IT "f,tJjftsJfe3 J.lKsnr A. Parson, Jr., - Editor. 1HCRSDAV. NOVEMKEn 23. 1871. Tic State Government Our Legislature for 1S72. .A PiriKCTORY FOR TUB rEOJ'LK List or the Heads or Dfpart- MKNT8 AND MEMBERS OP TUB SEN ATE AND IIOUSF. OP llEPRESENTA- TIYE8 or Pennsylvania. The following Directory will be found of interest to nil classes, as showing the condition of the Legislature for 1872. The offieinl list, make tho Senate stand 17 Republicans and 16 Democrats; and the House, 61 Republicans, 38 Demo crats, and 1 Independent. This valu- mblo paper also contain the names of the Governor, Heads of Departments, nnd Members ot the Senate and Hou?e f Representatives of the Common- xvealth of Pennsylvania, with their post tjffico address at home: OOVSB.10B AND BIADR Or DKPARTMEKTI. Governor John W. Gcaiy, Cumber land county, Executive Mansion, Front street, above 1 lue. Privato Secretary H. F. Lee. Cura berlaud county. Executive Mansion. Secretary of the Commonwealth Francis Jordan. Dauphin county, State ;od Secoud streets. Deputy Secretary of the Common wealth J. M. Weakley, Cumberliiml county, Lochicl, Third and Market St. Chief Clerk Thos. McCaroant Blair county. Rripps street, near Third. Attorney General. F. Carroll Rrcw : liter, 214 West Washington Square, Philadelphia, Lochiel, Third and Mar lot ntrrfta. Auditor General John F. Ilartraoft, Montgomery couuty, Lochicl, Third und Market streets. Chief Clerk D.C. Maurer, Dauphin county. Locust, near Front street. Surveyor General Jacob M. Camp bell, Cambria county, Second, above Locust street. Chief Clerk R A McCoy, Cambria county, Second, above Locust street. State Treasurer R W Mackey, Alle phany county, Lochicl, Third and Mar ket streotB. Cashier Thomas Nicholson, Reaver county, Lochiel, Third and Market - btrccts. Assistant Cashier William B Hart. Montgomery county, 1009 North Third street. Superintendent of Common School. -. and Superintendent of Soldier' Ori.ha: -. Schools J P Wickershiiui, Lapea.vter county, State Capitol, Third and Wulum : streets. Deputy Superintendent of Coinmoi Schools -Henry llouek, Lebanon Co. Adjutant General A L Uns'-el' Allc.uhftiiy county. Statu Capitol, Third and Walnut streets. Chief Clerk G V, Kelly, Union county. Stale, near Third street. State Librarian- Wiun Forney, Dan j.hin county, Secoud. near Strife street. Superintendent of Public I'rintinsi John MeCiudv. Cuuibr-rland court) State Capitol, Third tuid W alnut Str. State Printer li Sin-crly, 20 uud 22 South Third sireet. Superintendent of Publio Building mid Grounds Gto F Reiuhard, LobaD- county, Keystone Hottto. THE EFS UK. lint District Robert P Declicrt, I)., St. Lawrenco Hotel. Second Elisha Wr. Davis, R., 1931 Green street. Third David A Nagle, D 403 Lo- cust street. Fourth Vacancy, caused by the de- cease ot George Coduc'.I. 11. Fif.h Chester aud Delaware H .Jones" Brooke, R Media, Delaware .couuty; Henry S. Evans, R West Chester, Chester county. Sixth Montgomery Elect in 1373. Seventh Bucks and Northampton ..Jesso V Knight, D Bristol, Bucks county. Eighth Berks J Depuy Davis, D , Rradiner. Hinth -Lancaster Esaias Billinsr - felt. R Adauistown; John B Warfel R Lancaster. 2 et Schuylkill Wia M Randall, D Schuylkill Ilaveu. Eleventh Lehigh and Carbon Edwin Albright, D AUentown, Lehigh county Twehth Dauphin and Lebanon David Mumma, U Ilarrisburg, Duuphin . county. Thirteenth Luzerne, Munroe, and Pike F D Collins, D Siranton, Lu . terne county; Albert G Brodhead, D Mauch Chunk, Carbon couuty. Fourteenth Bradford. Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming L F Fitch, 11 Montrose, Susquehanna county. Fifteenth Columbia, Montour, Ly- . corning, ana oui;ivau vn D Bloomsburg, Columbia county. Sixteenth Cameron, McKean, Pot tot, nod Tioga Butler B Strang, R Wastfield, Tioga, couuty. Seventeenth Snyder, Perry. Nor thumberland, and Union Andrew U Dill D Lewisburg, Uuion county. Eighteenth Clinton. Cambria, Clear field, and Elk-Wm A Wallace, D Clearfield, Clearfield county. Nineteenth Cumberland and I rank lio J M Weakley, It Carlisle, Cumber land county. TicenfiAAdams and YorkWin JJ Sherry, D Liltlestown.Adams eouoty . . - if i f.-i.,- lit..;- JSwntg-fintr Bedford, Fultco, UUir; Pinley, D Elk Lick, Si'tmret rmiiity. 'J 'icui ty-.n fti n i ' Ce n Ire, Juniata, Mifflin, ami llnr,tingdn 1 M Craw ford. J MiJUintown, Juniata county; R B Petriketi, 1 Iluutitikdin, Hunting don county, v Tttrnty-fJiirt? Allegheny James L Graham," li, Allegheny City; Cioorge H Anderson, R nttstmrph; Miles a HuVflphrrys, R South Pittsburgh. Tin ny fourth Indiana and West moreland Many White, 11 Indiana. Indiana county. lcrnttt-Jift'lt Fsyotto and Green A A 1'uruian, L Wayntsburg, Green county. Tirenty-nutth- Beaver, Butler, and Washington James S Rutan, R Bea ver, Beaver county. Ticenty-srvmth Clarion, Armstrong. Jefferson, and Forest Elect in 1872. Ticcn ty-eifh th f .a wren ce, Me rcer, and Venango Elect in 1S72. 2iccnty-tntith Crawford Geo B Dclaniater. R Meadville. Th'rtieth Erie and Warren Har rison A lieu, R Warren, Warren county Republicans Democrats 17 1G Republican majority 1 Chief Clerk Jacob Ziesler. MEMBERS OP TBB HOUSE 0 REPRESENTA TIVES, SEBSIOS OF ibli. PHILADELPHIA. First District George Ilat.dy Smith, R 023 Walnut stteet. Second George McOowac, D 42C Walnut street. Third Samuel Josephs, D 310 Cath eritic street. Fourth William Ellicott, R 1308 Spruce street. Fifth C'has. H. Dougherty, D 404 Walnut Street. SixthCharles A. Purter, R 31 S Eleventh street. Seventh Howard J Potts, R 2137 Summer street. Eighth Samuel Daniels, D Coates, below Nineteenth street. Ninth Win H Vogdes, R 543 North Seventh street. TenihS'aiiinel D Dailicy, D 505 Noith Secoud street. " Eleventh J B Hancock, R 1728 Girard avenue. Twelfth George W Fox, 1313 N Fourth street. Thirteenth Samuel D. Strock, R 17;"3 N Seventh street. Fourteenth John Lamon, R 1303 Marlbotouuh street. Filteeiith Adam Albright, R 2104 Orkney street. bixtecutli A D Levering, R Levcr ington. Seventeenth G Boward Griffiths, R Rising Sun, I'd. fTATE. Adauir Isaac Hcretcr, D Gettys burg. Allegheny. Pittsburgh. First District Jiimes Taylor, R 427 Perm street. SeecnO Matthew Edwards, R; D X White. 11 Stv.ickleyville, Alexander Millar, I! MeKePsport; li K Sample, U Benetts J W RnUanfiue. R Temper hiiecville; John Gi'itillan, R Upper St. Clair. Armstrong P K Bowman, R Kittan uitiir. Reaver, Butler, and Wahingtnn (i l leegcr, it hutler, Bu'ler county; Joseph Lu.-k. 1) Hirmnny, Butler eounty; 1) M Lethertnan, R Scenery Hill. WiisliiiitMoti county; Wni A licltey, Riiulfalo Village, Washington county. B.df.nd oti.I Fulton J WT Dicker- son. Bedford, Redlord county. Berk A T Keller, D Reading; II 11 -Schwarfz. D Kutztown; John A Conrad. 