- Tlio "Jnps" !n Washington." Tho Washington 'correspondent of tho N. Y Journal of Commerce writes : It is hard to tell who is ambassador and who is servant Japanese dignity being a poculiar species of that article, and not tho kind of dignity wo encour age. Besides, tho " Japs" so much re semble each other you enn hardly tell which is which. On Saturday I hap pened to be in tho Arlington as Mr. Bhecklcs, tho clerk, received an order for a sick functionary's meal. He had markod more than twenty fancy dishes that is, rich things that a sick Yankee will studiously avoid, And ho told tho waiter to be sure and bring him plenty of hard boiled eggs and ice cream. Tho Oilier night, about 12 o'clock, three or four of them got together in a room and ordered hard boiled eggs and ice cream for supper. Sheckles says they will never got around tho world if they live in other countries as they live here. They do not seem to eat much, but they live on the most outlandish food. They seemed to think all tho hotels are wndor one management, if wo may judge from their movements. Yester day a lot of them went into the Ebbitt House, took breakfast, and walked off without paying or making any explana tion. AVhen they first camo they were nearly all quartered at tho Arlington. Some went to other hotels. Now they are scattered all over the city, some in hotels, others in boarding-houses. But the principal oilicers of the embassy all stay at tho Arlington. Yesterday I was standing at tho office of the Arlington when an angular-faced Jap came up, with baggage on his orm, and said to the clerk, " Me goin' away. Me won't be here no more." "Where are you going?" said the clerk. " Me goin' to Ebbitt House." " Will you give up your room '(" " No ; me an two other fellows goin' ; free other fellows come from Ebbitt Houso take our place." So they go to tho Imperial, Metro politan, Welckcr's Worniley's, and all over. Tho hotol keepers like it. They can make from ten to twenty dollars average a day out of each Jap, from Iwakura to Hokepoke, and it will be found that tho Government will have such bills to pay for tho same Japs for tho same time at two different hotels. If any one happens to twit them about their curious antics, they say, " Me don't care : mo cot plenty money, and mo Koin' to spend it." Somo of them Biuoke opium almost continuously. Tho chambermaids at tho hotel think " it's funny smellin' tobac co they smoke." They have a bag full of ivory pieces and a board on which they play a game that seems to bo very amusing to them. The other evening a party got together in a room and com inenced playing tho game. At inter vals, when a player seemed to be check mated, they laughed boisterously, and went through all sorts of xerfomiancc., such as turning hand springs and stand, in" on their heads. As I remarked above, it is hard to tell from their appearance who are ambassa dors and who are followers and servants. These eccentric freaks are probably the diversions ol tlio latter in all cases. Accuracy. Accuracy should be considered a car- il inal virtue : it necessarily involvos be. ing specific. Many a patient has been pushed back to tho grave from which he was escaping by tho indefinite advico of the physician to " lave light , " Be care ful in your diet ;" " Don't expose your self : " Dress prudently. A patient might live so light as to starve himself to death. Carefulness in diet would bo interpreted as variously as the uidgment ot tho individuals. A " little" piece of copperas dissolved in a "little" water is an exeollent thing to heal up a sore ; yet a piece of cop peras as large as a bean, dissolved in a teaspoonfulof water, and applied to the sore, would burn it liko fire, deep into tho flesh, and make a man fairly yell with pain if applied to some parts of the body. Every child should be early edu cated to habits ot accuracy ot statement to leave a margin, a liberal margin, in stead of outrageous exaggerations. Let all statements be within the truth. If you called to see a friend three or four times, don't call it a dozen. If you ride fifteen miles into tho country, don't call it twenty, but say " at least a dozen." Learn to reduce all your statements, as far as practicable, to facts, figures and tonus, btate a tact just as you saw it. without comment ; if you learned it from another, say nothing positively. Give the exact numbers whenever you can, and in describing a thing put it on pa- per if possible. In fact, if every child was taught to draw and Bketch with a free hand from the first months of going to school very groat advantage and amusement could be drawn from it for life. If a love for rough sketching from naturo were inculcated and encouraged and cherished it would in after years af ford an infinite source of amusement, ot interest, and oftentimes of profitable cm ploymcnt ; tho habit of drawing culti vates close and accurate observation ; it strengthens tho memory. Moreover to obsurvo accurately and quickly is often of incalculable advantago in business matters. Hall's Journal of Health. Burled Alive. An Irishman took the contract to dig a public well. When ho had dug about twenty-fivo feet down, ho came ono morning and found it caved in filled nearly to the top. Fat looked cautious ly around and saw that no person was near, then took oft his hat and coat, hung them on a windlass, crawled into some bushes and awaited events. . In short time the citizens discovered that the well had caved in, and seeing Pat' hat and coat on tho windlass they sup posed that he was at tho bottom of the fxcavution. Only a few hours brisk digging cleared the looso earth from the well. Just as the citizens had reached the bottom, and A-ere wondering where the body was, Pat came walking out of the bushes and good-nuturcdly thanked them tor relieving mm ot a sorry job, Home of tho tired diggers wero disgust d, but the joke was too good to allow anything more than a hearty laugh which soon