The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 25, 1872, Image 4

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    Hotr Vaccine Vims is Obtained.
Dr. ITonry A. Martin, of Boston, who
gome timo ago took up tho buniness of
furnishing tliysicians with lymph for
vaccination purposes, derived directly
from hoifcrs inoculated with thJ cow
pox, finds the business growing great on
his hands, and the lympn extraordinarily
in demand, so that he has given up all
his practice, save surgery and vaccina
tion, and he devotes all his timo aVid
energies to this speciality. What would
Bccni, at first thoughtto be tho least
possiblo .source of inconvonioncc, has
proved to Dr. Martin the most tronblo
sotne that is, to securo a sufficient and
constant supply of animals. For tho
purpose of vaccination and tho- supply
of lymph, only heifer calves from three
to six months old are used, and the ut
most care is observed to select only the
healthiest and mostsuitablo individuals.
This necessitates a supply of about three
hundred per yeor at present, and soon
double that number will be required.
A semi-satirical paragraph in a Now
York paper recontly represented that
Dr. Martin had Bhaved tho abdomen of
a calf, and keeps the unhappy creature
in a stato of unceasing varioloid. This
is not only untrue but utterly impossi
ble. A revaccination of a heifer is ut
terly impossible A revaccination of a
heifer which had recently enjoyed a
term of tho cow-pox would be about as
effective as a similar operation upon a
graven image. The term of the disease
in the bovine is less than two weeks,
and only from the sixth to the seventh
day are the pustules in the state re
quired for the collection of lymph. Ac
cordingly a fresh animal has to bo
broucht in for each successive vaccina
tion. The room in which tho heifers
are kept is light, warm, and airy, a per
fectly finishod room, indeed, with plaster
ed walls and ceiling, and tho stalls are
built with as much regard to comfort
and cleanliness as thoso of a gentleman's
stable. Dry sow-dust is furnished for
bedding, and meal mashes with hay for
- food.
Under tho largo south window stands
a peculiar operating table, with a top
which folds down, two projecting arms
then coming to the floor, as if forming
extra lesrs. Tho heifer selected is then
led out, placed alongside this table, and
its forefeet secured by fastenings already
attached to one arm, and its hind legs
to the other. A stout belt encircles its
body and the flat top of the table, and a
halter and nock strap holds its head
in place at ono corner. Then the whole
top is lifted up to its place and secured,
and the bovine martyr to science is re
cumbent on one side upon the top of the
table. A portion of its abdomen, about
the size of two full grown hands, is
then shaved clean, and the vaccine virus
from another heifer at tho seventh day
of the disease is inserted m little punc
tures arranged in rows an inch apart
each way. The ' table is then canted
down, and tho little beast released and
installed till the seventh day thereafter,
when its vesicles are ripe for tho supply
ot lymph to another heuer and to the
human race in general. It is then re
placed upon tho table, and tho operator,
taking a box of small ivory points pro-
pared for tho same to dry on, and a pair
of peculiar shaped slim pliers, seats him-
Hclt at the 8iuo ot the table. With tno
pliers ho gently squeezes each pustule
in turn, and as tho lymph oozes out
carefully collects it on tho ivory points,
From a good yielding animal several
hundred points can bo charged. This
done, tho heifer returns to her stall and
remains a few days lonsrer, when tho
crusts having: matured, are taken off and
mounted in gutta percha for the uso of
those physicians who preter this lorin
for administration.
Tho heifer then having fulfilled its
mission in the causo of science, returns
to private life. The operation is con
ducted with such -care to avoid un
necessary suffering and even inconven
ience to the animal, that it frequently
goes to sleep on the tab) and does not
evince any pain. Two agents of the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals rocently visited Dr. Martin,
and aftor sooing the process, declared
themselves perfectly satisfied that no
cruelty was inflicted. The ivory points
alter being charged and becoming dry.
aro carefully put up and wound in
cotton fibre. Then white paper is wound
around them, and lastly rubber tissue,
which is sealed at each end, making a
water-tight and air-tight package.
These aro then packed in any desired
.quantity and shipped to nil orders.
Some idea of the extent of the doctor'
business in the supply of pure cow-pox
" points " and " crusts " may be gained
from the fact that on one day 1,000 were
shipped to Washington, D. C, making
8,000 furnished that city, where, through
the inefficiency of the old virus, people
had entirely lost their faith in vaccina
tion, and small-pox was spreading, but
since the introduction of the animal vac
cine, the most wonderful results have
been reached. He is also supplying
hah Francisco, bt. Louis, and over 2,000
other cities and towns in this country,
bosides legions ot physicians in privati
Be Happy Now,
How old aro you ? Twonty-five
Thirty 'i Are you happy to-day '( Were
you happy yesterday '( Are you gener
ally happy t If so, you have reason to
iudsre that vou will be harmv bv.and-bv.
Aro you so busy that you have no time
to bo happy and are you going to be
happy when you are old, and you have
not much to -do 'i No ; you will not.
You now have a specimen of what you
will be when you are old. Look in the
faco of to-day. That is about tho aver
age. That will tell you what you are
going to be. What you are carrying
along with you is what you will have
by-and-by. If you are bo conducting
yourself that you have peace with God
and with your follow-men, and with
your faculties ; if every day you insist
that duty shall make you happy, and
you take as much time as is needful for
the culture of your social faculties, you
will not be exhausting life, and it will
be continually replenished. But if you
are saving every thing up till you get to
bo an old man, habit will stand like a
tyrant, and say, " You would not enjoy
yourself before, and you shall not now."
How many men there are, who have
ground and ground to make money, that
they might be happy by-and-by, but
who, when they have got to be fifty or
sixty years old, bad used up all the en
lovable nerve that was in them. Dur
ing their early life they carried toil, and
economy, and frugality to the excess of
stinginess, and when the time came that
they expected joy, thero was no joy for
them. UeecMr.
