(ffltt (fyrontg gUIuccate. THURSDAY, MAY 30, J872. - Var Time at llldgtvay. Erie Express East 2:08 a. m. do do West 2:15 a. m. do Mail East..... 4:55 p. m. do do West ft: 27 a. m. RenoTO Accommodation East 7:55 a tn. do do do West. fi:00 p. m. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year . $75 00 " " " 40 00 J " " " 25 00 I ' " " 15 00 Transient advertising persqunre of eight lines or less 8 times or less 2 00 Business onrds, ten lines or less, per year..... , 5 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk' Lodge will be held at their hall on th second nnd fourth Tuesdays of each month. a. u Mccracken, seo'y. Temple of Honor and Temoeranca. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on ea:h alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room, on Main street, over J. V. Houk's store. S. A. ROTE, W. Si. We are compelled to publish the Treasurer's sales agaio this week, owing to a number of errors having occurred in the first issues, Rev. II. A. Pattison will hold ser vices in the Court House next Sunday, morning and evJuing. Morning at 11 o'clock and evening at 7:15. , . Some time ago Ju Ige Scofield direct ed a competitive examination of appli cants for a vacant Cadetship in the Navy, from this district. Last Wednes day the examination took placo here be fore Prof. Jones of Erie, Prof. Hooker and Ex-Supt. Lindsey of Wairen. Four boys from Erie County and one from Forest County were examined. Frank Goalding of Erie, aged 16 years, stood highest, and the Forest County boy next. The examination was so conducted that, the Committee didn't know who held the lucky number till after tbeir decif ion was made. Young Goalding passed a very creditable examination and will probably be appointed by .Tti'igo co field. Warron Mail, 21st iwt. Wilcox, Pa.. May 23d. 1872 Editor Advocate: The column of the Advocate ore weekly perused by a majority cf (he rending publio of our little town; but seldom do we soe that' through the medium of the county press, others are brought to the knowledge that we live and have a being. Therefore, we propose to furnish you occasionally with "Items from '.Vilenx" which you can publish if in your judg ment they are deemed worthy. After passing a fearful winter with the measles which brought quite a number to the. grave, the people of Wilcox have resumed improvement. Several new buildings are in the course of erection. The Tanning and Lumber Co. are prosecuting business full blast, but have lonq; prayed for raia thi.t they might rest from toiling with the forest fires which have destroyed for them nearly ten thousand dollars worth of bark and logs. Our merchants have lately procured full Btocks of goods of all varieties and the latest styles. To get a Dolly Vardeu slipper, a Dolly Varden necktie, a Dolly Varden anything, an administration cigar, or, a Greeley hat, one has only to come to Wilcox to be accommodated. Dr. Straight and Mr. Malone believe in advancement, one example illustrating that fact, is that they are erecting a building tor a drug and jewelry. Our graded school is in a flourishing condition, with Mr. B. 0. Wheeler es principal two assistant teachers being employed. Mr. 0. M. Adams is still drilling for oil with favorable indications. At present the well is 1770 feet deep. Recreatora who angle for the speckled beauties of our mountain streams leave the place with the satisfaction of having taken a "square meal" at the Wilcox house. Mr. Fuller, late trotu Uinghampton, N. Y. who is already much respected by our townsmen, has thoroughly refitted a meat market and