Iliitat A. Tarsonh, Jr., Editor. FOR. GOVERNOR, HON. HENRY SOUTHER, 0? SCnUYLKTLL COUNTY. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29. 187C Headquarters Republican State Central Committee op Pennsyl- TANIA. Philadelphia, Feb. 5, 1872. In pursuance of the resolution of the Republican State Central Committee, adopted at Harrisburg Jan. 18, 1872, a Republican State Convention, ccniposed of Delegates from each Senatorial and Representative District, in tho number (o which such District is entitled in the Legislature, will meet iu the Hall of the House of representatives, at IIarrisbur;, nt 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, the 19th day of April, . D. 1872, to nomi uato candidates for Governor, Judge of the Supreme Court, Auditor General (should the Legislature provide for the choico of one by the people), and an Electorial Ticket; and also to elect Senatorial and Representative Delegates to represeut this State in tho Republican National Convention, to bo held at Philadelphia, June 5, 1872. RUSSELL ERRETT, Chairman. New Hampshire leads off next month in tha elections of the year, and tho Democrats are straining every nerve to gain the prestige which another ictory would give thein for the Presi dential canvass. TnE House Committee of Ways and Means, it is reported, have given up the idea of repealing the income tax this (cssion. The President's recommenda tion and the general expectation of the taxpapcrs thus so for nothing. The Kansas Legislature has passed a bill virtually doing away with capital punishment. It provides that nobody shall be hanged for murder until a year after conviction, and leaving it optional with the Governor to issue n warrant for ecccution. Under President Grant's administra. tion, a Republican Congress has cut down taxes to the amount of 8195,655. 0G8, and will reduce this Fcssion by 850,000,000 more. These are facts. Are the promises made by Democrats and disappointed Republicans worth more? The Harrisburg Telegraph says the Committee on the contest between Shortt and Green, of Warren county, for a seat in the Assembly, is likely to report io favor of Shortt retaining the seat. Investigation has shown Shortt's majority to be nearly 300, instead of 11, as was claimed for bim. It may interest somebody to know that there are in America and Europe more than two hundred manufactories of India rubber articles, employing some five hundred operatives each, and con suming more than 20,000,000 pounds of gum per annum. Telegraphy. Fiance has 27,000 miles of tel graph lines; England, 23 -000; Russia, 25,000. The United States has 75,000 miles -the equivalent of tho three countries named. North Germany has 15,000 miles; Austria, 10,000; the East Indies, 18,000; all America, outside of the Union, 11,000, and the rest of the world together less than this country aloue has. Foster, the car hook murderer, is to be hangsd on the 22d of next month. Pennsylvania produced 5,755,705 barrels of oil in 1871. Every fourth year, is set apart as be ing peculiarly the woman's year, because bhe has one more day to talk in than in auy other. The cost of tuition iu the public schools of New York is 819,75; in Bos ton, 821.85; San Franoisco, $21.83; Cin cinnati. 817,85; St. Louis, 816 S5. At Kejstooe, when a lady has a call from a gentleman for whom she bus no especial kindness, she receives him in a cold room, gets excused, goes out, and then lorgets to return. Before Paris became mistress of modes, Milan prescribed tho stylo for bonnets, heuoe the name millioer for the fabricators of the crowning of well dressed womanhood. Woman "ahead again. Glasher, the joionaut, ha& noticed that tho voice of a woman is audible in a balloon at the height of about two miles, while that ot a man has never reached higher than a mile. Geologists affirm that the eastern shore of the United States is sinking into the ooean at the rate of about oue-sixth of an iooh per anuum. or sixteen inches every hundred years. The island of New Yoik goes under at the rate ol seventeen iucbw per mrturyV ' Igg'j 'Al'l'Jli? . lJWWfBW??.t.