1 1 .V THURSDAY,; DECEMBER 14, 1871. Hates of Advertising. "5 00 Coo column, one year f " " " - 40 00 ' 25 00 fr . 15 oo Transient advertising per square of eight lines ov less 3 times or less 2 00 Business carJg, ten lines or less, tier year..... ... 5 00 Marriages aud Death notices inserted gratis. Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be "an on in? second and fourth iuesdays ol each, month. q. l. Mccracken, seo'y. RTemnle of Honor and Teansiance.. El'.ctou Temple No. x81. ti.rt r.n alternate Thursday. at their Lod.ro Room, on iuain street, over J. V. llonVs store. U. A. PARSONS, W. K. - - J . Car Time at, tildgivay. T, i.xpre?3nst 2-.OC a. m 5 Vcst 2:15 a. in ill host 4:00 p. 111. o West fr?7 a. m enovo Accommodation East. do do do Wont.. 7:i5 a m. 0:OO p. m Enow storm hero yesterday. The street lumps wore lighted last nif-lit for tlio first time. Choir meeting at bailey's ofiic.on fcaturd.iy evening nest. Seiivichs iu tho Court IIouso next Sunday, morning and) evening, by Rev, 11. A. 1'uttison. We publish tlit, President's Message on our first page to-day. It is well worth feuding. Coat, has been found on the land ol J. S. Ilydo about one mile south-west of this place. The coul vein is about fire foot thick, and is of a good quality. "Geo. P. Howe & Co., the N. Y. Advertising Agents, havo the no- rt mm locution in many iiudaren ncwipapcrs, and know, by Hieir csjicnonce. jurt where to inves money to the befit advantage." L.e,k shire Courier. License ITcticc. Notice is hereby givcu that tho fol lowing named persons havo filed their npplicntions for licen6o in my offieo, to January Session 1872, according to law, EATIJ.1 HOUSE Benczcitr. Tov'nshlp 1 Lafuyette Winslew 2 Milton Winslow rSl. Mmy't Borough 3 Edward Dliurzlor 4 William Geis 5 Edward Bruunon STOKE. Joy Township i P. Mclnerney .' 7 James Craton Hidgicay Towmhip 8 G. G. Messenger 9 Hartley & Whipple St, Mary't Borough 10 Joseph Wilhelm TAVEltlf Bcnezette Towmhip 11 Elizabeth Winslow Ccntreville 12 Joseph Koch 13 John Collins tax Towmh'p 14 Benjamin Buyen IIorton 15 Clark & Short J,iy Townthip 16 A. J. Humor Ridgway Townthip 17 D. D. Cook 18 John Hcaly 19 W. II. Sohrara 20 Robert Warner 21 A. Gower St. Mary's Borough 22 Jaines Rogan 23 Anton Fochmnn 24 Elizabeth Volk 25 Joseph Wiudfolder 2G Thomas Zimmvtt 27 Thomas Valentine 28 William Zelt 29 F. X. Sorg 30 A. Rogan FRED. SCIIOKNINO, Glerk ADVERTISEMENTS RF.GISTER'S.NOTICE. Notice 1 here ty given that the final nccou it cf Anthony ' Fochtman, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Adolph Flockmnn decerned, lins been filed In iny office, and that 1 lie same will be presented M tlio .(rjhnv Court of Elk Comity fot eon Qrnm tinn, lo be ln-ld nt Ridgway on the recoiid Monr iv of Jannary next, being tlio nth day of January. A. D 1K72 FEED. SCIIOKNINO. Rrg-ster. Riilpvny, I'd., l i o '14, 1871. n'ltc, CIIEPvirF'S SALS. RY Tilue of a writ of Levari Faeiat, is sued ou', of the Court of Con mon Plens of Clearfield county, and tome lireo'?d, tlicro will bo iixposcd to publio sulr, at the Court House in the borough of tllea'.icld, on Monday, the 8tu day of Jinuary, 1S72, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the folio? ing Ileal Es trto, to wit: All those certain crcniises and tract ef land situute in Huston township, Clearfield county, and Jay township, E1U county, 1'onnsylvania. beginning at a whit a ouk near Ucnnett's Ilranch; theucb south 70 degrcts, west 21 perches mors or less to n white asii; Ihcnoe south 20 degrees cast 35 perones more or loss to a white ash; thence south 70 degrees west 71 perches more or Iobs to a white oak; tbeuce soutn 20 degrees eaat 24 perches more or less to A birch; thence south 70 degrees went 158 perches to a poet; thence north 20 de grees wi lt 212 perches more or less to a corner; thence south 70 degrees west 87 perchts more or Iops to a post; thonce north 141 perches more or lei-s across the county litie to a post; thence north 70 de grees east tig perches to a post; thence