THURSDAT, MARCH 7. 1672. ' Sate of Advertising. Owe eolnmn, one year...... $75 00 ft " " " .... 40 00 I " " " 25 00 " " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eiRht. Uses or 1ms 8 limes or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less per fear..... 6 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted aWatit. Kk Lodje, A. T. V. Itatld meetings of Elk Lodge will be kcld at their hail on ths second and fourth faeadeys of eaoh month. 0. L MoCRACKEN, See'v. . fJTemole of Honor ana Temnerance. Ilktoa Temple No. 81, meets on ea:h Uaraat o Thursday, at their Lodge Room, a' Main ireet, OTer J. V. Honk's store. S. A. BOTE. A. R. Vmr Time at Itidgrtcmy. Erie Express East 2:06 a bi. do do West 2:15 a. m. Mail East 4:55 p. m. da do West 6:27 a. m Reaove Aoeommodation Rust ... 7:55 a m. do do do We9t....M (:00 p m No town should be without s'rcct lamps. Ridgway has street lamps and is happy. Last Tuesday was one of the coldest days of' the season. There was a slight fall of mow here. SiRVlCRS in the Court House next Sunday, morning and evening, by Key II. A. Pattison. Last Friday, 1st inst., the house owned by the township, and situated on Gallager'i run, east of Kast street. Was entirely consumed by fire. Tgl committee on the contented lection case of Green vs. Shortt hive decided in favor ot Mr. Shortt. Six of the seven members of the committee re ported in his favor. The public debt has been reduced 112,391,452, during the mouth of Fe -tuary, or at the rate of $150,000,000 a year. This is a tefreshiup circum stance, in these days of abuse and in vestigation. It shows that at least in one point faithtultiess can be f-jutid, ami this is a very vital point. Fatal Accident An accident oc curred in Washington township, on Mon day, tha 19th inst , bv which Mrs. Wm Delmer came to her death. She had been using a home, and while stabling it the animal became frightened by h fowl flyiug nesr. when it kicked her inking its sharp shoe into her head causing instant death She was an old resident of Washington township, am! heT husband is an employee on the rail road. She was the mother of a lur-re family, and her loss will be greatly felt Brookville Repulican. Tariff, or no tariff and free-train, i the great political question, and the agi tation of this question or some other has sent the price of iron and iron wares higher than war prices. It fortunately for this community, caught a very large stock on the hands and in the store of W. S. Service who with his usual re gard for his patrons continues to sell at the old prices, and will continue to do so till his present large stock is exhaust ed. Call and see his extensivo stock of stoves and things that are sold at less than oity wholesale prices. Elk County Teacher's Institute. -The fourth annual meeting of the Elk County Teacher's Institute, under set of Assembly, approved April 9th. 1869, will be held in the school hou-e. Ridgway, commencing Monday, March 11th, 1872, at 2 p. ra . continuing in session five days. Able lectures and instructors have been engaged Every .effort will be made to have a pleasant nd profitable session. This Institute is held for the benefit of teaohers, sod net one of them should tail to be present. Directors, tnd friends of education are invited o attend. RUFUS LUCORE, Co. Sup't. List or Letters regaining in the Ridgway Post Office up to March 1st, 1872: Trnold. N. A. Hing eford, Isaiah W. Anderson, Wm. R. Hoyt, Catnarine Mrs. Jfuroughs, Wm. Keyes, 'ther Mrs. Braker. Casper Kearnay, T. O. Borrigan, Larry Killgore, Forbes Bresnaham, Pairiok WcKimmey, Mary Barnes, Jettee Mrs. Collins, Thomas Mullen Bernard S Claris, M L. S. .forth. James A. Clarke, James 8. Janley Joseph Carl Z. T. Ports, Peter Casper, Fanny Miss ftoyer. Do m nick Dreskell, Florenoe Aimmonds, Domniok Cvary, Edward Sullevan. Timothy Oerder, Carolina Bloat, Ramon Gilbert, Andrew Bovensson. 8. Alex. 2 JVanrohan. M. M. Mr.Bteveson, 8. Mrs. Hoagle. Charles IPUhelra. Kate Miss Hamelton, Cats. Ward. John Hanee. C. H Wright, James Hill, Thomas If not called for in thirty days they will be send to the Dead Letter Office US. H. HAGERTY, P. M. 