The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 22, 1872, Image 4

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    A Fruit Ranch ia California.
A Stookton (Col.) corrpnponclant of tho
N. Y. Tribune writes : Tho fruit of Cal
ifornia is .now known find eaten of nil
men, and womon too, at least in our own
country. Eut nil do not know it in its
best estate. Ago does not iniproro it, ns
it does wino Mid men. To appreciate
its delicate flavors and its sweet luseious
ncss, ono must seek it wbero it grows
and taste it. not long after it hns been
broken from tho stem on which it grow.
It has been my good fertuno to siond
several weeks on a fruit ranch which is
reputed to bo ono of tho best in tho
State. And I havo esteemed myself
happy to be there, not onco only, but
thrice, nt different seasons of tho year,
and so havs had a ohanco to make my
self familiar with tho various operations
connacted withtlia carrying on of a fruit
lly last visit was in the oeasou of tho
vintage Shall I ever .forget those lus
cious Hamburg grapos'f The White
Muscats commend thomsulves to many
and gain thoir proforonco. But givo mo
Hnmburgs, black, juicy and rich, and I
will not look beyond for anything bet
ter. Were I to arraign them for imper
fection, there would be but ono count in
the indictment. They tempt to nver-in-dulgence
in tho eating.
From a benevolent reganl tor ttioso
who wcro not, ns I was, ablo to come
hero, and seo and taste and believe, I
asked tho owner ef tho ranch for items
in regard to tho proceeds of his fruits,
which I carefully noted down. These I
will unravel and spread out beforo tho
eyes of any one who cares to know what
nro tho particulars of tho management
of such a ranch, and what are tho bene
fits accruing therefrom.
This ranch lies on tho Sacramento
Iliver, about a scoro of miles below tho
renowned city of tho same name. The
land bordering tho river between Sac
ramento nnd San Francisco is consider
ed as good for fruit as any in tho State,
and it is now mainly used for orchards
of tho difforont kinds of fruit. Tho river
affocts tho soil for about 40 rods back ifl'
it, so that to that extent tho fi-uit never
fails on account of drouth. On tho east
sido of tho river the bank is well leveed,
so that on that sido they uro secure
from damago by flood. I beliovo tho
west sido is not so woll protected.
Tho market for tho fruit, ns also for all
tho other products of these ranches, is
Ran Francisco. There are no dealings
with Sacramento. Tho largro steamers
that ply between that place and San
Francisco mako but few landings be
tween these points, and aro not depend
ed unon for ileitis way business. Two
small steamboats como up and go down
on alternate days, and do a sort of pen-
em! ferrying business. They stop, first
on ono sido of tho river, then on tho oth
cr, wherovor there is anything to put off
or tako on. I ho clerk ot ono or these
boats testified that they had on ono trip
taken down as many as five thousand
packages or separate things, nnd that
about tl-eo thousand was nn average
number. The office of deck'hand is no
sinecure on those boats. Nothing is
ever put into barrels. Potatoes aro sent
iu sacks. Apples, poiws, gi'ajvcs, and
quinces in boxes, most nil other kinds of
fruit in baskets. They uro consigned in
this slmpe to somo wholesale dealer iu
Ran Francisco, who returns tho baskets
and boxes only in exceptional easos,
when tho fruit is sold in that which con
tains it.
The ranch, whoso particular history I
am to relate, was purchased 12 years ago
by tho present owner, for $3,000. It
was at that time in part under cultiva
tion, with orchards old enough to have
trees in bearing. The house, in which
tho owner has lived ever since, was al
ready built. Tho ranch contains a uec
tien, G10 acres, with a frontage of a mile
on tho river. This whole frontage,
which makes about 00 acres, is in fruit
of various kinds. Of this, 13 acres are
in grapes, 7 in ieara ; the remainder is
divided between apples, apricots, cher
ries, plurao, peaches, quinces nnd figs.
Two years ago tho receipts of this ranch
from all its products aggregated $12,000.
This year, though tho yield is greater
than over before, tho price of fruit being
so much less, tho net profits will not ex
ceed $7,000. I shall record tho items
that go to mako up this amount, and bc
frin with tha pears. A box of pears con
tains 40 pounds. Tho shipping of theso
was commenced tho last of May, The
Madalino variety was the first sent to
market. Of these, 500 boxes were sold
nt $1 per box, tho fruit at first selling nt
7 cents per pound. Xoxt came tho
Bloodgood nnd Dearborn seedling.
' Thoro wero GO boxes of theso. At first
thoy sold for if 2.50 per box, then camo
down to $1 as tho season advanced. Tho
linrtlett camo noxt. Of theso n car-load,
420 boxos. was sold to pro East, at $1.50
per box. In Now York they brought
50 per box. Those contained (50
paunds. Beside these, thoro wcro 200
boxes of Bartlotts soli in San Francisco
at $2 per box.
Tho White Doyenno pear camo next
There were 50 boxes of theso, which sold1
at $1 per box. Then camo that little
jewel of a pear, tho Sockel. Throo hun
dred boxes of theso sold at an avoraM of
v-2 per box. Two hundred boxes of
winter pears, at 1 per box, and 100
boxes sundries, not includod in tho pre
vious statcmont, mako up tho list of poars,
Ulierries aro "onerally very prehtablo,
The yieid por tun, in money, is greater
than that ot almost any other truit. But
through misapprohension in regard to
the nuturo of tho soil, which proved to
bo nlkili, tho cherries on this ranch
proved almost a failure. Had tho soil
been ns sunnosod. tho Drofits of the eher
ry orchard would have boon somo $ 4,000
per annum. As it is, only $200 wero re
ceived this year, though last year tho ro
ceipts wcro $500.
lhcre is something very strango
about tnid alkiii soil. In the pear or
chard thore aro rews of trees extending
all the way through, in which tho trees
aro dwarfed to half tho sizo of thoso
that grow on each sido of them, and tho
pears that grow on theso trees aro so ex
ceedingly bitter that no use can bo made
of thorn. lucre hnppenccl to be a
streak of nlkili running through tho soil
jst thore. Thoro wore 150 baskets of
plums sent to market, which brought $1
por baskot. Of figs, 100 baskets, bring
ing fom 75 oonts to $1.50 per basket.
Of apples there wcro 2,000 boxes of
nn averajjo of $1.25 per box. Tho vine
yard furnished 1,500 boxes of grapes.
Tho Ilamburgs averaged $1.50 per box;
tho Muscats $2. There were more than
twice 88 many Muscats us Ilamburgs
This it what the G aires aortus tho
river front produood. There aro 6b0
acres back of thin to bo heard from.
From this 200 acres aro to bo subtracted
for tule luuds. Are there any who are
not initiated iata tho mysteries of tulo
lands ? Let such hearken to the voice
pi instruction and learn.
In the first place, tho land on which 1
tho tulo grows pronounced in two syl
lables in order to mako tho most of it
is a marsh, nnd tho tulo is tho father of
nil bulrushes. It grows sometimes tho
hoight of 10 or 12 feet. But such stalks
nre giants. Tho avorngo height to which
thoy attain is 4 or 5 feet. Ono peculiar
ity "about them is that thoy grow to this
height without seam or joint, ornnysuch
thing. On tho top of tho stalk thero is
a tuft or crown, suoh ns a fractional part
of a head of sorghum would mako. Bo
sido tliis thoro is noither leaf nor excros
conco of any kind. Theso stalks grow
so thickly together that it is impossiblo
for man or benst to go through or be
tween them. Tho only way is to go
over thcin. They can bo broken nnd
bent down so that one can walk over as
on a sort of bridge several feet from the
ground. Theso marshes dry as tho sum
mer advances, and in the fall or early
winter the tulcs are set on fire. When
burning thoy rcsetnblo the prairie fires.
