Curiosities of Science. imhtabilitt op a reptile heart. ' Prof. Kuthorforcl, of Kings College, Englrind, is new lecturing ou physiolo gy. Ila narcotized a frog witu opium, and thon took nut tho heart And placed it on a glass plato in a little pool of florum, just to koop tho organ moist Strango to say, it kept on pulsating pre cisely as whon in the body. Alter watching tho phenomenon nwhilo, he cut tho throbbing hoart transversely in two pieces, through tho middle of the ventricles. Tho apex was quiescent, but tho base continued pul sating as before. Why tho doath of ono part and not tho other V Dividing tho oontractilo muscular fibres by which contractions woro performod explains tho rationale of tho experiment in re gard to the quiet half of the heart, cnitoxiio ACID. As a disinfectant, this nrticlo is recom mended on high chemical authority. It is also an antiseptic. It acts in that charactor by coagulating protean com pounds, a marvellous property, harden ing animal tissues very quickly. Why would it not be a valuable arti cle in tanning? With ten time9 tho coagulating power of carbolic acid, especially with albumous solutions, it seems destined to be nn agent of too much value to bo overlooked in many arts. CLIXICAL ACSCCLATION. Dr. Griffiths, of tho Royal Irish Col lego of Surgeons, proposes a common tuning fork for ascertaining tho normal or abnormal condition of the viscera. It is a curious circumstance, quito new, that when tho forks aro vibrating, if ap plied to the chest or abdomen, a positive difference of sound is perceived between a diseasod or a sound organ over which it is placed. Practice is required to fully appreciate this novel mothod of internal explorations. rCBLIO HEALTH. At no period in tho history of Eng land has so much scientific attention been given to public health and tho moans of promoting it as at present. Even government recognizes tho duty of car ing for tho masses by giving tho poor pure air for respiration, tho first demand of their naturo, and tho next is wholo somo food. In most of tho large towns, health officers aro instructed to be vigilant. Common sowers give more troublo than Very many ordinary nuisances, because there is generated within them the vilest gases. Where they arc imperfectly con structed, they becomo laboratories in which aro manufactured tho seeds of death. Xo vapors are so noxious, or so charged with poisons as escaping pas from sewers. Our cities should also be equally vigilant life being a precious boon. INCREASE OF IXXACT. Wherever tho strife for position and wealth is most active, there men and women are prone to distraction. Wound' ed pride, disappointed expectations, re. ligious exaltation, and a determination to rulo or ruin, appertain to countries where civilization is most advanced, and tho difficulty of procuring subsistence becomes cumcult in consequence 01 a density of population. Everywhere in tho oldest centres of refinement in Eu rope insanity is immensely on tho in crease. So it is in the old Statoi of this country. Massachusetts has already three largo public insane institutions, and another is needed. Boston has one, and then tho richly endowed McLano Hospital at Somorville, besides several private asylums, are cited in proof of this opinion. Tho state ot .New lork is also becoming too much distinguished for insanity. LUMINOSITY OF THE SEA. Prof. Panceri, of Naples, after a long series of experiments on tho phosphores ence of tho sea, is satisfied he has solved that difficult problem. Heretofore tho theory of that aquatic fire which rnves waves in a dark night tho appearanco of liquid fire, was an an imation irom phosphoric matter in tho bodies of very small aquatic mites, so in calculably numerous their combined luminous points gave a volume of bright ness on airi ta line tho water, iintl rof. Panceri sav9 it is not living organized forms that produce the phenomenon, but the dead matter or desquamations of tho surfaco of their tiny bodies, ab sorbing solur light, which is given ont when put in undulatory motion. There is au analogy in this, found in decayed wooti and putrescent nsh, which becomes wonderfully phosphorescent in a moist atmosphere. XIC1CEL PLATIXO. Quito a new art has boon introduced to tho world of manufactures by Mr, Isaac Adams, of Boston. Although an urt, it belongs to soionce, and is, there. fore, of interest to chemists. Plating with nickel is accomplished by olec trolysis. Tho process is simplo, but un fortunately being patented, tho price of a right to use it is too expensive to bo extensively employed. A NEW x'OSSIL BIRD. Prof. O. C. Marsh, of California, has discovered the skeleton of a biped in tho upper cretaceous formation of Western Kansas, that was fivo feet high. It must have been extinct many ages. A Rocky Mountain Cat. Jim Stewart, sometimes called tho " Commodore," is tho most noted darkey in Erie. Ho is a good-natured, shrewd sort of a fellow, somewhat addicted to doing business now and then on tho Jeremy Diddler style, as tho following incident will testily: JLiivmg near the residence of tho lion. Morrow U. .Lowry ho was freouentlv employed by tho lut ter to do odd jobs around the house and in the garden. Ono day Mrs. Lowry concluded that tho peccadilloes of worthless tom-cat, long attached to the family, wore such as demanded tho m flictaon of capital punishment, and Jim was called upon to play the part ot exo cutionor. After a long chase tho victim was captured and put in a basket, over which an old shawl. was fastened. Tho next move was how to dispose of tho prisoner. Mrs. Lowry suggested drown. ing, but Jim, with tears in his eyes, pro tested that he could no more drown tho cat than he could drown himself; that were he to do so, his conscience, aotin; on a naturally tender heart, would trou ble him so much at sights that he was sure' that he would never sleep a wink thereafter. .Not wishing to rum Jim peace