9m Till! tUo Awcrlcnn Farming TomilA' tiou Dimiulf lvcft. Dr. llollnnd writes in tlio Jtftio num ber qf tiaibner't Afonlhlu : TLoro is soino reason for tlio general disposition of American men and women to shun agricultural pursuits whioh tho observers and philosophers have been slow to find. We see young lnoti push ing everywhere into trade, into me chanical .pursuits, into tho learned pro fossions.r into.: insignificant clorkships, into salaried positions of every sort that will take them into towns and support and told, thorn there. We find it im possible to drive poor people from the cities' with the threat of starvation, or to coft them with tho promise of bettor pay 4nd cheaper faro. There they stay, and starve, and sicken, and sink. Young women resort to the Bhops and tho fac tories rathor than take service in farm ers' houses, whore they are received as members of the family ; and when they marry, they seek an alliance, whon prac ticable,' with mechanics and tradesmen who live in 'villages and largo towns. The daughters of tho farmer fly tho farm at the first opportunity. The towns grow largor all the time, and, in Now' England at least, tho farms are becoming wider and longer, the farming population is diminished in numbers, and, ' in some localities, degraded in quality and character. It all comes to this, that isolated life has very littlo significance to a social being. The social life of the village and the city has intense fascination to the lonely dwellers on tho farm, or to a great multitude of them. Especially is this the case with the young. The youth of both sexos who have seen nothing of the world have an over whelming desire to meet life and to be among the multitudo. They feel their lifo to be narrow in its opportunities and its rewards, and tho pulsations of the great social heart that come to them in rushing trains, and passing steamers and daily newspapers, damp with the news of a hundred brows, thrill them with longings for the places where the rhythmic throb is folt and hoard. They are not to be blamed for this. It ;s the most natural thing in the world. If all of lifo wero labor if the great object ol' life were the scraping together of a few dollars, more or less why, isolation without diversion would be economy and profit; but so long as tho object of hte is lite, and toe best ana purest ana happiest that can come of it, all need less isolation is a crime against the soul, in that it is a surrender and sacrifice of noble opportunities. Imprisoned Fifteen Months for Pohig a Good Deed. The New . Ilavon Register publishes tho following singular case : On the 1 Oth instant a very singular case was tried before the Supreme Court. It was tho case of Frank Beano, a sixteen year old bov, who had been imprisoned for tho last fifteen months, awaiting trial on tho very crave charge ot placing obstrue tions on tho Naugatuck Railroad track near Beacon Falls. All tho witnesses for the State testified positively that the lad took off an obstruction from tho track, thereby saving an approaching train with its living ireight troin injury, Tho jury, alter a very lew minutes do liberation, returned a verdict of not guilty, and the boy was discharged. As there is no provision by statute for re compense in such a case, tho accused must himself bear the whole burden of tho long imprisonment, the imputation on his character, and tho bitter con sciousness of suffering from well doing, In view of this, there were thoso who went so far as to advise suing of tho railroad company lor damages. But the main fault seems to lie else where than in the company, though thero was blundering all around. The magistrate before whom Beano had his preliminary examination was in error in binding him over tor trial. V.e un derstand that ho did it in the face of the earnest protestation of a member of tho bar who was present. Judge band ford Btates that in all his experience ho has never had so singular a case tried before him. - We suggest that as a sim Tue matter ot lair return tor services rendered, to say nothing of other con siderations, the Naugatuck Railroad Company should present tho boy Beane with a suitable sum of money for his brave act. Even a fraction of the value of the property which would have been destroyed had not tho obstruction been removed, would placo him well off pecu niarily. , A Goose's Lore. Though Borne. was saved by the cack liug of geese,' their reputation has never been enviable, for to style a man a goose implies a very low estimation of his abilities. But geese have many redeem ing features. . Dr. Wight, of Dedham, who is a goose fancier, tolls a thousand singular instances of their habits. He has oho noble old gander who has re fused even the leap-year advances of the most beautiful goosey on the pond, and has maintained his celibacy (on account of the bad example of his owner, we presume,) through many years. Tho doctor owned a pair, who for soveial years renewed their pledges of mutual faithfulness, and seemed to exhibit a constancy most remarkable, giving promise of at least a silver wedding of fidelity. A friend sent to tho doctor two beautiful fomales of the same species, which he placed on tho pond, and when mating time approachfcd, the old gandor, won by the beauty of young Miss Goose, deserted his old companion, and paid his devoirs at tho new comer's shrine. The deserted one refused all food, and her kind owner carried her to the house. After some days, thinking that her heart was healed, ho carried her to the pond. When within sight of the water, the false one, with his new bride, came sailing by, when the divorc ed one glanced at him, buried her head, gave one quiver, and died in her owner's arms. She is supposed to have died of a bro ken heart, although there are people who intimate that death was caused on account of the near approach of Thanks giving, at which time the goose would have been slaughtered at any rate. Trout . JJueedixo. The Taunton (Mass.) Republican says trout raising is carried on extensively in Berkley, by threo gentlomei. They have an estate upon which there is an excellent spring ; and have erected suitable sluice-ways and a breeding house for trout, and al so a dwelling-house for the man who devotes his . timo to the rearing of this rare fish. The number now in the breeding tanks is estimated at forty-five thousand, varying from one to three inches in length. In the sluice-way there are several hundred much larger trout, some f them weighing two or three pounds. A Story about JXnnhl nrpir. 