-JJ-'.1 IL.J-lL'JJl . Why U.wi.Kt.n AwintNis I ' t Uat-pkn in Germany That most railway accidents, and especially thoe which are the result of collision, says n exchauee, can be avoided by proper care and foresight is undeniable. This is show by the compilative exemption from accident which some railroads in thin country, conducted on proper prin ciple, enjoy. Even in regard to the breaking of a rail, as in the Lehigh ac cident, which the coroucr's jury in that case treiiU us an "unt'ortunute und urn vaidablo" thing, it is said that in Ger many an accident bus never occurred irotn the breaking of rails. The New York Evening 7W says that not a per son in that country bus lost his life uor a person I eeu mutilated from this cause in all the thirty and more years that steam carriages have been ruuning on iron ways. The reason is plain. It is determined by scientific experiment how long iron will resist, on the average, the beatinsi of wheels, and then the law requires the railroad companies to put duwn Bew rails periodically, whether those in use exhibit signs of weakness or not While this involves expense, it is so managed as to be gradually dis tributed over a period of years, a small part of the road being renewed each year until the whole is completed within the given time. Here, on the contrary, upon many railway lines, littlo attentiou is given to the selection of rails, and less to their renewal at certain periods. Few companies incur the expense of substi tuting steel for iron rails, though the former are far mora durable. In like manner the Fame false economy in all that would givo increased security to '.he public is one of the chief causes of the irightful perils ot railway traveling. Artemus Ward was on a slow Cali fornia train, nnd he went to the conduc tor and suggested that the cow-catcner was on the wrong end of the train; for, said he, '"You will never overtake a cow, you know, but if you'd put it on the other end, it miht be useful, for now there's nothin' on earth to hender a a cow from walkiti' right iu and bitin' the folks'. Notice ! tlio matter of In n Fairer & Co., V nf t Bankrupts. J V. the District Court the U. S. for the Dis't. of Pa. In Bankruptcy. Western District of Pennsylvania. s: At Hllgwn.v, Pa., the tith day of Febru ary. A. "j. 1S72. This is to give notice that a second peneral nibelinsr of the creditor of said Bankrupts, will he hell nt Ridgway, in said district, on Wednesday, t lie loth day ot March, A. D . at. ''2 o'clock P. M. at the otiice of S. E. Woodruff. Esq., one of tho Registers in Bankruptcy in said District, for the purposes named in the twenty-seveutn Section of the Bankrupt Act ot .March Jim. IMU7. I am, sir. vour ohtdicnt servant, C.'H. McCACLEY, Assignee. Tlnl9t3. A'itiNlS WANTED. MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOS ! ROUGHING IT, 13 READY FOR CANVASSERS. It is n companion volume to NNOCENTS AliROA of which 100.000 Conies D," Have already been ordered, and is still one jf the best selling bonks out. Don't waste time on books ni one wants, but take one people will stop you in the streets to subscribe for. 'Thero is a time to laugh," nud all who read this book will see clearly that time lias come. Apply nt once for territory, Circulars, and Terms. Address DUFFIH'jD ASIIMEAD, Publisher. 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. THE M NUTACTUR-BS OF THE P eliance Wringer, Have had unusual opportunities of ascer taining what is wanted, and of produc ing a perfect machine They have brought out an entirely New Wringer, which they cul" tho "PROVl'l )ENCE." New 1871 Perfect A GREAT IMPROVEMENT OVER ALL OTHER WRINGERS. WRINGS FASTER THAN BY HAND. We consider the Providence superior to all others, for the following reasons: 1st. The ROLLERS, of Urge size and best quality of White Rubber, are all se cured to tut-ir Shafts in the most perma nent manner, by the Moullon Process, mak. ing thehest Roller in t lie World. lid The PATENT MENTAL JOURNAL CASINGS prevent any wear upon the journals. The wooden joi'rnal in which the iron shafts of other "machines run, soon wear, and the efticienoy of the Wringer is there by greatly reduced. 3d. Th) DOUBLE S?lRLCOGS ufed on this Wringer give the utmost ease and seadiness in working, while the double stop prevents them from bottoming or be ing thrown out of gear. We furnish either single or double gear Providence, as de sired. 4th. The ADJUSTABLE CURVED CLAMP readily adjusts this Machine to tubs of any size or thickness, making a per fect fastening. No wooden pegs or rubber straps on this Clamp. 6th. SIMPLICITY STRENGTH and BEAUTY, are combined in this Machine, with all the requisites of firstolass Wringer. PROVIDENCE TOOL CO., Providence, R. I. 11 Warren Street, New York IT SK MILLION L'F Li E.i SAVED. It Is one of the ruoiit remarkable faaln at this remarkable age, not that so many persons are the victims of dyspepsia or in digestion, but. its willing riotims. Now, we would not be understood to say that any one regards dyspepsia with favor, or feels disposed to rank it among the luxuries of life. Far from it. Those who have ex perienced its torments would sooul nich an idea. All dread it, and would gladly die. penso with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Taplcy. who was jolly under all ths trying circumstances in which he was placed, never hai an attack of dyspepsia, or -his jolity would have speedily forsaken hiin. Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There are disc ises more acute and painful, nnd whioh more frequently prove fatal, but none the effects of which are so depressing the body. If there is a wretched being in the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We have said that dysrensia is Derhnns tlio most universal of human diseases. This is imphatically the case in the United States. Whether this general prevalence is due to the characier of the food the method of its preparation, or the hastv manner in which it is usually swallowed. s not our province to explain. The ereat fret with which we are called to deal is his: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univei sally. Nearly every other person vou meet is a victim, an apparently willing one; were his not the ease, why so many sufferers, vhen a certain, speedy and safe remedy is within the easy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? But sa's a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to which we reply: This great allevntor of human suHering is almost as widely known as the Lnglish language. It has allayei the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carry- comfort ond encouragement to thousands nt others, tins acknowledged panacea is noi.e other than Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN. BITTERS Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful premutation than can be learned from the experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it. has failed to lulhl the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then nbsndon faith iu it. LET IT UK KE t EM If EKED, first of all, llmt HOOFL AN D'S GERMAN BITTERS is -j irum hevrage. They are composed wholly of the pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is not a mere assertion 1 lie extracts trom which they are compounded are prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all case : of the miliary ysletu. Hoon.nds German Hitters stand without an equal, aclirg piomptly and vigorously upon the liver; they remove its torpidity an 1 cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying tho stomach with the most indispensable eleniPiita of sound digestion in proper pro portions. They purify the blood, cleansing the vital fluid of all hurtful impurities and su pUming them with the elements of genuiuo ho ilthfulncsi. Now, there arc certain classes ot per- so"8 to whom extreme Hitters are not only unpalatable, bet who find it impossible to take them without positive discomfort. For such Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC has been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight a coholio stimulant is require 1 in connection with the we.! known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Jiittcrs. HOOFLAND'S T )NIC acts with almost m irvelous effect. It not orly stimulates the nagging and wasting energies, but invig rates mid permanently strengthens Hs action upon the Liver and Stomach lliorougi, perhaps less prompt than the Bitters, when tne same quantity is taken is none the less certain Indigestion, Uilhousness, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. U gives the invalid a new and stronger hold upon life, removes de pression of spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. Hut Dr. Hoofland's bencfactious to the human race are not confined to his celchrated GERMAN HITTERS, or hi invaluable Tonic, lie has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning us way to popular tavor because of its in trinsic metits. This i HOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi tute for mercury without any of tueroury's evil qualities. These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to act upon the Liver, are mainly com posed of P(.dophyllin, or the vital princi pie of the mandrake root.. It is the medi cmal virtues ot tins health-smug plant in a perfectly pure and highly concentrate form. The loilophyltin acts directly on the Liver, stimulating its functi .ns and causing it to make its hilliary secretions in regu'ar aud proptr quant. ties. The nfju nous results winch invariably follow th uso of mercury is entirely avoided by their use. Hut it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are exerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with tour other ex tracts, one of which acts upon th i stomach one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lo-.ver bowel', aud prevents any gripiu effect, thus producing a pill that influences the enfre digestive and alimen'arr system in an equal aud harmonious mauner, aud its action entirely .ree from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. Possessing 'hese much desirable qualities the l'ouophyllin becomes mvaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without them They are perfuctly safe, require but