IIENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., Editor and Publisher, ELK COUNTY T II II REPUBLICAN PARTY. Two Doi.LAna rER Annum VOL. II. RIDGWAY, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1872. NO. 1. VOETllY. TIIK LONG REPOSE. IThe following hymn was tianslutod from the tier man by thu late Dr. James Hamilton of London :1 Neighbor, accept our parting soup; The road Is shoTt, the rest Is lonp; The Lord brought horo, the Lord takei houco, There la no house of permanence On bread of mirth and bread of tears The pilgrim fed theso checkorod years; Now, landlord world, shut to the door, Thy guost Is pone forevermore. Oone to a realm of sweet rcposo, His comrades bless liim as bo pocs ; Of toil and moll the day was full A pood sleep now, the nlpbt is cool. Ye village bolls, rinp, softly rinp, And in the blossed Sabbath brinp, Which from this weary work-day tryst, Awaits God's folk through Jesus Christ. And open wide, thou Gate of Poaco, An) let this other Journey cease ; Nor grudpe a narrow conch, dear neighbor. For slumbers won by life-long labors. Beneath theso sods, how close ye He 1 But many mansion in yon sky. Even now, beneath the sapphire throne, Ie his propared through God's dear Son. ' I quickly come," that Saviour cries ; Yea, qnickly come, thiB churchyard sighs : Come, Jesus, come, wo wait for Theo Thine now and ever let us be. Till! S TO R Y- TETj l is it. HOW SANTA CLAUS CAME TO SIMP SOX'S BAR. It hud Ijoon raining in tlio valley of tho (Sacramento. Tho North Fork has overflowed its banks and Rattlesnako Creek was impassable. Tho few bould ers that had marked tho summer ford at Simpson's Crossing wcro obliterated by a vast sheet of water stretching to tho foothills. Tho up stage was stopped at Granger's ; tho lust mail had been aban doned in tho title, tho rider swimming for his life ' An urea," remarked the Hicrm Avalanche with pensive local pride, " as largo as tho Stato of Massa chusetts is now under water." Nor was tho weather any better in tho foothills. Tho mud lay deep on tho mountain road ; wagons that neither physical force nor moral objurgation ctpild niovo from tho ovil ways into which they had fallen, incumbered tho track, and tho way to Simpson's Bar was indicated by broken-down teams and hard swearing. And farther on, cut off and inaccessible, rained upon and be draggled, smitten by high winds and threatened by high water, Simpson's Bar on tho eve of Christmas day, 1SU2, clung like a swallow's nest to tho rocky entablaturo and splintered capitals of Table Mountain, and shook in tho blast. As night shut down on the settlement, a few lights gleamed through tho mist from tho windows of cabins on either side of tho highway now crossed and gullied by lawless streams and swept by marauding winds. Happily most of the population were gathered at Thompson's store, clustered around a red-hot stove, at which they silently spat in some ac cepted sense of social communion that perhaps rendered conversation unneces sary. Indeed, most methods of diver sion had long since been exhausted on Simpson's Bur ; high water had suspend ed tho regular occupations on gulch and on river, and aconsequent lack of money and whiskey had taken tho zest from most illegitimate recreation. Even Mr. Hamlin was fain to leave tho Bar with iifty dollars in his pocket tho only amount actually realized of tho largo sums won by him in the successful exer ciso of his arduous profession. "Ef I was usked," ho remarked somewhat later " ef I was asked to pint out a purty little villago whero a retired sport as didn't caro for money could exercise his self frequent and lively, I'd say Simp son's Bar ; but for a young man with a large family depending on his exertions, it don't pay." As Mr. Hamlin's family consisted mainly of femalo adults, this remark is quoted rather to show the breadth of his humor than the exact ex tent of his responsibilities. Howbeit, tho unconscious objects of this satire sat that evening in, tho list less apathy begotten of idleness and lack of excitement. Even the sudden splashing of hoofs before tho door, did not arouse them. Dick Bullon ulono paused in tho act of scraping out his pipe, and lifted his head, but no other one of tho group indicated any interest in, or recognition of, tho man who en tered. It was a figure familiar enough to tho company, and known in Simpson's Bar as " Tho Old Man." A man of perhaps fifty years j grizzlod and scant of hair, but still f rcslh and youthful of complex ion. A faco full of ready, but not very powerful sympathy, with a chameleon liko aptitudo for taking on tho shade und color of contiguous inoods and feel ings. He had evidently just left some hilarious companions, and did not at first notice tho gravity of the group, but clapped the shoulder of the nearest man jocularly, and threw himself into a vacant chair. " Jest heard the best thing out, boys ! ie know bnnley, over yar Jim Smut milcy Well, funniest man in tho Bar Y Jim was jest telling tho richest yarn ttbout" " Sniiley's a