'J he Speaker ot the Senate has issued his' writ for a special election to fill the vacancy caused by the desth ot Henry S. Evans. The eleotion to take place on the 15th day of March. - Rational Faith. Why have the public such implicit faith in the restora tive properties ot Hoofland's German Bitters? It is because its history, for more than thirty years, has been one unbroken, undisputed record of cures. Dyspepsia, nervous debility, liver dis ease, kidney afleotioni, and ootistitu weakness, yield to its alterative, vitalis ing and purifying properties; while the (Jertuan Tonic, which contains in addi tion, a puis diffusive stimulant, works wonders, where a more powerlul agent is required. Sold by all Druggists. Chilblains. -One very cold even ing ia December, a youug man from a store in the city, came to the kitcheu ot a dwelling wheie L was staying, to de liver some parcels. While his basket was being emptied he seemed in a per fect trency of distie-s from chilblains, and finally begged to be permitted to re move his boots tor a moment's relief The lady of the house immediately sent to the cellar fir an old pan and brought some corn meal, requiring the Imy to remove his stockings. He pro tested that he had not a minute to lose, and must hasten back to his wurk. In an instant red-hot coals were placed in the pan and a handful ot the meal being thrown upon them, the suffering feet were held in the smoke. Before the ucal had burned out, the anguish of the chilblains was quite gone. The coals and meal were renewed, and in filtcen minutes the youth was on his way to the store, entirely relieved, al though the trial seemed much too short to be successful Severe weather may produce a re currence of the Rouble, at intervals, but persistent use of This remedy will pre vent it as well as cure it. I have known it to effect very marked cures, where the persons were unusually exposed, and when all othej remedies were useless, Ex Caught at Last. On Thursdu evening last, Feb. 14th, S. F. Frampton and Judge Coon, brought to the jail in this place, Loicni) Height, lor whom the Commissioners ot the county had offered SI 00 reward For some time past Ilaitiht has been a terror to the citizens ot the northern portion of tin county, tie is charged with bein guilty of almost every crime in the cal endar, and if one hull the charges against him are true, he is cut lain ly the most dangerous character we have mid in our county for a long time The ufficeis had been looking lor htm ior the past month, but he had muuaed to elude them (hmtfur He was finally imrarthed by the Sheriff ot Klk county, ho had a warren- lor Ins arrest on the elian-e of liotsu tHmliiiu. and who hud lollowed him up no i-'ost-ly (hut he was otniel'ed to re'urti to this c-iunty, where he wjs uuiuedi itely nu r u .dtd Hiid alter a chase through the woods ot iiuruutt and Eldred towuship ot three days was dually cipiurud and committed to jail Among the crimes witii which He is charged are rape, arson and lar eny Jeffersouian, Brookville, Fa. Terrible and Fatal Accident. On Saturday, February 21th. Mr Mah len M. Mulliird, one r.f the employees in Messrs, Bryan & Co's steam mill at this place, met with a terrible accident, from the effects ot which he died in about two hours. It appears that after dinner, as they were about to start the mill, Mr. Mutford took a short ladder a- d got up to shift the belts on the slid ing saw pullies; after he had shitted the belts he sent word to the engineer to start up, and moving his ladder to the other side of the large iron shaft be commenced taking apart the shifter. The mill bad hardly got under tull motion when the skirt of Multbrd's coat wis caught on the coupling on the iron shaft, which was running nt 210 revolu tions a mitiute; and he was immediately drawn to and wound around the shatt, at every revolution his legs ami feet striking the ceiliog above. The alarm was at once given and the steam shut off, but before the mill could be s.opped his body dropped to the floor, stripped of every particle ot clothioa except his shirt collar bis boots, coat, pants and under clothing having been literally torn in. shreds When picked up he was insensible, but soon recovered con eiousness, told how the acoident hap pened, said that he was fatally iojueed snd was dying. He was placed upon a stretcher and curried to his homo on Fifth street, where he died at half past two o'clock p. m.. nearly two hours after the accideut occurred. Upon examin ing the body it was found to be bruised all over, while his right side from the arm to the hip was smashed in the bones and ribs being broken in small pieoes, and his right leg and left foot biokeo Herald, Emporium. Pa. These art the days to eat heartily, and the nights to sleep well. Provided you have a sound stomach tod tid for your paper. Fonowmo is a list sf Iks Post Orfices in Elk county: ' Arroyo, Spring Creek tp. Beneiette. Benezette tp. Frandy Camp, Horton tp. Caledonia, Jay tp. Dents Hun, Beneidte tp. Earley, Fox tp Hellen, Horton tp. Kers-y, Fox tp " Ridgway, Ridgway tp.. St. lary's St. Mary's Boro. Williamsville. Jones tp, Wilmarth, Ridgway tp. ' Wilcox, Jones t p. The favorite