The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 21, 1871, Image 3
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, ip7i. lEatea of Advertising. One column, one year.. : $7fi 00 " " 40 00 I " " ' 2fi 00 t " 15 00 Tmnrent advertising porqnsre of eight linen or lew 8 times op lew- 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year 5 00 Mnrringcs and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. Y. M. Ptnted meetings of Klk Lodge will be hoi i nt their hall on lb"? scoond end fourth Tuesdays of each month. 0. L. McCRACKEN, Seo'y. PTemple of Honor and Temoerance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on ea;h llieir Lodge Room, on Main street, ovcr'J. V. Hruk's store. II. A. PARSON'S, W. R. Car Time at Illdgu ay. Erie Exprces East 2-or. a. m. do do West -2:15 a. m. do Mail East 4:6T p. in. do do West 0:27 a. m. Rcnovo Accommodation East 7:65 a tn. do do do Went i:00 p. tn. The sleighing here is good. There is not a single pox at St. Mary's. case of small Chr,omos for Holiday presents at the West End Oallcrv. Snr.mFF OrsTER the jail. has moved into Christmas Hop at the Hyde House this evening. Prangs American Chromos at the West End Gallery. We wish Christmas." our readers a "Merry Ykstekday was one of the coldest days of the season. i ou can pet jnst ns trnod a picture on a clear day at the West Eud 'Gallery as on a cloudy one. Try it. The now brHsro across the Clarion at this place was finished on Tuesday the 12th inst. O. B. Grant was the first persoo to sro over with a team of horses The Voianjio Citizen came to bond lost week in a bran-new dress and w;th a look as bright as a cilver dollar. The Citizen is a cond paper and well de serves its success. That Geo. P. Kowixr, k Co., No. 41 Park Row, are tlio most extetif-ivc-udvertisinz area's in this city, is a fact too well known to dispute. New York Programme. 1 yon wish to get a valuable present fir your wife, daughter, or sister. Call nt the Furniture Ware Homns of A. Cummin?. Ridgway, Pa., and purchase a first-class Singer Sewing Machine. Cotit.t.iox Party. There will be a Grand Cotillion Party at the Penficld House. Petifield. Pa. on evening January 17th, ompanv of yourself and Wednesday 1S7:?. The lady is re- spect fiill y solioited. GEO. E. RO HACKER, Prop'r. Salyer Jacksin of this place, bad his liead badly cut last Thurday, Hth inst., by a stone which fell on him while ho was down in a well which he has recently bad dug at his residence. The well is nearly twenty feet deep and the wonder is that Mr Jackson was not liurt worse. We are pleased to state that Mr. Jackson is able to be about. Fatal Accident. Last Thursday, 14th inst., John Market, aged twenty two years, was accidentally, shot and killed near Wilcox this county, by D. 0. White while they wero out in the woods hunting. The facts furnished U3 are as follows: On the evening prior to the accident Market had been out hunting and bad wounded a deer. In the morning both men started to secure tho prize, and as they were going through the woods single file, Market behind, White's cun accidentally dis charged striking Market iu the breast killing him instantly. White was afraid that folks would think he bad murdered Market, and to to prevent this he invented the story that Market bad shot himself, and went home and told it. Col. A. I. Wilcox on hearing the facts in the case proceeded with Dr. Hartley, of this pluce, who hap pened to be in Wilcox at the time, to the scene of the accident. A post mortem examination was held by Di. Hartley, wbeo the ball was found lodged near deceased back bone, aud the ball discovered wa3 found to corres pond with the one used in White's gun. Justice J. D. Parsons empaneled a jury and held an inquest. The verdict of the jury was that John Market came to his death by the hand of D. C. White. The men were on good terms and Market has beeu in White's employ tot pearly year past. "Gems" at tht Wet vud Gallery. 8 for 50o. Its so use, (he poitonons talr pre parations have bad their day tad done their mischief. Now ooffics aloBffffa turo's Hair Restorative, a perfectly clear article, whioh restores gray bair and keeps the head in a healthy condi tion See advertisement. 