Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor. FOR GOVERNOR, EON. HENRY SOUTHER, OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. THURSDAY, MARCH 14. 1872.J IIEADQUARTER8 REPUBLICAN STATK Central Committer or Pennsyl vania. Philadelphia, Feb. 5, 1872. Id pursuance of the resolution of the Republican State Central Committee, adopted at Hurrisburg Jan. 18, 1872, a Republican State Convention, composed of Delegates from each Senatorial and Representative District, in the number to which such District is entitled in tha Legislature, will meet in the Hall of the House of representatives, at Harrisburg. at 12 o'clock, uoon, on Wednesday, the 19th day of April, A. D. 1872, to nomi nate candidates for Governor, Judge ol the Supreme Court, Auditor General (should the Legislature provide lor the choice of one by the people), and an Electorial Ticket; and also to elect Senatorial and Representative Delegate to represent this State in the Republican National Convention, to bo held at Philadelphia, June 5, 1872. RUSSELL ERRETT, Chairman. The Republicans of Montgomery county on Thursday, February 29. now fnated for State Seuator, in the placo ol Hon. Henry S. Evans, deceased, Daniel H. MuWaney, Esq., of Norristowo. Mr Mulvaney is a prominent member of the Montgomery Bar, aud exceedingly pop ular throughout the three counties com prising the district- The election oi pusiujaicr oy tbf people is being agitated in Cougress, and has many advocates among the practical men of both brandies thereof. Itsecms to be askiDg only what is right to cluim for the people the power of choosing this officer, for do officials in the lam! nnmo r nfffln and so closely in contact with the people as postmasters and their subordinates, aod therefore it is only reasonable to coocede to each community the privilege of nominating and electiog such officials. We believe the day will come when this will be doue with more officers than postiuasteis, and our Gov trnment will not be perfectly free as i system of self-government until the nnnnln Are ROnepdcd larser DOWerB of j. , o . election. Erie Gazette TTnv. David Davis, who has been nominated for President by the Nationa Lahnr Hoform rjartv. was born in Cecil county, Maryland, on March 9, 1815 He graduated at Kenyon College, Gam bier, Ohio, iu 1832, aod having studied law at the schools of Harvard aod Yale. removed to Illinois in 1835, and com menced the practice of his profession at Bloominaton. He was elected to the Ill inois Legislature in 1844. and in 1847 was a member of the State Constitutions Convention- In 1848 he was elected Judge of the Eighth Judicial District of Illinois, and was twice re-elected to that nosition. In 1862 President Lincoln r . appointed Mr. Davis an Associate Jus tioe of the Supreme Court of the United States. Joel Parker, the Labor Reform candidate for Vice President, is the pre ent Governor of New Jersey, having also occupied that position from 1863 to I860 There seems to be a general revival of the temperance cause throughout the world just now. The Church of Rome ia taking it uo with great energy, and mine? its influence to restrain a class who certainly do about as much driuk jog as any other.- &ngiana. too, i eharr.lv at work, and Russia joins th movement, backed by the Autocrat him self and all the Greek Church. It l doubtful if it oao avail much in th latter country against the frigidity of th climate. Teetotallers tell us aud possi bly correotly that spirituous liquors lessen the nowers of the human frame to resist cold, and yet in the frozen re gions of Norway, Sweden and Northern Russia more spr.its are drank thauwhere else in Europe. Or the State officers of Tennessee, the Governor, the six Judges of the Su preme Court, the Attorney General and Reporter, the Seoretary of State, the Treasurer, the Cpmptroller, the Superin tendents oi the Insane Hospital, Peni tentiary and the Capitol, the Public Printers, the Speakers ol the House, the Speaker of the Senate, the Clerk of the Senate, the Dooi keeper of the House and the Doorkeeper of the Senate, were in the rebel army. Forty )ears ago a blooming young girl of sixteen married an old man ol aixty for his money, expecting that be would soon die and leave her a wealthy trnnno- widow. Last week the lady died at the respectable age of fifty-six, leav ing husband aged one hundred, and four children to mourn oer loss. Tha weak may be joked out of any tiing tnt their weako1. MILLION OF LIVES SAVED. It is one of the most lemarknbie facts or his remarkable bio, not. that so many persons are the victims of dyspepsia or in- igestton, but Its willing victims, now, we would not be understood to sny that any one regards dyspepsia with favor, or feels tsposea to rank it among the luxuries of ro. Far from it. Those who have ex perienced lis torments would sooul each an idea. All dread it, and would gladly die-' pense with Its unpleasant familiarities Mark Taplejr. who was jolly under all the trying circumstances in which he wi placed, never had an attack of dyspepsia, or his jolity would have speedily forsaken him. Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system is liable. here Is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia.. There are dise iBes more acute and painful, and 'hich more frequently prove fatal, but one the effeets of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to the bod. If there is a wretched being in the world It is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We have said that dyspepsia is pethaps e most universal of human diseases. This is imphatically the case in the United States Whether this general prevalence due to the character of the food the method of its preparation, or the hatitr manner in whioh it is usually swallowed. s not our province to explain. The great foot with which we are called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost nnivei sally. Nearly every other person you meet is a ictini, an apparently willing one: were his not the case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is it inn the easy reach or all who will avail themselves of it But says a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to which we reply: This great allevator of human uttering is almost as widely known as the English Innpuage. It has nllaycJ the gomes of thousands, and is to day cany- comfort and encouragement to thousand f others. This acknowledged panacea is not.e other than Or. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Would you know more of the merits of hig wonderful prepaiation than can be earned from the experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it has failed to I ul til the assurance of Us efficacy given by Ihe proprietor, then abandon l'aith in H. LET IT BE HE uEMliEKED, first of all, that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is -j l rum beverage. They are composed wholly of the pure uice or vital principle of roots. This U not a mere assertion The extracts troin which they are compounded are prepared by ineot the ablest ot German chemists, llirir effects cau be beneficial only in all cases o! he billinry iystem. Hoonund s Germni. Bitters stand without an equal, acting promptly and vigorously upon the liver: hey remove its torpidity an 1 cause health ful secretiou of bile thereby supplying he stomach with the most indispensable elements of souud digestion in proper pro portion. Ihey purify the blood, cleansing the vital fluid of all hurtful impurii ies aud su planting them with the elements, of genuine iieilthtulncsj. Now, there are certain classes ot per sons to whom extreme Bitters are not only unpalatable, but who find it impossible to take them without positive discomfort. For UCU Dr. HtJUr LrND 8 UEKMA.N TOM': has been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight a'.coholio stimulan is require! in connection willi the well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters. HOOFLAND'S TONIC nets with almost marvelous effect.' It not only stimulates the flagging aud wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently strengthens its action upon the Liver and Stomach Ihorouzh, perhaps les prompt than the Bitters, when tne same quantity is taken is none the less certain Indigestion, liilliousness, I'nysicai or ner vous prostration, yield readily to Us po tent influence. It gives the invalid a new and stroueer hold upon life, removes de pression of spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. Lut Dr. Iloof'land's beiiefac'intis to the human race are not routined to hii celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or hi' invaluable Tonic. He has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to populur favor because ot its in trinsic metits. This i KOOFLANU'S PODOPHYLLIN PILLS, a perfect sjhsti lute for mercury without any of mercury's evil qualities. These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com posed of Pudophyllin, or the vital princi pie of the mandrake root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this health-giving plant in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form. The Podopliyllin acts directly on tho Liver, stimulating its futictims and causing it to make its billiary secretions in regu ar and propo quant. ties. 1 lie injii rious results which invariably follow the use of mercury is entirely avoided hv their use. Hut. it is not upon the Livor only that their powers are exerted. The extract of Mandrake ooutaine 1 in them is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, one of which acts upon th i stomach one upon (be upper bowels, oue upon the lower boweU. and prevents any griping effect, thus producing a pill t lint influences the ent're digestive and ulimen arr system. in an equal and harmonious Dimmer, and its action entirely tree from nausea, vomit iug or griping pains couihiod to all other purgatives. Possessing