(Slh'Cmint8 giktolt - -- - . i H I .THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9,';6?i. Bates of Advertising. fine colnmn, one year. " 41 10 Ctt I -," 8,-,0() I " " 16 00 Trwrs'ent advertising per square of etehk Due or leu 8 limp or Inns- 2 00 Dusidees cards, ten linos or lenn, per year , , 6 00 Mnrri.igos sad Death, notices Inserted ........ 4 .. . Elk Lolgs, A. T. St. Stated mee'irns of Elk Lodge will be Ml at. their hall on ths seootid and fourth ruesdaya of eaoh trmnth. O. L MeCRACICEN, See'y. Tn!!o of Honor and Teaiceranca. KUtrin Temple No. 81, meets on earth alternal.0 Thursday, at, their Lodes Room, a Maiu street, over J. V. HouVs store. II. A. PARSON'S, A . II. Vur Time at litdfftfai;. Erie Express East 1:41ft m. do do West 2:'.!0 a. M. do Mail East i:-'l p. ni. do do Went 10:0 a. n. Local Freight East 1 1:0() a. m. do do West Il:'.'llp. m. The weather is cold. A Ere sido tail The cat's. This has been a busy week iu Ridg way. L. D. IIii'.vkm issues a supplement this week. Read it. We noticsd Hou, Henry Souther io town vesterdav, Davio Tuatkr is hiving cellar jmt under the new part of the Thayer Iluuse. IIox. 11. C. Scuuliz, of ReyDolds vi". paid our office a visit lust Tuesday, The Judge is lool'in.' first-rate. We publish the State vote this wei-l, which wc omitted last week for watt ct : aire. TiiE Vtfii End Photograph Gallery i ia fail hxit S'.cp ia oud get your ,!.otogfaph. taken. recently sn4 iu lite Kyde enteral improvement Mort, OiXl'BKMi w.i kWivro io , a fjloao'y (evtinstssinnr.r htt ,.-k, vie Henry Wsrtier whose ter.i ual ;itied Lrrnrrtvs services at tha Ootirf Ilouee. Ridgway, nsxt .Sua lay, 12th Hist. .3crnnn prea-Vin itt the ttinru iei nod T' relish ia the vetiiij. Dr. M-arks (Presbyterian) officiating. lUv Da. Marks (l-Nvsbvteria:.) oi lirifk will!, will preach ia Msseui(er'a Hail iiojr S'lriuay, the l'Jih imt,, at 11 oVInei. a. in , and at th Court Hju ct 7 u'clook it) t!ii ovrnictf. l-osNE J. Mil.t.KR, f ir the jiist twi jeirs editur ot the L'ik Dvtrrtl, vliiidretr from that poshiou lust ww-k. If is wi'.L regret ibot we chroDie'e thit fact, and tMq bvt. Utndr Geiitt. our bvl wihhea lor his future huccc&m. NortCK I hereby forbid the pur chase of a note, biMriirr ditc November 7'h, 1ST 1, in favor of William Sbeclian, tit the aomini of S10.00, as I have re ceived nu valuH f.T tl.e Krue. II. M. OR AX ME II. Ridjffay, Noc. 7th, It. IIart to lii.r. V have been fhown a beat raised at Reoezatte that measures, in cirsuraferenco 21 inches, tod in length 2SJ inches, and weighs 17 pounds, Rtron vreigh. We call that j'i:t3 a b'?et. Whj could Dot Elk county pet up a respectable Agricultural fair? Anyone wishing to prettify curi riosity con co tho above beet by calling cn I). W. Delia's at Renczette. A. W. G. SoMETUtsu Xuw. The adage that ''there's always something new under the fun" is fully exemplified every day in all communities. The rapid strides of improvement made by our ton n within the past few years canuot have failed to fjlaJdan the hearts of all having i:s vrellare at heart. On every hand can be heeu the evidences of prosperity; and what' is more ctieourasiintr still the.e evidences are increasing daily. The lxtest thing 'under the sun" is the new clothing aud gent's furnishing storf of llortou & Miller, in the building formerly occupied by J. R. Raiid, op posite Messenger's drug store. Thus has another v.aut beeu supplied. They keep coustantly oa hand a large aud vatied assortiueiit of clothing for men aud boys, which they sell at an aston iabiug low figure: Everything pertain ing to the gent's furnishing lioe, sush as shirts, drawers, uuderohirts, cuffs, collars, handkerchiefs, neckties, soarls, gloves, bat3, caps tuud boots caa' be found iu endless uariety, Al who wish a complete outfit will do well lo call on llortou & Miller, as their assortment "is uaaurpassol ui tUoir jiiiciO (ow. , , .