of mind, Mrs. Lowry compromised the matter by giving him a dollar, and directing him to dispose of it any way he pleased, so that she should never see it again." Puttrng"tho dollar in his pock, et and the basket ' under his arm( Jim started down town, lie had not gone out ofjsight of tho house when he met Morrow walking along leisurely toward his homo, and tho following colloquy en sued : Morrow Hollo, Jim, what havo you got thero ? . '.. Jim Ono ob do celebrated Pocky Mountain cats, sah. Morrow A Hooky Mountain cat ? Why, Jim, where did you get him, and what are you going to do with him ? Jim I golly, sah f Didn't" you hoah 6b do big bunch ob dom eats cum to town yesterday from Kalforny, sah? Best mousois in the wurl, sah, and dis is do biggest and bos' ono ob do lot, sah. Dcy are gwine to givo mo foah dollars for him at do Rood IIouso, sah."" Morrow (recollecting the general "cus sodnoss" of tho family cat) Jim, we ant a good cat up homo, and I guess 11 tako this fellow, but but don'tyou think four dollars is steep for ft eat 7 j " s Jim Why. all do res' sold for fivo dol lars, sah. This decided Morrow, so he paid tho price asked, and told him to carry tho Kocky Mountain cat up to Mrs. jbow- ry. Jim had, however, very important business elsowhere, and he bogged Mor row to take tho basket himselt, wluch tho latter consented to do. Arriving at homo, ho took tho prizo into the eitting room, carefully closed the doors, slightly lifting the basket-covering, and smiling bonovolently at Mrs. Lowry's apparent astonishment, remarked : " My dear, I've bought you a Rocky Mountain cat the best mouscr " v. .. : v '-". At thi9 moment tho cat jumped out of the basket and commenced rubbing him- lf against his master s legs. Morrow stopped short, while his wife broke out impatiently : . "La mo, Morrow ! Why, that's tho same cat I gave Jim Stewart a dollar to drown not more than ten min utes ago." What followed wo know not, but a few minutes later tho Hon. Morrow B. Lowry might havo been noticed on tho trects of .line, armed with a walking- stick, and wondering " why a man can never find that nigger when ho wants to seo him badly 1" Komekoepers and Housekeepers. It is a well known fact that many per sons havo very fine and orderly houses, but have, after all, no home, for Homo's not merelr four f qnnro wall. 'I liouvli with pi turns niuiir mid glided ; IT'mie la tvlier nii't.'jtion cilia. Filial Willi shilaes the Heart has unllded. A homekeeper is ono who makes all the ways and convenience of tho house con duce to tho comforts of tho inmates. She will allow the members of tho house hold to build each a shrine, and will treat it as sacred, because it is a shrine to tho ono who has builded it. Tho daughter is not called an idle thing be cause she wishes to know her tune, and gaze wistfully toward the horizon ; nor tho son reproved if ho shall slam around, and wish he was anywhere but idling- at home. Graduallv tho house keeper will quietly aid tho first to search for beauty this side tho horizon, and that boy will find a vent for his activity without seeing he was gently led to it by an overseeing love. A houso that is blessed with a house keeper has an lnlluenco that even strangers feol. They receive that rest which comes from tho " fitting of self to its sphere." Tho order of tho houso may bo mechanical like that of a loom or a harp ; but, liko these mechanical things, it conduces to results, and lusti lies itself by tissues of more than silken fineness, and music sweeter than that of tho sphores. If thero is a homekeeper the housework is not in utter contusion, it perchauco one rises an hour too late. Servants aro not expected to perform miracles, and keep coti'ce and toast hot and tresh tor an hour, iireaklast, such as lato risers should expect, is eaten in peace, and not in a flurry of excuses for not having a meal that it was impossible to furnish without inconvenience and discord in the kitchen for the whole day. It is ioohsh to attempt to keep a restnu rant with only tho arrangement tmited to a small iarnily. lhe teaoe ot many a layiily is des-, troyed by attempting impossibilities. Tho breakfast of the lato riser need not havo an added tirade against servants, Realizing that tho guest regrets his tar diness, she lets tho cold breaktast sulhce, but diK' what sho can by word, look, and net to make the best of what cannot bo helped, and really so calls out tho gratitude of tho late riser, and ever alter that breakfast is a bright and pleasant memory ; for ho feared ho was a nuis ance, yet without direct word ho i'ult that his act did not discommodo the ar rangement of the house. Uis best thought was called out, and that houso will stand to him in alter lilo as a home, for " there is where tho heart can bloom, Housekeeping can bo dono by uny ener getio woman, llomekeepuig requires that tho woman's heart and wisdom bo greater than her house, and that sho keeps tho house, only that in it lilo can bo lived with love and truthlulnoss. Lightning Freaks. An Almcda, California, paper, of tho SOth ult., thus describes a recent thunder storm thero : " Suddenly ceasing, ap, parently to tako breath, darkness camo over us again, and in an instant a ter rific crash was heard, and beloro wo could turn our eyes to the street a stream of light, such as wo have not seen for a score of years, completely envelopod everything in tho vicinity. Almost un mediatoly after tho falling of the thun dcrbolt, people were seen making their way to tho railroad station, nastily donning our hat, we rushed to tho do- pot to find that the lightning had shat tered the telegraph apparatus and en tirely broke the connection. Miss Ellon Baboouk (a pupil of Mr. Dicker, tho operator) was sitting at the table, facing tho instrument, in tno act oi receiving a message, when tho crash camo; and, although completely stunned,shc escaped uninjured. One-hall Ot tho sheet ot