated BiLVEH Tll'l'KI) liouls and
tiliocs are Mild ly the Hiilliou, fur jiiiicnls
know they last twice as luiit; as without lips.
try tueiu. tor a!e by ull
Do you want the hest Shoe ever made that
win not lip or leak, anil is easier iuu untr ma
chine Kcwcd or fvgm'A Slioe, buy the CAIil.K
BUKtW W1KIC made.
PLAOo'it Imst kt Helibf hai ritool twinitv vwars
te,t. I wurranted to irivo immediate relit) to all
Khenuiutii', Neurulgl:, Head, Kar uuU Back acho, or
luouey rel'uudcd.
CuisTAnnno'H Exchlsiok Hair Dyi otanU mm
vailed and alono, lu mcriU buve been o unlveri-ully
acknowledged that it woulu be a hiierero)nitlou lo
uctfcuut ou them uuy lurtuer uoiunitf can ueui iu
All who Aeire to occumulate wealth fdiould ox am
ino tho iiluu for an jsmporial utty ut the termm
thu Nii)i..i-n !!.! U a H:Lilroud. Puiret 8ouii4.
und lull nurticuluro neiit. pout-paid, by Lockwood tu
wi jr. u. DUX aoua, nun iui.
Vkgktini will reRTilate the bowel to healthy
tlon, by ftiumUUlng the eecrctiooi, cleau(lutf and
rilviiie- thri hWwt.l nf nolsonoui buuioi'f. und. ir
liealtliful and natural mauuur, expeU all impmiUe-
wnhout weukcuiuj; tue boay,
Trt ronA mi.l (s.iil v,l I ). lllOtlLrht and niludii of ior-
soiu, prunuut or ubsetit, wend 1 1'V P. O. money order
It tn m vo.Ti.tii mnrn rn. 1ht C.TnnmTl inn enn
I cniiil ; t.ut il ts Mr h 1 1 r In pn-vrnt thn cmtt His
eno from fa-tenihfr Itsrll on tlip y-t'm. by tho timely
.. .. . . i ri rrtxt-1 fl.iKxtH r, f II 'liJ
ii'h iii it rcinc'ii j- iikii nit "'-"(. i; nun
thrmj. Till unul-wrl iirvpinntlun w ill fiu-dllly mre
n roit(,'li or enM. ami i;von Cun-Mmption otK-n yields
to it grim power.
Tho alv -tl-. r, Invlw: hrvn p Tinum nl!y muv 1 ol
t!i:i( i1tv:v1, )nniinipimii, by ti flmplc rfini'uy
Is fiiixiuim In m.Vp known In Ins fr-ltnw MihVrrf Ilie
nn;ins ol erne. To nil who ilt'slre tl. lie will fnul a
envy of tho prescription unl, (irorof chiirire). with
thi' dirt'Cllon i'nr pi-epurinir and niwr Ihe fiune, whleh
they will find a HniK CniB for L'nxarMPTins, Asth
ma, IlmiNCHiTis, Ace. I'artios wishing thu proscription
willplcuseaddru" . .,ro
ir. r.un Am .1. ?
tut lViin St.. Williriin.-burtdi N. V.
Tnti iVntii. t:4 nncc'. M.iil ten cents to GKOltOE
01MIJLY, ofTiro of the Journeymen PHntmV Co-op
erative Association, 30 Dccknmn etruot, Ncit York.
DEBTS considered wnrthloen havo boon collected
in all part of Europe through lh untiring on-
;rgy of 4. t. jrilb JSA L r, Attorney at iatr.
i Unlit inliia, Pa.
PEHIHjY IMXSTKATKD. Sow 1k ttr, time to sub-
tcrlbc. D v &cntt stamp lor n wimple number.
JOU. L. cllUKUz t 3U Hl'OmlirlU St., Uosluil, MaRf.
A monthly. Sl.oo a Tear. Splendidly lllintrnted.
TolU all nbont poultry. Send 10 ccnt.sforaflamplo
copy. A(l'm-n nox liim, iiui-iioru.
Cheap Farms! Free Homes!
i '
or inn
Best Farming and .V'incral Lands in America.
