The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 06, 1872, Image 3

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    fife O0ttttl2 girocate.
Oar Time at Ridgway.
Eri Express East 12:88 a. m.
do ' do West 2:25 a. m.
do Mill East..., , 4:50 p. m.
do do West..... 2:05 a. m.
Renofo Accommodation East 8:40 a. m.
do do do West. 6:14 p. m.
Sates of Advertising.
On column, one year ...... $75 00
' " ........ 40 00
I " " 26 00
t 16 00
Transient advertising per squats of eight
linei or lees 8 times or less 2 00
'Business cards, ten lines or less, per
r 6 00
Marriages and Death notices inserted
Elk Lodge A. T. It.
Stated ' meetings of Elk Lodge Will be
neia at their ball on the seoond and fourth
tuesdays of each month.
O. L. MoCRACKEN, 8eo'y.
tenlole of Honor and Temoerance.
Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on eosh
alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room,
on Main street, over J. V. Honk's store.
S. A. ROTE, VV. R.
Rain fell here on Tuesday last, but
dot enough to hurt the rain or any one
The Sale ot unseated lands for taxes
Will commence noxt Monday morning
at 9 0 clock. f
It must bo nearly time to say ' some
thing about street lamps; for if the
papers don't notice them no one else
Will be likely to.
Powell & Kimb have for sale th
finest piece of dark blue broadcloth
ever brought into this place. They are
also selling a fine line of ladies and gen
tlemen'a dress goods.
New Side Valk.--A new walk has
been been built on South street from
Mill to Broad. This was a needed im
provement, and now we suggest that a
walk be put down from the post office, oa
Main street, to connect with the walk
t Hyde's store.
W. II. Sciiram is doing a good job
ol grading on Main street with the
dirt taken from Wheeler & Service's
cellar under their new building. There
are several other places on Main street
that need filling up.
Frank Cowan's Paper. Wo have
received the first number of a new paper
with the above name, published by
Frank Cowan at Greensbur, Pa. It in
well-printed and ppicy eight column
Oil The oil well well near Wilcox
has been flowing water and ail since last
Week, with good indications for a paying
quantity of oil as soon as the water is
exhausted, which will not be a great
while. The gas throws water, oil, and
white pcbbols, a sure indication of oil,
upwards of thirty feet above tho top of
the derrick. It is estimated that the
quantity of oil now thrown out is about
seven barrels a day.
Found Dead Supposed Suicide.
Last Saturday, June 1st, a pa'ty of men
found a man named Emier, a ger-
man, hanging in the woods at Centre
Tille, this county, about fifty rods from
Koch's hotel and but a short distance
from the turnpike. From indications,
it is supposed that tho deceased had
been hanging tor some time, probably
one or two weeks, and had come to his
death by his own hand. We are unable
to give further particulars this week.
Change of Schedule. Last Mon
day morning the new time table, Sum
mer Arrangement, went into effect on
the P. & E. R. R. The time for trains
at Ridgway station is as follows:
p. ni.
a. m.
p. in.
4:50 p. in.
12:38 a. m.
8:40 a. m.
Harness, We mentioned a few
weeki in our local column the fact that
good harness could be bought in this
place for $25 and upwards, and now
we wish to add that J. M. Heard, is
not only manufacturing the very best
styles of harness in the market but is
also selling at very low rates. He em
ployes none but first class workmen;
uses the veiy best stock, and guarantees
bis work to be as represented. Last
week Mr. Heard sent A. S. Scribner, of
Brookville, a set of gig-saddle harness
got up in the latest style, with two inch
tree which made the job look neat and
tasty. It must be that Mr. Heard
manufactures a superior harness or else
good judges would not come so far to
buy of him. Persons wanting anything
in his line can do no bettei than by giv
ing him a call. It is a least woitb a
man's time to examine the stock even
if he does not wish to purohase.
IIottTON k MtLLER have moved into
the Masonic Hall building.
We know of plaoes where the follow
ing bit of Thyme would fit in admirably:
"If your neighbors' hens are troublesome,
And steal across the way,
Don't lot your angry passions rise
But fix aplaoe for them to lay."
An original poem thus immortalizes
the original settlers in Derryfield, N. II.
