The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 25, 1872, Image 4

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    Oil Despatches.
Soma idea of oil men, their manner of
expression, thair ambition, their likes
and their dislikes, may bo hftd from an
artiole in the Petrclcum Monthly for Jan
nary, from wluoh we ruaka tlu9 ex
tract s
Ooo evening in November, 1371, whilo
occupying my accustomed corner in the
telegraph offico at Titusvillo, I jotted
down upon my paper cuffs and shirt bo
som a few of the messages that wore go
ing and coming over the wires, which I
give below as a sample of the " inner
hie" with whioh an operator is familiar,
omitting real names and dates :
" Shall I let a thousand go at 20 ' 8.
is the buyer, and may want more"
" What is Brown's well doing at Park
er's ? Kun up the yield as she wlli bear,
and I will buy in Bonnie's spot."
" Doar Theodore, come home quick
twins, market busted, and futures tum
bling bring home a codfish for broak-
" Brown's woll doing 1,100 barrols a
day by actual measurement,' with tools,
sand pump and a pair of bull wheels in
the hole. Is good for 2,000 as soon as
she it cleaned out."
' Tho production reports for next
month will show an increase of 6,000
barrols an hour j you can bet on that,
for the reporters are ' fixed.' The Erie
ring has got one, the bears the other,
whilo old 1 Reliability' is owned by both,
and will pull off either tug as circum
stances may warrant."
" Get me a slice of old Ghilson'g farm
before he hears of that strike near him ;
fix Up the lease so tho royalty will be
paid at the end of the year, I will bo in
Europe then."
" You must strike a thousand-barrel
well at Brady's Bond. I,am 1 shorter' than
pie crust, and have got to cover this
week or never. Be sure and striko tho
well so far away that it can't bo found
for a day or two."
" Sell tho oil to responsible parties on
ly. Take no orders on Pittsburg at any
price. Spot cash, cash spot only in that
' Twins ! the thunder you say ! and
here I have two dry holes at Pithole and
tools stuck at East Sandy. Good-bye.
Address me in Europe. I can't stand
" Can't you increase the yield of that
Pithole well again t Another start and
greaso will weaken so I can pay my
board ahead."
" I am coming home if I can borrow a
dollar. Our well is dryer than a pow
der house. Tako Georgo out of college,
cut off Susie's music lessons, and sell
your wedding jewelry. The French
cook and chambermaid will have to go
" Eureka ! I havo struck it ! One
hundred barrels, and increasing ! Open
a fresh can of peaches and let tho child
ren have butter on their bread. ill
be home Saturday with your diamonds.
"What is tho size of Mrs. Lollipop's pin '(
I will lay over that in size it 1 don t ac
cumulate a cent. Jcnluus s well is as
dry as a bone. Cut his family's acquaint
anoo at once."
Women and Homes.
A recent number of the He volution con
tains an article, from which we make the
following extract in relation to homes,
and what is needed in tho wife and mo
ther to make them all they should bo :
" Our homes have need of breadth and
height. Cooking and nursing do not
constitute home, or any good cook would
suffice to make a man s house a home.
Quiet, seclusion from the world do not
constitute home, or the nunnery and jail
would be homo. Caresses and delight
are not the essence ot home, or tho harem
would be home. Home is a place where
mutual affection and mutual help secure
happiness and growth ; an abode where
a wise, strong, beautiful soul presides
and guides ; and this guardian genius
should be the wife and mother. There
need be no fear that home will be harm
ed by broadening the lives of women,
Its greatest danger, to-day, lies in the
pettiness and selfishness of tho womon
who should be educated to great duties
by great thoughts and aims. Many
place is called home where the children
say mother to one who is merely a cook
and nurse. Many a place is called home
where the mother is only a dressmaker
for her children. We want in our homes
wives and mothers who can do moro
than feed and clothe the body ; who can
train hearts and intellects, end save sonls
as well as sew for bodies. Tho woman
who selfishly loves the little group about
her her husband and her little ones
and cares nothing for tho rest of God'i
children, is not ht tor wito and mother
but she who loves her own family not
less because she sees in humanity one
large tamily to which she owes her lov
or help." Jt
Ono of the ministers of Elniira, N. Y.,
was having a donation party tho other
evening, when Mr. , ambitious to
appear liberal, marked a four-dollar cas
ter up to twelve dollars, and took it in
as his donation, getting much credit for
his liberality. The next day the minis
ter called at his store with the twelve
dollar caster, stating that he could not
afford so expensive an article ; ho would
be pleased to exchange it for its marked
value in other needed goods. And the
minister was soon wending his way home
ward, loaded down with a dozen dollars
worth of selected grocerios.
A drunken husband in an Ohio villagi
who had a mania for breaking furniture
had tho tablos turned on him very neat
ly by his better half. She very quietly
looked on while ho was engaged in his
warwee demonstrations, then sat down
and made oat a bill embracing each ar
tide destroyed and its value. This done,
she went to the saloon-keeper who kept
her husband in spirits, and demanded
the amount ot the bill, lie paid i
promptly and collected it from the bus-
At the mooting of tho Army of tho
Cumberland, in Detroit, recently, Gon
eral Kobinson told a story about Gener
al Helfridge and General Barnum. Both
theso ofiicers, when stationed at Buleigh,
were popular, and a rivalry existed be
tween them. One day General Burnum
visited an insane asylum and received
quite an ovation. This excited General
Selfridge' jealousy, and in hopo of be
ing similarly treated, and determined
not to be outdone, he took his band and
terenadtd a deaf and dumb institution.
A negro waiter who had twice awak
ened a traveller to inform him that
breakfast . was ready, and a third time
broke his slumbers by attempting to pull
off the bedclothes, thus explained:
Massa, if you isn't gwine to git up, I
must hab de sheet anyhow, 'case dey're
waiting for de table-clof !"
EsrbCis oiPntJOTNa Geape Vises.
Wn Mnv flia fnllnwin D ATtrftnt from
an article in tho List Ohio Horticultural
Koport, by G. W. CarapbalJ, ano ot urn
most intolliffcnt and successful fruit
growcrs in mat state s
u In my romarks upon puning, I shall
advocate no particular system, for I havo
not found anv that I consider applicable
to all varieties and all situations. My
obiect will, therefore, bo to state lacts
Vd Rental principles, leaving their ap-
plication to be maio as circumstances i
require. It is well-know to all grape-
growers that the wood growth of the
of the next The object, therefore, of
ft-- mine in.Tifp ia mmnid p.
iat to uioAiMvnuio uu v.v vn
ta af aooti Dnrl fri nnnfinA
the now or bearing wood within its allot-
1 anA !, nfvlnnfinti of nn
more fruit than it can perfectly mature,
That our vines have been, as a rule,
confined to too narrow limits, ana bud- i
jected to too much pruning, I have no
doubt ; and I am glad to see a general lessness is sometimes difficult, particu
disposition among vineyardists to plant larly in those who carry grave responsi-
n I ..Ma ,linnin. anil " YrilTin lnQQ 1 .' . . . 'T1!. V.Vvi- rC 1 i
Ob niuKi uisbiviivua ..v. ww ... ...
