) (Elk OJounin gilcocatc. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1872. ill "" Bfttos of MTertish 0& olunm, one yw......, ..$71 00 I I T If 4 a it H ii So 00 IB 00 Transient advertising nersanare of eicht VtMt or foes 8 times or less- 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per jrw 6 oo Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. T. K. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be beld at their hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. o. l Mccracken, seo'y. Temple of Honor and Temoerance. Blkton Temple No. 81, meets on ea:h alternate Thuriday. at their Lodge Room, a Main street, over J. V. Honk's store. 8. A. ROTE, W. R. Car Time at lUdgway. Erie Express East...... 2:0fl a m. do do West 2:15 a. m. do Mail East. 4:55 p. m. do do West ., fi:27 a., m. Renovo Accommodation East .... 7:55 a m. do do do Wet.... fl:00 p. m. Good Friday March 29th, Yesterday was a pleasant day. Next Sunday is "St. Patrick's dny in the morning." Venus will be the morning star un til the 16th of July next. See oard of S. A.. Rote, Photo grapher, West End, Ridgway, Pa. Tub Teacher's Institute ia now session. Proceedings next week. in Our exchanges ore fall of "big egg" stories. Ridgway hens to the front. Hasn't the Democratic flag-pole in the public square ceased to bo an nrna raeot? Lutheran Services in the Court House next Sunday, German in the morning and English in the evening, by Rev. J Rrenneman. Sl'URrous bills of tho two dollar de nomination having a large "2" engraved horizontally upon them, are again in circulation, and are not easily detected, except by experts. J. T. Houk has lately bad the inside of his store ro-piinted and improved in other respects and now bns' one of the best store-rooms in town. Give him a call and convince yourself. Sudden Death. In our borough on Sntiday -light. March 10th, Mr. M Williams, brother of the Hon. H. W. Williams, President Judge of this Ju dicial District, died vry suddenly. He leaves: a wife and chi'dred to mnurn his nndden demise Emporium Independ ent. Sprvice sports a bran new plug hat. Elk Democrat.. Nothing remarkable this, yet "thereby hangs a tale." It now appears that this same hat has been worn since last fall and is the fruit of betting with a Demo crat on the New York elections. We have reoeived a copy of "The Nation Its Rulers and Institutions," from Mr. J E. Nugent, of this place, who is agent for Elk county. This is a book which no I'hrary should be without. Give Mr. Nqgenta call and examine the work. The OiTj Product. The oil prj- sjd i Western Pennsylvania up to tiuarv i, iiui. w ai. zou.uwj onrreis. a quantity that would Gil a tank whoe length, breadth and depth were each 600 feet; would make a laver a little less than ten square miles of producing territory. It would fill 471.000 cars, making a train 8.000 miles in length. Look at these figures, and then think that the great product is increasing steadily from year to year. Where will we land? RioawAY Silver Cornet Band. An effort is being made to raise money to provide instruments for a Silver Cor net Band, and as a considerable amount of money has already been subscribed and collected we can think of no reasoo why an amount sufficient for this purpose can not be speedily raised. Other towns have bands, and why should Ridgway not have one? We pause for an answer and are in hopes that the answer will be given by our citizens in such a manner as to insure, the success of the undertaking. Last Tuesday meeting was held in the Prothonotary's office and an organization effected by the eleotioo of the following officers for the ensuing year; Pres't. Fred. Schoeninf. Vice Pies't T. S. Hartley. Seo'y. J. Miller. Tiea.D. B. Pay. MARRIED. . Obeio Peterson On Saturday evening Maroh 9th, 1872, by Rev H. A. Pattison, at the M. E. Parsonage. Ridgwajr, Pu.i Mr. Alfred Obcig to Miss Josephine Peterson, all of Ridgway. Don't Dye, but use a bottle or two of that incomparable article known as Nature's Hair Restorntive. It makes the head feel so good. Sold everywhere. See advertisement. .2-1 t2. The firm of Geo. P. Rowell & Co., No. 41 Park Row, New York, is the most exteosive Advertising Agency in the country, and one with which it is a pleasure lor publishers to deal. Green Bay (Wis.) Gazette. Counterfeit 50 Cent Currency Latest Issue. We are indebted t Peter son's Detector for tho following, which will warn all those handling the stuff: The engraving is coarse and the lathe work wanting, though imitated coarsely, yet it is well calculated to deceive. The red and blue fibres in the paper of the genuino are