"It was often said that their only care,
And their only Wish and their only prayer
For the present world and the world to oon,e
Wos a siring of eels and a jug of rum."
The Ejpitomist. A new psper, but
recently started at Williamsport by E.
W. Cnpron, and bearing the above
title, we have received. It is a large
nine column paper and sound Republi
can to the core. We welcome it among
our exchanges.
Dili. McTntosh. At Brookville on
Wednesday, May 29th, 1872, -by the Rev.
Mr. Ladshaw, Mr. B. A. Dill to Miss Lucie
M. Mcintosh, both of this place.
At last Ben has yielded up himself a
willing sacrifice on the altars of Hymen;
he has stepped off manfully; he has gone
the way off all flesh, And is happy. We
congratulate him on his happiness and ten
der him our best wishes for the future.
Fullkr. At bis residence in this place,
on Wednesday, May 29th, 1872, at hulf
past ten o'clock, p. m., Dr. C. H. Fuller in
the sixty -sixth year of his ago.
May he rest in peace.
List of Letters remaining in the
Post office at Ridgway up to June 1st,
Anderson, J. A. ,a wren is, Kate
Ayres, S. F. Lampkins, C. E.
Ifeaumont, Thomas 2Leibst, Tbeo.
Banker, G. Q. .Pforan, Walter
Carson, Forrest H. McCollum, Charles
Crist, Wm. H. Mulroy, John
Curley, Robert Marya, Mrs, A.
Corlsson, A. ..Vickie, Isaao
Collins, Dennis Nelson, C. W.
Coyne, Martin Post, Delos
Coone, J. A. Foley, Jacob
Wean, John B. .Robinson. Robert
DunUe, Peter 8. Keaster, C.
Davis, Jonothan M. Reding, J. A.
Davis. Thomas O. Ruff, Samuel
Detis, Miss M. J. Rutz, Carl
Eck, Kanath Afhelvey.Miss Mary 2
Evans, John Svenson, Nels
Evans, J. M. Sulivan, Patrick
Fields Avorilla Mrs.Sullivan, Patrick B.
Fuller, Miss Charity Shaffer, Henry
Fenwick. John Sulher, Slielst Mrs.
Fisher, Charles Stead, E. F.
Crnyton, William' Sliarmer, Jas. A.
Guenon, Eugene Scsshes, Nancy
Moitou, J. 2 tHunrt, Henry
Humiston, Mrs. E. F. Thompson, Jonnth'n
Holes, Jiimcs Trunkey, John
Justis. Miss Emma ferditz, Henry
Justin, A. B. Vandermark, Cyrus
.Warrucbough, Jamcsrtiety, Carl
ffockert, John Rodffuson, Russl
Hullgrit-t, Jolinn Riedschoe, M. K.
Hockert, James Kudiyer, Leopold
Kretseb ornery, B. F.Swensson, C. (x.
Olbton, CiiTttlina
If not called (or thirty days will be
sent to the Dead Letter Office.
The Science of Health. The
first number of this new Health Journal
is published. It is devoted to an ex
position of all those agencies so vitally
related to Health and the Treatment of
Disease, such as Air, Light, Temperance,
Diet, Clothing, Hathing. Exercise, Sleep,
Electricity, and all normal agents and
hygienic materials. It is an independ
ent journal, published in the interests
of the people, which is certainly a strong
commendation. The first number con
tains uiauy articles of general interest.
The senses of sight, hearing, taste,
smell, etc., are illustrated and explained.
The oause and cure of Backache; the
proper position on Horsebaok; Woter
treatment of Fevers; Sprains and
Bruises; Pneumonia; Clergyman's Sore
Throat; Cronio Catarrh; How to Sleep,
etc The department of Talks with
Correspondents contains valuable infor
mation. The new magazine is issued
from the office of the Phrenological
Journal and published at the low price
of $2 a year, or twenty cents a number.