1) Lower Hern. Blair ! L Hewit. R Hollidashur?. Bind furd P H Burk, R LcRays villu; B S Dartt, R Canton. Bucks 3 C Purse!!; R Upper Rlack'd liiiiy; Samuel Darrali, D Doyleafowii t'limbrii! Samuel Henry, R Ebens- burjr. ! Cameron, Elk, and Jefferson Aloiizo I Wilcox, Wileox. Elk county. Csibon and Monroe Richard S Staples, D Stroudburg, Monroe county Centre P P-iay Meek, D Be'lefonte Chester Jos C Keech, R Coates ville; Levi l'rizer R Chester Springs. Clarion and Forest J B Lawson, D Rimernburg, Clarion county. ClintouTliycoming, and Sullivan A C Noycs, 1) Westport, Clinton county; Samuel Wilsou, D Jersey Shore Lycom ing county. Columbia C B Brock way, D Blooms burg. Crawford J fl Gray, R Cambridge borough; W B Gleasou, R Conueaut villc. Cumbcrlaud J Bombcrger, R Ship pensburg. Dauphin and Perry Andrew K Black, R Ilarrisburg. Dauphin county; I S Scliminkey, R, Gralz. Dauphiu county; Joseph Sbuler, R Liverpool, Perry couuty. Delaware J V Cooper, R Media. Erie Geo W Starr, R Erie; Chaun cey P Rogers, Erie. Fayette S II Smith, D Brownsville. Franklin T M Mahoo, R Chambers burg. Greene R A MeCooDell, D Waynes burg. Huntingdon F II Lane R Shirley s burg. Indiana Thos McMulley, R Penn'a Run. Juniata -and Mifflin George D Mitchell, D Bishaooquiliis, Mifflin county. Lancaster Jacob C Ga'chell, R Marticville; l)K Burkholder, R Hemp Geld; C L Huusicker, R Binkley'a R'nlge. Lawrence A P Moore, R New Wil mington. Lebanon Anthony S Ely. R Leban on. . Lehigh Adam Woolever. D Allen towu; llmuiio .M Fetter, l Bethlehem Luzerne Richard -Villiams, H ila sklown; J'utrick Duluoj, D beraatoo; u.l Siin'Cl'o! llirniti P Quigley. D Carboiidale; D B Koons, D Shirksliiiiny. Mcrcr Nathan Motford, R Green ville. , Montgomery John J O Harvey, D Jenkinctown; Oliver G Morris, D Line Lexington. Northampton -Samuel G Lubnr, D Portland; C E Feiser, D Bethlehem. Northumberland find Motitour 1 I) Newbdker. Ind Trerorloo, Northuniher hind cunly; J)ennis Blight, li Dan vi'le. Montour county. Pike and Wayne J Hjwnrd Beach, D Milansvil'e, Wityiie cunnty. Potter pnd McKean Luuius Rogers, T. Snieihport, MnKenn county.. . Schuylkill Wallace (uss, R Tarns qua; Charles F Kitig. D. Ashland; W O Uhler, D Mshanoy City. Snyder and Union tn G Ilerrold, R Port Treverfon. Snyder county. Somerset Win II Saouer R Somer-! set. . Susquehanna and Wyoming E B Beardslco, R Littlu Meadows, Snsque hannii county; Martin Brunges, R Keel ersburg, county. Tioga John I Mitchell, R Wells boro. Venango J D McJunkin, R Frank lin. Warren Luther Green, D Warren .Westmoreland -John Lnttn, D Greens-lung; A Greomiwalt, D Madison. York F J Magee. D Wrighlsville; Lemuei Ross D Dillsburg. Republicans 61 Democrats. 38 lodepcndeut 1 Republican majority 23 Scnnto Republican majority 1 Republican majority, joint ballot 24 Chief clerk James L Seliridge; resident clerk John A Smull, It is estimated that the corn crop of Iowa this year will amount to one hun dred million bushels. RAILROADS- tEIIALEIIEIA Co EEIS EALU.OAD WI.NTEll TIMK TABLE. X and after MONDAY. NOX. 13th, 1S71, J the trains on tho PUilulelpliia Eria Hailroad will run as follows: WKSTWABU. Mail Train leaves l'liilatlelpliia .. C.iJO p, . !).U5 a. . 2..'jO p. .12 30 p. . 2.15 a. ...7 40 a. " " " uriljiway " " arrive at Kiie Erie Expleaves riiilinlelpliin.. " " " Kulgwny " " arrive at Erie Accomodation, leaves I'cnnva, ' Tiidgwuy, ' arr at Kane... ..1.30 a. ni. ..0 0 ) p. m. ,..7.30p. in. EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie 11.25 a. " Kidjrwny.... 