fool," interrupted a gloomy voice. " A particular skunk," added an other in sepulchral accents. A silence followed these positive state ments. ' The Old Man glanced quickly around the group. Then his face slow ly changed. " That's so," ho said re flectively, after a pauso, "certingly a sort of a skunk and suthin of a fool. In .course." Ho was silent for a moment as iu painful contemplation of tho un savoriuoss and folly of the unpopular Smiley. " Dismal weather, ain't it '" he added, now fully embarked on tho current of prevailing sentiment. "Mighty rough papcr4 on thojjpys, and n show for money this season. And to-morrow's Christmas." There wag a movement among the men at this announcement, but whether of satisfaction or disgtst was not plain. " Yes," continued tho Old Man in the lugubrious tone ho had within Uie last few moments unconsciously adopted " yes, Christmas, and to-night's Christ inas Eve. Ye see, boys, I kinder thought that is, I sorter hail an idee, jest pass in like you know that may bo ye'd all like to coino over to my house to-night and have a sort of tear round. But I suppose, now, yen wouldn't V Don't feel like it, may bo t1" ho added with anx ious sympathy, peering into tho faces of his companions. " Well, I don't know," responded Tom Flynn, with somo cheerfulness. " F'r'ups wo may. But how about your wife, Old Man i What docs she say to it i" The Old Man hesitated. His conjugal experience had not been a happy one, and the fact was known to Simpson's Bar. His first wife, a delicate, pretty little woman, had suffered keenly and secret ly from tho jeulous suspicions of her hus band, until one day ho invited the wholo Bar to his house to expose her infidelity. On arriving, tho party found tho shy, eti(e creature quietly engaged in her household duties, and retired abashed and discomfitted. But theKonsitivo wo man did not easily recover from the shock of this extraordinary outrage. It was with difficulty sho regained her equanimity sufficiently to release her lover from the closet in which ho was concealed and escape with him. She left a boy of three years to comfort her bereaved husband. Tho Old Man's pre sent wife had been his cook. Sho was large, loyal and aggressive. Before ho could reply, Joe Dimmick suggested with great directness that it was tho " Old Man's house," and that, invoking tho Divine Power, if tho case wore his own, ho would invito who ho pleased, even if in so doing ho imperiled his salvation. Tho Powers of Evil, ho further remarked, should contend against him vainly. All this delivered with a terseness and vigor lost in this necessary translation. "In collide. Certainly. That's it," said tho Old Man with a sympathetic frown. " Thar's no trouble about that. It's my own house, built every stick on it myself. Don't you be ufeared o' her, boys. Sho may cut up a little rough ez wimmin do but she'll como rouud." Secretly the Old Man trusted to tho ex altation of liquor and the power of a courageous example to sustain him in such an emergency. As yet, Dick Bullon, tho oracle and leader of Simpson's Bar, had not spoken. He now took his pipe from his lips. " Old Man, how's that yer Johnny get tin' on V Seems to mo ho didn't look so peart the last timo I seed him on the bluff heavin' rooks at Chinamen. Didn't seem to tako much interest in it. Thar was a gang of 'em by yar yesterday drowned out up the river and I kinder thought o' Johnny, and how he'd miss 'em ! May be now, we'd be in the way ef he wus sick ':" The father, evidently touched not on ly by this pathetic picture of Johnny's deprivation, but by tho considerate deli cacy of the speaker, hastened to assure him that Johnny was better, and that a "little fun might 'liven him up." Whereupon Dick arose, shook himself, and saying, " I'm ready. Lead tho way, Old Man, here goes" himself led tho way with a leap, a characteristic howl, und darted out into tho night. As ho passed through tho outer room he caught up a blazing brand from the hearth. Tho action was repeated by tho rest of tho party, closely following and elbowing each other, and before tho as tonished proprietor of Thompson's gro cery was aware of the intention of his guests, tho room was deserted. The night was pitchy dark. In tho first gust of wind their temporary torches were extinguished, and only tho rod brands dancing und Hitting in the gloom like drunken will-o'-the-wisps in dicated lu-ir whereabouts. Their way led up tho Pino Troo Canon, at tho head of which a broad, low bark-thatched cabin burrowed in tho mountain-side. It was the homo of the Old Man, and tho entrance to tho tunnel in which he worked. Hero the crowd paused for a moment, out of delicate deference to their host, who cume up panting in tho rear. " P'r'aps ye'd better hold on a second out yer, whilst I go in and seo thet things is all right," said tho Old Man with an indill'erenoo he. was far Irom feeling. The suggestion was graciously accepted, tho door opened and closed on tho host, and the crowd, leaning their backs against the wall and cowering