41t2. Photoorajph Ga llery. Ridgway can at lust boast of a photograph pst lery, and no one should fail In visit TrCRt End and convince themselves that tlio euit of rooms arranged ly S. A. Rote, for the above purpose, are not excelled, in taste and adornment, even by our sity galleries. A good picture is guaran teed, and we advise our readers to give "Sam" a call. Yet Freezing Yesterday the scholars in our new school house wore actually suffering from the cold, aod many were compelled to go go home. We have called attention to this matter before and in our issue of the 7th inst. we said that the furnace was insufficient to warm the building. Such we find, however, to have been a mistake and have Bincebecn creditably informed tbjat the furnace is of ample capacity to heat tho whole building, though it wis only intended originally for the lower rooms. The upper room is now heated by n stove, aud the furnace is now used ns was at first intended. The only and true reason that the building is not keep warm is that the person who fires the furnace and stove is uot capable. And further, it has been shown by nctual ex periment that the furnace is of sufficient capacity to perform the task assigned to it, that of heating tho lower rooms. It is time this evil was remeded, and we call the attention of our school directors to these facts and urge on them the ne cessity of having this matter inves.igat cd aod a remedy provided without delay. Burning Chimney. If it be de sired to extinguish the fire in a chim ney which has been lighted by a fire in the fireplace, shut &11 the doors of the apartment, so as to prevent any current of air up the chimney, and throw a few handfu's of common salt upon the fire, which will immediately extinguish the fame. The philosophy of this is that in the proces3 of burning the fait, mu- riatio acid pas is evolved, which is c prompt extinguisher of Cre. Dahicnlss in the Treatment of S.maijvPox. If a patient, in the be ginning of of the' attack, be put in a room from which nbro'uiely nil light is excluded that of a cnndlo, the effect is to arrest the disease in tho pap ular or vehicular stage; the fkin be tween the reticules is never inflamed or wollen; the large Fcabs of matter never form over the face; there is no intense pain, and only triflirg itching, and tiie smell is cither very slight or altogether wanting. London Lancet. Personal. Mr A. W, Potter, of Potter's Corners, called on uu one day this week, and reports that he has pret ty ni'.Kh roeovcrc'l from Ins conflict with nn Elk county bull, a report of which appeared iu the Juunml last Summer. He has again resumed bis labors for Messrs. Powell I5ro. Nur serymen, and i now soliciting oider. He will soon re-visit Elk county. We take pleasure in commending him and the firm for which he is agent, to all who want, fruit or ornamental trees. Craw ford Journal. A Musical Treat. Peter's Musi cal monthly for January comes to us in a new dress. It is printed ou thicker paper, and is in every respect superior to its raany'predcccssors. Tho selec tions are evidently made with great care, and it is really wouderful bow few poor pieces appear among tho hundreds that are given. Volume IX commen ces with tho January number. Price 50 cents; or S3 per year. The publish er offers ?ix back numbers for 61, and we advise all our Musical readers to take advantage of the offer. Address, J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, New York. mi Wranglers never want words. Tho scholastic population of South Carolina is 200,(310. A ton of straw makes eight hundred aud fifty pounds of paper. Prosperity makes friends; adversity tries them. The loss of life by the Chicago fire will probably oot exceed 200, including all those now missing. Tho newest definition of "evergreen" is "a man who does not lcaru by ex perience." Cafliornia boasts the largest orchard in the world. It contains 420 acres and over 75,000 fruit trees. Boasting is sometimes out of place. We were once amuses at hearing a gen tleman remark that he was a bachelor, as was bis father before him. "Are you the mate?" said a man to the Irish cook of a vessel. 