4..r" p. " arrive at l'iiilud'a... 0 30 u. Erie Express leaves Eno 0.00 p. " " t'idiwny... 2.00 . " " ar-st rhilndelpliia.. 3 30 p. Accomodation, leaves Wane 6.00 . " " Hulgwny... o. m. " nrr nt St. Murys 8.35 am " leaves St. Marys 8.40 a m " nrr at ltenovo 12.10o. m Mail East connects cast anil wett at Erie with LS& MS H W and at t'orry and li vineion with Oil Creek and Allegheny R li W. Mail Vest with we't hound trains on I. S & M S II W and at Porry and lrvincton with Oil Creek and Allegncr.;' U II W. Warren Acccminodat ion eist and west with trains on L S and ?.I S R east and west and at t'orry with O C and ADR . Eiie Accommodation East nt Corry and Irviucton with O C and A II K W. VM. A. EALUWIX. Gen'l Sup't, NEW TIM4 TAULE. Commencing Jnnc 5th. 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY It. R. THE BEST ROCTE BETWEEN TITT3- ULUOIl AN 1) l'OlS 1'S I )N THE l'iUL'A. & LKIE 11. B. OOINQ liOUTB. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 10pm Arrives nt I'illsburgh 7 65pm Niglit Express Waves Oil City 9 45 p m Arrives at PiitslnirgU 6H)I a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 45 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p m GOINO N0B7II. Day Express leaves I'i Uburg at 8 35 a m Arrives at Oil City nt 8 05 p m Siglit Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p in AiMves at Oil City a oo a m Way Pnssenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 30 p m Anrrives at Oil City 7 45 p in Close Connect ions made at Corry for Pittsburgh vith trains East and West ou P. & E. U. K. Pullman Pnllace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cnrs on Xiglu Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley Ri R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. To ADVERTISERS. All persons who contemplate nuk'ng contracts with news papers for the insetiiou of Advertisements should sen I to GEO. P. HOWELL & CO. for a Circular, o incbise 25 cents for their ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAMPHLET con taining Lists of 3.0C0 Newspapers anl estimates, showing the cost of advertising, also many useful biuts to advertiser, and Bome account of the experiences of men who are known as SUCCESSFUL ADVER TISERS. This firm are proprietors of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41 PARK ROW, IT. Y. and are possessed of unequaled facilities for securing the insertion of anvcrtiseiuent in al Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest raie. vln87'21. Notice TO A'.L WH ) IT MAT CONCERN: N tiee is hereby given that I have this day, furnished to U. A. Italdmn, to he used by Him in working for mo, to wit: 2 Iron (tray Homes. 1 liouma harness. 1 pair Whiffleiries. 1 Neck Yoke, 2 pairs Trailing grab. 8 Ing chains. I culling box. Being lame bought by me from Joseph Drake, and which smd property belongs to me nd not to taid Baldwin ISAAC MORTON, JL Ptfgway, Hot. 24, 137l.-nit, THE NEW DISCOVERY In Chcnio and Medical Selena AO Moa Dr. E. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR FinST AND OKI.T BOT.VTTOS wt mntn in one miztnrs of ALL, TIIK TWELVK vlunblo active piiucipuU of the wellauwu urtiv agent, riIi THEE TAIt, TlTEQrAt.KD fn Cjiirrhs. Cp'.1s, Catarrh, Asthma, Dronchitis, and corisiimptiun. CURES WITHOUT FAIX. A Teeont cold In hrj to ix lmr ; and also, by its V1TAMS1NO, I'VRTFYINd nnd !TI ML'LATIN( eltcetn upon tho (,'uol vvattiu, it rrmnrkaMv rlllmrinus in nil iiisi;asi;s of thk KI.cmi. IneludinK Serolula iuid KriipiinTiit ut thesfctn, Dyspepsiii, Uisenves ot the Liver ftnd Kidntyi, HniitXiMase, and General Dubiliiy. ONE TRIAL COtiiVINCESI ALSO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION', wtthont nrinllmtion of Eli AT. A VAI.U MILE rtiwovcry, as the whole appirntnsrnn bef-urriwl in iho veiit pocket, rrudv ut any time for the moat eittetuul and positivelv curu'ivo useio. All Discuses of ttin NOSE, THROAT and LC XCJS. THE cosuorxD Tar and Mandrake Pill. for use in connection Tfi'Ji tic LLTXTIt TAR, is a i-oniltinntion of the TWli most v:iluMo ALTElSA'llVli Mi.Mlicinos knorn in the l'ro frsiiioti. and reudemtliis lillwiLLuut excejittun the verv best ev,;r offre;t. The SOLUTION and COiirOLTfD ELIXIR of nun in without douut tlio l'-ct rcn:sily koovn in cases of CHOLERA ftKQ YELLOW FEVER. It ia!pt'aiilr fornurh iisensj, nnd fihouM N kf)t in the house tnM of c.-iry taatilf. eijn.rii.Uj during thoc mon:liin Tvbnh CHOLERA AHO YELLOW FEVER nrcliah'p to prevail. A qu'uttirr iuk-n d-tily will provcat cuatruclinrr thiie'tf tTiMe ujsua.ics. Solution and Compound Elixir, $1 00 .r Est llo Volatilo EoluLion for Inhal::tion f n-Onpor Iknt Tar nnd Mandr-.ta I'i'ls, SOcU por 1k-:. Bond for Circular ff I'OSITIVK CirRFS to your Diugi9t, or to L. F. IaYDU & CO., solk pp.opniETor.s, 110 E. 22l St., Xtw 1'ork. Fit rfalo hv Ri lway. Pa. CENTS WANTED. Vb want CDOO active, Miterpri-iue;. tlnronnh men and women, to whom wr will five coutrii't wort und ;.nd pay. We p.'blii-h the P.K.ST IMOKS, we ;:ivn our ijrmiis lli HE.ST TEUM.S. Ut . iui; 'look now is Describing lii wunderfnl fiMts and trio!;, wild laiigtmbli incid.rnls and ndventiirvs. Agents are seUinj; from 20 to 10 cipn a diiy. ANo, our New Family IViMe, ron tatning Hlackwooil's Comprelmrttivi? Aid to tiic slu.iy of the Scripture, and Ncvin new and improved Dinti iii iry of ilie I'.ilile, together with Sixteen Fine rilecl I'latea. four Maps in col.irs, and 200 superior en gravings .m wood; Family Iteeord. Family Album, ike , tic. A Co'nploto Prosneoius of this liible and agents out tit furnished tree to nil who mean work. Our pro-gram-iio rf NEW UOOK8 tor tho Full in cludes a NBW WOiliC by M Vltlv TWAIN. pf2f"Siicoessful Agents will reoeivn first choico of territory on M A UK TWAIN'S forthcoming gre-U work. Creul irs, l'enn. &c, with full informa tion, sent free on aupliratinn In DUFFIKLD AH ! K.U), Publisher. 711 S insoin Street, P.iilr.daliihia. vln25aug2 Im.'l. ,ciIu!F 7IFTY ivjllaUS F O II 8 3. A Kcw School Tiook Snb'erihers to Tit TBna MfHint Mon TiiLir are getting their Musio for less than by II. A. PeRK'Ss. Price $7.50 per Joi .ontiims over two bundr .1 new ami two a ritce he lutiful Sonc, Du et:, etc. by Will 8 Tliofe who lmve tiol seen this Musical Maguiiue should send Hays, Wiiitih. Thomas, etc Every!30 cents for a sample tuing is new. iresli. copy. I lie musio is and Hparkling. Con-jhy Hays, Thomas, tents and specimen! Ki.nkki., Pbiislky, pages sent free. S:nn-n.l other popular copies mailed free ofjwriters. postage to teachers Two back numhets for (li cents. Liberal for 40 cents. Four terms for introduc-jhack numbers for4 70 lion. Ice ni.. Address, vlnllif