7IT0RSDAY, JUNE 13, J872. Var Time at nidgricay. Erie Express Kast 12:38 ft. m. da do West 2:25 a. ra. do Mall East 4:50 p. m. do do West 2:05 a. m. ' flenoto Accommodation East-... 8:40 a tn do do do West. 0:14 p. m. Hates of Advertising. Om column, one year ....$7f 00 1 " " 40 00 " " ' 25 00 J ' ' 15 00 Transient advertising per square ofeiplit lines or less 8 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year ... 5 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. XUt Lodge, Lt.HL Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held at their hall on the second and fourth f aesdays of each month. Q. L. McCRACKEtf, Seo'y. temple ol Honor and Temflerance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on eftlh alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room, a Main street, over .T. V. Honk's store. S. A. ROTE. W. R. A PKRFEOT picture guaranteed at the West End Gallery. Croquet is the popular gnrae about town at present. Thb Ridgway Silver Cornet Band is improving rapidly, and hope ere long to take in engagements. "SiCuns the shadow ere the sub atfiai fades," at S. A. . Rote's West End Gallery. Wb have been delighted by one or two baud-organs in town within a tew days. Organist, spare that tune. Rev. II.A. Pattison will hold services io the Court house next ttatidny, morn ing and evcuing. Morning at half-past ten; evening at a quarter before eight. THERE was a heavy rain, wind, and hail storm here yesterday. Wo learn that there was a man killed nt Ilagusca lionda by a falling tree. Religious Services will be held at the Ccntreville school lioudo, Tuesday evening, 18th iust., at 8 o'clock by Rev. II. A. Pattison. Flood1 Last Monday the streams in this vioinity wero up to a gnoi raft ing stage. A good many of our lumber men were successful in getting tlieii lumber out, and it thought that Dearly all the lumber in section will be safely landed in Pittsburgh on this flood. Accident. On Monday, June 3d, Nathan Vasbindcr, while endued in floating timber nt the mouth ol tbo Little Toby, Portland Mill, this county, had one of his legs crushed by a stick of timber, so bad was the wound that the leg had to bo amputated. The operation was performed by Drs. Roid well and Ilartman on Friday last. Fatal Accident. Alan hilled by a ailing tree at Laurel Mill this county, Jeremiah Sullivan, aged about 23 years, from Centrevillc; this country, while working in the bark woods at Laurel Mill, about two miles from this place, was struck by a falling tree, and instantly killed, on Saturday lust, June 8th. His remains were taken to Ccn treville for interment. Who tbat has seen a dangerous dis ease arrested by an able physician or a good medicine but values both? He it your family physician to whom you owe eo many escapes from aches and ills, or Dr. Ayer's inimitable remedies: his Sarsaparilla that renewed your vitality or Oherry Pectoral that cures a painful eongh, or his Ague Cuie that expelled the freezing ague and burning fever from your blood. Who that has been relieved by any of these agencies but feels grateful for them all? Bangor Times. THE act of Congiess recently passed for reducing the customs duties and in ternal revenue taxes repeals all the taxes imposed by stamps under schedule B of seotion 170 of the act of June 80, 18G4, and the several acts amendatory thereto, excepting only the tax of two cents on bank checks or orders. The legal in struments released from the necessity of b.eing stamped are as follows: Agree ments, bills of exchange or promissory notes, bills of lading, bills of sale, bonds of eveiy description, certificates of stock, certificates of profits, certificates of damages, certificates of deposit, cer tificates of every description, charter parties, contracts for sale of property of all kind, conveyances, entries at Custom house, insurance policies, leases, mani fests, mortgages, passage tickets, powers of attorney for any purpose, probates of wills, protests of notes and protests of marine losses. This repeal of the stamp tax goes into effect on ana alter ueiotjer Si