north 70 degrees east 218 perches more or loss to a P'jst; thsnco south 20 ilcerees east, 820 perches to a white oak and place of be ginning, eontninriE in nil about six hun dred acres, having thereon about 3Xl 'icres of cleared land, two orchard?, a co.il bink opened, a lurge sized new two-Ftory brick house, well furnished, three frame "houses, a lurgo bank barn, two smaller barns, a wagon shed, store house, blacksmith shop and corn cvib, being the premises known as the Tyler i'"arm. Eligibly sit- atcd for tho location of a town on the Allegheny Valley Itailroad, which runs through the premises. Eeized, taken in execution and to be sold Scientific American , r O 11 18 7 3. TWENTY--EVEN1H YEAR. This splendid cc!ly, gieaily enlarged and improved, is one of tho niort useful nml intereslliip journn's eer published r.vcry niin ii"r I'pnniiiuiiy primc'l tn fine pnr-fr, and errantly illnstvatt.l with oririnnl cnrravinirrs, rcrrcscniirtr iVew In volitions; Novelties in Mechanics, Manu facture..!, Chemistry, Photography, Archl lecture, Ajiicuituro, Engineering, Scicnco an i Art. Farmers, Jlcohapics, TnvenforM, En pincers, Clicmii-u, IJanufactnrers, aud People of all Professions or Trades will Find tho 7- S. SERVICE. Scientific American OF GREAT VALUE AND INTEREST, Its practical suggestions will save hun dreds of dollars to every Household, Work shop, and Factory in the land, besides atioraing a ucutmuni Suurce ot Valuable Instruction. Tho Editors aro assisied by many of the nblent American and European Writers, and having access to all tue lead ing Scientific aud Mechanical Journals of the world, tho colmn3 of the Scientific American are constantly enriched wilh the choicest information. An OFFICIAL LIST' of all the Pat ents Issued is Published Weekly. The Yearly numbers of tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN make Two Splendid Volumes of Nearly One Thousand Pagta, c'iuiva lent, in size to Four Thousand Ordinary Eook FnijcB. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. TEEJI3.-33 a Year; $1X0 Half Year; Clubs of ten Copies for One Yoar, $2.50 each, $25.00, With a SPLENDID PREMIUM to tho per son who forms the Club, consisting of a copy of the colebrate.4 Steel plate Engrav ing, "Men of Progress." In connection with the publication of the Scientific American, the undersigned con duct the most extensive Agencvin the SSUT PATENTS. The best way to obtain na answer lo the question Uan 1 obtain a Patent? is to write GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! th; a W W W OF THE BEST NO OTHER. IN STOCK S TO FjBS! us the property of David Tyler, mortgagor l? MUNN & CO., 87 PARK ROW, NE aud owner. I VJiUv, who have had over Twenty-IP Its no vhv., the poisonous hair pre piinuiotM have had their day end do::c liifcir mischief. Now comes alotjtf uies viyr Ka-torativo, a perfectly el-jur urtiole, which refitores othv hair utid keeps the heud iu a healthy condi tion. fcee advertisement. 41 tf. "Good Mor.vjng, Mr. A! Why that -s a splendid suit of elothos you have ;n, and what un eluyant fltl Pray, where Pi J you eet it"' This suit, Mr. 13. I purchased at the :ew clothing aad gent's furnishing store f IIorton fr HriiLKtt at a KurprisiDijly w price, and o well am Iuati.-Sed with t that I advise all thoso who wiah to he tiittd, to cive them a eall." Tho last seen of Mr. B. ho was mak ig a "B." line for Hoki'on & Mil- EK'tJ. Wil.ws, Klk Co., Pa., Deo. 11, 1371. di'or of the Advooat e: The Kip Vau Wnkloh of tho aacieut illiijre of Smethport have roused them- plves from twenty years sleep; rubbed leir eyes and their rhoumatio joints id are making daily new UUcoveries, Ve mcutiou two 1st. That oil exists in the said county f McKeun aud from the jubilant tone the McKean Miner of the 7th inst. e would supposo the "Five Milo Well" as five miles from Smethport and was tt down by McKean county enterprise a money, l.ie well in question is miles from v ilcox, eighteen miles n fc'jiethport and not a dollar of Mc .can county money has ever gone into