The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 14, 1872, Image 4

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    The Effects of Strong Drink.
bout fifteen yoarg ago Mr. F. O. Y.
Muson, a distinguished actuary of Lon
don, investigated the rato of mortality
prevalent among persons addicted to tlio
unmodorato uso of intoxicating drinks.
He confined his attention sololy to well
marked cases of intemperance, and in
serted in tho circular which ho distribut
ed to trustworty persons directions to
enter no caso in the schodulo " unless
the person alluded to was decidedly ad
dicted to drinking habits during a con
siderable period of life." Tho facts col
lected by him wore carefully analyzed
and tabulated, and tho mortality exhib
ited was compared with that of the gen
eral population of England and Wales.
Out of the six thousand one hundred and
eleven such porsons under observation,
three hundred and fifty-scvon died,
whereas if tho general rato of mortality
hod been observed tho deaths would
have been but ono hundred and ten.
" Throughout tho whole rango of tho
tabic," the author observes, " tho rato of
mortality is frightfully high, and im
equalod by tho results of any other
series of observations made on any class
of tho populationjof this country. ' If
there bo anything," ho goes on to say,
" fri tho usages of society calculated to
destroy life, tho most powerful is cer
tainly the inordinato uso of strong
drink." The schedule sent out by Mr.
Noison required also an " enumeration
of the poculiar features of tho intemper
ance in rospoct to the favorite beverage ;"
and the following curious and signifi
cant facts were observed as to the influ
ence of tho different kinds of drink on
tie average duration of life. Such du
ration, after tho commencement of tho
intemperate habits was found to be
Among beer drinker
S1.7 yearn
Among spirit otrin Kern
Among those who drink
beer indiscriminately.
ib.7 years
both spirits and
16.1 yean
and the rato of mortality
Among beer drinkers, . . .
Among opirit drin kers . . . ,
Among mixed drinker!. ,
, 4.597 per cent, yearly
. 5.9 por cent, yearly
, 6.194 per cont. yearly
It is well to remark here that tho " in
temperate habit" is usually acquired at
a comparatively early period, say at ago
10-30, for which age the average expec
tation of life in the general community
is nearly doublo that given above for tho
intemperate drinkers of tho least hurtful
beverage. J. he ditterent ettects produo
ed upon several enumerated classes of
persons ho lound to bo very singular.
The averago duration of life after tho
commencement of intemperate habits
Among mechanic, working and laborLngmen 18 years
A nonir trades, denlers and merchants........ 17 years
Among professional men and gentlemen 15 years
Among teinalcs 11 years
In a subsequent part of his work the
author investigates the relative mortality
m tho sexes irom immoderate drinking.
From the tablo which ho gives it ap
pears., that tho mortality of tno female
sex is, on an average, about one-fifth of
that of the malo, varying from 23 per
cent, at age 21-30 to VZ per cent, at ago
71-80. "But the most curious circum
stances disclosed by the figures," ho says,
"is the remarkable similarity between
tho proportion of crime in the sexes to
the proportion of deaths from assigned
causes of intemperance. By referring to
a subsequent contribution showing tho
im fiuenee of age on the development of
crime, it will be lound that the tendency
t trimo in tho malo sex is nearly five
ItTrtes as great as in the leuialo sex, or,
mote strictly, in tho relation of 330 to
1,581 ; while tho ratio of deaths to tho
population from assigned intemperate
causes, at ago 20 and upward, is in tho
exact relation of 8,011 to 30,709 a most
remarkable agreement, tho difference
being under 2.5 per cont. : 7,814 substi
tutcd for 8,011 would give the precise re
lation of tho figures showing the ten
dency of crimo in the sexes. This is
rather a strange coincidence, and may
bo probably viewed by most careful ob
servers as proving that crime legally
considered, and intemperance in its or
dinary acceptation, are the concomitants
of each other." If tho agreement no
ticed is more than a " strango coinci
dence," and subsequent analyses of crim
inal statistics tend to strengthen the be
lief that it is, tho moral and social havoc
caused by tho excessive use of strong
drink is as appalling as the physical. It
will be borne in mind that tho results
detailed here were obtained after labor
ious collection and collation of facts by
an experienced and able man, whose
chief object was to framo a safe basis for
business for liio assurance operations in
which he was interested. lie had no
theory of morals to urge, no sermon to
preach savo an incidental one, which tho
tacts preached tor him. This would add,
if anything could, to tho impressiveness
01 tuo lesson taught.
Xcw England Superstitions.
There is a strango vampire superstl
tion associated with that scourge of New
England, " quick consumption " which
differs materially from the Tartar and
.Semitic legends of the vampire. In the
Semitic the ghost is a demon in tho
shape of a beautiful woman, that lives
among tombs and subsists on corpses,
In Tartar and European legends, tho
vampiro is the horror of the living a
demoniac musquito that, issuing from
the graves ot the dead, attacks its vie.
tims by night, and subsists on their
Some analogy there is between this
and the Now England superstition of
quick consumption ; but, in tho JNew
England version, no actual demon
presupposod. By some strange abcrra
tion of the ordinary laws of dissolution
the heart is supposed to retain its vitali
ty after death, and lives on in its coffin,
drawing, by some weird, sympathetic
influence, its support from tho vitality of
some living relative, who wastes into
the grave in consequence of having to
sustain two vitalities instead ot ono
and thus, wliolo families drop off one af
ter another, with singular regularity of
interval. 'Iho remedy is to take up tho
body of tho dead, and burn tho organ
supposed to exercise tho deadly vampire
function ; and odd legends are afloat of
instances in which the remedy has been
successfully tried.
A second vampire superstition, very
prevalent m portions ot Aew Ji-ngland,
is, that cats suck the breath ot babies
and ancient grandmothers recount how
mothers, having left their babies in the
cradle, with the cat in tho room, have
returned to find the baby dead, and tho
cat purring innocently in the cradle,
juaft as if it had been guilty of nothing
contrary to law. In this there is noth
ing original. It is simply a relic of tho
cays when natural history was one tan.
gle of superstition ; when bats and bee.
ties were invested with strange instincts
of evil doing ; when the owl was a ghoul.
In regard to a certain species of insect,
designated the earwig, a superstition
exists, which is perhaps original, and
uccording to which the insect is sup
posed to have a special affinity for get
ting into one s ears.
A nnr-T T ivnvn a ,nT,rl,nr.
in the Journal of the Farm gives the fol- tUlquito rocent I've been a healthy in
lowing hints on painting buildings: The dividooal. I m nearly GO, and yit I've
advantage of a good coat of paint on
the woodwork of buildings and wood on
ini)lements is too obvious to need any
special notice. Tho only thing neeeS'
sh ry to speak of is which is the best
method of performing tho work to give
the greatest durability f Buildings aro
nintod lor a uouulo purpose ; in tho first
ihico for ornament, and in tho second
lace to afford creator durability to tho
wood. Fainting is an objoct of great
importance to tho former, for without it
houses and implements will not last more
than half as long as when kept woll
painted. 1 hn ornamental part ot paint
inrr denends on tho colorimr material
ing ncpenus on liio coloring material
employed and the skill shown m tho
.i ..- ii. .
proper adaptation of mixing tho in-
gredients. But tho utility of tho work
depends altogether on tho oil. Tho clos-
iti.r nf 4-lin .n.rno rr 4l.n niif nrntiiifT nf t.Vin
...vf..nn ..t ..i ..,..... t,i nvnl.irlo' nn.1
moisture is tho great object to bo ob-
Oil without tho admixture of naint
thoroughly worked into tho wood will
It, tl.o iiot T.rntn...i.Ti nmiinat. ntiiina. i
. . " ..." I"""-"- - e - ... I
pheric influence, but tho first cost will
be much sroater than when mixed with
paint. I'ainters direct too much atten
tion to tho rapidity of execution, which
is incompatible with filling tho wood
with oil without extra ingredients lor
drying, such as benzine, turpentine,
japan, varnish, litharge, etc., which hpvo
a tendency to decompose tno oil with
winch tho paint is mixed, nnd winch is
tho only principle of durablo adhesion
in paint. The small amount of oil which
is left in the paint is formed into a gloss
which is only superficial and is soon
worn oil by ram.