1 Till!
Thp-o lnnl nro In tho rontral nortion of ttio I'nitrtl
Btiitox, on tlm 41 -t (h'tneo 9i iNnrtii Lull t uric, Ihn c n
tnil lino of tho emit Tumperute Zonn ol- tho American
Conl i in'Tit, nml lor cr.iiii trrowitjtr nnl lurk ruining
un-nrnn-i-u'l liv nnv in the Unitcil Sltitep,
CIIEAPKIl IN iMtlCK, m.irr i-tvonihlo tormp riven,
and inoi-o convenient to nnuk.Lt than cmu to ion nil
Free Hoiuestoails for Actual Settlers.
SuMim entitled to a Homestead of 1G0 Acres.
Fi'co Passes to Fitroliuaers of Lnnd.
Punrt for lho now aV-oripllvo iininrlilot, uitn now
mnps ul)li-lii'il iu EiiL'li-h, ninii iHw-cli.-ii
iiauin, mulled iivo ovtiywlK'iv. A-Mr'
Luii'l Coinm'if!ontr, U. I. H. )(. Co..
Tlin TTnti.1 nf llnnr.n n,.,ll-i f ...1 11. r. lt.,r
Spring. Man ilieovernl ils priceless virtue-. Chein-i-lry
analyzed ir. and now reproduce il in ilie iwink
lilig ol" an eye l'loiii Tahh.vnt's Ekfkkvf.scent SKI.T
hisk Afkhient. The moment lite powder is liquified,
every ctira.ive and rct're.liiiig element of the original
.-p:i ioaiii.-t una uinices ill ine gouiet. ami tudigeMion
bllioii-ne-B, ron-tipation. icver und In adaelm take
lllgllt under the op. -ration of the deligbttul dlaugbt.
Mll.ll IIY Al.l. DIllUCI.sT.S,
Manufacturers and Dealers In
Machinery and Imperial
onp, &tnveli, &c.
JVb. 17 H Front Street,
TTb" Order..; by mail or othcnvl-c promptly attended to
L. 15.
J. 51. F. BL.IVEX.
1 1 1 U n ' j-rr"r"M coooiiae.1
flivintrthe Vfrycreum of Scifiicp, If thrillinfr mill
tii's, wonderful discoveries (ioi'n Six WoitK DaySi
how thu world Wii made, und it luxury beloru Adtuii,
Kvurvboflv waiiti it. Sale iinniutii. Atrent- report
62 45 80 87 and U copii-n pur week. Great in
ducement torment. Ktiiiiloymni for Vouiitf
Jitn JailicMf 'l'i'itonvi-ii nud t leryuiun in
every tuwnuini count v. Si-ml tor Cii rul.-u-.
dttrKiUf 1 C iflC'l 11(1)1,
ilS Arch Street, rhihulelniiiii. Pa..
or W7 M:iin Street, Spriujfliuld, Ma.
Aentd Wanted for tho AUTOIIIOGUAPIIY of
or Kecollectionn of a Bny Lift
I;lulrated. TheUfo
und Jim
mi ot f-o iriT;tt a I'hihinthropi-t und Iletonntr,
cannot fail tointere-t every trim American. Send s:t..'i0
lormniidtuiniH'. K. Jt.THKAT, IMih.8i!: liroiulwnv.N.Y
OtMI'A A'.il) IX
In. At. 'It. A
I j " I .!. i. .-i t ... .r,.i,i, ,,h
Gettysburg Katalyslne Water,
Is roltt at tho Pprhifr and imt on the car nt flctty.-bnrir
at the tmlowhitf mte: Three r.illou demljulius !J.tu
each; -ix callnn deinijoliiH, 'j.W ta-h: cu-es of ixvu
U0.L-11 ii:n l botllei), 6s.Wi each. I'repayiiu lit lliUt b
hl.ldc by i'o.-tutlicu irmney ordef--, Adrlre
Il r. I 1 M. 1 Kit M' I I If..
(KUy.-huir. Ta
it i
For any ca-o of IlHnd, bloetl
iutr or Uicentteil
Pile that Db Hinu's I'ii.i:
HtMKDY fails to tint1. Il is
on fined eresly to cure
tin; Pile and nothing el-e.
