The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 29, 1872, Image 4

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    Tlip New rosial-Card System In Cnimiln.
X correspondent of Iho Now York
Etrming Post writes from Toronto :
"When, a few weeks ago, the telcgrnph
.flashed tho news that tho Hon. John
Hill, member of Congress of the United
States, had introduced ft hill authorizing
the issue of cheap postal or correspon
dence cards, it would suroly havo puz
zled tho general reader to know how or
in what manner such seemingly unim
portant information could in any way
interest or affect tho Canadians.
Yet tho news was electrical, and put a
lifo into the veins of those thoroughly
phlegmatic, partly British and alto
gether Lhio-nosed Cunadians, which was
wonderful. Friend mot friend on" tho
street and congratulations were passed.
"I always told you," said Jones to lJrown,
" that thoso Yankees wero not as 'cute as
represented." ' Ah 1" said Brown, "we'll
teach them, my boy ; we'll show them
how to advaneo with tho age." All this,
no doubt, will puzzle your readers as
much as the actions and words them
selves puzzled your correspondent ; but
when I explain that postal cards have
now been in uso in theso provinces for
many months, and that it is tho opinion
of tho Canadians that tho Hon. John
Hill borrowed his idea from them, a
gleaning may bo bad of tho reason for
tho congratulations.
As a matter of present interest to the
United States, I propose to givo a few
particulars as to tho system here.
Tho card issued by tho Canadian
government is four and a half inches
long by throe inches wide, and in thick
ness is but littlo ruoro substantial than
hoavy letter paper. On its face aro tho
words, " Canada Post Card ;" a facsimile
of a one-cent stamp, and, " Tho address
only to bo written on this side." Below
are three lines upon which to writo tho
direction and that is all. The reverse
of tho card is perfectly blank, and upon
thin may easily bo written legibly from
tvnelvo to eighteen lines of correspon
dence. Tho card indeed is an exact
copy of those issued by the English gov
ernment, and now so extensively in uso
in Great Britain, and, therefore, if the
praise for originating is to bo rendered
in any country, it is farther off than
Cunada to whero tho United States must
remit it.
Although not many months in opera
tion tho cards aro ceneral lavorites hero.
Merchants buy them by the thousands,
and having had their cards, circulars or
prospectuses printed on tho back, scatter
them broadcast, llitlicrto tliey had to
buy envelopes, stamps and paper, and
pay besides for folding tho circular and
iilr.cinK tho stamps on tho envelopes, at
u total cost per circular of fully threo
cents. Jlow it is but ono cent. Asacon
sequence it is safo to estimato that tho
transmission of circulars by tho mails
has increased over fivo hundred per
cent. ; such, at least, is tho estimato of
tho Post-ofRco Department, audi believe
theso fisrures to be below the mark. Be
sides merchants, every conceivable sort
of business is benefitted by theso cards.
Schools send out their circulars thereon,
newspapers their prospectuses tor com
insr volumes; book publishers also do
the same ; railroad companies send their
time-tables ; and in almost innumerable
numbers is tho printed circular on tho
poAtl card sent forth by business firms
Aa uch thero con be no manner of doubt
ojhcir being an immense success.
In tho ordinary run of correspondence
only about ono letter in ton is necessar
ily private, or such that it may not be
soon by strangers, and perhaps m cases
ninety-nino times out of a hundred eveu
that letter may bo so worded as to cause
it t bo ambiguous to ull savo tho sender
and rocoiver. I speak of ordinnry cor
rospondonco and not such secret affairs
as lovo-letters, tradesmen's bills, refusals
of discounts from banks, and others of
that sort. For such, even with tho ad.
vent of open letters, mil yet remain tho
old three-cent private and closed envoi
ones. Tho opposition prenorally made
to tho cards on tho grounds that trades
men will send dunning demands there
on, banks will make known your lack
of credit, and tliut threats will bo tor
worded couched in languago particular.
ly intended so that your servants, or
others through whom tho cards may
pas, may bo informed of certain of your
actions, or possibly bo informed of what
you never did or said, is not verified by
the working ot tho system here. 1 rades
men never send such, notices unless their
customer refuses to treat with them in
any reputablo way j banks, for their own
sakes, are civil to tho extent of threo
cents to every ono, as a habit of selling
open letters would lnmro their business :
and to tho blackguard and blackmailer
the card offers no better facilities for his
insults than did an open letter before
or tho exposed back of an envelope.
Theso oppositions overruled, tho card
proves itself an invaluable aid to cor
respondonco. A pencil has been intro.
duood, tho writing of which is almost
indelible. With a dozen cards in his
cotft pocket, tho bulk of which is not
equal to two letters, tho traveller by
rail is enabled to report his doings as
ho goes along, and at each station a post
oflic i box awaits his missive, besides the
mail messengers on many of tho trains
With theso conveniences or tho cor
respondonco tho mail matter of tho Can
adas has increased nearly fivo hundred
told. As regards secresy in largo cities
tho reading of tho postal cards by the
postoilice clerks is an impossibility, and
even in tho smaller offices the postmaster
is not willing to wado through fifty or
sixty documents, all of them ainbig
uoudly couched, to glean literally uoth
Pvneh takes off the cards by making a
post-mistress answer an inquirer who
wanted to know " why tho mail was do
layed so much of lato 'f" " Indeed
ma'am, thero so many of t hese post-cards
now for me to read off that it takes
my whole time, so that I can't attend to
the otnee. .But Vunch troats, generally
tlto utmost extrcmo.
A fine oxamplo of practical sympathy
was that extended to Horace Lamb,
whoso house at ltandolph, v t., was de
stoyed by tiro lately. Tho llandolph
Farmer's Club appointed a committee to
ascertain what could bo done for the
sufferers, and as a result thirty-five men
with twenty-ono two-horse teams, and
tlireo voke of oxen met on a lato morn
in, cut trees in the woods, had them
sasred, and by night had enough lumber
on the eround to erect a now nouse,
wfflfch was commenced at once.
Jlollio Morton is tho name of the for
tunate fair ono declared by tho Grand
Duke to be tho handsomest woman he
bad mot in America. She is a citoiennt
of Littlo ltock, Arkansas, and his High
ness escort! her to tho supper-room at
too JUouisvule ball.
A Gil IC V LT V 11 A L.
ian has forwarded tho following to tho
N. Y. Farmers' Club. Wo should liko
to know if any of our readers havo facts
which sustain tho conclusions given :
" On shipboard at New Orleans, in tho
year IS 10, in chargo of ono hundred
marines, with cholera among them, I ob
served that thoso who tito freely of
onions, supposing' them to bi healthy,
were attacked certainly and tiitiilly,
Onions and salt cured the bito of a rat
tlesnake on my son, and are considered
specific in all snake-bites. I havo found
four separate witnesses of nhonomena
connected with small-pox and fever.
I. Unions in rooms with small-pox rot
2. Blisters rise m them.
!5. They retain and communicate the
virus many weeks after the epidemic has
1. Applied to tho feet of fever patients
they rapidly turn black.