1 . Tho ' Editor's Drawer" in the Ju.no number of llarper't has this ntory : Apropos ot fflr, Uaniel- JJrew s con tract with Duncan, Sherman & Co. to deliver fivo millions of dollars of Erio stock during the year 1872 at 63, wo avo this anoodoto ot thnt eminent spec ulator : Not long sinoo ho mot a MethodiHt clergyman in Now Jersey, and having rather a fancy for him, asked him if ho wouldn't like to mako ft little- money. Tho minister replied that ho never peculated nor gambled in utocks, not believing it to bo right j besides, he was inly worth some litteen thousand dol lars, and could not afford to peril it. Mr. Drew, after some further chat, said he could suggest something that would bo perfectly logitimato, and proposod, if tho parson would act upon his sugges tion, to guarantee him against loss, whilo tho prospects for a handsome profit was quite promising. Tho ar rangement "was accordingly made. Somo weeks later the divine came over to Now York and called at Mr. Drew's office to ascertain tho result. " Well," said Undo Daniol, " the fact is, that thing I told you about has bust ed; but I promised to guarantee you gainst loss, and I will keep my prom ise. So, figuring up the amount invested, with simple interest, Mr. Drew handed over a check, and tho pastor congratu lated himselt upon the result. "But, said he and here is where Uncle Daniel's joke comes in " but, Mr. Drew, 1 teld one ot my elders what you had agreed to do with mo, and he went and bought a little stock." " Did he r" said Undo .Daniel. " V hy, how sorry I am ! I'm afeered he has lost some money." ' l es, continued tho good man, " and he told another of the trustees, and he went and bought some." " You don t tell me ! " Yes, Mr. Drew ; and the brethren thought it was so good of you to give me a p'int that they all went and Imight" " V ell, 1 m ko sorry I " So am " Well, they must have lost consider' able money must have pretty much cleaned em out. They oughtn't to'vo done it. Buyin' stocks you don't know nothin' about is mighty risky business. You tell em that. "But, Mr. Drew, they're nearly ruin ed." " Shouldn't wonder ; and I'm truly sorry. The good parson returned to his nock, most of whom had already astertained tho true condition ot things. Someway had "unloaded to the country brethren Probably it was not Uncle Dan'l. AGRICULTURAL, Amusing Street Car Scene. The Washington filar relates the fol lowing : The passengers on one of tho Biker's street cars laughed somo yesterday morning at a scene between tho conduc tor and a wcll-drossod young man from Georgetown. As the car was passing do wn the avenue, tho young man at tho time standing on tho platform taking it easy, with one toot on a trunk, he was ap proached by tho conductor and his fare demanded. He quietly passed over his five cents. Conductor I demand twenty-five cents for that trunk. Young Man, (hesitatingly) Twenty five cents. Well, I think J will not pay it. C. Then I shall put the trunk off. Y. M. You had better not, or you may be sorry for it. Conductor pulls strap, stops car, dumps trunk on tho avenue, starts car, and after going some two squares, ap proaches the young man, who was still as calm as a summer morning, and in an angry mood says : Now I have put your trunk off, what are going to do about it 'i Y. M. (coolly) Well, I don't propose to do anything about it, it's no concern of mine ; it wasn't my trunk. C. (fiercely) Then why did you not tell me so ' Y. M. Becauso yon did not ask mo, and I told you you'd be sorry for it. C. (furiously) Then go inside the car. Y. M. Oh, no, you're good enough company for me out here. At this juncture a portly German emerges from tho car, and angrily says : " Mine Gott, you teller, where is mine drunk V" Y. M. My friend, I think that is your trunk down on tho avenue there. lierman N ho puts him oni' 1 hate tho monish to pay him. I will soo aboud dot. The car was stopped, and shortly af terward tho conductor was seen to come sweating up with the trunk on his back a part of the performance ho did not enjoy half so well as did the passengers. Executions Amon? the Jews. The Hebrews had no executioner. When a man was guilty of homicide, the execution devolved on the next of kin, by the right of blcod-revenge ; in other cases, criminals were ctoned by tho people, tho witnesses setting the ex ample ; and when tho king or chit f or dered a person to be put to death, the othco was pertormed by the person t whom the order was given, and this wat generally a person whose consideration in lifo bore some proportion to that of the person to bo slain. J. bus holomon gave the commission to kill Joab, the commander-in-chief, to Benaiah, a per son ot so much distinction, as to be him self immediately promoted to the com mand which the death of Joab left va cant. In fact, the office, even of a regu lar exocutioner, is not by any means dis honorable in the H.ast. The