A (Mil Olounfij J.dtfflt;ate. Ni!V A. Parsons, Jr., -Editor. Till'HSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1872. 'TiT.r.B in a curious coincidence in ()e ilnM.s f New York, Pennsylvania r.nd Miisittfhnwtt. That of Now Yoik - ?0.4JL!,702; that of Massachusetts k ?2?.C:)0,3a4; while that of I'ennsyl iWm h reported as "nearly $29,000,-t-BO." r:sK's bruin weighed fifty-eiht r unci"?. Panto.! Webster's weighed but f. ty-iV.ror- ounces and a half. The preat ' 'ami had sixty-tour ounces and a half, ,r h tic Ttofesscr Abcrcrombie possessed tisty-thrto. RulofT, the murderer, who ! i ox'icutod at Bioirhampton last 'r rtiifr, had fifty-nine ounces of brain, Stoexs Indictrd. The New ork '.('r id the 15th inst., says. "Stokes T,s it; iit?tcd on Saturday. The chain i' erlJ.-nco was so complete that the Iviry didn't debate the matter five min tues, but found a bill at once. Now let Vi n 1-e tried ns soon as deceucy and the ' i"'t regard of the prisoner's rijrhts .-.ill j.crmit." There is evidently a feel 'Y..: in New York favorable to hanging N'v'-nv- hnt. if wa ivin prpdit rpnnrla rtf Via c;wu opinion on that interesting ques '.io i. 'bo prisoner does not seem to be ery apprenetiMva of such a result. fUambnrj! Telegraph. Lrr her Cuy. Not long siuce an T-iii Muiivalist in this vicinity bar ;:.unecl Lis farm to a. gentleman en- a':vd in a similar occupation for a i:i:a iob exceeding $1.0U0. The pur vbHT went away with the under t:i;;i, .ng that the papers were to bo triu'd and the money paid at a cer tain iixed time when he would return i-1 "A purpose. In the tncmiiitne '.; ngricnltnraiUt's hotter half took ri'i( f and refused to he comforted. . : t would not eat and could m,t de.?p. In fact, she was opposed to out. Hie uay and tin; pur- : arriv-.'d, when our rural friend ;d hini that his wife was in :cs about the trade, and ho -..I he would back out. "But," ' Mi? purchaser, '1 have come u distance, want the farm and Lave it. How much mure would - you to sell V 'Well,' says '.-vien!UiralisT, 'irive mo S2"j0 Mid let her cry.' Nashua TcU 71, t Hrio Railway consumes 816, 1 feet ot lumber a year. A ! ly was lately hugged to death in .';:'! .-ofa another illustiution of the. p -.. r of the press." Attention is bcin directed in differ ent j. -Tts of the Stato to the dangerous :nt-;iiul now used to adulterate milk. There is a delightful rumor that the iab:Mve matter on postage stump-i is :.':.'t;-.::er to be flavored with vatiiliu for .'I'-s, winlergreun for twos, chijeulate for it.-vrs. etc. 1 8 7 niK TITTSBURG DISPATCn. r. ariins wisnin a urst-ciass aauy fa- . . , I .1 t irr hhould by all means fubt-cnue fin :hn V"ntshurf Daily Dispatch, one C the largest, liveliest and cheapest wrus in tho United States. The Dia- i".tph has been established over ju'.v'fii- of a century, it is inderiendent i .'ides, advocating always thos ;i-,iiiir(-s wh'ch promise the s;reatest M-i-:bio good to the largest possible ,:nn:her; gives daily thirty-six columns "if matter, embracing tho latest news j-.r tp'ogiapb, the most reliable market n'c.-'ris, tho latest cable telegrams, the 're-best l.egislntivs news, the latest ih.T'tresMonal reports, the fullest local V; -jports, with all the news by mail, in-citi.-p.ng the most interesting personal t. j political items, full telegraphic mar liti ri ports from all points of importance iust and West, and much other matter 'it sc entertaining and instructive char icier. The. DisiMTcn is furnished by T.oi) at $8,00 a year, or may be bad 'rem our agents in any town or village ivirhin oue hundred aud fifty miles of Pittsburg at fifteen cents a week. Tb.those wishing a t?ood and reliable ciiy weekly we would lecommeua tne Ti t-c-kly Dispatch, one of the hand .M'jest, cheapest and most reliable klies published. The Weekly Dis ?alcb sives thirty-six columes of matter, priniiid in clear large type, and is one of the handsomest, as it has long been one of the cheape.