A. Rote, is prepared to take all kinds of pictures nt the most reasonable rates. MARRIES. Johnson Botntoh. On the Cth Inst., at the M. . Parsonage in Ridgway, by Rev. II. A. rattison, .ToBiah Johnson to Miss Sidney Boynton, nil of Emporium, Pa. - AN 0VF.R-PHV8ICKED WORLD. Mankind ia physicked (as well as gov erned) overmuch. There are a thous ueclcss nostrums to one genuine remedy. At this season, in the Fever and Ague districts, it rains quinine. Not that this dangerous alkaloid is needed, for Hoofland's German Tonic, harmless and agreeable, breaks up the paroxysms more speedily. This famous prepara tion, and Hoofland's German Bitters ure the great unfailing specifics for indiges tion, Billiousness, aud General Debility. Sold by all Druggists. Important to School Directors. At the last session of the Legislature, the following act was passed and has been signed by the Governor, and is therefore now the law of the State: That the word "five" shall be inserted in place of the word "four," in section twenty-eight, act of May, one thousand night hundred and fifty-four; and school directors shall hereafter keep the schools of their re spective districts in operation five months in the year: Provided, That the length of term may remain as at present, in districts where the maximum amount of tax, allowed by law to be levied for school purposes, shall be found insuffi cient to keep the schools open a greater length of time. j EFt er s on co unty. From the Brook ville lirjmbliean: Mill Burned. A Steam Saw Mill, at Mayvi-Ue, in Warsaw township, on Pekin run. belonging to the outh Pitts burg Planing Mill Co., aud operated by Mays Bros., who were also part owners,, was entirely destroyed by fire on Mon day morning last, together with about 350,000 feet of boards. Attempted Robbery. A bold attempt was made one night last week to rub au old maiden lady, aged about 70 years, named Martha Walturs, living a'otiu in a house nn the farm, aud near the resi dence of her. brother, Michael Walters, io Limestone township, Clarion county. Two men gained au entrance to the old lady's residence, and demanded her money, threatening to kill her if she would not tell where it was. By this time her brother s family was uruused By the noise, but. the rubber had made good their escape, without being reward ed for their trouble. We learn that one of the men has beeu arrested and ludged in jail at (Marion. CLEARFIELD COIW TV. From the Clearfiel Republican: Rather Suspicious. We learu that a human skeleton was dug up by a party, a few days ago, whore the old gate house stood, on the Krie turnpike, in Bloom township, about five and a ball' miles west of Curwensville. Some ol the bones and teeth are well preserved. As the house was built close close to the ground, it was impossible to get the bones there except by raising the floor. The discovery of these bones may lead to something mure. Arrive by Fifties. The "low grade" railroad, uow being constructed across the northwestern portion of our county, must bo "death on laborers," or there must be some mode of escape west, if the line is not soon overstocked by la borers. Every few days, tor a month past, a car load has arrived at the depot, cheeked for the tunnel. Thousands of men must be on the line between the Allegheny river and the Sinnemahoning, which augurs an early completion of this great through route to the west. A Ditcovery. Quite a sensation was produced at the tunnel in Huston town ship, last week, which will prove very interesting to the seientiGoand inquiring mind, if not embellished with a hoax. The workmen while digging and blast ing, about GOO feet from the mouth and 200 feet below the surface, blowed a rock to pieces and discovered among the debris the thigh bone of a human be ling, which is pronounced by surgeons to be a genuine specimen. Future inves tigations will settle the question, no doubt. The Engineering and Mining Journal states that the gold and silver product of the country is slowly but steadily in creasing. The total product in 18C9 was 861,500,000; for 1870, 00,000,- 