followed. hxchamje. A Church ox Wheels. A London vicar proposes an itinerating church, to reach the neglected masses. A large furniture van, with a belfry and seats and other fittings, holding thirty or forty persons, is to pas from street to htreet, gathering a congregation and holding worship in one place, outrun ners procedintr it to invite attendance. and then pass on to repeat the same in another locality j and so from hour to hour, nuea ana emptied, teaching great nuiuber who will not come even to chapels or to Bible rooms. The Devil Driving a Locomotive. The " Fat Contributor," in writing to tho Cincinnati 2'ime, tells tho follow ing: At tho time I was in Columbus, Penn., tho community was being startled or amused, according to tho mental make up of communities constituent parts, by the story of a haunted locomotive. An engineer and fireman on tho middlo di vision assert that while running a night express one night last week, tho devil stepped on board the locomotive and proceeded to run it without the aid of hreman or cnginoer, thoso wortliics tail ing back in not very good order on tho tender, where they sat tremblingly ob serving the operations of his Satanic majesty. They aver that he not only opened the furnace door and put his head in to Bee how the fire was burning j but that ho actuolly crawled in, and they could distinctly see him in the glaring light industriously stirring up the fire with his tail. This seems in credible, I admit, but both the engineer and hreman say they will swear to it. Then emerging from tho furnace with out a hair being scorched, he proceeded to handle tho levers as though ho had run a locomotivo all his lite, humming some diabolical tune meanwhile. He did not crowd on all tho steam, as they expected ho would do, and run the train ltli its passengers to destruction at a devil of a rate ; but on the other hand, ho used tho accustomed caution, slacking up around the curves, and behaving al together like a careful, temperate engi neer who recognized his responsibilities. Onco only did ho notice the two terror stricken men on tho tender, and then ho made an imperious motion to the fire man to fire up, and when ho hesitated the devil fired up himself so infernally that the fireman mado hasto to comply with the command. It seems strange that ho didn't take advantage of his op portunity to run the train to destruc tion, but ho was probably satisfied with tho paco at which the passengers 'wero going to the devil anyhow, and accord ingly held his hand. Arriving at a bridgo crossing a deep stream, he sud denly waved them an adieu, and leaped ell tho engine over tlio brulgo and dis appeared. Tho men say a blue flame followed him, and they could hear a great sputtering ot the water when he struck. It is declared in Columbia to be a fact that when tho train reached the next station these men told tho above story, and actually refused to run any further on that engine, so that it became neces sary to substitute other men for them in order for the train to proceed. I give you the story as it is current in Colum bia. It is a strange enough story at the hrst blush, but nidging Irom the diabol ical accidents that frequently occur on our railroads, one might think it was not so veryjraro a thing after all for tho devil to run trams. Deep Artesian Wells. That of Grenello, bored for the use of tho slaughter-houses of Paris, is l,iil feet deep. Water oscends ninety-one feet above tho surface, which shows a prodigious hydrostatic pressure some where to drive a column with such torce into the air. At Xousalzwerk, near Mindtn, thero is an artesian well 2,U!4 feet deep, out of which pours salt water. One was bored some years since tor a sugar re finery in St. Louis, Missouri, deeper still, being 2,bJ l ieet in perpendicular pth.' Vt nether still active or not we havo not ascertained. Tho water in thoso deep recesses rises in temperature tho further down below the level of the sea. In some of the geysers on this continent and in parts of Lurope, it is believed it may bo heated in tho bowels of the earth to six hun dred degrees, but in its ascent towards the surface it cools rapidly, rarely being two hundred at its escape. here does tho water come trom 111 these lower regions!' It gathers on mountains and indeed everywhere, and trickles down seams and dislocations of rock, porous strata, &c, till reaching in candescent matter in a state of fusion, it is converted into steam, forced where there is least resistance, becoming con densed into water again, but pushed on by steam behind. Cohesion of Parlieles. lloeks, liko pebbles, aro made up of an aggregation f particles having definite forms, and they are held together by the intervention ot a something which mineralogists term cohesion. That im plies a power of attraction acting with sufficient energy to hold them in eon- tact. liut cohesion is a term expressive of our ignorance rather than knowledge on that subject. Naturo makes use of a'glue, tlio composition of which defies the pry ing curiosity of chemists. They can't find out its composition. Occasionally it is dissolved. As soon as its adhesive property is lost, tho particles let go their hold and rocks crumble till their form disappears. When a discovery is made of the way naturo prepares that mixture, then the next research will bo to find a solvent. There would bo an end to drilling, pow der blasting, and all those arduous la bors in stono work us soon as we are ablo to destroy tho cohesive principle. Na ture has kept a largo number of secrets to herself, which huve exercised the pry ing ingenuity of man, and this is one of them. A Remedy for Baldness. Tho bald may now take courage and smile at tho irequent summer ny. it is no new lotion that is to bring baclc tho hairs of their youth and innocence, but a system of planting hairs in the smooth skin of the head, exactly as cabbages aro set out in a garden. A discoverer, whose name