-, . .. Official Vote- of Pennsylvania, October 10th, 1871. AUDltoa Oen'l. &3 I5 I5 4 jr Acinus, Allcn'ieoj, Armstrong, Heaver, Itedfoid, Herka, Blair, Uradford, Hucka, Butler, Oanibria, OauteroD, t'utboti, Ceotr, 'Iberiler, (Maiinf), Clearfield, Clinton, Columbia, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware. Elk, Erie, Fayette, Franklin, FultOD, Forest, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, JftTersoo, Juniata, Lancaster, Lawrence, Lebanon, Lehigh, Lueerue, L coming, McICeao, Mercer, MifEliu, Monroe, Motitgcimery, Montour, ' Xorthatnpton. XorthuuibcrlaDd, I'erry, Philadelphia, I'ike, I'otter, .Schuylkill, tt4Ul 14788 8515 iT991 5JB19 6306 8382 C737 G902 8092 2294 880 1935 2978 7808 1443 1441 803o 11184 8144 ' 028 2832 11187 2833 8067 6943 285 8029 889 2 ICO 8470 4053 2511 2744 2139 3282 4213 43C8 1U16 15i'(5 6172 3901 63S3 3737 668 4284 2921 4406 4134 2139 967 2960 3864 4011 777 254 137C 3140 4348 1114 218 2S54 2389 2169 lsou! 17s 1617 1294 10740 2432 8666 4420 9406 6045 12S8 2376 5635 10551 4406 751 3986 903 4041 17I6 735' C551 1026 3248; 4001! 2478 02005 249 1350 6993; 1755' 3065! 407 i 3555! 3612; 20'13! 3722 2l28i 4854! 2081 1 47i: 3225 1790j 2n!)3 1366 6102! 3706 2197 50511 1013 788 j 8199i 1391 j I877j 706 Snyder, noun rset, Sullivan, Sufquebana, Tioiru, Union, V' oaniiO, "A'arrcn, VTObtlitlr(OD, Wayne, VVctUJorol.,iol, VV'vomiiitr, Tuul, 2457 1711 1332 3154 16271 488i 23961 61141! 1546! 719Sj i:.S! 5701 2SW9') 2;iL'5'?5t 'CO0u9 Majority, 14490i Rt'inHining in the l'ost 0:!kb at ltiJgwy, lJu.. upio Nov. 1st, 1871: lif', Jo'nu hi-, 11. II. !)(Oiuit, TiijliU tiriti, John f'liirk, I., t'. t'laiy. Jumps L. (.'sol!. Anna Miss t'olt'UIHtl. 8. li ivis, K. L. Uowaing. (J. D. Downing Thomas 2 Kilgoro, Forhus , ffl. AlrX McMolion, I'erry Miys, .1;.ir..'8 Jlu.pliy, Nurmin Murphy. Joopti MuCurry. Johu P. Morrisna. Utforga bIsoii. Jick N!.i)n, Julio Nichols, A. !!. 2 Nelson, .Ijlimsoti O-iintitJar. lUiiry ii.njuy. Kutio Itiiimer. N. 11. Hose. I.iziie ft'iillui:oi. J'rvii blicrwood, Kdger Sm'.th, J. N. t-ii'pe, Stiiitoa IJ'i'.t, Adinn imlgre.t. i A. Davis, 1 nomas O. ,'licra, Lnae Miss '.irriiiatoii, Noah f jjill, John 2 Havs. William W 2 M.-incH. F. S. i ulnfike, Frank 2 Kiii.se, Libbo Miss K'.i-iu, Franlc If not called for iu thirty days they will be tent to the Dead Letter Office. JAS. II. UAGEUTV. P. M. Tue Cairo uiau who does not have three ague shakes a day is sneered at as lazy. Tue world is like a treadmill which turns incessantly and leaves no choice but to sink or climb. A 1ADY correspondent wishes to kuow the meaning of "stag parties. They are entertainments whereat bucks usually get enough additional horos to make thcta stagger. Attention is called to the fact that tho phrase "to thiu" generally regard ed as slang has very high authority. In Act 5, 8ceue 2. ot Ueury Vlll, the Monarch retorts as follows to the ful some adulations of the Rishop ot Win chester: You were ever good at sudden commcn datiobs. Bishop id Winchester. But know I come not To help suoh flattery now, and in my presence They are too thin and base to bide of fences " "Shoot Folly as it Flies," and top using preparations on your head which are composed of poisons. Use Nature's Hair Restorative, whioh by its cleauliuess, fragrauce uqd purity commends itself. Seo advertisement. ' Josh Billings stys a Newfoundland dL' is a good thini to have, ooly one mast gat one or two children and a root Ufore h will to vt aoy uev. Convention. 8 1 3 2493 3034 17l 138: 20 804 85-5 1925 259 39 83 554 10905 16 222 2135 196 105 233 2030 215 1012 308 38 18 2405 799 29 276 2051 1574 62 1 2725 5 13 825 ' 43 188 26 360 56 13 ' 60 SS i 9 153 6 10 69 17619 8517 8006 2820 B500 8135 2524 2822 22044 6033 43-25 5016 6361 8382 11124 2832 3069 G939 5209 6214 8397 11181 :4604 630 3815 6155 9472 3468 2587 2891 3835 5258 5701 6750 6916 3u89 2263 61 2889 3007 838 2168 3470 4011 2512 2739 2139 63 390 1920 83: 7! 9i 130 5 2975 7337 1442 1445 1617 1507 6167 4008 5480 3750 668 4285 2929 4400 7S2! 254 1375 3155 4338 1 867 1294 10707 3280 60! 21 24: 22j 47; II 62! 33' 99! lj IC' isi; ! o 32: 339 85! 