3. They prevent tho spread of small
pox in thickly populated tenements by
aosoroing mo virus.
0. A man with hydrophobia, m lus
frenzy, ate voraciously of onions, and re
covered. From all theso facts may bo deduced :
1. That onions should not bo oaten
when thero is a prevailing epidemic.
1 hat onions sliced and irenuently
changed aro good disinfectants.
3. Ihat experiments should bo made.
to test tho extent ot their usefulness.
For many years I have opposed vaccina
tion as ordinarily done, and henco hail
with satisfaction any means of mitigat
ing tho virus of this distemper."
The rossniiLiTiEs of Wheat Cul
ture. On examining tho organization
of a head tf wheat, it will be found
that each grain occupies a cell, and that
generally even in what is celled a full
head thereof, for every three cells " filled
out," or containing grains, thero will bo
two empty or imperfectly developed
cells. Theso empty cells also, for the
most part, will be found interspersed
among tho grams or cells which aro fill
ed, not at tho top or tho bottom of tho
head. The number of cells in a head is
generally from 75 to 10j ; but even un
der the best cultivation it is seldom that
wo find tho number of grains to exceed
Ml ; troni 4a to bJ is the general averago
of good culture. But as nature has evi
dently provided for at least one-third
more m number, we should never think
of ceasing in our efforts to improve, un
til tho ultimate possibilities of the en
deavor have been reached.
It is moreover claimed that it wo
could succeed in growing a perfect head
that is, in tilling every head with a
grain of wheat, naturo would then de
velop still other cells. A close examina
tion ot any healthy seed will exhibit
certain rudimentary formations, which
goes to support such a supposition.
It theso sayings aro tacts, and wo be
lieve they are, and incontrovertibly es
tablished, it will be perceived that wo
aro generally raising but about half as
much wheat as we should raise from any
given area : anil, moreover, it will bo
long before an absolutely full ear of
wheat will be produced. Exchange.
How to Kaise Calves. At a recent
agricultural exhibition at Seaville, Cape
May county, ew Jersey, we wero at
tracted by a couplo of grade Jersey
calves about lour months old, bearing
evidences of good bringing up, thrifty,
and m hue growing order, without be
ing overloaded with fat, as wo have
sometimes seen calves made on purpose
for exhibition. Theso calves were
brought up under tho care of the owner's
excellent wife, whose acquaintance we
had tho pleasure ot making, and as they
do iusticn to her nioiln of manacenient.
anil it is also a cheap process, wo pro
cured trom her her recipe, as follows :
lake two quarts ot water, one table
spoonful of molasses, two ditto ilaxseed
meal, two ditto of corn meal ; boil for
four or five minutes, and mix with two
quarts of milk, ror the first fivo or six
weeks tho milk is sweet, but after that
she has found sour milk, even if loppcv-
el, to answer every purpose. At hr
each calf received this quantity three
times a day, wlien it was slacked off to
twice a day, and finally discontinued,
after being turned oft' four months old,
AVe should say that they wero in as good
order and condition under this regimen
as calves ought to bo. Practical Fanner,
Fire Proof Wash for Roofs, &c.
Tho New England. Farmer gives direc
tions tor making a cheap and mcombus-
tiblo wash for the roofs and walls of
buildings. Slako limo in a close box to
prevent tho escapo of steam, and when
slaked pass it through a sieve. To every
six quarts of this limo add ono quart of
rock or lurks Island salt, and ono gal
Ion of water. After this, boil and skim
clean. To every five gallons of this add
by slow degrees three-fourths of a pound
of potash, and tour quarts or fine sand
If desirable, coloring matter can bo ad
ded. Apply with a common paint and
whitewash brush. A correspondent of
tho above journal, who has used this
wash, gives tho following recommenda
tion ot its merits :
" It looks better than paint, and is as
dnrablo as slato. It will stop small
leaks in the roof, prevent the moss grow
ing over and rotting tho wood, and ren
der it incombustible from the sparks
falling on it. When applied to brick
work it renders tho bricks utterly im
pervious to rain or wet, and endures a
longer time than any paint J. ever used.
Tho expenso is a mere tride, in fact.
scarcely deserving of mention."
A Crowing Dog.
A curiosity exists in Decatur, in the
shapo of a dog that never barked in his
lite, but instead ot indulging in the vocal
exerciso common to tho canino family
each morning imitates tho crowing ot a
rooster. His owner accounts for this
strango peculiarity by stating that the
dog was born and bred in the country
and from his earliest pup-hood was
separated lroni all other curs, enioyin
only tho companionship of barnyard
fowls. ,naring no other sounds so fre
auentlv as tho crowina- of tlin eoclcs. and
a - .
doubtless never knowing that his sriecies
enjoyed the solo ownership of another
and different sort of music, he began to
imitate the matutinal exercises of his
feathered companions, in which ho has at
last acquired a proncieney which sur
prises and charms every one who has had
the felicity of listonmg to his perioral-
ancea. .
Iu Cuba you cun buy, " together or
apart," a negress, washer, ironer, and
cook, who has a dauRhtor aged twelve,
and another oged seven, and a son aged
fivo. Price, f bud.
Mistakes of tlio Types Illustrated.
The amusement, afforded bv ludicrous
typographical errors will lie inexhausti
ble whilo printers aro fallible and editors
writo with abominablo indifference- to
legibility. Ono of tho most astonishing
blunders of this kind was committee!
gomo years ago in tho liidhliii. Tho
writer, who had cautioned his readers
gainst " casting their pearls beforo
swino, was amazed and gnoved to per
ceive that tho compositor had warned
the public against " carting their puis
beforo sunrise." This was corrected in
the proof ; but tho reporter who declar-
d that ft certain new sloro liad "mxty
ancy windows," was even more indig
nant than tho storekeeper, when ho saw
in his paper tho statement that tho es-
iblishnient contained "sixty laded
Tho poets suffer most deeply. Noth
ing could be worse, for instance, than
the misery of tho bard who asserted, in
is copy, that lie "kissed licr under the
silent stars," only to find that tho com
positor compelled him to " kick her un
der tho cellar stairs." A certain Jenk
ins, also, was tho victim of an aggravat
ed assault, bocauso when, in his report
of a wedding, ho declared thnt "tho
brido was accompanied - to tho altar by
eight bridesmaids, tho types mado it
that " tho brido was accompanied to tho
altar by tight bridesmaids." Theso
things aro peculiarly unpleasant when
they occur in remarks upon death ; ns in
the case of tho editor who, whilo writing
a sympathetic paragraph, observed that
" Mr. Smith could hardly bear the loss
of his wife," only to find that tho printer
had mado it "Jlr. Smith- could liardly
bear such ft boss for a wife."