Cannot bo long concealed from a grateful world, ha invented a plan of replanting the hair where it is lost. As plants grow so does the hair. It is rooted and thrives like a vegetable. The operation of restoring hair is very simple ; put healthy hairs into the eyes of needles and draw the needles through the uper skin, tho epidermis; being drawn through, tho hairs aro left in the skin, as a thread may bo left in any material by a stitcher. The roots, which havo been extracted with their bulbs complete, are brought under the epider mis. The surface so operated on is pro tected at first by a linen band, but the hairs soon tako root, grow and flourish. It is not stated whether hav ing tho skin puncture in this way is disagreeable, and how often it is fatal. If it is a success, the plan has many ad vantages ; one can have any color of hair be may elect, and he can plant a variety of colors, and thus make his ap pearance striking and beautiful. JLirt- jurJ Couruiit. AOItlCULTVJIAL. Detertohation of Improved Poul TUY. -Whcn a new breed of fowls is proved to be of real valuo, and it is pro posed to introduce it upon a farm, the way practiced is, nine times out of ten, to purchaso a sitting of eggs, and brood tho chickens produced, irrespective of relationship. Or, if grown fowls are first bought, they aro commonly in pairs or trios related moro or less closely ; and, having cost a considerable sum, they are multiplied all around tho neigh borhood from that one stock, in-and-in, for perhaps a half dozen years, and they grow weedy and scraggy, tho chickens dio off from weakness, the owners get sick of the breed, vote them a humbug, and fall "back on what they call the " good old-fashioned sort." There aro other deteriorating influences at work. Fancy fowls are sometimes overfed, to produce great size ; and pets and favor ites are opt to be kept too fat for breed ing, and anxiety for eggs lead them to too stimulating feed. Choice fowls aro almost invariably confined within nar row limits, to keep them from mixing with other sorts. There is not enough air, sun, and exercise, and they lack certain things to eat which they would select according to their varying needs, if at liberty. Also, there is commonly a hurry to have a costly sort of increase, and tho eggs of pullets aro all saved for hatching, which is a surq,way to impair strength. But, on the other hand, the farmer has plenty of eggs of tho barn yard sort, and tho universal practice is to pick out tho biggest, which aro tho produce of the old matrons of tho flock, havo a rich volk. and niako hardy chick ens. The valuablo breeds wero improved only by time and pains, and without care being taken to keep them up to the pitch to which they havo been raised, they will relapse to tho dead level of average worthlcssness, or sink below it. Hearth and Home. To Make Hop Yeast. Take five medium-sized Irish potatoes; pare them. Take one handful ot hops ; put them in a small thin cotton bag ; then put the hops and potatoes in u pot, and pour three pints of cold water over them ; boil until the potatoes are cooked ; then take them out ami place into a stono lar: mash them until tliere are no lumps ; then put three tablespoonfuls of flour m with tho potatoes; pour tne water (in which the potatoes were boiled) boiling hot over tho potatoes and Btir them up well and quickly, and put a cover on to keep tho steam in ; then put one pint of water on the hop bag in the pot and let it boil. It your yeast is not thin enough to pour out, then pour off the boiling water on it until you have it sufficiently thin ; stir once in a while until it becomes milk warm, then put in ono half pint of hop or baker s yeast (not brewer s) and stir up well, and set in a warm place to lighten ; when very light put in ono half tablespoonful of sugar, ono tea spoonful of ground ginger ; Btrain it through a seive, put into a halt-gallon stono jug, cork tight and put into tho coolest place you can find. The yeast is ready for use immediately after making. The jug should always be well Bhaken before pouring out the yeast. Take one teacup of yeast to make ponge. The jug should always be well scalded before putting fresh yeast in it. Yeast made in this way will keep good for throe weeks in summer and four weeks in win ter. Always keep about ono half pint of stock yeast to renew your yeast with. Cor. Cincinnati Gazette. AViiat Shall we f'r.Eo with 'r In many parts of tho country the cry for fodder for cattle is distressing, notwith standing the immense slaughter of al most everything fit for beef, and of many animals that were too poor for the mark et. Hay is from thirty to forty dollars a ton, or more than twice its usual price, in most parts of tho Northern and East ern Mates. It it were not tor the great abundance of corn it would bo much higher. At present prices, corn is a much cheaper feed than hay, and ought to be used largely with it, either boiled, or steamed, or ground into meal. It takes about thirty-six bushels ot com to make a ton, worth at present prices not far from twenty-seven dollars. Cora is cheaper than hay, pound for pound, in most parts ot tlio country, and is very much more valuablo in its I'lements of nutrition. Fed with hay or straw, it will niako those costly articles spend in tho best manner. Corn is universally distributed, and is within reach of every one who has animals to feed. It is much better to invest in it than to pinck cattlo at tho last end of the fod dering season, and turn them out in thin condition. Oat tie in irood condition, tho first of May will bo in great demand, for the stock has been greatly reduced in anticipation of a hard winter and dear hay. A l'raetieal Joker Discomlltted. Charles Farren. a vounrr uentleniun employed in one of the manufacturin establishments of Lafayette, Ind., went home to his boarding houso at a late hour one night lately, and thinking to give his landlady a sensation, marked his face in