The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 07, 1872, Image 4

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    Woir-Hnntlngr in Michigan.' H
A young man named Oscar M. Tarrf
arrived in . ihis city Saturday from
Gladwin county, having as baggage
Bbont seventy-five wolf skins, threo or
four bear skins, and ft large number of
dorr skins, coon skins, inuskrat and
mink skins. Last fall ho, in company
with two other young men, went from
Detroit to tho country named, with the
intention of taking up a permanent
residence for tho winter as hunters and
trappers. Dime-novel reading had not
as much to do with this movement as
the fact that Perry wintered thero a year
ago, and mado his stay among tho wild
animals a very profitable one. Uo was
yesterday making arrangements to re-
turn, and was inquiring after worn-out
horses, purchasing several old equina) at
his own prices. He also mude tho
purchase of an old sleigh, as he is to take
back a quantity of provisions, and leaves
this morning with tho intention of ror
mainiug in tho woods until spring. His
purchaso of old horses is whero tho fun
comes in, he says, as ho is to uso thom
for baiting wolves.
Last full tho party constricted a
stout log cabin in the woods near a large
marsh, proposing to make it a permanent
camp. The house is a two-story ono,
and the hunters live and sleep in the
second story. Tho lower story is en
closed only on two sides, but the other
sides are large doors, so arranged that
they can be drawn up or let down at tho
will of those above. Tho construction
of the cabin in this manner was to make
of the first story p wolf-trap on a whole
sale, and it has been tested several times
to the satisfaction of the builders. In
addition to deer-shooting and trapping
the men proposed to make wolf-catching
a specialty. They found that by using
strychnino they lost many of tho victims,
who ran away and hid whero their bo
dies could not be found, and in timo
wolves got shy of tho meat flung around.
After the trap was complotcd an old
horso was purchased at the noarest settle
ment, as a bait. That afternoon bits of
raw meat were flung about, and some
bloody pieces of a fresh-killed deer were L
tho wolves might get the scent. Tho
men remained on tho watch all night,
but wore disappointed. The wolves
came within pistol shot but were afraid
to approach near, and finally went off.
The old horse got no food next day, and
. b ,. . "b , " .
series ot neighs which could be hoard
half a mile. More meat was scattered
about, and about midnight the wolves
came up. After a careful survey, to see
if a trap existed, ono of them ventured
iiLiueuunowur, anu as leiigtii a uuu,
wolves Burrounded tho old horso and
began snapping at him. Frightened
out of his horse sense, tho equine kicked
and plunged, and was making it warm
for the wolves, when down, went the
dqors and the animals were entrapped.
Part ot tho pack wore toaring at the
horso at the time, having hiin down,
but thpv left off and Vvpcmn nishinf?
around to get out. One of hem found
a corner where the dqor "dijl not fit well,
and all rushed for tho hole wrth such
force as to take the door off its fixtures,
escaping to the wood. The men found
tao old horse 80 badly bitten that he
wtM killed to end his sufferincrs. The
bqdy was left there three nights, but tho
WpItos would not touch it, though ono
o fcwo ventured into the trap without
much tear.
Finding that the palates of the animals
yearned for old horso living, instead of
old horso dead, another jaded animal
was purchased, and this time, under the
Home circumstances as before, ho was
mode to decoy sevoral wolves into the
trap, and the doors hold thom. By tak
ing up a board in the floor tho hunters
had an easy lob to shoot tha animals.
The wolves got suspicious the next night
and would not enter the trap, and so on
tho next night tho horse was tied to a
treo in tho woods and two wolvos wero
lulled by tho ambushed hunters. The
noxt day a smaller pen was constructed
about two miles away, and by taking
old horses from ono pen to the other,
with an occasional night in tho woods,
Perry and his companious have done a
wolfish business. Ho stated that ono
horse stood them about eight wolves
generally, but mentioned two . cases
wherein the equino had been inconsistent
enough to give up tho ghost after one
night s work. Animals wero purchased
in Bay City and Saginaw, and about ten
have boon used up since last fall. Tak
ing tho bounty on the scalps and the
price of the skins, tho hunters mako a
pretty good thing of it, even if tho bait
doesnt hold out abovo two nights. -Detroit
Fret Prett.
Successful Surgical Operation.
The San Francisco Call gives this :
During the progress of a trial in tho
Municipal Criminal Court, a physician
was placed upon tho stand to explain
the naturo of a wound inflicted by tho
defendant upon tho complainant. In
giving his testimony ho described a
novel modo of extracting bullets. He
. said : " Tho bullet entered the right
side, a little abve the hip, and in prob
ing the wound I discovered where the
bullet lay. I was compelled to enlarge
the orifice of the wound in order to in
troduce the forceps, and had just got
that instrument on the bullet, when the
wounded man, who was considerably un
der tho influence of liquor, struck me a
powerful blow on the side of tho head,
which causod me to full to the floor. He
then ran away ; and when I recovered
mysolf I found my forceps in one cor
ner of the room, and near tho instru
ment was the bullet, which had boon ex
tracted by the force of tho blow." Tho
Doctor also stated that as a surgical
operation it was a complete success ; but
he did not wish to perform one in the
manner described every day in the
week. ,
. . Old Ships.
. vi,, k, o .;i: tti
land built in 15G8, when the Prince of
.Orango wag fighting Phillip II. of Spain,
thon at tbe zenith of his power. She
Was sailing to the Indies when the Hol
landers organized themselves into the
"Beggars of the Sea," and as privateers-
men earned a reputation which aston
ished the world. This Hutch skip is
called the " Commissaries des Koning
von der Heine. bhe passed the Cape
of Good Hope October, 1804, from Ba
tatas, for Holland, then two hundred
taA ninotv-four years old. A few num
bers back in the Boston Daily Advertiser
is a notice that the whalo ship Rousseau
(another of Stephen Gir&rd's ships, built
at Philadelphia, in 1801) was then un
dergoing repuirs at New Bedford. Her
planking is being removed, the first time
for seventy years. The live-oak timbers
underneath are reported to be as sound
as they were the day they wero first put
Beautifying Farms. Groat progress
has been mado within the last twenty
five years by the farmers of tho country,
not only in making their farms moro
productive but in making them more
attractive This, in a largo measure, is
tho result of prosperous fanning. Those
who had debts to pay, did not feel ablo
to oxpond much in ornamenting their
places ; but ruico they have freed them
selves from tins burden, they havw been
moro disposed to attend to the nppear-
ttnc(, t,inCRi
Thcro has been, also, advance in tasto.
There are not so many now, as formorly,
wno decry all attention to tho ornamen-
ta ft wasta cf timo ftn(1 luoncy. 'phis
ra(.0 of niggardly and boorish men is fast
dying out. , Increasing intelligence, the
circulation ot agricultural reading, the
formation ot a larger element of educated
and cultivated men into the profession,
havo had a poworful influence in secur
ing moro attention to tho aesthetics of
farming, instcivd of having everything
expended tor mere pooumnry returns.