hese much desirable qualities the Podopliyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without thei They are perfectly safe, require but two for anjrdinarv dose, are prompt and effi cient in action, and when used in oouneu tion with Dr. Hootland's German Bitters, or Touio, may be regarded as certain spe cifics in all cases of Liver Complaint, lys- DBDsia. or any or tne disorders to wnicn the system is ordidarly subject, t he PODOPHYLLIN PILLS aotupon the stomach and bjwels, earryiug . i. :i - . !:.. Ou improper oosiruoiiuiis, wnueiue oiucm or Tonio purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate the Ir jme, give lone ami apps tite to the stomach, and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. Hoofland. having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external applinati n, in the wonderful preparation known as Da. HOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of al' kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Toothache, Chilrlains, Sprains, Biiris, Pain in the Back and Loins, Ringworms, etc., etc, all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart' burns. Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colio, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Pains in the Dtomacn. uoius, Astnma. eto These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINK STORE. No. 681 ARCH ST.. PHILADELPHIA CHAS. M. EVANS. Proprietor, Former'? C. M. JACKSON & CO I Theti Rnit$ ar for talt by Vruggttt Rlortkttptri, and Altdidm DUr tvery- Agents Wanted Everywhere. To Canvass for our Popular Works, Specially suited to sales through agents, PLAIN HOME TALK. A work that should be In every family in the land. 12mo. 912 pages, profusely 11 lustrated. Price, elegantly bound, $3.25. THE LOST CITY, or Chicago as It was aod as it is. A book brim full of thrilling interest and startling incidents; profusely Uustratod. Price, elegantly bound. $1.50. WELLS' fiVERY MAN 1113 OWN LAWYER Ann rsiTKD statu form book. A complete Business Man's Guide for every State in the Union. 12mo. COO pages. Price $2.00. Wells' Illustrated National Ihod Book. A book for everybody. Price, elegantly bound, $1.00. All the above are works that meet with rapid sales. Our agents are doing extraor dinary well with them. Full descriptive confidental circulars, sent on application, and simple copies of either of the works sent post paid on receipt of price. We want good live Agents; men who can fully appreciate the merits of the work, and the fact that it meets a universal want. Agents Who desire to do good as well as to make money. Address, WELLS & CO,, 432 Broome St., New York. vln47m3. Stf-THE LEADINGS FAMILY AND STORY PAPER IN AMERICA OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Large Size, Eight Pages, Illustrated. 'ONTENTS ORIGINAL, VARIED, COMPREHENSIVE, VALUABLE, ATTRACTIVE AND INTERESTING. A RELIABLE PRACTICAL FRIEND, hat shall weekly bring refined entertain ment, and valuable inttruction lo the t'IRESIUES of its readers. si nscitii'Tio.r pmcE, 33 per Year, of Fifty-two Numbers. Each and every subscriber shares in our Vntiual Distribution of Premiums. GRAND ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF PREMIUMS FOR -1872 To the Subscribers ol OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Will take place tins year at the ACADEMY 3F MUSIC, CEICA30, SATURDAY, MASCH stl, la 12. r.very subscriber lmres in in- UistribuiKin. mere is a premium lor iwU Eight Hunarei ana Thirty-one cash Premiums, amounting 10 $40,000 IN GREENBACKS: $60,000 in. other PREMIUMS fcayScnd your uddress for Specimen opics ot the t aper anil I'remium List. with full particulars. Wesendth -m FREE. Address OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND, Chicago, 111. B&We want. Agents everywhere, and ive large cash pay- vln"i2t3. ai&vijpa How Lust, Mow Kestored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cul- vcrwell s Celebrated r.ksay ou the radical jure ot certain weaknesses, the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. The celebrated author, iu this admirable essov, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming onsequences ot such errors and ab ises nay be radioally cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine or the appli ation of the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and etfectnal. by means ot which every suffercr.no matter what Ins condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands ot very 3 out ti aud every mon in the laud. cent, under seal. 111 plain envelope, m my address, postpaid ou receipt ot six cents, or two post stamps. Also. Dr. Culverwell s "Marriage Guide, price - J cents. Adde s the t'ublishers. ( HAS. J. C. KLINE .Si CO., 1 17 Bowery, Ne York, Post-Office Uox 4.5SG. vlu47yl. AGliNTS WANTED. MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOS ! ROUGHING IT 9 IS R&ADY FOR CANVASSERS. It is a companion volume to I N N 0 C E N T S A B It O A D," of which lOO.OOO llotues Have already been ordered, and is still one jf the best selling books out. Don 1 waste tune on books no one wants, but take one people will stop you in thi xl reels to subscribe for. 