spots with red keel. He walked into tho sitting room and had taken a seat by tlio fire beforo tho spots were noticed. Tho landlady, all absorb od, looked up from her work in a mo ment, and noticing tho spots 'on his face, asked, m evident alarm : " hy, L-har lie. what on earth is tho matter with your face':" "Don't know," replied Charlie, " but guess it is only varioloid." Then occured a scene better imagined than described. The landlady was ut first paralyzed with horror, but recover- in a in a moment, she rushed to the door, opened it quickly "Get out of this mitrhtv ouick." said she. "Get out!' she screamed at the top of her voieo, and deaf to all expostulation from poor Charlie, sho hustled him out without his overcoat. In a moment she opened the door and kicked his overcoat and cap out, as though afraid to touch his . . . ... . i J -.I. A 1 clot lung witll lier nanus, uarno siouu out in tho cold, completely bewildered with the unexpected turn affairs had taken, when he nearo a window j-aisuii, and a gentle voice called him by name, "Here, Charlie, here is your trunk!' There was a plmiiro in tho show, and, sure enough, there was Charlie's now trunk, with all his store clothes and personal effects. The practical joker sou eh t the first sheltering root at haud, but took tho precaution to wash his face in the snow. tyrtnyjhM uuoiicau. A bill has been introduced into the Il linois Legislature forbidding tho prohi bition of mail privileges to the inmates of lunatic asvlums. The discussion of it brings out numerous instances of the inhumanity with which lunatics havo beet) forbidden to write to their friends The Augusta police lately arrested a negro woman for ruling her family liter ally "with a rod of iron." It nearly killod ono of her children. New York Wholesale JUarkrU BUTTER State, One flrklnn- t 31 t in (II) liX (. U (. 14 C' I'.iS (ic tin .1(1 ( 34 til 1ti' li v BRtcni - CHEESE Stnto factory - Ohio do, Farm dairy COTTON Ordinary Low to (rood middling... EGOS-N. V N. J?, & Pcnn'a Limed ...... FLOUR SnporAnn Extra to fancy Btate Ohio ronnd hoop Extra amber Hnriliff wheat Kxtra Ocnci.ro . Ht. Louift double extra.... Conx Mbal Western & Jersey.. fc Hrandywtne BrcitwTtiAT Flocr V IW H GHAIN-t'ORJi-We.tern Southern Hi RL IT Western Canada OAts Kyi Wbeat Wosteni No. 1 Spring... Do. No. do a M 6 70 W ( (.0 (it 00 T 71 7 (1(1 7 ti 7 30 1 7J S 10 5(1 10 1 10 71 70 75 I 00 54 III I 50 1 51 1 70 1 75 1 75 l i !5 19 00 8 00 10 (10 SS 00 7 10 7 75 7 75 S 40 11 00 t V0 4 15 3 Ji 1 10 55 90 I m I 50 1 71 I 85 1 H5 14 00 15 50 10 00 imo SO 00 ; 3 75 "X HO 50 12 ll 'S3 (r ( t (si (u) to (91 W (t 10 9" Ov (!V (ill (.11 (ill fa (! do ho. Amber Do. White Wlilt. fJotlnao PROVISIONS-Pork-Ncw moss... W a prime.. Dbkp-Plain Extra menu . Beef nam. P.ACOH i Orkix IIaiis Labii .. Ti (! "5 fro S Of . fre 3 G2 S (it, (u) H'i i: 75 (e 4H C't II P) II Or 10 frV (Tii 5 (Ri US fit BEED-Olovcr .'. Timothy.... Flaxseed WOOL-N. Y., Pa.. O., and Mich..!. t. and Iowa Texas and California...... BEEVES Het Good Common tofiiir... SHEEP 4c LA.MBS Sheep liamoi SWINR-T.lvf, uruMoa Mers. A.J. Bicknoll & Co.. 2" Warren St.. New York, have Issued a supplement to their " Vllliure builder," contninltio; numerous plana with spccitlcations lor suburban Iioiifca and cottages ol moderate cost. It is a valuable work lor all who contemplate buildinir. Tho "Domestic" does a creuter rimp-n of work than any other sewing-machine. More than forty years havo elapsed since Joh nmn't A nodyne Lin imm t was first invented, during which time hundreds of thousands have been benefitted by its use. l'robably no article ever became so universally popular with all classes as Joh n snit A nodyne .in imen t. Pills which contain nntimonv, oui- inc, and calomel, should be avoided, as severe griping pains would be their only result. The safest, surest, and best pills aro 1'ar.ion's I'linjatice or Anti-liioin Pill. When applied with Dr. Pierce's Xusal Douche and ncrcmpauitd wiih Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery as cospTITCTiosai. trealnient. J)r. Sage's C.ilarrli Kcmedy pro duces perlect cures it ti e worst cases ol ( a. tarrh and (zna of matiy years Munding 1 ins tliormwli course ut titcdimlion cunMi- lules the only si'ieiitihV, rational, sale und sue eefslul manner of Dealing this odious di eae i hat has ever been elk-red to the alllictcd, The instrument and two medicines sold for i'2 by all DruKyists. ."7t. Ji:ht takes his P,itti:hs. We heard a seedy-looking individuul willi nn alarmingly red nose lemark to a brother soaker that he ad " just had his hinero, but he did not mind taking another nip. His remaik suggested a ruin of rtllertion. How was I', we asked our selves, that the word " hitters " had grown to be a synom m tor gin, whiskey, rum. and other leoholic stimulants, to whu-h it was applied iniiicriiuinately. l.ut-jis, we leut-oned, sug gested the idea of a healthful tonic, not of a poisonous aiimulatit : something invigorating to the system, not an alcoholic initant, full of fusel oil, producing present intoxication, and ultimate msanitv, idiocy, and premature death, Moreover, our Idea of bitters was totally ir reconcilable with ''gin cocktails,'" "ruin punches," and "brandy mushes," which, we are informed, are sweetened with sugar, and rendered dcublv iniurious with essences colored bv means of mineral poison. This was bitter sweet with a vengeance. We mentioned this problem to u friend, lie solved it by exclaim- ng : " tiv, don t vou understand that most ol these bntcrs advertised as remedies are only drams in disguise? Topers know it, if you do not. 1 must make one exception, however, ho added. " and that's Dit. Wai.kiui's Cai.i- oiinia YiNKUAit i!iTTi:ics : there isn't a par ticle of alcohol or lermented honor in it, and it is the best vegetable tonic und alterative in America. The Pckest axu Sweetest Cou Liver Oil in the world is Hazard & Caswell's, made on tho sea-shore, from