"A vino must eventually suffer from
havinc- all its tendencies continually
AU. .nmUl,oWtoromroil
vU.u,..u..,u..u.e r......r
to a mere traction ot its natural aimen-
sions. Bo tar, however, as my ooserva-
inn OvfTirlo T vrnillfl RAT tVlftt the iniurV I
resulting from the severest winter pmn-
ing, performed while tho energies of the
vine are dormant, is as nothing, compar-
cd with that caused by an indiscriminate I
and wholesome summer slashing, whilo
the vino is in vigorous growth and all
its forces in action.
tion. . In proof of this, I
will mention the following experiment,
which I have repeatedly tried with ait-
ferent varioties, and always with the
samo results. I have taken a young vino
in perfect health, and in the full vigor
of its early growth, ond cut it down to
within two or threo leaves of tho point
where it had started in the spring. This
sudden check stops all growth for a week
two, when tho upper bud giowiy I
swells, and at length makes a new shoot,
and, it a vigorous variety, it will soon bo
making a rapid growth. I have then
again shortened this new shoot a littlo
above the former cut. The period of tho
test is now longer than before, but a
new start, rather teeble, will usually be
made : and I havo repeated tho cuttmg-
back process even a third time. The
vino now either remains stationary, or
makes a very foeblo and spindling shoot
which never matures. Now if this vine
be taken up after the fall of tho leaves, it
will be found to havo just tho amount of paid our best physicians over fifty dol
living roots it had when planted, and no tars for treatment, without any relief.
more. All the new roots tornied during
. , n , i I
oach successive period of growth between I rlittoront. Tinininoi -will ho lounrl
rlnarl nnd rnttpn ! nnf the different sets
of roots indicating these successive pe-
nods can usiiallv be traced.
" Tho apphcation of these facts to the
nrnetir-n of severe summer Tiruninsr is not
diflicult ; and it is to my mind conclusive its r-ffix-t ia onlv evil contmuallv.
A simple pinchinp; at the ends ot too
rampant shoots in order to strengthen
the weaker ones and equalize tho summer
growth in addition to the rubbing out of
superfluous shoots, is all I believe to bo
t:vi-i ui:fsnij, ii i
been properly performed." .
T. C. Jones, in his address beforo the
Board of Agriculture of Ohio, describes
the points we want in cattle with a great
deal of acumen. He says :
" In cattle, we want the round carcass
the barrel-shaped rib because, first,
it gives strength to hold up the immense
weierht carried in tho large stomachs of
the ruminating animals, it tho nos are
flat, the abdomen will be the widest at
the bottom, and the tendency will be to
let down the contents below tho termi-
nation of the ribs. These " paunchy "
animals aro seldom good feeders. In the
second place, tho round barrel is irapor-
tant in all flesh-producing animals, be-
causo this form gives us the most meat
in tho more valnablo parts. But the
flat rib gives us a sharp, narrow chine,
with a largo amount ot tougn ottacning
muscics, ana very iiitio Tenuer ansa, jx
carcass of proper form for producing
nesn snouia appear large wnen vieweu
trom above, because tno portion xnus
seen bears the best and most valuable
meat. The hips, must, therefore, bo long
and broad, though not too wide, and
especially not protuberant. Tho side
view, with straight ripper and lower
line, and nearly straight from the rump
and the top of the shoulder to the inter
section of tho lower line, will nearly fill
a rectangular parallelogrum, as may be
seen in a diaeram of a properly formed
ox, sheep, or pig. And the samo would
bo true of a front or near view of a well
fatted animal, though in this case the
parallelogram would bo nearly square,
while in the side view it would of course
be oblong. In all flesh-producing ani
mals, the parts which aro mere onai
Bhould be as light as possible ; the head,
horns, logs, and bony structure generally,
should not bo larger than necessary to
give the proper size and vigor. The
animal should bo large when fat. and
relatively small when lean. In determi-
nintr the excellence of cattle, no point is
moro important than hide and hair. A
mellow and clastic hide, with soft, long,
and elastic hair, gives protection during
our severe winters, and indicates a thrifty
animal and good feeder, as well as tho
best quality ot flesh.
Weights and Ages.
Somebody who has been "studying
our weights reports
that, upon an
averasrp. bovs at birth weigh a little more,
nnrl tiv1u n littlo less, than six nounds and
a half. For the first two years tho two
sexes continue nearly equal in weicht,
t,..i i. j xi.. i. i.' i
decided preponderance. Thus young
men of twenty average 143 pounds each,
while the vounar women of twenty ave-
raaro 120 pounds. Men reach their
heaviest bulk at about thirty five, when
they average about 162 pounds ; but wo
men slowly increase in weight until fifty,
when their average is 149 pounds, lak
ing men and women together, their
weight at full growth averages about
twenty times as heavy as they were on
the first day of their existence. Men
range from 108 to 200 pounds, women
from 88 to 207 pounds. The actual weight
of human nature, taking the average of
all ages and conditions nobles, clergy,
tinkers, tailors, maidens, boys, girls, and
babies, all included, is very nearly 100
pounds. These figures aro eiveu as
avoirdupois weight ; but the advocates of
the superiority ot women might mane a
nice point of introducing the rule that
. . . , rn ? Ti
wamen Deweignea tjy xroy weigni ukb
n4-Va 4 1 a anil m flnnltvliiriAia TliA
figures will then stand ; young men of
man of twenty, 100 pounds.
Miscellaneous Iloalln Xotca.'
Tho following health hints nro from
top November number of Home and
Health. While tho facts may not bo
now to many of our readers, they are
wono treasuring i . .