And this is a great advance. It enno
bles the pursuit of the farmer. Man is
a creature of taste, and not a moro grub ;
and he who neglects to cultivato and
gratity tins element in his nature, do-
grades himself. Any one may form a
pretty correct estimato of too intellec
tual, if not the moral state of lfis neigh
bors, bv simplv lookiner over their farms.
The one who allows his buildings and
lands to ho in a slovenly state, when he
has the means of improving them, may
be a money-loving, but he will also bo
a slovenly man with no elevating m-
It is a great mistako to Bupposo that
money spent in reasonably improving
tho oppearanco of a placo is thrown
away. It may be doubted whether there
is any more direct method of increasing
its pecuniary value. Certainly its market,
value will depond very much upon its
outward appearance. Tasteful and well
pointed buildings, well-arranged yards
and gardens with neat fences, shade
rf disposed, good farm fen
ces and cleanly-kept fields, will set off a
farm to great advautago and muko on
amazing diffcrenco when it comes to
bo sold. And even if it be not sold, these
things will add amazingly to tho enjoy
blind to cvortllinbut the dollar.
ment of it by its possessor, it ho bo not
Jiivery man, too, owes it to tho com-
munitin which bo is Uving to contri-
bute tho ,ral reputation and to
bUc enjo fement by making all his
iurrountigi as ftttrttctivo ns possible,
Thcre ig Bch 0 thin as too
, attention to the outside and to
show ; but thero is reuson in all things,
and a measure of time and attention and
expense should bo devoted by every one
to making his home more and more at
tractive every year that he lives.
Promoting Growtii of Mane and
Tail. I give the following recipe,
which I have personally proved to bo ef-
ficient in Restoring a healthy growth of
hair on the tails ana manes ot horses :
Corrosivo sublimate (hyd. bichloride),
oxmuriate of mercury, each four grains
m ono ounce ot distilled water. W ash
the parts where the hair is thin with
warm water and soap, then rub dry with
a linen cloth, and immediately after rub
in some of tho abovo liniment. If the
i hair has been rubbed off by tho ani
mal's own endeavors to alluy cutaneous
I irritation, then dress with tho following
ointment : One ounce of fine flour sul
phur, ono ounce of pulverized saltpetre,
made into a soft ointment with fresh
buttor or fresh rendered hog's lard ; rub
in at night and wash out in the morning
with warm water and soap; repeat
three or four times. If tho hair is scant
from natural debility of tho capillary or
gans, then simply use cold water ap
plied with a soft sponge ; avoid all
combing or brushing, and cloan tho mane
and tail, as tho Arabs do, with a coarse
flannel rubber. Midi Morgan.
1 reventino tiie Germination of
Potatoes in Cellars. Much trouble
is experienced by farmers and others who
havo occasion to store potatoes for a con
siderable length of time, iti preventing
their germination, und consequent de
preciation in valuo as food; and our
readers may be interested to know
that cxperinients.prosecutedin Germany,
have Bhown how this may be measurably
prevented. Ihis is accomplished by ex
posing tho potatoes to tho vapor of sul
phurous acid, by any of tho various well
known modes, and a large mass ot po
tatoes can bo treated ut ono time. This
process, if not entirely effective in ac
complishing tho object, will retard or
modify tho sprouting ot tho potato to
such an extent as to render the miury
caused thereby very slight. The flavor
ot the potato is not anected in tho least
by this treatment, nor is its vitality di
minished ; tho action being simply to re
tard or prevent tho formation and
growth of the eyes.
The Best Hay Districts. Among
tho figures collected by tho Department
of Agriculture none are more interesting
than those m regard to tho produco uiu
profit of hay in the United States. In
regard to the valuo ot hay, it seems to
bo lowest in Nebraska. This Stato
seems to bo tho Puradiso of tho grasses.
It is sold there at a profit for about
five dollars per ton, notwithstanding the
great amount of fodder required for tho
stock which is raised there.
In the Southern States, tho report
shows that by selecting suitable kinds
excellent crops can be raised, although
tho opinion has been that tho South is
not a grass country, flay brought
tho South last year about fl per ton.
Tho highest averago price per ton in
any State last year seems to bo in New
Jersey. Hero it brought fo.iU per
In Texas a lively competition seems
to .b? KinS ?n n th production of
weighty infants. Waco County first put
1. j! il . ..i. ? i ? t
in u cmun lur iuo uuuinpioiisiup uucuuso
it could show a baby eight months old
that weighed thirty pounds, whoreupoi
Montgomery County came forward with
a promising fellow only six months
old who weighed thirty-five pounds,
" Pooh ! " says Robertson County, " those
babies are well enough, but Mrs. Dr,
Poole, of this place, has a baby that
weiglis thirty-nine pounds at six months
old. The other counties have not been
hoard from, but we presume the finest
specimens of elephantine babyhood still
" blush nsoen:
A Welsh farmer, residing near Utica
while being run away with by a pair of
tricrutenea -horses, snoutoa i leave
niv wife $10,000 ; no time to make
will." Ho is still alive, but badly
A Religions Ouarniiliiir
Tho Rochester Democrat says :'
a :i i n n- V fi
lowing incident, for the truth of which
ho vouches moro than wo are willing
to do. - Sunday wook ho found himself
in tho town ot It., on tho Central Kiiu
road. Being obliged to remain over
Sunday, ho determined, ns in his invar
iable custom, to attend church. ' " So
( wo' will let him finish tho storvl after
breakfast I mado inquiry concerning tho
different sanrtuaries, and, deciding to
patronize a Presbyterian brother, who
was highly moommended, I struck oiit
for his establishment. I soon arrived
there, and slowly and seriously I enter
.i r ii 1 ....: ....... ., 1. I..
underway. A lank old man motioned
' -. i i ' -r I
mo to a pew. lueeKiy ana quieiiy i
took my seat, and immediately prepared
to join in tho sweet songs of praise that
tho choir and congregation wero sing-
mg. I had just caught tho note, .when
a sleek-lookine individual who appeared
to bo an usher, caught my cyo and hast-
HV beckonou me. l, ot course, ooserved
"The gesturo, tinnning inat no aesirea ro i
escort mo to a moro exalted seat. As I
approached, ho quietly retreated to tho
door. Arriving at tho vestibule ho halt
ed, and I followed suit, and tho follow
ing conversation ensued
Usher I perceive you do not belong
to H , sir.
Stranger No sir ; I oin not a Roman,
but when in Eome I do as llomans do.
Ushor This is no jesting mattor, sir.
