(gilt Ojmtttij gixiDotatc. nTTRSDAT, JANUARY 25,lP7Zi , Bates of Advertising. Oao oolumn, one year 40 00 2SO0 15 00 Trnlnt advertlsta nersorowe ofenrht Ones or less 8 time or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year .. 6 00 Marrlagoa and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. T. K. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be keld at their hall on tin second and fourth Ineedayt of each month. g. l. Mccracken, Sec'y. Temple of Honor and Temoerance. UlktMl Temple No. 81, meets on ea:h Uernate Thursday, at their Lodge Room, a Main aireet, over J. V. IlonVs store. 8. A. ROTE, W. R. Car Time at Ridgway. Brie Express East do do West do Mail East do do West RenoTO Accommodation East.. do do do West... 2:0 a. m 2:15 a. m. 4:A5 p. m 9:27 a. m. , :HH a m. . 0:00 p. m. This year has 366 days. Sleiohino is first-rate hero. The day and night will ba equipoised on St. Patrick's Day. Tobacco and Cigars of tlie finest qualities and brands at Ilortou & .Miller's. Hats, Caps, Hoots, Gloves, Hosiery, &c, &c at the new Gent's Clothing 13a r.aar of Ilorton & Miller's, opposite Messenger's drug store. There is plenty of snow in this vi cinity at present, and our lumbermen um improving the oppoituuity offered them to haul their logs. Rev. H. A. Pattison will hold ser vices in the Court House next Sunday, tuorniug auJ evening. Morning at 11 o'clock and evening at 7. Clotiiino aud Gent's Furnishing Goods ol all descriptions may slill le found at Ilo.-loo & Miller's. They have the largest and best assortment, in town. Give them a call. 11k V. J. H- K mi foot, Uishop of Pittsburg, will hold services in Grace Church ou Sunday February 4th, 1872, morning and evening. At which time the ceremonies of baptism and confir mation will be administered. We visited the West Knd Photograph Gallery yesterday, and were shown the jihotographa of the Alert Rase Ball Club, for the season of 1S71, which Mr. Rote has been arranging on a mat, - and we think bo may congratulate himself on the perfection of tho work and the excellent arrangement of the Gyures. The Puhlic Lethwr Almanac for 1872 is on our table, from the Publisher Ueo. Y . (Jlulds, riiiladeipma. it oon taihs a large amouct of valuable infor mation, and in connection with the vol umes that have succeeded it, forms a useful and interesting series. The Almanac is distributed free to the sub scribers to the Public Ledger. Godev'sLady's Book for February, 1872. The illustrations of the Febru ary number consist of two Valentine plates, a handsome fashion-plate, au alphabet of interlaced letters, a large presentation sheet of braiding patterns, and the second of the series of Miss Lolipop's Party. In the work depart ruent the usual variety of designs for fancy work occupy a large space. Bril liant and entertaining reading matter, by popular authors, combine to make this a spirited number. Local Newspapers. A local news- paper is the traveling agent, taking his weekly round to the families of all their customers. No matter whether times are good or dull; no matter whether trade is brisk or otherwise, no business man can afford to take down his sign, nor withdraw the pleasant weekly chat with his customers through the news papers. For a business man to 6top advertising would be equivalent to bis saying, "I have stopped buViness, and ask no more favors of the people." Accident. Caused by a Broken Rail. Last Saturday rooming, 19th inst., local freight west was thrown from the track, by a broken rail, near W. II. Osterhout's new tannery. Tho caboose and one coal car were nearly demolished. Luckily only two persons were iu the caboose at the time of the accident; the conductor of the train, Phillip Fisher, who was badly bruised about the face and bad one tooth knocked out, aud the flagman, Jaraes Leehao, who received a severe cut over the eye besides sustain ing other alight injuries. Dr. liorJ well dressed their wounds, a.ud the wounded sen vers lent home; Kcrsfxl Errett bas called the Ha publicaa State Committee to ITirTisburgr, on the 25th Inst., to fix time and place for the State Convention. Great Excitement at Itorton t Miller's over the prize candy packages! The competition is great to ace who Is the "luckiest man in town." Drop In, reader, and .ry your luck. The prices range in aroonni from five cents to one