'No," aaid he, but I'm (be man that boils the uiato." licence Notice. Jfotice is hereby giveu tfat tho fol lowing named persons bare filed their applications lor license iu my office, to January Session 1672, according to law, satino iionsE Jknesette Township 1 IWnyette WinsWw 2 Milton Winslow Vf. Mary's Borowjh 8 Edward Bliutilur 4 William Oeis 5 Edward Breunca 6 Jacob Ktaus Ruhjway Tovnthtp. 7 John Lcrub 8TORE. 'Jay Township 8 P. Mclnerney 9 James Craton Hiihwny Township 10 G. G. Messenger 11 Hartley & Whipple St. Mary' Borough 12 Joseph Wilhelui TAVERN Bennett e Township 13 Flizabeth Winslow 14 B. Brownlee 15 Lewis & Co. Crntrevilfe 10 Joseph Koch 17 John Collius tox Township IS Benjamin Buyea Ilorton 19 Clark & Short Jin Township 20 A. J. Kuinor Jiuhway Township 21 D. D. Cook 22 John Ilrnly 23 W. H. Schraru 24 Robert Warner 25 A. Gower 6V. .Way's Borough 2fi James Hogan 27 Anton Fochmnn 2S Elizabeth Volk 29 Joseph Windf'elder CO Thomas Zimmett 31 Thomas Valentine 31 William Zelt S3 F. X. Sorg 31 A. Bogun FRED. SCHOENING, Clerk. List of Grand and Trarcrso Jurors drawn for January 'erm 1S72: ORAM) Jimous. Bcntzotte 1). L, Juhoson, Win. It. Wihblow. Bet.iinger Michael Kundle, August H ermelh. Fox Michael McM-acken, Peter Thompson, Amos Horning. Ilorton Nathan Hippie, J. W Taylor. Jay B. L. Emery, Oliver Dodge, Joues Joseph Tanibini, Michael Dill. Ridgwav James Pcnfiold, John Kcmmerer. Charles Mead, Isaac Ilorton Jr., JJatucI bciibner. St. Mary's George Smith, Ilaverius JJiocergcr, .V , Junius Bhikely, (ierlmta r:chOi'Uing, Lewis Garner, Jacob fcchaut TRAVERSE JURORS Bonczet Richard Cullen, Waiter Edward, James Overturf, Geo. Emery Benzioger George P.eascher, George Uecker. Fox R. T. Kyler, John Mohan, Sr S, II. Edz, Samuel Sb 3 man, Hays Ky ler, John B. Cuueo. Ilorton Chaunccy Brockway, I Nulf, William Cheatle. :aam Jay Saiuut 1 Yasbinder. Martin Ty ler, Edward Niuson, Joseph llobinsou. Jones Johu Mur.-di. Thomas lSiink J. B. Brown, John Miller, Judaon COfl 11 Hz. Millstone W. T. Franmton Kidgway --J. K. Whituiore, Phiilip, ainuel Wiles, dulin H. Kline Horece Little, Peter liraiiift". fit. Mary's George Walker, C. It. N'Xton, Henry Lurgay. Spring Creek H. I). Pnvidon. THE M- KUFACTUELES OF TEE Reliance Wringer, Have had unusual opporiuuiiici ot nscer what is wanted, and of produc ing a perfect machine They have brought out an entirely New Wringer, which they cull tho "PHOVlt lixCE." Now 1871 Perfect A GREAT IMPROVEMENT OVER ALL OTUEil WRINGERS. r-iV-V I 11 55 S 3 uou i r k-u; D IT WRINGS FASTER THAN BV HAND. We consider the ProviJenco superior to all others, for the following reasons- 1st. The ROLLERS, of l,ge size and best quality of White Rubber, are nil se cured to their Shafts in the most perma nent manner, by tho Moullou Process, mak. ing the best Roller in the World. 2d The PATENT MENTAL JOURNAL CASINGS prevent any wear upon the journals. f The wooden .ioi'rnnl in which tho shafts of other machines run, soon wear and the efficiency of the Wringer id there by greatly reduced.! Sd. Thi DOUBLE SPIRAL COGS used on ihia Wringer give the inmost ease mid s'eadiness in worVing, while the double stop prevents them from bottoming or be ing thrown out of gear. We furnish cither single or double gear I'rovideace. as de sired, 4th. The ADJUSTABLE CURVED CLAMP readily adjixta this Machine to tubs of any site or thickness, making a per fect fastening. No wooden pegs or rubber straps on this Clamp. 6lh. SIMPLICITY STREI'CTH and BEAUTY, are combined in this Muchino, with all the requisites of a firsl clnsB Wringer. PROVIDENCE TOOL CO.. . Providence, R. I. 11 Marreu Stnwt, Kew York. 1 vlo423. TT2 t,i S?1 fHLy.