post of chiet executioner is, in most Oriental courts, ono of honor and distinction. Thus, when there was no regular executioner, it came to be con sidered a post of honor to put a distin guished person to death ; and, on the other hand, the death itselt was honora ble in proportion to the rank of the per son by whom the blow was inflicted. It was the greatest dishonor to perish by tho hands of a woman or a slave. We see this feeling distinctly in the narra tive where the two princes much prefer to die by Gideon's own hand than that of a youth who had obtained no person al distinction. As to the hero commis sioning his son to perforin this office, it was, perhaps, partly to honor him with the distinction of having slain two chief enemies of Israel, as well as because the rules of blood-revenge made it necessary that the execution of thoso who had slain his own brethren should either be performed by himself or a member of his own family. It seems very probable, from all that transpired, that Oreb and Zeeb had slain the brethren ot uideon, after they had taken them captive, in the same way that they were themselves fciJiun. . lYicLTnT ron Euan axd Matiket. Tim best breed of fowls to rear for tho market, or as egg-producers, depends upon locality ; ns whilo in some places ono yarioty is deemed tho best, in oth ers it would prove tho roverse. Our own opinion is th it for a market iowl, tho Brahmns and Cochins will, under almost all circumstances, prove the most desirable, they'being tho least liable to disease, feathering up quickly, and can bo bred to weigh, at from four to six months of ago, eight to ten pounds. Another good table fowl is tho Dorking (cock) crossed with tho Brahma (hon). Tho flcBh of this cross is sweet and nu tritious, and acquires at an early age tho plumpness of the Dorking at matur ity. Thore are other breeds, however, which are said to be desirable to raise for tho table. Many claim that tho French brood of fowls are of this num ber, bv.t this wo very much doubt, as their flesh lacks that buttery, golden color that attracts the eyo of the epi cure. Thoy may provo valuable as egg- producers, but they lack many good qualities as a table bird. Dorkings are undoubtedly at the head of tho list as table birds, but of late years, have be come so subject to disease that we ques tion the feasibility of rearing them profitably for market in our changeable northern climate. As egg-producers, tho Hamburgs aro claimed to stand at the head of the list. This claim we are prepared to dispute; for, as winter layers, we find, that tho lirahma, Uochm, ljeghorn, .Poland, and Houdan stand relatively in tho position here named. That the Hamburgs are good egg-producers wo admit ; but that they aro any better than a number of non-setting fowls, so called, we deny. The richness and mcatiness ot their eggs aro not to be compared with those of the .Poland, .Leghorn, liourtan, or Brahma, and their legs lack tho size of those named. All things considered, we have no hesitancy in saying that for eggs we should name tho Polands, for the table Dorkings, and for early marketable chickens Brahmas and Cochins. Pence's Practical Poultry. Fins ix the Opex Air. Wo doubt as to tho hardiness of every variety of fig in this climate, but nevertheless hero is a hint that may be useful for an ex periment, and we may have Michigan figs, who knows 1 Coleman, of the Rural World, of St. Louis, says : " We have raised the fruit in the open air, but from a slight inadvertency had the wood always injured if not destroyed in the winter.by using straw, rags and bar rels to cover them. General Worthing ton, of Ohio, who has raised figs there for thirty years, after many fruitless trials finds that simply layin g down tho limbs on the ground and covering with six inches of soil is the best protection. They are obtained as one-year old plants or as cuttings, as thoy strike easily. The common yellow or small purple are tho best varieties. The plants begin to bear at two years, and these two varie ties will produce truit from July to October. With this protection during winter, any soil that will grow good to matoes will produce figs. They ar de licious eaten fresh from the tree or with cream and sugar. The plants are set ten to twelve feet apart. It is much re gretted that moro attention is not paid to the culture ot this truit. 1,0.0, E3QQ and 1,P(W I'ilrpatl Eppjs for safe and profitable investments. Writo to CttAr.LEJ W. IIassleu, No. 7 Wall St., New York. Jtow York WyioleenlP ftlnrkrtg. BUTTER State, fine firkin, Wo-torn,,,, CIIEESE-State factory Ulilodo., t'nr,,, H u. COTTOX-Oidinnry... , EOUS-N. Y-, N. J., it Pcun ii..-- J.linCO FLOUR Puperlhie 1 10 Extra to fnncy Statu 1 JO Ohio round hoop 1 . t Extra umber..; 0 Ml . I PprillK wheat ,.. 7j . , ' Extra Geneeo 9 7 St. Lonli double extra.... 10 80 Cork Mkal Western A Jersey.. S 63 Kmnrlnlm 4 00 ORAIN-CORK-Wostcrn ' 1 SotUUom vi Barlet Western 05 Canada , 1 ' Oath 17 Rvb M Wheat Western No. 1 Spring.... 1 74 . Do. No. t do 168 Do. Amber S 07 Do. White 0 E5 (ill It to) II !! 10 0 tit li.'i c ft" mti. ri g in rnOVISIONS-Pork-Now'iwM... !' i i w n prime., n w .Beef Plain , 7 oo & Extra menu 0 00 (iJl Beef hams..'