dollar in silver, and from ten cents in currency to a dollar greenback. mm . The Pennsylvania Petroleum Trade. The Titu3ville Herald gives the total shipments of Petroleum from the oil regions fortbe month of Decem ber last at 459,478 barrels, nn increase during tho month of 00,274 barrels. The total production for the month is thus shown to be 549.452 barrels, an average per day of 17,724 barrels, and an increase over the daily average for December, 1870, of 2.500 barrels. The Pay of Governors. The Illinois and Massachusetts Legislatures are about to raise the salaries of their Governors. Tho Governor of California is the best paid Executive in the Union, with 87,000 in gold; Pennsylvania deals out $5,000; New York, Louisiana and Texas, 84,000; Connecticut, 81,100; Delaware $1,383; and Rhode Island, be cause of its diminutive proportions, comes last, with a Governor puid lrss than 820 a week. From which it ap pears that the trade is not a profitable one. The Largest Debt in the World. When the German indemnity is puid, France will have the largest national debt of any country iu the world, amounting in round numbers to 81, 000,000,or more than double the present amount of the public debt of the United States. An idea of this unprecedented national burden may be formed when we state that it represents a sum equal to $l25per head of the entire popula tion of France. Olr Fireside Friend. This is the name of a new eight-page original und illustrated story and family weekly, pub lished by Messrs. Waters, Eberts it Co., Chicago. The paper presents a neat and pleasing appearance, and exhibits much taste in its mr.ke up. Its con tents are varied, aud rich in interest and full of instruction. It contains well written continued Etorics of great in terest, beautifully-illustrated, and en'er taiuing short stories, sketches, poems, etc., with departments especially devoted to the Farmer, the Housewife and Chil dren. One of the priucipal features ol this number is Will. M. Carleton's great Poem, "The Burning of Chicago," which the Publishers have beautifully illustrated. Our Fireside Friend will find a welcome in every family cirde. The Publishers will send a specimen eopy free to any address. A Rent In a Clovd. By Charles Lever. This is the eleventh volume of the new, cheap aud popular edition of tho works of Charles Lever, now in course of publication by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, which are haviog a very large sale, for Charles Lever has no rival iu that free, mauly, dashing style of sketching lite, manners, and humorous incidents, to which be has devoted himself. II is reputation is world-wide. Tbe popularity of his novels, "A Rent in a Cloud," "Charles O'Malley," "Jack Ilinton," "Harry Lorrequer," "Cou Cregan," "Daven Dunn," "Arthur O'Leary," "The Knight of Gwynne," "Tom Burke of Ours," "Horace Templeton," und "Kate O'Donoghue," have never been exceed ed. His works are full of gcuial hu mor, brilliant wit, and striking charact ers. "A Rent In u Cloud" is issued in a large octavo volume, with a portrait of tho author on the cover, price Fifty cents, and is for sale by all Booksellers, or copies will be sent to any place, post- paid, by the Publishers, on receipt of price by them. m m The Superintendent of tbe census estimates the loss of population by the late rebellion as follows; Direct lost from wounds and diseases, 500,000; ad ditional Confederate loss, 350,000; indi rect loss by the withdrawal of 1,500, 000 men from domestic life, and the consequent diminution of births, 1, 235,0o0; loss by the check given to immigration, oo4,000; retardation ot increase in tbe colored population, 562, 000; total 3,000,000. A Cotemporary has some remarks ou the custom of standing treat, so prev alent in this country, and advises its readers to make a resolution to discouu tenance the custom by every means in their power, without regard to the im putation of meanness with which they may be assailed. It says this is one ol tbe most senseless humbugs of tbe age, and a man might as well feel obliged to ask a casual acquaintance when he meets him in a shoe shop, to select cov ering for his feet, as to feel bound to ask him to dnuk when he meets him in a barroom. Our own opinion is that tbe best way to settle tbe debate about treating is to Mop drinking. I wa getting gray and didn't like it, Nature 'a Hair Restorativo restored tbe color of my bair. cleansed my scalp nd pleased me wonderfully, r othtng like it in the market, nor ever was or eve, will be. Reo advertisement. 