4223 4373 4065 2126 967 2964 3858 4012 mi 217 2851 239J 2151 1736 1650 6635 1496 2380 5627 10623 4393 71 3197 24! sos'l 53!! i;! G2'j 36 J i 5787 454 G285j 21831 6588 ' 17891 1; ic! 132; 3 30 nr.. 00.11 40; 37, 209 1433 5453 5879 2391 2591 I6S62 8325 4010 5836 845 116 378 1696 40-20 739 9 II 10K9 703 1828 6827 67 OTv j i o-r 190 593 523 431 29 2000 1213 14 10 489 O 346 597 36 2786 9 3727 S48 2214 8635 4435 9102 3999 906 4033 38 72S3! 8211! 1620 j 5119, 2706: 1615! 7000 1 951 54:)l! 559d 3697 16781 549 1259, 7232j 1864; i i 8' 145: 02; I 128: Si 12; 62 4; 130, lit.) 739 65 5 7 1005 3252 4016 21S2 6 204 6 j 1796 2586 7324 1370 6096 8C97 2495 50360 2S; 28 219 1316 6982 I015 788 8480 1377 1876 706 2458 1741 1329 3156 1622 4894 217 6 SI 162! ft, 1749i 3065! 4)6! 4309 1 27. 12. 87,1 13, 1 56 i 32. 958 4431 419 3564j 86l5i 201 1! 3724 2188i 457; 2077j 47251 13881 57031 21,1 20'! 1896 6059 45 JO 6218 2400 (io:;0; 155! I 7 199 1 4452; GS25! -O. 1068 221 1145S! 1104 SuavaTon Gkn'l. 3175! ' 287! 05 20G735; 3012 ,362231 72073 1266735j !i 20370: ' 72073; '269168! Thrke is nothing that helps a man more in his conduct through life than a ktn'.v'.ed''e of his own characteristic weakness (which, guarded against, be comes his strength), as there is nothing that ti-uds more t.) the Micc-.-s of a man's talents than his knowing the limits of his faculties, which are thus cotu;et:trated on some practical object. One tuau our! do ' but one thing. ITni-vers-d pretentious cad in nothing. Or. as Iiatler has it. "wit requires us much attain to L''veru it." Thero are those who have (for wat.t'of self knowledge) irouo strangely out of their way, aud otners who have never found it. 1TEWAD7SRTISEME1TTS ITotice ! TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given lliat I have this day, furnished to G. A. Laid in, to be used by him in working tor me, to wit: 2 Iron Gray Ilors'js, 1 Double Ilaruess. 1 pair W hi filet rics, 1 Neck Yoke, "2 pairs Trailing lii-abs, 3 log chains, 1 euttini; box. Being same bought by me from Joseph Drake, and which said property belongs to nie and not to said Baldwin. ISAAC GORTON, JR. Ridgway, Nov. 'id, 1S71 u33t3. JOTICE TO TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. The Auditors of P.idgway township will meet at tho Prothor.otary's office on Ylon jjy, .o, i-Hii, iDii, at ill o eloclt a. m., to audit and settle the accounts of town ship officers. All Supervisors and Tr.as uruis. whose account shave not already been sudited ore requested to be present, with books and vouchem prepared to settle, FRED. hCIIOKMNQ, ltd BT V. K.IME, V Auditors. J. POWELL, j HALL L JACKSOU, Architects, Builders and Contractors, Are prepared to furnish plans and specifi cations for the erection of buildings, both public and private, in any stylo ordered and on tliort notice: and also lane enn tiusisof all kiuds of buildings, both pub Uo and private residences. Hork done in tin very best manner. Couulry work so licited. Give them a call. vln35yl. FOR SALE. "THE PKOPEKTV KNOWN AS , "THE JOHNSONBVRG COAL LOTS" t with all the privileges po.isesiea by! the W.lmarth Coal Company,' 5Applylo -1 SAMUEL A. CKUZEK, Uplaad P. 0-, Dvlawar County, Pcaa'ti NE MILLION OF LIVEd SAVED. It ia one of the most remarknMe facts of this remaikablo apo, not that so mnny persons are the victimi" of dyppaiaor in 'digostion, but ils willing riotims. Now, we would not be understood to say that any one regards dynpopsi "ith fator, or fefels disposed to rank It among ha lusnries of lifo. Far from it. Those who have -perienced Us torments Would scoul mioh an idea. All dral it. and would gladly dis pense with Its uiiplcasnt fftmilirltlps. Mark Tapley. who was J')Hy under all the trying circumstances i whiah ho was plaecd, never ha n altank of tlypiwrsla, or his Jolity would havs speuddy foraakort hsui. - . . . Of all the moltifiirinns diseases to which the : human system is liable, thove is perhaps no one so genorally prevalent ns dyspepsia. Thero arediocwes mora acute and painfal, and whioh more frequently prove fatal, but none the efToets of which ai e so depressing to the mind and so positively distressing to the bod If thero