A number of French ladies who have
become reduced by the late war, now
earn their living by teaching French to
Americans, who are anxious to acquire
the pure .Parisian, accent.
A Folnr Legend.
The legend, ns it exists in Russia, is as
follows : Russia tho Holy, extending
from tho Cold Soa to tho Girdle Moun
tains (Ural), was a gardon of God. Tho
lower jaw of a primitive animal now in
the Museum at St. Petersburg shows
that tho animals living at tho timo were
so largo that, compared with them, tho
hugo mammoth appears a -dwarf. Hu
man beings wore then good. Tho troes
blossomed and boro delicious fruit. But
then tho Lord transformed all t his beau
ty into a barren, icy desert. It was on
a Friday. Christ had been crucified on
the distant Golgotha, while to that dis
ciple whom Jesus loved, and who hod
lain his head on his Master's broost,
death came not. " So I will," Josus had
said of him, "that ho remain until I
como." And John lived. But his words
of warning, "Lovo ye ono another,"
were unheeded. Hatred and envy fol
lowed him wherever ho preached. From
place to place and from land to land,
John with, his disciples flod, finding no
where rest Finally he arrived in Rus
sia. It was on a Friday Char Friday.
Before him had gone Ahasuerus, the
eternal Jew, announcing what he had
done and what had happened to him.
His lifo was a curse, and ho could not
find rest. And as John entered tho tem
ples of tho land and exhorted the peo
ple to peace and to return to lovo, from
which they had been led astray by the
beauty and luxuriance of tho land, they
made fun ot him, and drove mm out oi
the land with his disciples toward the
north. But wherever tho apostlo wont
ho shook tho dust from his feet, and the
land was transformed into a bleak, icy
desert. Snow and ico settled upon the
land the earth was clad in eternal win
ter. But John, driven away by the
wrath of the people, who considered his
stay anions them as a curso tor the land,
fled toward the north. Arriving thero,
a ship received him, and ho was taken
out of the reach of his foes. Tho ship
was steered toward the north, and no
ono ventured to follow. Behind it the
sea frozo to the waves were transform
ed into ice tho otornal winter came.
But tho tradition of John's fleeing and
his expected return remained in the
Frau Saga told tho poor Russian serf :
In the high North, in the ice-troo sea
surrounding tho North Polo, and upon a
beautiful island, John lives with his dis
ciples. No one can get to him, because
impenetrable ico surrounds his retreat.
But from time to timo he sends forth one
of his disciples, through the open sea,
through the barner ot ice, which opens
to him as he advances to earth onco
more, where ho again preaches to man
kind tho gospel of love. His reward,
however, is death ; he dies, persecuted
by hatred and envy. JJoath is the re
ward of his love. But when the last
disciple shall have been sent out and his
love rewarded with death, then John
himself will come forth and preach the
doctrino of peace and love, and bring
to torpid Kussia a new spring. 'Ihen
Russia will again become a garden of
God, and mankind will bo better.
About Cats.
Tho Persian cat is often moro silky in
appearance than the Angora, though
the color is different, being gray. Puro
white Persians, with blue eyes, aro most
beautiful animals, but, strange to say,
they aro always deaf. Thoso exhibited
at tho recent cat show at tho Crystal
Palace had this peculiarity. Somo years
ago thero was a white Persian cat at
Allesbury Kectory, near Coventry, quite
deaf. Of her many kittens those quite
whito were always deaf, but those with
the least color could hear well. J. he
Isle of Man produces the tailless cat, a
very curious variety. When these are
crossed with an ordinary tailed cat, the
progeny exhibits the intermediate stages
between tail and no tail.
A tortoise shell Tom cat is extremely
rare. .Mr. Jirodcnp, writing in laii,
says : " A friend, not less noted for his
scientific labors than his fund of anec
dotes, tells us that somo twenty-five or
(by'r Lady) thirty years ago, a tortoise
shell Tom cat was exhibited in Piccadilly,
where the Liverpool Museum was after
ward shown, and where dowagers and
spinsters thronged to tho leveo, as was
recorded in the caricatures ot the day.
One hundred guineas, says our philoso
phical friend of many tales, was the
price asked j and I saw many a longing,
coroncted coach at the door of the exhi
bition room." Cats and spinsters are not
always associated, for at tho Crystal
Palace show, of the prizes offered, thirty
two were gained by gentlemen, fifteen
by married ladies, and only four by
spinsters. Mohammed had a favorite cat ;
that of Petrarch was at its death placed
in a niche in his room ; and Dr. Johnson
took delight in bringing home oysters
for his cat when it was ilL Mrs. Griggs,
of Southampton liow, who died Jan. lb,
1792, left in her house eighty-six living,
and twenty-eight dead cats. She left
150 a year to maintain her black ser
vant and the cats. No one could paint
a cat like Gottfriet Mind, who died at
Bern in 1814. He actually had eight
hundred live ones, but these were order
ed to be killed, as some were believed to
be mad. Chamhert't Journal.
Decayed Teeth.. A good filling for
decayed teeth, says un eminent dental
authority, is tho tincture of benzoin
(friara balsam). Gold and other hard
stopping last only a short while; the de
cay of the teeth is not arrested by them,
and they presently fall out. The alco
hol of the tincture of benzoin evaporates,
and leaves a gum which excludes the
air trom the tooth. In the case ot ten.
der teeth, susceptible to dampness, fogs
and cold air, the tincture is very effective
and Grums, and will preserve trom tooth.
ache. It should be applied at least once
a day; but twice a day is preferable.