From your appearance you are evident
ly from Rochester, or perhaps Syracuse,
nd you must know that that direful,
dreadful, deadly scourge, tho smallpox,
races to a tearful extent in those cities,
and you, sir, jeopardize tho lives of tho
wholo congregation by appearing in our
midst. Now I am especially instructed
to permit no city gentleman s worship
ping here, until such time as wo oro pos
itively assured that wo ore in no danger.
1 slowly sauntered back to my hotel,
filled with not over religious reflections.
Transit of Venus. At this early
period extensive preparations ore in
progress among tho learned in Europe
for observations December 8, 1874.
Russia, it appears, is considered the most
lovorablo placo tor witnessing tho phe
nomenon. Japan, (Jhina, Auckland, and
St. Paul Island, and in -Persia between
Muscat and Teheran, also offer positions
to which astronomers will resort season
ably for recording tho results of scientific
investigation ot the highest importance
in regard to problems which have exer
cised the minds ot scientists tor ages.
A widow lndy in Louisville lias buried
five husbands ; tho last of whom, provious
to his death, had buried tho same num
ber of wives.
The Pukenoi.ooical Joubnal for Marcli
has been received. Its contents moro than
conllrm our hijih opinion of that magazine's
character. The very instructive articles on
" Fish Culture in America, ' and " Ague and
Fever," are alone worth more thnn a year's
subscription. But besides these there is a long
list ot readable matter. Attorney-General
Williams; Expression; Harriet Hosmer;
Our Horse-Cars ; Will It Pay f Writing lor
the Press; The Arctic necious; .lames 1-isk,
Jr.; Lord Brougham's Ghost; Hev. George
II. llcpworth, etc., with tine portraits and
numerous illustrations. Price 80 cts., or $:i a
year. 8. R. Wells, aS'J Broadway, . i .
We havo received the first number of
The Weekly Mail, a newspaper pub
lished by The Evexixo Mail of New
York. We have rarely seen a more in
teresting paper, or ono mora suited to
families. Tho old names names that
havo helped tho daily to its fame aro
retained in tho weekly. They compriso
Justin McUarthy, b. . iJliesson, K. J.
Ilinton, Ifoward ulyndon, " 1 unction,
Sophio Sparkle, "Anchor," Clarcnco F.
Uuhler, ifcc. It proinises much in the
way of dramatic srossip, market quota
tions, society gossip, etc. It tho weekly
makes itself as much a public want as
the daily has always done, its success is
a toregone conclusion.- Wtiuunglon Chron
A $1,000 Eailroad Bond, with com
pound interest for thirty years, at seven
per cent., will amount to T.Ol'J.UO.
Writo to Charles W. Hassleu, io,
Wall Street, New York.
New 'ork Wholesale Market
UTTKR-8tate, Hoo firkins $ 31 (Tv $
Western SI (?v
CIIEESE Suite factory iu
uaio qo ij y
Fairni dairy 11 (i
COTTON Ordinary xo'g 0
Iaiw to irood miildliiiL'... 2J
EGGS N. Y., N. J., Potiu'u 27 d
FLOL'B Superune
t Si
6 li
6 70
fi uo
tl no
6 30
ti 9i
7 75
j-.tra u luucy eum
Ohio round hoop
Extra amber
Spring wheat
Extra Geuetiee ,
Ut. Louts double extra..,
Coum UAL Western 6c Jer&uv,
7 40
10 75
i 70
4 15
3 40
7 25
8 75
3 60
Uralidywlue 4 10
IlnnKwnitAT Floub J too flia s U0
GRAIN C'OUM Western 73
southern 7J
Barley Western
I 15
I 10 Oil
I 00
1 50
1 5a
I 7
W u It at Western No. 1 goring.,
Do. No. i do. ...
1 n
l a
1 70
I 70
I 70
13 50
18 00
g 00
10 00
XX 00
Do. Amber.
Uo. W hite
White Oencsee
1 80
1 80
14 5
li 50
10 00
13 00
PROVISIONS fork .New mess.,
rt u prime
Beet Plain ,
Extra mesii
lleef hama
Ukkkn IIaus
La hd H...
Wi 00
7 (ul
W (ul
KKKb Olover
10 lit
lllnotliy.. J
WOOL N. Y., Pa., O., and Mich..
vt-aua luwa
Texaa and Calilornia.H..
Common to fuir
gnEEP it LAMU6-8heep
DresMid ,
li (ill
Uli (To
t (.'!
ik (IS
Pints ini Quarts of filthy catarrhal di
charaos. Where does it all come from 1 The
Unicom ineiiiliraiie, liiiinz the chamberaof the
nose, and iu Utile glands, are diseased, so
that they draw from '.he blood its liquid and
exposure to the air t hanires it into i-orrrup-
lion. Ttiis lit'e-liiiuid was to build up the sys
tem, but it u extracted and the system is
weakened hy the loos. To cure, gain flesh
and strength hy utint? Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, which also acts directly
upon these elands, correcting them, apply Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Kemedy with Dr. Pierce's
Nasal Douche, the only method of reaching
the upper cavines where the discharge accu
mulates and comes from. 1 he instrument
and two medicines sold for t'2 by all Drug.
aists. ' oil
To tub Pdbi.10. W know of no remedy
equal to Jackson's Catakuu Snuff and
Tuoubb 1'owiiKH, for Cutarrh, Asthma, Loss
of Voice, Ac. Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to
use, and a sur cure. Ak your drueiiist for
it. or mail SJ." cents to I Joj'itu, Wilsm &
Co., Philadelphia.
Durability and Pliability are both combined
la the CAULK rjiJlit-W W1KK lioots and
Bhocs; ouc trial will couviuce you will not
rip or leak.
All bear the Patent Stamp.
Tho terrific duel betweon Prussia and
France is over, but thousands of battles
ui'iwwjn jjb, jii-
lt,la Bnu ay"pcpsia ana liver compmint
'"w 'lnS on m , "!
Union. Tho issuo of such contests is
never for one moment in doubt. Tho con
flict may lost longer" in some casos than
in others, but the Leapixo Vegetable
Tomc axd Alterative of tiie Nine
teenth Century, invariably triumphs.
There aro probably a hundred or moro
persons in this and neighboring towns.
who daily suffer from tho distressing ef
fects of kidney troubles, who do not
know that John mil t Anodyne Liniment is
almost a certain euro. In scvero cases,
&rof el,cf m!l7 ho obtained, it not a
Perluet euro.
perfuct cure.