-t, if not the. cheapest, Acekiies iu the country. It contains all tne latest news of the day political, com oiercial and geoera! and a3 an en- rtainiDg and aeceptable family news taper is not excelled by any journal in he Stato. The Weekly Dispatch is .'urnlthed to single subscribers at 81 50 n year, or iu clubs of ten to one addross . at 1 00 each, with a free paper to the piiity getting up the club. Subscribers .uay vemit by mail either in money or ry p&stofEce order, which is the safer .code. Postmasters receiviug subscrip- Lous for the Dispatch, either Daily or feekly, are authorized tj reiain twenty .ijr cent, on published rates for single ubseribers, or ten per cent, on our club ates. Vidress. O'NEILL d ROOK. ,,"'uba of Huily and Weekly Dispatch, (Dis.iateh run Building), - (J7 and 69 .Fifth Avenue. Pitteburg, Pa. 0NE MILLION OF LIYE3 8 AVE P. It is one of the most rcmarknble facts of Ihis retuarknblo npro, not that so many perrons are the victi'iis of dyppepsiaor in digestion, liut its Willing victims. Now, v.e would fiot be understood to Say tlint any one regards dyspepsia With favor. Or feds deposed to rank It among the luxuries ol lifo. Far from it. Those who have e x periencrd its torments would scout such an idea. All tlrend it, and would glnrtlv "is, penso with its unpleasant familiarities. Murk Tnplcy. who was jolly under nil t tie Itjinj? circumstances in which he was placed, never had fin attack of dyspepsia, or his jolity Would have speedily forsaken 1 1 1 1 n . Of all tlio multifarious diseases to which tho human system is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent us dyspepsia. There t.re discuses more acule and painful, and which more frequently prove fatal, hut none tho effects of which are so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to the bod. If there ib wretched being in the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We hnvo said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is iniplmticnlly the case in the United States. Whether this general prevalence is due lo the chiiracicr of the food tho method of its preparation, or tho hasty mnmier in which it is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The great fiot with which we are called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost tiaivci sally. Nearly every other person you meet is a victim, an apparently willing one; were this not the case, why so ninny sufferers, when a certain, speedy and sate remedy is within the e.iiy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? Hut says a dys peptic: What is this remedy? to which we reply: This great nllcvator of human nitlering is nlmost as widely known as the English language. It has allayed the agonies of thousands, nnd is to-day carry comfnrt nnd encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is noLe other than Dr. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Would you know more of tho merits of this wonderful propitiation thau can be learned irom tho exr.erieuce of others? Try it yourself, nnd when it has failed to fulfil the assurance of its efficacy givenjby the i roprietnr, then abandon tailh in it. I.KT IT ISK RKmEMHEBBD. fir.t of all, i hut HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTKI'.S is . irnin beverage. They are composed wholly of tho pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is not a mere assertion The extracts from wtiich ihov are compounded arc prepared by one of the ablest of Cienimn clicmi.-its. Their 'li'"Cts can be Iretn-iicial onlv in all capes of he biiliarv svsiem. Hootland's (Jerman Ditier? stand witlsont an equal, acting pioiiiptly tiud vigorously upon the liver; 'iey l pinove i;s toi polity nn.l cause nealtli ui s.'.Totiuii i'f tiile liierehy supplying h.i ft utiiuli with tho most indispensable leniev.tti of sound digestion in proper pro- li.ifti:iiii. i'lu'.v pnrif? the blood, cleansing the viiul tl --iid ol' all hurtful impurities and su- M.inting tliem willithu elements of genuine ic liihluliiess. Now, there are certain classes ot per o 'S lo whom extreme Ditters are not only uu.'al itaDie, Dnt wlio tinu n impossiuie to i alio them without positive discomfort. For -uclt Dr. IlOOli "LAND'S UbKMAN XIIMC i. is- been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight alcoholic stimulant :t refiu'iei in connection with the well kunwn Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Dittcrs. HOOFLAND'S TONIC acts wilh nlmost marvelous effect. It not only ptimulates the flagging nnd wasting energies, but invcoratea nnd permanently airenthenH its action upon the Liver and Stomach thorough, perhaps less prompt than the Bitters, when tho same iitaniiij is takeu is none the less certain indigestion, llilliousnps's, Physical or Ner ions prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. It gives the invalid a new nol stronger hold upon r.fe, lemoves tie urcssion of spirit . and inspires cheerful ni'ss. l!ui Dr. lloolland's benefactions to t!ie human racs are not confined to his celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or hi invaluable Tonic Ho has prepared an other