FAttM AXI nOCSEHULl). WlNTEll Caiie OF SmAWIEniUE3. The strawberry, once confined to the limits of the kitchen garden of the fru gal and thrifty husbandman, ha$ of late years' fallen a " now depart nrp," and now is claused among the impoi t.uit fluid cropa of many sections of conn tr.y. It is spoken and written about in tlio same way as cabbages, potatoes, or turnips. Of course the culture of the strawberry is not quite as general as the crops named, but in a wide district of .New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia hundreds of aores are exolusire ly devoted to its culture, and the success or failure has a very marked tficct on the year's labor of the farmers in these districts. Not many years Ago a man that was cultivating 1U acres or straw berries would be known and talked of all over the Btate as a wonder and curi osity, but now hundreds cf growers, who have three, four, and five times" as many acres devoted to strawberry culture, are hardly known outside of their own township or county. Largo fields of strawberries have become so common of late years that they have ceased to be novelties or rather horticultural curiosi ties. Much less surprise is expressed now in hearing of or seeing a fifty-acre lot of strawberries than there would have been a soore of years ago in hear ing of five acres. 'A much more economi cal method of cultiwition has become general among strawberry growers than was formerly practiced. ICitchen gar den methods were carried on in field culture for some time, but they gave way to better methods, by which horse labor was substituted to a great extent in place of hand-labor, reducing the ex pense, and by this means increasing the profits. Leaving space between the rows of from three to four feet soon be came the rule among the more intelli gent growers, and this was followed by the system known as clean culture, or what might be called constant culture. This, like many other extreme measures led to very discouraging results in many instances tbat Came under my 0D3erva tion, amounting to the loss of from one. third to one-half of the crop. Some grewera, not content with the frequent disturbance ot tne suriAC.-sou, Dy norse tools, from the time the plantB were set out in the spring until late in the fall, would again begin cultivation in the spring, until tne plants were m blossom This, of course would disturb and dis place the surface roots of the plants, on wnicn tne iruit was dependent, xne in evitable consequence of sucbr a method of culture would be a small crop of small berries. This, in many cases, brought about a reaction, and a rush for the other extreme, with the cry that " no culture and weeds was a better plan than thorough culture. Men with habits of close observation soon found that to produce the largest yield of berries, the clean culture was all important tne hrst year, but no culuva. tion or disturbing of the surface-soil be tween the rows should be given in the spring of the second year, or not un til tne crop was gathered. Then was the time to make preparation for a crop ot fruit tor tne tollowing year,, by c thorough surface disturbanj, reuiov- ing all weeds a.ud grass t the same time. Strawberry-growers are y?quently surprised and disappointed to find in the tpring of the year, whjw the frost leaves the grouud, that the "spools" are badly injured by heaving, from the eifects of alternate freezing and thaw ing.. The worst effect from thia cause is likely to happen from short warm spells, in February or March, just enough to thaw an inch or two of the sifi'face. The expansion caused by this surface thaw ing severs the roots, leaving the stools on the surface without hold or support, and, as a matter of course, such stools will produce little or no fruit. On clay ground even thorough drainage does not always remedy this, especially if the frost or cold weather -sets in 60on after a heavy rain storm, while tho ground is wet. One of the important matters then to be attended to by btrawberry-growers at this season of the year is to make such preparations as to prevent the pos sibility of the frequent alternate freez ing and thawing. In sections of coun try where snow falls early in December uud remains on tho ground in a body until th spring fairly opens, there is no danger to be apprehended from surface thawing. But in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, the covering of snow cannot be relied upon, and;artific ial means must be resorted to for pro tecting tho vines. The best possible way to do this is to mulch tho beds with salt hay, wheat, or ryo straw, and if none of these are accessible then leaves gathered from the woods will do instead. When leaves are used then a sprinkling of soil will be necessary to prevent the leaves from blowing about. The mulching material may be put on the beds at any time from now until the middle of De cember, or even later. It should be tpread evenly, and in quantity just enough to cover the vines. There is nothing gained by putting on a very heavy mulch. In garden culture a light coating of horsa manure will answer an excellent purpose. The manure is not practical in field culture, from the fact that the mulch is just as important in the spring as in the winter.. In March or April men go over the beds with wooden rakes, carefully drawiug the hay or straw off from the vines to ward the space between the rows, and settling the hay under the leaves, to be left