'There is a time to laugh," aud all who read this book wi'.l see clearly that time has come. Apply ut once for territory, Circulars, and terms Add ess DUFFIE'.D ASIIMEAD, Publisher. 711 Skiisoiu Street, Philadelphia. TtlE ELK CO ADVOCATE. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE, Ridgway y Pa. TESMS:-$2 00 PEE YEAR. EVERY REPUBLICAN SHOULD, feUBSUttlBE FOltll! Address all comtuuoieati.iu to THE ADVOCATE." Ridtfwav. Pa. If yu want any visiting oards, call at the Adv cats offioe aod see three we have printed. W have aorue fine samples of these and al of othsr job imp g""HgH RAILROADS PHILADELPHIA IMS RAILROAD WINTER p TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY. NON. 201 h, 1871, the 'trains on the Philadelphia ft Erie Railroad will run as follows i WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia- 6.20 p. m. " " Ridgway ....... 9.27 a. tn. " " arrive at Erie. ....... 2.(10 p. m. Eruj Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.30 p. ra . Ilideway ;. 2 15 a. m. " " arrive at Eie...... .7 40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves llenofa,;.. 1.8(1 a. m. " Ridgway,..8.00 p. m. " arr at Kane 7.80p. m. EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie 11.25 a. m. ' " Ridgway. .... 4.65 p. m. " ' arrive at Philad'a... 6.80 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie .. 9.00 p. m. " " Pidgway... 2.06 a. m. " ' arret Philadelphia.. 8.80 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6.00 a. m. " ' Ridgway... 7.65 a. m. " arr at St. Marys 8.85 am. " leaves St. Mvys 8.40 a m. " arr at Renovo 12.10 p. m. Mail East connects east and wett at Erie with L 8 & M S R W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Mail West with west bound trains on L S k M 8 R W and at Corry and IrviDcton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L 8 'and M 8 R east and west and at Corry with 0 C and A R R VV. Erie Accommodation East at Corry and Irvineton with O C and ARR W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l 8up't. NEW TIME TAULE. Commencing November 20th, 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY It. It. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. K. OOINO SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 26 p ui Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 65 p m Night Express leaves Oil City 9 30 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 40 a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 45am Arrives at Pittsburgh OOO.pm Parker's AccomJ leaves Oil City 7 15 a in Arrives at. rarkcj s iu iu a m tiittunning Accom.. leaves OilUily 4 Oil p m Arrives at Kittauniiig 9 10 p m GOINO NORTH. Day Express leaves PLtsburg at 7 50 a ni Arrives al Oil City at 2 25 p tn Mglit Lxprcss leaves Pittsburgh 8 -U p ni r.ivcs atUil City o 4o a m Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 11 60 am arrives at Oil Citv i -o p m Parker's Accom leives Parktr 15 llO p m- Arrives at Oil City 9 16 p iu Kittaning Aceom leaves Ki'.ta'g 7 06 a ra Arrives al Oil City 12 20 p m Ulose Connections - made at t.orry tor Pittsburgh with trains East and West on F. & IS. 11. 11. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask tor tickets via Allegheny Valley R. it. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. I" YOU WANT TO BUY. GOODS CHEAP GO TO ril YYKil & HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway. Pa. DRY GO0P3, NOTIONS, HOOTS, SHOKS. HATS AND OAl'S, GLASS AND QUfiHNS W UIK, WOOD AND WILLOW.WAKK. TOBYOCO AND CIGARS. ALtrge Stock of Gro53ris3 aii Provisions. The BUST BRANDS of l-'LOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CUISAfEiT. TH Y Kit & IIAQERTY. vln2. The Improved iierard Orold Cold iValches, S9.00 ei'JOO 815.00 818.00 T"E have reoently brought our Oroide TT Gold metal 10 such perfection that it is difficult for the best judges to distin. quish it from gold. The $9 watc'ies are with patent escapement movements; in ap pearance a-,d for tine equaling a gold one costing 101). The $12 are full jeweled patent lover, equal lo gild watcli. The $15 ate the same as the last but a finer finish, nickle movements, equal to one cost ing $17o. And the lo watches are or a fine finish with full jeweled American lever movement, equaling a gold one costing $2(10. They are all in hunting oases, gent's and ladies sizes, and guaranteed for time and wear by special certificate. Also elegant designsof gent's and ladies chains from $1 to $4. and jewelry of all kinds. Goods sent C O. D. vustomers per mitted to examine what they order before paying bill, on payment of express eharges. When six watohes are oracrea ai one time we will send an extra watch or the same quality free. For further particulars send ror circular. Address JAMES GERARD & CO., 85 Nassau Street, New York, P. O. Box 8,361 Nov. 30, 1872-yln37m6. DAGUSCAHONDA RAILROAD. From and after Monday. Feb. 6tb 1871. Trains will run on th'u Roal aa follows: Leaves Eulev 7.30 a m.. arrives at Dazuooahooda Junction 8.10 a. m., oon- nectiusr with Accom. easts 14 a. ni , aod with Mail wectat 915 a m. Leaves Dasuscahonda at V.