imitated by printing; in the counterfeit the long bjard of Secre tary Staoton is darker, and the figures "50" on the right hand ore surrounded by solid black instead of fine lines as in the genuine. On the reverse, the coun terfeit may be distinguished by the "s" in "Customs" failing to touch the large oval to the next, and also by the ab sence of shading, and the fine lines around the "50" iu the corners. A Child Murdered. -At Drift wood, on Saturday last we had related to as the particulars of the most horri ble affair that was ever perpetrated in the county. The day previous, a Mrs. Sarah Myres. wife of Theodore Myres residing on Bennett's Branch, six miles f rom the above named place in what is believed to have been a fit of insanity, killed her son, an infant nine months of ogc. The mother first took '.he helpless babe and placed it on the top of a hot stove and next put him into a kettle of boiling apples; tlus literally roasting and scalding the child, fruoi the effects of which it died within a few moments. We learn that the mother was sub ject to epileptic fits, and that when re covering from those fits she is is gen erally insane for a brief time. It is supposed that she had a fit (no one was present) and while recovering, uncon sciously committed the awlul deed Sbe was, when told of the affair, almost frantic with grief, and is now in a con dition that excites the earnest pity of all her neighbors and acquaintances- Cameron County Press. licekss'kotiss Notice is hereby given that tho fol lowing persons have filed petitious to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Klk County for Tavern and Eating Iloa-e Liccnsns, and that the same will be pre sented to the said. Court at April Term 172 (coiuir.eneing April 8th, 1872) TAVERN. Jienrzelte Townsh-p, 1. Abner Ober, 2. Martin Enz, Joy Townshid. 3. Armel Turley. 4. Patrick II. Burke, Fox joiciuhip. 5. Wolfgang Aumao. St. Mary's Borough. 6. Robert H. Morrison, 7. B. Conner, S. Daniel Scull, 9. A. J. Layton (Washington House), 10. A. J. Layton & Co. (Luhr House) eating house. Centreollle. F. Gill. n. St. Mary's Borough. 12. Charles Klausman, 13. John Waehtel. FRED. SCHOENING, Clork. CHARACTERISTIC ENTER PRISE. The great Chicago Fire laid waste, during the fatal forty hours be tween Sunday evening, Oct. 9th, and Tuesday morning following, hundreds of millions of dollars in property. VII the principal buildiugs, Batiks, Stores. Warehouses, Printing Offices, and Pub lishing Houses, went dowu; among the latter were the offices of the new family weekly paper "Our Fireside Friend," but with that indomitable energy which is characteristic of Chicago, the pub lishers, Messrs. Waters, Ebcrts & Co , while their fine offices were yet burniug. were making arrangements to resume their business and carry forward theii great enterprise. They immediately se cured a new location at 783 State Street, which they occupy uutil their former place is rebuilt.- Tbey are now issuing their paper, a beautiful eight page, il lustrated, literary and fireside journal, filled with choico reading and finely il lustrated, and are pursuing their origi nal plan of distrl' jtiog one hundred thousand dollar among their subscribers for 1872. Speotuien copies, Premium Lists, eto., will be sent lrea to soy address. AND EYES. There are 1,500 miles of railroad io operation lu Minnesota. When women sre in arms they never oppose the liberty ol the press. Two-thirds of our Presidents wore Episcopalians. Only six inches of snow have fallen in Dakota Territory this wint9r. " Yourself and gentleman" is the way invitations read this year. The Smithsnnians deny that forests promote rain (alls. A jury recently assembled at Read ing, Pa., the members of which aver aged 80 years of age. The youngest was 71 and the oldest 92. Through tickets arouod the world are now issued, the price being SI. 145 in gold, and the running time eighty-one days. An Illinoisan drank a bottle of drops prescribed for ear ache. He bas never suffered from ear ache since. It is estimated that more than one sixth of the Inhabitants of the United States are owners of real estate. There is a boy in New York so bright that his mother has to look at him through a piece of smoked glass. A set of paper wheels on a Pullman car have run 100,000 miles, and worn out their steel tires. Cast iron wheels will run only 60,000 miles. Look out for mad dogs now, There is nothing makes a dog so mad as to be compelled to sit out on the door-step this weatber and howl to get in by the stove. Mrs.Partington does nut approve of this new-fangled stuff, diabolic acid but she is