pa. per upon which she was writing was thoroughly scorched. Tho presumption is that tho bolt struck first a telegraph polo at the corner of Railroad and Buena Vista avenuo, which is bent from its position and shattered at its top, throw. ing splinters a distance of fifty yards. and then branching oil, sought tho oper ating rooms at A. A. Cohen's residence, and the business office at tho depot. At Mr. Cohan's house the batteries wore shattered, as well as a library in th room where the children woro at play. but the lightning mode its way put of an open window without damago to an individual. At the business office, after splintering tho pole at tho end of tho building, tho lightning in ado its' way into tho operating room, when, hndin no outlet, it demolished everythih a with in iUTeach.,''"The"b"o"lt "or"baH"was seen ' . . . . j i to drop at a dozen diiterent phtces,' h many different persons having assurod us that thoy saw it drop and explode in front of thoir various localities. A GKIC UJjTUHAL. Cons FoDDEn. Tho opinion wo liavo always hold upon tho quostion of tho valuo of green corn foddor for mildh cows has boaa that when raised from broad cast sowing it is noarly worthless, but when sown in hills or in drills, and culti vated with aocoss of air and sunlight, it it of high valuo. During tho present season wo have made some oxporiments to test the corroctnoss of thoso views. Stalks wore collocted from a fluid whoro tho 8eod was sown broadcast, and also stalks growing in drills upon tho samo Sold, and they were driod in a drying closot to expol tho moisturo. Both speci mens woro planted at tbo samo tnno, tho Gth of May, and it was found that tho plants from tho broadcast sowing con tained 92 per cent, of water, those from drills 83 per cent. Thus it was Bhown that tho difference of solid matter in the two was relatively as 8 to 17 per cent. Tho solid matter was composed of starch, gum, sugar, and woody fibro. There was almost an entire absence of sugar and gum in tho stalks from tho broad oast sowing, while tho stalks that had grown under tho influence of light and air held these nutrient principles in con siderable quantities. Tho stalks were collocted at the period of growth just be fore tho ear begins to form, a period when most farmers begin to cut tho fod der for their cows. Our experiments upon corn fodder have afforded us im portant information upon other points. e nnd mat tho stalks cut beloio they reach a certain 6tago of growth aro de ficient in nutrient matter, and therefore it is a waste to feed them too early. Tho corn plant, liko all other vegetable struc tures, has but one object or aim in its growth, and that is to produce seed. It is engaged during its whole lifo in stor ing up largo quantities of starch, which is to bo used when the pressing occasion arrives, or tho seed vessels mature, to form by some subtle, mysterious changes, the rich nutrient principles which ore lound in seeds. As soon as this strugglo is over, tho corn plant, liko animals, dies natural death. It is not necessary tor frost to striko it, it dies from simplo ex haustion. Tho proper timo to cut and feed cornstalks is during tho first four or five weeks which succed inflorescence, or, in other words, they should not bo cut until tho flower is fairly developed, and the car commences to form ; and uny corn that is so planted that tho oar con not form and mature is practically worth less for fodder. Farmers may learn from these facts that corn designed to bo cut for fodder should tbo planted at two or throe periods during the season ; some holds qmte early, others somewhat later, and still others as lato as safe. In this way, when tho hot, dry months of July and August aro reached, and the pastures falter, a supply of fodder is secured at a proper stage of growth to afford the argest amount ot nutriment. Dr. icii- f,i in Journal of Cltcminiry. Cisterns for Surface Water. Each year over considerable portions of tho country iarmcrs aro put to much an noyanco and extra labor, and their stock to considerable actual suffering on ac count of scarcity of water. Whero water from the wells is difficult to obtain, a good cistern is perhaps the best way by which to obtain wat:ir. .but many tanners in tho west have small build ings and tho water from the roofs would be but of limited amount. To such wo recommend the digging of cisterns in which to collect and hold water from tho earth's surfaco. In a very large num ber of cases sufficient fall can be found near tho farm buildings, for tho purpose Tho water from tho winter rains and melted snow from a acre of land even, will bo a very lai;o amount. A party of wits once stopped at a tav ern, when tho least was over, one ot tho members called to tho hostess. " An- gelique," ho said, " I am going to give you a lesson in astronomy. Have you not heard of the great l'latonio year. when everything must return to its former condition 'i Know, then, that in sixteen thousand years we shall be hero again, on tho same day and at tho samo hour, w ill you give us credit till then Tho hostess, however, had her reply. ' am perfectly willing," sho retorted, " but it is just sixteen thousand years since you were hero before, and you left with out paying ; settle tho old score, and i wil 1 trust you on the new. V'o. translate the following notice from tho Cincinnati VoUMttt, edited by Fred crick Ilassurek : "The New York Evenixo Mail has commenced tho issuo of a weekly edi tion, to which we desire to call tho at tention of such of our readers us wish to subscribo for a first-class literary and political newspaper. 