After a fortnight, more or less, it may be
discontinued. The bost way of applying
is this : take a piece ot cotton wool, the
size of a large pea, fasten in the nib of a
steel pen with a holder, dip the wool
into the tincture, and put it into the
cavity of the tooth, after, which dip it
again and apply it to the tooth and to
the gum adjacent. The yellow color
which the benzoin imparts to the tooth
is easily removed at anytime afterwards
with, tooth brush and water : but as it
does not permanently stain, it is bost
not removed.
Speaking about being buried alive,
there is a story of an ox in Wisconsin
which survived the longest living burial
on record. lie had the good fortune,
however, to be buried in a haystack,
which full upon him. Nobody knew
what had become of the creature until
after his mysterious disappearance had
lasted over three weeks, when he put
out an appearance from tho haystack,
having eaten his way from centre to
circumference. There was snow on the
ground, which afforded moisture enough
to prevent his dying trom thirst.
Strawberry- Culture. Mr. J. S.
Noodham, of West Poabody.Mass., writes
as follows to the Masmchuscll Plotigi
man t
In vegetable culture it is a fact, estab
lished by experience, that a plant will
not flourish in earth which has been
previously ocupied- by another of tho
samcspecies. In gardens no manure, even
a special manuro, indicated by an analy
sis of tho ash of tho treo planted, oven
in unlimited quantities, will causo a tree
to flourish on tho spot from which anoth
er of the Bftmo kind has been removed.
The question that first Bugaosts itself
to the mind is if nothing hus been car
ried awuy what is the mattar H ' Is it not
matter excreted from tho root? I find
that potatoes yield an astonishing crop
after a crop of strawberries, without any
manuro, yet both ot thoso crops take up
largely of potash, lima and other min
erals, in nearly equal proportions. Is
not the excretion of the strawberry plant
a perfect food for the potato, and vice
term t
In my observations I find that tho
strawberry plant, if it originated in a
porous soil, will not grow at the third
planting on a strong clay-gravel soil
(tho W llson and some others, for instance),
unless tho ground has been rotated by
somo root crop. But varieties original
ting in strong clay soils will do quite
well after planting throe or four times
without rotating, if planted on strong
It is a well-ostablishod fact, that some
species ot oak excrete tannin, so that
trees planted on the sites of oaks will
surely die, unless timo has been given
the soil to got washed out by the lrosts
and rains. Tannin is supposod to have
a chemical action upon the tissue of the
spongioles. Tho leaves of the straw
berry possess a very astringent property,
and are used as a medicinal astringent.
Is not this allied to tannin V
Physiologists tell us that a weak solu
tion of opium placed in contact with
roots destroys the vital irritability of
tho roots. From the tobacco fields we
hear tho cry of exhausted soils ; is it
not tho soil filled with narcotic excre
tions? One animal has been found to
uso that narcotic. Is thoro no plant
that would lovo tho solace of narcotic
food, or narcotio excretions, that may
be useful to man ?
I sat down to pen you a few lines on
the strawberry ; but I find that I have
left the nectar of Isaac Walton and gone
straight to the excrements of tho plant.
I have migrated ; tho plant is migratory,
so I will try and keep pace with it. We
set out the plant, it bears fruit, and then
bears children. An eccentric m its
habits, first bearing its fruits wrong side
out, and then its children (lllegitmiate)
always taking on the exact character of
the mother.
Thoso children aro always sent out
from homo to new pastures in leading
strings, the parent sustaining those off
shoots until they becomo squatter sov
ereigns, pre-empting a lot and setting
to work upon their own hook. Ihen
she gradually loosens her loading-strings
and sets to weaving hor crown, for tho
fullness ot hor prospective fruit. Vo
not such habits seem to indicato that
rotation is tho truo theory to adopt in
tho cultivation of tho strawberry ' Neat
cattlo eat hay with greater avidity and
apparent relish it grown on soil enriched
with horse droppings. Horses will loavo
hay of tho first market quality, if grown
on horse-manured land, and luxuriate
on bog-grass hay. Why is it so? Do
not tho same natural laws govern tho
animal kingdom that govern the vege
table productions r
It we remove tho soil several feet and
sow seeds of tho forest trees in the pit,
we find tho pitch pine to flourish upon
sand and gravel devoid of humus, yet at
tho samo timo a soil is making at the
base of the treo of the falling loaves
and the most thrifty whito pine will bo
found within ono foot of the pitch pino
trunk. Now does not the pitch pino
prepare tho soil tor tho whito pine f
contend that it does.
All vegetation is governed by similar
laws, and it is for the cultivator of
plants to study tho wants and habits,
und the effect upon the soil, and govern
Ins rotation ot crops, so as to realize the
best results
TnE Fowl Interest. It is a real
satisfaction to note tho progress being
made in the introduction ot improved
breeds of fowls into this country. Somo
fifteen or twenty years ago, with a few
exceptions, there were no other than tho
common dung-hill chickens to be found
any wh arc, but now almost every farmer
boasts of a pair or a score of pairs of
fowls on his promises, compared with
which, tho old native varieties are mere
Any one who will take the trouble to
contrast the dressed poultry in our large
city markets to-day with that which
formerly graced the stall cannot fail to
realize how vast the improvement has
been, and how docidedly largor and bet.
ter the flesh. I wish 1 could say that
prices had not advanced in a little great
er ratio than tho size and quality of tho
fowls themselves. Hut in this age of
high prices this is only a natural result,
and consumers should not find fault with
tho farmer who . furnishes him with a
larger and more delicate fleshed fowl, if
in return for tho favor, he asks a slight
advance upon old rates. A few years
hence, when the old dung-hills have
been entirely superseded, as they un.
questionably will be, prices will assume
fairer proportions.