2t. Geo. T. Howell & Co'ts Advertising Agency, No. 41 Tark Row, New York, receives advertisements for all the news papers in the United States, at tho lowest cash rates, furnishing circulars and estimate free Brooklyn (E. D.) Times. It is a model business houso. They give more lor the money than any other house in tho world. City Item, Philadelphia, Pa. Iowa is out of debt, and has 895,000 in the treasury. 1TEW ADVERTISEMENTS MANHOOD I Uow Lost, How Restored. .Inst, published, a new edition of Dr. Cul verwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical eure of certain weaknesses, the effects of Krrors and Abuses in early life. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful prnctice. that the alarming consequences of such errors and abases may bo radically cured without tho danger ous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at onco simple, certain, and effectual, by menus of which every sufferer, no matter what ! is condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should he in the hands of every jouth and every mon in the land. Sent, under seal, in plain envelope, to any address, postpaid on receipt of sis cents, or two post stamps. Also. Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price -6 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Roworv, Now York, Post-Offioe Box 15SO. ' vln47yl. Agents 'Wanted Everywhere. To Canvass for our Popular Works, Specially suited to sales through agents, PLAIN HOME TALK. A work that should be in every family in the land. 12ino. 912 pages, profusely il lustrated. Price, elegantly bound, $8.25. THE .LOST CITY, or Chicago as it was and as it is. A book brim full of thrilling interest and startling' incidents: pro.usely illustrated. Price, elegantly hou'id, Sl.oO. WELLS' J5VERY MAN HIS OWN LAWYER AND tSITT.D STATES FOttM BOOK. A complete Business Man's Guide for every State in the Uuiou. 12uio. GOO pages. Prico $2.00. Wells' Illustrated National Hand Book. V book for everybody. Price, elegantly bound, $I.&0. All the above aro works tlint meet with rapid sales. Our agents are doing extraor dinary well with them. full descriptive confidental circulars, setit on application, and simple copies of cither of tue works sent post paid on receipt of price. We want good live Agents; men who can fully appreciate t lie merits of ihe work, and the tact that it meets a universal want. .Agents Who desire to do good as well as to make money. Address, WELLS CO,, 432 Broome St., New York. vln47ui3. P. W. HAYS, Ery Gooda, Notions, Grcceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Parley I. O. vln47tf. LF.OAL. Charles Springstead 1 Iu Common Fleas 1 Iu Common Fleas f- of Elk County, ad J No.10 Nov. T.'Tl. vs. Chrlotte L.Springsteat Libel iu Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Charhlte L. Springttead, respondent abate named: You are hereby notified that the subpcen and alias subpoena in the above case hav ing been returned non ett inventu. you are required to appear on tho SECOND MON DAY OF APRIL next, being the 8th day of the month, to answer the complaint in tbe above case. D. C. OTSTER, Sheriff. 8Hrairr's Offick, 1 Ridgway, Jan. 1Mb, 1872. (n40tc. T HIAYER HOUSE. D. D. COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre 8ts., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the publio that he has refitted, revised, and improved, this well known hotel, and is prepared to entertain nil who favor him wiih their patronage, in the best ttyle aud at low rates. vln30tf. THE Tenth Volume of Wood's Household Magazine begins with Janu ary 137 Its regular contributors in clude Horace Greeley, Gail Hamilton, Tbos. K. Reecher, Dr. W. W. Hall, James Parton etc. Harriett Beecber Stowe, Riick Pomeroy, John G. Saxe, Mai. Genl. Kilpatrick, Petroliuin V. Xasby, etc, write for it occasionally. 