THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Cfl 1872. iXtates of Advertising. On olnmn, on yew $75 00 I " " " ...... 40 00 ' " 25 00 I " ' 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight lanes or less S times or less '.. 2 00 Business cardB, ten lines or less per yaar 6 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted pa tit. Elk Lodge, A. Y M. Stated meetings of Elk Lode will he held at their hall on the second and fourth (uasdays of each month. Q. L McCRACKEN, Seo'v. fTempe of Honor and Temnerance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on ea:h alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Konui, oa Main street, over J. V. Honk's store. 8. A. ROTE, A. 11. Car Time at llidgtray. Erie Express East 2:0t a in. do do West 2:1.) a. m. do Mail East 4:55 p. m. do do West &:-" a. m RenoTO Accommodation East ... 7:55 a m. do do do West i:00 p. m. Th days are Icnjiiheuins, perceptibly. The weather has been pleasant here fur the past week. John Cassrrly is putting up a new house OD Kast street. Lt'TtibR'A-f services iu fie Court House next Sub-Jay, morning aud even ing, by J. Bienn-etnan. QUITTING advertising in dull times is like tearing out a datu bet ause the water r i ia low. Either'plan will prevent good times from evtyr coming. Evening Mkucuhy Tills is the title of A penny evening paper but re cently started at Harrisburg, Pa. The Aterura is a spicy, newsy, and readable fleet; its very low price bringing it iihin the reach of all. ltd advertis ing pntronage and the general make-up of the paper seem to denote that it is destined lor a lon life. McQloin & MuoiKhuiN, West Kud, RiJgway, Pa., iu llealy's old note building, have just commeneM to open up a largo uud well relccicd Mock ol first-class noods. Their stock cutisists tif Groceries, Notions, Provisions, Dry Goods, etc., and ever) thing usually kept iu a first-class store. Give the new firm a call ar.d be ccuviuced that they sell good goods 9t low rates. A WoftK. of MEitcv. 5133,000, in 3,000 cash prizes is to bo distiitmud legally, March 'JSth, 1872, at Omaha, ia aid of the. Hick and destitute, at Mercy Hospital. The etitprtiriso is eudursej by the Governor, aud best bi-tiuoss muu ol' Nebraska. The) tickets are t'i each, or two for 53. Fjr full particulars, ad dress Pitteo & Uutdinor, Business JIaQagera, Omaha., Nebraska. On good authority it is promulgated abroad that two drops of turpentine oil ia,, li.tle milk is a complete antedote to phosphorous poison. Children uot uii Irequeutly bit off the charged end of phosphoric matches and swallow tlie:u. It is stated that a girl was recently saved in Eugland who had actually eight o! them in her stomach by this newly dis covered remedy. 'Take Njtick!- Iu order to make room for new tin: nf ijnmh in the spring, Morton & Miller are disposing of their Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps', &c. &o., at cost. Here is a splendid oppor tunity to purchase cheap wearing apparel which should be embraced by all stand ing in need of the same. The induce ments are greater than any heretolore offered in this section, and we doubt not but (hat they will be fully appreciated by the public. As their stock must be disposed of at an early day, our advice to those desiring burgaius is stand not on the order of going, but go at once! as "delays are dangerous." "OLD F03T mWESNE,"-1755. A Thrilling and Exciting His. torical Tale, beautifully illustrated, and called "Old Fort Duquestie," will be commenced in the March Number of the "People's Monthly" of Pitts, burg, onbj illustrated paper of any size and pretensions outside ot New Yoik. All have heard of this old French fort at Pittsburg, and the bloody conflicts about it; the defeat of Iiraddock and Grant; its capture by General Forbes; the dreadful frontier wtrfare; the cele brated chiefs, both White and Red, en gaged, and other incidents of absorbing ioterest to Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia. The very laree circula tion and popularity of this pure, bright, and attractive Monthly should convince all ot its merit, but if any doubt, they can have a three months trial ot it, for only 25 eta. Yearly price, 81 50 in advance. Examine the wonderfully liberal premium list Live agents wanted, on big commission in every lo cality. Address, "Pboi-lk's Monthlt," Pitttborg, Pa. Job Work at this "ffiie. No More Grat Hair. Nature's Hair Restorative brings back the origi nal color. It ib not a dye. and clear as crystal. Contains nothing injurious. See advertisement. n5ltl ' i i a i County Institute. The annual session of the Elk county teachers in stitute will be held in the new school house at Ridgway, commencing March 11, 1872, and continuing five days. UUFUS LUCORK, County