000; for 1871, partly estimated, 870, 000,000. Since the California miues became productive, in 1658, precious metals to the value of more than one thousand millions have been taken from the American mines. Vice and laziness have everywhere their votaries, and the vestiges of the 'shabby footstep" are to be met with io all places. No human beings ever con gregatpd into a community without in cluding among themselves the just and the unjust, the wise and the ignorant, the evil and the good. A colored man was once asked why he did not get married. "Why, you see, sah," said he, "I got an ole mudder, an' I hab to do for her, you see, sah, an' ef I didn't buy her shoes and stockings she wouldn't get none. Now, ef I was to get married I'd hab to buy dem tings tor my wife, and dat ud be takin de shoes an' stockios rite out er my old mudder s mouf Grant and Wilson! NATIONAL CONVENTION. Juno Cth witnessed the grandest gath ering ever known in this country, in the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia. In that city the first Re publican Convention was held which nominnted Fremont, in 1858. The Republican party then organized to grapplo with the monstrous wrongs of human Slavery and make this Govern ment whot it purported to be, the HOME OF THE FREE. Having after years of toil and trial accomplished that great work, it was fiting that this Convention should assemble in the same city where, the great Declaration of In dependence was proclaimed to all the world and our glorious party in its in fancy was rocked. The Convention was called "to order by Ex-Gov Claflin. ' After prayor by Rev. Alexander Reed, he named Morton McMichael, of Philadelphia, for temporary chairman. He made a short and appropriate speech, saying among other things that ' the malcon tents who recently met at Cincinnati were without a constituency; the Demo crats who were soou to meet in Balti more will bo without a priuciple. The former, having no motive io common but pKisonal disappointment, attempted a fusion of repelling elements which has resulted in explosion; the latter, degrad ed from the high estate they once occu pied, propose an Bbnndonmont of their identity, which means death. Unlike the first, you are the authentio expo nents of a great national organization, based upon principles 'Firm as the mar ble, founded as the rock; as broad and general as the casting air;' unlike the last your object is to preserve, not to destroy." The usual Committees were then ap pointed, Judge Scoficld being on the Committee on Ilcsolutiotis and elected its Chairman, and Mr. Gilfillan on Rules. The Committee on permanent organization reported Hon. Thomas Settle, of North Carolina, f'orperinauent President, wiih Vice Presidents nnd Secretaries from each State and Terri tory in the Union. A motion to adjourn till 10 a. in. to morrow was then put and carried, and the convention spparated with cnthsins tic manifestations regarding the agree able ses-ion. At ten this morning the cademy of Music was densly packed. After some waiting and speaking, the Convention proceeded to make nominations, which we find reported as follows: Mr. Cullum of Illinois, on behalf of the great Hepuhlican party of Illinois and of the Union, and in the name of liberty loynlity, justice, law, interest, of economy, good government, pence and equality of all belore law, romcmiberina: with gratiiude tho achievements as a soldier in the field and statesman-hip in the Presidency, I nominate Ulysses S. Grant. All the States and Territories having been called, the Chairman announced that the entii? vote. 70J in all, having bi'en east for Ur.vsst:s S (hunt, the latter was the nominee of the Conven tion as its candidate for the Presidency. The Convention and galleries rose, cheerinir waving hats und handker chiefs and 'lie band played. An origi nal campaign song "l'ally round our Leaders, Men," composed by Wm. S. Irwin, and sung by a bar.itone from the gallery, was received with meat applause1 At the conclusion, niter the .leering subsided, th.ire wtre loud cries for the music of "John