there until the berries are gathered. This summer mulch, in the first place, keeps the ground uioist and surface loose, preventing to some extent . the growth of weeds, wkile at the same time, the berries are kept clean and free from fine sand, which is a very serious mat ter with strawberry-growers who culti vate their berries on sandy ground, with out mulching. In fact, on light sandy soil, summer mulching is ten times as important as winter mulching. Borax. Nevada furnishes the richest borax deposits in the United States. One company own deposits whUh cover an area of twenty thousand acres. -This is said by blacksmiths, wjjb nave triec it, to be superior to the bgit English borax. The crude mineral" consists of borate oi nine, ana Dorate oi spaa, mixea with sand, mud, carbon atte cf soda, chloride of soda and magnesia. The supposition is that warm springs of bortu-io acid rise in those flats or lakes, and that the acid uniting with the lime of the country rock, or with the soda formed in the flats, forms the borates. At some points, a few feet below the sur face, the water is quite hot. There are also borax deposits in Lake County, Cal., which yield a very good article. The annual consumption of this useful substance in the world, is estimated at eleven thousand tons. How Tu rick Out ft Good Hps?. 11Y josn HILLINGS. Pint. Lot the color bo a sorrel, a roan, a fed, a gray, a white, a blak, a blue, a green, a chestnut, a brown, a dapple, a spotted, a cream, a buckskin, or sum other good color. Second.- Exarain hiss ears ; see that he hnz got tew ears, mid pound a tin pan clttss to him, tu find out whether hiz hearing iz.good. All Bosses are dum, but a deff and dum.hoss are not desira ble. 1'hird. Look well tu hiz eyes; see that he haz got a pupil in hiz eyes, and not too large a one neither ; hoeses with too large pupils in their eyes are near sighted, end kant see oats, and have tu wear green energies, and green goggles make a hoss look tu much like a trakt peddler. f ourth. bed ov hiz neck witu the in side ov yure right hand ; see that the spinal collum iz well fatted, and runs the whole length ov hiin from fore to aft a hoss without a good phatt spinal collum from fore tu aft ain't worth (speakin sudden) ain't worth a well defined cuss. Five. Put yure hand on hiz breast ; see if hiz harte can beat 70 ; squeeze hiz fore leggs tu see if he iz well muscled ; ntt up mz betore teet ana see 11 inare iz any frogs in them frogs keep a hosB s teet cool and sweet, just az tncy ao a well or spring ov water. Stx. Juook well tu liiz sboes : see wnat number he wears number 8 iz about right. Seven. liun vure hand along tne di viding ridge ov his boddy, from the top ov hiz withers tu the commencement ov his tail (or dorsul vertibra,) and pinch him az you go along, tu see if he knows how tu kick. Eight. Look on his hind legs for sum spavins, kurbs, windgaiis, ringbones, skratches, quittorF, tnrust, grease-neeis, thorough-pins, spring-halt, quarter- kracks ; see it he has got a whirl-bone ; look for sum pin-hips ; hunt for strains in tne back tendons, let-downs, ai capped hocks. Aline. lnvestiaato hiz teoth ; see it he ain't 14 years old last May, with teeth filed down, and a six-year old black mark burnt into the top ov hiz withers for a fistula, and look liharp at both shoulders for a sweeny. Eleven. Hook him tu a waggon that rattles, drive him up to an Irishman and hiz wheelbarrow, meet a rag-merchant with cow-bells strung acrost the top ov hiz cart, let an express train pass hiut at 4o miles tu the hour ; when he is swetty heave a buffalo robe over him tu keep eph the cold, ride him with an umbrel highsted, and learn hiz opinyun ov these things. Twelve. Prosptkt hiz wind, sarch dili gently for the heaves, ask if he is a roarer, and don't be afraid tu find out if he iz a whistler. Thirteen. Be sure that he ain't a krib biter, ain't a weaver, and don't pull at the halter. Theze ore a few simple things tu be looked at in buying a good family hoss: there iz a grate menny other things tu be looked at (at yure leisure) after you have bought him. Qood bosses are skavse, and good men that deal in enny kind ov bosses are skarser. Ask a man all about his wife, and ho may tell you ; examine him cluss for a Sunday-school teacher, and find him all on the square ; send him tu the New York Legislature, and rejoice that mon ey won't buy him ; lend him seven hun dred dollars in tho highway without witness or note; even sworp dogs with him with perfekt impunity ; but when you buy a good family hoss ov him, young, Bound, and trew, watch tne man cluss, and make up yure mind besides that you will have tu ask the Lord tu forgive him. Ton Modest. It is related of a Philadelphia girl, who recently had a man and dog up be fore the police court to answer to the charge of assault and battery on tho dog's part, that, whon asked what too dog did, she said he bit her. When aBked where, after considerable hesita tion and blushing, she replied," On the ltft drumstick." It is delicious to con template such exceeding modesty. This young lady is doubtless a lineal descend ant t' the lady who culled on Dr. Aber nethy, and when the doctor was about to feci her pulse, she wrapped a hand kerchief around her wrist, so that her delicate modesty shouldn't be shocked by contact of ilesh with a man's hand. Dr. Abernethy, however, was competent for the situation, lie at once wrapped his hand in his coat-tail, and taking