medicine, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because or its ;n trinsio metits. This i HOOFLAND'S I'OliOPIlYLLIN PILL-, a perfect snbsti lute for mercury without any of nicrcury'3 evil nualities. These wonderful Pills, which are Intend ed to a;'t upon the Liver, are mainly com. posed of rodophyllin, or the vital princi ple of the manc'.iT.ke root. It is the medi 'linal virtues of this health-giving plant, in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form. The Podophyliin acta directly en the Liver, stimulating its functions and cauaing it to ciahauts billiary secv3tion3 in regular and propel' quantities. The inju rious results wiiieh invariably f illoi,- fie use of merciir; is entirely avoided by their use. liut it is not upon tho Liver only that their rower.? are exerted. Tho extract of Mandrake contained in ihem is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, one of which act3 upon the stomach, one upon the upper bowels, cne upon the lower bowels, and prevents any griping eifeot, thus producing a pill that induenees the entire diges'.'ve aud alimentary system, iu an eiual and harmonious maimer, nnd its action entirely Iree from nausea, vomit ing or griping p.iin3 oomu on to all other purgatives. Possessing these m.;ch dc3ira'o!e quallti.-c the Podophyliin becomes invaluable as 8. FAMILY MLDICINB. No household should be without them. They are perfectly safe, require but two forcn ordinary dose, are prompt and effi cient in neiion, and when used in connec tion with Dr. Hoofiand's German Bitters, or Tonic, mey be regarded as certain spe cifics in all ctvtes of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any of tlie disorders to which thesyatem is o'did.irly subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon fie ttoriaoh r,nd bowels, carrying off improper obstruction, while the Bitters or Tonio pu'-ify the blood, strengthen and iuviff'irate the frime, give tone and appe tite to the stomach, and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. HooHund, having provided internal remciiies for dUeose, has given the world one mainly for external application, iu the wonderful preparation known as Da. HOOt'LAND'S GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chilt tains. Sprains, Ittsins, Pain in the Hack aud Loin3, Ringworms, etc, eta., all yield to its externa! application. x Taken internally, it is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick ileadaches. Colic, Dyseutery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Pains in the Stomach, C'old3, Asthma, etc. These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MICDIC1NH STORE, No. 031 ARCH ST., tUULADEI.PJIlA - Oil AS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Former'y C. M. JACKSON k CO These Ktuuiliet are for tale bv 1rugguti Star&etftrt, Wlrf ifeUicina Dealer evert' HAILHOADS. PEILADl,tHU & ERIE EAILEOAD WINTER TIMS TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, NON. 20th, 1871, the trains on the Philadelphia & Kris Railroad will run as follows: WrSTWAHB. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia- 6.20 p.m. " " Ridgway 0.27 a. m. .. HrriV0 nr t,n0 (, p m Erie Exp leaves rhiladelphia...l2.30 p. m " Hidgwny 2.15 a. m. " arrive at Erie 7 40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova,...l.B0 a. m. ' Kidgway,G.0Cp. m. " arr at Kane 7.30p.m. KASTWAUn. Mill Train leaves Erie 11.25 a. m. ' " " Ridgway.. .. 4.55 p. m. 1 " arrive at Philad'a... 6.80 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erte......M 9.00 p. m. ' " " Fiugway... 2.0(i a. m. ' arat. rhilndelphia.. 8.80 n. m. Accomodation, leaves Knno fi.OO a. m. " " Ridgway... 7.5o a. m. " arr nt St. Marys 8.35 a ni. " leaves St. Marys 8.40 a m. " , bit at Rennvo 12.10p. m. Mail East connects cast and wett at Erie with tSSJIS R W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R Mail West, with west bound trains on L S ft M 8 K TV and nt Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R TV. warren accommodation east and west with trains on L S and M S It east and west and at Corry with O O and A H H W . t.ne Accommodation Last at Corry and Irvineton with O C and ARR TV. TVM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEWTIMW TABLE. Commencing November 20th, 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE It ET WEEN PITTS- BUKG1I AND POINTS ON THE PHIL'A. & ERIE H. R. OOlNO SOt'TH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 25pm Arrives at Pittsburgh 8 65 p m Night Express leaves Oil City 9 St) p m Arrives