Brown," until tho bind beuan to play it, the whole Convention rising and siusring it with great enthusiasm. At this time the excitement was intense, which cul minated when the band followed with the stirring strains of "Yankee l)odle," and next the call for tho "Battle Cry of iTCodom, was responded to by the au dience again joiuing in the chorus with a will. Nominations for Vice President being in order, Mr. Morton McMichael of Pennsylvania took the platform and pro ceeded to nomicate Henry Wilson of Massachusetts, claiming Pennsylvania as the place of birth nnd baptism of the Republican party, and as first in (he field and the fight when the rebellion raised its head, because of all the loyal States it was the nearest to the scene of war. In conclusion, he said, he pre sented the name of a statesman known to the whole country: an honest, able man, who always labors fo- the laboring men. "I name Henry Wilson of Massa chusetts." Mr. Ray of New Hampshire, also se conded Mr. Wilson's nomination because he was a good and true man, always in favor of the people in every emergency. Richard W. Thompson of Iudiana, was next received with great cheers. In behalf of the entire Republican party of Indiana and by unanimous instruc tion of the Convention ho nominated Schuyler Colfax. The roll called for the first ballot. During the call the chairman of each delegation accompanied its vote with a few words, the friends of each candidate receiving with cheers the announcement of the preference for their favorites. Tho announcement of Pennsylvania "Solid for Wilson" called forth great cheers so also the vote of New York for Colfax. At the close of the call Virginia changed 20 of her votes to Wilson, and at the close of the roll call the vote stood, Wilson 36 ii Colfax 3211. Which gave Wilson the nomination. Several changes were made, when Mr. Lane of Indiana moved that Wil son's nomination be made unanimous. Bgrecd to. (Great cheering in which the whole Convention joined. Music, "Star Spangled Bannor." The London 'Jelegraph says that when Canada wishes to separate from Great Britain the lattel will make no objection. Hooks and Eyes. Jet bands for the bair are fashionable. The rage for coral continues unabated. The two most popular females of the day Dolly Varden and Polly Ticks. A Million dollars in gold, according fo the figures at the mint, weigh just about two tons, At the Tredegar Iron works, in Rich mond, tho principal labor employed Js that of colored men. A California clergyman is the only living white man who is master of the Choctow language, Europe is supposed to contain 800, 000,000 people. One hundred years ago the estimate was 60,000,000. The life insurance companies of Con necticut pay in taxes fifty per cent, of the regular expenses of the State. The British iron product is about 5,500,000 tons a year, and the Amerioan 2,000,000,000 tons. A Texas paper desires its contempo rary "to render soissors the things that are scissored." A Philadelphia paper says that the course of a certain New York journal "is enough to make a hen smile." Franz Abt says the Americans havo mora talent for musio than the English, and the growth of musical taste here are wonderful and promises great future. The savings btuks of the United States contain deposits of 81,000,000, 00, mainly the surplus earnings of me chanics and laboring men. The bayonet derives its name from the place where it was invented, Bay oune, in France, and was used in battles as a weapon, by the Freneh, in the year 1001), and soon became universal. The mother of an unmanageable Irish boy, living in Portland, thus excused liimtothe police: "Suro, Patsy isn't a bad boy at all, but he is troubled with a rooh of mind to the brain!" The Camanches ate understood to be imnniuHnwly for Greeley. Their chief industry is "raising hair" of the frontier settlers, and they want a president who believes iu proteoting home industry. Mississippi papers state that the crops in that quarter ure as far advanced as usu'il at this season of the year, and in some localities further, and