Keeping a rost-Omco, From the earliest period of recollec tion I've hnd a desire to keep a post- office, or have the F. O. keep mo ; I didn't caro a continental which. For years I have toiled for the " pesish" of P. M., and last week I succeeded. But now I write after my name c.r-P. M. I'll toll you how it camo about. Tho postmaster hero resigned, and, with tho aid of a graveyard recommendation, I succeeded him. It's nobody's busi ness if I did rob the tombstones for names for my petition j and I can't see why tho relatives of the defunct chaps won't Quit throwing it up to a tellow. Well, I wrote Jr. M. alter my name. Mrs. Lipmuck embraced me with tho tenderness of a she-bear when I rushed into the room waving my petition over uiy head ; and my appointment brought s undry other hugs. I was a happy man. Mrs. Li. and 1 sat up till midnight writing mv name with Jr. ju. alter it, O, it looked grandly I I wouldn't have swapped it for Pres., L. L. D., or A. B. The next day 1 entered upon the dis- charge ot my duties. Immediately upon Ms successor (which was me) being qualified, the ex P. M. left, and I was left alone. The mail came, and I distributed it thus wise : My motto has always boon "First Dome first served," and I acted upon it to the best of my knowledge I cave a letter to each caller as long as they lasted, and then I commenced on the papers. Wife said tho thing would act like a charm. Under the old regime somo people never got a letter, while now tho first person in the office, after the dis tribution ot the mail, would get the big gest, lattcst letter that came. The idea was original, and I prided myself on its invention. The Lipmuck brain was over fertile. The morning following " mail day" I left my house for tho post-office the attainment of long-cherished ambition. As I turned a corner I discovered two well-known citizens about to test the virtue in clonched hands, " I never wrote a letter to your wife," vociferated one. " You lie . yelled tho other ; " your letter yesterday was handed to mo. My wile is in Birmingham, and wrote a sweet letter to you. Lipmuck's noble motto of ' First come first served' placed it in my hands." And a moment later at it they went. I hurried on. I had just entered tho P. O. when woman rushed into tho building. " You villain '." she yelled, knocking my hat to tho floor, and burying her vagio taions in my nnir. xou gave my letter to Mag Fastongue, the big gest old slanderer in town. And she's telling everywhere that I've been writ ing to a married man. Well, I now can't boast of as much hair as I could a week ago. Scarcely had my persecutor left when a crowd rushed into tho office. Tho Methodist preacher headed it. I think he sworo as he crossed tho thresh old. " Villain '," ho yelled, " you gave Bird Lyre one of my letters, and he's blowing everywhere that 1 vo got a wife in A ew i ork and another in Maine. " Kill him '. kill him "' yelled those behind him. I saw a dozen fists and clubs me, and I retreatod. " Hang tho scoundrel !" cried tho wo man ; and I feared that the command would be executed. I went through the window, and now 1 m in another town. I'm an cx-P. M. now, and a chap whose motto ain't "First come first served" stands at tho goal of my late ambition. My brief P. M.-ship has not been un productive of results.. That M. E preacher has left his charge, und a Xew i ork woman is hunting him. Twenty six divorces Btaro our next court in tho face, and, through my brief official ca reer, nine men walk on crutches, and tour women have spoiled faces. And I ? Why, my cranium is hair less, and I dare not go back to Skull- town on pain ot death. My ambition is satiated now, and I have discharged that motto, " First come nrst served. it don t wovk in a post-office. I wouldn't bo a P. M. again for all the benzine in tho world. To Shave Scientifically. As men continue to shave and to be shaved (a practice which somo regard as unnatural and undesirable) wo transfer to our columns the following brief essay upon shaving, which is from the pen of 80 celebrated an authority as Mr. Meclu : " Never tail to wash your beard with soap and water, and to rub it dry, im mediately beforo you apply the lather, of which the moro you use, and the thicker it is, the easier you will shave. " Jf ever use warm water, which makes a tender face. In cold weather place your closed razor in your pocket or under your arm to warm it. The moment you I 1 1 1 . I ' J 1 . 1 1 . I leave your bed (or bath) is tho best time to- shave, " Always wipe your razor clean, and strop it before putting it away; and always put your shaving brush uway with the lather on it. " Tho razor (being only a very fine saw) should be moved in a sloping or sawing direction, and held nearly flat to your face, caro being taken to draw the skin as tight as possiblo with tho loft hand, so as to present an even surface, and to throw out the beard. " The practice of pressing on tho edge of a razor in stropping it soon rounds it ; wiu prussuiu buuum uo uirecuu 10 mu I back, which should never be raised troni me strop. 11 you snave irom ncei to ti t. ;i. e : . owup yyjinv to heol ; but if you begin with the point ui shaving, then strop it troin heel to point. "It you only once put away your razor without stropping it, or other- wise poriectiy cleaning tue eugo, you - - . . 1 ii . I easy, the soap and damp so soon rust tho Ti n n t aat n onrl Arlfra I ra'u "b- . ... A piece of soft plate-leather should always be kept with razors, to wipe them With. If it comes to a question ot classical lore or bread and butter, most people I would choose the latter, unworthy as the choice may seem ; but there aftnears f to be a man in Boone County, Ky., whose soul is above providing for the vulgar wants ot himsell and tamiiy. fie spends all his time in the study of (ireek and T .. 