the covered wrist, said that a linen rmlse must have a woolen physician. They had probably beard of the jealousy of the Chinese of their physicians. When any 06 their wives are indisposed they fasten a silken thread around her wrist, the cord of which is given to a physi cian, and it is only by the motion which the pulsation communicates to it that be U allowed to judge of the state of his pa tient. Novel Danger Signals. Men are now engaged in erecting novel danger signals at every bridge and tunnel on the Hudson liiver Kiilroad, to warn brakemen, who are compelled at times to run along on the tops of trains, of their near approach to such dangerous places. A pole is erected by the side of the track, and an arm projects from it at the top, over the track. From this arm hangs a wire fringe, low enough to strike a brakeman on the front piece of the cap or against the face if he is standing up as the train passes. This perceptibly notifies him that he is only one hun dred feet from the bridge or tunnel, and must lie down at once. The blow iuflicted by the fringe is momentarily a stinging one, but produces no evil re sults. Syracuse Standard. WESTWARD HOI Full particulars of a new colony now forming sent live. Address W. E. PAUUR, No. 8 Bowling ureeu, Mew Yolk City. The Phrenological Journal for January is still in the advuuee. For reading at once spicy, vigorous, spirited and high toned, its bulky January number bus our warm est commendation. A capital beginning of the New Year. The tollowing are among its arti cles : E. B. Washburne,our Minister to France ; What Can I DoBest r Cheerful Giving; Jo seph P. Thompson, 1). 1)., late oi the Broad wuy Tabernacle Church ; Expression, its An atomy and Philosophy ; " Sol " Buiith Rus sell, or some Studies in Facial Caricature; Passages from Dyak Life ; Ouly a Head, or " Not a Cent In the World," a chapter of mis haps ; " Taking Cold," or the Causes and Kemedy of " Colds " ; Our Objects ; Political Economy not a Failure ; William N. byers, the Rocky Mtuntuin Printer; Intercommuni cation ; Great Fires ol Ancient and Modern Times ; Inlluence of Forests on Climate. Nu merous illustrations are given. Price only $3 a year. Single Nob. UOcts. Now is the lime to subscribe or to make up a club and secure one of the valuable Premiums offered. Ad drees 8. K. Wells, New York. 0 Noteworthy. Our Readers will certainly examine the three attractive Announcements by Messrs. OnAsos Judd & Co. of their vnl tmblo Journnls. Tho Amnuan Agrictitlurist has for 1(0 years pnat enjoyed a wcll-descrved and very wide popularity as a practical, In structive, -reliable Journal, and It grows more bcautilul and valuable every year. hearth and Home, though only in Its fourth year, has wllu the experience ana tact oi incso veteran publishers risen to a very high rank. 1 lie corps of Editors and .Contributors is scarcely equaled by any other Journal In tho world, while as an Illustrated journal it Is unsurpassed in intrinsic value even by tho hlUci-prlced il lustrated papers. For any information about Railroad Honda, vou should write to Charles W. Hassler, No. 7 Wall street, New York. New York Wholesale Markets. BUTTER State, fine firkins I 27 at Orange Co. palls 3:1 a Western 19. a CHEESE State factory 10H a Ohio do 9 a Farm dairy 10H a COTTON Ordinary Ui'i a Low to good middling lt't a EQG3 N. Y., N. J., Penn'u. ... 3h a Limed 2 a FLOUR Bupernne 8 75 a Extra to fancy State.... 8 45 a Ohio round hoop 6 50 a Kxtra amber 8 to a Bluing wheat 7 00 a . ' .... nnnnui. 9 U 30 98 24 18H 1H 12H 1,1 4 21 89 30 6 10 7 40 8 75 7 40 7 30 8 80 10 7$ 4 00 4 80 3 05 83 85 1 00 1 25 59 1 00 1 67 1 65 1 05 1 75 1 72 15 00 11 25 10 00 12 50 24 00 8 14 12 8 30 1 V2 (15 00 Bt. Louis double cilia.. S 65 a CORN Meal Western fe Jeiscy 8 70 a Brandy wine 4 20 a TILTKWIIKATI'I.OUB'P'UJOtDS 8 30 a GRAIN COHN Western 7(1 a Southern 83 a Barley Wostcrn 85 a Canada 1 20 a f)ATS ' (7 a ryk 80 a WHEAT Western No. 1 Spring.. HI n Do. No. 2 do. .. 1 60 a . I io. Ainbrr 1 t: a Do. Wliito 1 07 a White Genesee 1 62 a PROVISIONH-POHK-Newmoss 13 50 ft W'n prime 11 00 a BEEF Plain 8 00 n Kxtl'ft mess 11 60 ft Beef bonis 22 00 a BATON '"I a smoked Hams 11 LAItli SEED Clover lis a Timothy 8 20 a Flaxseed 1 85 0 WOOL XX stato, 0.,nnd Ind.,.. 65 b Vermont 64 a LIVE STOCK. BEEVES Boat 104 a (food U n Common to fair 8 a SHEEP & LAMUS-Shecp 4H tt Lambs 5 a BWIHE Live Drossod 66 a 11 10 9 4H 7 To tub Prnuc. Wo know of no remedy equal to Jackson's Catarrh Snuff and Trociib Powder, for Catarrh, Asthma, Loss of Voice. &,c. Is mild, pleasant, agreeable to use, and a sure cure. Ask your druggist for it, or mail i5j cents to 4jool'KR, WILSON & Co., Philadelphia. Chapped Hands, face, rough skin, pimples, ring-worm, salt-rheum, and other cutaneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and smooth by using the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New-York. It is more convenient and easily applied than other remedies, avoiding the trouble of the greasy compounds now in use. Hoover's New Gallery, No. Ill" Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., will be opened to the public Monday, December 18th, with a large afsortment of chromos, paintings, &o. Mr. II. has lust publisnea a new euro- mo entitled The Spiritual Guide, same sizo as his celebrated " Changed Cross," " Faithful Crowned," and "M'ary and Bt. John. 22x28 inches. He 11113 many others of cquol merit, lhe ' ttoiy Family, or