During tho Franco-Prussian war a
great deal of fun was poked at tho Mis
souri editor- who read in tho cablo des
patches that " Bazaino has moved
twenty kilometres out of Metz." Ho
thereupon sat down and wroto an edi
itorial, in which ho said ho was delighted
to hear that all the kilometres had been
removed, and that the innocent people of
Metz were no longer endangered by tho
presenco ot thoso homblo engines ot
wnr standing upon a volcano, ns it
were. And then ho went on to describe
somo experiments mado with kilometres
in the Crimea, in which ono of them ex
ploded and blew a. frigate out ot water.
Another editor clipped from an ex
change an obituary poem, which ho sent
to the composing room with some intro
ductory remarks, lie said : "Wo pub
lish below a very touching poem from
tho Tien of Miss J1 . It was written by
her at the deathbed of her sainted
mother, and it overflows with thoso ex
pressions of filial affection which aro tho
natural outgrowth of a pure untutored
genius that has developed beneath tho
sheltering influences ot a mother s love,
The reader will observe how each lino
glows with ardent affection and tender
est regret." Somehow, in attaching this
introduction to the poem, tho editor
turned up the wrong side of the clipping,
and tho consequence was that tlio ed
itor's lines led the reader gently into an
article upon " HogCholerain lennesseo.
Pluuuleljjhul Bulletin.
A young lady in Philadelphia has be
come permanently insane trom freezing
her forehead. Sue went out sleigh-nd-
ing, wearing ft fashionable bonnet.
you wish to buy or sell, write to CltAS
V. I1ASSLER, Ao. i Wall St., iNew lork
New York Wholesale Markets
EUTTEU-Slntc, fine firkins
CHEESE Siuto factory
S 31
i 85
o i
(i 70
ti uo
o 'JO
Gi S
ouio no.,
- Viirm clulrr
0 30
6 tlj
li hS
7 75
7 40
9 ill
10 75
3 70
4 15
) 40
1 15
1 00
1 50
1 54
1 72
t 80
1 80
14 25
13 50
10 (10
12 Ml
20 (HI
i.ow to ifonu miiicjnui!..,
ECiGS-X. Y K. J., fc'u.."..,
KLOUR-Snpoillno , to luncy statu ,
Ohio round hoop
Extra amour
Sprint; wheut ,
Extra (iencsi'p ,
St. Louii doublo extra...
Colts Meal Western &. Jersey.,
llninclywiiic ,
UrcKwiiKAT Fi.nrs V ltnj Ds....
7 ti
8 Hi
3 M
4 10
3 (HI
1 10
1 il
1 70
1 70
1 70
13 60
12 00
8 00
10 00
ti 00
3 Ul
CltAlN-Coux Wi-tern
Bahlet Western
Wui;at Western No. 1 Spring...
)o. No. 9 do
Do. Amber
Dn. White
White. Genesee ,
PROVISIONS l'oik-N. w liie.s..
IV n prime.,
Beep Plain
Extra iness ,
lWf hauis
(.keen uaai9 ,
EELD Clover
Timothy ..
3 80
WOOL-N. Y., la., 0., and Mich...
t. and Iowa
Toxui and California
18 p
11 0.1
8 foi
iH (.',
V (it
Common to lair
j. ju. Allen a uo. liavo laid upon our
tablo a very beautiful Catalogue of Veg
etable and Flower Seeds, Roses, Bedding
Plants, and all kinds ot Summer Flow
ering Bulbs, for tho current year. It is
finely illustrated, contains 1-11 pages.and
gives directions particularly valuable to
tho amateur.
In our dualings with this firm, w
havo found them ulways prompt and re
liable, and tho articles they send out to
bo of tho best quality, and never fail to
givo satisfaction. ISulos and seeds ar
sent free by mail, at the prices quoted in
the catalogue, thus placing their iacili
ties at every man's door. The cataloguo
is furnished without chargo to all appli
cants. Address U. L,.. Allen cc Co.,
Fulton Ht., Brooklyn, X. Y. (Jalenlturgh
tree I'ress.
The Pchkst and Sweetest Cod
Livku Oil in tho world is Hazard
Caswell's, made on tho sea-shore, froi
fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Haz
ard it Co., New York. It is absolutely
pure and ireet. Patients who havo onco
taken it prefer it to all others. Physi
eians havo deeidod it superior to any of
the other oils m market.
To tub Pernio. We know of no remedy
equal to Jacks jns Catai:i:ii f-NUFK ain
Tliociis PowiiK, fur ("utanli, Asthma, I.C8
of Voice, Is milil, ilcuutit, ugrccuble to
use, and a sure cuic. Ak your uruist li
it, or inuil tin 'cnu to Cuoi'KU, Wilson &
Co., rliil.idulihin.
From Maine to C.ililonihi millions of cMl
druu are wtm inn SILVER TIPl'El) SUOEd
WLy not, ll-ey mu luc clienpest una nevci
wttnt inrouli ut tin' too. Try luimi.
For 8ulu by ull Shoe Dealers.
We rail altentWn of our readers to the ad
vcrriei-iiiHtit of K II. Swiuuuy, in auotliereo
uuu . Ail hooks sold by bun be bad at
the lowe.-t nrieu. lie furnishes cuuloi'uca en
njiiilUaliou, without i'hari;c.
TuitoAT Affections and 1Ioausdnes3.
All eull'tu lHK Inim Irritation ef'tkt Throat and
Hoanenest will be ugreenbly BUrpi Ucd ut Hie
almost luiinudialu relief all',jrded by the use of
" tsrown t wyiuhiaf irocne. .
Tho Sisters of Charily.
Wo have received ninny lettors from Omnlin
and other Western town, concern inj; tho great
reject of tlioso generous mul cntornrisinir
imerienn pcntlomen, Messrs. I'm tea & Gar
tner, in Hid 6f tho Hospital ct the Nercrs of
limnlia is cno of tho moftcnterpnsinff cities
of trio West. Its fame drew n host of good
and grout men towards if. This fumo also
row tlio reckless nnd tho unfortunate. It is
the very resorvoir, as it were, into which nil
ho unlortnnnte ol tho siiiToiinuliig country tre
rnwn. Tho pour cmiKrant, taken sick on his
ny to llio Paeilic : the hunter nnd tho trap
per, broken down by hnrd.-hip ; tlm unfurl u-
ato men and women whom Iho world hnsdri-
en into mine ; all tnoso who havo been torn
from home and friends, whom disease and
despair havo overtaken, are drawn into Omaha
y the verv position anil connecting links of
Hint groat ritr. No private charitv could or
nuld open its doors to these people. No
philanthropist of tha world would strip him
self of his worldly prida to succor these tin-
irtnniitos. Ono Irntcrnitv nlono in nil the
world has tho cnpiicily, pclf-nbnejjntion, and
hcnvcnlv charity to meet theso demands ns
'hrist himsvlf would have dene tho Sisters of
No oilier order lias so completely assumed
tho gnrmonls of Christ as these women. For
solf-sncrilice, for angelic purity, for ministering
to stillcring humanity, lor God-like charity,
hah never questions motives, actions, relm-
ion or treed, the world has borno testimony
suflicicnt already. This order is tho whito
rose on the bofom of tho Church. Tho power
f complete goodneis is never so overwhelm
ingly illustrated as in theso Sisters of Charily.