" yuivav m ju wu uuu, 01111-
foctly oroct, with head and shouldors
back, and then, fixing the lips as if you
were eoinf to whistle, draw the air
through the li
ps into tho lungs. When
bout half full, gradually
tno onest is aoout naii iun, grauuaiiy
raise the arms, keeping them extended
wim me jimum m uio unum uuu,
you suck in tho air, soas to bring them
over the" hood just as the lungs are quite
ihn 4ViniTihfl I
and, &ftor forcing the arms backward
And thft nhnst onen. reverse the DroccM
hv whinh vnu draw vour breath, until
m i 1
tVifl 1 11 ncr b are cniDtv. This Drocess
should be repeated immediately after
bathinir. and several times durinar the
day. It is impossible to dosenbe, to one
who has never tried it, the glorious sense
f ' U I
01 viirur wmuu lunuwo um licitiw. i
Sleeplessness. Tho cure of sleep-
uillllt - H. 1UU Iicvuiv v filuuuiiitE n i
one which, if broken up for any length
nf time, is not casilv recovered. Often
. ill tt U.. f.,1
n otsicio uiura,
drugs, so deranges tho nervous system
that sleep is never sweet alter. Ur per-
nnti. Irtn .nntinnml rafr.lifiilnooa nrn.
duces the same effect i or hard study, or
too little exercise of tho muscular sys-
tern, or tea and wliisky drinking or to-
hacco using.
rp0 prrmrY
Blood. A well
vQ:;nrl tw i, considers
folln" B'iotion for purifying
ino loiiowing presuripnou iUi puixxn.g
the blood as the best ho has ever used :
One ounce yellow dock, one-half ounce
horseradish, one quart hard cider. Doso,
ono wine glasstul tour times a day.
A Word About Cider. Alexander
Frear. in tho Independent, says : " For
nany. bilious complaints, sour ciuer is
specihe, ana in sucn cases s one 01 ino
"""er, " ,
giving. Uidcr guzzlers are an aoomina
tion. but. if dvsneptics will take a little
with their dinner, they will find diges
tion greatly aided. We go in for the
manufacture of a good, puro article, and,
in the use of it, to let our moderation be
known to nil men."
The Earth Cure for Ulcers. I
dried and pulverized some clay, says a
writer in tho Country Gentleman, and re
commended it as a valuable remedy to a
noicrhbor woman who had lor ten years
a very bad ulcer on her ankle. She had
hhe applied the dried ciay aimosi con-
i e . , . :. ,
stantly for about six months, and a per- l
toet euro nas resuitea. xno nrst itouv
of the nrenaration was to remove in
flammation and relievo pain, and now
sho savs there is no scar remaining, anu
her limb, which was stiff and lume, is as
elastic as when she was a cirl. The wo-
man is a very largo, fleshy person, about
tortv vears ot ase. 1 consiucrcttinouw
a very severe one, ana tne result veiy
satisfactory. About a gallon of pulver
ized clay was used.
Oakum as A Dressino for BURNS.
jir Robert L. Snow says of oakum, as
a dressing IOT DUrns, mat, it, iiiuucw ura
hpaUng of extensive sores with remark-
able rapidity ; it inuuees uoaimS wuu
raximi iiiuoiim l ui-i o "r7
1 . . I . . . , . h.rv..iT.. (.nd f1 limn U ,r
prevonta all smell j it is cheap, saves
time and trouble ; ana, most important;
of all, the resulting scars do not con
Pafer Comfortables. The mode of
making comfortables warmer, by
them with newsnapers, is eood as long
as they lost, which cannot bo Jong, cs-
nccialiv after washing a few times. I
have tried a similar way of attaining
the same object on cold nights, when I
have not had sufficient bedding over me,
esneciallv at hotels, where we cannot at
I wavs cret lust what we want. Ihrow on
one or two of the top covers from tho
bed, then pull from tho pocket or satchel
two or three largo newspapers one very
large ono will do ; spread them on tho
oe(t and replace tho cover, and you win
nave a warm ana comionauio nigiit,
without any perceptiblo increase in the
weight ot tho bcaaing. Again, wuen
vou havo a hard, cold rido in a cutter,
or ten or twenty miles against tho wind,
place a spread newspaper over your
sliest before vou button up vour over-
coat, and you will not become chilled
through. Nothing can bo cheaper, and,
as far ar it goes, nothing more efficient.
Darkness in the Treatment of
Small Pox. If a patient, in the begin
ning of the attack, bo put in a room
from which absolutely all light is ex
cluded save that of a candle, the effect
is to arrest the disease in tho papular or
vesicular stase : tho skin between the
vesicles is never inflamed nor swollen
tho larcro scabs of matter never form
over tlm face : there is no intense pain.
and only trifling itching, and tho smell
is either very slight or altogether want
ing. London Lancet.
Persons afflictod with eruptive diseases
should not use salt nsh.
Europe had fifty-six States beforo tho
Italian war, while now it has only
eighteen, with a population of throe
hundred millions.
Information about any Railroad Bonds
ran be obtainod if you will writo to
II. TT 1 U'll Uti
VJ11AK1.KS . 11-Aani.r.K, iu. i " " """ i
New York.
New York Wholesale Markets.
BUTTER State, fine firkins- $ l $
CUEE3E State factory.
13 (i
l d
St) V M
3 (ui
uuio ao..
r ottos-JirfftarvT
.. iw to aood ndddiin.
EOUS-s- reuna.
I.tmeil .
FLOUR-Stipertine S W
KXira to lancy clsl.
Ohio round boop a Ti
Ditrs amber '
H)rlnt wheat SO
Extra Genesee 7 40
Bu Louis double extra.... 170
Coax Mkal Western Jerey.. J 70
Brandviriue 4 M
Bcckwbrit FLooa V 1W Ku I o
GRAIS-Coaa-Western 78
Southern so
Bablet Western fo
Canada . 1 io
Rva 0
Whkat Western No. 1 Spring... I M
Do. No. I do. .... I 6C
Do. Amber 1 ai
Do. Whiu I ti
White Genesee 1 to
PROVISIOKS-Pork-Newmess... li 4
W'b prim... II Si
Bms Plain
Kitramess 0 00
Beef hams " 00
Bco - J
Gaais Uiag - -
Lsao -
BKEU-Clover . J)
f laxseed. . ...... . . . . ... ......
WOOL N. V., Pa.. O.. and Mich.... C4
VU and Iowa to
Texas aud California.. M
I Oood
I . . i
gnKKP u LAMiid-ritip."..".!.'
BWINg-Llv ,
Not tttb Timm1 WAT TO DO IT. -A
Franklin strcot gentleman and his wife
hud a littin nrmminnt Christmaj eve,
when ho kindly said hd would hang up
hor stockings for her, Which ho did j
but i,wdvertcntiT omitfcA to take ho
out of thorn, Sho stood on her head tor
inn ,, tu neighbors arbi-
tratcd. Norwich Jiulletin.
A Glorious Eecobij. Twelve years
ago a few modest lines in a Now York
Journal invited publio attention to a
ooumai ihyimju iuuui J
new Vegetable Kostorative, and solicited
ui no muiim tta u . .
digestion, biliousness, fever end ague,
debility, nervous disorders, rheumatism,
an1 all svntvi Wl .1 i ti tsl wnitirimT lflVHTOr
ating and regulating treatment In tins
auiet nnnretentious way, PLANTATION"
Bittehs wa introducea to tho world,
. . . .