From and after Monday. Miy 20th 1871. Trains will rua on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7.10 a m., arrives at Dairmcahouda Junction 7 45 a. tn., con nects with Local east 7 56 a. m , and Mail west 9 50 a. ui. Leaves Dansca hmidn 10.20 a m , anivos at Earluy 1 1 00 a. in Leaves Eariey 4 00 p. ui . arrives at D;uctihonda 4 50 p. m . ennectinu with Mail east 5 05 p. m , and Local west 5 21 p. m. In case P. !i E. trains are late, Daeuscahnnda train ho'. la twenty mioules beyond tbe above t:me. Tiokets should always be procurd before leaving stations O. R EARLEY, Sup't. Vt?ATB. Ayor's Cathartic Pills, fsura of nU darsntre wonts ki Um Hvm. tk-ii, livw, mid n.w .-it. 'I ho jr aiv a mild 4ortoni, laid u fmelluot rnr,Tit(PB. Soinj t.urel ntqt toUn, lliey oontsia li o ni rr u ry W tn Us . rl whr.lovor. iuici nuHnos MukncM knd tulTerine Ifl prewct r.l liv Liftr tirr.dr uc; nt Jewry finJijrr J I l:nvcliiorn on lio&d for thetr p-oteturyn art rei'ol, wlita renulrwl, Lon(r cat;iicnco r.M i rcv.l ui(:m to bo tlie f at. eit, sun-, and le.,t Hi nil tho fill with which the miu-kkl abounil. Vy Uieir occasions! use, the blood is nuriDeiL tho eonmitloos of the sy. tern exiK'ilfxl, utnvrruetinnN removed, and tho wholo machinery of lllo iTstorral to Its healthy I activitv. lntfin'al organs whieh liecomo rloppe'l end slupirlsh nru ilciinswl liv Aprr't I'illn. and HiimilnlKil Into action. TIuib Inrlplont (li-esno lr chanired Into henlth, the value of which clmnfrn, when rcc. jneil on tho vnt-t niulllluiles who enjoy It, enn banlly bo coinpnteil. Their snsrnr coating makes tuoin pleasant to take, and prooi-vci their vlrtuM iinlnipiiiml for any lmi,tn of time, so that thov are ever frci-h, and perfecllv reliable. AJ'.hoiiAh seai ehini-, they ai-e mild, nnd opernta v.itiinut di.itui'bauev to llicoiutitutiou,ordiot,or ocrmvitlon. t directions arc piven on inn wrapper w e.i"h box. how lo me them R Family rliVKlc, ami tor the follow lint complnlHls, vtliloh Uit ss I'll! rnpmlv euro:--v..,. iiVB,.iii.iik ,ir Vniflo-ftlnn. K.lstlS'a. nr, a.ajiirMor 1 !. nt Apirtlt,they should lie taken mndnralelv to Miiunliite the itoru mil. and run (urn itx lier.lUiv tone and action. . For E,ivcr 'oni plaint and lis various wmtv toin, Ilillon llPutlHClir. Htch llrsn- arnr. juswmiicr nr wrrp. RicH.rm, !: t'lir mid IDtllona rrvrr,tliey Mionld bo iudii-l.iii iv tnken I'orc ieh ease, to enrrcct the (ll-cf-e'l .T.'liim or removo H obitmclious whicU cnn--e it. . . . tor rrntrr,r or niarroora, out cms uilld do. i (renerallv mniired. For Elltftiniutiain. nt, Ornrrl, Xnl tiKiwIon or tli Heart, tiln In ttie Miilf, K'nc k nnd I.olns, ther should be eontui nnii'lv tnk'.-n, as i. iniiicO, to etinnre the rtisensea action of tho tv.iu-m. With UcU cbiuige those complaintvll.iajii.enr. ror fllTfttT nnu j ... ;-,. n . thev should he tiikcn tn laiye and frmpieut doses to proiloce til.1 eli.-i-t of a di ailie. pnriro. For Kniirwlon. a larpe doe phonld be taken, as it produce tbe desired effect by ym- lllltllV. Ah a 7tnirr Vltt. tnV( one or two T'itta to prom.'l" di.'-tion and relieve tho Ktotoneh. An oceni'inal dove pllinnlnte tho stomach and IkiwcIs, ivIiikh the appetite, nnd Invigorates the rystem. ITeneo it hi often ridvanlaccons where no serious dei uiv-'i niO'it cxlts. Ono who feels i.,l.