Sometimes tho very air ia black with
tho darkness they occasien, and tho cin
ders aro wafted miles and fall like snow
flakes for thickness. Wo bo unto tho
laundress whoso clothes nre exposed to
the murky shower.
From theso 200 acres of tulo land 100
is to bo subtracted for n lake when tho
water is too deep for tho tule to grow.
This year, having been nn exceptionally
dry year, .tho water in tho lnko evapor
ated for the second time in twelvo years,
oarlv enough in tho season to admit of
planting tho ground. The soil is of un
surpassed rioliness. Such melons, such
squashes, and such vegetables of various
kinds as were produced there must be
seen in order to be convinced of. A
statement of weights and measures
would seem fabulous to one not accus
tomed to the enormous productions of
California products.
It will bo readily inferred from what
has been said, that a system of drainage
is all that is needed to convert those
wns'io tulo lands to tho most productivo
fields. A general system of drainage is
now- exciting public interest, nnd pro
bably somo plan will bo speedily udopt
ed whereby thousands of acres that now
lio waste and aro worse than useless,
will bo made to bring forth abundantly
bread lor man and food lor beast.
Tho residue of the ranch under con
sideration is dovoted to dairy purposes.
lhoro are now kept about lorty cows,
from which thero is a yield of about 100
pounds of butter a week. This is sent
to San Francisco, 'and is sold at an aver
age for the year of U7 1-2 cents per
pound. Tho cows aro not housed in
winter, though they are fed a part of
tho time.
There aro 30 acres f Alfalfa, which is
the same as Chili clover or lucerne. This
is wonderfully productive and proita
bk Tho cattle feed upon it from No
vember until May, when they are turned
off, mid ufter that three crops of hay aro
cut, ono crop being permitted to stand
until the seed is ripe. Tho seed com
mands a ready markut, and in this case
averages tho owner about $300 a year.
Tho present year 200 cords ot wood
have been cut which havo been sold nt
wholesale on tho bank nt $3 pev cord.
About $500 worth ot beet, ut an aver
age of $33 per head, is sold annually.
All theso items in regular array make
up tho income before stated from this
Of courso the master docs not sleep
while all theso procosses go on. Ho is a
prompt and attentive business man.
Everything is kept up to tho mark. But
such a life ns his is wonderfully free
from anxiety, as things go in this world,
and that harrowing care that is caused
by fluctuation and mutation in business.
Thero never lias been a failure ot crop ;
apparently thero is no danger of it. As
long as tho blessed sunshine continues
to come to give richness to the pear and
sweetness to tho grape, bo long will the
harvest be sure to be gathered, m. to
watch theso delicious fruits grow and
ripen, und then send them away to give
pleasuro to thousands whoso hearts will
be made glad by tho eating thereot. 11ns
surely is tho icsthcties of farming. Add
to this satisfaction tho rich returns that
flow back to tho owner. What better
thing to do would one want iu this
world ?
Nouo but Chinamen arc employed on
this ranch. Of theso from four to ten,
according to tho season, nro kept nt
work. In tho winter they plough,
prune, graft and set out ; in tho sum
mer they gather in. Ono of theso Cin
namon hn3 lived six or seven years on
the ranch, nnd ho acts as interpreter and
director to the others. They have been
found faithful to any trust confided in
them. A year ago last summer, tho
owner of tho ranch went East, with his
family, in March ; again ho went in
September. Each time ho was absent
six weeks, lio left everything, both
times, in charge of tho Chinamen, nil
tho packing, shipping everything.
When ho returned, ho found that they
had been faithful to the charge they had
to keep.
many of our ordinary farmers know
anything about proht and loss nt tho
year's end. And yet why should thoy
not ( Wo hnvo heard them remark : "It
is a great bother. Wo know how much
money wo had nt tho commencement of
tho year, and how much at tho end, nnd
what differenco does it mako ?" It
makes just this differenco. You know
just how you stand. Just who owes
you, ana to whom you nro indobted. By
jonr books you may tell just what each
crop cost. Nay, what each individual item
in tho crop costs ; -and, therefore, nro en
abled to find nt any time, nnd for nnv
series of yonrs, the profit or loss on each
crop, nnd consequently what crop pays
best for one year or a series of years.
On largo estates bookkeeping is very
complicated, becauso the farmer, having
a threefold profession that of producer,
manufacturer nnd morchnnt Lis deal
ings nro largo and necessarily more com
plicated than thoso of tho ordinary
farmer. Ono quarter of ono per cent, of
tho gross sales of nny farm would pay
for keeping tho books, and this cost
would be decreased proportionately with
tho increase of tho size of the farm, un
til tho estate becamo largo enough to
employ the entire timo of nn account
ant, and tho saving would pay tho cost
ten or twenty times.
We havo beforo us at Ihis writing n
detailed statement, of tho cost of raising
n crop of 110 acres of wheat, including
every item, from ploughing tho land, to
tho threshing, cleaning and delivery of
the grain to tho buyer, showing each in
dividual action connected with the crop.
The average profit was $5.!3.'l 47-100 per
aero. If the farmer should keep such
nn account from year to year, ho would
soon see what crop or animals pay the
best, and be enabled to givo his atten
tion exclusively to that class of crops or
animals. There is no doubt but tho
want of proper farm-books costs tho
farmer as much as they would tho busi
ness man, even in this ono direction
ulono. One troublo has been that tho
books prepared for tho farmer, under so-
called appropriate headings, havo been
faulty and intricate in the extreme lor
tho ordinary farmer, to begin with, nil
that is wanted is a simple account book,
with xpaco for a complete inventory,
with values, of everything on tlu farm,
from the land down through tho im
provements, stock, fixtures, to tho most
simple implement on the premises. The
value of theso is the capital employed.
Now everything that costs money tho
farmer is debtor to, and what brings
money, must be carried to its credit. If
this is done on separate pages n balance
may bo shown at nny time whether
debit or credit, and soon it will become
easy to separate this into different heads,
showing what the family receives and
produces, tho cost and production of
each'field, nnd crop, and by a little prac
tice tho farmer will soon he enabled to
know what anything and everything
costs about tho farm, even to tho min
utes details. Bookkoeping is the ground
work to sicess in trade, nnd in no in
dustry in life is it mdro necessary than
to the farmer, nnd no farmer's son
should bo considered competent to man
age a farm until ho understands this im
portant part of furm economy. Wettern
Tho Tides.
Tho tides purify nnd wash tho shores,
cleaning nud (swooping our ports; tho
currents, which result therefrom, disen
cumber our roadsteads of tho masses of
mud which load them, clear tho mouths
of rivers, nnd produco a puro nnd whole
some freshness. Thoso undulations of
tho ocean, theso powerful pulsations of
tho water, nre influonccd by stars which
nro separntcd from our planets by mil
lions of loagues ; nor havo they less
mathematical regularity than that whioh
directs thoso planetary bodies them
selves. At a fixed hour tho formidablo
masses of wate raised by an invisiblo
power, ri?o nnd approach tho shore
They rise, they precipitate themselves
with resistless power, but only to step
gently at a precise moment, without over
passing tho boundary which Nature has
traced. It is surely an honor to tho hu
man race to havo succeeded in calculat
ing tho very hour, nay, tho exact min
ute, in which the escalations ot the sea
begin and end in every part of our globo.