It was a ruccors from tbo beginning,
All that was claimed for it as a tonic, a
corrective and antidote to malarious
fever, was found to bo strictly true,
Within five years tho annual sales of this
- .till
nitwit) tuuouura u uiw - -j
A few years more ana the do
mand had swelled to fit million. The
annual consumption of the bitters has
now reached tho almost mcruiuuie
m J
Kate 01 S.IX millions or uoit.tviu
tor every bottle sold a copy oi me 11.3-
- ... . ,tf 1.',nnnn
" ip"tjiui, 1
18 elv,:" "j
Glad tidings for the Slaves of King
Alcohol, llow many a manly lorm is the limlll(on t rana(. Hanrtrortaof tuoiraanua
palsied i how many a noble mind HiSt"
aeswoyea ; now many rium3M iuu
loat through the cures of strong driuk I
10 the despairing victims ot tneBatauu
tryant' A ?ho1... ?0 8hKtte,r?a '
iralnhV, ,:Iliri, .nd rackinff head-
r ...
aches, seem to find no relief except iu
the renewed use of the fatal poison
which brings them every day nearer to
their miserable end, we announce glad
tidings of ert-at ioy ! Dr. Walker's
Vinegar Bitters contain not a single
drop ot Alcohol in any lorm, but are a
govmlgn remedy for the ills ot drunk-
enness. inejr reiiore iuuo uu oucuw
to the system, and entirely eradicate the
pernicious appetite tor liquor, iry a
few bottles of Vineoar Bitters, and
you will never crave btroug spirits
again, but hnd your neiiuu repairea,
your mind restored, and be once more a
man m the blest sense.
To Farmers, and nil who want land, the
Missouri. Kansas and Texas Railway Co. offers
easy terms. (See advertisement in another
colurau). These lanne lie aioiijf uie .-eosno
Valley, Kansas, one of the richest valleys In all
the West. Materials for building and leucine.
and fine limestoue auarries are witlilu easy
reach of almost every quarter section. ltie
Immense prairies and river bottoms, covered
nun urn UiUiti: odid, u v.. "
m,j RU(j 0l,,,n winters, presenlnnequalled ad
with rich uatlvc grasses, ana luvorea wun ary,
vantages lor the mining of cuttle, Bbecp, fend
borses. Fruit growing Is a specialty of this
State, as shown bv its receivinif a gold medal
from the Pennsylvania Slnte Horticultural So
ciety ljr "a col lection ol fruits unsurpassed lor
size, beauty and flavor." Few places equal
Kansas In ueultuiulness oi ciunaic, ana in no
country cau more days of out-door work be
All riersous deslrine to see the lands of this
Company should purchase tickets for Neosbo
fulls, wucre nil necessary luiuruiuuuu us iu
land, routes, &.C., will be given by Isaac T.
Ooodnow, Laud Commissioner, who will also
give tree tickets lrom thai point to purcuusers.
rnkvvvn Hivm f n rnnih nltin
.db?". 'tJZ ,nd
. - Hffri,..timmure!l. and the
kin mafl soft and smooth bv usinsr tbe
I - .
Juniper Tar Soap, nmdo by Caswell,
Hazard &, Co., He w-York. It is more
convenient and easily applied than
other remedit s, avoiding the trouble ot
the greasy compounds now in use.
Inherited Diseases. The number
of transmissible complaints is larger
than is generally supposed. Not only
scrofula and consumption, but rheuma
tism, gout, liver complaint, constipation,
cerebral aiiections, and probably dyspep
sia, are inheritable, t ortunately, how
ever, these terrible heirlooms may be got
nd ot. Cut off the entail with UR.
Walker's Vineoar Bitters. This
powerful Vegetable Alterative and In-
vigorant, is also a blood depurent. It
rem0ves that transmitted poison from
the circulation, and cures what are call
Pa constitutional disorders.
i'e were pleased to see, not long since,
in one of our exchanges, some pretty se
vere remarks addressed to several per
sons who, during an interesting lecture
bv Rev. Jno. S. C. Abbott, kept a con
tinuous coughing, which prevented
many from hearing. Pooplo who cannot
retrain lroin couching, had better stay
away from such places, or also take a
bottle of Johnwh't Anodyne Liniment
with them.
Tlin iirmnrt.'iiien of irivins Slteridan'g
Camlry Condition Poirden to horses that
have been out in tho cold wind, or
drank too much cold water, cannot bo
over estimated ; no man should be with
out them who owns a good horse.
. .. .
SOOI1 OS thcro IS the slightest uneasiness
f ni,nu4. rlifVlonltv nf hroiitliin r.
VLAVC i V.' Ik V w L .... " -
v. kuu vui n. i. .... . ..... .--. u. p.
or indication of Cough, tuke during tho
day a low " llroicn $ lironchud Iroche.
One-Fourth of the Mortality
In this country. Is due to nerlccti:d Coughs.
Tb'8 U a BUtUllcal fact, and 11 is equally '.rue
that uo Coul'U or Cold would ever prove laiui
If the tireut balsamic reiiicdy " Ilale's Honey
of Uoreuound nnd Tar," were taken In the
ear)v ataires,
Rcllcet ou this.
Pike's Toothache Drop cure Toothache In
one minute. Sold by all LTU.ukwisui cents.
To tub Pernio. We know of no remedy
equal to Jacks )N's Catarrh r-siTP and
Troche I'oWDBh. fur Catarrh, Asthma, Loss
of Voice, &c. Is mild, pleasant, aKreeuble to
i, and a sure tore. Ask vtiur unionist lur
it. or mail I J." cents to Cotil'EK, Wilson &
Co., Pliiladc.bia.
A protruding toe Is nol a aiirbtly Ihlnu, any
I notliliiL' about health and com Tort. 8IL ER
TIPPED Shoes never wear ut at lhe to.
for Sale by ult Dealers.
Economy Is wealth but lhe best Shoe is the
CABLE SCREW WIKE. Tbey never rip,
leak or come apart. Try them.
All geuuiuu goods slumped.
Bit monce In How to Vase the Farm Py.'
to Geo. A. Ileiu, Chambenbuiir. Pa.
For (Ac assTand cncipasT Stamp Puller and Rock
Lifter, address T. W. Fay, Camden, . J.
Is a great panacea for our sued fathers and mothers, for
It Kivestbem sUenKth, quleU their uerves, aud kvs
uiem nature s sweet sleep.
To Consumptives.
Th. advanisAr hsviuir been permanently cured
of Utat oread diaeasa Cousiuupuou, by a almiil.
remedy, la anxious to mak. known to ma fol.ow
sufferers the laeaua of cura. 'load who dealr. it.
lie will send a oui.v ul the urasorliiliuo atea. 1 1 roe of
eharee). with th. dlroctioua lor piepaMug and
th aaiua. which they will uuu a auaa tusn
)NBUMiT10M. As I tm A. BaONCHiTl. 40. tat
U .1 taking Ui. prescription will please addreaa
m SouUThlrd St.. WlUlamsburgu, N. Y.