Madonna de la Sedia, uze 22x28, "Jieautilul ibnow," ioxxz, -xeiui, N. Y.," a tine autumnal landscape, size 20x28, and a comic picture called " Both Puzzled, renresentine a village scnooi master puzzling over a question asked by 0110 of his scholars. "But, sir, if wanst nouaht be notl-iin , then twice nousht must be somethin', for it's dou ble what wanst nought is." All these chromos are verv tine in execution and finish. Sjld by the leading dealers throughout the United States. Impaired Vitality. When you feel as if the vital powers were giving way, strength gone, spirits depressed, memory failing, appetite lost, exhaustion steal ing over every sense and paralyzing ev ery energy, then is the time to resort to that powerful ally of nature Dr. Walk er's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters. The properties thoy embody soon work a glorious renovation in the debilitated system and the clouded mind. For throat diseases and affections of the chest, " Emum's Bronchial Troclies," are of value. For Coughs, Irritation of tho Throat caused by cold, or unusual exertion of. tho vocal organs, in speaking in public, or singing, they produce bene ficial results. Have you inflammatory, sore throat, stiff joints, or lameness from any cause whatever 'i Have you rheumatic or oth er pains in any part of the body V If so, nse Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Our word for it, it is the best pain killer in this country. Many persons suffer with sick head ache and nerveus headache, usually in duced by costiveuess, indigestion, &a. Such persons will find relief if not cure, by keeping the bowels open with small doses of Parson's Purgative Pills. There Is Balm In Uilcnri, And the Tar of Abie's Bahama, or Balm of Gileftd Tree, combined with llouey and the Extrnet of Horeboucd, in the form of Hale's Honey of llorehound and Tar, is the most po teut remedy lor Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, and Iullueuza, ever adiuiuUteiediu this or any other couutry. Pike's Tootbaehe Drops cure Toothache lu one minute. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents. To Consumptives. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to uia fellow sutterers the means of euro. To all who desire it, he will send a copy ofthe prescripUon used, (free of charge), with tho directions fur repaiing and using the wune, which thoy will And a si'Kit Cuke kok coNsi'Merioti, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Par ties wishing the prescription w ill please address Rev. fellWARO A. WILSON, 2tM South Tlirid St.. Wllllainsburgh, N. Y. Advertisements. Employment for Everybody. We are prepared to give constant employment to any person w ho wishes to engage io a light, agree ublu and line paying buBineas. wo.wi)l pay a liberal alaiy by the week, and pay xpeunes, or allow coiuuiisKioii from which any person of common abil ities can earn from 120 to 60 per week, clear. This Is nocutch penuy humbug, but la one of the moat valuable inventions of the age, patented In the United states and Europe ; 1 a great uevelty, sells reulily, aud no competition. To any responsible, w ide awake party, w ho really means " business," and desires to investigate aud test one of the best chalices ever ollure'l to agents, we will send full par. tiuulars and a valuable package of sample ou re ceipt of aOct. to pay the postage. Address O. P. 110WE 4 CO., Augusta, Me. GET THE BEST. DU. CROSVESOR'S Improved Porous Plasters are recommended by the BKST PHYSICIANS aa ur aud safe remedvfor RHEUMATISM. NEU KAl.MIA, UlBKAHEH of the LIVER and KID NKY8, PAIN lu the BREAST, LUNOSor BIDE, KC'l ATICA, WEAK BACK and FEMALE WEAK NESSES. Take none but KR. OllOSVENOn U to Insure the beat result. . General Depot, 12s Hudson St., New Tor. Sold by all ImiggleU. PRICK 25 oeuta. TEX ABM AM MOTH CO BN-Will yltfld 250 bush els to acre, 40 ear to buueL l-uekuge tent ior A.ddrtt fexa tanner. Box Vl Uullita, Toxas. CONSUMPTION. A Itemed) Found at Lust! It will Cure Your Cough. It will Pre 1 out mid Cum; Con- Mimilioii TLB t noiiBli. wlilrli yon urendrlertltiir, mny result ill inuu 1 imruilniiiion, 11 phi". Ay Inmitnnoit. Wliv Bnciitlre your lilo wlieii your ilmono mil mi cured' bo quick no t so small a cost 1 What is the Value of Money when Com pared to Health. TlmnA irlm nra oflllr.lA.1 trlth n COUCh OTWith Con sumption rtnd the following letter from proml. nuit nierclinnt of Marino City, Mlchignn, Uttted Joly28, 1870! Dcnr Sin: The Allen's Lnn RiHsnm 11ns nrriyon. would not like to ue without It, for It has saved my life I took abndcold, and n cough, ana Snally consumption was seated upon mo. 1 was In a very bsd stato. I tried evervtlnW that was ; recommend, eel, and spent a urent doul it money, and cot 110 help. 1 una Aiieirs luiiff umsnm 101 nm, ....u n..r. nr thimr of its meilts. I did not like to take it with. out know ing more about It. I lindnot so d a bottle. wnen your ageni caueu on mo. 1 not sell n medicine I know nothing about. He nrged me to try it mreelf. I did so, nud, to my gratfal surprise, the tirst bottle stopped my cough ; and.be fore the third bottle -was taken, my lungs -wore healed and well j and I can now speak kuowinglyto mv frlendiand customers of tho good qualities of Allen's .Lung Balsam, fully, I remain yours, respect- liiiivniiBLU ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM the most troublesomo rough in an Incredibly short time. There is no reme dy