for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cicut in action, ana when used in connco tion wan vt. uoonauu s uerman bitters. or Tonic, may be regarded as certain sue cities in nil cases of Liver Complaint, Dys. pepsia, or any ot tne uisoruers to wnic the system is ordidarly subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and bjwels, carryin off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tonio purity tne bloou, strengthen an invigorate tne lrimo. give toue and appi tile to the stomach, aud thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. Hoolland, having provided internal remedies tor disease, bus given the world one mainly for external applicati n, in the wonderful preparation known as Db. HOOFLAND'S GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pain and aches or all Hinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache. Chilt lains. Sprains. Barns, Pain iu the Hack and Loins, Ringworms, etc., etc, all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart hums, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colic, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, ('ramps, Pains in the Stomach, Colds, Asthma, eto 1 bese remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to th PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 631 ARCH ST, PHILADELPHIA CHAS. M. EVANS. Proprietor. Former! C. M. JACKSON Sl CO I That tccmediet art for tale by VrugguU 8toreketjtr$, ma flMtnm lhaiert every O RAILROADS f-HILALELPBlA EEIB BAIXROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY. NON. 20th, 1871, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia- 6.20 p.m. " " Ridgway - 9.27 a. m. " " arrive ot Erie 2.50 p. m, ErieExpleaves Philadelphia. ..12 80 p. m " " ' Ridgway 2.15 a. m. " " arrive at Erie 7 40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova. ...1.80 a. m. Ridgway,..0 0!)p. m. " . arr at Kane 7.30p. m. SASTWARU. XtA Train leaves Erie 11.25 a. m. " " " , Ridgway 4.55 p. m. " " arrive at Philad'a... 6.80 a. m. Erie Express leaves Ene u 9.00 p. m. " " ' Pidgway... 2.06 a. m. " " arat, Philadelphia.. 3 30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6.00 . m. " " Ridgway... 7.55 a. m. " arr at St. Marys 8.35 am. " leaves St. Marys 8.40 a m. " arr at Rcnovo 12.10 p.m. Mail East connects cast and wett at Erie with LSAMS R W and at Corry and Irvineloa with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Mail West with west bound trains on L S & M S R W and at Corry and Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allogtieny R R W. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L 8 and M S R east and west and at Corry with O C and A U R if. brie Accommodation Last, at, Corry and rvineion witu u U ana A R R W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l 8up't. NEWTIMR TAHLE. Commencing November 20th, 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. It. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND PO INT3 ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE' K. R. OOINO SOUTH". Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 23 p oi rrives nt Pittsbureh' 8 55 p ni Night Express leaves Oil City 9 30 p m Arrives at, rittsbureh 6 40am Mail leaves Oil City 9 45 a m rrives at Pittsburgh. 6 00 p m arVer's Accom; leaves Oil City 7 15am Arrives at. Parker's 1015 am manning Aocom. leaves Oil City 4 OU o m rrives at, Kitianning 9 10 p m aoisa NORTH". Day Express leaves Pi tsburg at 7 50 a m rrives at Oil City at 2 2o p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 20 p m Arrives at Oil City - 5 45 am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 11 50 am arrives at Oil Citv ( II ) p m Parker's Accom leaves Parker 6 00 p in Arrives at Oil City 9 15 p in Kittaning Accom. leaves Kittn'g 7 05 i m Arrives at Oil City 12 20 : m Close Connections made at Corry lor Pittsburgh with trains East and West on l . & E. R. R. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains bet ween Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask lor Tickets via Allegheny v alley R. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supf. F YOU WANT TO KUY O GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & II AGERTY Main Street, Ridgway. Pa.J DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS, SHOliS, IIAl'.S AN I) (JAPs, GLASS AND QUKKN'! VRH, WOO ) SD WILLOW. WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Grocsries aai Provisions. The IJEST 15 RANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hani. add sold as cheap as tho CHBAFEiT. TH AYER & II AGERTY. In2. The Improved Gerard Orold Gold UUIchcs, 89 00 812 00 815.00 818.00 t TE have recently brought our Oroide V Gold metal to such .perfection that it is difficult for the best judges to distin- quish it from gold. The $9 wato'ies