under tho eaves, waited and listened. For a few moments there was no sound but tho dripping of water from tho caves, und tho stir and rustle of wrestling boughs among them. Then tho men became uneasy, and whispered suggestion and suspicion passed from tho ono to tho other. Reckon she's caved in his head the first lick !" " De coyed him inter the tunnel, and barred him up, likely. " Got mm down, and sittin' on him." "Prob'ly bilin suthin to heave on us ; clear tho door, boys !" For just then tho latch clicked, the door slowly opened, and a voico said, " Como in out o' tho wet." Tho voice was neither that of the Old Man nor of his wife. It was the voice of a small boy, its weak treble broken by that preternatural hoarseness which only vagabondage and the habit of premature self-assertion can givo. It was tho luce ot a small boy that looked up at theirs a face that might have boon pretty und even rehned, but that it was darkened by evil knowledge from within, and dirt and hard expe rience trom without, lie had a blanket around his shoulders, and had evidently just risen from his bed. " Come iu," he repeated, " and don t make no noise. The Old Man's in there talking to mar," ho continued, pointing to an adjacent room which seemed to bo a kitchen, from which the Old Man's voice camo in deprecating accents. " Let uie be," he added, querulously to Dick Bullen who had caught him up, blanket and all, and was affecting to toss him into the fire, " let go o' me you d d old fool, d'ye hear '(" Thus adjured, Dick Bullen lowered Johnny to the ground with a smothered laugh, whilo tho mon, entering quietly, ranged themselves around a long table of rough boards which occupied the centre of the room. Johnny then grave ly proceeded to a cupboard and brought out several articles which he deposited on 'the table. "Thar's whiskey and crackers and red herons and choeso." He took a bite of tho latter on his way to tho table " And Biignr." He scooped up a mouthful en routo with a small and very dirty ruind. " And terbacker. Thar's dried appils too on the shelf, but I don't admire cm. Appils is swellin'. Thar," ho concluded, "now wado in, and don't bo afanrd. I don't mind tho old woman. Sho don't b'long to inc. S'long." Ho had stepped to the threshold of a small room, scarcely larger than a closet, partitioned off"from the main apart ment, and holding in its dim recess a small bed. Ho stood there a moment looking at tho company, his bare feet peeping from the blanket, and nodded. " Hello, Johnny ! You ain't goin' to turn in agin, are yo'f" said Dick. ' Yes, I are," responded Johnny, de cidedly." " Why, wot's up, old fellow '(" " I'm sick." " How sick " I've got a fevier. And chilblains. And roomatiz," returned Johnny, and vunished within. After a moment's pause, ho added in the dark, apparently from under tho bed-clothes " ami biles !" There was an embarrassing silence. Tho men looked at each other, and at tho fire. Even with the appetizing ban quet before them, it seemed as if they might again fall into tho despondency of Thompson's grocery, when tho voice of tho Old Man, incautiously lifted, cafuo deprecatingly from the kitchen : " Certainly ! Thet's so. In course they is. A gang o' lazy drunken loafers, and that ar Dick Bullen tho ornarest of all. Didn't hov no more sabo than to come round yar with sickness in the house and no provision. Thet's what I said : ' Bullen,' sez I, ' it's crazy drunk you are, or a fool,' sez I, 'to think o' such a thing. ' Staples,' I sez, 'be you a man, Staples, and 'spect to raise h 11 under my roof and invalids lyin' round 'r" But they would come they would. Thet's wot you must 'spect o' such trash as lays round tho Bar." A burst of laughter from tho men fol lowed this unfortunate exposure. Wheth er it was overheard iu tho kitchen, or whether tho Old Man's iiato companion had just then exhausted all other modes of expressing her contemptuous indigna tion, I cannot say, but a back door was suddenly slammed with great violence. A moment later and tho Old Man reap peared, haply unconscious of tho cause of tho late.hilarious outburst, and smiled blandly. " The old woman thought she'd jest run over to Mrs. McFuddcu's for a so ciablo call," ho explained, with a jaunty indifference, as ho took a seat at tho board. Oddly enough it needed this unto ward incidont to relieve tho embarrass ment that was beginning to be felt by tho party, and their natural audacity returned with their host. I do not purposo to record tho convivialities of that evening. Tho inquisitive reader will accept tho statement that tho con versation was characterized by tho same intellectual exaltation, tho samo cau tious reverence, tho samo fastidious del icacy, tho samo rhetorical precision, and tho same logical and coherent dis course somewhat later in tho evening, which distinguish similar gatherings of the masculine sex in more civilized lo calities and under more favorablo aus pices. ' No glasses were broken in tho absence of uny ; no liquor was uselessly spilt on floor or