--l-,,- KEWADVERTISEMEITTS I F.flISTl'lV9 KOTICE. Notice in here. ly piven thnt the finul account, of Anthony rochtinftn, Executor of the last Will and 'Testament of Adolph Rtocktimn deceased, linshren filed in my office, nnd that tho pnmc will ho p'ennlMi at ti e Orphans Con it of Klk '.'"'inly for confirma tion, to bo held nt Itidgnay on tho second Monday of Jannnry next, being the bth day of January. A. I) 1872. FlIKI). fCIIOKNIVO, tleplster. Ilidewny, I'a., Dec 14, 1871. n41ic, SHESIFF'S SALE. ItV virtue of J writ, of I.rvari Fiicint, 1s mied out of the Court of Common I'lens of Cli-arfiVid county, and tome directed, there will he exposed to public sale, nt the Court House in the rorongn ol rjlenrlicld. on Mm. day, the '8lh day (if January, 1S712, at. 1 o'clock, p. m., tho following Hcul Eb trle. to wit: All those cerium premises r,nd tract, ef land situte in Huston townshi,!. Clearfield county, nnd Jny township, i'.lk county, Pennsylvania. Beginning nt a white on'k near Bennett's Branch: thcncb south 70 degrees, west 21 perches more or loss to a white ash; thence south 20 degrees cast 35 perches more or less to a white nsh; thence south 70 degrees west 71 perches more or less to a white oak: thence south 20 degiecs east 24 perches more or less to a birch; thence south 70 degrees west 10S pcrchs to A post: thence north 20 de grees west 212 perches more or less to ft corner; thence souih 70 degrees west 87 perches more or less to a post; thence north 141 perches more or le.-s ncross the county lino to a post: thence north 70,de grees e.iht 03 perches to a post; thwee north 7(1 degrees east 213 perches more or le?s to a post: thence south 20 degrees east 820 perches to a white oak nnd place of he ginning, containing in nil about pix hun dred ucres, having thereon nbout iiOil acres of cleared land, two orchard', a coal bmk opened, m large sized new two-story brick house, well furnished, three frame hoties. a large bank barn, two smaller barns, a wagon she 1. store house, blacksmith simp and corn crib, being the premises known ns the Tyler Farm, Eligibly situated for the location of n town on the Allegheny Valley r.iiiironi, which runs riirougn tiie premises. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Tyler, mortgagor nnd owner. fijg-Biddcrs will taV.e notice (hat. 13 per cent, o' the purchase money must be paid when the properly is knveked down, or it wi'l be put up again tor sale. JUSTIN J. FIE, Sheriff. Piiepiff's Okficb, 1 Clenrfield, Pa., lice. 3, 1871. n41i3. SHESIjTS sale BY virtue of an alias writ of Farric ".riuj. issued out of tho Court of Common Picas of Elk County, an I tome directed, I will expose to S:ile by public vendue or outcry, at tiie Court lluu-o iu liuigway, on MONDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1872, At one o'clock, p. m. All that certain tract tr pieeo of land iilunto In the township of Bcniinger, county of Elk, nnd Slate of Pennsylvania, beginning nt a poM at the southwest corner of warrant four thousand eight hundred and eighty-four (4891), llnnes north four bundled perches to the norlhwest corner of said warrant 481, thence east two hun dred perches, thence south four hundred perches, thente west two hundred parches to the place of beginning, confining live hundred acres, and being the western part of warrant four thousand eight hundred nnd ciglny four (4S84). being the same premise which Francis Van .Marsevilic, by deed !ated tin c:glnh day of February, A. D. lStio, granted nnd conveyed to Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell A. Mitchell iu fee. Unimproved. ALSO all that certain tract of land sit uate in tiie Borough of St. Mnry's, in tho County of E:k, and State of Pennsylvania. Beginning al a post on Avenue B-' (for merly Noiih St. Peter's road) thenco east ona hundred nnd thirty-four perches, thence north thirty perches, thence west one hundred and thirty-four pcrshos, to the line of the road, ll.cnce south thirty perches to tlio place of beginning. Con. laining twenly-flvo acres and being num ber tnirtccn en said .'.venue '!!" Be:n the same premises which Adam 0. Kilngs and wife conveyed to M. A. Mitchell by drcd dated Juno Hih, lWO, recorded in Ell: county, in Dee 1 ll.i.ilc 'II"p,igi 151 etc. Seized and tukui in execution as ihc property of M. A. Miicucll, II. S.-Allen, and Allen Mitchell, who survived Lewis Mitche I. obligors, at tho suit of Tho l'i d I lity Iusuni cc Tint and Safe Deposit Company, Adininistraio-, cum. trxtamento anncxo for use c., and to ! sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SiiF.siFr's Office. Ridgwjy, Deu. DJili. 1871. nllls. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of it writ of fi'n Firias issued out of the Court of common Pleas, of E'k county, i ii'i to me directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court Hou-e, in Ridgw.iyon MONDAY. JANUARY 8th, 1872, al one o'clock, p. m., the following describ ed properly, to wit: All ihe right, tille, interest, claim and demand of the defendent iu nnd to ull that piece or parcel of land situated in Spr'1113 Creek township, Elk county. Pennsylvania, bounded aud decribed as follows: Regie, ning nt Ihe Chtriun river where tho old county lino tho western boundary of county) crosses the same, thence north E, one hundred a:id seventy Hires perches 10 a maple, thence toulu 10" t... two hundred and six perches to a hemlock lariou liver ihenco down said river by its several meandering lo ihe place of be ginning, being the eastern part of tract No. 4042. and containing six hundred and threo acres, be the same more or less, and has erected thereon one log house twenty feet long mid eighteen feel wide, also one frame barn thirty feel long and twen'y-fivo feet wide nnd of said laud, about ten acres has been improved. ALSO, all (ha certain tract ef land bounded r.nd described ns follows: Begin ning nt a post on the north lino of tract numbered twenly-ninu hundred and forty two (21'4-i). thence south one hundred per ches lo u post, thenco east one hundred and seventy perches to u beech, thenee north one huudi ed perches to a hemlock, tneuco west one hundred and seventy perches to a p st. the place of beginning. Containing ono hundred acres more or less, of which About twenty has been i.n proved, und has twenty bearing fruit trees growing thereon. Also one log house, twenty -lour feet long, and twenty feot wide and one story high, and one log barn forty fiet long aad thirty feet wide, has heeu erected on said lauds. SuU'td and taken in execution as the property of Jeremiah Ellit'tt, and to be sold b D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. SuKairr's Orricx, I Rdgway, Dvo. U'U, 1671. ITOLI1J5T01T. leaving the ICast and arriving at Chicago or Iudinnnpolis, bow ehall we rench the West? The best Line is ac knowledged to be the C, B & Q , joined together with tho B. A M. Railroad by the Iron Bridge at Burlington, and 4'allcd the Burlington Route, The Main line of the Route running to Omaha, connects wilh the great Pa- ciGo Roads, nnd forms to-day the lead ing rouie to California. Tho Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts- mouth, pascs through Lincoln, the State Capital, nnd will this year be finished to Fort Kearney, forming the shortest route across the Continent by over 100 miles. Another branch of the B. M., di verging at Red Onk, fulls, into a lino running down the Missouri through St Joe to Kansas City, nnd all Kansas Passengers by this route to Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, aud, by a slijjLt divergence, can see Nebraska also. Lovers of fine views shou'd remem ber tho Burlington Route, for its towns "high-gleaming from afar" its tree Iriugcd streams its rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oceans stretching over the praries further than tho eye can reach. Land-buyers will be sure to remem ber it, for they have friends among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Laud Commissioner of the B. & M."Il. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among tho four thousand homr-stcadors and prc-emptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where "Undo Sam is rich enough to ixive us all a farm " $1,000 REWARD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will 1 paid to any Physician who w ill produce a modicins thnt will supply tho wants of the people better than the article kuown as Celebratsi Eboi Ciewssr or Panacea. It must be a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, n better SuJorih;, a better Diuretic. a better Tonic, and in every way better than the Pan-a-ce-a. No nml'.er how long it has been in use or how lately discovered. Above nil it must not contain anything not rillELY VEOETAUI.K. $5,00 REWARD!! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nently euro nuro cases of Costivciicss, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Wormn, Boils, Loins, Side aud Head and VH'je Vomphtint than OK. F.IHSt.VEfS BLOOD CLEANSER OH PANACEA, whic'u is uel more extensively by practic ing physicians than any other popular medicine known. I'jr Stlebv G. G. MS3$!ST3ER and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY", Ridg- way, Pa. vln22yl. Ti ADVERTISERS. All persons who contemplale nnking contracts with news papers for the iusettioa of Advertisements should sen! to GEO. P. HOWELL &C0. for a Circular, or inclose 23 cent s for their ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET con laiuiug Lists of tf.Ol'O Newspapers nn 1 estimate?, showing the cost, of advertising, also many useful hints to advertisers, and account of tho experiences of men who are known as SUCCESSFUL ADVER TISERS. This firm are proprietors of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41 PARK ROW, N. Y. and nre possessed of unequnlcd facilities for securing the insertion ot advertisements in all Newspapers nnd Periodicals at lowest rates. vln.Jil.1. FOR SALE. THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS "THE JOHNSONUUIia COAL LOTS' with all the privilegss posscset by the Wilioarth Coal Company, Apply to SAMUEL A. CROZER, Upland P. O., Delaware County, Penn'a. HALL & JACKSON, Architects, Builders and Contractors, itinfiir.t iE.ri. Are pi eparcd to furnish plans nnd specifi cations for the erection of buildings, both public mil private, ?u any stylo ordered end 011 short notice: and also tatto con trasts of all kinds of buildings, both pub. lio and private residences. Work done in the very bes( manner. Country work so licited. Give them a call. vluSoyl. rililAYER HOUSE. X V- ! COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Sts., Ridgwivy, Pa. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing to the public that he has refitted, revised, aud improved, tins well known hotel, and is prepared to entertain nil who favor him with their patronage, in the ben tiyle and at luw rate3. vlndOtf. JP'JIt SALE. The village pioperty, formerly owned by Dr. W. Shaw, at Cenlreville, Elk Co., Pa. Consisting of a two story house wilh Drug Store attache 1. Kor sale by DR. J. S. BO R DWELL, n'26tf. Ridgwuy, Elk Co. Pa. Terms eiy, part cash and balance on timo. A good location for a physician. If you want any visiting cards call at tho Adv cat is olTioo aud tee those we have primed. We have some fine samples of these and also of other job worx. '4 i .UJSWJ.U. lieu n w. xi J" nt". uawiaur; W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAYI THE LARGEST STOCK OF TIIE BEST NO OTIIER IN STOCK S TO TB SI HOUSE FURNISUING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! I SILL GKEAP! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, 1 Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa No NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Contains no LAG SULPHUE SU&AR OP LEAD No LITH ARGE No NITRATE OP SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Ilealth-dsstroying Drags ussd in othsrHair Prepara- . tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil Ihe finest fabric, perfectly safe, clean nnd ellieicnt, desideratums Ion" sought fur and found at lust! 0 It restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearance, removes Dindruft", is cool nnd refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent, when prematurely lost, preveu's m-iwiiciies, cures mi Humors, cutaneous eruptions, nnd unnatural heat. As a dressing for the hair it is tho best article in the market. Dr. ti. Smith, Patentee. Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass Tho genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, wilh the name of the article blown in th glass. Ask your Drucgist for Nature's liiur Restorative, and take no other. CsSf-Send Iwo threj cent Rtnmna In Procter Brothers for a -'Treatise oa the Eiiniau Hair " Tho iuformnion tt con. tains is worth SQOO.O') 10 any persoa. FOR SALE BY G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Mlin Street, Ridgway, Pona'a. vlullyl. - established is 1830 , WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish. iDgs, and Machinery. fGet the BEST, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reduced. Send for price List an Circulars. WLCII & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mass., M Detroit, Mich tei:iss 4 h 9 mil- fmm BUSINESS L'AIiDS. 