Nevertheless, ns yet unknown combi
nations will, nt times, produco terrible
disasters that Qannot bo avoided by any
foresight or precaution. Thus, occasion
ally, a powerful wind happens to blow
in the same direction with the tide, nnd
givej it incredible forco and fury. No
lofty embankment reared by tho hand of
man, no rocky rampart raised by Naturo
herself, can then withstand its power,
and towns are swept away in nn instant,
and thousands of persons lose their lives.
In-somo parts of tho globo fho tido pro
duces remarkable effects from the pe
culiar formation of tho coast which it
strikes. Tho most striking inutanco is
that of the island of Mauritius, where a
long rocky promontory runs far out into
the son, and has been worn by tho waves
into numerous raves and grottoes of
marvellous beauty and grotosqucnoss.
Tho waters havo forced for themselves
an outlet through tho roof of ono of
these jfavos, and when tho tidal waves
reachtho coast it fills the cave, and
then, with indiscribable grandeur, flies
through the opening to a height of sixty
feet, accompanied by a thundering roar
which is heard for miles out nt sea.
From the " Wonder or' Water."
The sinall-pox prevails in Auburn
Prison, and tho agent dryly erges the
people to keep out of the institution.
DrapepeJa and OonttrraeM Cured With-
out Medicine.
I will forwnrd lo fin address, on receipt of
FIFTY CBNIS, ft pr!ntod prescription that will
cure any cusn i,f Iwv.pcpjla or Costivcnes,
however obsiinate.i 'J'lic remedy is very clienp
and plonsant. Tlio aniiles nro kept in most
fom hntitpa, nnd uro' obtninrd nnvwhtio.
Address Dr. S. N. Thomis, l'liolps, N. Y.
Columbus discovered America, lint it Ims
Ijivh found that the only economical film fur
hlldrcn nre the rtdebrnlcd SILVER TIPPED
never weir out nt tha toe nnd nre n-orlh
two pairs without Tips.
All dealers Bell them. .
To TUB Ptrniio. Wo know of r,o remedy
equal to Jacks ?'( Catarrh r-KCFF nnd
TitnonK Powpttn, for Catarrh, Asthma, I om
of Voice, &o. Is mild, plpnsutit, ftRroeahle to
use. and a nrn euro. Ak vour dnmoist for
it, er mail StCi ccnu to Cobi'GR, Witaoi A
Co., Vhifciddltdiia. '
Do tint lie deceived. UABLE SCREW
WIRE Bunts und Klines are thu cheapest,
l-atieH, dilet, and most duralile ever worn.
Try tbem.
All bear tlie Patent t:tnmp.
Tho publication by TilE KvE.vixu
MAIL of a weekly edition is a cheerful
sign. Vo havo watched its courso for
several years. It has steadily climbed
into an assured and permanent success.
If it has ever pandered to pernicious
taste, or purchased popularity by politi
cal partisanship, or secured personal fa
vor by personal flatt ery, or gratified per
sonal pique by slandering nn opponent,
we have failed to sec it. Such n success
by such a paper pr-sves that there is a
larger room for a pure and Rood press
even in New York, than our discouraged
cotemporaries havo sometimes believed.
Christian Union.
65TFUEK SEEDS, BOOKS, &:., Sample
Pmkayrt of Mammoth Corn, White Xortcny
Oats, Alaska Clorcr, nnd copies of th Amer i
can Stock Journal icnt free to all wlio scald
stamps to pay postage. AddrchR N. P. Uoter
& Co., J'arkenlmrg, Chester Co., P.i.
Penetrating to tho source of disease in
tho secretions and tho circulation, regu
lating every organ, and bracing every
nerve nnd fibre of tho body, Dll. Walk
er's Vinegar Bitteks nro effecting tho
most astonishing cures of indigestion,
biliousness, nervous weakness, rheumn
tit;m, scrofulous disorders, nnd chronic
constipation, that tho world has ever
CirAPl'Kl) IIaxds, face, rough skin,
pimples, ring-worm, salt-rheum, nnd
other cutaneous affections cured, nnd tho
skin made soft and smooth by using tho
Jiwii'Kit Tau Boat, mado by Caswell,
Hazard & Co., New York. It is moro
convenient and e.iHily implied than
other remedies, avoiding ll.o trouble of
tho greasy compounds now m use.
We noticed in one of our eschangui
this week tlintituteiiicut of Uea. John
llo'.lgkins, of .South JeffuMon, Me., whose
son was cured of incipient consumption
by the use otJulinson't Anodyne Liniment.
Wo refer to this at this timu us tendiug
to corroleBrato fho statement we made
hist week in relation to this Liniment
ns applied to consumption.
If Congress had employed as much
scientific skill in tho arrangement of its
" Iteconstruction Policy " ut tho close, as
the War Department did in tho begin
ning of tho war, in arranging lor the
manufacture of what was called hheri-
7(in ' Cnrnlm Condition Poirder for tho
use of tho Cavalry horses, no doubt the
Union would have bcea restored long
ago. Exch a n nc.
Tiir Cheat Blood Purifier
A Vftlufthlo Indian compound, for roef.orlnn tho
health, unl for tho pormnnent enro of all ditoaron aria
lng from lmpnrltlon of the blood, such as
Rerpfriln, Snrofnlons Humor, Cnneer, ('ana
enrous Ilnmor, Cryatpclna, Canker, Bnlt
lUienm, Pimples and llnmori on the
Face, Ulcers, Conghn, Catarrh, , .
IlronclUtU, Dieiu'KlKis, niieuo
tnnUora, Palnetnthe Stile, '
Uynpopslo, Const IpaMnn,
Cantl-rcnex) Piles, - '
ffendache, Dlzzlnena, Nerronmif us, f'nlnt
nrm nt the Htomnch, Pntniln the Ilnck,
Kidney Cotnplnfnts, Female AYeak
nesa, nnd General Debility,
Chemist and Apothecary.
IlosTOS. Mar 1-t. 1371.
Dear Blr Thl l to certify that I biva told at retail
rlxty-thrno dot. (75G bottle1-) or your Veoktikb tinea
Apiil 12th, 1B70, and can Uulr say that It hai irlvcn tha
b,t patUtactlon of any romody, for tho complaint? for
which It i riicoinmundttd, Hint lovorvold. Bf.-nreidy a
day p"Pi;ii without fcomo of my cnMtonicrs tostllyinif lo
lu iiitIih on ttn.-mpitlvcn or th"ir (rii-nd. I am jnr.
aonally cnjnilfiint of M-vorn! caos of Ncrofuloui Tu
mor hi.'inrr by Vnr;nTlK: alolio in this vicinity,
i Vory rnfiMtctfully your?,
AT OILMAN, 401 Broadway.
To U.K. Ftevrn, Eri'j.
'Villi (iltUAT
rnzrinr.u nr
Price $1,311. SoUbyailD.-turfft't'.
i .I'.i.u ii .ii-.
nV.UV. you li:ivc r. snh-f r;ly.Un!r!
h":i!iii! propcTtir. with no dnni
Do you want your money iafely in
vested und paying you good interost?
Write to Cuakles V. IIassllh, No. 7
Wall fcftreet, New York.
A (iood Joke.
It is related of Frederick thu Great, of
Prussia, that in going through tho ro-ception-room
of ilia palace at Suns Souci,
ho encountered a workman, who busied
lumself to get on top of a ladder to take
down a clock from the wall, but owing
to tho smoothness of tko marblo fioor
tho ladder could not be kept firm.