Wo notice that tho Agricultural pa-
pers all over tho country recommend tho
uso of Sheridan' Cacalry Condition Poic-
der. Kxehantie
FarmeiH and others m this section
havo long known and appreciated tho
anvantaa - e of these nowders over ullotlt-
One hundred floMnra a bottle would be
cheap for nn Article capable of renewing
the hair on a bald scalp whero the roots had
pensuea. iue nearest anproacn to sucn a
preparation is Phalon's Chemicai. Hair Ix-
viqorator, which stops the fulling out of tho
fibres, nnd reproduces theji on every spot
where the roots remain alive. TbelNvioOBA
TOit has been in use lor forty years. No spe
cial pains has been taken to make known its
marvellous properties, but no man or woman
who ever tried it could bo persuaded to aban
don It for any one ot the mushroom nostrums
of the day. As a means of renrodneine.
strengthening, cleansing and perpetuating the
growth of the hair, it has not, and never had,
an equal. Urujfitisls keep it iu stock, but if a
member ot the trade shou d be out af tho arti
cle he will procure it for you. w
Tho world does not contuin a mcdidn-
nt preparation wbivu tins o'lialm il a more
wide-spread nnd deserved popitlurity tuan the
troduulion to public notice moro tltun tweutv
years ago, it lins becu constantly used for ev
ery kiud ot disease or Injury to man or benst
wbicb can be alhjctcd by a locul application,
and go tar as its proprietors uro aware, it has
not tailed m a single instance. Alter so lone
and successful a term of probation, who will
havetbo hardihood to deny its pre-eminent
claims to popular esteem.
Last Ciiance in aid of Mercy Hospital.
f 150,000 ill oOtlO cash prizes ; .jO,000 Gold
Uoiu the ln.uucst prize, lo be drawn In open
public nt Oiuuiiii, -JSih March, 1S7J, liy sworn
Commissioners. This churimlile enterprise is
sanctioncuaiHl endorsed by the Uovcruor ami
best business nien ot the sliitc. Tickets i-:i
each, or 4 for 10. l'atteo & Gardiner, Mana
gers, Uiuaba, Nebraska.
Couons. A Medicinal Preparation lu the
loriu ot a lozenge Is the most convenient.
"Mrown't Bronchial Troches" May irritation
which induces couirlilnir, irivinir relief in liion-
ahitis, Hoarseness, Ititlucnza,Cousumptlve and
Asthmatic complaints.
Gkafton Mineral Fektii.izek. We call
the attention of our readers to the advertise
ment of this wonderful production of the
"Granite State" this week.
Chaited Hands, face, rou.ih skin,
pimples, ring-worm, salt-rheum, and
other cutaneous affections cured, and the
skin made soft and smooth by using tho
Juniper Tar Soap, mado by Caswei.l,
hazard uo., jn ew x ork. It is moro
convenient and easily applied than
other remedies, avoiding tho trouble of
tho greasy compounds now in use.
Dyspepsia, Coitlvrurss and Liver Com
plaint Cured Without Medicine.
I will forward to anv uddress, on receipt of
fifty crxts, a printed prescription that will
cure any case of Dyspepsia, Costiveness, or
Ldver complaint, however obstinate. The
remedy is very cheap and pleasant. The arti
cles are kept in most faim houses, nnd are ea
sily obtained anywhere. Address Dr. s. N,
Thomas, Phelps, N. Y.
From Maine to California millions ofchil-
dreu are wearing SILVER TIPPED SHOES.
by not, they are the cheapest and ucver wear
tlirougtt at the toe. Try thein.
Ir or Hale by all Shoe Dealers.
r2S"The 8tartliHsr. Romantic Disclosures of
the Musterie of Crime in the Authentic Book,
eiituicu " Memoirs of the U. IS. Secret Nit-
vice," is a thrilling Record, indeed ! See Adv't.
50 CENTS a year nocurrB tho Journal and a premi
um vr. a. iciiic, wi'iiuuersuuri;, xu.
Veoktinb. Whon tho blooil Wmnr.i llf. l.-c- ni)r1
ptftpiium, ettucrtrum cbunno ol wuuiult or ot climate,
wain oi excrci-e, irrt-culur met, or irom any oihtv
caue. tho BUKT1NB will n?new thn hlnmi. currv nlf
the putrid hiimori, cloaiii-6 the tttomaeh. regulate thu
oowcis, unu unpuri a tone oi vigor to luu wuolu boay.
Tho advcrtlsor, havini been permanently curod of
that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remody,
is anxioua to make known to his fellow sufferers the
means ot cure. To all who de-ire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used, (tree of cliari;e). wllh
tiie directions tor preparing and using the same, which
they will find a Si lit t'luii ton CoNst-MmoN, Auth
UA, IIroncuitih, occ. Parlies wishing the urcsciiuliou
4C South Third St., Willianisburgh, N. Y.
Verily it Hath no Equal
Would Yfill MIM that Aiitttint fnttrrh nr. A t-tnot
DUCK iiiui lieiLltliv vU'.ip till Iii.iv v ti uiitf.l iu
aware It will bn tun lt.i.
. ii j uu wuuiii, uu ii ul uuiuVa lur ere vou uro
Allen's LuitK BaUain Is your hope; It has been tried
ii) uiuuMiHiuH tiuen km you, who nave neeu curtd, many
in their irrutitudo huvo h-nt their nanus to us i hat ,-iit-
terillif hutnulill V ciin r.tii.1 tli.-ir vil. anrl li..H..v
Don't experiment with new and uutiied mixture, you
I cannot artord it, but try at once this invuluahle article.
l uo iuuiui iu anv lit uk oiore auu ac inoei general
Btorta. Il 1m warranted to bri-ak up the mo-it trouble
some CoilL'h ill ii fi'W h.iitrB. It'iuit ul ti..liiiiir.liiii.liiiaf.
It i warranted tofivo entire witiafuctiou iu all ca--i-uf
lauug uuu xuroui uimcuitiea.
"It Saved My Life."
Words of a Reliable Druggist.
Marisb Citv, Mich., July !8th. 1K70.
J. N. IIAUKI8 i Co. Dear Sin: The Allen's Lung
aiuiKuiu uan urrivutl. 1 wouiu not UKU 10 oe wituout ll
for it ha saved my life. I took a bud cold uudacouirh,
and miully coliBUluption waa aeated uiioll mi-. I aa. lu
a very oau alat. 1 tried everyililnir thukwus recom-
inended. and peut a ereat deal of uiouey. and jrot no
help. I had Allen s Lumr Uub-um for aule. but I knew
nothilifr of ita uieriti. 1 did not like to take it without
knowlliKUioreuboutlt. I had not "old a bottle. When
your aifeut culled uuon nut. 1 told biiu I could not ml-11
a medicine 1 knew uothiuft about. He urtted me to try
iimysuu. i uiu fn. and to my irruieiui aurpi li-e mo
tirat bottle .tonoed niv I'oui'h. nnd before thellilid bot
tle waa taken, my luiiffa were healed and well, and I
Can now apeak knowingly to my friends and customer.
ot the good uuallti.a ot Alh-u a Luna ImIkiiui.
I remain yours, reapocttully, L. C. L'OTTRELL.
tt""It. la harmleita to the moat delfcnUchlld.
tVtTit contain, uo opium iu any form.
Call for Allen'. Lung Balsam," and hun the uao of
any other Uulsum ; unprincipled men may deceive you
with worthlea prep.uutlolla.