Sold by ull lrut:j,'it?. Price
Aontd to fell mv Stwi'n Wahor. Will forfeit Sl.Ouo
If I I'iLil lo Wii'ti iK-riVctlv clean 100 shirts in tltirtv
iiiinutoii by isu-ain. witliout rubUin; or wittt-iii of
lliliiLp. ftolliinir Ike It in u-e. loil.liuil iilii'iuly sola,
lt.rtiii I s ut $lo. Will fi'iul sumplit iiiucliiuu tu uuy
uuuut to Loiiuutucu Willi tor aiiuihisk
i.v. Tit,io.. rutsDurirn, ra.
PUSH'S, Uonblo Actluir,
lluckut Piiiiiuui'it uro ttiu
Uu:-t. buna lor circular.
Valley Macliiiie Co.,
KuiiUiaiitiilout Mans
Wt will fend a !i:intl.-fmo I'ro-nectu of our eto II-
tuatrated Family Hi tic containing over 450 tine tcrii
ture lUu-tnitiiin to anv 11 auk Atriut, tree ut' ctiarifu.
Addret.ii AiTiusiL PtULtditiNU Cii.. rmladulpbm. Pa.
IJKOKEItS SALE. 300 Piano?. 375 Gold Watche,
I iirU Silver do., h,q tiewiutr MufhiiM's, 5iu Hilk
Drupes. Uuu .Shawls lJiiiu i.ill (Jhuiu.-. yuO Se't Gold
Jewelry, and 7j,0cu other articles, ut til each. Send j
iUU lor two tiekLi-, or twit tiunp lor Cuculur,
t 1. BANKS & CO., Boston, Mjhp,
X lN'U MACHINES, will hem round couien. over
eatiiri, on tiho or courK ootU, uuy width from 3-lti to
of uu inrh. Sainnle neiit nri'jiaid on reeeipt of one
dollar. Addre T. A. MACAULAY, 10 Lcxitik'tuu
Avenue, ftuff lorn uuy.
PF-R VfEK and exnon'-of paid. Wewant
a relialo uj,vnt in every County in the U.
9. A'JUrfHri ULUHOSi 111 V KH IHE VO
Mai(iyn Lane, N. Y., or Chicago, 111.
"r"AN Art A SPIRITUAL BEIXO, by Rev. Ohamv
for catalogue (ri yie) of other book. E. 1(. bWl-NV
A.1M. Cl'V Ulll'P. Will Ul IIIUI1MII lUlil'HIl Ul 91,11, Cl' ltl
Ku uooper u moi, n . i .
A GENTS Wanted. Aprent nu",KO more mono
V work forj than anything t-Uu. PuitieuUiM
work forin than anvthinif t-lsu. Paitieulur liue.
, t-'int Ait huhlimtg. Pnrthiud, Mh.
Meb.dtAllp. Pa..Theolo? leal 8uhoul eduaata& mtnltera
No dogmatic tet. Board, tuition, library, Uixt-booki
lre. 'IV: in beirtu bent. 16. Write Pre. Llvermom
MA11K Tools, Patents, Ao., with Steel Stamp
k is,.JO r ii d...... iki,. v.. ti .. i i .... it
th a beTm r k
"die tuztf Ciooa PllRIMER -
VECIETINK Is mailo exclusively from the Juices of
carefully selected bark, root nml herbs, und
so strongly concentrated lhat It will effectually enwll
cnto rrnm tho system every taint of Hcrofnln,
Scrofulous Humor, Tmnorn, C'nnccr, C'nn
corona Humor, Erysipelas, Snlt Illicum,
Syphiiliio HiscnseB, Cnnkcr, Fnljilncna n
Ue Mtomnclt, and all ill-oa-i-s that ar jo from Im
puro hloori. ftclnttrn Inrtntittiintory and
Cli route Rhcninnllaiii, Ncurnlirln.Uoiit and
Kjilnnl Coittplntnl, can only be nuVctnaHy cured
through the blood.