-V a. m snives at Earluv 10 00 a. in Leaves Eariey 3.30 p m , and arrives at Dag- uscahonda at 5 00 p. m., connection; with Mail east at 5.09 P. m , and Ao oomraodatlon west at 5.40 p. m. Id case P. & E. traine are late, Dagus cahonda train ho'.ds twenty minutes bo yond the above t:me. liokeu should always Do prooorea before leaving station Ayeis Cathartic Pills, Tm the relief and wire of all durungv imntii In the hUjiii aeli, liver, and bow els. They are n wild nuovlent, and mi excellent piirgntlve. iscinpi uiiruiy vKe- flltl table, thuy ronlAh) in, ti iivi im y ur iiiintr ml whulevcr. Much wi loim sickness nnd MillcriiiK is prevent ed hv their linielv one; and every family should have tlicin an iiiuid I- lor ineir proier-uon ami ri'iici, wnun rviiuinti. Long experience hn proved them In be the nut' est, surest, and bent or all the I'illn with which th m.rk.1 Bt.ni.iwl ttw fl.nl,. n....nKt,itil n.a the blood Is purified, the corruption of the y. tein expelled, obstruction-, removed, and .tha whole machinery of life reitored to It healthy activity, internal orjran wnicn necome ciiipk"! and sluggish are cleansed by Ayrr' PHI, mid stimulated into anion. Thu Incipient ill i'ioe Is changed Into health, the value of which idiaiiirc, when reckoned on tho vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their siiiriir cmitiuK makes them pleasant to tnke, nnd preserves their virtues unimpaired far any length of time, so that they are ever freh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, nnd operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family rhysic, and for the following complaints, which these I'lllt rapidly cure: f or srieMiM or inairesnon, nr, JLwniraor and . of AppMllf, they snouiu DC taken moucratciy to sinniiiaio tnc slum ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For Msr('omilslat and its various vmp toms, Hlllous IBrtxIucbo, Nick Ilrital ache, Jaumllc or (irpsn AtclinrM. Ill I luus C'ollc and nillou t'strn, they should be Judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions w hich cause it. For nynontrry or Ilurrtaoeaf but one mild dose'ls generally required. For HhtMimntlam. (Vout, ravel, !!. pltatlon ef ths llriart, I'uin in th Miilr, Rack and Loins, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change Ihe diseased action of the system. Uh such change those complaint disappear. For llromr and RroiMlcnl Mwrltlno-a. Ihev should be taken in large and frequent lionn tn itrafluce the effect of a drastic blll'ire. For Snnpreulon, a large ncic should be tiken, as it produces the desired effect by sym itnthv. As' a ninnrr Pill, take one or two Pi 11$ to nromote digestion and relieve the Btomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and :iiivi1s. restores the aunetite. nnd invhrorntes the ys'.cin. Honce it Is often advantageous where in serious derangement exists. One who feels oler.i il- vrpll. mien linns mar a nose oi mc-c fills makes him feel Ooctdrdly better, flom their leansing and renoautrng effect on the digestive pparatus. I'RKl'ARKD BT Ttr. J. C. AYKJl CO., Prnetieol Chem(c, LOWELL, MASS., V. S. A. "OR BALE BY ALL DBUOttlSTS KVEUYW11ERE. For Sal.- by G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist, Ridgway, Pa. HALL'S vitrrxut ileum HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray oe Faded Haib to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and rlnnrlniff. and. hv its tonio nrooer- ties, prevents the hair from falling out. aa it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glanda. Ry its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new erowth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Haib-Dressing ever lined, aa it renuires fewer andica tions, and gives the hair a splendid. glossy appearance. A. a. nayes, M.D State Assayer of Massachu setts, eavs. "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparatiok for ita intended purposes." Sold 6y att DrugjUti and Dtaltr in iltHdmm. ITioe one Douar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Kenewer in many cases renuires too lone a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will ouicklv and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which, will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Fnce l iny Cents. Msnufaeturad by R. P. HALL & CO., OSADALIS lllU INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOSADAUS are published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently ;niISICIANS PRESCRIBE II ,ltis a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its iorms, Kheuma- ti.