it. oome time since a Wilcox man offered on engine to the sleepy village free of charge to test the oil question but the villagers couldn't raise half enough to run it. "How high ia that." Second discovery is that small pox lias made its appearance at this place; over'thistne Muter waxeth very facet 4uuo, u vuy lacouous, luueed, we (should fear a bruin ievor as the result did e not remember the 6uiall place it woultj have to work in. We have had one case of small pox aud two or three cases of varioloid, but owing to the pronip, efficient aad judicious measures taken and over which the Miner is bo funny, the progress ol the disease was arrested; we here know nothing of "liver complaint or heart disease," but we hazard the opinion that tho Miner man is troubled with worms. The idea thut tho fossilated old town of Smethport with its grass grown 6tivets and iti Rip Van Winkles, should Lave the impudence to criticize this wide awake, go-ahead, "git-up-aud-dust" city of Wilcox, with its big tannery, its lig men, and iu oil well, ia bo absurd we op the subject in distrust and sub scribe ourselves Your ob'L serv't, X. Y. Z. List of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for January term 1872: GRAND JURORS. Uenezette D. L. Johnson. Wm. T? Wi 1 ' M 1USIUW. Beneingcr Michael Kundlo, August ermecn. Fox Michael MeMaoken. Potor mi . . ' iuompson, Amos Homing. IIorton Nathan Hippie, J. W. Taylor. Jay 13. L. Emory, Oliver Dodge. Joues Joseph Tauibiui, Michael Dill. r liidgway James PenCold, John Kcumicrer, Charles Mead, Iuac IIorton, Jr., Damd Suiibner. St. Mary's Georcre Smith. ITnvorina Eioberiiur. Sr.. Janios Hlulcidv. (-irrliiirn Bidders will take notice that 15 no cent, of the puichase money must bo paid wuen me property is knocked down, or i wi'i do put up ngam tor sale. JUdTIN J. PIE, SheritT. RHKUfPF's OrriOE, 1 Clearfield, Pa., Doc. 5, 1871. n41ts. SHERIFF'S SAL3. RY virtuo of an alias writ of Farric FnAnn. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to mo directed, I will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, ' me ioun jiouse in ltidgway, on MONDAY, JANUARY 8Ci, 187, At one o'clock, p. m. All that, coriuin tract or pieo of lnd situate In tho township of lienriucer. county of Elk, and Slate of Pennsylvania, iii'ijinning at a post at the southwest corner of Warrnnt. fnnr li S(t't.l..t.ill,T T...1T.:.. T. I C I .1 1 J. tM.r.M. .. " '. ..vn.ijf;, viiuiiur, uaeoo itoiluut. "uu eii?iiiy-iour (-ipsj), tjienoc north four TUAVERSK JUlWlflH. cuui juuuara vjuiluu iir..u liuwura, James Ovcrturf, Geo. I'mery. Eeiisiuger GeorgeJKeabcher, George FoxR. T. Kyler, John Mohan, Sr., '. H. Euz. Baiuuel bhcrmuu, Hays Ky. :r, John B. Cuueo. hundicd lierches to the northwest enrner of tiiul warrant ihonce cast t to hun dred perches, tbeuco south -bur hundred perches, thence west two hundred porches to the place of beginning, containins five hundred acres, and being the 'western part of warrant four thousand eight hundred and eighty four (4384). being the same premises which Francis Van Marsuvilie, by Horton-Channnov r.r,,nV A n - 01 1 V'1?' ix' iiT-n. T-,7 J ""ji"ul I rr ' L ,J J' m convoyeu 10 tvCivis 'ui ' iiiium jjtuuuc. i .uncueii ana jane Unimproved. ALSO all tkat certain tract of land nit uato in the Borough of St. Mary's, in tha County 6f Klk, and iJlutti of Pennsvlvania. Beginning at a post on Avenue "I!" (for nierly North fit. Peter's road thence east one hundred nud thirt.v.fnnr i,r...l.n, Jay feamuc-1 Vasbiuder. Martin Tv. lor, Edward Ninson, Joseph liobiusou. joues John Jiarsh. Thomas lirinl- J. 13. Drown, John Miller, Jaduon Schultz. MilUono W. T. Frampton VA - tr in,.. 