highly delighted to see there is an anti sceptic. Frank Blair having declared that "this time we must havo a naked issue," a contemporary wants to know if the nude departure will not answer. An old Indian once said, "White man cheat me once, white man's fault; white man cheat me twice, Indian's fault." An absent minded resident of Dan bury, Conn, shut down a window, Mon day, and forgot to draw In his head. He was tailing for Helen Blazes when discovered. It is not a bad specimen of practical sophistry, when one hnndred dollar' are made to pay one thousand; by the first debtor paying to a second, tho second to a third, and so on, until the same sum is paid to a tenth creditor. A woman in Salem, Indiana, is report ed to have taken some percussion caps. which caused her to -'go off" with a man who was not her husband. In all evils which admit a remedy im patience should be avoided, because it wastes that time and attention in com plaints which, if properly applied, would remove the cause. Horse-flesh is yet the favorite food of Parif-ians. On the 2d of January last. twenty large shops were opeued in the French capital lor its exemive sale, and Paris physicians warmly recommend it as the best food for consumptives. The Teeth. Horace VValpole wrote: Use a little bit of alum twice or thrice a wek, no bigger than halt' your nail, till it has all disolved in your mouth, and then spit it out. This has so Soni fied my teeth that they are as strong as the peu of Junius I learned it of Mrs. Grusvctior, who had not a speck in her teeth until her death." Returns for the past five years of the American rise erop which is grown in the Caroliuas, Georgia and Louisiana show that it has increased truin 20,1100, 000 ol pounds in 18GG. to 92,000.000 iu 1870. whilst the price has dicreasid from 134 cents to 9 cents prr pound during the same period. Japanese auctions are conducted on a novel plan, bnt one which gives rise to none ol the noire and contusion which attend such sales in America. Each bid der writes his name anil bid upon a slip of paper, which he places in a box. Wheu the bidding is over the box is opened by the auctioneer, and the goods declared the property of the highest bid der. The little busy barkeeper in Boston eludes the shinin law by putting two barrels of whisky into a molasses punch con and filing up the puncheon with molasses. Wheu a customer calls, he pumps whisky out through the bung hole; when a constable calls, he ruus molasses off through tho faucet. A storekeeper at Quincy, Mich , hav ing a pup that habitually upset the paint cans in tho rear end ot the store, rubbed the dog's nose in the spilt paint as a re minder that be must not do so again. Last week the animal again spilled the paint, and, observing that his master was eDguged in waiting on a customer, the docile pup rubbed liis owo nose in lie mixture, and ran howling out the back way. The United States tuketh lead of all nations in enterprise and competition aud New York is the first, generally, to offer the greatest advantages. Almost every month brings forth new advertisements, as liberal in their terms as they are sparkling in tbeir originality Iu an other column of this paper the Grand Opera Co.. 129 Fulton Street, New York, advertise to give performances throughout the United States and dis tribute $100,000 among purchasers of tickets. , Tick t holders receive a hand some present at th time of purchase; admission to one opera; and a ohance ot a prize at the final presentation. We do oot endorse gilt enterprises; but this does not appear to class as such, but rather a .Stock Company, giving bma finde Operas and tben returning to their patrons a great share ot the profits. I his i indeed competition, and certainly guarantees to every one the value of bis J money. 2t. H00I3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS S. A. ROTE, PHOTOGRAPHER. AMD DIALSa 111 Chrotnos, Stereoscopio Views, Picture Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA. v2n2tf. ' OR AN J OPERA Given throughout the United States. $40,000.00 Distributed among Ticket Holders. First Priee, $75,00 in Gold I Every one receives tho full value of his money with ohanoe of a fortune. A Handsome Gift with every Ticket at the time of purchase. TWENTY THOUSAND GIFTS I A BOOK WITH ONE TICHET. A WATCH WITH FIVE TICKETS. A8EWING MACHINEwith 10 TICKETS. Given at time of purchase. Tickets with Premium, sent to any Ex press Offices. C. O. D. Send for Circular to GRAND 01' ERA CO., 129 Fulton St., New York. "Storekeepers wanted as Agents, o.s. A.A3m-mnrl5. '' SHERIFFS SALES. RY virtue of a writ of Fitri