J. N. UAItltIS CO., Propr'f, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sold by Medicine Dialers Generally.
rmmiY davis a sox,
Ii'ovl(U-ii'c, II. I.
Oneral Agents for Xew Eulaud States.
FOll HALE 11 V
JOHN P. HENRY, New York,
CEO.C.UOOI1WIN afc CO., Mostoa.
Oi Envelope, of various Uei, color., and gong, on
- f each. M aheeU Sou Paper, copy of aau-coluuiu
puper, al 1 .eut for toe. J . A. llowelu Co., J etteron,0.
. lpi.n pnu Bna aiinuv at t nd il : M Union "Ad-
J pie Parer.Jl; Peach Parer, $lil; Peach Slouer and
Halver, 7ic.; Nut Cracker, !ic. Sold by dealere. Man
Ufacturud by It. H. WU1TTEM0UE, Morcc.tor, Uas.
Tho only Genuine Mineral Fertil
izer In New England.
Gr Jton Mineral Fertilizer & Destroyer of Insects
to Cnnkpf Worm. Omb. Wnp Bii(f". Pntnto Huff-, Hop
InfectH.and nil other l'liuit-DflNtrnvlnfr Irm-ptn. It pro
tect Iho plant fiftm Inawt miwhfi'f, und lurgfAy pru-
tnotpp itip (rrowth ot nil vetroiaiiuu.
Wfirmnti'd a H-prof-i'"4''''
DAVIS. Til AVER A- TO.. IVonrlMor. Mttlntrm. N. II.
WAKDK, HU.MI 11HHY A IIUIJU K, C'onconi. N. II.,
OfTiprnL AffPiit. to whom nil orm-i Plum Id bo
drecd, Hcnd for ppfcripllvo Clrculur.
ThrllllnR.'ABtoundine: Dlsclosuron
18 Porlmltunf U.S. I)i.lw-Hvi', nnil thnlr n.liii i
A Wmttlerfitl Itnnk I 4M tmuv. nrlri, tv.'M. A1-
draw LA11AN IWATII.JO lliuiuvnr ntn-nt, llimluli,
P U 1 1 D P U ' C 1 The larprnt, htiudnimrtt and htil
unUnUn O' Mirr.lli ill Urn woil.l.
ICoiittiint, i-iu'li month, ih' hi!t
f-ilinmix oi puppi mii.i'-ui
INoti'H, ptr. Prlro l.(i n-r y:.
HubftcTlbe at once and vou will n'-v
It-r reiaot It. r i"und 1! cuiiU fur
ppociim-n mm- to
j. i ii t in it ..,
Cincinnati, O.
riimmai arni-lh tnlnn ami thrnn HinOK tllO imhcHn-
tlon nrice are riven away for ono and threo uubHcribura
i to tho
Published br tli EnirrV and ManTr' Pnh. Co,
37 P.irlc How. N. V. P.O. Hoi 4179.
Send for sample copy and premium lift.
t warranted to relievo ie worst cies In ten
minutes. Knr wile, by DruB(rits. Trial Paek
nce sent FREE on receipt of a tliroo-ceut stamp.
Addrc9a T. poPHAH CO.,
IMiiliuli llhln, Pa.
To Printers.
Comnoplnir Rules 15 cents, Make-tip Rules SO cents
each; mado of the best of stool, and funili-hcd at these
reduced prices. Ordors accompanied with tah and
Irnrt, pivlnc lentrth, should be addressed to KhW
YORK STEEL HULK UO., 58 lonn sireoh n. i.
"f IdillrtoTvn Nursery and Fruit Farm.
J.l i
.....i nnDni, i.n.aniiria tv. feu 1 information Irce.
Address wtthtjMnpJJ.CoaiiMiddlet
-r ANTED Addressof buyers and sellers of old
y coins. Address R. P. UAWSO.N, Lock Uoi 4(1,
Corry, Paj
Mass. Institute cf Technology.
VnlmnrA ovnTnlnnl tnnJ.TimA Sil'ntlil Octohpr3.1. Fof
now Catalocne nnH recent rxnmintion pnpprBRpply to
1JRINTINO I'RKPSRS. 1r1ro S2.00. Bond utamp Tor
ciruulurs. 0. W. O.MCN, l'ontiac, Mich.
The Cp,ea,t Blood Purifier.
A: valuable: Indian compound, for restoring tho
health, and for the permanent cure of all dlcares aris
ing from impurities of tho blood, such as
Scrofula, ScrofulonnIIumor.SCniicer, Can
cerous Humor, Erysipelas, Canker, Salt
Rlieum, Pimples and Humors on the
Face, Ulcers, Coughs, Catarrh,
Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Rheu
matism, Fains In the Side,
Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Costiveness, Piles,
Headache, Dizziness, Nervousness, Falnt-
ncss at tiie Stomach, Pains in the Rack,
Kidney Complaints. Female Weak
ness, and General Debility.
Chemist and Apothecary.
MOSTON. MllV 1st. 1871.
Dear Sir This Is to cortlfv that I have sold at retail
stxtv-tliree doz. (73C bottled of your Veoktise .since
April 12th. 1870, and can truly my that It ha iriven t lie
bcitt ?atiloctlon of anv remedy, tor the complaints for
which It U recommended, that I ever gold. Scarcely a
day parses without some of my customer testifying to
iw merit n inemscivea or tneir irienai. i am per
sonally coirnixant of pevenil cases of Scrqfuloui ru
mor bvin? cured by Vbuktike alone iu thia vicinity.
, ery rt-sueciiuiiy uur.
AI UILMAX.4C4 Droadwav.
To 11. R. Stevess, Esq.
Price $ 1.25. Sold by all DrtiKcistf.
For tlio 31 il lion !
Really worth Ten Dollars ! Iucloso 10e. and Sc. stamp
foriMMlagv. J. C. THOMPSON,
TompKinsviuo, n. i . tauaeii L.-niuu.
m Eaa Vay R
For SrRIXG of 1S73.
Il invite the attention of Plnnlein and Renters to
our targe ana complete mwck of
Biaiidnnl & Dwarf Fruit Tree.
4rtiie V'llica Mmnll Frtilla.
tlrltntiirtitiilTrct-Uf Slii-tilia. Roaea.
new at, nare i-rim ami lariititiiciitui Aees.
KverirrecununilNcw Plants.
Prompt attention given to all Inquiries.
Ducrtptlre and Vlmlratei priced Catalogues lent pre-
yuiuurt rciciptm .lump. USJUllUWtl
No. 1 Fruits. lOal. No. 2 Ornamental
No. 3 GnjL-u-houti, lUc. So. 4 Wliolvsalti, Free
Mount Hope Kunerie. KOCUKSl'KH, N.Y.