does a brisk trade in that line. SYZYGY. Emigration There were nine steam ships in the port of New York a few days Bince with 8,88-1 emigrants on board, rep resenting almost every quarter of the civilized world; and two more steamers were expected within a day or two, bring ing over about 2.000 more, making ten thousand for the week. At this rate of increase of population we shall soon ex ceed in number .the most ropulous of the European States it we do not already, end tread closely on the heels of the Asiatio empires. Hamburg Telegraph. As a dressing, Nature's Hair RestoraJ five goes ahead of any iu. the market. Sm advert'Hetrtent'; 2t. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. NOTICE is hereby given that agreeable to the Act of Assembly, passed tho 13th day of March, 1815, entitled "an Act to amend an Act," directing the mode of selling unseated Lands for taxes &c. The following Tracts of Unseated Land in Elk County, will be exposed to public sale or out-cry, for arrearages of taxes, at the Court House in Itfilgway on the second Monday of June next, (being the 10th day of June, A. D. 1872,) unless sooner paid. UENKZETTE TOWNSHIP. War. AcrM. W rrantee or Owner. Taxos. 5332 5333 6335 5338 5344 5345 5340 5347 5348 5379 5380 5383 5384 5387 5343 5478 5010 534!) 5477 5478 5000 5342 5477 5011 5014 5481 5008 5343 5353 5334 5337 O'.'EG 53.jl 5352 5330 5287 5288 5289 5003 5008 5483 5390 5339 5340 5343 5027 4995 5341 5024 5012 5479 4990 5020 4990 5481 5024 4997 5981 5479 5383 5028 5023 5479 5080 5022 5310 5001 4990 5482 5480 5020 5002 5013 5014 5009 4105 4105 928 Geo. Mead 90 1007 do 90 1007 do 02 1807 do 111 1087 do 109 1007 do 158 1007 do 82 1007 do 103 1007 do 112 459 do 05 1100 do 120 490 do ' 51 1000 do 98 1100 do 113 825 do 1870 35 WS50 do do 17 493 - do do - 81 1008 do 57 1025 do 1870 74' 550 do do 40' 990 do do 72 1100 do 01 75 do 1870 0 090 do do 50 445 do do 83 450 do do 2S 990 do 70 1100 do 83 143 Myron Morrill 10 1100 do 98 1007 do 97 1008 do . 70 1100 do 49 300 do ' 138 1100 Amos B. Merrill 153 275 do 40 275 do 45 223 do 81 090 Christian Browcr 48 090 Jones Harmond & Co '70 48 505 do do 43 1100 do 05 1100 Juhnthnn Brown, 98 550 J. B. Moorhead for '71 84 275 Reuben Mickel 12 200 Fleimer & Johnson 17 458 Addison,Swatwood & Co 01 900 C. AVainwriifht 71 390 Ralph Johnson, 1870 090 Miles Dent 500 do. 495 J. II. Marston, 1870 24H Owner unknown 305 John Brooks 275 Martin Enz 28 do 481 II. C. Spaulding 550 do 200 Robert Ewhifr 832J John Johnson 1100 Ilezekiah Mix 50 Andrew Dent 2S5 Hamilton Dawn 800 Geo. A. Brastow 110 David S. Johnson 550 Henry Blush 2 R. C. Winslow 1870 990 Finnev te Barrows 195 do 445 Erasmus Morcy 00 Ober fc English 100 Geo Winslow & Mrs. E. Johnson 990 Reading Fisher & Co. 10 101 07 30 12 38 29 00 55 00 27 41 08 G 43 55 17 39 2 101 18 58 4 11 101 130 149 157 3 900 do 940 do 990 d'70 25 John Carrol 50 Norton A. Dernis, 1871 25 Samuel Hancock 25 Grorge Wcis 25 Peter Byrnes for '71 5 Michael O'Sullivan '71 50 JolmTarnill 51 1 Lawrence ic Cassett 823 do 990 do 200 II. O. Williams 80 H. AV. Williams 220 Gilbert Williams 300 Lamont Gas Coal Co 500 do 90 do 900 do 990 David Row, for '71 990 do 4105 4100 4104 4407 1 8 00 109 110 24 11 30 80 80 11 112 71 4107 4888 4882 4859 4900 4900 4900 4958 4958 49(51 4901 4990 4993 4104 4103 110 591 J Uidway Farm & Coal Co 08 897 do 47 4105 1011 do 14-12 do 898 do . ii'.'U do 104H-01 do 118 150 100 117 87 4100 4107 4108 4110 495 no. for '71 Ti ulincer & 990 ' " " Croft 181 J. & D. S. Jolmseu & Co, St'iii do 1 o-j , - 5024 5024 5024 5022 5481 C0) 5UU3 5482 5340 5479 5178 5011 5477 5020 4105 4109 4110 4403 4403 4110 4111 4111 4111 4990 41)90 4990 4' 07 1 11 47 241 nc. for '70 Ralph Johnson 003 " " '71 29 110 Fdith Johnson & A Aplter 18 450 John Brooks 28 9!0 do 43 990 Elmffer Johnson. 