A Remedy Found at Lastt
, It Will Cure Your Cough.
It will Prevent rtnd Cure Con.
Hint Conph. which yon arenoirKiftinir. may result
Uy IS nor usoil. wny sscruicu your
nlewhen your disease cau bo
cured soqitlck aud at
HO small a COS.
uiut :.iuv-ii,nl u.nou luhnn Cnm.
What IS the Value of Money When Com-
imivu w nuim.
Thn who ar aAllrtM with a Onnrh nrnlth Con-
aumiitjon r at the folloln lflttfr from ft pronil.
nmt merchant ot Marine City, Mlcliigan, dated
Jul-.-2-t, l70i
Dmr Hint The Allen'a Lnn Balaam lias arr Tea.
I would not like to I e without it, for it haa saved my
life. I took a bad col I, and a cough, and finally
consnmpUun was seated non me. 1 was In a very
bidstHle. I trledevBylhlnKthatwaarecommcrd
rl, and spent a grtat de-1 t money, and not no heip.
hnd Alif-n's Lnn Balaam lor sale, but I knew
iwitMttiv f ita mmlta. I did not like to take it with.
ont kuowlnc more about it. I had not told a bottle.
vhen yon. af?ntcnion me, 1 tnid Mm 1 co..m
not..i .mi.p kdt "Kd?tnyHp
nrnrlan. ti e hrat bottle stormed my oona-h t and,, e.
lore me mini vuvue w.r, "j .hu.. "
t.Cai.l nn.1 wnll And I can n ow aoenk knawlnfflv to
mv friend, and customers of tho good qnalitles of
Allen's I.uim liuiaam. 1 remain yonra, n-nneci.
flllly, . L.C.COTTKKl.I..
Ta warranted to break nt the moat troubleaome
cnuxh in an Inoredlbly short, lime. There Is no renie-
5'i" rii. m. f Tnvi.lon of rpnl merit than
.,. balham for caring tjousumpuon, congiis.
it la uly a -ont olxht yein since the Balaam wm
flnitofforeilt ithepHlilio, anil, In thla short time It
ha. e known 0
rtiB8ase.thatlti reeominenaeuior.
M narme to the moat delicate Ciiiid.
lt pomainano opium in any form
old by Medicine Dealer generally.
J. If. Harris Ac Co., Prop'rs,
Cincinnati, 0.
For sale by Perry Pavla Ron. Providence t John
F. Henry. New Yorkj French, Klcuatos s to.,
Phllad Iphla. ,
X areas (wiUmtatnp) box 2731, Now ork.
-V IVD BTrtnV Pa.tla RhMn. Rvlnfl.
Poultry, and
JjDoks. Sendftamp for price Ht. FRANCISMOB-
RIS, (breeder) 18 North 13th SU Philadelphia, Pa.
AND THE WEST." 660 naeKS. 75 illns. Price $4.5(1.
Terms extra. Address C. P. 11KADWAV, Danville, Pa.
i. , f nitVub. will Lw.ll . M.. la to
ht Mil, SI 1 3 tar S3. . fr... T-T Ol.l
.S.U Uto. 1,N, KliU UU.. S.libW, Tw
A valuable Indian compound, for restoring the
health, and for the permiinent care at all diseases
arising from Impurities of the lilood, such as
Mcrofula, "crofulons Fl umor. Cancer, Can
cerous Hnmor, Erysipelas, Canker, !nlt
Ithentn, Piinplea and Humor on the
Fnce, Ulcers, Couiihs, Catarrh
Hronrhllis, N urulvln, hheu
mntlnm, Pains In the Hide,
Dyapep In, Constipation,
. Coatlvcnesa, Piles,
ilendaehe, Dizziness, Nervousness, Knlnt-
nesa at the Stomach, Puina In the Duck,
Kidney Complaint, Female Weak
ness, and Urnernl Debility.
This nretinrAtion Is sclentlflcallT and chemically
combined, and o MrunKly concentiated fr m root.
hHrhs And barks, tliut its ood effects are realized
tiurordiately niter evmrneueln' to take lt. Thei e is
no disease uf lhe human syetein for which the X o
etinr csnni't be u-eil with peiteet xalety, as It does
not contain any metallic compound, ror eridluat
Ing the system of all iiupuiities if the blond, lt lias
no equal, lt has uever lulled to ett'oct a cure, dv
lnfr tone and strength to ttiHsvstem debil'tteil by
disease. IU won.ierful effects npon these com.
nla nts are sniprlsinit to all. Many nave ueon en' en
by the Vegkiink that have tili-d many other rem-
sUes. It can well ia cuiieu
Vrlce 8 1 .S3. Sold by aU rJniKjrlsta.
,ummer Fliwerlnjr I! nibs, for 1872 ;
fnw readv. Conslstinir of over 130 Danes, on rosn.
Vow realy. Consisting of over 130 panes, on rosi-
lliueu pacr, Willi upwards iw nepsruio cuin,auii
Mxll nutilul t'ulurfd t'l teal Cover, a tieau-
titui uesiKu lucoiciia. tub rieunat caia oue .ver
published. Heud - rents lur vupy, lint one ball the
value of the colored pbttrs. in llie yrt order,
amount ing to not iesstnKU fl.lhopr.lre of catakirun,
2!., will tin refunded iu a-ena. Ke customers
nloMl on tlia snnis i mtinlf witti old. Free to old
customer Quality of si eds, size of packets, t riei s
and premium, odeied, make it to the advautaxeof
an to Uiireiisse seens oi us. ere cuiuiuKiiv iui
truordiuaiy inducements.
You wlli miss it It yon do not see our eataletruo
before oidcriua; seeds.
Kltli-r of our two chromes for IMS, s'.ze 19x;4 one
a flower plate of bulbuus plants, cniislHtinK of HIUs,
Ac the other of auuuul, biennial and perennial
,'"n,,j .! "ZTku a n't flora
ever issued iu tins couutiy. A supeiti pa lororna
meut ; mailed, post paw, on receipt ol 7iie. ; also ireo,
ou conditions speeinrd in catalogue. Address
Ettdblixhtd 1.46. ltd lieaicr, ew York.
Swarthmors, Ponna. A few students of either sex, who
- , , .. , 7 , . i . ...
I present testimonial, oi Kooa uiorui cmuTiei.vr, win u
udmlttcd on or before Sd mo. 1U 1H. s'or catalogue
address EDWAUD II. MACill.L, Prlucipal.
hoovers lew Callery of thromos
I HOOVER has removed his establishment from M
Market St. to 1 1 1 7 Chestnut St. fliiladelohla.