1 eruis, One Dollar a year. In clubbing, three first-class periodicals are given for tbe price ot one or them, lie most liberal Premium List ever published. No periodical is core frequently or fa vorably meotioned by the press. "Wood's Household Magazine is one of the monuments of busioess enterniise which mark the age." Methodist Home Journal, Pbilodelphia, Pa. "It bas been improving ever since we knew it a good criterion for the future." Courier, New Market, Canada. "It is a marvel ot cheapness and nrst. class quality combined. New York Times, Speoimeo copy sent free to any address. b. 8. WOUD & CU., t46tl Nburg,N. Y. HOW 70 CO V7SST." Forty years fr Miools was at far West as roost people wished to go, and jnurncjr'a were made in tbe legendary "Trairie Schooner," but in these days of Progress and Improvement, the word West has come to mean Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, California aud tho Tfcrritories, and the Travolcr reaches almost any point therein ty aplendid Lino of Railroad. This Lino of Railroad is the U-irling-oo Route, which starts from Chicago over tho Chicago, Hurlington 0 Quinoy R. R., from Indianapolis over the In dinnapolis, llloomington & Western Short Line, and from Logansport, over the Toledo, Peoria ifc Warsaw R. R., and running through Rurlington, reaches Omaha, Lincoln, Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Attohison, Lcvenworth and Kansas City, connecting with tbe Union Pacific, Kansas Pacifio and other Rail roads running from those cities. Always go "Ry way of Rurlingtou," aod you will be iurc to be right. The Burlington Route has admirable answered the question; "How to go West?" by the publication of a truthful and interesting document, filled j,with facts in regard to Time, Connections, Accommodations, rates of Tare, and other interesting items, and illustrated by a large map, truthfully showing the whole West, which they distribute free ot charge. 'Joptes, ana additional in formation, can he obtained by address. ing. General Passenger Agent, R. & M. R. R.. Rurlington, Iowa. $1,000 fiEWAUD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will' be paid to any Physician who will produce a medicine that will supply the wants of the people better than the article known as DSi. FtliRJVEiyS Celebratsi Elooi Cleanasr or Paaaiea. It must be a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better SuJorilic, a better Diurotio, a better Tonic, and iu every way better than the Pan-a-ce-a. No matter how long it has been iu use or how lately discovered. Above all it mint not contain anything not 1'1'Kkly vi:gi:taui.k. $5.00 REWARD ! 1 A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid fur a medicine that will perma nently c.ire more cases of Costiveness, Constipation, fick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever. Tape Worms, Uuils. Loins, Side and Head audVwre Complaint than on. fiitR.rErs BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which is used more extensively by practio ing physicians tliau any other popular medicine known. Far Silo by U. (1. MUSSBSGrE R and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY", Ridg way, Pa. vln22yl. Tli ADVERTISERS. All persons who contemplate making contracts Jwith news pipcru for the inscttioa of Advertisements should sou J to GEO. P. EOWELL & CO. for a Circular, or inclose 2") cents for their ONE HCNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET, con taining Lists of 3,0(.H) Newspapers ani estimates, showing the cost of advertising, also many useful hints to advertisers, and some account of tho experiences of men who are kuown as SUCCESSFI'L ADVER TISERS. This tirin aro proprietors of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41 PARK ROW, IT. Y. and are possessed of unequaled facilities for securing the insertion of advertisement in all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates. vln37t21. FOR SALE. THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS "THE JOIINSONBURO COAL LOTS" with all the privileges possessed by the Wilmarth Coal Company, Apply to SAMUEL A. CROZER, Upland P. O., Delaware County, Penn'a. fj.rr. nrTEi for PHASES OF LONDON LIFE. By P. J. Kirwan,the well-known Journalist. The Very Largest Commissions Paid. This book is a beautiful octave of 665 pages, embelished with 200 tngravingi, and a finely executed map of London, designed and executed expressly for this work by eminent artists It contains a full, graph io and truthful statement of the Sight; Se ereti and Sentationt of the great Metropolis of tho world. Address, DUFF1ELD ASHMEAD. Publisher, 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. vln44tf. UGEJVTS nJTTED. 