The improvement in tho size of tho
eggs produced by the imported breeds,
is more marked than the size of the
fowls themselves, a fact upon which con
Burners have just reason to congratulate
themselves. The difference between
dozen ot Huff Uochin or Hrahma eggs.
and a dozen of the old style " hen fruit'
has been proven by actual test to be not
less than an average ot JJ per cent.
while the ruling prices have not ad'
vanced proportionally. As to the quali
ty, that ian open question. It is con.
tended by the breeders of the large var
lotios, that their eggs are superior
size, and nutriveness ; but here there is
room for fair difference of opinion. The
eggs of the dung-hill are small, but they
are good, and greatly to be preferred, so
far as quality is concerned. What do
some of your fancy breeders say to this
assertion Y Will any of them try to
controvert it r Journal of tM farm.
A Seemon Condensed. " When m
mother says no, there is no yes in it.
Hera is a sermon in a nutshell. Multi
tudes of parents say " No. " but after
crood deal of teasing and debate it finally
becomes " Yes. " Love and kindness are
essential elements in the successful man
agement of children ; but firmness," decl
sion, inflexibility and uniformity of treat
ment aro no less important.
A lady belonging to one of thd best
families of tho Sputh is keeper of a toll
bridge over the Neuso River, in North
New York Wholcinlo Market.
BUTTER-Stato, fine firkins I J I ST
Wor-torn M t" W
CHEESE-Stale factory 'HX bo 19
Ohio do (ul
. v dairy 17 (?'
COTTON-Oiillnary.. w W r
Low to Rood middling... 2' (m ri)i
EGGS N. Y., N. j" I'unn'a tt (.0 n
Limed ()
FLOUR-furicrfln " fe S li
Eura to fnncy Stato ft I'D (.1) M
Ohio round hoop...., J I" (10 ?M
Extra amber -. 7 3D (ol 7 no
Flirlnir wheat 7 60 (t S 00
Extra Uonerae SO (ul V 1i
St. Louis double extra.... 10 75 Qil 1100
Conn Mkal Western A Jersey.. 3 40 (ui 01
Hnimlywlno... ...... 1 70 (. 3 ho
anAIN-CoRS-Western 7 (O 73
(onthern Ti (ill 74
Barley Western 7 ( W
Canada I ("I 1 15
Hits a (uj it
Ry tit (ill S3
Whkat-Western No. 1 Spring-.... 1 Wl (c I til
Do. No. I do. -.. Ill ( ICO
Do. Amber I 79 I 80
l)o, Whito 1 Ml (, I V0
Wblto Genesee 1 7" ti 1 85
PROVISIONS-l'ork-Newmoss... U 30 (tH 13 0U
W'n prime.. 10 50 (m 1150
&RMF Plain 8 no ? 10 00
Extra mea 1 00 ('0 li 00
Hoof hams M 00 7c !6 00
Bacoh 6)f 00 7
Orrkk Hams H Co sv
I.arp 8)4 (" 9
SEED Clover 9 M 9 V
Timothy .. J 00 Co 3 15
Vlaxsoed Oo
WOOL-N. Y., Pa,, O., and Mich.... M)( 87X
Vt. and Iowa , 75 (To mi
Texas and California 40 50
BEEVES Host 13 a 14
Good li (u "V
Common to fair 10V (t li
SHEEP 4.LAMDS-Sheep 7i & S'
Lambs - (a)
Dressed i & 6V
California's TIiooest Nuooet. How
much we owe to California I Her precious
metals have enriched thousands of our fellow
citizens, and have proved the main stay of
America in times 01 national Decuninrv' em
barrassment. Her mining industries have
Riven employment to myriads of mechanics
and laborers. She is the land of promise to
the fortune seeker, lint the Golden Stato has
lately sent un a new treasure. Her last nug
get is Dit. Walker's California Vinegar
Bitters. The health-giving principles son
tained in this curative are a more precious
boon than gold. In all afflictions of the liver
and stomach, remittent and intermittent
feverc, rheumatism, and pulmonary diseases,
may be relied upon. As a Mood dopnrcnt
and invigorant it is unequalled, purifying the
circulation and infusing new vigor into the dc-
tlitated frame. It conquers that most un
yielding of all complaints dyspepsia, and we
Know ot no other remedy that can accom
plish this. Its entire freedom from alcoholic
spirit, which retards and neutralizes the effect
of any medicine, and which forms
the basis of many of the pseudo . bitters
and tonics, doubly enhances its value
to tho sick. The papers of the United
Slates vie with ono another in doing honor to
Dr. v alker. e, too, add our voice, and
ay all honor to tho man whose science and
skill have enabled hitu to draw from tho Vege
table kingdom such a balsam for human suf
Suicide Committed, as tho result of an in
active state of liver and stomach, producing
headache, obtuse intellect, dullness, despon
dency, dementia, and finally insanity, is no
uncommon occurrence. All these disagreea
ble svmptoms and bad feelings are most cer
tainly dispelled by the use of Dr. Pierce's
liolden .Medical Discovery, it revitalizes and
builds up the whole system. A little book on
chronic diseases sent free. Address H. V.
Pierce, M. D., Uutlilo, X. V. Golden Medi
cal discovery sold by all druggists. i77
A Staih.e Institution. Just at the period
wuen all ttnole-ausn were complaining Unit the
lioise-olutiuenls ot the uay were UDslable re.
medics, the -Muhtano Liniment made its en
tree in .Missouri, without any nourish ot Hum
pets, and within one year, became the favorite
embrocation lor the external distempers aud
injuries of horses and cuttle in all the Western
and Southern Suites. From that time to this,
it hus never hnd a rival in the estimation of
accomplished horsemen ; nor is its household
reputation as a cure lor rbvumatisiu, neural
gia, sore nipples and caked breasts, tumors,
mumps, gore throat, earache, toothache,
bruises, burns, wounds and Bpmius, a whit be.
hind its celebrity as a horse Liniment. The
Mothers ol America know its value, and an.
ply it promptly to the external injuries of the
" rising geucnuion," and in fact there is not a
city or township in the United States where
the Mustano Liniment is not regarded by
both sexes aud every class, as a blctiug to the
Rupture can be cured without suffering,
Klastic Trusses are superseding all others.