'Try it," and save many times its cost in
doctor's bills. Address the publisher,
S. R. Wells, 389 Broadway, N. Y.
Women as Pkize-Fiohters. Why
not? Is it any worse for a woman to
fight, smoke, drink, lie, cheat, steal,
gamble, rob and murder, than it is for a
man to do these things? Neither vir
tue nor vioe is a matter of sex. It per
tains to conduct. A clergyman in Ohio,
reading in a newspaper that two women
were training for a prize-fight, declared
that in all history, even in the antedi
luvian period, when the earth was filled
with violence, there is no record of any
parallel to this case. Very true: no
women have ever before jindertaken a
prize-fight. It is only the men. But
if the men would stop this business who
believes the women would persist in it?
The reverend gentleman calls on the
Christian women to band together, and
at once arrest this horrible outrage. All
right as far as it goes. But we respect
fully suggest that, as we only have a wo
man prize light once in six thousand years
(and that only threatened), while we
have prize-fights almost every day in
the year (not countiug the irregular
fights outside of the ring every hour of
the day), the men emplore the men to
stop the fighting among men. When
the men will do this, we will agree to
make' all the women in all the earth keep
the peace in this respect for another six
thousand years, Sciono of Health.
J. L. CoMMlNGS is building a dwell
ing house on South street near East
Thk Publio Debt. The public debt
statement shows a reduction during the
month of May of about $7,000,OCO.
The reduction is less than last month,
owing to the advanced payments on ac
count of Pensions.
THK shipment from the Oil Region
by all routes during April reached over
398,000 barrels of 45 gallons, an in
crease over March of about 134,000
barrels and an increase over April last
year of about $300,000 barrels. There
were shipped by river about 20.000 bar
rels, crude, of 42 gallon?.
In the whole history of American
journalism tho rapid progress of the
American Working People, of Pitts
burgh, is perhaps without a pniallel. . It
was started in May, 1871, and the num
ber for June, 1872, contains a certifi
cate of the pressman that for that
month the circulation had reached
the number of 28,000. Each number
contains twenty large quarto pages,
nearly all devoted to manufacturing in
terests, and handsomely illustrated.
Price $1.50 per annum in advance.
Home and Health for June is be
fore us, an J is certainly a very valuable
number. No other magazine surpasses
it in the quality of its literature, while it
surpasses all others of its size in the
number oni variety of its articles, and
in its aduptation to all the wants ot the
family. Its departments of Health Cul
ture, and Home entertainment, Humor
ous Incidents and Current Events, make
it the aiost valuable and cheapest family
magazine published in the country. Or
der it from the newsdealers, or send di
rect to De Puy, Lyod & Co., No. 52
Fourth Avenue, New York. Single
copies 15 cents; $1.50 per annum.
The newspapers ot Great Britiau
have been declaring that quite a re
duction of the public debt has been
going on for the last three years, the
abatement reaching 660,000,000. Sir
John Lubbock, M. P., denies this, and
says that 830,000,000 were only a trans
fer from the chancery and bankrupt
funds, so that the real reduction has bceu
only $30,000,000 or $10,000,000 a year.
This year the Government will borrow
$17,500,000, whioh.therefore, will make
an actual reduction of $12,500,000 in
threo years. This figures look meagre
alongside of those showing tho reduction
of the debts of the United States in the
same time.
The Phrenological Journal for
June is un admirable number to c'oso tho
Fifty-fourth volume of that most excel
lent family magazine. Conspicuous a
mong its contents are, William Orton,
President Western Telegraph Co.; what
is the Tariff Question? by Horace Gree
ly; Stcrl or Starve! Sir Francis Crossley,
! P.; Monticello, Famous as he Home
of Thomas Jefferson; Expression; The
Chinese in the Philippines; Preachers
and Preaching; Boys' Library; Carbon
and its different forms; Paul Du Chaillu,
the famous Traveler; Life Insurance; A
Bad Pen, etc. With numerous fine il
lustrations and portraits. A new volume
begins with the July number. A good
time to subscribe; fine premiums offered.