Pu.. h here he Is prepared to receive orders from tbe
mule lor Foreign t'lrwiuwi as weu ins own puuiu-a-
tionH. Mr.
r. 11. In
iut liuished a new chroino. called
T11K SPIKIXUAL liUlUB, same file, price, and style,
ai his popular pictures TUB CHANGED CROSS, T11K
FAITUKLL CHOW nxilJ, 31 An I Anii OT. f UilA, auu
TIIH 1IOI.V V4MILY. size to flame xz28 incbt-s.
The new curonio oi "Ttiu UArnns ur ins.
SEIl APIS," after the celebrated marine painter, James
Hamilton, slse S0i7, is a very due picture ; alto, "BOTH
PUZZLED," size 14x17 I his celebrated FRUlT-PlEC'kS
psnnnt bu KurnaHed. ilKAL'TIr'UL b.NOW. lexis.
DELHI, N. Y., an autumnal landscape, and many others
of equal merit tor sale by ail the lead ing dealers through
out the Cnited States, and wholesale by the puhlMu-r,
Brainard's Musical World,
A mnnthlv M-.mzlne. each number containing:
twenty-four pages of beautiful new aiu.ic and interest
ing reading matter. Each volume of tbe Mimical
n orlttcoutauis gsu worm a cwic miwir, x.. u uuw
ber contains from cigbt to ten nieces of new mui-ic.
Only tl per year, with elegant premiums for clubs.
llanos, u.-guilH, aieiuueoua, uuu.'i u.n. n,uu...i.,
Ohromoj, Sewing Machines, etc., given as Premiums.
Seud ten cents lor specimen copies containing a large
amount of new mut-lc. new premium list and full par
titulars. A. Wrens S. JJrl Al AnD o, ruuiisuers,
Cleveland. Ohio. Catalogues of muic sent free.
Vauey Hoods, Toys ii Fireworks.
32 and 34 Maiden Lane, Now York.
Mas ou baud a large and choice stock of
Fall and Holiday Trade,
Home and out door sports and games of ail kinds.
tV A n exptritun of it ysart enabb-a m to antici
pate lh uia.U of lit public, and at pric4 that all
will Qeemrt4SMmabt-.
KKKO'EVU Murders A' d Chicago Fires never
huiiueu to those ho usouruew faient sadly
Lamuwlck 0 ouu solrt in asya. Agents wanted
eveiy where bamplea uy man sue is. auiiitw rsr,
iMlarWlLS VU.. UUW "WWIi ,VI,
A UKN'Ils WsuttHl Aireutsmuae more muney al
l A woi k lor us IMjUI any uuu
uk else, rartlcularalree.
u. bid. so x km.,
i'tiw Art rub Tt. Poi thuid. Me.
(OOA for Untelaaa PUnoa.
No discount.
vptuvi amenta.
Addreai U.
8. riAHQ UO.,
Bread war, il- V.
Sis stM9W:"i
far Beauty of Polish, Savins Labor, Clean
llnuso, Durability 4 Cheapness, Unequalact.
mzwns Of woRTlil.tsS ntlTATinx ondsr ether
names, but resembling ours In tlupe uud color of wrapper
intended to deceive.
tn nisto sri rot.isit n nn., for nwo dcaior'
s(, (it twelve irtits pir iKiiinrt tivtnty.Sv mid tnf
pouml bnxet. " Clitaptr uiaii ui other llulk l'vluli (cr
Cbenp nnti lmmMp Bupewtlrsothpr article turpurpoM.
K ItlNIMi Nt' III.AI li 1.KAU Llllllllt:ATUH.
lu..lnM .ifift ftrhlnni'V .
Xjfttt tx tlmesoslnnftuoU
alone. Sfi lb. and Bulb, boxes, 15 cents pur lb. Try it.
MORSE BROS., Prop'ro,, canton, Mast.
TTERK you have ft nulvo comblnlns KMthlng tttil
XX bfttlinsf propcrtk-8, with no dnniceroui Ingred
tent. A remedy nt hmid fur the many palti and
ncliun, wounds and brulflc to which flesh li heir.
In more erwily applied tlinn many other remedies,
novor producinff n bud eifect, but always rvJierlng
pnln, however sevoro.
ltU prepared by Mi$ Sairtjer, who has uood It
In her own extensive treatment of the sick, for
nearly twenty years, with grent success.
The principal diseases for which this nWi Is rec
ommended are, ChiWUtin. Ii7teumttnmt A7t't,
Scrofula Old 67cr, JSatt flhrwn, 8praint mi,
Fever JSoreg, Felon Pimple, Krylplui Sort
Eye &nrbr'$ lUh, J)(afne$t Boil, Itlnff'tcorm$f
Corn, Mies of Jr. sects, Canctr, Toothache A'nr
ache, Sore Nippl?t ahlnenst StvolUn JlrtasU,
Itch Scald Jlcad Teething, Chunked Hand
Scald Cut JSruises Croup, Omiuf Hp, and
Sore on Children
It never fulls to euro Rheumntlpm If properly
applied. Rub Hon well with the hand three timet
a any. In several cases It hns cured palsied limbs.
For Pile it has beon discovered to be a sure rem
edy. Persons that have been nflltctcd for years
navo Doen reunvea oy a iuw applications, r or r.ry
sipela it works wonders, niljiylng the Inflammation
and quieting the patient. For Chapped Hand It
produces a cure immcdtatoly. Let those with aH
Ithmm obtain this Halve, and apply lt five nd
they wilt Hnd It luvaluahh. lt Is eood in cafft of
Scrofula ntid Tumor. Cancer navo been cured
with' IU The best Halve over invented for Swollen
Ureast and Sore Kippft. No way Injurious, but
sure to .flurd relief. Sore or Weak Kje Rub It
on the lids gently, onco or twice a day. Cures deaf
noes by putting Iu the ears on a pleco of cotton.
For Fdon this is superior to anything known.
For Pimple this nets like n charm. For Burn
nnd Scald, apply tho 8nlve at once and it glvet
Immediate relief. For Old Sore, apply once a
X'it among the least of the invaluable properties
of Miss Hawvku'h Halve are its bcueticial vtfects
on the hair. Rubbed on the sculp. Iu five or six
diffV-rent parts, it promotes the growth of the hair,
prevents it turning gray, and on bald upots it pro
duces a new growth or hair. N lady should be
without this Invaluable article ns an indispensable
cosmetic for the toilet. Jt eradicate dandruff and
lleaAc from tho head, and blotches and puiilcs
from the face.
We. tho undersigned, have been acquainted with
Mies Buwyer fnr nmtiy years, and believe her to be
a Christian lady and n skilful nurse, and having
used her salve In our families, it gives us great
pleasure in saying it is tho best gci.crnl medicine
we have ever used :
lp, E. F. etttfcr.
ltev. VT. O. Ilolmai,
Her. Juacpli Kallocli,
Iter. George VralU
Oen. J. T. Cillt-y anil wif.
