The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 26, 1871, Image 2
(Elk Oounlg gilcqate. II tNET A. Tareokh, Jr., Editor. THURDAT,.KrrtBElt 2ft. 1R71. Fot.tovriNrt clooo upon the terrible tonflagration at Chloago, comes a great ' dlMoter ia Miohlgan, The large traela of woodland (n tho northern part of the 'Plate, hare boen on fire foraome time. Immenoe forest have been destroyed, end millions' upon millions of lumber waated. The latest particulars inform ns that the fires had devastated a great region pf .country, destroyed sevetal town and dwellings innumerable It s alio reported that more than four hundred lives have been lost. This ca lamity really equals the Chicago holo caust. A Stewartstown, N. H., manufactory, makes three tons of starch daily out of jjotatoea at a quarter a bushel. The mosquitoes are bb plentiful in the A ill win it a Kb thai. tVlPV pon't all cet AO a stranger at once, so they stand around , jn reliefs and wait for their turns like customers in a barber shop. "You here, Jenkins! How the duee did you find your way out??" "Find xny way but! Out of where? What do you mean?" "Why, tie last I aaw of you, you were lost in slumber." "Oh b; well, I rode out on a nightmare!" In 1868, the expenditures of the (Jovernment, exclusive ot wose neces sitated by the war, such as pensions, Ac, were 1173,520,371.77. For the year closing June 80, 1871, they only aggregated $95,648,592.30. ' The story ot a laiy school boy who epelled Andrew Jackson, "&ru Jaxoo," baa been equalled by a atudent who wished to mark half a dozen new hirts. He marked the first one "John Jones," and the rest "do." Ait Old Inscription. On the eastern slope of Clark mountain, Neva da, near its summit, there is a perpen dicular cliff two hundred and fifty feet from the base of the cliff on its front arc engraven the characters f I L D, . The cross and letters are of immense ire, being fully sixty feet in height, and cut into the cliff two and a half feet deep so that they can be plainly seen 'at a distance of five miles. Thi strange workmanship was done, it is , supposed,' by the Jesuit missionaries, many yeas ago. . . Lisx of Causes set down for trial a .November Term 1871, Elk County . C6mmon Pleas. Commencing Monday. Xor. 8, 1871j I. Thomas B. MeLaio vs D. A. Weed.. No. 10 April term 18G9. 1: Thomas Turley vs H. A. Weed. S8 Nov. term 18(59. 3. Eaton N. Friable for use vs Wm. Reed. 21 January term 1870. , 4. William J. Rotkey, vs The Penn. R. R. Company. 2 April term 1870. '5. K.'W. Dushley, vs Allen Giles "46, 47, 48, and 49 April term 1870. 0. James II. Rillington, vs Isaac Bowman et al. 10 August term 1870. 7. W. L. Barnes, vs The Taonerdale Coal Company. 1 November term '70. 8. Spillane Heirs, vs Michael Duno an. 19 November term 1870. 9. Geo. W. Smith, vs I). F. Ander son. 22 November term 1870. 10' Stearns, Clark & Co., vs Same 23 November term 1870. II. C. Biockway, Jr., vs Hnrton Township. 24 November teira 1870. 12. Jonathan; Boyoton et al, vs A. C.Finney ot al. 1 Jan-uary term '71. 13. John G. Reading et al. vs A. C. Finney, 13 January term 1871. 14. J. J. Lawrence et al, vs Krieg's Heirs. 23 January term 1871. 15. Robt. J. Robinson, vs George D. Messenger. 4 April term 1871. 16 R. Charles McGill, vs Louis II. Garner. 20 August terra 1871. FEED. SCHOENING, Prothonotary. List of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for November term 1871: GRAND JURORS. Benezette John W. Johnson, Edwin Fletcher, D. W. DeEIaas, Charles H. Winslow, George English, Jacob S. Johnson, J. W. Winslow. DeDzinger George Nissel, Jacob Yollmer. Fox Uriah Rogers, John H. Miller Horace Spansanburg. Highland D F. Anderson. Horton Willis Taylor, Adam Kem merer, James Mohan, John R, Keltz. JayWilliam G. Thomas. Ridgway H. S. Thayer, Marcus Frenoh, W. 8. Service. 8t. Mary's Boro James Sneeringer, George Rettgar, Anton Jessbarger. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benezette William Jones, D. J. McDonald, Newton Johnson, Miles Dent, W. W. Walker, Charles Chase, John Derr. BeoaJnger Peter Hebstritt. George $Villiam Knocht, Martin Dippold. Jox William Wood, Ellis Brown, Andrew Howe, James R. Taylor, Martin Heirrick, C. W. Rigby, Elias Moyer, Franklin Showers, G. W, Taylor, Robert Wonderleioh, William II. Meredith. Horton Martin Phalen, Robert Me Jotosh, Jefferson Taylor. .. Jay Joseph Dill. . Jones T. L. Biowu, Isaao Keefer, Godfrey Wank, Stephen H. Smith. Ridgway 0. B. Grant. St. Mary's Boro Leonard Cook 8pring Creek Edward Kline, Clin ton Paine, William Galbrsitb, James Or. .George. ' .', RAILHOADS. fKILAJDELFPIA U SI BAIXBOAB .. SUMMER TIME TAI1LB. DN and after MO.NDAT, A 10. 7th, 1871, the train on the Philadelphia k, Erie Railroad wilt run a follows t WKftTWAHtl. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.10 p.m. ' " " Ridfrway .10.05 a. m. " " arrive at trio........ S.Qd .p. ,m. ErieExpleaves Philadelphia. ..12 80" p. ra " " " Riilgway...'2 i a.;b. ." ' : arrive al Krie .7 40 a. ra. Accomodation, leaves lienor,., .7.15 a. in. Kilgway,..T.4ft'p'y'i. " arr at Kane 8.00 p. n. KASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Krie 11.30 a. m. " Ridgway,. 4.62 p. n. " ' arrive at l'hilad'a... 7.30 a. ra. Erie Express leaves Erie 9.00 p. ra. " " Pldgway... 1,46 a. at. arnt Philadelphia.. 8.00 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6.00 a. a. Ridgway... 7.26 a. ra. arr at St. Marys 8.30 am. " leaves St. Marys 10.30 a m. " arratRenovo 0. 40p.m. Mail Ennt connects east and wett at Erie with L 8 & M 6 R W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. , Mail West with weit bound traina oa L 8 Sl M S R W and at Corry and Irvinetoa with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Warren Accommodation east and weat with trains on L 8 and M S R cut and west and at Corry with 0 C and A R R VT. Erie Accommodation East at Corry and Irvineton with 0 C and A R R W. Elmira Mail and Buffalo Express make elose connection at Wil.linmsport with K C R W trains north and smith. Catawisxa passenger train will be ran east from Williamsport on Elmira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't : NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing June 6th. 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. TUB BEST ROUTE BETWEEH PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON TIIB PHIL' A. & ERIK R. B. OOI.NO booth. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 10pm Arrives at Pittsburgh 7 65 p m Night Express leaves Oil City 9 45 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 40 a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 45 a sa Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p m ooisto HORTB. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 35 a ra Arrives at Oil City at S 00 p ra Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p m Arrives at Oil City 6 65 a ra Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 1- 60 p ra Aarriyes at Oil City 7 45 pm Close Connections made at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and West on P. & E. R. R. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Oen. Surt. A PAPER FOR TIIE PEOPLE. THE GLOSS- ESTABLISHED 1868. An Independent Evening Journal. Served by Currier at Ten Cents per week. Ask your newsdealer for it. TJIE GLOBE, s the only I.ner-KNnK:f atlbruuon journal, reaching a popula tion in New York and vicinity of over Tiires Millions, is rap idly gaining the position of the great leading evening paper of the Metropolis. A3 IV ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITH ITS LOW RATES, IT IS UNSUR PASSED. TERMS Of THE GLOBE. Subscription. By Mail, One Month, 50o.: Three Months, f 1 50; Six Months, $3; One Year, $5. Advertising. Per 'line, nonpuriel measurement Orii diiry, 10o.; Special Notices. 