lltNnv A. I'arsojib, Jr., - - Editor. i'.UKHDAY, pnCEMn2tt II, 171. linn tniijiimi f m ww A Tis.1af.tion of Sftraticr.'. T!i is no doubt whatever that tan (M.pU' ar anxiously in earnest in their t'oMre to Fucure a reduction of taxation. ;iir notion... tfeescro nil too high. Our i-vpt'nop are to Inr tho cxpeoso of unit'diiiis them is too .-rent, jitiJ the Jra'i.iii ooratnittcd to tscipn taxation ot Uc mwt shameful cltsractcr. TIcro i. re too ninny clauses under which taxn un is levied, (be details ot which ore mi nitvicate that, traud is easily eecora j liiihed. All iuoh taxation should bo t.W.irhed our tases so levied as to ollcet thorn from the luxuries and not ihe necessaries of life. Tho two arti cle of tobacco and whisky must bo Wide to pay the cxprws of the Gov ernment. The income tax is generally logiirdod m uuoonstitutinnal and a -universal demand or its repeal ptevuilf. The way to reach Congress is by peti tion, and if we aro to have our taxes Seduced, wo niu.nt accomplish it by peti tioH and reuiODBtrauce. The peoplo do not sufficiently instruct and direct thoir : aaprecntativo9. There is not that cow 3;iUiiieation between constituencies and hi:ir servants which ought to bo estab lished, and we are too much inclined to .listen to what a representative has to wiy, than to say to him what wo want. .If the people take hold of the subject tax reduction, and urgo it earnestly, St will be done. -State Journal. Star Spangled Eanhj.u. This fa vorite family paper takes its 100,000 Sotdcrs by surprise in the issue for Jan--ry, 1872, just received. It is cn lirgcd to sumo siso ns N. Y. Lnljrr, tmd appears in an entire new drees, dress, elegant new heading, bonier, type, vtc. It contains oai-hilfv.MQ roadiLj: than formerly, and is greatly improved a every rc?poct. This nuu.ixr con liains four splendid Stories, Poetry, Wit ?:nd Wisdom, Sketches, Knowledge in n Nut Shell, Money Maker's Mirror, Children's Department, Health Depurt jncut, Farm and Farmer, Cook's Oorurr, J.-adio'a Uoudoor, Ton nail Scis soiu, Chip .IJasket, and the "luvjue'a Corner," u ... .. r . ii ..... fee cittl leuturo or mis cxccucui pupi. One thousand swiudlers, (j'l.i and luminals were, uamud end exposed dur illS 1871. The ub';i;iltcM of Iho Limner" GIVE a new and supn-.h :l'rag Chroiuu" r.nd tboir large and iint-e'ass paper a whole year for oniy 75 cenw. Try it. Copies can bo seen :it this o.iiaci, or from any ncw.irjn, or ty gcndiim; 6 court, to rSTUt SPANG LCD 15 ANN EH, Hinsdale, N. II. IjTst ot can-t-s se t down lor trial at .TaRKM-y Mrm, 172. C'juitr.eiieia;; 3Ion- lay Januury 8th, 1 Win. J. Jloikey, vs. the l'enn a 11 11 Co. No 2:5 April term 1870. Jeremiah Elliot vs Iliratn Eiseb linar.. No 10 August term 1870. o Ww. L. Uaines vs the Tanncrdiilo (joal Co. No I November term 1S70. 4 Isaao D. Loohtunn vs I. W. Cole man. No 20 January term 1871. 5 Kobt. J. RobtiiFon vs Geo. D. Messenger. No I April term 1871. 0 J.. C. Burns et al vs Eti,;l-.nJ & .Brown. No 10 April term 1871- 7. John Springstead vs Isatio Keefer. No 11 April term 1871. 8 Joseph Wi'.hehn vs J. A. Malone. NolO April term 1871. 9 Anton Uenniutjer vs Malbias Ilaok. Ho 1 August tonu 1871. 10 M. MoCullouah Jr. & Co. vs Jacob Bieberger. No 3 August term 1871. 11 It. Charles McGi'.l vs Louis II. darner. No. 20 August term 1871. 12 Jacob Biherger vs Joseph Wind Jelder. No 35 August term 1871. 13 Henry Warner vs Erastus Bur iinpame. No 3(5 August term 1871. 14 Henry Souther vs F. X. Bibarger Sr. et til. No 3 November term 1871. 15. Daniel Hoffman & Co. vs Wilcox Tannins & Lumber Co. No 33 Nov. 4erro 1871. Hi William Gros3 vs John Walker. 