6EEAT nruTCEXESTS! DESCRIPTIVE OP LIFE IN UTAH. By a SISTER OF A HIGH PRIEST, one of his victims, who has made her escape after a residence of fifteen years among them. Her amdavits to the Government, crushing evidence against Rrigbam Young and the Elders. The "Prophet" in court. Trial aod eeutenoe of Hawkins. Startling disclosures, jdots, asainationi and victimi. 472 poges, fully illustrated. Circulars, Terms and full particulars, scot free on application, address, DUFFIELD ASHMEAD, Pub. 711 Sansom St., Philadelphia. vlnUtf. If you want any visiting cards, call at the Adv cate office and see those we have printed. We have some fine samples of these and also of other job work. . THE " - KEW; YORK TRIBUNE. FOIt I87U- Tle consolidation of Italy, so long frag mentary and Impotent, into one powerful State, with Home as its capital: the hu miliation of France throuch a series of crushing defeats, ending with the siege and eapitnlniion of her proud and gay me tropolis; the expulsion of the Rurbuiisfrom the Spanish throne, and tho substitution for them of a scion of the most liberal among royal houses; the virtual absorption of the kingdoms of Saxony, Wurltcmherg, Bavaria, with Baden. Hesse, the Ilanse Towns, Sc.. tinder the headship of Prussia, into the triumphant and powerful empire of Uermany: and the arming of Russia to rcasert her preponderance in tho councils of Europe, or to prosecute her often post poned but never relinquished designs on the great city founded by Constantine and the vast but decaying and anarch ial do minion of the 8ultnn, all combine to invest with profound interest the ever changing phases of our tidings from the Old World. The Tnini'Nt, through trusted correspon dents stationed at all points in Europe where great movements are in progress or imminent, aims to present a complete and instructive panorama of events on that con tinent, and to mirror the prolonged strug gle between middle-age Feud alism and Ecclesiasticism on the one hand and Nineteenth-Century skepticism and sec ularism on the other. Recognizing a Di vine Providence in all that proceeds and is, it. looks hopefully on the great conflict as destined (like our our recent convulsion) to evolve Irom strife, disaster, and seeming chaos, u fairer and happier future for the toiling masses of mankind. In our own country, a war upon corrup tion and rascality in office has been inau gurated in our City, whereby the govern ment of our State bas been revolutionized through nn initial triumph of Reform which surpasses the most sanguine anticipations. It is morally certain that tbe movement thus inaugurated oannot, in its progress, be circumscribed to any locality or any party, but that its purifying influence is destined to be felt in every part of the Union, re buking venality, exposing robbery, wrest ing power from politicians by trade, and confiding it to those worthiest and fittest to wie'd it. To this beneficent and vitally needed Reform. The Tribune will devote its best energies, regardless of personal inter ests or party predilections, esteeming the choice of honest and faithful men to office as of all New Departures the most essen tial and auspicious. The virtual surrender by the Democrat io party of its hostility to Equal Rights re gardless of Color has divested our current po.itics of half their bygone intensity. However parties may henceforth rise or fall, it is clear that the fundamental princi ples which have hitherto honorably distin guished the Republicans are henceforth to be regarded as practically accepted by the whole country. The right of every man to his own limbs and sinews the equality of all citizens before the law the inability of a State to enslave any portion of its people the duty of the Union to guarantee to every citizen the full enjoyment of his lib ery until he forfeits it by crime such are the broad and firm foundations of our Na tional edifice; and palsied be the hand which shall seek to displace them! Though cot yet twenty years old, the Republican party hr.B completed the noble fabric of Emanci pation, and may fairly invoke thereon the sternest judgment of Man aud the benig nant imilo of God. Henceforth, the mission of our Republic is one of Peaceful Progress. To protect the weak and the