Terms $3 a year. 30 cents a cumber
S. R. Wells, Publisher, New York.
Census returns, rcceutly published,
show an increase of $1,000,000 in land
value received in the single State of
Pennsylvania since 1860. The quantity
of new land improved in the State in
that period exceeds 1,000,000 acres. In
some staples of agriculture Pennsylvania
holds the first place. In a few she falls
behind some of tho new regions of the
West. Thus, her whoat crop is far ex
ceeded in quantity by the wheat crop of
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowo, end Wis
consin; while it is nearly equalled by
the wheat crop of California, Michigan
and Minnesota. Her crops of corn are
also much smaller than those of Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa. Kentucky, Missouri, and
Tennessee. But in the estimated value
of all farm products Pennsylvania is only
exceeded by three States, New York,
Ohio, and llliuois. In fruit the orchards
of New York make a returo of $8,374,
417 against a return of $1,208,094. in
Good Manners. Good manners are
the particular distinction of a gentleman.
They elevate him in society, and in the
estimation ot all worthy people, and cre
ate for him a respect that money cannot
buy. In the education of our children
nothing is more negleoted, and to this is,
in a large degree, attributable, the grow
ing lack of respect and reverence among
young people for their superiors.
Home is the hrst school of childhood.
Here they should be early taught to be
polite and well behaved, j tor the first
mental impressions of a young child can
not be obliterated by correction nor for
getfulness. Parents cannot exercise too
great a degree of care in the examples
they set before their ohildren, and in ths
manner in which they expose, them to
impure and contaminating influences.
The formation of human character is
commonly the result of early associations.
Hooks and Eyes.
The latest publication is what I know
about bail bonds and convetions, by II. G.
.The "coldest March" on record
Bonaparte's retreat from Russia.
The wheat orop of North Georgia is
said to be immense, and promises to be
one ot the best ever barvessod.
A French college has given a girl the
degree of Batobelof of Scienoes. It
means that she is Made of Knowledge.
An exchange gravely says: Wm
Rhoderick Dhu anything like a Scotch
Early rising was once an indication of
thrift, but now it indicates that a man is
There is a time for all things. The
time to leave is when a young lady asks
you how the walking is.
A California man was thrown out of
bed by the earthquake. He doeeen't
consider it a fair shake.
The population of Great Britain is
placed at 81.000,000, while that of
France is 37,000,000.
It is estimated that there are over
30,000 canary birds brought to this
country every year.
Lobsters will bo very scarce this year
"probably becnuse the long winter
has killed the vines," suggests M''.
Greely. '. ,
The coal beds of Missouri are said to
have an area of two thousand seven
hundred square miles, mostly in the
An eccentric Connecticut gentleman,
recently deceased, left to religious insti
tutions $75,000$ to his cook $120,000,
and to each of his five children $400.
One of the results of the civilization
of Japan Is to leave ten thousand Budd
hist priests penniless without employ
ment. Which is the oldest Miss 'Ann Ti
quity, old Aunty Deluvian, Miss Ann
Terior, Miss Ann Cestcr. Miss Ann T.
Mundane, or Miss Auu T. Cedent?"
A foil of a dog in Indiana chases his
tail until he drops dowu with exhaustion.
This is one of the cases where the tail
wags the dog.
A Michigan Indian was promptly es
corted to the happy huuting grounds by
a can of nitro-glycerine which ho endeav
ored to open with his little hatchet.
Glass bottles were made in England
about 1558, but the art was practiced by
the Romaus 79 A.D ,as they have been
found plentifully among tho ruins of
You will alwus notis one thing, the
devil never offers to go into partnership
with bizzy men; but you will often see
him offer to jiue the lazy, and furnish
nil the capital.
Sprinks says he knows just the kind
of dwelling that his wife wants, because
she has described it to him. She wants
'a house large enough to accommodate
eight persons, with n parlor, dinins-room,
five bed-rooms, nursery, bath-room, clos
ets in every room, basement, kitchen,
cemented cellar, aud high attics, all on
the first floor."
It will bo remembered that an ele
phant's tooth was found in a gravel-pit
in Louisville. Ky., last summer. After
living the subject due consideration, sci
entific) men say it must have been there
for over two thousand years.
It is related of Lessing that he was
occasionally so ubseut-minded that
he once knocked at his own door,
when the servant, not recognizing her
master, looked out of the window and
said, "the Professor is not at home."
