Qimrt A. Parsons, Jr., - - Editor. THURSDAY, MAT 23, 1872. BEPTOLIC AN,' STATE TICKET. for governor: Msj Hen. JOHN F. IIARTRANTT, Montgomery County. TOR SUPREME JU1K1E: " Hoo. ULYSSES MERCUlt, Tlradford Countv. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL: Brig. Gen. HARRISON ALLEN, Warren County. CONGRESSMEN AT I.AKGE! Ocnerrl LEMUEL TODI Cumberland Cpunty. General HARRY WHITE, Indiana County. The division in the R publican ranks, to much harped upon by our Democratic cotemporaries, was tested at the muoicipal election in WiliianiE- port, on Tuesday last. The whole Repub lican ticket was elected by a majority ot 170 or thereabout, beiog a very large Republican gain 350 we have seen it stated. The Democrats were certain of success, having generally carried the city by very handsome majorities, But instead ol finding the Republican party divided, they found it united and its strength largely increased as it will bo found throughout tin Stnte in October. Harrisburg Telegraph. Where to find Eternal Spring in the circus business. Carpenters frequently become not on ly bores, but also sometimes annoy peo. pie with their old saws. JF YOtJ WANT TO RUY GOODS CHEAP . GO TO THAYI2LI & II AGE ItT Y Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAIVS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOI") AND WILLOW. WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on band, add sold as cheap as tbe CHEAPEST. THAYER & IIAGERTY. t1ij2. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, NON. 20ih, 1871, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: wkstwahb. Man Train leaves Philadelphia.. (."0 p " " " Ridgway 9.27 a. " " arrive at Erie 2. .10 p. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12. 30 p. " ' " Ridgway 2.15 a. arrive at Erie 7 -10 a. Accomodation, leaves Rcnova, ...1.30 a. m. " " Riclgway,..i 00 p. m. arr at Kane 7.30p.m. EASTWARD. Ma'-l Train leaves Erie 11.25 a. m. " " Ridgway 4.55 p. m. " " arrive at Philad'a... 6.30 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 9.00 p. m. " " " Pidgway... 2.0ii a. ni. " " arat Philadelphia.. 3.30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6.00 a. m. " Ridgway... 7.55 a. m. " arr at St. Marys 8.35 am. " leaves St. Marys 8.40 a m. " arratRenovo 12. 10 p.m. Mail East connects east and wett at Erie with L 8 & M S R W and at Corry and Irvinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Mail West with west bound trains on L S & M S R W and at Cony and Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegneny R R W. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L 8 and M S R east and west and at Corry with 0 C and A It R Erie Accommodation East at Corry and Irrineton with O C and ARR W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. The Improved Gerard Or old Gold Watches, 89.00 812.00 815.00 818.00 TTTE have recently brought our Oroide W Ghl metal to such perfection that it is difficult for the best judges to uistin ouish it from cold. The i9 watches are with n&tent escapement movements; in ap pearance and for time equalitig a gold one Costing IUU. ilie T1Z are iuii jeneieu natent lever, equal to $150 gold watch. The $15 are the same as the last but a finer finish, nickle movements, equal to one cost inir $175. And the $18 watches are of i fine finish with full jeweled American lever movement, equaling a gold one costing S20O. They are all in hunting cases, gent's and ladies sizes, and guaranteed for time and wear by speoial certificate. Also elegant designsof gent's and ladies chains from fcl to $4, and jewelry or an mnus. Goods sent C. O. D. Customers