Supt. - Tub Philadelphia Scientific Journal says that Messrs Geo. P. Howell if Co, of New York, are so well aud extuu sively Known ail over this continent, that to uumo them and explain the nature ot their business would be superfluous. No Newspaper Advertising Agency ha ever displayed more energy and skill in the transaction ot this delicate aud tact requiring business." WILL M CAULKTOX'S GREAT POEM. The finest poem yet writteo by that young and brilliant genius, Will M. Carleton, is "The Burning Chicago," written for and just published iu ''Our L'irebide Friend," the new ami attractive literary aud family journal, published by Waters, Eberts & Co , 7S3 State Street Chicago. This poem is iu Mi. Cark'lon's best vein; beautilul in thought, grand in conception, grupb'O in expression, and sustained throughout The enterprising publishers were foitu, nate iu securing this contribution from the author. Iu this connection we my s;iy that the new paper will doubtless speedily become a prime favorite with the masses of the reading public. It is an eight page, illustrated, literary aud family weekly, containing a large amuuut of interesting and uselul reading matter The publishers .tre evidently determined to make a first class paper, and secure lor it a very large circulation, 'i hey iuteud to give to their subset ibers for l?72, oue hundred thousand dollats iu premiums, to be distributed upcu a uew and novel plan. Specimen copies of the paper, together with full particulars, sunt free on application. The Uairisburg correspondent of the Pittsbu g Tims, writing uuder date ol Febrnmy lutli, snys; THE STATU CONVENTION. 1 he few Keeks that intervene between now au 1 the time lor lioldiug the State Ijoiivi-hti' u is creating some activity a:uotig the numerous candidates tor Governor and their adherents. Not be ing pledged to auy particular interest, I have instigated ihe s'ato ot affairs clone ly, aii'i find it to be as follows: There are 30 delesutcs; of these thitty tour tire for llartraul't, seven for Kfct.'htim, six !or Jurduu, siven tor ti if e and two tor hilly. Within two weeks Cluster, Delaware, Northampton and Peny counties will elect, and most iko!y instruct tor llartranlt. The best posre l poliiiciaiiii from Philadelphia say he will have a united delegation trom that city, while it is wcil known here that some of tlior-a instructed tor Jordan are tor llartruiilt. This leaves little doubt as to win the choice ot the con vention will be. Prominent among those talked of tor the nomination ot Supreme Judge are the followm . ju ices: Gordon, of Jcllerson, Williams of Tioga, Mcieur, of Bradford, Butler ami Snuih ot Chester, with the chances in favor of the i iica mail. HiLIPAYS. Gradually the beliel that Atneiiea has too few holidays is gaining ground. Wi.-consin has just pftcd a law making election day a lentil holiday. This has often beeu suggested, t;ut never, wo believe, put in practice, and the result of the Wicconsiu experi ment will consequently be watched with interest It has beeu held that if the day were a bolid.iy a moie nearly full vote woulu he brought out, and tha', too. the right of suhVrage would be exer ci'ed more gcueially by business men, the very class whose ballots it is most desirable should be polled. New Oileaus has, iu the mat'er of holidays done a somewhat remarkable ihin; that is, remarkable for New Oilcans. It has deel red the birthday of Abraham Lincoln a legal holiday, Philadelphia Tress. The idle hour is the devil's opportu nity. Boston papers say that New York wives enraued against their spouses, call them custom-house frauds. The spirit of leap year i movinsr. A tioudout damsel of seventy-five, has just succeeded iu capturing a youth of sixty six. The first woman voter of Wyoming was an old lady 70 years of age, who voted on her way f'rotn the baker's, and went to the polls with a yeaHt pitcher iu one hand aud the ballot in the other. The number of milch cows iu the United States, according to the census nf 1850. was 0.885,094; the number in 1800 was 8.78 802; the number in 1870 was 11.008.925. The number ol milch cow in the State of New York iu 1870 was 1.980.000, over 850,000 more than was in 1800 The pounds ot butter made in the United States in 1850 were 313 345. 30C; in 1800 there were 4GO.509.854. in 1870 there were 470.530 408 Of this number, in 1870. 