. !J 00 : Bacon 7 (: Oiices IIams.... H 0 1-ARD 8 fid SEED Clover fl (i( TiinoWiy 9 37 to PlaXRee'd fit WOOL-N. v., Pa., O., and Midi.... 72 5 t. and Iowa , Hi (-0 Texas and California 3? fei BEEVES Best 13 Good les' OntnmnTl tn fair 8IIEEP & LAMBS-Pheep 10 (Jl Lamb? C Qf SWINE-Llvo 4' ff Drepped 5 55 n 13 3t 10 7 io 8 73 9 40 10 SO 10 00 11 00 11 00 4 03 4 10 M m 78 1 03 CO 1 03 1 78 1 7i 1 09 I 13 t fO 13 00 11 30 9 00 la oo C7 00 fl'.. x t)i 10 9 73 89 " 70 43 14 18 K 12 10X 9 4' enr and DrSFEI'SIA OR Isi10KTION. WIlO of readers has not sulVureJ (ruin the ih vnried forms ot thin livdnt-luailid toi mentor, which originates from loss of tune in the stomach, or more particularly in its muscular or tibruus coating, which becmncs palo and feeble. It would n-ritiire pnes io det-cribe all the symptoms and various sympathetic affec tions of iffdigestion, and the torture to which tho dyspeptic is suhiecied, bat winch may ba compressed into one brief comprehensive sen tence : You feel sick, depressed, and unfit for the duties of life. Nevertheless, there is nothing more certain than thnt dyspepsia in all its phnses, can be thoroughly eradicated. There is but one way to cure indigestion, viz : by toning and strengthening the stomach and general sjstem, gently relaxing ibe buwels if constipated, and regulating the liver il disordered. A remedy fir this human peace dostrojer is California Vinboar Bittkrs, which have the rare merit of containing no alcohol, ihe virtuos of the medicinal C.iliforniivn Plants, which constitute their heal.ng and curing agencies being extracted by a new chemical process. Tho popular verdict is thut they nro the most perlect article for the stomach, and are to be taken as. circumstance may require, with the fullest confidence, and thut by their means can the return nf this stressing maludv be prevented e saii.-fted this remedy is of great value. On Everybody's Tongi'b. Euloirltim of the great National Renenerator of Health. Plantation Bitters, are on t-very'iody's tongue. This gratuitous riva voce advertising is heller Itian nil the paid-tor pulling to which the owners of bogus bitters are obliged to re sort. It, lias n siioutnueoils heartiness ultotit which carries conviction to the mind of tue auditor. But U a well-known fact lhat the proprietors of the Plantation Pittf.rs have never relied upon newspaper liolMeiinsr lo establish the miccC" of n preparation which wes its astonishing popu unty niaiuly to the 1 testimony ol the thousands who have tlher experienced or been the eye-witness of the immense physical good, U liiis vrought throughout the length and breadth of the land. Vagaries of Fashion. To a person who has a quick eye for the picturesquo or tho luck of it in fe male attiro, the outre effect sometimes produced is absolutely painful. A ra tional person often feels like asking why, if a woman has a neck like a skele ton, she must tell the world so. Why, if fate has made her grow stouter than it is permitted to be, must sho squeeze and fold her fat into a tight low dress becauso it is tho fashion ' Why must she draw a hard line around her should ers, that seems to cut her in two, and wear sleeves which are mere straps to keep ner gown on, witnout caring, without 1cno wing, whether her u'ms aro models : Why must she wear trimmings of great O's and X's and Vandykes on her skirt, so that at a littlo distance the first thing about hor that strikes the eve is the trimming V Whv, if very till1, must sho tako tho arm of a very littli man, and mako herself and him look absurd 'i Why will she draw attention to hor want of color by Vearing red or arsenic green? Why, with rod hair, is her dress pink ? Why, whoa in a very pale dress, does sho lean against the wall, which the barbarity ot .hnglisli ignor anco has papcrod with white ' Why, with black hair, does sho carry a heavy burden ot jut liowors, combs, ana im possibly thick plaits, that makes her head look like an elephant's on an ante lope s body f hy will sho trust to tho very moderate gifts nature has en dowed her with, to hght against the most abnormal disadvantages i These are only a few of the insio mistakes that nearly all girls commit, many of them girls with artistic tastes and capacities in every direction except dress, whose eyes you may see shine with pleasure at a sunset or a flower, which nevertheless 'my steadily refuse to take a hint Irom, The Maidexh of the IxDiES.The dark and flowing tresses of tho maidens of the Indies is attributed by travellers to the constant use of cocoanut oil. In Burnett's Coooaine this oil is scientifi cally and elegantly combined in a form peculiarly adapted for the toilet. Johmon't Anodyne Liniment will give more relii 1' in cases ol Cnrouie Rheumatism, no matter how severe, than any other article known to medic u men. It is often remarked by strangers visiting our State, that we show a larger proportion of good horses than any other Slate in the Union. This, we tell them, is owing to two principal reasons ; in ihe first place, wc breed from the very be-t slock ; and in the second dace, our people use Sheridan's Cavalry Con dition J'oivders, which lu our judgment arc of incalculable advantage. Will the I'rosent Civilization Conlinue ? Is it probable that society will be con tinually advancing in refinement, know ledge and virtue and will present gov ernment and cities, the arts and sciences. literature and Christian culture remain forever if the earth remains in its pres ent condition 'i These aro questions that seek an answer. Jiut who has foreknowledge enough to predict tho probable future ot modern civilization r If history repeats itself, whioh is gen erally admitted, there aro terrible revo lutious in the ditanco. Groat centres of wealth, political power, commerce and grandeur, are destined to disap pear. New foci of trade and riches will rise into view. London, Paris, Rome, Constantinople, lenna, Berlin, ash ington. Now York, and hundreds of other cities now in tho full tide of in fluence and vigor, will have their ol age, thoir decay and their ultimato de struction, as Babylon, Nineveh, Persep olis, Athens, Susa, and multitudes of famous cities of antiquity almost lost so that even tho location of some of them havo been objects of resoarch by travellers. Mighty ompires and states will yet appear and now nations rise) into existence thousands of years hence to war as 'in ageg past, to give way to others and so ou whilo human beings continue on tho globe. Thore is no re for nations. Anna Perkins, a beautiful blonde, has been appointed liquor agent of Dalton H. U. lire Rct anA Oldest Pfttnflr Mcrtlclnr.firtn- rord'i Liver lnvtiarfitv?