" What art thou doing here, inon ami ':"
inquired tho king. " I am a watch
maker," answered the workman, " and I
havo recoived orders from tho superin
tendent of tho palaco to repair this
dock ; I havo been trying to take it
down, but cannot succeed, as tho ladder
does not stand firm." " Ascend the lad
der," said tho king, " and I will hold it
whilo you aro at work." This dono, tho
workman departed with tho clock. On
tho following morning tho king was in
formed that tho clock of tho reception
room had been stolen. No sooner had
his Majosty heard this, than ho found, to
his chagrin, that instead, as ho believed,
of assisting.a watch-maker, he had been
mado tho dupo of a thief. Tho kin at
onco issued an order, saying, " Let him
run, I httve been tin nconiplica to tho
Antidote for Strychnine.
A moro tcrriblo puison than tho arti-
clo known as strychnine, which chemists
extract from a nut called mix tomivtt,
probably does not exist in tho vegetable
Aa English physician unnounces that
opium given as soon us possible after tho
strychnine has boon swallowed, very
generully with suicidal intentions, seems
to neutralize its baneful effects. lie
suggests thotwo drugs quickly unite in
tue iormarion oi ttu unomaious com'
lound which is quite harmless.
Experiments should be instituted by
competent authority to verily or con'
demn tho proposition. Lile is too pre
cious to bo tampered with by theorists.
How the Fintc Indians Live.
Tho Virginia City JCutcrprie, of Jan.
', says : " Ono woald naturally suppose
tho situation at present with the 1'iutes
encamped on the hills surrounding tho
city to be rather rough, yet wo hear of
no sickness of any kind among them,
nor any complaint ubout anything.
They como in town men and women,
great nnd small as regularly as usual ;
look us sleek as ever, and are just as jol
ly as in midsummer. As there is not a
stick of wood of any kind on the hills
where they are camped, or not even a
sagebrush as largo us n man's linger, it
is wonderful how they manago to keep
from freezing to death during the heavy
driving snow storms. Tho bits of boards
and small sticks which tho squaws ore
able to find about town scarco suflico to
cook their moat, and is so scanty and so
precious that they dare not venture the
extravagance of burning it for tho pur
pose of keeping themselves warm. In
order to keep warm they must huddlo in
heaps in tlieir tirush huts old nnd
young, great and small, piling up to
gether irrespective of condition, lly
going to the distance ot Sit) or .50 miles
from tho city, they might find camping
places where they could obtain an
abundance of wood, but they would
find thoir moans of subsistence most pre
carious; in fact, did they depend en
tirely on game, all would starve to
death. Hero thoy aro ablo to tind plen
ty of good, strong food, and having that,
tiiey appear to doty tho inclemency of
tho season. Ono stormy night passed in
even tho best of their sago-brush huts
il structure resembling a muskrat houso
would probably bo the death of any
white family that might risk tho trial ;
yet tho Piutcs laugh ut tho storm, and
in the midst of tho whirling cloud of
snow, cry " ILi ' ha !"
Sew Tolk TVUoleanle Elarlicts
BUTTKIt State, fine firkina
CHEESE Statu factory
Ohio do
Farm dairy
Low to good middling...
EQGS-N. V.. N. J., i I'enu'a......
FLOUIl Supoi lino
Evtra to funcy State
Ohio round hoop
Kxtrct amber
Murine whtat
Kittm Gonospo
Ht. Lout? double extra....
Cokx MeAL Western A: Jurety..
TlrCKWHPAT Vl.nrH J loy Uld
0 It A IN Cobs WiMtvm
34HLKI Western
Wheat Westoi n No. 1 Spiintr-..
Do. No. ! do.
Uo. AnibiT
Do. White
White Genesee
PROVlSIO.NJj-l'o:k-N w mes...
V n pt-linc..
IlEur Plain
Kxtra mess ,
Ileef hum
EJJKU I -lover
WOOL-.N. y Pa 0 and Mich....
t. and Iowa ,
Tt-xai und C.ilifui'Hia
.10 CENTS eernrn the Jfinmtil one vrnr. nd to
U. A. Deilz, L haruiHTsburp. 1'a.
Isa preat rmnaera far our nsed fathers and mothers. for
It Kivei tlwia strength, quiets their iierTes, and civea
tj.i-m mature s faweol rloep.
Common to fulr
31 Ci $ 34
21 W
li (!! Hi
111 be li
13 &') li
19 (.
ti So ia.1!
31 Hi 34
i 70 C' 6 85
6 Si 6i 7 ii
C 70 Uu C Hi
C 75 6 7 4i
6 80 fc'; 7 8j
7 a dl 8 110
8 75 fc" 10 75
!!l ii 3 70
110 ti 4 15
3 20 C' 3 50
73 fct 74
711 K 73
to CI hi
1 10 (.0 1 15
55 (til 5t
91 fl 115
1 50 ! 1 ii
1 50 (il 1 S3
1 G5 0U 1 C8
1 Itf (tv 1 70
1 CS M I 70
1J 50 (id 14 50
1-2 (10 (-1 ii 50
8 00 ( 10 ('
10 CO (ill 12 00
ii CO Ct 01 110
Ti (k 7''
S (. PS'
i Cm 9V
10 ' tU ll 'i
3 75 (") 3 bi
C5 ( 75
C'J (jl ti
40 Q. 50
1 P 13
11 (," 11 V
7lj 0 $
i'i ( s1;
(! 7 V
To Consumptives.
The Rilvertlsor, having been permanently eured of
mat creaa disease, consnmpiioii. oy a simple rrmeuy,
ts anxioUA to mako known to hi Kllow sutteiers the
means of cure. To all who deslro It, ho will send a
eopy of the prescription used, (free of cliarpe). with
tho directions for pvepariniraud uslnp tho fame, which
thev will nnd a SrnE Ccnu on onscmptio.i. Asth
ma, Bnoxcnms, &o. Purllea wishing tho prescription
win please auares
liar. ETIWATfD A. W1T.S0TC.
fC4 South Third St.. WlUiumebiueh, N. Y.
!rt o"t!itr5 nnd
r lironiTtii'. with no dnncernus liiEreil-
lent. .V remedy nt lurid fur the ninnv pains nnd
r hes, v.-ouiii!! and bi ' to viiieh llesh ia heir.
Is more easilv implied than many other rcmeilien.
er lirodueiiii; a b:nl e!h i:t. hut l.lw;iy relieving
nain. however severe.
It i.i prepared by Jlitt Srnryrr, who hns tt-ed It
In her own extensive trentm nt of the nick, for
nerirlv twentv vara, with sreot ruei'ei.
The linneiluil dis-rise. !'"! Ahieh llits: ralvc l. rec-
or.inii'ii'k-d nre. I yiiV'V.r'm. Hit. nrttthin. i'ilcx,
Mronil'U Oid ( ('n ti, ?nt llhinm. Spr'tnut, y.nm,
Vrer sor r, '-.'oiri. J'hutt f:'riKiiH ltd. Sore
i vrm. Jsih t of Ji.xt cts. taii'Tv, iooihw he. l.c.r-
athc. S'jr Xippfrs, Ltthht't. fiicolt'H Urmris,
Itch. .It-aM Jtfll, TctthiiK.I, rfnr.peit JIanttt,
Scal'ls. Citti, iMiiye, Croup, Cttck( Ups, nnd
ojv.i on l.lutt'ri n
It nevvr I:u1h to cure Klirrrn:;t'.' ri if properly
nnnlioil. Hub it on well with tie.- 1 ai d tim e times
n (lay. In several case It lias cured palsied limbs.