To bo convinced that turpentine in
jures tho durability ot paint, wo need
only observe tho etiect it produces on oil
spots on floors, clothing, etc. But for
msido work not exposed to weather, a
duo portion of turpentine with oil is
much better lor mixing paint than oil
alone, which turns the paint yellow in
tho absence of air and light. All the
preparation that oil needs to make good
paint is boiling to free from impurities,
and for outside work, barns, fences, etc.,
nothing but the purest oil should be
used, as it is always the cheapest in the
end ; for in painting, everything depends
much on having the work well done.
All tho articles should bo good, nnd the
operation skilfully performed. In con
clusion, let farmer., not in any wise
neglect to paint their buildings, yard
fences, etc. Moderately cold weather is
the best tune to lay on paint, and great
haste in tho application is inadmissible.
Tho oil must have time allowed for ab
sorption, so that the paint nnd oil will
become glazed and indurated before the
second coat is npplied. Some painters
talk of giving two coats of paint in a
day. It may bo done, but depend upon it,
durability is far paramount to dispatch,
and tho farmer who does his painting in
a hurry and in hot, dry weather commits
great mistake; tor the preparation
dries with such rapidity by tho heat in
the boards that the oil is absorbed and
the pores of the wood are only closed on
the surfaco by the paint. Clcur cold
weather, puro linseed oil without any
turpentine or other drying materials,
and long intervals between lie applica
tions ot tho several coats ot paint, are
tho best xhin that can be adopted.
Colouixg Seeps ron Bowing. Horti
culturists and farmers aref'ully acquaint
ed with tho importance ot securing tho
equal distribution of seeds, whether sown
in drills or broadcast. If tho seed be
unequally distributed, tho result is too
small a crop upon the parts of tho land
that havo less than their share, whilo
the portions that aro vercrowded with
plants will also yield too little, unless
tho detect 13 remedied by thinning out,
which process is always more or less
detrimental to ..the growth of tho plants
that are lelt.
In sowing seeds that, on account of
their size mid color, aro uudistinguish-
ablefrom the soil, there is, in tho ordinary
way, no guide for the operator, who can
not sec whether his work is done uni
formly or not. But an inventor down
boutli has lust taken a patent tor so
coloring the seed as to enable tho sower
to see whero it falls, thus supplying this
needed guido.
Ihe seeds aro prepared for sowing ov
first moistening them, and then rolling
them in uour or other suitablo material
until they aro coated. This docs not in
jure them, as tho coating absorbs the
water, and speedily dries in tho sun, it
tho seeds aro not immediately required
lor sowing.
When tho seed is deposited, tho coat
ing, by tho absorption and retention of
moisture, hastens and renders more cer
tain the germination.
The seeds being thus rendered visible,
tho sower, whether scattering them by
hand or planting them by a machine,
may correct such faults m tho work as
are m ado apparent. Ihe coating will
olso act as a fertilizer, tho value of which
will depend upon its character.
Gather 'Vood3 Dirt. When going
to work in tho fields near tho wood lot.
take along a shovel and carry homo at
noon and at night a load of forest loam,
or elso set apart a day and devote it en-
tirely to the purposo of collecting,
Woods dirt is ono of tho best mulches
that can be used : it is ono of tho ab-
sorbonts for the stable,' and as a loam
and fertilizer for soil it cannot bo ex-
celled. It is good upon all kinds of soil,
and as cheap as tho air.
Jjeaves and loam torm an excellent
material for house banking, and for cov-
ering vegetables buried in tho holds or
garden. Kature hus dosignod tho fallen
loaves an a shield to tho tivo roots ugaiust
tho frost ; a thin coating being almost
impervious to that element, they are,
therefore, exactly httecl tor the uso
above mentioned. No better manure
can bo used upon tho garden, as it will
make tho soil light and air), and at tho
same timo givo it tho primitive qualities
ot tortility. uno Farmer.
Home Cheerfulness. Many a child
goes astray, nat becauso thero is a want
of prayer or virtue ut homo, but simply
becauso homo lacks sunshine. A child
needs smiles as much as flowers need
sunheams. Children look littlo bevond
tho present moment. If a thing dis-
pleases, they are prono to avoid it. If
lome.i,r,l,o.wl,em f,.. .n,
y. .. j "
anu woruu miiu, auu laun-riuumg
ever in the ascendant, thev will spend as
many nours as posaiuio eisewuero. xjct,
f.v. re Viir Ami Tiinflir.1- frimi ire ir. n
happy. Let them look happy. Let
""vrj; ,' r, ""jyi'J'
inoin iam io uioir cnuurcn, especially
the little ojios, m such a way as to uiako
them happy.
Healthy Indlvldooal.
owing is the last thing writ-
n oy ttio late " Artcmus Ward
" On-
i"""""" '"J urines wiuun uoni
Inako m7 hsts resemble tho tread of a
canary bird when they fly out and hit a
man. Only a fow weeks ago I was ex-
hibitin' in East Showbovgan. in a b'ld-
in which had formlv boon ockemod bv
,I.,l.!.r i i 'ii OCK,0.'l0Ci, "y
a pugylist one of tho fellers hits from
the shoulder and teaches tho manlv art
of self-defons. And ho cum nnd said ho
wan ffniii' i i.i f rnn in prtnanntiniiAA
prev'sly ockepvin' sed b'ldin with a large
. 1 . , , ".. .....iKo
rZa - Sr. im v ' Proml- Th " of tbls Company have In-
Oh no. lie sed, ' Do you want to bo creased durlngthe Inst ten years Irom 3,500,
ground to powder i" I sed, Yes. I do. 000 to nearlv 20.000.000. The number ot
if there is any powder that grindest
handy,' when ho struck mo a disgustin'
, f. y,.:... rttllB,,3 tilnt
mow in my n it ejo, wmcn caused that
eonnnrn to ciohk fur rntimn tint tin
"j??0? f 01080 toi TCPMra i but ho
dldn h"rt mnl,y- 1 wctt for him fin-
crgetical y. -lis parents lived near by,
tkllU. JL WW OlIHLMY DUHU tllUL 11 1 LL'CIl III 1 II I
utcs after I'd gone for him his mother.
- - I
seeing tho prostrate form of her son ap-
notl "7 lour Ulcn' rtln out 01 doors, keor-
nuly looked mm over, and sed: 'My
son, you vo been afoul a thrashin' ma-
1 ,. -v i. - j.1 J ii .
, vuo enu tney put
lue giaiu m, ana came out witn tlie
straw, and then got up the thingumajig
ana let tno horses trod on you, my son!
You can imagine by this what a disa-
greeablo person I am when I'm angry."
L -.- ...faij.
Thr Celtic Weekly. s-uch is the title ot a new
stmy paper Just at hand. It contain no less Until
st'Ctn oriullial aerials. licHiilrM nnmlicil nr4rii'n.
humorous tkotcliea, poetiyand Ahoatof excellent
reading. Tliie ar nt advertlaemcut. Thefvti.t:
HecA'vln illustrated and from the evidence of tlm
first niiinliir we are inclined to the tielli'I that tho
paper will uo eminently aucccsstul. 'iho price la
bi& veil in.