ISefore buying Metal Trusses or Supporters.
send for a descriptive circular to the Klastic
truss ( 0., tiS;j .Broadway, . 1.
Colds am Coughs. Sudden changes of
climate are sources ol rulmonaru and Jiron
chial affections. Take at once " lirmcn't liron-
filial t roches," let ttie Cold, Cou;b, or liriti
tiou of tho Throat be ever o slight.
Unrivalled am) Alone CABLE SCREW
WIRE, Never leak, rip or come apart ask for
lueui. uue pair win satisfy uuy one tuai iucv
nave no equal.
.Look out lor the i'atcnt SUiuip.
Ragged stockings aud protruding toes ure
not seen on feet where SILVER Tll'S are
worn. Parents remember this ibey last twice
as long.
i or na'u by all dealers.
How to Ornament the Hair.
All that art can accomplitfi in beautify.
ing, strengthening, thickening, and per
potuating tho human hair, is eiTuctod in
tho uso of Burnett's Cocoaixe. Thero
is a stimulating property in this prepa-
cation, which literally compels a rapid
growth of the fiVres, while its emollient
action renders them silky and elastic,
It is the lent and cheapest ha ir-d reusing (and
intiqorator in the world. Ho say tho
masses who uso it. Your druggist has it,
Tiie Purest axd Sweetest Cod
Liver Oil in tho world is Hazard
Caswell's, made on-the sea-shore, from
fresh, selected livers, hy Caswell, Haz
ard & Co., New York. It is absolutely
pure and tweet. Patients who have once
taken it prefer it to all others. I'nysi.
cians have decided it superior to any of
the other oils in market.
The very best Sewing Machine is tho
" b LOUEXCE." Head tho advcrtiseiuont,
To Tirg Pcbli We know of no remedy
equal to Jackson's Oatarku Snuff and
Tkocuh I'owdbu, for Catarrh, Asthma, Loss
of Voice, Ac, Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to
use, and a sura cure. Ask your druggist for
it. or mail cents to tooPBit, Wilson &
Co., Philadelphia.
Aeent. wanted for ed and other tock.
circular to U. A. fioiti, CnAUuberntmrg-, Pa.
Bund for
A Clrrgynian writing to a friend aayi, "My voy
ag to Eurupe i iudettuitely poipoued. I nave dis
covered the ' fountain of healtu ' ou Uiii aide of the At
lantic. Three botttua of the Peruvian pyrup nave res
cued me from the fanga ot the neud uypepla." uyi
pepuce anoaid drink, from tan louuuuu.
The adverUaer, bavins been pennwently cured
that dread diaeaae, Consumption, by a simple remedy,
Is antious to make' kaowm to bis fellow sufferers the
means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a
copy of the prescription ud. (tree of charife), with
lue directions for preparing and ualue; tne same, wuice
thev will rJnH Hi, us l!iu sua Oossuaiptius, Asth-
va, Ukoscuitis, Vu. Parlies wishing the prescription
win puaau address ,
K4 South Third Bu. WilliauuburKb, N.
Havo You a Cold ?
Have You a Cough ?
Have You Bronchitis 7
Have You the Asthma ?
Have You any Luncr Diffi
culty or Weakness in your
Road tho following nnd loarn tho vlns of
What tho Doctors say.
the war, from expomire, contracted con munition, lie
suy: "I hflve no hfitancy In ntntiiiK that it wan by
Dr. f jf.OTtl. nf tlhln. RurMinn tit lha Attn titrli
10 nije 01 your hUMU Ualuau that 1 tun now alivu ami
oyni(f health.
r. Fletcher of MInnH. unr t wnmmrTnl
your Halham In prct'uroiiot in any other mwlichiff for
Coiipli?. and It given natf-thrtiun.
AIXKN'8 LUNU HAL8AM in tho remedy to enre nil
Lnnir and ThruattlitticuUie. It Hhould bv thoroughly
test, a before unlng any other Uulxuui, it will euro
when all other rail.
Vlrucuoua accompany each bottle.
Again What the Doctors say.
Amos Wooi.lkt, M. D., of Konclupko County. Indi
ana, nay : " For three yearn pant I have used A LI. ten's
Long Balsam extensively in my practice, and I am
nattenca thero la no better medicine for lung disease
In one.
Isaac A. Dorax, M. D of Loffan Conntv. Ohio.
say: " All '8 Luno Balsam not ontynclls rapidly,
but give perfect satisfaction In every case within my
knowledge. Having confidence in it, and knowing
that it posoenne valuable medicinal propertipn, I
freely use It in my daily practice, and with unbounded
Biiccosn. An an expectorant it in mont certainly ahead
of any preparation I have over yet known."
Nathaniel Hahhis: M. D.. of Middlebury. Ver
mont, nay : "I have no douht it will noon become a
Clascal remedial agent for the our or all disease of
the Throat, Bronchial Tube, and the Lung."
Physicians do not recommend a medicine which ha
no merits ; what they say about
Can be taken as a fact. Let all afflicted ot onco.
rrovlrtenoo, It. I.
General Agents fur New England States.
For Sale by
o . K nni.nit.1 new iorK
Heft and Oldest Family Medicine. San-
bTd,t Liver Invlgorator.A purely Vegetable Cathartic
and Tonic for Dygpcpsin.ConstipaHon, Debility, Sick-
headache, Biliou Attack, and all arrangement of
Liver, stomach and bo we In. Ak your l)i ukkim. lor it.