per mittd to examine what they order before savins bill, on payment of express eharges, When six watches are ordered at one limn w will send an extra watch of the same quality free. For further particulars send for circular. Address JAMES GERARD & CO., 85 Nassau Street, New York, P. O. Box 3,361 TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. "J"OTICE Ik hereby riven Hint agreeable JLI to tlio Act of Assembly, passed the lmhilay of March, 181.1, entitled "an Act to amend an Act," directing tho mode of selling unseated Lands for taxes Ac. 1 lie lollowing Tracts of Unseated Laud In Elk County, will be exposed to publio sale or out-cry, for arrearages of taxes, at the Court House in Ridgway on the second Monday of June next, (befnjr the 10th day of Juno, A. D. 1872,) unless sooner paid. BENK7.ETTR TOWNSHIP. Wnr. Acron. Warrantee or Owner. Tnxfu. 90 10 5333 924 Geo. Mead 5333 1007 do 1533.1 10(17 do 5338 1867 do 5344 10rt7 do 5345 1007 do 5340 1007 do 5347 1067 do 5348 1007 do 5370 459 do 5380 1100 do 53S3 490 do 5384 1060 do 5387 1100 .do 534:? 825 do 1870 5478 550 do do 5010 495 do do 5349 1008 do 5477 1023 do 1870 5478 550 do do 6000 990 do do 5343 1100 do 3477 7.1 do 1.870 5011 990 do . do 5014 441 do do 5481 450 do do 5008 900 do 5343 1100 do 90 10 02 20 111 00 ion oo 152 20 82 00 103 42 113(0 6.1 80 120 70 51 73 98 20 113 21 35 63 17 27 HI 90 57 43 74 01 40 00 72 28 91 00 0 40 50 20 K3 03 22 60 10 00 83 50 16 43 98 80 97 21 70 19 49 50 138 80 153 40 40 54 4104 31 24 48 52 '70 48 52 5353 143 Myron Merrill 5334 1100 do 5337 1007 do nngg 1008 do 5351 1100 do 5352 5330 5287 5288 5289 5003 5008 5482 800 do 1100 Amos IJ. Merrill 275 do 275 do 223 do OttO Christian Browcr 990 Jones llarmoiul & Co 50.1 do do 43 48 05 80 08 80 84 00 5390 1100 do 5339 1100 Johnthan Drown, 5340 550 J. D. Moorhcad for '71 5343 275 Reuben Miokel 5027 200 lleimcr fc Johnson 12 52 17 20 & Co 61 59 4993 458 Addison, Swat wood 5341 900 C. Wnimvright 5024 390 Ralph Johnson, 1870 5012 990 Miles Dent" 5479 fOO do. 4990 495 J. II. Marston, 180 5020 247 Owner unknown 4990 300 John Brooks 5481 275 Martin Enz 5024 28 do 4997 48 II. C. Spauldiuj;- 71 20 10 23 161 38 67 00 80 80 12 85 88 80 29 50 Oil 40 55 83 00 40 27 40 41 95 98 39 0 27 43 24 .1.1 99 17 18 . 39 10 2 81 101 38 18 50 58 19 4 24 11 88 101 49 180 49 149 79 1.17 78 8 94 4 0 3 94 3 94 2 80 1 41 8 48 00 81 109 00 110 9.1 24 88 11 00 80 37 80 09 80 73 11 73 112 75 71 70 110 83 5981 .).)(! flo 5479 200 Robert Ewing 5023 332 John Johnson 5388 1100 ITezekiah Mix 5023 5479 5080 5022 5340 5001 4990 50 Andrew Dent 281 Hamilton Dawn 800 Geo. A. Bra stow 110 David S. Johnson 550 Ilenrv Blush 2 n. C. Winslow 1870 990 Finney fc Barrows 19.1 do 445 Erasmus Morey 00 Ober & English 100 Geo "Winslow & Mrs. E. Johnson 990 Reading Fisher & Co. 990 do 940 do 090 d'70 23 John Carrol 50 Norton A. Dei nis, 187 25 Samuel Hancock 25 Grorge Weis 25 Peter Byrnes for '71 5 Michael O'Sullivan '71 50 JolmTarnill 511 Lawrence A; Cassctt 823 " do 990 do 200 II. G. "Williams 80 II. W. "Williams 220 Gilbert Williams 800 Lamont Gas Coal Co 500 do 90 do 000 do 990 David Row, for '71 990 do 5482 5480 5020 5002 ")013 5014 5009 410.1 410.1 4103 4100 4104 4407 4107 4883 4882 4859 4000 4900 4900 4958 4958 4901 4901 4990 4993 4104 591 Ridway Farm & Coal Co 0 72 47 45 4103 ,i!)7 do 4105 1011 do 4100 1413 do 118 88 150 98 100 mi 117 43 87 13 . . 78 4107 898 do 4108 990 do 4110 104". 