that can show more evidence of real merit than this BAI.HAM for curing Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Cronp, &o. . , It Is only about eight years since the Balsam was flratotl'ored to the public and, in this short time it lias uec.oine Known ana Bpi'iwunc.. m ihbhj ccjj town and vlllagethroughout the United States and the Dominion of Canada. Hundreds of thousands nf bottles nro annnallv sold, and thousands of wit nesses testily to its unequalled power In healing tho uiseases tiiut ii is reconuuenucu ior. It Is Harmless to the most delicate Child It contains no Opium In any form, . It is sola by Medicine Dealers generally. CALL FOR ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM J. W. Karris & Co., Prop'rs, Cincinnati, 0. Tor salo bv Perrv Davis Son, Frovldenro ; John F. Homy, New York: l'rench, Klchauls & Co. Philadelphia. A Pleasant and Profitable business for females at JV Home. Particulars and sample sent on receipt of 23c. Worth ten times the cost to nse. Addross O. C. Barney, 28 West Twelfth St., New York. nr. from Si. ylJ Corry, Pa, Sanifle free. C. BEAVIS, For Beauty of Polish, Saving of Labor, Freenesa from Dust, Durability & Cheap ness.truiy unrivaled Bcwaro of Worthless Imitation, under other names but resembling ours In Bhapo and color of "Wrapper, intended to deceive. The Rising Pun Tolish In bulk, for stove dentors use lit twelve cents per poundtwenty five and fifty pound boxes. "Cheaper than any tAlier Bulk Polish rornotmntf. ' MORSE BROS., Prop'rs. CANTON, MASS. MISS SAWYER'S SALVE. HERE you havo n salvo combining soothing nml healing properties, with no dangerous ingred ient. A remedy at hand for the many pains and aches, wounds nud bruises to which tie eh is heir, Is more easily applied than manv other remedies. iittver producing u bad effect, but always relieving pam, uowever severe. It is prepared by Miss Sawyer, who hna used tt In her own extensivo treatment of tho sick, for nenriy iweniy years, T?un great success. The principal diseases for which this salve Is rec ommended are. Chilblain Iiheumutiftm, Pile8t Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Salt Ilhcum, Sprains. Hums, Fever Sores, Felons, Ptmples, Erysipelas, Sort J-yes, Barber's Itch, Deafness, Bods, Hmg'Wonns, Corns, Bites of Insects, Cancers, Toothache, tar nrl,i Rnv X'j-miihd Hrthlva .CifsWo.. M.a Jtch, Scald Jlead, Teethina. ' Chatmed Hands. Scalds, Cuts, Bruises, Croup Cracked Zips, and It never fails to euro Rheumatism if nrnnerlv applied. Rub it on well with the hand three times n day. In several cases it has cured palsied Yor Piles it has been discovered to be a sur cdy. I'ersons that havo been ntuicted for years nava oeen reueveu Dy a lew applications, xor .ry sinelas it works wonders, nllaving the inflammation and quieting the patient. For Chapped Jiands it produces a cure Immediately. Let those with Halt Jiheum obtain this Salve, and apply it freely, and they will find it invaluable. It is good in cases of Scrofula and Tumors, Cancers havo been cured with it. The best 8alve ever invented for Swollen Breart and Sore KippTes No way injurious, but sure to afford relief. Hore or Wtais h'yct Hub it ou me uus genuy, onco or twice a day. cures deaf ness by putting in the cars ou a piece of cotton, For Felons this is superior to anything known, For Pimples this acts like, a charm. For Rum and Scalds, apply tho Salvo nt onco nnd it gives imraemaio rcuei. or vta mores, apply onco dav. Not among the least ofthe Invaluable properties of M is Ham veh's Halve are its beneficial effects on tne Hair. Rubbed on tho scalp, in live or six different parts, it promotes the growth ofthe hair. prevents it turning gray, and on bald spots it pro duces a new growth ot hair. Ne lady should bo without this invaluable, article as an indispensable cosmetic for the toilet. It eradicates dandruff and disease from the head, and blotches and niiHiiirta Wo. the undersigned, havo been acquainted with Miss Sawyer for many years, nud believe her to bo a Christian' lady nud a skilful nurse, and havin used her salve in our families, it gives us great pleasure in saying it is the bust general mcdiciuo we nave ever used : Tier. K. F. ffnttcr. Kov. VT. O. Uolman, Iter. Joseph Kalioch, liev. George Pratt, Gen. J. P. Cilley and wife, Capt. J. Crocker and write. Capt. David Aiuci and w ife. Win. Wilton uud wife, E. It. Spear, John T. Berry, W in, II. 'J itciinib, Mrs. Charlfi 8now, Mn. Ale. Snow, )r. E. P. Chaic and v.-He, J. Waketldd and w ife. Win. Heat tie atiii wite, Jacob Shaw and wifr, John S- Care and w ife. II W. Wiil.t .,i.l . n. im Dai i, jr. (Mayor w. o. luiier and wife, Joseph Farwell, OI nocKiaww uud wile, J lioumi Ui lta. lieury iiijjraham ssi wile. j. tu maiiara, Ephraim Barrett, Lcauder Weeks, Hon. N. A. llurpce, I'raucis Cobb, O J- Conant fPoitmnitcr ot jiuLKianuj aim wile, I. K- Klmliull and wife, William HIcLouu. TO TI7S AFFLICTED, If vour DruirirlBt la nut nf the Knlvft. nml nrrrU.Ha to keep supplied, send acvcnty.flrc. cents us direcluu ueiun, uuu receive a box Dy return mull. Put tip In Largo Coxes at 50 Cent3 cneli (nearly three time, nil lnri;e tile box re nix'.entcil nbore). Prepared by MlHH C. HAWVKlt, uud put up by L. M. BOBBINS, Wholesale ana rtetau uruRerist, KOCKiana, Me. A Trial Box sent free ov mail on receipt of seventy, live cents, by L. M. kdUM-NS, UocWand, Me. this VAT.rAm.E pat.vk a coi.d lt Fancy Goods, Toys & Firc,wi i.s JOSEPH D. PURDV, 32 