For Ulcers and Frnptlvo rtlsrnsra of the
skin, Pustules, Pimples, lllotcliei, Ilolli,
Teller, Scalillirntl and Klnswortii, VKQK
TINE Iiom never filled to oflYcl a permanent cure.
For Pnlns Iu the Ilnrk, Klrincy t'o-n-plninls,
Drops1, Femnlo Wcnkneaa,
corrhicn, arli-lwt from interna! ulceration, and uter
ltiodicao and General Debility, YKC.KTINE
act." directly u-on tho causes of tho.o complaints. It
invigorates and strengthens thu wholo fystein, acts
upon tho sccretivo organs, allays Inllammation, cures
ulceration and regulates the bowel,.
For CMnrrh, DyspcpKin, Ilnbttunl Cos
llvrness, Pnlpltntlon of the Heart, Ilcntl
nche, Piles, Nervousness and Ctcncrnl pros
tration of tho Nervous System, no medicine has
ever given snch porfect sathfactlon as tho VEGE
TIXE. It purifies tho blood, cleanses all of tho or
gans, and posscsnos a controlling power over t he Nerv
ous system.
Tho rcmarkab',0 cures effected by VEOETIN'E havo
ndnced many physicians and apolhecarlos whom wo
know to precribo and uce It in their own families.
Ill fact, VEGETINE Is the best remedy yet di-ccv-ored
for tho above ilLseases, and U tho only reliablo
BLOOD PTJRIFIEU yut p aced before the public.
Prepared by II. II. t-TEVENrl, Bo-ten, Ma.-s.
Prlco $1.25. Sold by all Dniggh-tx.
A Representative and C!i
:mii Ait.
An Vluxti-atcd Monthly Journal.
Claimed to If. the Handsomest Paper in Vic Woriil.
THE ALDIMl, while i-suod with all tho rr rularity,
us none of tlm t'-mpottify or timely intere-t charac-
ii-tic uf or.imat y nci-io-lical-. It i an LdeL'ant mif-
Uany of pun-, liylit, and graceful literature, und a
eCllOIl of nieiuriw. the rnr..-r mi. cinii.ii j i.f r.i-ticltr
kill, ill hku-k :iml white. Allium. rl, ..,,, (,' tir.o.....liuif
nuiiiher uihcd- a lVe-h nh-a-nre to it- lih n, the real
Ine and beauty of THE ALhISE will be ino-t ap
'.'Ciatf d aiiur it hn h- u hound up at the c.lo-e of tho
ar. Vhih! other miniieition-' may claim mperior
u-:tnf" n compaied with rival of u similar cla-s
UL ALDISE i-uunhiuo and entirely original con-
p'.ion alone and uuai.iro;iched---a'Holutelv without
iinpetition itl price or t;fiuracter. The imsMinr of
i iw uiiiiiiu juL tjuoipieieu ClllllUll duplicate 1 110 Uail"
tilyot line pap.-M- und entrravini; in any other thupe
or number of volutnesyr ten timet itt cost.
New Features for 1872. !
AltT PKPAItTMKNT. The Pill hn-Irivf in eiirtnr.rt enrnnl.
11 V UCCOl'ded to thtfr enteriu i-p. ulnMnvr.r it lnw ho.m
introduced hay convinced the nubli.hern of THE AI.
DIKE of tho JOluulnes.-' of their theorv thnt. thn Aiiht-
icuti public would recoirni.e and lieartily kunport any
HCero elloi t to elevute the tone nnd wtimdiiidnflllii--
ratcd iniblinut tollH. AI n. I'twrtmli.n nf tlw. nvni.lli.n
of thU department, tho publL-liers would bun to an
nounce Miecimeiis fioin tho following umonc other
niiiieiit American Artitt.
W. T. RirilAHDS, fJHAXVII.t.E PFnKIXS. Jamks Suii.kv.
m. IIaut. F. O. C. Pauley, li. E. Pigikt,
)m. ItKAiin, Victor, J hank Bkakd.
KO. SMILKr, M. II. V II.COX, l'At'L DlXO.V.-
lo. Will. Jajies II. Beaup, J. How a.