'Oh, very well," replied Lsssing com
posedly, walkiug away. "I will call
Tub manufacture of beet sugar in
Europe has been so large and so profit
able that the attention of American agri
culturists was attracted to it many years
! ago, but their experiments have so far
met with little success, except in Califor
nia. It is believed in Massachusetts
that the culture of tbe sugar beet may
now be undertaken under circumstances
more favorable to success, and the Legis
lature of that State bas been asked to
give encouragement to the enterprise by
exempting from taxation all the property
used in the manufacture, excepting the
land on which the beets are raised.
A Washington paper stated recent
ly that the impression prevails among
scientists there that the coming enmet is
the cause of the late dry spell of
weather which bas been felt so severely
till the laie rains. If such a drought is
one of the first fruits of the coming
meteor, we might well dread tho harvest
of distress and blight in store for us.
But the idea of cometury influence on
the atmosphere can hardly be entertained
by soientifio men. Ine fact has been
well attested by a long scries of obser
vations that these eccentric visitants do
not radiate sufficient heat to affect tbe
most sensitive mercurial thermometer
yet constructed; and from that it would
seem to follow that the popular notions
of their meteorological agency have no
foundation. So far, however, from oc
casional long dry spells, the' flashing
train bas been popularly regarded as the
augury of a bountiful harvest and vin
tage. The comet ot 1811 was supposed
to have been the cause ot the prolifio
and abundant crops which were almost
universal in tbe Old and New Worlds.
Even now in the later it is not uncom
mon to hear of the great comet year,
and wines have sometimes been sold at
a high figure, under the fancy of some
influence produoed by the tail of a favo
rite comet. It is said by close observers
that other comets of later years have ap
parently bad some physical influence in
producing fine agricultural yields, and
it (nay be the spectroscope, with its won
derful powers ot analysis, may, ere long,
enable phyeioi&ts to settle the long-agitated
problem of the constitution and
influence of these vast nebulous stt earns.
Mercantile Appraisement.
Names and class of dealers in the
county of Elk, fts assessed by the Mer
cantile Appraiser, for the year 1872:
Cl'i. Tax.
13 B K. Morey, $10 00
14 P. Molnerney 7 00
13 Lewis & Co 10 00
13 W. E. Johnson, 10 00
13 Edward Fletcher, 10 00
13 Miles Dent. , 10 00
14 Milton Winslow. 7 00
12 P. W. Hays,,
14 Koch & Knz,
12 J. J Taylor,
9 J. Koch k Son,
12 J. A. Mohan.
12 50
7 00
12 50
25 00
12 50
1 4 Oliver Clark, 7 00
13 N M. Brock way, 10 00
10 C. A. Wilcox. 20 00
14 J. 8. Thomns & Co., 7 00
12 A.J. Avery. ' 12 50
14 Jiimes Oiiirliton, 10 50
13 Haton & Koontz, 10 00
10 Rive & Keilly. 20 00
3 Tannine J Lumbei Co., 100 00
12 Aldrich & l'atton, 12 50
14 C. A. Paine. 7 00
13 Martin Sowers. 10 00
12 Staib & Co., 12 50
11 W. S. Service. 7 00
8 J. S.& W. II. flydo, 80 00
14 hartley & Whipple, 10 60
14 J. L. (.'uuim'iigs, 7 00
13 Charles Holes, 111 00
8 Powell & Kime, 30 10
14 J Al. I Irani, 7 00
14 J. II. Wilb.-r, 7 00
11 Thayer & llagerty, 15 00
13 G. U. Messenger, 10 iiO
8 W. O. Healy, 30 00
13 McQloin & McGeuhin, 10 00
11 I. V. Ilouk, 15 00
VI Grunt f- 1 1 orton, 12 fill
14 Wheeler & Uorton, 7 00
I 4 Eli Ettcr. 7 HO
14 W. H Hehriim, 7 00
14 Robert Wnrner, 7 00
14 O. B I,b.v. 7 00
10 W. H Ostcrhout, 20 00
14 G. T. Wheeler, 7 00
14 L C. Uorton, 7 00
12 Uorton A Miller, 12 50
14 G. L. M'Ciackuu; 7 U0
Spring Cre.k,
14 J E. Hoffman, 7 00
U L T. Davit, 7 00
14 Hiram (,'uni an, 7 00
St. Mary1.