1871 00 505 Julius Jones 82 550 Smith, McCoruick & Mann 43 50 James Riley 4 1100 C. St, John & Itothrock 43 990 do 45 1100 do 40 100 do 8 BE ZIKOEFt T0W.SI1IP. 20 John Carrol 3 91 117 48 120 71 04 48 110 08 120 85 120 09 0 89 20 30 20 05 5 23 3 94 28 87 134 94 52 80 990 1049 M0 540 980 1073J do do do do do do lOiio 50 B8ussels Road 200 Esehbach 200 Roselay 80 do 20 St. Mary's 220 C. K. Laudis 1050 James Wilson 4108 4101 4404 4404 4400 4400 4407 4408 4070 4901 2357 4878 4879 4944 4945 4880 2374 2303 2377 4905 4877 4881 523 Edward Hurler 523 Frederick F. Kresenbroek 53 93 522i Francis Aulecke 522J August Fortenbeck 420 Clen enz Ketler 000 do 905 Mathias VonGalen 100 F. L. Newton 090 West Creek Mfg. and Mining Co. 990 do 1023 do D90 do 990 do 1023 Charles Heebner 952 George Dickinson 990 McKean and Elk Land and Imp. Co. 090 do 090 , do 090 do 1023 John Morris 50 Geo. Ed Weis 25 M. A Mitchell 275 Thomas Luckenboch 25 Geo. Bindorfer Lot No. 55 cross street James Cox 50 John Kerchin 143 Win. C. Black Avenio"B." 18 " do-: - . do 52 90 52 93 50 05 71 21 113 0.5 12 70 110 03 110 63 137 74 116 62 110 02 137 32 111 94 116 62 110 62 116 63 110 62 124 03 6 44 3 04 83 00 8 94 1 21 5 71 17 66 4900 4881 4809 4101 301 do do do do do do 6 01 13 90 4 84 , TtO. OF LOTS IUDGWAY BTUEET 91 & 02 Rev. Jeremiah O'Hara 78 & 79 James Doylo 83 Sarah Healey 1 67 1 67 1 33 201 1 67. 1 20 88,89 & 90 Wm. Kenedy 58 & 59 84 59 00 17 "A 18 33 & 84 30 Thomas McCormlck Michal O'Sullivan RAIL IIOAD STREET Sarah Healey 1 83 Michal O. Sullivan 1 29 TALBOT STREET Thomas Collins 167 Michal Coney 1 07 Wm. Shine 1 82 Thomas Collins 1 07 88 & 89 James Covle 10 Lots between Kersey ifc Talbot Street 2 23 25 acres J. 8. Bates 6 03 1 Lot from Stephen Henry 1 83 VINE STREET 50 acers Daniel Gary 89 25 Wm. Sbannahan 8 94 25 M. Snnahau - 8 04 100 Geo. Vcis ' 12 70 80 E. G. Williams 10 85 50 Mathias Bannim 0 89 5 Michael O'Sullivan 1 67 4100 4107 4107 4958 4408 4100 ) 200 Palmer & Co. 26 07 4105 i 25 Wm. Corkey 3 04 5 67 4 47 4 90 6 89 4 34 5 05 54 40 54 46 54 40 54 40 54 40 1 47 1 44 1 41 2 72 0 10 5 05 3 29 4105 4110 4115 25 Patrick Dwyer 31 AVrn. J. Flint 50 John Hoffman 50 Edward Delohunt 25 Owner unknown Av. B. No. C5 50 N. St. Mary's Road 4105 400 Saml. Wallace 4104 400 4103 400 4880 400 4879 400 do do do do No. of Lots 31 & 33 Talbot Street 11, 12,13 & 14 Butler Street 04,05,00 & 07 Ridjrway Street 25 James Donnelly 110 Adolph Timras 100 M. Stibig 51 James Givcns FOX TOWNSHIP. 4215 4079 4083 4095 4092 4092' 4093 4244 4095 4090 4373 4083 4170 4184 4184 4244 4244 4271 4093 4095 4373 4244 4215 4341 5340 5340 4243 1170 4890 4077 4078 4081 4082 4088 4000 4097 4098 4374 4087 4098 2735 Joseph S. Hyde 881 85 410 D. Kingsbury for 1S70 31 69 I 204 do 17 87 504 do 24 43 180 do 5 00 199 -do 14 82 100 J. Powell 21 20 230 Wm. Parker 41 88 000 Jesse Webster 103 00 50 Jas. Frantz 10 13 57 Toby tract 13 19 380 Jas. Wilson 03 95 188 Fr. Kingsbury 44 08 480 do 98 10 87 B. Bcnzinger's lot 19 27 79 J. L. Ellis 22 18 591 i Sampson Short 219 Jas. Wilson 927 do 149 95 59 70 270 03 40 45 0 22 .hnocu Clap 24 290 240 00 307 57 28 TG8 4G4 200 109 170 5 170 495 990 495 579 145 900 439 500 293 990 989 750 200 40 225 J 01111 I3ntf"s Ridgway Farm & Coal Co 00 79 Saml. Wallace 50 1 13 63 1 09 12 01 do cro Ridgway Farm and Coal Co Saml. Wallace do 14 7 149 93 87 29 24 13 24 70 135 125 84 35 154 