Slh (Slounfn gdcojjatc. Ukskv A. Parsons, Jr., Kditor. ft THtRSDAY, J AN DART 25, 1S"3. . Tun AnKi.fiiiA has been definitely Used upon f the plnco for holding the iiest 'iiuWipnn National Convention, and Wednesday tlie 7th of June next as the time. EC CSS AND EYES. The first Amerirnn coin was coined in Philadelphia in 17 iW. Nrhroska has an editor so lazy that ho Fpells wife yf. Street lamps cost Boston one cent an hor. J"Thr croat rains of Texas contain 1;.2.000,000 acres. Nine hundred vessels have been wrecked off (lie coast of Florida since 1837. The number of lives lost by the Wis cousin fires is estimated at eighteen hun dred. Nearly forty ladies are candidates for the various clerkships of the Iowa Legis lature. The peach bads of Michigan are said to he in a pood condition, and give promisfl of a fine crop. Atlaola, Georgia, pays 825,000 per mourn for publio schools, and 899,000 for repairs on streets and drains. An exchange wants to know if tho brotherhood ot engineer is held together by railroad ties. Josh Billings says, "knowing how to tit square on a bile, without bursting it is one of the lost arts. Suid Bloegs the other day when ap plied to for a loan of teu dollars: "I have only five lending tens, und they're nil out. The New York Stato prisons are not self-supporting. Last year the expenses reached nearly S180.000, whilo the revenue derived from them was less than S103.000. ''Society," says Josh. Billings, 'iz made up of the good, bad and indifferent-; and what make so much trouble iz the wh'ffcrentt are in tho majority. The largest deposits of anthracite coal in tho world ate in Pennsylvania, the mines of which supply the market with millions of tons annually, and ap jenr to be iuexhaustablu. No process is so fatal a that which would cast all men into one mould. K very human loiiis is so intendod to have a character uf' his own, to be what no oilier is, to d'j what no other can do. iur common natuitt is to be- unfolded in unbounded diversities. It rich otioush for infinite, imuii flotations. It is to wear innumerable form of beauty Miid ploiy. Greeley buy that the best wsy to niU'o early pup-corn is to t:iit it noiv. Put ilie coin any kind will do in a corn-pu;pcr, and suspend iti tho sun over a p-in ut .rater till the shoots grow out b 'tween the win s; then in the spiins." m-t it i.uit in pors or hods, and iieiinv .Tuiio the pupped com will ho haninc iu little papi-r Liters all over the branches. 1 3 7 2. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. Parties wishiug a first-class daily pa yer Miould by all means subscribe for iiio Pittsburg Daily PisrATnr, one f tho lamest, liveliest and cheapest pprr, in the United States. The Dis patch has been established over a quarter of a century; it is independent in politics, advocating always those ju.'asurcs which promise the greatest possible good to the largest possible Dumber; gives daily thirty-six columns of matter, embracing the latest news by telegraph, the must reliable maikel reports, the latest cable telegrams, the freshest Legislative news, the latest Congressional reports, the fullest local reports, with all the news by mail, in cluding tho most interesting personal und political items, full telegraphic mar ket reports from all points of importance, Kast and West, and much other matter of an entertaining and instructive char acter. The Disimtch is furnished by mail at 88,00 a year, or rosy be had Jroni our agents in tuy town or village within ono hundred and fifty miles of Pittsburg at fifteen cents a week. To those wishing a eood and reliable city weekly we would rccommeud the Weekly Dispatch, one of the hand somest, cheapest and most reliable weeklies published. The Weekly Dis patch gives thirty-six columes of matter, priuted ia clear large type, aud ia one of the handsomest, as it has long been one of the cheapest, it not the cheapest, weeklies in the country. It contains all the latest news of the day political, commercial and general and as an en tertaining and acceptable family news paper is not excelled by any journal iu the State. The Weekly Dispatch is furnished to single subscribers at 81 50 a year, or in clubs of teu to one address at SI 00 each, with a free paper to the party getting up the club. Subscribers may remit by mail either in money or by postoffioo order, which is the safer mode. Postmasters receiving subscrip tions for the Dispatch, either Daily or Weekly, are authorized to retain twenty per cunt, on published rates for single subscribers, or ten per cent, on our club rates. Address, O'NEILL & ROOK, Pubs, of Daily and Weekly Dispatch, (Dispatch Iron Building), I ' 67 and. C9 Fif'b Avenue, -"' . tiritJ..... v. !l.'J."