are with patent escapement movements; in ap pearance and for tine equaling a gold one costing 3100. The f 12 are full jeweled patent lever, equal to $130 gold watch. The $15 are the same as the last but a finer finish, nickle movements, equal to one cost ing $175. And the $18 watches are of a fine finish with full jeweled American lever movement, equaling a gold one costing $200. They are all in hunting cases, gent's and ladies sizes, and guaranteed for time and wear by special certificate. Also elegant designsof gent's and ladies chains from $1 to $4, and jewelry of all kinds. Goods seut O O. D. Customers per mitted to examine what they order bnfore paying bill, on payment of express eharges. When six watches are ord-red at one time we will send an extra watch of the game quality free. For further particulars send for ciroular. Address JAMES GERARD & CO., 85 Nassau Street, New York, P. O. Box 3,301 Nov. 30, 1872-vln37m6. RAILROAD. From and af-sr Monday, Feb. 6th 1871. Trains will ran on this Road as follows: Leaves Kirloy 7 3 ) a ra , arrives at Dajmcahnuda .function 8 10 a. m., ooo iiectiur with Aooom east 8 14 . m., and with Mail west at 9 15 h. m. Leaves La"usc4hnnda at v.SJ a. m , anives at EarlevlOOO a. m Leaves Eariey 3 30 p m., and arrives at Di uscuhooua at 5.00 D m , connecting with Mail east at 5 09 p. ni , and Ac commodation west at 5.40 p. ni. In case P. & K. traine are late, Dagus- cahouda train holds twenty minutes be yond the above t'me. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of ths Throat and Lungs, uoh u Coughs, Golds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among the graat discoveries of modern science, few iue of more real vnlue to mankind thnn this ef fectual remedy for nil diseases of tlio Throat and Lungs. A vast trial of Its virtues, throughout this nud other countries, has shown thnt It does surely nnd effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi, tens, of nil classes, establishes the fact, that CiiEitRT Pkctokal will and does relieve nud cure the nfllicting disorders of the Thmat nnd Lungs beyond any other medicine Tho most yield to its power; nnd cases of Cousunip tion, cured by this preparation, nro public ly Known, so retnnricauie n nanny io uc ue lleved, were thoy not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public may ro;y for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it khvch unnumbered lives, and an amount of siill'ering not to be computed. It challenges trial, nnd con vinces tho most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand ns a protection tlio early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary AH'ectiotis, which are easily met at first, but wliich become Incurable, and too ofton fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence; nnd it Is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, umid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Ciikiuit I'mctiikai. is Invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued froin prematura graves, nnd saved to the love and nffection centred on them. It acts speedily and surolv against ordinary colds, securing sound nnd health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influriizn and pain ful Bronchitis, whon they know how easily tliev can be cured. Origiimlly tho product of long, laborious, ntnl successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every Dottie iu tho utmost possible perfection. It iriay bo confidently re lied upon ns possessing all the virtues it has over exniuueo, mm ,:a)iuoic tn iinmiii. ni t-nir, n, memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPABED DT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Clicmlnts. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. G. G. MESSENGER, D.-u?!ist, ludgway. Pa. MATjTJS VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its nigu siaiiuui u j auu ib s uiw on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gkay or Faded Haik to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old nge. It is the most economical Hair-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, flossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, IJ)., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Bold by all Druggist land Dealert in Medicintt. Frioe One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. HA l!li: INGREDIENTS THAT COV.POSK KOSADAIIS are p d-Iislied on every package, there fore it is no, a secret p cp.iration, jcoiiscqiiciilly ;FKISICI lS FRESCniSE IT It is a cerium euro for f;criili!.i, Svpliili j in ull i Is l. rnis, I.Le'.iin i Umii, bkin l)i:icii!0, J.tvrr Coin ;ilaii:t and all liiiicuxeu of t c Ulood. will do moro pood than ten linttlc. o( I he iSymps of liar. , pinli.i THE UNDLRSiaMtO PHYC101AN:! haveiii.'