'assing Micntiv along our streets, tneif very
presence seals the lips of profanity and thnines
tho most outrageous into order. They can
pnss through tens of sin nnd thnmo and come
out tpoiless. Thero is no place so sinful into
which they cannot carry Christ. Tho fnlltn
and tho degraded find comfort nnd hope in
their ministrations. In the hovel, in the pri
son, in tho hospital, under the belching lire of
murdering guns, they move liko blessings.
1 hey aro of no country, no rare. 1 heir work
is for all mankind. Tho victors nnd the de
feated aro to them the same. Tho partisan
quarrels, the ambitions of men, the faults nnd
he lollies of women, the causes Wliteh lead lo
crimo and sin, the color of tho tkin, and the
ere'ds of iho world arc nothing to them. Their
sphere is doing good, and their vocation the
relief of sutiering humanity. Iho worbl may
wag its fclindcroufl tongue against you, but if
on are in ngonv thov recoive you nnd pity the
slanderous woild which misunderstands tha
meaning of Charity.
These white doves' moving silently through
our sulVeiing world, their caret on earth, their
thoughts in heaven, speak onlv through their
deeds. 1 )eaf indeed must those bo who do not
hear tho dj ing prayers of millions ascending to
heaven for iheso great women ; nnd blind are
they who do not see the greatness of their mis
sion. Wo are Utile prone to indulge in fine writ
ing, and we enter into this subject with our
hearts full of gratitude to thoso noble women,
who follow strictly tho path traversed by Iliin
w ho died for man. Wo also dosiro to arouse
in our Irish readers even a national pride when
tho American people take up tho work which
wo should havo taken up.
Pat tee & Oardincr, with that, genius lor
great thing-; so characteristic of tho American
people, seeing the struggle of tlio Sisters in
Omaha, nnd fully appreciating tho greatness
of their labors, ' resolved to get their Mercy
llospiial out of debt, and make it tho grand
est institulion in the United States. Tho
lending men of Omaha have rallied about
them, and tho result will be one of the Grand
est sucees-es of tho age. I hey have resolved
to set up ) to the amount of cn,; hundred
and fifty thousand dollars in rash, ranging
from $1,000 up to $."D,0u0, the high-.-iit prize.
Hie nwnner in which I lie Auiunoiin peopLi
havo taken up the tickets assures Mr. Pal tea
that the entire number will I o told.
Now, wo appeal to liishmen to show the
American people that what was the rulo in
war shall be tlio rulo in peace. During the
great light for the nation's life, no American
went so far to the front that an Irishman was
not beside him. Now, let ns show ihe Ameri
can Protestant, manly, charitable people, that
thoy cannot put up a dollar for our Sisters of
Charity that un Irish dollar will not cover it.
Jlo not sit Uuwn economizing ami reason
ing over this matter. The duty is plai:i ; nn l
do as they do in New Jersey ; if you believe,
down with tho inonev.
Our well-known countnman, (i.'neiul
Cieorgo II. O'llrien, lias written u, highly eu
logizing tho undertaking, and calling on tho
Irish to do at leait as much lor the Sisters as
tlio Americans aro doing. Three thousand
prizes in cash, ranging from sfl.Olil) to "0,-
OIH) in gold, will bo drawn.
Tickets, each; 2 lor !, 4 Tor 10, H
for .-'0, 10 for 2.", 20 for tiO, -l-'l for 100.
The drawing positively takes place on iho
2Sth day of March, 1(2.
Vftr tickets, pamphlets and information, ap
ply to Mi-sirs. 1'attee 4: t Mai estate
dealers, 114 liroadwnv. New Yo:k. flrish
Republic. ,
"Thoro urns a frojr who lived In a snriwr.
llu caught such a culu that ho could not shift."
l'oor, unlortiiuate liatvaclnan : in what a
sad plight ho must have been. And yet his
misfortune was oua that often befalls singers,
Many a once tuneful voice among thuso who
belong lo tho " getius homo" is utterly spoiled
by " cold in the head" or on tho lungs, or
both combined. For I ho above mentioned
" croaker" we aro not aware that anv
was ever dcvi?ed ; but we rejoice to know that
all human singers can keep I heir heads clear
and their throats in tunc bv alimelv uso of l)r,
Sngu's Catarrh llemedy und Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, both of which are
told by Druggist". full
Twenty Yeaks Younger. To say that
hundreds of maids, wives mid widows look
twenty years youmror than tliey are In conse
quence ol the com plcxionnl tieslincss derived
Iroiu the uso of Haoan's Maonoi.ia Malm, is
simply to Male an absolute fact, which might
be promptly valued by direct testimony il la
dies wero us willing lo tell llieir ages as lo luc
the heel means ot making IheinsciVcH lovely
Nature sometimes, but very rarely, crow ns the
charm ol perfect leaturcs Willi a c implex ion
ol exquisite clearness: but even I hen time
SDOii begins Im make inroads upon tins velvet
cheek, I lie fail while b-liw, the ivory hul, Ihe
toumlcd anil. To preserve the "giorv ot wo-
inaV unblemished, even after ihe meridian ol
lile huihO'.u is only necessary lo use
daily tins cooling, bealthlul vegelaPle prepar
Medicine Foil the IIaik. When the h ,lr
comes oil by h.uidiulU. and b-ilducBs teems In
evitable, it is a proul thai disiase and deliiltiy
have utllclcd the inula, and that uiciliciliim
is nceei-.-al T. The only restorative in sneii
case U 1'iiai.on's Ciiluk'M. IIaiii Ixvkiou
atou, wi.ieh, dm inn the last f.nly jear, ba
done more lo prevent Iho loss of luo li-iir, lo
rcuew ll when llnnuaig out. to pie-ei vc it.
color, health and general vigor, and In render
it, wlial Heaven Intended H lu be, ibe crown
lug glory ol belli eexes, ull olbur prcpnr
alious prclcndiui; to llie tame pio,ci ties
brought out during thai long 'J' lie
public alter Muir repeatedly I'eluded by tin
will-o'-lhe-w isps of Humbug, have sellli d
dou-u in the belief ibe Invki mi'MU
the Hue medicine far the hair, anil are di-caid
il; the pieteulious pouous.
Dyepeiiat Costtveue mid Mver Com
laUit Cured Without MetlU lnn.
I will forward to any atliln, on icceijit tif
FIFTY cents, a printed iteM'nitHin ihat will
cure an? cmio ol" )yttjrp-U, riiivfiinl or
Iivor CoiuiiUiut, hoAtvcr itltniiiiuin. I lie
reineily is vry cheap and j Ii'iimaiiI, 't'lio r;i
cles ar kept in most fuin huiie, nnd wtt m-
sily uMained anywlicro. Addun lr, M, N
DurtihilHv nnd Pllithilily nrtt Imth rnmhlm-d
Sboe; one trial will cunvlnni you will not
rip or leak.
