Hinrt A. Tarsons, Jr., . . EJitor. THURSDAY, MAT 80. 1872. BSPTOLIOAH STATE TICKET. for governor: Mj. Gen. JOHN F. HARTRAN7T, Montgomery County. fOR SUPREME JUDGE: Hon. 'tiLYSSES MERCUR, Bradford County. FOR AUDITOR general: Brig. Qen. - HARRISON ALLEN, Warren County. CONGRESSMEN At LARGE: General LEMUEL TODD, ' Cumberland County. Gtneral HARRY WHITE, Indiana County. TEE PEACE JTOILEE. It is supposed that the World's Peace Jubilee, which is to be held at Boston, and to commence on the 17th of June, and close on the Fourth of July, will sur pass anything of the kind in numbers, show and music, that has ever taken place. The immense building, in which the Jubilee is to be held, now nearly completed, will seat comfortably 75, 000 people, and have room for 100,000 more. There will be a chorus of 20,000 voices, and an orchestra of 2,000 per formers. The great master, Johaon Strauss, and his famous Austrian band, fifty-six performers, will be present and take a leading part. Season tickets, transferable, admitting to all the con certs from the 17th of J une to the 4th of July inclusive, will be for sale from and after the first of June price ?o0 Single tiokets for admission to each en tertainment during the first week, $5. Invitations have been issued to the President, members of the Cabinet, Di plomatic representatives, Governors of all the States, and to the Mayor of the principal city in each State in the Union. Florida expect but a poor cotton crop. The "Big 'Woods" of Minnesota stretch over a regiou 200 miles long by forty in width. Maggie Mitchell is offered $2,500 in gold per week, by a Sau Fracisco aaanager. Let him who regrets the loss of time make the proper use of that which is to come. It is computed by an Enelish journal that London will contain 6,000,000 of inhabitants in 1900. An exchange prints a chapter of the Bible without credit. How on earth are publishers to know where it came from? joirtS'bVita'postaY service exceed tb espoaJituica. iwoot these are in the West Illinois and Iowa. The farmer who smoked in his barn is now hauling lumber for a another one. He does not intend to smoko in the new one. Four million of bricks, 180,000 cubio feet of granite, 3,500 tons of iron, and 19,000 pounds of cement have thus fur been used upon the new postoffice in New York. AH the iron mail locks now in use in the United States postal service are soon to be substituted by a new and improved lock, requiring an entirely new and dif ferent style of key. This year professional base ball play ers will get, in the Athleto, SI, 200; in the Haymakers, $1,300; in the lSaltimo res,$l,200; in the Boston and Clevelands, 81,300; and in the Mutuals, $1,200. The At lan tics will depend upon the gate receipts for their compensation. A hotel to cost 820,000,000 is pro posed in Chicago. It will be constructed entirely of iron, ten stories in height, and will cover four entire blocks, with grand arches over the intervening streets. Bazaars are to occupy tho first story, and elevators at every corner. It it intended that the rates will be from $10 to $1 per day, aooording to the story, so that people of limited means, as well as those possessing wealth, can be accommodated in elegant style. A careful calculation as to the num ber of human beings addicted to canni balism at the present time gives a total of only a fraction inside of two millions, wbicb actually represents the six hun dred and nineteenth part of the whole population of tho globe. The motives assigned beyond mere hunger, induced by dearth of other animal food, are the passions of revenge and hatred, as well as religious sentiment and gloomy super stition. A report received at the War Depart ment, dated Fort Leavenworth, Kansas May the 9th, says: General Granger re ports a collision between the troops and a thievish band of Utes, at Terra Amar isla, north-west of Aroarisla, and north west of Abiguir, on the 6th iost, One Indian was killed and one soldier severe ly wounded in the leg. The attack was made by the Indians in the presence of the Indian agent. The troops defended themselves after repeated insults. Every effort was made, by the agent and com manding officer, to prevent trouble. He leaves to-day to prevent further trouble, if possible. He says he has just been informed that the Apaches are going peaceably to their new reservation at Tuleroii. Ou Digestion: or Mt Jolly Friend's Secret. We have just received from - the weu-nnown publisher or first-class Sub scription Dookb, Oeo. MoClean, a copy of his last publication, entitled "Our Diges tion, " by the celebrated author, Dio Lewis. This justly popular writer and lcoturer on health has done eood servioe to Immunity