table in tho scarcity of that article. It was nearly midnight when tho fes tivities were interrupted. " Hush," said Dick Bullen, holding up his hand. It was the querulous voico of Johnny from his adjacent closet : "Odad." ' The Old Man uroso hurriedly and dis appeared in the closet. Presently ho re appeared., i" His rheumatiz is coming on agin bad," he explained, "and ho wants rubbin." He lifted tho demijohn of whiskey from the table and shook it. It was empty. Dick Bullen put down his tin cup with an embarrassed laugh. So did the others. Tho Old Man exam ined their contents and said hopefully, " I reckon that's enough ; ho don't need much. You hold on all o' you for a spell, and I'll be back j" and vanished in the closet with an old flannel shirt and tho whiskey. Tho door closed but im perfectly, and tho following dialogue was distinctly audible : "Now, sonny, whar does sho ache worst 'r" " Sometimes over yar and sometimes under yer ; but its most powerful from yer to yer. Hub yer, dad." A silence seemed to indicate a brisk rubbing. Then Johnny : "Hovin" a good time out yer, dad ?'' "Yes, sonny." " To-mo'rrer's Chrismiss ain't it '(" " Yes, sonny. How does she feel now r " " Butter. Rub a little furder down. Wot's Chrismiss, anyway ? What's it all about '(" " O, it's a day." - ; Thjs exhaustive definition was appar ently satisfactory, for there was a silent interval of rubbing. Presently Johnny again : " Mar sez that everywhere else but yer everybody gives things to everybody Chrismiss, and then site jist waded inter you. She sez thur's a man they call Sandy Claws, not a white man, you know, but a kind o Chinemin, comes down the chimbly night afore Chrismiss and gives things to chillorn boys like me. . Put's 'em in their butts I Thet's what she tried to play on me. Easy now, pop, whar are you rubbin to thet's a mile from the place. She jost made that up, didn't she, jost to aggre wate me and your1 Don't rub thar Why, dad r ' In the great quiet that seemed to have fallen upon the house the sigh of the near pines and the drip of leaves with out was very distinct. Johnny's voice, too, was lowered as ho went on, " Don't you take on now, fur I'm gittin' all right fast. Wot's the boys doin' out thar'r" The Old Man partly opened tho door and peered through. His guests were sitting there sociably enough, and there were a few silver coins in a lean buck skin purse on tho table. " Bettin' on suthin' some little game or 'nother, They're all right," ho replied to Johnny, and recommenced his rubbing. " I'd liko to take a hand and win somo money," said Johnny, reflectively, after a pauso. Tho Old Man glibly repeated what was evidently a familiar formula, that if Johnny would wait until he Btruck it rich in tho tunnel he'd have lots of money, &c, &c. " Yes," said Johnny, "but you don't. And whether you strike it or I win it, it's about the same. It's all luck. But it's mighty cur'o's about Chrisniiss ain't it ' Why do they call it Chrismiss '(" Perhaps from some instinctive de ference to the overhearing of his guests, or from some vaguo sense of incongruity, tho Old Man's reply was so low as to bo inaudible beyond the room. " Yes," said Johnny, with somo slight abatement of interest, "I've heerdo' him before. Thar, that'll do, dad. I don't ache near sd bad as I did. Now wrap mo tight in this yer blanket. So. Now," he added in a muffled whisper, " sit down yer by mo till I go asleep." To assuro himself of obedience, ho disengaged ono hand from tho blanket, and grasping his father's sleeve, again composed him self to rest. For somo moments tho Old Man wait ed patiently. Then tho unwonted still ness of the houso excited his curiosity, and without moving from tho bed, he cautiously opened the door with his dis engaged hand, and looked into the main room. To his infinite surprise it was dark and deserted. But even then a smouldering log on tho hearth broke, and by tho upspringing blazo he saw the figure of Dick Bullen sitting by tho dy ing embers. " Hello ! " Dick started, rose, and came somewhat unsteadily toward him. "Whar's the boys?" said tho Old Man. " Gone up tho canon on a littlo paneur. They're coming back for me in a minit. I'm waitin' round for "em. What are your starin' at, Old Man," he added with a forced laugh ; " do you think I'm drunk " The Old Man might havo been par doned tho supposition, for Dick's eyes were humid and his faco flushed. Ho loitered and lounged back to the chim ney, yawned, shook himself, buttoned up his coat and laughed. " Liquor ain't so plenty as that, Old Man. Now don't you git up, ho continued as tho Old Aran made a movement to release his sleeve from Johnny's hand. " Don't you mind manners. Sit jest whar you bo ; I'm goin' in a jiffy. Thar, that's them now." There was a low tap at the door. Dick Bullen opened it quickly, nodded "good night" to his host, und disappeared. Tho Old Man would have followed him but for the hand that still unconsciously grasped his sleeve. He could havo easily disengaged it ; it was small, weak und