All bear fte Paten, Stamp.
An ommjfAT, Medicine. Tho ingred
ient of Dr. Walkeh's Vineoah Hit
TEi:a differ from thoso of every other
tonic ami corrective in use. Unlike tho
tinctures of the phnrmneoviiit'n. this rem
edy contains no nlcohol. llotiinicnl re
senrch hns brought to light in our Pa
cific Territory, herbs, roots and plants of
surpassing potency as alteratives, ner
vines, and invigorants, and of theso tho
Hitters aro mainly composed. .A long
series of cures, embracing dyspepsia in
all its forms, and bilious and nervous
disorders of every phase, are tho voii"hers
of this inestimable medicine.
We understand thnt tho whooping
cough is quite prevalent in the towns
around us ; but that no cases have
proved fatal, Homo families uso noth
ing but John, io n' h Anodyne i.inlmeut. Our
Doctor, however, says a littlo ipecne, to
produce vomiting, would bo an advan
tage. There aro more than one thousand dif
ferent kinds of pills in the Unit ed States.
Somo of them are worthless and injuri
ous, others are good and beneficial. Old
Dr. Parsons invented tho best anti-bilious
pill wo ever saw or heard of. They
are now Bold under tho nanio of Parnon s
PurgaUec Pills.
Best antl Oldest Family Medicine San-
ford't Liver Invtgorattr.A purely VefotabloCarnirlfe
and Tonic for Dyfppp'lri, Constipation, Debility, Slck-hr-ndnchp.
Billon Attack, nmt all deramremeuts of
Liver, S'.omach nnd Bowels. Ask your Druggist for it.
Beware of Imitation).
The original and onlypatont Mnirnetic TVateli will ho
s'ent. anywhere free by mail for75e.; twolor$l.25. Writo
to U. J. Shcpard it Co.,Watcrbury,Ct. Agents wanted.
50 CENTS for How to Mnkc tho Farm Pay. Send to
O. A. Deitz. Chumbcrsburn, l'a.
To Consumptives.
The advertiser, having been permanently cured of
that dread disease, Consumption, bv a simple remedy.
Is anxious to make known lo his follow sullerers tlio
means of enre. To all who desiro it, he will send a
copy of the prescription nsed, (freo of charge), with
lile directions for preparing and Using 1 lip same, which
tliey will linil a Sl'im Ci'nB Fun CnNSc.MrTuiN, Asth
ma, ilaoNClilTts, &o. l'arties wishing Iho proscription
will please address
204 .South Third Si.. Willialnsbnrgh, N. Y.
Cure for Consumption.
What tho Doctors Snyi
Amos Wooi, let, M. I)., of Kocln.:o ponnly, IwH
nun, mv: "For Ihri-o yvnv past I buvo ucod Ai.lkn's
Li'sg Hals am extuiisivolv in my practice, ami Imn unt
istieil thero Ik noboUor luctlicino lor lung ilita-usurf in
Isaac A. Dora, M. P., of Lnjr;mcoiiniy, Oliln, ravs :
"Allkn's Lrsa ISai.ram not only Bclte mpklly, but
pives perfect snti.-ftirtion in every cu-c within my know
lt'iitft. lluvin? contidt'ueo in it, and knowing thnt it
pn.-ru!Jen valuable moiticinnl proptirti''., I freely ue it
!n my daily practico and with unbounded succe. A
aiiexpi'i'torant it i nio-t certainly nuead ol" any pre
paration! havo ever yetkuewn.
Nathaniel IlAnma.M. D., of Middlebnry, Vermont,
Puyn : " 1 liavo no doubt It will coon become a cihmc:u
remedial ncenl for tho cure of all disease of the Throat,
Bronchial Tube;, and the Luny.-."
Phv-lrianfl do not recommend a mt'dicine which has
no merits ; what tliey t ay about
Cjh be taken as a fact. Let all aflllcted test ll at oncd
In. A. L. SCOVIM, U the inventor of several medlei-
n:il preparation- which have become very popular and
have been libeiallv ued. Auimiir his Invention are
Hall f II inm for tlio Lunirs nnd "Liverwort and
Tar." For the pat ten yearsa belter Lnmr remedy hiw
teen ouirea lo tno puunc. iteau luo io!iowni(r letter
from Ult. Scovill referring to it :
Mesftrf.. J. N. ITAnniS A CO.:
Oef.- 1 mako t ie follow ntr Mfifemrnt from ft nrr-
fect conviction and knowledge of the bonrllt of Al
leit Iun UnlHO in in curing thft lno t deep-eatrd
1'L'LMoSAHY CitNSlMl'TloN I I hava w it listed lis ef
fects on the yoiniff und the old, and I can truly my that
it is bv tar tho bet expectorant remcdv wnb wtiieb I
am acquainted. For Conph?, and all tho early ptapes
and ifeverv l-miilv would keen it bv them, reudv to ad
minister upon tlie llrt appearance of diea.. about the,
iiimg, mere womu dc very it-w ca;e 01 laiai consump
tion. It causes tho phlegm and matter to raise, wlih-
out inilutinir th:ne dclieato oifrann (the Lunjjr), and
without producing constipation ol the bowel. It ulo
(riven strength to tlto Mvtein, ttops the niiiht-swuuti',
anu cimnjrecau tno moroia seereuon 10 ancaimv tuiie
Yourt?, lte.-pectliilly, A. L. SCOMLL,
It will euro when all other fall.
Directions accompany each bottle.
.7. x. uae:z:bs & t.,
Solu PnnpKiETons,
Cold ly all Dru?gist, C'inelunatlj O
&:guv iAVss & so;v,
Pi'ovldonoo, Tt, T.,
General Agents for New England States
l'-'OIt HAriI'3 3
.lOirX F. IIENUY.Xcw York,
G !:. C. GOODWIN Al CO., Iiustun.
For SPUIXG of 1 87 3.
H'e invite the attention of Plnntrrs and Dealers to
our large and compute stock uj
Stnmlnrtl &l Dwnrf Fruit Trees.
iriie Vlueii Sniiill FriillH
Oi'iiuuieihtiil TrtrH. SIiiiiIm. ItoMen.
new a, iitntt t ruii ami 'rinuieuiul 'l'rees.
tiveireeuit una Avw l'luut.
Prompt attention jjiven to all enquiries.
Descriptive and Illustrated priced Catalopurs sent pre-
No. 1 FrnitP. 1 On- Nn. 2 Onifi mental Trnca. 1 Or
rso. J dreen-lioue, lOc. xso. 4 hoiesale Free
Estab d H10. ELilAVAXGER 6z RA11RY,
Muunt Hope bunt net, UOt'UE&TKll, N. '
For 1H7.
Contains 1.10 papes, Tho moit exten-ivo anl com
plete (Seed Catalogue publirhed. Sent five to all Hindi-
eanti-. SeeiU Wurranted FresU und lo rencli
ine I'ureltaHer.