These rdctures aro heinir renrndiippd without renirH I
to expense by the very best engravers In thu conntrv,
and their work will bear tho M-verci-t critical compari
son with the b. intr the de- !
termination of the publi-heivthat 'I'VE ALDISE diall
bo a nceefflll vindication of A me dean taMe in com
petition with any cxi-tine; publication iu the world.
LlTKRAHV RhPARTMEVT.-Whero tn nmeli ntt.-nltmi
is paid to the illustratiuu and t'et up of the work, too
much dependence on appearance may very naturally
bo feared. To iinticiim'.e .-uch lniMriviuir. It ia onlv
.-carvto .tato tlmL tho editorinl iminncreTnent of
"UU AI.mF. hiiBl...,.n iiitin.t.wl t.k Alit. ItllMI AUI)
IIEVHY STOPDAKD, who has received a-unnieet or
U-.-i-lUUCe from u ho-t of the mo.-t nonnlur wiileri nnd
poets of the country.
Tho Volume for 1872
111 Contain m:irlv3(iA nn?nn.nni1 tihnnf 01(1 linn on.
Tuvhnr. Comniencint'wilh tho number for Jannarv,
ry third number will coniulu a beautiful tinted
pieture on plate paper, inserted n a frontUpieco.
ino L-ntistnias niimner lor ls72 w ill be a tplendtd
olumeiu itself, contuininir lift v imiltiivIiip--. inm in
tilt) Ulld, ulthoUL'h letuiled at 1 will he eiil wttliimr
extra cliaiyu to ull yearly Hilcriber.
was a very popular fe;ituro lust your, nml will ho rn
iRali d with tin' imwiit volunui. Thu imlilUlivrn liavo
lHirL-linc,l unit rfproiliiri'it, at irn-nt cxik-iis.., the h. all
til'u! oil iiuintiiiir liy EKI8, cutitl.-d Damk Nitiiik'8
rlCHiiiiL. ' Tin' chromo Is lll'J iutlios. iiii.l . uu i xucl
luc-.-hnili, fn und upnuriiii(i. ol' the original pie-liu-e.
No Amt'i-ii'au chionio, wliich will ul ull cuitipuro
with it. hai been ii n hi i -ll. ,1 lor tho nricu uskid lor
THE ALU1SR ami It toir. thiM'. Ti will 1, v,.,..,l
fi'i o, wilh tho January imtnhcr, to evorv HilcriliT
w ho pay lor ono your ill udvaiiL-c-, directly 01 in uclulj.
Terms for 1 872 :
One Cnpij, one year, with Oil Cltrome S'i.iki
J-Vre L'opiet, " " 4 irn.ito
Anynerfon pemllncr lonamon and fijUwill
extra copy jrratis mukinu II conien lor tho inoncv.
Any person wisiiinir to worK lor a premium cull havo
our piviniuui circular on application. Wu nivo many
auiuui unu ue.-nauie uiueles cltcrcu by uu oikur
Any porran wisiiinir to net, pirmniicntlv, uj our
rclil.v. ill apjily. with reference, cnclosini; S 1 ior outlit.
JAMES SUTTON ui C J, Publiihert,
23 Liberty troet, Nc'W York.
Mj.-:U a tiirc-U by COLTS ARMS I! ;r;forJ. C.
S'zcs, 2 lo 10 1! Potter.
Dtf" For J'ricc-Litt and
;.:;!li!!!!;viawiai I.-.
No. 1 8 Park Place
N. Y.
The lowest price lU-t ever published of
In taillu Gold and Silver Cac only.
lli'iiotlli't'M opinio AVtltlllOM.
Silver Watch, llelledlct
(cold, (H "
Silver Watch, Samuel W. lielledict.
Uuld (IS karat) "
Aukcrlcuu WnllHaiik Watches.
Coin Silver Hun! inir Watches S1K so
Uohl Iiuutiutf Valcli08, ienL.s Si.o &VJ (h)
" " Lailio' tiixu ..$100
Bent lo all iiarts of the country by express with pHv
ili ire to examine boforo payinir. heiid for a price list
and compare pilced bei'ore imtclm-llit; el.ewhure.
Jewclertt aud keeiem of the Clly Time.
CU1 Ilroadway, ueai' Fourth SireuL, New York.