Beware of imitation.
Fifteen minute confidential talk with the Indian mi
important dubiuctp. by one ot their number. ISent free
fur two Btanips. Address Mr. II. Mutzuick, Hanover,
FREE! 5'iS,S
number "OCOEE LAND
TER," Cleveland, Telm.
x unvo a cerium cure lor oiirn j.,yc. rnai &ugijuos
I1V.N'HV If IT kh'M A N. ltitiliv Htnwn Pn . Til.
EVOLVERS. Morve'a r!ix-Shooterp. nnt.nteil
XV Jun., 1872. 4 inch brtrrcl. tine Oid-h. Will -hoot
rodp. I'ru-e fei, pcnlj)0-1'nnl(l. Agenu wantrd.
J. N. SlOltS
CO.. DeTtor. Mnlno.
For Ten Cents
We will send you a lift of the nam of young lmllcs
ana pennemun oi wcaitn. who wixn correhpoll.tfiuii.
A .1.1 IT a iivvnv i..ii.n
U U M II I A IV V U I II with furma of etlmiette.
DAY, Publisher, East Clartdon, Ohio.
A new. valuable, heavy Ylt'ldiiiirHnrinsr trrnin. adapt
ed to any climate. It may bo rowed till June 15th.
iiusciipuve t-imiiarn irrn; h.mi lor one. Aaares
u. w. urn r-u, buuiu u.wen, Alien.
5,000 AOKNTS AV.WTEO.-Bnmplos sent
free by mall, with terms to clear from Htt
totilo per day. Two entirely new arti
cles, salable as flour. Address
N. II. WHITES, Newark, N.J.
Tenor and Bass Singers
Will learn something of more use to them as Staffers
tnan they nave ever luuniud belore, by heading CO ct?.
CYHUa T. JtEKDE, St. Thomas FrqnkllH Co., Pa
"AMsXY OEM. A lariro el:ht-nac. fortv-rol-
huiurj, Household Journul only $1 a yt-ar. A Fine
EMtrravinp, 4x30 inches, sent pulrmi(l, an receipt
of eubpcriptlon, LlberHl tenn" to Afrentp. Speci
mens free. Address FAMILY GEM. Pittsburgh.
Farmers t Mechanics I Everybody X
Fittsburgh, Pa. Largo 8 page, 40 column,
weekly. Bout 3 month, on trial for 25
cents. Worth 923. Cut tills out. Try It.
Manufacturers aud Dealers In
Machinery and Imperial
Xo. 172 Front Street,
LV Orders by mull or othorwlse promptly attended to.
I.. B. StlUIKK. J. B. F. BL.1VEN.
The Huma Telegraph. The nerves are tol-
etrruphlc fibres operated by tho brain ; but if the stora-
arh. the great vltalizcr of the system. Is dlordorcd, the I
whole nervous onraniratfou 1m purtfnlty ahattured for
Aperient works wonder in eimet. of nurvouri dibilit v
uuruiut coauMion, unci Ki-emntr un- now,1) true. ,
belling the AutubioKraiiby of Haui'l si.
The Great Missouri Bushwhacker.
Uoui.lllustratcjl. prepaid, $1. Bend forclreular
500 Houso Lots
Will be riven to the first who annlv. No rextrietlrma.
Object, to encourage emigration. Situated in various
towns villages and citien in the tiuite of Nebraska.
ror run particulars, aadrefn Menirn. f attek at Co.,
noai r-'UiUi vtmiertf, no. lit uroauway, A. xn or Att
urak laua Company. Omaha. Aeurat-ka.
For an v cane of Blind, bleed-
iny. Iichiiia:, or Ulcerated
Piles that 1b Hino's Pili
Remedy failn to cure. It is
prepared expressly to cure
tho Piles and not ulnar ele.
Sold by all DrutfjcUw. Price
i now eodliug from Karly Roe, of wouderlul pro
duetivenetw and liuest quality. Will yield twice an much
a reericrik.or any oiuer poiaie now grown, i uroe outu
ela were urodueed from Wlf a nouud the Dat fteauon.
lietwi iptive circulars free. Price $1 per lb., or 'i for 4
tt.,pO(tt-paid, by mail. Geo. W. Campbell, Delaware, O.
male or female, in every oouiuy iu the U. H. aud
cauauas, to sea our new ana most useiui paieut ; irout
oue to ix ustMi iu every family. lOil per ct. FUhruuUu-d.
for samples aud terms iucloM lu cu. to 1EKGL'80N
ss l,u bu tuvor street, 1 ruy, n . i . .
v v
Uih fliuitithntar. Thlrtpn dflnartmnntH. rMliHnii
ana secular, tuv. A. V. ari. writes lor it. a
terms, aidless, Jiait 11. KiLa, Huston, II ass.
Startling but True.
Wanted agents to (ulroduce our fast selling roods.
$3,uou a year cau be niale by energetic men. Address
alUNKUx, KD.VNtUI CO., fltLsbUTKh, fa.
S10. S-4U. (C) BUI sect a. a curiosity for 30
Cvuts. 'J. H.StCyBD 4j CO., QarretUville.O.
tor Beauty of Polish, Saving Labor, Clean
liness, Durability II Cheapness, Unequaled.
sriarw ini nil ta iiii-rai i tram Ihititiiivo . t . .
tinmen, but iwmMing our in eliapo und color uf wi-supcr
TMK Risi0 Bin 1 HI I K, for MnvoilcaVni
tiftp, At Iwi-lvo r.-nin per nnnr1 twiitv-flve and fliff
poiind Imccti. "(.'iiLJ.Hir tliun uny other bulk Polish for
TIIK llTtfl SI'S l.t flnttR l'l-rVUIa,.Vri tihvrm
Chenit ntirl liir)ilc rmiiprcpttenot hor articles fur purpose.