2Xo 30 November torui 1871. 17 E. W.Bushley, lor uso vs. Allen Giles. FRED. SCIIOENING, Frothonotary. Olive Logan is to be married on Christmas day. The Miohigan Stato prison contains tfwenty-two smiths. There are 6,000,000 of real estate owners in the United States. Cincinnati drinks beer to the amount of 83,699,000 per annum. Rhode Island is in favor of narrow gaune raihoads, in order that both raild tnay be within ner territory. In Iowa if a man borrows a quarter from Ms wUo and gets drunk with it, the woman can sue him and recover tho money. , i At this Beason, among things for the real protection of women, : and at the ... . . -II V I.. faaiu lime homeinin inai win uui w CICVUU iLtUi, tic thill-buiid bllAa. MH.UJN' OF LiYZi EM'ED. Ii i? one of ll'c nmA remnrtaMe fnoln of 11 i.s reniiirkfiblo m:.!. not flint fo uiony TwirxoiiB nre tlic vii;linii of dyspcpsiu or lu-iJio'-fion, but its willing tictiini. Not, we oiiId not bp un tcrstood to say tlint ny nne roCrtrda'dy'gjicpfil wlU fTor. er fed 'llHposfd to fank it ninong the lutnrlei cf life. Fur from it. Tlioso who hare cx rerienwii 18 tormontt Would scout mch tn iilcii. All dff.vl it, ond would glnuU' dis pense with lis unplons'ciit. familiarities. Slurk Tnpley, v;lio was Jolly under nil tho trying circuwstincps in which h vas plnecd. nrvcr hni an attack cf dyspppsin, rr !iis julity wonid liuve speedily forsaken Mm. Of all Iho mnllifarlous diseases to which llio lmmmi fjfkem Is liable, I bore ij (icrlmps no ono bo p;r?iiprivlly prova'ent ns dyppepsia. There r.ro (liseipc.i novo aonle and painful, nnd which more frequently prove fatal, but none the ('fleets of which aro bo depressinj lo the mind nnd eo positively distressing to flic body. If there is a wretched being in the world it is A COS FIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We have Eaid thai dyspepsia is porhaps (lie most universal of human disnnses. This is implmtically tho case In the United Plates'. Whether this general prevalence is due to tho chnrae'er of Ihe food tho method of its preparation, or tho hasty manner in wlueh it is usually swallowed, is not onr province to c:;pbiin. The great fiet with which wc aro called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA TREVAIL8 almost uuivot sully. Noarly every other person you tnoet Is a victim, an apparently willing ono; wero this not the case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, spredy and safe remedy is within tho easy rcneh of nil who will avail themselves of it? But says a dys peptic: What is this remedy! tj which we reply: This great ullcvntor of human fullering is ulnicsl ns v.idely hnown as the Knlitfh taiiKiiafrc. It has nllnyul tho agonies of thousands, and is to-dny carry comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged paiiftcen is note other than Dr. HOOFLAXrVS GERMAN TITTERS Would you know more of the merits of this wondt-rful propitiation than can be learned from the experience of others? Try it. yourself, and when it has failed to fulfil the nsHurnnco of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon taith in it. LET IT BE R Em EM HE HUD, hr.it. of all, tliut IIO H'LAh'D'S GERMAN D1TTEUS is o n urn beverage. They arc composed wholly of tho pure juice cr vilal principle of roots. This is not a mere assertion The extracts from which they are compounded are prepared by one of tho ablest of Ckminu chemists. Their effeets ci:u be bciiificinl ordy in all cases of Ihe billiary uystem. HoolUnd's German Rittei'3 stand without an equal, acting promptly ami vigorously upon the liver: tliey remove iis tovpidi.y and cause health fnl secretion of bile thereby supplying the stmnaeh with the most indispensable clement!! of sound digestion in proper pro partiovi. Tliey purify the Vlood. cleansing the vital iiiiid of all hurtful impurities and su iiin;ilin;r lliuij with t iio elaincuts of genuine u'culthluiiibss. I"cw, tliereiie certi.in classes ot per .!otia to whom extreme i;itto.i'3 are not only unpal.itHb'.e, but who 13 ml it impossible to lake- th?m without positive discomfort. For -uch Dr. 11)1'!