emaciated. But perhaps because it was small, weak and emaciated, ho changed his mind, and, drawing his chair closer to tho bed, rested his head upon it. In this defenseless attitudo the potency of his earlior potations surprised him. Tho room flickered and faded before his eyes, reappeared, faded again, went out, und left him asleep. Meuntimo Dick Bullen, closing the door, confronted his companions. " Aro you ready?" said Staples. "Ready," said Dick ; " what's tho time 'i " " Past twelve," was tho reply ; " can you make it '( it's nigh on fifty miles, the round trip hither and yon." " I reckon," re turned Dick, shortly. " Whar's tho mare 'r " " Bill and Jack's holdin' her at tho crossin'." " Let 'em hold on a minit longer," said Dick. Ho turned ond re-entered tho house softly. By tho light of tho guttering candle and dying fire fio saw that tho door of tho littlo room was open. Ho stepped toward it on tiptoo and looked in. The Old Man had fallen baclf in his chair, snoring, his helpless feet thrust out in a line with his collapsed shouldors, and his hat pulled over his eyes. Be side him, on- a narrow wooden bedstead, lay Johnny, mulllud tightly in a blanket that hid all save a strip of forehead and a few curls damp with perspiration. Dick Bullen made a step forward, hes itated, and glanced over his shoulder into the deserted room. Everything was quiet. With a sudden resolution he part ed his Lugo mustaches with both hands and stooped over tho sleeping boy. But even as he did so a mischievous blast, lying in wait, swooped down the chim ney, rekindling the hearth, and lit up the room with a shameless glow from which Dick fled in bashful terror. nis companions were already waiting for him at the crossing. Two of them were struggling in the darkness with somo strange misshapen bulk, which, as Dick came nearer, took the somblauco of a great yellow horse. It was the mare. Sho was not a pret ty picture. From her Roman noso to her rising haunches, from her arched spino hidden by the stiff mack Ulan of a Mexican saddle, to her thick, straight, bony logs, there was not a line of equine grace. In her half-blind but wholly vicious white eyes, in her protruding under lip, in her monstrous color, there was nothing but ugliness and vice. " Now then," said Staples, " stand cl ar of her heels, boys, and up with you. Don't miss your first holt of her mane, and mind yo get your on stirrup quick, Ready ! " Thero was a leap, a scrambling strug gle, a bound, a wild retreat of the crowd. a circle of flying .hoofs, two springless loapB thatjarred the earth, a rapid play and jingle of spurs, -a plunge, and. then the voice of xnck somewhere in the dark ness, " All right ! " " Don't take the lower road back on less you're hard pushed for timo ! Don't hold her in down cm i we u be at tho G'lang! Hoopa! Mula! A splash, a spark struck from tho lodge in tho road, a clatter in tho rocky cut beyond, and Dick was gone. V V ' T Sing, O Muse, tho rido of Richard Bullen I Sing, O Muso, of chivalrous men I tho sacred quest, tho doughty deeds, the battery of low churls, the fearsome rido and grewsomo perils of tho Flower of Simpson's Bar I Alack I sho is dainty, this Muso I Sho will havo nono ot this bucking brute and swaggering, ragged rider, .nrtd I must fain follow him, in prose, afoot I It was ono o clock, and vet he had only gained Rattlesnake Hill. For in that timo Jovita had rehearsed to him all her imperfections and practiced' all her vices. Thrico had sho 'stumbled. Twice had she thrown up her Roman noso in a straight line with the reins, and, resisting bit and spur, struck out madly across country. Twico had sho reared, and, rearing, fallen backward j and twice had the agile Dick, unharmed, regained his seat before sho found her vicious logs again. And a milo beyond them, at the foot of a long hill, was Rattlesnake Creek. Dick knew that here was the crucial test of his ability to perform his enterprise, set his teeth grimly, put his knees well into her flanks, and changed Ins defensive tactics to brisk aggression. Bullied and maddened, Jovita began the descent of tho hill. Hero tho artful Richard pretended to hold her in with ostentatious objurgation and well feigned cries of alarm. It is unneces sary to add that Jovita instantly ran away. Nor need I state tho timo mado in the descent ; it is written in tho chron icles of Simpson s Bar. Enough that in another moment, as it seemed to Dick, sho was splashing on tho overflowed banks of Rattlesnake Creek. As Dick expected, tho momentum sho had ac quired oarried her beyond tho point of balking, and holding her well together for a mighty leap, they dashed iuto tho swiftly-flowing current. A few moments of kicking, wading and swimming, and Dick drow a long breath on tho opposite bank. The road from Rattlesnake Creek to Red Mountain was tolerably level. Either the plungo in Rattlesnake Creek had daniponed her baleful fire, or the art which led to it had shown her the su- pcrior wickedness of her rider, for Jovita no longer wasted her surplus