that the prospect, according to the opinions of the oldest farmers, is flattering for a good harvest this fall. By a law recently passed in Michigan two-thirds ol the votes of any school district having more than 300 children, are eiven power to locate sites for school buildings, nnd to borrow money to the amount of 815.000 for building and equipping a uuiun school bouse. Grant and Wilson. The National Republican ticket for President and Vice President has alredy created an en tbusiasin and elicited an approval which remind us ol the furore which attended Lincoln's renoinination, and crystalized public scntiuieut during the war for the Government. Gcucral Grant is not ouly the choice ol a united party, but he will poll au overwhelming majority as a caodidate for President His acts in peace, like his deeds in war, are iu the highest decree those of a patriut ever stiiving lor tho good of his country, aud his renoinination i.1 the ac knowledgement of confidence in the man which may be accepted, also, as an approval of the great measures he rep resents. lleury Wilson, the candidate for vice president, is, in all respects, a man of whom the Republican party may well be proud, lie has represented Massachu setts in the United States Seoato for many years, in which body he is known us one of the ablest defeuders of the rights of labor and the justice of good government, of which America can boast. Indeed, Mr. Wilson has ever been the peculiar friend of labor, and his nomination may well be accepted us a compliment to the labor element of the land. Our candidates need no special lauda tion. The Tanner und the Shoemaker have made their owu record, and now, standing erect ou a platform of sound Republican principles, they will be fully able to speak for themselves. State Journal. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF L. U. Zimmerman, deceased. Notice is hereby giveu that the under signed Auditor appointed to distribute the funds remaining in the hands of the admin istrator of the above estate will attend to the duties of his appointment at the Pro thonotary's Office in the villuge of Ridg way, on Monday, the first day ef July, A. D. J 872, at 4 o'clock, p. io. R. LUCOUE, Auditor. v2nl5i8. w ANTED AGENTS FOR Our Digestion; . . OB MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. Dio Lewis' Last and Greatest Work. All this author's books have had large sales, and this, bis most important work, is sure of an immense run! It meets a popular demand, all beiog alike interested in the vital subjects of which it treats. The bdok is low-priced and practical, and so will suit all classes. Who among us have not suffered from indigestion? How many of us have not had "the bluest" Buy this work and save yourself a world of trouble dyspepsia, billiousness, ito , and all their attendant evils. A splendid chance 'for agents, who should apply at once aud get illustrated circular, terms, &o., free. Address GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 733 Sansom street, Philadelphia. vlnl5t2. Mercantile Appraisement. Names and class of dealers in the county of FA, as assessed by the Mer cantile Appraiser, for the year 1872: VENDERS OP MERCHANDISE. Benezette. Class. ix. 13 B K. Morey, f 10 00 14 P. Mclnnrney 7 00 13 Lewis & Co. 10 00 13 W. E. Johnson, ' 10 00 13 Edward Fletcher, 10 00 13 Miles Dent, 10 00 14 Milton Winslow. 7 00 Fox. 12 P. W. Hays, 12 50 14 Koch & Knz, 7 00 12 J. J Taylor, 12 50 9 J. Koch & Son, 25 00 12 J. A. Mohan. 12 50 Ilorton. 14 Oliver Clark, 7 00 13 N M. Hrockway, 10 00 10 C. A. Wilcox. 520 00 Jay. 14 J. S. Thomas k Co., 7 00 12 A. J. Avery. 12 50 14 James Creisrhton, 10 50 13 Hatton & Koouts, 10 00 10 Rice & Reilly. 20 00 Jonrg. 3 Tannins f Ltimbei Co., 100 00 12 Aldrich & Pattou, 12 50 14 C. A. Paine. 7 00 13 Martin Sowers. 10 00 Millstone, 12 Staib & Co., 12 50 RiJyioy. 14 W. S. Service, 7 00 8 J. S.& W. 11. Hyde, SO 00 14 Hartley & Whipple, 10 50 U J. L. Cnmiiiings, . 7 00 13 Charles Holes, H 00 8 Powell Si Kime, 80 10 14 J. M. Il.uid, 7 U0 14 J. H. Wilbrr, 7 00 11 Thayer & llagcrty, 15 00 13 G. G. Messenger, . 