1 A. RAT II BUN, Attorney-flt-Lair 2 2 tf. Ridgway Pa. rOHN 0. HALL, Attorney at law, Rid. ay, Elk county Pa. mar.22'Cbl 4 S. HILL, Physio ian and Surgeoii Xl, Ktrsey, Elk Co. Pa. J O. W. BAILET, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. vln23yl. Ridgway, Elk Connty, P.- Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool dent Insuranoe Co., of Hartford, Contt. jp EYNOL03 HOUSE, EETOOLDSVlLLE.IJriTEIlBClfCO, PA. H. 8. BELNAP, PnorniKTOB. , TS. Bordwcll, M. D. Eoleetio Physicnn . Odico nnd residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Offioe hours: 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 P. M. : and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 60-tf. JQR C. II. FULLER,!; BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, . , , Ribowat, Pa. Hesidence and office opposite tho Thayer House. 11 S. HARTLEY. M. D., , Physician ana Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention gven to Surgery. Office hours from 8 11. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on corner of South r.nd Court streets, op posite the new School House. All cull promptly attended to. vln2yl. GO. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parma ceutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Rid gwny, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign andsDomest io Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all liouig, day or "'g'- vlm'ly. C CHARLES HOLES, J Wntchmnker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Fa. Agefll for the Howe Sewing Machine, nnd Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with the samo accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. w. C. HEALY. DEALER IN PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, RinowAY, Et,K Co., Pa, W. H. SCI1 RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho now proprietor, hopes, by raying striot at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 18C0. TIIE OLD BUCKTAIIS HOTEL, Kaue, MclCean Co., P R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herctofora so I1h.-1e.lly bisio.vid upon ban. the nv7 pro pnetor, lope:!, by paying altetitioa to tho comlort and convenience of guestj. to merit a continuance of tho same. Thu only slablcs for horses in Kane und well kept night or day. vluj.iyl. J TALL & 13 HO. Attorneys - af-Law ST. MARY'S, :els ckot7 r:T:;s7L7Ai:iA. ,,. UALI ,,AS. K f., DR. 0. WHIPPLE, Deutf.l Surgeon. Oliicc in Walker's Building. All kinds of ilentiitry djtie in tho host, slyla, and all work warranted. H.3 will visit Kano 0.1 the 1st. 2d. nnd 31; W.tcox on tho 10th. IV, ' "V1 St- M!lr''8 on the 21st, jd oMd 23d of each month. At all other imes he can U found at his office in Ridgway. Ta. vln2yj KERSEY HOUSE, CtSNTH EVILX,K, ElK Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronago heretofore so hbcrilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict nt. tendon lo the comfort and convenience of gu .'sts, to merit a continuance of tha same. J H. WILDER, 1'IIUIT DEPOT- One Door East of the Post 03L:o, Main tfi., luagway, d'a. Peaches. Apple, Watermelon. Pine apples. Cucumbers. Tomatoes, and gon cral assortment of fruit Kept ou hand and received daily. . vlnltf. JD. PARSONS, Jlanufaeturer and Dealer in B00U & Shoes, Main St., opposito Hotel, ov27y Witsox, , Pa. A GKSJS WANTED! For the fastest IX. anl most, popular book with (:) 11 lus.rrnons Iikcnese.,of all the Preside!.. -beautifully bound, and printed on tinud paper. THE NATION", Its Kulcrs nnd Institutions AV EXGLISri AXD Aothinff likn it. Ri,;i-. . . just the book they need. It is an Eno'yclo poedia of the Government. sin.. y0, tn it are of themselves worth theprice0 the book over 600 pn,m and oulj $o A RICH HARVEST, for Cunvs;r.0 ladies and genlleinen-farmers, teuu and students. One agtnt took 75 ordl. atw day,, u-iih circular alone, befurt i? book appeared. $20 A U IY can H J ' m fun- territory. Write at once for oirl l.irand information. NEW WORT r nSH USMIKO CO.. Cor. 71i-i u.Vwl'5-