energy in wanton coneeits. Onco sho bucked, but it was from forco of habit ; once sho shied, but it was from a now freshly painted luccting-houso at the crossing ot tho country road. Hollows, ditches, gravelly deposits, patches of freshly- springing grasses flew from beneath her rattling hoots, bho began to smell un- nleasantlv. onen or twien sho cniiclind slightly, but there was no abatement of her strength or speed, liy two o clock ho had passed Rod Mountain and begun tho descent to tho plum, len minutes later tho driver of tho fast Pioneer coach was overtaken and passed by a " man on a I'into hoss an event suthciently no- tablo for remark. At half-past two Dick rose in his stirrups with a great shout. Stars were glittering through tho rifted clouds, and beyond him, out of tho plain, rose two spires, a flag-staff and a straggling line ot black objects. Dick jingled his spurs and swung his riata, Jovita bounded forward, and in another moment they swept into Tuttle- ville, and drew up betoro the wooden piazza ot " Hie Hotel ot All Nations. What transpired that night at Tuttle- villo is not strictly a part of this record. Briefly I may state, however, that after Jovita had been handed over to a sleepy ostler, whom sho at onco kicked into un pleasant consciousness, Dick sallied out with tho barkeeper for a tour of tho sleeping town. Lights still gleamed from a few saloons and gambling-houses; but, avoiding these, they stopped before several closed shops, and by persistent tapping and judicious outcry roused tlio proprietors from their beds, and made them unbar tho doors of their inagazines and exposo their wares. Sometimes they wero met by curses, but oftenor by interest and somo concern in their needs, and tho interview was invariably con eluded by a drink. It was threo o'clock before this pleasantry was given over, and with a small water-proof bag of india-rubber strapped on his shoulders Dick returned to the hotel. But here he was waylaid by Beauty Beauty opu- lent in charms, uiilucnt in dress, persua sive in speech, and Spanish m accent ! In vain she reupted the invitation in " Ex celsior," happily scorned by all Alpine climbing youth, and rejected by this child ot the Sierras a rejection soltened in this instanco by a laugh and his last gold coin. And then he sprang to tho saddle and dashed down tho lonely street and out iuto the lonelier plain, whero presently tho lights, tho black lino of houses, the spires and tho tlag-statt sank into the earth behind him again , and were lost in tho distance, The storm had cleared away, tho air was brisk and cold, the outlines ot ad jacent landmarks were distinct, but it was half-past four before Dick reached the meeting-house and the crossing ot the country road.' To avoid the rising grade he had taken a longer and more circuitous road, in whose viscid mud Jovita sank tetlock deep at every bound, It was a poor preparation for a steady ascent of five miles more : but Jovita gathering her legs un&jr her, took it with her usual blind, unreasoning fury, and a half-hour later reached tho long level that led to Rattlesnake Creek, Another half-hour would bring him to the creek. He threw the reins lightly upon the neck of the mare, chirruped to her, and bogan to sing. Suddenly Jovita shied with a bound that would have unseated a less-prac ticed rider. Hanging to her reins was a figure that hud leaped from the back, and at the same time from the road before her arose a shadowy horse and rider. "Throw, up your hands, com man'ded this sccuiid apparition, with an oath. '- Dick felt the mare tremble, quiver, and apparently sink under him. He knew what it meant and was propared, " Stand asido, Jack Simpson, I know ford at five. Oo!" you, you d d thief. Let mo pass o'r " Ho did not hnish the sentence. Jovita rose straight in tho air with Ti terrific bound, threw tho figuro from her bit with a singlo shako of her vicious head, and charged her deadly lnalevolenco down on tho impediment before her. An oath, a pistol-shot, horse and high wayman rolled over in tho road, and tho next moment Jovita was a hundred yards away. But tho good right arm of her rider, shattered by a bullet, dropped helplessly at his side. Without slackening. Ins sliced he shifted tho reins to his left hand. But a few moments later ho was obliged to halt and tighten tho saddlo-girths that had slipped in tho onset. This in his crippled condition took somo time. Ho had no fear of pursuit, but looking up ho saw that tho eastern stars wero already paling, and that tho distant peaks had lost their ghostly whiteness, and now stood out blackly against a lighter sky. Day was upon him. Then completely absorbed in a single idea, ho forgot tho pain of his wound, and mounting again dashed on toward Rattlesnako Creek. But now Jo vita's breath came broken by gasps, Dick reeled in his saddle, and brighter and brighter grow tho sky. Kide, iuchard; run Jovita: linsrer. O dav ! For tho last few rods there was a roaring in his cars. Was it exhaustion from loss of blood, or