15 00 8 W. C. Healv, 30 00 13 McGlnin & McGuehin, 10 00 11 ). V. Ilouk. U 00 1"2 Grant (' Morton, 12 50 11 Wheeler & Ilorton, 7 00 11 Hli Etter. 1 00 U W. if fchram, 7 00 14 Robert Warner, 7 00 14 O. H l.nv. 7 Oil 10 W. 11 (b-terhout, 20 (IC 14 G. T. Wheeler, 7 00 14 li C. Morton, 7 00 12 Ilorton & Miller, 12 50 14 G. L. M'Craeken; 7 00 Sr-wj CrccTc. 14 J K. Hnttmxn, 7 00 14 L T. Ihivi-., 7 00 14 Hiram Curiran, 7 00 1st. Mary's. 12 Ad. Fochtmau, 12 50 12 Walker & Sou, 12 5 J 10 Wtis' Bros., 20 00 13 L. L. Putzel, 10 00 13 Leonard Cook, 10 00 12 Geo. A Wmkpr, 12 50 11 Fred. Kud . ph.' 7 00 7 J. B. Coryeil .V Co., 40 00 13 Reynolds & Gm er, 15 00 12 I luiiip Wiiheim, lii 50 13 E.J. Uu.-s, ') 00 13 Lyon k ltrollier, 10 00 11 James Sneerioger, 15 00 13 .1 I.. Weidetibroenner, 10 00 14 Jolm Meisel. 7 00 14 John Sosenheimer &, Son, 7 00 14 C L. ISayer, 7 00 14 11. N. Rolte, 7 00 li Joseph W iiln lm, 75 00 1 1 Thomas Zimuietf, 7 00 14 Mrs M E. M'Nally, 7 CO 14 Edward M' Bride, 7 00 11 Chas Luhr, 15 00 14 W J Ulakely, 7 00 RESTAURANTS AND EATING I10U8K3. JiiiitMtte. 5 Milton Winslow, 6 P. M'lueruey, Fox. 5 James McCloskey, Ridyicny, 8 J. L. Cummings, 5 John Lamb, St. Mary's. 4 E. W. Brenuan, 5 John li Heiudel, 5 Anthony Showers, 5 Jacob Kraus, 5 Charles Klausman, 5 Gies & Griebel. 5 Joseph Biuncr, UK EWERS. St' Mary's. 8 William Zelt, 8 F. X. Sorg, 8 Jos. Windfelder, 9 Chas. Klausman, 8 Mrs. Elizabeth Volk, 8 Gies & Griebel, 9 Jos Bruuer. 20 00 2o 00 20 00 5 00 20 00 30 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 15 00 25 00 25 00 15 00 An appeal will be held at the Com missioner's office, Ridgwuy on Tuesday, July 2d, 1872, at 3 o'clock p. M. EUGENE J. MILLER, Mercantile Appraiser. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN 1) DAN SC1UBNER WISHES TO IN- form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the publio generally, that he has starteda Llv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms BgJIe will also do job teaming. Stable in the Br6oks Barn, near the Post Offioe, on Mill street. AU orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten- j tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. New Advertisements. "VfOTlCE. This is to give notice that my son Willard Emigh has left home without just cause or provocation, and all persons are hereby cautioned against trust ing him on my acoount as I will pay no bills of bis contracting. GEO. EMiatl.' Earley, June 6th, 1872. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the firm heretofore exliisting under the name of Fittgerald & Ellis, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, The business will hereafter be carried on by D. M. Fitigerald, who will alio settle all acoount?, D. M. FITZGERALD, B. F. ELLIS, May, 80th, 1872 nl4t8. INTERNAL REVENUE NOTfCF. The List of Special and Income tat for 1872 is now In my hands for collection for the year of 1872. Payment may be made at Souther's bank Ridgway, or Hyde & Hall's bank, St. Mary's. Persons neglecting to pay after ten days notice will be charged 5 per cent, and 1 per cent, per month in addition to the regular tax. P. FOKD, Dept'y. Col. 19th Dist. 8methport, June 1st, 1872, nHt3. Charles H. Gering In the Cnhrt of for use J. T. Borek, 1 Common Pleas of vs, V Elk County. E, C. Schulti and No. 17 of January William C. 8clmlti. J Term, 1872. Ejectment to enforce specific performance of agreement for the purchase of the un divided one-lmlf of four certain town lots or pieces of land situate in the Borough of St. Mary's, in the County of Elk and Stnte of Pennsylvania, known nnd desig nated as town lots N's. (-0) twenty.six (28) twenty-eight, (80) thirty and (32) thirty-two, on St. Mary's street in said liorougb of St. Mnry"s, each lot being one hundred feet in front, by two hundred feet deep at right angles, said lots lying adjoin, ing each oilier, fronting on siiid St. Mary's street, and containing together, eighty tuousatid feet more or less, with the appur tenancies. April 8th. 1872, on motion of Gfeo. A. Unllibun, plaintiff's