1 .11 f A. 1 I X" Liatin, anu otner ancient ei uuiuun, i while his family lives in want, or is sup- plied with necessaries by their neigh- bors. The man, himself, neglects all creature comforts for the sake of study. I x ne gross an unappreciative people of ueuiucicy t runic nnu crazy. I r a , .i . . . I A GRIC ULTUJIAL. Bhax for Stock. Again I say, save or procure a supply of bran nnd mid dlings. In answer to tin inquiry some time since in regard to tho valuo of the manure from a ton of hay, I mndo the statement that experiment had demon strated that tho manuro from bran was more valuable than that from the samn amount of weight of any of our common cereals hay, straw or vegetables. I will make a few remarks on the value of bran as food nnd modicino for stock . I know it is spoken of and recommended by many, but it is not held in that de gree of estimation to which it is entitled, nor used in the place, nor in the manner. its qualities would bo likely to render it of tho most value. If you will go to the trouble of ex- amining a table of its chemical analysis, and compare it with other articles of feed in common use, you will perhaps bo ablo to form somo conclusions when, and in what quantity, it will bo a valu ablo addition to the other feed being used, in order to make up some defici ency, or counterbalance some excess of ingredients in tho other more common articles of feed. It is an invaluable article for feeding young, growing animals, presenting the necessary ingredients for tho growth and strengthening of tho frame. AVhere as, with too rich a feed, a great portion of it would pass off in the excrements, and the system become clogged with ex cess of fatty matter, which could not be assimilated for want of a proportionate amount of bono and muscle-forming sub stance. And with it, you can obviate tho necessity of going to the other ex treme, as a great many do, and leave them on bulky feed which contains very little of cither him or her, and of which the animal is not able to eat and digest sufficient to mako much growth in either fat, blood or bones, and sometimes not oven tho necessary amount to keep its hide on. It is the very thing to bring up u poor animal into a sufficient condition for re ceiving richer feed levered and claggod system, resultm from colds, or an excess in feeding rich, tatty substances. Jt will add tone and digestion to the weakened stomach, and vigor to the dull and stupid frame. In tho hands ot a feeder who will pay sufficient attention to the condition of his animals to detect any irregularities ot their system, and who will uso some judgment, it can bo made to render as effectual service in the cure and preven- tion of disease, us blue-mass and gruel soup in tho hands ot the medical pro- iession. And nice tho gruel soup which, if it or something equivalent to it, was administered at the proper time, it would bo most likely to result m euro or prevention, without the necessity of resorting to tho uso of tho blue-mass so bran can bo made to cheek or prevent disease, and thus obviate tho necessity of using powders, drenchings, etc., and thus divert the danger and debilitating effects attending their use. r or those who cook their coarso feed. or who give a liberal allowance of roots, its uso would not be so much required. But I write this for tho masses of the people, who neither cook their teed, nor yet feed roots, and with whom its use is most neglected, who yearly ship their shipstuff, or feed it injudiciously to get it out of tho road; leaving the young animals to become stinted on coarse feed, their milking ones to burn dry with caruon, their lattennig ones to becomo diseased, and their sickly ones to die, all tor want ot a proper proportion in the digestible ingredients ot their teed. (.or Jin ml -Act i urker. Potash rou Potatoks. In a recent address, Dr. Xiehols, of tho Joiirmd of L heimatry, alluded to the "deterioration in our potato crop during tho past 20 years, and made tho following explana tion regarding tho causes of the falling on : I have a field of potatoes upon mv farm which I expect will yield 300 bush els to the acre, which may bo regarded as an old-lashioned crop. 1 know that this crop will remove from tho soil in tubers und tops at least 400 pounds of potash. I am also certain it will re move 100 pounds of phosphoric acid. Now those amounts ara very large, and serve to show that the potato plant is a great consumer of tho two substances ; and also, it shows that in order to re store our potato fields to their former productive condition, wo must supply phosphatic compounds and substances holding potash in large quantities. For six or eight generations in Xew Eng land, our fathers have been exhausting the soil, by removing these agents in their potato and other crops, and wo have reached a time when the vegeta bles are starving in our fields for want of their proper food. Our farmers have found that new land gives the best crops, and this is due to tho fact that such nelds afford tho most potash. But long as wo crop our pastures so unrea- . . sonably, we cannot resort to new land, as land is not new, that has had its potash and phosphatic elements removed by grazing animals. Bonieniber that a potato field which gives but 100 bushels to tho aero requires at least 100 pounds of potash, but by allowing the tops to decay upon the field, 00 pounds of this is restored to the soil again, as that amount is contained in them. A medium crop of potatoes requires twice as much phos phoric acid as a medium crop of wheat, so that in two years with whoat, tho land is deprived of no more of tho agent than it loses ono year with pota- tOCS. Watvii iv tup Ilnrsi- Tt . b0 deterred Irom bringing water into his house by any foars of failure and per- plexity. You might just as well stop tUe circulation of blood in the bodv bo- .,, it j. ir Aran.a,.t ... refllSe the circulation of water in tho hnnan Wmim t,r.w i... .. - J-1 tin ... at ruined, Qood workmen will prevent i . . any sucn accident, but it tliev eannor. mva nr. vour fws. Ar nnt Vour life hlvwl. Wlw.n T houses, thn rinirW tlm Vit l only source of suppIv is the well in the yard, or the hogstwu-1 at the back door. and think how lifn would bn Winrtlinnarl and sweetened if all this heavy, and hard and slow water-bringing could bo supplanted by the turu of a screw. I wonder that we do not manage to intro- duce it, somehow, into our marriage contracts. V hat an increase ot vital U . J . , . luioe woum ensuo , wnat a diminished demand for divorce ; what a strengthen ing and up-building of the family bond, if a girl should refuse to marry until there was an inexhaustible supply of water, at least in the kitchen. A house without water-worics ought to be con ... , . . .... siderod as inoompleto ns ahouso without doors, and ns incomplete in the country as in the city. Unit Hamilton. Chicago Since the Fire. Tho effect of tho flro upon the popula tion has been much less than was ex poeted, and much less than it would probably have been upon the population ot any other city. In June, 1871, our population was 2!)S,977, according to' tho national census. In October, over 100, 000 were driven from their homes, and many thousand of these were deprived of their ordinary means of eniploj'ment. Nevertheless, Uso exodus which contin ued for a few weeks has been compen sated by tho return of fugitives and by tho new migration hither, and tho close of the year saw Chicago with a popula tion hardly reduced from what it was when the fire took place. The greatest loss was in our manufac tures ; tho want of machinery postponed the resumption of this branch of busi ness longer than others, but at this time nearly all branches of manufacture in ope ration here beforo the fire have been re sumod.mostof them on a scale of increased magnitude, while others formerly un known have begun, and find themselves engaged in a prosperous and growing business. The extent of the grain trade for 1871 shows how littlo the means of carrying on this business was impaired by the fire. Though six elevators, containing a million and a half bushels of erain, and having a storage capacity of two millions and a half of bushels, were destroyed, tho receipts of grain and their successful storage have been unprece dented. Never in the history of Chica go was there such an aggregate of grain m store as at the present time. The re ceipts of grain, including flour, for tho year 1871, ivauhed tho aggregato of 8.'!,- 51H,'.2()2 bushels, tho highest figures of any previous year being in 1H08, when they reached 0il,(i80,2:(H bushels. The increase in live stock over previous years has also been groat. The number of hogs packed during tho season is 1,1 l.'J,iG.'J, against 8.30,000 to same date of last year. Our receipts and shipments of lard, meats, seeds, wool, salt, and lumber, and of nearly all other articles, were also largely in excess of last year. The foreign trade of the city has largely increased. Tho establishment of a di rect line of propellers hence to Montreal, to connect with European steamers, was eminently successful in 1871, and this lino of business promises great expansion in 1872. Chini'in Tribune. Insignificance of the Earth. M. Bcclus, a celebrated astronomical writer, says this earth is tho lowest in rank among heavenly bodies. Were an astronomer on some other planet explor ing the immensity of space, this planet wo inhabit, owing to its small size, might readily elude his intelligent view. The sun is 1,200,000 times larger; and yet that enormous mass is only a speck a mere point, which seems lost amid eighteen millions of stars which are dis coverable by instruments m the Milky Way. What an incomprehensible org.ui the human brain, to have ascertained such astounding facts, and demonstrated tho laws which govern universal nature ! Paiu and lis Panacea. While rmiu Is n condition cf humanity, every eflbrt to umclluintu Us intensity, or remove llio pieillsposing cnnse, merits Our warmest gratitude, our c.iri-l'ul fout-Ulenitioii, nnd its success our frank acknowledgment. Tliere is a peculiarity about tbe seusi.tion called pain which l of infinite service. It is a premoni tion of impending 111, a declaration 1' war nirainst llie well being ot die body which ean tiut be removed while the caiiso" exists. Kc tnove tbe cause and tho effect will cease, en deavor to cover up the effect, nnd the cause will be Intensified, the auuuish tciunornrllv con cealed break forth again with redoubled ar dor. Many remedies inerelv do this, aud alter repeated trials, fail to satisfy lliu coudilii iis upon which only can ihey be useful to human ity. Such medicines have a brief popularity, nnd are lelired as unwoithy of public approval. There are others which time tries but to en hance their value, to endorse and spread abroad their usefulness, and common human ity, the public, Is a perpetual gainer bv their extended popularity and expanded sales. Of mcse, peruap, mere are no such two notable instances as the Uavis l'am-Killer and Allen's Lung lialsam. The l'uin-Killer may be stvled the ruatheuiatic of mediciue, for it never makes a mistake, its mollifying influence per vades the system, aud only one tiial Is requi site to make it a treasure forever. It does uot merely cover up, it cures. All the civilized nations of the earth admit its valuo, accept us tame, ana uenem oy us use. it is no llat tcry to compare it to the sovereign balm spoken of In the Holy Writ, for paiti tiles from Its presence, as night Is dissipated by the ris-ing sun. Externally, iuternally, and eternally it proves its value wherever tiied. The tame holds K'od of Allen's I.ung Balsa u, which, for all complaints of the air-nassairea ot the lungs, has proved itself what it prolcsscs to be a positive specific. The western world owes a aelit of gratitude It cau never repay to T. H. C. Allen, w hose iustrumeutulily was the main spring of the introduction of these medicines. lor years he was the painstaking pioneer of the Pain-Killer nud other remedies westward. uud the old man and matron, the sturdy pion eer und his courageous helpmeet, now enjoy ing a prosperous old nge, will testify to the uid und comfort they received, years and years ago, from these mediciues, when drug stores were few, and doctors firupart. L'nder l'rovuience Ihey will attiibute their green old age, lusty uud kindly, to their ucqualulauce with these mixtures, through the admirable adecrtisina enterprise of T. II C. Allen. Darcnport Democrat. A. B. Ihos. it. ( . Allen is the resident partner of firm of J. N. Hau ls & Co , at Cin ciuuati, und first eahlished the house in 1S4S to iu l rod uce the 1'ain Killer. CiTRAILROAD BONDS. Whether you wish to buy or sell, write to Charles W. Hassler, No. 7 Wull St., New York. New York Wholesale Markets. BL'TTLR-Slate. tinettiklun $ 31 t 34 Western 18 (u! l CHEESE Slate luclory li.f On - Ohio do H u li Farm dairy 14 lti.V COTTON-Ordinary I9'4 dc to how to kooiI miildliiie... H.'i I'l EGGS X. Y., N. J., 4t Peun a iii On 3H Limed 6u FLOrR-SupeiIiue.... 