89 80 00 135 133 91 25 do do do do John Albert, "N" J do Nicholas Reinel "S" J. G. Kidder Caroline M. Pray E. B. England do do Hannah Barnard O. W. Whittakcr Richard Gardner do Win. Tarns do II. A. Stephens 4371 4098 4001 4187 4901 4890 4902 4177 4190 4190 4900 4270 4273 4274 4274 4274 4170 4083 4077 4178 4079 4079 4088 4088 4180 4090 4081 4170 4087 4087 4087 4087 4098 4098 4098 Geo. C. Into Robt. J. Ruhl Thomas Martin, S. E. Corner Edward Hull'er do Wm. Wen sal Towusend Fall J. S. Hydo owner Malaehia Ruuko Edward Boner do J C. Chapin C. It. Earley do Silas Moyer Engknd & Brown John K. Jones Arnold Green John J. Thomas Thomas Collins Rose Kelly James Wrinkle Henry Clinton Witt Patrick McCready Earley and llersliev 0 42 55 129 8 35 5 3 3 100 23 7 7 110 4 2 7 4 1 4 6 10 303 709 50 207 25 25 25 990 130 45 80 540 2a 50 20 J It 51 50 18 100 50 50 50 65 100 580 283 680 2 Toby Creek Coal & Oil Co 7 Ellas Hancock 10 Joseph Faberly 7 Patrick Mackin 9 Annul Tuiley 5 Thomas Jordan 17 Daniel Kingsbury Estate 57 do do 80 4097 4090 4095 4079 4083 4373 4373 4247 5247 4240 4247 do 06 20 do 15 60 139 do ?3 Noblo Coal & Oil Co 11 08 35 86 79 40 79 40 249 do 500 do do 4244 4245 ? 500 IIIGIILASD TOWKSIIIP. 8781 10! 0 Thomas Struthcrs 133 50 3753 1000 do 133 50 2020 1099 do 135 91 2019 890 AValter Bryant 110 98 1778 1031 do 137 57 2025 106 A. Wolf 14 81 3001 835 Cloud Robinson 103 45 2027 403 Geo. Dickinson 43 94 1830 054 do 100 45 2038 1043 do 139 03 3000 490 do Middle part 01 88 2034 150 do Sub.Div.No.9 10 71 2025 100 J.&M.Mack,N.W. Cor. 13 28 2020 830 Freeman Ellis 41 49 1405 670 Fox lis Roberts Ludlo & Scott 83 28 1404 603 do 75 02 8753 1000 John N. Lane 133 50 8788 1000 do 104 25 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank Pittsb'g 124 80 1803 003 John F. James 117 83 3701 1095 Martin Hart 135 83 1783 003 Charles Corbett 119 11 2084 904 J. C. Chapin, Sub.No.8 12 01 8700 1000 do 70 88 8057 1000 Nichols & McPherson 123 75 2034 54 do 7 65 8773 900 S. Jones & Co ' 121 03 8771 1000 Nathaniel F. Jones 133 50 8775 1000 do 133 50 1799 600 Charles B. Gillis, Sub. div. Nos. 83, 4, 5, 6, 7, , 4408 84 4407 107 4407 29 9,10- 77 00 r,nn Minn. H. Gillis. Sub.div 1770 1776 1770 1770 2034 2084 2034 2034 3776 8780 2031 8778 1770 13,14,15,10,17 63 100 John Honkel Div. No.ll 13 100 James Cooper do 18 13 100 Edward Bart do 20 8 112A Jos.B.Wadsworthdo 3 14 118 Jos. Thorpe do 1 15 112 Thomas Bow do 4 14 904 E. E Kennedy do 6 12 200 8. P. Johnson, 8. A 8. W. part 28 200 do N, W. cor. 29 1058 Mrs. Richarts 130 1000 Henry M. Deckcrt 133 100 Jacob Hapes 13 288 Jno. Nicholson 39 290 do 30 1019 Alfred Avery 120 100 Elizabeth Cooper, No.18 8 2404 2300 8050 1770 4371 4434 4409 4470 4278 4370 4372 4372 4434 4409 4451 4453 4400 4371 4255 1 4390 4279 HOHTON TOWNSniP. 197 Joseph S. Hydo 15 19 84 40 50 11 71 3 75 74 123 94 20 5 11 220 101 do 184 155 157 52 Sub. do do do Piv. No. do 780 Daniel Kingsbury 27 do 824 do 813 do 971 do 743 do 182 do 43 do 201 do 1002 J. L. Ellis 932 do George Dickinson 50 S. Pauley Lot 53 Sub. Div. No. 5, 53 do 15 1077 Breeden & Co. 50 Becthcwald & Paul 50 Wingartner & Reubel Souther & Willis 03 Sub. Div. No. 3 239 12 7 11 8 270 4 11 7 0 6 0 0 0 11 G 21 11 4370 4283 4370 4370 4370 4370 4370 4370 4370 4870 4871 4301 4371 4370 4371 4342 4343 4450 4249 4281 4282 4248 4249 4340 4241 52 57 52 50 do do do do do 7 do 11 do 9 do 13 do 20 do 23 do 25 do 28 do 8 do 10 do 27 Co. 77 77 77 55 55 23 58 10 05 05 45 03 04 75 14 19 53 30 58 70 00 50 C & M. Albert 52 Jacob Did lot 02 Henry A. Kupp 100 T. Echmnn 50 Joseph Hetzel 50 Mathias Kline 11 11 138 136 