attorney, the Cours grant a Rule on the defendant to ap pear nnd plead on or betore next Term or Judgment. FKEU. HC IIO EN ING, Prothonotory To the defendants above name: Please take notiee of ft rule of which the above is it copy D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. n!3tc. Charles Springstead In the Court of Common Pleas of Elk Couuty. No. 10 Nov ember Term 1871. vs Charlotte I.. Spring- stead. Sur Librl for Uivorce. To CHARLOTTE L, SI'RIXGSTEAD, re. spondent: You will please take notice, that the undersigned has hoen appointed examiner by the Court, to take the testimony of wit nesses in tins ease on the part of the Libellent, and the said witnesses will be produced, sworn aud examined, before me at the olfice of Geo. A. Unllibun in Ride- way, on Saturday the 8th day of June, next at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day. at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. RUFUS LUCOUE, Examiner. v2nl7l3. $1,000 R fi WARD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars wi" l e paid to any Physician who W ill produce a indiuin thit. will supply tho wants of the puople better than the article known as na. tmtri:r8 Oelehrat?! Blood Cleanser or Panacoa. It must be a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better Sudorifio, a better Diuretic, a belter Tonic, and in every way better than the l'an-a-ce a. No matter how long it has hecn in use or how lately discovered Above all it must not contain anything mot PUKKI.Y VKUUTAUm. $500 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will bo p lid tor a medicine that will perma nently c.ire more oases of Costiveuess, Constipation. Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver "onipluint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice. IUieiima.li.sm, limit. Dyspepsia, Chills mid Fever, Tape Womis. liuils. Loins, Side and Head ami I'emilr Comjil.iiiit tliuu int. Kift.rijr s BLOOD CLE iNSEU Oil PANACEA, which is used more extensively by practie. ing physicians than any oilier popular medicine known. For S.tlebv G. G. MESSENGER, and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pa. vln22yl. JURY LIST. Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for August term 1871: GRAND JURY. Benezette. Geo. W. Apker, Montoe Moore. Renzinuer. Charles Schneider. Fox. Fred. Pearsall, Reuben S. Gross, Geo, A Dillow, John Moore. ilorton. Gilbert Brockway, Jack Short, George dimes, James Phelan. Jay. Christopher Dill. Jones. Job Vaukirk. Ridgway. Daniel McGovern, W. II. Osterhoct, E. J. Miller, Daniel Farrand, J. O. Law, T. S. Hartley. St. Mary's Boro. Anthony Auuiann, Herman Krelz, Anthony Bieberger. Spring Greek. Abraham Bowman. TRAVERSE JURY. Benezette. John W. Ovcrturf, J. G. Bell, John Johnson. Bcnzingcr. Anthony Robenrictb, Martin Fritz, Francis Schlutteohoffer, Andrew Lenze, John Goetz (Rope maker.') Fox. Cornelius Sullivan, J. Finley Robinson, J. J. Taylor, II. O. Thomp son, B. Canavan, C. A. Bundy, James Cuneo, Charles Gill, William Edwards. Highland. Levi Eletborpe. Ilorton. Adam Kemmerer, Daniel Pbelan, James Danovan, Rums Elder. Jay. Leroy E. Legcett, Samuel Uhl Jones. Daniel Attlebarger, Johu Pistner, John C. Johnson, Jr., John Weidert. Millstone. F. J. Clyde. Ridgway. Joseph Wildfire, W. D. Diokicson, D. S. Luther, Georpe Diekinson, Milton H. Sleight, James Uardner, John Vanorsdall, E. (J Barrett, Thompson Crow, C, V. Gillis, II. M. Powers, N, B. Waterson, John Kemmerer. St. Mary's Boro. Louis Beyer, John Kvieg, S. Reynolds, Louis Hanhauser, Jcseph Windfelder. Eogel'oert Spellen- berg, 11. V. SHU ill. Spring Creek' David Kennedy. Ayer's Cathartic PilLa, tor the relief anf enre of all derange' DienM in the ptoni' arh, llrer, and bow el. They are n mild aperient, and an excellent purgfttiTe. Being purely voire. tulile, they contain tinitiercurvormine' ,J'r wrlouii sickness and Biiuennv tm proven Mi hv thfdr tlmnlir Use ; and every family should have thorn on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience ho proved them to be the enf est, surest, and bent of nil the PiUi