For rili-H it lias been discovered to be a rure renr
cdy. 1'ersOTis that have been nflMcted for vears
hnvo been relieved bv a few triplication. Frr Ary-
iiiXiVra It Avor.cs wonders, nllaylnz theieejamiHation
and nnlotlnir the patient. For t hnppnt llandt It
rroiluces a circ immediatelr. Let Ihose Avitn "riff
fiheum oV.atn this Palve. ftpd npply it free .lid
thev will h:id it invahtaltle. It ia kue.d in ens-s of
ficrot'iita rid 7'unor.t. ('Tiinr have been cured
with it. The l't Halve ever ii;er.ted fur Sirolltn
Errart and S-ire Aippu. .So wey Injurious, hut
auro lo Mhird relief. .S(ir rr ll, a.. .7r Hub it
on tne Uu cvntiv.onceor twice n nay. cures ucai-
ne? 4 lv puitsnir in tho car on a niece ef cotton.
For I'tonl this ia superior to anything known.
For Pimplci this nets, like n chnrm. Fur Burns
ClcaiHe Ut9 Vltlnteil BIoOll wlimrrrr vnn
find ita impurities btnstini tliroii"ii the skin in Pi moles.
Eruption, or S-irei: cleanse it when vc.u find it nh.
strutted and stinish in the veins : itAvhcn it il
foul ; yonr fcuiiiu:! will toil yo.l when. Keeo thi bicod
pure, and the hcilih of the sy;'.m wiii follow.
tirntefnl tliouanitli proclaim Vmcctn Eit
Tltflfi the most Juvijorant that ever sustained
the sinking -ystem.
Pin, Taps, rtu l otitct- VI onus, lurking in
tha sy-iteni of so mi-iy tliousrn.I-:, are e.Tectually de
stroyed and remove I. ' S.ivi a d'siui",ii!-:)i..'d physiol.
I liereiAHCTro'lyan individm! unen -.he faeeofihs
eatth who-2 body i iecmiit fpiu the presence of worms.
It is not upon t n h?iilnv eiein-vits of the hndv that
worms exit, but li mn t'12 diseteil hnnnrs and slimy
deposits, breed these livine; monslers of disease-
No system i.f Medicine, no vei-ntfuffes. po anthelmin
tics, wii! fiee tue system Lout wnrtiis h.;e these Bit
?Ieri!imaloTAl Olacrtsca. ' Persons enrarred in
P.iims an I M inerals, such ns Plumbers, Tvpe-setters,
(iold-licalcrs, and Miur-rs, as tiley advance in life, wiii
re sabi-ct ti jural-.- is ut the H:y:K I o -:iard aeamst
hit tike a d tsc ol tA'.vr.KKrr's Vinkgah 1i.-tti:rs once
or fv r a v.eel: as a I'rvenpv-;.
liili'Mis, Ilrini'.teiit. nud Intrrmitfciit.
i-vrrs. wiiieli ar fo f:rev'ent in t he valleys of our
at i ivess tnronelii'ir Ine umred States, especially
of t!ie Mississippi, (iliii, Missouri, lilinois Ten
rc, Cumhcriail'l, Arkansas. Hed. Cidoiado. Brsros.
Uin i raiide, Pearl, Aiihain.i, Mnhile. S.iv.innaii,
e, Jatnes, and in.tny others, wiih tlieir vast tribtit.A
i, tlnoil-:hnut our entire country during tire Summer
I Aiitnnm, and rem irk.itiiv so durit - seasons of
imttsii il lieu and dryness, are iuvnriabU ncconipanied
bv extensive cleranse.ntiita of tlie stomach" and liver, and
odisi- al-do.iiin.ii vis-era. Tlure are ahv.r s more or less
cunns of th; iivv. a v.-e.i!:nesi and i-rit.Tble sl.t'e
ol the r-ura v S, an 1 r-.-at lorp-ir ol" tho bowels, beins
Ce-i-.-;;vl up v. :dl Vina: -.1 .Aectir i. at iinis I - tlieir treat
ment, a pn:--, tlive, cvertin-j a pnwcif.d ii-llucnee upon
tii.-'-.e varinm m"i:is, is csssntiaiiy uercss :rv. 'l'herc is
r.o catlnrtic lor the purpose rrpnl In IJk I Waiksh's i. ii U.K., n-. i;iPV W:l Spee(U!- rClllOve tllC
dark-colored virc d matter with whicli tl. bowels are
Im-h'd, at th; smie liuia Mirauiatine tin-, secretions of
ie hver. and eencrai.v r-.tii-i-e. t!, lip:.'i!iu r.n.eti,-,.
of the digestive or-.-Ans.
Scrufiiln, or Ivltit's I-lvll. Wh'ie isi.llT.x.
Uicers, K:j-ipL-li', Swel.-? 1 Neck, Goiter. Scrofulous
lnfl.uiun.iiiou, lnd'-V'iu lnll.i'nn::;;; ,ns. Mercurial Af
fection-, .iid Hoil-s, l-iiiiptM-ns. ,!' the Kkin, Si-re Kvi.
c In ihes.-, a in a; mh-r constltutinnAl l)is-
c.ties, v, .m s in-hgi: 11itt;"s Ii.av? shown tlistr curatiTc p-iwcir. m t!i; most oostinat-? and intrac:-
ajle ca :fl.
Dr. sititet-V-i :,lifjirj!ta Tliioi,.-tr itlttot-ii
act cn a.l tli'sr nscs in a similar mannei-. stv r.iu ilVine
the I'.'po.l ill ry rvrnove lire ca'i-e, rind by rpsn:vn away
the c ft-cts of the inll t:an-.itif-i (die tul'ereular di-pfsiul
tlie aiTected i-a-.-li reteiye hjaiili, and a p.rm.uient enra
is e!"f--c:e-l.
Tho jraiirrti ,-f Dir. Wa!.kki! Vimp.-.iii
BlTlltn-i are A eiienr. liiar-hiretic and Cariiiinative,
Nutrit'ous, laxative, lli.iretic. Sedative, Cminter-Iiri-tint.
Sii'liiru-, Altera. ive, and Auti-IIilioni.
Tlie AlMii'leiit and mild Laxative i.ronerlies ot
Dn. W.u.kuk's VisniAit Litt. k; are ihe best safe
jrnArd in a'l cas'.s of crept o-ia and ma", jnmit fevers,
tlieir ba.sim Ii a. in', a-id sn
the llilnini A ol the t:inces.
allay pain in t!ift lic-rvnus s-,
either from inil unm ition.
pro- -rues prolea
Ineir Serlacve propertiei
:ein, stouncli, and hnvveis,
I,, ciainns, etc.
Their iiiiiirjice exlee.ri thrnueliout
the system. Their I) uretic properties ar on tlie Kid
neys, correctme and rcru'atiue the flow o' urine, 'their
Anti-iliiious prn-.erties stimulate the liver, in the secre
tion of bile, nnd in disr:ia:r,es t!irou';h lb', biliary ducts, .
and are superior to all remedial agents I -r the cure oi"
llihous r ever, rer-r and Airue. etc.
Forflf.v tlie botl v nuniimt aise usts bv nnri-
fving all its fluids with Vini.o n IIittp its. No epi.
demic can tal-c hoid of a svstem thus f, re timed. The
liver, the slomArh, tre bowels, the k-dnevs and the
nerves are rendeic t d s.--aie proof by thiagitat invi-orant.
Dlvrcl ioilsl. 1 A. e r.t lee r.-ttr-rs nn tome to bed
at nielli horn a h.i'f to re-e and o-t-.- In ;-.- ine.iaslali.
r-At ,enr--.l noui .s in-.-; r- 1, sue t as bi-e: ;l-K, mutton
chop, vjtv.son, teA t l-.ct, ana vee-ilabe.-, ai.d tal;e
out-door exercise. Tiiey are c m;'0.e.l ol .e.irelv vrRct
able inercdieet.s, a'--d c-aitaili ro Sjiirit.