214 81 254 235 10 24 33 98 52 do 577 Shawmut C. C. 509 do 900 do 110 Wm. Reed E. Bacon 1000 Jehu Parsons 1071 do 41 O. Noble & Co. 00 do 200 Short & Wilcox 533 do 4342 4343 ) 400 75 100 75 884 224 870 807 1030 709 200 28 773 952 900 Dr.IIartshoin-J.S. Hydo 51 40 do 8 92 do 11 80 10 90 Daniel Kingsbury Estate 83 77 4373 4371 4434 41(19 4451 4452 4400 4242 4309 4344 4453 do 17 do do do do do do PennV C. V. Co. do do Joseph S. Hyde Vineyard Run Lot do do Sub. Div. No. 2! G5 05 134 100 23 4 158 227 214 4280 1057 4453 713 98 75 07 52 5 80 4371 4240 4247 4248 02 47 do Sam Pauley Lot 4 OS 4249 J Hyde & Brockway do Hartshorn Lot 125 89 do 24 12 d j Firman Lot 8 91 do 13 28 Short Wilcox & McClelland 28 75 O'Hara James Formerly in Fox 5'00 Owner unknown, 12 05 do 12 05 do 9 00 do 8 19 do 3 09 do 27 49 N. B. Lane & others 20 08 Henrv Lorain Carlislo Jas. Wilson 42 25 do 34 30 .Tosiah W. Smith East half Jas. Wilson 19 83 Jas. McClelland Nathan Bailey E.half 8 20 John Hulmo (Middle) 13 95 J. C. French AV. part 23 07 JAY TOWKSniP. 4343 ) 4342 f 075 4400 200 4242 107 4272 105j 4272 375 50 90 90 10!) 17 21 808 in-. 001 4453 4450 4371 4344 4343 372 4243 4200 000 4182 990 4181 495 4188 4188 4271 200 350 010 5283 5288 5287 5289 5290 4194 4190 5195 4197 5005 4197 41-7 4197 4198 4808 4895 4899 4897 4900 4845 5010 5019 5007 4890 5007 5004 4892 4890 4897 4883 4191 4899 4185 4845 4894 4893 4890 5284 4897 4194 5029 4898 5017 4893 5030 4893 4893 4895 4895 4893 4196 4105 4194 4198 5033 4194 4899 5030 4906 5018 41 P0 1100 AmosB. Merrill 825 do 8-0 do "540 do 012 2-100 do 250 Wm. Parker 989 D. R. Jones 200 JameR Stokes 220? do 090 do 245 Sebastian AViso 100 Eli Kennedy fiOi fliailes li. Millfir 220 210 210 113 120 18 50 22 22 120 25 11 8 89 Owner unkn Jas. Wilson 50 990 do do 101 134 Reading, Fisher & Co W. Willink 388 do 50 do 400 Wm. Robinson W. Willink 70 do 090 Phillip M. Price AV. 10 45 8 02 17 AVillink 140 990 do 140 990 do 140 559 E. B. England 84 990 do 101 990 do , 152 200 Dubois & Lowe 84 J do 14 15 do 8 090 Richard Gardner 113 853 Christian Brower 46 800 Ilezekiah Horton 100 100 do 84 295 Robert Rothrock 53 419 do 86 150 do 18 1100 do 225 25 David Tyler 4 50 John P. Combs 7 50 Daniel Brewer 13 990 Henry Loraine 151 990 do 177 820 D. AV. Moore 01 04 O. R. Rice 23 490 JohuR. Cox 78 04 Tyler & Finney 18 98 do 16 98 do 16 217 A. II. Shaw 26 73 Francis Scheidor . 10 14 73 II. Little 10 14 Hammond, Jones & Co 16 40 100 II. Henry As Co. S. Cor. 11 20 293 do 45 88 207 A. E. Goff 85 55 100 do 12 50 990 Sother & Willis 177 69 090 Perks fc Bowman 185 43 lfi.") J. R. Morey 15 67 100 do 11 20 50 Philip Reilly 7 70 100 James Ramsden 13 40 200 Goo. A. Braston 81 60 507 do 15 18 100 David Carskaden 18 80 202 Thomas Tosier 40 83 JONES TOWNsniP. 193 Robert Halsey 28 05 990 Charles Hcobnci 208 22 893 do 79 83 480 John C. Scott 97 80 200 Thomas VanCourt 40 84 1073 Ridgway Farm &C. Co. 214 78 1025 do do 205 17 200 Geo. Dickinson 40 84 990 AVilliam AVernwag 147 33 090 do 147 82 50 R. AV. Brown 11 00 990 M'Kcan A Elk Land 2504 2731 2073 2073 4112 4113 2593 2024 2504 2316 2310 2323 2320 2320 2382 2383 2301 3303 2377 2425 2487 2489 2527 2551 2554 4844 4032 5194 4194 5033 5280 4845 A Imp. Co; 199 20 900 do 199 25 990 do 199 20 990 do 199 25 990 do 199 20 090 do 199 25 990 do 199 27 990 do 199 29 990 . do 199 27 990 do 199 25 802 do 109 59 990 do 199 20 990 do 199 20 802 do 170 41 090 McKean A Elk Land and Imp. Co. 199 20 98 57 120 08 198 20 198 20 198 27 198 25 198 27 19 825 198 20 198 20 198 20 198 20 198 20 198 20 04 78 188 00 198 27 198 25 198 27 198 25 100 92 198 25 .98 04 198 20 193 28 198 20 198 27 99 57 198 25 99 27 198 27 198 19 198 27 20 05 15 17 198 27 198 27 18 42 144 97 5 54 41 20 29 05 150 01 493 do 2504 2587 2591 2598 2593 2592 5571 do ' 990 do 990 ' do 990 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 320 do 005 do 090 do 090 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 818 do 990 do 490 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 990 do 495 do 090 do 495 do 990 do 905 do. 990 do 10a do 70 do 990 do 990 do 1(H) AVrn. H. Jackson 825 Isaac II. Conrad 23 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 232 '.do 10li do 8593 do 527 do 490 do 181 do S074- do 797.V do 794"7-10 do 1053 do 457.V do 734 do 200 do 183 do 293 do 121' do 2009 0084 2011 2012 2014 2000 2080 '2791 3180 8215 3217 3218 3220 3220 33.8 3229 :.230 3231 3232 8233 3237 3343 3242 3251 3252 3253 8290 3295 4903 4904 2331 2504 2504 2527 2553 2554 2504 2010 2791 8214 3221 3222 3224 3290 3291 3293 3295 8290 2290 3010 2588 3293 2290 92 00 80 30 82 47 70 14 139 73 139 20 184 23 80 50 128 74 47 32 r: 80 M 81 28 48 85 80 17 78 17 55 17 28 14G 05 47 15 105 70 109 10 53 74 10 31 22 00 14 92 49 05 107 28 .122 00 57 48 59 74 08 00 102 04 139 00 114 05 49 09 07 00 35 08 17 53 120 11 155 00 139 45 120 55 115 G7 200 do 90 do 95 do 93 do 837 do 205 do 947 do 021 do 303 do SS do 121 do 80 do 323 AVilcox Tanning Co. 810 do 900 do 445 do 415 do 415 do 1074 do 921 'o 755 do 350 do 475 ' do 2::0 do 120 do 900 do 1108 do 990 do 800 do 825 do 2583 2010 2588 3010 3291 3293 3290 3290 3143 3224 3227 3223 3229 3237 3242 3044 3111 3117 8140 3143 8214 8225 8255 3250 3257 3258 3254 4840 1223 John J. Ridgway 141 do 94 Mary E. Burlingame MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 900 Own'r Unknown Ar. AVillink 900 do 000 do 675 II. Dil worth 350 Rumback 50 Miss J. A. Hara 375 AVrn. Armstrong Estate 000 James A. Hara 00 2543 2548 2543 2590 2518 2518 2518 2545 2540 2517 2523 2790 2532 2007 2505 2789 2775 4043 4043 255 70 255 70 255 70 192 98 100 25 15 15 107 00 255 70 255 70 255 70 255 70 255 70 255 70 255 70 255 70 190 09 110 00 128 67 156 67 135 55 255 70 255 70 255 70 82 82 189 47 11 43 187 30 29 30 8 87 900 do 900 900 900 900 do do do do 900 Drexel, Duhring A AVright. AV. AVillink 900 " do 093 do 471 do 636 Owner unknown Fleming lot 550 Owner unknown Kelly lot 650 do Eliza Winekoop 900 do Saml. Wallace 900 do do 600 do do 192 John Stuart 000 N. Strong A II. Raught 00 Geo. A Jesse Mayo 900 J. F. AVynkoop A Co. 100 Owner unknown 25 L. C. AVynkoop RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP. 620 Constant Van Duste Hershoff 078 J. S. Hyde 100 ac. '71 J. S. Schultz 4134 4135 4129 2518 2524 5700 4393 4393 128 73 189 48 135 80 135 30 175 03 10 87 103 09 73 53 8259 809 do 8000 1113 do 8201 1143 do 8284 604 do 8285 437 do 8287 431 do 4849 407 do 4850 703 do 4851 013 do 4853 940 do 4853 870 do 4854 735 do 800 do 73 54 74 07 113 02 153 55 157 09 146 24 116 08 118 60 4801 65 6-10 Geo. W- Rhiucs 4847 827 Grant A Horton 4855 858 do 4858 115 5-10 do 16 73 43 20 104 1J 298 106 433 100 do do do do 41 87 21 97 C9 65 14 55 7 85 145 20 185 17 180 40 305 45 835 04 181 09 211 12 140 05 211 12 25 09 8 64 53 do 700 James Bradley, et. al. 894 do 000 do 900 do 4267 4208 4209 4284 1081 do 4375 973 Ridgway Farm A Coal Co. 4370 1020 do 4380 075 do 4377 1020 do 4390 117 do 3283 48G9 4870 4276 4285 4391 4389 4395 4394 4390 4395 4394 40 A.AVMl.Burroughs 916 Bright & Ewer 916 do 1000 do 948 do 209 38 149 85 163 50 155 05 69 G4 184 97 34 59 (19 43 83 40 104 20 130 59 88 75 163 50 528 do 893 J . II. lIutTer 163 Edward Uuffer 406 do 400 do 501 do 623" A. Ilaxhouser 426 do 1000 Wilmarth & Co. 277 Geo. Dickinson N. AV. Clarion River 43 72 150 do E. Jn'sbg' tract 3!) 