is a wretched being in tho World it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. We have said that dyspepsia is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is implmtically the case '.n tho United Slates. Whether this general prevslpneo is due to the character of the food the method of its preparation, or tho hasty manner in whioli it is usually swallowed, is not our province to explain. The great fet with which wo are called to doul is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univei sally. Nearly every other person you meet is a victim, an apparently willing one: were this iot the ease, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy is wiihin the easy reach of all who will avail themselves of it? But says n dys peptic: What is this remedy? tj which we reply: This great allcvator of human sutlering is almost as widely known as the English language. It has nllayei the agonies of thousands, and is to day carry eomlort and encouragement to thousands of oilier. This acknowledged panacea is noi.e other than Dr. IKIOFLAND.'S GERMAN BITTERS. Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful prepaiation than can be learned tr im the experience ol oiliersV Try it yourself, and when it has failed to fulfil tho assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then nhindon faith in it. LET IT BE UE ..EMUEIIEO. first of all, that IIDOFLAN D'S GERMAN BITTERS is j irum beverage. They are composed wholly of the pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is nut a mere assertion. Tho extracts from which they are cum pounded are prepared by nne of the ablest of Gorman chemists. Their ell'ects can be beneficial only in all casei of the bi'.Uary i-ysie.m. Huotl .nd's Get-man Hitters stand without nu cpial, acting ptomptly and vigoroti-ly upon tho liver: they remove ils torpidity an 1 cause health ful secretion of bile tlierehy supplying the stomach with the must indi-pensahlo elements of sound digestion iu proper pro portion. They purify the blond, cleansing the vital fluid of all hurtful impurities and im planting them with the elements of genuine hcilthtulucss. Now, there arc certain classes of p?r sons to whom extreme Hitlers ars not only unpalatable, hut who find it impossible to take them without positive discomfort. For such Dr. HOOF L AN D'H GERMAN TONIC ha been specially prepared, it is intended for use where a plight n coholio stimulant is reuirel in connection with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Litters. IIOOFLAND S TOXIC nets with almost marvelous c'lect. It not only stimulates the flagging and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently strengthens its action upon the Liver and btonnich thorough, perhaps less prompt than the Hitters, when me same iiiuiititj is taken is none the le.-s certain. Indigestion, llillioitsuess, Physical or Ner vous prostration, yield readily to its po tent influence. It gives the invalid a new and strong:)' hold upon lite, icinovcs de pressioa of spirit, and inspires cheerful ness. I'm Dr. llooflund's benefactions to tho hum in race are not confined to his celebrated GERMAN' BITTERS, or his invaluable Toxic, lie has prepared nn- I "'her meiieitic, which is rapidly winning its way to popular favor because ol us in trinsic metits. This i HGGFLAND'ri I'ODOl'llVLLIN PILLS, a perfect substi tute for mercury without any of mercury 'a evil ipialilies. These wonderful Pills, which tire Intend ed to act upon lice I.ivcr, are mainly com posed of Podophyllin, or the. vital princi ple of the mandrake root. II is 'he nic-Ji-einal virtues of tills health. giving plant in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form. The Pndophybin acts directly on the Liver, stimulating its fnncti ns and cansinj; it to uinkc its billiary secretions in regular and pr ipe ipiatit. tics. The inju rious results which invariably follow the use of mercury is entirely avoided by their use. Bui it is not upon the Liver only that their powers nre exerted. Tho extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, one