2ic: Reading and Public Notices, 30u,; Business Notice); 50a. Address THE GLOBE PIIIN'TING COMPANY. Printing Ileus Square New Vork CDAP.LE A. DAKA. Editor. &hc golfer Wfffttjj Sun. A Newspaper f tbePrewnt Time. Intended for Fcoplo Now on Earth. laclDdtns Farmer. Mechanics. Ilerchantv Pro fPKiioaal Jlcn, Wuikcn.'l'nlDken, an1 all Man nar of floueft Fo'.ks. and lUo Wive-, 6uui. aiul fiauktara ot all tnch. ONLT JE DOLLAR A YKAlt ! ONE UL'SDIIED COPIES FOB. 930, Or than One Cent a Copy. Let tliera lis a 950 Club at every Post omce. BXI.WEEKL.Y tiVS, S3 A YEAH, of tlio same site aat general oliaraeter as TH8 WEEKLT, but with a greater Tarlety ot mlieellaneoni readlm, and fnrntohiog tlia n'wa to IU suoacrlbeis with gnnttr frmiineie. bcaaus It oooiui lwtc a weak Instead of ooca only, THE DAILY 8 I N, 83 A YEA II. A preeminently rcaduhla ncw.pajier. wita tha larceei circuliultm iu Uio worm, r'rrv, inns coident, and tuarlaM In poiltlot. All the new from uv.'rywlieru. Twi ceute a copy ; by wall, 60 tu'Jl a muuth.or $0 a; car. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY Hl'X. Five copies, one year, separately addresad. Four .Dollars. Ten contet, one yetr, eeoarateiy adilreued (and an extra copy to Uit getter up ofvInD). Eight Dollars. Twenty aoplea, one year, eepnratalv addreaiad (uJd an extra aupy iu the setter up or cinoi. Fifteen Dollars. Fifty eonl. one year, to one addraa tand ttis bDl. Weekly one year to netur np uf club), Thlrty-throa Doilara. Fifty coplea, ono year, separately asdreesed (and tue 6iul WceklyoiiyenrtoL'ctter ui.ufciub), Tbirty.avo Dollars. 3ne handred entiles, one yew. to one addrote (and ta iilly for one year to the r'tier ur ot ;UW. Fifty Dollars. Drie bandred eole. one yuar. enparatrly ad-dre-aad tuad tu Dally luroua year to tne setter upoi tlab), bUiy Dollars. THE SEMI-WEEKLY gTJ5. i Flvs copies, oos year, teparatelv addrered, Etbt Dollars. Tea soplee, one yeer. separately addressed taoa as extra coiiy to gauer op or rim.), blxteea Dellars. E3fD YOCJt MONEY . Feel iOHe orders, eheeks. or draft es Krw yars, irtieroyer eoayeolent. If not, tnes reaietaf 1 r' leuert caatalnlug tuoacy. Aadrees I' W. HVOLAWn, rshlUhee. as olloe, Vsw ior Cwy. THE NEW DISCOVERY , la Cbeaieal and ktedieal Betenoa. Dr. JS. F; GARVIN'S' SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIIIR FIR8T AND ONLY BOLlTIOr erer triads Inono mixture of ALL, THK TWELVE yaltiablo rtctiya priueipala of tbs welliknowa ouratiy agent, nrVE TREE TAR, ITNEQUALED In (X)ngh, Col.le, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, and consumption. CTJHE8 WITHOUT FAITj A reeent .cold In three to nix honre; and slm. LT,tVJ'tSLI5IN0' Pt'RtFYINti arid 6TlI MULATINU effects upon the geueral eyatara, ia remarkably effinaeious in all s WS1EE? OF T,IK ntooD. Includina; rJcrotula and Eruptione of theekla. Dyspepsia, Uiseasee of the Liyer and Kidneia! Heart Disease, and General Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES I ALSO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION, without application of HEAT. A remarkably VALUABLE disooycry, sa the whole apparatus can baearried in the yeat pocket, readv at any time for the moat ettyotual and positively curaiive use in All Diseases of the NOSF, TITKOAT and Ll.GS. THE COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake Pill. for ate in connection with the ELIXIR TAR, is a combination of the TWO most valuable ALTERATIVE Medicines known in the Pro fession, and renders this Pill without exception the yerr best ever offered. The SOLUTION and COMPOCND ELIXIB of is without doubt the Best remedy known la coses of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It is a Specific for such diseases, and should bs kept in Uie household of every family, especially during those mouths in which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER arc liable to prevsil. A small quantity tnken daily will prevent contracting these terrible diseases. Eolation and Compound Elixir, $1.00 per Bot Ho Volatile Solution for Inhalation. $3.00 per Box Tar and Mandrake Tills, SOcle per box. Bend for Circular of POSITIVE CI. IIES to your Druggist, or to L. F. HYDE & CO.. BOLE P HOPEIETOH3, 110 E. 22d St., 2itw York. For Sale by O. tf. MES3ESGKR. Druggist, HiJgvvay, Pa. GENTS WANTED. e want 6000 active, enterprising, thorough men and women, to whom we will give constant work s.nd good pay. Wc publish the BEST BOOKS, wo give our agents the BEST TERMS. The best sell iiiir Cook ajw ia Bx SIGNOR BLITZ, Desorihing his wunderful feats and tricks, 'viih laughable incidents