-k puroly Veire tattle CaAftrfc trad Tonic lor Byerepsin, Court Ir-ntlnn, Debility, Slck-hpa-laeho, Biltoae Attaeltfl, ami all tleraivrftnoTil f Livor, tsiomxch ami llotvuh. A k jouv D. it:ivt tor it, hcienre of imitation: MATIK Ton'., Patent. r., with Steil S.-anpn. Ait.trc-yfi E. H. Payn, We V. A Inrro Htock of DccilconiTinit? Foiling ont cheap. Mailed I'rpr tt'l'h ItlstMH-tliniu I'm tr. Kcml .n.h I. H. tiVtUiVUER, 3jl Wivhliitrtoii 8t JJo.ton, Mu-v. "Y"A1VTKP Bit"? nnl Tetiot Bin win who plnr IT hrtMFi : il I bit VnltllP rri r 1 j. irnntl ilmrnt. nil tn hnvi, I With Louvitt'g Bell Kinder. AildriW . W. LKA VITi, HeotlMKl, Conn. riWOUHANDS OF DOLLARS con-Mnrod 1t hnvo JL been secured to the families ol' Kuropenii flefopml antfl llironpli the Aokxcy of J. F. FUL'KAUFF, Attor ney at Law, Columbia, Pa. ITTHDUUOII ENTERPRISE A latere otpht- liui, lony-comum. iiouenoi(i .1 numm omy f 1 a year. A FU10 Enffrnvinir, 24x30 iuche , st-rit postpaid, on receipt of Mib.-cription, Llheial term.' lo Arrnif. Ppenimona Iron. Addresi' 'iTTtfi)Cttnn EsTHRrmsE, IMttsburch, Fa. P WANTED. Airentu to pelt mv Rtenm Wfielipr. Will fni-fnlt Rl.rtnn Ifl fall townsh port'ectly clenn 1(10 slitrtu in ihtrtv minutes by Steam, without rubbing or wearing of clothinc Nnthinr like it In ue. 100.000 already sold. Retailn ut 610. Will send cainplo macUino to nuy agent to commence with for S5. Addrees j . u. 'j'lirrua , rmsmircn, l'a. -J-jr .. , , , T HAPTEN YOUR WTN'POWf Down or Tpwlth the KGItflNOER SASH LOCK AND SUPPORT. No xprinfr.no mutilation of each; cheap, (tumble, easily appliedhohlP xash at anyplace desired. and automat ically locks the window when down. Send for circu lar. On inclosing )!5 ctf. a circular and a japanned lock will bo mailed to any addreB postpaid. The trudo Buppnoo. Airent wanted everywnere. ii. v. UL.ti.tu.YU, iroas., iiarrinurf?. ia. Ms BAXTER STEAM EGIE, Manufactured by COLT'S ARMS Ci. Hir.ford, Ct. Sizes. 2 to 10 H. Powor. compact, MMPLK, RAFK, durable and llconomicnl. B3TFor Prleo-I.M and parlieularp, Address, TVM. D. RCSSEM,, Ko. 18 Park Place, n. y. fllOT' iMMiUJjlj;;;,!: Ml Engine Reaot fob Use. PROSPECTUS FOR W2-FIFTH YEAR. A RpprosintalWe and Champion nf American Art. The Amine For Boc. Jty of Fossil. Caving Lokor. Clean UncootDurabtfity 0. Chcapnccc, Unoqualcd.J ittwjinR ok vm:Tm:s imitaimiv. timVr oth. names, hut rcneml'iluK fur in rli.tt ami color ol' wrapper TIIK r.lSINd Wt roi-IRH !tf Itn.K. for xtove NVriW Use, at twelvd rents p.-r poiitui twenty-five, and tltfjr pound hf'.ic, "Cheaper thua any utlitr Utilk Puliak fur IKUIlltttf. i iik iifi r.rx itsiiikh rrnr,.-tto Marpen!njr Cheap ami lurnl1e xuperceitesot tier art iolcx for mi r pone. Til r. lllsiM hi iii, ai h i.t-.Air i.i imihatok. j or axled, bearlnc tni mnchlnery . Latx xIt timo aslong asoti I Ihione. so id. ami oo id. uexe. cents pur id. rry lu MORSE DRQ8.I Prop'rs.i Canton, Maas. Cheap Farms! Ftco Homes! OS THIS L1NI Or TITS ' UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND GRANT Or 12,000,000 Acres OP THE Best Farming and itinera! Lands in America. 3,000,000 ACllEfTlX NEBRASKA, IN Ttt GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, yVllIOTS 1 tin-! WKST, NOW FOH SALE. ThCHft lan;ts arn in the e.Titr:i.1 nnrtfoTi of the T'nltpd State, on tho 41st deu-i-ro .t- North Lfititndi. tho een tr.il lino of the prcut Temperate nne of the, American Continent, and for trmin prowinn and stock mi sing uncnrpase(i uy nnv m ine united staie?. t ibniTin i i nil. rj. iiiurn i vuniuiu i vrni.1 ui vh . and more convenient to market than can to found el.-ewaero. Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Sulfa entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. Free Passes to Puithnsers of Land Send for tlm new descriptive pamphlet, wltn new map:-, published in KiifjlMi, German, SwodUh ami Danish, mailed lreo everywhere. Andrew O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. V. It. R. Co.. OMAHA, NEB. B L EES olples, Link-motion. Lork-Stltch Ko Person enn tnlte these Hitters neenrd- inir to directions, and remain lotic unwell, nrnvuledi their bones are not destroyed by mineral prison or other means, and the vital organ wafted beyond the poin of repair. DynpepAin or intiifftxiiom Headache, Fain ;n the Shoulders. Coiitjhs, Tightness nf the Chest, Di ines. Sour Kntctations of the Stomach, Had Taste. the Mouth, liiliona Attacks, raipitatmn of the Heart. .Inflammation of the Lmhss, Pain in the reeions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. lit these rtimpUints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar antee of its merits titan a lengthy advertisement. For Feiiinio Complaint 4, in young or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the urn of life, these Tonic Hitters display w decided an influence thnt a nurked improvement is soon perception. For Infinnimntnvy nnil Chronic iCIictt- tnntlatil and (tout, F'tlious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, I)iscasesof the Wood. Liver, Kidneys fnd Hladder. these 1'iitter have no equal. Such Dis hes are caused by Vitiated Flood, which s generally produced by der.mircment of the Digestive Organs. l iiry nro il ixemie i-artr"vo n wen tin Tonlr posse F iii" also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Cnrgestion or Jntlam mation nf