A L.I. TUB PAPERS from Malno to California
iV pronoiiiire it, wittojut a ilngie advene criticism
Every Honcowniir'i Cyclopc.lla,
Elegantly printed and bound, with nearly Ho lllustra.
tioiu. Sold only hyubteription. AotNra wanted in
every county in tM Union. Liberal Tkhii.
for circulars.
PORTER dt COATE3, Publlher. Phlla,delphla, P.
$290 for Brut-class Pianos. Nodlscount. Noaaeutf
Zdilrcta U. 8. PUKO (JO., IW lirodwuv, N. V.
'Ijljif! fl,-i;-rTr7T.,
No Fcrrm cm Ink 1Iioc ItUtrrs acenrd
r tn dircciinns nnd rpin.iin hniB unwell, provided
their b'tne are nt dustroyod by mineral poinn or other
ins nod the vital organs waited beyond tue point
of tepiiir.
lyHprittn oi iiifltCHitoii. llcndnrhe, Pain
n the Shmilder!, Coughs, Tinhtne of the L'lieV, Din
zinet, hnnr jMiictatmns ot the Momiuh, Had Taste
n the Mouth, lhlmii Attacks. Pa nitatinn nf lh
Heart, .Infiammalion of the Inh? Pain in the regions
of tlie Kidneys, and a bundled oilier painful symptom,
are the ofTsprin of Dyspepsia. In these complaints
it has no equal, and one bottle wid prove a better guar
anteeof its merits thin a lenetliy advertisement.
For Fcimilo ( nttipi uiiilM, in yminsr, or old,
married or inle( nt the dawn uf womanhood, or the
turn of life, tliesu Tonic liilters display so decided an
influence that a marked improvement is soon percep
tible. Far Infltimiiinlory nml CTiroiilc Tllicu
Hialtsiti and (tout, Pilious, Remittent and Inter
mi dent Kcvcrs l)i'esof the lood, Liver, Kidneys
fnd lliadder. these Hitters have no eqtnl. t Such Iis
i ai: are caused by Vitiated Jtlnod, wlilcli is Renerally
nroduced by deranyement of the Digestive Organs.
Tliry ure il Ucittle I'urRtive nn well ni
a Tutia pnses;in nlso the peculiar merit of acting
as a powerful atzent iu relievins; Cm Rest ton or Ititi;itn
maticu of the Livor and Visceral Oraun, and in ltilioui
For Skill Dlscnsrs. Eniption. retter, Suit
Tv Ileum, lilntches, S)ots Pimples, I'listufes, lloiU, Car
hune'es, Uiuy-wornis. Scald-1 lead, Sore Kyes, Kry
si.ela. Itch, Scurf, 1 isccilnratinnsof the Skin, Htuuiri
and 1 is'asc.i of the Skin, nf whatever name or natiDL.
nr literallv dni; up and carried out of (ha system in a
short time bv the ue of the;2 Hi ttcv
CirnttTtil TUoummil pnic!;iim i n nn . n V.iT'
tkh-4 the most wor-.doittil liivior.uu that ever sustained
tlie sinking svti'in.
f WALK K K, l'fop'r. II. TI. MrDOJf AI.D CO.,
Di'U'jj.',ists ami ( Jen. A-.,ts., San Kiaucisco and New Yotk
'r SfI 1 f.V A !.!, HHI'tJflKT'; r: IV f,VI".
and ncknowlo.l;;e.l !; m:iny pmniinont physi
cians to Ik? the mo.-t l!eli:;bk' ri'i'ii-iration ever
introduced for t!w KKLlLf nnd CL UKof all
Tills well-known rtineily la off red to thu
public, suiutinii'.'il by the experience of over .
forty years, nml when resorted to In season,
seldom fails to effect a Hiccily cure of
Coughs, Colds, Croup, ErnudiUIs, In
liiicii:',;i,W!io!!ii: t'ou;',Ii, Hoiicsc
ucss, l'iilns or Soroiiess In tko
Chest !!!!(! S!tK, l'.lft dlnif
at the Li-iij.'.-:, Livor
C(jiiti;i;iii.!, itc.