-in. akin Uneaten, L.iver -Oin iilaint and all Uncases of th Blood. OUE E0TTL3 OP S0SABALI3 will do mora good than ten bottle of the Syrups of SarAiparilla. THE UNDERSIQNED PHYSICIANS litvb ured Rosadalia in their practice fur the past three years and I (Ply oi dorse it is a reli hie Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. rUfiH, of Baltimwa. OH.T.J. MOVKIX, I1H. R. W. L'AHK. DH r.O. PANNKI.LY, " Dll. J S. SPARKS. ol NfthoUsville, Kv. DR. J. L. McCARTHA, Columbia, s. c. DR. A. B. NODLr.S, F..lc,comb, N. C. UCID AIT!) TTJD0S3LD BY J. B. FRF..Vi.U L SON'S, Tall River, Kd!. F. W. SMITH, JurVsnn, Mirh. A. f. W liKKLKU, Lini, Ohio. B. H!L, .iin. Ohio. ( ftAVKN A I O.. CordoninrllK Vk. SAM!.. U. MO AmJfc.N, Alurlreet- bom, Tenu. Cur epai"o r i'dnnt allow eny ex. i.n.lrd miiii'ki ia limn,.:) I i ti e .irtiirsol KciJiln. Tutlic ili-Uiral frrMiKm wo uuAtuntr a t auu .x '.raitMiprriorto anytlipy have tver Ulood ; and to the nrnirtfd tay try ho.uilii, aud you will be restored to Utiiillh. Bou4lli Is '! Vy all Drarplsts, price Slu per whs. auuiw o A A POWELL & KIME. mi , Powell & Kimc Having irected a large and well arranged new Store House en tbt old site, since the fire, and filled it front ei 'Jarto garret with the cbolotst goods of all descriptions, that can La found la any market, are fully pre pared to reeeivetbelr old customers, and supply thtlr wants al bottom figures WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROUKRIE3, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., ete PORK. FLOUR. SALT. Feed, Beans Butter DRIED APPLES, D!UD PEACHES. Canned Goods. In short everything wanted in the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, ' EVERYBODY Also a fall stock ef MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable siies for rafting and running purposes. mm ina gttprta Pn Uweb 1871 SINGER Manufacturing Compar. AT . THE WORLD'S If AIR, Constituted by the homos of the peophtf Received the Great Award of the HIGHEST 8ALE8 ! And have loft all rivals far behead Uteai, for they SOLD I.V 1ST Oue Hundred and Twenty-seven J bousaod, Jiitght Huudred SDd Thirty-three Machines! being more than forty thouiand in advance or ethir sales of the previous year, and over forty -four thouiand mort than tht talt of any other Company for 1870, as shows by the following figures from sworn re turns of the sale of Licensees. The Singer Manufactur ing Company sold over the Florence Sewing Machine Co. 101,172 MaehiBM. Sold over the Wilcox & Gibbs 8. M. Co., &8,048 do S ild over the Weed Sew ing Machine Co., 92,835 it Sold over the drover & Baker S. M. Co. 70,431 4 bold over the Howe Ma chine Co., 62,077 do Sold over the Wheeler & Wilson Man'fg Co., 44.G24 do all of which is mainly owing to the popu lar ,ty of what is known as the "NKrT FAMILY SEWING MACHINE," which is now fast finding its way into every well regulated household. For Circulars giving full particulars of Machines, their Folding t'ascsof many vane' ies-of wood and finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought ihnt delicate fingers alone could perform, os well as particulars about all articles used hy their Machines, such as Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, &c, &., apply to any of their Authorized Agents, or to THB SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 1106 Chestnut St. A. CUMMINOS, Ajtent, Ridgway. Fa. vln!9julyl3m7. STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, C BRUM 03, FRAMES. E. So H.T. ANTHONY &, CO. 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their I eztenrive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDBS and ORAPnOSCOPIS. NEW TIEWS OF YOSEMITB. E. & II. T. ANTHONY A CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hetel Importers and Mauufaeturere of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. 4 Tln2yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN- form the Citizens of Ridgway, and tho publio gocerally, that be has start eda Ut ery Stable and will keep ! GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES aod Buggies, to lot upon the most reaiona ble terms B&,He will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near tha Post Office, on Mill street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt aUea- I tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. VYetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jao. F. Vincent. Associate Judges Cliaa. Lubr, J. T. Houk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C Oyster. Prothonotury Jo., Fred. Sohosnlng. Treasurer Henry D. Derr. County Superintendent Rufus Lueoro. Commissioners Robt. Campbell, Jokm Barr, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wileos, George D. I Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo w umsiey. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Karat and Charles Mead. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January. Second Monday in April First Monday in August. Prrtt Moaiay ia tfcst&