Improved Porous Piasters
are recommended by the BEST PHYSICIANS a a
twre aim sate reiiieuy lor tt ii r.t'lUA l ltH. iNKtdtl.
In tiie UltSAST, LL .MiK or hftlK. SCIATICA. EAK
HACK unit r r. M Al, K WEAKNESSES. Tuke none but
ltlt. tIROSVE.NOR S to iurure the bc.-l result,
(leneial Depot, lii llmUou St.. New Yoik. gold bv
ail iiruKaisia. ritiistjcviiu.
JOR ONE DOLLAR we will mail you a box of
.tamped with nny Inlt lal or Pet name. Four .Ue. and
sixteen pattern, iu eaca Dox
It meet, the dally want of any lady.
uoaiuuiir rciiooi Kins are auoptintr it.
It', the prettiest present to a young lady.
Try one box lor youraell.
Addre.. l.tHtt.Mi, ftilillnlioi-,
P.O. liox 5011, Uoatou, Mas
lMUt TWENTY CKNT8 tile undersli-ned will
X CUelO:
t iwtULv-live SKKDri uf thu ViiL'iniii Hullv
fret uf rut4tf?t. Thtr h avui are ukm-ii. Thu f.owvr
Ifruw in clu-trf, aiut uro Kucceedt u by round bnit,
which luni to a hcuuti.'ul red, und iviinUu Miduriiiir the
euiii-M winter. Tlti tree i coiiriidmcd one of thu inot
bcaulllil of iviLrretnp. and at) un ornutnontul trite.
there U none that titu equal it. It if ditUcult to trans
plant it, but it can bo raided horn tli.eofd. Immediate
attention riveuio all oiden.. UcuUmh in roedfurnii-h-td
at reduced nrinHi-.AH recanU my liability, will re
fer to linn. K. M. llnixton, Va-hliit,'tou, U. C. Address
R. li. LYKLL, Fai uhum 1'. U.. Uichmoud Co., Va.
'iid lor dt:Moi
' ciieulaiv. illajio ItuHder.reVrred
, Diiet' S10. buiit)
' 510. bunplemeni to Village lliillilur,
Wi. Villu no builder and Supplement, bound in ene
litriro volume, fcli. OaUiloirue uf Druwiuir Iiutruuientri,
ruper. Tracing Llotu, etc.t inalM-d on receipt ot two
tnroc-ct'Ut a. j. iu'JK?r.i,L & t u.,
n w arr n nici-i. ispw ioi k.
To Printers.
A part Interest iu one of the bext country newinaner
ftMaulibhmouU in euutbtsru New lork, i ottered for
Kile, the owuvr UaviiiK auoiher buiue which nuedd
an aid aiieuiioii. j ue oiuor partner wiu ruiaui ms in
terest. Material all nearly uuw, and equipmeut com
plete, burnetii pood and rapidly increaidiiK For par
UculkraaddroctiiiUANKLlN.lioi'jyL,. Middlctown.N.Y
Elnailc Ut-lt Truui for rup
Hirc) is durable, cheap ana safe ; in
I il asilv worn ai a arAi-ter: hm
cured patients iu from 4 tu iS week-. ?nrpartlculaiD
fteud forefiuuiar. Addie HENliY IIUWE, Box 7Xi,
Council lilutii, Iowa :
for ttmt-claon Pianos. No discount. NoagouU.
jiaur.i v. o. runu uu., ew uroauwav, n, i
X drutw (with euuup) box tTU, New Yurk.
(l!i I W i li ' i IVW I' l l V
HV.UK yti linvrt a s-rlre romlilnlni sootltlnir nnd
li"lliK properilea, with nr ilmim-mm Hxrcd.
K-iil. A f-ni'-dy nl IniTid fur tiie tnnny pnlnn nnd
mWii's, whim4 and hrtiUefl tn which lli-nh In heir.
In mum Kunlly applied thnn ninny i.lher remedies,
tM-vur priidijriwr had efleel, hut alu'tiys rt'lieving
,:ilri, however never.
111. prepared by Hit Rairyer, vho has neil it
In h"r riwil pxte.iMlva treatment of the elik, fur
iienrly twitit.y years, wllh irreat sitt-ee.
'J'hn dlsenses for whteh this strive Is rec
ommended aro, CttiMttfni, Iihevmntinvi Piht,
firnifiitii. Old lrrert, Suit IthPum, .Srf, Ijitrni,
er (S'orrir, Want, I'huplrs, Krynipilu Sore
J-.ln, I'lrlier'n Hh, Ih-afnem, Jioih, Jfhig-teormt,
Onu, intra nf Iniecln, (,'nncm, Tonthn&r, .Vir
oei(?, S'tT' tiipiilr'tt JnMnrn!tt StcolUn Jlr(lttt
JliH, Sitihl nut, 'J'rrllihuj, Chiiiiint limit.
KrntiU, t'u'., Irulte; Vrottp, Craiked Lii, and
isvrei on t'hitilren
It never falls to euro Khetimnllsm If properly
nppMcd. link It on well with the hand three times
n day. In several cases ft has cured palsied limbs.
For Pile It has been discovered to be a sure rem
cdy. l'ersons that hav been nflllcted for years
havo been relieved by a lew applications. or z:rj-
tipelan It works wonders, allaying the Inflammation
and quieting tho patient. For Chapped and It
produces a euro Immediately. tnose witn aan
Hhewn obtain this Halve, und apply It freely, nnd
they will find It Invaluable. It Is Rood in cases oi
Scrofula and Tumor. Cancer have been cured
with It. The bent Halve ever Invented fur Swollen
JBreatt and Sore Kippft. No way Injurious, but
uro to nlTurd relief. Sore or Weak Eye Hub It
on the lids ffcntly, once or twice a day. Cures deaf
ness by putting In tho cars on a piece of cotton.
For f elon this Is superior to anything known.
For Pimple this nets llko a charm. For Burnt
and Srald, npply tho Salvo nt enco nnd It gives
immediate relief. For Old Sorei, apply onco a
?,ot among tho lenst or tno invniuaoie ptoperncs
of Miss Saw t Kit's Halve arc Its beiietlelal effects
on tho hair. Kubbcd on the scalp, In five or six
different pnrts, it promotes the growth of the hair,
prevents it turning gray. anTl on bald spota it pro
duces a new growth of hair. No lady should ho
without this iiivalunblo nrtlelc ns an indispensablo
cosmetic fur tho toilet. It eradicates dandruff and
disease from the head, and blotches and pimples
from the fucv.
We. tho unlcricmcil. havo been ncannlnted with
Miss Bawycr fur many years, and bellevo her to be
a Christian lady and n skilful nurse, and having
used her salvo In our families, it gives us great
pleasure In saying It is tho best general medlcino
wo uavu ever uscu :
Rer. E. F. Putter,
ltrr. W. o. Ilolman,
JrA T. Bprry,
Win, II. '1'itroinh,
Mn. C'lmrlcs Suuwt
Mr. Alfx- Bnow,
Jir K. p. Chswand wife,
J WnltvflHfl ik! wifp,
Vm. Ilt-uttie ftitd wite,
Jan4i Shaw mid wffi'.