I.WALKER. Piovr. K It. XrDOX.I l.R A. CO..
brusists and Gen Ats. , S.m l-'ranclscoai d N'ewYorlc
Cure for Consamption. -" ". -ERph,
. ' Not am.msr. the lert of the Invaluable properties f flS' .dk'?''- - -vv ,irKlPs
, . . of ill-is siAwvKii'H HALVE nre iu benciieial clTocta AVJ V""' " 'j i --
What the Doctors Say i ., i... it,,i,i..! ., ,i. Ce..i i ... i, r' 'VT- -H' ?vs-'.v Vf
m. t. . - ... . ... g ,,..r..r I nnrt, tir. .,.,! ..u , f,.. ur..t.,n tl... l.-i- I s ' . i - . -..-r. ; r ... -V. - - f Sk
ChcriKliinsr un Illusion.
Tho last talo of man's nnf litlifuhin
to man conies from Sidma, Al.iTi.iina. On
tho first of January, l'.'Tl, UKyndicutc ot
young men was lormou. ouo ot whom,
tho most trustworthy of thimi all, was
nppointod treasurer. They then signed
a temperance pledge, and agreed to du
posit un tho first daj- of eaeh month t?10
each, to bo divided at tho end of the
year anion! thoso moiiiborH who remain
d laithtul to their oliliration. Duo dt
ono they fainted and fell, until at tho
expiration of tho upeeiliecl time there
was only one who hud not yielded to tho
liauid temptation, lie repaired at tin)
hour of noon on Xew Year'i day at tire
appointed plaeo of rendezvous to reeoive
tho 1,-110 which ho had so nobly earn
ed. But the other cloven were not thore,
so, full of fiery thirst, ho hnstoned to a
neighboring saloon to tako his hint nip
for a twelvemonth. Ho had partially
swallowed it when ten of his elleaguo
entered, and revealed to him tho horrify
ing fact that his watch was twenty min
utes too fast, lie, too, had fallen, and
tho vision of a well-lilled pocket-book
vauiiihed. Tho eleven then repaired to
tho oflieo of tho treasurer, only to loam
that ho had lost all tho money playing
draw-poker with ono of tho church trus
toos. An eifort is now being mado to
keep the sorrowful story out of tho news
papers. 7Vov Time.
A WJt by tho name of Soul Sleepers u
said to bd making progix-ti iu South
western Virginia. It teaches the annihi
lation of tho wicked, and the sleep of the
righteous until tho great judgment day.
Soro Throat. Cough, Cold, und similar
troubles, if suffered to progress, result iu
serious pulmonary aft'ections, oftentimes
incurable. "Jlioirn's lironrhial Trochta"
reach directly the seat of tho disease,
and givn almost instant relief.
Dr. . V. Tierce l.iifl'.ilo, N. Y , .)lo) ro
piiuttir ef Dr. Siui-V ('.narrh Remedy, turn
for over three tears: ull'.trr.d, tlmuixh iicnily
every newspaper in tlio L'niud Suite, n Mutid
inn reu'artl ol' iJ.ViO fur a case uf Cut.irrh in
the head which he can net em o. 'flint he
lias treutcJ tlidii.siiiiJri of rason and had no
claims iiesen:eil fur the ro-aid frum nnv one
who has inadu a ill- rutinli use of his moi in of
ciiip, ia k riiiif; aad com lusi vo ovidi t ca that
lie possesses mho nif ii' of rnrina tliia liuiih
siinm disease. The Outnrili liumcelv ia veld
by nil druj.'ejsts ,r,(i8
I. astino Lovni-lNKss - Twenty years nco,
when paint, pearl powder nnd ciiuiiiel, wero
ruining; the couipli xiiiim I'lid dcstrnyint; Ihe
health of wutneu ol laxliion, Hauan'h Mauno
I.IA HaI.M w is bi ought nut nsa puiu liotaiiic il
eoaiiii-tic, irunr inli-cd to rcaiure liluoni nud
U-nil y to the e k in. Krota that time lo tlie
present ii has K-eti coiitinually rieln-; in iuli-
lie cstliiiatlon ns the Kafi-st utid lincxi cplioiiii
ble prepiiralioti of iu class Instuul ol pn -duein-;
an nnlSclal, metallic suri'-uv, like the
deadly eiiaiuels, or wliltni; the rutlc!e like tlie
poisonous lliihln told under various names ns
"iHituillierti," it keep tLe tliiu us velvet,
rt-iidci it lie smonili :dili;liissy ns eaiin, mi l
imp iris to It that tldlcalc, rosy tlntfe, which is
the beau idrul of cotup'cxinnal loveliness. Thin
exquisite chromatic cll.ct l" lift transient. It v
it;iplyinir the li.ihn n illy it amy he prolotitred
from youth to a;rn A lady who purchased
I liu tire I hottlo of f'c article iiinel ea years
ai;o, w ri tea to nay tint her complexion ut f.,r:y
U" puier, cleari-r and moro lniliiuiit than it
has ever In-en ;" mid flic nllrihntes Its lu-nuty
solely to the dally ute of IIaoam s
Amor Wool
(lll. SllVs ! ' 1-'
Lcsu ifALSAU exten.ivelv in uir iiroetice, and I am sat-
ivtloil thoiu isrno better luc-diciue lor lun uUcased iu
U;0. '
IaiAC A. IJoRAK, Jf. D.. or Lojran county, Ohio. s.nys :
Allen a Ll-nu IIalsaM not only sells rapidly, hut
cives uerieet sat isl action In evervcase within niv Know
letlirc. Iinvine oonrjilt-nce in It. and kuowiuir that it
fiossosseH valtlahlu medicinal protierties, 1 freely use it
n my daily practice and with unbounded success. A:i
uu expeclorunt it id most certuiuly uhea-1 ol any pre
paration i tiuvo ever yet kuc,u.
KATn.lNlEL IlAtmts. M. D.. of Mlddlebnrv. Vermont.
says : " 1 Uave. no doubt it will soon become a clueMcru
reined hit atrent lor the eurc ot'ull disease ot the Throat,
IlrouelLlal 1 ubes, uiul U.e Luiik'.
Physicians do not recommend a tin tliei ne iWdeh has
no mei its ; what ttmy iuy iibout
Can b y tnken ii a fact. Let all niTlictcd tct It a! uncc.
l)n. A. h. ?C0VILL is tho inventor of w-venil mpdicl-
nui pn ii.imionji rhicii have became very popr.lai and
navi' nih nvuy umii. aiuouc im lnvcimoutj 010
Hall t- imitm for lh Luiitrn and "Liverwort anil
Ttir." For tho n i-l nu ruais a botior Luiur rnuicdy h;in
been orttTDd to tin? inibilc. Koad thy lollowinur i ttr
noui it v.. acoviLL ruivrriiiKio it;
Mo-ftrs. J. N. HARRIS & CO.;
(jntt: 1 make tho lollowinr' -.tatcniont from n vn-r-
fcit conviction and knowledjju of tho btineiitu ol'
Ii'u'n IjIiu ItaUnni in curing the most dt'cp-Kt'utcd
I'LLMONAKY Cossi'Mi'fios 1 havfl witnoshed iu ef-
ftpt oil the younpan l the old, and I can truly say
It ia by fur (ho bc-t cxpt'doranr reiiit'dy wiinwhiuhl
am ac(ualntid. rorLouclis and all tho early bLie
oi LiuiK complaint, 1 Li liovu it to bo a Certain cure.
ana novciv lam I v would kuro it bv thuin. reudv to ad-
ininUtor upon lh Ilil iiiufi,r..nce of dica-p about iho
!iuiS. there would bi v. y few cn?v of fatal consiinip
tion. It cause? tho phloirui und uiattor to ratM, witli
oiu irritatiiif; ,ijv dolicaU orRans (tho Lun), nnd
wiuioiu iroiiuciui; coiisupauon oi tno uowein. it aio
ptvt'H sir. ntfth to tho y-tvin, cton tho iiiirht-sweutM
ad chauiTi'siill ihe morbi.1 (nvtiui.-, i.i a lu-at thv t-titt.
louiv, K.-rpictfully, A. L. tiCOMI.Ls
It will cure when all othrrt. fail.