at I'lttsourgli 0 40 a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 45 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p ni Parker's Accom leaves Oil City 7 lo a m Arrives nt. L'nrkej s JO lo a m Ivittanuing Accom. leaves Oil City 4 00 p m Arrives at Kittanning 9 10 p m HOINtJ KORXII. Day Express leaves Piltsburg at 7 50 a m Arrives at Oil City at 2 25 p m Night Lxpress leaves Pittsburgh 8 20 p m Arrives at Oil City 5 45 a m Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 11 50 am Aarrives at Oil Lily i 2n p m Parker's Accom loaves Parker G 00 p m Arrives at Oil City 9 15pm Kittaning Accom. leaves Kittn'g 7 05 a m Arrives at Oil City 12 20 p m Close Connections mado nt Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and TVest on P. & E. It. R. Pullman Tnllace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Suet. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, Hidgway, Fa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAHE, T03ACC0 AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Crrocsfiss and Prs7isior3. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on bird, add sold s.s cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & HASERTY. vln2. Ttc Improved (Scrawl C'roid Gold Watches, 69.00 812 CO $15.00 ilS.OO WE ha70 recenily brought our Oroide Gold metal to such perfection that it is difficult for the best judges to distin. quish it from gold. The $9 watches are with pr.tent escapement movements; in ap pearauco and for time equaling a gold ck costing $UH). Thi Vi arc lull jeweled patent lever, eoual to SloO gold watch. The $16arv ths same as the Ir.stbula finer Enish. nickle movements, equal to one cost ing 3175. And tho $13 watches are of a fine finish with full jeweled American lever movement, equaling a gold one costiag $200. They are all in hunting cases, gent's and ladies sizes, and 'guaranteed for time aud wear by special eerli Scat e. Also elegant dcjignsof gent's and ladies chains from $1 to t, anl jewelry of all kinds. Goods sent C. O. D. Customers per mitUd to examine what they order before paying bill, on payment of express charges. When six watches are ordered at one time we will send an extra watch of the same quality free. For further particulars send for circular. Address JAME4 GERARD & CO., 66 Nassau Street, New York, P. O. Vox 3,:JG1 . Nov. 80, 1872-vlc3"u6. DA3USCAII01TDA From and after Monday. Not. 20th 1871. Trams will run on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7.50 a. m.f arrives at Dagusoahouda Junotioa 8.10 a. m., cou uecting with Accom. east 8.14 a. m., and with 3Iail westr.t 9. 15 a. m. Leaves Dnuicabonda at 9.20 a. m., ariives at Ear'ey 10.00 a. tn. Leaves Eariey 4.00 p. m., and arrives at Paj;- uscshonda at d.ut) p. ru., connecting with Mail cuf t at 5.00 p. in., and Ac eoinmodatlon vest at 5.40 p. in. Iu caso P. & E. trains are late, Dagus cuhonda train holds twenty tuiouttsj be yond the above time. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations O. K. KAliLBY, Lot:-m. X.. J). HEWElf. ONE PRICE CASH STORE Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, The subscriber takes this method of an nouncing to the citiienS of Ridgway and vicinity that pie has on hand a large and varied stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES. NECKTIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, Etc, Eta. Etc. Ladies Alexandre Gloves. ma Gentlemen's Furs. CELEBRATED, FRENCH CALF HAND MADE, SEWED BOOTS RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, Etc. In great variety Examine goods and prices before pur- chasing elsewhere. L. D. HEWE2T, Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. Nov. 23, 1?71. vlu3lni3. , THE HAJtiTFACTUEiEa OF THE Reliance Wringer, Have had unusual opportuiutK . of ascer taining what is warned, aud of produc ine a perfect machine They have brought out an entirely New TVringor, which they call the "PHOVIDENOE." New 1871 Perlect A GREAT IMPROVEMENT OVER ALL OTHER TVKINGEBS. IT WRING 3 FASTER THAN BY HAND. TV e consider tho Providence superior to all others, for the following reasons: 1st. The ROI.LEK3, of large xho and best quality of White Rubber, are all se cured to tlieir Khatts in tne most pcrma ntnl manner, by the Xoullon Process, wak. instliebcst Holler m tlie world. :.d The PATtKT ilCMAli JUUltlNAL CASING3 r.revcnt any wear upon the journals. The wocaan ioi'rns.1 in wnicn tne iron shafts of other machines run, soon wear, and the efficiency of the Wringer is there by greatly reduced. "I :id. Ttia v'ivubr) riAu uui.a usea on this Wringer give the utmost ease and B'eaiuesa in working, wiiue tne double stop prevents them from bottoming or be ivt Uirowu out of eear. ne tnrmsli citber single er double gear Providence, as de sired. 