-JH..'.wJ."."PI.'-llJJg QNB MILLION OF LIVES SAVED, It Is mo nf the moat remarkable facts of this rrrontkiblo nge, not that so many pwioni arc lbs riotims of dyspepsia or in tl!jfejtiiint Mil. in willing victims. ' Now,'1 we would not be rindm-Mood to say that any one r'irsrds dysnepsin with favor, or foels disposed to rank It among the luxuries of lifo. Far from It. Those who have ex perienced Its torments would scout such an idea. All dread it, and would gladly (lis. pcose with its unpleasant familiarities. Mark Tnplcy, who Wns Jolly under all the trying circuroMnnces in which he wax plaecd, never had an attack of dyspepsia, or hie joliiy wonld have speedily forsaken him. Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human eyslem U - liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as dyspepsia. There nrodieeises more acute and painful, and which more frequently prove fatal, but none the effects of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to I lie hod. If there is a wretched being in the world it is A CONFIRMED DY8PEPTIC. We have said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of Unman diseases. This is imphatioally the ease in the United States. Whether this general prevalence is due to the charaoicr of the food, the method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in which it is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The great, fuel with which we are called to deal Is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univei sally. Nearly every other person you meet is a victim, an apparently willing one: were this not the case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is illnn the easy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? But says ft dys peptic: What is this remedy? to which we reply: This great allevalor of human sutlering is almost as widely known as ttie English language. It has allay el the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carry cooifort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is noue other than Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful prepuiation than can be learned from the experience of others? Try it yourself, and when it has failed to fulfil the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in it. LET IT BE REmEMBEKED, first of all, that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is trum beverage. Tbev ore composed wholly of the pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is not a mere assertion. The extracts from which they are compounded are prepared by one of the ublenl of German chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only in all cases of tho billiary system. Hoofiand's German Bitters stand without an equal, actipg piomptly and vigorously upon the liver; they remove its torpidity and cause health ful secretion of bile thereby supplying tho stomach with the most indispensable elements of sound digestion in proper pro portion!. They purify the blood, cleansing the vital fluid of nil hurtful impurities and su- pluniiiig them with tho elements uf geuuiue lioalthtulness. Now, there are certain classes ot per sons to lioni extreme Bitters nre not only unpalatable, but who find it impossible to lako them wit limit positive discomfort . For such Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC 'as been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight alcoholic stimulant U require 1 iu connection with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters. HOOFLAND'S TONIC nets with almost marvelous effect. It not only stimulates tho flagging and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently strengthen its netiun upon the Liver aul Stomach thorough, perhaps less prompt tlm.i the Bitters, wlieu tue same ii:uiiitj is taken is none the less certain. Indiestiiiii, Dillionxness, physical or Ner vous prostrat ion, yield readily to ils po tent ititiuenoe. It gives the invalid a new slid hi :-')Ugcr hold upon life, removes de jiresici,i of spirit, and inspires cheerful iicss. But Dr. Hoolland's benefactions to he human nice are not confined to his celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or his invaluable Tonic. He 1ms prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular fuvor because of its in fringe metiu. This is HOOFLAND'S PODOIMIVLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi tute for mercury without any of mercury's evil qualities. These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to net upon I lie Liver, are majuly com posed of l'odophyllin, or the vital princi ple of (he mandrake root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this