the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in ltilious Diseases. For Skin Discnsrn, Eruption. letter, Salt Rheum, Floiches, Snot. I'imnlcs, iiistutes, Boils, Car buncles, King-worms, "Staid-Head, Sore Kyes, Fry. sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration,, of the Skin, HumoS and Diseases of the S!;in, of whatever name or nature, ara literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time bv t tie use of. these Fitters. iritcful ThouMitiitt nmr!aim Vimitoah Fit- tfrs the most wonderful luvigorant that ever sustained: the sinking system. I WALK.KK, Frop'r. H. II. FrDOXAI.n fe CO,fc Druggists and (ii'u. A;;ts., San Francisco and New York. SOLD FV ALL DRrnr.fSTS iT; PKALWS. Nt An Illustrated Monthly Journal. Claimed to br the Handamest Paper In the WorlJ. Dit Sack's ('ATAitnn Kkmkdv. $500 re ward for nn inturublB cusa. S jM by Drug gists at 50 rente 5S3. VwiETAllLK 1'UI.MONAIIY BaI.SA.M-" (lollbt- less tliu best t'i;unli roetlicine in the world." Wlii'tlii'r for u'V on mini or benst, tbe Mur clianl'ti Giiriilluic Oil will be found an invulua- lo I.iiiimunt, iVMd worthy ol use bj- evrry res I Ji'iil lu tLe Inud. We know of no proprietary niLilieine or nnieie now used In the United Suites which shares ihe jroud will of the people to a Breuter ueyreo than tills. A. J. Inde pendent. To THR Pdbi.io. We know ot no remedy equal to Jackson's Catakrit Sxuff and litoOHE t'owiiKK, tor Catarrh. Asthma, Logs of Voiee, &c. Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to use, and a sure cure. Ask your druguist for tt. or mail US eents to coopeb, Wilson & Co., rhiladelnhia. Rci'TUHK can be cured without suffering, Elartie Tiuses are i-upersedini; all others. Before buving Metal Trusses or Supporters, send for a descnptive circular to the hlastu lru.s Co., 1)83 Broadway, N. Y. The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in tho world is Hazard & Caswell's, made on tlio soti-shorc, from trosh, seleotod livers, by Caswell. Haz AUD ifc Co., Sew York. It is ubsolutoly pure and moeet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others, rhysi cians have decided it superior to any of tho otner oils in market. Turoujfh the leiiirni and hreidth o( the land the celebrated SILVER TIPPED Boots aim Shoes are -old hy the million, for ptircul know they last tw ice as lontr a without Tips Try them. Y or bale by all Dealers. Do you want tho best Siioo ever uiad.t tha will not rip or leak, and iseasii-r llin auv tin) chine sewed or pej.'t;i d Shoe, buy the CABLE BCKKW VV1KK made. Flaoq's Instant Rkliep. Warranted to relieve nil Rheumatio Auhctionn. SiiiatiiM. Nuiu-u'.iria. ete. Tlie btist. tlio ureHt. an,t the nuielcest reiiud V fur all Bowe Coaipiuintri. Relief eitatauteed or the uiuitey rcftmleU. TnK IlRnwNR a is n ni.Ars. nrn,titAArl hv thnt fterlltiff preparation, uhistahuuu s excelsior uaih uye.uhu' uol ue exeeueii ovniLturAf ira initri eoaueitee eoije purion with Naturo's most favored producliong, and a-iy aereciuin. Bi'atnfl am Truniutt. To read and eoutrul tho thought uud mind? ol per gon8. nreseHt or ahfienr. Fend fel hv F. O. money orde or reirtntored letter to PROF. LAVKLLK, While Stvun uny, V. r. Ir A HAS WANTS A DOTTLE OP WllIKKKY. let him bit it aud take it home like a man, and not sneak home with a bottle ot " Utttem," or " Cordial, and pretend ttiKt it 1 medicine. Ii he wioita h tonic that U some. thiny better tlma a temporary utiinnlaiit. he thoald pot a bottle of Peruvian Syrup, (an Iron Tonic,) that will vitalize the blood and give durable nii-enKih to tho syttem. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advortlser, havin been permanently cured ol that dread dUeate, Consumption, by a simple remedy, Ik anxious toruiako known to nta fellow sufferers the meain uioure, 4-0 an who deiie It, ne will eeno the directions tor preparing aud ulnv the same, which they will tind a fecm Ci'ka fiik tUivMrueTioN. Asth ma, Uhuscuitis, 4ic. Paitiekwhiuiii,'thepi'esc-iptia If III IHD'V MUUIUM Rer. fnwnTti wrt.90. m Peau St.. Willlanuiburpa K.Y, Challpnpri" thn worM in porfrrtinn of work, ftreiiffih and bmutyof stitch, dnmbililyof construction, and unidity of motion. ('nil and !rttl and examine, and for acencloa and circulars. afJctre-s BLKKS 8EWIV0 MACHINE CO.. nio.idwny. Xpw York. to and THE ALDISE, while issued with ail the regularity. as none of tha tomntirm v or titntlv Intprotr clmiai!. teHotic of Ol'dlimrv IK'liiKl.i'iilf. Il In nn Plnimi.t. mi. oulltmy of pure, liHlit. and graceful literature, and a collection of picture, the rarest specimens of artistic bhui, iu uiiivk aua wnue. Aiiuoujrn eacn succueaniff number atlords a fresh uanure to its friends, the real value and beauty of TtlR ALDISE will be most ap preciated after it has been bound up at the clone of the year. Whilo other publications may cluim superior cheapness a corupa.ed with rivals of a tdmilar class, 2' Ilk ALDISE is a unique and entirely original con coption alone and uuapproachod absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of iiie voiume jusi completed cannot duplicate the quan- i,w ui lino jj.iju-i mm rujiim iinri in uiiy omer tnupe number of volumesor ten times its coat. New Features for 1872. Art Department. Theentlini-hmtle eimnnrt enmn. Hy accorded to their enterprise, wherever it tt:n been introduced has convinced the publishers of TI1F. AL- i't.ic. oi me t-otiiiuuess ot tnetr ineory tnat the Amer lean public would recoirnize and heartily support any sincere ettort to elevate the tone and standard of illu trated publications. As a truai autee of the excellence of this department, the publishers would bc to an nounce specimens from tho lollowlne among other eminent American Arti-sts. W. T. Richards, Granville