63 198 do AVest do 41 80 2103 do do Turnpike 65 89 88 do East Kidgway 19 2.1 34 do North do 8 01 4392 377 210 88 f 100 61 120 45 49 49 2S2f 120 do AVest do 72 80 H.Souther & others 29 35 4392 4296 4260 4866 4S6G do do do 1. N. Tucker Asa Cummings AV. C. Healey IS. A. Dill .N. Cummings do do do do do 9 01 10 00 6 40 25 72 7 33 7 96 9 14 46 71 23 20 26 71 30 21 46 30 15 69 9 95 4859 4854 4803) 151 4859 4852 170 4860 4SG2 200 4800 83 4801 ) 4S48 63 50 75 81 5 50 Jacob V. Ilouk F. Butterworth (Jas. II Mayo) 11 30 Wm. F. llolxlell 13 45 Dr. J. S. Scott 26 04 O T. Miller. 12 93 T. B. Cobb S. Lewis 4375 42S5 Lot 8 10 100 do J. Powell 15 20 116 do C. Mead 17 47 61 do Ely 9 65 128 do Thayer 23 72 40 do Dickinson 7 68 26 do do 5 62 Claron River M. Co. 3285 253 do 79 16 4850 132 do 72 39 4848 200 Tatlow Jackson 3283 38 58 408 Dickinson & Wil marth 97 50 1 Charles McXully 3 39 4869 83 Geo. W. Rhinos 25 17 4870 83 do 17 16 90 do 19 54 50 Geo. Stephenson 7 50 SI'RIXG CUEKK TOWNSHIP, 5795 5802 5793 5799 2794 5800 5801 1149 G37? 100 199 J Bradley et. al. do do do 207 92 37 20 388 193 156 1075 i do do 537 433L do J. Bradley et. al. nnd (Jt. Blake do R. Harris do Nichols & MclMierson do Robt. Harris do do do W. part do Beech Bottom do T. Irwin J. Bradley ct. al and G. Blake Eastern part Smith, Dow & Brown 5797 15G0 5798 579G 5799 3728 543J 504J 157 46 182 77 150 G9 4 o, 1035 316 32 15 4044 344 255 145 1358 501 554 350 900 900 900 900 454 1055 300 102 200 182 200 150 24 174 485 50 53 56 13 87 21 50 88 95 00 00 00 00 00 92 40 86 60 20 80 52 4: 30 4044 2036 1572 2748 2942 2971 2986 2915 2985 2747 2073 1566 1566 4556 4552 4569 4542 3728 1561 Corbett & Xcwcomb 21 Brvant & Euwer 215 do Nch'ls Morehouse Henrv Rausht 55 140 48 Merchants Mauf. Bk Pittsburgh 325 325 325 325 do do D. Carrier et. al G. Blake et. al Charles Fairies et.al 99 Alleghany Bank Pittsburgh 152 Souther & Willis 32 Thomas Irwin do Geo. D. Messenger Samuel Crawford Seta Clover do AVrn. S. Marshall Richard Bake & AVrn. Ross 15 22 27 29 26 4 22 77 86 ST. MARY'S BORO. 35 Michael st, J. II. Miller 2 16 33,33,35. 37,39,41, 44,45,47, 3 John st. do 18 20 13 27 11 51 2 96 317 9 26 48,49,57, 53,54,55 1,3,3,4,) George st do 5,11,12 4,5,9,20,) Charles st, 13, Lewis st. 6, School st. 2 acres, Mill st. do do do do " Rear G. E. Weis 3 64 5, Walberger, Chas. Over- holtzer 1 70 51, Rupert st. Dennis Bergen 2 31 55, 73, 65, do Owner unknown 4 89 44, 48, 8, do do 9, Patrick st. James Boyle 98, do do 85, 86, do Ellen Hopedalo 93, 94, do John Kelley 87, 88, do Isabella C. Craner 102,103,) do Jno. Sheridan 2 20 2 10 2 10 3 18 3 18 3 18 4 28 2104, 8589, 90, do A. M. Dermott 4849 4859 4854 4855 4858 4206 11, 12, Chas. st. James Coon 6 30 18, do Wm. Galvin 3 17 17.34.35. 36,37,38, Chas. st. On'r unkn 24 67 29,30,31, 32.33. . 34, Benedict st. Wm. Hackett 2 10 30,31,21, 27,33,16,; do Ou'rs unknown 6 94 14, do do 1 40 67,69,68 63,61,65 66 16,62,69 72 67 60 Walberget st. Fat Facherty do Jno. Moran do A. Mooney do On'r unkn. do do do 20. 28 10 74 80 John st. Ed. Byines 2 36 do Jno. Cornisky 2 40 59,61,62) 63.64,65 66 ) do On'r unkn. 8 64 45,16,17 Maurice st. D. Sullivan 4 10 6 Louis st. Jno. Dixon 2 10 15 do AVtn. A. Nugent 2 28 4 do Leonard Cook 2 10 9,10 do Mary AVrinklo 1 10 2,3,1,3,5,9 do On'rs unknown 12 10 51,52,53 Erine st. John Moran 4 80 5t do A. Morey 35,30,37,44 do Jno. Boyle 57 do On'r unkn. 35 Shamrock st. 2 63 5 28 1 10 2 10 2 10 3 18 Mike Flynn do Pat Given do Leonard Cook do Mike Murty do Ou'rs unkn. do do 47 34,36 38 2 4 10 96 20 96 22, 30, 39 21, 24 26 2 5 School st. do Amandus st. On'rs unkn. 2 100,113 114,107 ! 