6 70 6 tli Extra to faucy Slate 6 mi jt 7 io Ohio round hoop 7 on (i 7 10 Extra amber IB (u! 7 76 Spring wheat 7 30 (ul 7 75 Extra Ueuekee 7 76 Ot 9 40 St. LouiH double extra.... 1)10 Ol' 1100 COIIX Mmi Wemeril & Jersey.. 3 SO Oil 3 00 Rrundywine 4 10 0J 4 16 BcmwHBiT futvB V 100 On 3 10 ( 9 36 GRAIN Cobs Wenlurn 71 (a 71.1s Southern 70 ( 7. Baklet Weftern 76 o Canada 1 00 (u 1 10 Oits 64 (jc 'jj'i Rv HI ft Oli WutiT Western No. I Spring.... 1 5ti ("J 168' 1)0. No. t do. ... 1 61 ft 166 Vo. Amber I 7U (, 1 71 Do. White 1 76 0-' 1 86 White Genetee I 75 On I 81 PROVISIONS Pork New mean... 13 i5 ftc 14 00 Wn prime.. 11 00 cm 11 60 Bissr-Plaln .. 8 oo (,o law Extra mesa 10 00 01 I! 00 Beef hams it 00 ('(. xii 00 BiOOH 7'i ftu Hi Uhees IUU8 'i ( V I.AHU m 0 O'l BEEl)-Olover 00 II Timothy S 6i Oe S 75 Flaxseed Oil ' WOOL N. V., Pa., 0.. aud Mich.... 81!,' On 87 Vt. aud Iowa li ( 80 Texu aud California li bv 50 BEEVES Best li ft? I2',' Good II HS Common to fair 10 Ov 1UV SHEEP & LAMBS Sheep 7 (ul IfttlllWn l lit It tt UK 8WIKE-Llv i G 4t grossed ,....,..,,.., IS Qs t Dlsappearnnee of a P en. Bovy St. Vincent states that tho fimo is coming when tho Mciitorranoan will bn nothing more than a chain ot lakes, and then a mighty river. Tho (Sea of Azof is already being converted into a stream its shores constantly approach ing nearer together. Tracts of water which extend from the mouth of tho Don to tho Straits of tho Dardanelles may now bo compared to liake superior, 'Huron and Michigan, When tho great Island of Atlantis wont down, at I'lato relates, covered with cities, is inusthavo changed the sea boundaries exceedingly. Kivers ore for ever in the process of changing their channels and shallowing by the debris they spread along their bottoms. Editorial notices are so common that it is almost impossible for an editor to express his honest opinion of the merits of any article, without being suspected of interested motivq. This tact, how ever, shall not deter us from saying what wo think ot a new addition to the Mate- T J . ... . . . . riu lueuica to which our attention has been recently directed. We refer to Dr. J. alkeu's Camvorxia Vixeoar Bit TEus, a remedy which is making its way into more families just now, than all the other advertised medicines put together. its popularity, as tar as wo can judge, is not based on empty pretension. There seems to bo no question about the poten cy ot its tonic and alterative properties. while it possesses tho great negative re commendation ot containing neither al . 1 1 . , . m. . . cuuoi nor mineral poison. xnat it is a speciflo tor indigestion, biliousness, con stipation, and many complaints of ner vous origin, wo have reason to know ; and we are assured on good authoritv that as a general invigorant, regulating and purifying medicine, it has no equal. It is stated that its ingredients, (obtained from the wilds of California,) are new to the medical world ; and its extraordina ry effects certainly warrant the "conclu sion that it irf a compound of agents hitherto unknown. If popularity is anv criterion, there can bo no doubt of the efficiency of the Vixeoar Bitters, for the sate ot tho article Is immense ud continually increasing. Jnhnmii'g Anoihne Liniment is without doubt the safe' t, surest, and best remedy tnat lias ever been invented lor internal and external uso. It is applicable to a groat variety of complaints, and iseoual- ly Denehoial tor man or beast. vt o navo seen it stated m various pa pers throughout tho counti y, that agents tor the sale ot Nierulnn i Varalni Condi tion Powder were authorized to refund the money to any person who should use them anil not bo satisfied with tho re sult. We doubted this at first, but the proprietors authorize us to say that it is true, A I'NivKtisAi, Article of Faith. In thee days of religious contention it lias been thought impossible to indicate on nrilclo of faith upon which all sects and classes were united. There is one, however, and a very notable oue too, viz. : a beliet which Is Im plicit nnd universal In the paramount cflicaey of that matchless llorsKiioi.n Tosic and Ke i iri'EftANT, Plantation Hitters. The con stantly increasing palronagu which It receives has, it Is tine, excited the petty envy ol cer tain splenetic advertisers of pinchbeck pane ceas, who hope to make n market for their own Magnanf, watery wares, by decrying nil spirtnous medicinal preparations. Hut, the public can stomach neither their arguments nor their potations, and consequently rejeet these very weak Imitations of Ihe enemy as entire y loo thin I I Life Worth Fifty Court 1 II it is, and a hard cough is convulsing vour lungs, send out instantly for a brittle ol Hale's Honey of llorehaund and Tar, which will im mediately relieve you uud avert all dauger. Oil I aii! Ol O! O! Is it the jumping toolbaclm von have 1 Yes. Then Pike s Toothache Drops will cure it iu sixty teconds. Kor coughs, bronchitis, and consumption, in its earlv stages, nothing epulis Dr. Pierce's (ieldeti Medical Diseoveiv. .'";. Tested isy Time. I'or Throat Diseases, Colds, and Coughs, "Brown's Ihonchial Troches" have proved their ifllcacy by a test of man v years. CrxiiuiiAxoo Price Reduced. Be ing ussurcd of on ample supply of tho Cundurango bark hereafter, Messrs. Bliss, Keeno & Co. have greatly reduced tho price of their Fluid Extract. See ad vertisement. The " Domestic " is tho least liable of any machine to break needles. CitAPrED Hands, face, rough skin, pimple, ring-worm, salt-rheum, and other cutaneous affections cured, and the skin make soft and smooth by using the Juniper Tah Soap, made by Caswell Hazard & Co., New York. It is more convenient and easily applied than other remedies, aveiding the trouble of tho greasy compounds now in use. To tub We know of no remady equal to Jackson's Catarrh Sscff aud TiioonK 1'owpBlt, fur Catarrh, Asthma, Loss of Voice, Ac. Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to use, and a mireuire. Ai-k your drugicfet for it. or mail tJ5 cents to t ooPBit, Wilson & Co., Philadelfibiu. Dyspepaia, t'oallveucas aud Liver Com plaint Cured Without Medicine. I will lorward to any ttddress, on receipt of FIFTY cents, a priiite'l trescii tion that will cure any case of Dyspepsia, Costivene, or J.iver CumpUint, lion ever obstinate. The remedy is veiy cheap and pleasant. The arti cles are kept in must faun bouses, and Hie ea sily obtained anywhere Address Dr. h. N. Thomas, Phelps, N. Y From Maine to Ciilitornhi millions ol' chil dren are wcuiiiiy; SILVER TIPPED SHOES. Why uot, they uiuthneheiiptstaiid never wear through ut the toe. Try them. For Biile ly all 8hoe fJeik-rs. Durability nnd Plhitillity are both combined In tbe CAULK SCKKW WIRE Boots aud Shoes; oue trial will convince vou will not rip or leak. All bear the Patent Siauip, (jgrTbe Startling, Romantic Disclosures ol tbe Masteries of Crime In the Authentic Book, entitled " Mcmohs of the V. S. Secret Ser vice," is a thrilling Record, indeed 1 Seo Adv't. Vboetink li. composed of the best vegetable lnirre dienU thu dixpelifary of Nature furni'h8. Theii juicfli. are extracted iu a way which preserved their un diminished medical properties, making it one of the greatest cleanser of the blood that. can be put together Irlah Linens. When an article enjoy a reputa tion of such di&tinmiithed merit, as to command the universal commendation of the seller aud consumer, there must be something that it possesses whicb com pels such general admiration. Of such a fabrio Is the hut Baisu or Links, anu Lines IUkuiekcuiifb, which Is growing more into public favor of late years than any goods of the kind imported. They are re garded as the most reliable aud ecouoiuical Llueus now used. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been pennauently cured of that dread disease, Con&umpUon, by a simple remed Is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will seud a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing aud using the saute, which they will find a biag C'caa roa Cuksi'mptioi., Asth ma. Bboxcuitis, ii.o. Parties wishing tue prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSOV, ?46 South Third SI., Williamsburgh, N. Y. Verily it Hath no Equal CC?3Ur..PTIVES READ WonM you rnrr Mint (IItrr.n(f Condi nnd Mwr wick that henlt.iyv.jrn. till Intrly planted in your v.ii-vK r ji you woiiiu, an noi aoiay, inr ert you ri awaro It will in. too lntn. Allen h Lunir Balaam n your hope ; it hft ben Mod hy ihnnniil tmrh un yon, who linvp been rnrrrt. mnny In their rrrtttttuflr hnv lint their namrn to iHthnt fiit- IVHniT hmnnnitf naft ponrl ntiHutiPn nnrl Itt.llnvn. Don't experiment with new nnrl untiled mixture, yon .muhh nuorn u. om irj ai onee inmnrniuanie nrucie. It ran be found in anv Drue Store nnd ut mont ffeiiernl ftore. It I warranted to break up the nio-t tmuhlo pome Conch In n few honr, It not of toolouirotnndlnff. it in wnrrnnH'd tofrivn entire t-.atifuct1ou in till cwt-n of idling unci iiiioat (UlilcuH if "It Saved My Life." Words of a Unliable Driiffgln.. Marinr Citv, Mich.. July 28th, 170. J. N. IiARRlfl At t'n. npav Sr Tim Alli n'a BaUnm has arrived. I would not like to be without it lor It liao flHVprl mv Hf. I took a hurl mlii nnd n ontr and finally consumption was peatetl upon me. I wan in a verv bad Mate. I tried everv.hiniT that wu reroin- mended.nnd ppent a great deal of money, and jrot no u;ip. naa Alien ? junjr iiainm mr miip. om i Knew nothintz of Its merits. I did not like to take It without knowing more about It. I hud not sold a bottle. WIim. your a cent called upon me, I told him I could not fell a iiHMueiue i Knew noTinuff auout. uvjreu me to try it myeelf. I did ?o, and to my (grateful eurpilD tho uni ooiue stopped my cougu. ana Dviore iiietniru oor tle wan taken, mv hum were henled and well, and I can now c peak knewinply to mv friend? and customers I remain yours, respectfully, L. C. COTTRELL. MTIt Is harm less to the most delicate child. IKiTlt contains no opium in any form. CAUTION. Call for Allen's Lunir Baleam." and shun tho uma of any omer iiuisain ; unpnncipiul nun may uecuive you H1LU Wt) I lllt'HH II M' Hit 111 II III . 4. . llAKKIa St CO.. 1'ropr'e, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sold by Medicine Dealers Generally. l'EltliY DAVIS SOX, VroxUWnvv, tt I. ticiioral Audits Tor Xew Enarlaml States. imi ham; iiv JOHN F. HKNRTt New York, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., Phllu. GEO. C.GOODWIN & CO., Qoatou. Cheap Farms! Free Homes! OX TUB LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAND GRANT OF ia,ooo,ooo Acres or ins Best Farming and Mineral Lands in America. 3,000,000 ACimTlX XEHR.YSKA, ik Tim GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, TUB .Vllli2IS ol tlu WEST, NOW FOR SALE. Theno lands are In the eentml nortlon of tlm tnttd State, on the AU deeree of North Latitude, th cen tral line of the frreat Temperate Zone of the A in eric tin Continent, and for frruin prow in and stock mlbinfr unurpat!pd by any in the t'nited Statoft. CIIEAPKH IN PRICK. mor f:ivorhl fopm- rivrii. and more convenient to market than cau le found eltewhere. Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. THE BK3T LOCATIONS FOR COLO XI E,3. fiititloil to a llonicsloaa of 160 Acres. Free Passes to PiircHnscra of Land. 8end for tho new dnperiptive pamnlilet, with new map-, published in Kiifrlih, livnnnn, Swcdi.-h hiiU uuni!