what ? Ho was dazed and giddy as he swept down tho hill, and did not recognize his surround ings. Had ho taken tho wrong roud, or was this Rattlesnako Creek t It was. But tho bra wlinff creek ho hadiswam a few hours before had risen, more than doubled its volume, and now rolled a swift and resistless river be tween him and Rattlesnake Hill. For tho first time that night Richard's heart sank within him. Tho river, tho mountain, tho quickening cast swam beforo his eyes. Ho shut them to re cover his sn't-control. In that brief in terval, by somo fantastic mental process, the little room at Simpson's Bar, and tho figures of tho sleeping father and son, rose upon him. He opened his eyes wildly, cast oft his coat, -pistol, boots and saddle, bound his precious pack tightly to his shoulders, grasped tho baro flanks ot Jovita with his bared knees, and with a shout, dashod into tho yellow water. A cry. rose from tho opposite bank as tho head of a man and horso struggled for a few moments against tho battling current, and then wcro swept away, amid uprooted trees and whirling drift wood. Tho Old Man started and woke. Tho fire on tho hearth was dead, tho candlo in tho outer roonrflickoring in its socket, and somebody was rapping at tlio door. Ho opened it, but fell back with a cry beforo tho dropping, half-naked figure mat reeiod against the doorpost. " Dick '(" " Hush ! Is ho awako yet ':" " No, but Dick '(" " Dry up, you old fool ! Get me somo whisky quirk .'" Tho Old Man flew and returned with an empty bottle ! Dick would havo sworn, but his strength was not equal to tlio occasion. Ho staffserod. caught at tho handlo of tho door, and motioned to the Old Man. " Thar's suthin' in inv pack ver for donnny. lake it on. l can t. lho Old Man unstrapped tho pack and laid it betore the exhausted man " Open it quick !" Ho did so with tremblinr finjrers. It contained only a few toys cheap and barbaric enough, goodness knows, but bright with paint and tinsel. One of them was broken ; another, 1 teiw, was irretrievably ruined by water ; and on tho third ah mo ! thero was a cruel spot. "It don't look liko much, that's a fact," said Dick ruefully "But it's tho best wo could do Tako 'cm Old Man, and put 'em in his stocking, and tell him tell him, you know hold nioj Old Man" Tho old man caught at his sinking figuro. " Tell him," said Dick. with a weak littlo laugh "tell him Sandy Claus has come." And even so, bedraggled, ragged, un shaven and unshorn, with ono urm hang ing helplessly at his sido, Santa Claus camo to Simpson's Bar and full fainting on tho first threshold. Tho Christmaa dawn came slowly after, touching tho remoter peaks with tho rosy warmth of inenauie lovo. And it looked so tenderly on ssinipson s liar that the wholo moun tain, as if caught in a generous action. blushed to tho skies. Uret Ilu-tc, in the Atlantic Monthly. The Jelly Fish. So lnrfn n. nnrfirm nf ita KulV nrxncietm O l v - - v- vi i i.jitj L.3 . L' 1 j 1 . (. 1 .... ui wuver inai one oi no less than thirty- iour pounds weight, being loft to dry in tho sun for some days, was found to have lost 99 per cent, of its original weigut. writing ot tne not very at tractive aDneuraiicn of thean Tinern inllv j fish, Agassiz observes that " to form an ; 1 - -i? t a . luea oi uis true appearance, one must meet him as ho swims along at midday, rather lazily withul, his huge somi-traus- narent. dwlr. witli ifa tii.vil J.i lilko.l hiuf. frin. cliftrtrino i iha aim mir? liia tnnln r ' ri n -r - uB ivuw cles floating to a distance of many yards ucninu mm. .encountering one ot these huge jelly fishes, when out in a rowing 1 A. .LI A- J A 1 P uuai, we tuiciupicu to laako a rough measurement of his dmipnsirma nrnn the spot. Ho was lying quietly near the surface, and did not seem in the least disturbed by the proceeding, but allow ed the oar, eight feet in length, to b laid across the disk, which proved to b seven feet in diameter. Backing the boat slowly along the line of the tenta cles, which were floating at their utmost extension behind him, we measured those in the same manner, and found them tn ha riifVinr mnm fV,an ..... - uuv uuu times, the length of the oar, thus cover ing a space oi some hundred and twelve feet." This O - l'-..v.. J VM hydroid niearuring not more than half ; l - l i . ., . . uu incu ui lengtn wnon lull grara. XuO last Year s necan errm in Texas is estimated over one million of bushels lor eXOOrt. Which will tarIib in that I Diato several millions ot dollars. Facts and Figures, Alabama has six cotton factories. which work up 20,090 bales of.Votton an nually. . A littlo boy in Quincy, 111., drank a bottleful of car-ache niudiciue, and died in 30 minutes. " Assaults with intent to become in- sano" is the way they put it now in an nouncing deadly attacks. A Lanorto countv flnd.i horso has learned how to operato a pump, no is tho property ot a milk-vendor. An undertaker's offico in Indianapolis recently bore this cheering inscriptioa on tho front door : " Gono for a dead man back soon." A tree