1-01 do 493 an. for '71 Tru'ineer & 99) " Cr..fl 4 10 n) 4 131 J. & 1). S. Johnson .V C. 11 S3 0024 300 do 47 50 211 ho. for '70 Ralph Johnson tjlW " " '71 29 (IK 5024 5022 5181 5990 5003 5182 6340 110 Fdith Johnson & A Apker 1882 4"0 John IlrooUa 28 (10 '.190 do 990 Fliftfl'eri Johnson, 1871 505 Julius Jones 550 Smith, MeCoruiuk -Munn 50 James Riley 1100 C. St. John & Kothrock 43 It" (i'l 40 82 50 43 O'l 4 VQ 4:1 00 41 50 4; oo 8 .10 3 91 11748 120 71 04 48 110 08 120 50 120 89 0 89 20 80 20 05 5 23 3 94 28 37 134 94 5479 5478 6011 6477 6020 990 1100 100 do do do ZINCKB TOW SHIP. BE no: 20 John Carrol 4 II '9 090 do 4110 1049 1-10 do 4403 540 do 4403 080 ' do 4110 1073 do 4111 1025 do 4111 50 BSussels Road 4111 200 Escbbach 4990 200 Roselay 4990 30 do 4990 20 St. Mary's 4" 07 ) 220 C. K. Landis 4108 J 4101 10.10 James Wilson 4404 4104 4100 4400 4407 4408 4070 4901 2337 522 Edward Duller 52 80 523 Frederick F. Kresenbrock 52 93 522 Frano Aulecke .12 90 52 92 50 01 71 21 113 91 13 70 110 G3 110 03 137 74 110 02 110 03 127 83 111 94 110 02 110 02 110 03 110 03 124 63 0 44 3 94 83 00 3 94 1 21 5 71 17 00 3 01 522 August Foi tenbeck . 420 Cleir enz Ketler 600 do 965 Mathias VonGalen lo0 F. L. Newton 090 West Creek Mfg. and Mining Co. 990 do 4873 4879 1023 do 4941 .990 do 4945 990 do 4880 1023 Charles Heebner 2374 953 George Dickinson 2303 2377 490,1 4877 4881 990 McKean and Elk Land and I ni)). Co. 990 do 090 do 090 - do 1023 John Morris 60 Geo. Ed Weis 25 M. A Mitchell 273 Thomas Luckeuboch 25 Geo. Bindorfer Lot No. 55 cross struct James Cox 50 John Kerchin 143 Win. C. Black Avenue "B." 4900 4881 4809 4408. 4407 4407 34 107 29 do do do do do do 5 01 12 00 4 84 HO. OF LOTS RIDOWAT BTHKET 91 A 93 Rev. Jeremiah O'llara 78 V 79 James Doylo 83 8 null IToalpy 1 67 1 07 1 33 2 01 1 67 1 20 8S.89 90 A in. Kenedy .18 fc 59 Thomas McCoimiek 84 Michal O'Sullivan KAIL JtOAn RTIIVLH 59 Parah llealry 1 R3 00 Michal (). Sullivan 1 29 TAL110T HTttF.ET 17&18 Thomas Collins 167 33 & 84 Michal Coney 1 fi7 d vm. Miiue . l 32 38&30 Thomas Collins - 1 fi7 J nines Coyle 10 Lots between Kersey & Talbot Strait 2 23 21 acres J. 8. Dates 6 02 1 Lot from Stephen Henry 1 83 VINB STR.KRT 4100 4107 4107 4958 50 acers Daniel Gary 05 vr, oi i S 89 3 94 3 94 12 70 10 85 0 89 1 07 20 07 3 94 5 07 4 47 4 90 0 89 4 34 5 0.1 54 40 54 40 54 40 5440 54 40 1 47 1 44 1 44 2 72 0 10 5 0.1 3 29 , in. iiiiiiiitiiiau 25 M. Sanahan 100 Geo. V"cis 80 E. G. Williams 50 Mathias Bamiim 4408 5 Michael O'Sullivan 4100) 200 Palmer & Co. 4105 f 25 Win. Coikey 4105 23 Patrick Dwver 4110 81 Wm. J. Flint 50 John Hoffman 4115 50 Edward Delohunt 21 Owner unknown Av. B. o. oo .0 N. St. Mary's Road 410.1 400 Sanil. Wallaco 4104 400 do 4103 400 do 4880 400 do 4879 400 do No. of Lots 31 & 33 Talbot Street 11,12,13 & 14 Butler Street 04,05,00 & 07 Ridgway Street 2.1 James Donnelly 110 Adolph Timms .100 M. Stibig 51 James Givens FOX TOWNSHIP. 4241 4' '79 4083 4095 4092 4092 4093 4244 4095 4090 4373 4083 4170 4184 4184 4244 4244 4271 4093 4093 4373 4214 4245 4341 .1340 735 Joseph S. Hyde 881 85 410 D. Kingsbury for 1870 81 09 204 501 180 199 100 J. do do do do Powell 17 87 24 43 5 90 14 8-' 21 20 41 88 103 00 10 13 13 19 03 9.1 44 08 98 Id . 19 27 23 18 149 93 59 70 270 93 40 45 230 Win. Parker 600 Jesse Webster 50 Jas. Franlz .17 Toby tract 3H0 Jas. Wilson 188 Fr. Kingsbury 480 do ' 87 B. Benzingcr's lot 79 J. L. Ellis 591 Sampson Short 5340 219 Jas. Wilson 4243 927V do 4170 225 Enoch Clap 4890 40 ; 7 4078 4081 4082 4088 21 John Briggd 0 23 290 Ridgway Farm& Coal Co 00 79 10 Sanil Wallaco 50 09 13 12 03 01 14 (! 