-oA:;d'S GiiRMAX TONIC 'inn been (tpecia'ly prepared. It is iulei.dcd for u-,c iv!u-re a sli;ilit r.'ccdioiic stimulant is require 1 in coaneciion with the well Vnovii Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bittern. nO0?LAND-8 TONIC net? with almost, marvelous effect. It not only stimulate:! tho lhi.'rg'mg and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently jtreoitho.i 'la motion upon tho Liver and istomach th.iroub, perhaps less prompt than the Diners, when tne Eanie iiunnti'y is l(ikn is none the less certain. 1 ndijre lion, Iii;i;oi.s;iei-s, Diyyical or Kcr vjus prosiiv.tion, yield re;'. lily to it3 po tent iulluen.ie. Knives tho invalid a new ind :;ti-'jriier hold upon lii'c, lemovts dc- prc;valu;i or' i:;;ir';i. r;nl inspires cheerful tiosi''. Rut IV. Ilr.ofhnid's bcuifaotioc! to the !;:im;.n race re coL rcaflnnd to liis -elcbvaied OHRMA HITTERS, or his i!iva''.;iib!e Tsisii:. Ho has prepared nn orhor medicine, which is rapidly winning ili; w.iy to j.opiiit.v f'twor bee . use i f its in-tvin:-;c me itn. Thin h KOOFLAND'S I'UDI't'llYLLIN PILLS, perfect substi tule for mercury without any of ruorcury's evil ijiuuiric!. Tbe.-e woiwierful Pills, which ore Intend ed to act upon trio Liver, are mainly com. posed of Podophyllin, or tiie vital princi ple ot l no manuri'.Ko root, it is the meui- .iii;. I virtui'i oi iis health-giving plant in perfectly pu-e and liighly conceiitralcd rin. The Fodophyllin acta directly on tho Liver, stiml.iting its funotijns nnd causing it to in'.ks its billiary secretions iu regular and proper quantities. The inju rious results which invariably follow Iho use of mercury is entirely avoided by heir use. But it is not upon tho Liver only that their powers uro exerted. The, extract of Mandra'te contained in them is skillfully combined with four other ex- rr.cts, one of which acts upon the stomach, oue upon the upper bowels, cno upon the lower bowels, and prevents any gripiDg orlect, thus producing a pill that influences tiie cntiro digestive and alimentary system, iu an equal and harmonious manner, and its action entirely tree irom nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives. l'osstnjing 'nose much desirable qualities the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without them. They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary doso, aro prompt und effi cient in action, nnd when used iu conueo tion with Dr. Hootiaud's German Litters, or Tonic, may be regarded as certain spe cifics in all ca-:es of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any ot ihe Uisorders to which the system is ordidr.rly Bubject. Tle PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomaoh and bowels, currying oft improper obstructions, while the DnterH or Tonio purify the blood, strengthen and invigorate tno Irimo, give tone auj appe tite to the stomach, and thus build up tbe invalid nncw. Dr. Hoo'.land, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world oe mainly for external application, in the wonderful preparation known o,s Ds. HWr'LA.ND'H GREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for rains and aches of alt kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chilblains, Sprains, Durns, Pnin