and advemurt 8. Agents are selling from 1!0 to 40 copies a day. Also, pur New Farailj Bible, con taining lilackwood'a Comprehensive Aids to lue study of the Script urea, and Nevins' new and improved Dictionary of the Bible, together "with Sixteen Ftue Steel I'lates, four Maps in colors, and 1200 superior en gravings on wood; Family Uecord, Family Album, &c, &o. A Complete Prospectus of this Bible and agents outfit furnished free to all who mean work. Our pro gramme, of NEW BOOKS tor tho Fall in cludos a NEW WOKK by MARK TWAIN. JSttg-SuceessfuI Agents will receive first choice of territory on MARK TWAIN'S forthcoming great work. Circulars, terms. Ate, with full informa tion, sent free ou application to AS U u A I), Publisher. 711 San'som Street, Philadelphia. vln25augim3. HO collaKS Worth'eflMuslB FOR 83. Subscribers to Pa- e.V New Schaol Book, by H. S. PaaciNS. Price $7.00 per dot. Contains over two hundred new and beautiful Songs, Du ets, etc. by Will 8. Hats, Wihtii, Thomas, etc- Kery thing is new, fresh, ters MceiotL Mom tiilt are getting their Musio for less than two cent a cieea Those who have not seen this Musical Magazine should send 30 cents for a sample copy. The muslo is by Hats, Thomas, r y aud sparkling. Con tents and specimen pages sent free. Sim- in.i&.Eij, rssoi.ii, and other popular writers. Two back numbeis for 40 cents. Four hack numbers for, 75 cents. copies mailed free of postage to teachers for 65 cents. Liberal terms for introduo tion. Address," J, L. PETEB3, 9a3roaiwi7, 2To HYori. vlnlltf. DAGUSCAHONDA EAILEOAD. From and after Monday. May 29th 1871. Traios will run oa this Road aa jfullowr. , arrivea at Dauscahouda Juoctioo 7.45 a. m., cod neeta with Local east 7.56 a. ru , and Mail west 9.50 a. in. Leaves Dagusoa hooda 10.20 a. m., ariivea at Earley U 00 a.m., arrives at Dagusoahoada 4.50 p. in., conDectiDg with Mail eaat 5.05 p. ru., and Local weat 5.21 p. m. Ia case P. & E. trains are lata, Dagusoahonda train ho'ds twenty minutes beyond the above time. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations. C. K. BARLEY, Sup't. SuBscsm (or tie Elk County Ad VCrtiTB. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and cure of all derange, nionts In the ilnin. arh, liver, end bow. els. They nrf a mild aperient, and an excellent ptirgatlrr. Heins; purely vege table, titt-y eon t in no mercury or mine ral wbstev'er. lnh serioue alckneaa nml etilTf ring ie prerent (l lv their timely itrse; ahrl Pverf fhrtllv ahotttil have tht-tn on bnnil Jyr ,0wrr piearitrttsfl tnd'roll-f, when .reruilreil. Lonjr .expegencn.has urpved.trmil hr rM- es'i, w'ttreat,' tlrld' lW,t or iUI the t'Wf with" wJiitl) itlieimM-ketialUiiimrs. f lYtrtt o'4nslort'l (' wiu juiitoii, ia.uuritieu, tie rrnipuons i nir tt't stpelleil, iintriictloiis.,rqinoved, and the whsileihtoPhltWry'Of fife rertorcrl to It healthy activity..: 'Internal organs' ulrirh become cldggeil and sluggb-h are olTOnned by yiirr's ff, niit stimulated into action. Thus incipient iline la changed Into health, the value f which change, when reckoned on the vat mtilltttitles who etijuy it, can haiilly be computed. Their mgar coating makes them pleasnnt to take, and urcservcx their virtue unimpaired for any length of time, so that Uiey are ever fresh, and perfectly tellable. Although searching, they are mild, and oiiernto without dUtm bani e to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full diructlons are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them a a Family Physio, and for the following complaints, which there Pllli rapidly cure: For IyMMlts or India-e-stlos), T.lstlesa. stoas, t,asuruer and Loss of Appetite, liny should be taken moderately to stiinulute the stom ach, and reitnre its healthy tone mid action. For Ilynr 'nipltnt and its various symp. toms, nilfnns If e-nrlurHe, Slrk Hrail actio, Jaonilke or tbirft-n Slcbnrm, Hil lous Csilit; and Bilious BWeini, they should be Judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseuted action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or iarrlieea, but one mild dose is generullr required. For