710 149 94 93 74 87 81 29 22 24 80 60 do 07 do 57 Ridgway Farm and Coal 1 o baml. Wallaco 4090 28 do 4097 7(18 do 4098 401 do 4374 200 do 4087 Rlf) do 4098 170 John Albert, "N" 4371 5 do 4098 170 Nicholas Rcinel "S" i 4901 491 J. G. Kidder 4187 990 Caroline M. Pray 4901 49,1 E. B. England 4890 579 do 4902 141 do 4177 900 Hannah Barnard 4190 439 O. W. Whittnker 4190 ,100 Richard Gardner 4900 293 do 4270 990 Wm. Tarns 4273 989 do 4274 750 H. A. Stephens 4274 200 Geo. C. White 4274 40 Robt. J. Ruhl 13 4 1 21 80 70 14 135 54 125 98 84 24 31 37 154 90 8!) 08 80 50 00 ,14 185 00 182 04 ill 08 25 34 0 01 4170 225 Thomas Martin, S. E. Corner 803 Edward Duller 709 do 5 t Wm. Wensnl 207 Townsend Fall Hyde owner 42 0. 4082 4o;7 4178 4079 4' 79 408 4088 4180 4090 4081 4170 4087 4087 5.1 98 129 43 8 58 -J. S. 35 50 25 Malachia J'oulto 21 Edward Boner 25 do 990 J C. Chapin 130 C. R. Earley 43 do 80 Silas Moyer .1 10 England A; Brown 25 John K. Jones li Arnold Green 50 John J. Thomas 20? Thomas Collins 12 Rose Kelly 51 James Wrinkle 51 Henry Clinton Witt 50 Patrick McCready 18 Earley and Hershev 5 18 . 8 :: 3 03 100 58 23 7 81 7 08 110 08 4 33 2 81 7 00 4087 4087 4 4098 4098 4098 1 88 4 0 73 10 70 ! 39 100 Toby Creek Coal ii Oil Co 7 20 50 Elias Hancock 10 90 50 Joseph Faberly 7 00 50 Patrick Mackin 9 1,1 4097 01 Armel Tuiley 5 55 100 Thomas Jordan 17 80 580 Daniel Kingsbury Estate 57 28 283 do do 30 01 4090 409.1 4079 4083 4373 4373 4247 5247 4240 4247 cso do 90 20 15 60 11 08 83 80 79 40 79 40 139 do do T3 Noble Coal & Oil Co 249 do 5G0 do do 4244 4245 : 500 niGIII.AND TOWNSHIP. 8781 10"0 Thomas Struthcrs 133 50 8713 1000 do 133 50 2020 1099 do 13.1 91 2019 890 Walter Bryant 110 98 1778 1031 do 127 57 2025 100 A. Wolf 14 81 8001 835 Cloud Robinson 103 45 2027 402 Geo. Dickinson 42 04 1830 0.14 do 100 45 2088 1043 do 129 03 8000 490 do Middle part 01 88 2034 150 do Hub.Div.No.9 10 71 2025 100 .T.&M.Mack.N.W. Cor. 13 28 2020 380 Freeman Ellis 41 49 1403 070 Fox & Roberts Ludlo cc Scott 82 28 1404 003 do 73 03 8753 1000 John N. Lane 133 .10 3788 1000 do 104 2.1 1881 1003 Allegheny Bank Pittsb'g 124 80 iid vii j .loan f . James 117 32 3701 1095 Martin Hart 135 83 1,83 003 Charles Corbett 119 11 2034 004 J. C. Chapin, Sub.No.8 13 01 o iuo ltiuu do 70 88 8057 1000 Nichols & McPhet son 123 V5 2034 54 do 7 63 3773 t'OO 8. Jones & Co 121 03 1799 800 Charles B. Gillis, Sub. div. Nob. 83, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 500 Chas. U. Gillis, Sub.div 13, 14, 15, 10, 17 100 Johnllonkel Div. No. 11 100 James Cooper do 18 100 Edward Bart do 20 77 00 52 83 13 28 13 28 8 40 14 81 15 87 14 81 12 10 28 05 29 00 130 85 133 50 13 28 89 19 80 62 1770 1770 1770 1770 2034 112 Jos.B.Wndsworthdo 2 2034 118 Job. Thorpe do 1 2034 112 Thomas Bow do 4 zu;n 119 Yj. k Kennedy do 6 8770 8780 2031 200 8. P. Johnson, S. & 8. W. part 200 - do N. W. cor. 1058 Mrs. Richarts 3778 1000 Henry M. Deckcrt 1779 100 Jacob Hapes 288 Jno. Nicholson 290 do 2404 2300 8010 1019 Alfred Averv 120 07 U 1UU Elizabeth Cooper, JSo.18 8 40 I10KTON T0WK8IIIP. 4371 197 Joseph 8. Hyde 1.1 50 19 89 34 58 40 53 .10 64 11 47 71 74 3 41 75 10 74 1.1 123 83 94 60 20 00 5 40 11 37 220 44 239 12 7 0.1 11 2.1 8 50 270 83 4 30 11 05 4434 mi 184 : 155 157 52 Sub do 4409 do do do Div. No. 4470 4278 4370 4372 do 80 Daniel Kingsbury 4372 4434 27 do do do do do do do do L. Ellis 824 813 971 743 182 43 4409 4151 44.12 4400 4371 2iil 4253) 1002 4390 i 4279 932 do George Dickinson 50 8. Pauley Lot 4370 52 Sub. Div. No. 5, 52 do 13 4283 1077 Breeden & Co. 4370 50 Becthewald & Paul 4370 DO AVingartner & Reubel Souther & Willis 02 Sub. Div. No. 3 4370 7 88 0 77 6 77 6 77 0 5.1 6 55 4370 52 do do 7 4370 57 do do 11 4370 53 do do 9 4370 50 do do 13 4370 50 C & M. Albert do 20 4371 52 Jacob Did lot do 23 