health-giving plant in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated furui. The l'odophyllin acts directly on tho Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to make its billiary secretions in regular aud proper quantities. The inju rious results which invariably follow the use of mercury is entirely avoided by their use. But it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are exerted. The extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, one of which acts upon the stomach, one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lower boweU. and prevents any griping effect, thus producing a pill that influences the entire digestive and alimen'.ary system, in an equal and harmonious manner, and its action entirely tree from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. Possessing these much desirable qualities the Podophyllin beoomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without them. They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cient in action, and when used in connec tion with Dr. Hoolland's German Bitters, or Tonio, may be regarded as certain spe cifies in all cases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidarly subjeot. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomaoh and bowels, carrying off improper obstruction), while the Bitters or Tuuio purity the blood, strengthen and invigorate the frtine, give tone and appt tite to the stomaoh, and thus build up tbe invalid anew. Dr. Iloofiund, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external application, in the wonderful preparation known as Dr. HOOFLAND'S REEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, ChilHuius. Sprains, Burns, Paiu in the Back and Loius, Ringworms, etc, to., all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colio, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps. Pains in the Stomach, Colds, Asthma, eto. These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 631 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA " CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO Thete Jienudiet art for tale by Vruggutt &mitpr) 94 JIM-CM ha!rt ever jifter. iiezayi Sfes RAILROADS. a ERIE RALLBOAD .,... ' M'INTElk, TIME TABLE. ONnnd after MONDAY.NON. 20th, 1871, tils' trains on the Philadelphia ft Erie Railroad will run as follows I " WEsTWAna. Mail Train loaves Philadelphia. 6.20 p.m. " " " Rldgway... tt.1.7 a. m. arrive at Erie . 2.G0 p. m, Erie Exp leaves rhilndclphia...l2.30 p. m Ridgwny 2.t5 a. m. " arrive at Erie...... .7.I0 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova,...l.,tl) a. m. " " Bidgway.-t; 90 p. m, arr at Kane 7.80p.m. ASTWAKD. Ma'.l Train leaves Erie ..11.25 a. m. " " ' Ridgwny 4.65 p. ru. " " arrive at l'hilad'a... 6.80 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 0.00 p. m. " " " Bldgway... 2.0H a. m. ' ' arr at Philadelphia- 8.110 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 0.00 a. m. " " Ridgway... 7.55 a. tn. " arr at 81. Marys 8.85 am. " leaves St. Marys 8.40 a m. " arratRcnovo 12.10p.m. Mail East conneots east and wett at Erie with LSsMS II W and nt Corry and Irvinetoa with Oil Creek and Allegheny U R W. Mail West with west bound trains on L S & M 8 R W and at Corry and Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Warren Aooommodntion east and west with trains on L S and M S R east and west'and at Corry with O C and ARR iV. Erie Accommodation East at Corry and uviumuu wiiu u u ana a n it w. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't. NEWTIME TABLE. Commencing November 2011., 1871. ALLEGnENrVALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. OOISO SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 25 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 55 p ra Night Express leaves Oil City SI .10 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh . 6 40am Muil leaves Oil City 9 4-5 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh C (10 p m Parker's AccomJ leaves Oil City 7 15 a m Arrives at Pnrkej's 10 15 a in Kittanning Aocout. leaves Oil City 4 00 p tn Arrives nt Kittanning 0 10pm (JOINO NORTH. Dny Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 50 a m Arrives at Oil City at 2 25 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 20 p m Arrives at Oil City 5 45am Woy Passenger leaves Pittsburgh It 50 a nt Anrrives at Oil City 7 25 p m Parker's Accom leaves Parker GdOpm Arrives at Oil City ft 15 pin Kittaning Acnnm. leaves KUtn'g 7 05 a m Arrives nt Oil City 12 20 p m Close Connections mndo nt Corry tor Pittsburgh with trains East and West on P. & E. it. R. Pullman Pnllace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Volley R. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. SuDt. 1 F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP QO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEEN'S ' WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAUE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions1. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & IIAGERTY. vln2. The Improved Gerard Oroid Gold Walchet, 89.00 812 00 815.00 818.00 WE have recently brought our Oroide Gold metal to such perfection that it is difficult for the best judges to disiin. quish it from gold. The $8 watches are with patent escapement movements; in ap pearance aud for time equaling a gold one costing $100. the t12 are lull jeweled patent lever, equal to $150 gold watch. The $15 are the same as the last but a finer finish, nickle movements, equal to one cost ing $175. And the S-18 watches are of a fine finish with full jeweled American lever movement, equaling a gold one costing $200. They are all in hunting oases, gent's and ladies sizes, and guaranteed for time and wear by epeo'.ul certificate. Also elegant designscf gent's and ladies chains from $1 to $4, and jewelry of all kinds. Goods sent C. O. D. Customers per mitted to examine what they order before paying bill, on payment of express (bargee. VYnen six watcnes are oraored at one time we will send an extra watoh of the same quality free. For further particulars send for circular. Address JAMES GERARD & CO., 85 Nassau Street, New York, P. O. Box 2,361 Nov. 10, 18T2-vlo!7m. HAQUSCAHONDA B1ILS0AD. From and after Monday, Nov. 20th 1671. Trains will ruo on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7.30 a. tn., arrives at Daguscnhouda Juootion 8.10 a. m., oon netuiog with Aoootn. east 8.14 a. ni., and with Mail west at 9.15 a. m. Leaves Daguseahooda at 9.20 a. m., anives at Earley 10.00 a. m. Leaves Eariey 4.00 p. ui., and arrives at Dag usoahonda at 5.00 p.' m., connecting with Mail east at 5.09 p. ui., and Ac ooniraodatloa west at 5.40 p. m. In case P. k E. trains are late, Dagus eahooda train holds twenty uiiuutea be yond the above time. Tickets should always be procured before leaviig stations. LUHL3T, Leerte. L. D. HEWEN. ONE PRICE CASH STORE Hats,ICaps, Boots, Shoes. The subseriber tales 'this method of an nouncing to tbe'cltlsens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has on band a large and varied stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, . GLOVES. NECKTIES, COLLARS, iCUFFS, Etc., Ete. Etc. Ladies Alexandre Kid Gloves. Gentlemen's Furs. CELEBRATED, HAND MADE, FRENCH CALF SEWED BOOTS. RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, Etc. In great variety Examine goods and prices before pur chasing elsewhere. L. D. HEWE1T, Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. Nov. 23, 1871. vlu3ira3. THE KAKUFACTURfBS OF THE Reliance Wringer, Have had unusual opportunities of ascer taining what is wanted, and of produc ing a perfect machine They have brought out an entirely New Wringer, which they caM the "PROVIDENCE." New 1871 Perfect A GREAT IMPROVEMENT OVER ALL OTHER WRINGERS. WRING3 TASTER THAN BY HAND. rTe'esnsider the Providence superior to all others, for the following reasons: 1st. The UOLLEUS, of large size and beet quality of White Rubber, are all se cured to their Shafts in the most perma nent manner, by the MoultonProoess, mak. ing the best Roller in the World. lid The PATENT MENTAL JOURNAL CASINGS prevent any wear upon the journals. Tbe wooden jovrnal in which the iron shafts of other machines run, soon wear, and the efiioienoy of the Wringer is there by greatly reduoed. su. xna imjuulu si'iuai. uuus usea on this Wringer give the utmost ease and steadiness In working, while the double stop prevents them front bottoming or be ing thrown out of gear. We furnish either single or double gear l'rovidenoe, as de sired, 4th. The ADJUSTABLE CURVED CLAMP readily adjusts this Machine to tubs of any sise or thickness, making a per feot fastening. No wooden pegs or rubber straps on this Clamp. 