Dhrc'-ioiis acfmpnny each bottle.
Hold by all l)ruj;l$:$. CiucluuatJ, O.
(curn.l Agciitti for Now Kulaiul State.
rou nam; it v
JOIiX F. 1IEXRV, New York,
FUKACII, HIC IIAHlial fc CO.tPhiIn.,
OliO. C. CiOOUWIN & CO., liofcton.
HlTNTIXG, Trapliiu a nil Fit.liln.ff uinde
viiJ-y. ilea Hook ; i, ti.ii s ; 10 i'i.i:ruv.ii;:-. Only
Hi rt uts, no.i p:tiil. h--nd tttr t'amlotrucs of Uuok?, ie.
AN'TTD. ACKNTS. M ile nml Ki malc. lo srli
1 l'!c:jue-. 1 J-i U-taiu-d by oiw np to Jan. 1.
doi.u r iaiup lor circular. )t niiiu y & i o aoi wicu, n
TAM0N1C TII)lMft. -40 Csdunmi, tutiw a ninnlh, SI
I a y-:u-. Sliicilv .Mi-i!iii'. Ae - wan ted. S-nd
3 r.-n t i amp lor cupy lo J Oil N It ANsiOM. Lookpoit. N. Y.
French Human Hair Switchos
ti. S7, 'JO. 23 l:vhen loup, for 35. S.iP, SC and $7. roisutct-
ivtty. H. nt by .'sm-i-f- V. O. I.
L. W. llAL.-M-lt, Impotti.r. li First 8U tw York.
rANio-SfiiircK Uar rv in r eiorititu
lif-'Hi-H Ihluiiim; out and jiultlioiiH fur ome
thinj to htup lliu luUelili l'auii n pair I ho d.ttu
t''t'. Wby tUU ulaiiu au-J anxifi 1 Why iIjU
vue Inquiry for "fOimabliiKi" wlit'ii tli one
thing needful in williiu lb roiu-h of nil. PK A
UCbe only tJi eparuti.iD muior I he? eun tbnt lui
iiieUiatcly bluiii the shfttiliUi? of tho li.tir, nnd
supplier new innL'th. viifor and produciive
power to th routs ihiit h:(Vt robbed of
their tibce by dibt-ube it dei Hy. U baa becu
dolutf IhU (ur furtv veam. No umu or womuu
lu peril or buldiuirt. ever aptjlbd U In vain If
your drmrxl--t bat not tbU uiutcbU'iis iiu'dldnu
lor tbe bulr Ui toc, bo will procure it far
duces a new tr.vUi of hair. X ludv Khould bo t.M4 I'lvaiu.tbio iirtKlc r.t- an iiiuinpfiisab.o
CD!-im-lii7 lor i.iv t'U-t. It fradifitoi daiuirutl' and
tii-ca-i' fr :n thu he-ad, and blotclic aiul pii:iplci
H um ii.c uj
AVtj. tht! tin.liT-.diMt'.l. have been ncnunlntcd with
Mlsa fawyt'r t'r many yi-.trr. and liclievo her to be
a inri-U:i.i i ui v mi.i a u.iUH mn'i', nua jkivhik
Utfil lur valve In our faniilic.a, H i'tn ua givat
ploayuiL' l-i t-nviny it ii tbe bt&t t'tinrul mcdicino
vo nave ever usou :
. !ss. - s. .i E A ' 1 J --ZiJit--
i-r. ' i.v.s.,'iiv..Tx?. -
Ifl IT-","-"
Principal Ofiloo 101 W. Fi(h St.,pLacinnat, 0.
1 lie cn!y Rf.!iah!c Gift Dt rib'.i ivr in the r:cimtt v !
Her. T.. T. ff :!kr.
ilov. i. H !.na,
i;-.-v. tic ir.if l'ratt.
Gen. J. 1'. C.H. v and v.-if.,
Cipt. .P. CrofkiT a ' wit.'.
C.l.t. lluVld .MH'4UI1tl wii'
Wiii. Wi!vu un.l wif,
E. It. SiKar.
A. S. Ilk.-. II. W. Wiirl.t and wiic,
Ooo. W. Uiinltjil, .lr. (Mnvor W. (). Fulk-r unit w ito.
Jf-hn T. Ttcnr.
Win. 1) '1 iiu.ii.b.
Mrs. Omrks nw,
ilrn. Alt x. Siit'w.
Jir. V.. V. CliBM-ntid wife,
J. Wuk' tkltl nut wife,
Vm. Hcattio tn id wile,
Jncoii Shaw r.m'. ifo.
1nlin S C:i- iih't wif
$100,000 00
of 11 ,-!.l.m II i.i
Jjsrp'a lu-ivl
u. It. si.iu.ini.
l.jauJ-.r VivU.
1 1-Ml. . . A. H.-.riits?.
Francis Cvbb,
wife. Tliuuiiiv (.'iil.uii niul vi-ifr.
Dia. lli-ury lii;ruli!iiii .
. .1. Conutit (I'.istmOFtcr ot
KUCklUIHl) Ollll V ill',
I K. KiiiiliuM anil u ilo
Villium Jlh-lxiiili.
If your Ii ii" ;i t i i nut of Iho Piilvo, in ah-cM
to Ur'i-p t-llpplu-il, Konil iicvoiltv-lh o Cflits its ilhr-CU-vl
below, ii 1. 1 ii-r-t'ivi' :i hux hy lurti unill.
Tut tiri In T.nrM li-vs lit 50 C0Tit3 rnrh
(in-nrlv tiii'.-i. inn.-:, im ):iruri. n.i llu- h-. i i-u. t---c-iit .1
nbuw). 1'iviiuri .1 hy .MISS ('. t.WVVl'.l:,
inn un hy L. J.l. ROBBING, Wholoet.lo
una kocru ijruirrjiuf., Kocr-iaiw, iv c.
A 1 rial l.ii n li-tv hv initll Mi rroi-ipt c -'.l
livo cutil. hy I., il. tMf.Iil.s.j. l:oilihiinl, Si".
this VAT.r.vr.T.i: v.i e.oi.r i.
Ai.i. i)E.i.:-:i:.j is .v.i.nii',.:i:ri
- ii . "in. .m. . I..I I i 1i,rl..
I-.rcr.t3r3 OvU tJ I-'-j o.'.i Letters Pitsl
era ;:ci tJ C3m:cl vriti
Trh.iliwsy-owin''al-iJlutwrJtjJ r-tc'. Oil
mr over i .rcT , I imts. w
Their VtMU.'tVAjr XSZ i.'JJT.Ar 1'AT
INT AOU.N'C'V-i t ia iari t; yikiwIii lUoworlJ.