fresh, selected livers, by CASWEI.L. IiAZ Ann x Co., rsew xork. It is absolutely pure and mreet. Patients who have onco taken it prefer it to all others. Physi cians havo decided it superior to any of the other oils in market. To have comfort and health wear Boots aud Shoes that will not leak aud lire tili.ibUt -siich onlv are made with the CABLE SCKEVV W1I1E. Try them. All bear the I'alcn Stamp. Not evi-rv one can be President, but all cni buy Sll. Ell TIPPED Shoes lor llicir cbi dren aud thereby lessen t hi ir Shoe bills two tb I t ils. For Sale by all Dealers. A (JOL'OH, Uol.o, on BoitB IiiltoAT, re quires Immediate attention, as iieU ct ol'len- limes results lu some lucuranle l.uiii; Disease "Jirotrii't UiomhUil Timheis" will aluiont lu variably give relief. Are Your Lungs Toi u with a spasmodic cough? Arc you hoarse have you a sore throat ? Do you lire; t:ie with dilUeultyy Itemctuber all these at symptoms ol daugeious pulmonary com p'aiuls. Lose no time In roMii ling lu Hate' Honey of tlorthounit ana lur. Take out youii watch. aow apply Pike's '1 oathaihe Drops to your lot mcniing tooth. Pain gone, eh ! Look at your wale again, lime one iiiiutile ! Hurrah! Have You Sees Her!1 A lady who for the last live years has been a leader of fashion la New lork, and who may lie eeeu twi week lu her elegant caleche driving a pair of superb ponies lit Central Park, Has recently staled, lu the select circle to wliicu sue lieluugs, that the only article iu existence which in parts beauty and lustre to the complexion without iililinalcly impairing the texture : the skiu and causing it to collapse aud nnkl Is it ao an s Magnolia Uai.m. ihe uaine the distinguished member ol Ihe beau iiioudu who madu this declaration canuot w - it It pro priety be given, but it may be mentioned en passant that she lias spent several years of her me iu Europe, una is (uuiiuur wr.u uu tn al and preparations employed by the tourt heau lies of the old world lo euhuuee luclr charuis (iKAFTOS JIlSEltAI. FeRTILI.EK. Wo fall the attention of our mulcm to the iiilvertl-e-uivut ol' this woiiUltIuI tiroilui'lioii ol I lie " Granite Sluto" lUU week. Dytptpnia, i)it vcucita ml Liver C'oin Uiiitt Cured Viluout filedlclue. I will lur ward 10 any addic-sn, on receipt o. KIVTV CENT!, a primed jirestrtin iuii Hint will cure any Cttse ol' Dyxptpiiid, tlotivuiie.nor Liver Coiuplitint, however ubblinate. The remedy in very cheap and pbunaut. The arii. den are kept in mom fuim houses, and aro ea tily obtai'ed auywheru. Addre. Dr. S. N. Thorn., Phelpn, N. Y. To the Pdbiio. We know ut no remedy equal to Jacks )N 'a Catahhii Snuff aud TtMKiUB I'owdkh, for Catarrh, Asthuia, Los of Voice, &c. In mild, pleasant, agreeable to use, aud a sure cure. Ak your drunnist for it, or mail'lirs cents to Coopbu, VViion & Co., hhiUdclphia. Carpenttrt, tivil&cn end Ntchanici, mk for tho Pat ent Star Bevel and Try Square, and take no other. They aro thehent toolnmnrte. O. W. HALI.ETTACO., Blar Tool (Jo.'i Woikt, Wot Merldeu, Conn. Bfpt. Mid Oldest Family Mcdlrlne. ford't Liver invlsrorator. A purely Vegetable Cathartic and 7"o(c for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Debility, Sick hendncbe. Ttlllon Attnck. and all deraniromenta of Liver, Stomnch and Ilowela. A-k your DrupKint for It. ileware af imitation. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The fldrcrtlKfir, hnvlnjc pormnnrnlly rnrrd of thatdrond dlfcasn, ConnumpUon by a utmpln mmwly, in anxtou to mako known to liU fellow puirmr tho nwntin of ciirn. To nil who drulro It bf will neiid A rnnv of 1h prnnrrlnlii-n nod, (I'rco of rharifn). with dfrfctim.A for pn-irnHnir nml udnir Ihn unmn, wMrh ipy will fiiio t M'rr, ( t'HK run i:onhi:mi'THm, ahtm . ItRoifCHiTifi, Af r, 1'artlan wUhliiic tlm DroHcrlntlon 111 bli'Rio addretn 9iA Rout li Third Ht.. Wmtam-durj.i. N. Y JCY yonr Peed, direct of the Grower. Hend for Catalogue lor Isii. Adnrcsa O. lll'KHA.S. .North all Held, O. Envelop of vnrlon elcc, roluruv Hoot" on pucli, V4 idioi-tn Hunjf Hipr, rotiy of a 40-cotmmt pnppr, all sent for JfUe. l. A. Ilowelln A. Co., JeJIeraun, O RARE SEEDS. Tid for CntaloOTle. E.J. VANS & CO., York, I'u. CENTS MAKE SI5 A DAY nelllne our Button Hole uutter, Sali Fi-ti'iier, turaHernnd Pen., Hum- e. .cut, pout paid, for .'in et or circular, fie Try AiiuroHs rU'MB CO., I'hllailelphii I'a. LMLVEK Tniltntor made from pure (Join Silver. n (rive a heavy .liver coatltiK to Compoltlon Walch- C. (Inn nilll Hurtle.. Moiilitltiir. worn tiluteil .n. Atf Will Arc. Maile(lfor$l. Aildrea. W. II. Illekiird, Mny.vlllc.O. Ci 1 REWArtn.-KxwWor l orn Plattrr core. a r r corn., minion., Itii . Illllllnflq. Itlirnit mwltiirTo Nntl,(,'hll for rft I hut. li will n.in, Vc. A Ti wiinl U nth rtd for re IhRt. It will not cure. Airent. wanted. Hr?tl xtntrip for crtrnilar. One packaire hi-nt by nmil, no.t-piiid, on receipt of 'lor' mi. m iiiut iv at jj n i ififfiirm utrcut, llnf- io, n, x. THIS IX NO III MIU J. Y .cnillnK 'JiocntH, witll aw, lieiifht, color of eye. and hair, yon will receive bv return mallaci.r- ct nlcture of vour future biislminl or wife, with nnmn and ilute of nmn laire. AildrimH W. FOX, I'. O. Drawer o. t4, Fultonville, New York. H()K KR'S 8A I.E. 10(1 Piano., Ufl WnU he., 4M S.-w- 9 I HIT Miu:llllic. ".(ill Silk Ireni,.l.',ll Hln.wU. N'.n O..I.1 Clinino, 1.100 Hi t (told Jewelry, and 7i.li00otlnrarticle. S1IM1 each, ferul 2 oenN for ticket, or hIaiiii.. roe circulars. (J. D. HANKS & CO., lloktou, Ma... 10IIEMIAN OATS-OATS WITIIOI T Illl.l.S.- 'liieue are.nlenilid Oittii. .hi-liltis- out like Wheat Rye. Helirh Ml lb., to the bualiul. and yield filial to any (rood vatletv. They make excellent feed, or can be irround for hnn.o u-e. S'-lit, prepaid, to any mrt ol the Lnion, at.ill cent, per quart. VVh have ali-o the new Joint or hranr.hlnit Pod Vorn. (trow.4lo lit fur. on a bUilk. Sent by uiiiil ut 25 ci-ntu per packet. li. II. JOXH dt illWS., Seed Di-ali-rn, Fund ilu l.ac, WU. ANTKD l AffenL for our new lfi-paire neper, i ( the Ciinii iliiltnr. Thirteen lcniLtli!ii-tit. ri-lielniiri and .eeular. ltev. A. II. Kaile write, lor it. ttl.uo a ; a fcid.lMI ni'cltliuin to e;u li ul-crihcr. For Airt:fiL huh, aildren.