ltbuuruiatum, Crnrel. Pnl. pltation of th Heart, I'uin tit the atlile, Hack and A,oins, thev shoulil he contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the svsleui. W itli such chungo UiOfc complaints disappear. For Itrotnr and Dropsical (twrlllstsrs, they should bo t.tkeii in lnixe and frequeut doses to produce the eftLCt of a drastic, purgo. tor MupprrMloBi. a large nose should he token, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dlnnrr Pill, take one or two TW to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, re-tores the appetite, and invigorates Die system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds thnt a dose of tlioi-e makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. TRnrARKD BT Dr. J.C.ATE11& CO., Practical Chemists, 1(1 WELL, MASS., V. S. A. FOB SALE BT ALL DHUCUIST3 EVERYWHERE. For 'ale by O. Q. MESSENGER. Drugt, Ridgway, Pa. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICIUAI HAIR EENEWER. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old fiatrons that it is kept fully up to ts high standard ; and it ia the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Geay oe Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The calp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper, ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands.' By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dressino ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, f lossy appearance. ' A. A. Hayes, I.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Bold by all DruggUtt and Denltrf in Jlcdldnet. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will ouickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by ' all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. OSADALIS The ingredients that COMPOSE HOSAUAUS aro published on every package, there- loro it is not a secret preparation, consequently rmsiciiNS prescribe it It is a certain euro for Scrofula. syiliilisio all its lorms, llheuma tioni, Skin Diseases, Liver Cum. plaint and all diseases of th lilood. 0112 B07TLS 0? nOSACAUS will do moroeood than ten bottles oi the Syrups ot barsupanlia. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Romdalnintlieirpnirtice lor the past three years and freely endorse it as a reliable Alterative and lilood Purifier. DR. 7.C. V UGH, of Baltimore. DH.T.I.BOYK1K. DH.R, W.CARK. ' Tn 1 S T A V V L" I TV s V&. J. S.'sPAUKS.of fficholasvills. Kv. DR. J. L. McCARTHA, Colnmbls, . c. DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edjecomb, N. C. USED AND END0ESED EY J. B. FRENCH t SONS, Fall River, mass. P.'AV. SMITH, Jsckson, Mirk. A. F. WHEELER. Lima, ObMk. B. HALL, I.ims, Ohio. CRAVE.V A CO.. Onrdonsvllle. Vs. SAAI'L. u. ic AJJiJt., juurtrsss - borojTeau. Our spacs srlllnot allow oi any c. tenaea -remuras iu rviaiion tu tus virtuoso!' Rossdalis. Tothe Medical Profession we guarantee s, Huiu Ex tract superior to any they ha.r ever usea ia -ins ireaim.m oi oisvassa Blood; and to thsafllirtd wssay try Rosadalis, and you will be tasuwsa Ul iitlSllU. . , . Rsssdalls la sold by all Snicirlsts. pnes per smus, suum . S3. ?LSS2iT3 AH . H JSrsrrttM Cssssisss. .OVa. Batrrsroisv Xav SiTOST sr n o POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kimc Having erected lAffje end mil 'amfgtu, V-o - i . . th choicest go4a uf lVdeioriptios; itiat .". i , . . can be found In any market, are fulls; pre pared to reoelvetbelr old Cnstomers, and supply their irhnia at bottom' Agores ' WHOLESALB OB 'EETAIL'. Their as,orteal ia fcw eAmpIata, earn. prising. DRY GOODS, GROCKRIE8, CROCKER!',' UARDWARB CLOTUIICG, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AX D CirS, NOT10X8, et., ele. POUK. FLOUR. . SALT. Feod, Beans. Butter . DBI12D APPXJ58, DKIkD PUACDB3, Canned Goods, In short everyihiag wiu4 ia tas Csaarry . . - v v ' r by LUMBKRMKX, FARMERS, HR. CU ANICS, MINER8, . . TAN NERS, LARORINO MEN, .' EVERYBODY ! Alae a faH tieek ef MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable eiiea for raft ins; and running puipoise. Arm cgh, mttT, r., March Wl j'HE 8INfiBR liJaoafactiiriag Company. .. ' ' "f1 ' AT THE v WORLD'5 FAIR. -Ceaatiuted by the lcmB of the jacpl V'&eUited'iU Greaf Award o( the , HIGHEST 8 ALES t And have left all rival I far behind (hem, for they MOLD I.V 1810 One Hundred and Twcnty-ioven , Thousand, Eight Huudred and Thirty-three Maohines! being mors than forty thoutand in advance ef ethir sales of the previovs year, and everorfy-our thoutand mart than the lain f sny o(Arr Company for 1870, as shown by the following figures from sworn re turns of th sale of Licensees. Tee Singer Manufactar ing XJnmpany sold over the Florence Sewing Machine Co., 101,173 MacLines. Hold over the n ilcox & Gibba S. M. Co., 98,948 da Sold over the Weed Sew-. leg Machine Co., 92,881 do Sold over the O rover & . Baker S. M. Co.. 70,431 do Bold over the Howe Ma- , chine Co., 62,677 do Sold over the Wheeler & Wilson Man'fg Co., 41.624 do allot whicb is mainly owing to the popu lar .ty of what is known as the ".NK.V FAMILY 8KWING MACHINE." which is ow fast finding its way into every well regulated household. For Circulars giving full particulars of Machines, their Folding ases of many varielies of wood and finish. their Attachments for numerous kinds of ork, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate fingers alone could., perform. as well as particilars about all articles ed by their Machines, such an Twist, inen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, &c, &c, pply to any of their Authorized Ae;nls, or to TUE 8IS0ER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 1 106 Chestnut 61 . A. CUMMING3, A?eot, Ridgway, Po. tltjalyl8aT. v1 STEREOSCOPES. TIBW8, ALBUMS, CIIROM08, FRAMES. E. fr H.T.ANTHONY & CO 691 BROADWAY, NKW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the abovo goods, of t&ttr etc publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES tor ' ' GRAPnOSCOPES. NHW VIEWS OF TOSEMITE. B. H. T. ANTHONY A CO.. 691 Broadway. New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, - Importers and Mauufaolurers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vlo2yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IX- form the Cittseni of Ridgway, and the pnblie gocerally, that he haa started Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon tUe most reasons ble terms Be3.Ua will also do job teaming. Stable In the Brooke Burn, nsar the Post Offioe, on Mil' street. All orders left et the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. V. iV'etinore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. F, Vincent. Asaooiate Judges J. K. Whitmore, Jesse Kvler. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff Jeoob MoCaulev. . FrothonoUry d-o., Fred. Scbcening, Treasurer Henry D. Derr. Couuty Superintendent Eufus Luoore. Cotnroiasioners U. warnsr. jona oair, Louis Vollmer. Audiasra Clark A. Wilcox. George D. Meaaenger. end Joseph Wilbelm. . Countv Surveyor Geo W tlmsley. Jury Commissijner. Joseph Keroert and Charles Mead. TIME OP HOLDING COURT. Recced Moeday In January. Second Monday in April Fust Mooday In August.', flret Kalay U Vrretahev PROSPECTUS FOR 1872. turn tEAa. A Representative and Cltampiotl of . i-Amcru-rm Art, THE aXDINE. An Itlutlraled tlotitkty Journal claimed to 1 tht handtomM I'aprr in Ike World, "Give my love to the urtist workmen, of. THE ALDINK who are striving t niake their profeeaion worthy of admira tion for beauty, aa it ha" alwaya Leer for uscfuloesa." Henry Ward Beeober. THE ALDINE while issued with alt the regularity, has none oi the tempo raiy of tWy intercut characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of "pure, light, and graceful literature, and a collection of pictures, tho rarest specimen of artistic skill, ia black and white. - Although each sue vecding nun. b ir afTurda a fresh pleasu t to its friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be most at. predated alter it has been bound up at tho dope of the year. While other publications may claim superior cheap tiess as compared with rivais of a eiwilar class, THE ALDINE. is a unique and original conception alone, and uuap- proached absolutely without competi tion ia price or