humble fron violence and oppression to extend the boundaries and diffuse the blessings of Civilization to stimulate Ingenuity to the production of new inventions for economizing Labor aud enlarging Pioductiou to draw nearer to each other the producers of Food and of Fabrics, of Grains aud of Metals, and thus enhance the gains of Iudustry by reducing the cost of transportation and exchanges between farmers and artisans such is the inspiring task to which this Nation now addresses itself, and by which it would fain contribute to the progress, enlightenment, and happiness of our race. Io this great and gojd work, The Thiuimb contributes its zealous, persistent efforts. Agriculture will continue to be more es pecially elucidated in its Weekly aud Semi Weekly editions; to which somq of the ablest and most successful tillers of tho soil will steadily contribute. No farmer who Bells $300 worth of produce per an num can afford to do without our Market Reports, or others equally lucid and com prehensive. If he should read nothing else but what relates to his own calling aud its rewards, we believe that no farmer who can read at all can afford to do without such a journal as The Tribune. And we aspire to make it equally valuable to those en gaged in other departments of Productive Labor. We spend more and more money on our columns each year, as our country men's generous patronage enables us to do; and we arj resolved that our issues of for mer yean shall be excelled in varied ex cellence and interest by those of 1872. Friends in every State! help us to make our journal better and better, by sending in your subscriptions and increasing your Clubs for the year just before us! TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. Daily Tkisdmi, Mail Subscriber, $10 per annum. Semi-Weekly Teidune, Mail Subscribers, $4 per annum. Five copies or over, $3 each; an extra copy will be sent for every club of ten sent for at one time; or, if pre ferred, a copy of Reocoileotions of a Dusy Life, by Mi. Greeley. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. To Mail Subscribers. One Copy, one year, 62 issues $2. Five Copies, one year, 52 issues 9. To One Address, all at one Post-Ofhce. lO Copies $1 60 ea. 20 Copies 1 25 ea. To Names of Subscri bers, all at one P. O. 10 Copies $1 60 ea. 20 Copies 1 3-5 ea. 60 Copies 1 00 ea. 60 Copies 1 10 ea. And One fcxtra Copy to each Club. And One Extra Copy to each Club. Persons entitled to an extra oopy can, if preferred, have either of the following books; postage prepaid: Political Economy, by Horace Greeley; Pear Culture for Profit, by P. T. Quinn; The Elements of Agricul ture, by Geo. E. Waring. Advertising Rate a. Daily Taiaoa, 80c., 40o., 60c, 75c, and $1 per line. semiiWeskly TaiBcm, 25 and 60 cents per line. W eekly j &iBrNE,$L:, $3.and ?o per line. According to position in the paper. In making remittances always procure a draft on New York, or a fort-Office Money Order, if possible. Where neither of these can be procured, send the money, but tluayi in a sloistebed letter. ibe registration fee has been reduced to fij 'teen cent), and the present registration system has been found by the postal authorities to be nearly an absolute protection against losses by mail. AU Postmasters are obliged to register let ters when requested to do so. Terni, cash iu advance. iWrWe TOT TttBCW.. KV TorVi S. SERVICE. GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAYl THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST 20 OTHER IN STOCK s to rusi HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS AMETT. PEICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A' PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODSI W. S. SERVICE. No. 1 Masonic .Hall Huildinr, Ridgway, Pa. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Contains no LAG BU1PHU3 No SUGAR OP LEAD Nc LITII-ABSE-lTo NITRATE OP SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric, perfectly safe, clean and elhcient, desideratums long sought for and found at last! It restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a dressing for the hair it is the best articje in the market. Dr. G. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. fJSend two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair " Tbe information tt con tains is worth $500,03 to any person. FOR SALE BY G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Penn'a. Tlnllyl. established in 1830. WELCH &. GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill nisb ings, and Machinery. -Get the BEST, they will prove the cheapest. Prioes rednced. Send for price List an Ciroulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS. Boston, Mm., er Detroit, MlchJ .jar? 1 BUSINESS UARD3. 1 A. RATHBUST, . Attorney-at-La JT. Jiidgwsy Pa. 2 2 IT. TOHN O. HALL,- Attorney at law, Rilg . way, E1U county Pa. mar 22'6fil t fl. I1TLL, Physician asd Sargeon J 3m iversey, imk W. T O. W. BAILEI, ATTORSET-AT-LATT. Tln23yl. Ridgway, Klk Connty, T. Agent, for the Traveler's Lifo and AciA dent Insurance Co.. of Hartford, Conn. JEYNOLOS HOUSE, B2YK0LD3VHI2,:JErn;SS01T.CO, PA, H. S. BELNAP, PRorniKTOti . T8. Bordwell, M. D. Eoleotio Thysioan a Office and residence opposite tho Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all cnlls. Offioe hours: 7 to 8 A. M i 12 to 2 P. M. t and tt to 7 P. M. Mar. 22. OH tf. D a a ii. fuller BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. Riuqwat, Pi. Residence and office opposite tho Thayer House. m S. HARTLEY. M. D., I Physician ana Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office iu Walker's Building. Special attention gven to Surgery. Offioe hou from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on corner of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All call promptly attended to. vln2yl. GO. MESSENGER, ' Druggist and Parmaceutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign andsDomestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy. (CHARLES HOLlii; ' J Watchmaker, L'ngravcr and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tho Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with the same accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN DSY GOODS, G33:23IES, .PS07ISI5SS PRODUCE, FRCIT3, &o. vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE IIOCSE, RiiKiw.vY, Kt.K Co., Pa. W. II. SCI1RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the pntronn;c herctcturs so liberally bo-itowed upon him, tho new proprietor, hopes, ty paying strict at tention to the comfort an I convenience of guests, to merit a couiiuu.iuce oi ths same. Oct 20 IPG!). TUB OLD BUCICT.YIL'S HOTKL, Kane, MclCean Co., Pa R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful fur the patronage- herciot'ote s liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by pvying strict attention, to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. The only stables for horses in Knue nnd weil kept night or Jay. vln20yl. HALI-. & BRO. Attorneys - at -Lar ST. MARY'S, ELS COTOTY ri'NSYLi'AlTIA. lO.ING. HALL JAS. K. f. irl,fc DR. G. WHIPPLE, Dcnt.il .S-.irgoon. Ollico in Walker's Riiii ling. All kinds of dentistry djuo in tlio besi style, mi I all work warranted. Ho will visit Kitie on he 1st, 2d, and 8.1: Yiletc on tho lOtli, 11th, and 12th; !?t. Mary's mi the 21m, 22d and23J of each mouth. At nil other tunes ha can ba found at his office iu Ridgway. Pa. vln2yl. KKRSEY HOUSE, CasTttavuin, Elk Co., Pa. Jou.v Collin-3, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new pro priet or, hopes, by paying fttrict at tention to the comfor: and convenience of gujsts, to merit a continuance of ths same. J. II. WILDER, One Door East of the Post Offioe, Main St., Ridgwaj, Pa. Fresh Fish every Thurs day. Fresh Oysters every day. vlnltf. J D. PARSONS, Mauufaoturer and Dealer in Boota Si Shoes, Main St., opposite Ilotol, ov27y Wilsox, Pa. AGKNT3 WANTED! For the fastest onl most popular book with tl'i Ii lustrations, likenesses of all the Presidents beautifully bound, and priutod on tutted paper. THE NATION, Its Rulers and Institutions, 7,V EXGLISII AND GERMAN Nothing like it. Strikes evervbodv just the book they need. It is an Encyclo paedia or the Government. Ningi.e, p.-ig in it, are of themselves worth thepric of the book oer 600 paget and only $2.iJ A RICH HARVEST, for Cauvaners ladies and gentlemen farmers, teachers and students. One agent took 75 orders i a few day, viiih circular alone, before A booh appeared. $20 A DAY can he cleared in fai.' territory. Write at once fur cirou. lar and information. NEW WORLD PUB- iuoui.mj im,.ot. Tuiana went tMrIMe. PnfleidlfMa; vlnf!. vwja ynat iw :