4801 02 Henry A. Kupp do 2.1 4371 100 T. Echman do 28 4370 50 Joseph Hctzcl do 8 11 23 I 6 58 21 10 11 05 11 05 11 45 138 03 130 04 214 75 31 14 254 19 235 53 10 30 24 58 83 70 50 Mathias Klino do 10 4371 52 do do 27 4342 577 Shawmut C. C. Co. 4843 509 do 4410 900 do 4249 110 AVm. Reed E. Bacon 4281 1000 Jehu Parsons 4282 1071 do 4248 41 O. Noble & Co. 4249 00 do 4340 200 Short & Wilcox 4241 633 do 98 00 4843) 400 Dr.Uartshoin-J.S. Hyde 51 40 75 do 8 92 100 do 11 80 75 10 90 4372 884 Daniel Kingsbury Estate 82 77 4371 224 do 17 58 4484 870 do (15 80 4409 807 do 0,1 10 4451 1030 do 134 40 4452 7G9 do 100 50 4400 200 do 22 53 4242 28 do 4 10 4809 773 Pcnn'.a. C. C. Co. 158 03 4344 952 do 227 10 4453 900 do 214 73 Joseph S. Hyde Vineyard Run Lot do do Sub. Div. No. 2,1 4280 1037 4412 743 98 75 07 20 5 58 4 52 4371 Oi 42401 4247 4248 4219 47 do Sam Pauley Lot Hyde & Brockway 4343 ) 4342 ) 075 4400 200 4242 107 do do do do Hartshorn Lot Firman Lot 135 89 24 12 8 91 13 28 28 75 4272 l5j 4-; 375 Short Wilcox & McClelland CO O'llara James Formerly in Fox 4453 90 Owner unknown 44"0 90 do 4371 109 do 4344 17 do 4343 21 do Z.i 308 ' do 4242 837 N. B. Lane & others Ilenrv Lorain Carlislo 4300 GOO Jas. Wilson 4183 990 do Josiah W. Smith 4181 495 East half Jas. Wilson Jas. McClelland 5 00 12 05 13 05 0 00 3 19 8 09 27 49 20 08 42 34 30 19 33 4188 4188 4271 200 Nathan Dailev E.half 350 John Hulme (Middle) 8 20 13 9" 010 J. C. French W. part 23 57 JAY TOWN8IIIP. 5283 1100 AmosB. Merrill 5288 82,1 - do 5287 8 0 do 5280 540 do 5290 012 2-100 do 4194 210 Wm. Parker 4190 989 D. R. Jones 51115 200 James Stokes 4197 220-5 do 5005 990 do 4197 241 Sebastian Wise 4197 100 Eli Kennedy 4197 .10 Charles R. Miller 220 .10 210 H. 210 85 113 15 120 48 18 44 50 99 22 10 23 40 120 7 2.1 99 11 20 8 40 4198 39 Owner unkn Jas. Wilson 50 89 4808 990 do do 101 89 4893 134 Reading, Fisher & Co W. Williuk 10 30 4.1 00 8 03 92 00 4899 388 do 4897 50 do 4900 400 Wm. Robinson W. Willink 4845 70 do 5010 090 Phillip M. Price AV. 17 03 w mink 140 10 5019 5007 4890 5007 5004 4893 4890 i 4897 f 4883 4191 4899 4183 4845 4894 4893 4890 990 090 559 090 090 200 do do E. B. England do do Dubois & Lowe do do Richard Garduor Christian Brower Ilezekiah llorton do Robert Rothrock do do do David Tyler John F. Combs Dauiel Brewer Henry Loraine do D. W. Moore O. R. Rice John R. Oox Tyler & Finney do do A. II. Shaw 140 20 140 10 84 53 101 98 152 47 34 30 14 80 15 990 852 300 100 29.1 419 150 8 30 113 80 40 00 100 00 84 00 53 25 80 48 18 83 5284 1100 223 40 4 83 7 35 13 80 131 48 177 23 01 40 23 44 78 03 4897 ) 50 50 090 090 320 04 490 04 "08 08 217 4194 5029 4898 5017 4893 5030 485)3 4893 489.T 4895 4893 4190 4193 4104 4108 5033 4104 4899 5030 4906 18 00 10 80 10 30 20 50 10 14 10 14 73 Francis Scheider 73 II. Little Hammond, Jones & Co 100 II. HeuryJ5Co.j3. Cor. 293 do 207 A. E. GofT 100 do 16 40 11.20 45 88 35 55 13 .V) 5018 4180 4844 990 Bother & Willis 990 Perks & Bowman lfl1? J. U. Morey 100 do 50 Philip Roilly ' 100 James Rnnisdcn 200 Geo. A. Brastou 007 do 100 David Cnrskaden 203 Thomns Tosior JOKES TOWNSHIP. 103 Robert Halsey 990 Charles Hcebnci 893 do 480 John C. Scott 177 09 135 43 15 67 11 20 7 70 12 40 81 80 15 18 18 90 40 83 28 0.1 208 22 79 83 4033 5194 4194 5032 5280 4845 2504 2731 2073 2073 97 86 40 84 200 Thomns VnnCourt 4112 1073 Ridgway Farm &C. Co. 214 78 4113 1925 do do 200 Geo. Dickinson 2592 990 William Wcrnwag 2024 090 do 2504 50 R. W. Brown 2310 990 M'Kcnnife Elk Land 203 17 40 84 147 82 147 82 11 00 199 20 199 2.1 199 20 199 25 199 20 199 2.1 199 27 199 29 199 27 199 25 109 59 199 20 199 20 & Imp. Co. do 2319 2323 2320 2329 2332 2333 2301 8303 2377 242.1 2487 2489 2527 2551 900 990 990 990 990 990 090 990 990 802 090 090 802 090 do do do do do do do do do do do do 170 41 McKean & Elk Land and Imp. Co. 199 20 do 08 57 . do 120 08 do 198 26 do 198 20 do 198 27 do 108 25 do 198 27 do 19 825 do 198 20 do 198 20 do 198 26 do 198 20 do 198 20 do 198 20 do . 