of which acts upon th-' stomach, one upon the upper bowels, one upon the lo ier boweli. and prevents any gripicg effect, thus producing a pill that influences the cntTe digestive and nliuien'arjr sysli in, in tin equal nnd harmonious manner, i. nd its action entirely tree from nausea, vomit ing or griping pains common to all other purgatives, Possessing 'hese much desirable qualities the Podophylliu becomes invaluable as a FAMILY IKDICIN'E. No household should be without them. They are perfectly safe, require but two for an ordinary dose, nro prompt and effi cient in notion, nnd when used in conneo t'nu with Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, or Tonic, may be regarded us certain spe cifics iu nil ca-es of Liver Complaint, Dys rsiisia, or any of the disorders to which the system is ordidarly subject. The PODOPHYI.L1N PILLS act upon the stomach nn 1 bjwels, carrying off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tonio urify the blood, strengthen nnd invigorate tho t'rime, give tone and appi lite to the stomach, aud thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. lloo'.Und, having provided internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external npplieati n, in tho wonderful preparation known as Du. HOOFLAND'S -JREEK OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of ali kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chill Uins. Hprains. Burns, I'ain iu the Hack and Loins, Ringworms, etc., etc.. all yield to its external application. Taken internally, u is a cure lor Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colic,' Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Pains in the Stomach, Colds, Asthma, etc. These remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application to tho PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN Ml DICINK STORE, No. (331 AKCU ST.. PHILADELPHIA CHA8. M. EVANS. Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON U CO Th' te Unmedia rt fur niU by Ui uuguU ' Storekeeper, nd JJfiixm Dculeri teery. vturt. . viu-yt. o Leaving tho East and, arriving at Chicago or Indianapolis, how ehnll wc rofeb the West? The best Line is ac knowledged to be the C.,B. & Q , joined together with tho 15. M. Railroad by the Iron Bridge fit Burlington, end called the Ruiiiogton Route, Tho Main line of tho Rout a running to Omaha, conneots with the great IV cifio Roads, and forms to-day tho lead ing route to California. Tho Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts tnouih, passes through Lincoln, the State Capital, and will this year be finished to Fort Kearney, forming tho shortest route across tho Continent by over 100 miles. Another branch of the li. M., di verging at Red Oak, falls iuto a lino runuing down the Missouri through St Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas. I'asscngets by this route to Kansas, sec Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, aud, by a slirjht divergancc, caa sco Nebraska also. Lovers of fiue views shou'.d remem ber the Burlington Route, for its towns "high-gleaming from afar" its trse fritigcd streams its rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oceaD3 stretching over the prarics further than tha eye can reach. Land-buycr3 will bs sure to remem ber it, for they have friends among tho two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Land Commissioner of tho B. & M. R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among the four thousand homc-steadars and pie-enuptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where "Undo Sam is rich enough to uive us all a farm " $1,000 REWARD I A reward of Otic Thousand Dollars will le paid to any Physician who willproduco o med.ciae that will supply lha wauts of the people belter than the artic'.e known us an. rata ii.ru: ws CVioL-itji Zlni CUiiur or Isuua. It must be a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic, and iu every way better than the Pan-s-ce a. No mal'.er how long it has been in use or how lately discovered. Abuve all it must not contain anything sot ri'BBLV VUOHTAIiLE. $5.00 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nently c.ire more cases of Costiveuess, Constipation. Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Riicuiu itisui, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Tever, Tape Worms, Bods. Loius, Side and Head and t'eniiile Cuiiij'luiut than BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which is used more extensively by practic . nig physicians than medicine kaou. aay other popular For Sale by Or. G. MESSENGER and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pa. vln22yl. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO THAYER & HAGERTY Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, 1500TS, SHOES. II ATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND AVILLOW.WAKK. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of dowries ani Provisions. Tho BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & HAGERTY. vln2. To School Teachers! W VNTED a teacher for th school near Nelson Gardner's iu Ridgway township. To a competent person, either male or female, liberal wages will be paid for a four mouths term. Apply personally or by lotcr to ). B. G It INT. Pres '., or HORACK LITTLE. Sec y., Ridgway,School Board, Ridgway, Elk Co., fa. Oct. 4th, 1871 u31tf. rpilAYER HOUSE. JL D. D. COOK, Proprietor, Cor. Mill aud Centre Sts., Ridgway, Ta. The proprietor takes this method of an nouncing lo the public that he has refitted, revised, and improved, this well known hotel, aud is prepared to entertaij all who favor l.im wuh. their puroa.iga. in the bet ityle aud at low rates. vlnJthf. HI SALE. The village ptoperty, formerly owned by Dr. W. Shaw, at l.'entrevilie, tta to., ru. Consisting of a two story house wiiu Drug Store attached. For sale by DR. J. S. BORDWELL, nilitf. Ridgway, Elk Co. P. Torus easy, part cash and balance on time. A good location lor a physician. If you want any visiting cards, call at the AlV" CATE office and see th.tee we have printed We have some fine eamples of these aud also of other job work. , Job Work at this oSc-a. W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAT1 THE LARGEST GTOCK OF TUK BEST-I0 OTnEl IN STOCK s to r-Esi HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. 3. SERVICE. No. 1 Masonic Hull liuiluiiig, Ridgwuy, Pa. NATURE'S HAIR P.EST3R:ITIYE Contains no LAC SULPHUS-Ko GU3AH 0? LSAD-No LITK APvCr3-Ko 1TIT2AT2 C? ML- VES, and ia entirelv frao from tha Pcisaaous and Healih-dsctroyicg irajs usoa in oucr Hair Prcpara tions. Tiansparent and clear as crystal, it will "oi sou i ne ihiksi iaiiiic. perfectly safo, clean aud efficient, desideiatuois lung sought for and found at last! It restores and prevent tha Hair from beooming Gray, imparls a soft, glossv, Ap pearance, removes Dandruff U ...1 refreshing to the head, checks the Ila.r irom lauiiig oil, ana restore it to a great extent when prematurely lost, pievems Headaches, eures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, sud unnalural heat. As a dressing for the hair it is (he Lest article iu me market. Dr. ti. Smith, Patentee. Aver, Ms. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS. Gloucester, Mass. The genuine' ia put up iu a panel Lome, made expressly for it. with the nauic of the article blown in the glass. Aek your Druggint for Nature's ii.r uesiorauve, ami lake no tlber. t-aySend two thre cent stamps to Procter Brothert for a -Treatineoa the Human Hair." The information tt eou tains ia worth J 500,0 to any person. FOR SALE BY G. O. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Uidjway, I'euo'a. Inllyl. LnTAULISHKD IN 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saw! Saws! Sawsl SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery. tSr-Get the BEST, they will Drove tha cheapest. Prices reduced, fiend for price List an Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mast., or Detroit, Mich ' tIbIJWS 9 Win BUSINESS CARDS. I 1 A. RATH BUN, Attorney -at -Law JT Ridgway P. 2 2 tl. JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridgi way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'6f.l A ' MIL. Pkysician and Curgeou A, frersey, Elk Co. Pa. ir o w. i iitn o ' ATTORNET.AT.I.A1T tln2Syl. Ridgway, Elk Coutity, Pa. Agent for the Travaler's Life and Acoi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JTKYNOLOS HOUSK, EsraoMsvaix.nrniiECHco, pa. H. 9. BELNAP, raor-miTO . TS. Bordwell, M. D. Eolcctie Physical! Office and residence opposite tha Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Ottos hours: 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, CO if. R C. II. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. . , , RfDowAT, P. l.cstdcnco and offico opposite tho Thayer House. fll S. HARTLEY. M. D., PhyBioian sua Fureeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Build:- p. Special attention gven to Surgery. Office hours from 8 a. tn. to 10 p. m. Resi Jenso on corner of South nnd Ceitrt stree's. op posite the new School IIcusc. All calls promptly attended to. Tlo2yl. G. O. MESSENGER, ' Druggist and Parmncoiitist, ccrnor Main and Mill streets, Uidgwny, IV. A full iipsorlment of carefully selicu-U For eign anosDomestic Drugs. Prescript -oi.a carefully dispensed at. all hcuis, : or uyhl- viu3y. (SlIARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jew uier. Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent tot tho Howe Sewing Machine, and Mori : in Gold Pen. Repniring Watches, etc, done with the same accuracy as heretofore. Kitis factioa guaranteed. vial 7. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN M7 ccocs, GaocsaiEa, rasTssesTa, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &c. vltiStf. Wc-it End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, RtnowAT, Elk Co., Pa, W. II. SCII RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and "convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct SO 1SC0. rpiIIE OLD BUCKTALVS HOTEL, L Kaue, MeUean Co., Pa R- E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thuukful for the patronage heretol'ois so liberally bestowed upon him. ihe new pro prioior, hopes, by paying strict atuutioa to Iho comfort and convenience of guesia. to merit, a continuance of too Lime. l'ie only stables tor horses in Kue nul well kept night or day. , -, ijz-i. HALL & J3RO. -Attorneys - at - Lav ST. MARY'S, : ELK cc;,ty Pn:SYIYA:,i. JOilXO. UALl J48. K. j,. UAlI DR. G. WHIPPLE. Dental Surgeon. Uihce in Walker's Hutkloig A'i kiuds cf dentistry djne in the best sty!-, itn.t u i woik wirranted. He will ris'it Vm- ua the lsi. .!. and 3d; Wilcox on tl... i;i, llih, and liltii: St. Mary s cu the -.-A l!-d and -i3d of each mouth. At :,!! ,-t!,ur limes he cau be louud at his off:,- ia Ridgway. Pa. vln2vl TT'ERSLY HOUSE, tV. Ci.m-i.i.nLLa, Elk Co., Pa. Jon.N CoLLi.-si, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hsretofors so liberHly bestowed upon him, the ncif proprietor. Lopes, by paying strict ut lention to the comfort, atd cjnveuieaoe of gujsts, to merit, a oouiinuat 0f lha same. J n. WILBESL. FRUIT DEPOT- On Door East of the Post Ofiee, M. St., Ridgway, Pa. ,ia Peaches. Apples. Wattermelons. Pine apples. Cucumbers. Tomatoes, mid gen eral asorlnieDt ef fruit Kept eti hand and received daily. vUlif. J. D. PARSONS, Mauufaoturer nd Dealer in BooU o ouues, MaiSt., opitosite Hotel, ov27y Wilcox, Pa. Vit.MS WANTED! For the fistest . an ninnt nnni,l. v. i. , . . . . r uuuft wua 1, ' J il- lustrations, likenesses of all the Preaideutji -taaulifully bound, and printed on i.nud P'iper. V. Its Rulers aud Institutior.. -V EXCLISH AND GERMAN .......s .... Eiriaes everybody us' ITA b,.uk ,Uy ne'J- 11 Enovelo! j,.. oi ,u uoverument. (sjDgia pafB. in it are of themse!ves worth ttu pr.ca of th. book orer 600 ,,, end on0f A RICH HARVEST, for Canw.? ladies and gentlemen-farmers, uajher and students. One agent took lb order, U u ftio day$, viih circular alone, before th. ...... ,,,. ., nuueaa re cli a, e(j in fair territory. Writr at onto f..r c-ro,; lar and information. NEW WOkLD f lfn LISHINfl roCr r,k.-j r V' VP'- Philadelphia. ' viiolyT 'r' ;