CniLPRgy'S IIOCR March Number f'oTilonfo. Thn
Sick Kitten. Nettie's LeHnon. (illustrated) ; by
Madno Carrol. Tho Star; by 8. Jennie Jones. Tho
Little Nursliiur; by Clio Stanley. The While Owl;
Dy Jbaura B. Uaitner. The Soldier s Bouirrol : bv M. O.
i. Counsels lor tho Vouuir. The lace in the Ulass,
.Liiusumoai ; oy uet-ier A. ueneuict. The stolen Ap
ple; by Maty K. About Mountains: by Aunt Lizzie.
Tfte most maguiScent Park in the World ; by E. ii. D.
Adveuturcs of Kitty Whitefoot: bv l'carl Pevoril.
Drunkard Michael's Boy ; by Annie L. Milfzey. The
ucaa hodiu. nt-iiiit crabs, uiiustrateuj ; by j. n.
D. Rich and l'oor: br Marv 11. Plunuiicr. Tim UnttU
of Oil. Sew Year's bay in three Places. Published
in ruiiadcipnia, by T. 3. Arthur at Con. i.j a year.
copies lor ?..
ARTIU S'S HOMK MAOAZINK. Cnntonta for Ma rli.
Music 11 Trnvatore. ruphle Maiiartold: by Mrs.
Lydm 1. rainier. Use; by C. Hood, Lonir
Life. Waif: by Joscpiuuo Fuller. A Curious In-
t-ident. other People's wlndowH; by Piiislealway
1'olls. Over nt Lust: liv Mrs. II a tin V. Hen.
l.'nuer the Huiiff : bv if estor A. llenedii-r. AIw-mvm
heirill Km lit. Willi h Is the Heiress I bv H. .Irani. i
Jones. '1 he Test lor liurnuiK uils. fix 111 All : by
viiiiiiiiii r. l iiwnsi'iiti iMiirm ursmce : liv M . H.
hwkwell. Tlie Fuming Year, brtturdav Mirlit.
limaii llue; by Malawi. Visllaof AliKelK; bv Itcv.
David 1. Jdlldeon Mother's IJenartlueiit Coin.
loitcd; Iiy the Author ol "Talk ith it Child."
Hojm' and uirls' Treasury Polly's Prnver : bv
"Herald." iho uaiden and ureeiibouso Tho
Kosc, Jvenlnira with the Poet Wenrv i:iIchuiii
oy j u. iiutier. "jay noth ;" uy ails Aleut;,
Cuirent Lltiralure. Kditor s Department. 1'ub
lishtd iiy T. s arihur i bun, Phuadeli'lim. 13 1
year ; 4 copies for $&
You can obtain a weekly retiort of the
New York Money Market by enclosing
a StJlllip to UHAHLES ., o. 7
all btreet, j ew l oik.
Ono of tlio most clever of all recont
ventures in journalism is tho New York
Evexixg Mail, bright, earnest, enter
taining and cheerful. It has become a
very popular tea-taoio paper, una one ot
, n
influence as well as interest. Few pa
pers furnish to contemporaries a larger
snare ot tlie coou things well Bti.itwmcli
liavo welcome currency throughout the
country. Its publishers yield to tho ex
pressed desires of many friends of Now
lork, who uo not caro tor a daily jour
nal, but would like a weekly paper of
tho character ot HIE jiail, by establish
ing a weekly edition, published in quarto
torni and double the size ot the daily.
Jiy limiting advertising space, and omit
ting purely local news, they will be ablo
to print in it the cream ot tho corres
pondence, and literary, social and art
news, for which it is so justly esteemed.
-Host on Advertiser.
New York Wholesale Market..
BUTTER State, fine firkins $ 31 (Tt
M e-tern 21 (i'J
CUEESE-Stato factory ! ',' (.
inuouo , 13 ov
Piirm dairv 14 On
COTTON Ordinary io
i.ow io iioofi inmituuir... ya ov
EGGS-N. V.. N. J., dtPeuu a 37 Ci
Limed (ti
FLOUR Supcrllno 6 ill (it
1(3 ?a
fi 50
7 51)
7 10
7 7.
7 70
J-.vtm to fancy State 6 80 (c
Ohio round hoop 6 'Ji liu
Extra amber 7 Hi (ttl
Soring wheat 7 j Qu
F.itra 7 73 0l
Sr. Louis double extra.... tt 10 ()
Cobs Mbal Western Ac Jersey.. 3 50 tin
llmndywine 4 10 (al
BccKwnEAT Floi r V luo lbs 3 tit (at
9 40
11 00
3 00
4 16
3 50
GRAIN Cukn Western 73 C'V
Boutheru 73 (ic
BAIlLET Western HO 0"
Canada '. Uti (iu
0lT8., U Cut
IIvk , 'Jj Oii
WuKAf Western No. Spriug.... 164 uv
Do. No. -do. .... Ill b
llo. Amber,,,,,,,,. I 7 (.
Bo. White Ii i
White Gem-see 1 72 fie
1 05
1 CO
1 5
1 74
1 81
1 81
14 ii
rnOVISIONS Pork N"W mess... 13 50 6c
IV n prime.. 13 Oil (.i)
Bebp Plain H 00 (.
Extra mess 10 00 Oi
Beef ham. Hi on (.
Bacox , Ti (m
Gkbkx Uaus H),' (id
I.l im BV (id
li 50
10 00
li no
Uti 00
SEED Clover UK (u) '
3 70
Timothy,,,,.,, 3 50 (j.0
Fhtxseed oil
WOOL N. Y., Pa., O., aud Mich,,,, 80 oe
Vt. and Iowa...,.....,..,,,, 7U up
Texan aud Culiioruia. ...... 40
BEEVES Best , 12 W
Good , d)l
Commou to fair 10 uti
Lambs....-,..., G.
8WINE Live 4',' S
lreiou.. vi
Fainino has followed on tho track of
I war in tho fairest land of Europe, but
neither war nor famine is as destructive
as neglected or maltreated disease. Jbs-
sential as food to tho starving, is Dll.
Walker's Vinegar Bitters to all who
suffer dyspepsia, congestion er torpidity
ot the liver, constipation or intermittent
fevers. To treat those complaints with
mineral poisons and acrid alkaloids,
whilo this mild and certain remedy is
within tho reach of all, is little better
than moonstruck madness.
It is a raro thing that physicians give
any counttuiance to a mediuino tho man-
ufaiturc ot which is a secret. Anout tno
ouly exception we know of is JohnuiC
Anodiiius LiniiMnt. This, wo believe, all
endorso, and many of them uso it in their
practico with great success.
Persons requiring purgativos or pills
should bo careful what they buy. Some
pills not only causo gripiug pains, but
leave tho bowels' iri a torpid, costive
gtato. J'araon't Purgdtiee J'ills will ro
liovs the bowels and cleauso tho blood
without injury to tho system.
you read this notice it so let it urge yon
to the nearest drugbriets' where Filly Ceuts
5ut ' " llo'V of llore-
hound and Jar, will enable you to cure , our
couKh lu twtuty-tour Hours.
Abb yQU AQOsr ,.0ne dlo of p-,
Toot.aehe VroVt will kill thu uerve lu one
i mluule.
L A," XTE8IV,ID ro,li:LlA,',.Tr r , yelr
Ifinds "Broicnt Bronchial Jrovhet" lu new
lacalHle, hl various parts of I lie world. For
relieving Coughs, (Jolds, aud Throat Diseases,
J the Troches uuv btco porta rel)ulle.