64 78 do 188 60 do 198 27 do 198 25 do 198 27 do 198 25 do 100 02 do 198 25 do - 08 04 do 198 20 do 193 28 do 198 20 do 198 27 do 09 57 do 198 25 do 09 27 do 198 27 do 198 19 do 198 27 do 20 05 do 15 17 do 198 27 do 198 27 H. Jackson 18 42 : II. Conrad 144 07 , Thos. L. Kano 5 54 do ' 41 20 do 29 05 do 150 01 do 02 00 do 80 30 do 32 47 do 70 14 do 139 73 do 139 20 do 184 23 (1.) 80 50 do 128 74 do 47 32 do . 82 80 do 51 81 do 23 48 2554 493 2504 5571 2587 990 2591 2593 2598 2599 2004 2008 2011 2012 2014 2G00 2086 i791 " 8180 3215 3217 3218 3220 3220 32 8 3229 f280 3231 990 090 990 990 090 990 090 990 990 320 903 990 090 990 090 090 090 818 090 490 090 990 990 090 493 990 493 990 905 990 100 70 990 990 100 Wnl. 825 Isaac 3232 233 3237 243 3243 32.11 3253 3253 3290 3295 4903 41104 2331 04 23 232 Gen, 2504 2527 101 53 859; 2554 .127 490 181 8974; 797 794 7-10 1053 504 2010 91 3214 3221 3222 3224 457 8".IU 8291 34 200 183 93 l-ii'V ;!29?t 3295 290 2010 !i!0 do do do do do do do do do . do do do Wilcox Tuuning Co do do do do do .hi do do do do do do do do do do do 35 80 17 78 17 55 17 28 1 i6 65 47 15 165 70 109 10 53 74 16 31 22 00 14 92 49 65 107 28 122 00 67 48 69 74 63 00 102 64 139 CO 114 65 49 69 67 00 2588 ' 329(5 96.1 2588 95 93 8;i7 20 5 917 621 3w:i 88 1 Jl SO 323 84) 9(H) 445 445 445 1074 921 755 350 475 23 1 120 900 1108 996 800 825 (510 588 mo 3291 293 329(i 329(i 3143 3224 3227 223 322'.) 237 242 '44 3111 3117 5140 314-5 3214 35 68 17 53 3225 ?.-.i.i 126 11 155 00 139 45 120 55 115 67 3257 32.18 3254 1222 John J. Ridgway 141 do 94 Mary E. Burlingamo MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 184(3 7 00 2543 900 Own'r Unkn. W. Willink 255 70 2548 2542 259G 2518 2518 2518 2545 2546 2517 2523. 2790 2532 2667 2505 2789 2775 4042 900 da 255 70 900 do 255 70 675 II. Dilworib 192 98 350 Rumback 100 2 50 Miss J. A. Hara 15 15 375 Win. Armstrong Es tate 107 09 255 70 255 70 255 70 255 70 255 70 900 James A Hard 900 do 900 do 900 do . 900 ' do 900 do 900 flrexel, Duhring & Wrig!it.W.Villink 900 do 255 255 70 255 70 196 69 116 06 693 do 471 do 636 Owner unkown Fleming lot Owner unknown 128 67 4042 550 ' Kelly lot 156 67 650 do Eliza Winekoop 135 55 900, do Saml. Wallace 255 70 900 do do 255 70 900 do do 255 70 4134 4135 4129 192 John Stuart 32 8 COG N. Strong and II. - Raugbt 189 47 2518 2524 5700 CO Geo. & Jesse Mavo 11 42 900 J. F.Wynkoop & Co 187 30 100 Owoor unknown 29 dO 25 L. 0. Wynkoop 3 87 llershofl 128 72 978 J.S.IIjde 100ao.'71 189 48 4393 J.S. Schultz 135 30 135 80 3259 809 do 3060 1112 do 3261 1142 do 3284 G64 do 8285 . 437 do 3287 431 do 4849 4G7 do 4850 762 do 4851 913 do 4852 940 do 4853 879 do 4854 735 do 800 do 175 03 168 87 102 09 73 53 73 54 74 07 113 02 152 55 157 04 146 92 116 03 118 GO 16 72 43 20 104 21 16 65 41 37 21 97 69 65 14 55 7 85 48GI 4847 4855 4858 4849 4859 4854 4855 4858 4266 4267 4268 42G9 4284 4375 4376 4389 4377 4390 3283 4869 4870 4276 4285 4391 4389 4395 4394 4390 4395 4394 65 0-10 Geo. W. Rhines 327 Grant A Horton 858 115 298 160 433 100 53 700 894 900 900 1081 do 5-10 do . do do do do do James Bradley , et.nl 145 20 do 185 17 186 40 305 45 335 04 do do do 973 Ridgway Coal Co Farm & 181 99 211 12 140 05 211 12 25 09 1020 675 1020 1J7 40 916 916 1000 948 528 893 163 406 400 501 628 426 1000 do do do do A. W. U. Burroughs 8 04 Bright & Kwer 209 39 do 149 85 do 163 50 do 155 05 do 69 64 Hufler 184 97 J. II. Edward Iluffer 34 59 do 69 43 do 83 40 do 104 20 A. Haxhoussr 130 59- do 83 75 Wilmarth & Co. 163 50 9" :i t Ueo. Dickinson ss. W. ("Marion River 150 do E. Jn'sbg' tract 198 do West do 210 do do Turnpike 18 do East Ridgway 34 do North do 377 do West do 210 II. Souther & others 88 do 100 . do GI do . 