in the Rack and Loin3, Kmeworms, etc., eto.. all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it in a cure tor Heart burns, Kidney Dinearcs, Sisk Headaches, Colic, Dysentery, Ciolera Morbus, Cramps, Pains iu the Stomach, Colds, Asthma, eto. . Tbeso remedies will be sent by express to any localitv. upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. C31 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON & CO Theie ItcMtHtica ere for tale by JJruyiisIs Sl'trtherptri, ana Medium JJea'uri every where. , i&;iyi. llAlLROADS PHIIAE IirniA & IfelS BAUB0A1) ' WINTER TIME TABLE. ON andafter MONDAY, NON. CO h. 1B71, th trains on tho Philadelphia & Eri Railroad will run ns follows! v . WESTWAlia. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia. 6.C0 p.m. " " " Ridgwny 0.27 a. m. " " arrive nt. Erin 2X0 p. m. Erio Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12 0 p. m Uidgway 2.15 a. ni. " " arrive at Evio 7.41) n. m. Accomodation, leave Renova,..l.ft0 a. ni. " ' Rldgwny,..0 0Dp. m. ' nrr at Kuho 7.80p. ni. " 1:atwa!U. Mail Train leaves Erie 11.25 a. m. " " ' Uidgway..... 4.65 p. in. " arrive at Philad'a... 6 HO a. ju. Erie Express leaves Eiio 9.00 p. m. " " " Pidgway... 2.00 a. ra. " " ar'nt rhiliidclphiii.. .yo p. ni. Accomodation, leaves Kane 0.00 a. ni. " " Ridgwny... 7.55 rv. m. " nrr nt St. Marys 8.85 am. " leaves St. Marys R.40 o m. " arr nt Renovo 12.10p.iu. Mail East connects cast and wctt nt Erie with L S & M S R W and at Corry nnd Irvinctoa with Oil Creek and Allegheny U R W. Mail West with west bound trains on L S & M S it W and at Corry ond Irvincton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R R W. Warren Aecommodal ion cast, nnd west with trains on L S and M S R east and west and at Corry with O C and ARR V.'. Erie Accommodation East nt Corry aud Irviueton with O C and A R R W. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEWTIMH TABLE. CommenciuNovember(2flth, 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. II. THE REST ROUTE HETWEEN TITTS DU UGH AND POINTS ON THIS 1'IiIL'A. & ERIE R. R. OOINO SOITH. Pay Express leaves Oil City at 2 25 p ra Arrives nt Pittsburgh 8 35 p ni Night Expi-cjs leaves Oil City 9 30 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 40 a n, Mail leaves Oil City O .Jo a m Arrives t.t ri;tsburj;h 0 CO p m Parser's AccouiJ leaves Oil City 7 15a m Arrives at Pnrlcej's 10 15 a in Kittnnning Accoin. leaves Oil City 4 Od p m Arrives at Kiti.'iuning 9 10pm O01NC1 Nourit. Day Express leaves Piitaburg at 7 50 a m Arrives at Oil City ai 2 25 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 20 p m Arrive at Oil City 5 -15 a ni Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 11 50 am .arrives at Oil City 7 25 p m Parker's Accoin le.tvc-S' Parker Cl O pm Arrives at Oil City 9 15pm Kittaning Accorn. leaves Iuttn'g 7 Oft a m Arrives nt Oil City 12 20 p m Close Connections made at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and West on P. & E. it. R. Pullman Pallacc Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars ou Night Express Trains between Corry nud Pittsburgh. Ask lor Tickets vi;i Allegheny Valley It. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gon. Bupt. r YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & IIAGSUTY Main Street, Eddgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, DOOTS, SHOHS. UATS AND CAL'd, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The I5E.ST RilANDS ot FLOUR, Constantly on han.l, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & HAGERTY. vln2. The Improved Gerard Orold a old Iittc!ies, eo.oo ei2.oo eis.oo si8.oo WE have rcoently brought our Ordido Gold motal to such perfection that it is difficult, for the best judges to distin. quish it from gold. The $0 watches are with patent escapement movements; in ap pearance and for tiue equaling a gold one costing JltA). Ihe ,12 are lull jeweicU patent lever, equal to $150 gold watoh. Tho $15 are the same as the last but a finer tiuish, nickle movements, equal to one cost ing $175. And the $18 watches are of a fine finish with full jeweled American lever movement, equaling a gold one coating $200. They are all in hunting cattes, gent's and ladies sizes, nnd guaranteed for time and wear by special certificate. Also elogant denitrnsof gent's and ladies chains from $1 to $4, and jewelry of hII kiuds. Ooods sent C. O. D. Customers per mitted to examine what they order before paying bill, on payment of express charges. When fcix watches are ordered at one time we will send an extra watch of the same quality free. For further particulars send for circular. Addres JAMES GERARD & CO., Sii Nassau Street, New York, P. O. Dox 8,SC1 Nov. 80, 1872-ln87m0. LKOAL. Sarah Sylvis In Common Pleas of Elk vs. y County, David Sylvis. J No. 83 August Term 1871. Libel in Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. To Dauiii $yi:it, retpondont about nnmed: You are hereby notified that the subpiena and alias subpoena in the above case hav ing been returnea nt tt tnientu, you are required to appear on the SECOND MON DAY OF JANUARY next, being the 8th day of the month, to answer the complaint in the above oase. JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. SuERirr' Orrion, 1 ' Ridgway, November, 15, 1871. J c37t4. Job Woiili at this office. . THE HEW DISCOVERY In Cacmlcal tai Medical Science, Dr. E. IP. GARVIN'S' SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR or FIRST AST) ONLY RorrTIOlf rv-w nnti In ono mixture nf ALL TMIU TWKLTH valuiiolo HCtivo rriucipaU ot tho wUtfc.nowij curtiv avi.vit, riVE Trtx:i: ta, UNEdUATiED tn CoKflu, CoHs, Catarrh, Astuiuu, l!rjncl;i'.ig, rlJ .oucin piiua. CUIilifsJ WITUOD'P TAIIL. A rwnt eoW In three to cix t'oi-r : nnd rlo, j it VITALISING, VURTFYINa nnd t'TI MULATINI eTect upon li i yvueral t'jfstem, it) ronnrkaMT eflioneinus in nil BIIMHASIMM OS' THE KJ.CO!. Incluilinij- fe'-crohila and Kruptiotm of tJie skin, pyHIKmia, Lxw imes of tho Javr nnd Kiunc-zu, Zltuu.'tiiioase, nod Ueueral Del'Uity. 0S TRIAL CONV.EiCEOl Vdatils Solution cf Tar For INHALATION, -:t!m'it npTlletlon cf U12AT. Arumarlml 1- VALUAl'LL discovery, an tliewliolu atpdratuscu liv3,'nied iullie vit jHK-ket, readv at uuy time for Uiti iiout tiLoctual and iwitivcly cura'lvo iuc iu Ail Disease oir nil-, noniF, tixcoat TUB CCKVOVNT) Tar and dandrako nil. fit v.! in eonno-M ion vita xha I-UXISv TAB, ti n pombinntion of t!i T"V(') i.iost ;iliirtUa ALT UK ATI VK Idulieiu1! known irt the J'rt-fxf-ioa. tunl leiiiJeis tiiii P.iiwiiiiout c3tA'tion tlia vltv br-Bt ever oituro 1. Tiw fcOLUl'lUN uuU COiroCND ELIXIR et la wiil.nv.t doubt tbo lit roimnly tawn la Imm RKD YELLOW FEVEn. It is ft npc-cilin for nrir.h diseases, n.nl shov.M lo kevit in Hie hoiMohttlii f nvvrv fumily, cspxiidly nroli.rr.: to rnv-.il. A nnill (ittintitj- tr.l;,':i 6miy w'..l jTcvem coutrtii.r; ttiwso txml lo oiiM.'an:'ti. f!ohit.ionrtridoTnt'.td38ij;ir,tl.on jxr i;niUo Vclntdj Solution furI:i'.inliicn.'j.CCr cr l'-ox Tur and M.indTnxc TiUa, Sort jicr nr.. Eeni for Cire!.nr f rOETIVS CTHF.3 to your Liut'iat, or to T "rC"'?""' - en's fiCXiS rr.opr.iEToii3, For Sal.) bv G. d. rdESSHNGKR. Drusrs.itit, Uidgway, Ps. GENTS WANTED. i o want 5000 active, entevpriainz. tliirough