HOVKV A. CO., Ji North Market St., Boston, Maw.
With Educ ational Facilities.
The preparatory Pciiool of Thayer College, 8. D. Cocn
nan. i rea I, uv IVIUUtT, .HO., UU IUU IIUH. Ot Rl. W
henu u. it., nud opened. urmer. Mccliuiiics. Tta.A
men andoihuitf, btcuie homesUud early, at low ni
ce-, where your childten can bo well educated, uu
wueru a uuu uoumjy ciimatu una very i-rmo toil ui
enable you to nt rieti. Add:os A. M hi Z, Afc'tnt, No
.Ejugiaim iuiu:ifi muntT, .uo.
K'l lor Ul --CilpUVi: CilL'UlUts. lllJK'C lilllUUl.
edition, ls7i, in ice iiu. bunidemeut to Viiluire Uuildi
Viliue lluilji-r und ftiipph-iutut, bound iu one
nutfu volume, Uuiuloue ol Umwiufr lntiuuienti
1'aper, Tnieinj? Cloth, oie., luaib-d on receipt of tw
lUiuu-eiUL niumpi-. A. J. UIK. tltAjU CC IU.,
7 Wurreii Street. New Vork.
For ilio Milliuit I
It. ully worth Tiu Uullurs ! Iiu-loii 10c. nn 1 !c. rtnmp
lur ihiLik'. J. V. 'l'HO.MI'.-0.,
Tumiikiiuvilk', N. V. (S;utuu 1 UnJ.)
I K II X I l:li"i Urlt Tim.
I II 11 1 1 1 1 turn U iluiiiblu. cbcup tj
H . W in easily worn us u k
un, Uor rup-
icurttir: nan
curii.l iialieutn lu iiono lo t'j wi-i-ki. Fur inii-ticulHrd
wiul tor I'iivutur. Aa.llets UKNUV llOWK, UuX 7jS,
Council lllkitiii. louu.
Tottor, itch, hivoit, pjiotn, pimple, etc.; book with 30
rv ip4- lor i-i tl-cnif, unh lull iiiroctioun, uiuilcd t'ur io
etc. JUJIN (i. bt'OTT, Ui North Niuth St., Philu., Pa.
A Faruar wanting lo buy, urdmtlur wUhint; lo
M-ll tlm iwt-x ever initdtt, should writo lor circular to
TUbKliO AUUlCtLTUUAL WOHKd, Toledo, Ohio.
11 .
AN A A HPIUITUAL 11K1NG, by Rot. Chaun-
ivL tiny UiiiB. tiont by mail on receipt of beud
lor tiiiluloKue (I'rei'J ot oilier book.
m uoopur uuiou, a.
A(iKNTS Wanted. Agenta mako mow money at
wirk lor u thuu unyihtnir oUe. Particular! freo,
U. briNius & OOh fin Art FuOlitlurt, PorLluud, Me.
' HUMUl'U. An article worth 2.00 fent no-t-11
paid lor iu uenttf. AtuU wiuitcd. A. 1. Al KU
4 I'U., bculland. CoiiU.
1 uruM twllh klaicp) box mi. Nuw Vork.
t'JUO for nrnt-rlnsti Pianon. No discount. No ajfouU.
ddiuM U. a1. PIANO CO., tub HioaUway, N. y.
ror Bonutv of Polish. Eavlnn Lniior, Clonn-
llnoos, Durability A Cheapness, Unoquolod.
m-u-inn Mr unltTlll.tlss IMITATIONS, tinder other
names, but resembling ours In shape and color of wrapper
intended to deceive.
TIIK Iiisimi srs POLISH M nll.K, for sieve dealers'
.M . t-n r-flilS lir-r tinMllfl .T Wl!,ll V-IIVC mill II I V
pound li'ixcs. "Cheaper than any other bulk PoildU fur
" TIIK mstMl srs l.inntn rrwit.-Nn Slurp-nln
f'lioin rind Diirahle li'-r articles lor purpose.
lilt; I1ISIM.HI -1 111.11 K I.K.ll I.I mill ATOI1. Knrmles.
benrlturs hiiiI mac lilnerv. Lasts sir limes as long as oil
alone. 2-'' lb. and 611 lb. boxes, ID cents per lb. Iry IU
MORSE BROS., prop'rs., canton, mass.
The Celtic Weekly.
Rmi.iImi without ennrsenesfi. narratives of thrilling
iulorest, combined Willi Historical insn iicuon, i-
mt and entertaining lltoraturo lor oui aim yoi i k,
intinnod and llnlsliuu slorioH, pooiry, skcicuck, uio-
graphicnl and topographical. .
Tlin groat original story papor for tho million, en
Willmako lis first appearance on February 8S. 1878,
dated for March i, lS7i. .... . . ,,
spectfnlly Inform the liif h pcoplo of America, and tho
A.nnrto.,n nnl.lln .rTiinillv. that thev have made ar
T m nnh eh... nr ,Mt nifrn-inncii mnuT nun- 11"
rangements for the production of an OHKJIN AL8TO
RV I'Al'EU, which will bear favorable comparison
with tho best periodicals of tho day. Tho following
stories will appear in tho ui-gt nunibcr:
By Peter McCorry.
Ily "Clirifllno."
Ily Dr. J. C. V'ntors.
By Dr. Julius RodcnborR.
By Dnnis HoUmia.
By Mrs. Ellon E. M:ullir.lll, ntr C:illannn.)
A TALE OF '03,
By John Locke,
Eiltorof Tin Celtic Wri:klt.
A special fKittironfTHE CELTIC WEEKLY will be
l... ..iip.. .....In .1 .1 !ili'i.rli..imliit4.
N.iihmir i i be Iit line one to n naor tins iinmi
Oi iiriniil Slmy l:ijit:r the bo-t in Ani.'iica.
Price Oulv Mix t'enta. To lie lia.l 01 nil nuvt-
Mull Snhicrihorn. Ono Yrar, S J.SOt Sis Month?,
$11U our ioutui-, gi.uu,
Ttri, P.mlna. nun nil.lrcgn fl.t-.iyO
Fivo " " " 1II.IIK
TV,, " JiU.OO
Willi an aJilltional copy to tlio totti r upot the club.
Air.mts wanti'il In ovorv town ami city In the Lnitcil
StiUurf wticrc one l. 1101 uin-uuy apiioiiucu.
Liboral tcrma to ull airont, and gctlors up of clubs
ovur ttn coiner.
AiUlr Crfs
M. J. 0'LEARY & CO , Publishers,
P. O. Box 0074, New York.
PnliUrr, rnrw ntt-r, Phunl.c
( liltint. Mrrhmtic, an1 hi I , Uu la
borwilK !lmiuni Hnntti,ni
Tlie (irnnt Indntiriid
.Montlily for all )K'0iltt
ninl nil tlum. Every
tiling new n-Utivu t-
M nun fact urtng nnd
Buililinff, Hi-ri'illne tlit-'
ii'.Htnin. si tlx iiiKiiti'tit
'J vi jir. '1 hk Kmiis tuna'
i iwhimi lo., I'ul.l iVif r, 3T
I'urk Haw, NVw-Ycrk. Sen!