bird, with baby is its little crow. To relieve a cold in t, head blow , be the organ. The vote of Kanstis at the next Presi dential electidu will be largely over 100, 000. The wool crop of the United States lor the year 1871, as returntd to the census office, 101,-81,078 pounds. A Conmctiout farmer has named prize rooster Robisoo, because Robison Crnsoe. When yon can't think of what your wife changed you to bring home, get hair pins. Thry are always handy in in the house. Rhode Island is the t-econd and only other .tale which has followed the ex ample of Ma-sashusetts in making the 22d of Fcbiuarya legal holiday. The world has hud its iron age, its golden age, atid age of brouze; hut the present it is the age of steal. The simple deem that they complete their education in -six or eight years; bat. the wise question whether theirs is terminated eveu by death. An old lahy is inclined to think th-jt a compass would he the best sewing tmi china hecause she heard it had a needle with thirty-two points If you want to talk heavy science, t-ay "piotoxyd ot hydrogen"' instead ot iee It sounds bitter, and not one man in a thousand will know what you mean. Education is' a better safeguard of liberty than a standiug army. If we retrench the wages ot the schoolmaster, we mu-t raise those of the recruiting sergeant. Everett. j Dr. Cummii)-.-s has experienced a i r idical chatijre ot mind. So far from 1 believing that that the world will be destroyed tu 18a, he doubts whether it will ever be destroyed. Accounts from western Oregon and Washington Territory represent the loss of stock this winter a he-ivy in many instunces hull the bind, n-l in some nislaiices nearly ;ill have been m-i It i sjid 'h it i whi;e munis swind ling the negroes ol Mississppi with the -tatemeot. that the emimcipation pi-nei.-lion by Lincoln hail been burned Chicago, and that it w iuld rpquire u large amount of money to ge up ao titer, and that unless the thin;; was done s.mii sUI -i y w ild he res' i I 1 1 I they -nuld all go h.ick into serv-. i le. A new stile ha- Ijecn invent I which mtike tilings very unpleasant for hui-j-lars. The wall are fi led with gunpow der in such a in unci- that thd hlnws ol' a sh-de or the cutting of a chisel, in the at'emr-' ! rob.- 'Iie-at'e. will ig.iit 'he jiow 'er, hl.iw orf the outer ern-i. anni liila e I h h i !. r, and lo i v.- tn coo teuta ot i he sate uninjured. 1) KK I K 11 BKA I'KN . - i-- T. I i HOXN iitt. -From tie day that the. in-iui-us horse -Dexter' otcuuie the prop erty ol M ' li inner, the name ot Hit renowned Hotter li.i- b u um-o ... great extent in advertising the . . But li'ildsmith Maid ' has oeii'un Uexter's nine, ami a new ii:eiury enu i prise lias juM been started in I'incjgo under auspices whicti mdiuaie a deter mination on the parr ot me projectors aud publishers to -clipse llouuer in the field ot journalism. Waters, Kb ris u; Co , 783 State Si , Chicago, are isnuiog -Our F. reside Frieud,"a very muidsntue, illustrated, eight page, liteiary and fi re side weekly. Instead ot expending a hundred thousand dollar in horse flesh, tbey will distribute that amount among their subscribers tor 187-, in the way of premiums. Their capital pie1 uiium is 820,000 iu United SuUs Cur rency. It is luumtest that the enter prising publishers inteud to secure au immense circulation tor their paper, aud it is uo less probable that when sucb inducements iu the way ot premiums iu connection, with a readable and first' class journal are ufleied, the enter prise will prove a graud success. Tho Premium List is largo and vaiied. Specimen copiet ot the Paper, Premium List etc sent tree to any address. TIILKCJAUVJCAF. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSK, Ridgumy, Pa. T2EKS:$2 00 PES TEAS. EVERY REPUBLICAN SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR 111 Address all communications to "THE ADVOCATE." Ridgway, Ps. .-,ys tJib W t'tyS ViTT JStf- Don't Dye, hut use a bottle or two of that incompsrable article known as Nature's Hair Restorative. It makes the head feel so good. Sold everywhere. See advertisement. - 2-1 t2. Alaska. Where on this globe can we go beyond the omnipresent Yankee? Landing atSi'.ka, we had walked but a short distance into the town when we reached the northern depot of lr. Ayer's medicines in full display among the huts shanties and dourts of these boreal tribes. There the familiar, homelike names of bis Cherry Pcctorial. Pills, &o., salute us from thn exterior and the interior of a store which shows more business than its neighbors, and proves bat these simple but sure remedies are even more necessary to savage life than to ourselves where they visit