1UE J1A1L is one of thoso Xew York papers which every educated man will read with pleasure and which may bo safely admitted to the refined family circles. There is not a heavy line in it. Gossipy in tho best sonso of tho word, it is always in structing, and its sprighthncss never borders on the frivolous. Its editorials uro tersely asid vigorously written, its selections excellent, and its correspon donee eoual to that of the best of tho old Jew lork dailies, huch a paper is on honor to journalism, and wo reccom mend it oneo more to our readers. If you wish any information in regard to lltulroad ISond, write to unable w ., Xo. 7 Wall Street, Xew York, Xew Yorlt Wholesale MatieU. BUTTEE-Slate.flnefirklni $ 51 (3 Wdtru C4 CHEUSE-HiHte uicuuy It tw onto un ii i J-'unu tluirr 1 W COTTON Ordinary VI u Low to good luiduliijj;... l (' EGGS-N. Y.. S. ., it Knn a as W Limed V FLOUR-Snueitiiu 5 70 ( i J-;ura to lauey otaie a u Oliio rouuil hoop. S 70 lui i K.urauiuber . 7 Ppriuir whom 6 u ( tjLtt Ueueaae... 7" $ i St. Loula double t-ura.... B 74 d 1 Cons MttAL Western Ac Jernuy.. S 40 ou Brttndvwiue.. ........ 4 10 C'4 Itncirwnr.iT I'uu'ii 1UJ lbs ( DO tl CHAIN Oous Western 74 M oouiueru is vv 111HI.SI Wotem Si l! Canada I 10 ( OlTS 44 (j Km .- M f AVuKATWetiteiu No. 1 Springs. 144 oil Do. No. i do. ... 149 o o. Amber 1 IA (u l)o. WniU) 1 64 Qi' White eneie 1 M ( PKOVISIONS-Pork-Newme.... 13 37 Oil 1 Wn prune. II 40 ou 1 Llir-l'lKIn DO dl 1 ' mew 10 00 (ui I Uei'l'tuunt "CO (it 1 lucox 'V o Giium Uam.... 0l i.tKu w SKJiU Olor.. - lull s Tluioihy ... S 40 (44 Vlaxeei-d t - , 0u WO0LN. y'tt.,0.,udli:U.... , tt 'U " V t.n Iowa 60 0 4.1, V3u4i-'ll;4-K.,1.- V9 BEEVES Best U 9 Uood 11 U Common to lair 7if G$ SHEEP & LAilBS Sheep 7)5 tot B WISE Lire t I Go lrMil - 6 LITSrtAnT NOTtCES. Tun Littli CoroAt. Pr9,T,n, foUmrin later anf tbte of contents iyr "" ""?! P' T.u Helen 0. Wue.V. kirn, witu Ulustrailou-j;r Mry . O. Wrath, (Jus.t if i..7 1 . Valentine o Oliver Tnorn. Summer bar at Elrkwood, ehnmer Vil-hy lliniij Huniinrton Miller. Adoat ttu i lot Cuke, with Urn.-tiUon-by Cuss. Hon'- ' w Hi vl, wlih lull pan UluMistloa br Uersld North. Prndy Porket li tuiui with 11.. .ria,va snlcy Utteri Irani Lhn HliI. folks i ndPrlTtUr , K,uV,f!' ory,rtl(1 W tamqj 10 pusiie tne mum" j; i ior mouth to name. It Ton wont mnp azlnt uiftt in hIwafb frouh, purkliur, and rigorous ubfcrto i,,r Tin Lit- FuulUher, Cliioofro, IU- Tits Pnni!rot.oo!Oit. Jocrxil hiu bofrnn Uu year Well. In noottier poriouical do wo hud human Qatar 1 thoroughly treated, ne aiwny eeo lODieiuinit lu it hlch lnfttruot u. omethiug which entorulae tad unelhlue simutnK. It Is a capital la ntly nmg.i- nine. lu tbo Vubruarr nmnbor we hud Illustrated ui U olus and tketchos on the following : Jiiuies Denoon Beymort, Uie eminent K orwego-American : uow uio b'ntmiilnn f.mhlnm ProtoDlusm. or the Mvsterv of Physical Lite Kspression its Anatomy and Philoso phy: Uoniugul Psychology: Joshua Wal son, the Phi lanthropic (JtuirchmanS " Follow your Nosu," or, How the Note Indicates character l Rheumatism, Its Vausoi and (Jure; Great Criminals: Plain Peiiiunnt-hip ; Pre Adamitm found In the Bible, a new reading ot Gene sis ; Governor Wa.-hburn, ot Massachusetts ; A Marvel ous Conjuror; Pickles, etc. Price 30 cents, single OS., VJftyear. D. " "Hi... luim OUH IMPRUDEXCE THE CAUSE OF Consumption. How many ot us can ditto tho cause of our last sickness to either a crowded room, and thon coming out in a cold air, or wearing damp clothes, causing a cough which settles upon tho lungs, producing seated pains in tho chest. Alien's Lung Balsam will check tho disease and restore health to tho system, if only used in time. Kciuomber and call at tho JJrug btoro for Allen's Lung Balsam. Every family should keep it at hand. Sold by all Druggists. Symptoms In Liter Complaint, and of some of file Diaeaset pro J need hy It. A sallow or yellow color of skin, or yellow. brown spots on luco anil other onrts ofbndy; dullness and drowsiness with fie qiient hundache; dizziness, bitter or bad taste mouth, drvncBS ol throat and internal heat : palpitation, in many cases, a dry, teasing cough, with sore throHts, unsteady appetite, raising of food, choking tenpntion in tliront ; distress, heaviness, or bloated or full feeling about stomach and sides, pnin in sides, back or breast, and about shoulders; colic, pain and soreness thronn howels, with heat j con- ipation aliernatinn with traquent attacks of ianhoea ; piles, flatulence, nervousness, cold ness of extremities ; rush of blood to head. ith pymiiioins of apoplexy, numbness of imbs, especially at nij;ht; void chills alterna ting with hot flashes, kidnev and urinary diffi culties; lemale weakness, ditllnesa, low spirits, unsociability anu gloomy torubuUings. Only w of above symptoms likely to be present at one time. AU who use Ur. fierce s Alt. Kxt. or Golden Medical Discovery for Liver Cora- nmt mid lis complications are loud in Its ttolil by all hrst-cUss Druggists. The CfLTtutE of the IlAin. Ju-t as surc- y na a sou infested witu Canadian lliitllcs r.tu is made to produce line crops of golden irraiu. tun scalp nnw sparsely covered with h:irru,liy, iiiniinau'enlile iimr can be inaile proline ot Ikcn uvsses. All Is necesjarj to clljct the change lu cither case is Hie riyht kind of ferlifiztr. liaviii' tue imricultural chcmlsis (luteriniiiR how the Ijarieu land shall lie iitdu truUlul, we positively assert that Lyon's KiUlvtiron in lineqil lied us a fertilizrr and autifirrof the hair. T weniy-Uvtt years ol success is tue iwsis ol tins unquait.U.-d state ment. During tnat tittle it ban bct-u twecl hy limy millions of both sexes, and th" flivt iu- staiice I" which it has tailed to fulUil tho i ctations of a unions! purchaser has yet 10 be discovered, it will not cuu.