by hie efforts to promote physionl education, and we gladly welcome anything from his pen. We learn from the preface of the book before us that the author considers it his most important work, and we entirely agree with him. In fact we believe thore has long been need for just such a book as our "Jolly Friend's Secret," and feel sure that the information it contains is calculated to do great and lasting good In the comtmin.ty. The subjects here treated are really of vltnl importances and it is passing strange that so little attention has leretorore been paid by Americans to the simplest rules for eating and drinking. Dio Lewis, who is eminently praotioal, incul cates the necessity of bodily exercise, of temperance in eating as well as drinking, of simplicity in diet, of proper attention to the cooking of victuals, of fresh air. of not overloading and overtasking the stomach, of stow mastication, or regularity in eating, and of other means whereby indigestion and dyspepsia may be avoided and con quered. Three-fourths of all tlio sickness and unhappinessin our midst has a weak digestion for its prime cause, and dyspepsia may also be considered a national lulling. How easily this can be overcome our author clearly shows in his usual felicitous, chntty. home-like style. The doctor talks right to the heads and hearts of the whole people ricn ana poor alike and tins is the se cret of his great popularity. The simple reading of one of Dio Lewis' books will dispel a fit of "the blues." "Our Diges tion is simply invaluable, and "Our Jolly Friend's Secret," which means long life. health and strength, physical and moral, is worth many times the price asked for the volume. This book ou-ht to supersede Kuchan s and every other "Domestio Medi cine" as a household work, for it shows how medicine may be dispensed with, to u considerable extent, in a majority of cases The book is issued in splendid style, and contains a striking portrait of tho author, on steel, and other fine engravings. We predict for "Our Digesiion" an immense eale nnd lasting popularity, and for the benefit of all those who may wish to secure an agency, we give the address of the pub lishcr in full; George Maclean, 733 Sansoni street, Philadelphia. now many cnuaren nave you tn quired a gentleman of one of his laborers, looking around iu surprise upon the fan) wy. ' better tuun a dozen, sir on make out eleven" said the gentleman faith, and isn't that better than a dozen when onn has to feed 'cm?" exclaimed the laborer Hew Advertisements. Notice ! I will oiler for sale at auctien. at th Hyde House, Ridgway, on SATUKDAY JL'NE 8th, 1872. ONE JACK, eight year old. terms cash. GEO. W MUXES, Ridgway, May 30. 1872. It. Charles II. Gering "1 In tho Court of for use J. T. Borek, ) Common Picas vs, Elk County. E, C. Schultz and No. 17 of Januar William C. Schultz. J Term, 1872. Ejectment to enforce specific performance of agreement for the purchase or the un divided one-half of four certain town lot or pieces of laud situate in the Dnroiigl of St. Mary s, in the County of r.ll: an State of Pennsylvania, known and desig nnted as town lots Nos. (-6) twenty. si (28) twenty-eight, (30) thirty aud (32) thirty-two, on St. Mary's street in said Borough of St. Mary's, each lot being on hundred feet in front by two hundred feet deep at right angles, said lots lying adjoin 7? f ' IlonllDS, nba,W.A, tVglily ratrartiua icet more or less, with the appur tcnances. April 8th. 1S72, on motion of Geo. A. Iiathbun, plaintiff's attorney, tl Cours grant a Rule on the defendant to ap penr ana pieau on or before next leim Judgment. FRED. SCIIOENING, Prothonultiry To the defendants above name: Plea tnke notice of a rule of which the ahove a copy D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. nl3tc. TVTOlltb. the Comnussioneas of in I W Brandy Camp railroad will meet the oflice of C. It. Earley, at Earley, EI Co. Pa., on Thursday, June tith, 1872 one o'clock, p. m., at which time books will be opened for subscription to stoefc. r. w. iiAis, JACOB MnCACLEY, VCom'rs. C. R. EARLEY, n!2t2. Notice to Stockholders. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of tne BiocKIiolilers ot the KISKSEY OIL AND MINERAL CO. will be held at the Hepbur House in Willi'amsport, Pu., on Saturday ine nrsi uay ot June next at one o clock p, m. tor tne purpose ot electing officers an uirectors tor saiu company tor tne ensuing year. II. A. GUERNSEY, President Williamsport, May 3d, 1872. nl2t3. Charles Springstead vs Charlotte L. Spring stead. To CHARLOTTE L. spondent: In the Court Common Pleas of Elk County. No. 1(1 Nov, ember Term 1871 Sur Libel for Divorce, Sl'RIXGSTEAD, lou will please take notice, that th nnuersignea uas ooen appointed examiner by the Court, to take the testimony of wit nesses in this case on the part of the Libellent, and the said witnesses will be produced, sworn and examined, before me at the office of Geo. A. Rathbun in Ridg way, on Saturday the 8th day of June, next at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. RUFUS LUCORE. Examiner. v2nl7t3. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN V DAN SCRlBNEil WISHES TO IX- form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has start eda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reason ble terms BgL,He will also do job team ing. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post Offioe, on Mill street. All orders left at the' Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. NE MILLION OP LIVES SAVED. It is one of the most remarkable facts of this remarkable age, not that so many persons are the vlotims of dyspepsia or in gestion, Dut its willing victims. Now, we would not be understood to say that any one regaras dyspepsia with favor, or feels sposed to rank it among the luxuries of life. Far from it. Those who have ex perienced Its torments would soout such an idea. All dread it, and would gladly dis pense with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tapley, who was .jolly under all the trying circumstances in which he was placed, never had an attack of dyspepsia, or his jolity would have speedily forsaken un. Of all tho multifarious diseases to which the human system is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There are diseases more acute and painful, nnd hlch more frequently prove fatal, but one the effects of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to the body. If there is a wretched being in the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We have said that dyspepsia is perhaps (he most universal of human diseases. This is imphatically the ease in the United States. Whether this general prevalence is due to the character of the food, the method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in whioh it is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The great fact with which we are called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univetsally. Nearly every other person you meet is a victim, an apparently willing one; were this not the ease, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is within the easy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? But says a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to whioh we reply: This great nllevator of human suffering is almost as widely known as the English language. It lias anayea me agonies of thousands, and Is to-day carry comfort and eucourngement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is noi.e other than Dr. HOOFLANDS GERMAN BITTERS Would you know more of tho merits of this wonderful prcpaiation than can be learned from the experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it has failed to fulfil the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT 15E KK.uKMIiE.ur.u, first of all, that HOOFLAND S GERMAN BITTERS is o rum beverage. They ure composed wholly of the pure mice or vital m-incinle of roots, lhis is not mere assertion, Hie extracts iroui which they are compounded are prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all cases of the miliary system. Hootland s German Bitters stand without an equal, acting promptly and vigorously upon the liver: thev remove its torniuity ant cause ueniin- ful secretiou of bile thereby supplying the stomach with the most indispensable elements of sound digestion in proper pro portions. Thev purify the blood, cleansing tho vital fluid of all hurtful impurities and su planting them with the elements of genuine healthtulncss. , Now. there aro certain classes ot per sons to whom extreme Bitters nre not only unoalatable. but who find it impossible to tako them without positive discomfort. For such Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TOXIC has been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight alcoholio stimulan isreauirei in connection with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Gcr man Bitters. HOOFLAND'S TONIC acts with almost mai velous effect. It not only stimulates the llagging and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently sti-eiiBtheus its action upon the L and Stomach thorough, perhaps less prompt than tho Bitters, wlieu too same quantity is taken is none the less certuiu i-j! v-:n:.... ,., rls.,..:T.