m'cu aid women, to whom we will give coustant wort ni l good py. Wo publisii the JJKjST B't'.HCM, wj give our ngents tlie BBST TaitU'i. The beat sell in,; Bool: now i3 Cv SIGNOIt BLlTil. Dscriljinj 'lift w .nlei'ful fi-ats ami tricks, with laughable incidents and nufentures. AgentH lire exiling from 20 lo 40 copies a iUy. Also, our Wow Kuinilj Bible, con taining Bl.ickwojil's Comprehensive Aitlj to the diujy of the Script itrc.s, tm.l Nevum' new nud improved Dictionary of the Bible, together with Sixteen Finn S:eel Plates, four Maps iu colors, nnd DOO superior en graviugj on wood; Family lleoorJ, Family Album, Ac, Sc. A Complete rrospectus of thin Bible and ugcuts outtit furnished free to nil who niean work. Our pro gramme of K13W BOOKS for the Full in cludes a UfiW WUliiv by MA UK TWAIN. 1ST Successful Agautii will rcceivo first choico of territory ou MAi'.iii TlVAi2v'S forth com in;' great work. Circulars, Turin 7, &.Q., with full iuforuia tiua. sent free ou (.pplieatiou to DUFFIKCO ASil BAD, Publisher. 711 Sansom Street, I'uiUdo'phia. . vln'26au2l!4m8. DAGff33A30Nj)A BAILSOAD. From and afer Monday, Nov. 20tU 1871. Traius will rua on this Roud as follows: Leaves Earley 7.33 a. ra., arrives at Dajjuscahonda Junction S.10 a. m., cou necting with Aecora. cast 8.14 a. tu., and with Mail west at 8.24 a. m. Leaves f)a;;u:;c.i!ionda at 9.00 a. m., ariives at Earley 10.00 a. iu. Leaves Eariey 4.00 p. ru., and arrives at Dag useahnnda at 5.00 p. in., connecting with Mail east ut 5.00 p. iu., uud Ac coinmodatloQ west at 5.40 p. ra. Ia case P. & K. trains are late, DaU3 cahonda train holds twenty minutes be yond tho above time. Tickets should always bo procured before leaving stations. (J. II. EAHLEY, Lessee. Sals in Saaliruptoy. In acoordance with an Act f Congress, approved the 2d day of March, A. D. 1867, entitled "An act to establish a unilorm system of bankruptcy throughout the United States, the undcrsitrned, assignee of tho estate of John Farrur aud James Blaok, Bankrupts, will expose to Public sale on THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1872, at 2 o'clock P. M. at the premises herein- aft;r described, in tho Borough of St, Mary's, Elk oounty, Pennsylvania. All the right, title, interest, ohtimaud demand, whatsoever of James Blaok, Bankrunt above named, of, iu, to, or out of all those two certain Town Lots situate in St. Mary's Borough, Elk county, Pennsylvania Know as, and being lots numbered four and six (No. 4 and b) on italuut street, accord ing to tho plot or plan of said Borough. Lot No. 4 has crested thereon a two stury Dwelling House about 13 by 32 loet. TERMS CASH. C. H. McCAULEY, Assignee, 3 6th, 187l.-n40l4. . SuBScaiBS for tie Sk County Ad YOCATE. trim w ' iynw Ayor's Sarsaparilla Is wiJi'ly known as ono of tlie moot otltM'tual . roint'diri cvor tliscovcrcd fur (dcinising tlio fvs- J-;r",i'-S.V''l tttn and. purilying. s'trvr Btooi tte te8t f years, with a con- tnntly mowing rty. Intrinfio virtues, nnd pnstained by ita re BinrknJile cures. So ndld as to be safe and bunelicial to cbildrcn, mid yet so soarcltlng as to cli'ectuallv punjo out tho great eor rnptions of the blood, such hb the ocrofuloua mid pypliilitio conlaiiiination. Impuritien, or tlisuases that luivc lurked in tlie pystem lor yoar, soon yield to this powerful BiifJ dote, nnd ilisaiixir.r. Hence its wonderful citrus, many ef which are publicly known, of Scroi'tiln, and nil scrofulous disc.apos, Ulcers, KfuijtwiJSj, and eruptive (lift orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, IJoilK.IMr.ii.le-., Puntules, h'ores.fct. Anthony's lire, Ho.w or 12ryf!lie 1ns Tetter, Salt Ithcuiu, 8etiM Ileiit?, Ilinjrv.tu in, tind internal Ul ceratio;i3 of tho Uterus, Btomavli, !nl .Liver. It nho cures otlier com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspcp-i-da, ViiH, NfiurnlffLt, lioart Diseases Fem.i'.o 1Ver.kucs.s, Debility, and Lcuoorrhtca, when they aro manifesta tions of the scrofulous jwbons. It is nn cxecller.t restorer of he.illh and ?'