John S. Ciine and wife.
Kt-v. JoH-ph Kaltotll,
Rev. OeorBe Pratt.
Uen. J. P. Ciller and ifi
.opi. irncxt-r aim wile.
C'at. David Atnai and wife,
Wm. Wilson and wiK-,
. It. Spear,
II. W. Wteht aiiflwite.
Ceo. W. Kimball, Jr. (Miyor W. t
r ulU-r and wile.
of Rock 1 nnd I anil u i1l.
TIiuiiiuk Cultxin and wife,
Ioa. liciiry IiiKrahaui sod
O. J. Conant fPotmaiter of
Kr'Vlanl and wife,
I K. Kimball mi wife,
William MuLwd.
, Joseph Karwell,
I C. H Mallnnl.
: Kphrnltn Harrrtt,
Lcanilcr Vek,
lion N'. A. Burpee.
If yonr DrniriilBt la out of the Salve, and neglects
to keep aupplied, send (cvcnty-tive cenh us directed
below, and receive a box by return muii.
Tut tip In T.arpo Knxen nt 60 cents each
(nearly three time r.a laruo a the x iepreented
above). Prepared bv MISS C. ri.WVVKlt, an.l
put up hy L. M. "ROBBINS, Wholesale
and Retail Druggist, Koekland, Me.
A Trial Box aont free bv mail on receipt uf seventy
live cents', by 1.. M. KumilNS. lCocklainl, Me.
ALL UEAI.KUd IN MliiiiCl.NEij.
"The Celtic Weekly.
Sensation without coarcencaa. narrative of thrilling
Interest, combined with historical Instruction, excel
lent and cntcrtuinllifr literature lur out and youna.
coutitiued and liul-hed stwriuis, poetry, sketched, bto-
graphical and topographical
l ue if!
creat original btory paper for tlio million cntl-
will mako It first appearance on February 22, 1972, da
ted lor .Mart-n if, mrz.
The mtblMierH of Uils hiKh-toncd fumlly paper r
ppectlully iiitonu tho lrUh iitoplo of AuuMiua, mid the
AiHtrricuu public Kencmlly, thut they have insuh tir
rui.p'mt iits for tho production of uu UIUGlNAL STO
HV I'Al'Kll, which will binr fuovrabln (joinp;iriMi
j with the bo.-t peiiinIioaU of tho duy. Tho tollowlnjf
sloricii will uppi-ar iu the Urst uumbtti-:
By Peter McCorry.
By "Christine."
By Dr. J. C. Waters.
By Dr. Julius Rodenbere;.
By DeunU Holland.
By Mre. Ellen E. Madigan, (nee Callanan.)
By John Locke,
Editor of Tu s Celtic Wbkh.v.
A sneclal featuro of THE CELTIC WEEKLY will be
the entire exclusion of advertisements.
Nothini; wilt tie tell undone to render this Great
Orimiml story Paper the best lu America.
Price Only Six leuta.-To be hud of all Nea
Mull SiibxcribcrH, One Year, $3.30 Six Mouth,
,50 i'uur -Month.-, f$ l.OU.
Two Copies, one a-ldrese $450
r ive " " " j u.uiv
T-n uuu J40.00
With an additional copy to the gaiter up of the club.
Agent wanted in every town and city in the United
State where uue i& lioi ulready appointed.
Liberal terms to all agent and cotton up of clubs
over ten copies
M. J. O LEARY & CO., Publishers,
P. O. Box 007-1, New York.
Publiahod forth benefit of younr men and other,
who aull.r from Nurvona Debility. aupulylnat thk
or flaxr-ci' Hit. rilteu by unti who cured hiui
aulf. and fc;iit ft-eo on receivinir a lait-nuid directed en
velou.. Addre- NAT11AN1KL MAVt'AIU, lirouklyu
Tetter. Itch, hive., tpota, pimple., etc. ; book with 10
reelne for se If-enre, with full direction, mulled tor M
cu. JOHN d. BCOTT, lii North Ninth St., thila., P.
1 a'uriner. Wliutluff to buv. or diui Krai. i n. In
aell iue oeav rver inn'it), aniiillil write lor ClrcUtU' to
I TOLEDO AtililOl Ll CKAL WOUKd, Toledo, Ohio.
Cabinet Organs.
Th MA ROM A HAMUN onnAX CO. tMiHrtMly fttinornin .
iht Introduction, Ihli mmob, of iiniirovtim-tiU of mtKh mor lba
urdlnmry lutiil. Tliei art
I ii , iil.,J nnH ,mnliHl by Mr. 0t. Fsilki sS 'nlUa Oran
i i, 1.1, r, l4 His only iorcelful combination of Kl piM hli
1.1. rv.r (S't Cimlmfir ; orHV,on.)
ttiv.nlt-4 and pat.nttd by Mr. W. O. T)ay, of naltlnwrr ; Vy llleh
lha lrfurtn rn In.tanUy raov. lb. Kay board U Ilia rliiht or l.n,
and io v'ay at a Miliar or lower pitch. (S. particulari in Circular.)
It, Ml is On.
!ff EACH.
MAVON k HAMLIN. - - '-'
STYLE r. .
Consifi'rinz their capacity, ttrgnnce, and thorough,'
exceiitnee, the prices of these nrtv styles art
lower than any b-Jore effered
The Cbintt Onmnt mnAt by th Mnton A Haiulia Co. n acltnow.
Udirvtl l eci-cl all otiiari In lurlty and beauly of ton, nowr
Trlttj and tluraWHity ; and coulala patented ImproTimtiiti not
In wiy titlifri. Tliey liav uniformly won Itlghett fireinlumi atln
duitrinl Eali i Mtlon i, Inrtndlns a modal at tht P EiPoaiTtod. frr
i.kmoshthtfi utriBioniTV ; arc tbt onty Amtrlcan Organs U
lrfTly in tlit?r coiintrie, and ar pronoonrtid to ba dnV
Tn.Miti.r the tMi by nuiiviaiia alhust vaiTaasALtr. S-.
tettiutuny fmm mor tlun
o:;s thousand musicians
Itl th tNlTUtt ST.TBi, KOLAND, KbaNOI, GltSMANY, Ac., prlnlrit
In full In TI-.SriMONIAL CIRCULAR wlilch will U tent fri
U any al(lra. lUr arc a few Hf istracta from well known.
"The bt now In nw.' On mtm VttMO", n Trtna
rMr, M iiik I.rom ViuToa Cmii'i., I. HiiHtnm i. ami
fnhfrt. " Wt have not hrnrd m-li port iunical toitd fi urn y
nllletl," '!. I.Ol'IBB KM.LOntt, AoC1.AIIR I'H 11-Llft. ' A 1 I.