-i ' Hiii.';jilVH.iff"Vt?i,j"rt;iaiiy to its po tent intiuence. It irives tho invalid a new nnd stronger hold upon life, removes de pressioj of sp'nit. nnd inspires cheerful uess. But Dr. Hoofland's benefactions to the human race are not confined to h celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or hi invaluable Ionic. He has prepared nu other medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular tavor necauso ot its in trinsio metits. This N HOOFLAND'S I'ODOl'HYLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi tuto for mercury without any of mercury's evil qualities. These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com posed of Podophyliiu, or the vital princi pie of the mandrake root. It is the medi ciual virtues of this health-giving plant, in a perfectly pure aud highly concentrated torui. I he foilopiiy Ilin nets directly on the Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to make its billiary secretions in regular aud proper quantities, f he mjn rious results which invariably follow tii use of mercury is entirely avoided by their use. but it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are exerted. Th extract of Mandrake contained iu them is skillfully combined Willi four other ex tracts, one of which acts upon the stomach one upon the upper bowels, one upon th' lower boweH, ana prevents any griping effect, thus producing a pill that influences the entre digestive and alimen'ary system in an equal ami harmonious manner, an its action entirely tree from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. Possessing these much desirable qualities the Podophyllum becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without tbecn They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, nre prompt and effi cient in action, nnd when used in connec tion with Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, or Tonic, may be regarded as certain spe cifics in all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any ot the disorders to which the system is ordiilarly subject. The PODOPHYLLIX PILLS act upon the stomach and bowels, carrying off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tonio .urify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the frame, give tone and appe tite to the stomach, and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. Hooftand, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given tho world one mainly for external applicati n, in the wonderful preparation known as Dr. HOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chilblains, Sprains, Burns, Pain iu tho Back and Loius, Ringworms, etc., etc, all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colio, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Pains in the Stomach, Colds, Asthma, etc. These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 631 ARCH ST.. PHILADELPHIA CHAS. M. EVANS. Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO These Hemediet art for tale by thruggittt oiureiywj, ana .vcaicint Litimrt every. W-ier. vln'.'lyl O W. S. SERVICE. GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAYl THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK .S to r E SI HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASE! 1 SELL CHI STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO" SHOW GOODS! fiasoulc"lf Ridgway, Pa Wood's ITew Iron Mower. AGENTS WANTED. For Circulars, particulars, etc., address, SELLEW, ADAMS t- CO., Gowanda, N. Y. Manufacturers of tho Gowanda Plow, the best made. For sale in Ridsiway by POWELL & KIME. April 18th, 72-3m. GENTS WANTED! For the fastest . an most populir book withtiO II lustrations, likenesses of all the Presidents beutifully bound, and printed on tinted a per. THE NATION, Its Rulers and Institutions, .V ENGLISH AND GERMAN IN ot lung like it. strikes every nociy as just the book they need. It is an Encyclo paedia ot the Government, aingle page in it are of themselves worth the price of the book over 500 payee ana only $2.50. A IVa HARVEST, for Canvassers ladies and gentlemen farmers teachers and students. One ayent took 75 ordert in a few dtyt, wilh circular alone, before the book ptpeared. $20 A DAY can be cleared in tair territory. Write at once tor circular and information. NEW WORLD PUB LISHING Co., Cor. 7thand Market Streets, Philadelphia. vln3yl. A LECTURE To Young Men. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, Price six cents, A Lecture on the Nature, Treat meut, and Radical cure of spermatorrhea, or seminal weakness, involuntary emissions, sexual Debility, and impediments to Mar, riage generally; nervousness, consumption epilesy, and fits; mental and physical in copaoity, resulting from self-abuse, etc, etc. By Robert J. Culverwell, M. D, author of the "Green Rook " etc. - The world renowned author, in this ad- mlrably Leoture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequen ces of eelfiabuse may be effectually re moved withont medicine, and without dan gersus surgioal operations, bougies, instru niente, rings, or cordials, pointing out 'i mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent, under seal, to any address, in plain seeled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or twe postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address tie Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 127 Bowery, New York. P. O. liox 4586, vlu47ylcL Job work at this office JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS- . WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. THAYER & IIAGERTY. vln2.' The Imvrovctl Gerard, Orotd Gold Watches, 89.00 $12.00 $15.00 818.00 7E have recently brought our Oroide TT Gold metal to such pertection that it is dinicult for the best, judges to uistin. quish it from.gold. The $9 watches are with patent escapemetat movements; in ap- AornnnA onrl fni timA amifilincr ft irnld one costing $100. The $12 are full jeweled patent lever, equal to $160 gold watch. The $15 are the same as the last but a finer finish, nickle movements, equal to one cost- inn $175. And the $18 watohes are of a fine finish with full jeweled American lever movtinont, equaling a gold one costing Thev are all in huntini cases, Kent's and ladies sizes, and guaranteed for time and wear by special certificate. Also elegont designsof gent's and Indies chains from $1 to $4, and jewelry of all kinds. Goods sent C. O. D. Customers per mitted to examine what they order before caving bill, on payment of express eharges, When six watches are ordered at one time we will send an extra watch of the same duality free. For further particulars seno lor circular. Address JAMES UEKAtUJ & UU 85 Nassau Street. New York, P. O. Box 8,301 Nov. 30, 1872-vln37m0. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, NON. 20th, 1871, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rnilroad will run as follows: WKSTWAllO. .Mail Train leaves Philadelphia- 0.20 p.m. ' " " Ridgway v.Jii a. m. ' " arrive at Erie 2.50 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.30 p. m " " Kicliwav s.io a. m. " arrive at Erie...... -...7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova,...1.30 a. m. Kidgway,..o.ui p. m. nrr at Knne 7.80 p.m. EASTWARD. Mall Tniiu leaves Erie 11. Jo a. m. " Ridgway 4.oo p. m. " arrive at Plulad a... 0..3O a. m. Erie Express leaves F.ne !U'0 p. m. " " f lucway... s.uo a. m. ar-at Philadelphia.. 3.30 p. ru. Accomodation, leaves Kaue u.00 a. m Ridawnv... t .oo a. m nr.- ..I St r...... o ?r- - " leaves St. Marys 8.10 a m " nrr at Renovo 12.10p.m. Mail East connects east and wett at Erie with L S & M 8 R W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Mail Wept with we.t bound trains on L S & M S R W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Alleglieny R R n. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L S and M S R east and west and at Corry with O C and A R R V Erie Accommodation bast at Corry and Irvineton with O C nnd A 11 R W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEWTI.ME TARLE. Commencing November 20th, 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE REST ROUTE HKTWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. OOINO BOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 23 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 65 p m Night Express leaves Oil City 9 30 p m Arrives at MttsburgU 6 40 a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 43am Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p m Parker's Accom leaves Oil City 7 15am Arrives at Parker's 10 15 a m Kittanuing accom. leaves Oil City 4 00 p m Arrives at Kittanning 9 10pm OOINO NORTU. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 a m Arrives at Oil City at 2 25 p m JMglit bxpress leaves Pittsburgh 8 20 p m Arrives at Oil City 5 45am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 11 50 am Aarrives at Oil City 7 25 p m ranter s Accom leaves Parker 0 (JO p m Arrives at Oil City 9 15pm Kittaning Accom. leaves Kittn g 7 05am Arrives at Oil City 12 20 p m Close Connections 'made at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and West on V. & E. K. K. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. DAGUSCAHONDA RAILROAD. From and after Monday. Feb. 6th 1871. Trains will run on this Road as follows weaves Parley 7.0U a. m., arrives at Daguscahouda Junction 8.10 a. m con necting with Accom. east 8.14 a. m., and witti ..Mail west at U.lo a. m. Leaves Daguacahooda at 9.20 a. m. arnves at Earley 10.00 a. m. Leaves Earley 3.30 p. m., and arrives at Da: uscanonua at o.W p. m., connecting with Mail east at 5.00 p. m.. and Ac commodation west at 5.40 0. m. In case P. & E. trains are late, Dagus cahonda train ho'.ds twenty minutes be yond tne above time. Tiokets should always be procured uciure leaving stations. C. R. EAELEY, Lessee. POWELI& KIME- Powell & Kimc Having ereotod large and well arranged new Store House on the old site, since the fire, and filled it from oillar to garret with I the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to reeeivethelr old customers, and supply thoir wanta at bottom figures WHOLESALE OH RETAIL. Their assortment is now cemplete, com- prieiag DBY GOODS, .GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS,.etc, etc POEK. FLOUR. SALT Feed, Heans, Butter DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES Canned Goods, In short everything wintedjn the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY Also a full stock'of MANILLA ROPE i of the'best manufacture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes. BUSINESS CARDS. A. RATHBUN, Ridgway, Pa. Attorney -e,t- Law, 8 2tf. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Eldg. way, Elk county Pa. marofl AS. HILL, Physician and Surreea , Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. JO.W. BAILET, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. vlnoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pt. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acci dent, Insuronoe Co., of Hartford, Conn. jEYNOLOa HOUSE, r.EYITCLESTlLLE, JEFFE&SOIT.CO, H II. S. BELNAP, Pbopeikto . JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eelectio Phyilean . Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Office ours : 7 to o A. Al- ; 12 to 2 F. M. t and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 60-tf. TS. HARTLEY, M. D., Physician ana Surgeon, Kidgway, Pa. Othce in walker's Uuilding. Special attention given to Surgery. Offioe house from 8 a. m. to 10 p, m. Residence on corner of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. Q. MESSENGER, IT Druggist and Parmaceutist, eorner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For- ien andsDomestic Drugs, rresonptione carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vanoy. (1HARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tne Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with the same accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. rHAYER HOUSE. D. D. COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill nnd Centre Sts., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the public that he has refitted, revised, and improved, this well known hotel, nnd is prepared to entertain all who favor him with their patronage, in th be3t etyle and at low rates. vln30tf. 4 W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN DBY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS PRODUCE, FRUITS, ke. vlu8tf. West End, Ridgway, P. YDE HOUSE, HiimwAY, Elk Co., pa. W II. SCH RAM. Proonetor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, - hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 18li'.). milS OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, I . Kane, McKean Co., P R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herotofoie so liberally baslowcd upon him, tho new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guestB. to mrrit n cnuilnuance of ihe same. Tho only stables for horses in Kane and well kept uighl or -lay. vln23yl. I TALL & BRO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELS COU27TY PHNSYLYANIA, JOilNO. HALL JAS. K. P. HALL R. G. YHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. Otlice in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry doue in the best stylo, and all work warranted. Ho will visit Kane on tho 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wilcox on the 10th, 11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d, and 23d of each month. At all other times he can be found at his office in Ridgway. Pa. vl2yl. K EHSEY HOUSE, Ckntbiville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretotere so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPHERi AND DEALEE IN Chromos, Stereoscopic Views, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA. v2n2lf. J. H. WIIiBER, One Door East of the Post Office, Main St., Ridgway, Pa. Vegetables of all kinds re ceived daily. Choice oranges and lemons. vlnltf. P. W. HAYS, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley 1. O. vln47tf. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Doaler in iisoU Shoes, Main St., opposite Hotel, Ridgway, Pa., March 2d, Wl v27y Wilcox Pa. 1