6th. SIMPLICITY STRENGTH and BEAUTY, are combined in this Machine, with all the requisities of a first-class Wringer. PROVIDENCE TOOL CO., Provideaoe, E. I. 11 Warren Street, Ksw Yorr. vlntiimi. F ri OR SALE. The village property, formerly owned by Dr. W. Shaw, at Centreville, Elk Co., Pa. Consisting of a two story house with Drug Store attached. For sale by Kit. J. a. OURDWELL, 26tf. Eidgway, Elk Co. Pa. Terms easy, part cash and balance on time. A good location for a physiciuu. O &-!PRiOVl0tSCt 3 m'fi .o r-Tfr.L J.r5-; I 2 j2 IT Ayes Cathartio Pills, tfortherollsf end euro uf all ifcrtiiure. mtiMts In Uw eluui iK.ii, Uwr.erwl iraw. U. Tnvjrarcaiiiliil KVork-DU Hint iin escllnt porgitlhe. Jtaint; iitiruly v'K tiiliio, they conlsin no mercury or muio ral wliittevor. Alueli S.irluus nlc)neif n miU'eiliirxlK prevent. d iiv ilieir tl'nilv tisoj and every family sh)iiM have thumun hand fur their Di'ottx'liuii ami relief, when rciuiivl. Lnnx experieuee Iuik proved them to lie Uio Mif-e-it, ure-t, iiml liet ul' it II I lie I'UIh w it li w liii h inn market numuniH. ny ttietr iiecasMinni ti4if the liluorl li iiurllted, the rorriiptl'iiiH ot the y trtin oxtelltft, nlmti-iirliiin. reinovftl, and the whole nini hlnery of lil'e rvtnr,l to In lieidthy artivity. Intemid orjiuis whicli liei-onie elorpea and lnir?l-'li nro elennsed by Ater't t'Ulm, snd stiniuhited Into action. Tim he)ornl iliM-itnO M elmn'reil into henlth, the vnltic of v tiieh ehnn;e, when reckoned on the vnt nitillttucles who enjoy it, enn hunlly ho computed. Their siij-ur rmitinx makes them pleasant to tnke, ami preserves Uieir virtues ii 1 1 ii ) in iril lor any lenittn of time, so tluil they nre ever fivh, and perfnelly reliable. Although seiiri'liin, they are mild, ami oiienito without disturbance tu luuvoiiitituliun.ordict.or vccuivHtlon. Full reetions are tlven on tho wrapper to each liox, how to use Ihem lis a I'liiiiily I'lijMie, and lor the following complttiiiU, which tuese I'lim rnpiuiv cure: For llmiirinlil or tnillo-ratlon. tatlrae- neM, l.ung;aur mid liO.M of A)ietii, llicy should Ih tuken ui'jileriilcly to stimulate tho stuui acli, and restore its henlthy tone inirt action. For I,lr i'oinplulnt anil its vniiou svmp torn', Siillou. Ilrmlurhi, Mick Hfiid arlt. JumiillCf or 4jlri'n Sltc-kiBKN, ISil lonttf'olic and HiltoirH vin. they bhnnM be juiliclously tukun I'orench ense, lo eoi-rei.'t the diseased action or remove the obsliuclloiis which causo It. For Ivsenrr or IHurrlioeu, nut ono mild dose is ffeneriiily vo'iitlred. For lthrunititiMiti. twotit, frnrrl. 11 Citation vf tli llenrl, ! In tlio tile, HnrU and Iolnn. they Ehoiil I lie coiitin uouslv tiikeu, hh reiptiivil, to cniinge Ihe itisoji-csl nctioti of the system. With such uhunKe those coiiiplnhits dishppeitr. For lroiT and Iroptcl w11lnir, they shonlil hi tnken In fcirue nml freiuent ilosci to prodiir-p the ellii-t of a fli u-tie. piirm. For Hnpprrsxion, n Iniuii; do-i: should be taken, as it produce.4 the desired eflcet by sym pathy. As a Dinner 1'Ml, tnke one or rno J'l?7 to pniinete diirestlon nnd relieve the stoiiuich. An oecnsifinul dose stimulates the stomnch and bowels, restores the tippctitc. and inviirorntes tlie system. Hence It Is ollen inlviintML'coils where no serlons deran"'emi.Mit exi.-H. Uio who I'eols I'der.ilily well, otten finds thar a dose of tlieso I'M makes him feel decidedly lieUe, from tticir cleausiui; and rcnovuliutf ell'uct on Uio digestive appurntun. mi'PATirn BV Dr. J. C. ATI: It Ci.,i'raciiral Vhr.mUtt, lOH'fLL, M.tSS., V. S. A. FOR SALK BY ALL PKLUUISTS tVLKlf WUEBB. Tor Sale by G. O. ME3SEXGKR, Druggist, Kidgway, I'a. HALL'S VE6ETA0LE SICILIAN UAIR EENEWES. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our oid patrons that it fc kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray oit Faded IIaik to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandrutT, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents tho hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes tho hair-gland's. I3y its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except iu extreme old age. It ia the most economical IIaik-Dkessino ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, Sl.D., Stale Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex- cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation tor it intended purposes." Sold byaXlDrtiggtatsand Tienlcrt n Medicine. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, nnd too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. N.H. oeadal: iTrlli 1NGRKDIENT3 THAT COMPOSE KOSADAl.IS are published on every pai-Lnire, there fore it it .of a secret picp.iratiou, Irunseqiu-ntly 'PHTSICUXS PRESCRIBE IT ' i . : r o r. .1 . 113 m ta.'nuui curl- lor .ninuai Syphilis in all ita lorins, liheiiini tiiin. Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all ducswa of It.e Uluod. 01!2 E07TL2 C? BOSASALIS will do moro grucd than ten hollies of tho Syrups of ridrmipanlU. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS havfc urd Tiowdalis in their practice tor the three v"nn and ful ly cr.dorwi it ns a ri'hablu Allurutiva iuucl Elood PuriHcr. Tin. T. C. rrr.n. of Baltlmote. DH. T. J. liOVKIX, " DR. II. W. C Altlt. Dit. Y. O. DANNKXI.T, " Dll. .1 S. SPAIllJs,! Nli-hohuvU.e, DR. .'h. MrCABTIIA, ColumtU, S. L. DR. A. B. NOBLr.S, r.d-eeomb, N. C. TJSID ALT) ESD02SID BY j. n. rnn.vcii t eoxs, ru mver, F. V. KMinr. Jsrkv.n, Mii h. . J'. WllKKl.i;n. l.inu, I'Lio. H. 1I A1I., I.ii.n.):i,o. fltAVtN A fCi.,.'"iilnnnvlllp. S SA.M'i.. U. Mi IVvJJjK.'