12 Ad. Foclitmau, 12 50
12 Walker h Sou, M 5'J
10 Wtis' liios., 20 00
13 L. L. I'utzel, 10 00
13 Leonard Cook, 10 00
12 Geo. A. Walker, 1 go
14 Fred. Hudulph, 7 00
7 J. B. Coryell & Co., 40 00
13 Reynolds & Garner, 15 00
12 1 hillip Wilhcliu, 12 50
13 15. J. Kuss, 10 00
13 Lyon & Brother, 10 00
II Joints Snecringer, 15 00
13 .1. K. Weidenbroenner, 10 00
1 1 John Meisel, 7 00
14 John Susenheimer & Son, 7 00
14 0. L. Ikyr, 7 00
14 U. N. Rolte, 7 00
6 Joseph v iihrlin, 75 Oi)
14 Thomas Ziiutuptt, 7 '10
14 Mrs M. 13. M'Nally, 7 00
14 Edward M Bride, 7.00
11 Chas liuhr, - 15 00
14 W J Blakely, 7 00
5 Milton Winslow,
P. M'lufliney,
5 James McCloskey,
8 J. L. Cummings,
5 Johu Lamb,
St. Mary'i.
4 E. W. Brenuan,
5 John B Ueiudel,
5 Anthony Showers,
5 Jacob Kraus,
5 Charles Klausmao,
5 Gies & Griebel.
5 Joseph Bruuer,
20 00
20 00
20 00
5 00
20 00
30 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
20 00
St' Mary's,
8 William 2elt, 25 00
8 F. X. Sorg, 25 00
8 Jos. Wiudfelder, 25 00
9 Chas. Klausman, 15 00
8 Mrs. Elizabeth Volk, 25 00
8 Giei & Griebel, 25 00
0 Jos Bruuer. 15 00
An appeal will be held at the Com
missioner's office! Ridgwgy; on Tuesday,
July 2d, 1872, at 3 o'clock p. m.
Mercantile Appraiser.
form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the
publio generally, that he hag starteda Lit
ery Stable and will keep
and Buggies, to let upon the moat reasona
ble terms
B&.He will also do job teaming.
Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the
PostOffioe, on Mill street. All orders left
at the Post Office will meet prompt atten
tion. Aug 20 1870. tf.
New Advertisements.
NOTICE. This is te give notice that
my son tVillard Emigh has left home
without just ctuse or provocation, and a'l
persons are hereby cautioned against trust ing
him on my account as I will pay no
bill of bis contracting.
Earlcy, June 6th, 1872.
firm heretofore exlusting under the
name of Fitzgerald & Ellis, has this 'ay
been dissolved by mntoul consent. The
business will hereafter be carried on by
D. M Fitzgerald.
May, 30ih. 1872 -nUt8.
List of Special and Income tax for
1872 is now in my hands for collection for
the yeor of 187 J. Payment nmy be made at
Souther's bank Ridgway, or Hyde & Hall's
bank, St. Mary's. I'visona neglecting to
pHy after ten dnys notice will be charged
5 per cent, and 1 per cent, per month in
addition to the legulnr tax.
I'. FORD, Dept'y. Col. 19th Dint.
Smcthport, June 1st, 1872. n!4t3.
Charles H. Ocring ' 1 In the Court of
for use J. T. lJorck, Cuninion Pleas of
vs, -Elk County.
E, C. Scliultz and No. 17 of January
William C. Sclmltz. J Term, 1872.
Ejectment to enforce specitio performance
of agreement for the purchase of the un
divided one-half of four certain town lois
or pieces of hind situate in the Borough
of i. Mary's, in the County of Elk and
State of Pennsylvania, known and desig
nated as town lots Nos. (L'6) twenty. hix
(28) twenty-eight, (30) thirty nnd (82)
thirty-two, on Si, Mary's street in said
Borough of t. Mary's, each lot. being one
hundred feel in front by two hundred feet
deep at right angles, said lots lying adjoin,
ing each o'her, fronting on tnid Kt. Mary's
street, and containing togeUicr, eighty
thousand feel more or less, with the appur.
tunnnces. April 8th. 1872, on motion of
Geo. A. Kntlibun, plaintiff's attorney, the
Cours grant a Rulo on the defendant to ap
pear nnd plead on or before next Term o"
FRED. SCIIOENING, Piothonotnry
To the defendants above name: Please
take notice of a rule of which the above is
a copy
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Charles Springstcad
Charlotte L. Spring
stead. In the Court of
Common Pleaa of Elk
County. No. 10 Nov
ember Term 1871.