103.097.280 pounds were made in the State of New York, which ia ovfr 22 000,000 more Uito were made in I860. HOOKS AND E7ES. Rice strawberries in Galveston. A big maple sugar crop is expected in Vermont. Gold closed in New York last Mon day at 110. We increase our wealtli when we lessen our desires. One sixth of the persons burned our at Chicago, needed help hut a few days An effort is being made to get a new trial for Paul Schoeppe. If you pay a risit, it is not necessary to fako a receipt. Who always sits with his hat on be fore the queen? Her coachman. When is it right to take any one iu? When it rains. It is of no advantago to have a lively mind if we are not just. To promptly py his debts is ve much to a man's credit. The stupid great nan. like a clown, gets up only to tumble down. Michigan has thirty-one convicted murders. Envy is the baneful admission of self inferiority A -Delaware, hen has laid an egg ,risctibed "War with England, 1872." True practical philosophy makes the most of little pleasures, aud the best of everything. No wouder all lawyers are so much alike They pass their lives in "following suit." It is preferable to fall out with your banker than to lose your balance with him. Many friends are like the shadows, which follows you only when the sun shines. Somebody says that civilization is newspapers. Sunday schools, and soap and water. What about pantaloons and things? It is estimated that during the past season (300.000 beeves were driven from Texas to Kansas, Neb., and the westeru States and Territories. An Ohioan has had the extreme feli city of boarding his uiother-in-'aw sev enty years She is still quite vigorous at the age of 103. Josh Billings says: "Success don't konsist in never making blunders, but in never making the same oni the scck ond time. How many who use the needle ever dreamed that wo would send to (Jreat Britain, annually, fifteen million dollars in gold for the single article of spool cotton. a mtin in iumertson county, iexas. has fony-one living children. Sixteen of them served in the came company iu a conieuerate regiment uunn the war He is now living with his eighth wile. atiU is sixty-live years old. Bid luck is simply a Man with his haads in his pockets and a pipe in bis mouth, lookiug on to see bow it will come out. Uood luck is a man ot muck, with his sleeves rolled up, and working to make it code out riirht. Self- tovkknmknt. In a republic al shoul 1 be wise. In a mntiiirehy it is suffi cieut it one is so The kind ol wisdom re quired is vigorous common sen.e, such as distinguishes tho Teutonic race, the Lrermans, the huahsh and the Aineri caus. We hope for the beat Iroin France, but mutt be prepared tor the worst. "Ten gailuns of kerosene, three pounds of potash, one ounce ot strycliuiue. mixed with water.' It was accord ing lo this cheerful, nor to say couvivai loruiuia, that a quantity ot "whisky" seiZ'-d last week iu NVwton, Mass. wa compounded, the redpe having also been found iu the po.-sc-sion ot the un- ortuna'.e dealer. II you waut gin" dd quantum i(h-t of oil of juiniiei! The mystery is lha,t men who Unuk this dinbol cal fluid do uot drop dowa stone uuu at once. rililAYElt HOUSE. D. D. COOK Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Ms., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the public that ho has refitted, revised, uud improved, this well known hotel, and is prepared to entertniu ull who favor with their pitronai;o. iu tiie betttyle aud ai low rate. vin30if. S-THK LEADING, FAMILY AND STOUV PAPKH IN AM KMC A OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Large cine, Liht l'ages, Illustrated. contents original, vakied, comprehensive, valuable, attractive A;D INl'EKESl'US'G. A RELIABLE PRACTICAL FRIEND, that shall weekly bring refined entertain nient. and valuuble intiruction to the FIRESIDES of its readers. svos at ipti o.r i it ice, ?3 per Year, ol Fifiy-two Numbers. Each and every subscriber shares iu our Anuual Distrihuiiou of Premiums. GRAND ANNUAL D1STIUBUTIOV OF PREMIUMS FOR 1872 'lo the Subscribers id OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Will ixke place tin year at tin- A3A7VEW OF ilUSIC, CHICAGO, SATURDAY, MASC2 9th, 1872. Every subscriber hares iu I tie fist ritui ion. there is a premium for YmU. Eif&t Hmlred and Thirtv on Cs, Premiums, amouuting to $40,000 IN GREENBACKS' $60,000 o other l'KKMIU.MS ! IfcJ Send your address for Specimen Copies of the Paper and Premium List, wiiu run particulars. w send t-hem FREE. Address OUR FIRESIDE FltlEND, Chicago, III SuW'b want Aeents everywhere, and fciva large caaa py. vlar&& NSW ADVERTISEMENTS WORKWOMEN ATTENTION! If you wunt a thmoughty good newopaper, and one which advocates the cause ot the Working Classes, subscribe for The N. Y. Weekly Star. It is the best, most spicy and cheapest pa per published in the United atatos. It oon taing reports of the Doings of Trade Organizations throughout the States, RATES OF WAGES, CONDITION OF TRVDE, Interesting Personal Sketches and Portraits of the Leaders of the Labor Movement. The Weekly Star CONTAINS FIRST-CLASS STORIES, AND TH Best Selection of Miscellaneous Reading to be found in any