TllK ItlMIM. Ht It I, Al(t IK. I- l, Hit M a Ton. Korftxlea,
bearings and tnaclijncrv. Laati six 1 1mps as lone as oli
alone. U lb. and 6tfll, boxen, 16 ou tits per Jb. Try It
WORSE BROS,. Prop'ra. Canton, Maas
The Celtic Weekly.
ffonnAtlnn wlfhont rnaripnnn. namtrlvA. nf ttir411tn
Interest, combined with historical instruction, excel
lent and entertaining literature for old aud younjr,
continued and tt niched stories, poetry, sketches, bio
graphical and toputfrnphical.
ine irreai original story paper for mo minion enti
will make it flirt appearance on February 92, 187i, da
ted for March 8, 187H.
The publishers of this high-toned family paper re
spectfully inform the Irish people of America, and the
American public Rone rally, that they have made ar
ranffemrntw for the production of an ORIGINAL STO
RY PAPER, which will bear faovrablo comparison
with the bost periodicals of tho day. Tho following
stories will appear In tho first number:
By Peter McCorry
By "Christine."
By Dr. J. C. Waters.
By Dr. Julius Rodonbcrg.
By Dennis II ol land.
By Mrn. Ellen E. Madlgan, (nee Callanan.)
A TALE OF 93.:
By John Locke,
Editor of Tub Ckltio Wkbklt.
A uneclal feature of THE CELTIC! WEEKLY will be
the entire exclueiu of advprtisuimmt.
Nothing: will be lft undone to render fliis Great
Uriinital Tory Fapi-r tne best In America.
Price Only Six Cents. To be hud of all News-
Mull Huh.'Crihor. One Year. iGa.KOi Six Months.
iiiu xuur aiumust qpa.vv
Two Copies, one address
r ive iu.uu
Ton " 0.00
Yi no an aadiuouai copy to cue gutter up ot tho club.
Affontu wanted in ovorv town and ckv In the United
otaicri wucrtt uuo u uoi airvauy appomu'U.
Liberal terms to all aeents and cotters un of clubs
ovur ten copies.
M. J. 0'LEARY & CO., Publishers,
P. O. Box 0074, New York.
Cheap Farms! Free Homos!
12,000,000 Acres
or TUB
Best Farming and Mineral Lands in America.
These landx are In the central nortinn of thn United
State, on the 4Ut di-eree of North Latitude, the cen
tral line of the irreiit TV mm ruin 7nn of thn Amnrii-im
Continent, and lor (Train trrowintc and btock rttihinc
: unHurnuxMcd by any In the United St at en.
i CHEAPER IN Pit ICE, more favoruble terms riven,
and more convenient to market than cau be found
Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers,
Soldiers entitled to a Homestead uf 160 Acres.
Free Paasea to Purchasers of Laud
Send for the new descrintivo nnmnlilot. with now
niapri. publUued iu English, Gurinau, Swoduh aud
uaiuu. uuiuuu ireu every wuure. AudreHH
Laud Comniisttloner. U. P. K. R. Co..
Gas S1U1M Apratis.
The bost thing In the markut. Bolls at sight. Gives
are making small fortune selling them. One i
porta 111 IN ONE WEEK. Another 77 IN 4 DAVS.
Write for circular, and terms, and secure the best un
occupied territory at onco. Agents wanted
erywbere County and State right, for sale. Ad
Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers,
1103 Broadway, New York.
Those who Use the
know It li the best.
because it does more
work, more kindi of
work, and better
work than any oth-
Seuil for circular
aud sample, of
Office, It Uuloa
Square, New York,
JOB ONE DOLLAR we will mail you a box of
.tamped with any Initial or Pet name. Four sires and
sixteen nauerus iu euvu vu
It meets the dally want of any lady.
ltMr.liiiir Kehiutl ifirls are adontinar it.
It's the prettiest present to a young lady.
Vry one box for yourself.
Address LOHINa, lubUsilier,
P.O. Ilox SOU, Boston, Maaa.
It WJIiLtlt, 1 tun or an manner or vtoiw, mntrttan.
KJ cu, Inuml and Jinl, in all parts 4 Orai Brit
ain. Holland, Franc aud Utrmany, a specialty of J. W.
VUITKAITs'.1. AtUirnev at Law. Columbia. P .
TO HO DAILY paid canvaaslnr agents, ex
clusive territory. New monopoly. Sells iu
every family to entire satisfaction. Afttntt
wuHUi. Maa Mi'li Co., 11 Jouu at., N. Y.
No Person can take those Bittern accord
ing to direction, nnd remain limjs unwell, provided
their bone are not destroyed by mineral poison or other
means, aud the organs wasted beyond the point
of repair.
HI'yHpppUa or Indigestion. Iieaitachc. Pain
in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Client, iJiz
liness. Sour Enutatuma of the Stomach, bad Taste
in the Mouth, Bilinus Attacks, Palpiiatinnnf the
Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs. Pain in the reinn
of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms,
are the offsprings of I)ysppsia. In these complaints
it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar- .
antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement.
For Female Complaints in young or old,
married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the
turn nf lite, these Tonic Hitters dtsnlav bo decided an
influence that a marked improvement Is soon percep
tible. For Inflammatory- nnd rnronto Jincn-
mntlam and (rout. Bilious, Remittent and Inter
mittent Fevers, Diseases of tht Blood, Liver, Kidneys
and Bladder, these Hitters have no equal. Such Dis
eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally
produced bv derangement of the Digestive Organs.
Ttiey ure n wniiie j'lirfcaiivc won nw
Tonic, nossessimr also the peculiar merit of actintr
as a powerful agent ia reiieving Congestion or Inflam
mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious
For Skin Dlftcnsea, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
buncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eye,. Jury
tipelas, Itch, Scurfs, I Mscolorations of the Skin, Humors
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature,
are literally dug up aud carried out of the system lu a
short time by tne use of these Bitters.