Few ofonr Institutions sro nccompllshlnR
I mn m ,, K r . 1 1 . ,1 -! . f ' t n IT r. I w ain
ns the system of bile Assurance, Nntubcrless
fnmilles have been sored by Its Instttimontal.
Itv from nrovertv and dependence. It furnish'
cs nn Inecvtive tonnd the menus for a wise
provision tiRiilnst the future, ana the clinngcs
which It mnv Imvii in store. This svstem is
yearly jcrowipi; In the favor of the public, nnd
all classes, whether lieli or poor, are more
nnd more disposed to nvall themselves ol iho
advanlaxes which H brings, within their
rc,,cn - " 13 demonstintuu uy tno rap ny
increasing buMncss of some ot our lending
llte insurnnce eumnnnics. The annual stntc
mentor ilin New Vork Life Insurance Com-
lany, of 810 and 848 Broudwny, New York,
list Dublished. makes an exhibit, with which
"? 1P!1;r-,b"idoiB ,,,n? we" bo -Br,,tll,cd' ana
. . . fflpnr have pood rrnson to bo
policies issued dnrintr the last year is 8,908,
?ver Wff- "nm,',11 '
dend has been drelnrcd Irom Its Uivleihle
, nearly 1 500,000. Such a stiitrr
.. . . w '.. .' ......... .
s this (peaks loudly Id Invor of tlie prudence
and real wlili which the business inannneiiHUt
oi this Company tins b. en
conducted. The
cxpeilenee, mid is
well known to be one of the soundest corpor
" lllio .ifiv
T . 1 I 1. ... 1 . .U,
ations In the country, nnd the tllicleney of
mnmmeiucnt which has secured It such suc
cess In the past is a stifllclent warrant for the
expectation of continued prosperity In the
luture. iVfw Work Tribune.
TnB GltEAT IlAIB f RODBCER. lUIr 0.1s.
Pouiatnms and Pomades have had their day.
T1...-. . -1. i . XT,.1.-.J .1...
iindtrstands tho chemistry of the hair and
thu philosophy ot its growth tbinKs ot using
thou. Instead ol clogging the pores of the
flP1w"h onguents and thus obslmet-
. ,. i.lg0n.i,io nersnirntion which is es
sential to the health of the fibers, we now tone
the surface of the head with an InvUoraiiug
application which penetrates to the roots of
the hair ana stimulates them in the samu wny
tuat tua lertliizing agents sprcuu over the
meadows stimulate the grass roots and cause
the blades to spring up in myriads, coming
the earth with verdure. The iiivigornut best
adapted to this purpose is Lion's Katuaiuon.
it may well be called the fertilizer of the head.
To the barren scalp it communicates vegeta
tive power. If the hair is dioppiug out or be
coming dry and withered, it urrests tho pro
cess oi dilapidation or blight. 1 he hair thick
ens and becomes glosey aud llexiblc under its
genial operation, and us a dreeing It is un.ip-
proaehed by any preparation that has yet bum
laid on the toilet ol t'Ufhion.
Kesikrection of the Haul Afier forty
years of experiment, and a tiiouuid (allures,
i no ureal htet remains now, ns In liu, mat
I'UALO.N s Chemical invhiok atok is
the ouly in tiele. in exiteuee w ill stop
with absolute ceruiinty the lulliuj; out of the
bulr, product: u new growth troiu thu roots.
etieUL'llien the libers, preveut the po.siliiilty
ol their ileeiiy, and reservc to the latest period
of life their llexiliilily, color nnd luxuriauce.
Is there tiny other hair preparation helore the
world that will accomplish ibu'coliifcls? Let
those who have run tliroUL'U them all answer
the question I We challenge the world to
show another urticle that will produce thesu
results, aud we euarantce the Jnvinora-
tor will, in every case, produce them. Should
yur (liuirnist chance to be out of the article
he will obtain it at your request.
Symptom of Cnturrli.
Discharyo falling into throat, sometimes
profile, watery, acrid, thick, mucous, puru
lent, uttenaivp, Jte. In others a ilrynjss, dry,
watery, weak or mllamed eve, ringing in
cir.o, deafnes, hawking und coughing to clear
threat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, con
stant de.ire to clear nose and throat, voice
altered, nasal twang, ctlensive breath, im
paired or totul deprivation of sense of smell
and Inste, dizziness, indigestion, enlarged
.nn.:ir. ..t.lln-, A......I. .1'-., I 1 r, I .. ftF
lUIISlIB, IIV-111'K WHfill, " V. " VI
the tbove f yrnptom, are iikcir to bo present
in utiy case at one tuna. I ae proprietor ot
Dr. Sheo's Cuturrh Kemedy will pay $.100 re
ward lor a case of C'utarrh which he can not
cure. Sold by Druguistn at HO cents. i72.
Dyspepsia, Coatlvcnesn aud Liver Com-
pluliit Cured Without Mediolnc.
I will forward to anv address, on receipt of
FIFTY CENTS, a primed prescription that will
euro any cane ut' Dvtipi'psin, C'o.iivcnesK, or
Liver Complaint, however obstinate. 'i'he
remedy is vciv cheap and I Icusant. 1 he aru-
clus are kept in most fuim houses, and arc ea
sily obtained unvwhere. AddrefS Vr. S. N.
Thoinis, l'help., K. Y.
The Purest and Sweetest Cop
Liver Oil in the world is Hazard &
Caswell's, made on tho sea-shore, from
fresh, selected hvi'rs, by Caswell, Haz
ard & Co., Now York. It is absolutely
pure and Hieeet. Patients who havo once
taken it preler it to all others. Physi
cians have decided it superior to any of
tho other oils in market.
Last Chances la uiit ot Mcnv Ilosplml.
1.150,000 iu HOW) fft-h prizes ; ii0,(HK) Uolil
Coin thu lilnliest pnze. to he tlniwn la open
iiuiitiMv ut Uiiiuliii, 'jStLi .Muicli, li j, tiy swum
Coinmissiouers. TbU charitable t-ntcrprlbc Is
euiiclliiiiea nun endorsed Iiy tlie imvurnor and
best business meu ot the otute. liekets t'.i
each, or 4 lor (10. l'ultec it Gardiner, Mana
gers, Oiuuua, .Nebraska.
To tub 1'cnr 10. We know ot no remedy
equal to Jacks .N 'tj Catai:uh Sm'FF aud
IKOCIIB 1 owiiKit, fur I Htuirh, Asthma, Lost
of Voice, io. Is mild, pleusum, anieeubio to
use, and a suro cure. Ask your ilrnmiist for
it. or mini cents to t;oorKlt, VliOS &
VO., i'mladelpbia.
From Maine to Caltloruiu millions of cliil-
dreu are wearin.SIi.VEU TIITED SHOES.
Why not, tliey ure tbe clieapi-Bl und never
wear uirouli at tlictoe. t ry ILcui.
Hor Bale- by all shoe Dealer
Durabilitv nnd I'liabilitr nri. botli ciimlilped
in tbo CABLE bt'KEVV WlliE lioou ami
Shoes ; oyu trial will convince you will not
rip or leak.
All luur tlie 1'atent Mump.
ISO. We advise all to send ao eenti for thu Journal
111 Jiirr.cuaiuuersouii;, I'a.
Best and Oldest Family IIdlul, Ban-
ford't Liver Invlgorator. A purely Vegetable Cathartic
and Tonic for Dyspepaia, Constipation, Debility, Sick-
headache, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of
Liver, Slomacn aud Uowuls. Ak uur i,ui;isi iur it,
ueteare ar itiiiafion.