-v:ili;v weil. often ioicIk that a dose of theo 1'ills makes him fc l dceidediy better, from their rlR.T.ixmK and r.'novaliii;( c-Itfct on tlio Uigestivo apparatus. pni!v.v.i:n riT Iv. J. C. A TJ: K X- CO., Vractlrat ChemUU, IOOI.U, MASS., V. S. A. FOE SAtC iit ALL rS'JUOWIS EVEBVWUE02. For Sal.- hv G. U. MKT'NdER,, liid-wnv, l'a. BALL'S VEGETADIE SICUIAI HAIR BENEWER. Kvir vpar increases the dodu- larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our oid patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on lv reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean, it removes au eruptions anu dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, tho hair prows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old nge. It is the moat economical Hair-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, Sl.D., Stato Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by ail Druggist nnd Dealer in UtdidnU. Fries Ono Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Iienewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and ellectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO NASHUA- SA OSADALIS jTllE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE KOSADAUS ara 'poblifhcd on every package, thore- l.irc it is nor a secret preparation, consequently rmsiciAss prescribe it It is a certain cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, lUienma tikni, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all disease of the Uluod. cits rams cr rocabaks will do inoro good than ten bottle of ths Syrups of SirsapirilU. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have u?cd Hosadalis in their practico for lha past three years and f.rely endorse it nit relniblo Alterative and Elood Purifier. DR. T. C. rUCU. of Billimoie. DR.T.J. GOYK1N, " DH.I. W.CARR. 14 DR. K O. PANNKLLT, ' DM. J. H. SPABK.S.! NicholsjvlUa, K y Dfl. J.L. McCAKTHA, Columbia, K r. DR. A. B. NOSLF-S, Eairecomb, N. C. usid akd EjHOHsed by J. B. I HE-VCltt EONS, Fill River, F. IV. SMTTIT. Jnrlson, Ml'-h. . t . WHI.U.KK. nuia, t'Uio. 3 L'RAVK.n' & t O.. r -(Iw.STtlle, Vi. SAil'L. C. Mrr'AUDKN, Munreet- n nil t I .I,., il loro.Trnn. wi'.l nt !1"-t m anv ex. teniled remarks Is r-JJi's li tha virtucsol itiaaniu. ioiil-.- ci:iiai I'rolession weguaraoteo a J ".uiil Kx. tract superior to any they have ever used in the trea'ment of cli'eawn tilond; ana lo inenmirwn vesn) ,:y Koi ia!is, and you will be rutionl 10 iiodlth. Bossdklis is soM Vy all TJnicttists, price per fcuttle. AuUm 12. C----i'i3 B C3 J irjnafVvrt-J fntia, O itt mrrMtm. tjmf.. i jMii ? i ji fir".'' POWELL & KIMFi I Powell & Kiuic ' , i ' Having afwteJ a large and Well arraegod new Stora Uousa on lb aid aita, ainqa Ibe fire, and filled it from ctUar to garret with Ibe choicest goods of all descriptions, tlirt can be found In any market, are fully pre pared lo reocivethelr old customers, and supply their wanta al bottom figures WIIOLESALE CH LET AIL. Their Mori.