4th. The ADJUSTABLE CURVED CLAMP readily adjusts thia Machine to tubs of any size or thickness, making a per fect fastening. No wooden pegs or rubber straps on this Ciamn. 6th. SIMPLICITY STRENGTH and BEAUTY, are combined in this Machine, with all the reouisities of a tirst'class Wringer. PROVIDENCE TOOL CO., Providence, R. I, 11 Warren Street, New York TlB42ma. E OR SALE. The villazc property, formerly owned by Dr. W. Shaw, at UentreTiue, tin uo., ra Consisting of a two story house with Drug Btore attached. For sale cy DR. J. S. BORDWELL, n2Ctf. Ridsrway, Elk Co. Pa. Terms es-ey, part on.-:a ana balance on time. A good locatiou for a physician. 5 Fy5"" '"""'"'iicaj r I red Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing tho sys tem nnd purifying the blood. It bns 'jf stood the test of TiTri yr, Willi con- t.t stantly growing rep- .!,!. - 'W ttvl utat ion. based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild ns to be safe nnd beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to eU'eetually purge out tho great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in tlie system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dole, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of .Scroti il:t, and till scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, lioVltptions, and eruptive dis orders of tlie skin, Tumors. ISlotchcs, ltoils, PimplPHt Pustules, Hores,t. Anthony's Fire, liowo or lirysine liis, Tetter, Salt ltlieum,. Scald 1 load, Kinprworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, nntl Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Drops)', uyspep shu Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Oisease, Female AVcakncss, Debility, and Leucorrhoea, when tliey are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in tho Spring. By renewhi;; the appetite and vijror of the digestive organs, it ilissipates the depres.'ion and listh'S3 lan guorof the se:ison. Even where no disorder appears, people fool Letter, and live longer, for cleansing tlie blood. 'Jlie system moves on w ith renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., I'rnvUenl and Analytical ClumUti SOLD BY ALL DKUGG1ST3 EVERYWHERE. Tor Sale by G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist, ltidj Pa. MALL'S VEGETABLE SICIHAJ HAIR Everv vear increases tbo popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can nssure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its hiih standard; nnd it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Faded IIaiu to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. Tbo 6calp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff and, by its tonic proper, ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair crows tnicker ana stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old ago. It is the most economical IIaiu-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applica. tions, and gives the hair a splendid glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents ore pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Drugrisls and Dealers in Hedicinet. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKEH3. As our lienewer in many cases requires too long a time, aud too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. NJ3. a S3 ji.HH INGREDIENTS THAT ICU.YIl'USK KOSAUAUS are P'llilishcd on ee: ypack.iffe, there- loro it is not a secret preparation consequently rilTSICI.YXS rKESCBIBE IT litis a certain euro for Scrofula Syjihili- in all its forms, llheuiu.i tim, akin Uiseases, l.iver i tun plaint aud all uiteusca ot tt:e jJlood. A ill do more jrootl than ten boitli- of the Syrups of &ripiriiU. THS UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS hvfcucd Rosadahs in their practice tor tho past three y-ars nul t ily endorse it as a reliuhlu AUcrativ Hiitl Liuod Furiiu-r. DR. T. C PUGTl, of Baltimore. I)K. T.J. IIOVKIV, " !.)R. R. W. CASH. ' Oll.t'.O. l .AiNr.l.LT. ' PR. J. S. SPARKS,( Nicholisville. Kv. DB. J. L. McCARTHA, Colnm'bia, S. C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, EUgocomb, N. C TJSSD A2JJJ ElIECICID E j J. B. FH.Vt;H & SONS, Fail Ei-.x JUi. V. W. S.vttTW.XirVii'in, KM. A. V. WlW.ViA A, LiUi, (Jli.o. II. H.