The advertiser, having been permanently cured of
that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy,
Is anxious to make known to his fellow sulfcrers the
means of eure. To all who desire It, he will tend a
copy of the prescription Used, (tree of chai-e), with
tho directions lor prepa-llii; and u-lnff the same, winch
they will Und aBt iis Ci ke FOB Cossimptios, Asth
m. Buoschitis, c. Parlies wishing the piescriniioii
win pleas. aaare. EDWARn A..w-,Lj.ox.
(Cl Souih Third St.. William. buich, X. Y.
Ifl Employment for one or two agents in every
til town and village, except in the Western Slates,
where we are now tullv represented, to canvass
for what those that ace, will liuvo. They all say
ilii.v cannot, keen Imiisft without It. Airi'llte make
nom.y. fur ladies as wcUas uentnmeu, tuu wurkls
aijri'eurjU' and l espeetatiln. Auurees
JJ. li. VUATtf M tiputhcuual bt., Chicago, IU.
W. & L SMffHT
Geneva Nursery, Geneva, N. Y.
4 00 Acres. Send Ten Cent, (or Catalogue,
Tion tl.H.-lln. SMV'RIOAN fU
y 1'L'Ml-, which is reiiarded as one of Uio best lorco
pumps in the world, and is uon-freezing. sjtiu.uoti win
saved this year by these puuips. Address 0, IJAUH1B,
7U uroudway, M. X.
T or AT. icnTi WAITED to sell tlie wall.
1 i knnu-n ,,ii.l r.ul.r Vertiliser. Libeuil toruis
Wade with thus ha vine (rood eiiulitry connections,
vi'uvka .KniiLi-r,n uu..
S Uatuuy Place, ti. Y.
niii.iiisii.iv wf A I.I. WORKS.
Four Tou lieales ttj. Vs Pit rituircd. ilvery Seals
warranted. Address 11. II. CS(aOi At CO , UiUKiuuu-
tou, A. V.
X. ores. IwiUl sunup) box tlit, r" a.
Verily it Hath no Equal
Wonluon euro tlmt dUtrpmr Cotitrh find brinff
inrk tlmt JiffUUiy vifxor till Inlrly pUntAU in your
hrkf If "tou would, do not delay, lor ere you are
,wnro It will bp too Into.
A11fn' I.iinB RtvloaTn vcmr fionfl ! It hfM brfi trifd
by thousand ciioh yon, who bnvn boon cured, many
in T.neir navn lont tnrir nnmnn m jib iiiiivmii
forlng humanity can rfad their TlrliTic and bfllfve.
pon'texnerlnifint with now and untried fiilxtnrp., you
cannot nilord It, but try at onro thin inTaluablo article.
It can be found In any Drug Storn ati at mnt Rpnrral
otoroo. It in warranted to bronk nr thf niot troiibln
nomo CoiiRh In a fow honr, if not. of too lonir nUndlnir.
It in Wf.rrm.tpd toirlrorntiro Patlffiictlnii lit nil capon ol
Lnnpaii'l Throat dtinrulitnii.
"It Saved Prly Life."
Words of Rrllnlila Druggist.
MAmxB City, Mich.. July Nth, 1S70.
J. N. liAnais &Co. Oeor Sin: The Allon's Limit
Babatn has arrived. I would not tike to be without It
for it has saved my life. 1 took a bad cold and couirh,
and Anally consuniption was seated upon me. 1 was in
a very bad state. I ti led evorj thlnr that was racom
mended, and spent a jtreat deal of money, and (rot no
help. I bad Allen's Lung Dalsam for sale, but 1 knew
nothing of its merits. I did not like to take It without
knowing more about It. 1 hail not sold a bottle. When
your agent called upon me, I told him I could not sell
a medicine! knew nothing about. Ho urged me to try
it myself. 1 did so, and to my grateful surprise tlie
first hottlf stopped my cough, and before the third bot
tle was taken, my limits were healed and woll, and!
can now speak knowingly to my rilendsand customer!
of tho good qualities of Allen's Lnng Mal'iim.
I romain yours, respectfully, L. O. COTTItKLL.
rcTTTt is harmless to the most delicate child.
Xrlflt contains no opium in any form.
Call for " Allen's Lung Balsam," and shun the nsnnf
any othor Balsam ; unprincipled men may deceive you
With worthies preparations. . . . .
i. N. II All IU 3 At CO., Tropr s, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sold by Medicine Dealers Generally.
Providence, It. I.
Conornl Agents for New England Stales.
r-ort .vriri iiy
JOHN P. HENRY, New York,
GEO. C. GOODWIN A. CO., Boston.
II ..-!. hnn lb first to Introdnce to tllO PUld
lublle tho
Hubbard Siiiash,' American Turban Squash. Martin
head Mammoth CabbiiL'e, Mexican Sweet Corn, Finn.
ney s M ater Melon
Brown's New Dwarf Marrowfat
Boston Curled Lettuce, anil other
New and Valuable Vegetables,
with tho roturn of another seneon I am njrMn prepared
to fiipply tho public with Vc-Kutublo ntul Flower tiotuU
nf i).i iinnoit miitlltv. M Ann mil t,ut(i!oi'Ut) i now
reanv, unu win uo Fviujrte w uti. it uuiuui) i
novoitluH, but the Mtandard voftablos of the farm and
trurdeii (over one hundred which aie of my own jrrow
Inic.) and a carefully ntdt'cttiil Ht of Flower tSoed. On
tho cover of my Ciitulot'tfc will be found copif of let
ters received from fnrniern and purdenprn renidin(r in
over thirty different States and Territorie who have
uaeu my hPP irniii unu to vu yi'iti. x nunmn i-..
That all money rnt thnll reach me. 2d. That all seed
ordered thatt reach the. purchaser. 3d. That my teed
thall befteah and true to name. Catalogue." ret:.
J-tMES J. M. GREGORY tVlarblehcatl. Mass.
Wanted This Spring!
To improve tjje lands of the Iowa Railroad Land Com
pany, now lor naltt lor cah or on lone timo nt present
valuts wtih six pt?rcent.intrei.t ondtferrrd pavmenU,
These lands conipripeluurOovernment ruilruad (f rants
ou the lines of the Sioux City and Pacific and the Iowa
division of the Chicago and Northwestern and IU.Cen
ttal Kuilways. are uot iuort,'UKcd, not culled, aud are
In Hie llitlilk' Region of Western Iowa,
Noted for lt mlubrlons climate, lnexbnnstibl eoll
lluely wutored yet iiuilcclly dmiuvd district (tree lrora
lever and ague), and in the bu-l purt uf tlie bet-t agri'
cultural Suite iu the Union.
in tho beautiful and luxuriant valley of either the
lloyer, the Mnplo, the. Soldier, tho Little Sioux, ut it
and Si per acre.
I.7UU.UHO acres are ior ui?pofai iu ,u or ou ni-rw imn-,
or in compact tract of 3,eouacre or more, a deeiied by
the tarpe farmer and i-tock raiser.
Local afri'Uti at Uitloliii naTe price oi evory traci anu
are provided with learn to enow land rree to purcnai
er. Explorinir UckeU aro fold In Chleut'o (Well.-st.
Pcpot) or at lliis oliice receivable for laud purcli.v-eu.
uu lor a truide it piveo uecriiiuoiiii, prices, leriui-.
:utiotn. aud how to reach the landK. County maps
of unsold laud furni. hed tree. Address
JOIIM B. CALIIOl'Ii, Land Commlstloner,
Cednr llnptds, Iowa.