Perkins, James Smilet, WW. HABT, F. O. C. UaRLKV, K. K. l'KILKT, m. UEAitn, Victok Nkiu.io, Frank Heard, Geo. Smilf.v, Wm. II. Wilcox, Fai l Dixon, aiq. ill. James It. Heard. J. Hows. Thoso pictttres are beinc reproduced without repud eiiieiio oy inn very oest engravers tn tile country, d their work will bear the severest criHcil rnmn nl. son with tho best foreign cnirravinp, tt btinir the de termination of tlie publishers that TUB ALDISE shall oo a successtui vindication ot American taste in com, petition with any ixi-lini; publication in the world. Literart Department. Where so mneh attention Tiaid tO tlie illllslrutiwn lITlrl rrt.t lilt nf 111.. nrlr. tn much dependence on appearances may very naturally bo feared. To anticipate buelimisirivilnrs.it is onlv necessary to stale that the editorial management of int. Auuir. nas ceen lnrriisip, tn iti. kii'iiakii I1ENRV STODDARD, who has received as.iir.inee. f assistance from a liost of the most popular writers and Tho Volume for 1872 111 contain nearly 3no mpu. nn,t nhmit 9a fine gravliigs. C'oinmencingw ith the ntimber lor January, every third number will comain a beautiful tinted picture on plate paper, inserted a a frontispiece. Tho Christmas number for 1M72 will be a splendid VOlllnie ill itself. eOlltllillinir liftv xnirmvilin. r tn lint) and, although retailed at Si will be sent without extra cnaige to att yearly subscribers. A CHItO-lTO TO EVERY SCIISCKMER was a very popular feature last year, and will bo re peated with the present volume. The publishers have pii'chased nnd reproduced, ut gteat expense, the beau tilu! oil painting by seis, entitled "Daaik Nature a Scmioi.. The chromo is 11x13 inches, and Is an exnel tuc-simile, in size and appearance, of the original pic tare. No American clnoino, which will at all compare with it. has been published for tho mice usked for 7 HE ALDISE and it toirelher. It will he ,IHve,-..rl free, wiih the January number, to every subscriber who pays for one year In advance, directly or iu a club. Terms for 1872: One Copy, one year, with Oil Chromo Si.co Five Copies, no.oo Any person sending 10 names nnd S:o win receive nn extra copy gratis, making 11 copies for the money. Any per-on wisumg to work tor a premium can havo 11' lli'einilim eirrithir nn unnlie ill.ni ui.. m-.nv beautiful and dushablo a'rticles ollercd hv no otiior paper. Any person wi-uiiig to act, permanently, as our gont.wiUappty. with reference, enclosing SI lor outllt. JAMES SL'TTON" & CO, Publisher; MLibcrty Street, NewYork I'tT.MPS, Doublo Acting, Ducket PliiKKers are the best. Send for circulars. Valley Machine Co., Kaathamptoni Itlasa. READ THIS! The lowest price Ut ever published of A T C H E S, In solid Gold and Silver Caws only. TRICES. Silver Watch, Benedict Gold, (IS karat) " Silver Watch, Samuel S . Utmedict Gold (13 karat) 4 . " American Walth'im Watclies, PRICES. Coin Silver Huntiiifr Watches., $-10 S45 I 10 Gold Hunting Watche. Genu" Sizu ijauiei size ....SIS 50 ....S79 (10 (tt) Sent to nil mrt- of the countrv hv exnress with uriv- iii'irn to ex mi no oeiore nnvinc neiiu ior a tiricu n.m and compare price bcloie imi chains eUewhi're. vfewflers and kpfi(rs of the Citv Time. Cll llroddway, near Fourth Sinot, New York. SQUIER & BLIVEN, Manufacturers nnd Dealers in Machinery and Imperial WOOL OiLS, Soap, Stai'cli, Aro, Xo. 172 Front Street, NEW-YORK CITY, 3f Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to Li. B. Sat lER. J. 11. F. BLIVEN, XCOCOAINE MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian 8iru, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined ns to have the character of an aliment, as casilti aiaestetl ami assimilated with the Mood as the simplest food. It increases the quant it 1 ' of Aature'H K)wn t Ualiztng Agent, Iron in the Mood, and ' cures ,taiiuusana ills,7' simply bg Toning up, I nvigoraiing and t itHlizing the Sustem. The en riched and vitalised Mood per meates every part of the body,, repairing damages and icaste,. searching out vicrbid .were tions, and leaving nothing for' ilisrusc to feed vpnu. This is tlie secret or the icon- derful success ofihh: remedy in curing Dyspepsia i TAvcr Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhtva,ISoils, Xcrvous Alfectionsi Chills and levers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys anil Madder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a betd state of Hie blood, or ac companied by debility or a loia state of the system, Jieing free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing ejtecl.i are not tol- loived by corresponding reac tion, out are permanent, infu sing strength, rigor, and ne.w lift; into fill jxtrtti of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from- weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP Mown in the glass. Pamphlets Free J. r. DIXSMORE, Proprietor, Ho. 36 DEY ST., KEW T0RK. Bold by Irurtlstn generally -TRADE THR KEPT IIAIB DRKSSI.N'O AND JlESTORlUt. MILLIONS SAY iiirnxFi"r'H cocoaiti i-: . Yofln lmrcooisT has it. AtlENTS WASTED FOR SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE fHvinirtho very cream of Scii'iire. Its thvillini! rpnli- tier, wonderful dUco verier, Gnu's Six Wottic Dav, how the world wits made, and it hUtoiy before Adorn. Everybody wunu it. Hiile iimnene. AtfuiiU rt-port 62 4i 40 9u 87 and Ui copii'M pur wot-k. G'vnt in (lucemi'iits touueut. Hmploy mint for Voting Mcu, liitclicit, Tenchfru uittl Clergy uififc in ZlKCiL. 