-, Jamks 11. F.AKI.K, Boston, Mv.. lOI.LICCTION of all manner of Dibit, lnhrrltan J crt, lntrmt and lirnt. ill all Hart, of tirrnt hril- ain. llollanit. France ami (jrrmany, a spcHity of J. F. iiltALtl, Allot ucy at Law, Uoluniola, I'u. "V CU'ILBEKT, Evergreen Farm, tiwynrdd. Pit., i.1 ttock Ui-eiT,fi'llf low: Itoot. CtittKCnlVfP, luref.r oi.wom und outhiowrj Wiwp, Lambs i in iltirv Fowl?. l)ll('l(ii. Turltei-u. Pitri.ofi-. H,.f- Maltese Cuts Itubbitu, KirK nil tirt-clo.-. DESSA Wh'-at i tlrt bvnt; wuil ntnmn for utim- 9 Dins, or M f(tr4 lln rand, III. pont paid. (loo. Whit-, Du- O. O. F. Oct a Pofiket Wic-Account liook. 20c. J. M. MILLER, Ilivrri.huff, I'u. HUNTING InKSf!EH.-Prif:e Sif.00. H'-n.l ntampfor circular!. C. W. OftML'N, Pontine, Mich. AVIIO WILL SLKFEUT-Itl 11 Tobiai'n Vviiutfun Lit jim now 24 J'-vlT- ince Dr. irnr'iit on. mil lu li.ri. tho llfailacho, Cut-, Jlurns Urui-e-," OM holt -' j'.i.n- III nbllr: :trrUlinir ll tn onrn I'hrr.r.i,. It lw ut.n .iinb-.JI ickamlC lK -t ; aii'l it never hit- fink-!. fcoM tv ruein-tf. Depot Id Park Place, N-w Vork. i.'xlid'croiit sorts of splendid Flowpr or (iardeii Soods, i-ropaid by mail, 1. Cata logues freo. S(M'Ison eomiiiisbloiu Agents wanted. II.M.M'atson, riymontli, Mass. A Watch for $1.-50,000 Sold. MAGNETIC TIME-KEEPER, Z AND t. It 11 tivL itu.r.uA(dl lower Seeds ! Flower Seeds ! 33 KINDS FOR $ I .OO. BY MAIL, POSTAGE PREPAID. The pub?crlbor, havlnir over 40 Totim' exncrlpnce In cultivating i-'lower 8i-itn, eto., hu tniule u ii.-liiction of oil the nioi-t rti-sliiiblt' nowurii lur fti-m-inl cultlvntlou. The li-t comDi lin'ii over 250 kiTidn. anil a person pi-lect- lnft from it ciui obtain just n line flower an if nek-cUii? irom nil expennive iitticy ctitHioirtlt. al le than Hull the exnelisi- hm ninny on the li-t lire nltl bv others ut 10c., Ue., tw.. anil l!jc. per p.ic-kaite. The llt will bo m-tit to all who apply lor it. li. K. li AlUtKTrO.N Flii-liini;. L. 1.. N. V. CET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNA lilt 1 1) ED DICTIONARY. 10,000 'ord$ and Meanfng9 not in other Die- twnartr, 3000 KuRravimrA; 1810 Pare Quarto. Piico$li. Wheneverl wlh to obtain exact definition, I con ut it. ItfchuyKT Colfax.J Evuvy Si holar know Its ralue. V. U. Pucott, the Historian.) Boon ono of my dally rompanionf. (Joiiu L. Motley, the HUtorlnn, 4c. 1 So fur a tknow, bt-t detiuing Dictionary. Horace Mann.) The be.t feUiJc of Students of our LantruaL'c. (John U. Whittlcr.l Excels all other! In di-hniutf pcicntltlc term?, i President Hitchcock. Remarkable compendium of human knowledge. IW. tf. Clai k, lrut Atf. Collcffe.J A neceni-ity for fvery intelligent family, student, tt uchur and prolcxtdotnu man. FubliOied byG.k C. MKKHIAM, Sprincaeld, Mafi. AM.VTKVK Cultivator's Guide TO TIIK Flower and Kitchen Garden, Wo are plened to announce Unit thu Oth Annual Killlion of thi well-known work U now readv. eniarired and improved, and containing a imiirnitlcfiit urw cilor ed Lltlio(ra;li, be-iden hundreds ol utncraviniffiin ad dition to It full ileitcriptive price-u i. oi .i.uuu varif Vtunlilo Seed, It a re ;lii(liitlutf. l.ilttB. 1 ii- ttiinrrDoii-e FimvcrtV, I-ros tut'., .Ui. iul diri't'tioiiM lor their culture, Thif. U without doubt tlie inot ieriect work of the kind before the public. RSSent 'ree to anptieantt upon receintof a utanip.j. Adlre- AVASIllU tVto.i lOO Trruiuut Mreet, Uutuuv AIumm. EfySATlOW OF NEW YORK. X 1V0KK DKSCRIPTIVE OF TIIK CITY OP NEW YORK IN ALL ITS VAHIOL'S It 4 FpUMidorH and w retched iw ; Itn hit-'h and low life; it marble p:ilncei aud darkdeus; ith attractioiii and danireri; it- HIuh ami Fraud f it Uadiug men and uliii4-iau ; it advvutuiei; its chuiUie; It k ni)tui icH and criima. Illustrated with nearlr 350 flne Knffrnvlnjri. SeuJJor Circular, with trrin and a full description of the work. National I'iihucuunu Co., Phi la- l'a. REDUCTION IN PRICES. An we have reduced the prleoi of our ('KIEWUTED B0XE FERTILIZERS, r the 8 prin a trudu, ue Invite all futereitted lu agrU Lll-TKH BnOTHKRS, Newark, N. J. TEN DOIXAUS belling the IL The Great 1 t'iolh.lllnitratcd, nrt'paiil. SI. Bend for circular (OUACE W 11. COX, JutTuroi Uiy, Aq. Ohkat Discovbht. RaUhifr and foilinir fiiiou PuuK WlLllOUt (j It A lit or Potato Kd at th mi mil cot of only USB UKiT4 rovtio. Tin" ik on the ygl ahk, HO IlUMllUU. tieod 10 ceutu for circular, pay pojl ge, etc. Addrem Prof. K1DUKK. Uurlinpton, Vt, PLANTS. NEW AND KARE, Uy ftlailand fCxpreas. New Calaloicur Free Kitab'd 1840. Mt. iiopeSariitrua, Kot- hunter, n. v. J1AVlj IJ nun cooler of the A n.'il- ruit rtoli"7T4u rutil. tiample ptukaKi of Mamuiotu Com, White Norway uuu, aua AUUe uiovr FuKu, to all who neud ttamp to pay poitafo. Addrena A U- iluVtR At CO., 1'ui keUurg , C'Uenler Co., I'a. u r. IGHTf AND XjA 3 A DAY TO AGENTS T Auloblugriipbjr oftiani'l H, I I D E BRAN HlBftourl Puih whacker. U TtmRrvipa mivrpriTTTrri mr PURE COD LIVER OIL AtfD LIME. 3HC nt tint. ninlcrtlio futnl M'voiity of our r!hnnt throujrh miy pnlmoTiurT contplnttit.f.rrv.'n timer who am in flctloil rnnMiiniplion, hv no im-nn impair. Thcro 1 n -nir mu miro it riiedy nt hntwl, nnl oiin fa-lly ti if , " M'Wmr't I'tmipnund ftf t'tpt t.inrr (VI and f.ttnr.," w ithout pH K'nliiff thi vry nnii-cnMHir (lnvor nt Iho Oil u. 1itp Infnrr nm-d, 14 ciirlitwi-rl by thn jilioiilinln of linn1 wllh KhfMillitjr properly which rfml.-rn tin- oil ilimbly eilW'ii rlnitn. For m In hy A. It. Wii.nmt, Ch-mlut, No. im Court Pin), Mo -ton. Cheap Farms! Freo Homes! . ok tii. ttst or mi UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A I.ANU OH A. ST 0 12,000,000 Acres or tii. Bust Kin mi' g and Mineral Lands in America. 