-.e Uiur to irrow ou a varnished gouid ; but wherever the jooIf I the hirsute tioern remuiii undisturbed it will attse them o put toi ih new shoots, and in ull uses where the hair bus become tliiu It wtl Increase its volume. Viotorlons Everywhere I From all quarters comiw tho smiio hnjipy ews. " n. lie's Houey tit lloreliouutl uuel lur," is iic'cotii)iisLtu tr such cures lu fteveru Coughs and Coldt, nnd oilier tlnoitt uiid lunir omiiliitiitsaii Rstnuiu evi-u Jjr. lime lilmolt. To ho witliout it lu wiut(.'r, U a most ttriuus ututter lu uny lumily. Pike'd Toofmche Drops cure Tontlmclie In one luiuttte. SulU by ull Druir;;ist 1 1 5 ceutc Columbus dhcovm'd Ameiicn, 'iut it hits ioeii found Hint tliu only icoiioniionl nbnca lur lillitii-u are tUu celebrated UIIACk T1WED never wear out at Hie tou Hiid am wonli two nlr wi'.liont Tips. All ik-.ik'iH hell tlit'in. Do not be t'.wiivid. CABLE SCKEW WIRE iloots and SQoea fire the rbtnpcst. e.ibiest, rtiit-st, uiid umt durnble ever wuro. Try tlicm. All bear tbo l'.itent stamp. To tub We know of no remedy equal to Jackson's Catakhic ntff nnd Ikocjib I owdku, fur (Jutairh, Am lima, JLoss of Voire, iVc. Id mild, iliaiitit, ngreeable t j use, and tin- c ure. A-k jutir rlriijii,t lor it. or mail oiiitH u ikipeic, Wilson & Co., Philadelphia. rES- FREE SEEDS, BOOKS, &e.. Sample PticMffet of Mammoth Corn, WhiU Sorwai Uuts, Abuat Clover, and copie of Hie Ameri can Utoci Journal aeul free lo ail who Neud Mump to pay pot:iire. Addrr,. S.V. linVlill it Co., l'ai kenbtur;, Chester Co , I'u, Best nnl OltleHt Faraily MeCIcIue.-San- rord'f Liver lnvigorator.A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic for Dyspepsia, Coiutipntion, Debility, 8lck- headache. Bilious Attacks, and all deranpremenbi of Livor, titomuch and IIowl'Ib. Aak your Hi ugiridt lor it. liewari cj Imitattont. Dead mou toll no talos ; if tlicy did, anathemas against tlio dtplotinjr iaucnt, tho drastic purgo, and tho toniblo sali- vants ot tho materia mouioa, woulu iiviso from every graveyard. Tho Motto of modern medieal science is " I'rcurrre and llegtihtte, not destroy," and no remedy of our day is ro entirely in harmony with this imilanthropic logic R3Du. Walker's Vinegar Bitteiss. In thin powerful. vet harmless restorative, dyspepsia, bil ious complaints, nnd all diseases of tho stomach, liver, bowels and nerves, en counter nn irresistible antidote.. The PritEST and Sweetkst Con Liver Oil in the world is Hazard & Caswell's, made on tho pea-shore, from fresh, selected liver, by Caswell, Haz ard A; Co., Jew lork. It is absolutely jmre and mreft. Putients who have oneo taken it preier it to nil others. Physi cians have decided it superior to any of tho other oils in market. It is now generally admitted by Inm ost physicians, that when oneo the con sumption is fairly fastened upon tho lungs, no human power can save tho pa. tiont from death. They also say that about fifty per cent, of those who din from this disease can traco the cause to it neglocted cough or cold, whieh might havo been cured by a small bottle ot Liquid Opodeldoc, or what is the same tiling, JolaiMii Anodyne J.ininiiht. Cut this notice, out and bring it witu you. STe are authorized to refund tho cash to any person or persons who shall buy and use Parton't Purgatite J'illt and fail of relief and satisfaction. A TJxiversai,' Remedy. "BRows'e EitoxciiiAT, Tromieb" for JBoughs, Colds, amlUroiiLiiot Affections, btand Irit in public favor and confidence ; this result has been acquired by a toat of many years. Oysnnpils and CnlrM fared yviihf ovft Medicine, I will forward tosnr srldrem, on receipt of FIFTY OUSTS, a prime i prescri:lion thnt K ill corn any rune of Dvi,Rin ur Poniverc.", howcvrnMinfitn. The retunW very chnsp and plnMm. The nrtlrlo nro kept in mest farm hiuum, nnd srnwiHilv? ohrnined anvwliero Adiiro Dr. N. N. Thonw, 1'hi-lps, N. Y To Consumptives." The nJwrtlwir, JihtIt Vmi pcMnHni-ntlT.ntirM ff that dmd dlPen'e. Consumption, by a nlmpl Temo-lT, U amioia to make known to hi fellow Kdlerert the n" f cure. To all wbo deftre It. he will wnrt a copy of the preorlptlo!! nrort, (free of clmfe), with tlin dirw.llnns for prepailnu and U'injr the iyii?o, which thoy wil find a Smut Cr rot OoienrmPTioii, Aptr liA. BniiconiTis. Anc. I'iee wirhlng the proeoriyiion will iilioso addi'oee i Iter. HOWARD A.WIXPOX, I K4 South Tnlrd St., WUllaraabutgh, N. T. Cure for Consumption. IVliat fSte Doctors ttiyt AM9'Vroot.Lr,'r. D.. of Koecitifko connlr, Indi flntmavi; ' For three yeiiw past I have used ALL SMS Lbn Balaam extensively in my practice, and 1 aiu eat iftiei thtii-e is no bUcr medicine for lung dUeuaei la uio Isaac A. Dorah , M. D., of liOffftti county. Ohio, iaT : All rk's Lena Balsam not ou.y sell rapidly, but slieK perfect patit action in every case within my know letfrc. Having coutidence In ft, and knowing that it K!tifeirpi3 valuable medicinal pro port iep. I freely ue It it my daily practice and with unbounded eucceM. As an expectorant it ia most certainly ahead of anypiu ;araifon I have ever yet known." Natttaxtel Hariiis, M. D., of Mlddlebnry, Vermont, PAVm : " I ham no don lit. It will mmm hppmiin a nlnjalpul remedial atrnt for the cure of all diseases of the Throat uroncuiai i uoes, aua 1110 L,unr. Physicians do not roenmmend s medicine which h no lueriU ; what they say about ALLEN'S LUX0 BALSAM Can be taken a6 a fact. a Lot all afflicted test It fit ouco. Dr. A. L.SCOYILLta the inventor of neveral medlel- nal pivparatioiiH wnicb have become very popular and imv ween iioerany useu. Amonfr nis lnveunous are " Hall ? ItalFam tor the Luiipi " and "Liverwort and Tar." For the part ten yearn a bolter Lnnjr remedy has been Altered to the public. Read the following letter from Br. Scovill relerriujr to it: Mos.w. J. N. HARRIS & CO. : Ucr,t$; I matte the following-utatrmont from a per fect amviction and knowledge of the benelltn of Al len' Li ting Balrtnni in curing tho most dep-scatd Pl'lknahy Oonhlmption 1 I have wltneHHOd lt ef fect on the yonnjr aud the old, and I can truly ny that It is ky far the best expectorant remedy with which I am a? 4 u aimed. For Coughs, and all the early stages of Luifp complaint, I believe it to be a certain cure, and t' every family would koop it by them, ready toad nmiLer upon me nrsi appearance oi uisease anoui ma Luna, there would be