CupL J. Crocker anil wife,
Cupt. DrtviJ Atnct anil wifv
Win. Wilton ami wilu.
John T. Bwy,
Wm. H. Tilwnih,
Mrt. Charlei Snow,
Jin. Alex. Snovr,
Dr. E. P. ChaM and wife,
J. WfekiflrUl nnd wlfa.
Win. Llouttic and wiie
Jacob Shaw and wife,
John 8 Ouw ond Mifp,
i. iu niH'nr,
A. H. Uc:
II. W. TViclu and vHp,
Uca W. Kimbsll, Jr. (Mayor W. O. Fuller ami wife,
Tltuiim Col Kin nnd wlf.
j Joioph Kurvfpii,
OI llWIi IfllMII QUa Will.
Ira. llvary InKraliaiu SJOk
0. J. Conant (Fottmsttcr off
Rockland) and w lie.
1. K. Kimball at id vritV,
Willium JlcLoua.
C it- maiiaru.
Kphraim Uarrott,
Lvandpr Wo.-ki,
iiun. A. a. unjpw,
If vour Dnisirlst is out of tlio Siilvc. nnd noelocti
to kuep suppllL'il.BC'iid sevoiity-fivo cents as directed
uejuw, unit receive a uox uy reiui-u niuu.
rut np In I.nrtso Boxes at 50 centa each
(nearly throe lime, as lare as llie Itox i-pi-cseiiti-cl
above). 1'renanil by MliS O. HAWYEU, nnd
put up by L. M. ROBBINS, Wholoealo
and Retail Druggist, Rockland, Mo.
A Trial liox sent freeliv nutil on receipt of seventy
live cents, by I.. M. UOliUlNS. Uucklund, Me.
mis VAi.r.r,i,r patat! is sold by
Inve-ttora was wl-'a to eii Loiters Ttto-t
tre revised ta csuascl rlVx
prpprvir:T0x3 of the
who h. projocnv.i ciJ::
I '0LVver'r.,i?v'yJi.l'?t .
EXT AGKN'CY ijtho irnvt extensive iu ttio world.
(liartT(rs less linn uny oJ'r roliMa atency. A
l'am;hlrt contain. nir tall lumrucuuua tu Inveutom.
tTiTA liandeomo Baund Volnmft, cnntnlnlnir 1M
Mcv.Uar-.lcr.l cnifnivmi; i, u:.J Hi . Ihuloil State Ceniu.i
by Coumiua, with lliuu nnl U'witt for MochanicH,
juancu uu ri-'e tjn in uoiuit. iav uciBNTiriv
1, 800, OOO ACRES
Richest Farming Lands in the World,
Neosho Valley, Kansas.
Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Co.
The Lands offered bv this Cnmii inr ate mainly
within an of eech'shlo of Ilia road, extL.iliug
ITOmilesalolis the NEOnliO VALLEY, the rlcbest,
finest, aud most Invulrig valley tor setllemeul in
the West.
One-thud of the labor demanded at. th. East will
Insure here double tho umouut of crops.
fltlC'K OK I.A.N ..-tllu $i per acre; credit
of t n years' time.-
THUMH OK HA I.E. One-tenth down at tho
time of puro use. No payment Ite second year.
One-tenth e.-ery year after, wi h annual lntoreaL
For lurther information, address
ISAAC '. liUUU.MlW, i.nnd Csni'r,
UKInllnn r X l'0-.t of lhe S Kf It If I VKH
and Jtlib I JiltluB ol linis.u.
With a full ami antheutlo history of Polyffuiny,
byj. 11. UKaLLK, Editor of the Halt Laae Ke-
I jineutaare meetlug with unpreeedeited sticcesa,
une r-THii-is le suns, rila-rs in four dtiys. auotber 71
Iu two ua a Keud for circulsrs aeil what the
uiesesaiaoftbe work. .NAI IUXVAI, risuau
l.H iu , Pld .a., Pa.
Imoroved Porous Plasters
ar. i-tsmmended by the BKsr f,"T;-' "
a ur ana ic n""1"""
AJttnirin ia inn i.en n ia cneapest week y I i:s-I . .... ....,., j ,,,. v.,i(
tmted Nowsnsner devoted to Kcijueo Art. n.r n . I Ladles' Hold l.eontlue aiiddcntir Clold est t
M0NN CO.. 87 I'.irk llow. T7aw v.i, H7iol A'o. OIJU ,000 1 Ttekttt limited to
KA1.U1A. iiisaABan is j"" '. f UKsas of BsLF-crKS. Written by oue who cured hlin
KEYB. PAIN ill tbe IIRKAbT Ll) NUHur HIIJE. Klf. nd sent h-ee on receivlni, . ?..t.naiA directed en-
8C1 AI'ICA, WEAlf BACK arid r EM A 1.E w fcA
to insure the best resiUt. .... , ,.
i ioe Ut Na. Vnr (. Hold
byaUDlUKKisla.' PK1CK ii cents.
Tonlscobelore thd people lhe plan of the f-nfon
i o piscw oeiora iu. i"-i"" , . ...
,-.:. . ..........., All llie l.elleUs OI L.lle
ance at cost. This nl.u Is laklug iho lead wherever
Uitiwluceal. Libel ul commissions allow ea or aalsr
gua anteeU to active, inieiuseui,cui.:,,
ervuees reqiuieu, iwu
Union lfoiiollt CJo.,
Ilddletuwu, Orantie Co., N. Y.
mJti Smear Maker's Frient
SO 000 sold
on. day ! Mot
Agents wautsa
to canvass and
sell Ion's Pstv
rrcr OALvawtEvn Mrrsuo kcsiaa
bsr Kroor and Bockbt Rsaaaa.
humpies, t'imilars and Terms seal on
receipt of W cm. to oar oostsn.
Address C. a POST, Msauf. and PataaUa, Uurllagua.Yt
J. Walks, Prnprlftar. R. tl. Wf0o4t t Co., Dracftliu
Oca. A riot, Sn Kmnclwo, Cl., wnS M OmmtrM ttrt, fi, T.
MILLION'S Brnr Testimony t their
Wonderful Carntlr llerts.
Tbey are not a vile Fancy Drink Made of Poor '
Rnm, WhlskcT Proof Spirits nnd Refuse
LlQnori doctored, spiced nnd sweetened to pie sue tho
taste,onllcd "Tonics," lAppetlrs,, "Uestorers,,,4ic.
that lend the tippler on to drunkenness nnd rnlu.bnt are
a tnie Mediclne.made from the Nntlvt Itnots and Herbs
of California, frre from nil Alcoholic Htimo
Inntft. ThevaretheREAT Ui,OOI I'IRN A
a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator of the System,
enrrylngoff all poisonous matter and restoring theblood
to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit
tars according to directions and remain long unwell,
provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted
bevond the point of repair.