11 &- MeCl'HDYi 61H Arch Street. lMiiliLdtdithiu. Pit- or 217 MaiuStit'et,Sjirinmi. id, Mt. ALL THE PAPERS from Maine to California pronounce it, tottiiout a tingle adverne criticitin mo IS CM' 11UUK tl.K i'l Ul.lMlr.l) Oil Tlie Hand nt Heaven medinfitpil tlm K.1t9.t Sprinjr. Man lUscoveved iu pricelosri virtues, Chem lt y nnalvited it, and now reproduces H iu 'he twink llnirof nn eve from Takhant 8 Kkkkkvehcest Hklt ekk Ai'ekiknt. The nioim -nt the powder is liquili.d, eve.j y cumJve and refroi-hinu element of tho 01 -ticinuL pni toatn ami iiauee-j in inn goblet, and indisrttion buinuMie-s, constipation, frver und headutdie tako fliKUt uudT tho oprtntioii of ihn delitrhllul dianuht. bULU UY ALL UULlililSTS. TRUE TIME FOR SI. tf&SSE MAGNETIC TIM E -KEE PER,ii'""13. syj; e ut,vt 1IUUK tI.K i-1'Ul.lKUKUon . ,'J.-.-.4.. ,.,r, TV i. SiS fm X&S ...... .. i. . THE HORSE. Mmmm. Every Horseowner's Cyclopedia- Elecautly printed and bound, with nearly 100 illustra tion. Hold only by subscription. Aoknt wantkd in every county in the Union. Liberal Tebms. Send for circulars. I'UKitu v LUA i ta, ruDituew, riuiadelplua, J'a. Steam PI.R WEEK and epense pnld. We want relinlde aent in every County In the l'. .S. Address III U.SDK KtvUR WlMI Co., 130 .Maium Lime, N, y or Chicago, III. APPLE Parer and Slleer at Si! and $1 ; " Cnion" Ap ple P.irer, SI ; Peaeli Parer, S1.50; PeaeliStonerund Ililver, 7je. ; Nut Unieker, tiie. Sold bv dftllor. Mun ulaotured by I. II. WHIT'i'E.MOHE, Worooster, Mas. 4 GENTS WANTED, M:tle and Female, to sell Eg- IVtVf AUlllSlilOl tit to agents. MK'll. iilltlotl-IIole I'lliter. I.avi.e iti-n. Addles SCOTT &. UUOWN, DetiolU MAN AS A SPIRITUAL BEI.VU, hy Rev. Cimnn oeyOiles. Sent by mail ou reei lpt ol SI .M. Send E. U, 8WINMEY, for eatuto?ue (tree) of other books, M Ooo;rUnloDi N'. Y. 8f! X A WEEK GUARANTEED TO AGENTS. A si. J new book that everybody want and will have. Pioritu double money. Outfit free. Write at onee to P. M. REED, 138 Eit-bth Kt., Now York. "Tub GOODNOW 6c CO.? Boston, Miwa., publish , 1'ATKNtKtiB." uitll P:iri'llt. iiml nivu nrnlit. able RgciicicB to caurusi-erF. A GENTS Wanted. Agent make more money at J work for w than anything eUe. Pttrtlcularn free. ft. hTiwtux Op.. Pin Art HKklUhtr; f ortlnnd. Ma ifjf PR.UHIS WIIldTLVa forimitatiiyraUkiadof ' a u . rnce w cents : iwo lor 8ic. MeadvUle, Pa.,Theolopleal School educates min inters No aujrmatic tet. board, tuition, library, text-booka i dru oetnu eept. 10. w ri . re. Llvwi more, Gettysburg Katalysine Water, Is iold at tho Spring and put on thenar- at Oettyburu at tlit following rutt: Threo trallou doUiijoliUK, $J.uo each; six gallon denn.ioiif, $jM each; cae of two dozon quart bottles, $H.OO each. i'leDayinent must he made oy ('o-ttunce money oraer. AdUress 1 lMlLliti Ml CO.. GettybuiK, Pa Asen1 Wanted furhe ACTOUIOGRAPUY of I HORACE GREELEY, or Recollections of a Busy Life. I'histrated. The Lifo ana rimes ol Po irieat a Fhuamiiiopi-t and Kftormcr, cannot tall toiutered every true Aiucrlcftn. BfiidS'J.iO HilH "'pl'npy- K. B. TRHA T. Pul i . w ii H roadway. X . Y . It KM'AHl) For any case of Blind, bleed ing, ItcliiiiL'. or UUerHted Piles tbut l)E BiNu'tf Pile Bkmhuy fails to cure. It I iirepiircd 'illresly to cure the Pile nnd nothing eUe. Hold by all lru&;ists Price Si. (io. IU ROYAL" SAXON (iOYERNMXT LOTTERY AT IEIPSIC, GERMANY". 95,000 Tickets, 47,500 Prized,. DRAWN IN FIVE DRAWINGS. 1 Prize ljO.000. 1 of 100,000. I of S0.000, 1 of JO.000, Prnf aian T balers, nnd other. (100 Tuuler equul to S70 eold. First Drawing Juno 10th, 1872. Tickets tor the firt dmwinK: Whole, SIJ; Halvo. Se w; gunrters. 5:l.,',0; Eii lulls 1 1 7i. Tiekel lor ull live diawincst Wliolot1(ca; llalve,. $30: Ijuailers. tli,.ili; Eiithlln, I'rlEe cos Ilea uno tnto'-oiatliui Riven tir P. O. Jlol COSD. TIIKOIMtli Z8CIIOCII, Uti Nassau St., New York. n C1AM IjATKO UDSB POTATO, A ;w -ei'dlliiff from K;tily Roso, of woudurlul pi-o-ductiveuofb and fluent quality. Will yield twice us much as Peerlesf.oranyoihorpotutonowtrt-owu, Three bush els were produced from half a pound the pat feasoa. Descriptive circulars tree. piTcf $1 pt r Ut., or $3 for 4 tt.,put-puid, by mail. Uno.W. (lauipbell, Delaware, O. rpjrR PFRFECT IIICMMER for ALL KW X lN'ft M Al'lllNK, will hem round corners, over Kcains, ou hu or couine good, any widtb friHU of aa Inch. Sample aent prt-nald on .-ec- 'pt of ue dollar. Addiwa- t.A..H4V(AYi 4tfl .'iniOaM Avenue, Now lork vity. FREE TO BOOK ACENTS. We will nend a handsome Pronoctn of our Sew ff tuttrated Family AiAiVeontaiuliiK over 4 50 flue Scrip ture Illustration to anv Book Aut. ti nf Address National Pdhluuimq Cq. PUiUt4lphi( fal $20,000 GOLD FOR $1.25 CIRREXCY. M1IIE PeonleV Grand Musical VrxtlvHi find fltf Kn. i teliniee will take pUce at tlio Metropolitan Thea tre, tn Sacramento, California, on the 1Mb of Juii. 187i.when OKU Priles.H'iiouiitlliKtooiror $KO,OOfk Will be distributed to Ticket Holdnr, in the FAkis manner a at the drawing of the celebrated MercnntVo Library Milt Concert of 8au Pmueisco, the hiitheV prise hehiK fso.uno iu Oold. Puvment of Prir.ee r' unteed by deposits. Tieketis cuiTeuey, or in TiekeW for f 18.10. Pull information with prospectus ' can he obi allied at PELCII & C'O.'ti Manaser s Axeucy luis, Umadway, New York. TI1I5 CO.FF.S8I03iS OP ' A NERVOUS INVALID. Puhlished for tlio benefit of young men nnd other who Mttier from Nervoii" D, btliiy. etc., tupplyinz tub ina or i"tl.r-ot an. Written byone who curcdlilD elf. end eeut free on reeeiv1n.tr a pont-jpald directed euveiioj? euLorew AAYiiAii.1. jias aiii, oroob -lyn,M.Y. "fJROKtR'9 BALE.-SOO Pianos. ST3 Oold Watches. ' I Awl Silver do., 4(sl Sowlutr Machines, Sit Silk veemies, ouu smvu, i.weo tuiu L.oatiis, veil Dels Uotd Jewelry, and 7uoo other nrlicles, at $1 each, fiend tfr tents lor two tii kets. or two stamps for Circulars. C. b. BAN KB CO, Bootau.Mou. t'iOO for flrst-olasi Pianos. No discount. No urenu ddiiM U. 8. PIANO CO., ftroadwM, K. T. Jn v-n