Wffr(i M th l!i'lntrlnl Aril
ir Niti-iiiii t npy, 10 rt-nti
mid &i'tinrtf. uiihfnlly IMui
Ulscturvr, Ituildir, ArJiilM-t,
Aik t nw((f iilr f'T it.
4432 Paps,
Tho prrat popularltT of thi Fiife and ftlcaeioup pro
puraiion in iiloiio attrlbutablo lo iuintrhme worth. In
tin cure ot Coughs Colds, Asthmas Ihonchiti-
Whooninir Cnuuh. Serofnluus Uuuiori, and ull Con-
f in np live Syinptoms it lias no tipeiior, or equal. Lot
no one ln'gu cl the t-ai ly i-yiniitonin of disease, whe n an
agent ii tliuH ut hand which will alluvi'ito ull com
plaint of the Cheat, Lung or Throat. Muuulanttmd
only by A. 1. WiMtoii, Clu iniat, No. lUi Court Siueet,
ituidou. bold by all druggistii.
Improved Porous Plasters
aro recommended by the It EST PHYSICIANS as a
sure ntid saie r'ineuy lor n t-u si A tim, Ar.LifAb
DIC. OltOSVENOH S to liiMtiu the l. !t r-hult.
(if-n-ial U'pot, Li lludi-on St., Nwv Yoik. Sold by
ail LrUKgi!t.s nine ceuiB.
1MR TWKHTTY CENTS the undesigned will
uncloo twcuiy-tive fcEEUS of the Virginia Holly,
t'reo of pot;it;o. The K-uveM are ui etn. Tho Uowcii
tfi'ovv iu c hi turn, nnd aro i-ucct-edcd ly round bcrhi't-,
which tutu to a bcautilul red, und remain to tl uriiiff
tho on! ire whiter. This true U considered ono of tho
most beautiful of evergreens, und us an oruauuntul
tree, the! u i none ihat can eiu:il it. It in ditlh-ult to
tiuiiUnt it, but It can uo nd-t-d trom tho reed. Im
mediate ait fiit iun (jKc-n to ull order. Dealer, iu peeds
furnished at reduced t; ice?. An regard f my liability,
will rcf'jr to lion. E. M. Biaxton. W;thiuirton( 1. 0.
Addrubd R. 11. LVELL, Faiuhaui P. O., RUhiuoud Co.
JOR ONE DOLLAR wc will mail you a box of
itampcd with any Initial or Pet liamf. Four t?lzos and
teUUtm paLterus iu each box.
It mcetii the daily want of any lady.
lioardinir Schnol cli t.-, ui e udonttmr it.
IV u thf prcittiest prvnent iu a young lady.
n y uuu uua tor jomauii.
Address lOUI.(i, lulllMnft
P.O. Box 50lltBua1outMaas.
to the publishers of " MITCHELL'S NEW
31 Bouth Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa., and !
secure the agency for tho best soiling book of the day ;
Tha work Is up to tho tlinos Census of 1870. Liboral
terms to live men.
cuuua FUlt nonsfc;! - ciicgj -
d Sweeny, Ringbone, Spavin,
nd .11 dleea.e of HorM Flech.
Vlllfffnr nittfM nre nut n vi!e K.inrv Drink.
msde of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Prnui" Spirits and Refuse
Liquors, doctnrcrl, spiccri, and ftweetened lo please lha
taste, called ' Ionics "Appetizers " Kcstorers,'
&c.t th;U lend the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin,
but are a true Medicine, mnde from the native root
and herbs of California, free from nil Alcohol ic Stimulants
: Thev are the Great I'.IoikI Purifier and a Life-giving
I'rmcipie, a renco ieiHiv.iiur uuu invignraior oi me
System, c.iiTyinn ofT all poisonous matter and reslotinj
the blood lo a healthv eondition, enriehins refresliinjj
and invisoratintr bold mind nnd body. They are easy
of administration, prompt in their action, certain iu their
results, safe and reliable in all forms nf disease.
Mo Pemon enn tnlce tlioae Hittcrd accord
ini to directions, and remain Jnnrj unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed by mineral poiswn nrotbar
means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point
of repair.
lyHieiNia or iniuircsiunn ueaoacne, run
in the Shoulders Cougta, TiRhtnevs of the Chct, Dit
sincss, Sour Kmc tat ions of the Stomach, Had Taste
in the Month, Wlions Attacks Palpitation of tha
Heart, Inflammation ot the l.uns, ram in the regions of
the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms
are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complain
it ha.- no equal, and one bottle will prove a belter guar
antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement.
For Female ComitluinlSf, in young or old,
married or ainsrle, at the dawn of womanhood, or th
tuni of life, these Tonic Hitters display so decided an
iftnuenca that a marked improvement is soon pcrce
t.ble. . .
For liiaamiiiiwory anu i nronio jsncn-
mntiftm and (Jout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, lihont
Rentittent and Intermittent revers, 1'iseases ol trw
Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Cillers hava
been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by
Vitiated Mlood, wlvch is generally produced by dcranga
ment of the Digestive 0:t;ans.
'J'lioy ore nmtic riii'jrntive nfitvni m
1 Tt:io, possess! nj; also the peculi ir tnt.t of acting
as a pnwertul agent in relieving (. ongesu.u or Int
mation f the Liver and Visceral Urgaiui; and iu Hi
H. Mil
Diseases. '
For Skin TlMPnr. V.nintuns. letter. Kilt-
Uhcum, Hlntchos' Spots, Pimples' Pustules, Uoils, Car
buncles, Ring-worms, Scald-.Head, Sora Kycs, Kry
sipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Discolnyh tions of the Skin, Hum on
and Diseases of the Skin, rff whatever name or nature,
are literally dug up and carried out of the system m a
short time by the use of l.hesc P.itters. One bottle in
such cises will convince tuc most incredulous of theii
Curative effects. .
No Pfison enn tnk (Iiohc Itlttrra accord
ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided
their bones are not destroyed bv mineral poison or other
means, and the vital organs-wasted beyond the point
of repair. )
lJvfipoiisla or lnciis'a.ioii Headache, ram
in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dir.-
zines, hour Kructations ot Ihe Stomach, Had lasts
the Mouth, Ihhous Attacks, Palpitation ol the
Heart. Inflammation of the Lungs, p.n in the regions
of the Kidneys and a hundred oilier painful symptoms
arc the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In thiiwe complaints
it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter gnar-
antocnt its merits than a lengthy auvertiseniient.
For I- enti'.le 1 oiiinlntiilH, in vounV nr o'n
mairieii or Hiigk, at the oawn ol woinaniuM
turn of life, tliese Ionic lhtters display so decn
inlhicuce that a marked improvement is soon
For Inflamitintory nnd Cliroiiif Rlirn
mntlmii and (out, liiiicits, Ki-uiittiMit and Inter
ittent r'evers, Diseases of the HIoikI, Liver, Kumevs
and Uladiler, these Pollers have no equal. Snth 1 dis
eases are caused by Vitiated P.lood, which is generally
produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs.