and 34 Maiden Lane, New YciL IMPORTER. EXPORTER, AND MANt'r'AC- TUBERS' AGENT. Has ou baiid large and choice stock of FKESCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN TOYS, FOB TUB Fall and Holiday Trade Home and oat-door B ports and games of all kind. fWAn experience oCM years enables ms to antici pate the want of tlu public, and at prices ttat all wui ueemrewianaoie. REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES. GREA BAVINO TO CONSUMERS By GET TING UP CLUBS. r?" Send for onr new Price List and a Club form will accomuauv lt. cuntuiuiuir full directions mak ing a lat Ke saving to consumer, uud reiuuner&uv. tu uiuv urguuizoro. . THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., 31 fc 3:1 VESEY STREET, New Verk. P. U. Box M:0 9s Walkir, Proprietor. R. H. McDowalb Co., Dnitrfritu in. Atrerit,8n Frtneltro, Cl., and M Commrc ttrwt, N. Y. MILLIONS Bear Tcntlninny to their Wonderful Ciifntlve Effect. They nro not ft vile Fnnry Drlnli. Made of Poor Itnnit Whiskey, Proof Spirits nml Hofiino Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please tlio tnstccallcd "Tonics." "Appetizers." "ItestorerV&c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin,but ar true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic H limit nntRw They are the GREAT JU.OOI) PUHI- FIEltnnd A LIFE (JIVINU PKIINC'irJUl., nerfect Renovator and Invleorator of the System, carry Ingoft alt poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a healthy condition. No person can take those Bit ters according to directions and remain long unwell, provided their bones ore not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They arc n Cicnllc Purgftllve ns well nsia Tonic, possessing, nlso, the peculiar merit of acting as a powciful agent in relieving Cungcstton or Inflam mation of the 1,1 ver, and all tbcVisceral Organs, FOR FEMALE COMPLAIXTH, in young or old. married or "ingle, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal. For Iiinniiiiiintciry nml Chronic It hen in a- nud Gout, lypep.la or IiMligcntlon, SIlioiiH, Rciiilileiit nncl InteruiUleiit Fe vers, IIenir ol tne inona, i-ivcr, iiu- ueys nml Hlmliler, thnso Hlller have iecn moss successful. J-nrh PUensrs are ciufed by Vlllnted Rlooil, which Ik generally produo d by derangement of tho lifren;lvc Orirnin. ivsim:psia. OR INDHJESTIOX, ncad- ftche, Pain in the Should. -in, Coimhs, TUfHtnesB or tlio Chest, Diriiu. J-our Kruetatinns nf tho Stomach, Bad Taste In the Mo-.ilb. Bilious Attack, Palpitation ol tho Heart, InfHimnutirtii of the l.ung, I ain Jnthoro- irlons of the Kidneys, nnrt a hundred other painful symp toms, are the oflsprinj.-s or Dppopsm. Tlity invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them or unequalled e&cacy in clran?iiiff the blood of all impurities, and Im parting new life and rigor to the whole system. FOR SKIS DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt Ttlipum. Blotches. Soots. Pimples, Pustules, Hulls, Car- nflnc niiirr.W.irtn. Srnl.l llt-n.l. Son hvo. Krvslne- )7ri eh. Scurf. Bisi olornt inns nf the Skin. Humors and BiKcnscs of the Skin, of whatvr name or imlure, aie literallv dug up and enrried out of tin- Kyti-ni in u short time by the useot these Hitters, une twit tie in such cases will convince tuo most Incredulous of their cura tive effects. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im purities bursting throuirh tho skin Jn Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanso it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanso It when it is foul, and your feelings will toll yon when. Keep tho blood pure, and the heaUh of the system will follow. Phi, Tnpe, mul of lier U ortnn, lurking in tho system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed ntirl removed. Pavs a distinguished nlivsiolnffist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose Imdy is exempt frm tho presence of worms. It is nnt upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of riisense. No Sv.stem of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmintics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKEK, Proprietor. R. II. McDOXALD & CO. Druggists and Gen. Ac-en ts. Snn Francisco. California, ana J and 34 Uommcrco street, new rortc -BOLI BY ALL BRUUGIST3 AND DEALERS, Inventors who wish to take out,Letters Patent , j ere oavisea x,a counsel wiia PIVPP1IE70IS OF THE uho hav( proaccnicd claims licforu tho Patent Ofllca ior over rwenty jearfl.-'- ' Their AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN1 l'AT ENT AGENCY U tho most extensivo In tlio world, narsos less man any oiner rcliablo. agency. Pamphlet contaiuinir full instructions to lnvun Inventors, BTA hanflsnmA Tinnn Volnmn, .nntalnlnM ir. pent gratis. Mechanical onsravint;, nnj tho United States Censu.1 by Counties, -v- ith Hints nml Receipts for Mechanics, mailed on receipt of 23 cents. The SotgsTtrio American ia tho best nnd cheapest Weekly Illus trated Newspnper, devoted to Kcleueo, Art, and Me chanics, published In tho world, 'i'brea dollars r. year. - tipeeimena gratia. Adilrcss v auaa 37 J'urK How, New York. o4VA ryr - Principal Offlco 101 W. Filth St., Clticiumili, O. The cn!y Reliable G i it Disl: ibu'U n in the country ! $60,000 00 In Valuable Gifts! To'nii UISTRinUTED IN L. D. SINE'S ia! V.mi L.Ml MOXTIILY GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drewn Monday, Fi b. ltitb, 1572. . Two Grand Capitals of if 5,000 Encli in Giwiibacks ! TWO PRIZES &1.000 x C five uti.KH $5ou js Greenbacks ten 1-KiZEs ftiou - ui ccnuatna Ono HORSE nml BUGl.V. with silver niountca liur.ii'HS, wortn ikiO. One Fito Toiieil Riisewoml PIANO, worth two 10 Family SEWING MACHINES, worth twooiicli. Five Iloivf C'nse.l (lolil lUlutilDr Will, lies nud Heavy Gulil CLiilus, worth .lU0eucli! Fivo Cold Aiiici'kun Uiintlng Watches, worth f 125 each. Ten Lo,lltV Gold II untiug Waklic s.woi tla 100 each. 800 Cold and f-ilver Lover Hunting WATCHES, (in all) worth (loin t-i to ;uo tuih. Laillrs' Gold Lcontlue nmUientK' Gold VeHtCIiains, solid and rtoulib -plated silver Table and Teaspoons, Photograph Albuuis, Jou eliy, &e., Aiti. Whole A'o. fc'(t8,0O0! Tivkets limited foua.OOO! Afrenls Wanted to Hell t'ekets, to w hom liber, al pieuiiuuas will be paid. Biugle Tickets, til Six Ticket?, ts ; Twelve Tick ets, tlOj Twenty. tive, t'JO. Clrcnlars contnlnlnp n full list of prli:ea,n descrip tion of th manner of diawlnir, iindotlur intoriuu tion iu li-foiom-e to the distribution, wi 1 lis sent to any 41110 ordutiug them. All lett. rs must be ad dt essed to L. D. SINE, Box 86, Cincinnati, O. otlice, 101 West Fiftli St. VALLEY GEM PIANOS. The cx'rnnrdinary demand for theeo Pianos re. uus fioiu their being excellent in quality and low inpiiee. Fu ly waiuts'ed. feud for circulars, I. II. BALDWIN, 15 w. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. '1 ianos, Org.iii4, Melodeens. very low. agcuta wuatel everywuoie. Timber and Coal Lands for Bale. 5"oo ai res timber land, Potter Co., Pa. Woo " ' Lvcomiug Co., Pa. Ml " White Oak land, Centre Co., Pa. 2a00 " ' Somerset Co., Pa, 600 " Anthracite Coal lands, Scbtty Ulll Co., Pa. 600 " Med shale farm " " ' 2000 " lllluluiuousCoallandsonB.iO.Ii.il.. West Va. ' A large hotel or aemlnary building, Nortlnimlier. land, Pa. P. W. BJiEAFEB, PuttsvUle, Pa, A BOOK FOR THE ACE. r Woman from Fourteen to Forty her Dntlea, her Dangers, aud ber Diseases; Involving the laws ol fihysieal developments aud lieiaoual beauty, with inporUtut advice aud suggestions. Price i5 cents, sent by mall. Address lUt. S. C. Pit A IT. No. VIS jjioauway, jm. . COOn tor first-class Pianos. Bent on trial. No iJiJU airenta. Addreaa U. B. rUNO consul .3 fig untuHwuy, a. i, m n r wrm CHEATEST Good Reading for Yourself nud Vour Family;1 Intcrewting-, Instructive, TniMt'woi'tli.y; For City, Village, For rnn n-r frr Farm, Q-arden, Household. For Children for Y011II1 for Fathers ; for MolhcrM for lions kcoperi for, sf n ml j.iiiiitH f, .it l.ti iiiiii mK g J for Fruit Urowcm for KccpcrM for lechnnicM ; , for Merchant t for lro lVssional Men ; for any one inCity, Village, or Country. The American (Establlshcil In 1SI?.) read nml highly approved by tho largest circle of subscribers to any I ' similar Journal in lhe world; nud everywhere recognized ' ns lhe I Standard Authority in America for Agricultural and Ilorti- , cultural Information. For 1872, tho Thirty-First Annual Vol u in c (beginning uow) will give over i 13,000 worth ol' Tine Engravings, and over jlOOO I.niRC Columns of tho Choicest Itcnding, , prepared by many practical, intel ligent Mcu and Women, who Icnoio what they write about, from much ' experience and observation. I instruction and Information 1 arc so Plain, so I-racticnl, nnd so Varied, that It is lmpos- siblo fornny man, woman, or child, to rood a volume without gottlng vtnany hluts Uiat will each be worth and pay buck more than a whole year's cost, CIIEAl. The immense cir- . aviation so divides the expense that ( ' the paper is furnislicd at about the cost of the printing paper. 'Vry it a , I Year. It will lay Well. TEItMSt 51.50 aycnr;.bttr i BUbscribcrs $3 a year ; ten subscribers tor J12; twenty or more subscribers, I only $1 cacb. N. B. American, Agriculturist nnd 1 Bearth and Home sent for $1 o year. Begin yiow with Volume 81. ORAXGE JDDD & CO., . EniTons akd PnorniETons, ft 15 Biioadwat, N. T. Only $4 for ! $35,000 Worth of cholco Engravings, and over 4,000 Columns ( of tho Best Heading ! (as much as Is contained In over 1 00 I Dollar Books) supplied iu tbo American, Agriculturist and Hearth and i Horns during a tingle year, and both i 1 aro sent to ono address for $4. ORANGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, New York. 1,500,000 ACRES OK TUB. Richest Farming Lands in the World, FOIt SALE TO ACTSAL 8ETTLER.S. Neosho Valley, Kansas. Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Cj CARS NOW RUNNING 400 MILES. The Lntiils olTiired by tbls Company are mainly within au nii'.oi of naob slilo ol tb mail, exIomliiiK 170 mill's ulun tho NKdsllO VALLEY. the richest, IIih hI, anil must Inviting valley lor settlement in the VHt. One tliird of the labor demanded at the East will ltmiire hero double the amount of crops. PHICK Of l.ANO.-i'Jto t per acre) credit oft -n years' time. T Kit tin UK HA I.E. One-tenth down at tba time of pureliase. No payment the second year. Onu-tenth every year after, wi;h annual intcieut. .For further iiiforiiiiition, iiilitresa llSAAU T. UOOUNOVV, l.nnd Com'r, Nkobuo Falls, K-Aksas. The Farmer's Monthly. A nsw monthly of 32 octavo pages, with oov.