3,()(K),00) ACRKSlN SEIiRASKA, IK TII. CHEAT PLATTE VALLEY, tub OAltDKN oT . h WICST, NOW FOR 8ALE. Thn lari'l" ar In th contrnl portion of tlm I'ltltf-rt fMntt-a, nfi tlm 4l-t ogrv rif Nnrtli ft it firlo, tho rn tnil Mm of thf trrmt TTnpTat1 Zon of th Amrtr-nn (Jontirif-nt. nn'l for jrn.ir, frrowlnr mn4 ntock mi hi lift Uii-'irji-f 'I hr dnv In th t'nitf'l Htnte. CIIRAI'KK IN f'Hir K. more fnyorahl, ffrm (rlvn, nn'l mo; ft con v-hif'ht to market thnn etui bo ionnd rlM'Wh'-r''. Froft HomfHti'niN for Actual Sdtlcr. TUB ftr.T LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. Solilifrs fntillfil I) a HomrsiMil of 180 Arn Free Pam to PnrrhnRcm of La nil Hi'til for tho new rlntrrlptivo pftmphlot, with Tifw map. P'lblMied in hntfli-h. Oermnn, ewodifh mm I), III -li, ruaiW fl fr r i-vervwhi-te. A'lilri- l. I-, UAVI.-", I.iml f.'omml-i.in' r, t I'. R. R.rn.. OMAHA, NKI1. Wanted This Spring! 10,000 FARMERS To intprov- tho Iari'l" ot'th1 Iowa Hailroad Lind Com pany, no tor al lor f:a-h or on lonir tlrno at nrceiit value, with ix per r-tit.ititere,-t on (erTrca payments. Tii'-" laii'l-roriiiH-'-foMrOoTernrn"Tit railroJiil p:nt on tho liii'-- of th'; Mioux (,'it v an 1 P.itic anl The Iowa Oivl- iotii of the Chi'-afoaii'l Norlliwe-trn mitl I II. Ceil tial HailwH, ai; iiot inor'fc'atr '1. nut culk'l.aiid are lii the MiiMlf Region of IVfsti'rn Imta, No A for IN -aluhrion olimato, In"xhait'tiTle noil tine v w:itereri y. t perl, t tiy r:rnlii'-'i litrit:t (free from Ii'Vi aul atriioj, anl In the btt-t part ol tho be,t a(ji l culti al Sute in Uih NO V IS THE TIME TO SECURE a HOME In tho hetiutiru) ani luxuiiaot valley of either tho Dover, the .M-iple, the S(i-ii.jr, thu Little Sioux, at S4 aii'l SJ per H'riH. 1.7yi.wj nr.r-n are for 'll-poal in 40 or 0 ftrro farina ; or i ii compaci Irani- 01 j.tfWaf.-re or more,u ac-uea iy tlif larire Iki tner mi'l .ttrk i:ilcr. f .jtr.tl acentf at -tatioiir ha p.lc1 of ovcry tract nnl ar provi.ej with teain to -how laiul free to nureha. it, - KxploririB ti' kt-t-. are t-ohl in ChU.niro (WelU-t. DerKjt) or at thi- otlice rerirahle fur lau l purchased. r-eii'i for a fui'ie it (rivej de-cnption?., price-, tetm-, location". bii4 how to reach the luinl-. County inapn 01 uii-oi'i juii'i lurm-ii'-a iree. Aturefi JOH ll.CALHOVX, Land Commlioiwr, Cednr Hnititl, Iown rHE "LiuHf mum "DOME! "BEST ' TO U3Z "EASIEST TO SELL." S. M, Agents) It don't pay you to fight tho be3t machine. Frovs onr claims, Get the Agency and ell it. AJdress " DOlltSTIC " S. M. Co. , 06 Chambers St, N. Y. J?OR ONE DOLLAR we will mail yon a Dux of LORIXJ'S FRENCH X0TE PAI'EH stamped with any Initial or Pet name. Four lzt n tlxlecn patterns in each box. It meetj the daily want of any lady. Hoard i tit; School pirl-aro adopttnu it. It the prettie-t present to a yonuir lady. Try one box for yourself. Add re- LOIUXJ, lulllior. P.O. lloi 5011, UuMtoa, IIass GIVEN AWAY. (Thromoii worth twice and three time the n.U-ciiii tlon price are iiveu away tor one und three uh.-cnber MANUFACTURER and BUILDER, Puulinliril br tlii" KnirrVaml MmTrs' 1'uh. Co., 37 l'ark How, N. V. 1'. O. llox 47! pt-nj lor ampit. copy una premium lui. CTUIUI A POPHAM'S ASTHMA No?ilio is wamintcd to relieve tho woivt cases m ti ininutef. For Mile by briuruist". Trial lac aire xt'tu lthh on rectdiit of a three-ueut stain Add cs Fliiludclphlu, W OW FORTH EE ASTANDSOUTH ! Fmployment for ono or two a cents in every where we are now fully reprcM'iilud, to i-auvin for what thoso that fee. will linvi. Thev all iowu una Yi laire. fxceiii in uie esicruMaie thev cannot keep liousn without It. Aueutt m:ik money. Kur ladled u wel(uri pt iith iiicu, Uie Wurk U ayrccanie aim retpccianie. utireKj K. i'UAi I, 0,1 tiuuthCunul tot., Chicago, UL The Only Genuine Mineral Fertil izerin New England Grafton Mi if rd1 F3rti!i2er&D9st,oyer of lnsccls TIIK (i HA FTC IX KKHTIUKH IS DEATH to Canhcr Wormn, flruhi. Hone litifr, Potato Ilu p-, I lop Inectr.. aud all other llaiit-l)ctioviiiic Inseetf. li nro- tectnthe plantffiom Inject micliiuf, aud luiKely pro Uioten me trrowin 01 au vcluuioij, Wrtrranted a represented. DAVIS. TUAYTK A- ft).. PronHntorn, Littleton, N. II W A It OK. HLMl'UHEY A; DOlXiK, Concord. N. II., General Atft nt-. to whom ail ordern xhould be al dreM'd. tfi-nd for Descriptive Citcularr-. TIIK CONFESSIOAS OP A NERVOUS IMVAL'D. Puhlished for the buncflt of young men and others who Miller from Nervou Demnty . etc.. f unitlviuir nm Wfc ANB Of HKLK-CltKK. Written by one who rurud him- ai'tf, uud f ut iVee on r'r'iviiit? a iiost-paid dirt ctcd eu-vi-lopu. AdiUuNATHAMKL SI AVFAIK, lirouklyu, IIERSTIXE R.VSriJERUIES, Imperial Asparagus Roots, Both Uojiten Strawberries Doreheater lllackberrle, Hllil 11 the beit Uunly truit". ctiverilli: UK) tierec. tf.-nd or CaUluiiue". VM. PAUllV.t'iuuainllirou, K. J. Native Kverereen and Declduou. Foret Tit K ICS, bulh In the wild .tate aud uur Miry Kro u. f lintUbwl 1" qualllitlen of all iw!ii at .hoi t liullce. Send lor lii ieedcat aloifuu., and correooud with Vtii. MANN, ltainrur, Maine. A. B.W.TAYLOR & CO.' 3 36th Regular Drawing TAKfiS PLACE MAY HtU, 17. Prtteii, iSO.000. Capital J'rfie. $i.lK'. ti'dd. TiekeK, SI. eo each ; t for J.!W. Uniwin. lukp plac .0,,Uarly. bend for eheuluj. TAYLOR & Co. Uox 1,1111, C'ineiuuuti, 4. TUKU PHVKERO can reaell SO feet and eut limli. 1 ill. lies in illnmcter. KkW illlMMKlttt AND NKW L'l'SETt. can cum aud uu.et a Kun aw lu two iiiinule". 8end fur circular. Mauufaulured by 0. N. PKfcaCOl r.Suiuly lllll. N. Y. Hl'NTINO, TrapiilnR, anS Flahia made ea-y. Beit book: 70 pe: id eusraymir. Only ZU vent., no.toalu. eeuu lor vuiuiueucr- ui uwi.,vw iddreJJ, V, 8. HILLY. Holland. K. Y. IOCAl. APNT8 W1STPP to .ell th. welL J kimwil aud poiiuUr Jeililller. Libel al teriua nunlu Willi IUO.U Uiivlllir ffoou rouiiiryriiuueeiiou., KLKKKA KKTILUKU CO., Uatlerv Plaoa N. Y. A ik A DAY telling PaUmt Jet Linen and Card n 1 I Printer.. Au. uu wanicn. Auuren. r miT E"B MANUFACTL'RINU CO., 14 Kllby atreot, lloatoii, AGENTS Wanted. Ai'cnu make, more money at work for u. than anything eUe. Particular, free, 0. HTiaion & Co., Fine Art Publishers, Portlaud, Me. WTTR(V Ko PfMon enn tftfce thpa Rlttfra accord ing to direnion. and rfm'u long unwell, provided icir bone are nit dvstroyed uy mineral poivtn nr othe meaii'i, ami tiu Vital cr.m v:istci beyond the point rpnir. Ilylep-Iii or ladie4llnii. Hcarliche, Pain the Shouhh'rn, t.'niih 'I'ljzhtne of the Chet. In'- ne"'-, oonr r.iti:iaiiiu tu me nioniacii, .r.ad Taste the Mmlh, llilious Attack, Palpitation of the cart, Intl.