very few cason of fatal consutnp tiou. It raiifies the phk'giu and matter to ralxn, wit fl out irritating those delicate organs (the Lung). and without prouueing constipation ol tue bowetK. It alo g-ivfs Htruuglh to the system, tdops tho ntght-swnatft, and changes all themoroid secretions toa hfulthv Htato. l olts, uupoctiuiiy, a. l. aiuui-L. I: will euro when all othrr fall. IXroctlona nccompany each bottle. J. N. 2HAEaEIS & Co., Sole Proprietors, bM by all Drusgittt. ClncinmiU, O. Pi-ovldpnro, II. I., Gtucral Aent for Sew England Slater. I'OIi HALiK 11Y JOllTi P. HEJiUY, New TorU, JFRKXCII, RICHARDS & CO., Phlla., GEO. C. GOODWIN it CO., Bo. ton. ' 2jX r TtTTTTiiYB'IS VTM "WILBOii'S COKPOUHD 0? PURE COD LIVEE OIL AND LIHE. Terpens who linve bfen tainr? Cod Liver Oil will bo pleased to learn that Dr. Wilbur h:t pucceede'l, from directions of several prnfef? i-ional gentlemen. In com bining the pure oil and lime in su"h a muniier tiiat it if pleafant to the ta-te. and it ellects in lung com plaints ave tmly wonderful. Many person prnuonnced nonclesii, who had taken the cWar oil for a long timo without marked effect, have been entirely cured by nimr this urerjamtion. H "rtr-e nnd t)rtt ihi tr.,nnlTi. Manufactui-od only by A. B. WILB0R. ChemUt, No. iwi voun street, lwwion. &oia oy au aruggitp. OH ONU DOLLAR we will mail you a box or LORIXG-'S FREXCn NOTE PAPER sinrnpod with any Tnillnl or Tet name. Four sized and fixioen pattern, in each uox It meets the dally wnit of any lady. Hoarding Si'honi irirltt are adopting It. I'.'etlte pretiie-t prcont taa yoanff lady. Try one box for your.scii'. Address I .. Ii I' O, Pnbl iflirr, P.O. Box 5011, Boatou, Han ifN MARKTAO. Krt nnd Rennrtn. Ptnt free. J Addies HOWAHU ASdOUIATIOS, lhll. Pa, A OENTa w antod. Aireiits maxo more money at j a. worn lor u'lann nnyiiunir fli-e. rurticuiarp rreo, u. ST1S80H a. to., Fine Art rumunert, fortland, Me. 'O IIUMBfO. An nstirtn worth Sf.w cent rfnt- joirt for 40 centf. Agents wanted. A. 1). AVER of I.U., .Scotland. Lonn. For Beauty of Polish. SavinKJ-cbor, Clean UneaStDurbility St Choapnesa, Unequaied. tiruAin: ny wclthivvs iiiitvionh imi1r nth Ttatiit-a, but respmMJi.x ours la ima vuioe 01 vraiijN lute .l-tl t tU'Cfivt. U1, ul Involve 'I'm jH-r iouii1 t Ai-fc1'-!lv n:ttl iUf tltiUT litllK It ut.i.(i:. nit, v.:itn six u nm n r-M'tu-x-i rmri.PK CTht' tTi nntl Innalru kutk-rflcf lii'.ic''' Iir rnii li boarliiKs ni,ii n.;icMmTY. vx irn- ti Im-tr u oil uivne. '-jTj. aiul lit. LmXi-tf, lOc-.uin n r lb, j ry it. MCflSu BiC3., P rop'rs., Canton, roasts HOE to the publisher of "MITCHELL'S NEW GENERAL ATLAS OF TUE WOULD, 31 South Sixth St., Philadelphia, Fa., and secure the aircncy for the beet selling book of the day. Tho work is up to the times Cenns of 1870. Liborol terms to livo men. Eerd 35c.prr Paclittge. ioct-ia!d 1y Mall, Th nhnvp cnU show the form ari'l some of the dfgn of th tsujfar 'A'ioua Gourd. Tbuy tfiov, hy tiio acr. in lut rl liuin a to 1U liMLloiH : inev urtt birouc una duuiblt1. Mv llm-t,raiU CaihIokub tulii all ubout th-ni, and Rivet price uau muu ou culturo oi StiO vi rietttjii ot'friinU'Q and liuwer buedf. bciul btmnp lor it, or Si ceum lor a p-.u knpr of the tionrd .Seed an-1 Cata rAllOFOTEER .Ms ti iti larruiifv .Hum, Alv Ttt '! t Imiuiirml Muntlilyf -rail Hi(ie mill nil 1iiim. Kvrv t tth llrtittum'i rfi..iuti iitrilc. til m Mionina a M v-, '1 MR Kl thlUf fvlfttlV to Miuiiifartarttitr mnA Hiittttiiin1. d-nol'air t ami MiirrM-n. hi ri' Fc Turk Hw. Nrw-yjrfc. S(4 f..r Sw,'iiilaMi',)r. tt mAU IWMt ,f ltM ritltutrul Ail hurt h- U-nr l.i l'i fully hu-tnt-i. I.vitv fniwr, Witt- UILDER 22 Paps. 4 TCl JVST THE TIIIXG.-On bottle of MjJ M. n tho Auiericun Rt-arri Ointment willmiike Die lizard and moiifiuohe ktow thick and heavy on tli nuGothorft taoo Mriihout inliuv in thpA WfoV; mil Ur. pur bolti. St-nd loJAMES T. IIENDEIISON, N, GET THE DEST. - UK. GnOSVEXOR'S Improved Porous Plasters a. reeommohded by ths BR'T pftYSICIANS as a tore and tuft remedy for MHKUMATISM. NHUKAL UlA, DIS1IASF.S of ihe LIVER and KIDN'EYS. PAIN in UieUUKAST, LrNBS "r SIDE. POIATICA. tVEAK HACK ami KEM AI.K WEAKN KSStS. 1'uUe none but DIC GUO.SVENOH a to in.ure the best rsmilu OeiMial Oupo.,1 Hudson St., New York. Bold by all Druggists. rUICEJioenU. t OMES I!V THE SVNKY KOCTII.-1K) acres yovanganple and peach ti-aes. $i.'isi t to aoresJoluiua toiru, LOW) Coueoid viae'. 300 lieach trees, l.i00;7li aerss, 3 a, lies on plank road, i,M; ca aerea, miles from Richmond, leo cleared, balance timber, fe.eno ; 1,4'j acies woodland, in DuukinKuam Co.. I tnilua fiora eaiiul, H aeraere; a copper miu in One a C-, wita lU.Ueuaetestvenst ariU.lreUe.Uwtlirjk limber, eneelleut for fruit or oa-tiniEe. S10.0O0. rfealtby and pleasant cliiaau. A. VAN DOBCN.frederieksbujg, Va. J 990 for flrst-clas Pianos. Nodisconnt. No agent, ddreas C. 8. PIANO CO, let Kreadway, K. V. -ia-r.-iii sTii -: : -:r.wntW vtS i- ' v-sr h'l'i is THE iVcekly Evening BEST FAH1ILY WEEKLY IX THE WORLD. 2.50 A YEAR. Unprecedented Inducements TO SUBSCRIBEZSS. On tlid flrtt of Jnnmrr, m(. tho pnMlpaUnn of n eeklv editioii of THE NEW YORK EVENINU MAIL wa b;irn under most iicoiirn(rinir aufplco". It has been a puccohr from the start. leciine It po idufce peculiar feattirei that make It especially tleblra bio as a newtpapor lor TA3IILY READING. No other existing wookly contain inch a variety of Attractive and Original Correspondence from all nart. of the wor.6. lncltiflinirlettort from Lon don hy J utin McCarthy and V. W. (Jhe-fon ; irom Pari, by Kniurin 8. Saltus; from Bnrlln, lenna nnd Borne jroni WnshinRton by Col. It. J. Hinton; from lio."ton, PQiladelphta. Lhicutro. and other piuceti ol lm portnnce. In its Literary and Art Departments It la ftroncor than nuy othoi fnml'.y weekly. A FIRHT-CUSS SERIAL STORY from ttdvftnce pheots fnrnlh'"t by tbn author of "A House of Cards," from England. This will be one of he most IntreKtlnff