-n, tnaued tree everywhere. Address Laud Commi--loner, U. P. K. R. Co.. OH AH A, NEIL The PEAKE BRAND nf Irish Linen und Linen liatidkerchiefs now com mand universal approba tion. The distinctive fiunlltfeii which hnvo pained tor thee pood Kuch preut l'uvor and iinprecedcnted demand, are, I. Tliey are all pure I. liieu, eveu to the lowtst If r a tie. II. They are made of tlie lieut iiintfiinl. Ill Their line texture and uniform qunlity. IV. Their great ttlrenfcth and duruhillty, nniitt inanv viK'iii i-lljiunui iu nil uiucii ThnAO ifooJr nro enhl hv mi4tt ctf tlm Tirv flood e Mff chants, iu all the cities and towns fliiouhout th Uni te a iMarp?, a-r PtirehnaprB will Know them ns s niniintnin Peak, precisely like the above, 1 ittanipud on each dozen and piT. 447 it- 40 Broadway, New York, &olt Importer! oj this brand fur tie In tied States. flMIE ORGANIC LAWOP THE 8EXKS- -L The conditions which imnnir viriiitv und negative electricity proof that life U evolved without union eneci ei tooacco mnueuce oi tun aim pno nhoric diet modorn trpatnient of nelvin di-;eii!i. stricture and varicocele, ami arrcet ot development, abridged from "pisen-efl of tho Sexual System,' nnd ien iPciurei to nis private unrirtcui ciusi, ov zu aud H. DIXON. M. 1).. editor of The Scalvrt. ft a. 4tf Filth Avenue, New York. Ci paires octavo, iti cent. "UIh written iu the nnul didactic ntyle of the au thor, and with great delicacy and care," Ev'ng Pont. Tbere l not a puire that does not bear an impress ive warning. Every line from the pen of the author is of great value to the whole human race. Every pa rent tdiould read it." Horace Ureelry. Dr. Dixon Is a surgeon in the highest sense of the term." London Lancet. (xxi)unx;o. Supply of bark aured ; price reduced. IIIIhm, iveene a. io.'i a iuhi Scrofula, Ulcers, Rheuma- C?. The best known Wood j)1 purifier. Sold by all drug- gi-ti. Price $3 per bottle. Omcu, No. CO Cedar St., New York. " (ireat Dircovpbt. Raising and fatting Goon Pokk without Ukain or Potatoes at the finall cot of only Onb Cent a Potnu. Thiols on theSotJARB. NO HUMBCO. Send " 111 cents for circulars, pay pottuget c. Address Prof. KIDDEtt, Burlington, Vt. TREE PRUXERS can reach SO feet and cut limbs 8 inches in dinmeter. SAW (jLMMtHM AAU KKW LPSKTS can gum and up.-et a gang naw in two in in u tew. Pond for circular. Manufactured by li. N. PKESCOI T, Sandy llitl.N.Y. HEKSTIXE ItiSPBEKRIES, mperial Asparagus Roots, 8eth Boyden Strawberrlefi, Dorchester BlackberrieR, and all the best hardy fruit?, rover ing 10b acres. Send for Catalogues. WM. PARRY, Ciuuuminoon, N. J. HAVE IT SEEN Orn offer to send 3 epeei J men copies of the A inerl (tin r-iif'R . 1'ikti I. bam pie parkages of Mammoth Corn. White Norway Oats, uud AUike Clover Fkeb. to all who eud itamp to pay post a ire. Addre N. P. BOVEU 6l CO., Parkukburg, Chester Co., Pa. PLANTS. " 'rare!' " By Mail and Express. New Catalogue Free Addroo, ELLWANGKll BARRY, Estau'd 1840. Mt. Hope Xurscrit, Rochester, N. Y, Native Evergreen and Deciduous Forest TREES, both in the wild ftute und nur e,iy iftown, fund -lied in quuutitlt-s of all idzes, ut tthort notice. Sen fur priced cat alogues, and correspond with WM. MANN, Bangor, Maine. To Printers. A Dart interest in one of tho hiit cntititrv nowinniiHr eMtuolifhuiettts iu Southern New York, U ottereil tor sale, tue owner having auotner cusiuess wlneb needs all his attention. Thu other partner will retain his in tere.t. Material all nearly new, unit equipment com plete. UiMnetis pool anil mpiilly iuerea.-iua;. f'ortiiir UcuUirsaldiesi'ltAKKLIX, liox 31Hi. Midaietowu.N.Y (Will Fear Trees ! Sprlns: '7 I 850 .UlMl.lMMI Aeresl 9 Rataloimus I 511.(1(1(1 Mail Parkny es I Grapes! H-es ! Oreen House Plants ! Low belore Anril I. (i R A V K.-l. HKI.OV Kit. W I I.I. A H 1) il CO., Ueneva, N. Y. INITIAL STATIONERY. 1 sheets of Paper, and H4 Kuvelones. stauiued anv letter dertired unit sent by mail to any address tor 5 cents per box. ltote tint perfumed lor 35 ceuu per box. Sample fYst. i. r.. n 1UB.1AB, Btout;utou, Mass. N order to Introduce It, "THK NEW YORK JUR HOIt " (tbe new storv nanerl will be sent ona veur forKU'TY CENTS. Address THE M1RHOK, 17 East Tweuty-niutu street. New York. t A DAY selling- Patent Jet Linen and Card O 1 ' Printers. AireiiU wanted. Address PHI XT EB MANUVACTUKINU CO.. 14 Kilby street, Boston L ILDING FELT uo tar) for outride work and In- 3 side instead uf Vlr ('Mrnetinirri. Mntj.. &c. C.J. FAY. Camden. N.J. o UR HOYS. American Boys' Journal, 48 col's, 50 eta. a year, specimen lor sump, uua buvb, ciucaKO. Opium Eating Cured. Send stamp for book and par ticulars to Dr.. Squire & Bowser, Worlhingluu, lud. 85 )f ii'l mv. u j nm sent as a cunoMiy lor au . ccuts. J. 11. SECOHU i CO.. UarretUville. O. TOR HA I.I''. Dim lUVPinm RI'HMKUrSKll X PLMP. which is regarded as one of the be-t force pumps In the world, and is non-freezing. was saved this vear bv the, mm,,, l.yn.11. HAKUIri. 7ta Broadway, N, Y, TMF "LIGHT RUNNING" "DOMESTIC"! "BEST" TO VX." "EASIEST TO SELL." 8. M, Ajontsi It don't pay you to fight tho boat machlno. Pkito onr claims, Goti the agoncyand 'lit. Addrosi BaaESIIC' S.M.C0., 96ChBnbe St., N, Y. llfivhiff herli tlii fir;t to ititrnfliifA to flip nnhHr tlm Tluhbard S-nmli, American Turban Sqiia h, Marhle hca'l Mnmnioth Cabbatrp, .Mexican Hweet Corn, Fhiti ney'fl Water Melon, Ilrnwn'H New Dwarf Marrowfat rca, ilo'ton Uurltd but turn, an 1 other New and Valuable Vegetables. with tho return of another cordon I am a train prepared to PUnniv the imhlir with Wirntiihlp nnrl t'Inwur Nirli of tho purest o unlit y. My Annual t'atalojruo if now miiuy, iuiu win oe wiujrce 10 un. it nas not oniy ail novelties, but the Ftandard veirctablefi of the farm and parti en (over one hundred width are of my own btow inp,) and a can fully selected list of Flower Heed, (hi the cover of my Catalogue will bo found copies ot let ters received from farmer and (rardenrn voiding In over thirty different titatea and Territories who hav nsed my need from one to ten yare. 1 warrant t. That all moneu sent shall reach tue. 8cl. That all seed ordered shall reach the purchaser, ad. That wy seed shall be fresh and true to name. Catalogues free. JAMES J. H GREGORY Marb.eliead. Mass FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL, For SPRING of 1873. He Incite the attention (jTlHiilein end Dealer to our targe ana complete stock oj Stfllldnrfl Ac Dn-.rf T-n -ti I Trpp.. Cirn.te Vines. Nmnll Kruits. Oi'linmeiun I Trees, Kin iiIih. Rosea. svhi-v r run ui.r. vi-iinineniai 1 reee. li. veigi-cens and New Plu.ils. Prompt nttcntlon (riven to all Inquiries. Descriptive and Illustrated priced Catalogues sent pre- No. 1 Fruit?. 