Facias issued )ut of the Court of common Pleas, of E'k county, and to me directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway on MONDAY. APRIL 8th, 1872, at one o'clock, p. in , tho following describ ed properly, to wi!: The undivided one-fourth interest of that certain tract, of land situate in the township of Millstone, County of Elk (late Forest) Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as follows. On the north by trnot No. 4135 warranted in the name of dnmnel Wallace on the east by traot No 2405 warranted in the name of Win. Willink & Co. On the south by tract No. 21139, warranted in the name of Wm. Willink & Co., and on the west by traot No. 2700 warranted in the uame of Wm. Willinn & Co. Containing nine hundred (900) ncresand allowance Being tract No. 2H7. warranted in the name of Wm Willink 4" Co., hei.g part of the tame a.d lhat was conveyed by Kichnrd Arthurs nnd wife to L. C. Wineciop and Joseph McGee and conveyed by L. O. Winecoop nnd Sarah K. his wife to J. IV. Coleman the first party hereto by deed benring date the fifth day of July A. D. one thot'Bnnd eight hundred and seventy. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SiiEsirr's Office, 1 Ridgway, March 14th. 1871. nts. A SEKIES OF Grand Presentation Concerts will be given at tho OPERA HOUSE, SYRACUSE, NEW YOitK By memdersef the New York Opera Com pany, to take place between Feb ruary 20, and April liO, 1872. ' Under the palronnie and management of the LEADING CITIZENS OF SYRACUSE. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, Syracuse, Treasury, At the close of the last concert there will be ?70.000 Worth of Presents Given away. to the holders of Tickets. Every Ticket soil will receive a Gift. 1 GIFT $10,000 11ESIDKNCE, 1 GIFT $7,000 RESIDENCE, 1 Gift 81,000 Manufacturing Site, 1 Gift $2,000 GREENBACKS, 1 Gift $1,00J Building Lot. AMI Over 300 Grand Gifts or PIANO FORTES. . LADIES & GEVTS GOLD WATCHES, SILK& MEKINO DRESS PATTERNS, Ladies' Mink Furs, Sowing Machines, Horse, CarrUge an I Harness, Silver Sells, ttrusxels Carpets, Bedroom Suits, Stoves. Barrels of Flour, Gold aud -Silver Coin, Greenbacks, The balance in beautiful Ear-rings, l'ins, Studs, and ornamental articles. REFERENCES: F. F. Aimer, Esq.. New York. Bogart & Co.. New Yoit. Jackson & Co., New York. Anp the following Merchauts of Syracuse at wpose stores the gifts can be seen. A. Stern & Co., s'.iver setts ami jewelry. Whitlock & Co., sliiiwls, silk aud nieriuo dress patterns. Walden & Dnna. sewing machines. Velasko & Co.. pinuO'fortes. Schenck & Gridley, stoves. Nottingham & Tucker, real estate Tickkts. $1.00. Cfctia Rates Five tickets, $4.50. 10 tickets $9.00; 20 tickets $18.00; 100 tickets, $90,00. All orders must be addressed to the American Opera Company, 117 West Elevenib St., New Vork Ciiy, or American Opera Co., Syracuse, N Y. Large orders should by Post-omce order or Express. Agents wanted. 2-lni3.. AGENTS WANTED! For the fastest an most popular book with CO II lusirations. likeuesses of all the I'residenta beaut ilully bound, and printed on tintt'd paper. TSIE xAT!OL, Its Rulers and Institutions, IM ENGLISH AND GERMAN Knrhinir IiWa it. Strik AVArvhnrlu 0 -- - - j vwuj cats juHi the book they need. It ia an Encyolo - l: . L. . "1 i-1 pueum ui i no uuveruwoui. t?mgte page iu it, are of theinnelvta worth the price of the book over 600 pagtt and only $2.50, A KI011 1IAKVE6T, for Canvassers ludiaa and ffeiillRiiiAn farmera. lAu.k... And nriiftontfi fin mtunt tntih 7A a few days, with circular alone, lefurt th i - - f. m n.t I mil . oook appeared. a u x cau re cleared in t'ai territory. Write at once for circu lar and information. NEW WORLD PUB LISHING CO., Cor. 7ih and Market 8krti Philadelphia. vlnSlyl. ltlLLHE ,D8, Letterheads, eto., printed ' "HOW TO 00 Forty years ago Illinois was as far West as most people wished to go, and journey's were niade in the legendary "Prairie Schooner" but in these days of Progress and Improvement, the word West has come to mean Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, California and the Territories, and the Traveler reaches almost any point therein by a splendid Lino of Railroad. This Line of Railroad is the Burling on K oute, which starts from Chicago over tho Chicago, llurlington fc Quiooy It. It., from Indianapolis over the In r'.anapolis, Bloomington & Western Short Linei and from Logansport, over the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw R. R., and running through Burlington, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Attchison, Levenworth and Kansas City, connecting with the Union Pacific, Kansas