THI1VTI1VB. Traunlntr. and Fisliincr made
I L easy. Hell Biiok ; 7. pates ; 50 elufl-uviliu-. Only
SO cents, postpaid.
Send for Catalogues of Hook, etc.
C. S. Itll.t.l, Holland, A. 1,
Oel the Gcnnine Article. The irreat popular.
Itv of ' II itbor j Comvound of Cod Livtr Oil and time
nas inuuceu some llliprincltieu persons io auenipi io
?alm onasinipie article oi ineir own manuiaeiurei
nur anv nersou who is sutterillir from Oouulis, Colds,
or C'unsiiinption, should be careful where they pur
chase. The phosptialo of lime possesses a most mar
velous heulfiur power, as cointiliied with the puro cou
Liver Oil by Ur. Wilbur. This medicine is reirularly
ascribed by tne medical lacility. or sale uy a. ii.
ilbou, Chemist, N o. liiti Court Street, Boston,
Fop H-r.
Contain l0 nairett. The most extensive and com-
ntetc Seed CutaloL'ue nublished. Sent flee to all aonli-
cants. Keeiltf Warrauted KrttaU aud to reacu
tue Purcliaeei-.
JIU.1.V o. tu.,si AorthMarketSU, llostou, Mast.
1MJH T1VE-HTY I KXTtithe underslsueu will
enclose tweult-flve ShBuS of the Vlririula llollv.
free of postaire. The leave are irreeu, The nuwera
Krow iu erusters, and are succeeded by round berries,
which tuin to a beautiful red, aud remain so during
She entire winter, This tree is cousidered one of the
most beautiful of everureens. and as an ornamental
tree, mere is none tlmt can equal it. jt is dimcuit to
transplant it, nut u eun oe raiseii froiu the seed. lm
mediate attention iriven to all orders, Uealers Iu seei
furnished at reduced nriues, As reirards my liabilit
will refer to llmi. K. ill. llraxton. VVashinctou. 1. I
Address R. 11. LVEU,, i'aiuliam V. O., llieUinoiid Co.
IVltli Kilucatlimnl Facilities.
The nreiiar.itorv school ofTlmvorColleL'e. 8. D. Cocn
an. li. D.. Kies'u at Kidd. r. Mo., on the Han. e fit. Jo
sepll li. U., has opened. Farmers, Mechanics, Trades,
men. and others, secure a homestead earlv ut low nri.
ces, where your children cau be well educated, aud
wnore a line ueunuy ciunate ana verv r.- llle sou will
enable you to tret rich. Ad.ires A. MET, Aileut Kew
juugiauq uoiouy, uiquer, Mo.
Chromon worth twice and throo tlim-s the mbperin-
tiou uricu aiu uivtu awuv tor uuu luitl Lhiuc siubaciibcrii
io tun
Published by tho Eairr'i' ad ManTrii' Pnh. Co.
UT l'uik Kow, N. Y. P. O. Uox 4J79.
Sena tor cample copy aiid preiutuiu list.
faia Is warranted to relieve the worst ensea in ten
(iniuules. ror Kilo by llruu'Kists. trial 1'aok
- aire sent s lib.!, oil recelnt uf u tliruo-cuiit 1
' , aswsII ,1 l-I C. KM.t
Uliilsdeiilila, ya
ilaatto liolt Tinss (tor rup-
fMrsl is ouraoie, cueap ana sale ;
a, easily woru as a carter! h:
cured nstlents in from S to ii weeks. V,,r itirtienlai
SuliU tut t.treular. Address (r.rri Iiyvt IS, llox )j,
VOllCl ntnus. jowa.
To Printers.
PouiDotitntr ttule l5cenU. Mike.uo Hnloa M itohti
earh l made uf ihe best of fteel, and nmili-bed at then
rooMtwa paofii, uruura acunipkuieq wuu oath ana
had, Kmiiff lennth, should ho addretised to NKW
lunn. arccL ujn vu. m uuu -noei, n. jt.
A GENTS Wanted. Air nt Pitt fee more money at
j m. worn lor u man aujriuinjr uipu, rarucuiari iret
0. fcTioi Ac Co., Vin Art Publuhsrt, por U mud. Ma,
'490 for flrft-claP Piano. No dlwount. No ftp enU.
I Auoruaf Us o. riAiw tu( aw urooaway, n. t.
Vlneuor Hitter, ar. not a rile Fancy Drink.
made wf i'-Kir Ram, Whi.key, Proof Spirits and Kefun.
Liqanr.4, doctored, ttpiced, ami aweelened to fileaie the
tale, c.llled ,,rinic.," ' Appctiier,M "Restorers,"
ftc, vAt the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin,
but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots
and herbs of (.' nliforni.l. free from all Alcoholic Stimulant,
'l'liey arc the Great lltood Purifier and a Life-giving
Principle, a rertect Kcnnvaior anu inviRoraior oi ine
Svstem, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring
tlie blood to a healthy condition, enriching il, refreshing
and invi?;or..tinjr both nnnd and body. They are easy
Af administration, prompt in their action, certain in their
results, s:ife and rcliible in all forms of disease.
No Pcmon run tnke llirao Hitter, accord
Intr to rfiTcclions, and remain long unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed bv mineral poison or other
means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tlie point
of repair.
l sti )sln or Iinllirestlon. Headache, Pain
in the Shoulders, Couchs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz
liness, Smir Ki inns of the Stomach, Had Taste
in the Mouth, llilious Attacks, Palpitation of the
H'l.lrl, InlUmmation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions ol
the Kidnevs, and a hundred oilier painful symptoms,
are the nflspringa of Dyspepsia. In these complainta
it Ins no equal, and one liotlle will prove a belter guar
antee of its merits ihan a lenathv advertisement.
Far l-'einlllc, Cfttiilalllta, in yntui or old,
married or single, nt the dawn of womanhood, or the
turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an
influence that a marked improvement is soon percep
tible. For liiflnnimntory nml lironlo Ithen
mnllflin and, I)ysepsia or Indigestion, Bilious,
Remittent and Intermittent Fevers. 1'is.ases of the
Blood, Liver, Kidnevs and Bladder, these Bitters have
been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by
Vitiated Blond, wh eh is e;encra!y produced by derange
meet of the Ijiocstive
Tlipy are it Ociiitlo Pnrnntlvo n well n.
A Tonic, possessing also the peculi.r. merit of acting
as a powerful aent in relieving t.'ongestion or Inflam
mation of tlie Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious
For Skill Ulaenaoa. Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, lllotch'-i, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
huncles. KiiiL' Worms. S-ald-Head. Sore liyes, l.ry-
sipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationsof the Skin, Humors
and Ilisaases of the Skin, of whltever name or nature,
are literally du2 up and carried out of the system in a
short time bv the ue of these Bitters. One bottle in
such cases will convince the most incredulous of the.
curative effects.
Cleanae tlte Vltlntrcl Illooil whenever vnu
find its nupuilties bursting through the skin in Pimples,
Eruptions, or Sores: cleanse it w!i,mi voil find it ob
structed and sluggish in the veins : cleaese it when it is
foul : your feelings will leil you when. Keep the blood
pure, ami the health of tlie system will follow,
Ctrnlcfiil 1 Ii Aiianm! proclaim Vinkgar Bit
tkrs the most wonderful invigorant tint ever Mi.tained
the sinking system.
fin. Tape, nml oilier worms, lurk'njr in
the system ol so many thousand, are ellectually de'
slroved.and removed. S.ivs a distinguished nhvsint
ogist : There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the
eartll wllose Hotly is exempt Irom the presence ot worms.
is tint upon tlie lie.ihliy eiemenM tf ihe
worms exist, but iitum tli diso.He hninnrs and shiny
deposits tlmt breed thssa living nunistcr tif disease.