They are n CJrntlr Pnrgntlvrnn well nan
Tonlc.-possptwihg, nlno, tho peculiar merit of set tag
as a powerful ngrnt In relieving Congestion or InflaDt
nmt fori of thn Liver, and all the Visceral Organs.
old. married or single, nt the dawn of womanhood ore
IJip turn of life, Uiew Tonic Hitters hare no equal.
For liillnnitrmiory nml Chronic Rhenmn
I'in nnd Uniit DyMpepnln. ot Indigestion,
;:iii. Remittent nnd Intermittent Fo--wrN,
IHsrnse oT tin- Rlood. Liver, Kid
neys nnd lltud ler, ih. se Hitters have been most
snrceMful. Hurli OImcrmpii are caused by Vlt Inted
lilood, whu-h if generally prod nod by derangement
of the Dipi'Mtve Oi-uaim.
srht, Pnin In tli?SltiMiihrs,Onnichi, Tlfrhtness of the
Che it, Pizzliifs. liour Kntrtatinns of the Stomach.
Hnd Taste In the Month, JiiHous Attack l'alpltatlnn ol
the Heart, Inflammation of the huiur Vain in the re
gione of thi KI)ncR. and u htuulreil other painful symp
turns, are the ollcptiiic r.f OynpepiTia.
TIkt tuvipornte tin Stomurh and Htimulnte the torpid
Liver and OowoU, whleli renmr them of unequalled
efKcucy in clesning the Llotrd of all Impurities, and im
partinjr new life and v:yor to the whole nrflti-m.
FOR SKIX lIKASi;S, KrupLlons, Tetter, Halt
Rheum, Blotches, Ppots, Pimples, PumUiIch, Bolls, Car
bunch's, Kin?-Wnrmft. Si'nld (lead. Son Kyei, Krvslpe
las, ltchrurf-, Uisi-olotiitlnhy uf the t-ki n. llimvifnurtJ
DiHeast'H of thi Skin, of wiiiit'Vr name r imture, ate
llteraliv duir up and rarrlod out of the syxtcm in n Hhort
time by the uneot the Hitters. One little In mieh
esses will convince tij most mcnMuiom of their cura
tive eflects.
Cleanse the Vitiated Ploml whonrvt-r you find ltd Im
purities bunt tinff through the skin In Pimples, Erup
tions er Snres ; cleanse It when yon find It obstructed
and ftluggisli In the reins: ctrcne lt when It is fnul,
and your feeling will t-'U you when. Keep the blood
pure, and the health of the nvstom will follow.
Pin, Tape nnd oihcr Worms, lurking In the
tyBtem of so many thouennds, are effectually destroyel
and removed. Kays a d?tfn?uih'd nhvio1oirlnt,
titers is pcareely an individual upon the face of the
earth whotte body Is '.mpt frm tlie prfsetiee of
worms. It i not upon the healthy eh-men's of thn
body that woiiih cx)c-t. bnt npr n tht dl?e:it"d humnrs
and slimy deposit! that hreed these livlns monsters of
dimSfe. Nn rtTn of Medicine, no vormifuireiu no
antbeluiintfcs will free the ystem from woints like
these Hitters. '
J. .WALKER. Proprietor. R. R. Mc DONALD ez CO,
Drugglits and Uen. Airents. 8sn Francisco. Oattfornla.
and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York.
Principal Office 101 W Fifth St., ClneUinatl, O
The only Reliable Gilt D.s ribulion in the country !
$60,000 00
In Valuable C If to I
To be drawu Monday, Feb. ltlth, 1672.
Two Crand Capitals of
$5,000 Each in Greenbacks !
TWO PRIZE 81.000
Is. Greenbacks
One IIUHMK and Bl'OOY. with silver mounted
Harness, worm cauu.
One Fine Toned Kosewood PIANO, worth $M
10 Family SKWINO MACUINES, worth $100 each.
Five Heivy Caswl Hold HuntlnK Watchea aud
Heavy Hold Chains, worth (.too each 1
Five Gold American Hunting Wutches, worth Jlii
Ten Ladies' Gold Hunting Watchcs,worth100 each.
(00 old and silver Lever Hunting WaTCHEB.
(in all) worm lroin ?m io ijou earn.
Airents Vniiel to Bell tickets, to whom lilier
al premiums will be pulit
eUnitleHi'; Kix Tickets, lit Twelve Tick
ets, 10 i Twenty live, f 20.
Cirenlars rmitainmK a fiillllstof prizes, a deacrlp.
tion of the milliner of tlrRwltiff,
tlun In loffMfiH'A to tlie dmiriui
tt i
otlur informa
utlou. will be Mtnt to
any one orilttiiuK luem.
All letura must be ad-
L. D. SINE, Box86, Cincinnati, O.
Olllce, 101 West Fifth 1st.
A Ht'nF CrRK fnr this dlstresi-inr comnlaint Is now
mude known in a Treatise (of ts octavo pace.) on Foreign
and Native Herbal Preparatinus, publi-hed by Dr. O.
Phklpb Rrowm. The nrei-criution was dlMsovered bv
him in such a providential manner that he cannot con
srieutlouidy refuse to mnke it known, as it has cured
ever body who bin ued it for Fin, never having failed
iua klmrlcca.-e. The inirredlentsmsy lie obtained from
any dmgirixt. A copy sent free to all anpllcants by
mail. Aadrei.s Dn. 0. PllELl'j BROWN, SI Grand
Street, Jersey City, N. J.
Open daily from 10 A. M. to r. .. aud on MOM
DAYS and THO R8DAY S trom t to T T. M.
Interest roiuafearea ou tbe Oral day ol er
WM VAN NAME, preaident.
HENRY R ('ON Js LIN, Secretary.
Pnbll.hed forth, benefit of vou nr bus and others.
I who sutler from Nervous Debilitv. etc suuolving ib
T,lope. Address NATHANIEL ilAYi.UK. UiOoklyu.
Woman lrom Fourteen to Fortv her Duties, hey
Dangers, and ber liiiuoans t Involving the laws of
poystcai iievelopmenu aud peisouai oeauty, wiib
I imuortant advina ami auirvesiioua. Price ii cent.
I f ul "J mail. Auareaa uu. b. v.
. PRA.T. No. Slo
Uioadwa, X. Y.
amuis sTitU HOKHKRl. . ctllu
Sweeny, Ringbone. Spavin.
and all TUseaaMi nf Hnnw Flesh -
t07ti A MONTH Horse and outlit furnUbed.
9010 Adoreait OO., Saou, Ma,
Jan -