Hfciu.M., nii'l other. " Mu'irlnnt fje-m-rally t"'nnrl (lie Mnin
. Mnmllti CiiMiift Orfdint m uiirHinnlttil tiv anv olnerti." TMomH ii
Thomii. ' Kiftti it)) i ii tlrni in-iit of th t ifitt I hri wr t.-i-ii."
Oi.a Bui. i.. "The lt itilniirr-i(t of ilm rlau iiiw.." Anna
Mkhlhi. In all th. qnn'iiit-i whlrh vuiiilllnte -jir.lirnM
minvaled." R. K. Mili. "Knr nifHor to ewvtlitnr cf Irtf
rli 1 have wi-ii. 1 M. ti'm4-Hi k. Wn(t'erfnlly baw-
tliol." P. R. t.ti.MoKk. Stii-rrinr In nil rviirft tt to iht I
havo ever n." Ki-oKia Tmkh. " Kicr-llinjr tn qualliv oi
Ume, anierf.1 trrllnnea and diimltilllv and 'h1hr1U hniritaninta
not foiiinl in nlicr' 'til kkh.hi. " 1 ) more iTilitally
tUty aru lMte.1, ftinl the mr cnii.etf nt tiie jail", th mere rorlalit
nnil liitfliwlll lu Hit' itictitl ul iiihe rinrliy acvorded thein," Jl'LILB
Acknon'ledzrd to make the lest, t?rs Ce-whnnv now
uudertaAv to mU at such r.-c.v tttut their ?
Orgitrts shad le
ViiqUPHlio:iRb?jr Iionpowl,
wliicli t!itf' reruinly fif vtii'-I.-.I trt ti ". ri,M)'en of BsTltw-
1 r rii.iir niiDt'
Hllil tllrV ilivilv t!tllti"li t'.
KH It'W.O- 'Veil IcH, tllII t
hi. li will t fnund
.rifrt lm:i
di'il tor common and vury
In leri r .tririn
KtiL'M-OiTv ()r.oM, f.O m.Ti. S-e
Cuf.y riv,.--ivi. It--. fiiS, 135
1 140. Hi d UI-v.M-.l. Kt BTY ntllBH '
Stvi.i', tt )irii(H-nia i.alo i.ri.-, up to
lTcv; Catalogues
and Circular!, wiih full ile?K-rlilluna of
tr-w stylvi and luiitovtMKNTa,nloTitla
tnonlal Circular, lent free to anv addrett.
154 Tremor.t St., Boston. 596 Broadway, New York,
No Person enn tnlte tlieae Bitters accord
ing to direction, nnd remain louff unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed by niiiicrnl poison or other
means and tile vital 'organs vasted beyond the point
of repair.
I)y1ctiu or Illillentloll. Headache, Tain
in the Shoulders. Connies Tightness of the Chest. UU
liness, Sciir Miiutaliiiiis of the Stomach, ISad Taste
in the Mouth. Ililinim Attacks, Palpitation of the
Heart, Iiillaiiiiiialioii of the Iain:-', l'-'" i" llie regions
of the Kidneys, ami a biindred oilier painful syinploms,
are the olTspriuss of llvspupsia. In these coiiiplaints
it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar
antee of its merits than a lenviliy advertisement.
Fin- Female t'oiupliiliita, in young or old,
married or ainsle, at the dawn ot wniiiaiihKid, or the
turn of lite, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an
influence thai a market improvement is soon percep
i;i,iu For Iifliimiiiitoi-y nl Chronic Rhen-
nillUxill and (hint, lliiiens, Kemillelit and lllter--miltent
I Vve.-s, Disei-a-a of the I'.liKid, Liver, Kidneys
and ISIailder. these Hitters have no equal. Such Dis
eases are caused bv Vitiated lllood, which is generally
urodiiced liv deranaeniei-.t i f the llicesiive t)raii.
They are n CJenllc I'uiKntlve aa well aa
a Toille, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting
as a pmvei l'ul aceut in leiievins C'onccstiou or IiiNam
mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious
Diseases. ,
For Skin Dim-naeit, Erniitions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, P.ioichcs, Snils, Pimples, Piistuics. Boils, Car
buncles, Rins-worins. Scald-1 lead, S'.rc Kye, Ej-y-sipelas.
lull, Scini's, IHsoiinraiioiisi.f the Skin, Humors
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever nuie or uatiire,
arj literally ilua up and carried out of the system ill a
slini'l time hv tit use of these Uilteis. .
Cil itteflll TlimianOila proclaim VlNFf.AR IliT
tkks ifie most wiiiHieiiul liivisoranl that ever sustained
.1... l. ..
I WAI.KDK. Pron'r. 11. II. ncDDNH.IJ &CO.,
l)iu:i.sis and A:its., San 1- raiicisco and New York.
HOI n I'V all. TitM-l-.m'-g '"' ' '
Princliul Office 101 W, Fifth St., Cincinnati, 0.
Tluon'y Reliable Gilt D s ributii nin the country
$100,000 00
In Valuable Cifts!
To be drawn Monday, March 85th, 1471.
One Crand Capital Prize of
$10,000 IN COLD !
One Trizo fi 5,00!) ia Silver I.
FIVE IMtlM i.-illO
! Greanbacks
HOUSES, Willi Sllvut-Mouuled Iliiin.w. worth l,ieu
TWO HORSES AND BUGGIES, with Silvor-Moutited
lluiiiu.a, woi th iiitio each.
Two Finc-toned Rosewood PIANOS, worth 5X teh
Ten family SEW1NU MACHINES, worth (lu each
1500 Gold and Stiver Lever Hunting Watches, worth
from tv to i;uo eaclx I . ,
f&MSgttft $140,
i'n n i t'rv r ijj
Ladiea" Oold Leentlne Chaiua, 0ent' Oold Vt
Chulna, Solid and Double-Plated Silvar Table -ad
Teaapoou., PhotOKrapk Album., Jeueiry. cXm slo.
Whole number GlfUuluKiO. Ticket. Limited to iu.WJO
To whom Liberal Premium, will be puld.
Simile TicketB $t : Sii Ticket-, lu: Twelve TickeU
tli Tw.nly-livo Ticket. HH... i
Circular, containing a full lift of priion, descrip
tion of tiie manner otdrawiiiK. and oiuar iiuurieaCiiou
lu reference to the Di-lribuliou, will be .cut to any one
ordering theni: &n tear, nuua oeetourebaea lo
La D. SINE, Box GO. Cincinnati, O.
Offlce. 101 Weat Fifth Street.
AGENTS Wanted. Aaretit. make more money at
work for u than auyihlnir l. Particular, fiul.
0. Stinboii at Co., J-'fiM Art PutilMitrt, Portland, Me,
Mar -7