.rcnj;lh in tlia Sprincr Iy renewing tlie nppetitc tnd vipor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the deprivssion nnd lintless lan guor of tho sea?on. Even where no disorder nppears, people feel better, and live longer, for c.c.insin-r the blood. Tho system moves on with renewed vigor nud a new lease of life. PREPARED B T Dr. I C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., I'mrtlcttl fuul Aiutt'timl Clhcmicla. SOLD BY ALL DUUtitiial'S EVKUrWllEKE. For ale bv Q. Ut. MESSENGER, DruSgiRt, llidgwsy, l'a. MALL'S VCQETABLE SIGIL1AR Every year increases the popn lnrity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit filone. Wo can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to it3 hip;h. Btandard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Fadk ILub to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. Tho scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper- . ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It ia th most economical Hint-DuKssiKQ ever used, as it requires fwer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. IIaye, M.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the LEST Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Dragg&la eml jyexen in itedUshot, Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THK WHISKBBS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much oaro, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, wo have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HAUL & OO., XTABHUA. NOI. J3A0AL The ingredients that COMPOSE KOSAUALla aro p'iMislied on every package, tliere- tjroitisHOta secrt-l pteparatioo. consequently rnisiciAss tbescribb it It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheunnv tisin, Skin Disease, Livar Com plaint and all dUeases of the ens Eoms ot swabaliii will do more crocd than ten bottles of tho tSymrvs of fkrwiparill. : THE UNDEJ-SIGMEO PHYSICIANS have Ufl Rowuialisinthejrpnictioo for the piist three ycra and treety endure it mt reluilile Altenttivo uud Llood Purinor. PR. T. C. PUGH, of BaHiiaeirx DR. T.J. HOYKiM, " UK. K. W. CARlt. " flit. F. O. rANN Ct.LT, " DH. J. S. &FAiiS,( Nichdaarlila, Da. J L McCAKTHA, OlnmWn, S. C. Hit. A. B. NOELT.S, Edgecoirb, N. C. USED AK) ESD0SSED BY E. FUENCH & SOX S, Fall IUvor, F. V.". SMITH, Jackson, Mirh. A. . WHKKl.iH.Liit, Ohio. B. HAI L. Lira-v.t.'flio. 3 CHAVKM & ('0.,Or.V'lnnnr!lle, Ta. SAM' J., (r. Hicz AiiJJS.N, Wuiiites tor j, Teua. Our spiro will not al'.'iw ni any ex. tL-adtJ rcuiiks iu ro,:iuoit t-i ti.e virtuesof liosiiilia. Totho M jlkii notation insitJuiKm ylii.J K tiui'suporiorto ar. yt!i-y bavo ever !i:;ed iu tiio trr.iua'-iit dia'd I'.lontl -, nnd to tb; ..MictM w a.iy try Uosmlnlis, end you wiU bo icotui't j to iiCllilU. Eosoilal is Is add by all rri?pista, fTiv i.i J per fcov.io. .v,uiv 53. CL2XriTr3 ft CI ' O Stcr.iSa:turrng ditnut, 411 TOWELI, ft EtKE. Powell & Kit.' Having erected a largo and well arranged - . . . . . new Sore llouee on the old site, since the fir, and filled it frora otllar to garret with the choicest goode of all deecripticw, that can be found In any market, are fully pre pared to rcoeivet heir old cuatomera, and supply their waata at hoUom Cgurce WHOLESALS 03 HETAIL. Their assortmcat