every fire side. Correspondent Alcxnnd. Jour nal. In this age of skepticism, tacts are required to inspire confidence in th- minds of the people; but, with good indorsers, they are willing to test any article claiming extraordinary merit. The proprietors ot Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer offer the follow ing indorsement of tho merits claimed by them for their preparation, by the Pitfsbure, Pa , "Christian Advocate;" viz., ""Ije public havt so often been deceived by the use of worthless pre parations for the hair, that an article of this kiud, to train their favor and se cure their patronage, must possess real, merit. We are glad to assure our read ers that Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is meeting with the success which its merits so justly deserve: and we have reliable evidence, that it will perform all that is cla'cned for it, in re storing gray hair to its natural color, and, as a permaueot dressing, is unsur passed. . Teacher "Boy at the foot of the class spell admittance." Boy "A-d-m-i-t-t-a n-c-e." Teacher "Give the definition " Boy "Fifty cents, chil dren half-price; front seats reserved for the ladie." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A SK.tlRS OF Grand Presentation Concerts! will be given at the OPKRA. HOUSU. SYRACUSE. XBW YOUK By meinders ef the vew York Opera Com pany, to take place between Feb ruary 20, a-i'l April 20, 187-. Under the pntsnnae and management, of the LKADIN'Q CITIZENS OK 8YKACUSE PEOPLE'S SAVtNOS DNK. Syracuse, Treasury, At the clone of tbe la4t concert ihere will be $70,000 Worth of Presents Given away. Itlie holders of Tickets, Kvery Ticket soil will receive a Cil't ! Ol KT $10.0!)) KESIDRNCE, GIFT $7,000 RESIDENCE, 1 ift S 1,000 Manufacturing She, 1 Gift 'f i.00') GREENBACKS, 1 lint $l.l )'l Buil lin? (.o . ANI PIANO rilllTKS. I.AIHE-- & GUSTS GOf.D WATCHf.S. SH.K& ME.JINO DltESS I'ATTEilNS, I.imHph Mink Furs. Sewing Machine. Ilnr-e. Can-hire an 1 lani'Hi, Siiver Si'its. umbels Cui'ui-lH, Ut-ilrooin Suits. Sioves, Barrels of Flmii-, Gold and Silver Coin, Grccithacks, do" The balance in beautiful Ear-rings, Pius, -tmds, mid ornamental articles. REFERENCES: .'. '. Aimer, Esq., New York. ISogart Co.. New York. Jackson Co.. Nir York. A up the following M-!i'cliaiilx or Syracuse at wpose stores the gilt!) can be een, A. Stei n & Co., s'.iver fsetm and jewelry. Wtutlock A Co., shawls, silk aud merino dress patterns. Walden & Dniiu. sewing machines. Velimko A Co.. piano-fortes. Pchenck & Gndley, stoves. Nottingham & Tucker, real estate Tickets, $1.00. Club lUncs Five tickets, $4 50 10 tickets $9.00; 1:0 tickets $18.00: 100 tickets, $90,00. All orders must be. addressed to the American Opera Company, 117 West Eleventh Si., New York City, or American Opera Co., .Syracuse. N Y. Large orders should by Post-office order or .Express. Agents wanted. 2-1 m3. rpiIAYER HOUSE. I U. 1). COOK Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre rits., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietor lake this method of an nouncing to the publio that he has refilled, revised, aud improved, this well known hotel, and is prepared to entertain all who favor with their puronage. in the beit ttyle aud at iow rate. vlnjOif. P. W. HAYS, DIALEH IS Sry Goods, Notions, Gxrceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley I. O- vln47tf. . , lr you waut any visiting cards call at the Adv cati office and see those we have printed. We have some fine samples of these and also of other job werk. Forty years ago Illinois was as far West as most people wished to go, and journey's were made in the legendary " Prairie Schooner." but in these days of Progress and Improvement, the word West has come to mean Iowa, Kansas, Colorado. California and the Territories, snd the Traveler reaches almost any point therein by a splendid Line, of Railroad. This Line of Railroad is the Burling op l'oute, which starts from Chicago over the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R., from Indianapolis over the In diannpolis, Bloomington & Western Short Line, and from Logatjaport, over the Toledo, Peoria (fc Warsaw R. R , and running through Burlington, reaches Omaha, Lincoln," Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Attchison, Levenworth and Ijansas City, connectijg with the Union Pacifio. Kansas Pacific and other Rail roads running from those cities. Always go "By way of Burlington," and you will be sure to be right. The Burlington Route has admirable answered the question; "How to go West?" by the publication of a truthful and interesting document, filled with facts in regard to Time, Connections, Accommodations, rates