120 D. N. Tucker 45 Asa Cumiuings 49 W. C. Healy 49 B. A. Dill 43 75 39 63 41 80 65 89 19 23 8 01 72 80 29 35 4392 4392 4296 4260 4S66 4866 9 01 10 00 6 40 25 72 7 33 7 96 9 14 s46 71 23 20 26 71 30 21 4G 30 15 69 4859 4851 272 Nathaniel Cummin 120 do 4803 ) 151 do 4859 f 48.12 170 do do do 4800 4862 2 0 83 i 03 50 75 81 5 50 100 116 61 128 40 26 4800 4861 4818 Jacob V. Honk F. Butterworth (Ja.i. II. -Mayo) Win. F. Ilobdell Dr. J. S. Scott 9 95 11 30 13 45 26 04 12 03 8 10 15 20 17 47 9 65 23 72 7 68 5 62 79 16 72 39 4375 4285 G.T. T. B. do do do do do do " Miller. Cobb S. Lewis ' Lot J. Powell C. Mead Ely Thayer Dickinson do Clarion River M. Co. do do Tatlow Jackson 3285 4S50 253 232 4818) i 3283 f 200 38 5S 97 50 4bcJ Dickinson & Wil marth 1 Charles McNulty 83 Geo. W. Rhines 83 do 90 do 3 39 25 17 4869 4S70 17 16 19 54 7 50 50 Geo. Stephenson SPUING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 5795 1149 James Bradley et.al 207 78 5802 637 do 92 82 5793 100 do S7 00 5799 199 do 29 65 5794 1075J th 388 00 5800 537 do 193 32 5801 433 do 156 88 James Bradleyet. ul and G. Blake 5797 548 504 do do do do do do do 11. Harris Nichols & McPherson Robt. Harris do W. part Beech Bottom T. Irwin 157 46 1500 182 C6 77 68 150 04 69 25 4 32 2 26 5798 5796 532 1035 316 5799 3728 15 James Bradley et. al und G. Blake 344 Eastern part 50 53 255 Smith. Dow & Brown 56 13 145 Corbett & Newconib 2187 4044 4044 2036 1358 Bryant & Euwer 215 21 1572 501 do - 55 50 2748 2942 2971 2986 2915 2985 2747 2073 1566 1566 4556 4552 J569 4542 3728 1561 554 Nicholas Morehouse 140 88 350 Ileniy Raught . 48 95 900 Merchants Manf. Bk. Pittsburgh 325 00 900 do do 325 00 900 Dennis Carrier et al 325 00 900 G. Blake et. al 325 00 454 Charles Farries ct. al 99 06 1055 Alleghany Bank Pittsburch 152 92 300 Souther & Willis 32 40 102 Thomas Irwin 15 86 200 da 22 60 182 Geo. D. Messenger 27 20 200 Samuel Crawford 29 80 150 Seth Clover 26 52 24 do 4 45 174 Wm.S. Marshall 22 30 485 Richard Bake & Wm. Ross 77 86 ET. MART'S BORO. 35 Michael st. J. II. Miller 2 16 33, 33, 35, ") 37, 39,41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 57, John st. do 18 20 h 3, 8, 4, 1 Georgo st. do o, 11, 12, j 4, 5,9, 20,1 Charles st. do 26, 27. C 13 72 11 61 296 8 17 9 9G 13, Lewis st do 6, School st do 2 acres, Mill st do i " " Hear G. E. Weis 5, Walbcrger, Clias. Ovcr holtzcr 61, Rupert st. Dennis Bergen 55, 73, 65, do Owner unknowD 44, 48, 8, do do 3 64 170 2 31 4 89 2 20 2 10 2 10 3 18 3 18 3 18 4 28 2 20 5 30 3 17 9, Patrick st. James Bovle 98, do 5,86, do do Kllen Hopedalo John Kelly Isabella C. Crancr 93, 94, 87, 88, 102, 103, uo do do Jno. Sheridan 104. J 89. 90, do A. M. Dermott 11, 12, Chas. st. James Coon 18, do Wm. Galvin 17, 34, 35, 36, 37. 38, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, Chas. st.Ou'r unkn 24 67 34, Benedict st. Ilackctt 10 94 30,31,21,) do Ou'rs unknown 27,33,16 14 do do 1 40 2 20 4 28 2 10 4 74 1 80 2 10 2 10 8 64 67,69,08 Walbarger st. ' Pat F cherty 63,64,65 C6 16,62,69 72 67 60 do do do do John st, do Jno. Moran A. Mooney On'r unkn do Ed. Byines Jno-Cornisky 59,61,62 ) 03,64,65 do On'r unkn. G6 45,46,47 Maurice st Dan.Sullivan 4 28 6 15 4 9,10 Louis st. Juo. Dixon do Wm A.Nui'ent 2 10 2 10 2 10 1 80 12 G3 4 28 2 1ft 5 30 do do do Leonard Cook Mary Wrinkle 2,3.1,3,5,9 On'rs unknown 51,52,53 Erinest. John Moran 54 do A. Morey 35,30.37,44 do Jno. Bole 57 do On'r unkn. 1 40 35 Shamrock st. Mike Flyun 2 10 47 do Pat Given 2 10 34,36 38 22.30,39 21,24,20 do do do do Leonard Ctok Mike Murty On'rs unkn. do 3 18 10 96 2 4 2 1 20 96 60 School st. do 100.U3) Ainardustt. 114.107 1 On'is unkn. 28,53 Benedict st.Gco.Ed Weis 3 33 "87,47 Shamrock st. do do do do 3 18 4 28 2 10 2 10 42,43,60 Erino st. 104 St. Patrick st. 70 Rupert st. 115, 116 ) Charles st. 117, 118 j Ou'rs unkn. 6 10 1 40 88 19 1G 12 II Michael st. l ut Lawlcr 120 acres do Huh McGroth 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ") Maurice st. 11,12.13, 14 I Geo. Wcis 15, 16, do 9 Patrick st. do 2 10 4 41 66, 70,71,71, Walbcrger tt. do 57.38 Erin st. do 2 78 05 1, 16, 23. 7. Lonis st. do 52, 53, 54, 50, 59," Rupert st do 61,03, 69, 77, 78, 44,88,75,8, 60, 44, 88, 8, '.unkn. 18' 62, 50, J 100, 113, 114, ) Amaudus st. do 109. 110. 107, f 14, owr. uokn. 6 18 7 67 9, 247 20, 19, ) Benedict st. do 18,14,25,34 J 14, owr. unkn. 42, 43, 28, ) Shamrock st. do 30, 23, 29, 4.1, V 21, 24, 26, 20, 24. 26, 21, ) on'r unknown 1 1 53 C. It. EARLEY, Trea's. March 28th 1872. $1,000 REWARD ! 'A reward of 0:ie Thousand Dollars will 1 e paid to any Physician who w ill produce a tnudioina that will supply the wants of the people better than the article known as Celebrated Elooi Cleanser or Panacea. It must be a better Cathartic, abetter Alter ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a bettor Tonic, and in every way better than the l'an-a-ce-a. No matter how long it has been in use or how lately discovered. Above all it must not contain anything mot ri'KELY VEGETABLE . $500 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nently cure more cases of Costiveuess, Constipation. Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils, Loins, Side and Head and Female Complaint than lill. M:tUilJVEVa BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which is used more extensively by practia inj physicians than any other popular medicine known. For Salebv G. G. MESSENGER and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pa. vln22yl. A LECTURE To Young Men. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, Price six cents, A Lecture on the Nature, Treat ment, and Radical cure of spermatorrhoea, or seminal weakness, involuntary emissions, sexual Debility, and impediments to Mar, ringe generally; nervousness, consumption epilesy, and fits; mental and physical in capacity, resulting from self-abuse, etc eto. By Robert J. Culverwell, M. D., author of the "Green Book," eto. The world renowned author, in this ad mirably Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequen ces of self.abuse ma; be effectually re moved without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instru ments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every Bufferer, no matter what his oondition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Bent, under seal, to any address, in a plain seeled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or twe postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide,"" price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 127 Bowery, New York. P. O. Box 4580. ?ln47ylcL Jon work nt this office. B.71 1000 Nathaniel F. Jones 133 50 3775 1000 do 133 60 mnawAY town sum 620 Constant Van DuMe Nov. 30, 1872-vln37m6. 4101 13 do do 1392 53, 54, 55. J