1 chullA. Mitchell in fee. iwuwuy j. iv. filtmorc, i'hillip lul"uo "orrn inirty perches, tlicnce west Lester, Samuel Miles, John K. Kime ",.hundr6j anJ thirty-four peroh-s, to Horace Little, Peter Urauiff. ' I ," ,f ' T1, ''e''.'wuth thirty k.'t t.,.,'u n ur i Perches to (he place of beginning. Con. ot. Mary s(jcorge Walker, C. R. taining Iwenty-flve acres and being num- Bexton, Henry Laryuy. ber thirteen on t,aid Avcnuo "JJ-" Peiur EW ent v-fivft lears Experience in tho business. No charge is made for opinion and udvico. A pen-and-ink sketch, or full written dosorip. liou of tho invention, should he sent. For instructions concerning American and Europeau Patents Caveats Hedssues Interferences Rejected Case3 Hints on Selling Patents Rules and Proceedings of tho Patent Office Tho Now Patent Laws Exam inutions Extensions Infrigemonts, etc., eio , send for INSTRUCTION ROOK, which will be mailed free, on application. All business strictly contid ;ntioal. Address 1 UAW & CO., Publishers of the Scientific American, B7 Pink Row, New York. L. D. nilWEN. Kpriug Crock D. 1). Davidon. the same premises which Adam G. Klings and wife conveyod to M. A. Mitchell by Petroleum. 1 ho Titusville Herald deed dated June 11th, 1859, recorded in Elk gives the following as the latest solution S?'!1)J?dK Ttlt:.. ot the origin of petroleum: It is now j property of M. A, Mitchell, II. S. Allen, asserted that petroleum is not of veaeta- m-7 C v0''10"011' w'" survived Lowis ... . . " -tJMtt J Mitchell, obligors, at the suit of The Fi u. unpiu, uui is uenvea irom animal tat dllity lnsnrai.ee Trust which has been subjected to heat and pressure. The absence of iodine proves I that it cannot havo been derived from sea weed, and the presence of ammonia, I wuiou uues not belong to the vcotablo Kingdom, is also corroborative evidence tnut it is derived from animal remains. and Safe Demisit Company, Admiaistrator, cum. tfttamento annexo for use &c, und to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofcok, 1 Ridgway, Deo. 13th, 1871. nllts. A spirited horse tho eight mare. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of common Pleas, of Elk A. ,. , , I uuu iu idb mrecteu, 1 will exoosn stamp you can't buv The stamn to sale bv m,w;n n,i .'. " fp. r - - v I J Ulll'vl V i iU tug ol a gentleman. Court House, in Ridgway on A barnyard fowl and a lawyer who MONDAY. JANUARY 8th, 1872 talks for pay pick up their living with at one o'clock, p. m., the following doscrib- tUeir bill. eJ property, to wit: Nature, says some one, verv benevo- . A11 t.,ie r,Stlt. interest, clain and lently guards a rose with thorns and a . ' , dec,nd?,,:n ttm! .' a.:l th:a woman with rdnn h , t""1 "ia suunicu in spring woman Vtltn pins. Creek township. Elk county. Pennsvlv,,.,, , "Ain't it wicked to rob this henroost, hounded and described as follows: Eoain- Jim?" "An! Dob, that's a great moral ning. . the, Slario "ver where the old question. Hand down t'other pullet." S'.,,B('h' ""t - i -----f t nuiu, inuiitr iiurill JMore men crow old ironl having E.. one hundred and sevpiirv-t lirA linrhincy tin than nr.A,.n..l. I PtTCtieS 10 a manic, thrnn.i enntn Tn V. The runninar machine will keeD brieht tw,1hu.ndred d sn perches to a hemlock v.- n i . I w vjwiuu nver inence down said river bv for years-the idle machine will soon iu several meanderings to the place of b '"'" I cinniDK. Deinir me eas urn tiari. nfini v A man arrivins home at a late hour a tJh l"d.?nial,1!ni.8ix hundreJ anJ .t:'ree ,. , , i -v.l, v. vuv same mure or less, and lias little the worse for too much suDDer. erected (hereon nn i hatless and coatlcss, was asked by his long and eighteen feet wide, also one frame indignant epouae: "Where's your hat I 'arn lmrt7 feet long and twenty-five feet aud coat?" -Sent 'em, my dear, (hie) g land' obout tea acr,i3 has tO tho Chicago sufferers. TlsTTi 'that obtain tract f Tbey obtain their wisdom in solid I hounded and described as follows: Eerin- chuDks out in Missouri. A husband ning at P08t on t,le nor,a ,ine ' lract out there, his wife having applied for a , JrHoi 7k Bty'nine.f undrr a?d f,0Ttf ,4.