., Murrrets tOii,Ti'i;n. Cur spneo v ill nnt llow eny ev. tirlfU ri'iii.-ikri in r.-Uii'-ii to t ir'.ueol l'.u.s.taii i. Tot?if V i-.ii. tl l'riiie.'-sioii v e iijt.intrtt Kltuti I k. trait snj-eriortn pi. y they bae evr uhJ in the trra'mriit of ctiwainU bioc-1 ; anil tn t)iiuiltirtrrl wo aav I. v ltu4in!i, and )cu Kill tie ttaiunj to ht iilU. Rowlalla Is s.M hy all Piurr rlsts, yuce tji i.d pur t.uitj, Auuit . ri CL":r:j & C3 MUfvturing C htmitti, F0WELL & KIME. Powell & Kimc Having? ereoled a large and. well arranged new Store ITouse on tbe old site, sinoe the fire, and filled it front ctMar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found ia any market, are fully pre pared to reeeivethelr old customers, and supply their wanta at bottom figure WHOLESALE OB KBTAXL. Their assortment U now eeasptete, eem- prislng DRY GOODS, GROCERIE3, CROCKERY, UA11DWARB, CLOTniNG, B0013 AMD SHOES, DATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etu., ete. P0HK. FLOUR. SALT. Feed, 1 a e . Butter, DKIKD APPLRS, DRIED PHACniS, Canned Goods. In short every thiag wnnted in the Ceiatry hy LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVEY11BODY Alee full stock ef MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable aizes for rafting and running purposes. BMfrway, Pa, Marco t, ISTlj jHE SINGER i . Knrifacttefj Companj. AT;, TUB WORLD'S FAIR, Constituted by tbe hocaee of the people Received (he Great Award of tbe HIGHEST 8ALES I t And hT left ajl rivals far behind tbeaa for they ' SOLO JUT18TO One Hundred and Twenty-seven Thousand, Eight Iluudred and Tliirlo.tliron M..l,;.ul being more than forty Mo-mamf in advance nf ii I Ii if .uIa. ..f 1. hWA.inv. ever forty -four thouiand mort than the latu f any ot hrr Company for 1870, as shown by the following figures from sworn re turns of the sale of Licensees. The Singer Manufactur ing Cnmpjuy sold over the Florence Sewing Machine Co., 101,171 Vaehinea. ffoiu ov.,r tho Wilcox ft Uiliba S. M. Co.. 98,943 912,831 Sold over the WeedSew- Mncliiue Co.. tjold over the Orovcr ft linker S. M. Da.. 70,431 do tie Bold over the Howe Ma chine Co., Sold over the Wheeler ft 6,677 Wilunn Mnn'fir I'a Jl ... n " " , '.w- allot which is mainly owing to do the pupa- lar.iy ot wnnt is known ns t'AMlLV iiliWIMi MAUI1ISU, tho "NET which is now ftiHt fiudinj its way into every well rcjOilulcd huUHehold. For Circulars giving lull particulars of Machine!, their Folding Oases ot intiny varieties of wood and finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicnto fingers alone could perform, as well us particulars nbout all article used hy their Machines, such ns Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil. &c. Ac. apply to any of their Authorized Agents, or to TUB SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 1108 Chestnut kM. A. CUMMINGS, ASen, Ridgway-, Pa, vlnlftjulylSai7. STEREOSCOPES. VIBWS, ALBUMS, GHROMOS, FRAMES- E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 691 BROADWAY, SEW YORK, Invite the attention of tho Trade to their extensive asortment of the above goods, ef their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDBS aad GRAPnOSCOPES. NEW YIETTS OF YOSEMITO. E. ft H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel Importers and Mnuufacturers ef rHOTDORAPIIIC MATERIALS. vln-'yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE RIDGWAY. DAX SC1UBNER WISHES TO IN- form the Citizens of Ridgwny, and the public generally, that he has sturteda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reason. ble terms B5V.Uo will also do job (earring. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post OlTioe, on Mil street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Ells County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmure. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J. V. Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. SherittD. C. Oyster. Vroihonot y j-c, Fred. Scboening. Treasurer llenry D. Derr. County Superintendent Rufus Luoore. Commissioners Uobt. Campbell, John Barr, Lcuia Yollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wiloox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett, County Surveyor Geo Wtlmsloy. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kernor, and Charles Mead. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, Second Monday in April First Monday in August. a ( Pint Mondoy Im J.r&i.