newspaper. SSBrfCKIPTION PRICES. One Year, $1.50. Six Months, 75 cents. Clubs of 20. $1.25 cents per copy. Sample conies free. Subscriptions should be sent to THE WEEKLY 8TAR. 13 & 15 Chatham St., Now York. Sarah Sylvis by her next friend Freeman Michart VI. David Sylvia. In the Court of Common P ens of Elk County. No 33 Aug ust Term 1871. Sur Libel for Divorce. To DAVID SYLVIS, respondent: SIR: You will please take notice, that the undersigned has been appointed ex aminer by the Court, to take the testimony of witnesses in this case on the pari of tho Libellcnt, and that the said witnesses will be produced, bworn and examined, before me at my office in llidgway, on Friday the Bill day of March, next al 10 o'clock a. m. of thai U iv, at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. J. O. W. BAILEY, Examiner. Ivn50t3. A",: D " I N 1ST R A TOR'S NOTICE. Notice hereby given that letters of Ad- ministration on the estate of U. A Weed, deceased, late of Ja township, Elk County, Pennsylvania, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands will present thern properly authenticated for sett'ement without delay. MAKY ANN WEED, Administratrix, CHARLES McVEAN, Administrator. vlo4'Jt4. MANHOOD: How Lost, How Kestored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cul verwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure of certain weaknesses, tho effects of Errors and Abuses iu early life. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of such errors and ab.ises may be radically cured without the danger ous use of iuierniit medicine or the appli cation of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effeclnal, by ineiins of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure him self che-iply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hnnds of every jouth and every mon in the land. Sent, under seal, iu plain envelope, to any nddress, pustpaid ou receipt of six cents, orlwo post stamps. Also. Dr. Culverwell's" Marriage Guide," price -o cents. Add e s the Publishers, ChAS. J. O. KLINE CO , 1 1" Bowery, Ne York, Post-Offico Box 4.5SG. vlnlTyl. Agents Wanted Everywhere. To Canvass for our Popular Works, SpcciiUy suited to sales through agents, PLAIN HOME TALK. A work that should be in every family in he land. 12mo. 'Ji'l pages, profusely il lustrated. Price, elegautly bouul, $.1.25. TIIE LOS T CITY, or Chicago as il was and as it is. A book brim full of thrilling interest and stunting incidents; proiusely illustrated. Price, elegantly hound, Sl.oJ. WELLS' EVEHY MAN II IS OWN LAWYER AM) I'NITKO STATUS FORM ROOK. A complete Business Man's Guide for every State in tho Uuiou. V2mo. 60) pages. Price $2.00. Wells' Illustrated National Hand Book, A book for everybody. Price, elegantly bound, $1.50 All the above are works that meet with rapid sales Our agents are doing extraor dinary well with them. Full descriptive con6dent ft circulars, sc'.it ou application, and simple copies of eitncr ot tue works sent post paid on receipt of price. We want good live Agents; men who can fully appreciate the merits of the work. and the fact that it meets a universal want Agents ho desire to do good as well as to make moue. Address, WELLS & CO., 432 RroomeSt., New York. vln47m3. P. W. HAYS, DEALER IK Dry Goods, Notions, Grrceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley P. O. In47tf. lHOM.. Charles Springsiead In Common Pleas vs. of Elk County, fhrlotte L 8pringstead j No.10 Nov. T.'7l. Libel iu Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Charlotte L. Springttead, rupondent above named: You ate hereby notified that the subpoena and alias subpoena in the above case hav ing been returned non ett invent ut. you are required to appear on Ihe SEOOMD M M DAY OF APRIL next, being the 8th day of the month, to answer the complaint ia the above case. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Orrica, 1 Bidgway, Jan. lbth, 1872. ( n4fito. If V'iu want any visiting ctrdd. call at the Adv CATC fffioe and aee those we have printed We hava aorue fine earn plea of these and also of other job fcsew to ao w2;t." Forty years ago Illinois was as far West as most people wished to go, and journey's were made in the legendary' 'Prairie Schooner,'' but in these days of Progress and Improvement, the word West has come to mean Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, California and the Territories, and the Traveler reaches almost auy point therein by a splendid Line of llailroad. This Line of Railroad is the Burling on l'.oute, which (tarts from Chicago over the Chicago, Uurliorton & Quiocy It. II., from Iudiaoapolis over the In dianapolis, Bloomington ft Western Short Line, and from Logansport, over the Toledo, Peoria Ss Warsaw R. R., and running