-, . , . ,we (J4J), thence south one hundred per- divorce, wrote a protest to the judge, In ches to a post, thence east one hundred and wnicn lie said. "Don t you grant hr seventy perches to a beech, thence north boss. In my opinion this durn thing one hundred perohes to a hemlock, tnence called devorse has parted m-iny a man weal 006 ''""dred and Eeventy perches to a an his wife. P081 th? plaoe of beginning. ! Containing one hundred acres more or Tfc FisKTi.;r- iiVi-Kf. ' ';.';'"--: less, of whioh about twenty has been im. H hv f LTN,oUce l here: Proyed- acd ha8 twe"'y bearing fruit trees 11 y ClVCn thllt lIlA final aimnt nf nl.oi,.;.,n tl , , u .i i . uu.ouu, u-1 mcuijr-iuur leet lone, s of the last W ul and Testament of Ly- wide and one story hiiih 1300T, SHOE, HAT, AND CAP STORE. The subscriber takes this method of an nouncing to tho citizens of Ridgway and viciuity that he has on hand a Urge and varied stock of LOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES NECKTIES, COLLARS, Etc., Eta, Leaving tho East and arriving nt Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we reach tho West? The best Lino is ac knowledged to be tho C, li. fe Q , joined together with tho F. t M. Railroad by the Iron Fridge nt Rurlington, and called the Durlington Route, Tho Main line of the Route ruuniug to Omaha, connects with the great Pa cific Roads, and forms to-day tho lead ing route to California. ' The Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Flatts moulh, passes through Lincoln, tho Sfnto Capital, and will this year be Gtiinhcd to Fort Kearney, forming the shortest route across the Continent by over 100 miles. Another branch of the U. M., di verging at Red Or.k, f.dls into a line running down the Missouri through St Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas. Passengois by this route to Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, and, by a slight divergence, can see Nebraska also. Lovers of fine views should remem ber the Burlington Route, for its towns "high-gleaming from afar" its tree fringed streams its rough blulfs and quarries its corn-oceans stretcning over tho prarics further than the eye can reaoh. Land-buyers will be sure to remem ber it, for they have friends amoug the two thousand who hove already bought farms lrora Geo. S. Harris, the Land Commissioner of tho B. & M. li. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among the four thousand homc-stoadors and pre-emptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln GOODS WILL PLEASE1 lauu omco, wncre "Unclo Bam is rich enouhto give us all a farm." STOCK BUSINESS CAIlLa. t 1 A. RATIir.UN, " JT Ridgway Ta. Attorncy-at-Law 2 2 tf. , JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'0ol AS. HILL, Physician and Surgevu , Kersey, Elk Co. To. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS "VARIETY. PEICES WILL SUIT ! vln28yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the TravnWn t.ifn A aj dent insuranoo Co., of Hartford, Conn. JEYNOLOirJ HOUSE, mNCLLSVILLE,-JFF220C0, PA? H. S. BELNAP, Promietob . Jewell, ji, D. Eclcctio Physical , Office and residence opposite thi Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given lo all calls, OfEort hours : 7 lo 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. ; ami 6 to 7 T. M. Mar. 22, CG-tf. ' R C. H. FULLER,' BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, n i . RlDQWAT, P. House01108 PPsile tho Tbaytf rp S. HARTLEY, M. D., t;-i 1 Physician onu Surgeon, Rldgwny. Ta. OffieB in Wnll .'D T..M?i..' !?pccial attention gven to Surgery. Office hours from 8 a. m to 10 r. m. on corner of South and Court streets, op- TlOSltn tl r,nn U! 1 TT . .. ' f. promptly attended (o vln2yl. PI 0. MESSENGER, J urup $1,000 KHVi'AHU I A reward of Ouo Thousand Dollars will bo paid to any Physician who w ill nroJnen a uitfdioine that will supply the wants of tho people better than tho article known as Celcbratoi Elool Clewiar or Psaasoa. It must boabelterCuthartio. a better Alter ative, a natter Su.lonho, a better Diuretic, oiU V iiS DELIVERED AND SET . wvnw uuiu, uuu iu wui v wny potter tbun the Pan-a-ce-a. No matter how long it h.ts boon iu use or how lately discovered. Above all it must not contain anything not t'liaULT VBQKTABLB. 5.00 REWARD!! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid tor a medioine tht will pernia- neuuy cure more oases or Oostiyeuess. Constipation, Siok or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders. Jaun- aice, lviicuinatism, uaut, Uysoepsia. Ch lis and Fever, Tape Worms, BoiIh. Loins, Side a.ia iieaa aud ema.e Vomjlimt than last. s'jiuLijrE'sya BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which is uxed more extousiely by practic ing physicians than any other popular aio.iiciuc unowu. For Sale by G. O. MSiWSrBR and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridj wuy.Pa. vln22yl. FltEE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW Drilccist and Pnrmn ...ttl.l iWllin and Mill stroela W4,l full assortment of carefully selected 'rof eigu andsDomcstio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all h.ours, day cr "'S"1' 'la'Sr HARLE3 HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Ilowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold I en. Repairing Watches, etc, done with tho same accuracy as heretofore. Satis factioa guaranteed. vlnly W. C. HEALY. DEALER in goods, ghokeiz PasvEIOM PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. U'est End, Ridrjway, Pa. vlnStf. T YDE HOUSE, LlTr IT r,.111"07- EfcKCo., Pa. - f SCURAM, Proprietor. Thnnkful for tha (.. 'i. 1'berally bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor,, hopes, tv navinir otT.)t icniion to the comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a coiitinuanco oi the tfllllOt Oct 80 18C9. GOODS W. S. SERVICE. No. 1 Masonic Hall Building, Ilidgway, Pa, Etc. Piise Collars Every box contains a PRIZE, every one hundred boxes draws a WATCH. CELEBRATED, HAND MADE, FRENCH CALF SEWED BOOTS TO ADVERTISERS. All persons who contemplate runlc-ng cou'i .ict- -cuh news-. papers for the iusettiou of Advcrtisemeuts should send to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. for a Ciroular, or inclose 25 cents for their ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET, con taining Lists of 8.000 Newspaper? nud estimates, snowing tnocost of advertising, also many useful hints lo advertisers, and some account of tho experiences of men who are known a? SUCCESSFUL ADVER. USERS. This firm are proprietors of tho American riewapapcr.Advertisiug Agency. 41 PARK EOW, H. Y. and are possessed of unequaled facilities for securing the insertion of advertisement i in all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest ratea. vlnB7t21. HAffi NATURE'S ti y rpHK OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL,- T. t. t,.., ' OK.C!n Uo.,P ,, "wivrat, I'roprietori IhankfuUor tho patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. the new pro. prwtor, hopes, by paying strict, attention othuoomlort aud convenience of tueste, to merit n continuance cf the game-." Tin only stables for horses iu Kane aud well kept night or day. vln 'rjyl KALI; & imo. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, JOilXO. HALL JAS. K. . UALfc FOR SALE. ' THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS "THE JOHNSONBURG COAL LOTS" with all the privileges possessed by the Wilmarth Coal Company, Apply to SAMUEL A. CUOZER, Upland P. 0., Delaware County, Penn'a. RUBBER3, OVERSHOES, Etc. In great variety tors and (.wpiiIt foAi T - .T t , . ' . man RoLisou deeded, has be" tiTed n forty tt long' "ad" S "n? feeTOe h my olhoo, and that ih.,.m. win k- .i ,eet iae' "as sonted at (he Orphans Court of Elk County Seized and taken in execution as the forcouDrmatiou to be held at Ridgway oi property of Jeremiah : J to be he second Monday of January next, being sold by' ' aB 1 l b9 t.e bin Uy or January, A. I), 1872. D. C. OYS1 Sheriff's Offick, i o. ; pwy, Dee. ll.h. 1S71. f nH FRED SCHOENINO, Register. Kidgway, l a., Dto. 4, lb7i oiOio. Examine goo Is and prices before pur chasing elsewhere. L. D. HEWE2J, Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. Nov. 23, 1871. vla3lm3. HALL & JACKS03ST, Architects, Builders and Contractors, Are prepared to furnish vians and BDccifi- cations for (he oreotioa of buildings, both public and private, in any style ordered aud on short nolloe; and also tako con trasts of all kinds of buildings, both pub. tie and private residences. Work done in the very best manner. Country work so licited. Give them a call. vlnSSyl. THAYER HOUSE. D. D. COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill and Centre Sts., Ridgway, Pa. The proprietor tukos this method of an. nounoing to the public that he has refitted. revised, and improved, this well known G. 0. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST hotel, and IB prepared to entertain all uuuuxot, Contains no LAO CULPUUlt tto ETJ&AE OF LSAD-Hfo IJT3T- AR5E Ha NIT3ATS 0? SIL- VZ&, and 15 ontirily frag from tha I'ciMssua and Hsalth-dsstroying Driirrs nta 5 tlro IT.:- n If. ... transparent and clear as crystal, it will on me nuost rubric, perfectly safe clean and eflioienl, le.sideratums lou oumjui ior anu lound at last! It restores aud prevent the Hair from ueuoiuing uray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap r. .u,Cg lAiu'iruu, is oooi an uiiwuiiig to me i,cad, checks the Hai noui lainug oa, and restores it to a groat ricui:ureiy lost, prevents ..wv,,.v..i;o, uuiuo an uumors, eulanuou eruptious, aud unnafm-t Imot a . dressing for the hair it is the best article Dr. 0. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass, Prepared only by PROCTER BROTUERS. uioueester, Mass. The geuuine is put uo IT, a tianal l....l 1 . ! . . . , 1'"" inane expressly tor it with the name of tho article blown in tht glass. Ask your Druegitt for Nature's nuir ivestorauve, and take no other n.UbiJ 1 - w-twmi iwo three cent stamps to j rower uroiners tor a "Treatise oa the iiumaa iiair. The information tt oou tains is worth $500,00 la any person. FOR SALE BY G. WHIPPLE, Eelltid tlnrcrrnTi !?5', "'"WS- 'All kinds cf warranted. Ho will vib1t 1U0 ' 'Haox on t ie ail ou 10th, who favor him with their patronage, in hn oesi atyie and at low rates. vln30tf. "COR SALE. The village properly, formerly owned by Dr. V. Shaw, at Oontreville. Elk Co.. Ph. iousisimg oi a two story nouse wita Drug Store attached. For sale by DR. J. S. BORDWELL, n26tf. Ridcway. Elk Co. Pa. Terms easy, rart oash and balance on time. A good lo oat Ion for a physician. Min Street. Ride way. Penn'a Tlnllyl. " If you want any visiting cards call at the Advocate office and see those we have printed. We have some fine samples of these ani also of other job 1 HUTS.. established in 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish, ings, and Machinery, rTOet the BEST, they will prove , he Send for price List aa cheapest. Prices reduced, Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITns, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, jiith Inl2t33 Mary's ";Z --d and J Id of each mouth. At ail other E KERSEY HOUSE, Cs.NTnityiLi.E, Elk Co., Pa. Jon.v Collins, Proprietor. n.Lr-iei0r' ''"PW. paying ' strict Z of V,. , . 18 eomiort aid canveuienc of quests, to merit a continuance of Z J H. WILDER, FRUIT DEPOT. One Door East of tho Post Office, Main St., Ridgway, pa. Peaches, Appli, Watermelons. Pine. apples. Cuoumh..p,i T '. erul ussortmciif .,r ... ' 7 . tBU: received daily. viuiir. Kept ou haridf and J. D. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots A onoes, Main St., opposite Hotel, v27y Wiloox, Pa. A .Ta VANTD-' For the fastest XX an! most Doniihir v...i, ...... lustrations likenesses of ail the l'r Jln 3 -beautUully bound, aud printed TSJ paper. ' """" THE NATION, m iiulers and Institutions IM ENGLISH AND GEfiM.LV Nothing like it. Strikes evervbn.i- ' i -kueyclo- the book over SOU " .li l" Pr'o of A RICH HAH VP i" r " r. & usi .me uook they need. It is .ni,.'," locaia or the Government K:..rl '"' n it, are of themso'v... ...,i. V" l. t . "Vi.U RICH HARVEST ladies and geutlemenlf:; .ttn,r?e8e.r- - - leacnera M da,., fiiK Aar'ZZZfc yok a l)ittn ffi.i Ofi a tv , I !rnd InformaUon. NEW wn, r r, ' ISHING Ca.Cor. 7.J,- if.i -.L'tm'