la now complete, com prising dsy oooa, GKOCJ51USJ, CROCKHRT, CLOTH INO, EOOI8 AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK PLOUiL Feed, IJeans, I3utter, DRIHD ATTLm, DRIID-'PHACEKS, Goods In ehort every tkia j vraatel ia tho Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LAliORING MEN, EVERYBODY Also a full stock of MANILLA FIOPE of thebest manufacture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes. LM irjj f, Eidgway, Pa.1; Mawh W ii71 AT THE WOfiLD'S FAIR, Constituted by the homes of the pjople -, received the Great Award of the HIGHEST GALES ! And have left all rlml far behind them, ler tney SOLD JJTlStO One Ilundrcd and Twenty-seven Ihousaud, Jjight Iluudred and Thirty-three Machines! being more than forty thounand in 'advance of etliir sales of the previova year, bd I over forty-four thontand more than the inkg of any othrr Company for 1870, as eIiowu ny tlia luliowing figures from sworn re I turns of tU3 sale of Licensees. The Singer lUaniifactnr. mg Jorup,vny eotd over the Floreueo Bewinj Jfnoliilio Co., 101.178 Meobtnea. I Sold over tho Wilcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., C3.913 da I 3olil over the Weed Sew ing Machine Co., 92,831 da I dold ovor tlie Grover & linker S. M, Co.. 70,431 da 8ol;l over tho Howe Ma chine Co., C2.677 it Sold or tho Wheeler & Wilson Mun't's Co., 44X21 do all ot which is m.v.nlv owine to tho popu-- Urlty of what U Known ns tho "NBif FAMILY SKWIXO MAOiliNU," which i now fust finding its way into every well re,;u!..tc.l houeohokl. For Ciiculars giving lull particulars of Machines, their Folding Cnoea of many vnrio.ias of wcol nnd finish, their Attachments for numerous kimla of woik, v.hioh, till recently, it was thonbt that deiic.ate lingers nb.mo could perform, as well iu pattic'ilr.rs about nil nriiclca used by their Machines, such ns TwiHt, Lineu Thread, Spool Col ton, Oil, &e., Ac., i apply to any of their Authorized Ageuta, or to THE SINGER MltNUPACTURINO- CO., 458 Broadway, Now York. rki'.ilelphiu OCw-ellOS Chestnut St. A. CUM MINGS, Aseot, Kidgwav. Pa. vlnl9julyl8m7. STIillEOSGOPBS, YIEW3, ALBUMS, CHROM03, , FRAMES. . & H.T. ANTHONY &, CO. 591 BROADWAY, N'BW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive UBsortmontof he above good.4, of their otin publication, and importation. v Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES aid GRAPH03COPES. NEW VIEWS OF TOSEMITE. E, & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., 01)1 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel Importers and Manufacturers ef P1IOTDGRAPH1C MATERIALS. vlu2yl. NEW LIVEUY STABLE IN mmmv. DAN SCRlBNEtt WISHES TO IN- form the Cittzena of Ridgway, and tbe public gcLerally, that he Iras startoda Liv ery Btablo and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona. l ble terms. 1X.He will also do job teaming. Btablo in the Brooks Barn, near the Pont Olfioe, on Mil- street. All orders left at the Fotit Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. 1). Wet more. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judges J. K. Wliitmoro, Jesse Kyler, ihstriol Attorney J. K. 1 Hail. BUeriff Jacob MoCauley. I'tothonotbry J-o., Fred. Schoening. Treasurer lleury V. Derr. County Superintendent Rufus Luoore. Comiuistiiouers U. Warner. John Barr, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, Goorge D. Messenger, and Joseph Wilhclui. County 5urveyor Geo Wilinsley. Jury Commissiouors. Joseph , Kerner. and Charles Mead. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. . Peeond Mondny in Jnnutiry. ScoOiid Mjiid.'.y iu Ap.il . First Monday iu August. . ' First Monday iu Nvx'wHer.