through Burlington, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Attchison, Leven worth and Kansas City, connecting with the Union Pacific, Kansas Pacifio aud other Rail roads running from those cities. Always go ''By way of Burlington," and you will be sure to be right. The Burlington Route has admirable answered the question; "How to go West?" by the publication of a truthful and interesting document, filled with facts in regard to Time, Connections, Accommodations, rates of Fare, and other interesting items, and illustrated by a large map, truthfully showing the whole West, which they distribute freo of charge. Copies, and additional in formation, can he obtained by address ing. General Passenger Agent, B. & M. R. II.. Burlington, Iowa. $1,000 REWARD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will la paid to any Physician who w ill produce a m.dtoiuu that will supply tho wants of the people better than tho article known as nit. FanitjrEirs Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must he a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better ou loi-ific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic, and in every way better than the Pau-a-ce a. No matter how long it has been in use or how lately discovered Above all it must not contain anything not FURELV VKGKTADLK. $5,00 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hun Ire J Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nently cire more cases of Costiveuess, Constipation. Sick or Nurvo'S Headache, Liver "ompluinl, Uilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Uoiis. Loins, Side Head and Female Complaint than on. iv u rt' BLOOD CLE VNSER OR PANACEA, which is usel more extensively by practio ing physicians than auy other popular medioiua kuowu. For Sale by U. G. MES.SEM:K R and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY", Ridg- way, Pi Vln22yl. T(J ADVERTISERS. AU persons who contemplate m.iklng contracts with news papers for '.he iniettiou of Advertisements should sen I to GEO. P. ROWELL &'CG7 for a Circular, o inclose 25 cents for their ONE HUMORED PAGE PAMPHLET con taining Lists of 3,000 Newspapers anl estimates, showing the cost of -tdvertisiog. alsj many useful hints to advertisers, and soiiie account of the experiences nf men who are known as SUCCESSFUL ADVER TISERS. This firm are proprietors of tbe , American Newspaper dveriising Agency. ; .41 PARK ROW, IT. Y. I and are pnws-e-1 of uneiiualed facilities for securing the insertion of advertisement in all Newspapers an 1 Periodicals at lowest raies. vln37'21. FOR SALE. THE PROPER IT KNOWN AS "THE JOHMSONBURG COAL LOTS" with all the privileges possessed by the Wilmarth Coal Company, Applv to SAMUEL A. CROZER, Upland P. O., Delaware County, Penn'a. THE Tenth olunie of Wood's Household Magazine begins with Janu ary 1372. Its regular contributors in clude Horace Gree'.ey. Gail Hamilton, Thus. K. Heecher. Dr. V. W. Hall. James Parton. etc.- Harriott Beecher Stowe, Brick Potneroy, John G. Saxo. Maj. Genl Kilpatrick, Petrolinm V. Nasby, etc , write for it occasionally. Terms, One Dollar a year. Id clubbing, three first-class periodicals are eiven for the price of one of them. The most liberal Premium List ever published. No periodical is isore frequently or fa vorably mentioned by the press. "Wood's Household Magazine is one ol the monuments of business enrerpiise which mark tho aire." Methodist Home Journal, Philadelphia, Pa "It has beeu improving ever since wo knew it a pood criterion for tho future " Uourier, New Market. Canada 't is a marvel of cheapness and first class quality combined. New York Times Specimen copy senr tree to any address. S. S. WOOD & CO.. n46tf Newhurir N Y. )R SALE. flie village property, formerly owned bv Dr. Vf. Sliaw, at Oentreville, Elk Co , Pa. Consisting of t wo story house with Drug Store attache 1 for sale by DR. J. S. BORDWELL, a.26tf. Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa. Terms easy, part cash and balance on time. A good location for a physician. rW Aw AriOaTB. W S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAYt THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST-NO OTHER IN STOCK S TO rjESl HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! J SE STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. NATLPE'S HAIR' RESTORATIVE Contains no LAC SULPHUR !To SUGAR OF LEAD No LITH ARGE - No NITRATE OF SIL VER, and is entirely freo from tho Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric perfectly safe, clean and efficient. desideratums long sought for and found at last! It restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearance removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off. and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a diessing for the hair it is the best article in the market. Dr. O. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS. Gloucester, Muss The genuine is pu: up in a panel bottle, made expressly tor it, with tbe name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Drucgist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no ether. gtaySend two threa cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a -'Treatise oa the . .uuian Hair " The information tt con tains is worth $500.0.1 to any person. FOR SALE BY G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Miin Street, Ridgway, Pcnu'a. vlnllyl. established in 1830 WELCH &, GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill nisi,, iogs, and Machinery. r-Get the BEST, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reduced. Send for price List an Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich. 1-B19W3 BIT5I CARDS. A rath ICS, Attorney-at-Laf , i'igwn j ra. jXu. i JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, IHtf&. way, Elk county Pa. mr 2$ Gfil S. IUIL. Physician and Surgeon J, Kersey, Elk Co. Pa J O. W. BAILET, ATTORNKY-ATLAW. vln23yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Lifo and Acci dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. jTEVNOLOS HOUSE, EEY1T0LDSVILLS, JEFFERSON CO, ' PA. H. S. BELNAP, pBnrnrETon . TS. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclcotio Pliysican m Olhco and residence opposite tho Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway. Pa. Prompt attention will he given to nil ca'ls. Office hours: 7 to 8 A. M- s 12to2P M. : and 6 lo 7 P t " i ,,. ,. D R C. H. t uuuc.i. BOTANIC PIIYSrCfAN, Resilience and office opposite the Thayer llUUBCi ryi S. HARTLEY. M. !.. I Physician ana Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention gven to Surgery. Office house from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on corner of South nd Court streets, op posite ihe new Schoot House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. GO. AIESSEXOEft, Druggist and I'armaceiitist, corner Main nud .Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign anusDomostic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y. (1HARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street. Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tho Howe Sewing Machiue, nud Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with the samo accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. " DEALER IN BRY GOODS, CSOCESIES, PH07ISI01T3 PRODUCE, FRUITS, &c. vlo8tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, RmowAV, Elk Co., Pa. W. IT. SCI1 RAM, Proprietor Thankful for the patronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 180'J. rpiIE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, . Kane, MuKean Co., PaJ R. E. LOOK EH, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herotofore so liberally b istowed upon him. the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict, attention to the comfiirt and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of tho same. Tha only stables lor horses in Kane and well kept night or day. vln23yl. I TALL, & B HO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY PN1TSYLYANIA. JO.lSO. U ALL IAS. K. P. HAM, DR. O. WHIPPLE, Dentfil Surgeon. Oltice in Walker' linil l. ntf All Vin.Iu n dcnti-lry d)nointhe bst sH-lo. and all work warranted. II ) will visit Kino on the 1st. and 81; Wilcox on the lOili, 11th, and l.'ili; St. Mary's on tho 21st, 2Jd aud 23d of each month. At all other times lie can bo fouud at his oilico in Ridgway Pa. vln2yl. K EUSEY HOUSE, CentoHville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the coinfor; and convenience of gujsts, to merit a continuance of the same. WILDER, One Door East of the Post Office, Main St., Ridgwaj, Pa. , Fresh Fish every Thurs day. Fresh Oysters every day. vlnltt J.D PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots & Shoes, Main St., opposite Hotel, ov27y WiL3ox, Pa. an) most popular book with OU II. lustrations, likenesses of all the Presidents beautifully bound, and printed on tinted paper. THE NATION, Its Rulers and Institutions, .V ENGLISH AND GERMAN Nothing like it. Strikes everybody as just the book ihey need. It is an Encyclo. puedia of the Government, hingie page in it, are of themselves worth 'lie price of the book over 600 page and only $2.50 A RICH HARVEST, for Canvassere-l ladies and geuilemen farmers, teacher and students. One agent took 75 ordert in a few days, tei'iA circular alone, before thr book appeared. $20 AD IV can be oleared iu fai territory. Write at once for circur Ur and information. NEW WORLD PUB LIS H IN G CO.. Cor. 7th tivt U.U i. V hi!taipht TlnBTyf. '