Sur Lihtl for Divorce..
You will please take notice, that the
undersigned has been appointed examiner
by the Court, to take the testimony of wit
nesses in this case on the part of the
Libellenl, nnd tho tnid witnesses will be
produced, sworn and examined, before me
at the office of Geo. A. Rathbun in Ridg.
way, on Saturday the 8th day of June, next
at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, nt, which
time and place you may attend if you think
RUFL'S LUCORE, Examiner.
$1,000 MW'AIUU
A reward of One Thousand Dollars wi"
I e paid to any Physician who w ill produce
a uudicina that will supply the wants of
the peopli) better than the article known as
nit. v.fii u rurs
Colebratsi Elooi Cleans? or Panacea.
It must be a belter Cathartic, a better Alter
ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic,
a better Tonic, and in every way better
than tho Pan-a ce a. No mat'.er how long
it has been in use or how l itely discovered
Ahovc ail it must not couluiu unythiug mot
$500 REWARD I !
A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will
bo paid for a modiuino that will perma
nently cue more cues of Costiveuess,
Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache,
Liver I!oniplaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun
dice, Rheumatism, Gout. Dyspepsia, Chills
and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils. Loins, Side
aud Head and Femtile Complaint thau
l)St. V.tillt.YEVS
which is use 1 more extensively by practic
ing physicians thau any other popular
medicine known.
For Sulobv G. G. MIWSKNGEIt.
way, Pa. vln22yl.
mi LIST.
Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for
August term 1871:
Benczette. Goo. W. Apker, Monioe
Beusinger. Charles Schneider.
Fox. Fred. Pearsall, Reuben S.
Grosi, Geo. A Dillow, John Moore.
Horton. Gilbert Brockway, Jack
Short, Georgo Hi rues, James Pbelau.
Jay. Christopher Dill.
Jones. Job Vankirk.
Ridgway. Daniel MeGovern, W.
U. Osterhout, E. J. Miller, Dauiel
Farrand, J. C. Law, T. S. Hartley.
St. Mary's Boro. Anthony Aumann,
Herman Kretz, Anthony Bieberger.
Spring Creek. Abraham Bowman.
Benezette. John W. Overturf, J.
G. Bell, John Johnson.
Bensingcr. Anthony Robeurictb,
Martin Fritz, Francis Schluttenhoffer,
Andrew Lenze, John Goetz (Rope
maker.') Fox. Cornelius Sullivan, J. Finley
Robinson, J.J.Taylor, II. O. Thomp
son, B. Canavan, C. A. Bundy, James
Cuneo, Charles Gill, William Edwards.
Highland. Levi Elethorpe.
Horton. Adam Kemmerer, Daniel
Phelan, James Danovan, Rufus Elder.
Jay. Leroy E. Leggett, Samuel Uhl.
Jones. Daniel Attlebarger, Johu
Pistner, John O. Johnson, Jr., John
Millstone. F. J. Clyde. .
Ridgway. Joseph Wildfire, W. D.
Diokkson, D. S. Luther, George
Dickinson, Milton H. Sleight, James
Gardner, John Vanorsdall, E. C.
Barrett, Thompson Crow, C, V. Gillis,
H. M. Powers, N. B. Waterson, John
St. Mary's Boro. Louis Beyer, John
Krieg, 8. Reynolds, Louis Hanhauser,
Joseph Windtelder. Engelbert Spellen
berR, R. O. MaGill.
Spring Creek1 Divid Knaly.
Cherry Pectoral,
For Disease of the Throat and lVunx,
uoh u Oougha, Oolda. Whooping
Cough, Bronohitla, Aathma
and Consumption.