with which the market abounds. By their occasional me, the blood Is ptiriflcil, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the Whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed bv Aytr'i Fill, and etimulntcd Into action. Thus Incipient dinense Is changed Into health, the value of which change when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar contlng makes them plensnut to take, nnd preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, ear that they nro ever fresh, nnd perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, nnd operate; without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occuiMtion. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them ns n Fnmlly Physic, nnd for the following complaints, which thee I'lllt rapidly cure: For lvU"ilt or latllgrstlnsi, Z.It1M now, lyHKirnor nnd . f A ppetltr, they should he taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, nnd restore its healthy tone nnd nction. For .vrv Complaint nnd Its various symp toms, Hllloua llrnriacho, Mick Hn' Hrhr, Jaumllrf or evtrrrn IHckscM, BIN ion Colic nnd Itlllou lTer, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased nction or remove the obstructions which cnuse it. For Ilrienterr or Diarrhoea, but ons mild dose Is generally required. ror nnfumsmni, wont, urnvei, mrni pltHdon of the llrurt. Pain in tho Midi. Isaek and I.oIim. titer should h contin uously taken, ns required, to change the diseased nction of the system, Willi such change tliosa complaints disappear. For lroiv and Dropsical ftitrlllng, they should lie tnken In lnrge nnd frequent dose io produce iik eiieri 01 n otnsiie. pnrge. tor Napprraaion.il large dose should bet tnken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As n Dinner ViU, tnVe one or two Putt M promote digestion and relievo the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ndvnntagcons where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often Hints Uint a dose of these Pitltt makes him feel decidedly better, from thnii" cleansing nnd renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED Bf Dr. J. C. AVE ft CO., Practical Chemitlt, LOWELL, MASS., V. 8. A. FOB SALK BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. For Sale hy G. G. iMKSSrcaOKK, Druggist, Kidgway, I'a. HALL'S VCuETABLE SICILIAI HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its hinjh standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray oe Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all DruggUtt and Dealer in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKEHS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. ST.H. ROSAMLIS The ingredients that COMPOSE KOSADALIS ara published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently niTSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all it forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Disease, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of the Ulood. ONE BOTTLE 0? EOSADALIS will do more eood than ten bottloa of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS hnvt used Roradulis in their practice; for the pust three year and freely endorse it a a reliable Alterativo and Iilood Purifier. DR. T. C. PITGH, of Baltimore. Dlt.'i. J. HOYKl.N, " DR. R. V. CARR. ' nn p rt rtivvt-TTv u Dlt! J.' S. SPARKS, f fcisholssvlllt, DR. J.'l. Ml-CARTHA, Columbia, DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AUD E5D0ESED BT J. B. FRE.VCH ti EONS, Fall River, Mas. SMITH, Xiekson, Mich. A. F. AVHKKLKR, Lima. Ohio. S. HALL, Lima. Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., (iordonsvllle, Va. SA.M'L. G. McfADUt-N, Murfreea boro, Tcnn. Our ;aro will not allow 01 ay ex. tended remarks in relation to the rirtueiei Rn&ailalis. Totho Medical Profession ws guarantee Fluid Ex trartiuperior to any they bar ever used in the treatment of diseased -Blond; and to tbealHieted wasay try itosii.talls, and you will i restore) lo UcUli. . Rosadalls is sold hy all Druggists, price per kottle. Audrw CL2XZXT3 i: CD. Mamitfactvr4rta Chmitm for-" o a?L A l Baltimoak, Mat V