1 Oe. n. 2-nmnmnnl.l T,.g t NTo. 3 (ireen-liouse, 10c. No. 1 Wholesale, Free. Ad'lresn Litao i m. ELHVAKCEJI & HARRY. MomiUlope Snrserles, HOL'llKf TKK, N. Y. Tho only Carmine Mineral Fert;:- izer in New Ens and. Graflo.n Mineral Fertilizer & D.-stroytr of ln;ccts THE OKAFPOX FfcHTlMZKlt IS DEATH to Canker Worm, Grubs, Hose Bin?, Potato Bup, If op IilM'Ctf.and all other Phtnt-D.wt wivlmr l,w,.ot. it nm. tectn the plants from Ineet mUchu-1, and lurjrely pro motes the prowth of all vejrt-tation. Warranted as represented. DAVIS, TIIAVKH Ar CO., PropHetnrs Tdttleton. N. H. WAKDE.HL'MPUKKY & DODtlK, Concord, N. 11., General Airents to whom all ordi-rn shuuld to ail drotsfd. Si-nd for Descriptive Cireulaiv. Wanted This Spring I 10,000 FARMERS To improve the luml of the Iown Ruilroad Land Com paliy, now for sale for eali or on totiir lime at prehent value, with six percent. Intemst on deferreil liavmi nts. Tllee lailils cotnnii-ie tiilll- fliivenimcnt .mill. on the lines ot'tlie Sioux City unit I'acillc anil the Iowa diviMone of the ('l'.i"ii'oiiicl Northwestern anil Ill.Cin- inn itaunrays, lire not iuorIKaui-1, tint culleil, and are locuti (1 III llie Jliildle lloiuu of IVi'stwu Iowa, Noted for itfl JlllhtInns oIlnintA. lnnvtifiti.tthln cJ1 n tinely watered yet peil'eetly drained district, (tree Irom fever and write), and in the best part ol" Wie best agri cultural State in the Union. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE A HOME In the beautiful and luxuriant vnllev of cither tho and Si per acre. l,7W,uuo acre are for disposal in 40 or 60 acre farms; or in compact tract of 3,ot) acres or more an desh vd by Local agents at htatioith have nrlce of evorv tract and are provided with teams to tdiow lands free 10 purchas ers. Exploring tickets are sold In Chicago (Welh-st. Depot) or at this ottice receivable tor laud purchased. Stnd for a puide it pives decriptioi, prices, terms, locations, and how to reach the lands. County maps uf unsold land turnl-hrd tree. Address JOH U. CALHOUN, Land Commissioner, Cetlnr Rnpldr.. Iowa. GIVEN AWAYV Chromos worth twice nnd thre tlmnn thn knhcrln- tion price arc evu away for one and three &ubci ibers to the MANUFACTURER and BUILDER. 1'ublUhcdhy tho Knur's' and Mtin'frs' Puh. Co., 37 Park Uow, X. V. P. O. Box 41179. Send for sample copy and premium lit. ASTHMA. nZJr baft is warranted to relievo tlto worst cases in ten f Q minutes. For sale by Drutrcits. Tilul Pack age sent FKKE on receipt of a three-cent stamp. T. POPIIAM &. CO., IM.iliidt liihlu, Pa. ABOW FORTH EE ASTAMDSOUTH I la Employment for one or two flcrntn In every where we are now fully repreKetitud, ta iiinvas for what those that see. will Imvc. Tbov uii mv they cannot keep houso without it. Agents make Hidiiey. r ur iituien, un wcu an tieimcmeu, lUC Work 14 recaoie anu resieciaoit. j(tiress . E. I1 U ATT titf bouth Canal bt., Chlcaco, IXU TRUSS! THE HOWE PATENT Elastic Itelt Trnaa ifor rup ture) is durable, cheap and safe ; is Ai easily worn as a carter: has cured patient in from 5 to stf weeks. For particulars seuu lor circular. Auuresa iil.hi nunc, itox 7jb, Council iilutls, Iowa. SKIN DISEASES: Tetter, Itch, hives, spots, pimples, etc. : book with 30 'ecipes for self-cure, with full directions, mailed for 50 Ob. JOHN U. SCOTT, 165 North Ninth St., Pllila., Pa. I OCA I. AGENTS WANTED to sell a well J known mid lnumlar Fertilizer. Liberal terms tua-le Hilh thoe lluviiii sood countrv connections. tlHbkA n ilTU.l.KK L'U., a llattery Place, N. Y. Hl'M'lMf, TrnppliiK, and FUlilun; made euv. lit si llook: 76 Pilifes: 50 cui;raviiiL;. (Inlv 0 cents, postpaid. cnd tor Catalogues of llooks, etc. Auuress, u. c. HtLCX, uollulid, K. V. AC1KNTS Wanted. Apents make moro money at Work for IW limn auvi hlnir P:irlici,hr. t'tY.... U. Stisson Si Co., Fine Art PiMsirrs, Port laud, 11 ,;. Thrilling, Astounding Disclosures BT PKRMIHaiOX. FROM THK ltaPARTUKNT HernHIIH.l 18 Portluits of V.t. Detectivt-s ami their eantnie. : A IVoi.flerfl.l llnnk ! 4.',u iinir. nrire Ad dress LA 11 AN HEATH, ill Hanover strict, Boston. 70B ONE DOLL AH we will mail you a box of LOUIXG'S FKEXCII SO'fE PAPER stamped with any Initial or Pet name. Four fines and sixteen patterns In each box It meets the dally want of any lady. uoaruinit tscuool tn-ls aro adopting- It. It's the prettiest present to a young lady. Try oue box for yourself. Address 1-Olt ljNs, lulllNli.r, P.O. Bos 5011, lloatou, Mail, 8elid for descriotive ejix-ulars. VilluKe iluilder.revised edition, 1S7. pi-ii-e $10. Bupplenieut to Village lluilder, $5. illuite Builder and Supplement, bound iu one laree volume, $12. Catalogue of Drawiuc In-truiiieuts, Paper, Tracins; Cloth, ale, mailed nil receipt of two tluee-ceut stamps. A. J. 111CKNKLL i CO., Yl arren rneer, aw j on: CET THE BEST. DR. GROSVENOll'M Improved Porous Plasters are recommended by tbe HEST PHYSICIAN'S as sure and safe remedy for Rll Kl'MATISM. NEl'HAL OIA, DISEASES of the L1VKR aud KIDNEY!. PAIN in the UKKAMT, LUNUS or HI OK. fl'IATlOA, WEAK HACK and PKMALE WEAKNESSES, Take none but DH. OROSVENOK'S to iu.ure tile best result, Genei-dl Ileiu.t. tin, l.n Hl ew York. Suld be all Di'uiarisis, PKIt'E ii cents. rw BF& fc5S Fras 11 K&&5 Pernon can tftke theno Dittrrin ins to directions, and remain Ion a- nwfil. nr their bone are not destroyed by mineral poison or c means, anu me vnai organs wasteu utyond the point of rep-r. l)ypepln or Incllffefttlon. Headaclie, Pain in tlie Slionlder, Con;eli, TightneM of the Chet, l)ir linew, Sour Kructations of the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Ililiou Attacks, Palpitation nf the Heart, Inflammation of the Luntrs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other paiufid symptoms, are the offsprings nf Dyspepsia. In these complaint it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. f or feinnie i ompiaiittii, in young or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tion?. For I ii fl n in inn tor y and Chronic Rbeu nifUtNiii aud (lout. Bilious. Remittent and Inter mittent Kevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Hitters have no equal. t Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is penerally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. i iiry nre n ucnue I'lirgauve as wen m ToiilOt possessing also the peculiar merit of act in? , as a powerful agent ih reiievint; Congestion or Inflam mation nf the Liver and Visceral Organs, aud in Bilious Diseases. For Skill Dlensp. Emotion. Tetter. Rait Rheum. Blotches. Srwts. Pimnles. Pustules. Boils. Car buncles, Hi 1)5-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Kry--si pel as. Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationsof the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried nut of the system in a. abort time hv the use of these Bitters. Unite ful Thounand proclaim Vinrgar Bit ters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. JWALKKR, PropV. U. II. HcDONALD &, CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco and New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ft DKALKRS. EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENTS Cabinet Organs. T!i M ASOV M IIAMUV OROAN CO. re .et fully annoutsw tlie introduction, tuit tsn, of iiiiiruvviiint of much mun tliss orditisry InUreit. Theie r KEED and PIPE CABINET ORGANS: Itivftitl an4 fBltnted by Mr. Cabl F.wiKLSKRa, a Sndlah Oiynn i.u-iurr, an 11 uw on.j-iqrwiiiui roinutHBiiun OI real 't Willi tvi ever uiad, (S Cirtular$fr artt'tilart.) DAY'S TRANSPOSING KEY-BOARD.. Iiivvntvit and pattntrd by Mr. M". O. Dat, of Hiltitnora ; by whk-b Lite rfornir can i nitantly roov tlia Kty U-nr to lha r if lit or lft. an lto .!ay at a lilglmr or lower pitch. Ste j-arlitulan in Circular.). llhtXil kiKTKD TllSai Will MIDI OXLV B TNI llU!l A. t'n. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Douolo Heed CABINET OEGAITS, AT $140, VESY LOW PRICES. JMiUfeC W AS 0 fc HA M L I M. - - fJTVLK r. Cjttsuf-'rine? ftrr capacity, e:ritiiit, attit thtmti t.welttncf. tue trices or these ttetv styex ar lower than nay bJore vj,red. 1 'lu ralilntt OrtfAiu tii.idv by tbt Matott A 1 Jamil Co.araavkuow- leitfd io fi.-t-l nil otlier in purity ami beauty of tone, powr, varU-ly nti-.l .litraWlity ; and ccntnln nnteiiUd iuiprovemiitt not any oth-n. 1 Iiey liave uniformly won Mobeit prcuiluma at Iu trial Lxuibltlun, iiioludlntf a ine.lal at ilia P&aia Exposition, fw kM'tNATit ATkti at rsiuoHiTy ; are tlia only Amti k-an Organs sold larly m 1.1)1, r conn l r let, and am pruoounrad to bt UNQi'ii- TiuiARLr tiii rttit by iiiukiciani umT bmivbually. S Uitiinony from moro Uitiri OITS THOUSAND MUSICIANS In th INinn Statu, tnLKD, Kbanck, Ghkvant, &e.t printed in full luaTKSI-IMuXlAL. C1IICULAU wlilih will U ti. frr. any al.lnii. Urn am a f brif axtracu frou wll koti iiaiue. "Tli Wit no in nsa." Ch rihtiki Vuaaov. Asn I.mi av, .Unif Lnon Divu, Vicroa c.nui, 1. Krioi i, and ilhrn. - linvt nrt h ird iiuh pnr imxli-al It-nei fruni aiiV. iinr.." Cl.m Li .Lisa Kkii.ui.t a,... ..... ...,..... ... IlKrK.MAX, nnd Olllrri. Music. nn. irnr.llv r-..r.l ;t 1 1 sin I lu Cftliini'tUnfMii niiiimlfd bv anv olht-r.." 1 hs(hiii. Ihouar. " Karel all Imtrunienu of ibc 1L11.. I iiv ... iil BtLi.. "Th W.titi.iruiiii-ittiorihtti-lAfi madr." Ass a M "In all t uu uiinHtU. u-Li.-l, .,..n... llrlvalld.,, B. H. Mill. ' Kur imerUr Ia t-vtrvtbinif ..f It V..1 1 "-1.. M. .Tta, .iAi k, " Wondrifully bi. ilul. P. f. MlM.iHit. " Siit.rrh.r in all rviMtla W any J lave vt-r ." Kt't-Ksa Tn km. I.. .-.) i,nr in n...n... A U,, Bnr ci.-rllviiov and durabiliu- and valuabl improwmenu wt loimd m other," l.'aL Zuhuahs. ' Tlia mow rntU-allv ,.I,J' t,,lp th th oior rtrlalia, and hijjn will b th nived ul auiK-rivrity atcurded tb-tiu." Jl-lil bstcHaisicti. AcknoivififzrJ to wafo t?ie lest, this Company m.ku undo take to tell at stu t trices that their Organs shall le I'ltqtiCNtioiinblr Chcancfi which thrymtalnlyarw vnalr.1 In do hv tho 1 otii of Rrrt aiva MacHiiifcRv and Imh ..i. Faraiiiaa t.r Mmrhrfivu, iiim tlty iuvil atuiamii t., Lrn-i.t .rl. . whivh will Mni Inter. r nrirRiiV ""'tr J,:,,lllu,1i "- d ry Foi e-Octavk OaoAa, .0 tv. (f Cul.) Fivk-.OrTv, H0, $138, US, mil upward. Fosty OTHBft Stvi b, al projK rtlci.M prirtt, up to. New Illustrated Catalogue? and Cirt'utar, ith full tUafttptiona ! nrw ilyUi and IuiuiovKMBf.Tat alio Ttati monial Circular, Mot lW to any addrtia, -Wsk...5uS .(J MASOU & HA1.L11T 02GA1T CO. !54.Trcmont St., Boston. 596 Broadway, New York. A Taluable Indian compound, for rcstorlujr th health and for the permanent cure of all diseases arts ing from impurities of the blood, such as Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, Caucer, Cou reroua Humor, Erysipelas, Canker, Salt Kheuui, Pimples and Humors on the Face, I'lcers, Coughs, Catarrh, llroucliltis, Neuralgia, it lieu iialiaiii, Pains in the 8ide, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Costiveness, Piles, HeadueUe, Dizziness, Nervousness, Fain urss at the Stomach, Pains in the llack. Kidney Complaints, Female Weak uess, and General Debility, HEPOUT OF A PRACTICAL Chemist and Apothecary. Bustom, May 1st, IKTI. firar Sir This Is to ci-rtify that 1 huTt, sold at retail sfxt.-thtee dot. (7i6 boltlel of your Vboktimb since April Klh, 1870, and cau truly say that it has given this bet sati.-faclion of any remedy, for the complaiuts to. which it Is recommended, that levcrsold. bcaicelya day passes without sonie of luy customers testifying to its miirits on themselves or their friends. I am per sonally cofruizaut of several cases of Scrofulous Tw uien huiuit cured by Vkuktink ulous iu this vicinity. Very respectfully youris, . . At OILMAN, 4M Broadway ro U.K. Btitiki, Esy. THE (J11KA.T BLOOD PURIFIER, . It. STEVENS, UOSTQ.V, MASS. Pi-ice $1.35. Sold brail Druxaists. TUB CONFESSIONS OF A NERVOUS INVALID. Publlrhed for the benefit of young men and other who sutler from Nrvou Debility, ic.f tfupplyiuif tub MEANtt OK MKLV-Cl'ltK. Wt it tut. by ouo who cuttd biui ielt', aud M-ut fiee ou receiving a lro-i-nnid directl hu-veloiH.-. A U die iSATHAMKL MAVI A1U. lliuoklj u N. . riMlK SPORTS OWN JOKK BOOK SENT VHVkl. Ad I. dra) (with -tmiip) box tlH, New Vurk, If cord nWled tlil. Mmml NATURE'S REWEDYTX , JHE CREATBLOOD PURIFI ER