-trniiMlioii of the l.HU'.'S V .uu in the tci'ioiw of tin: Kidtifvs and n htiudrcd ottir painful -niptoitis, are the t'fTsirin'4 nf Dypejisia. In these complaints In no equal, and one botile wid prove a Letter guar- ltppr ot its mnt tunn a lenmiy auvermeuient. For Frtunlo C iiiitilaiitf in young or oM, urn of lite, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an airifd or v.imic, at tne n.iwn u womannoou. or the (hience th.it a ni.irkea improvement It wtou peicep- For Iiiflnnminlory nml Chronic Ulien- tlintlilil iid tont, Itiiirtui, Kcmiltent aud Inter- ittfi.t revere, 1 ttr. I'.c of the Jilood, l,ir, Kidnrv d liladiVr. thf .e P.. tier hive y.n equal. Such I)i- ars areran-ud hv V .dated Ktocl, wincii H ReneraM',' ndncfd hv di:r.ni2r-nii:t of the Digestive Oran. TUry re n entlr ltiiki;ntie n well n 1'iiiilr pospxing; the peculiar merit f artiu m powerful nTci-.t m rcievin;; oiiKestioti or Intl.nni- ationottue i.ivcraini h.ic.'mi uiij.in., aim iu icaie. For Skill DSiosr, Knmtion, Tetter, S.ilt lieum, Hifitche. Snt, J'Hiip'es Pustules lioils, Car- irr.ie, Kin-vtMin-. ca.(t-1 ic.ui, ore i'.yc, r.ry- l-sas. km, .niri-. )isci.oratio:is ot I lie rKiu, tiunior id Hist-ac- ot the Skiu, nt whatever name or nature, 2 literailv dit up and c irried orii id" the M'stem iu a lort time v ue of the- Hitter-. Iriitrfn1 Thooniid rn c a.m Vinkg.m Hjt f:hs the niot winuluitui lnvior.-mt that ever sustained ie "-iukit'C vstein. WALK KK. Pr.mV. 11.11. MrDfll M.Tt &, C O.. iJnmni is and ( n. A ji-.. San l-'raucisco and New York. tm S'lfj) i!Y ail TKrr;r,isTs ft vvm u. For Beauty of Polish, Saving Labor, Clean liness, Durability Sl Cheapness, Unequalod. rtlWAltP Of WOKTIII.rSH IMITATIONS. mulPT Oth'T names, hut retMiil'l.tn uur.i iu uhueund color of wrapper lntei. dod to deceive. TIIK RisiXd SIX roi.lsll is IHI.K, far Move dealprs tine, at twelve c-nts per pound twenty-flve and titty pound l''-:.e-). "Cheaper than any other Bulk Polish for LotiitTitr.' Till-; niTVJ SI S M'SIRKR rrni,.-No Sharpening Cho;ip and IiuralOe supercedes other art ides tor purpt(te. 'i ii r. kiwi i i in. ti k i.f. u. (.i mil nm. j uraxies. bearinrs and rrachinerv. Lats x times as lone aaoli iooe. lb. and il. boxes, lo cents per lit. Try iu WORSE EROS., Prop'rs.t Canton, Mass The subscriber were tho orlirlrialorp of the article. namt'd above mid huve intiile thfiniuru oiuirler of ft century hii'I tuey clulin tliul they ure a foua &h uny, u not the best. The cnokhifr or flavorinir extrnets nre pura and healthful uud are thu true llavor. of the article . tli.-y represent. The Infallible Yeaet PowdT are the oldest, tho tronireKt, the beft. and consequently the cheapest. The urur of Lemons is made from the fruit and pure fuiffur and lluvored witll the lemon peel, and N well adapted for the sick, for travellers, voyairers, uiiii others wno cannot readily procure the fresh fi nlt. Since these Koods have been introduced to thu pub lic a host of imitators have sprunir up, and so many worthies or hurtful articles have been sold as " Ex tracts," " Ilakini; Powder," aud " Lemonade Powder," as to brinir discredit upon all. Our old customers will find that our good are as good in quality as when wt nrl uiade theui. PRESTOX MERRILL, 17 State t., lioton. Rare and Beautiful Flcwjrs nd Choice Vcgeta bUs can blwus bo obtained by sow.ny B. K. BLISS & SONS, 23 Park Place aud SO Murray Street, K. V., Importer, tiro were, and Dealers in GARDEN, FIELD, and FLOWER SEEDS. Smnll Fruit, llm-tfriilturnl itniilemeiila, f erillilrrst auti uiiirr riiuiKiir iur lite Fdiui aiitl CtMrUi'U., L.AWJN MOWKUH of the most approved pattern?. The Elsrht- enth Annual Edition of their OHh lnuied Seed CntulfiKue antl Aiiinteurn tiuhle to the Flower mad Ivllrlit-n Uiirdvu u now uiilf ttv (lixii-ihiitum. Hittl will he iiiailt-d to all ftnnll- c:mtH upon reutitof 5centiii,au edition beauti fully bound in cloth, T " cent. This in without exception thu liirpest and best Cuta loicue ever publi.-beil in thiftor any other couutiy. It coiit:iiu ubuut OO paKf ineluditifr mvuiuI hundred timdy eitecuteil fiuriiivinirH of iavorite nowern aud vetfo tables, and a lrautitnl colored Cliro mo of a nroui of twenty f the moiit imii ulur Hower in cult Ival ton, ami the new Eaily Ktfvpti&n Heel. AUo adeecriptive lit of 2,6l)0 itpeeied and vuiietiei of flower uud veirtitiible eeds Including nil tlte novelties ol tuu putiieaon, witu mil aiiectiou tor eulture. We will tend a vacket of choice Flower Sr erf to iter- $oti8 ordering Catalogue and tne lot lug jc., ij they will tote the name of the paper in which they taw thi ad- Xertintmeni, AUdre IS. Ik. UI'ISS St.!S, P. O. Box 5714, New Vork City. MAY PKtNS WIAfiUr mw j K Y. ALBANY, a. Y., BRANCH AT OMKLAL, The P. K. DkurhIck Prtlent Pnurr-"! vt- yA Preira arr Uuown tvervwherv a tht bi;-l,ief.aiid are ntt ihailv all the Ioom luateitul in the coiiiitiy. H iill. iet.t Nia of Hoim, HhihI and Hower HieMfa. for 'jaiuifci Huy. btraW, OoIUju, Broom Voru, Me'iip, Momp, uukt, nani uup. klld lor th P. K. ilaukatc hay aud blraw KriHjr(. alw tor lllu.tmlvd Culoitn of .ilea, n'um every aautlou brieea. aed uiuek other inlonuaiiou umiI'uI to the fcmiot, Piaiitox Paoker aud Hliiuoer. Auurew P K. DKDERICK k CO., Albany, H. T flUiE SPORT 8 OWN JOKE BOOK SENT VUEK. Ad X nre.. (with ntniiip) boi mat. New York. g90 -for tirt -claw Piano-. AddreM U. 8. PIANO CO, March -7l Nadinconnt. Noaveuta, U Uioadwar N. Y r