of Fare, and other intercstiog items, and illus ra'ed by a large map, truthfully showing the whole West, which they distribute free of charge. Copies, and additional in formation, can be obtained by address ing. General Passenger Agent, B & M. 11 R.. Burlington, Iowa. $1,000 RiVARDl A reward of On- Thousand Dollars will I e nid to any Physician wait w ill produce a iiK'.lioiaj that will supply tho wants of the peopli better than tho article known as Cslebratsd Else! Cleanser er Panacea. II must he a belter Cathartic, abetter Alter ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic, and in every way better than the Pan-a-ce a. No nial'r how loug it has been in use or how lately discovered Above all it must not coutain anything not vegetable. $5.00 REWARD!! A reward of Fiva Hundred Dollars will bo paid for a medicine that will perma nently care more cases of Costiveuess. Constipation. Sick or Nervous Headache. Liver -.louipliunt, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice. Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils. Loins, Side a id Head and female Complaint than nit tviiitiVEfs BLOOD CLE t.VSER OR PANACEA. i which is usel uvtre extensively by prai io I int physiciaas lliiu my oilier popular Iiue liutue Kiuja. For Sale by U. O. MESSKN J HI!, and WHIPPLE & liAlULKY UiUj, wiy Pa. vl2-2yl Tti ADVERTISERS. All persons who ' cotiteniDliie in kinir coil' racls with news papers for the iineiti ni of Advertisements should sen ' lo "GEO. P. ROWSLL L CO. for a Circular, o inul ise -5 eants for liioii ONE IIUN.mtJD PGE PAMPHLET, con taining Lis. of 3,000 Newspapers an 1 estimates, suowin the cost of advertising. ; also many melul Hints io advertiser, mm ; so ne aeoiuiit of llieexperi-Miee9 of men who are knawn as SUCCbSSr U L AV r.i.. ' TlERS. Tiiis tir n are proprietors at lln ' Aiiiericin Nviii;jr dvenising Agnncv. ; 41 PARK BOW, IT. Y. and are possessed of uncqualcd fiicllit-s fur securing ihe insert i.tu of n-lverilseni n in U Newspapers and Periodicals ai loi.o in.e . rln!57 2'. FOR SALE. TIIK Plt'H'lilll'V KNOWN AS -THE JOHSStlNBURG COAL LOTS" with all the p -ivilej'is posesci by the Wilmarth Coal Comnanv, pplv to SAMUEL A CROZER. Upland P. O.. Delaware County. Peon a. . THE Tenth .nuiiie f Wood's Hnusehnld Magazine begins with Janu ary 1 372. Its regular cuitribuiors in clude tlorace Greeley, Gail Hamilton, Thus K. Beeclier. Dr. W. W. Hall. James Parton etc. Harriott lteeoher Siowe, Urick Potueroy, John G. 8axe, Maj. Genl. Kilpatrick, Petrolimn V. Xasby, etc , write for it occasionally. Terms, One Hollar a year. In dubbin", three first-class periodicals are given for the price ot one of them. The most liberal Premium List ever published. No periodical is core frequently or fa vorably mentioned by the press. "Wood's Household Magazine is one of the monumeuts ot business euterptise which murk the ajre." Methodist Home Journal, Phitodelphia, Pa. "It has been improving ever since we knew it a pood criterion for the future." 1nurier, New Market, Canada "It is a marvel of cheapness and first class quality combined. New York Times Specimen cony sent tree to any address. S. S. WOOD & CO.. n46tf Newbura N Y. F OR SALE. The village pi operty, formerly owned by Dr. W. Shaw, at Centreville, Elk Co., Pa. Consisting of a two story bouse with Drug Store attached. Fur sale by DR. J. 8. BORDWELL, n20tf. Ridgway. Elk Co. Fa. Terms easy, part cash and balance on time. A good location for a physician. PwrwRwu rVr f A nyworm. W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAYI THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK s to ru si HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! s sill nmm STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! 'ALL AND EXAMINE! A PJ.EASURE TO" SHOW GOODS! W. S, SERVICE, No. 1 M.'S mic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa N VRKE'S Contains no LAC STJLPHUS No SUSAB OF LEAD No LITH ARGE No NITRATE OF SIL VER, ani is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, It will not soil the finest fabric perfectly safe, clean and efficient, desideratums long sought for and found at last! h restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearance removes Dandruff, is cool aud refreshing to the bead, checks the Hair front falling on", and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, pi events HeaUaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a diessing for the hair it Is the best article in the market. Dr. i. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS. Gloucester, Mass The genuine is pu. up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it. with the name of the article blown in tbe glass. Abk your Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. ItgSend two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a -'Treatise oa the J uman Hair " The information tt con tains is worth $500,0) to any person. FOR SALE BY 0. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Miin Street, Ridgway, Penn'a. vlnllyl. LKQAI,. Charles Springstead In Common Pleas f of fclk County. J No.10 Nov. T.'71. Chrlotle L 8prlngstead Libel in Divorce, a Vinculo matrimonii. To Charlott L. Springtltad, respondent above named: You ate hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case hav ing been returned no ft invtntus, you are required to appear on the SECOND MON DAY OF APRIL next, being the 8th day of the mnntn, to answer tbe complaint in the above oase. D. & OYSTER, Sheriff, BaiRirr's Orricc, Ridgway, Jan. lbih, 1872. f 4flte. il A. RATH BUN, Attofaeyat-Lr ' JT. Ridgway Pa. S 2 tf. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Rldg. way, Elk county Pa. mar 22'661 A. H'lL, Physician and Surgeoa , Kersey, Elk Co. Pa J O. W. BAILEY, ATTOR N ET-AT' LAW. vln23yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JEYNOLOS HOUSE, '. " EETO0LD3VHLE. JEFFESSON CO, PA. H. S. BELNAP, Propriktor . J, S. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectio Physicaa Office and residence oncosite tha Jail, on Centre.St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Office hours: 7 to 8 A. M- i 12 to 2 P. M. j and 6 toff P. M Mar. 22 fid if. D R C. II . PULLEil, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, RmowAT, P. Residence and office opposite the Thayer House. TS. HARTLEY. M. D.. Physician ana Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention gven to Surgery. Office house from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on corner of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. G. MESSENGER, VX Druggist and Parmaceutist, corner Main aud Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign nnusDomestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or "'ght- vln8v. (1HARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street. Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with the same accuracy as heretofore. Satis factioa guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN SHY GOODS, GBOCE&IES, F&0YISI0N3 PRODUCE, FRUITS, &c. vloStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, RtnowAT, Eik Co., Pa. W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor Thankful for the patronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the oomfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. ., " Oct 80 1809." rpiIE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, jL Kane, McKean Co,, Pa R. E. LOOKER. Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally btstowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables for horses in Kane and well kept night or day. vln23yl. , HALL, & I3UO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY PNN3YL7A1TIA. JO, IJtO. HALL,, JAS. K. P, HALL DR. G. WHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. Ollice in Walker's Building. All kinds of ucnunry ajne in the best style, and all work warranted. Ho will visit Kane in the 1st, 2-1. and 31; Wilcox on the lOtii, 11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21hI, 22d and 23d of each mouth. At all oth. r limes ' he can be found at bra office .n Ridgway Pa. vln2yl. KERSEY HOUSE, Ckntuivillb, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful fnr tha nntinni. t. ,m! nl.iu so libertlly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfor. and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. u- WILBER, One Door East of the Post Office, Main St., Ridgway, Pa. , Fresh Fish every Thurs day. Fresh Oysters every day. vlnltf. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boot & Shoes, Main St., opposite Hotel, ov27y WiLoox, Pa, AGENTS WANTED! For the fastest ani most popular book with 60 Il lustrations, likenesses of all the Presidents beautifully bound, and printed on tinted paper. THE NATION, Its Rulers and Institutions, 7A ENGLISH SAXD '.CfeRMAX Nothing like it. Strikes everybody as just the book they need. It is an Encyclo paedia of the Government, bingle page in it, are of themselves worth the price of the book over 600 page and only $2.50. A RICH HARVEST, for Canvassers ladies and gentlemen farmers, teachers and students. On agent took 76 orders in a few days, wiih circular alone, he fort th book appeared. $20 A D IY can be cleared in fal.- territory. Write at once for circu lar and information. NEW WORLD PUB LISHING CO., Cer. 7taDLMarke tWftt. Mledelphtw. v'nBTyf.