2 60 28,53 Benedict st. Geo. Ed WTeis 3 38 3 18 4 28 2 10 2 10 37,47 Shamrock st. do 42,43,60 Erine st.. do 104 bt. Patrick st. do 70 Rupert st. do 115,116") Charles st 117,118 j . On'rs unkn. 6 16 41 Michael st. Pat Lawler 1 40 53 Centre st. Michael Tooniy 3 29 120 acres do Hugh McGratu 88 19 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,) Maurice st. 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, Geo. Weia 16 12 15, 16, ) do 97 Patrick st. do 2 10 06,70,71,71 AValberger st. do 4 41 57,38 Erin st. do 2 78 1,16,23,7, Louis st. do 5 05 52,53.54,56,59,1 Rupert st. do 61,63;G9,77,78, I 44,88,8, 44,88,75,8, 60, f On'r unkn. 18 74 62,50, ) 100,113,114,) Amandus st. do 109,110,107, J 14, On'r unkn. 6 18 9, 24, 20, 1 9, ) Benedict st. do 18,14,25,34, i 14, On'r unkn. 7 67 Shamrock st. do 21,24,26, On'r unknown 11 53 C. R. EARLEY, Trea's. March 28th 1873. $1,000 MWAKB I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will be paid to any Physician who w ill produce a medicine Unit will supply the wants of tho people bettor than tho article known as Hit. FllIRJVEir'S Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must bo a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better Sud'oririo, a better Diuretio, u better Tonic, and in every way better thnu the l'an-a-ce-a. No matter how long it lias been in use or how lately discovered. Above all it must not contain anything not PURELY VEGETABLE . $500 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for tv medicine that will perma nently care more cases of Costiveness, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, boils, Loins, Side and Head and Female Complaint than Ml. BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which is used more exteusively by praotia . ing physicians than any other popular medicine known. For Sale by G. G. MESSENGER, and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pa. v1d22v1. JURY LIST. Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for August term 1871: GRAND JURY. Renezette. Geo. AV. Apker, Monroe Mooro. Bonzinger. Charles Schneider. Fox. Fred. Pearsall, Reuben S. Gross, Geo. A Dillow, John Moore. Horton. Gilbert Brockway, Jack Short, George iiimes, James Phelan. Jay. Christopher Dill. Jones. Job Vankirk, Ridgway. Daniel McGovern, W. II. Osterhoct, E. J. Miller, Daniel Farraod, J. U. Law, T. S. Hartley. St. Mary's Boro. Anthony Aumann, Herman Kretz, Anthony Bieberger. Spring Creek. Abraham Bowman. TRAVERSE JURY. Benezette. John W. Overturf, J. G. Bell, John Johnson. Benzinger. Anthony Robenrictb, Martin Fritz, Franois Sohluttenhoflfer, Andrew Leuze, John Goetz (Rope maker.) Fox. Cornelius Sullivan, J. Finley Robinson, J.J.Taylor, II. O. Thomp son, B. Canavan, C. A. Bundy, James Luneo, Charles Gill, William Edwards. Highland. Levi Elethorpe. Horton. Adam Kemmerer, Daniel Phelan, James Daoovan, Rufus Elder. Jay. Leroy E. Leggett, Samuel Uhl. Jones. Daniel Attlebarger, John Pistner, John C. Johnson, Jr., John AVeidert. Millstone. F. J. Clyde. Ridgway. Joseph Wildfire, W. D. Dickinson, D. S. Luther, George Diokinson, Milton II. Sleight, James Gardner, John VanorsdaTl, E. C. Barrett, Thompson Crow, C, V. Gillis, H. M. Powers, N, B. Waterson, John Kemmerer: St. Mary's Boro. Louis Beyer, John Krieg, S. Reynolds, Louis Hanhauser, Jcseph AVindf'elder. Engelbert Spellen- berg, li. V. MsGill. Spring Crook David Keaaedy. 42, 43, 28,1 30,23,29,45, 20,24,26,21,)