by a timely resort to this standard remedy, as
la proved by liumlreiU of ti :;tii.ioi'.; received
by the proinietors.
does not tlvij itp ti Vtttti.'h, anil Intra tlin
cttusa hvliiittl, fi.-i iit tins riistt iritt most
prt'2tiratioun, hut tt Ioomhh mid vtrttttsva
ihe Ittnyx, ttiitl 4:tlm.i irritutimi, tlma
removing tltv causa vf the complaint
and all those whose occupation rco,iiires an tui
Umial exercise of the vocal organs, will tiiul
this tlio Osi.Y ri:i:i'.i:A i ln:J v. l.ieliv. il! c'.reet
ually and iustantaueoualy ! lieve their dilHcul
ties, Rcwitre e Cotttiterfcit I.
Tiemem'icr timt ihe fjciwitie in'ifoi-j Iinl-tany
has on tlm iiittsiiit irn.ij'tr the rliju.itiirc of
" . J1L J'TS," inul thejiruit. il name ol the pro
prktors,"SJirl r.'OH7.vV .S'O.V.S, I1US.
7'O.V." All others urn bittc imitations. IUhm
ine the wrapper am fully Ivfure purcluuiiiy.
Ost Mh a fit M It Vive DJtrt.
l'llKPAIlllil r.Y
BETH VT. OWLS Ci. SOUS, Eo-ston, Mas.,
Aud sold by Uru;&lKttt uud Ueulcrs eenerally.
, Link-motion. Lock-r'lilrh
..fs.-w at
Clmlhnpcs tlm world In perfection of work, strcnjrlh
aij.1 Kiuityor' flitch, duruhility of coitztruotioii, inul.
ruiii lUy ol' inoib
t ;ll
II and t-vumiiii. nnd for airunclf.
und circular!,.
aa ill end
ti; ItrouHway, New York
85,000 Tickets, 47,5CO Trizt-s,
1 Prile 150,01:0, 1 of lOO.Ol'O, 1 nf 60.000, 1 ot Stl.Olrtl, Pi ns-
siuu i uuiers, una oilier, iibu i uuiui-k euutil lo S7U eold.l
First Drawing June 10th, 1872.
rickets for tho (list dravlnir: Wholes, $13; Halves,
$0.30; Quarters, 3.i0; Kichlus, S1.7S.
Tickirts fur ull tivo druwiutrs; Wholes, SCO; liulvcs,
$30; Quarters,,.5u; Kit-'htiis,
razes cusiiea aim iiiiorioaiion t;ivin tv
P. O. Box C0S0. no Nas.uu bt., Mew York.
520,000 COL!) 111 $1.25 Cl'MlENCl'.
rilHE P. opleV Grund Mical FeMivitl an Gift Kn
X ttupriho will Ukk plucu ut ihv Mt'iropolitun Thua
tr', In Sucrnuii'Uto, CtUiJturiiia, on Ihe lith of Junu,
tlt, wht-u OUU Piixeti.iimoiuitiiii; loovcr $80,00(9
will bo dibtributod tn Ticket IloUlorx, In the mint?
milliner nt thu dmwiiif.' of tin cult brutcd Mjimntile
Library Gift Concert of ban Fruuci.-co, the hiKhost
priste bclnjt $2U,ouo iu Gold. I'uyim iit ot Prized guar
anteed by d poiu. Ticket)'. )J1.Vj curruuey, or tl
Tieketf for ijl'i.iu. Full infornuttiou with prupectu4
can bu obiuiued ut FKLt'li CO 6 UiuisOKia's' Akiic
Uui liruaduay, Svw Yurk.
Published for the benefit of young men and other
who utir from Nervoit Debility, etc., supplyluir thi.
me. a km or PELf -cube. Written by one who cured hint
elf, and sent free on rectdvinjr a poNt-paiJ diruuted
envelope. Addrew NATHANIEL M A VFAUl, Biook-
lyu, a. i.
e m i wrrv nnm vtviti wt a riiua .
" " " w viv-ijiiuuj nauw unu Will
have. Prohis double money. Guitit tiee. Write at
now tLitl o.. 1.. . J i 1 1