Oratefnl Tl.ounM.mlft proclaim Vinhgar Bit-
trrs the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained
the sinking svsteni.
J WALKER, Prop'r. U. II. McDOTf AI,T &, CO.,
Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco and New York
Tho imbHcribeni were the oriel n at or of tho article!
named abwve and have niale them for a Quarter of u
century and they claim that they are a? good a any, if
hot ine btsti.
Tho oooklnr or flavorlnir oxtractf are pure and'
healthful and are the truo liavorg of tho articles they
Tho liifnilihln Ycftpt Powiloru are the oWest. tho
strongest, the be ft, and consequently the chenpeft.
The Sugar of Leniouo 1 niarle from the fruit and
pure furar and flavored with the lemon peel, und U
well aduDted for the nick, for travellerr. vovairerv. aud
other who cannot readily procure the fretdi fiuit.
since metie frooue nave oeeu mirouuuvu id iue pun
lie a host of iimtatom have prung up, and o nmny
irorthie orhurttiu article. hav been tow a " Jfix-
tractp, "HakuiK Powder, and " Lemonade Powder,
bp to bring discredit upon all. Uur oldciiMoineni will
And that our goods are a good in quality a when we
tirt made them.
77 State bt., Uotttop.
Thk LurtMtit MdU.1 I'rlr
Cnmnt in lim W'-rM tim
luit-'tilftnti iirU nt m)4 of
TiAUKWAlilC nllll WkTAlJ III
D I'ltut-iiriri, New Y-rk,
tin. I iiilnit-ll(im. Ciinintiiitl,
ht. Ls'lllt. I IfTrlltllil, HnllU
Ilium ami Kurt-ik'H
Uki-Ul miirkets rs-jtxrltHt. Ac.
kmyl stuixlnnl jonrtiHt
ol the meiril trttl'-s. litily
$1.00 por yffif. NohRrrlwartdenliT can Mrd to d wHhorfl iU
r,vsrv iimiunm nnti uifim - --
s.'itL lur wuciu vx Tit i i. for vS ni, p. iLi imih. aiwww
nlrnti)tM t llfWT ItlHi'liiniry tllllll (V ifiiinn; rt'wru uu.
luo WuttLit UilLi.iNt. I'nuburgh, Piu
ftfVT nS TKIAI. tViref TTrTltllhi
fnr i(j rent-. Tli- A HI Kt-
A WllUkINU I'lOI'I.K m
(ill) of III tUi-l plllillt-MlutM
t tht wnrlil. e'cmUiu It
imbTea or M ritlumtM ut M'fctl-
ttinlril' t Hitl bwIvMIk-m ttiti
1k -t intfrf!-i u wurkin)fini-ii.
Illu,rmi-iiis of'tit
w raiitirtti'-n in iwh ..
NiitiiWn it lli'iunmnd rl ul
urilirrs. Only tl.iO ir
VMT.m n trinl three monthi ft V ceiiu. M'riUt ymr news
Twwa, uunly tuid Slnt j-Inlnlv, fin-lout th money, hikI aJJrex
imiiH Wukld Hi iLiifvu, iilUlmtKh, Pa.
j-w"A"tiN wnltt on SnUrv or Cootmiesioo.
Iron in the Blood!
The PERUVIAN SYRUP mnkesthc wfHktronr,
ami expels disease by Bupplyiug the blood witu
Caution. He sure von ffet Pemvlnn'5yrp.
Fiuunlilcufree. J. P. BISSMORK. Proprietor,
K. 88 pey St.. New York.
Bold by Druggi"'. generally.
The Stevens Mineral Fertilizer
Nature's Fertilizer.
Price 915 per ton on board cars at Linbon.
, r aim
T.IW11C,3. II., ) I"""-'-
Lii'o to Xlixiitw !
X oi to IiiootK!
For information a to Hi value as a
Fertilizer and . Insect Destroyer
end for circular contain! uir certiflcta nrrnlliihlu nun
who have used it tor the paid three year.
SAMUEL H. RSBBIN3, li&bon, N H.,
- i n' i . ;t 1 Suaretry iu4 Cenoral AgetiU
. Wholesale Depot, 80 Seuth ilarkej Street, Boston.
$20,000 GOLD M $1.25 Cl'MOT.
riMIB PeopU'i Grand Bliulcal Festival and Gift En
X, terniitM will m.V iAum at the Metropolitan Thea
tre, lu bacrameutu, Calif urn la, on tha lth of June,
1H7. when 099 Prixti,ainouiuinrtooTer $SO,OUOV
will be ditributed to Ticket HoMum, in the aino
manner a at the drawing oi lh calebrayted Uurcamila
Library Gift Concert of fiun JTrancUco. ine UlKheMt
i prize being iiO.WHi in Gold. Payment of Pritea Kuar
I anUed by depotdu. Tuketii. tl.ti currency, ot 11
Tickets for SliA Vnll information with proepectui
can be obtained at FELCli CO.'ti Mauagei 's Agency,
i roe aroauway. new iw.
AGKNTd Wanted. Agents maka more money at
for us than aurtlilnjr elii. Particulars
0. BTiaani Co.. Pint An PvHUlur: Portland. Ma.
iy l Envelopes of various Maes, colors, Bonirs ou
tJ iu.h. Ss sheeta Sou Paoer. conv of a au-iln,,
paper, all sent fur Hue. J. A. Uowells aV Oo., Jettursou, 6,
490 for nrst-clas. Pianos. No discount. NoairenU
das II. 8. PIANO CO., Mi liioadway, N. Y,
April i(-7. '