character. The posses sor of the volume jnst completed can not duplicate the quantity ot fine paper and engravings in any othi'i shape or number ot 'volumes for ten time ttt cott. The labor of gettinz THE ALDINE ready on tho press is so great that r- printinif is out of the question. With the exception ot a small number specially reserved for binding, the edi tion ol livsl, is aireaoy exhausted, antt i is now a accirre as. well as valuaVe book. NEW FEATURES I OR 1872. frt litpartment. The enthusiastic support bo rad T accorded to the enterprise, wnerever ic has been introduced, haa convinced the publishers ut THK ALDLNK of the soundness of their theory that t)be merican public would recognize ami support any sincere effort to elevate the tetie and standard ot illustrated publi cations. That so many weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive is not evideuco that there is no market lor anything better indeed tho aucoes ot THK ALDINE from the start is din-ct proof of the contraiy. With a population fo. vast, and of ftich varied taste, a pub lisher can choose liia parons. and hi paper is rather indicative of his ow;i than of the taste ot the oouutry. Ah guarantee of the excellence of this de partment, '.he publishers would beg to anuoucCe daring the coming year, spcri- mens from the iollowing eminent Ameri can artists, W. T. Richards, Granville Torkins, Jamea Smilty, Wm. Hart, F. O. Uarley, K.: K. Pigeut, Wm; Heard, Viotor Nehlig, Frank Heard, fieorga Smiley, Win. II. Wilcox, Paul Dixon, Aug. ill, James 11. Heard, J. Hows. 1 hese pictures are being repwduced without regard to expense, by the very beat er.gravcrs in the couotiy, and will bear trio severest critical comparison with the best foreign work, it being tho determination of the publishers tlut THK ALDIN'E shall be a auccewfuh vindication oi American taste iu com petition with any exiting publication iu the world. Xiltrary Department. Where so muo'i atten.ioo is paid to illustration und get up of the work, to i much dependence on appearance may vory naturally be teared. J. o anticipate such misgivings, it ia only necessary tu state, that, the editorial management ot THE ALDINE has been iotrosted to Mr. Richard Henry Stoddard, who W reoeived assurance ot assistance from a host of the inotit popular writers aud poets of the country. The fotnme for 1S72. will contuio uearly 3U0 pages, and about 250 fine engravings. Commencing witli the number ior January, every third number will contain a beautiful tinted picture on plate paper, inserted aa a frontispiece. The Christmas number ior 15 ,z will be a splendid volume in itself, contain, ing fifty eugravinge, (tour in tint) and, although retailed at St will be aent. without extra charge to all yearly sub scribers. A Chrotno to. every Subscriber was a very popular teatuxe last year, and will be repeated with-the pieseot volume. The publishers have purchased and re produced, at great expense, the beauti ful oil painting by Skis, entitled "Dame Nitture's rfchool." The chromo is llx: IS inches, aud is an exact fac-siraile, in- siaj ana appearance, or tne original picture. No American chromo, which will at all compare with it, has yet been offered at retail for lens than tho price asked for THE ALDINE and it to gether. It will be delivered free, with the Jauuary number, to every subscriber wko pa,y for one year in udvance. TEH JUS VOU 1ST. One Cbpy, oue year, with Oil Chromo, $5.00 Five Copies, " " 20.0(i Any person sending 10 names and $40' will receive an extra copy gratia, making li copies for the money. Any person winking to work for premium caa have our premium circular on applica tion. We give many beautiful and dosira. ble articles offered by no other paper. Any person wishing to act, permanently, as our ngont, will apply, with reference, an dosing tl for outfit, JAMES SUTTON & CO., Publishers, 2S Liberty Stieet, New York. I-THE ELK ADVOCATE will ie aent to any address together with the ALDINE and premium . chromo for $5.70. Anyone wishing to avail them, stive of tbii liberal offer cm lrtve tbeit Qf4tihioft5. 1 rj? Clitffintsnliii V