No sy-itcm of .vleJiciiv, no vermifuges, no anthclmin
ilics, will free the ttystcm from wunns like tit use Bit
MecUitiilcal Olenscn. Persons encased in
.tinis and Miner:. i such as Ptunibers, 'I'viMi-setters,
ltd-licit ei'M, md .Miners, as thev ndv.nci in life, will
si:-i :ct to iiir:tivsis of the linwels. 'I n vu.ird acainst
lis t-Oce .1 doe ui Walkrim Vinegar HiTri:Rs once
fvic; a week it n Preventive.
IlilldtiH, Hini((iit, nml Intermit font
evM'X, which .tp? n previ'ent in tltj v.illeys of our rivers l-iron'-Minut the United St.ttes, especially
those uf the Mississippi, Ohio, Mi-sunri, Iliitiuis, Ten
nessee. Cumberland. Rod, C'olot.ido, lirazos,
Rio i .randc, Pearl, Alahaiivi, Mohi e. S ivannaii, Roan
oke, Jnne and many nthert, wi;h their vast tributa
ries, thrntmhoiil our entire couutrv during, the Su:imer
nd Autunui, and rem.iik.ihly no .uriiir nen-ons ol
nusuil heat atid divncss. arc iuviriah'.v aroiMDAuied
by extensive detanaienient of tlio stnin and liver, and
oilier abdominal viscera. There are always more or less
obstructions f the liver, a weaknusn ami irritable state
f the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being
loirced up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat
ment, a purgative, exerting a powerfil inlluencc uion
these various, is essentially necessarv. There 11
no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. W.w.kbk's
' 1 n Rt m niTTkRs, ns uiey win Rpeertry remove the
ark co jred viscicl matter witli which the bowels are
loaded, it tho same time Rtinuilatuic the secreiioim of
he live and generally restoring the healthy functions
if the digestive organs,
Sri'tif iln or Kins Kvil, White Swellines.
U.tJis I',ryielas, Swelled N'jck, Goiter. Scrofulous
nn.innnations, iudoicnt lutl.mimaiioiis .Mercurial Al
L'Ctions, O d Soros, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves,
etc., etc In thes. as in all Dis-
eases, Wai.kkk's V I n rq k Hittumh have shown their
preat curative powers in tli3 most ubitin.ite aud intract-
Dr. AVnlkira California Vlie.Tr Ui Iters
act on all thse cases in a similar maimer. Jv purifying
the Rlood they remove the caue, and bvresofving away
the eects of the inrlamination (the tubercular deposits)
le a.lccted parts receive Iica-th, and a permanent cure
The nronfi'tlrs of Pr. Wai.kkr's Vinegar
Bittixrs are Aperient. 1 )iaphoretic and Carminative,
Nutritious, I,axitive, Diuretic. Sedativ, Counter-Irri- Sudorihc, Alterative, and Anti-l-ihous.
Tho Aporlent and mild Laxative properties of
Dti. Wai.kkk's Vimfgak HiTTKits are the best safe
guard iu all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers.
their balsamic, healing, ana soothing properties protect
the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties
allay pain in the nervous nystcm, stom ich, aud bowels,
it her from lntlamm.ition, wind, coiic, cramps, etc
heir Counter-irritant influence extend throughout
the svstem. Their Diuretic nroietties act ou the kid
neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their
Anti-lHiiniis properties stimulate tlie liver, in the secre-
.: -i.:i ..... :.. j: i .1... 1. .1.. k:i:,.... ...... -
and are superior to all remedial astmts, lor the cure ol
Bilious Fever, Fever and Alju, etc.
Fortify tlie boilv airaint dine a He bv nuri-
fvinc all its thuds with Visrcvk Hittrks. No eni.
demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The
liver, the stomach, the bo.vels, the k'dneys, and the
nerves are rendered di&ease-prouf by this great invig
Uirerltoim. TaUe of the Hitters on goim to bed
at night from a half to one and one-half wine-giaisfull.
Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton
chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take
outdoor exercise. I he' are composed ol pureiy veget
able ingredients, and contain 110 spirit.
J WAl.KKR, Prop'r. K.II. McI)0AM)(fc COM
Uruggiiits aud Uen. Agts. . San r rancisco and in cw York,
For SPIIIXG of 1 8 1 .
Incite Hit attention nf Plmitrrs and Dealer Ml
Vllf 'HI p.lU IMIIiyitll MIUQK 14
Maiirlnril ii. Dwarf Fruit Trees.
rRM Vine., Small Kruit..
Ornamental Tree.. ShrnbH. Ttnara.
new oi. Hare r'riiiinuu ornamental Trees.
Hivertgreeu. sua a.w AMautM,
Prompt mention given to all enquiries.
Daaripttv and Illustrated priced Catalogue, tent pro-
paia on receipt oj .lampe, aejoiiotee:
No. 1 Fruits. 1 Oe. No. H Ornamental Tree. 1 An.
No. 3 Urceu-house, 10c, No. 4 Wholesale, Free.
Kttati a itn. KLiitv A!V.i;it & M .Hill.
Mount Hove Surtcrut. UUCUE&1KK. N. V.
The Only Genuine Mineral Fertil
izerln New England.
Gnfton Minera' Fertilizer & Destroyer of I sects
to Canker Worms, Orub., Roe Bu(r-, Potato Bup.IIop
Iuftctr.. and nil othtjr I'lant-UytruyiiiK Infects. Ii pro
tfeu the plants from lutseet mischief, and largely pro-
uio'en iu. irrowio 01 uu vejrt'iaiiou.
Wflrrnnti-d an rriirfiiiiitr-d.
DAVIS. THAYER A CO.. Prnprietorn, Littleton, N. H
WtHnK. Ill ' A DUIKiK. Cuiienrd. N. 11.
Oi ncrul AttvuU, to whom all ordent bhuuld be iird-
dreMed. tiund for Descriptive CirculaK.
Jua ONE DOLLAK we will mall you a box of
itaniDod with any Initial or Pet name. Four flies and
sixteen patterns in each box.
It moots the dully want of any lady.
1 lioardini; Huliool Birls are adopting it
" li t tlie prottiest present to a young lady.
!ry ono be,x Itir 'ourselr.
Addres, l'iilillon.
P.O. Box 5011, Boston, Mat
Bend I'or derei eciiciiluis Vllisue lluuder, revised
edition, lsf, price 10. Supplement to Village Builder,
t). VlUiiKu builder and .uppleinent, bound In une
iicului's Vilisue lluilder,
Sl(e VOIUUiei .it, v.m.V(Iub v. ..... ...... uiufiia,
l'aper, 'riaoiuit CUllU, elf,, uiiil ed on receipt ol" tw(
Tttfir. itch, hives, ntot. Dlmnlei, etc. : hook with
rwii.-. for itelf-cnre. with full uirectlou. mailed for
cu. J0UN Q. SCOTT, Hi North Kiuth St., PUila., Pa
For!7 of Poll?1!. Snvlns Ltibor, Clenn"
llnea(i,Durlblllty A Ohcapnew, W noqunlecl.
RK1T.tttK OK Untmilisa I1!ITITIIIH. under nthr
nanie, lat re.emMiiig onrs in aOMjicaad colorof wn.pj,er
TIIK RiSlvn (U K mttSII l Itl l.K. for ftovcdf Irrn'
uoat tivi-h-e- renta per Tonnt tvcuty-n e ntut iii-tir
Wd hnxc.. "Cliea.r than any other Bulk relish for
lioi. ni?. ... -
riiK unttxa or i.rjinrn pkm it, nm ttharpeniiiK
Chea n nnd littrahlp wi percfdr nl Iter nrt icle lor tirpoi.