'i nrv ore it tannic i-iiriruiiac us wru nn
Tonic, posFicssing also tlie peculiar merit of acting
as a powerful agent in relieving C'ngestion or
mation ot the Lavcr aim v iscor.u uranu, anu in i.iuous
For Skin DlNcnsra, p.runtions, letter, -Mt
Uheuni, l'.lotchcs, Spots, Pimples, pustules lloils, Car
buncles, Ring-worms., Sore Kycs, Kry
sipelas. Itch, Scurfs. tiscoioratiousof the Skin, lluiuori
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or natuia
arc literally dug up and carried out of tha system. in a
short time bv the use of these Litters
Cirntfrttl Thoiiflnitu protUnin Vinfgar iiim,
tkrs the most wonderful Invigoranl that ever sustairjd
the inkins system. . "
J WALKKU.Prop'r. 11. II. MoUUJI AIM -
Druggists and Gen. Ai.t San l-'ranciscoand New VorlS
nEUE you 1mo a aalvi combtnhu; RftAthlng nn4
bwiilimr propeition, with nodam;erou hint red
Sent. A ruined v at lind for the many pain nnA
L'hei, wounds and bniiM'A to which Mcdi iu heir.
I more easily applied than many other rcmedle,
nviT produefntr a bad iJfcct. but always relievliKf
pain, however (.evens.
Ill prepared uv jit .sirMPr. who nan used ll
lu her own extonsivu treatment of tho eick, h:v
marly twenty yoars, with yrcnt Riiecetn.
l lie priucipni in ratten i.r wnirii thin snivc lf rro
oniiiuMiih-fl are, ( fulhhitH. tint ttmutisM. I'tla,
tSct'oftittt, Ola -7f-r-s Salt ,'tn-itin. Si'tninit, Lam.
J'trer .Sov, 'dtius, n, ArysiWo1, Ho re
7(tf, littrf fr Jtri, hranest, L'oiU, 'H-iroitnt,
Cornv. iUiv of Juseit. Caucim, Jootinihe. Atir-
aviet Save Xipjilt's, Jialtlntts, SivaUn Jlreustn,
Itch, Scal'l Itmt, 'JWthiinjy Cuirit-l Jamle,
Scahli, Cut Jiruises Croup t Cnukui jJjjs, and
Sores on Children
ll never UtU to cum liheumatlsm if properly
applied. Hub it on Well n ilh the- hand three tim
n day. in several ca.sea n nan cured pan-icn umo.
l'or J'ilrtt it has been discovered to be n pure rrn
cdy. 1'erAoiiH thnt have been afflicted for year
havo been relieved by n few npplieations. For Ery
Stjwlas it works wondera, nllayiiif; the iuilainiaaUon
and (piietinp the p.itieiit. For happed Jandt H
produces a cure bntncdiaUdy. Let those with ult
liheum obtain this Halve, and apply it fivo nd
tlu-v will li id It Invaluable. It U good in canes of
Scrtifuht and Tumor. I an vera havo been curud
with it. The boat tfalvo ever invented for Swollen
Lrcit-d and .S'r AirMe. Iso way inUntoua. but
Biireto nlFird ruliof. Sore or Wrtih Kyea Hub It
on tin! lid L".-ntly,oncoor twice a day. Curca deaf-
nets bv lmtimif In tho cars on a niece of cotton.
For f'fltm thiri id superior to unythlnir known.
For Pimplit tldi nets liko n charm. For Bnrna
mid Scalds, apply tho balvu nt once and it uivca
immediate relief. For Old Sorts, apply once m
2s ot nmring the loast or tlie Invaluable proportiee
iif Mim SAwvr.nM Halve aro its beijeficiul etrocta
on the hair. Kubbcd on tho scalp, In live or six
Liferent naifei, U piomutes tho grow th of thu hair,
)i'evcntit it luviilntf arav, nnd on bald epoU it pro
duces a new gmwth of hair. 2sw lady huld b
without Ibid invaluable article ns an hidUpcnsablo
cosmetic for the toilet. It vnulicutes dandrutt and
di-eadL from the headt and blolchea and pmiplc-4
from tho fact.
YTc. Iho undcrflencd. have boon aenualnted with
Ul?a Sawyer for mojiy yearn, nnd believe her to be
n uriu;i i;iuy hiki u hiviiiui nurse, anu naving
udivd her salvo lu our families, it give ua ureat
pleasure in cuyhitf It U tho bunt fe'cuei'id mcdicUhi
wo liuvo ever used ;
Her. E. r. G.itt.-r,
Lv. r. O. Ih.iman,
Jit-v. Ucorsi' Pmtt,
lien. J. 1. CilUy and wifb,
Capt. J- Crocker end wile,
dipt. David Aiiit-xiui.1 wifi'
John T. Berry,
XV m, 11. '1'itcuntb,
Mn. Charles 8not
lrt. Ah-x. Hnow,
lr. E. P. Chow and wffe.
J. WukeHcId and wife,
win. lleailie and wile,
Jacoi) hhaw ond wife,
John 8. Catc and wile,
vt in. lliutl lilU wtU.
E. U. SiM-ar,
A. H. Uke. I. W. Wieht and wile.
uw. vnnimii, jr. i -Mayor vi . w. rulli
Jos;-pii I arwell,
C li. Mallard.
ui lUH'i.iiiiiii a iii u-ii.
Thuuiai Colun and wife.
Jea. ucury innrahm am
O. J. Conant (Postmaster at
Itocklaiui) and wih',
I K. Kimhall and wile
J'.pliruiti) llitrrctl,
Lcundcr Wci-kj.
lln. N. A. Bunwc.
If your Drucu'Ibt id out of tho Balvo, ond noglecft
to keep supplied, send scventv-livc cents auiiliecled
below, a;id receive a box by return mall.
Put un In Lnnre Tin to nt EC) oerta mea
(nearly threo timed un larutt aa the box leprencnted
l'repaicd by WISH C. oAWVKU, iud
put up
M. BOBBINS, Wholeaala
nnd Retail Druggist, Rockland, Ma
a i rial i ix .out live bv mull
:lc Jt
on rcociitol' .vvrulp-
live unu, uy 1
, 11.
KoliUIN.-), llockluncl, Uo.
Pnhlihd fur tha banefit of vounr mc ft and othM
who HUllerfroui Nervou Debility, etc, upplyii)K ihi
UKAHa or tKLr-oi'RB. M ritten by oua who curud him
adf, and eut freti on reiviiiif a noet-pnid diroctt-d
N. Y.
ON MARBIAOK E8ay and RpporU. Bent tr.
Ad.lro.i 11UWAHU ASSOCIATION, Pklla., Pa.
Fob S-7