! Rewadalmio tbeirpraetire for llie p.ibl three years ni .1 1' . 'y eoiloiwi it us a relialdu AKermivi and liiood Turilicr. DU. T. C. rum, of Baltimoie. DR. T. J. IiOVKIV, ", l)lt H. (.: AXtH. ' nit. v. o. r'viXY, DU. J. S. SPAKlvS, ol Nichnlaavi . ,Da."j'L. KcCARTHA, Coluir.': S. C. DR. A. fl. NOELI'.S, rugecoir.b, : zzzj) ad rrro?. . J. B. 1TvF..V IlttONS, ! M.... P. V. S, i V. V. V lii.. Ull. 1..1UJ, 11. 11 t I., I .ir" Oh i. ;-n.A . & y.t bo.o, ':'e. a. f :r sf " n-t r' . -I i j i 1 .. -o' I .. 'i , fiiiw'iiit nir i , er:or ii v t y i I iu mo t"f n t oi ' ; mid to I ' is i.J ).. . KnsarlnU' Is s ' I 1 , lce fct.Jii p.r V- i...:. . 13. C" ;- 9avt RJ0SADAU8 T JLaJl Pv-WELL & KIME Powell & Khne Having erected a large and well arranged new Btoro Home on the old site, since tlio fire, and filled it from ciMnrto garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, tire fully pre pared t) reccivctliolr aid customers, and supply tbuir wants al bottom figures WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. Their aciorttneiit is now ctmplele, com prising DHY GOOD3, OROCEIUE3, CLOCKEIU, IIAKDWAKE, CLOTH IN G, BOOT3 AND SHOES, HATS AND CATS, NOTIONS, el?., etc. FORK. FLOUR. SALT. Feed, Beans 13 u 1 1 e v IHUED APPLES, Dill ISO PEACI1E.- Canned Goods. In short everything w inted iu the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME- CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVEYRBODY Alio a full itook of MANILLA ROPE of the best manumoture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes. Ci Alt AHD Hi E SINGER Manufacturing Company. AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, Conslifnted by the homes of the p;oplo Receivtd tlio Great Award of tho HIGHEST SALES ! Anil have left all rivals far behind tlieo for they solo j.v iro One Hundred and Twotity-soven Thousand, Eight Iluudri'd and Thirty-three Mnrhine! hcing more thnn forty thousand in advance of el Mr salts ot ihe previovs year, and aver fort ;i -four thvunamt more ti'n the naltn of o)i otur CvtnjitiHi for lb70. as shown by the following figures from Bwoin re turns of the sale of licensees. The f'injzer Muniit'acti.r iup Company so'd ovir the Florence Sf w.i g M icliin,! Co. 101.172 Mashluea. Sold over the Wilcox & Cihhs S M. Cn.. 08, IMS dt H'ui over the Weed Sew ing Machine Co., 02.S35 do So'd over the Glover & lUker S. M. Co. 70,431 .-old over the Howe Ma- do cMiie C 52, 077 I over W:lon :lil ot U: i M ! t V of die Wheeler & Miin'iu Co., 41 024 li i" luiilii'y owing to da the popu- v.f.'il m Known n the am in Sl-.WINii MAi'lll.Ni:.'' which in now fmJina iin w.iv into every well re-.i !:i,. liouscle old. For Circulars Kivinsf :n'.i ;'Mfl icnlnrs f M.H'Ui'ies, their Folding; i M-.isot u-niiy virieiii s of woo l and finish. il;:.':r Ait.i-ir.oeiii.i for ii'iine; oils liilu'i) of wei'lv. which, till r.'cetilly, il .v ii si thuuglu n-it ilelicr.l;' lingers 'ili.ue eeuld perform. k tell 4 I l.y Ihe uii riciitir all articlei ir M climci. su'h Twist, i.iueil Thread, .-: -ipp'.y to uoy of pool Com on, Mil. &e., their .iiuhonzcd Agent,. ir l i T1IK I? I NT. Kit MA.NL'FACtL'lMSv CO., 4'S P.rnndwny, New York, riiiltidelphin O.'icu Hob' Chestnut Sl. Il'd-jwa j'13ir.7. v I ii 1 r T I3UEOSOOP l: . VliiWS. ALRUMS, C HROMOS. BR AMES. I.T. ANTHONY & CO.. H RKOAUWAV, Mirt OKK, nvite tlie attention of the I rude t their xtei.five tixnoriiiienl of the uliove frooJs. of ir i-wn I'utjticaiion, aurl wtpurlattuH. Also, 'IIOTO LANTERN SLIDI3 and GRAl'IlOriOOFKS.. ! OF YOt'WMlTIfi. NEW TIEW; E. & 11 T. ANTHONY k CO.. o'JI Itniii.hviv, New Vork, CppoHite .Metropolitnn Hotel Importers and Mauufitolurers of ' I'lIOTJGH.vrillC M.VTER1ALS. vln'Jyl. NEW I.IVIUIY STA11LE RIDGWAY. DAN SCRII5NER WISHES TO IN- form tho Citizens of Hide; way, nJ the public gcLerully, thnt he has sturtedn Lit ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Dnggies, to let upon the most reasooa ble terms BfjL.Ho will also do job teaaing. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the r.-'StOlfioe, on Mil' street. All orders left nt the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. If. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judco Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J. T. Honk. District AUornoy J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff D. C Oyster. Prothonotury o , Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Henry U. Derr. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners llobt. Campbell, John Barr, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George 1). Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wtlmsley. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kernep and Charles Mead. TIME OF UOLDISa COURT. Fecond Monday in January. Second Monday in April First Monday in August. I First Nmdty in NsTswtfc