Till: HIsiMiat x iii.k K l.l in I.i .mill iron. Foraxlci.
hearlna nnd rrn'-Mrerv. Lnt fix llmef anion Mojl
alone. .' in. ana ,o in. oono., incenrn pnr io, iryn.
MORSE BROS., Prop'rs., Canton, Mail,
OattiT hmcovrsT.-IUIiiInu and rsttlnf
(Ices .'0S withoat Oiais ss PstaToss At
tlte small rest ol only Oss Cit Pu-ws.
This is on Ihe sssiss, NOHnWBCO.
'n, peml 10 rents lor rirreisrs. ps pmesse.ete.
f Address, Prot KIDDtK, BaillosWn, Vt
II liRK you hnvo n salve combining soothing nnrl
XX hoalliifr propcrtios, with no danpcrotii Jngrrd
icnt. A remedy nt hand for tho mnny pains nnd
ochprt, wound nnd bruises to which flesh l heir.
In moro cnslly npplird than mnny other remedies,
never prouueniff a baa iiiect, but always ruitcving
pnln, however severe.
It Is prepared by MIm Sawyer uho 1ms ttnod It
in her own ex ten's I vo treatment of tho sick, for
nearly twenty years, with (trent Kticeess.
The nrinclpal diseases for whleh this salve Is rec
ommended nre. Chilblain, iheumntttm, Iiie,
Scrofula Old I'lcern Salt Jthettm, Sprain Burn,
Fever Sore, Felon. Pimple, hryiprl(t Sore
Fifes, Uttrher' iUh, Pcafnc, Boil Unff-worm
Com Jlite of Jneet Cancer Toothache Far
arhc, Sore Fippleet Jiatane Swollen reatt
JUh, Scahl Jeri'l Teething. Chapped Hand
SraM. Cut. limine Ctwti Cracked ., and
Sore on Children
It never (ails to euro Ithetimntlum if properly
npplied. Hub H on well with the hand three times
n day. In several cases It has cured palsied limits.
For Pile It lias been discovered to be n sure rem
c4y. l'ersons that have been nflllcted for years
havo been relieved by n few applications. For Fry
tipela it works wonders, nlluyine the Inflammation
nnd quieting the patient. For Chapped Jfand it
Jiroduccs a cure immediately. Let those with Salt
theum obtain this Halve, nnd npply it freely, nnd
they wilt find It Invaluable. It U good in cases of
Scrofula nnd Tumor. Cancer havo been cured
"with it. The bent Halvo ever invented for Swollen
Brcat and Sore Nipple. No wnv Injurious, but
aitro to nfl'ord relief. Sore, or lVeah Ficllih it
on the lids gently, once or twice n dny. Cures deaf
new bv nutting In tho earn on a niece of cotton.
For Felon this U superior to anything known.
For Pnnnfe this nets like n charm. For llurna
nnd Scald npply tho Bulvo nt onco nnd it gives
lmmcdiatu relief. For Old Sore, apply unco a
llruiiBwick. April 4, 18G7 .
MtssSAWVF.n: I received your letter last even
Ing, nnd was very glad you concluded to let me
take your Halve. 1 think 1 can do well with it, and
It will be quite an accommodation lo my liuitband,
a he cannot get along without it. lie has tried
everything else and has never found anything that
healed his leg as that bulvo of yours, aud we hnvo
both found it to be all, and even more, than you
recommend it to be. Wu have had it In the f:.mlly
live or six years, and havo used It for everything,
nnd can truly ay we have never found it equul.
I nse It for a weak back, nnd it nets like n charm.
Mr. Coombs has had n jcoer Sr onhtsitgjtr
Uiirty yar, and would be a cripple to-day, iA
haa not fauna a remedy in your sre. n Keeps
it healed, and tnkes out the inflammation, proud
flesh and swelling, nnd does for him ull that be can
nsk. I can recommend It for A eoud many things
that you havo not, for I ne It for everything. I
consider it Invaluable In afiunib. U you can put
this testimony together, nnd it can bo of any ser
vice to you, you nre welcome.
If your Druggist Is out of the Salvo, and neglects
to keep supplied, send seventy-five cents ns directed
below, ana receive a box uy return man.
rut tin In Boxes nt 50 cents each. Prepared
by MIs?rt C. HAWYKK. nnd put up by L. M.
BOBBIN S, Wholesale ana Ketau Drug
gist, Roc&lana, Me. A Jrnu Hox sent in-e
IpV man on receipt 01 neveniy-nve cents, oy x. At.
nOBUlXH, Uocklund, Mo.
Principal Office 101 W. Fifth St., Cincinnati, 0.
The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country.
$100,000 00
In Valuable Cifts!
To be drawn Monday, March tith, 1872.
One Grand Capital Prize of
$ 10,000 IN qouqo
One Prize $5-000 in Silver ! .
FIVE PniZRS $1,000
FIVE l'ltl.K?) S500
sj Greenbacks
HUllstS wuu silver Mouuted lluiuess, worm l.ieu
Two HORSES AND BUC0IES, with Silver-Mounted
uaruess, woriu uu eueu.
Two Fine-toned Rn.ewood PIANOS, worth 500 each I
TenFatiiily tff.WlNO MACHINES, worth $100 each I
1500 Gold and Silver Lever Iluntlnt Watchee, worth
Jrom tu to MU eacn l
Ladles' Oold Leontine Chains, Gent's Gold Vest
L'liulns, Solid aud liunble-riated Mlver Taoie ana
Teaspoons, Photograph Albums, Jewelry, dec., ecc.
Whole number Gifts, 10,000. Tickets limited to 50,000.
To whom Liberal Premium will be pnld.
Single Tickets $!; Six Tickets, $10; Twelve Ticket
exu; sweuiy-uve ucaeii .su.
Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a descrln-
tiou of 111. munner of drawing, and other information
iu reference to tlie Distribution, will be seul lo any one
ordering llieui. All letters must be addressed to
L. O. SINE, Box 86, Cincinnati, O.
Offlee, 101 We.t Fifth Street.
Improved Porous Plasters
are recommended by the It EST PHYSICIANS aa a
sure and tafe remedy for RHEUMATISM. NEURAL
11 ALU aixl KHALI V, KAHM.SSKS. lake uoue but
DR. UROSVKNOR S to iuaure the best result.
Gueral Depot. Mi Hudson St., Nsw Yoik. Sold br
al Drugglits. PRICE ii cent.. .
v.jr-t-wns wr
I'ubll-hod for the boned t of young nun arid others
who SHtlerfroin Nervous Debility, etc,, supplying Till
mkansi ov aaLr.ccu-i. Written by one who cured biiss
self, and sunt froe ou receiving a poe-t-paid directed eis
velope. Address NATHANIEL MAYFA1U. Brooklyn,
W; Yi ' .
To Printers,
A part In. rest In one of the best country new-paper
eta&ll!buieut' ii) Southern New York. Is ottered fur
sale, the owner havtnat another business, whleh needs
ail his attention. The other partner will retain his In
terest. Material all nearly new, and equipment earn-
f lete. business cood und rapidly lucreusine. For par
lculars address FRAN KLIN, box IM. MiauUelowa.STT
s i Envelopes of various sizes, colon, and Sonrs on
tm f each, 84 sheeu Song Paper, copy of a tO-column
paper All sent fur ado. i. A. UvwelU it Co., Jsrs..n,Q-Idareh