-sol 1 now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCKRIE.?, CROCKBRV, UaKDWARK, CLOTHING, K0013 ANDSIIOK?, II ATS AND CAF3, NOTION?, et?., etc POEK. FLOTJIL SALT. Feed., lioans. Butter dbij:d AITLEH, DRIED PEACHES. Canned Goods. !n short evorything wmteJ in the Country by t,UMBER3IKNf FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NER?, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Alio a full itoelt of MANILLA ROPE of tbebest manufacture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes. m Em. V.I Jay, Voj, Start" Si1, B7l ft :T a -t?t ff, ' ; " l&n'jkctTiiisr; Company. . -.V..VV, Ali THE WDIILD'S i-AIR, CorjsHn(d by the homos of the pjople ' . ' ' ' N ff :f ; Rooeived the threat Award of (ha HIGHEST SALES! And haTe loft all rivals far behind themr for they SOLD J.V1STO Oue ITtindrrd ond Twcnty-ovtrj Thoueaud, IJuudred and Thirty-tlirec Machinpul being more than forty thoumnd in advance of cthir sales ut the previovs year, and over furfif-fonr thoutand more th in the tnlr$ of any otirr Company for 18i0. as shown by tlio following figures from sworn re turns of ths sale of Licensees. Tho riinper aIHllKClu. ing Company so'il ovr the Floreuce Sewiua Machine (.'o., 101,173 Machines.. Sold ovr the Wilcox S. M Co., 08,913 do do do do do 8old over tbe WcgdSew- ire Miichine t'o., 92,83i Sold over the G rover & linker S. M. Co.. 70,431 irold over the Howe Ma chine Co., G2.C77 Hul l over llic Wheeler & Wilson .Miin'fit Co., 41.C2- allot winch i" inainlv owini; to tho popu lar. ty of what is known lis tlio "SE f KAM!L fl'.WlNtS MACHINE," which i now fa el findinjr lis wny into every we.l regulated li.'iieliold. For Cin;u'nr pivini; full particulars of Mnchiie. tlieir r.-ilditi t'ft.sesot n.n.iy vnrie-i-H of wood und fmnri.. llieir A ttnelrin li' s for ii'imoi ou? kinds f woilc. wliicli. tul recently, ii wns tlioupl t Imt .l. lici.le fingers ah. lie could pirform. well tn particulars a hunt all article used by their Machines such an Twirl, Linen Spool Cotton. Oil. &c. Sc., apply to any of tiicir iiniioriitd f-(;eai. or to THE FINCCR MANUFACTlRINti CO., 408 Urosdway, New York. 1'uiladelphia Ofiice HOC Chestnut lt. A. CUMMINM3. Ascot, Hid way, l'a. TlnlO;u!yl5m7. ST 1311 1: o S C O PES. VIEWS, i'i;a:.ii:3. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. C91 BtlOADWAT, NEW YOi'.K, Invite the attcniion of tho Trade to their eie:irive assortment of the abovegoods, of thur curn publication, and importation. Also, I'ilOTO LANTERN SLIDES ud GnAP!105COrE8. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITK. E. Si II. T. ANTIIONV fi CO.. 5P1 li road way, New York, l.'ppoaile Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and M&uufaoturcrs of PHOTDGRAPIIIC MATEUUI.S vluJyl. NEV JjIVEltY STAIiLU is nmmm V DAX SCKlBSEll WISHES TO IX- (orm the Cittzena of Rid'way, and tho publio Rcr.orally. that bo has atarteda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon tho most roasona. bio terms BT-Sa.Ho will also da job tearting. Kialile in the Crooks Darn, near the FestOflioe. on Mil' street. All orders left at tho Poat OiEce will meet, prompt attention. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk County Directory. President Judge 1). vtetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judp;e J. K. Whitmore, Jesse Kyler. District Aitorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheritf Jacob Mo'luuley l'roihonotury de , ired. Schosning. Treasurer Henry D. Dorr. County Superintendent Kufus Lu;or. Commissioners 11. Warner, John urn r, Louis Yollmcr. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and J:seph Wilhelm. County Surveyor tieo Wiluisley. Jury Couimissioners. Joseph Eerner, and Charles Mead. TIUE OF HOLDING COURT. . Fecond Monday in January. Secoud Monday iu April First Monday in August. First Mundiy in Nov'nber.