-r, devotea to the i'lttni, the Oanlen aud the House hold, with a Health Deiurtmeut. Commences January, 1872. One dollar a yeai'. Iu clubs sev enty live cents. Address H. J. KURTZ, Publisher; J-luylon, O. BOUQHTON S POCKET LOCK. C. & S. 49 Cortlsndt St., N. Y. agkn'ts- wanted everywhere. Itenit sicti for Sample. RUPTURE Rellovod and eared by Dr. Bherman's Patent Appll. ance and Compounit. Otlice 6U7 Biuailway, N. Y. beud lOo. for book with photographlir likeueaaea of ciiiuts before and after eure, with Heurv Wai-d Beeober'a ease, letters and portrait. Beware of travelling impostors, who preumd to have beeii aa aiatants of Liu. bUKUMAH. A GENTS Wanted A it eots make more mnnev at J work for us than auytUiUK work for us than auytUiUK else. Particulars free. 0. bl'lNbOH & Co., fins Art t-ub rs Tho Dtd I mid 1 aPMllS Portland, Me. 3 W jj TI1R Pure, Good, True, Beautiful, Interesting, Instructive, arc nil oom li neu tit that 1 admirable Illustrated Home Ihpcr, ( Hearth and Home.i (KstnMlslicd In 18i'.) EUITOllS : ICtltvavd Kgleslon, mnry E. Iodgo, Cico. C. Egglcstoii, Iflrs. S. Kcwboiild, , Mary II. Sleight, lieorge Tlmrbcr, 1 Joseph IlnrriK, Ceo. I. Win-Ins, Jr., ) Polcr Ilfiidorson, Henry Stewart, William Clift,f and many other Editorial Writer ffssand Contributors resit P reporting from diffcrc residing in and , rent localities. The fulloninn brilliant Popil" 'lar Wrltcrp trc alxo engaged far 1873, Volume IV., of IIeautii fp and Home, note beginning, viz. : Jean Ingelow, Louisa Itf, Alcott, Edward Everett Hale, imu.i.aii. a--t hi,.!.. 11IUUMU OlUail 1UI.IJ1SJ iiiiiiiri riTston ijovuuiu, Rebecca Harding Davis, Rose Terry, Maria R. Oakoy, Lucia G. Runklc, Frank R. Stockton, "H. H.", and others. Hearth ami Home abounds ' in good Editorials on llvo topics; ( in the Heist 4riinnl Stor- ! iet, of the purest character nnd highest grade, from tlio most emi- , vent writers ; with n most valuable , Household I)ci.irlmciit , he'pfid to every Housekeeper nnd , every Woman; a .'hillreni and Youth's Department, that for pleasing and instructive stories, pictures, etc., and fur arousing; a healthful spirit of emulation in children, has no cputl in the world. In short, Heaiitu and ; ai' Home is a complete and very choice Home and I.iternryXcivsi- , paper of fhe highest order, ' splendidly Illustrated with over vil A!25,000 Worth nf Original, ECe:nit tl'iil, Iiirnyiiisis. To every busy man, woman, and j Child. IlEAllTIl AND HOME is nll invaluable 7S"ew Journal. ' Each number (dves the News of tho ' Week and the Day, brought up to 1 the moment of going to press, so that its leaders become if7i- i.,.7,f nr-l.iiiitiil Willi nil illl- via)' noitniit, i-iirraiit events in every part of the world, without wading through acres, of printed mailer. livery Itlnn, Woman, t'hiltl, should have Heauth and Home t It Is Valuable, Iteauliiul, 1 CIIHA1. . . TBI' IT. Snpidled everywhere by Newsmen at 8 cents a copy. Term i $8.00 a year; Four copies for $11 ; Ten or more copies, only $3.50 each. 1. 11. Hearth and Home, with I American Agriculturist, to one ad dress, $i a year. The two papers i are entirely dillcrcut. Volumo IV. begins with 18?3. ORAXGE JIDD & CO., Editors and Publishers, 9 IS Broadway, New York. THEA-NECTAR 'is a pure black tea with tbo Bran Tea Flavor. War ranted to suit all tastes. t,r sals everywhere. And fur siilo wliob sale mly by tbfl threat A tluulic k Fnriflc Tl"i Vo (i Clillli li t., Nniv York, I'. U. Box o50ti. fiend or Thca Sectar Circular. " Eight O'Clockl" "WIDE AWAKE fV1:" peril French. Oil Cbromos-subjrcts J;'K ixoolsite fac similes of oriKiiiul OIL l'AlNTlNUH UJ VJitf A WA 1" to every subscriber to Henry Ward Beecher'a Oront LITEKARY, religious weekly NEWSPAPElt. AitcutBliavinK (treat success. One took 1,1)00 limine luainmitliH; another liuoiu weeks; unuther 118 In one week ; oue 47 iu one day, uud uiitiiy others equally well, mvklng from ti and III) to 1 10 per iluy. 'l akes on siifht. Ail old agent whe knows, says : "I think lt the !( business for can vassert ever offered. urry I did not ougaKeaooner." pays better inau any book Agency. A rare ctl. ius ts maks Money. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED! Intelligent men nnd women wanted everywhere. If you wish good territory, send early tor circular ami t-rraa. J. II. FORD fe C O.. 27 Par Place. N. Y.y 11 inomlitldst., Boston; 2S5 W. Madisouat., Chtcag'. Tho Koynl Huvnnu Lottery All lUirlit. CARD FROM TAYLOR 6 CO. New York, June 10th, laTl. To the Editor of the Herald- Huvinr seen an lni)uirr ti your valuable pafr a tu the legitimacy of the iliuwicKS of the Key"1 uu vana Lottery, and knowing that you are slwaya ready aud willing to furuitb any information"" any subject that la uiudoaiustter of Inquiry tugu your valuuble putier, weput this in answer'0 J "r eorreaiHinilriit of the Mlb iusj. as to the ge"";,,u?M of the Koyal Havuu'a Lottery. We will a)ate, Sir the benetit of your tirrespondent, that the V M. amiu uuniW acioriliiigtotlieachsme.atedwwu at every drawing. Moreover, for the cjitiflci of this we are w illing to send our check for i wu to be given to the psrty making auoli luiiuirylf we cannot prove it t his aatisfactiou. Again, will give 100,000 to aiy four charitable lnatltuUoS that you may name it we o uuot prove thut,ln the achenie of the btbof April, we sold the Ucki which drew the iVuo.SiO priae, besides many otherviiaea. lly inserting Ihls you will enllghUiu Tour Jones, pondeut, .ndUbUge,y40urs;)B IS WaU atrm N. Y. ROTAL HAVANA LOTTERY :100,000lDolddraw ereiy 17iUys." Prlrnfaabed , luformstionfiiruisheil, ordera proiuitly41"a' UIkIi. est rales piid fur all kinds ol gold auailor gov erumcut securities, Ac , 4o. TAYLOR A CO,,, "kra, IS vjiLg"''!, N. Y. COTK A MONTH Horse JKJ firulsbed. $d I 0 Addreaa NOVULTY De02S-TJ V