Cliorr?o lc I'in n::y o h-r r!:nMj ni;in;y. A
1 iKiipir.ot contUijt l-i-l l-i..ruci.uui Ij invcutorw,
s"-ti irra-.i.
l?"A iunilsomo n3ur!-l VoInm. contislnlntr 1M
luwh.lnic-il cnL-r-ivitir: i, a:i.l thu United HUU-. Cdsu i
"by Cuun'.it-s, w.t'a llini. nail Hi'0i;t fur Mechauio.,
m.illcii on rcc.iut ot Zi caiii. Th.i Boikntitij
AiirmriK U tho Wt and clin-rpcnt Wookly IiUin
Irated NuwsparK-r, di-voti il to K.:icurc, Art, n.i Moi
chnnic, puhli.huil la tho worM. Thra dollars n
yuar. bp.-c'tnyn gratia. A Lime.
MUAl s ' f., r I I iri now, nnv 1 n'ic.
In Valuable Cifto!
; " 11th KkUl AXSUAL
To hn drawn Monihiy, Marnli 2ith, 1372.
Ono Crand Capital Prize of
310,000 IN COLD!
Gnu Prize $5,00'J in Silver !
fivk i'itr.ns $1,000 ( . .
fivb i;hi.ks ,r.oo Greenbacks
ItunsCd, ilk Sllver-Muiiuli'd Il.uiiu:s,wurlh&l,M
TWO HORSES AND IlL'flfllliS, svlth E'.lvcr-Mounted
liariuss, worth 100 i-urh.
Two Fine-tonM Ror-wnnrl PIAN03, wortli S300 each
Tin Family fKWINO MAl'lllNKa, ivorla HuO each
1500 Void and Silver Lever llunllnf Waiclm, worth
Jvum &i:u to &i!tiO each I
LailUB1 Hold Loentine Clniup, G'cnt'a Gold Vet
I'hahlP, Solid au-l Doulih-l'lalcd Silvr-r Tahlo uud
IVusiHionn, Fkotufnph Alhuiu, Jewelry. &c.( &c.
Whole niimhcr Glft, 10,000. TiclccU limited to M.CC0
To sa Iioiii Liberal Pmuilums will be paid.
Single Tickets f 5: Six Ticket., sio; Twelvii Ticket.
KO; Twenty-livo TickeU tit).
Clrcnla'.s containing a full list of prize, a dorcrip
tiou of itui iiiauiuir oi drawinir, and oinnr lnfonuuiioa
in refi-ri-iico lo the Dislrihu'.R'ii, will botont to any oiiu
oiiieriiiK ItKiu, All leltorii inust hi) aidreHed to
L. D. SINE, Box BO, Cincinnati, O .
Office, 101 Wct Fifth Street. "
i-i liinsr-pivn i.nrj i'...,-.. o a.. i,i.
. iii-iiiline. Kvi-iv iii-i-poii ueeilh 11. lr will t-avo
Paps. 4
twenty Ihiu-s Its co, t in one yuar.
L u., .ewi;ort, hv.
S. P. COOl'EU t
I. O. O. F. E-.-erv OiM Fcllnw should
-:.V.-vSi liav a l'ocket 1.01(iK-ACC't)l'lMT
J.r.r-0 HOOIC. Good lor 1W yearn. Only SO
'':. yu' cent.-, po-t paid, orii for 51. Sow ittJty.
1. m! MILLKK. Dot 3, Harrl-hnif, Pa.
L t.VA ,MlU,,r,' .-t.W.lA 1 .iXUXiB.h.,
v f". ' a I B Co.., IT
l.iOK TWEXTYCEXTStlie wtulorKlfrnM will
I. enrloso iwuuiy-nve hthlJt ot tue ufnina I lolly
fie of nostnffo. Tue luaxun m irrrru. Tuti fioTou
njrow in elusion, and are m-'Ci aji-'d by rouul berries
whirli tuin to a bi-iutiiul ml, and roinaiu to duiin
tha entire winter. Till- tree is considered ono of tbo
most bt-auulul of rvortm'eu., anl w an oimitnt ntul
lro. tbMf U uono that rau cqmtl It. It U Uilticult to
tiaii'-olut it. but it cull bu r:il-ed from the n o. I. Im-
nitiJiutfe attt nliou p'tven to all ordciv. Dealer in fcims
fuiniaiu-d at rmluci-d piict;. Ai rt purdn uiy Habilitir,
wiii rcfi r lo Il'in. E. M. Braxton. WiuhlnKtou, 1. 0.
Adiiiuc- U. U. LV tLL, Faiuuiiti 1'. O., Klcluuoud Co
nd IH' VtlCM fntthfitl V I ua-
IMlinl. Kvrrv K r.tTiftr-r. Mm.
nftwluivr. ttu titter, AniiiUvt,
fiHiiitn Cop.
A-k Vi'ttr it-Mfil8tfr frr it
432 Paps. 4.
J,"011 0N3 DOLLAIt we will mail you a box of
statnpol with any Inltlnl or Pet name. Four tlzo and
ii i tu n pationu in cacti box.
It nw-eti the dally want of any lady.
ll-turdine School eirlu aro ttdonUne It.
It' the pruttiuut prjunt to a younj U-iy,
11) vu w au uin ecu.
AddreM I,OKISG, luUlttiUtl-,
P.O. Box 5011, Hoaton, Ma...
V'O III'MHI (J. An article worth Si.oo rent nnn-
11. 11 JfiH
to the publishers of "11ITCUKLL 8 NEW
31 South Slxlb St., Philadelphia, Pa., and
secure the sstucy for tbe best Hilling book of the day
The work Is op to the time. Oensna of 1670. Liberal
terms to live men.
1 GENTS Wanted. Apent. make more money at
V work for ns mini auyminr ei-e. rarnculai-s n-ec,
G. Srisdon ii Co., Art PuilUUn, Portland, Me.
"VN MARRIAGE T;iavs and Retwrts. 8cnt free.
W Addruu uuuauuassuuiaiiua, 1'nl.a., Pa.
J. aress (with .tamp) box 734, New York.
for .0 cents. As.uu wanted.
gcoUand, Canu-
?800 for first-rless Piano. No discount. No agents,
ii. r- u D I . V 11 en u. . !i. I v
ImDroved Porous Plasters
aro recommended by the IlKT PHYSICIAN'S ns a
aur uiul c remedy for RHEUMATISM. NEL'KAL-
lrl., lllr,:MlS OI UlC J.H JL HUH IVlil.SJjia, l-Al.l
In ihe UltEAST. Ll'N'liS or SIDE. SU1ATICA, WEAK
BACK ami FEMALE WEAK.NES;E4. TuKu none but
Dlt. OllOSVENOlt S to insure tut bet resulf. '
Deneral U.-poi. Hudson 8u, Now Yuik. Sold by
all Uriii!irti,w. PRICE ii acnu.
Publl'ht-d for the benefit of young men and othern,
ho sutiir from Nenon Uubiliiy. otc, tUMlyh.e tbb
ukans of WLi.F-t'LRE. V ntti'ii bv ono Tho turod him
suit", aud wmt t'roo on roccivinp a po.t-paid diitx't d en
velnpi:. Addict NAT11AMKL MAVYAlU, lircoklyn.
ti. V.
ccaaa li'Olt HORSES acme
Sweeny, Ringbone, Spavin,
and all dUoass of Iloree Flesh.
Seed S5o. per Package, poat-patd by mail.
' The above cnu show the form and some of the usee
of the Buirar Troimb Onurd. They now, by the acre,
to hold fioui i to 10 gallon. ; they are Tory .tions; and
durable. My Illu.u-uled Calalorn lolls all about
them, and give, price? and biuu on culture of goo .a
rietles of garden aud dower sued. Send stamp lex it,
or US cents for a packase of tho Gourd seed and cata
logue, AddsuM WALbO V. BROWN, Bu li, Oxford.