Pacific and other Rail roads running from those cities. Always go '"By way of Burlington," and you will be sure to be right. The Burlington Route has admirable nnswered the question; "How to go West?" by the publication of a truthful and interesting documeot, filled with facts in regard to Time, Connections; Accommodations, rates of Fare, and other interesting items, and illustrated by a large map, truthfully showing the whole West, which they distribute freo of charge. Copies, nnd additional in formation, can he obtained by address ing. General Passenger Agent, B. & M. R. It., Burlington, Iowa. $1,000 REWARD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will be piiid to any Physician who w ill produce a medicine that will supply the wants of the peopl'i better than the article known as lilt. M'aiMltJtEIS Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must be a better Cathartic, abetter Alter ative, a belter Su lorilic, a better Diuretic, a better Tunic, and in every way better than the Pun-a-ce a. No matter how long it has been iu use or how Utely discovered Above all it must not coutaiu anything not PURELY VEGETABLE. $5,00 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nently care more cases of Costiveuess, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tapo Worms, Roils. Loins, Side and Head mid Female Complaint than nil. FiUltVEVS BLOOD CLEANSER, Oil PANACEA, which is used more extensively by practio iof physicians than auy other popular me Heme known. For Sale by G. G. MESSENGER, and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pa. vln22yl. Tu ADVERTISERS. All persons who contemplate m iking contracts with news papers for the imettiou of Advertisements should sen 1 to IGEO. P. ROWELL & CO. 9 for a Circular, o incl ise to cents for their ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET, con taining Lists of 8.0(H) Newspapers an 1 estimates, showing the cost of advertising, also many useful hints to advertisers, and 8ojie aooount of the experiences of men who are kuown aa SUCCESSFUL ADVER. TISERS. This firm are proprietors of the American Newptpar dveriising Agency. 41 PAKE ROW, IT. Y. and are possessed of unequaled facilities for sfcnring ihe insertion of advertisements in all Newspapers and Periodicals at loweft rates. vln37l21. FOR. SALE. THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS "THE JOHXSONBURO COAL LOTS" with all the privileges possess! by the Wilmnrth Coal Company, Apply to SAMUEL A. CROZE a. Upland P. O., Delaware County, Penn'a. THE Tenth Voiumo of Wood's Household Magazine begins with Janu ary 1372. Its regular contributors in clude Horace Greeley, Gail Hamilton, Thus. K. Beecher, Dr. W. W. Hall, James Parton eto. Harriett Beecher Stowe, Btick Ponieroy, John G. Saxe, Maj. Genl. Kilpatrick, Petrolium V. Nusby, etc , write for it occasionally. Terms, One Dollar a year. In clubbing, three first-class periodicals are given for the price ot one of them. The most liberal Premium List ever published. No periodical is cure frequently or fa vorably mentioned by tho press. "Wood's Household Magazine is one of the mouumeuts of business eoterniise which murk the aie." Methodist Home Journal, Philodelphia, Pa. 'It has been improving ever since wo knew it a good criterion for the future." Courier, New Market, Canada. "It is a marvel of cheapness and first. class quality oorabined.--New York Times Specimen copy sent tree to any address. S. S. WOOD & CO.. n46tf Newbum N. Y. oa SALE. The village property, formerly owned by Dr. W. 8baw,at Centreville, Elk Co., Pa. Consisting of a two story house with Drug Store attaohed. For sale by DR. J. 8. BORDWELL, n26tf. Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa. Terms easy, part cash and balance oa time. A good looatioa for a phyiioian. SfSK&HlY Jri tto koVWAXt. W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAYl THE LARGEST STOCK OFJHB BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK S TO V E SI HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS "V ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! i sell mm? STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO' SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. lMasonio Hall Building, Ridgway. Fa NATURE'S! llkm REST8RATIVE Contains no LAC SULPHITE No SUGAB OP LEAD Nc LITH ARGE -No NITRATE OP SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. , Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric perfectly safe, clean and efficient, desideratums long sought for and found at last! It restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a dressing for the hair it is the best article in the market. Dr. (i. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's lluir Restorative, and take no other. JsaySend two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a -'Treatise on the Human Hair " The information tt con tains is worth $500,00 to any person. FOR SALE BY G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Penn'a. vlnllyl. ' legal. Charles Springstead ) In Common Pleas vs. of Elk County. Chrlotte L. Springstead J No.10 Nov. T.71. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Charlotte L. Springstead, respondent above named: You are hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above ease hav ing been returned non tit inventus, you are required to appear on the SECOND MON DAY OF APRIL next, being the 8th day of toe montn, to answer tot complaint in tbs above oas. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sntftirr's Orrici, 1 UUgway, Jan. la, 1673. 1 41&. BUSINESS CARDS. 41 A. RAT HBUN, Attorney-at-Law I JT. Ridgway Pa. 2 2 If. JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Rid, way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'601 i 8. HILL, Physician and Surgtoa XX, Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. J O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. vln23yl. Ridgway, Elk Count, Pi. . Agent for the Traveler's Life and AMi' dent Insurance Co., ef Hartford, Cobb. JTJEYNOLOS HOUSE, ' " EETOQLDSVULE, JEFFIR30N CO, M. H, 8. BELNAP, PaopRtrroa . TS. Bordwell, M. D. Ecleotio Physloaa . Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Offioe hours: 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 P. M.i and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 66-tf. D R C. H. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. . . RinowAT, Pa. Residence and office opposite the Thayar House. TS. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Offioe in Walker's Building. Special attention gven to Surgery. Office house from 8 a. m. to 10 p, m. Residence on corner of South and Court "streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. GO. MESSENGER,. Druggist and Parmaceutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully seleoted For eign anJsDomestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy. (CHARLES HOLES, J Watohmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, don with the same accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. rilHAYER HOUSE. JL D. D. COOK Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Sts., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the publiothat he has refitted, revised, and improved, this well known hotel, and is prepared to entertain all who favor him with their patronage, in the best ttyle and at low rates. vln30tf. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN EF.Y GOODS, OB0CEMES, fBOVISIOKJ PRODUCE, FRUITS, vln8tf. West End. Ridewat. Pa. ' O 4 1 HYDE HOUSE, ' Ridowat, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful fni- fl, n !........ fK.tvUBg, UOmiVI so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance ol the same. Oct 80 1809. THE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, MoKean Co., Pal R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the D&tronncA hnrmnrnra liberally bestowed upon him. the new pro- (j.itiur, uupes, oy paying stnot attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the sm Th only stables for horses in Kane and well Kepi nignt or uay. Vln23yl. H ALL & BRO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELS COUNTY PimSYlYAinA. JO.INO. HALL., ..JAS. K. P. HALL DR. G. WHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. Office in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry done In the best style, and all work warranted. He will visit Kane on he 1st, 2d. and 8d; Wiloox on the 10th, 11th, and 12th; St. Mary'a on the 21st, 22d and 23d of each month. At all other limes he can be found at his office ia Ridgway. Pa. vln2yl. KERSEY HOUSE, CcMTaaviLLi, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretotera so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at. tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a eontinuanoe of the same. J. H. WILBER, One Door East of the Post Office, Main St., Ridgwaj, Pa. , Fresh Fish every Thurs day. Fresh Oysters every day. vlnltf. P. W. HAYS, DEALIK IV Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, ' FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley J. O- vln47tf. J. D. PARSONS,- Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots & Shoes, Main St., eppoaita Hotel, v27y Wiwwx, 7a,