which was cut down last weok in Kansas contained two bushels of boos and threo hundrod pounds of beautiful transparent honey. Tho Danburv New savs : " A Danburv German is naniod Waclischloighon shamel. How would you like to stand on a back stoop,-with the thermometer 1 1 degrees below zoro, and call that in to breakfast V" After tho performance of marriage of Mr. C. W. Whito and Miss M. Jennie Brush, at Austin, Texas, tho Rov. Mr. Kegan extended to tho brido her father s blessing, and presented her from hii with a check for $10,000. An man in Robertson county, Texas, has forty-one living children. Sixteen of them served in the same company in a Confederate regiment during tlio war. Ho is now living with hw eighth wile, and is sixty-fivo yours old. Tho girls in the State Iowa Agricul tural College not only know more about farming tlxui tho male students, but havo become proficients in making bods and dusting, under tho superintendence of a matron and general housekeeper. Tho latest plan for increasing Yalo's endowment is proposed by a correspon dent of tho College Courant. Ho suggests that on graduation each member ot tho class shall got his lifo insured for" f 1,000, tlio amount to bo paid to tho collogo on his decease While a rather affected young lady was confiding -to her admirer how ethereal her appetite was, and the rensitivo deli catcness of her organization, the too matter-ot-tact help bawled out, " bay I will ye have yer biled pork and beans now or wait till yer feller's gone ? " The " feller " has been gono over since. A young lady in Mississippi, who had just graduated, camo homo and hired a tew colored pooplo, and undertook tho experiment of woman farming. Tho results at the end of tho year wcro : Eight banks of potatoes, 600 bushels of corn, and $909 in cash trom tho salo of cotton, after all expenses wore paid. There is much talk just now among tho stock raisors of tho West about domesticating tho bison or American buffulo. It is claimed that by taking charge of their training and diet, at an early age, they can bo made to do all kinds of work for which oxen aro usod, and 'to afford oxcollent moat for tho market. A very careful bridegroom in Cleve land kept tho wedding ring in his mouth during tho first part of the ceremony, so that he could find it when tho right timo arrived, ne mumbled tho rcsponsos all right till tho minister winked at him as a hint to produco tho ring, when in his nervousness he swallowed ft, and was stood on his head by three groomsmen to facilitate its recovory. At a late masquerade ball at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, one young lady's dress was composed entirely of newspapers, the Daily Olmerter being the journal thus honored and adorned. Another young lady appeared at an evening party at Kock Island, ill., with her dress flounced with copies of tho Arqu newspaper, her waist being spanned with the title head ot that journal. Wapollo County, Iowa, held a crand circular and preherulded wolf hunt on January 20. After a due amount of buth beating, a man was driven out from a cabin, and said that his father know a man who said he saw a wolf out there once but it was in a menagerie. Tho " hunt " disbandod, as tho participa tors thought further investigation and pursuit would be unnecessary. Among other incidents of the temper ance reformation now unusually active in various parts of the country, we hear that in Uambndgo, Mass., tho printers employed by one of tho largest book manufacturing establishments in that city, have formed a temperance society among themselves, and it is intimated that those employed in other establish ments will follow this good example. There isn't a kinder-hearted, more bo nevolent, more intelligent, and more in dustrious class of mechanics in the coun try than that which journeymen prin ters constitute ; nor is there any which has found a bitterer foe to permanent prosperity in strong drink. To this we most cheerfully add our firm belief that no mon, when once they get startod in tho right direction, can do better sorvice or more of it in the battlo for total ab stinence. The overthrow of Japan's feudal no bility has been accomplished without serious disturbance. Most of the Daiiiii os are now living quietly in private dwellings, having been notified that thoir former extensive habitations are required for tho business purposes of the Government. A few of the deposed no bles still linger on distant estates, but the Government expects to have them all in the capital by the first of Maroh. A conflict is expected between the Mika do's troops and the populace at Taka niata, where the vassals rose up en maue to oppose the departure of thoir mediat ized lord. . The gold mines of Sado have been seized by 2,000 desperate insurgents. The people of Yeddo manifest the strong est confidence iu the GovBrnueni. The sovereign has thrown off the uaek tif se cresy, and may be seen riding about the streets. The wearing oi swords, though not formally prohibited, is now discount tenanced.