Among the great
dlacoverie of modern
science, few ore of
mora real value to
mankind thin thli f
fectunl remedy tor all
diseases of the Throat
and Lungs. A vut
trial of its virtue,
throughout thli ana
other countries, has
shown that it does
urelv and effectually
control them. The testimony of onr beat citi
zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that
Cherry Pectoral will and does relieve and
cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and
Lungs beyond any other medicine. The moot
dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Orpin
yield to its power) and cases of Coniampa
tion, cured by this preparation, are pubho
ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be
lieved, were they not proven bevond dispnts.
As a remedy it is adequate, on which ths publio
may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs
the forerunners of mora serious disease, tt savoa
unnumbered lives, and nn amount of suffering
not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con
vinces the most sceptical. Every family should
keep it on hand as a protection against the early
and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections,
which are easily met at first, but which become
incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten
der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to
be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which beset the Throat
and Chest of childhood, Cherry Pectoral
is invaluable; for, by its timely nse, multi
tudes are rescued from premature graves, and
snved to the love and affection centred on them.
It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds,
securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No
one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain
ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily
they can be cured.
Originally the product of long, laborious, and
successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil
is spared In making every bottle in the utmost
possible perfection. It may be confidently re
lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever
exhibited, and capable of producing cures as
memorable as the greatest it has ever effected.
prepared by
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chemist.
I-or Sale by
G. G. MESSENGER. Druggist,
Ridgway, Pa.
Every year increases the popu
larity of this valuable Hair JPrep
aration, which ia due to merit
alone. We can assure our old
patrons that it is kept fully up to
its high standard ; and it is the on
ly reliable and perfected prepara
tion for restoring Gray or Faded
Hair to its youthful color, making
it soft, lustrous, and silken. The
scalp, by its use, becomes white and
clean. It removes all eruptions and
dandruff, and, by its tonic proper
ties, prevents the hair from falling
out, as it stimulates and nourishes
the hair-glands. By its use, tho
hair grows thicker and stronger.
In baldness, it restores the capillary
glands to their normal vigor, and
will create a new growth, except in
extreme old age. It is the most
economical Hair-Dressing ever
used, as it requires fewer applica
tions, and gives the hair a splendid.
lossy appearance. A. A. naves,
I.D., State Assayer of Massachu
setts, says, "The constituents are
pure, and carefully selected for ex
cellent quality; and I consider it
the Best Preparation for its
intended purposes."
Sold ty all Druggist 8 and Dealers in MmUdnet.
Prioe One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye.
As bur Renewer in many cases
requires too long a time, and too
much oare, to restore gray or faded
Whiskers, we have prepared this
dye, in one preparation, which will
quickly and effectually accomplish
this result. It is. easily applied,
and produces a color which will
neither rub nor wash off. Sold by
all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents.
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.,
Ti:e ingredients that
published oh every package, thero-
lore it is not a secret preparation,
It is a certain cure fbr Scrofula.
Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma
tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com
plaint and all diseases of tho
will do more good than ten bottled
of the Syrups of Sarsapanlla.
have Used Rosadalis in their practice)
for the p:tst three years and frrely
ei.durse it ss a reliable Alterativa
uiid Llood Purifier.
DR. T. C. ft'OH, of Baltimoie.
D H . V. O. D A N X V. LI. V
Dll. J. S. SPARKS, of NiehoUivilU,
K y.
DH. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomh, N. C.
J. E. FUE.VC1I k BOXS, Fall River,
r. W. s'ittTH. Jsrkunn. MMi.
I A. V. V. HKh LKH, Linis, Uhio.
;1 HAl.L, I.inm. Ohio.
It-RAVKN & ('(.. Crtlnnsvllle, V&.
jSAVi'I.. O. Mcl'ADDEX, Murf-o
j l.oii5,Tr.a.
I Our sp-o vi;t not allow 01 my j
it M. iu relation to h
.umv.wi ,,.u;atiiiua. ulae Medical
. Prol.:oa we gusraatew t'luiU
ii superior to any they have tt
u.i tl iu the treatment of diseatej
'lo-.J j and to theuflllrted we say trv
Ki4iiuiis, and you will ba neuwcl
to hclik.
Rosadalis Is aol.l nj all Drvffplfts.
lc $ i.60 per kuttla. AuOre'
53. CL2MENT3 tt CO
ilMuWurinj Cfumuti,
lUvimjK, Via.
inr i i