-M.L. l.iiea. linn. CRAVUN ii I'O.. (i-li-Tirs-llle, V.. SAM'I.. U. Mc'ADiJi., iiurlita: boio, rmn. Oar pare will BotHiloir i ar.yex tciulfit icutarka in -I iii,-u ti', t. t virtuf":f'' iioratiiiis. Tul,n i.-(i,i-rf; PittieKiaa we guaii IfiaiJ l.ic iraci '.) lor t any tbey but a vi-r use.t ia the trea'ni-nt of d:sir.i bltuxt ; and to the a;Hi. ted wo p.iy t; y UtKAilulis, and ou will Lo Katon-j to htdllh. Rosanalls is sold by all PrHfTlsts prke Si.60 per kutnu. AaJie.- 13. CiS2SST3 ft C5 3 Itanvfbctwrirg Cheniittn, uA" bAlTTiions, lit), 0 o jjU it POWELL & KIME, Powell & Kimc Having ereotcd a large and woll arranged new Store House on the eld site, euioe the fire, and filled it front cillar to garret with the oho ice t good of all descriptions, that csn be found ia any market, are fully pre pare to reoelvetheir old enstomers, and supply Unix wanti at bottom flgnrai WHOLESALE OS EST AIL. Their assortment if aew eoaplete, een- priMBg BEY OOOD3, GROCKRIK3, CKOCKBRT, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, 0013 AND SHOKS, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc, etc. POES. FLOUH SALT. Feed, 14aa, Butter, 1)RID AtFLm, DRI1D.PJACH13, Canned Goods. in short every waatei lathe Ceaetry 'J UMHERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN. NKR3, LABORING MEN, EVEYRBODY Alaa a full rtoek ef MANILLA ROPE of the best manuuoture, or suitable sizes for rafting and ranuing purposes. rv ' i I llll JJl..Illi.M r pHfi SINGER UacE&ctaring Ccropacy. AT TnB WORLD'S If AIR, -Constituted by tlie homes of the people -. Eeocivcd the Great Award of tbo HIGHEST SALES! And have left all rivals far behind them, lor mey SOLD JJT 1STO One Hnndrcd and Twenty-seven .thousand, Light Huudred and Thirty-three Machines! being more than forty thounand in 'advance or ethir sales of the prcviovs your, and over forty-four thousand more than the tales of any othet Company for 1870, as shown by the following figures from sworn rt- i turns or the sale of Licensees. The Hinpter anufnofnr. ing (.ont)iany sold over the Florenco Scwinii Machine Co.. 101.17 78 Maehiaes. jol'l ovor the Wilcox A Oibbs S. M. Co.. 68.943 de e a Sold over the Weed Sew ing Mnebine Co.. 82.831 Sold over the Grovcr & I'.fiker S. M. To.. "0,431 sold over the Howe Ma chine Co., f)2.fi77 Sold over the Wheeler ft Wilson Man'tc Co., 44.624 de allot which is mainly owiu; to the popu ! larity of whni i known an tho "NET FAMILY SEWINd MACHINE," which is now tiiHt tindine its wnv into every wail regulated household. For Circulars civins full particulars of Machines their Folding Oases of many varieties of wood and finish, tlieir Altaclnuents for iiumertnis kinds of work, which, till recently, it. was thought that delicate fingers alone could perform. as well us iiartioulars about all articles used by their Machines, pueh as Twist, Liuen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil. &o., Ae., apply to any of their authorized Agents, or to TUB SINGER MANUFACTCRlXll CO., 458 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 1106 Chestnut. 3t, A. CUMMINGS, Aseot, Ridgway. Pa. Tlnl0julyl3i7. STEREOSCOPES. Tiaws, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAKB3.- E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 601 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trado to their extensive assortment of the above Roods, ef their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and ORAPHOSCOPE3, NEW TIEW3 OF YOSEMITJE. S. ft II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Broadway, New York. Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Importers and Manufacturers of rnOTDORAPUIC MATERIALS. vln'.'yl. NEW LIVEHY STABLK R1DBWAY. DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN- forra the Citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has starteda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms ftgjt.He will also do job teaming. . Stable in the Brooks Burn, near the PostOfEoe, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. i Elk County DirectoryT' President Judge L. 1). Wet more. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J. V. Honk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff D. C Oyster. Prothonotury $-o., Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Henry D. Derr. County Superintendent Rufus Luoore, Commissioners Uobt. Campbell, Joho Barr, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kernor, and Charles Mead. TIME OF HOLDING: COURT. Beoond Monday in January, Snound Mouday in April First Monday iu August. First Monday in VovfemWri ' . "-
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