stories published durintf the year. v is cuiiiK'a " a uomeu norrow. Itexides these feature thoro will be contributions from such writers as "Howard Glyudon," "Hophie Sparkle," " Anchor," end other well known cones- ponaeuis oi ihe uailt jbENia .hail. mere win aio uua FASIIIOX DEPARTMENT for the Indlof. and An Acricuitural Department. REVIEWS of the eventu of the week fnretim nnd miitwtie. nohtieivl and reniiom. artistic and liteiaiv. dmiaalic and tuoaical, etc. will be carefully prepaitd. VERT LIBERAL PREMIUMS are oT.rcd to tubFcrlbprf. flnprly or In clnbf. Each ubcriber will receive one ol 1'iaiig s Cnronio WOUTEI T1V DULLAIiS, or four-fifths of the .ubrcrlption. be t-nt ono To clubs of fivo will and fire WATER-COLOR CnilOMOS, worth SIC. rlnlis nl tfn will hp tint i!hronirn worLh ti2. To Libfinl Lnh rreiu.umi to i'ost masters ana othPM gettinp up club?. Supptifd by all Newedoalon throuch tbo American isews company. DAILY EVENING WAIL Served by Carriers or tent by Poet for 50?. n month, Samnle coolea of TI1E DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL eut uue. AddioaK ROBERT JOHNSTON, Publisher EVENING MAIL WO. 54 PARK ROW, XEW YOUIC. MISS SAWYER'S SALVE. 11 1 I J-.R" yon hnvp n salre eomblnlnt; sootlilris! nnfl I 1 lieuline prrmurtit-fl, with no tlunufi'niis luort'd U-nt. A lmedy at hand fur tho many pains nnd who, woumU un.1 brulo. to wlik-h tlosh Is licir. Js mom easily appncu than many other remedies, nover proiluclnfi; a bad eilrct. but always relieving pain, however sevore. It is prepared by Jiss Saiciier. who has used It in hor own extensive treatment of the siek, for nearly twenty years, with grent snci'ess. i lie principal diseases for which this snlve Is rec ommended nre. Chii'.ain. Rhettmutimi, Pile. Scrof ula, Old Ulcrrt, Halt Jiheum. Fr.rain. Eviim, Freer iores, Von, imjde. hnjntptlHH, Sore Crnn, JUiet of lntevt, Canctre, Tontlic.'.Ue, fur ache, fitre yipptf, Rahtnf, Stcolltn JJreantn, Itch, Scald jhad, Terthlnq, Ciattttd JJatide, Sraldn, Cut, Jlruiaee, Croup, Cruvktd Lift, and 6oret on Childirn It never (alls to eiirn Rheumatism If properly applied. Rub it on well with the hand three limes o day. In several cases it has cured palsied limbs. For Pile it has been discovered to boa sure rem edy. I'vrsons that hnve been aflllrtrd fur years havo been relieved by a few applications. For firy eipefaa ft works wonderti, allaying the inflammation nnd quieting the patient. For f happed Jlimd it produces tv cure Immcdintoly. Ixt thoKo with Salt Jihrum obtain this Halve, and apply it freely, mid thoy will lind it invaluable. H is goed in cniii'S of Strvuta and Tumor. Cancer have lieen cured with It. Tho best Halve ever invented for Sicollen Jlreatt anil Sore XippTe. No way injurious, but sure to nll'ord relief. Sore or Weal: Lijt Hub it en the lids gently, once or twice a day. Cures deal lie by putting lu tho enrs on a piece of colton. For t'Hon this la superior to anything known. l'or Pimjdct this arts like a charm, l'or Jlurnt and Si alU, apply the Halve nt once and It im-es immediate rciiei dav. el. i t'vr Old Sore, apply once a X'it among the lenst of tho Invaluable ptopcrtlea of Mish e-Awt kii'm Halvr are lis beneiieial ertevts on the hair. Rubbed on the scalp, in live or six different parts, it promotes the growth ol the hair, prevent It tiirniug gray, and ou bald spots it pro ducos a uew growth of hair. No lady should be without this invaluable article as an Indispensable cosmetic for the toilet. It eradientes duiitlrulf and di-easc from the lieud, and bloteiies aud piiiiulc U out the fuue. VTo. the underslcned, have been acquainted with Mies Sawyer far many yeur. and believe her to be Christian lady and a skilful nurse, and having used ber salvo in our families, It givea Qa great pleasure in saying It la the best general medicine we have ever used: Jtr. E. F Cutter, l'.v. W. O. Ilulniai, llv. Joieiih Ksilueu, George 1'ratl, (ion. J. f. Cill. y and lf'. Cap!. J. Cftu-lier anil wile, dpt. Davia Aim' iind wifs, Win. WilAoa uisi w.le, . It. Snesr, Jnhn T. V.tty, tVei, II. Tilrusib. . Mrs. Cliarlvs Simuvt, Jlr. Alex, btiinw, lr. K V. Chau snd wife, J. Wutu-tield and wife. Win. ili'stlie and wile, Jueiilt-Miaw ami wile, Jehu c: IJns. anil wifs. A e. nice. I!, w . , iff i,l ana , Ueo. W. Klmhall, Jr. Oli ver W. O. Fuller and wile. of ItorLlttinll a nil uil 'I'liouiait L'uImim Mitd wlff. Joiirph l-'nruelt, C- K Mailunl. ii jilt rami Uurrutl, lttUtk'r W't t ki, lloa N. A. iture( 1'iancU Cobb, Ijt. Hunt y l.wtwlmin and O J. Contiitt fPoatmtitcr ol ltockland. aitl w itj', K. Kimhull and wiio. TO TilR AFFLICTED, If your DrueeUt U out of the Salve, and np(?Uct to kop uppllcd,end evpiityl.vocentiiastIirucU(l toluw, uud rect-ivu a box by u-turn iuhiI, Tnt tip In Lflr Boxcm at 50 cents nwh (ituar)v ilirt't) Uiuu4 n hii ifu t lhv box n iiiijttuU'il abovtf). Pri-nun-d by MIcfri C HAW V Kit, htij put up by L. M. ROHB1NS, Wholesalo and Retail Drugg-ibt. Kocklancl, Me. A Hoi mvnl frt-c bv tmiif on n-t-eipt of ftvvcaty five cci.U, by L. liOUUiX, ItuuLlutia, Me. Tnia VAT.r.APLK patve IS BOLD BY ALL PEA LK ICS LS ii L.llCl.lin. f Envelopes of various sites, color, and tone on m " " each. 4 sueeaa aokie rrr, f at a lialiuait. paper, all seat for HOC. i. A.lieweUs Co Jellersou.O. riHg SPURT'S OWN JOKE BOOK 8ENT VKEE. Ad X. it (wilh ttaap) box 8134. Nw York. ,t " Pv iTt 1 ni?:-ita : - ('' (. ! J. WsH.tcptn, TrnprUter. R. H. McOohilh Co , Drnviriati A 0n. AriinU.Mmi Ftmielwo, Cub. nirt M f.'nmmrr Mm!. V, V. MIl-KIONrt Bear Tctlinonr to their Wonderful Cnfatlrti ENcrt. ' Thoy nre not a vile FntirT Drink, Made of Poor Rnui. Whiskey. Proof Hplrlts nnd Itefiifl Liquor ft doctored, plod nnd RweetcnnltopleflMtthtt DM "Tonic, "Appethsera,' "Ri-rtorera,"-, that lead the tippler on to drunkenncu nnd min, but are a true Medicine, mad from the Knt(ve Pnotn aniHert af Caliromln, free from nil Alcoholic HMmn Inntn. Tlicv are the GREAT HI.OOO Vl flV FIEKnnd A LIFE 41VINO PIUNCIPLR a perfrct Kenovntor and Invijrorntor of the Syrtem,' carry! njr oT all iiolwmunn matter and rentorinR theblood to a healthy rondltlon. No pernon can take theae Blt tera areordlnr dlrortlona and remain long unwell, provided their bonea ore not destroyed by mineral poinon or other menna. and the Titul organs warte4 beyond the point of repair. TIiof nre n Gcnlle PnrantlTO nn writ nja Tonic, pinolnR:. al the pcctillnr merit of acting na a powerful npent In relieving Cnntrenon or Inflnm- mntion of the ltver, and nil the Vlarernl Orpana. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINT!, Inyonnror old, n.nrrled or kindle, at the dawn of womanhood or at he turn of life, them Tonic flitter have no equal. For Tnflnmmtstorr "nil C'hronin Ichenmn- tlftm nnd Gout, I)yaprpia or luriiirrnt Joo, rilluiitt, Komiitrnt nud IntprmUtrnt It Tcra, Diarnaffi of llio Illood, Llvrr, Kid urya and lllnddrr, these Hlttrrw httve urnimat BU'-ceuful. feturh UUcnars nre cimfed by Vlt intrd r.tood. which IsRetiernlly prodm-d oy rkrunpement of the PlgpNtl v Oi'cniiH, DVSPKI'SIA OU INIHI3F.ST.OW IIart- oehe, Pnin in tlieSliouMen.Cmc1i. 'Vb'nt of I be Chet, Dlw-innw, Hnnr fcrnctntlAnit rf ;h" stomach. find Tnsteln the Month, Hfhmia AttncU, Piilnnntlnn of the Heart, IiiQammntinn of t).o , I' nn In the rr irlons of the Kidney a, and a bundri-d ither jiruitul tyuj loma, are tho oflaprlncM tf Dywpa. They liiTicorate th" Wtomneh and tttlmnlnte the torpM Lirer and Bnwaln, whieh remtor thorn of umHitmllo l efBcnry In e!onnsliur t!e hlool of all finpnHtfen. ar. - t parti up now life and riirar to the wliotQiyatein. FOR HK IN I!SEAlF-S,Eni!itlon, Tetter. Unit Rheum, Blatches. Spots, PimpleR, rant. lies, Boiln.Cur bunclcv, Rinz-Wonni", Scald Head, flom Eyt Fryilpe la. IiPlKrurr-", Ui-colomtioiiM of tin .Skin. H ulnars ai' l)ieHJB of tb t;kin. of w.mtevr naio or imture. are literatlv dug up and rfixried out of tin- Kyutem in a nbrt tiine by th? nn ot thie HiTtcrB. One Im!Io in melt cacn will couviuce the inot incredulous of the ir cum tive eflecta. Cleanfle the Vitiated niood whencrer you find It lm- purltiea burstlnff throuirhtbo ah in in Pimplei, Eritp- tiona or Sores ; cleanup It when you find ft obstructed and sluffMsh In the vclni: elennse It when it in 6ul, aud your feelings will tell youwbon. Kenp tbo Mood pure, and the health of the svntem will follow. Pin, Tnpp, nnd oilier Worm, lurking in the- nyjttem of o many thouaandv, arc effectually destroyed and rcmcved. Fays a diplmfrulthed physloloirlat, tuere i pcrcelf nn iiiivMtinl noon the face of the earth wIiupu body in exempt from tho prvnenee of wonua. It ia not ripen the healthy el ment of the body tJiat worm- cxit. hut upmi tht dlseawd hnmora and Filmy deposits lireed thee livira roonators of di'eafe. No Syi'.fm of M.tliotm-, no v.rmifuirea, no anthelmintic will tree tho nytttem troia worms like thepe J Sitter. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R.T1. McPON'ALD CO PrugffiKts and (en. Arent. fan Frnne?"0. CaHfornla, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street. New York. BarSOLD BY ALL iJrtLtHUPTS AND DEALERS. locators wio vCj U oai LiUors i U.:t era tZ7i;:!l ta coua:cl'.i prorrj-Tor of the wlio hiv Trosocr'eJ c'.tlan torero t'ua Iitoat 0:2.- lor over T :t?.' r Yv,.m The AyE.:T0A ATD EUROITAJT 1"T. EXT ACLMC V 1j the tno-i s.enslv In tho wurl.!. Cbanos luss l!m av o:hor roiiaNli aanty. A I'amphlct contxuiny full iusirucuous to lavvutois, 'as" t gra' is. D3A lunflsomi I?3rvl Vo!nni, contilnln'r Yt Mt'jh.lnle;! CHrr-HYi-", aul tli t'nueil HLatetOns.M by Coun'.ios, with 111 na.l 1! -coipts for MaehiuiioB, mailed on r-'C-ipt i-( j ci'iu:,. lh Boiemtipu Amiicij is tho Iw-t n -d cnvipMt Weultly Jiln,. triuil NcwspsTK'r, di'vo''-'! to Hi'lctire, Art, ana Mo chanics, published In tiio trnr.l. Turue dollar a yar. fcr"cimer., (mil's. A'ln-ss MtJXN Ai CO., ?7 I.' irk Hnw, JVew Tn'k. PiinelpiU Office 101 W.Fiflh St., Cincinnati, a The only Reliable; Gift Dislribu'.ion in the country ! 100,000 00 In Valuable Cifts! TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN L . D. SINE'S iVh SEMI AttXVAL GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn MoudaT March 5th, 1372. Ono Grand Capital Prizo of $10,000 EN GOLD! Oan Prizo $5,0(10 in Silver ! FIVE PP.I7F.S 91-000 xl I , . hve piti.Ks t,5tio g a j Greenbacks TWO FAMILY CARRIAGES AND MATCHED HonSI.S lull Silver Mounted Ilartioss, wortii HI. Ml eai.'h. Tero HORSES AND TICOGIE3. with Silver-Mounted ilaiue, worth itiUl each. Two Fine-toned Rn.wood PT ANOS, worth 5M e-;h I Ten Family tEWXNU MAC'UINKS, worth aim) each I IS 00 r,o:d and Silver Lever Hunting Wa tenet, teer(A) Jrorn to 3ue eacn I Ladies' Gold Leontlne Chains, Gent's Cold Veft Chains, olid and Double-Piated Bilver Table and Teaiioous. Photo-rupU Albums, Jowulry, aVc.. aVc. Whole number Gifts, 10.000. Tickets limited to M,loo. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKET3. To whom Liberal Premium w ill be paid. Slncle Tickets $2: 8ii Tlckot-, $10: Twelve Tickets $; Tweuty-hve TiekeU .4H. Circulars containing a full list of prixes, a descrlr tiou of the manner of drawina;, and oiher Informatioa in lelereuee to the Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. AU letters niut be addressed lo L. O. SINE, Box 86, Cincinnati, O. OHce, 101 West Fifth Street. THE COXFESkilONS OF ' A NERVOUS INVALID. PviW.rihed for the benefit of yovngmtn and other who nuilerfiom NVrvou Debilliy, etc., ffiipplyins th sou', aud sent tree on roceivine a jiori-pald directed en- Fa velopi Attdress NATHANIEL MAYFAIH, Urooklyn, I. Wr. rl-Jw. usat laar aL all ka a. mm 1 TtiU aauars. riar-tr r .it i-r, mm 1 U,m. fi iS - h4. ssm aise s-wii ccai a-'titti ItuUSJUal . cuaia Sweeny, Ringbone. Spavin, and all disease of Hor Flesh. .LOQAJ, AGENTS WANTKD. tote A MONTH llor, and outfit furalshed. 90 I J arts KovfLTT Co. aaca, at. lib 10 Tt Ad-